#jack/vlad daily
dailyjackvlad · 2 months
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DAY 3 At least you tried, V-Man...
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ghostlyglimmer · 1 month
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daily-dose-of-danno · 2 months
Do you happen to have a picture of Danny and Vlad in the TUE flashback on Vlad’s steps?
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Season 2, Episode 5 - The Ultimate Enemy
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Reverse age au
Phantom: you guys are just kids.
Sam: so are you!!!
Tucker:* whisper* sam!
Phantom: not everyone has the luxury to die old.
Tucker: sorry its just... we weren't experting someone like...you. to be king.
Phantom: what did you ecpect then?
Maddie: someone who wants our skin on your wall for fun or something like that!
Phantom:... i see you've met skuler.
Vlad: yes and it seems I've become a faveriot of his.
Phantom: hmmm has he showen uo outside your bedroom window?
Vlad: wha- no! Why would he-?
Phantom: then your definitely NOT his favourite... seems that place still goes to me.
Vlad: you...were hunted by skuler?
Phantom: oh yeah...most annoying 3 months of my life.
Vlad: wait why-
Phantom: ANYway... i think we should be getting to business
Vlad: *gulps* i suppose
Phantom: to begin i need your names and specific being you are
Sam: samantha mason, liminal
Tucker: tucker foley, liminal
Jack: jackson fenton, human
Maddie: maddiline tippy, human
Vlad: *swallows* Vladimir masters, halfa
Phantom: did you say masters?
Vlad: *confused* yes?
Jazz: as in jacob and lilian masters?
Vlad: how- How do you know my parents!!!
Phantom:... and you said halfa?
Vlad: *frustrated* yes, yes I'll show you * detransforms*
Phantom: hmm
Jazz: danny what are you thinking
Phantom: im thinking...
This calls for a more in-depth look.
You all may leave but do be warned we will be closer than youd like. Much closer for you Vladimir.
Maddie: HEY WAIT-
Phantom turnes one of his hands into a claw and rips a portal through the floor around the 5 friends, sending them all through. Landing in a heap behind casper high football feild.
What happened concerned them all, especially phantoms aparent interest in vlad. They'll have to figure this out together
Danny and jazz were talking, about the appearance of a new halfa, and jazz had to tie danny down so he wouldnt float away on excitement.
Jazz was happy for her brother and curious to see the new halfa, she had the perfect way to, while messing with the gjost hunters a little.
It was time to reach out to her old college buddies
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sakuravalelp · 3 months
Ellie(Dani) didn't realize how dangerous Danny's home was for him until he was more worried about her when she got her own home. - Prompt I think(?)
Ellie wasn't sure how to feel when Danny excitedly animated her to accept Arthur's invitation to live in Atlantis.
"Just if you want of course, but you'll get a stable home, and Frostbite said living underwater might be good for your water cores stability."
She had already been planning to accept the offer. Once she gave the guy an opportunity to have some sort of conversation, the guy was pretty chill, and the castle was pretty cool. So yeah, she was going to accept the offer.
But for some reason Danny's eagerness for her to go with Arthur hurt. It felt like he was trying to get rid of her.
She knew that was ridiculous, she didn't even live with Danny. He looked out for her, and was always a call away but, as much as Danny parents her, he was just a child like her. It made sense he was happy to give away the responsibility of taking care of her.
So when Ellie moved into Atlantis, she was expecting to hear less from Danny. After all, she had settle down, and he didn't need to worry about her adventures anymore. That was Arthur's and Mera's job now.
Weirdly enough, it was the complete opposite.
Now that Ellie was living with adults, Danny seemed MORE worried for her. They went from a call once a week or so, to almost daily calls in the afternoons. He would be more insistent about her telling him if anything was wrong.
He would ask specifics about the food she was eating, and her activities of the day, and her room, and the castles security...
Sam had told her that it was because he used to be able to monitor if she was eating well through the transactions of the debit card they had given her. Tuck had told her that he used to evaluate how safe she was through the phones location, and the hotels receipts.
And well, maybe she underestimated how much attention Danny put on her before, but the way the calls went made it seem like he thought she might be in more danger now that she had a stable home.
Which made no sense, because unlike him, she didn't even need to hide her ghostlines. Anything that was out of normal for Atlanteans was excused with meta-abilities, she didn't need to worry about being classified as a non-sentient species.
