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homocidalpotat · 6 months ago
All of my blogs/sideblogs
@homocidalpotat is this blog, my main. I reblog and post things about my fandoms, chat to people and just be myself
@distinguishedvoidkid is my old main and now spare blog. I use this when I reach the post limit
@blue-official is my gimmick blog for the colour blue
@maid-martha is my roleplay blog set in the Victorian era. Here is a post with more about it: link
@jasper-takes-photos is my photography blog
@less-homocidal-potat is my blog for interacting with moots (but I always forget to use it)
@hoodies-official is my gimmick blog for hoodies
I have a vent blog but I won't add that to this post
@badgerscalesgreatestfan is my blog for being nice to @yourlocalbadgerscales hehe
@marauderingpotat is my blog for posting about the marauders era. Don't look at it if you don't want to see it. Obviously, fuck JKR, I'm only there for the dead gay wizards. Might delete later to be honest
@tobyposting is my blog for my dog, Toby.
@totally-etsy is my gimmick blog for Etsy
I have a secret blog, but that's not being listed either
@spammingpotat is my spam blog
@our-ace-experience is my blog about asexuality
@i-steal-gender is my blog where I steal gender
@genuinely-ginger-for-real is my gimmick blog for ginger
@jasper-jots-shit-down is my journal/diary blog
@wordweavingpotat is my writing blog
@dontgiveadamabtmybadreputation is my punk blog
potato.98 is my Airbuds
homocidalpotat is my AO3
homocidalpotat is my Discord
jaspers moots :3 is my Discord server
Potato779518 is my Duolingo
homocidalpotat is my Pinterest
Jasper is my Spotify
whimsical_potato is my Steam
homocidalpotat is my Reddit
Note: don't follow any of my personal accounts unless we are mutuals or at least you follow me here and interact with me a fair amount. If you are harassing me outside of this blog I will still just block and report. If you simply must harass me, keep it to this blog.
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blood-loving-leech · 6 months ago
for national boyfriend day my girlfriend isn’t even letting me sleep over
she’s not even going thrift shopping with me :C
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boatemboys · 6 months ago
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saintflint · 1 year ago
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little blessings.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months ago
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National Camera Day 
Dust off an old digital camera, buy a disposable camera, or just fire up your smartphone and snap some pictures of your day to keep those memories forever.
The origin of National Camera Day is unknown, but it is used as a reminder for us to remember the existence of the camera and its many benefits. After all, how many other mediums can capture people and places so beautifully? How many other mediums can evoke smiles of memories past, or reminders of events that have shaped our lives?
The camera, in all of its many forms, is to be celebrated. This humble device has become a major part of our lives, and so, on  National Camera Day, snap some photos during your lunch hour, on your commute to work, or whenever a moment of inspiration strikes.
Of course, the way you take pictures probably won’t be the way that people did it before the advent of digital photography and smart devices. Readers of a younger generation will be reaching for their smartphones to take photos of the world around them. And even if you are somebody who was well-versed in the wonderful world of 35mm film and zoom lenses, you might still find yourself reaching for your mobile device instead of that vintage camera from yesteryear.
Still, no matter what type of device you use to take photos, do something this National Camera Day. We all need to express ourselves creatively, so let your juices flow when you’re out and about or pottering around in your home, and take some magical pics.
History of Cameras and Photography
Cameras and photography have developed substantially over the years, from its early roots with the French inventor Joseph Niépce right up to modern day digital photography.
Joseph Niépce was a French inventor and is most noted as one of the inventors of photography and as a pioneer in the field. He developed the heliograph; a technique used to produce the world’s first known photograph in 1825, the view from the window at Le Gras the families estate.
In 1839, Louis Jacques Daguerre took the first fixed image that didn’t fade. He is recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. He became known as one of the fathers of photography. His method required 30 minutes of exposure. He named the process – the Daguerreotype. Tintypes were developed in 1856 by Hamilton Smith and decades later, George Eastman invented flexible and unbreakable film that could be rolled. This was the birth of the first Kodak that was offered for sale in 1888.
In 1925 the Leica I went on sale, and its immediate popularity spawned a number of competitors. Kodak was one such competitor, and they released the Retina I in 1934. Though 35 mm cameras were still out of reach for most people things would soon change with the introduction of the inexpensive Argus A in 1936. The Japanese camera industry began with the birth of Canon in 1936 with its 35 mm rangefinder. Japanese cameras would soon become incredibly popular in the West after the Korean War as veterans and soldiers stationed in Japan brought them back to the United States.
While conventional cameras were becoming more refined and sophisticated, an entirely new type of camera appeared on the market in 1948. While TSLR and SLR were still the rage this new camera would change the way people would capture memories. This was the Polaroid, the world’s first instant-picture camera where no film development was needed. Known as a Land Camera after its inventor, Edwin Land, this camera was able to produce finished positive prints from the exposed negatives in under a minute. This new camera took the market by storm as people no longer had to sit still for long periods of time in order for their photographer to snap a picture.
The first digital camera that was commercially sold was in December of 1989 in Japan, the DS-X by Fuji. In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS-100, the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies. It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor and was priced at $13,000.
The first commercially available digital camera, in the United States, was the 1990 the Dycam Model 1. It was originally a commercial failure because it was black and white, low in resolution, and cost nearly $1,000 but this changed and soon became loved by photographers.
With the standardisation of JPEG and MPEG in 1988, image and video files could be compressed for storage onto a SD or CF card. With the introduction of the Nikon D1 in 1999 at 2.47 megapixels, this was the first digital SLR that was entirely by a major manufacturer. The D1 cost just under $6,000 and was inexpensive for professional photographers and high-end consumers. This camera also used Nikon F-mount lenses, which meant photographers could utilise many of the lenses they already owned.
By 2010, nearly all mobile phones featured built-in camera with a resolution of 1-2 megapixels digital video camera. Many cameras also featured built-in GPS.
How To celebrate National Camera Day
You don’t need to know the history of the camera to celebrate National Camera Day, but while we have given you a snapshot of the people and events that have paved the way for the cameras we use today, you could make a special effort to learn more, be that at your local library or by looking up facts online.
The most obvious thing to do today is to take some pictures of your own. Use your smartphone if that is your camera of choice, but if you do have access to a digital camera or something that still uses film, brush the dust off it, and take it out for a walk. Who knows what you might see when you’re out and about, be it a comical moment that you can later share with your friends, or a piece of rare beauty that you can capture in a photograph to be looked on forever.
Take photos of your family and friends too, and along with any other pictures you take, share them on social media if they were digitally taken. And why not gift a photo to another? If you have taken something that will have special resonance for another, print it off and put it in a photo frame.
Today could be the day to push yourself out of your comfort zone. So, you might put down your phone and use an actual camera for your photos, and you could take shots of something that you have never attempted before. It could be a sunrise or sunset, birds in flight, or a scenic view at great height, as just a few examples. Just be careful if you attempt that last one!
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 6 months ago
Baby Vamp
Request: The Cullens hc with a newborn reader (vampire not baby)? by 🥝 anon.
Pairing: Platonic Cullen’s x vampire!reader.
Warnings: Not beta nor proofread. No Bella mentioned. Platonic!!!
Word Count: 324.
Note: I’m so sorry, this is definitely not my best work :(
| mother m-list
• Emmett finds it funny when you feed. Trying not to be a messy eater as a vampire is hard, you can’t help it, he should leave you alone.
• Esme mothers you much more than the others, except maybe Jasper. Jasper actually feels closer to you because of that.
• Alice loves to take you shopping. You’re a new you, you should dress like it too; at least that’s what she tells you as she drags you to the car.
• Rosalie is sceptical of you at first and then you say you like her car. She decides if no one else will take an interest, she can make you. You love it.
• Carlisle adores you. You make his family happy and you like to sit with him in his office while he does his paperwork, he likes that you take an interest.
• Jasper chooses the car with you in it nine times out of ten. He likes your music taste, it makes him feel human.
• Edward’s great when it comes to teaching you how to hunt and authentically control your thirst.
• He’s also great at making sure you don’t have emotional blockage via your thoughts; Jasper’s a big help.
• Esme cleans your mouth like you’re a toddler when you come home with your food around your mouth; she tuts and coos as she does.
• Carlisle has you a room ready for you to decorate the second Alice has a vision. (Esme helps decorate.)
• Emmett’s in full on annoying brother mode, headlocks and noogies all the time. (He’s in for a big surprise when you break a window shoving him off of you.)
• Alice has a whole photo album of just you in over the top outfits; most while you hunt which isn’t ideal but they call them your baby pictures.
• Rosalie babies you (she thinks she’s being discreet but you all know).
~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~ 𐀔 ~
Likes, comments and reblogs are extremely appreciated and very encouraging!
I do not give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on this site or otherwise!
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ice-man-goes-bwoah · 3 months ago
Two peas in a pod||Lando Norris x single mom reader and OC!Jasper
Word count 851
The knock on her door was light but insistent, a familiar rhythm that Y/N had come to associate with her next-door neighbor.
“Lando!” Jasper bolted from the couch, dropping his crayons mid-doodle as he darted toward the door. His small feet thudded against the hardwood, his excitement visible.
“Hey, champ!” Lando greeted him with a wide grin, crouching to meet the boy’s height. In his hand was a brightly colored toy car, one that looked like his McLaren.
Jasper’s face lit up as he took the car. “Whoa! It’s like your race car!”
“Pretty close,” Lando said, “Now, here’s the deal: you’ve got to take care of it while I’m gone. Think you can do that?”
Jasper nodded so hard it looked like his curls might bounce off his head. “Yes! I’ll keep it super safe!”
Lando stood, his smile softening as Y/N appeared in the doorway, wiping her hands on a kitchen towel. “You’re going to turn him into a collector at this rate,” she teased, but her eyes sparkled with appreciation.
“Better a collector than a critic,” Lando shot back with a wink. “Besides, he earned it. Heard from a little birdie that he got a gold star at school yesterday.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been talking to his teacher?”
He grinned sheepishly. “More like eavesdropping in the hallway yesterday when I ran into you both.”
She shook her head but couldn’t hide her smile. “Well, come in. Dinner’s just about ready.”
The scent of lasagna filled the apartment, warm and inviting. It was a small space, but Y/N had made it feel like home—photos of her and Jasper lined the walls, alongside the boy’s finger-paint masterpieces. Lando always felt a little more at ease here than in his own apartment next door.
He hung his jacket on the back of the chair and settled in at the table. Jasper immediately climbed onto his lap, launching into a detailed recount of his day.
“And then we had art, and Miss Clara said mine was the best!” Jasper held up his crayon drawing—a wobbly but colorful rendering of what might have been a racetrack.
Lando studied it like it was a masterpiece. “Mate, this is incredible. You’ve got talent. You’ll be designing the next Formula 1 racetrack before we know it.”
Jasper giggled, his face glowing with pride.
Y/N watched from the counter as she poured water into glasses, her heart squeezing at the sight. Lando was so natural with Jasper like he’d been doing this his whole life.
“So, how was testing?” she asked as she brought the glasses to the table and took a seat.
“Not bad,” Lando said, shifting Jasper slightly so he could dig into the lasagna. “The car’s feeling decent. Few tweaks here and there, but I think we’re in a good spot for the season opener.”
Jasper’s eyes widened. “Are you gonna win, Lando?”
“I’m gonna try, buddy,” Lando said, ruffling his hair. “And when I do, you’ll be the first person I call.”
Y/N shook her head with a laugh. “No pressure or anything.”
The evening passed in easy conversation, punctuated by Jasper’s endless energy. By the time the boy was tucked into bed, clutching his new toy car like it was a treasure, Y/N, Lando was standing in the hallway outside his room.
“He’s out like a light,” Lando whispered, glancing back toward the door.
“He always is after you visit,” Y/N said, her voice soft. “You’re like his favorite person in the world.”
Lando shrugged, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—a mix of pride and vulnerability. “He’s a great kid. Hard not to like him.”
