#james potter is a good person
aalyre · 2 years
okay listen i have a crimson rivers analysis,,
basically, i noticed something between James’ and Reg’s behavior when promising not to volunteer for e/o and the outcome of the reaping
First of all I wanna go back on a few character traits of both James and Regulus:
James is someone who is very right and very honest and, as zar said, he really values being a good person and being honest is part of this. promises matter to him on a high level because it is directly linked to honesty and honesty is directly linked to good and he needs to be good. He also needs to see good in others (ex: Peter)
Now reg isn’t that attached to the idea of being good and he doesn’t even believe himself to be which makes lying way easier as well as way more natural for him. He’s also spent a good part of his life playing pretend and ig we could say he’s gotten used to the feeling of lying by now, at least a bit.
My second parallel is their behavior when promising to each other. It’s said in the text that reg has to carve the promise out of James.
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It’s pretty explicitly stated that it’s extremely hard for james to promise this to reg and that reg has to fight and insist to get the promise
On the other hand it’s really easy for reg to promise back
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Like James just had to ask and he’s like "yeah okay i promise" and ofc it’s hard for him too but James doesn’t have to insist one bit for it. Of course it could be just because regulus knows that it has to go both ways and my whole analysis could be very wrong BUT when I read that passage it really hit me how easy it was one way and how hard it was the other when for james and Sirius, it was hard both ways.
So here’s my theory: as said before promises matter to james and he would never break one without being forced to, hence why it is so complicated to get him to promise. because once he’s said it, he has to keep it. James promised reg not to volunteer and he wouldn’t have, at least not in a planned way. And he believed regulus wouldn’t either because as I’ve said, he needs to see the good in people and he’s only ever been able to see the good in regulus.
For regulus on the other side, it’s fairly simple since he knows he doesn’t mean it. He tells James he knew he would volunteer for him since the rule announcement so he knew at that point too.
It’s also regulus who brought up the topic of "you can’t volunteer for me”
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Because he needs James to promise him. He cant have James be in the arena in his stead because then he couldn’t possibly volunteer for him.
What I’m trying to say is that regulus knew James would mean it and wouldn’t break his promise (in a planned way) he knew that if he got the promise he wouldn’t have to worry about James deciding to volunteer for him. He used James’ honestly and how important honesty is for him to get an unreturned promise out of him, and yes he promised too but it was a lie and he knew it. He promised knowing very well he was lying. He used the fact that James couldn’t lie to, in the end, get a promise from him, one that he didn’t have to return simply bc he’s more comfortable with lying.
And don’t get me wrong, i love regulus I adore him and I kinda get why he’d do that because HES IN LOVE AND HE CARES FOR JAMES MORE THAN HE CARES FOR HIMSELF and like yeah ik the feeling BUT i think that also maybe explains a bit of why James is so mad like ik zar said he was so mad bc he felt too much but idk for me it’s not just about the lying or the potentially losing regulus. For me it’s also about having his goodness being used (again) and by one of the people he loves the most, and if he might even not be aware of it bc obv he does feel too much and can’t put his feelings in order, but I think it’s still in there somewhere mixed up with all the rest.
i hope everyone will have/is having/had an absolutely great day. Don’t forget to drink and rest and ily all :33
(Also pls ignore the potential typos and grammar mistakes and yes my first tumblr post is a way too long one)
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james potter’s OG Hoes™️ (some of them ain’t loyal)
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close ups and the sketch bc i like it a lot:
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic june 20 - response - 2623 words - nsfw content!
about love against all odds feat. injury related prematurely retired football player james that settled and raised a son and international football star regulus
for regulus pencil mustache truther @veryinnovative, my football (players) loving wife @rottin6 and my number 1 enabler @itmeanssungod
James is kneeling behind Harry on a picnic blanket with Lily when their last guests arrive. “There they are!” Sirius’ voice carries easily over the meadow and just as expected a few seconds later there’s a big, black scrub of a panting dog in front of them, curious to see what Harry and James are up to, which is flying a kite. 
“Oh my God– Hi!” Lily says, getting up. Which is a bit enthusiastic for the fact that they’ve seen Sirius and Remus only last weekend and should have been James’ first clue. Though, admittedly, he was a bit busy angling the kite and also angling Harry’s face away from Padfoot’s butt to avoid suffocation.
“Moony couldn’t make it today unfortunately,” Sirius says, closer now, “but I’ve brought substitution.”
James isn’t proud of the way his entire upper body whips around, Harry included, who lets out a small yelp at the sudden motion. “Sorry, mate. Sorry. I’m—”
Lily is already there to take over, nudging James to get up who’s working very hard on closing his jaw and not staring like an idiot.
Because standing there besides his brother is Regulus. Hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks, paired with a simple back t-shirt and green Adidas trainers. He does not look like he belongs onto a colourful picnic blanket in a park in London yet there he is.
He’s sporting a pencil stach now. Regulus had been convinced Sirius had already used up all the genetic material for pronounced body hair on the first way around, leaving behind very little for his younger brother. James, being on the hairier side as well, used to tease him about it endlessly back when they were in school. But it seemed to develop now in his late twenties. James has only seen it on the TV in a few matches and on one or two instagram posts but the real deal is even worse. Regulus looks criminally hot with it. The whole picture of lithe muscle, strong quads and stronger calves, curly hair, the occasional tattoo. He’s every young heterosexual woman’s wet european football boyfriend dream and James’ gut is swooping.
“Hi, James,” Regulus responds, much more articulated, sporting a hint of a smirk. 
Oh, he— “Bastard,” James mutters, low enough so Harry behind him won’t hear and then he’s grinning and yanking Regulus into a firm hug.
They all have a late lunch together at a nearby restaurant and Regulus is patiently letting Harry talk his ears off about Ninjago and preschool and Ron and Moine. Lily is taking him over the weekend and James bids his goodbye with a loud smooch to his son’s cheek. 
