#jalapeno pattern
alexibeeart · 2 years
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tomato soupies
it’s Freebie Friday! digital graphics posted every Friday at 3pm EST, free for non-commercial use, completely tile-able 🍅🍲 fun for borders, collage decor, backgrounds, anywhere you need to jazz-up space!
please credit w/link: internetbee.neocities.org/graphics
🐝 A Bee 2022 [art tag] [links]
photo: Nathan Dumlao
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thestudentfarmer · 11 months
Hello and Good day~
Yesterday was a busy day! As I cant grow/process everything we eat (yet! Someday maybe the majority, but until then I'm good with growing as much as possible.) it was grocery shop day. Then Did meal prep for the week, I usually do a short bit of meal prep on grocery day but I tried to be a bit better with it this week to try and save time so I can get some pattern work and sewing done later. :)
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The start of the meal prep, veggie portion. I like to wash my produce with water and baking soda. (I save the rinse water for the flower patch) ratio for me is a half sink of water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix to dissolve.
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shredded cabbage, carrots (shredded, noodle sliced, coined), mushrooms (sliced and cubed), diced tomatoes, bell peppers (diced. Julienned, coined and a few snacks), jalapeno (coined and diced), onion (diced and frozen), honeydew, potato salad
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Salsa (tomato, onion, pepper, jalapeno), dumpling mix (ground pork, minced cabbage, minced carrot, onion, ginger seasonings), bag of veggie soup start.
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Fermented fridge pickles (pickle solution, cucumber, onion, jalapeno, pickle seasoning)
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Start of apple cider vinegar. I'm going to try and make it again for personal use.
Super small garden goodies~
Our first radishes of the season!
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Plus this lovely web I spotted this morning
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As well as an update on the sweet potato flowers
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The blooms don't last long, ive noticed most fall off the next day.
I did a little online sleuthing and like regular potatoes, sweet potatoes can make seeds (though vines are the best way to propagate them) It's advised that the seeds might not really produce anything decent but I admit I'm curious more to see how it grows now and goes through seed development. If they produce seed I'll save them for a future grow experiment and experience.
I'll likely be pinching the flowers off from the other vines so they continue producing vines and greens. I've liked having a form of fresh greens available for soups, stirfrys and omlettes.
That's it for now, I'm off to do some critter care~
🍽🌱Happy Homesteading and Gardening 🌱🍽
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goodluckclove · 5 months
The Hot Dog Scene (Migration Patterns Preview)
I feel like I have to include this to provide closure to those invested in my Hot Dog Discourse. It's a first draft so it might look different when the book comes out next year, but like...here it is. The Hot Dog Scene.
Edgar lingered. He looked tired in a positive way. Tired like how a person feels after they stop shouldering as much of their unimaginable burden. His eyes locked with Tenzin and he twitched an attempt at a smile.
“You want to get a hot dog?” Tenzin asked him.
He blinked, startled. “Excuse me?”
“Or chili fries, maybe? I’m probably going to get chili fries.”
“It’s the place next door,” Jude told him. “It’s good. They make a great Seattle dog.”
Edgar furrowed his brow. “What’s that?”
“Polish sausage with grilled onions and cream cheese.”
“They also,” Tenzin’s stomach lurched again and she sighed inwardly. “They also make regular hot dogs that humans can eat.”
Apparently all it took was the concept of a new type of hot dog to immediately start lifting Edgar’s spirits. “It’s – good?” He asked. “I never thought...I couldn’t even imagine that to be a thing that existed.”
Jude got this devilish look on zir face that Tenzin hated. “You’ve had a bagel with cream cheese and lox, right?”
“I suppose I have.”
“It’s the same idea! If Riley’s working the counter ask them to add grilled cabbage with a sprinkle of jalapeno brine. You won’t regret it.”
A slow, warm smile blossomed over Edgar’s face. He was excited, genuinely excited, despite the looming life-changing circumstances hanging just above their heads. Earlier today he was questioning if Scott would still love him under a new set of pronouns. Now all of that was rendered unimportant thanks to the promise of a singular, five-dollar hot dog.
It was childlike in a way that struck Tenzin right across the face. She knew then why Scott fell for him so instantly. Why Katy considered him family.
She bopped him with the corner of her briefcase and nodded towards the door. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“Right now?” Edgar looked uncertain. “Don’t you still need to..?” Eventually his anticipation for a new flavor overtook whatever hesitation he had. “Uh – yeah! Yeah, okay. Cool!”
The hot dog place was dingy, yet clean. The checkered tiled floors were scuffed in the way that implied a heavy amount of foot traffic, while the furniture looked brand new. Tenzin and Edgar took a seat at the counter by the large window after they ordered.
Tenzin got a bite to eat here whenever she was in the area because it was a weird enough eatery to stock RC Cola. She sipped at the rim of her mug and enjoyed the icy, sweet fizz. Beside her Edgar watched out the window with the straw of his own glass held between his teeth.
“It’s interesting,” Edgar began.
Here we go. “What is?” Tenzin asked hesitantly, wiping her mouth with a napkin from the nearby dispenser.
“RC Cola is more sour than I expected. It’s not bad – I like how smooth it is. It’s like…” Edgar took a drink from the straw and analyzed it carefully. “Cinnamon, maybe. Some kind of orange or lemon, and – it’s crazy, but I almost get a hint of rose. It reminds me of kombucha.”
She didn’t even realize that Edgar got the same soda as her. It looked like he enjoyed it, though with much more thought than Tenzin tended to give to anything she ate or drank.
“Do you do that all the time?” She said. “Do you just analyze everything you taste?”
Edgar shrugged. “It helps me appreciate it.”
“You never just eat something just to eat it?”
He looked close to embarrassment, but something changed at the very last moment and he doubled down. “It feels more mindful to...know what I’m eating. And why I like it. How it makes me feel. I mean, growing up I didn’t always get – I don’t know. I like to be grateful for things like this.”
Tenzin let out a stifled laugh. She worried Edgar would take it personally, but when he spoke again there was a smile in his voice. “Do I sound like a crazy person?”
“You sound like a birthright.”
She looked at him sitting beside her. Edgar was newly relaxed – more so than usual, especially with it just being him and her on their own. He smiled easily with his eyes shimmering in a soft gold glow, one that held its potency without trouble. This might’ve been the first time she saw him use his abilities with total control. He looked in that moment like any other witch town member. If she noticed him in the Mess Hall she’d take him to be a new employee she just didn’t get a chance to meet yet.
And he was reading her now. Reading her like Regina used to when they first met. Or was he? Growing up Tenzin would see her mom’s eyes glow momentarily in moments of high emotion. Regina told her it was an empty gesture, a reflex that couldn’t actually gain any real information. Not from Tenzin. Not anymore.
Edgar wore another beaded bracelet around his wrist that she didn’t notice until now. It was done up in multiple colors, just a repeating line of black and gray and white and green. She recognized the Agender pride flag as one of the gender identities Scott, and by proxy Tenzin, were informed of in their childhood.
That must’ve been one intense conversation between Edgar and Jude. Tenzin was grateful she didn’t have to be the one to navigate it.
“You never showed her your work,” Edgar said, eyes pointed down towards Tenzin’s bag.
“Mm,” Tenzin quickly put on an indifferent demeanor. “Don’t really need to.”
Edgar raised his brow. “Really? We drove all this way.”
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? That’s exactly what Jude’s thinking right now. So when I go ahead and ignore most of what ze told me to do, ze can’t get that upset,” Tenzin raised her drink to punctuate her point. “Because we drove all this way.”
“Clever,” Edgar said.
He said that with both sarcasm and admiration. Very recently she described Edgar as her brother. He technically was in at least a few senses. Absolutely not in many others.
When they met Tenzin was so crazed by her Knight’s Bond that she elbow struck him off his feet and could’ve easily beaten him to death. She cleaned the blood off his face once she healed him and he sat so carefully, not even wincing at the sight of his own blood.
It could be that he was used to the sight. The smell. The taste, even. Enough so that it didn’t surprise him anymore.
I won’t let anything put you in danger, she told him when he lingered in the car before meeting Regina. Tenzin meant it, too. She couldn’t explain why and even now the reasons confused and aggravated her.
The cashier that took their order came by with two baskets with hot dogs and fries. The teen placed one in front of each of them, muttered a weak bon appetite, and retreated back to the register.
Edgar’s attention was fully enraptured by the meal. He looked down at it and grinned. His eyes were massive and bright with shy excitement. Tenzin wonders how something so tarnished could be cleaned to glimmer so brightly.
It is unfair for Tenzin to feel an echo her feelings for Scott reflected in a separate human being. It just wasn’t right.
She took a french fry from the pile in her basket and bit into it. It was hot, but no too hot.
“How is it?” Edgar asked, hushed and eager.
Tenzin ate another fry. “Uh – good?” She attempted. “It’s...crispy. Salty. Made of – potato.”
Edgar picked up a french fry. It was a french fry. It was the first result in a stock image search of the word french fry and did not deserve remotely as much focus as Edgar was giving it.
“You know what I don’t see a lot of?” He looked at Tenzin but didn’t give her time to answer. “Waffle fries. Why do you think that is?”
He’s supposed to be the normal one, Tenzin thought in stunned silence. He’s supposed to be the one that got to be a regular human being.
Edgar didn’t look like he noticed her silence. “I think they’re harder to fry. That’s just my theory though. I never got to work a deep fryer,” he ate the fry in his hand and smiled. “Ooh, it’s fresh.”
He took a sip of his soda and took a deep breath, rubbing his hands in private anticipation. Edgar Gallows was the origin of Scott’s agony for his entire life, and now the guy was revving himself up to eat a hot dog. Treating it like he was about to land a perfect back flip on the first try. How did the events of Tenzin’s life lead up to this of all things?
She watched Edgar tenderly handle his Seattle-style hot dog, a title of which sounded deeply questionable since Tenzin had been to Seattle for business and didn’t see anyone slathering their processed meat with cream cheese. She wasn’t sure if it was an actually style native to the city as a whole. It was far more likely to her that some pervert thought himself clever and decided to make Washington worse as a result of it.
Edgar bit into the end and chewed. His focus was refined and laser sharp, but Tenzin knew she could’ve left the restaurant right now and he wouldn’t notice her absence until she was halfway home.
An entire conversation was being held with himself through the slight twitch of his brow and narrowing of his large eyes. The gold returned in a soft shimmer, showing just how much emotional stimulation Edgar was getting from just one bite.
He’s...reading the intentions? Tenzin truly felt one misstep away from losing her mind. Is Edgar reading the intentions of his hot dog?
She smiled deliriously thinking about it. Then, softly, she began to laugh. Eventually the sound was loud enough to attract Edgar’s attention. He swallowed and smiled sheepishly.
“’S good,” he said.
Tenzin tried to speak and could only laugh. She held her hand over her mouth, lolled her chin down to her chest, and laughed even harder. By the time Tenzin finally got a hold of her senses Edgar was already halfway done with his hot dog. He ate calmly and paid little mind to her hysterics. Edgar remained perfectly satisfied with the situation he was in.
“It’s really good,” he clarified while she caught her breath. “It’s probably top – top five. In my list of hot dogs.”
“It’s not even number one?” Tenzin’s voice was hoarse from laughter and she was forced to drink some cola to dull the burn. “Ah. Ah man. What a shame.”
“No, it’s good!” Edgar grinned. “I always love to try a new food.”
He looked happy. The affection Tenzin felt for him in that moment was stark and disorientating. It was something long-sleeping in her chest suddenly startled out of hibernation.
This was her brother. No. Yes. Maybe. The answer didn’t matter as much as Tenzin’s new conviction. Edgar was here now, after all this time, and there was no point resenting him for things he didn’t know, understand, or have any control over.
Scott was willing to die in his search for Eddie. If he didn’t find Edgar when he did, he likely would be dead. Or worse. But none of that happened, and now the two of them could sit together and eat a strange and slightly sacrilegious hot dog.