As they walked back to the front door, Y/N lingered for a moment, her fingers brushing the edge of the counter. “Thanks for coming over. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate with the season starting soon.”
Lando turned to her, his expression gentle. “You and Jasper aren’t just my neighbors, Y/N. You’ve done more for me than you probably realize.”
She blinked, caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice. “We’ve just… fed you a lot of lasagna,” she joked, trying to lighten the moment.
He laughed softly but didn’t let the moment slip entirely. “Seriously. This place feels more like home than mine ever has. That’s because of you two.”
Y/N felt her chest tighten, the weight of his words settling somewhere deep. She offered him a small smile. “Well, you’re stuck with us now.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said before stepping out into the hallway.
As the door closed behind him, Lando made his way to his apartment. He glanced back at her door for a moment, an unfamiliar warmth spreading through his chest.
What was it about that tiny apartment, that little boy, and that woman that made him feel more at ease than he had in years?
He told himself it was nothing. Just a good night with good people.
But deep down, he knew it wasn’t that simple.
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gaypirate420 · 1 year ago
Bath // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gender neutral!reader.
A/N: Thank you to @steh-lar-uh-nuhs for sharing these. Huge inspiration!
Summary: After the battle with the newborns, you give Jasper a bath to make him relax.
Fluff. A little suggestive. Reference to hypnosis?
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The Cullen's make their way back home, everyone let out a sigh of relief and tiredness after such an encounter. Emmet collapses on the couch and Rosalie sits elegantly by his side, Alice makes her back to her room, her eyes unfocused as she sees different futures of what's to come. Carlisle and Esme just silently make their way to their room.
Although they're vampires who's bodies can't get tired, they are mentally exhausted. The tension hasn't faded but Jasper it's too tired to try and make them feel calm, which makes him feel worse because everyone's emotions are affecting his.
His right side it's burning with new bite marks that go from his shoulder to his forearm.
At least nobody else got hurt.
Well besides you.
The first signs that something was terribly wrong was when you had a trip to Seattle and returned as a vampire.
Jasper just remembers how scared you were, terrified of this new reality. He feels bad, you wanted to help with the battle but you're a newborn, still adapting, still learning.
He sighs, he basically locked you up in his room and he hates himself for it. At least you got your stuffed animals to keep you company and relive some of the anxiety you felt.
The blonde vampire opens the door and immediately meets you running to his arms. A smile creeps on his face as he picks you up and wraps you in a tight hug.
"Hi." You whisper, Jasper immediately notices the relief in your voice.
"Hello, darlin'." He buries his face on your neck, holding onto your scent and the comfort of your arms, it makes him forget about the venom that's running through his body.
"You smell like those dogs." You speak with a slight frown. Jasper chuckles and sniffs his hoodie, yeah, he does smell like wolves.
"How about we take a bath?" You asked with a flirty tone, pulling him by his wrist. The blonde smirks and follows behind.
"I see you've already settled in, sugar." He teases as he almost trips over one of your plushies. You giggled and pick up some things for the bath.
Jasper takes a glare of his room, it's mostly neutral colors, old photos and furniture. And then your things are a splash of color, a light of life.
Jasper rests on the wall, the pain of the venom stinging again. You looked at him worried as you fetch some towels.
"Are you alright, cowboy?" You placed a hand on his bitten arm, making him hiss in pain. You withdrawn your hand immediately.
"It's- n-nothin', hun. Just a couple of bites, nothin' I didn't expect." He explains softly, but the pain it's still on his voice. You nod, not fully convinced.
Jasper catches on the floral scent the bathroom holds now, you wave him to come inside, he smirks and takes his hoodie off.
"Stripping already?" You teased. The blonde chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist, locking his pale lips against yours. He holds the kiss, needing your touch after such an exhausting day.
He glares at your now ruby red eyes. He swore to protect you and the only day he didn't follow you somewhere you returned dead.
You kissed him again before your hands brush down his chest. Your touch is no longer warm but he feels like it is. Like the warmth you held never left you.
You pulled his shirt up, he didn't resist you at all. Your eyes widen at the sight of the bites. Jasper looks at his arm.
They look...like a normal bite would, if there's any normality in that, teeth buried deep and a horrible bruising surrounding it. Jasper sighs and closes his eyes, he feels your hand cupping his cheek.
"I'm alright, pumpkin." He tells you and kisses your forehead.
You help undress each other between giggles and teases. Jasper gets on the water, helping you to get inside.
The water it's warm, with one of your bath bombs fizzling and tinting the water pink. The scent of lavender lingers on the air and some candles were lit to make the setting more romantic.
His bathroom was very plain, white and clean, with the constant changing of home he doesn't really put much thought into decorations, but since you started dating your skincare and other stuff were lighting up his surroundings. Now his bath has all these candles, bath bombs and fancy soaps.
He sighs and makes himself comfortable. He feels your hands on his head, removing leaves and small sticks off his hair.
"Can I wash your hair, my dear?" You asked softly, Jasper nods and closes his eyes. He feels you pouring some water on his hair.
He holds your waist close to him, feeling your body, his fingers caressing up and down the curve of your back.
"I'm not going to break anymore, cowboy." You whisper as you notice his delicate touch, he doesn't change it.
He leans and kisses your lips, there's some neediness on his kiss but not desperation, he keeps it's slow and sensual.
You pour some shampoo on his golden locks, your fingers start massaging his scalp in gentle circles. Jasper moans softly, making you shiver, his lips travel down your jaw.
"You're too quiet." You whisper with clear worry, Jasper kisses down your neck, a gentle and loving kiss placed on the bite mark that lies on your neck.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help thinking about- the past." He whispers against your skin, his hands holding you close and his lips kissing your shoulders.
"It's weird. I've been hurt so much before- but this is different." He keeps whispering as you massage his head.
"What do you mean?" You ask with a gentle whisper, Jasper takes a second before answering you.
"Everytime I got hurt. Bitten. I just had to...keep going. Keep fighting. Ignore the pain, ignore my emotions and discomfort." He speaks with a lingering anger, he holds you a little rougher.
"But here- with you- I can allow myself to feel. To process what's happening. I would- I used to take my mind somewhere. Think about something else, dissociate completely." He takes a deep breath. You only listen to him, feeling your heart break as he keeps talking about his past, you rinse the shampoo off.
He looks at his new marks. Your fingers caress his scars with a soft touch, making him smile, he kisses your forehead.
"I didn't had anyone to caress me. To kiss me. To hug me when I was feeling down. And definitely no one to prepare me a bath." He chuckles and locks lips once more with you. He meets your eyes and you can see this shine in his.
A glimmer of hope.
"Thank you, sugar. For everything. You brought me back to life." He smiles and kisses you again, cupping your jaw, you lean on his touch and deepen the kiss. Jasper's hands have a strong grip on your waist, not wanting to let you go.
He buries his face on your neck and takes deep breaths. Your fingers run through his hair, undoing the knots with conditioner. A smile on your face as you enjoy this tender movement.
His breath is even, he doesn't need to breath, but it feels so nice to take in your scent over and over. If he was human he would be passed out because he feels so relaxed, safe.
"I love you." You whispered as you did your best to not damage the curls of his hair you loved so much. Jasper's eyes flutter closed. Since you became a vampire you had this ability of just making him feel so relaxed, he thought you did wonders when you were human but now it's so...
"I think you might have a gift, darlin'." His words sound slurry, almost like a human who's falling asleep. You blinked at his statement.
"Oh. Well- we'll sort that on another day, let's just enjoy that today is over." You whispered, your voice holding that soothing sound of one of a professional hypnotist. He smirks, this it's going to be really interesting to figure out.
He closed his eyes once more and let you take care of him.
A/N: Hello! It's been a little while, I know, I'm sorry, and I'm not going to say I'm going to post more constantly because I'm back to school.
Also, if you want to request things with the reader having a hypnosis/mind control gift I wouldn't mind. I've been thinking a lot about it because I just like hypnosis. What can I say.
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soulofapatrick · 2 years ago
Bleeding Hearts - Jasper Hale x Reader
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Summary: Jasper finds you on the floor crying and bleeding and patches you up which leads to feelings being admitted
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: blood; cut otherwise fluff and a little angst
Notes: DW I’m still gonna be writing TLOU stories too
I didn’t wanna go back to mine, the place feeling to cramped and closed off which I know would add to all the pent up frustration I’m currently feeling. It’s why I’ve ended up at the Cullen’s house, needing to be somewhere no one will judge me and hey maybe Jasper can use if freaky emotional control on me so I can stop feeling like I want to slam someones head into a table or scream. This week has been non-stop and I just need a fucking break, shoulders tense and heart racing as I let myself in, knowing they’ve got the fridge stocked for me to help myself to anything I want. 
I drop my rucksack with a hard thump, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket in the general direction of my bag before heading towards the fridge. I’m moving around the kitchen island too quickly as I feel my elbow connect with the  beautiful glass jar there and just watch it go crashing to the ground, realising a few expletives, “Ahhh! Fucking shitting fuck!” 
The sound of shattering glass grates against my ears as my frustration is turning into overstimulation, the frustration reaching a breaking point that I can’t deal with it anymore. The tears are welling up in my eyes as I sink to my knees to clean up the mess before any of the Cullens get home and see me in this state. It’s like I’m fighting a losing battle and everything is just falling apart around me, the frustration is just so overwhelming and I’m struggling to stop the tears as they stream down my cheeks rather embarrassingly. The Cullens don’t like to leave me home alone after what happened to Bella and Laurent when Bella was human. 
“Y/N?” My head flies up at the sound of a familiar southern drawl to see Jasper standing in the doorway. His usually golden eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of red and his gaze is intense as they focus on my hands while his jaw pops audibly as if he’s trying to restrain himself. My hands are bleeding, the pain only registering with me as I see the fresh blood dripping down my palms and onto the floors, adding to the mess I’ve made with the jar. The frustration turns into hopelessness as I can’t even clean up without causing more problems, the world conspiring against me and hey, maybe Jasper could lose control and kill me. It’d be the least of my problems at the moment, “Leave the glass, I’ll clear it up. Let’s get you bandaged up.”
The honey blond vampire is swallowing thickly, as if swallowing his urge to give into the bloodlust, before he’s approaching me. He crosses the room in a few quick, human paced, steps to lean down and help me to my feet with his icy hand on my forearm. He’s leading me upstairs and down the very familiar hallway, past my room to the room at the end which is his. I don’t think I’ve actually been in his room in the year I’ve been friends with the Cullens. 
The walls are a soft grey colour, making me think back to him and Emmett running upstairs one day with cans of grey paint a few months into me knowing them all, and there’s a few painting on the walls. There’s photos around the room from different centuries he’s lived through. If I was in a better mood I think I would have laughed at it and teased him as it’s such an odd sense of humour and I like it. He also has a bed which surprises me as they’ve vampires, they don’t sleep. It’s large and comfortable with high quality linens and pillows, a cozy blanket draped at the foot of the bed and a few fuzzy pillows. He’s pushing me onto the bed, making me sit on the edge while he disappears to do whatever, I don’t mind as it gives me time to really take in every detail of his room. 
There’s a vintage dresser, looking like it has been carefully maintained and it just makes me think about how weird it must be to watch the world you were born into develop and change while you… you stay the same. It must be so scary and lonely, watching everything you knew change with only you knowing what it once was. 
Jasper’s returning, med kit in hand and I can feel my heart rate embarrassingly begin to race at the sight of him and I know he hears it as he’s got a small smile on his lips. He doesn’t say a word though, sitting next to me and raising an eyebrow as if to tell me to hold my hands out. I do just that, marvelling at how gentle and careful his touch is. His hands are cold and smooth against mine, the contract between us noticeable and somewhat soothing. 
Despite the stinging pain of the cuts the sensations of his touch is almost comforting and if find myself relaxing under his care. I can feel his fingers brushing against mine and there’s an undertone to intimacy in the way he tends to me. His touch almost hypnotic that I get lost in it, the tension almost palpable and I know he definitely feels it as he’s able to read emotions. I should be embarrassed about Jasper always being able to know exactly how I feel but right now I couldn’t care less because even without vampire abilities I can tell it’s reciprocated and the moment is a gentle one, just between us. 