That was when it caught up to her. Danny was worried now that she was in a stable home because his stable home had always been dangerous for him. It isn't even a think of it being dangerous now that his a ghost, it has been dangerous ever since he was a child. She remembers all of Jazz's rants about how unreliable their parents have always been.
The food has always been contaminated. The security now attacked him directly, but there had always been a possibility of it malfunctioning and hurting the residents. Him and Jazz had always had the responsibilities of not only keeping the house clean, but the lab as well. If she tops it with the house security system attacking him, and his parents been ghost hunters...
Ellie hadn't found it too dangerous back then, Danny mocked Jazz rants with her, and Jack and Maddie were kind when they interacted with her in her human form. The Fentons neglect seemed liberating in comparison to Vlad overly controlling nature. But thinking about it now, after two months living in Atlantis, she doesn't like the picture.
She doesn't like the idea of Danny being somewhere so unsafe, but where would he go? He doesn't have a water core like her, and even if he had gotten sorta used to shapeshifting, he isn't good enough to live in a second form, which isn't recommendable either way. So he wouldn't be able to move underwater with her.
More so, she doubts that Danny would like to leave his Amity, he had taken the sole responsibilities of dealing with the whole humans - ghost conflicts. With the anti-ecto acts, there's no way he would leave the portal unsupervised.
What should she do now? Should she talk with Arthur about it? He said he was part of the heros friend group, what if they already know about the anti-ecto acts and are okay with it? What if they change hoe they act with her when she tells them she isn't actually an atlatean meta?
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gaddaboutgriffon · 3 months
Super Phantom
Writing prompt #3
Danny reveals his ghost half to his parents and they took it well accepting him. As a result the doctors Fenton then backed out of the weapons deal they had with the GIW and are actively protecting Phantom from them.
The GIW don’t give up even after the anti ecto acts are being repealed and sabotaged the gas tank for Nasty Burger’s grill. This causes the explosion that would Kill Danny’s family and friends there for Jazz’s graduation celebration. Clockwork foresaw of a Dan event happening and froze time to take and de-age Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Vallarta. (Clockwork is a jerk and frankly blames Jack and Maddie for making the he portals that caused both Vlad and Danny’s halfa status and a lot more work for him. He is letting those two die.)
Clockwork then sends the Deaged to babies/toddler to different places in the Yong Justice cartoon DC universe. All the kids are liminal and have powers.
Jazz now a 3 year old is sent to Hippallita on Themescira. (Excuse my spelling) liminal powers make her strength on par with Amazons.
Sam, age 1 as well and sent to Giovanni Zattarra. Three year old Zatana gets a younger sister that also has the gift of magic. Especially nature/plant magic.
Tucker I had a hard time deciding but eventually chose Lucius Fox. (If you can think of someone better go ahead and make suggestions.)
Vallarie was Supposed to be sent to Ted Kord, but Lex Luthor was trying to tap into the watchtower’s zeta tubs but accidentally got clockwork’s portal instead. It cased he basket to be dropped instead of gently set down. Startled, two year old Vallarie instinctively activates her ghost tech armor. Now that is a curious unexpected asset Lex will find a way to utilize.
And finally deaged to one year old Danny is sent in a in a basket with a solar system print blanket with a envelope sitting on top. The portal opens and the basket is carefully set on the table with the note. Then clockwork places a folder thick with other papers of to the side. He retreats into the portal closing it behind him just as the apartment door is opening.
Clark Kent has just finished his third week of work at the Daily Planet, the evening patrol and even grocery shopping. Thoughts of the paper he needs to write and turn in the morning are on his mind as he enters his apartment in time to notice a Green glow wink out of existence from his kitchen door. He drops the now forgotten grocery bags when he hears the tiny heartbeat and rushes over to the basket on the table.
A sleeping baby. A baby! Wha- how had anyone. When his brain stops stalling he notices the letter. It reads:
The boy’s name is Danny. You are the most likely to survive him learning to use his powers as they emerge. His parents died trying to protect him. It is not safe for him here.
I have already forged the legal documents naming you as his godfather and a cover story in the attached folder. Also three gold coins will be sent to you each month as child support. If anyone else looks at this letter the text will change to simply read that you are the godfather of this recently orphaned boy.