Edgar went back to happily eating. Tenzin decided to join him then, and she picked up the soft bun and bit into the sausage. She tried to focus on what she was eating. It was – crispy? Crispy, but not crunchy. It tasted like cooked meat and tangy cream – so creamy meat, but not like that because that sounds terrible.
It was okay.
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ox-imagines · 8 months
Before the Party
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Summary: Taerae is over at his partner's house preparing for a Christmas party with the boys, enjoying the quality time with her before everyone else arrives.
Word Count: 1058
Warnings: food prep, makeout that gets mildly steamy
The scent of spices filled the air, mixing delightfully with the faint holiday music and the aroma of the tree in the corner. A soft hum rose in my chest as I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
“Let me help,” Taerae’s low, cheery voice spoke from behind me and he removed one of his hands from me, dipping a finger into the white chocolate I was melting on the stove. He hissed softly at the high temperature, but quickly put it in his mouth regardless.
“How about you don’t stick your fingers in the food?” I chuckled, looking over my shoulder at him. 
He just gave me a wide grin, his cheeks pink and his eyes sparkling behind the frames of his glasses. “I think it needs candy cane.”
“Duh? Tae, you can’t add the candy cane in the pot, though, or it’ll melt.”
“I know! I thought maybe it would be cool though. Like maybe it would add some peppermint flavor to the chocolate in addition to the candy cane on top. And make it pink!” He reached for the bowl of crushed candy canes and gave me a quizzical look.
“Okay, fine. Put some in,” I couldn’t help but grin at him. “But you’re in charge of crushing more candy canes to make up for the unplanned expenditure.”
“Those are some big fancy words,” Taerae teased as he spooned some of the candy into the pot, using almost half. An apologetic grin and kiss on the cheek from him more than made up for it, though.
I turned the burner off under the pot of chocolate as I pulled out the brownies. “These need to cool for a few minutes and then can be rolled into balls, here,” I handed him a pack of candy-stripe patterned sticks, “are the sticks for them, they’ll go on the stick, then get dipped in the chocolate, then get dipped in the candy cane bits. I need to put together the jalapeno poppers, can I trust you to do that?”
He nodded vigorously. “Of course, baby.” I smiled as I listened to him sing while he worked. Things went smoothly until Taerae tried to make the deviled eggs. Three of the eggs ended up on the floor whilst he was peeling them, then after recovering from that he made the filling. “Hey, baby, could you come taste this?”
I obliged, regretfully unable to keep from making a sour expression as I tasted it. “Taerae…I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t trust your cooking. Please get out of my kitchen.”
“Ah,” he spoke quietly, giving me a half-smile as he looked down at the questionable color of the egg filling.
“Your help has been so appreciated and I love working with you, but I can finish the rest on my own,” I smiled apologetically, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“I understand.” He grinned and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “I’ll go finish the decorations, I guess.”
I went back to work, able to get things done quicker without another person in the kitchen though his presence was missed; it helped that I could hear him cheerfully singing along to carols as he decorated. After finishing the jalapeno poppers, I threw some bread in the oven and remade the deviled egg filling, piping it into the eggs. Taerae had stopped singing. “Tae? Baby?” I pulled my apron over my head and set it over a chair, then stepped out of the kitchen. Taerae was standing there smirking, casually holding up a felt mistletoe decoration. “Oh,” I raised my eyebrows.
“I found this, where should I hang it?” His eyes didn’t leave mine, his face getting closer; his breath was warm against my face. I couldn’t tell if the question was intentionally rhetorical or if he just didn’t care enough to wait for an answer.
“Taerae…” Our lips melded together in a way I’d never get tired of, the taste of him gracing my mouth as he ran his tongue over my bottom lip, sending my senses into overdrive. We pulled away momentarily and he removed his glasses, sliding them into one of his pockets before passionately pressing his face to mine once more. I slipped my hands under his hoodie, earning a soft whine from him. One of his hands found its way up to the nape of my neck and cradled my head as he kissed me harder. His fingers wound their way up into my hair. My skin heated under his touch and I could feel that he was getting hotter too.
“Baby,” he whimpered softly as he caught his breath, his thumb rubbing circles against my waist. “I want you,” his deep voice was breathy, wide eyes searching mine. Without another word, I pulled his hoodie over his head and reattached myself to him, my hands exploring his lean torso while his tongue traversed my mouth.
Neither of us were aware of how long we stayed there, pressed against each other, my back to the wall, but gradually an unpleasant smell blighted the air. My eyes flew open, though Taerae’s lips stayed affixed to my neck as if he didn’t notice, his hips rolling lightly against mine. “The bread,” I stated as I realized what the smell was. 
“Hm?” He pulled away with a soft hum. His fluffy hair was disheveled, his cheeks and lips alike were reddened and his eyes had an almost dazed look to them.
I took a moment to admire him, trying to recollect the words that the sight of him had scattered out of my reach. “The, the bread. I had cheesy bread in the oven. I must’ve forgotten to set a timer, it smells like it’s burning.”
Taerae chuckled, retrieving his hoodie from where it had been haphazardly tossed aside onto the ground. “Well,” he ran a hand back through his hair and held his hoodie to his chest, smiling as if he’d suddenly grown shy. “It’s probably a good thing that’s what interrupted us and not the others’ arrival.” He pulled his hoodie back on, then gave me a soft kiss on the forehead. “Go take care of the bread, my love. I’ll, uh,” with a giggle, he picked up the mistletoe decoration once again. “I’ll find somewhere to hang this.”
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annoyangle · 1 month
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sihaya74 · 10 months
NEW The Lessons of Bryan Fuller's Hannibal S1: E6 -- HOPE IS THE THING WITH SURGICAL TROPHIES
Lessons of Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal
Hello readers and #FannibalFamily! Yes, it’s been a hot minute since I have updated this blog. What can I say? Life has a tendency to intervene. A few real-life events knocked me out of my daily writing pattern and I am just now beginning to regain my balance. This blog is, however, something I am committed to finishing no matter how long it takes, and so, I am digging back into the scripts of Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal and prepared to create my next installment – an analysis of the theme, the message, the universal lesson in the happenings of Season 1, Episode 6: “Entrée.”
I must make an important note that at this point, I have rewatched the show some five or six times. But this is my first time delving into the scripts for all the episodes. I have to occasionally remind myself about scenes in these episodes or lines of dialogue that wound up being cut or moved to a different episode. But since I am approaching this project as an English major and analyzing both the show and the scripts as a TEXT – (my literary theory professor, Dr. Hogue, always said that everything in life is a TEXT and he was damn sure right about that) – then I see no issue with the fact that sometimes the words I am analyzing didn’t always make it to the screen in the exact form they started out in. Hannibal is a series that is a feast for all the senses – its visual beauty, its soundtrack and score and sound effects, the effort put in to rendering the most beautiful depictions of food on the screen and so perhaps the viewer can imagine their taste – (I have dreamed feverishly about those High Life Eggs more than once, I can tell you) – but all of it begins where good stories start – on the page. And so, it is to the page and the words that I remain loyal.
This episode of Hannibal, “Entrée,” had two authors. Kai Yu Wu conceived the story and Wu and Bryan wrote it together. The episode was directed by Michael Rymer.
In the order of our French dishes, by which each episode of the first season is named, at this point in the series, we have partaken of the following: a pre-dinner drink, a little bitty appetizer, a bowl of hearty soup, some eggs, and a chicken or fish dish baked in a sauce and served in a scallop shell or scallop-shaped dish. And so now, a viewer must ask, “What’s next?” That or: “I need to take a break because I’m full.” At which, Bryan Fuller points at the viewer’s plate and says, “You’ll clean your plate and you’ll like it. You’ll love it. You’ll beg me for another season when we’re done.” Just trust him. He’s the chef. You always trust the chef. They know what they’re doing.
In a classic French meal, the entrée is not necessarily the main dish and it is not always served – sometimes they skip courses. When it does appear, it is usually a meat dish, in a sauce (GOTTA HAVE A SAUCE), and with sides. In American cuisine, entrée has come to mean a MAIN COURSE always. And what an entrée is in American cuisine varies wildly by what is on the menu, who is eating it, and how many fried cheese sticks and jalapeno poppers the person had prior to the entrée arriving at their table. Still, the idea holds. When you say the word “entrée,” people expect a main course – something substantial, something that sticks to your ribs. And in this episode, there is definitely a lot of meat – meat that has been rubbed and aged over the last five episodes and is now sliced and steaming from the oven. This episode is mostly about advancing the MAIN storyline – that of the Chesapeake Ripper and the FBI’s and namely, Jack Crawford’s, attempts to catch the seasoned killer. (Seasoned… see what I did there? YOU GOT PUNNED!)
And on a thirsty side note: After viewing the scene in which Will Graham reenacts the murder of nurse Elizabeth Shell, the fact that the episode is named “Entrée,” makes complete sense. Hugh Dancy in that scene is an entire meal with ample meat for leftovers. (Seriously – JFC – if you haven’t seen it, or seen it lately, do yourself a favor and have some GOOD FOOD.)
We start the episode with our introduction to one of the series’ completely original characters, Dr. Abel Gideon, a former transplant surgeon, who after being convicted of the murders of his wife and her family, has been incarcerated in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, for the last two years. The character is portrayed with amazing skill, subtlety, and awesomeness, by Suzy Eddie Izzard. I have been a longtime fan of Izzard’s work and was insanely pleased to see the actor amongst the cast members.
I must point out the literary significance of the character’s name – Abel Gideon, a smorgasbord of Biblical allusion. The import of the Doctor’s first name is obvious – Abel, in the Biblical version of things, was the first murder VICTIM, slain by the hands of his jealous brother, Cain, who was angry that God liked Abel better and had a right fit about it. The character of Gideon is slightly more complex, but basically it goes as follows: Gideon was a prophet in the Old Testament. He destroyed the idols of Baal and others in his town’s temple because the townspeople were worshipping false gods. An angel told him to. Then, Gideon led the Israelites against other “heathen” tribes and won. They wanted to make him king, but he told them their only king was God. Still, he had them melt down the golden earrings of all their enemies who had fallen in battle and they wove the golden thread into an ephod, a priestly garment that is worn under the breastplate. Gideon put it in the temple and the people started worshipping it as an idol, because I guess, it was gold. Old Testament people always seem really impressed by gold. The Scripture is unclear, but it does say that the ephod was “a snare unto Gideon, and to his house” (Judges 8: 27).
You could say Gideon was a hypocrite, or more accurately, a terrible fool because he tried to stop the people from worshipping false idols and then he just led them into doing it again by creating something they would see as a sacred object. At best, Gideon was naïve. At worst, he was a fraud.
Dr. Abel Gideon’s name therefore could translate into something like: Dr. VICTIM FRAUD – or Dr. VICTIM FOOL. Despite his intelligence, he is lured directly into Dr. Chilton’s trap to believe and admit he is the Chesapeake Ripper solely because of Frederick’s needy ego – Frederick wants more feathers in his cap – he doesn’t have near enough and Hannibal Lecter’s are brighter and bespoke and where the fuck did he even find a custom featherer in Baltimore?
Then, later in the series, Gideon is led directly into the trap of the true Chesapeake Ripper and probably desperately wishes he had stayed in the BSHCI and eaten his stewed apricots and minded his own business.
Poor Abel is nothing but a puppet for two different egotistical psychiatrists. Unfortunately for him, one of them happens to be Hannibal Lecter.
And so, we begin the episode with the scene of Gideon passed out on the floor of his cell in the BSHCI and a team of prison guards approaching his limp form very cautiously and eventually shackling him, hand and foot, to a gurney, and wheeling him into the hospital infirmary, where he is treated by the aptly named Nurse Shell.