He’s breaking the tension, southern drawl filled with heat and concern, “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?” His eyes are fixed on mine, the red having disappeared so they’re that breathtaking golden colour again, like the colour of a sunset on a hot day. The concern in his tone is genuine and I think my heart jumps into my throat when he leans closer to me. 
“I-I really don’t know.” I reply softly, feeling stupid that I got so worked up over something that I don’t even know what it was. He’s leaning even closer, icy hands sliding up my shoulders around my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug that draws a sound of surprise from me. His embrace is warm and full of comfort despite how naturally icy cold his body is as it’s pressed to mine. The scent of the vanilla shampoo he uses on his wavy blond hair and the rich and musky scent that is just Jasper, makes me almost dizzy. 
Being so close to a vampire like this I feel completely safe and secure. His nose is buried in the crook of my neck and his cool breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Vampires have no need to breath but it just seems a force of habit for the Cullens as they’ve integrated themselves into mortal society. I know how hard this must be for him, controlling his bloodlust being so close to my jugular but I don’t feel scared in any way. The moment feels intimate and special, feeling an embarrassing surge of romantic attraction towards him as I want to stay in his arms forever. 
The small smile I feel against my neck lets me know he can sense my emotions and a gasp is ripped from my throat when those cold lips press to my neck before he’s pulling back. Those golden eyes have darkened a little, full of unmistakable desire and passion. My heart is trying to break through my ribcage when he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me forwards until those same lips are soft against mine. I’m caught off guard as I never though Jasper would actually make a move, given his reputation for not being able to control his lust of human blood yet, making the kiss somewhat overwhelming. 
The kiss is oh so gentle and calculated as if he’s holding back so he doesn’t hurt me, thumbs stroking my cheeks softly as my own fly to his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and the hard muscles beneath his shirt. My whole body feels electrified, tingling with anticipation and a satisfaction that I’ve not felt kissing other boys. His lips are surprisingly soft and cool against mine, mouth opening slightly so he can slide his tongue over my bottom lip. I’m parting them for him, our tongues meeting and the passion intensifying in a flood of warmth and I’m sure if Jasper knows he’s using his powers or not as we lose ourselves in the moment. 
Hands move from my cheeks, one to grip my waist almost painfully and the other tangling in my hair as he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss even more. I’m pressing against his chest lightly and he loosens his grip on my hair so I pull back enough to gasp for air and he’s chuckles low and rich, southern drawl strong and going straight between my legs, “Sorry doll, I forgot you need to breathe.” 
“Jasper.” His name slips from my lips in a whine and his eyes darken even more, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s yanking me forwards again, lips crushing against mine and I’m melting into his embrace as I can feel how careful he’s being with me despite how much sexual tension and want there is between us. He’s shifting his body over me, the hands in my hair and on my back are laying me down. 
My body feels so alive with the comfortable weight of him above me as he moves his lips down my neck and sucking gentle hickeys into the skin. His lips trailing down my neck is a new sensation that has my hips raising and searching for some form of friction, drawing a low sound from him. It’s amazing, being able to finally express all these feelings I’ve had kept hidden for so long, letting his feel the love and want for him. My fingers running through his surprisingly soft hair, pulling him closer to me, wanting Jasper to be the only thing on my mind. 
Suddenly, a low sound escapes my lips and Jasper’s replying with a small laugh as his hand in my hair moves to cover my mouth as he whispers, “They’re back darlin’.” 
“Jazz,” I can’t stop the whine as he breaks away from me, letting me catch my breath and regain my composure before we go down and greet the rest of the Cullens. I feel so empty and longing and I don’t care if everyone hears with their vampire hearing when I grip the front of Jasper’s shirt and yank. It catches him off guard, a surprised sound rumbling in his throat as he tumbles on top of me again, arms catching himself before he hurts me, “Jazz.” 
“I know sweet girl, I know,” He coos softly, fingers brushing the stray strands away from my face, his gaze so loving it steals the air from my lungs and I’m flushing hot, “Come on, we gotta go talk to them.” 
“They can hear us.” I protest quietly and he’s chuckling fondly again, head falling to my shoulder. 
“There is glass and blood on the floor.” Jasper reminds me and I groan in protest but let him move away, watching him as he’s now standing beside the bed. His tall and lean figure towering over me and I should be scared but all I feel content. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, causing it to fall into a charmingly disheveled way across his forehead. His golden eyes are filled with tenderness and concern as he gazes down at me, taking in my flushed and flustered appearance, chiseled jaw set in a determined expression, as if he's ready to protect me from anything that might cause me harm. Despite his vampire nature, there is an undeniable warmth and humanity in his features that make you feel safe and loved.
He reaches down and helps me to my feet, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes promising me he will always look out for me no matter what. A sense of comfort washes over me as he wraps me in a strong embrace that has me knows he means every single word and no matter what any of his family says he will always stay by my side. 
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pinkglitterygelpen · 1 year ago
summary, crows are known to gift small trinkets they find on their travels to those who have been kind to them, much like daryl always keeping an eye out for things he thinks you’ll like. (1.6k)
dear reader, happy birthday normi !!! this is based off that moment in season 4 where daryl picks up that jasper stone and stares at it for the rest of the episode, like the thoughtful and sensitive cutie he is. this is quite long and wordy and sadly self indulgent lol.
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before the world ended, the concept of owning things was different. some people wanted to own the earth, other people didn’t want anyone to own anything at all. we owned things by paying for them with money, to be insured that it rightfully belonged to us. that, with most other civil systems, died a sudden and complete death.
that’s changed, whether it’s easier or even more difficult now is up for debate. most things we would classify as our own are things we need, things we’ve taken from the relics of a family home or abandoned store. it was painful for a while, scavenging felt dirty and disrespectful, like we’re tearing apart any remnants of the people who died so that we don’t have to. but, now, it’s been over a year and it’s more rationalised, it’s something we need to do to survive.
some people thought the forgotten world had become a grave yard, but you saw it like a museum. even though most people had disappeared, their belongings immortalised them, a simple symbol of the life they once lived. knowing you might be the last person on this earth to take notice of the wedding photos and framed certificates made you feel a sort of comfort, acknowledging their existence maybe meant they could acknowledge yours and understand you’re only picking them apart to live on for the people that weren’t that lucky.
you’d accumulated a small collection of memories that didn’t belong to you, lockets and city magnets you knew where once treasured by someone else, too precious to be left abandoned. they rested in a beige shoe box in your cell. no one really knew about it, except for daryl.
not only was he the one you went on runs with, so he’d seen you picking up the small memorabilia; he also found himself in your cell quite frequently, nosing around. he’d never admit but he was always seeking out your comfort, when he couldn’t be with you he’d surround himself with you. reading your books, cleaning your guns, laying on your bed.
a while ago you came back from a quick job with carol to find him hunched over your makeshift dresser, carefully lifting thing out the box to look at them in the light. you didn’t try and explain it to him because you knew you didn’t have to, he might not have completely understood why you kept what he thought was junk but he didn’t mind to. you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek between his shoulders; he thinks it’s beautiful, how much love you have for everything.
“makes me sad.” he speaks low, only for you. holding what looks like it could’ve been an engagement ring you found in a nightstand next to a bed containing the corpse of a woman.
“doesn’t have to.” lifting your head to place your chin on his shoulder, getting a better look what he’s holding. he turns his head, lips almost touching your cheek, waiting for you to continue.
“you don’t have to see it as love that’s been lost, it’s proof of love after loss.” there’s a beat of silence before he places the ring back in the box and turns in your arms, holding your head to his chest.
“that’s nice.” you don’t see his face and he doesn’t say anything else, you don’t know what he’s feeling but you never have to with daryl. he’s not good with words but he lets you know in other ways, the things you need to know.
the next day he went on a run with some of the men to clear out a small cottage they’d came across deep in the trees. shuffling through cabinets and draws to find any supplies worth lugging back to prison, daryl found a small porcelain bunny, something a grandma would keep. only around four inches tall with minimal detail and a blue floral pattern on its back. after making sure no wandering eyes had found him, he secured it safely in the front pocket of his trousers to give to you when he got back. as always, he found you tentatively lingering near the gates for his arrival and he felt a spark go right through his heart. when he held your hand in his and placed the token of affection in your palm, there was no telling who was happier. you understood that him thinking about you even when he was supposed be working and remembering your little quirks was his way of showing love. he understood that he’d steal a thousand small bunnies to make you happy.
from that point on, he was never not looking for things to bring to you. he was particular about if the nick knacks where good enough sometimes, other times he’d bring you actual stones he thought where coolly shaped or extra smooth. every once in a while, when he was feeling particularly emotional or you’d been extra close, he’d be super sentimental. coming up with stories for them or attaching a specific symbolism. like today, he found a jasper stone.
as soon as the pretty green chip of rock caught his eye he reached to the ground to pick it up. whipping the dirt off with the pads of his fingers, being conscious of his strength he so often disregarded as to not damage it. he heard michonne huff out a sarcastic comment and gave a half-assed response but really he wasn't focused on any conversation. too busy thinking about what it meant, he never had time for the spiritual and cooky phases others went through but he knew people used believe these kind of rocks had meaning. he had no idea where to start with it but he was sure you probably did. it was a long day of work, he would so much rather be in his home with you, he must have pulled the rock out of his pocket thirty times to think about what you'd have to say about it when he showed you.
"hey." he greeted you simply after watching you from behind for a few seconds, folding clothes at the laundry station.
"hey. how was it?" you reply with a smile, trying not to reveal the anxiety that you felt for him every time he was away from you and outside the walls, failing by giving into your initial instinct to grabs his cheeks and inspect him for any injuries. he soothes your hearts aches with one kiss your palm and small smile.
"'m fine." he waits a pause to take you in before reaching into his pocket to pull out the rock. "look what i found." he watches your face light up immediately when you see it, what he's anticipated all day. "i think its jasper. definitely real though, found it in the dirt, near some water. there's probably more, i could always look." most of what he says sounds like a question, getting shy only because he wants you like his small gift. you look up from inspecting the stone to catch his eyes, leaning in for a short but rich kiss. "if you'd like."
"thank you." he nods awkwardly, head down to conceal his growing smile. "well, its definitely jasper." you hold the stone to his temple, he just stares into your eyes as you compare your thoughts. "matches your eyes."
shying away even more now, reaching up to rub his palm over his face, unable to accept the simple yet bold flattery. "don't do that." he grumbles out the statement in an effort to avoid the all too familiar distaste any praise causes him, years of abuse and neglect conditioning him to believe he doesn't deserve it. you see it written all over his face and it causes a crack through our heart, using the back of the hands holding the stone to brush his cheek, you wont stop loving him until he believes it.
"this's very thoughtful of you, ill find a good place for it." you wrap your arms around his neck, elbows on his shoulders, chest to his, undoubtedly a nosy pair of eyes watching from somewhere close by. you kiss his cheek like you've done a thousand times before, lips placing a protective layer over his precious skin and delicate soul. he wants to give into you so bad, lay his head over your heart and let you bury him in your arms forever, but he's just not there yet. he hopes that somehow you understand what he's telling you through all his efforts to find nice things for you. he doesn't know it, but you do.
he leans back from your embrace, just far enough to look into your eyes but still bask in your warmth. "do you know what it means?", almost embarrassed of his statement he speaks quietly.
"i remember my grandmother hanging a jasper stone she'd bought in the shape of a heart over my bedroom door when i was a teenager, 'said it would give me strength through changes and new beginnings, she had loads." its silent for a few seconds, the sounds of the prison fill in the blanks. carl kicking up a fuss about something, rick telling him off, carol bashing pots and pans around as she cleans, glen stomping on the gravel. its a welcome moment of peace, everyone can only hope lasts till tommorow.