And just as James is about to invent a crazy, elaborate story about how he has something back at his house he’d meant to show Regulus for ages without making it interesting enough for Sirius to tag along, this one simply taps two fingers against his eyebrow in a mock salute before making his way in the other direction, Padfoot trotting along dutifully. “Why do you think I hid him from you all Thursday? Have fun, kids!”
Regulus groans pathetically and turns to hide his face into James’ shoulder.
“I told you we can’t keep it a secret from him forever. He probably knew all along,” James chuckles and takes Regulus’ duffel, “C’mon, love.”
It starts in the elevator up, is a wonder they make it past the hallway and into the bedroom. It’s very much overdue and heated and desperate all the way through. 
James might or might not have pinned Regulus one too many times into the mattress and offhandedly commented something along the line’s of Regulus being his and cuffing him to the bed if he needs to. And it’d worked because Regulus had moaned so prettily, eyelids fluttering and hips bucking, cock twitching and all James could think about then was where’s the fucking lube.
Saying that, he doesn’t quite expect Regulus to bring it up after the fact.
James is absolutely blissed out, breathing only just levelling out as he traces the shape of Regulus’ kiss bitten lips.
“You know I can’t stay, Jamie.”
He shrugs easily, kneading Regulus’ muscled thigh where it’s slung over his hip, “We’ll come with you then.”
“To Portugal?” Regulus’ eyebrows rise as he props himself on his elbow, his tone flat. “And then to France in a couple of months when I switch clubs? I don’t think that’s such a good idea given Harry is five.”
“Au contraire—”
Regulus rolls his eyes and slaps him on the naked shoulder. “Moving every few years? And during the nationals not to mention,” he tucks an errant strand of hair back from James’ forehead, “Multiple continents, who knows which timezone. That’s no life for a child, James. And I haven’t even brought up Lily yet. She’s just as much part of his life as you are and it works out wonderfully for the time being with you two living so close. It’s what Harry deserves.”
And deep down James knows Regulus is right. And if he’s completely honest with himself, it isn’t the life he truly wants for himself either. That’s why he’s here and Regulus is out there. James knows it isn’t what’s best for Harry nor for himself and yet. And yet no matter how many times they have this conversation it seems endlessly irrelevant when Regulus is looking down at him this way. The shine of the sunset through the window is catching in his pillow mussed curls, in the dark lashes framing his blue silver eyes and rivalling the flush of his skin with its own red hue and James thinks Regulus looks like home. Like anything he could still want in life besides what precious he already has.
James heaves a heavy sigh and hungrily swerves his eyes over every single of Regulus’ features, committing them to memory. Because that’s all that’s gonna stay when Regulus inevitably leaves again. But that’s not what James wants to think about right now though.
“Shut up,” James replies happily and pulls Regulus in by the back of his nape before his indignant expression can even fully form. Every single one of Regulus’ helpless sounds get swallowed eagerly and filed away for later. For a moment James is tempted to ask Regulus if he can get out his phone and record but he thinks better of it.
They have sex for hours. 
James sucks all coherency out of Regulus through his cock and then fucks him so stupid, legs spread and pushed into the mattress, spit pooling out of the corner of his mouth, tears wetting his cheeks, cum smearing across his stomach, that he gets him to promise to stay. It’s futile and just a heat of the moment thing but it drives James so wild he almost blacks out when he eventually spills deep inside of him. There’s black dots and stars dancing in his vision when he watches it leak back out of Regulus’ puffy hole and a strange sense of satisfaction and dread mixing in his belly. 
After a quick entangled and still very much nude power nap James arranges them a platter of fruit and crackers and cheeses. They shower and James changes the sheets only for Regulus to prop himself up on his side and watch intently as he edges James until he’s the one whining and crying. He’s using ridiculous amounts of lube, his hand is so warm and slick and squeezing just right and his thumb is swiping teasingly along the slit exactly how it makes James go insane and then he’s taking his hand away and James curses, already feeling another tear running down his cheek. His thighs are trembling, his knuckles turning white where he’s clinging to the headboard. Regulus is staring at him out of lidded, expectant eyes and James’ dick is aching and it’s all so sick and hot James has to bite his tongue hard not to tell Regulus he loves him right then and there. 
He’s shown mercy, at last. Regulus makes him cum down his throat and over his face, there’s milky white running down the side of Regulus nose and James pulls him in with shaky arms for a downright nasty kiss.
They sleep until 2pm the next day and have a lovely, slow day bickering in the grocery store isles, preparing dinner together and not at all watching the movie that’s on the TV while they make out and frot on the couch like teenagers. Like back when they were teenagers. 
Sunday morning Lily brings Harry before she’s heading out to brunch with her FLINTA boxing club and James’ heart riots in his chest when he watches how easily and adorably Regulus and Harry interact. 
They meet up with Sirius and then drive Regulus to the airport together.
Goodbye is a bumpy thing. Harry is pure popcorn caramel sweetness between Regulus’ knees when he crouches down to hug him and James’ embrace, he knows, is much longer than socially acceptable. He vaguely notices Sirius distracting Harry, babbling to him about the stuffed toy assortment from a nearby shop as Regulus and James hold onto each other like they’re in a long distance relationship and not…well, whatever it is they can afford to be with Regulus visiting the country about three to five times a year.
There’s a fist clenched in the soft material of his t-shirt and James buries his nose in the curls of Regulus’ temple and inhales deeply. A spot he’s going to see sweat soaked on a flat screen and not getting to smell or touch or kiss for the unforeseeable future. At least that’s what he thinks for now.
Eventually they part and after a strong, swaying hug from Sirius and a few words about making him proud out on the field and seeing that physiotherapist about his shoulder and a safe flight Regulus is gradually disappearing into the distance with the grating velocity of your standard airport escalator. James doesn’t know who thought it was a good idea to be able to watch a loved one slip through your fingers at this agonising tempo but he’d like to have a word with them. His heart clenches in his chest, his lip already feels raw from worrying it with his teeth and James thinks, the warm weight of his son pressed to his chest, that, even though it might not seem that way, Harry is probably more holding him right now than the other way around.