As evidenced by my previous discussion of Gideon’s name, I have come to realize the significance of character names in Bryan Fuller’s work. They are often allusions or tributes – homages to the work of other writers, directors, artists, scientists, and so on, that Bryan admires. For example, one has to assume that the surname of Bryan’s beloved Bedelia (another original character), Du Maurier, is a tribute to author Daphne du Maurier, author of many books and film adaptations of suspense – such as Rebecca, which Bryan and many of his horror colleagues discuss in the fabulous AMC/Shudder series Queer For Fear, on which Bryan was an executive producer and director. Basically, Mrs. Danvers was either literally or only metaphorically all up in Rebecca de Winter’s undergarments and when the woman died, Mrs. Danvers decided to make it everyone’s problem. The movie is awesome. Go watch it if you haven’t already. And then watch Queer For Fear. I believe they discuss Rebecca in both episodes two and four.
Anyway, Nurse Shell is correctly and tragically named because a shell of her former self is what she winds up as when the deluded Gideon is done with her.
As Nurse Shell turns her back, Gideon extricates the broken-off tine of a fork he has hidden in an incision in his palm. I believe this scene is an homage to the scene in The Silence of the Lambs when Dr. Lecter unearths a metal fragment from the back of his jaw, the inner workings of a ballpoint pen that has fallen into his hands. He uses this makeshift lockpick on his own handcuffs, much to the chagrin of Lieutenant Boyle and Sargeant Pembry. Classic scene.
Anyway, Gideon uses this tine to pick the lock on his handcuffs and when Nurse Shell turns around upon hearing the heart monitor hit a flatline, it’s lights out for the poor woman. We do not see Gideon kill her, but we see the results of his work soon.
Next, we see Jack Crawford and Will Graham vaulting up the front steps of the hospital, Jack explaining that based on the method of Nurse Shell’s murder, Freddie Lounds has run an unconfirmed story suggesting that Abel Gideon is the Chesapeake Ripper, which would explain the lull in murders for the last two years. Will is indignant that he is “fact-checking for Freddie Lounds,” but Jack coddles him with the statement, “You’re fact-checking for me” (Wu and Fuller 2).
There is heavy foreshadowing in the following exchange between Jack and Will before they enter the hospital:
WILL GRAHAM: I’m always a little nervous going into one of these places. Afraid they’ll never let me out again.
JACK CRAWFORD: Don’t worry. I’m not going to leave you here.
WILL GRAHAM: Not today                         (Wu and Fuller 3).
I really do recommend you watch the series more than once so this dramatic irony is not lost.
            Once Jack and Will enter the hospital, we see the first appearance of another of our main characters and one of the most important in the Hannibal canon: Dr. Frederick Chilton.
            In Fuller’s series, Chilton is rendered flawlessly by actor Raul Esparza, a deep daddy of mine (see ADA Rafael Barba of Law and Order: SVU fame). Esparza is another Fuller Favorite, having appeared in one of Bryan’s previous masterpiece shows, Pushing Daisies.
            There have been three actors who have portrayed the petty and obsequious Dr. Chilton, starting with Benjamin Hendrickson in 1986’s Manhunter. The second actor, and perhaps the most well-known portrayal, is that of Anthony Heald who took on the role in both 1991’s The Silence of the Lambs and reprised the role in 2002’s Red Dragon.
            Heald’s portrayal of Chilton is masterful – the Doctor is intelligent, but smarmy – officious and gladhanding – his pass at Clarice in the early moments of the film immediately puts the viewer off on him. Hannibal only seals the audience’s hatred of the Doctor by regaling Clarice with Chilton’s petty tortures of him, which are effectively contrasted by the treatment Hannibal receives from the ever-present orderly, Barney Matthews, played by awesome Frankie Faison, who treats Hannibal with a cautious respect, as a zookeeper might treat a venomous reptile. Barney never forgets what Hannibal is capable of. Chilton supposedly knows as evidenced by his relation of Hannibal’s biting attack on a nurse – he left only one of her eyes, ate her tongue without his pulse getting above 85 – but still, Chilton prods and humiliates Hannibal in unnecessary ways that LITERALLY come back to bite him in the end.
            Esparza’s Chilton is as intelligent as Heald’s, but slightly more savvy, ounces more petty, a bit more of a drama queen, and as opposed to Heald’s Chilton, who is ostensibly tortured and eaten by Hannibal at the end of The Silence of the Lambs, Esparza’s Chilton, in Fuller’s hands, is the favorite whipping post of killers and law enforcement alike – being practically disemboweled by one murderer, shot in the face by a traumatized Ripper victim, and later suffers the fate that Harris’ original Freddy Lounds suffers, a lip-ectomy and burning at the hands of Francis Dolarhyde. Freddy Lounds dies in both Manhunter/Red Dragon from this attack, but in Fuller’s Hannibal, no matter what, Frederick Chilton continues to survive, almost Fuller’s own version of the endlessly respawning Kenny of South Park fame.
            By my calculation, at the end of Season 3, Chilton is down 3 lives, so logic dictates that he has 6 left. If Fuller ever gets to make the full 7 seasons of Hannibal he imagines, if Chilton averages a death per season, he should survive the completed series with 2 lives left over, proving him to be the true winner of The Hannibal Games.
            But, once again, I digress…
            As Jack and Will sit in Chilton’s office, Chilton can barely seem to contain his curiosity about Will. Chilton’s open is clunky and obtuse; he says, “Doctor Bloom just called me about you, Mister Graham. Or should I call you Doctor Graham?” (Wu and Fuller 3). From his first line, Chilton seems to embody his later Season 2 remark, a gem from Harris’ canon, that attempting to analyze Will “makes [him] feel…like a freshman pulling at a panty girdle” (Fuller and Lightfoot 20). Chilton’s questions are telegraphed from a mile away – his overtures for more information are blunt and tasteless. Chilton’s questioning of Will, throughout the series, is contrasted with that of Hannibal – the difference is like watching a skilled surgeon with a scalpel as compared to a poorly trained medical student with a plastic spoon. Chilton can’t cut it, in any fashion. Will seems to understand this from the beginning – he sizes Chilton up correctly from their very first meeting.
            In their conversation, Chilton betrays himself a little, saying of Nurse Shell, “I can’t help feeling responsible for what happened. I had sessions with Gideon for years…I had no idea what he was hiding. And now one of our staff is dead” (Wu and Fuller 4). Of course, this is foreshadowing of Hannibal ascertaining later in the episode that Chilton is indeed COMPLETELY at fault. However, the most interesting thing about this exchange is Jack Crawford’s reaction. The script indicates that after Chilton’s remark here, it “strikes a chord with Jack…who can relate” (Wu and Fuller 4). Undoubtedly this “relation” is about Miriam Lass, Crawford’s lost trainee, who is first introduced in this episode.
            This is all important because of our lesson in this episode and because it highlights one of the driving motives of Jack’s character. In Episode 1, Jack and Alana agree that one of Will’s deepest motives is fear. If that is the case, then we can say that one of, perhaps the most, significant of Jack’s driving motivations is GUILT. Jack’s guilt is so present, so prevalent, so real, it is almost tangible. He feels guilt about Bella, about Miriam, later about Beverly, about Will, about Pazzi. His guilt is so weighty, so integral to his being, that often it overwhelms him, wobbles his sense of reason and the health of his psyche. Our lesson is not about guilt, but it is about an emotion Jack Crawford will not allow himself. In his position as Special Agent Jack Crawford, head of the FBI’s storied Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico, Jack does not allow himself much in the way of the easier emotions in life – laughter, joy, wonder – these are not things he can traffic in. Jack Crawford lives in a chapel of death. He is a chronicler of pain.
            As Chilton continues to prod Will for information, Jack finally states, “Graham isn’t here to be analyzed” (Wu and Fuller 5). It’s funny to me how people in the show, including Will, keep insisting that he’s NOT THE ONE to be analyzed, but since the very first moments of Episode 1, even the murders seem secondary to everyone else’s analysis of Will. It’s ironic, but I imagine purposefully so. Chilton retorts that “perhaps” Will “should be” analyzed; Chilton wants Will to speak to his colleagues in the hospital, but then he stops himself, saying, “no, no, not this trip. Dr. Bloom was very severe with me on that point” (Wu and Fuller 5). I also find it quite ironic how no one listens to Alana’s advice about handling Will. It speaks to the usual patriarchal pooh-poohing of women, even when they are extremely accomplished members of professional fields. Thankfully, Bryan saw to it that everyone who discounts Alana’s advice winds up paying for it.
            Just before escorting Jack and Will to the infirmary where Will can view the crime scene, Chilton says, “Next to a battle lost, the saddest thing is a battle won” (Wu and Fuller 6). This sentiment is attributed to the Duke of Wellington, and later to writer Robert Jordan, but to me the importance of it here is how it so perfectly illustrates the difference between Harris’ Chilton and Fuller’s Chilton. Every once in a while, especially in Season 3, Chilton seems to disinter these gems of wisdom from the muddy bottom of his intelligence. Often, lines like these, coming from Frederick are like an icepick of truth stabbed into the temple of the scene. A viewer who is familiar with all of the Hannibal canon can see – Fuller’s Chilton is smarter and more poetic than Harris’ Chilton, who is a slick, sad functionary who is both out of his depth with Hannibal Lecter and out of his league with Clarice Starling. Fuller’s Chilton is never in Hannibal’s league, but at times, real insight flashes up from the shallows of his brain, and it makes his character more sympathetic to the viewer. We feel sorry for Fuller’s Chilton. Harris’ Chilton never arouses such pity.
            When Will and Jack finally view the nurse’s body, it is described as follows:
She’s IMPALED on the BROKEN FRAMES of several PRIVACY CURTAINS that have been fashioned into SPEARS. They PROTRUDE from wounds over the entire canvas of her body. Additional shards of wood and metal prop her organs above her corpse, giving them the appearance of floating outside her body.                              
(Wu and Fuller 6)
The visual of this tableaux is important, as it will contrast with the Chesapeake Ripper’s actual rendering of the famous medieval Wound Man shown later in the episode in a flashback. Later, Will calls this murder “plagiarism.” The viewer, especially one who has watched the entire series at least once, can understand Will’s assessment easily. The Chesapeake Ripper is an artist – even when his tableaux are deconstructionist in nature, like Beverly Katz’s murder scene in Season 2, there is still a lingering sense of the whole that once was. The essence of the thing that has been taken apart is still suggested by the Ripper’s composition. Gideon’s attempt at mimicry is just that – a sad parody. He merely skewered organs like Nurse Kabob. He merely jabbed implements in her like Nurse Pincushion. There is no whole left to be had.             In Act One, we see the replaying of the gurney scene at the beginning of the episode, except this time with Will in Gideon’s place. This time, we see the attack on Nurse Shell; this time at the hands of Will, who is doing his mental recreation (pendulum swingy – this is my design-y) of the scene.
            Will’s recreation here is filed very lovingly by the #FannibalFamily under the title, “THINGS THAT HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING INSANELY HOT,” but Goddamn it… it is.
It’s not just Will’s torn open shirt – it’s not just the visible sweat on his muscled chest and furrowed brow (although those things REALLY HELP) – it’s the power and the confidence Will exudes when he is in the mental guise of the killer. In truth, every time Will does a mental recreation of a crime, he becomes inordinately hotter because he is not the unsure, confused, flinchy Will Graham of outside-his-mind – he is the take-charge, aggressive, Will Graham with some goddamned agency, that he only seems to be able to muster when he slips into the minds of other people – that is until the end of Season 1, anyway. Will’s agency gets a glow up in “Savoureux,” just wait.
            I will say that when Will gouges Nurse Shell’s eyes out with his thumbs, that’s a major ick for me. Eye stuff always deeply bothers me. I had two very invasive eye surgeries as a child and I think it makes me sensitive. The needle in the eye scene in Fire In the Sky is a trauma from which I will never recover.