"i like that." the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. his hands coming to rest on your back, rubbing up and down as he takes in his environment. "maybe we hang this over the door to the cell?" he looks at you expectantly, you smile back at him and nod your head. leading each other to the block holding hands, the little rock safely between them.
the world is surely lacking in its comforts, you're one of the lucky ones to have still be able to love. wherever he goes, whatever he sees, he'll remember that and carry it with him. his tiny trinkets he brings home to you carry an amount of affection no one can bother to measure, its beautiful and its yours.
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dismas-n-dismay · 1 month ago
Shaw Pack Centric Headcanons >:]
(This one’s a long one)
Milo’s parents used to get him perms and hair straighteners as a kid and it fucked up his hair texture like CRAZY. He started to take care of it himself instead of letting his parents do it in his mid-teens so most of his middle school and high school pictures are him with the most fried fucking hair you’ve ever seen.
He hides every family photo album deep in the bookshelves so he can’t be teased abt it even though his hair is so good now you’d never suspect it had hella damage back then
Asher Cannot stop chewing on things. All of his pens have bite marks, and as a kid he used to chew on his nails and fingers like crazy until Gabe gave him a chew stim toy to cut it out.
Now Ash wears a chew stim necklace shaped like a bone :]!
Milo and Sweetheart aren’t married but he did buy them both necklaces as a symbol of their mateship! They both have different gemstones that are the others favorite- Sweetheart has a lapis and Milo has a green jasper!
Asher has gotten fleas on multiple occasions. He’s a grown ass man.
Angel will lay on top of David’s chest to play games, they don’t even talk to him, they just lay there and play games and when David tries to move them so he can go cook they get huffy like a cat does.
David is very confused each time they do this.
David: ??? :[
Angel: *hissing profusely at being moved during prime parallel play affection time with the hubby*
David taps his nails on his desk, counters, and basically anywhere as a stim/when he’s anxious or stressed. It’s one of the few physical tells he has aside from the wrinkles in his brow from furrowing them so much
David likes to groom Angel a lot, the only part that sucks is that he literally Never shifts to do it but still has the innate instinct to clean his pack mates and his mate in general.
So he just traps Angel with cuddles and licks at their cheek while they protest half heartedly (they love the affection they just like being bratty)
Asher was the tallest for a while in wolf form! A lot of family pictures that have them all as teens are usually just of Ash as a large, near white, blonde teen with Dave and Milo pouting. When David’s growth spurt kicked in Asher would Not stop crying.
David fucking hates being called Dave more than being called Davey- he’s Very Adamant he does not look like a Dave. Dave is a loser name for loser people, he’s David. Get it right.
David actually has a lot of dog-ish tendencies when shifted which is funny because he tries Very Hard to be cool and professional when he is shifted. He’ll scratch at his ears with his front paws a lot or gnaw at his leg if it itches without a second thought, it’s why he prefers just staying human-mode as much as possible, he’s like the only wolf aside from Asher that has those habits and being in the same category as Mr “I still have fleas at 30” is not the best look for a leader of a pack.
David has half lidded eyes! But more in a “I’m very very tired” way than a hot way, Angel and Asher still think it’s hot though.
Milo has several different collars for Aggro that Aggro never fucking wears outside of photo shoots or family photos with Sweetheart and Milo. Asher teases him abt it all the time but Milo doesn’t care, his family WILL be matching for his family fucking photos man.
Milo and Sweetheart have several family photos hung up in their house of them and Aggro and they do family photoshoots a lot! They even have some with the whole pack/gang! They all managed to match for that one and they have two different versions of it hung over their tv in the living room, one of them all as a normal family and one of them all bickering like a normal family <3
Aggro generally wears a green collar which fits his long orange fur and green eyes nicely <3 He’s a Big Boy and loves to jump straight into Milo’s belly when Milo lays on his bed
Aggro is near silent except for when he wants doors open that he can’t do himself or when he thinks Sweetheart and Milo are upset (taken from my own kitty, Tiny, who will not shut up if doors aren’t opened immediately)
All of the Shaw Pack boys are deadly cuddlers, you Will be smothered in their arms, I’m so sorry, you can’t escape
Asher definitely gets tattoos around his scars, the one on his chest has a flower garden around it with all of his friends favorite flowers as a reminder they’re always with him <3
Angel, Sweetheart, Babe, and Darlin will (once every three months) randomly swap places with each other and chill in the other ones houses just to see how their mates react. They swap their phones with each other and everything just for the extra freak factor of “Why do you have my mates phone??!” “I am ur mate babe don’t you remember :]?”
None of the guys find this funny and Milo threatened to lock Darlin out in the rain for it once
Asher likes cream cheese icing while Babe would rather die if they ever had to taste cream cheese icing ever- the planning for their wedding cake was almost a disaster until they agreed to just get buttercream frosting
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fashionteahouse · 2 months ago
i wonder - edward cullen x reader
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You both hugged each other at your front door when he dropped you off that Sunday morning, not caring if your parent had peaked out of the window. You reassured him in his ear that you both could be together. Just until graduation.
“Until graduation.”
“Until graduation.”
At school, everytime you look, he’s keeping a close eye. Hands never leave each other.
At night, he held you tight. You both kissed as if it were the last night, each night.
Final exams were stressful. You felt like you couldn’t focus but you were determined to stick to your plan. You wanted to make the most of your future.
You and Jasper presented the history project. Jasper wanted you to do most of the talking and you had no problem with this.
Alice bounced in your view, you were zoned out as you were in the Cullen’s residence. Your eyes focus in on her bright smile. Edward and his brothers were out hunting.
Rosalie steers your arm to follow Alice. It was the night before the prom. Which meant graduation was very, very close.
You couldn’t believe it.
“So..What do you think?” Alice asks excitedly. The big reveal was the outfit that she made. You were glad you didn’t see it earlier.
“I love it.” you whisper.
“Thank you.” you say and hug Alice. Her smile was shiny as she hugged you back. You pull back and hug Rosalie. She hugged you back, but she had questions.
“Go head. Try it on Y/N.” she whispers to you as she takes a close look at your face.
“Your depression is oozing out to the point I’m starting to feel it.” Rosalie states as she sits you down in her safe haven, her garage. No lingering ears were around.
“I can’t help it, sorry….It’s really over after graduation.” you say as you look at the shine of the car.
“It’s not going to be so bad…You two will still be around each other. It’s not like you two are going separate ways.”
You look up at her. She saw something in your face that screamed that you had an idea.
“Maybe that’s what will make things easier.” you say. She felt that pathetic didn’t look good on you.
“No I…..” she sighs and shakes her head slightly, “I don’t really think…That will do any good….You two are already in too deep.”
“Rose…” you say sadly, she was picky about who could call her that, but this situation was very heavy.
“If you were human…What would you do?…In my position.”
“Just…Live to the fullest.” she whispered.
You sat on the steps at home, in the outfit that was made for you. The doorbell rings and you watch as your parent opens the door.
“Hello, Edward.” they say with a grin. He gives them a polite smile.
He looked breathtaking. You both felt like the world had stopped as you both took each other in.
Your parent beckoned you to come and dashed to grab something to take pictures.
Edward gives you a smile with a slow swipe of your cheek, “Beautiful.”
“Thanks.” you whisper shyly, “You look really nice.”
The pictures showed either of you looking at the camera. It was as if it wasn’t there. Completely ignored. You were too busy trapped in each other’s gaze. Your parent had to stop and take a moment, it reminded them of the first stages of devotion they had felt with your other parent.
“You kids have fun.” they say. They realized that you two cared deeply for each other. It was hard to deny. They watched as Edward treated you with such care, opening the door for you.
Jasper did keep his word. Him and Alice had all eyes on them as they owned the dance floor. You smiled and chuckled with Edward as they were the stars. Jasper shoots you a quick, “I told you so.”
You tugged Edward’s hand to the photo booth. You whispered to him, “Will you disappear in these?”
He tinkled out a laugh. You laugh as well.
You wrap your arms around his neck sideways and he holds you with his arms around your waist possessively.
You capture each other’s lips with a passionate smooch.
You both held each other, not tuned in with the people around you two. Slowly you both swayed as hands clutched to each other. No words were said but a lot was said in that moment.
Alice eventually pulls you to dance. You make it your best effort to have fun.
“I signed you up for a competition. It’s international. It will be good for you.” he whispered as he watched you try to eat the food that was served to you in the restaurant he took you to after the dance.
“Thank you…You know, we don’t have to talk about that stuff right now.” you say with a soft grin.
He seemed relieved. His face turned sappy as he leans closer to you. Making sure your hand was touching his.
“I enjoyed tonight with you.”
You give him a heartfelt smile, “Yeah. Me too.”
The next day you both worked on the song for hours. After some time, he praised you.
“You did really good.”
“Thanks to you.” you said quietly.
He gets up, you watch him leave the room in a flash. He comes back with a huge wrapped box.
“Open it here or at home?”
You think for a moment.
“At home…You didn’t have to do this.” you say as you flick the bow.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.”
“Are you coming tonight?” you ask him quietly but expectantly.
“..Do you want me too?”
You nod as you look at him. He was pleased, “Alright.”
“Do you want to take a break?” he asks. You nod as you stand up. In his room, you both held each other as you both swayed to the music that played. Your hands never left his back and your eyes never left the thumb tacked photos that were hung on his wall of you two from the prom.
At home, he sat on the edge of your bed as he watched you tear open you open the gift beside him.
You started crying.
“I can get you something else I…I thought of you when I got it.”
“No….No…That’s superfluous.” you say thickly. He wiped your fallen tears with gentle fingers, pressing an open mouth kiss on your face.
“You’re so amazing.” you tell him.
“Look who’s talking.” he grinned.
You look at the brand new keyboard that was in your lap in disbelief. It was perfect.
You hug him. He lifts you sideways onto his lap. You place a kiss on his cheek, the side of his mouth, slowly before landing on his lips.
You looked at each other with a pause. It seemed at the same time, you both continued to lean into each other, not caring about the consequences. He held the nape of your neck with a bit of pressure but you didn’t feel scared. It was safe. You pressed against him with pressure of your own body.
You then felt a jolt of excitement and broke contact with his lips, eyes were glued at each other with such feeling.
Edward watched with a sight of your heated face. His finger had poked into the back of your knee from rested his hand on their during such session. A weak spot.
He placed a gentle kiss on the side of your neck. You wanted so badly to tell him then and there to just not break up after graduation. To just say forget you had even said anything to begin with. You wondered if you both could just have a bit more time.
He rested his forehead against the side of your head, smothering your hand with his as your arm was around his shoulders.
People at school were sad. You were sad for the wrong reasons. You were sad of the memories you would have to leave in Forks with Edward. Not with them. You heard the chatter of people telling their friends the “i’m gonna miss you’s” and the “you have to visit me’s”.
The people who were your friends, didn’t bother to look your way. Deep down, their feelings were hurt. You forgot all about them as you immersed yourself so deeply with the Cullens. It added onto your existing lamentable attitude.
Bella Swan, tried her hand at inviting you to La Push with some of her friends. You politely declined. Making up a lame excuse that sounded normal enough to be believable.
You felt bad, but if only they all knew.
“Are you going to visit me?” you ask.
Rosalie rolls her eyes, “What else do I have to do, Y/N?”
“Oh, yeah.” you say sheepishly with a grin. She returns it before the seriousness soon takes place.
“Are you okay?” she asks with caution.
You prop your elbows up on your bed, “Yeah…I think I will be.”
She kept her arms crossed as she sat in your chair with her eyes down, “I’m sorry if I was the reason for you…And Edward….breaking up.”
“You weren’t the reason. Our talk just opened up what I’ve been really feeling. I like the idea of..Having a chance to be happy with someone…To share things with someone…Without being on a time limit” you say and flop back down on your back as you continued to be in thought while looking at the ceiling.
“Well, we will always be here…Emmett and I renew our vows next summer. Early invitation.” she says to cheer you up.
“Thanks.” you say as you couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
Edward turned it up a notch. Multiple songs in one day.
“You have to pick up quick. Memorize a lot. You have an advantage of being able to absorb it all so quickly.” he says as you stared at the keys with his hands resting on your shoulders.
