#jasin todd
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goodoldfashionedengineer · 1 year ago
Dick: *posts a video consisting of multiple clips to social media, in which Jason is seen sitting in a chair, reading something on his phone*
Jason: *widens his eyes and leans forward, gripping one of the chair arms*
Jason: No, the fuck, he didn't?!
Jason: That's not something he would say, but fine.
Jason: *blinks a few times* *looks up* *stares at his phone again* *blinks again* *raises his eyebrows*
Jason: *lies his phone aside, grips his hair while he paces around the room, clearly suppressing a scream*
Jason: I know I sometimes turn into a masochist when it comes to reading, but this is on a new level, even for me
Tim: *walks into the frame and takes Jason's phone away*
Jason: Give me back my pho-
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petalsbleedingbeak666 · 6 months ago
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karstenasha · 1 year ago
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Jason: Just eat like normal human, you rich a**hole
Bruce: Hn.
Kiran: Language
Jason: Sorry, mother
Finish this piece a year go but forgot to post it wkwk. Based on that Batburger scene. This is a gift for my friend that love Jay and Bruce very much, that lady with horn is her OC
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fancyfade · 1 month ago
Actually I take it back re checking through the train station fight scene I don't see cass throwing any punches she's just moving around like an extra in a martial arts movie waiting to attack the hero
Which is stupid but also lends itself to this amusing headcanon: cass figured out the Lazarus resin already got handed off so she was just letting tim dick and jason try to beat each other up
Task force z is so fun then it comes to #8 and i just have to grit my teeth and cringe through it
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smittywing · 2 years ago
FicBit 6: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
In which Jason definitely does not freak out.
Jason did not have a gay freakout. Instead, he spent a few days reading up on sexuality. Treatises, studies, popular fiction. He remembered liking girls before he’d died but then he’d only been fifteen and it was hard to differentiate what specific part of “everything” was causing that minute’s uncomfortable state. 
Sleeping together had been Talia’s idea; he hadn’t even thought about it, but at the time it seemed like a perfect, “Fuck you” to Bruce. 
Not, he realized, like a closeness he’d wanted to share with Talia. No. A big old Fuck Bruce. He probably shouldn’t parse that one too closely either.
There was Essence, Isabel, and Artemis, and they had all counted. Again, he realized uncomfortably, he wasn’t usually the one pushing for intimacy. He could be a flirt and he’d definitely dropped enough hints to Artemis until she took pity on him - no.  It wasn’t like that. He wasn’t sure what it was like, but it had been mutual. But she had left, and he had come home, and now he was here in Gotham with a crush on a guy he usually referred to as his brother.
Another can of worms but one less fraught than the others. Bruce thought of them as brothers. Dick thought of them as brothers. Jason and Tim hadn’t met until Tim was sixteen and Jason nineteen and well, that had a rocky start. They’d never lived together, they’d never really worked together until Mother and their months-long trek through the Middle East. 
Roy felt more like a brother than Tim, so Jason called him.
“What’s going on?” Roy asked.  
Jason hesitated, then blurted out, “I think I like Tim.”
“Tim Drake?” Roy asked.
“Yes,” Jason admitted.
“I mean. Most people do, dude. I know you’re pissed about him taking the Robin suit but you were AWOL for like - “
“No,” Jason interrupted. “I mean I think I like him. Like. Like him, like him.”
“Like want to make out with him?” Roy clarified.
“Yes. One hundred percent.”
“So…what’s stopping you?”
“Uh, mostly that he has a boyfriend. But don’t you find it kind of weird? That I’m suddenly into guys?”
“I mean, most of us experimented as kids, right? You never really got to do that so you’re doing it now. I’d kiss you but honestly how many of Dick’s exes do you want to score with?”
“Stop,” Jason ordered. “I don’t want to hear any more. And I didn’t score with any of Dick’s exes, We all crushed on Barbara. It was tradition.”
“I was talking about Kori,” Roy teased.
“Oh. Right. I never actually slept with Kori,” Jason admitted. “I just said I did so you wouldn’t hit on her.”
“And look how well that worked out.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Jasin was doing a little light Tim stalking around the marina. 
Seriously, Timbourine, what was the point of arming the boat like the BatCave only to sit out on the deck canoodling with your boyfriend?  Cannon Fodder was sitting between Tim’s legs, Tim’s arms around him, head tilted back on Tim’s shoulder. Jason felt a little green around the edges and this time he couldn’t blame it on the Pit.
He wasn’t going to *do* anything and he wasn’t going to *say* anything but then someone landed, featherlight, on the roof behind him and how had he failed to clock Dickie a building away.
“What are you doing?” Nightwing asked without much of a question in his voice. “What is going on with you? Are you stalking Tim?”