Clark stood in shock rereading the letter in shock a dozen times. Before Lois snapped him out of it.
“Hey Smallville, it may not be Gotham but even in Metropolis you shouldn’t just leave your door open.” She called as she entered from the hall. Then she noticed the spilled bags of groceries on the floor. And came in. “Are you ok? You may be a klutz but you always pick u- Oh My God, That’s a Baby!”
Well that is enough for tonight. I will add on more later. Wonder how quickly this would grow if I don’t tag anyone? Eh just a few. @bloggerspam @confusedshades @hypewinter @zylev-blog @kizzer55555
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radiance1 · 9 months
Danny is a ferret.
Do not ask how, do not ask why. The answer will never leave his lips so long as he swears it.
Danny has unfortunately lost his friends and family in the Nasty Burger Explosion a while before becoming a ferret, which understandable made him sad and in that sadness, he's been roaming around the ghost zone aimlessly (his family and friend's aren't ghosts).
Then he was thrusted into ferrethood.
A while later he finds himself a group of ferrets and, well.
Using his newfound power he go back to Vlad's mansion and causes CHAOS.
Vlad is, understandably, pissed at this. Not at the property damager per say. But because they interrupted his time where he just sat back, relaxed, let his hair down, pours himself a glass of wine and enjoys a cake for his own pleasure.
As well as mourning the loss of Madeline Fenton and, surprisingly, Jack Fenton.
He doesn't usually let himself relax and sink into grief, because he threw himself into work to avoid that most days. But today was the date of their death and, well, he sets aside a little time for that.
One of them has a far too familiar color scheme, and Vlad instantly clocks that it's Danny and asks why he's a ferret.
Danny doesn't answer.
So now Vlad finds himself living with a bunch of ferrets under his roof, his giant roof that could well hold much, much more than them.
But that's beside the point.
So Danny lives with Vlad here, mostly terrorizing the man on a daily basis while his ferret friends move in (and joining him on the grief day). Even funnier, the ferrets bring more ferrets over to Vlad's mansion, some ghosts and some others actually alive.
How did they bring alive ferrets over?
Don't question it.
Vlad has more than enough space for them, really, and no one told him anything until he actually saw one trying to steal his food. He then buys food for the alive ones, so they don't steal his food (and ingredients).
Vlad decides that, since Danny wants to be such a nuisance he might as well make himself useful. After all, a group of ferrets is called a business.
Danny gets placed in charge of a small portion of Vladco, then secretly starts buying up more ferrets to annoy Vlad. Somehow Vlad doesn't notice until it's too late and he's acquired a reputation for loving ferrets or something of the like. Danny does do actual work though, not as much as Vlad (since he's the CEO and all) but enough.
He also becomes a shareholder.
The second biggest shareholder in fact. Vlad is the biggest and Danny never actually thought Vlad had those but it made sense actually.
It was funny when the other shareholders realized that a ferret held more than them.
His work, while small, does get upgraded to of more importance than originally. Probably a move to try and give Danny less time to buy more ferrets.
It's for a good cause, Danny swears.
Then Vlad gets invited to a gala, one that has both Lex Luthor and the Waynes in attendance and Vlad yoinks Danny along, mostly to spite him. Because if Vlad was dealing with Lex, so will Danny because of the number of headaches he gave him.
He got him into a suit and everything, that was magical in nature so that, in case Danny suddenly decided he wanted to be human again the suit would fit itself accordingly (Would Danny have ferret ears and tail? Perhaps).
Danny? Didn't really see a problem with this (he's never met Lex Luthor) and decided that most people will probably just see him as some sort of pet Vlad really likes and such he won't have to talk with people. Though he probably won't be able to stray far from Vlad when he wants food, luckily, he can just poke at Vlad to carry him there instead.
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satureja13 · 20 days
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No one sleeps very well these days so Jeb and Kiyoshi got up early to prepare breakfast. Jeb needs some distracion - and advice for his upcoming talk to Saiwa. He's so afraid to say something wrong and Sai will get upset again and then Sai would maybe ditch him forever...
Meanwhile Saiwa has other problems - his main problem, Jack, still hasn't gotten up yet. Skully: "Go ahead, I'll make sure to wake him and get him ready." Saiwa: "Eh, thank you."