            After Will’s recreation is finished, the viewer is then treated to a flashback three years earlier when the character of Miriam Lass enters the series. It is well known that Miriam Lass, played astonishingly by Anna Chlumsky, is Bryan’s substitute for/homage to the character of Clarice Starling, who, because of copyright issues, Bryan could not use in Hannibal. This, of course, is a damn shame, because Clarice is a god-level character and I would love, love, love to see what Bryan could do with her. (I would also like – if we ever get future seasons – to see Ardelia Mapp, Barney Matthews, and Multiple Miggs show up, but I digress…)
            Miriam and Clarice share similar backgrounds – they were both FBI Forensic Fellows – Clarice had the great distinction of studying under fingerprint examiner par excellence, Jimmy Price – but they both came through the same program there and at the FBI Academy. Their university degrees differ a little – Clarice is the daughter of a lawman, which Miriam does not seem to be – but both women are the same with regards to their stunning intellects, dogged determination, and their fascinations with and devotions to “the Guru,” Jack Crawford. It reminds me of a passage from The Silence of the Lambs. At the end of the chapter, (I tell you, Thomas Harris knows how to end a fucking chapter) – after Starling and Crawford return from the Potter Funeral Home in West Virginia, Harris writes, “She watched him walk away, a middle-aged man laden with cases and rumpled from flying, his cuffs muddy from the riverbank, going home to what he did at home. She would have killed for him then. That was one of Crawford’s great talents” (96).
            Jack tells Miriam that he has culled her from the herd of FBI hopefuls to work for him in the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP) because she is at the top of her class, has impressive credentials, and wrote him a fan letter when she was accepted into the Academy. When Jack brings up the Ripper, he says, “The Ripper is very hot right now” (Wu and Fuller 10). Jack is, of course, indicating that the Ripper is on a spree, having taken “his last two victims in six days” (Wu and Fuller 10). But I can’t help but think of Zoolander every time I hear Jack make this remark. “Ooooh, that Ripper – he’s so hot right now…” And let’s be honest, if there’s anyone who could pull off a perfect “Blue Steel,” it’s Mads Mikkelsen.
Miriam impresses Jack with her assessment of the Ripper – not a “true sociopath,” but a killer with “some of the characteristics of what they call a sociopath,” but that in truth, “they don’t know what else to label him” (Wu and Fuller 10). Jack then begins briefing Miriam on the case and we are flashed back to the present and find ourselves sitting with Alana and Will in Frederick Chilton’s office.
Alana and Will are both there to interview Gideon – they will be conducting their interviews separately and then comparing notes. Chilton is “convinced” Gideon is the Ripper (when he knows damned well he’s not), Will is convinced Gideon is NOT the Ripper – Alana is unsure. Chilton informs Alana that even though she only had two sessions with Gideon when he was first admitted to the BSHCI, Gideon has “given [her] a lot of thought” since then (Wu and Fuller 12). It ups the creep factor and of course mirrors the novel Red Dragon, like much of this scene does, except that the inmate is Hannibal Lecter and the person he’s “given a lot of thought to” is Will Graham. Hannibal thinking a lot about Will is deep canon. Always has been. Always will be.
Alana goes into interview Gideon first – when she does, the script indicates, “The STEEL DOOR of the maximum security section closed behind Alana Bloom. She hears the bolt slide home” (Wu and Fuller 13).
I’m always deeply thrilled at how often the writers of Hannibal return to the “Forward to a Fatal Interview” from Harris’ Red Dragon and snatch little phrases from it they leave like glistening Easter eggs for fans to find. This is one such bejeweled egg – a Faberge of one, in fact. This forward is about how Thomas Harris came to create the characters of Will Graham, Clarice Starling, and most importantly, Hannibal Lecter. In the final paragraph, he says, “When in the winter of 1979 I entered the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane and the great metal door crashed closed behind me, little did I know what waited at the end of the corridor; how seldom we recognize the sound when the bolt of our fate slides home” (XIII).
An adaptation is a beautiful thing when you have such beautiful source material to work with. I am forever fascinated by what different filmmakers and actors have done with the Hannibal canon, but we cannot, should not, ever forget the mind that created it and created such compelling characters that withstand the test of time and are enriched every time a new generation of writers and viewers return to them.
The interviews between Alana and Gideon and Will and Gideon are now intercut with each other, a wonderful technique that allows the viewers to compare and contrast for themselves, the differences and similarities between Alana and Will in their questioning, the differences between Gideon’s reactions to Alana and to Will. The most important fact that seems to arise from the interview is when Will says to Gideon about the death of Nurse Shell, “Brutalization of the body was done posthumously. The Chesapeake Ripper usually does that sort of thing during, not after” (Wu and Fuller 15). Will never buys Gideon as the Ripper. His other murders were spontaneous, not planned. Gideon is not an artist; he’s a plagiarist. What Will can’t figure out is why Gideon is copping to murders he didn’t commit.
We begin Act Two with Jack Crawford arriving unannounced at Hannibal’s office, just as the Doctor is about to leave for the day. Hannibal asks if Jack was just “in the neighborhood?” – Jack answers, “Something like that” (Wu and Fuller 16). This line is one of those TV/film chestnuts that you hear over and over and it never actually happens in real life. I have never in my life had someone show up at my door saying they were “just in the neighborhood.” Just like I have never had a cat suddenly jump on me from some unseen elevated position when I am in a darkened alleyway or corridor and things feel all spooky. It’s film logic. It’s kooky, but it works.
Bella is out of town and Jack has come to Hannibal to pry some sort of information out of him about Bella’s cancer – how she’s feeling, what she’s saying, what she thinks – all of which she is not telling Jack and all of which Hannibal cannot tell Jack due to doctor-patient confidentiality. Jack becomes angry. Their conversation is enlightening with regards to Hannibal’s character:
JACK CRAWFORD: You talk to me about Will Graham.
HANNIBAL: Will Graham isn’t officially my patient. We have conversations.
JACK CRAWFORD: What do you consider this?
HANNIBAL: Desperate coping.
                                                                                    (Wu and Fuller 17)
The line here – “desperate coping” – is such a wonderful illustration of how accurately Hannibal is portrayed as having some sociopathic tendencies or at least the tendencies of a narcissist. Throughout the series, Hannibal shows how he can go cold at a moment’s notice – how he can so easily shift from a seemingly caring, compassionate individual to a nightmare of stone-faced, murder-eyed calm. It’s terrifying. I was once very much in love with a man who could do this – he was not a murderer, but he could go dead-eyed and cold on you like this in seconds – and you never knew when it was coming. It scared the shit out of me.
            Some might say that Hannibal’s line here is compassionate, that he feels for Jack and his attempts to handle the imminent death of his wife – but I think the line is meant to cut Jack to the quick – he slices right into the meat of Jack’s pain here – as if to say, “Yeah, your wife’s dying. Pull it together, wimp.”
            It is canon that Hannibal prods people to cause pain – it is entirely for his own pleasure. A good example is from The Silence of the Lambs. When Hannibal meets with Senator Martin, supposedly to tell her the “real name” of Buffalo Bill (ha ha), he makes a cutting remark about the Senator breastfeeding her daughter when she was a baby. Then this happens: “When her pupils darkened, Dr. Lecter took a single sip of her pain and found it exquisite. That was enough for today” (201).
            The man drinks pain. What else is there to say?
            Then Hannibal immediately “salves” the wound he has created (“Salve” is the word used in the script directions) – saying “I’ll offer this one insight: she thinks she married the right guy” (Wu and Fuller 17). See Hannibal playing with Jack? Always playing.
            Jack then says, “I look at her side of the bed and wonder if she’s going to die there or where she’ll die and I feel myself going uncomfortably numb” (Wu and Fuller 18). I believe this to be a reference to Jack’s actual, canon death that Thomas Harris wrote for him in the novel, Hannibal. It is a death that I completely understand but hate like fire because I think a character like Jack deserved a lot better. I feel that Bryan was writing a better end for Jack.
            The end in question is as follows. Clarice Starling has already been drugged and hypnotized, pulled into a strange “relationship” with Hannibal – they live in Buenos Aires together under assumed names. Clarice finds out that Jack has died from the FBI website. Apparently, “after Crawford was home for a month from the hospital, the chest pains came again in the night. Instead of calling an ambulance and going through it all again, he chose simply to roll over to the solace of his late wife’s side of the bed” (483).
            I understand it, but dammit Jack deserves better. I believe Bryan was going to give him better. At least he gets to go to Italy and kick Hannibal’s ass. At least he gets another chance.
            Jack and Hannibal have a conversation about loss, which leads Hannibal to ask, “Who else couldn’t you save, Jack?” (Wu and Fuller 18). Once again, Hannibal pokes at the wound, tugs at the scab. We know full well that Hannibal has Miriam Lass hidden in a damp, darkened oubliette of a well in a secret farmhouse – all wet and cold with a missing arm in a dirty nightgown and in desperate need of some wet wipes and dry shampoo. We know this – which means all of this questioning about “the lost trainee” is just Hannibal enjoying himself, just Hannibal savoring Jack’s pain. I really do think he lets Miriam live because he likes her – (the same reason book/film Hannibal lets Clarice live – she’s a “deep roller”) – but I also think he lets Miriam live solely to give her back to Jack – just like he gives Bella back to Jack when he thwarts her suicide attempt. Just as he takes Abigail away from Will, then gives her back, then takes her away again – Lucy and the football. Hannibal is “curious” what will happen, but also because he loves the pain. Pain is so much more than hum-drum everyday life – and Hannibal doesn’t like mundane pain – like the worries and neurotic spoutings of Franklyn Froidveaux or Neal Frank, no. Hannibal wants Greek tragedy level pain – a boy who wants to be a killing monster, a girl who wants to kill the brother who has been raping her all her life, a man watching his wife die, a man torturing himself with guilt because he lost another girl, and Will Graham, whose pain is beautiful in its kaleidoscopic, ever-changing qualities – it is always the pain of the killer he is profiling, the victim he is investigating, and sometimes, Will’s own deeply buried pain, abandoned by mom, distant from dad, outcast at school, outcast among colleagues, always alone and beautiful, always alone and confused – in terms of pain, Will is 31 Flavors.
            At this point, Jack refuses to tell Hannibal about Miriam Lass – but later on he breaks. The breaking is always Hannibal’s favorite part.
            We are now flashed back again to three years earlier; we see Miriam and Jack surveying the Wound Man tableaux rendered by the authentic Chesapeake Ripper. The victim is lashed to his worktable, and all of his tools from the peg board on which they once hung are dug into the man’s body in varying places all over the corpse.
            This is not an unfamiliar moment. Jack with a whip-smart profiler assessing the carnage of a crime scene; he has also cleared the way for that profiler by sending all “the others” – the crime scene techs and photographers and forensic creatures -- away. Jack seems to understand that the brilliant ones need to be unfettered by noise and stimuli, even before Will Graham joins his pack. Miriam concludes several important things about both the murder and the murderer, namely that the victim was awake during the attack, and that the Ripper was selective about the organs he harvested. Miriam calls these organs “surgical trophies” – in this way, she is half right (Wu and Fuller 19). It is Will who will determine that the Ripper’s trophies are edible and et. The Ripper is a medical doctor, male, and – and I love this line – “exotic somehow” (Wu and Fuller 19). I believe the “exotic somehow” is meant to refer to the fact that Hannibal Lecter is European. I assume Europeans do not consider themselves “exotic,” but most Americans are flabbergasted by anyone with an accent different than theirs, so… If “exotic” is referring to the fact that the Ripper is being played by masterful and devastatingly beautiful actor Mads Mikkelsen, then yes, he's EXOTIC AS FUCK. Point is, he’s not your run-of-the-mill American. He owns a cravat – more than one probably. He probably has a bidet – he calls sedans “saloons” – and he buys all his table linens and china at Christofle. Miriam compliments Jack’s “peculiar cleverness” and we move out of the scene back into the morgue at the BAU, where Team Sassy Science is examining Nurse Shell’s body and Will is observing (Wu and Fuller 20).
