FAMILY SQUABBLE by Jenniferrobin Gallery Via Flickr: jan 12 20-n-944 A Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) family feed and fight over a Sandhill crane carcass as they try to stand on thin ice. For LICENSE info, or purchase of this full resolution image on products: puzzles, coffee mugs, shower curtains, towels, yoga mats, face masks, t-shirts, baby clothes, pillows, tote bags, phone cases & batteries, zip pouches, blankets, stationary, cards and traditional PRINTS: framed, metal, wood, canvas, acrylic, posters & more visit: jennifer-robin.pixels.com/featured/family-squabble-jennif... Watermark will not appear on images purchased Thanks for your comments and patronage. I appreciate you all! © Images are copyright protected and not to be used without permission #BaldEagle #Haliaeetusleucocephalus #eagle #Accipitridae #raptors #birdofprey
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fisherken · 4 years
ABO RUINS AT DUSK by Jenniferrobin Gallery Via Flickr: jan 11 20-189 Salinas Pueblo Mission National Monument - Abo Ruins jennifer-robin.pixels.com/featured/abo-ruins-at-dusk-jenn...
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So this morning started out the same as every other. The house was still quiet (a rarity in a house full of rescues), I made my coffee, and started the typical routine of getting my eyes opened with some perusing of social media before I start my gallery work.
It’s always wonderful to wake up to an image chosen for #EXPLOREDon the social media site ‘FLICKR’. If you aren’t aware what that…
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Your individuality, in its entirety, is a rareness that 'sets you apart' from everyone else. There is...
AUGUST 29, 2020
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In this incredible world we live in, it is full of creatures who are different from one another.
Take this Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) for example. What makes this one stand out from the rest?
We all know cardinals are supposed to be red, aren’t they? Then why is this one white and pink?
That’s a good question, and in…
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New Mexico - journal - 1 of 3
New Mexico – journal – 1 of 3
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Not all those who wander are lost
On this journey of discovery… I found my way to New Mexico in January of 2020, a new beginning for the new year. This was to be my longest solo trip yet taken, a full month on the road, and this time I was taking it in my ‘Sweet Chinook’. The mini, 21 ft RV is fully equipt, yet ideally compact. It was designed with a three-way system…
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Photo of the Day - Saddleback Feast
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A group of Saddleback Caterpillar Moths (Acharia stimulea) devouring Crocosmia leaves. They blend in so well with the surrounding landscape, it’s easy to miss these small creatures.
According to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddleback_caterpillar
The saddleback caterpillar (Acharia stimulea, formerly Sibine stimulea) is the larva of a species of moth…
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HANGING JAPANESE A Japanese White Eye, or Mejiro (Zosterops japonicas) in a colorful orange flowered tree at Diamond Head State Monument Park on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
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Website perfection? It's on fire! The creation of my website has been quite a journey this month. Not only did I build one, but two sites.
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Around the Bend
“It’s not the road you take, but how you steer the car”
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PINEAPPLE POST by Jenniferrobin Gallery Via Flickr: apr 12 16-279-tcw A Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) sits atop a pineapple post cap. 
For LICENSE info, or purchase of this full resolution image on products: coffee mugs, shower curtains, towels, yoga mats, t-shirts, baby clothes, pillows, tote bags, phone cases & batteries, hand pouches, blankets, stationary, cards and traditional PRINTS: framed, metal, wood, canvas, acrylic, posters & more visit:
Products I recommend 100% I have only been using a few weeks, and see amazing results! I bought the bundle, and like them all. But the denoise (noise removal) is my favorite! Use my referral links below. Help ME (I make a small commission), help YOU improve your images. There’s a free trial. You won’t be sorry. 
 Referral link: 
 AI Denoise topazlabs.com/denoise-ai/ref/404/ 
AI Sharpen topazlabs.com/sharpen-ai/ref/404/ 
AI bundle topazlabs.com/ai-bundle/ref/404/
Follow me on social media:
 Email: [email protected] © Images are copyright protected and not to be used without permission
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New Mexico - Photographic Journal - 2 of 4
New Mexico – Photographic Journal – 2 of 4
August 26, 2020
As this was a month long adventure packed full photographic opportunity, I thought it best as to not wear you out trying to fill all the details into one journal, so I broke it down. This is the second journal of four… cont’d from part 1
Nageezi, NM – day 6
I’ve been restless all night, I arose way too early. The excitement overcoming my ability to sleep. My next…
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[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”6″ exclusions=”70,71,72,75,78,74,79,77,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,90,92,93,94,95,96,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112″ sortorder=”70,71,72,75,73,78,74,79,77,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,90,92,93,94,95,96,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112″ display=”pro_blog_gallery” override_image_settings=”1″ image_display_size=”400″…
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See what's inside...
See what's inside…
By Jennifer Robin Gallery
In a world full of scrolling and clicks, everyone running at full steam, and never enough hours in the day… keeping up with gift buying for family and friends can be time consuming and stressful.  You find yourself driving across town in heavy traffic, and going from store to store to find unique individual items for the ones you love.…
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My images are not for your free use: personal, or business.  All of my galleries, images, and text are copyright protected!
WARNING: I will enforce the law and prosecute if you attempt to steal my work.  
™ © Jennifer Robin Gallery
Just because you might find a way, doesn’t mean you should. Right clicking and saving, copying, or removing watermarks is STEALING! Taking my images…
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PUNTA ARENAS, CHILE - February 2019
PUNTA ARENAS, CHILE – February 2019
Checkers anyone?
Star Cafe
I began my journey from my home in western NC, USA. After a grueling 14+ hour flight with layovers, and then jumping on another even smaller plane for a few more hours, my travel companion and I finally arrived in the southern region of Chile -Patagonia. It was a blessing the airport wasn’t too far away, we had been squeezed in for so long, it…
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