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They are going to spend this day alone again, so Sai is preparing their schedule for today. This day will be packed, as always. They can't afford to stay any longer than necessary. Tution here is expensive and they really need to find a solution to detect (and get rid of) that spell Ji Ho's grandfather might have cast on him.
When Sai went to meet the others for breakfast, Jack still wasn't there. Vlad: "I'll fetch him." And Jeb and Kiyoshi were looking worriedly after him... Is this just worry about a good friend or because Jack became - kind of - 'their omega' ö.Ö' Ji Ho hissed quietly. But not quiet enough for Sai not to hear. He's never seen Ji Ho this upset and the look he gave Vlad's back could kill. This was the moment when Sai realized that Ji Ho's new found feelings could be a real threat for them. Maybe Ji Ho's grandfather and the Council had been waiting just for this to happen. That Ji Ho would eventually find his feelings and got so overwhelmed by them, he'd try to influence Vlad to something that would harm - or destroy them. From their very core. They really need to find a solution. Also to deal with their jealousy and Jack's heat. Even though Vlad, Jeb and Kiyoshi might not be affected that much, Sai and Ji Ho definitely are.
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Jack feels awful. He tried to hide it from Sai and Ji Ho to not upset them any further. It's getting worse with his heat and if it weren't for that pain he's suffering from for the last 10 months, maybe he would do better. But his body is at his limits. Super Soldier or not. Jack was sobbing: "Vlad, I feel awful. I'm even at the point to accept an Alpha again - just to make it stop. Can't you be my Alpha? We could just pretend, you know? Just so that it finally stops. I'm loosing my mind here. You're my best friend. Please Vlad." Vlad had never seen his friend so desperate and he didn't think twice before he answered: "You know I'd do anything for you. We'll do that." Jack: "I love you." Vlad: "I know."
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Skully: "Really, you two? Have you forgotten that not Jack having an Alpha makes it stop but Jack getting laid by his Alpha?" They totally forgot that -.- Why is this stuff so complicated? Jack: "Gods. We definitely won't do that, omg!" Vlad: "Dammit! Nothing is easy in this world. Nothing!" Jack: "I will have to survive another day, then. I'll get ready and meet you in the yard."
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When Jack eventually stepped outside, breakfast was already over. But he couldn't eat a bite anyway. His intestines seem to wind like hyperactive space worms on warp speed. Luckily he found a strange metal orb next to his yoga mat. (Probably from the last lightning stroke?) And soon he made his way into his Armadillo World of yoga practise (which at least helped with his pain) and metallurgy. He's really blessed sometimes ^^'
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Their daily yoga/meditaion/tantra practise helped all of them to calm down a bit and to see things from a bit of a distance.
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'Pressure pushin' down on me Pressin' down on you, no man ask for Under pressure that brings a building down Splits a family in two, puts people on streets
Can't we give ourselves one more chance? Why can't we give love that one more chance? Why can't we give love, give love, give love, give love Give love, give love, give love, give love?'
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie Easily one of the best songs of all time <3
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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mooblybloom · 4 months
I'd like to thank the Fenton family are master manipulators and Danny has learned from his family some know about their manipulative tendencies more than others in the family such as:
Jack Fenton:
He is blissfully unaware of his belated manipulation almost annoyingly so (scratch almost it's totally annoying) he uses his adorable naivety to play into people's hearts to get exactly what he wants which is partly why they're OSHA violation filled house still stands on city blocks
Danny blessed with his mother's youth and soft round facial features aid him in this respect Jack didn't outright teach him how to be manipulative in this tactic Danny just kind of picked it up by watching silently taking notes throughout his life
Madison Fenton:
Maddie is terrifying when it comes to her manipulation she has the smile of a goddess but the aura of an overprotective mother Bear. Not only is she a black belt in karate but she also knows how to use what's most closest to her and burn everything to the ground before your eyes in order to avenge her family's honor and or pride
Danny learns how to be just as overprotective if not more and maybe a bit overbearing over his found family after the accident. so scared that he might lose them with all the misfortune he attracts on a daily basis He's come close to pulling what his mother does when burning the things of Vlad loves most before his eyes but he can't bring himself to do it knowing that thing Vlad knows most is his own mother and he knows he wouldn't be able to hurt her hard enough to hurt Vlad without hurting himself in the process He's not willing to take that sacrifice
Jasmine Fenton
Jazz is much like her mother in the respect of being overprotective just not as much as Danny (post accident) or Maddie unlike her mother Jasmine prefers a more psychological root as her first action instead of a physical one at an early age Jasmine started to hyper fixate on The psychological aspect of manipulation thus she has thrown herself into studies and all the ways to tear a man apart from the mind alone she can be almost sadistic in this respect if it includes avenging a family member (mostly Danny or Danny's found family) she can be downright terrifying this becomes even more apparent when she becomes Justice of the Ghost Kings high council because her ghostly ability includes illusions and the mind and that can only lead to breaking a man beyond repair
Danny being raised by his older sister due to his parents accidental neglect knows far more about the human brain than anything else. He knows how to tear apart a man from the mind as well this only gets worse post accident because not only can he take apart your mind with psychological warfare but some of his threats won't be as baseless he could threaten to rip out your heart before the accident but he couldn't actually do that until post accident All intake is for him to go intangible place a hand on your beating heart and whisper the threat and you'd be psychologically scarred for years
(Jazz has watched him do this to people! She is incredibly proud!)