            The team is discussing the similarities between Nurse Shell’s murder and the Wound Man murder. They are attempting to rule Abel Gideon IN or OUT. They are unsure how Gideon could have known about the wound patterns the Ripper inflicted on his victims because those details were kept away from the press. Will says, “I see the Ripper but I don’t… feel the Ripper. He’s an artist. This is… plagiarism” (Wu and Fuller 21). Will has his finger on Hannibal’s pulse from the very beginning of the show – whether it be Hannibal as the Copy Cat or Hannibal as the Ripper – when Will finally realizes the two are one and the same, it seems like something that has been on the tip of his tongue since the very beginning. And Will is also very correct in assessing that the real Chesapeake Ripper is not going to let Gideon take credit for his work.
            We end Act Two with Jack Crawford at home, asleep in his bed alone, his wife still out of town at a NATO summit. The phone rings. Jack shakes awake and picks up the phone. The clock reads 2:47 A.M. Clocks are an important motif in Hannibal, especially in Season 1. I will address what I think the motif means when I get deeper into Season 1, when Will’s encephalitis begins to worsen, but needless to say – clocks are humankind’s desperate attempt to not only measure but control time – and quite frankly, time rarely cooperates.
            When Jack answers the phone, he doesn’t recognize the voice at first – or perhaps he doesn’t believe what he is hearing. The words said by the caller are important because it is these words used to torment Jack for the rest of the episode:
MIRIAM LASS’S VOICE: Jack… Jack… Jack… It’s Miriam. I don’t know where I am. I can’t see anything. I was so wrong. I was so wrong. Please… Jack… I don’t want to die like this.                                                            (Wu and Fuller 20).
And then the line goes dead.
            We start Act Three back at the BAU. Beverly Katz has checked all the online databases for telecom systems and says she cannot find a trace of any call to Jack’s home at 2:47 AM. As Brian Zeller continues to question Jack’s skills of perception and memory (that maybe Jack dreamed it, that he doesn’t remember what Miriam sounds like), Jimmy Price points out, “whoever called could have tapped in from that little box outside your house. Or the junction in your neighborhood. There would be no trace signal to track” (Wu and Fuller 23). We, the viewer, know this is exactly what the Ripper – Hannibal Lecter – has done, solely because he is Hannibal Lecter, the James Bond/MacGyver of serial killers. He is a psychiatrist, a medical doctor and a surgeon; he speaks/reads/writes at least four languages that we know of. He is a world-class chef, butcher, snail cultivator, beer brewer – he can tie knots, sew, handle a variety of weapons. He can fist-fight – he can ballroom dance. He can give lectures on Dante in the medieval Italian. Obviously, he knows how to tap a phone line. I also feel very certain that Hannibal can fly a plane, hack into any computer (although he finds it distasteful), make his own soap (Fight Club style), and he knows at least one martial art, if not more.
            Incidentally, tapping into phone lines is also something Francis Dolarhyde can do – both later in Season 3 when he taps into the phone line at Hannibal’s office and calls Hannibal in the BSHCI with the call masked as Hannibal’s lawyer. But, according to Bryan, the Marlow murder in “Apéritif” is one of Francis’ early murders, and he had to tap into the Marlow phone line to record Mrs. Marlow’s call to the security company. It occurs to me that being a serial killer must create endless hobbies, solely based on things you have to learn, like phone tapping, lock picking, glass cutting, tree-climbing, and “this-is-my-designing.”
            Will points out that the 2:47 call obviously didn’t come from the BSHCI, and therefore, could not have been Abel Gideon. When Brian Zeller again suggests that perhaps Jack dreamed the call, Jack shouts at him, “I know when I’m awake” (Wu and Fuller 24). The script then indicates, “Will reacts to that, not always sure he knows the same” (Wu and Fuller 24). Poor Will’s encephalitis is worsening. It only serves to isolate him from others who might possibly help him. And the only person he thinks can help him is actively worsening his condition. I forgive him later, but from this point through the end of Season 1, I am mad as hell at Hannibal. My loyalty is to Will. Hannibal not only doesn’t help my poor baby, he purposely alienates Will from the people who could help him. Grrrrrrr…
            Next, we see Will in his classroom at Quantico. Soon, he hears the clacking of hooves on the floor of the corridor. When he looks up, he sees the Black Stag sidling toward him – then this vision morphs into the reality of the circumstance, Alana Bloom and Jack Crawford walking into the room. Jack floats the idea of baiting the Ripper with a well-placed story in the media, a story that will anger the Ripper because the reporter will heavily suggest that Abel Gideon is the REAL Chesapeake Ripper. Will thinks the scheme is dangerous. He says, “You might push the Ripper to kill again just to prove he isn’t in a hospital for the criminally insane;” to which Jack replies, “I have to push, Will” (Wu and Fuller 26). Jack’s statement is very telling – not just about his relentless pursuit of the Ripper, but of himself as a person. Jack does indeed “push.” He pushes everyone. He pushes Will so hard he practically has a nervous breakdown. He pushes him into the hands of the Ripper himself. He pushes Miriam so hard, he pushes her into that same man’s hands. He pushes his wife so hard, she flees to that same man for advice.
            Considering that Hannibal and Jack don’t officially meet until Episode 1, Hannibal is already WAAAY involved in Jack’s life and already deeply embedded in Jack’s head. It’s funny upon their first meeting in “Apéritif,” that Jack is meeting his nemesis and doesn’t know it. The man who took Miriam from him, who will take Will from him, who will take Beverly from him, who will almost take Jack’s own life. Talk about “a bolt of fate sliding home.”
            Will is disgusted with the idea that Jack is going to cahoot with Freddie Lounds, but you know how Jack has to push, so the next scene reveals Freddie Lounds entering a conference room at Quantico to meet with Jack, Will, and Alana. Jack and Alana are amiable and friendly to Freddie; Will is cold and bitchy (and insanely hot…) Jack tells Freddie he wants her to confirm her story about Gideon being the Ripper. Alana promises to talk to Chilton to get Freddie an interview with Gideon. In one of my favorite of Freddie’s lines, she says, “Not to snap bubblegum and crack wise, but what’s my angle? Is he the Chesapeake Ripper or you just want me to tell everybody he is” (Wu and Fuller 28). Jack suggests he could be because Gideon is a surgeon. The three then discuss the fabled list of professions which psychopaths most favor – journalists and law enforcement being two more. I often wonder if there is also a list of professions that psychos LEAST inhabit. Like, in the bowels of the BAU, a criminal profiler is saying, “Well, we know he’s not a pet psychic, a cupcake baker, or a crossword puzzle author, so we can rule those out! Thank God!”
            We are then transported to the high security sector of the Baltimore Hospital for the Criminally Insane and see stylishly dressed and coiffed Freddie Lounds entering the prison and introducing herself to Abel Gideon.
            When Freddie’s story is finished and published to Tattlecrime.com, we then see Hannibal at his desk with his little tablet reading it – his face as close to “bothered” as you ever see Hannibal come. This is the same face he makes when Franklyn leaves a soiled tissue on his end table, when Mason Verger stabs his chair. I like to call it Hannibal’s “I’m About To Cut a Bitch” face. This is one thing I will say for Mads Mikkelsen over and over again – he acts with every part of his body, including his beautiful face. Fannibals love to discuss Mads’ microexpressions – the little twitches at the corners of his eyes, the dead-eyed, yet sarcastic stares, the tears that appear from nowhere, the minute turnings of his lips into wry smiles – and the most prized being the MIKKELSNARL, the King of All Expressions. The look on his face when reading Freddie Lounds’ story makes you fear for her. Amazingly, she survives. It’s actually insane.
            We then see Dr. Chilton and Alana dining with Hannibal at his home. Hannibal says that the dish is a lamb tongue served with Duxelle sauce and mushrooms, created by famous French chef Auguste Escoffier. After some tongue wagging amongst the diners, Hannibal says to Chilton, “Don’t give me ideas. Your tongue is very feisty and as this evening has already proven, it’s nice to have an old friend for dinner” (Wu and Fuller 30). This line is, of course, a tribute to the ending scene of The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal’s phone call to Clarice in which he implies he will be soon killing and eating the bumbling Dr. Chilton. As previously stated, Fuller’s Chilton stubbornly survives every season.
            Alana, Frederick, and Hannibal begin discussing Abel Gideon. Frederick proudly claims Gideon to be the Ripper. Alana begins questioning Frederick and asks, “Is it possible that you inadvertently planted the suggestion in Gideon’s mind that he was the Ripper?” (Wu and Fuller 31). Frederick replies, “Psychic driving is unethical” (Wu and Fuller 32).
            I have to admit that I NEVER heard the term “psychic driving” before Hannibal. Truly, it sounds like a Cronenberg video game for the Atari 2600. Hannibal says that psychic driving is allowable “in certain circumstances” and actually seems to arouse some gentle suspicion from both Alana and Frederick (Wu and Fuller 32). They don’t seem suspicious that Hannibal is the Ripper – we are a looooong way from that – but they both seem a little shocked that Hannibal might condone the practice, even in narrow cases. Hannibal so desperately wants to play, I think he actually overplays his hand here. He so rarely gives anything away and usually only does so on purpose – perhaps Hannibal’s admission is just to facilitate the conversation Hannibal has in the kitchen with Frederick, in which he states that he believes Frederick already has “psychically driven” Gideon, but it seems a little haphazard to me. Perhaps he’s still amped up because Freddie Lounds has landed a hit on him.
            Speaking of Gideon, we now see him in his cell at the BSHCI, this time being questioned by Jack, who states point blank to the prisoner, “You’re not the Chesapeake Ripper” (Wu and Fuller 33). Gideon tries to convince Jack, tries weakly to explain why he, supposedly as the Ripper, takes surgical trophies, why he didn’t display the bodies of his wife and her family, and so on. Gideon ascertains that Jack is not concerned with those prior crimes.
            DR. GIDEON: But you’re not here to talk about my wife or even the night nurse.
            JACK CRAWFORD: What am I here to talk about?
            DR. GIDEON: Your trainee. Miriam something.
                                                                                                (Wu and Fuller 34)
This minor detail, the fact that Gideon does not know Miriam’s last name, proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Gideon is not, cannot be the Chesapeake Ripper. The real Ripper, Hannibal Lecter, has a meticulous memory palace built in his mind. Thomas Harris explains the grandiose proportions of the Doctor’s psychic estate in both Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. In Hannibal, Harris even treats us to a description of the palace’s interior. It has a “Great Hall of the Seasons… [a] hall of looms and textiles…[and a] Hall of Addresses,” just to name a few wings (252-254). Hannibal actually retrieves Clarice Starling’s address from this cognitive library, buried in a mental construction that Harris says, “is vast, even by medieval standards” (252).
            I know for a fact that Hannibal Lecter remembers the name of every victim he ever killed, how he killed them, what organs/limbs he took, what dish he made with them, and how they tasted. There is no way he forgets a victim’s name. With the exception of the incidental goons from the Questura in Season 3 or Mason Verger’s goons, Hannibal knows the name of every victim he chooses. No way he would forget Miriam’s last name. Gideon is an amateur.
            As their conversation continues, Jack’s phone rings. He walks out of Gideon’s cell block to answer the call as the caller ID announces the number as “HOME.” Jack misses the call and redials. He believes the caller to be his wife, having returned early from her trip. Whoever answers the phone (you know who), then plays the same haunting recorded message – Miriam Lass scared, alone, and begging Jack to help her.