“No,” Jason said defensively. “I’m just. Looking out for him. Since he’s clearly not paying attention to anything.”
“Oh, you think not?” Dick said,because apparently something was happening over Jason’s shoulder. He whirled around with a little too much alacrity.
Tim was kissing Cannon Fodder goodbye at the edge of the boat and he definitely had one eye on the rooftops. Jason blamed Dick.
Dick gestured to Tim, who turned around and went below decks, and then rested a heavy hand on Jason’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on,” he said softly, which made everything Jason was feeling a thousand times worse. “But I’m going to guess and it’s up to you how wrong this guess is going to wind up.”
Jason sighed and turned away from the sightline of the boat. “So it turns out the guy I didn’t know I liked is in a disgustingly cute relationship and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that.”
He didn’t look at Dick’s face. There was nothing there he wanted to see.
“Tim’s happy right now,” Dick said. “You have no idea how happy.”
Jason had some idea. He had seen the smile on Tim’s face when he mentioned Cannon Fodder and he had heard the fondness on Tim’s face when Cannon Fodder came up.
“Oh, calm your tits,” Jason said. “I’m not gonna go beat up his little boyfriend.”
“That was, somehow, not even what I was going to worry about.” Dick sounded rueful. “I know things have been rough between you two and I want them to get better. But butting in on his relationship is not going to help. Maybe.” Dick sighed. “Maybe if this runs its course and you still feel…like you feel…maybe then you could ask him out. You gotta stop stalking him, though.”
“I’m not stalking him,” Jason said even though that was very much how he would have described his actions before Dick touched down. 
“Hey,” a third voice interrupted. Tim. Glorious. “Dick, I got this.”
“Nothing to get,” Dick said lightly. “Just checking in on our little bro.”
“Appreciate it, but I’m good,” Tim said and did the bro hug thing with Dick. He was in the Robin uniform this time and it was strange to see him back in it after so long.
“All right,” Dick said. “I’m here if you need anything.” He grappled away with a warning glare at Jason.
Jason absolutely did not scuff his foot on the roof he and Tim were standing on. Absolutely not.
“You want to talk about it?” Tim offered.
“Nothing to talk about,” Jason said stubbornly. 
“Yeah,” Tim agreed. “That’s what I said, too. So you want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Jason reached for his hood and tried to put it on one-handed. He was usually better at that.
“I kissed you. And you kissed me back. And it was really good.”
“It was all right,” Jason conceded.
Tim grinned. “I guess,” he said. “Listen. I know it’s weird. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m with Bernard and I’m happy with him. But if I wasn’t, things would be…different.”
“Different how?” Jason gave up on putting on the hood. Hiding wasn’t an option right now.
Tim shrugged. “Maybe we’d do it again,” he said. “Maybe we wouldn’t. But um. I would probably want to.”
Tim wanted to.
“It’s never felt like that before,” Jason admitted hoarsely. “Never.” He finally lifted his eyes to look Tim square in the face. Tim looked sad, a little wistful and Jason took a step toward him.
“I can’t,” Tim said, but he didn’t back away.
“Why not?”
“You know why not.”
“What if?” Jason asked through a mouth as dry as the deserts of Qrac, “I don’t ever feel like this again?”
“You will,” Tim says after a moment.  “It might - I don’t know.  I don’t know what else is out there for you, Jason.  I don’t.  But I can’t be the only possible one for you.”
Because that would make him, Jason, the only possible one for Tim in exchange, Jason realized, and there was Cannon Fodder who lit up Tim’s eyes like sunshine.
“Yeah,” Jason agreed, even though he couldn’t fathom ever wanting anyone else.
“I know it hurts,” Tim said.  His smile was sad.  “I’ve been there.”
The SuperClone, Jason assumed. He didn’t ask. If Tim had felt even half the longing Jason did now, and he was happy now with Cannon Fodder, well.  Jason could be happy, too.
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shinedownmerch · 2 years ago
Shinedown Merch
Shinedown is an American rock band from Jacksonville, Florida formed by singer Brent Smith in 2001 after the dissolution of his previous band. Smith, still under contract with record label Atlantic Records, recruited the band's original lineup of Jasin Todd as guitarist, Brad Stewart on bass, and Barry Kerch on drums. Buy Shinedown Merch Here!