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dailyjackvlad · 2 months
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DAY 2 messing with invisibility
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ghostlyglimmer · 30 days
Missing for three weeks, Danny finally escapes, only to be found dead and taken to a funeral home. But death isn’t the end—Danny awakens on the embalming table with his jaw wired shut and terrifying new powers. Disoriented and desperate, he must find his way home, knowing nothing will ever be the same again. CW: Gore
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Chapter 1: Bring me to Life
By GhostlyGlimmer
Anita Grayves stretched her back, each vertebra popping with a satisfying crack as she exhaled a long sigh. The dim, sterile light of the embalming room cast a clinical glow over her as she donned her PPE, the familiar rustle of the fabric and snap of the gloves a ritual she knew too well. Her technician, Dalton, rolled in the gurney with the next client, the wheels creaking slightly on the cold tile floor. With deliberate care, he unzipped the black body bag, revealing the still form inside.
Danny Fenton, just seventeen years old, lay before her. His once vibrant eyes, now milky white and clouded, stared unseeingly at the ceiling. The raven-black hair that had probably once been meticulously styled was now disheveled, a sharp contrast to the pallor of his skin. He was small for his age, almost fragile-looking, and Anita couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow as she gazed down at him.
But it was the Y-shaped scar on his chest that made her pause. Her brow furrowed in deep thought. She had seen countless autopsy scars in her career, but this was different. The coroner’s report had mentioned it wasn’t a typical dissection; it was a vivisection. The word sent a chill down her spine. She had heard stories, whispers of unsanctioned procedures, but she never thought she’d be the one to witness the aftermath.
Taking a deep breath, Anita began the embalming process. The familiar hum of the pump filled the room as she attached the trocar to his abdomen, starting the slow, methodical draining of blood from the body. The crimson fluid seeped out, replaced with embalming chemicals that would preserve what remained, ensuring the semblance of life for his final viewing.
With the embalming fluids circulating, she moved on to setting his face. It was important that he looked peaceful, almost as if he were merely sleeping. She began with his mouth, loading the needle injector with a barbed-tipped wire. The tool clicked as she pressed it against the maxilla, the wire piercing through the bone with precision. She repeated the process with the mandible, then twisted the wires together, securing his jaw in place. There would be no risk of it coming loose during the funeral, sparing his family the distress of seeing him slack-jawed in the casket.
Next were his eyes. Anita carefully pulled back his eyelids, reaching for the eye caps—small, clear discs with barbed spikes on the inside. They would help his eyes maintain a natural, slightly closed appearance, preventing the sunken look that so often accompanied death. She was inches away from placing them on his clouded eyes when her stomach let out a loud grumble.
“Damn it,” she muttered, the sudden urge reminding her of the coffee she had downed earlier.
Reluctantly, she pushed back her rolling chair, the casters scraping against the tile. She stripped off her PPE, each piece coming off with a practiced flick, and headed for the bathroom. The small, clinical space echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she entered, the door clicking shut behind her. She hurried through her business, then paused at the sink, methodically scrubbing her hands. As she looked up into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her—haggard, with dark circles etched under her tired eyes. She grimaced, making a mental note to try and get some sleep tonight.