And life’s a funny thing sometimes. 
Because, like every time when Regulus bids his goodbye, leaving behind not exactly shards but rather yet another pin in James’ heart, wrapped around by a red string Regulus indisputably, invariably takes along across the ocean every time, it bleeds and burns and burns so badly that they get ice cream. Sirius slaps him between the shoulder blades, pays for his chocolate mint and hazelnut, tells him he’s such a dad for his choice and, together with Harry, tries distracting him as best as he can manage. 
And so begins a week of moping and then one and a half of delusion and overcompensation, full of fun trips and adventures, and then another few of avoidance, full of social media free zones and grinding through work and scheduling all kinds of appointments to fill their freetime until—
Until one day he can’t avoid it anymore.
A bright, blinking LED sign in the form of an incoming call on his phone screen that’s making James’ heart stutter in his chest. He’s just sat back down in front of his computer in his home study after lunch break and started wiggling an USB stick into a port when the vibrations had made his head shoot up.
It’s just the three letters of Reg and a silly photo of when he was seventeen, pulling a face at James taking a picture of him on his digital camera.
Regulus never calls.
James isn’t sure he’s breathing.
It’s barely been about two months, not close to visiting time again, and Regulus usually never calls so James sits there absolutely dumbstruck and convinced the universe is pulling a sick joke on him.
The call ends abruptly and James blinks harshly. He fumbles for his phone and clicks into his call history. Incoming call from Reg in red font, signalising it’s been missed, followed by the exact time of the day it is at the moment. 
James presses on the little phone icon.
It only rings once before there’s a voice on the other side of the line.
“James?” Regulus sounds slightly breathless. James hasn’t heard his voice over the line in about seven years.
“Yeah?” James says back. His heart is pounding in his chest, his blood rushing in his ears. Then James realises he should probably say something more. “Err, Hi. I’m—” he sighs, clicks his tongue, clears his throat, tries again. “Did you just call me?” “Hi,” Regulus says back, still breathless and it sort of sounds like he’s smiling. James blinks again. “Yeah, yeah. I did call.”
“Oh,” James makes. His heart does a little spin in his chest. “Uh, what’s up?”
“I’m coming to England,” Regulus declares, giggling. James’ heart tries to leap out of his chest at the sound.
“Cool, cool. You got another away game?” He winces, closes his eyes, “Sorry, I haven’t been keeping up with your matches lately.”
“No, James, I’m– wait. Okay, rude, first of all—”
James snorts and rolls his eyes, now grinning against the phone as well. “Sue a guy for being heartbroken.”
“Yeah, I just might,” Regulus quips. “But…what I was initially going to say is, No, James, I’m not having an away game in England.”
“No?” James asks, confused. Nationals are still a while away so that can’t be it.
“No. I’m having a home game in England,” and James wonders how something so soft spoken can pack such an ear-ringing gutpunch.
“I’m— Regulus, what,” James stands up, his chair loudly scraping against the hardwood floor. “Are you saying…”
A single chuckle works its way out of Regulus and over the line to James, “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”
James’ heart is sprinting away from him. He’s sweating. His breath is coming faster and he feels like he should run a lap around the property. Or six. “Regs, love, please spell it out for me because I’m not entirely sure I just hallucinated what you—”
“Arsenal made me an offer,” Regulus says and James hears angels singing in the background, “A better one.”
“Oh, fucking Christ,” James pinches the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead, “Reg, I swear to God if you’re joking right now I’m personally flying over and—”
An exasperated noise, grin evident in his voice nonetheless, “I’m being honest, James, God’s sake. You can fucking look it up online, they probably already posted about it.”
A breath punches out of James, he sinks back down into his desk chair. There’s a polaroid of him and Regulus from Halloween a few years back, alien and a scientist. It was a fucking mess scrubbing all that green paint off again and it didn’t help that Regulus abandoned his sponge in favor of grabbing at James’ hardness through his briefs. It had been the first night they kissed since they were teenagers. 
With a sudden clarity, all the tension floods out of James’ body with a slightly delirious laugh and he leans his cheek into the warmed glass of his phone screen, “You’re coming home.”
Regulus sounds equally giddy, equally drunk on love and fate. “Yeah, Jamie, I’m coming home.”
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wolvesandshine · 5 months
Regulus: I don’t need to be loved I need to be feared
Sirius: Amen
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padfootastic · 1 year
my sirius & harry thought of the day:
harry kept that firebolt alive for all 137 years of his remaining life through sheer willpower and magical strength. he did not let a single twig of it die off. not only was he absolutely unhinged about taking care of it, not letting anyone near it after 5th year, but he also basically single-handedly reinvented the field of broom-crafting just so he could keep his godfather’s gift to him alive. he didn’t do anything with this skill, basically driving everywhere who knew him spare bc !!! ‘harry do u know what u just did? most brooms don’t last over 6-7 years, not even a fraction of that if used at the pace and frequency as u. if u could just—‘
and he just flat out shuts them up bc how does he tell them that the reason his firebolt is still alive is bc sirius’ love runs thru it and harry would die himself before he let it bc he can’t lose the last piece of sirius he has left. he cannot perform this miracle on any other broom, tho he can probably make the single best non-sirius-gifted broom that the WW has ever seen just bc of how extensive his knowledge is now
and the thing, right, is he doesn’t keep the firebolt locked up in some display like some artefact. sirius would’ve never wanted that. his dad would’ve hated it. brooms were meant to be flown. so fly, he does. wonderfully. it’s forever his primary broom and he puts it thru all the paces, keeping up with all sorts of newer, flashier, pro models w utter ease.
it’s like this: when he uses this firebolt, it feels like perhaps he has his godfather back for just a second. and harry is forever weak to that feeling.