You set your fingers to the next song. His strong gaze at you while he sat next to you on the bench, taught you how to ignore the distractions to not make you mess up. With him it was hard. Edward rewarded your efforts with a kiss on your jaw.
Your name was finally called. Walking across the stage to the applauds and graduation music was the thing that solidified you being finished with high school. Shaking the faculty’s hands, you were off with your diploma.
Emmett stretched his arms wide as you looked around and saw that the Cullens put an effort to throw you a celebration at their place.
“You’re free!”
You genuinely laugh in what felt like in a long time.
You step into Emmett’s hug as he scooped you around and makes you land back on your feet.
Rosalie was immediately next, crushing you into a hug. It seemed like a chain reaction. Everyone giving you a crushing hug.
You blew out the candles of the Congradulations to graduating Y/N ! print that was on the cake that Esme held out with a smile.
You sat on your bed with your knees to your chest. The teddy bear tight in your arms. You smiled at Edward as he played a song on your keyboard. He claimed it was for you.
You whispered against his lips, “Until we leave.”
He nods, “Until we leave.”
You sat on the couch with a poker face.
“If this what you really want to do…..” you parent sighs. You didn’t budge on your decision. The next day, you would have to leave to embark on your future.
“Yes. This has nothing to do with throwing it all away for a boy. Me and Edward…Are going on our separate ways when I leave.”
Your parent nods. They were a bit relieved that your decision wasn’t being because of a boy. Your decision wasn’t influenced by love. Well, you can’t really say that, it was behind the love for your passion.
Edward watched as you slid down from his body, he had carried you to the field you two shared with each other. His lips gently drag on your throat as you close your eyes at the feel of it.
As you two sat in serenity, you wondered what it would be like when it’s time to leave. You wondered if you had to give your promise ring back to him. You shift your hand but Edward quickly grabs it. You look to him.
“….You don’t have to give it back…”
He nods. He smiled as if it was a great discovery. He was self satisfied with being able to read it in your mind.
“I don’t mind sharing a piece of me with you.”
You then lay your head on his shoulder.
The hug from your parent in the morning was tight.
“Are you going to call me?”
“Of course I will.” you whisper to them, “I’ll even visit when I have the chance.”
You held your passport as you and Edward was driven to the airport by both Alice and Rosalie. They both gave you farewell hugs.
“Can’t wait to hear all about it!” Alice says and Rosalie rolls her eyes, “As if you don’t already know by now.”
Edward sat in the cushion of the leather chair. You both had gotten settled in. The place was temporary but it still felt homey. You were grateful for this.
However, the home in your heart was empty. You both hadn’t kissed each other since you two had touched down.
You both almost did, but you both remembered.
“The preliminary round, is what determines whether or not if you’re qualified.” he says quietly. You nod with understanding.
You both get up and get to work on the piano. He claims it will blow them away.
It was hours into the night. You didn’t care.
Edward stops you when after you played a part.
“Don’t rush it. It’s way too fast. Let it flow naturally. You’re rushing it and it sounds wrong.”
“Sorry.” you mutter.
He watched as you continue to work your fingers on the grand piano that was standing strong in the home.
You got some rest after a really late dinner. You told Edward to hunt while you ate alone at the table. He was trying to stay until you went to sleep but his eyes were dark and you couldn’t not say anything.
You took a risk. The next morning as you ate breakfast, you told Edward to forget about the intensive. To just go through the competition. The three weeks seemed like a waste of time compared to this opportunity. Edward was your own personal trainer after all. No better teacher than someone who literally had all the time in the world, who lived longer than the teachers there.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” you say confidently.
“Whatever you please.” he replied with a soft smile.
He folded his arms with a serious face as you practiced each song critically.
He tells you to scoot over, “Like this.” You watch his fingers demonstrate and then he taps your arm, “Come on, you know this.” He gets up and tells you to do it over from the top.
You nod.
“Sorry.” you say sheepishly.
That was the routine until the preliminary round came. Slept, eat, played, eat, and went to sleep. You barely made time to read a book or watch television. You haven’t even touched the remote since you’ve been there.
Edward set up the camera stand as the camera faced the sideways of you, showing your fingers as it was instructed. You had to say your name where you were from as the introductory.
Twenty minutes of different pieces were played on video. You silently thanked Edward as you knew you hit the correct notes. Taking and applying the criticism.
When you were finished, you sent it off for review. You hug him. He hugged you back tightly.
“I’m proud of you.” he says softly in your ear. Familiar butterflies crept their way in your stomach.
“Thank you. All thanks to you.”
As you both sat on the couch watching a silent film, you whispered, “How many will they choose for the real thing?”
“I might have a chance.” you say.
“Even if the number was lower, you still would.”
You crack a grin, “If I get a big head, I’m going to blame you.”
“Please do.”
You both made time to explore together. The real competition took place in a few months. Seeing the new sights, taking in the new experiences of where you would be staying for months on end. You went ahead and get your portrait photo taken.
“I know I can be tough, but it was for the greater good.”
“I know,” you say as you both decided to visit a museum, to clear the mind, “I would’ve messed up had you not been tough.”
You stare at Edward wide eyed when he woke you up in the morning and told you how many songs you both were going to work on.
“We don’t know if they picked me or not yet.” you say.
“Still, be prepared.” he says and opens the music sheet book.
You flop on the piano bench. He placed two hands on your shoulders and says close in your ear, “The key is confidence. Even if you don’t know, pretend as though they have already picked you.”
You breathe in as you glanced up at the notes and began playing. You both utilized the space of time to work hard and practice. Even go as far as doing each song over and over until it was done critically right.
Time had passed and Edward scrolled on the website as you had your eyes closed. You stopped breathing.
“What do you think?” you hear his voice ask.
“I….” you then remembered. Confidence. You just slowly open your eyes. Your eyes look slowly down the list and you gasp as you saw your name.
After pulling back from a hug, his smile was evident, asking you, “Are you proud of yourself?”
“Yes.” you say and he seemed pleased.
He goes to walk away and you chuckle out to yourself. He turns to look at you. “What is it?” he asks, wanting to know.
After a moment you say, “You think I could get something? For my efforts?”
He walks until he’s close to you, “Like what?” he asks hopefully. His gold eyes swim in yours, trying to search your face and you became shy as you look down before tapping your cheek with one finger. He beckoned and you lean in, he places a lingering kiss right there.
Edward didn’t waste any time. You found that some of the songs he made you learn while waiting to hear the news, were required to learn for the first round. But the rule now was, by memorization.
“Let’s test that ear.” he comments as he took away the sheets.
He fixed your mistakes. He touched your back, demonstrating for you to sit straighter.
“Your wrists will hurt if you’re using the wrong technique.”
You continued playing as he spoke, wanting to get yourself used to the critiques.
It went right back to nights where you were up all through the night practicing. You basically ate, slept and breathed the music pieces. Even hearing them in your dreams. But, you weren’t upset at the fact, you felt yourself get better and better with each go.
You talked to your parent on the phone one night while Edward was away to hunt.
“Are you safe?”
“Yes.” you answer.
“So, what have you been up to?”
You let them know that you’ve been working hard.
“Okay…Well, I hope you achieve…What you’re looking for.”
“Yeah…Me too.”
As the dates for the inauguration and round one came close, you were nervous.
Alice and Rosalie made a surprise visit.
“This is the real reason for the visit?” you ask the two girls as you looked at the outfits sprawled out on your bed.
Rosalie sniggers as Alice shrugs, “We want you to look your best. Especially if you win.” she says and holds up an outfit that screamed a winner.
“You saw?”
“I’m not telling you.” she says before putting a finger to her lips.
“You saw.” you state and Rosalie speaks, “So, how many rounds?”
“Three. Then the finals. The prize winners, first, second, and third, will have their own concert on different days.”
“You just get money if you win?” she then asks.
“Money, also the top two winners get a concert tour, and studio recording on a label.”
“You should definitely wear this to the inauguration.” Alice says excitedly.
“Yeah.” you say as you look at the clothes.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. Rosalie straightened your posture.
“Look confident. If you don’t, they will eat you alive. Let them know you’re there to decimate them all.”
You nod as you took in your reflection.
Edward was at your side, dressed up as well as the long speech took place. Welcoming everyone, sharing piano playing clips and quotes of the person who is in honor of the competition, tipping their hat off to them and showing respects, having the prior year’s winner play for everyone and finally, a draw for picking the performance order.
“I will call a name. We have a bowl of numbers and when you hear your name, come up on the stage…Get a number and then make your way to the table and you will receive your schedule for the week. Okay?” the person on stage says into the microphone.
Edward leaned in your ear and whispered, “Take a good look at your competition.”
You slowly look. Some were younger, some were older.
“Do not get discouraged.” he whispers in your ear. You nod.
Names were being called, you watched as each person take a number from the bowl that the executive producer held. Different ethnicities and different walks of life put their hand in that bowl. It was instructed that you all had to show the person on the microphone your number while they spoke out the number.
They call your name. You took steps up to the stage. Reaching in, you open the paper. They read the number for everyone to hear.
“Number 2.”
You grab your schedule from the table on stage and make your way back to your seat. Everyone had picked their numbers.
“Thank you everyone, we are looking forward to hearing each and every one of you to play.” The person on the microphone tells the audience that the closing words will be followed by the executive director and applauds were followed as they walked away from the microphone.
“At least you’re not number 1.” Edward says quietly.
“That’s not helping.” you whisper.
“Don’t be nervous, Y/N.” he says and touch your shoulder.
“It’s hard not to be. Especially like…Right now.”
“How come? This is your playground.”
You look at his hand, your heart jumped and he had an idea as he heard it, taking his hand away. You wished he hadn’t.
Thanks were said to the jury, competitors, and organizers and it was wrapped up with the starting time of the competition being announced.
You were anxious to get home.
Edward sighed softly as he eyed the clock.
“Y/N..You should get some rest.”
“No..I’m literally after the first person.” you say as you continued to play.
“You’re not going to be your best if you don’t get any rest. We practiced for so long, I’m sure you can do it in your sleep.” he says confidently.
“Yeah but…”
“No buts…Come to bed.” he says sternly and you slowly rise up with a soft and defeated sigh.
“You don’t have to tuck me into bed. I’m not a kid.” you whispered as he covers you in the blankets. He chuckles.
“Knowing you, you will try to sneak out of bed.”
“Yeah, yeah.” you say with a playful roll of your eyes. You both softly say goodnight to each other. You almost asked him to lay with you. Almost.
The dream you had, felt really real. You and Edward stared at each other. You both were lying on a couch, his face rested on your chest as you both held each other. Your hand caressed his face as his eyes fell closed. It was as if you two had never agreed to be apart.
You woke up to the bright light of the daytime. Edward had opened the curtains as you stirred awake.
“Let’s go.” he whispered encouragingly after a good morning to you.
Rubbing your eyes with a squint, you fought hard to slide out of bed.
You kept stealing glances at him as he drove you both to the competition. It was open to the public.
You were grateful that he chose to interlace his hand to yours. You felt safe and less nervous. You both sat in a room, waiting for the cue to be called to be at the wings of the stage.
You chewed gum slowly as you concentrated on the spot of the floor, waiting for your turn. Your leg overlapped the other one as you softly swayed your foot back and forth. You replayed the songs in your head, subtly moving and tapping your fingers. Edward watched your jaw clench with each bite of the gum. It was silent between you two, but it was perfect silence.
A head peaks in with a smile and a clipboard, “They’re ready for you.”
Edward rises up and you follow him.
“Are you ready?” he whispered as he touched down your arm.
You nod. Too nervous to speak.
He simply held his hand out close to your mouth. You lean and the gum is out of your mouth and onto his hand.
You both walked and heard the distanced applauds. Muffled talking was spoken into the microphone.
Your breathing was heavy as you stopped following the person with the clipboard and you turn to Edward. He peered at your nervous face with a worried look.
You clutched his shirt.