            Immediately, we are in Jack Crawford’s bedroom, where Team Sassy Science is pulling and processing evidence from Jack’s bedroom carpet, bedside phone, and even his wife’s pillow. Will is once again observing. Jimmy Price pulls three sets of prints from the phone – the first two sets are identified as Jack’s and his wife’s. The third set is later identified as belonging to Miriam Lass. Beverly even finds a long blonde hair on Bella’s pillow. Will, of course, asks questions: “Did Miriam Lass know where you live?... Did you know you were sending her after [the Chesapeake Ripper?]…” and then states, “Whoever made that phone call thinks you were close to Miriam Lass and feel responsible for her death;” to which Jack replies, “She was my trainee. I am responsible for her death” (Wu and Fuller 36). Jimmy Price floats the idea that Miriam may be alive since her prints are on the phone. Jack cannot accept the idea.
            This new evidence spins Jack into another flashback – the circumstance of Jack’s last meeting with Miriam – the last time he saw her alive. They are back at Quantico – Miriam has skipped a class called “Exclusionary Rules of Search and Seizure” to ask Jack’s opinion about a report she left on his desk (Wu and Fuller 37). Jack seems needlessly cruel to Miriam in this scene. He tells her “go back to class” and “Frustrated, Lass? Better start forming a callus or frustration is going to wear you through” (Wu and Fuller 37).
            This is perhaps one of the reasons Jack feels so guilty about Miriam’s death, or what he believes to be, death. In their last conversation, he wasn’t very nice. This is one of the unfortunate things about life. The last time I saw my father, the night before he died, the last thing I said to him was, “Dad, don’t eat all that ice cream.” My father was a diabetic and my mother and we children fought him tooth and nail to eat better. Towards the end of his life, he merely circumvented us – he hid Snickers bars in the clothes hamper, peanut butter crackers in the visor in his truck – he finally just broke down and started buying all the sweets he wanted himself since my mother refused to buy them. He was unstoppable. The last time I saw him, he was digging into a half-gallon of Blue Bell chocolate ice cream, and so I told him not to eat it all. All he said to me was, “Bye.”
            If I had known that was the last time I would ever see him alive, I would have told him that I loved him. I would have told him that even though he was a shitty dad, abusive and obstreperous, that I still loved him, and I always would. I have to content myself with the idea that either my dad knew that I loved him or he just didn’t care.
            Miriam’s report makes a smart but dangerous suggestion in the hunt for the Chesapeake Ripper. She explains, “If the Chesapeake Ripper is a surgeon, we should look at medical records of all the known victims” (Wu and Fuller 38). Jack points out that this search would obviously be illegal – medical records fall under very tight privacy laws. Then, the following conversation proves yet another thing to the viewer about Jack’s character:
JACK CRAWFORD: It’s one thing for a trainee to go poking around private medical records without a warrant, very much another if “The Guru” did it…
MIRIAM LASS: Better for a trainee to ask for forgiveness than an FBI agent to ask for permission?
            JACK CRAWFORD: In my experience.
                                                                                                (Wu and Fuller 38).
There is something to be said of the fact that this is exactly the way that Jack “loses” people. This strategy is how he loses Will, how he loses Beverly – sending subordinates to do things he can’t do. I suppose it is a comment on larger patriarchal culture – how men in power get little people to do their dirty work for them – everything from cleaning their toilets to fighting their wars. It is not lost on me that two of the people that Jack “loses” this way are women. Strong, stubborn, beautiful women who went off doing things Jack couldn’t do because of “rules.” I love Jack Crawford with all my heart – but he should feel guilty. The loss of Miriam Lass IS very much his fault.
            After this conversation, Miriam wanders off to begin her search of the medical records and we are flashed back into the present where we see Alana Bloom again at the BSHCI, again interviewing Dr. Gideon. Two scenes here at the end of Act Four and the beginning of Act Five, one where Will has a conversation with Chilton, and one where there is a lockdown in the prison were cut from the final episode, so I shall skip them.
            The scene we alight upon is Jack, back in the present, walking down a hallway at the Academy, and once again his phone rings. Jack accepts the grim possibility that the call might once again be the Ripper taunting him and answers it. It brings us to one of the most interesting and important locales in the series, the abandoned observatory. The real location is the David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. We see the observatory several times in the series – it is always a place of gruesome revelations.
            We see Will, Beverly, and Jack approaching the building – Beverly explaining that the last call Jack received from the Ripper “traced here. Or within a 100 feet of here” (Wu and Fuller 42). Jack then redials the last number the Ripper called from – one that wasn’t masked or anonymous. They hear a distant ringing coming from inside the observatory.
            They enter the building, and underneath a bunch of discarded equipment, at the base of the main telescope, they find a severed arm, the hand holding the ringing cell phone. A note on a card beneath the arm says, “What do you see?” (Wu and Fuller 43). The viewer understands that this is Miriam Lass’ arm – it explains the fingerprints on the phone in Jack’s bedroom.
            I must say, I do find the image kind of funny… Hannibal in his squeaky murder suit – which I affectionately call his “garment bag” because DAMMIT that’s what it looks like – a garment bag with sleeves turned sideways – in Jack’s bedroom, opening a plastic bag and tweezing out one of Miriam’s head hairs, laying it on Bella’s pillow – making the call from Jack’s bedside phone and then laying Miriam’s decapitated hand over the receiver – pressing the finger pads down with his own to make sure the prints stick. I always imagine Hannibal waving Miriam’s arm around with a dramatic flourish when he’s done – like some morbid maestro conducting an insane symphony all of his own composition.
            The episode ends with a flashback – Miriam Lass showing up at Hannibal’s office door to question him. The Wound Man victim was a “Jeremy Olmstead” Hannibal had treated for an arrow wound in his thigh the man received while bow hunting – when Hannibal worked in the emergency room, most likely at Maryland Misericordia Hospital in Baltimore. Hannibal says he doesn’t remember the man (he totally remembers) – but under the guise of going to retrieve his notes from the years he worked in the ER, he leaves the room, removes his shoes, and then in his stocking feet creeps up behind Miriam, just as she discovers Hannibal’s own Wound Man drawing and begins to realize the trouble she is in. Hannibal begins choking Miriam – this is the episode’s second installment of “THINGS THAT HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING INSANELY HOT.”
            The script describes the scene as follows:
Hannibal is like a column of marble, motionless as Miriam twists and throws, trying in vain to knock him off balance. She reaches behind her head, clawing at Hannibal but he presses his face almost sensually against the back of her neck to protect face and eyes from her slashing fingernails. Miriam’s eyes roll, defeated, tear-filled, knowing she’s going to die. She begins to go limp in Hannibal’s arms.
                                                                                    (Wu and Fuller 48).
This scene is an homage to the same scene in Red Dragon when Hannibal attacks Will from behind, just as Will spies a medical book on Hannibal’s bookshelves that contains the Wound Man drawing. Will’s gut is slashed by Hannibal in this attack – in Fuller’s Hannibal, Will’s gut is spared until the end of Season 2.
            This is why I adore Bryan’s Hannibal so much – it is not just an adaptation; it is a remix. Scenes are moved and laid in the hands of different characters. Conversations are shifted – things Hannibal said to Clarice, he says to Will – characters are gender-swapped or their fates are interchanged. Much of Bryan’s remix remains the same – like the tiger scene between Reba and Francis in Season 3 – but so much of it is recut, reimagined, broken down and put back together. Hannibal is an artist of deconstruction and reconstruction and so is Bryan. I still say and always will that Hannibal is the best show ever on television. Good God, it is that fucking good.
            But, you ask, “JESUS CHRIST! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET TO THE LESSON?” I shall now deliver.
            The lesson takes place in the scene just before Miriam’s attack. After having discovered Miriam’s decapitated arm, Jack is badly rattled and goes to see Hannibal at his office. When questioned by Hannibal as to what he believes the Ripper’s motives are for trying to convince him that Miriam is alive, Jack responds “Hope. The Ripper wanted to cloud my vision in the fog of hope;” Hannibal then says, “It can sometimes be brave to allow yourself hope” (Wu and Fuller 44).
            Hannibal then asks Jack when he gave up hope that Miriam would be found alive and then makes the leap from one woman in Jack’s life to another saying, “Don’t give up hope for your wife. Not yet” (Wu and Fuller 44). At the end of the scene, Hannibal coaxes Jack into telling him about Miriam, even asking what her name was. I have to say it, but making Jack tell him, as if he is absolutely unknowing of the details, about Miriam Lass and her disappearance seems almost masturbatory to me – Jack is talking dirty to Hannibal and doesn’t even know it. Hannibal sits there, absorbing every minutiae, every crease of pain in Jack’s face, every flutter of guilt in his eyes, enjoying every moment knowing exactly where Miriam is, and how she disappeared. Perhaps it is in this discussion with Jack that Hannibal decides to spare Miriam’s life. Perhaps that was always his plan. Hannibal couldn’t have known he would be called in to consult with Jack on his beautiful, but twitchy profiler, so who knows how long he was willing to wait, keeping Miriam alive, bleeding her for info that would bring him directly into Jack’s domain. All of it is devious and cruel.
            It is perhaps the cruelest of things for Hannibal to talk to Jack about hope. The viewer knows that Hannibal is the one who has given Jack this “false kind” of hope (Wu and Fuller 44). It is important to remember that on a first time viewing, an audience member is not aware that Miriam is still alive. Just as on a first time viewing, the audience does not know that Abigail Hobbs is still alive after her ear turns up in Will’s gullet and then his sink. This “give the desperate loved ones a piece of their missing people and taunt them with hope” like a sadistic kidnapper, but one with no asking price, is a pattern Hannibal uses twice in the series – both times to manipulate people he cares for – to spin them in circles and watch the motion – no doubt in this spinning, Hannibal searches for weak spots, but he also delights in their pain and confusion.
            It is interesting to think that the people Hannibal seems to care most about are the ones he plays with in this way. Will, Jack, Bedelia – he offers hope; he yanks it away. He lies and lies until suddenly, at the precise moment it will make the greatest impact, he tells the truth. A colossal tease is Hannibal Lecter. But he plays with these people because they interest him enough to invest time and effort into them, into both their pain and their pleasure.
            Hannibal pokes at Jack’s hope not just about Miriam, but about Bella. As a surgeon, Hannibal knows the hope for Bella is even more of a longshot than for Miriam. But he wants Jack to hope because without hope, there is nothing to lose. It is best that Jack, Will, Bedelia, Alana – that all of them have something to hope for, something to lose. They will all become truly dangerous to Hannibal if they don’t. Which is basically what happens with most of Season 2 to Will, and for Jack and Alana in Season 3 – vengeance arcs – when Hannibal has stripped them of hope.
            Our lesson resides in Hannibal’s line: “It can sometimes be brave to allow yourself hope” (Wu and Fuller 44). Leaving aside Hannibal’s qualifying statement of “sometimes,” the most important diction in this line is of “brave” and “allow.”
            Mostly, we allow hope for others. For a sick friend, a family down on their luck, a whole group, a whole country – a sports team or a heroic dog – we can give our hope to them. That makes sense. And it feels good.
            But often, hope is not a thing we are willing to give ourselves. It seems like something only for other people, like compliments or compassion or birthday cakes. Hannibal says it’s “brave” to allow ourselves hope because when our lives are in abject turmoil, hope is the last thing we want to give ourselves because… hope hurts. When things don’t turn out as we want – when we don’t get the promotion – we lose the contest – we fail the test – we screw up the date – or worse yet, our loved one dies – when we crash and burn, utterly crash and burn – we remember the hope we had beforehand and say, “You fool. You stupid fucking fool. How did you even dare to hope?”
            And so the lesson, dear reader, is this – as he often is – Hannibal is right (the bastard…)
            It is brave. Let yourself have it.
            I know it seems easy for me to say. It’s not. It’s hard for me too. Some days, I just can’t do it. But you and me… we’ve got to keep trying. I deserve hope. And so do you.
            It seems impossible is this world full of pain and death and smiling villains.
            But if Jack Crawford can muster hope from a decapitated arm and a dying wife who won’t talk to him, you and I can too.