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
Headcanon/au but imagine that the reason Lily got together with James was actually to make Severus jealous
In all the Severus and Lily interactions, she's the one who blushes when he's all intense. Not him. Obviously he relaxes and calms down when she assures him she has no interest in James Potter but that's very different to outright blushing. It's easier to assume Lily had a crush on him, while Severus's love could have been platonic.
And it genuinely seems so strange that out of all the people Lily fell for, it was James. He had a crush on her (okay, an obsession really) but she had no interest in him. Yes, I know apparently she liked him back after he "matured"- but that comes from Sirius and Remus, who have never been fully honest about Severus. And Sirius, for some reason, specifically points out that James didn't hex Severus in front of Lily, and while he isn't fully honest, the fact that this detail is specific means it may be true. Meaning that James specifically avoided targeting Severus in front of Lily. Meaning that she cared about Severus still to the point that he didn't want her to know he was still targeting Severus (and here's James being all good and noble lying to his partner instead of just being nice to someone she still cares about).
So imagine that the reason she got with James at all, the worst enemy of someone she still cared about (note that she never said she didn't like Severus, only that they chose different paths. For all we know, she could have also still loved him, yet couldn't support his decision, for good reason), is because she specifically was trying to make Severus jealous.
Think about it. Talking to Severus doesn't work. She knows this. She knows how much Severus does care about her. And she obviously had to have seen at least one person do this to their ex or something. So she decided that the only way to get Severus to come back of his own will was to make him so jealous he came back.
What she didn't count on were two things: 1) he loved her enough to finally do what she wanted, and leave her alone, and was going to respect that regardless of how he felt and 2) she was starting to actually fall for James
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addsalwayssick · 6 months
“well if you like james potter you don’t know anything about canon and-“
womp womp get over yourself grow up
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engie-ivy · 1 year
(I don't write from Sirius' perspective often, mostly prefer writing Remus being smitten with Sirius😋, but I couldn't resist some Padfoot & Prongs friendship! Of course Sirius and Remus are still smitten with each other😉)
1675 words.
Sirius hates waking up early. Sirius definitely hates being woken up early to talk about Remus' bloody ex. But the tea James brings might just be worth getting up early for...
Morning Tea
Sirius is still half asleep when he opens the door, wearing the old sweater he threw on when he heard the knocking, bleary eyed and his hair sticking up in all directions.
“Morning!” James says cheerfully, wearing a crisp button-down and big sunglasses, carrying two paper cups with steam coming from them. He looks fresh and awake, and much, much too cheerful, because of course James Potter is a Morning Person.
“Wha-?” Sirius says groggily.
James is already walking past him into Sirius’ apartment, shoving one of the cups in Sirius’ hand in the process. “I’ve got some tea for you that needs to be served while it’s hot!”
Sirius sniffs the cup. “This is coffee.”
James turns back around in the hallway and looks at Sirius from over the top of his sunglasses. “Metaphorical tea, Padfoot, metaphorical tea.”
When Sirius steps into his kitchen, James is already sitting at the table.
“So,” James begins the moment Sirius sits down. “Lily came over for dinner yesterday-”
“Right. How was she? Has she-”
“Not important right now,” James cuts him off. “Come on, Padfoot, focus!”
Deciding that staying silent is probably the best approach, Sirius takes a careful sip from his coffee.
“So, Lily came over, and she told me she had spent the day at Marlene’s,” James continues. “And as she was there, Mary dropped by to return some shirt she had borrowed from Marlene, and Lily said that Mary then had quite the story to tell them!”
James’ eyes sparkle with excitement, and Sirius begins to feel something approaching curiosity through the fog of sleepiness.
“Mary had a Pilates class the other day, and afterwards, she and Amelia- you know that Mary takes Pilates classes with Amelia, right?- well, she and Amelia went to get coffee afterwards.”
Sirius does his best to keep track of it all. Lily, who was at Marlene’s with Mary, who had Pilates class, and then coffee, with Amelia, and- who the hell even is Amelia? The name sounds vaguely familiar, but as James does not seem to appreciate questions interrupting his story, Sirius decides to just wait to see where he’s going with it.
“Now Amelia was meeting her brother later, so while Mary was having coffee with her, at some point Edgar actually joined them.”
Of course, that’s how they know Amelia. She’s Edgar’s sister. And Sirius definitely remembers Edgar. Remus’ ex.
“Edgar,” Sirius says in a slightly-trying-too-hard-to-be-casual voice. “How is he?”
The look James gives him lets Sirius know he’s not fooled. James doesn’t comment on it, though. “He’s good,” he replies. “Mary mentioned to him that she actually hadn’t talked to him since the break-up.”
That seems obvious to Sirius. And perfectly fine. Remus was their only connection to Edgar. The last thing he needs is Edgar coming back into their lives. Coming back into Remus’ life.
“So Mary asked him why they broke up, you know, because we’ve never heard his side of the story.”
“Who cares about his side of the story?” Sirius snaps. “We’re Remus’ friends, not Edgar’s. Remus’ side is our side.”
“Of course, of course,” James says, holding up a hand placatingly. “But Remus hasn’t been telling us much, now has he? He doesn’t really talk about the break-up.”
“He said they wanted different things,” Sirius replies curtly. Good enough an explanation for him. He’s fine with not talking about it further. He’s fine with pretending the whole Edgar-saga didn’t happen.
“That can mean a lot of things,” James says, and then he seems to suddenly remember something. “And do you know what Marlene said Dorcas told her? The other week, the Art History group organised some beginning-of-the-semester drinks that she and Remus both went to, and you know what Dorcas is like when she gets tipsy, the girl has no filter. She kept pestering Remus about what exactly had happened between him and Edgar, wouldn’t let it go, and eventually, Remus told her to drop it, because it was something he did not want to talk about!”