Just as she turned off the faucet, the lights flickered, followed by a low, otherworldly groan that seemed to reverberate through the walls. Anita froze, her heart skipping a beat. It was a sound unlike anything she had heard before—something between a wail and a whisper, as if the air itself was being torn apart. A chill ran down her spine, and she stood there, paralyzed, staring at her own reflection, waiting for something—anything—to happen.
Anita jolted at the horrific sound, the air around her vibrating with an unnatural, bone-chilling resonance. Her hands flew to her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise, but it was too late. A searing pain shot through her head, her vision darkening as her eyes rolled back. She crumpled to the cold, sterile floor, her body limp, blood trickling from her ears and pooling beneath her head in a dark, crimson stain.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton’s eyes shot open in terror. His pupils contracted painfully against the blinding fluorescence of the room, his breath catching in his throat. His mind, sluggish and disoriented, struggled to make sense of what was happening. His hands moved instinctively to his face, rubbing his eyes as if trying to erase a bad dream.
But this was no dream.
As his vision cleared, he looked around, taking in the stark white walls and the cold steel surfaces of the embalming room. The air was thick with the acrid scent of formaldehyde, stinging his nose and making him gag. Panic surged through him as he realized he was completely naked, save for a thin cloth draped haphazardly over his waist.
But it was when his gaze fell on his chest that the true horror set in.
There, etched into his skin, was a large, brutal Y-shaped scar, stretching from his shoulders to his pubic bone. The sight of it made his stomach churn. His face contorted in terror, a scream tearing from his throat, raw and primal. His chest heaved with ragged breaths, each one more desperate than the last, as he clutched his head in his hands, trying to comprehend the impossible. The room seemed to close in around him, the sterile environment suffocating, the silence after his scream deafening.
Danny was alive—but something was horribly, irrevocably wrong.
As Danny’s scream echoed in the sterile room, he froze, realizing something was terribly wrong with his voice. It wasn’t his voice. It was distorted, hollow, like a death rattle echoing from the depths of a crypt. The sound made his skin crawl, every hair on his body standing on end. It was the kind of voice that belonged to something not of this world—something dead. He slapped his hands over his mouth, horrified, tears welling up in his cloudy white eyes.
He felt something hard under his lips and pulled them open, trembling fingers probing inside his mouth. His breath hitched when he encountered metal wires, woven cruelly through his teeth. Panic surged through him, and he tried to wrench his jaw open, but it wouldn’t budge. A sharp, searing pain shot through his skull, and he winced, the realization of his confinement crashing down on him.
Tears streamed down his face, his entire body quaking with fear and confusion. Sobs wracked his fragile form, the reality of his situation suffocating him. This couldn’t be happening—this had to be a nightmare. What the hell was going on? Why was he connected to this machine? Why was there a grotesque wound carved into his chest? And why, oh God, why was his jaw wired shut?
His mind spiraled, grasping desperately for memories, for anything that could explain this horror. But everything was a blur, a foggy haze that clouded his thoughts. He couldn’t think straight, his head pounding with the effort of trying to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory.
But through the chaos, one thought pierced the fog: he needed help. He needed to find his family, his friends. He clung to the memory of them like a lifeline, the only clear images in his fractured mind. Sam and Tucker—they would know what to do. They had always been there for him, through every strange and terrifying moment of his life. If anyone could help him make sense of this nightmare, it was them. He had to find them. He had to get out of here.
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daily-dose-of-danno · 11 days
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Season 2, Episode 4 - Reign Storm
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batty-pham · 11 months
Daily BatPham Fic Rec
Oct 15
The curious case of D. Grayson
Tags: Danny Fenton/Tucker Foley/Sam Manson, Fenton and Dick Grayson are Siblings/Twins but they don't know it, Identity Shenanigans, Fluff and Humor, Aged-Up Character(s)danny is 25 and so is Dick, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Lazarus waters are ectoplasm, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Halfa Jason Todd, minor Valerie Gray/Jason Todd, background Jack Fenton/Vlad Masters, some beta we live like Jason
Wordcount: 42,158
Summary: Dick Grayson gets a job in Wayne Industries as an electrical engineer, or so is the word. Except it's not Dick who gets the job but Danny Grayson, half ghost and professional disaster. Of course, because nothing is ever easy for Danny, the world mistakes him for the prolific first child of Bruce Wayne and therefore rumours start Dick Grayson got married in secret. What could possibly go wrong, am I right?