            Here endeth the lesson…
Fuller, Bryan and Steve Lightfoot. Writers. “Kaiseki.” Hannibal, season 2, episode 1, Chiswick Productions, 2014.
Harris, Thomas. “Foreword to a Fatal Interview.” Red Dragon, by Harris, Berkley, 2000, pp. IX-XIII).
Harris, Thomas. Hannibal. New York, Delacorte Press, 1999.
Harris, Thomas. The Silence of the Lambs. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
“Judges 8:27.” King James Bible Online, www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/
Wu, Kai Yu and Bryan Fuller. Writers. “Entrée.” Hannibal, season 1, episode 6, Chiswick Productions, 2012.
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danothan · 2 years
on the topic of barry’s food preferences, i love this little pattern of him putting jalapenos on everything
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our white bread boy is full of surprises
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andmaybegayer · 10 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-11-27
Listening: Someone on IRC linked me to 3Blue1Brown's Hallelujah Parody about the vicissitudes of apparent patterns in sequences.
Reading: You Want My Password or a Dead Patient:, a paper about information security and the lack thereof in medical contexts. Paper linked here, but I first heard about it in this Choast.
A very good deep dive into the extremes of classic reasons why information security is bypassed: it's just much more important that you have access to resources Right Now in a hospital context than it is that they are secure against hacker, most of the time.
Hospitals process a lot of private information, so they are often beholden to the security standards imposed by regulations agencies. If you've engaged with mandatory security regulations you'll know a lot of them are, uh, bad?
(Famously if you want to meet US FIPS Government Standards you cannot use the Good Elliptic Curve ed25519 and instead you have to use a different, less well secured curve.)
Anyway what this means is that you have a significant conflict between the very high stakes and fast paced world of hospital medicine, and a system that wants you to log back in every time you step away from the x-ray machine.
Watching: Nothing.
Playing: As you may know if you're following me, I started Dark Souls this week. I am having a great time in Dark Souls! It's a lot of fun. I am still where I was yesterday, having just beaten the Belltower Gargoyles.
There are definitely notes that I have. It is for sure a 12 year old game. Some of the opacity is definitely intentional difficulty, like requiring you to just feel out the parry timing, but I it probably wouldn't make the game any easier if it had reliable indicators of when you're in position to backstab or riposte someone and it would make parrying much more fun. I like parrying but so often you parry someone and then just hit them normally instead of going for the cool finisher riposte.
Making: Like ten minutes ago I reopened Cinnabar and Calcite and did a little hardware swap, moving a new network card into Calcite and Calcite's old network card into Cinnabar. Everyone is settled back in. Wifi card upgrades are not really essential but it is nice to have wifi on a desktop even if you don't use it because a) someday you will and b) it's free bluetooth.
Also: Wrote some very bad bash to use my motherboard RGB as a tally light for recording these Dark Souls clips, since I've lost a few clips to hitting the wrong record button a few times.
Tools and Equipment: Original Tuesdayposter @girlfriendsofthegalaxy had a video on marinara sauce this last Tuesday and I was inspired to try some tomato pasta bakes. I usually make Mornay sauce based pasta bakes because it's what my parents usually made, but you gotta try a really spicy tomato pasta bake.
I got some habaneros and jalapenos from the farmers market and made a big pot of spicy tomato tuna bake and especially with the weather being How It Is that was great, I'm making a mushroom one sometime soon it kicked ass. That recipe was loosely based on this one, although I put in a bunch of extra vegetables.
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
Peeping Tom with argyle?? (Blurb?) (ps ik im weird🥱)
of course!
You've caught peeping tom: Argyle
You were working your shift at Surfer Boy Pizza. You were typically the one answering phones and accepting orders from the drive-through. Currently, you were on the phone placing an order for a birthday party. 12 pizzas, half cheese, half pepperoni, whole cheese, one vegetarian, no olives, pineapple pizza, easy on the jalapenos. Every time you repeated the order something was different about it.
As you listen to the woman tell the order for the umpteenth time, you feel a pair of hands grab your waist. You jump at the touch and look behind you. It's Argyle. You thought he was going to reach over you for something but his hands remain planted on your hips. You're brought back to reality when the woman decides to add another pizza and change the order.
You look over your shoulder for a split second at Argyle before bending over to rewrite the receipt. As you bend over the counter, you feel Argyle press into you. You feel his hard-on in his bright patterned shorts push into the divet of your jeans. You squeak and pray that the woman on the other line didn’t hear you. Your face begins to heat up as you feel him continue to rut into you. 
Thank god the phone was in the corner. You lean back up now flush against Argyle’s chest. He moves against you harder, moaning into your other either. You can barely hear the woman. You didn’t care to hear her. You just kept saying ‘mhm’ and ‘uh huh’ but you could give less of a shit right now. You pinch the phone between the side of your face and your shoulder and grab Argyle’s hands. You slide one down into your pants and the other up into your shirt. He slides his hand further into your underwear, rubbing over your clit. Now you’re moving with him. He kisses your ear and then slides his tongue down your neck. You bite your lip to suppress a moan. He pinches and twists your nipple.
You let out a gasp that catches the woman off guard. With an easy recovery you continue to listen to her blab about her order as you feel Argyle's fingers glide across your wet slit. Your mouth is agape and you hunch over the counter. Argyle is still humping you. You feel his shaft move up and down the seam between your back pockets. “Argyle~ Hurry up.” You whisper. He smiles before pushing his fingers into your pussy.
“Oh my god.” You groan, “No ma’am keep going. Keep going~” His fingers slowly stroke your insides. Your torso was now flat on the counter; your bottom half was now moving against Argyle’s. You turn your head and see him pressed closed and grinding against your ass. You see a little stain where the tip of his cock is. “Yes. Yes~”
You can’t keep focus like this, you hook your thumb into your waistband and shimmy your jeans lower just below the curve of your ass. Argyle’s eyes widened at the proposition you were offering. Here, right now, at work, while you were on the phone. You wanted to fuck. He couldn’t say no, it was a dream he always had. Starting now.
He lowers his shorts and slips his cock out of his underwear sliding it between your folds and into your hole. You moan out and cover your mouth. God, he was in heaven no, he grips one of your hips and continues to fuck into you. “Holy shit.” He groans.
“Yes ma’am, we do a DEEP cut~ Mhm.” You look over your shoulder. Argyle looks like he’s in pure bliss, sliding his dick deep until his hips are flush to your butt. He bends over and moans into your other ear. Your head spins as you can’t comprehend the woman anymore. Your pussy clings the shaft of his cock, causing him to push further. Your eyes twitch and all you want to do is moan right now.
After a minute, Argyle pulls out, you let out a breath, you think you're safe to answer the woman, and then he pushes back in. “Okay ma’am so your total will be one HUNDRED OH MY GOD~?!” You clear your throat, he picks up his pace, “I’m sorry about that, such a deep, ahem, steep price. It’s one hundred and fifty dollars.”  You move the phone away and let out an exhaustive moan. He’s hitting your g-spot repeatedly, you can barely think, hear, or see. “Argyle~ Please. Take the phone, I can’t” He grabs it from you as your head falls onto the counter. One of his hands rests on your shoulder and you feel him pull you into his thrust as he finishes on the phone. “That’s right ma’am and we’ll give you a call when it’s all ready. You have a surf-tastic day.” And with one final thrust you both cum and he hangs up the phone.
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Smoky Chicken & Chorizo Enchiladas
Pre-heat oven to 175C/350°F Grease an 8″ square or an oval baking dish.
Mix the cooked chicken and chopped chorizo sausage together, and then set aside.
Empty the salsa into a large mixing bowl, add the water (if using), garlic powder, chipotle chilli powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix well. Adjust seasonings if necessary.
Pour 1/4 of the salsa mixture over the base of the greased baking dish and then layer 1/4 of the flour tortilla strips over the top. Scatter some of the chopped olives and sweet corn over and then add some of the chopped chicken and chorizo. Top with more salsa and continue to layer in this pattern, until the last layer. For the last layer, spoon the sour cream over the top before finishing with the salsa mixture and then scatter the grated/shredded cheese over the top. (Can be frozen at this stage, cover and freeze for up to 2 months.).
Cover the casserole with aluminium foil and bake for 35 minutes; take the foil off and finish baking for 5 to 10 minutes longer or until the topping is bubbling and the cheese is melted and golden.
Serve immediately with sour cream, jalapeño peppers and chopped cilantro or parsley. I find that a green salad is the perfect accompaniment to this, but rice would also be good.
To cook from the freezer: Thaw the casserole in the fridge for 24 hours before removing for 30 minutes, before baking as instructed before.
2 cups chopped cooked chicken 6 inches hot chorizo sausage, cut into chunks 2 cups mild salsa 1⁄2 cup water (optional) 1⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons dried chipotle powder (more or less to personal taste) salt and pepper 15 ounces corn kernels, drained (600g) 1⁄4 cup pimento stuffed green olive, halved 1 cup sour cream (8 ozs) 6 flour tortillas, cut into strips (8-inch) 2 cups grated cheese, to taste sour cream, to serve chopped jalapeno pepper, to serve cilantro or parsley, chopped, to serve
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diamondnokouzai · 3 months
am i shroomin or are there patterns on my ceiling. looks like a guitar or like the thing at the top of those fancy wrought iron gates where its like the persons initials. anyways im hankerin somethin fierce for some jalapeno cheetos.
0 notes
marylitten · 3 months
Bagelexperience - BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024
Bagelexperience is known for its commitment to providing exceptional bagel experiences to its customers. As part of their continuous efforts to improve their services, they have launched the BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024. In this article, we will explore the significance of the survey, discuss the benefits of participating, and highlight how Bagelexperience values customer feedback. Get ready to uncover the power of your voice in shaping the future of Bagelexperience!
Bagelexperience: Elevating the Bagel Experience : Bagelexperience has established itself as a premier destination for bagel aficionados. With their delectable range of flavors and commitment to quality, they offer a truly elevated bagel experience. From classic options like plain and sesame to unique varieties like blueberry and jalapeno, Bagelexperience caters to diverse tastes and preferences. Their dedication to providing the perfect balance of taste and texture sets them apart in the world of bagels.
The Importance of Guest Experience : Bagelexperience understands that the key to success lies in delivering exceptional guest experiences. They believe that every customer interaction is an opportunity to create a lasting impression. By focusing on guest experience, Bagelexperience aims to exceed expectations and ensure that every visit to their establishment is memorable. The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024 plays a vital role in their commitment to continuous improvement and delivering outstanding service.
BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey: Your Voice Matters : The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024 is a platform for customers to share their opinions, suggestions, and feedback on their recent visit to Bagelexperience. By participating in the survey, customers have the opportunity to directly influence the future of the brand. Bagelexperience values the insights and perspectives of its customers, as they play a crucial role in shaping the direction and enhancing the overall guest experience.
Benefits of Participating in the Survey : Participating in the BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey brings several benefits to both customers and Bagelexperience. Firstly, it allows customers to voice their opinions and contribute to the improvement of the brand. Secondly, participants often receive exclusive discounts, special promotions, or even freebies as a token of appreciation for their time and feedback. Lastly, by actively engaging in the survey, customers can help Bagelexperience create a more personalized and tailored experience that caters to their preferences.
Survey Questions: Unveiling Insights : The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024 covers various aspects of the customer journey, including food quality, service, cleanliness, ambiance, and overall satisfaction. Participants can provide detailed feedback on their specific experiences, highlighting both positive aspects and areas for improvement. These insights help Bagelexperience identify strengths, address weaknesses, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall guest experience.
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction : Bagelexperience is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction at every touchpoint. The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey allows them to gauge customer satisfaction levels accurately. By analyzing the survey responses, Bagelexperience can identify patterns, trends, and areas where they excel or need improvement. This valuable information enables them to make strategic decisions that prioritize customer satisfaction and continuously elevate the bagel experience.