James looks at Sirius expectantly, like he’s supposed to be baffled by this revelation.
Sirius just blinks at him.
James sighs. “Don’t you see, Padfoot? That proves there’s more to the story than what Remus has been telling us!”
“Fine,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes. “Let’s hear it then. What did Edgar have to say?”
“Well, having heard this story from Dorcas, Mary wanted-”
“I thought she heard the story from Marlene?”
“Lily told me that Marlene told her about the party while Mary was there, yes,” James says, sounding like a parent explaining something to their child for the tenth time and trying, unsuccessfully, to hide their exasperation. “But Mary had already heard about it before from Dorcas, so she already knew about Remus’ evasiveness while she was talking to Edgar, while Lily didn’t hear about Dorcas’ chat with Remus until Marlene told the story, which she only did because Mary was telling her story about her chat with Edgar.”
Sirius isn’t even gonna try. It’s too damn early for this, especially before he’s even finished his first cup of coffee.
“So like I said,” James continues. “Mary knew there’s something about the break-up Remus has been keeping from us, and she wanted to know what Edgar had to say,” James leans forward over the kitchen table with a big smile on his face. “And guess what Edgar said about why he broke up with Remus?”
“He finally realized Remus is much too good for him and he doesn’t deserve him?” Sirius offers.
James’ smile just grows. “Even better. He said they broke up because... Remus was clearly already in love with his friend!” James sits back on his chair crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Sirius with a triumphant grin.
Sirius tries his best to keep his face neutral and ignore the somersaults his stomach is making. “Remus has a lot of friends,” he says, in what he hopes is a calm voice, not meeting James’ gaze, choosing instead to focus on pulling at a loose thread at the sleeve of his sweater.
James rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay. I’ll play along and I’ll give you that one. Remus does have a lot of friends. But lucky for us, Mary is like a dog with a bone, and she wasn’t just going to drop it. So she asked Edgar what made him think that, to which Edgar replied, and I quote,” James thinks about it for a moment, and then corrects “Well, I quote Lily, who quoted Mary, who quoted Edgar, but still, I quote ‘when we went to his friend’s piano recital, Remus was looking at him with so much fondness, he never looked at me like that, and at Remus’ dissertation, Remus met his gaze every time he got nervous and he was the first person Remus ran up to and hugged after he got his doctorate, and at Lily’s party, from the moment he got there, it was like Remus didn’t notice anyone else in the room anymore’. So,” James says smugly. “Tell me, how many friends does Remus have who play piano recitals, were the first one to hug Dr Lupin, and arrived a bit late at Lily’s party?”
“One,” Sirius mumbles, still focused on the loose thread hanging from his sleeve, feeling his cheeks heat up.
“And that is...”
“Me,” Sirius replies, then he lifts his head to look at James. “But still Prongs! That’s just Edgar’s perception! Maybe he’s overly jealous, or completely paranoid, and seeing things that aren’t there. Those things don’t have to be true!”
“But they are true!” James counters. He shakes his head. “I never really thought about it before, maybe because I’m used to it, but you are the only one Remus looks at like you’re the centre of the bloody universe, you are the face Remus always searches in the crowd, and you are the only person Remus sees whenever you enter a room!”
Sirius bites his lip. “None of that stopped him from dating Edgar in the first place.” Because Sirius hasn’t forgotten how he once before allowed himself to believe that maybe Remus felt the same way about him as he feels about Remus, and how it lead to him being completely blind-sighted when Remus started dating Edgar.
James sighs. “Maybe Remus didn’t realise his feelings before.”
The grin returns on James’ face. “Yes, after Edgar told Mary his story, Mary said she was sorry,-”
Sirius can understand that. He can’t think of anything worse ever happening to anyone than losing Remus.
“-but Edgar told her it’s fine,” James says eagerly. “He said they had a good break-up. He confronted Remus with his suspicions, and then Remus opened up to him, they had a good talk, and parted as friends.”
As Sirius stays silent, James exclaims “Remus opened up to him, Padfoot! Not Remus denied it, not Remus said he was being ridiculous, no, Remus opened up to him! That’s basically Remus admitting it’s true!”
The smile on James’ face is contagious and Sirius can feel one beginning to spread over his own face. He covers his face with his hands, but can’t hide the smile. “Prongs...”
“I know, Padfoot, I know!”
Sirius lowers his hands, grinning like an idiot. “What do I do, Prongs?”
James leans forward over the table and strokes his chin in thought. “Well, I’ve thought about it long and hard, and I’ve come up with an ingenious plan that, if executed correctly, might prove successful...”
“What’s that?” Sirius asks.
James smacks him on the head. “Ask him out, you plonker!”
“Sirius Black awake before ten?” Remus gasps in pretend-shock the moment he answers the phone. “Should I be worried?”
Sirius just loves hearing the laughter in Remus’ voice. A warm feeling spreads across his chest simply upon hearing that voice. God, he’s really got it bad, doesn’t he?
“Well, Rem,” Sirius says. “As it turns out, some things are worth waking up early for.”