“You’re okay.” he softly coos. You lean into his lips. He was surprised but he wasn’t complaining. The faint smile on his face when you pulled away and he watched as you hurried to catch up with the person who was leading you to the stage.
He took his seat in the audience. You saw him as you heard your name being introduced. Claps were heard. You looked at the audience. You were shocked. The entire Cullen family was there. Rosalie used her finger to point to her mouth and mock a smile. You then politely smile to the audience.
You walk to the piano that was calling your name. You took your time to sit down on the bench. You looked at the keys, calming yourself, collecting yourself.
You zoned out, forgetting that the audience was there. Taking Edward’s advice as you pretended to be in your room. All of those moments that you practiced, showed in your performance. Precision. Claps were applauded. Loud ones with a loud whistle that you knew were from Emmett made you stifle a laugh.
“Well done….Ladies and Gentlemen….” you heard as you walked off stage.
“Now onto the next round.” Edward says when you both got home.
“Yes.” you agree.
He pretended as though you were already picked for the second round. You pretended with him for the sake of it.
You worked hard. Sleeping, eating, and practicing.
40 people were being picked for round two. You wanted to be one of those 40 people.
Edward scrolled on the website. Your fingers crossed until they hurt. He rubbed your shoulders telling you to open your eyes.
You hug him tight as you saw your name, he lifts you up with your feet off the ground as your arms were tight. You both laugh as he tells you that he knew that you would make it. You definitely had to prepare for the next round.
“I have to say, it does feel a bit empty with you…I can’t believe I’m saying this but..I miss Edward as well.” Rosalie says to you as you looked at your outfit in the mirror.
“A bit?” you tease. Alice holds up the shoes that is preferable for you to wear. Rosalie cracks a smile.
You were less nervous. But, you didn’t become cocky.
You took the stage, walking as graceful as you could as you walked to the piano bench. You didn’t want to trip or fall.
Your fingers played diligently and precisely. You became so into it, your eyes fluttered closed. You felt good about being able to play by ear. It sounded good, even in your ears. Carlisle and Esme looked like proud parents. Edward held his breath until it was over.
Claps came when you were done and went off stage. Edward scoops you into a hug. You both smile at each other.
“How did I do?” you whisper.
“Great. Really great.” he whispers back with a smile. He plants a kiss on your forehead. You look down.
“What’s wrong?” he whispered. You look at him.
“I’m sorry if …I made things weird with the kiss the other day…”
“Y/N..Don’t worry about it.” he says with a grin that lets you relax. You nod, “Sorry…I’ve been so nervous these past few days.”
“It’s normal..”
You looked while you and Edward were sitting down, your name was on the website to continue onto the third round. You let out a breath. You were starting to feel the pressure. The last round until finals. Going up against the finalists. 20 people were picked for round three. You were one of those 20 people. No more than 6 were going to finals.
Edward watched as you poured coffee as the birds chirped, the morning light shined behind your figure. He had a distaste for the fact that you didn’t go to sleep.
“I promise. Just one more hour and I will sleep.”
He doesn’t say anything. He was silently upset. It was over his face.
“Edward…I promise.”
“One hour will turn into two, then it will turn into three. You need sleep.” he says.
“I will get it. This is before finals. I have to be the best to get picked” you say as you set your coffee cup on a nearby table. You go to sit down at the bench but he lifts you up from under your shoulders away from the bench.
You look at him with disbelief.
“Go to bed.” he ordered sternly.
You stare at him. He stared back. You huff and turn and walk to bed. You made the door shut hard, not with a slam but with unwillingness.
You slept until late afternoon.
You yawned until your jaw cracked as you tried to look at your dinner plate in the evening.
“If you would’ve went to sleep on time, the time that you had to take out for making up sleep, could’ve went into practicing for tomorrow.” he stated quietly. His brooding eyes didn’t miss your face.
“Sorry that I’m human.” you mutter. He rolled his eyes a bit.
You barely kept your eyes open as you did practice. Edward was a bit worried. Usually, he had confidence but you were off by a couple of keys and now was definitely not the time to miss cues.
As you slept, he didn’t know what to expect for tomorrow. He didn’t want to ask Alice. He’d rather not know, right along with you.
The people were pumped up. Butterflies were in your stomach as Edward chose to hold your hand.
You let his hand go when it was time for you to get ready to get on stage.
“Good luck.” he says sincerely. You nod. Edward saw the nerves all over you. You were dripping in it.
“Just be calm and focus.” he says as he rubbed your arms and you breathe out with your eyes closed and nod.
You enter the stage, the Cullens in the audience looked excited. Edward didn’t sit in the audience. He, himself, was too nervous. He paced the lobby, only to hear the notes.
That’s when he saw you after the applauds. You storm past him. He calls your name. You ignore him. Tears were in your eyes. He follows you. You shove open a door to go outside.
“That was horrible.” you said as you pushed it open with your back. Defeat was on your face.
“That was so bad.” you say.
“I’m sure they didn’t notice it.”
You give him a deadpanned look as you both were outside, “Did you notice it?”
“I….Yes..But, don’t base that off of me.” he says as he looked at your defeated face.
You lean against the wall as you look to the sky. If only you had listened to him, you wouldn’t have messed up. You kept going, but the mess up was clear to both you and Edward.
Looking over to a staff member of the building, smoking a cigarette in the distance, you walk over to them. Edward watched carefully.
“Can I bum one?”
They pull out the cigarette and give it to you. Before the flame could touch the cigarette, Edward snatched it out of your mouth and throws it.
He grabbed your arm.
“Now’s not the time to get beside yourself. Focus Y/N.” he scolded as you both walk back inside.
You snatch your arm out of his grip in frustration, “What’s there to focus on? There’s no way I’m going to finals. We might as well go back to Forks. Save ourselves the embarrassment of wishful thinking.”
“Don’t say that.” he says calmly. You look away as you fold your arms. You wondered why he couldn’t see it the way you saw it.
He brings you closer as he has two hands on his shoulders, “Listen to me…If you don’t make it, you have every right to hate me. Tell me you told me so. But, stay. What’s going to happen if you look and your name is up there?” he says softly. You shrug without energy.
You ate dinner slowly to stall time. Edward had plans to practice after dinner.
“Come on, Y/N. Don’t lose your spark.” he says after you had played your variation. It sounded choppy as if you hadn’t came this far.
“I’m trying!” you hiss with frustration. The piano hits a loud note as you get up and walk off.
“Y/N. Come. Back.” he says. You slump your shoulders, hating the fact that your feet listened to him.
“Calm down.” he whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on it. You felt at ease with that. Steering you to the bench, you sit down. You stare at him as he walked to stand next to the piano. He waited for you patiently to start again.
He turns the laptop around silently as you ate breakfast in the morning. You stopped chewing.
“No way in hell.” you say quietly as you stared at the screen.
“Yes way.” he says with a smirk.
“Go ahead, tell me you told me so.” you say and lean in your chair with a soft grin.
“No, I won’t say that. I will say, you were worried for nothing.”
“Edward you don’t understand. That was embarrassing.” you whisper. He smothered his hand with yours, “You’re okay.”
He tells you to start slow to ease your way through the song.
“Like that.” he whispered as you successfully played your songs the whole way through correctly.
You flash him a satisfied grin.
You asked him to accompany you to the commemoration ceremony. He happily agreed. They kept talking about the final that was happening the next day. Edward reached to take your hand, you let him.
After the ceremony, you visit Carlisle and Esme at the temporary place they were staying at to stay to watch you play.
They hug you. They check in on you.
“I’m so glad I get to keep hearing and seeing you play.” Esme says.
“Did you hear me mess up?” you ask.
“Y/N.” Edward says and Carlisle chuckles and speaks up, “Barely noticed it.”
“Well, we have to get back, we have a lot of practicing to get to.” Edward says and takes your hand, leading you to the door.
“When this is over and everything is settled, maybe we should all take a mini vacation. Maybe visit some friends?” Esme speaks.
Edward scoffs lowly but you look, interested in why he didn’t look forward to what she was thinking. It was a bit funny.
“I’m sure that would be nice dear.” Carlisle says to his wife, also tickled by his son’s reaction.
After you ended the entirety of your songs, you turn to Edward as he gives you a satisfied grin. To him, it was perfect.
“We don’t have to go with them on vacation.” you say quietly as you fiddled around the keys.
“I don’t care for it.”
“Where did she have in mind that made you be like,” you mimicked his reaction. He smiled and you were happy that he cheered up.
“Denali….We had left there before coming to Forks a couple of years ago.” he says as he keeps his eyes on your fingers.
“Was it boring or something?”
“I’d rather you not go. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Why…Not?” you say and it’s silent.
“Laurent…The one in the baseball field,”
You nod.
“He joined the coven after hearing word about them from us-”
“Wait, there’s a coven there?” you ask.
He nods, “Yes…We’re very close with them. Their diet is animal blood like ours but his is not. I doubt he would have an easy time with getting into such diet if he went this long of drinking from humans.”
“I mean…If Jasper could do it, I’m sure Laurent can too. They might be a good influence.”
“Jasper hasn’t lived as long as Laurent so there’s that. I would be foolish to believe that he didn’t cheat his diet.”
“You shouldn’t judge.” you chuckle lightly.
“Y/N, I’m not... I’m only speaking logic.”
“It would be nice to..You know..Go. But, I wouldn’t want to without you.” you say softly to him.
“Another time…I promise.”
It was the big day. Your stomach turned and you let the breakfast food go cold.
“Y/N, you should eat.”
“I know..I’m so nervous. Look.” you say and show him your shaky hands. He takes them in his own.
“You will do great. You did great while practicing.”
You talked the extra mile as Alice and Rosalie helped you get ready. It distracted you from overthinking.
In the car on the way there, you take Edward’s hand. You looked out of the window. You noticed his touches is what made you less nervous. He was like your security blanket in that moment.
“Don’t focus too much on winning. You did good to be in the top six.” he says to you before it was your turn.
“Okay..” you say with your eyes closed. He gives you a hug and he hesitated but he still did it, he gives you a kiss on the cheek. You look at him, he grinned a bit, “For good luck.” You chuckle to yourself. However, the fluttery butterfly feeling was mutual between you two.
You smiled, like Rosalie ordered to, as you walked to the piano on the large stage.
The orchestra started to play, you cue in with your piece. You felt one with the music as you all worked together to create rhythmic harmony.
You were polite. Your smile was small but you nod. Lips were speaking, but no words were heard as you were zoned out.
“Thank you.” you speak out in a small voice.
Third place.
“It doesn’t mean those people are better than you.”
“It does.” you whisper sadly. Edward held your bronze medal in his hand.
The person with the gold medal were all smiles as they reunited with their teacher and family. You couldn’t be a person who can say they didn’t deserve it, everyone was truly amazing.
“They won that competition..But, who’s to say you didn’t win in the end. You still get your own concert to show off.” Edward says to you.
“Yeah.” you say with a sad but steady smile at him. He returned the smile.
“I miss you guys.” Emmett says loudly interrupting the heartfelt moment with you and Edward, both arms were around both you and Edward’s shoulders.
“What?” Emmett genuinely asks Edward as he catches Edward’s semi annoyed face. You smile at this, only this time it wasn’t with sorrow.
“Come on, I’m sure Y/N is starving.” Rosalie says as Emmett joins her and wraps an arm around her.
Esme decided to make use of the kitchen that was in the temporary home.
“I really appreciate this.” you say to her. Esme smiled, “Of course.”
“You did really good. Im proud. We’re all proud.” Esme says.
“That really means a lot coming from you. You know what sounds good.” you say and she showed being touched by your words.
You already knew what you were going to play. You blinked at the ceiling. You just weren’t tired. You turn over. You tried counting sheep, but it just wasn’t working.
You slide out of your bedroom. Edward wasn’t home so you sat on the couch, wrapped in a blanket.
After an hour of watching pointless television. The voice didn’t startle you, “What are you doing awake?”
You turn and see that he’s standing behind the couch.
“Don’t be upset….I really can’t sleep.” you whisper to him. He takes a closer look to you.