Continuous Improvement: Listening to Customers : Bagelexperience strongly believes that listening to their customers is essential for growth and success. The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey is a testament to their dedication to continuous improvement. By actively seeking feedback, Bagelexperience can adapt to changing preferences, introduce new flavors, and refine their services to meet the evolving needs of their customers. This customer-centric approach ensures that Bagelexperience remains a leader in the realm of bagels.
Bagelexperience: A Journey Together : The BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024 is an invitation for customers to embark on a journey with Bagelexperience. By participating in the survey, customers become active contributors to the brand's growth and success. Bagelexperience values the partnership with its customers and strives to create a collaborative environment where their voices are heard, respected, and acted upon. Together, Bagelexperience and its customers can create a bagel experience that exceeds expectations.
Source : https://bagelexperiencez.shop/
Conclusion : Bagelexperience's commitment to providing exceptional bagel experiences is reinforced through the BagelTalk Guest Experience Survey 2024. By participating in the survey, customers have the power to shape the future of Bagelexperience and contribute to its continuous improvement. Bagelexperience values customer feedback and aims to deliver memorable guest experiences. So, seize the opportunity to make your voice heard, join the journey of enhancement, and be a part of the evolution of Bagelexperience!
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Just Another Menace Sunday #1056 w - Mercer Henderson
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New Shows Sundays 4pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats Wednesdays 1pm EST and Fridays 6pm EST Archival Shows available on bombshellradiopodcasts.com "Just Another Menace Sunday" radio thing. Hour 1: A Conversation from the Menace Hollywood Knolls Studio with Mercer Henderson and her Musical Sandwich. Hour 2: New Melodic Rock 'n Roll from: Bleachers (Jesse Malin Tribute Album, Pixies, Hayley Mary, Winnetka Bowling League, Mercury Rev, Washed Out, Punky Ramone, Jason DeVore, EELS, Thin Lear, Wolfgang Valbrun, Travis, Ports! This Week's Interview: Mercer Henderson
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This Week – Episode #1056 A CONVERSATION FROM THE MENACE HOLLYWOOD KNOLLS STUDIO WITH MERCER HENDERSON & HER MUSICAL SANDWICH! (06/09/2024) Theme Song Just Another Menace Sunday Theme (Dennis The Menace) - Mighty Six Ninety Hour 1 A CONVERSATION FROM THE MENACE HOLLYWOOD KNOLLS STUDIO WITH MERCER HENDERSON & HER MUSICAL SANDWICH! OPENING SONG: Don’t Wake Me Up – Mercer Henderson THE MERCER HENDERSON MUSICAL SANDWICH! TOP BREAD: Strangers – Mercer Henderson Until We Drink – Savannah Sgro Risk – Gracie Abrams Good Luck Babe – Chapel Roan Covering Faces – Carlie Hanson Paint My Bedroom Black – Holly Humberstone One Last Cry – Tristen Cry – Benson Boone Bittersweet – Sabrina Sterling Born And Blind – Ella Jane BOTTOM BREAD: What You Wanted – Mercer Henderson Hour 2 NEW MELODIC ROCK & ROLL! OPENING SONG: Prisoners Of Paradise – Bleachers (Glassnote) You're So Impatient – Pixies (BMG) The Ballad Of Ruby Wednesday – Hayley Mary Ruby Tuesday – The Rolling Stones (London) Sha La La – Winnetka Bowling League (Local Weather) Patterns – Mercury Rev (Bella Union) Running Away – Washed Out (Sub Pop) Don’t Look Back – Punky Ramone (Punky Ramone) I’m On A Beach – Jason DeVore (Double Helix) Goldy – Eels (Pias) Bowie’s Lay Lines – Thin Lear (Thin Lear) Sun Don’t Shine – Wolfgang Valbrun (Jalapeno) Bus – Travis (BMG) CLOSING SONG: Wait Forever – Ports (Ports)   Read the full article
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notsocheezy · 6 months
Brain Curd #12 - Fanfic Friday #2
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction, posted daily and usually written with the intention of being terrible… in an endearing way. Please enjoy these continuing non-canonical adventures in The Good Place.
“Okay,” Michael said, clapping his hands together in front of his chest. “That just about covers everything you should need to know. Any questions?”
Eleanor leaned back on the couch and raised an eyebrow. “Let me get this straight: I spent eternity here - in a house covered with clowns - with some nerd? And I liked it?”
“I am sitting right here.” Chidi, right next to Eleanor on the couch, chimed in. He turned to look at Michael. “If you were able to restore our memories before, why can’t you do it now?”
“Well, first of all, I deleted all the neighborhood backups out of concern for your privacy.” Michael straightened out his jacket. “And I never recorded anything that happened after we won the case. None of you ever needed to be rebooted again.” He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Or so I thought. This is the ultimate reboot. Janet and I still don’t know what’s happening.”
With a soothing bing sound, Janet appeared near the front door of the house. She smiled wide. “Good news, Michael. I’ve located Jason!”
Out from behind her stepped Jason Mendoza, holding a bucket of chicken wings and a tray of jalapeno poppers. “Wings and poppers! This is the best day of my life!”
Chidi raised his hand halfway. “But you’re not -”
Michael placed his hand on Chidi’s shoulder. “Don’t ruin it for him.” He made sober eye contact with Jason. “What do you remember?”
“Let me think… I remember waking up in a room… and this nice lady was there!” He smiled and pointed at Janet. “She gave me wings! And jalapeno poppers!”
“Yes, yes, but before that?”
“Last thing I remember before that was me and Pillboi about to rob a restaurant. It was the perfect crime. It must have gone great because now I live a life of luxury! She gives me anything I want!”
“What would you like right now, Jason?” Janet asked.
“I wanna play Xbox!”
Accompanied by a bing, a TV and an Xbox playing Madden 24 appeared in the corner. Jason excitedly ran up to it, sat on the floor, and began playing.
“Hey!” Eleanor called out. “You didn’t answer my question, dude!”
“It’s like I said, Eleanor,” Michael sighed. “You changed a lot over the course of many seasons.”
“I was trying to be poetic. Over a very long time, you grew to appreciate Chidi.” He gestured around the room. “And these clowns. And you became a better person, too.”
“Michael,” Janet said. “I’ve just been informed that Brent has also reappeared.”
“Brent?!?” Michael yelped. “He just left!” Michael brushed his silver hair back and turned back to the couch. “Chidi, Eleanor - Janet and I have some business to attend to. Please make sure Jason doesn’t go anywhere.”
Jason, still assembling his football team, was deeply invested in his craft.
Under his breath, Michael spoke to Janet. “Jason only remembers up until he died the first time. This is a pattern. We need all hands on deck for this. Let’s go get Tahani.”
With a bing sound, both of them disappeared into thin air.
Eleanor got up from the couch and began pacing around. “Are you buying any of this?”
“They told us everything over the course of twenty hours.” Chidi stood up. “You think they made all that up?”
“Oh, yeah, it does seem ridiculous that a self-confessed ‘ex’-demon and a smokin’ hot robot could fabricate a convoluted plot full of memorable characters and love triangles!” Eleanor said facetiously. “What am I thinking, right?”
“Point taken.”
“I say we follow them and see what they’re up to.”
“But we made a promise to watch Jason until they get back!”
“Fine, whatever, we take him with us!”
“No can do, homies.” Jason interjected. “Now that I’m rich, and I have my own personal chef lady, I’m gonna play the perfect game of Madden.”
Eleanor crossed her arms at Chidi. “He’s not going anywhere, dude. Problem solved.”
“While that may technically fulfill my obligation, I don’t think it’s in the spirit of -”
Eleanor pulled Chidi by the collar and the two of them exited via the green door, her mind thinking only of tracking down Michael and Janet. It slammed behind them.
“Man…” Jason said, chugging a two liter of Mountain Dew. “I wish Pillboi was here.”
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kingjamesroystonpub · 6 months
Crafting Signature Cocktails: The Perfect Complement to Burgers
You might think of a beer or pop as a good drink to go with a burger. Even though there are a lot of drinks to choose from, if you want to make yours stand out, add some creativity and flair. You can create your own drinks at home or at a pub but make sure to add a touch of creativity that can be enjoyed with your Burger. It will teach about Crafting Signature Cocktails: The Perfect Complement to Burgers.
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Best British Beer and Burger in Royston
Understanding Flavours:
If you have planned to create your very own drinks and food, then it is better to understand the flavors. Burgers contain a lot of meat flavors that can be spicy and savoury. When you create a drink keep in mind all the tastes like sweet, sour, bitter and aromatic and then make the best one that goes well with your burger.  To make your burgers taste better, learn about these flavour patterns. This will help you make drinks that go well with them.
Choosing Base Spirits:
The base alcohol is the bedrock of every cocktail. Think about the flavours of the burgers you'll be serving with your signature drinks when you choose the base spirits. Mix your burger with a whiskey-based drink for a heartier meal. Try a drink with vodka if you want something lighter. Look at various drinks, including mezcal, tequila, rum, or even gin, to discover the one that goes best with your burgers.
Selecting Mixers and Ingredients:
Once you've chosen your base spirit, you can pick out mixes and other things that go well with it. Some people think it's fancy to drink cocktails that have syrups, fresh fruits, herbs, and spices in them. If you want to go with burgers with jalapenos, you could make a drink with fresh lime juice and jalapeno sauce. Choose the items however you like, but keep the tastes in check to make a good drink.
Trying Out Different Garnishes:
Decor items can change more than just how a drink looks. They can also change how it tastes and smells. To make your signature drinks look and taste better, try decorating them with edible flowers, fresh herbs, citrus twists, or even salty things like bacon or pickles. Pick the right garnish for the best drink experience and a unique way to end your burger pairing.
Crafting Signature Cocktails
Serving and Presentation Ideas:
If you want to serve signature drinks with burgers, presentation is critical. Make sure the cups you use for your drinks are unique and fit with the theme or mood of your meal. In contrast, a classic martini glass might be perfect for a fancy drink, while a mason jar would look more rural in a more casual setting. Always put the toppings on your drinks right before you serve them. It will make them look better and surprise your guests.
How to Pair Cocktails with Burgers:
Before putting together a burger and a drink, you should think about how the two foods will taste together. Pick drinks that don't overpower the burger's tastes. A strong bourbon cocktail, for example, might not go well with a mild fish burger, but a light and crisp gin drink would. Once you find the ones that go best with your burgers, try out a bunch of them.
In Conclusion:
An enjoyable way to improve your dining experience is to make your signature drinks to enjoy with burgers at home or in bars. By learning about flavour profiles, picking base spirits, mixers, and ingredients, playing with garnishes, and getting good at how to present and serve your drinks, you can make unique and tasty drinks that go perfectly with your favourite burgers. All of these tips will help you create memorable food experiences for yourself and your friends, whether you're having a burger and cocktail pairing event or just eating at home. Cheers to tasty burgers and drinks that taste great!
We at King James Royston Pub serve some of the best cocktails that go well with our burgers. We serve some of the best wines, gins, beers, ales, and more besides drinks. It's always fun at King James Pub. On certain nights, we provide live music, karaoke, quizzes, and open mics.
Quiz Night is the perfect spot for everyone who enjoys taking quizzes. You can get your group of six friends to join in and win great gifts. People who love to sing can join events like Open Mic and Karaoke nights. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for all updated events and music nights.
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shadyhouse · 9 months
Ramen & Stuffed Jalapenos
Ramen: What is your ideal hair/fur/scales/feathers/hide situation vis a vis physical makeup, colour, etc?
hmmmm ideally i'd be covered in fur, black and white tuxedo pattern maybe, in a perfect world i would be an anthro......... but this is not a perfect world
Stuffed Jalapenos: How much money would someone have to offer you for you to squirt hot sauce in your own eyes?
thousands upon thousands of dollars, like enough to change my life LOL that hot sauce might make me blind!!! i dont want to deal with those hospital bills
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