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jewishregulus · 3 months
How do you headcanon regulus personality to be like? Do you feel as though James and regulus complement each other in some ways?
why yes of course! i fundamentally disagree w outwardly mean and evil regulus bc it makes no sense canonically. perhaps in an au where he separates himself from his parents and gets to be happy but regulus cares too much to be outwardly rude to people . it would impact his reputation and his families reputation like he isn’t hexing people in the hallways . he’s a professional faker (shit talks behind people’s back most definitely) and feels guilty and horrible everytime he’s plagued with an evil thought . i know many people view him as a selfish character but i think he’s fundamentally not . he puts everyone else’s wishes for him above his own . he doesn’t really exist as a person outside of his family . i do think , outside of this control, he would be sarcastic and have very dry humor , would love to read and would be very introverted but long for connection and friendship. a loner not by choice, he enjoys company but has no idea how to reach for it. i think he loves magic and magical creatures and genuinely holds a lot of love in his heart that his family disapproves of !! regulus soft black !!! not to say i think regulus doesn’t have an attitude and an edge …. i just think he has fundamentally good morals sorry! i’m a good person regulus black enjoyer i can’t help it …. of course he’s morally gray but most of the decisions he makes r caused by the life long abuse and trauma he is subject to . regulus black was suicidal as hell in those deatheater meetings the moment he turned 18 he killed himself LMFAO . i just know he was the most uncomfortable person in there at any given moment . i think vaguely threatening posh regulus is true but it is his exterior and the assumptions ppl make … and then they get to know him and realize he’s got like a little kid version of himself who holds the world with so much fascination . and it makes you sad when you realize he thinks it’s a flaw and wants to stomp it out
in this way i think he compliments james very well!! both people who really do value others and life but behave in very odd judgmental ways (regulus being a fake recluse who can’t function as a person w control over his life and opinions who is fake as hell and sarcastic whilst also having no understanding of social situations and desperate to be liked by people around him. number one peer pressure victim. 15,000 mental illnesses and a penchant for self harming behavior.) (james potter who is unfortunately consistently acting like a frat bro at any given moment : assumes everyone naturally loves him and is mostly right which does evil things for him as a person . would die for his friends but is also insufferable to be around (affectionate) . harshly judgmental to anyone who doesn’t fit into his box of what counts as a good person (which by the way regulus challenges in a way i think helps james as a character!) . looping back to the frat bro thing i think james is the type of person to throw a crazy party and convince everybody to drink and do unsafe things for the fun and when u realize u don’t have a ride home and can’t walk u are so fucking SCARED to ask to stay the night bc of his general vibes but then he ends up taking care of you and getting u pain killers and making like an awesome breakfast for the whole crew? should be the worst person you know but just beneath the surface is so much good it’s impossible to hate him.) you would never think these people would get along but then they both love quidditch and train for it like it’s their life and they are both academics with serious opinions on art and literature they would both die for even though they are often opposing . they are the first people they can have a conversation with and truly match eachothers freak on any given topic. the fundamentals of both of their characters is how much they care about life and the things inside of it . it manifests in different ways but i truly think the thesis of jegulus is that they are so much more similar than one might think outwardly , and it creates a soft intimacy between them . and also just james introducing the concept of silliness fun and happiness into regulus’ life lol!!
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loserboyfriendrjl · 28 days
James woke up to the empty bed. eyes still closed, He touched around the nightstand to find his glasses (He ought to get checked again, he felt like his current prescription was off ever so slightly) and, putting them in his nose, sat up and made his way towards the door.
Lily was standing in the bathroom, only in a pair of underwear. (The underwear that had been discarded on the floor of James’ apartment mere hours before, he thought with a grin.) She mussed her hair, and reached out to do the clasp of her bra.
“You’re out early,” He said, rubbing a hand over his 5 o’clock shadow.
“I have work,” She smiled, apologetically, as she threw her hair up and put it into a messy ponytail. “Can you help me with my bra, please? My nails won’t allow me to do it.”
He stepped behind her, thumbing at the clasp. After he heard it slip, his touch lingered on her back, letting it fall to her bared hip, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his fingers’ wake.
Then Lily’s back was pressed against the sink and their mouths were pressed together. James’ fingers tangled into her hair, sliding his tongue inside Lily’s mouth, which earned him a moan from her. His hand rested on her hip, rubbing circles into her skin, and her fingers were wrapped around his bicep.
He didn’t exactly know how they ended up back in his bedroom, his palm cupping her jaw, their bodies moving together.
And just like that, it was over; she pressed a light kiss to his cheek, picking up her black, sleeveless top and jeans off the floor. “I had fun. We should do this again sometime.”
James hummed in approval, putting his arm under his head as he lied in bed again. “We should. Whenever you want.”
Lily pulled on her top. “I’m not free Thursday, I have a team building event, and I’m not free Friday, I’m going out with my friends, so… Saturday?” She asked coyly, fastening her belt.
“Sounds good. I had practice on Friday either way. Let me drive you?” He asked, sitting up and peeling his own pair of jeans off the floor.
“I’ll Uber,” She answered, already making her way towards the door.
“It’s the least I could do.”
“After paying for dinner and…” She glanced around, biting her lip, “well.” She ended, grinning slyly.
“Come on,” He said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “It’ll take much less than waiting for a car.”
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lemongrass77777-moved · 10 months
I will never be over the fact that Lily Potter was the one who defeated Voldemort in 1981 and she was never given proper credit for it in canon. We barely even know anything about her and she was the one who defeated the snake faced bitch the first time around. It drives me insane. Lily deserved so much better than what the books ever gave her.
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marauderswolf22 · 1 year
i love the idea that everyone kisseed lily before james. imagine that, he would be absolutely pissed off lol. remus-when they were drunk-learning togheter (it's my idea and i dunno on how would it look), sirius when they would want to annoy james one time, peter when they would play truth or dare and some girl wouldn't want to kiss him (bItch) and lily would say -i can kiss you pete (yes, i stole that from anne with an e) (absolutely love this scene), and bassicly james would die in front of all of this
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
James Potter hadn't always done reasonable things in life. He had made mistakes. He had hurt people. He wasn’t always nice. And he felt ashamed of it.
As a kid, James had everything he wanted. The coolest toys, the best parents he could ask for, money, a big house with a large garden and a pool, a dog to play with, delicious food to choose from and most importantly endless love. That's what made him a bit of an asshole.
It was James's need to make friends, to make kids his age like him that made him act like a selfish twat. He bragged without noticing how others might feel. He made jokes that sometimes could hurt people's feelings. He did pranks to others that sometimes got out of hand.