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#shinedownmerch #shinedownmerchandise
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cakegatedisaster · 1 year ago
Thoughts on this version of jasin todd
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MANY thoughts
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tomsmusictaste · 3 years ago
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Shinedown // Second Chance
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bitter-hibiscus · 1 year ago
This is set after Countdown but before the events of Red Lanterns, Guardians of the Universe and RHATO
When Dick, currently Batman, tries to get Jason willingly hands himself over to protect Scarlet, I was thinking "hey, what happened to Sasha?" (I know she comes back on convergence but shhh) so I thought maybe Dick found her after Jason got arrested and found her a proper foster family, and when Jason escapes he confronts Dick and the knowledge that Dick took Sasha away from him, the girl he basically saw as a daughter and was the only person he had at the time, it fills him with so much rage and betrayal that he accepts the power of the red ring without even thinking about it, his only thoughts being about making Dick pay for taking Sasha from him etc etc
When he goes through the indocrination, it fails, and Atrocitus does that thing he says he did in Red Lanterns and "discards" Jason in the Ysmault Valley. Except Jason is Jason and therefore refuses to die. He stays hidden there, hidden and barely aware of himself because sometimes red lanterns are so consumed by their anger that they completely lose the ability to think and speak properly, for years. No one on earth knows where he is.
Bruce is already back from the timestream when Kyle finds him, completely by accident. He was lost in Ysmault after a battle (which he won!) and is attacked by a feral red lantern. He manages toknock out said red lantern, and when he takes off their mask, he realizes he just foubd presumably-dead-twice-over Jason Todd!
Kyle, scared of Jason's mental state and knowing Bruce would Not make it any better, stays in Ysmault without telling anyone why he's there for weeks in an attempt to at the very least help Jason gain control of his rage. This development would be/will be most of the fic's content. This is, of course, where Jason and Kyle fall in love with each other again, because the Thing they had during Countdown didn't fully die.
It works, and Kyle finally deems Jason okay to return to Earth. Jasin attacks Dick and Bruce On Sight. Despite that, they're still willing to help him control himself fully. On Earth, Jason finally recieves the support he should've gotten from his family years ago, and he and Kyle start dating again, until Jason has actual hope that he'll get better, and it frees him from the control of the red ring.
Its very Jason-centric and will probably be the biggest fic I'll ever write, but I think it could be really cool! I'm still not That knowledgeable on Red Lantern lore, but I'm doing research rn and hopefully in a couple of weeks at most I'll have the whole fic planned out chapter by chapter so I can start writing it!
Im having jaykyle fic thoughts but i have NO ONE TO SHARE THEM WITH do u want to hear abt them /nf
Hey! Sorry if I took a while to answer back. I’m always down for more jaykyle content so please
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suicidal-demonn-blog · 7 years ago
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kuromitos · 2 years ago
Another random thing in my head.
Robin!Jason Todd having a secret relationship with a civilian.
At the end of their patrol, he says he wants to look a bit longer but he's swinging by their bedroom window and checking in on them. Brings flowers to them on the week's anniversary (because you can't tell me jason todd wouldn't celebrate a week's anniversary with his s/o.) Sneak them love letters when he gets there too late cause he doesn't want to wake them up. (uωu*)
He thought he was so smart and secretive that batman never noticed when, in reality, batman has known about it for at least a month of the relationship. He never said anything about it cause he saw how happy it made him.
Angst bonus:
When Jason died, it was batman that had to tell the civilian about his passing and was there to comfort them.
And the day before jasin died, he was going to tell them about his secret identity. As a way to say he loved them. (。・´д`・。)
That's all I got. Bye for now! (^з^)-☆
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gotham-trash · 6 years ago
The last one tho:')
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Robins - Pokemon style
(Not mine)
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mylonelycompanion · 3 years ago
Just your daily reminder that Jasin Todd has done nothing wrong, ever, in his entire life.
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ao3feed-birdflash · 5 years ago
by kon_anima
jasin, 12:44 A.M. “u up?”
Wallmart, 12:50 A.M. “Unfortunately.”
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Wally West, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson (mentioned)
Relationships: Jason Todd/Wally West, past dick grayson/wally west
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Sex, Fuckbuddies, Friends With Benefits, except one of them catches feelings, Hurt No Comfort, my drug of choice is rarepairs, Dick Grayson is Ric Grayson, jason’s a buckfoy and wally’s tryna mend the hole in his heart now that dick is ric, It doesn’t end well, bc jay doesn’t do feelings and wally is v sad, PWP without Porn, Casual Sex
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tomsmusictaste · 3 years ago
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If I told you that you're not alone, and I showed you this is where you belong
Shinedown // Unity
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earpeeler · 8 years ago
Thunder Underground – Ep105 Jasin Todd (ex Shinedown) w/ Trista Mabry (Bang Bang) In this episode we are joined by Jasin Todd and Trista Mabry. Jasin and Trista talk to us about their acoustic shows, new music coming in 2017 from the duo, as well as new music from Trista’s Bang Bang project, and Jasin’s fantastic new band Vanilla Women.
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