He walks slowly around the couch and sits down next to you.
Nothing was said for some time. The silence was eventually broken.
“Edward?” you say almost too lowly for your own ears.
You blink towards the television screen, “Is it too late?”
“I don’t get…What you mean.” he says softly.
“Never mind.” you say and rise up, “I will see you in the morning. I should really get some sleep.”
He wanted to know. But, he instead watch you walk off to your bedroom. He wondered what you were about to say. He wondered if you would tell him if he asked.
People clapped when you were finished with your piece. You felt grateful for the opportunity as a whole. You thought back to when Edward told you it was good for you. It was. You thought at first that since you didn’t win first place, it would take a hit on your confidence. But, it only built it. You knew that you could be in the same space as talented people and hold your own.
You cover your mouth for a second before breaking your face out with a genuine smile as you took the flowers that Edward extended out for you.
You sat on the piano bench in the home, peaking at Edward who was sitting in the chair, several feet away. You stand up and slowly walk towards him.
You lean over, hugging him. He hugged you back, his ear to your stomach as you held your arms around him.
“Thanks so much for everything. I really can’t thank you enough.” you say to him.
“Of course.” he says as you both pull back. You go to walk away, he leans his head and body back against the chair in a relaxed state. He was able to watch you stop walking, turn your head to look back at him.
You walk slowly to him. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He was still as you smothered your own hand on his, you lean down slightly and placed a quick but delicate kiss on his lips.
You go to pull back but his face was covered in fervor. Your suppression was too much, you simply couldn’t take it anymore. You lean back in, he reached and captured your lips as if he had been wanting to do so for a long time. The kiss was covered with the evidence of missing each other. He breaks away with a breath out.
You stumble back, thinking you did something wrong. “Im sorry” was on the tip of your tongue, ready to be spoken out as he rose up out of his chair.
He then peered down at you, his hand gently cradled your face. You sighed softly as you look at him. In that moment, as his thumb brushed against your cheek and down to make a slow swipe of your bottom lip, you step in closer to him and he tilts his head to kiss you again. This time, very deeply. You clutch onto him as you felt yourself be lost in his mouth.
You begged him without saying anything, to lay with you while you slept. You two stared at each other. You couldn’t see him as good as he could see you in the dark. You both were holding each other, only this time, you were almost lying all the way on top of him.
“I don’t care about the consequences. Just let us have this…Let us have this one thing.” he whispered to you.
You breathe in as you didn’t say anything at first, but there was no way you could go back to before.
“The person you’re supposed to be with is a vampire.” you whispered back.
“It’s not for certain..”
“When it happens…I will be devastated. I can’t bear the thought of you with someone else…But, I really want you to be happy.”
“Then let me be happy.” he says quietly, his cool hand caressed your shoulder and down your arm a bit as you close your eyes at the feeling.
“Not with me.” you whisper thickly with your eyes still closed. You felt frustrated. You reach up and caressed his cheek. He turns his face slightly to kiss your hand before trailing his own hand to smother your hand.
“Be happy with me then.” he speaks quietly like a lullaby.
“You’re making this hard.” you say with a sad chuckle.
“You’re making this hard.” he says back.
You move off of him and just lay on your back, eyes to the ceiling. You felt like crying. It was like someone was dangling something that you really wanted but you couldn’t have it.
You felt the back of his knuckles grace your cheekbone as you look to him propped on his elbow as he peered down at you.
“What we have…Is something I haven’t felt before in all of my years in living…”
You blink into the darkness.
“What if…What if it ends badly?” you ask in a whisper.
“What if it ends great?” he whispered back.
You lie there. You let his words follow you into your slumber.
In the morning, it felt a bit weird to not be working on a song. It felt wrong in a way to lounge. Edward was gone. You thought in the shower. You wondered if you both thought of each other at the same time.
The day was ticking away. You felt yourself get more and more agitated. You played on the keyboard but you stopped, Edward wasn’t there to witness. You thought it was meaningless. The pieces you played was meaningless as you wanted to do nothing more than to share it with him. You felt so bored.
It was dusk, the vintage film on the television screen was watching you as you propped up on the couch. The door had closed, barely making a sound but you almost stumble from rushing to him.
You didn’t budge him when you embraced him with force. Your arms were high around his neck. He clutched you around your waist.
“Should I stay away more often?” he joked but you didn’t find it funny. You knew he didn’t mean any harm behind it, but it felt heavy in your heart as a double meaning. He was met with your silence as you quietly felt tears that you successfully blinked back in your eyes. You hated yourself for being emotional, but you just couldn’t help it.
“Edward….Can you…Can you not leave me?” you say quietly. He catches your tone and immediately feels bad.
“I’m really sorry. I detoured to see Alice after hunting-”
“No. I mean…” you say and let go of him as you step back. Your back was literally against the wall. You were stripped from everything due to vulnerability.
He watched closely but with interest as you rise your eyes up from his shirt covered chest to his own eyes.
“I don’t want to..Fight it anymore.” you say quietly. He takes steps forward, embracing your face with his hands, “What do you mean?”
He knew. He just wanted you to say it. Saying it out loud would eliminate doubts. Your eyes were closed as his lips graced your cheek.
“I can’t stay away from you.” you breathed out, blindly touching him to bring him closer to you. He’s close, he takes his time to kiss your jaw. “I should hate you…For making me crazy over you…But instead….I don’t care about the consequences anymore…I care about you…So much.” you continue.
“Do you want us?” he asks quietly. You nod as you start to open your eyes. He mirrored the adoration in your eyes.
“I want us.” you admit.
“To be together?”
“I want us to be together too.” he says with a shaky grin, he holds your chin with his thumb and index finger.
You both almost kissed, only teasing each other with the closeness of each other’s lips but you looked at each other.
You two finally attach lips. It was almost sensual but very close. Edward’s hands were firm on your waist, trying not to crush you in his hands. But, your arms were around the nape of his neck pulling him closer, motivating him to press up on you, his hands are off of your hips and were now flat on the wall. Leaving you trapped between him and the wall. Your breathy sigh from the kiss that heated up just a slight notch, made him think sinful thoughts but he was just glad to have you back.
He didn’t want you to regret your choice. He felt that the moment he was currently in, was where he belonged. He wondered if you felt the same way too.
You kept your eyes closed when he slowly pulls back, trying to keep your breathing even. You looked mellow, peaceful even as you basked in what you thought was a dream. You wondered if you opened your eyes, he would disappear and you would be left with the prior feeling that you felt with him being away.
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sissylittlefeather · 2 months ago
A House That Has Everything: Chapter 4
A/N: This one came to me when I saw these amazing AI photos on Instagram made by @blackvelvetep and @_chiara975ep. (Be sure to check out their pages on Instagram!) My fic brain went crazy and this storyline was born.
Summary: Set in Regency England, Mr. Presley is the gentleman who owns and resides in Graceland Manor. Annabelle Martin is his newest maid after her parents have died and left her an orphan. Can he resist his affection for her, despite the difference in their social class?
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, smut and angst, p in v sex, unprotected sex, sexy thoughts, and some kissing
Word count: ~2.5k
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But it isn't enough.
In order to take his mind off of Bella, Elvis leaves for a week in London to settle some estate business and spend time with his friends. When he sets out, all of the staff gather to see him off. Annabelle stands with her hands folded and her eyes on the ground. She's afraid if she looks at him, she'll blush or maybe even pass out cold. He slows down as he passes her, trying to catch her eye, even though he has no idea what he would do if he did. And then, just like that, he's gone.
In the carriage, his mind is consumed with thoughts of Bella refusing to look him in the eye. It's probably good that he'll have some time away. He can't handle another temptation and giving in would ruin them both.
In London, Elvis behaves as he usually does, gambling and drinking and generally acting completely unbefitting of his station, but the club he frequents is private and used to this kind of thing from gentlemen from the country.
After a bare-chested boxing match with his best friend Jasper, he finds himself in a perfumed bed in the arms of one of the women who works in the club. She provides a certain service to men who married for expectation rather than romance. Elvis has been with this kind of woman before on his trips to London, but this time he finds himself with a unique problem. The woman, called Bridget, runs her hand over his chest and sighs.
“Is there something on your mind, love?” She coos, her hand drifting down even further. Elvis stops her without thinking and purses his lips. The answer is yes, his mind is filled with Bella and he almost feels like he's being unfaithful here in this bed, but he knows that is absurd. He shakes his head, insisting that he's fine, even though his soft cock gives him away. “You've already paid, love. So why don't you relax and let me help you?”
She leans in and presses her lips to his softly. He closes his eyes and tries to sink into the kiss, but an image of Bella floats up behind his eyelids and he pulls back, almost gagging.
“I can't. I'm sorry.” He lays flat on his back and stares up at the ceiling and Bridget sighs again.
“Who is it that you're in love with?” Her voice has changed from her seductive whisper to one of matter-of-fact conversation.
“I'm not… what? No, that's not…”
“Are you afraid I'll tell your secret? You know what I am.” He turns and looks at her. She's right. No one would listen even if she did try to tell anyone.
“My maid.” He looks back up at the ceiling with an exasperated sigh. “She is the most exquisite creature and I haven't been able to rid my mind of her.”
“Does she feel the same?”
“I don’t know. We haven't… there is only longing. I think she may, but I only know my own heart.” Bridget clicks her tongue and runs her fingers through his hair almost out of habit.
“You poor miserable thing. With only your money to comfort you.” There's an edge of bitterness to her voice.
“I'd give it all up to have her.” He whispers. She softens and turns his chin to look at her.
“Then you have to tell her.”
“I cannot.”
“Then you don't deserve her.” He sits up almost angrily.
“You don't understand. You are free to love whomever you choose. I am bound by obligation to marry someone of my own class.” His eyes are burning and his nostrils flare.
“I couldn't love you.” She says it flatly and understanding settles on him. “But if I did, I would tell you. Love has no thought for the boundaries of society. It gives and takes as it sees fit.”
“Then what do I do about it? Wait for it to pass?” His pain is so genuine that she has a hard time dismissing it.
“Will it?” She cocks her head to the side a little.
“I don't know. I thought it would but here I am in this conversation with you.” He closes his eyes and she puts her hand on his cheek.
“Elvis, will you tell anyone that you were here with me?” He opens his eyes and looks at her, not sure where she's going with this question.
“Then why couldn't she be your secret instead of me?” Something akin to hope flickers in his chest. She's right again. Why couldn't Bella be the secret he keeps from the world?
“I hadn't thought of that.” Bridget smiles and runs her hand down his stomach.
“Most of you never do.” She wraps her hand around his flaccid member and then whispers. “Tell me about her.”
Elvis's mind races as he thinks of Bella: her beautiful hands and the cupids bow in her lips that he wants to taste so badly. As more images of her appear in his mind, he hardens and Bridget begins to pump him.
“She's the loveliest woman I've ever seen, dainty and feminine but with a fire and strength I've only ever read about. Her hair is raven-dark and her eyes are deep blue.” He moans softly.
“Good. Close your eyes and keep going.” She strokes him with a little more pressure as his eyes flutter shut.
“She has the sweetest voice and her body…” He whimpers when he thinks of her perfectly round breasts and the curve of her hips under her skirt.
“I'm her. How do you want me?” All of a sudden, it's no longer Bridget's hand on his cock, it's Bella's, and he gasps a little.
“Fully and completely.” Bridget moves herself over his hips, rubbing the tip of him through her folds as he whimpers. “Oh, my Bella.”
He groans as she sinks down onto him and then starts to move. With his eyes closed, he sees Bella, her beautiful body naked, her face rapt with pleasure. Bridget sighs as she fucks him to completion and he moans and whispers Bella’s name with his eyes tightly shut.
When he finishes, he opens them and wants to cry. She's not Bella. Not even close. Bridget sees his expression and kisses his forehead.
“Tell her, Elvis.” He nods silently and pulls away from her, standing to dress himself.
Back in his own bed at the inn, he lays on his side and ignores the tears that slide down his nose. The sick feeling in his stomach makes it impossible to sleep, but he closes his eyes anyway.