For James, these things weren't wrong. He found them innocent. Just to have fun. Just to be cool. James was just a kid who wanted to have friends, be liked and have as much fun as he could.
Then James grew up and things started changing around him. He started noticing that not every kid had the luck he had. For example, Sirius, his best friend, had money and everything he wanted but horrible parents. His other friend Peter lacked of confidence because his father disappeared the moment he was born. But yet, James made those two the same way he was. It was more about forgetting about their issues while pranking, breaking the rules and having fun than actually fixing anything.
There were three things that made James open his eyes.
The first one was Remus Lupin. When he arrived, James wasn't happy. He felt threatened by how close he was of Sirius. He got a bit jealous. So he was a bit cold, even mean with Remus. It was until he found out about his past life. Remus had been made fun of, pranked and bullied by other kids his entire life for being trans. And James wondered: "Haven't I done similar things to others?"
The second one was Lily Evans and the way she had called him an arrogant bully. The way she said it wasn't like the silly insults she repeated to him after he tried to flirt with her. This time she had yelled full of rage, leaving James speechless. It had been fair since he had tried to ask her out after her father had died (although he didn't know about it at the time). James understood that the girl he fancied really hated him.
The third and more important reason happened just now, the day before New Year's when James overheard a conversation between his parents he should have never heard.
"We should not tell James for now" his father was saying "You know him. He would act as if this is serious"
"But it is serious, Monty!" Hearing his mother cry had broken his heart "We are not going to pretend you are okay because you aren't."
"Is not that I am sick, Effie. My immune system is just a bit weaker"
"Weaker? Just with a tiny fever you can actually die, Fleamont. You can bloody die and leave me alone"
The way James knew it was something awful and serious was because Euphemia cried. She was sobbing into Fleamont's chest. And Euphemia wasn't a crier. She was always strong, hiding away her emotions. So what James felt in that moment was fear. It was more like panic. Like the one he used to feel when he was little and he was afraid of the dark. His hands shook. His heart raced. He felt his skin shiver in cold.
When James returned to his room, his mind was flooding with thoughts. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe his hearing was as bad as his sight. Maybe his parents had been exaggerating. This couldn't be right. Fleamont was the strongest man he knew. Sporty and healthy. A bloody rock if you asked him. This couldn't be right.
"So, did you ask them?" Sirius asked as soon as James crossed the door.
In James's mind that question didn't make sense. It felt wrong that Sirius looked as happy as he did after those news.
"Ha?" It was all that came out of his mouth.
"Marlene confirmed she is going to some club with her brothers" Sirius said as he texted "I thought you were asking your parents if we can go"
"Not to be rude or anything but this grown up party is boring" Peter added "Plus you like the McKinnons"
"He workships them more like. Especially Adam" Sirius added with a chuckle "Wait until you see Prongs following Adam like a lost puppy, Moony"
James wasn't even listening. For the first time he wished his friends weren't around. Or any adult that was downstairs. He wanted it to be the three of them. His parents and him. So they could discuss this. And Fleamont would tell him everything would be okay.
"Are you okay, James?" Remus asked with concern when James didn't answer.
The others noticed his expression because they stopped smiling and waited to hear the bad news. But James wasn't ready to tell them. It would make it true. He didn't even know what was going on.
"I don't... I don't think... we should... go...out" James had never spoken as slowly and low as now.
"Why not?" Peter asked "You were the one to say you were bored as an oyster"
"Shut up, Wormtail!" Sirius snapped "Did something happen, James?"
James looked at Sirius. His second in command. His best friend in the world. His brother. How could he tell Sirius?.
"Yeah!" he cleared his throat before his voice broke "I mean they said no... Fleamont and Euphemia... They want us to stay"
"What? Why?" Peter pouted.
Remus kept looking at him as if he knew everything.
James shrugged, grabbing a football from the floor.
"I'm going to kick it for a while..."
"Now? It is almost midnight" Remus reasoned. James just shrugged.
"Want us to come with you?" Sirius asked with his eyebrow raised.
"No! You stay here and finish those beers" James faked a smile to calm them down. Even if he wanted to die in the inside "I'll be right back"
"Be back before midnight!" Peter yelled as James climbed down the stairs two at the time.
James unleashed his frustration with the poor ball kicking as hard as he could, tossing it to the other side of the property and hitting it like a punch ball.
All he could think about was that his father was sick, probably dying and James was so terrible, he wouldn't make him proud. Fleamont's son was arrogant, a brag, a rebel who had been into trouble several times and probably a bully. What was there to be proud of?
"Only you would play football on New Year's in this cold night"
Fleamont had been James's role model since he could remember. He had promise to grow just like him. But he was horrible. He wasn’t the man his father was. Why wasn't James sick instead of him?
"You shouldn't be outside, Dad" James sniffed rolling the ball between his feet, eyes locked on it "It is freezing"
"Dad, is it now? Weren't you too cool to call me that? You've been calling me Fleamont or Old Man for a while now. It actually sounded weird to hear that, you little brat"
James's eyes were burning with tears at this point.
"Do I have privileges now that I am a bit sick?"
James's head turned as quickly as possible. Fleamont Potter was smiling under the moonlight. His glasses reflected the light. His hands were on his pockets. He was dressed elegantly for the party looking casual. But James noticed the bags under his eyes. Sucked cheeks. More wrinkles. Whiter hair. Skinner complexion. James saw Fleamont's illness reflected on him.
"I know you heard my conversation with your mother, James. I saw you through the door"
"Are you dying?" James was surprised how small his voice sounded.
Fleamont took a deep breath "No..."
James had spit and pushed his father in the process. That made him ashamed. Jokes aside, he had always respected his father. Now he felt terrible. So he started crying.
James felt his father's arms wrapping around him. And James hugged him back, clenching from him as if he would disappear any moment. James didn’t want to lose him. He loved him. He loved him so much. And he needed him.
"It's okay, my son. Sh sh sh. It's okay" Fleamont sighed as he stroked his son's hair gently "I'm not going anywhere"
When James calmed down, they sat on a bench and they talked about what was happening. They missed midnight and the celebration inside but James didn't care.
Fleamont explained that years ago the family's fabric used other chemicals for their products. Poisonous ones. That many workers ended up dying. This changed with time and The Potters discovered other chemical-free ingredients to continue producing. But Fleamont had visited the fabric back then plenty of times when he was younger. And the exposure to those chemicals had damaged his blood and immune system.
"So, you're okay?"
"Doctors said I need to have a healthier life" Fleamont explained "That knowing your mother, she will follow rigorously..." he snorted "But I am not precisely sick. I need to slow down a bit. Take care of myself. Try not to get sick. Because any kind of problem would be dreadful to my organism"
James nodded, now feeling better "If you don't follow the doctor's orders, I'll kill you myself, Old Man"
Which made Fleamont laugh.
"No Dad anymore?"
"You bloody scared me, Fleamont"
The man just responded with a smile and a soft pat on James's shoulder. Though James was still sad and very very scared.
"Do Granpa and Nonna know?"
Fleamont shook his head "Not yet"
"Maikee? The guys from the fabric?"
"Only your mother besides you and me"
"But you didn't want to tell me"
"Because you're just as exaggerated as your mother. Even worse"
"Watch it! Old Man" James pointed a finger at him.
Fleamont let out a soft giggle.
"Should I tell Sirius?" James twisted his mouth thinking about Sirius’s reaction.
"I think we will find the right time to tell him. The three of us. Okay?"
James nodded in response. He was still restless. He was still scared of his father being so vulnerable and fragile.
"Dad..." James said carefully which made Fleamont smile "Are you proud of me?"
Fleamont opened his mouth but James continued before him.
"I'm... I'm not a good person" James said "I've been kind of a twat with a lot of people. I've been mean. I've been selfish. And I haven't been the most obedient son... I've driven you and mum mental many times" James shook his head "I am awful. You don't deserve me"
"I am very proud of you, James" Fleamont answered with a soft smile. James was surprised that he sounded genuine.
"Didn't you hear..."
"Yeah" Fleamont nodded "I am not proud because you are perfect. Because you are not... I am proud because you are an amazing person and a good human being. You've might have made mistakes or hurt people. James, you are so young, you are a kid. We are all a bit awful at that age. But I see you are maturing... You are becoming an incredible man. Even more than me"
James expected some scolding. Some sort of disappointment from his father.
"But I..."
"Have you ever wanted to truly hurt someone?" Fleamont asked.
James shook his head.
"Then it had only been silly mistakes of a kid. From now on, James, be a man. Start doing things right. Silly pranks, jokes and mischiefs are fun. But there comes a time in one's life when he needs to take care of serious matters. And I reckon you are doing an amazing job"
"So you don't think I am a bad person?" James's eyes filled with tears.
Fleamont shook his head "Of course not. You have the best of your mother and me. And we are very proud of you"
James wrapped his arms around the old man as tears ran down his eyes. He was willing to change and ammend his mistakes. It was time to grow up. Yes, he was only sixteen. He was still young and he could still have fun. But he was going to be better. He was going to stop making fun of others. He was going to stop bragging. He was going to make Remus feel welcome no matter who he was. He was going to take care of Sirius and Pete. He was going to stop showing off and asking Evans out like an idiot. She deserved better probably. He was going to be a good person. And make his parents proud. New Year, new James.
"I love you, Dad" James said as he squeezed his father tightly.
"Love you too, my son"
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Some Disabled Remus Drabble
honestly this is me adding my two cents in on disabled remus writing as someone who uses a mobility aid and needed a good rant tbh. but this is almost from my perspective so imma be protective over this like a mother.
Remus was apprehensive at first, well of course, he would willing be drawing attention to himself, but as the days draw longer and more painful, and after Sirius constant nagging, he caves and finally uses his cane more often.
It honestly feels ridiculous at first, like he is faking a problem, showing off almost, cause he can walk on his own most days, “Why the fuck do I need this shitty thing anyway”, he would constantly mutter. In reality, the cane wasn’t shitty, or displeasing to the eye at all, it was almost ornate, intricate wooden carvings etched into a lovely oak stick, handle carved into a shape to relieve pressure off of us ever aching wrists. The only thing he could complain about was the attention.
Some people’s curiosity was out of kindness, as the cane was proof of Remus’s incapability, but it would get annoying to be asked “How he was?” or “What happened?”, about 8 times at breakfast whilst he was trying to eat some toast. It was a show of his fragility, how he wasn’t fully working, almost not human, something people needed to dodge, treat with caution. Remus couldn’t just tell them all to fuck off, as Sirius eloquently suggested, as it felt rude, even though their “concern”, was a mask for a fiendish need for more gossip.
The stares were worse though, as people only saw older people with canes, not a lanky 17 year old, known for causing pranks and having above average spell work, it didn’t make sense. It was like they were too stunned to speak, to curious to look away, and too polite to laugh, the stares almost made him give up entirely on the idea, that he could power through the agony to just be normal again, not like Sirius wouldn’t catch him if fell anyway.
Sirius would be almost angry at this idea, didn’t see the point in him hurting himself to please others eyes, “I’ll fucking punch anyone who says anything.”, he would promise, and Remus knew he intended to keep that promise, and that motivated him slightly, his boyfriend, and his mates, would always protect him front the rumour, however outlandish, except the occasion, “I heard he was scratched by a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest.” mutters, as it never failed to make them laugh at the accuracy and the idiocracy of the gossip. The safety of the laugh with his friends made him almost feel normal, and not a freak of natural, or a fragile package.
And all Remus really wanted was to feel normal and not in pain.
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daysofnights · 8 months
hear me out noble regulus bodyguard james and thief lily
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ecstarry · 3 months
okay but the good place au and make it jarty
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