Annabelle walks through to the kitchen and finds Mrs. Hall in a tizzy.
“What is it?” She asks curiously.
“Mr. Presley will be home this evening. We've just received word that he's on his way.” Annabelle's heart skips.
“He wasn't due home for another three days!” The thought of having him back in the house makes her weak in the knees.
“I know, but he apparently finished his business in London more quickly than he expected. Chop these carrots for me, love.” Mrs. Hall gestures to a pile of carrots on the cutting board and Annabelle goes to work silently. After a few minutes, Mrs. Hall notices her wordlessness. “You seem distraught that he'll be back.”
“Oh, no, I just… am surprised.” She stumbles over the words, embarrassed at being caught.
“Mmm. I was right, wasn't I?” Annabelle pauses her chopping and looks at Mrs. Hall. “There is something between you two.”
“No. There cannot be.”
“Ah, but you'd like there to be.” The older woman smiles knowingly and Annabelle sighs.
“There cannot be.” She repeats it to herself as much as to the cook.
“Love does not care where it cannot be. Now, give me those before you lose a finger.” Mrs. Hall takes the knife and goes to work chopping the carrots herself, dismissing Annabelle to get lost in her thoughts on her own. When she disappears through the door, Mrs. Hall smiles and begins to hum. It'll be good to see her boy happy again.
Despite his early return, Annabelle doesn't see Elvis for another couple of days. She goes about her work nervously, secretly praying to see him and afraid to see him all at once. One day Mrs. Davenport notices that she's finishing her work quickly and adds another task. She's to dust several of the rooms in the house every afternoon. Annabelle thinks nothing of this as she begins to work, moving from room to room, but as she approaches the drawing room, she stops dead in her tracks.
Someone is playing the pianoforte. And not just playing it, but playing it beautifully. Curiosity overwhelms her and she pushes the door open carefully. It's him. He's bent over the keys and as she watches, he begins to sing while he plays. His voice is the smoothest baritone she's ever encountered and it makes her heart leap in ways she didn't think possible. She also feels that familiar warmth between her legs and tries to close the door slowly, but it's a heavy door and it closes with a loud thunk. The music stops and she turns to make her way down the hallway quickly but he pulls it open before she gets too far.
“Bella! Wait!” He calls out to her as she slips into the library. When he enters, she's furiously dusting everything she can see, trying to ignore the growing blush on her cheeks and the way her center moistens under her clothes. “Are you hiding from me?”
She stops and takes a deep breath, turning to face him. Somehow, he's even more beautiful than before and it takes everything inside her not to go to him and pull him in close to her.
“No, of course not.”
“You ran away from me.” Elvis is a little hurt that he hasn't seen her. He came home specifically to talk to her and his resolve has melted more and more each day. Still, his encounter with Bridget is heavy in his mind and some determination lingers.
“I'm working.” At that moment, she bumps a porcelain knick-knack and it hits the floor, breaking into several large pieces. “Oh, I'm so sorry, sir.”
He sighs and then walks over, bending down to help her collect the pieces.
“Bella, I thought I asked you not to call me ‘sir’.”
“I'm sorry… Elvis.” He smiles and takes the broken pieces from her hands.
“That's better.” They both stand up and he sets the broken object on the end table. For a second they just stare at each other again. All of a sudden, his nerve is lost and he has no idea what to say. She's just about to turn away when he blurts out. “Do you like to read?”
“I do. More than anything.” She answers him quietly.
“Some. Mostly poetry.” He can't help but smile widely as he walks to a shelf and pulls down a book.
“Have you read this?” She walks closer and looks at the volume he's holding.
“Wordsworth? I love Wordsworth.” His face is one of complete adoration and he tries desperately not to sweep her into his arms.
“And then my heart with pleasure fills–”
“-And dances with the daffodils.” She finishes the line he started and he nods. They continue this exercise through three more books before he pulls a tiny book of poems from his breast pocket.
“What about this one?” He hands it to her and she holds it, noticing all the dog-eared pages and notes in the margin.
“No, not this one.”
“It's yours, then. My favorite is on page 42.” His heart is racing when he thinks of what he's scribbled there, but in this moment he's so full of love for her that he doesn't even care if she sees it. He wants her to see it, needs her to see it.
She looks at him with her heart beating loudly in her chest. It's a book of love poems. Her hands tremble slightly as she turns to page 42. There, at the top, in his handwriting: For my Bella.
He steps closer to her as she reads, the blood thick in his veins, rushing everywhere but his brain.
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?—
See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
She looks up at him as she reads the last line and he's so close she can feel him breathing. Her chest rises and falls quickly and his eyes flit down to her lips. She's afraid she might faint as he reaches out carefully and takes her cheek in his hand.
“What is all this sweet work worth, if thou kiss not me?” He whispers the last line. Her eyes flick between his and then down to his mouth as he moves toward her painfully slowly. She should stop him, but she's frozen on the spot.
Finally, his lips graze hers so softly that it's barely a kiss. But he doesn't stop there. He kisses her again, with a little more pressure, his lips parted with his tongue cautiously moving ever-so-slightly, but he doesn't taste her yet. Not until the third kiss, when she drops the book of poetry and throws her arms around his neck. He wraps himself around her waist and dives in fully into a kiss so deep and so intense that they both get lost below the waves of it. Their bodies are pressed together and their tongues move in a symphonic dance and they both forget to breathe. After what feels like an eternity, but isn't nearly long enough, they pull apart breathlessly. He tries to press his forehead to hers, but she backs away.
“Elvis, I can't.”
“Bella, please–”
“No. I'm sorry!” Her voice is heavy with tears as she turns and runs from the room.
“Bella!” He yells after her, but she's gone. He bends down and picks up the book of poems and then turns and throws it at the wall. Sinking into a chair, he runs his hands in his hair and tries to hold back the tears. He looks up at the ceiling as they start to fall and whispers. “Bella, please.”
She stands on the other side of the door, her body wracked with sobs as she weeps uncontrollably. When she hears him whisper her name again, she drops to her knees.
“Oh, Elvis.” She whispers it like a prayer, her hand on her heart as she rocks back and forth in agony.
What will happen next?
@ahundredlifetime @claire-elvisgirl @ccab @atleastpleasetelephone @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @searchingforgravity @msamarican @angschrof @lustnhim @polksaladava @librababe99 @hooked-on-elvis @theelvisprincess @makethemorning @peaceloveelvis @mrspresley69 @pxpresley @kxnnxy
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silverlining-ships · 2 months ago
I had someone DM me recently asking for tips for creating an SU sona and drawing in the style, which is one of my favorite topics to think about and discuss!! I'm definitely not the end-all-be-all of SU style replication and have so much to learn, but I wanted to share my method for anyone interested in creating SU art! So here's a Steven Universe Style Replication guide!
Before you start:
Gather LOTS of references. references EVERYWHERE. I have a google drive folder specifically for Jasper references, but I plan on having folders for each character as well. If you know you're going to draw a specific character a lot, gather references!!!
also, gather references of characters you base your S/I on physically. my sona has traits from both Steven and Connie's body types, so I used photos from their references when creating mine - I specifically used Connie's turnaround as inspiration for the height/posing of mine!
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((you don’t HAVE to create a turnaround ofc, but thinking of your sona as one that needs to “follow the rules” of the other characters’ designs can help creating something that looks proportional and accurate!))
Colorwise, it’s fun to consider your f/o or the characters you interact with before creating an outfit palette -> I specifically use yellow as a base color because of the way it meshes with Jasper’s orange pallet, as well as being complementary to Steven’s pink and Connie’s blue
SU has the benefit (and curse) of inconsistent style and size references. it's partially proportions to the other characters, yea, but it's more in the shape language you use when drawing in the style, which is why references are so helpful! 
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(unrelated but I love how this shows how much I still struggle drawing jasper.... even after six months straight of exclusively drawing her. sigh.)
take these drawings I threw together! these are four completely different characters, but they all feel different because of the shape language used:
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even with my own style bleeding in, really focusing in on what their core body is expressing is what demonstrates the character.
this translates to creating your own sona, too - think about how your sona would fall into the shape language. my sona is similar to Connie, but a bit curvier and stockier, which shows especially in the core of the character design!
I know the "belted shape" concept has gone around this fandom for years, but I'd recommend not depending on it as in my opinion it doesn't translate nearly as well as just a general concept of the form - like how it doesn't work as well with Peridot when she becomes tiney
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[obligatory PSA that anatomy knowledge/practice helps so much here - I've been drawing SU for YEARRSSSSS but my understanding of the forms got so much better when I started practicing gesture drawing/anatomy practice]
Expressions/facial anatomy:
so again, SU has so much style inconsistency that the way you draw expressions will vary based on the boarder - this EXCELLENT because this means expressions are really easy to pass in the style! but some visuals anyway:
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most of the time, faces are extremely simplified with one guideline across the face, a little bit higher than where the "cheek" starts if the character has a cheek
if more masculine, the guideline will be a bit higher and the eyes will be shorter
an interesting note with Spinel specifically is that her eyebrow expression is done through her hairline, which is part of her really fun 20s inspired look!
i feel like if anything really makes something look "canon", it's how the lineart is done in a finished piece. if I compare with a couple fake screens/edits I've attempted:
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the lineart makes all the difference here!!!!
for specs reasons if you're curious, I use procreate with the "baskerville" brush on a higher stream line setting. I do not have pressure sensitivity, so all of my lines are hand-weighted, but if you have pressure sensitivity you might have an easier time here!
facial details tend to be slightly thinner. eyes tend to be a little bit thicker on either the top/bottom or sides, although it depends
outer borders, major clothing, outer hair tufts and other major features are the thickest lines
sometimes lines aren't used at ALL for various features (gem facets, some more minor clothing details, like the bottom of Lapis' top or the waistline on Jasper's uniform)
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[random screenshots I pulled as examples]
the key part with lineart and style replication, though, is that is varies WILDLY by style. as long as you have some line weighting it's really easy to get it to pass as SU style
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lastly I HIGHLY recommend practicing screenshot edits or fake screenshots if you can!!! I feel like the silly edits I do really help emphasize my understanding of what it takes to make something look like the style, and my little journey into making fake screenshots/"canon" screenshots is a big part of how I've learned to draw in SU style!!!
That's all I have for y'all, make all the SU art in the world!! 2025 will be the Year of Steven Universe Art!!!!
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pink-onyx-au · 11 months ago
Okay, so I won't focus so much in jasper here as it's not her turn to be theorized yet,
This photos of steven is from the start of your comic,
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There are no marks on his shoulder, making us know that the mark appeared later on, after he fused with jasper,
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This photo of onyx shows us that mark on the shoulder of the arm controled by Steven. Showing how Steven got the mark,
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This photo is EXACTLY the next after they fused, the mark looked lighter? More neon? I'm not sure, but anyway.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and apologies on all these theories.
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All theories and tear downs are very welcome! Make good ones and get them posted like this one! I love and eat them up. 🧡💕♥️
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miss-may-i · 3 months ago
Miss May I: Season 5 Part 44
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Julian: What'd you bring us out here for? It's freezing.
Isabella: Because. I think I might have found my passion.
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Isabella: Here, go in there and put this on.
Julian: A dress?
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Isabella: Look Jaspey, isn't your mommy pretty?
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Julian: Okay, so what is this about?
Isabella: Well, you're so pretty and you're having another baby, so I wanted to give you a maternity shoot. I notice you don't have any pictures of when you were pregnant with Jasper.
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Julian: No ...
Julian: I was 15. It didn't seem like something to celebrate.
Isabella: Of course it was something to celebrate. And this baby is too.
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Julian: Do you want to take some photos with your new brother or sister?
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Isabella: And that right there is our first photo!
Isabella: Wow, this photography thing is easy.
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Isabella: Julie, why do you look so sad? This is happy time.
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Julian: I just wish ...
Julian: I just wish Noah could be here.
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Jasper: Daddy?
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Julian: Yeah baby, Daddy.
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