Complete: no
Basically, everyone assumes Danny is Dick, Danny doesn't realize it to correct them. Chaos ensues. Great read, hilarious.
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Reverse age au danny and vlad
Danny's and jazz's perents arent jack and maddie but they are scientists researching ectoplasm so the accident happens but this time its just danny and jazz.
When danny gets a handel on his powers he uses his portal hopping powers to explore the ghost zone.
A fair amount of cannon happens but dannys parents aren't trying to kill him, and sam and tucker aren't there, danny adapted and became a very powerful ghost, with his sister still there reminding him to be human.
Pharia dark happens and danny takes his place as king once he turns 18 and jazz goes to college where she met jacob masters and lillian brook and became colleges buddys together.
Afew years later jacob and lillian married and had a son called vlad, there was a falling out with the friends when jazz decided to move.(to the ghost zone, to help the ghosts)
The masters family was invested in jazz's parents work, and tried to replicate it. While there son became friends with maddie, jack, sam and tucker and became the "weirdos" of the school.
Vlads portal accident happens and some events like cannon happen exept this time its basicly history repeating itself.
During an incident vlad, sam, tucker, maddie and jack are all captured by ghosts and their fate is to be determoned by the ghost king
Their all freaking out thinking their fucked, because whatever this "ghost king" is its powerful enought to command the respectband loyalty of all of the ghosts even the ones that vlad cant defeat (yes i think vlad would be weaker)
So when they get to phantoms keep the last thing they were expecting is a whit haired teenager sitting on a thrown with a red headed, CLEARLY ALIVE, woman.
When he sees them entering the room they both stop talking and just kind of stare st them for a moment before the teenager, who looks THEIR AGE, says
"Your just kids"
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schnuffel-danny · 7 months
"Jack/Vlad is unrealistic because Vlad was traumatized by Jack and hates him for it, and Jack is happily married and would never date someone as horrible as Vlad"
Actually, Jack/Vlad is unrealistic because Jack seems like the type of guy who hates cats, and Vlad is the cat mom who posts "If your husband hates your cat you should kill him" type memes on facebook daily
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
DPxDC Prompts Masterlist #751-800
751. Lex Sweet Talks Vlad 752. Lex: The one Man Vlad Couldn't Possess 753. Breaking News 754. Lex works with UW Madison 755. Danny meets MLM at a Gala 756. Fake Marriage MLM AU 757. Fake Marriage MLM AU 2 758. Enemies with Benefits 759. Danny Completes The Gauntlet 760. Mistaken Kryptonian Danny 761. Fear Couple 762. Star is an Amazonian 763. Superpowered Dash (Espresso Shots) 764. Constantine Hides from the GIW 765. Vlad Wilson 766. Alfred is Danny Fenton 767. Jason Masters 768. Gardner for the Waynes: Danny Fenton 769. Dan Wilson 770. Evil Lazarus Effects 771. Erasing Crimes 772. Actions Have Consequences 773. Danny is a Bomb Disposal Tech 774. Dan helps Jason Todd 775. Jason is the Ring of Rage 776. Tim Helps Summon GK 777. Ice Machines in the Iceberg Lounge 778. Danny Possesses Damian's Grotesque 779. Clark Confronts Metallo (it's Danny) 780. Jason has Death Marks 781. Desiree's Gifts to Jason 782. Damian has Death Marks 783. Green Lanterns meet Ghosts 784. Ghost Speak Curse 785. John "Any Holes A Goal" Constantine 786. Wally Adopts Danny Phantom 787. Jack In The Box 788. Champions 789. Tucker/Question Shenanigans (FAV PROMPT!!!!) 790. Slade/Skulker/Dick 791. Kwan/Clark/Lois Daily Planet AU (FAV PROMPT!!!) 792. Booster Gold goes to Fentons for Help 793. Jazz/Jason Motorcycle Repair AU 794. Danny as Kon's Clone 795. The Question Theorizes the GZ 796. Jazz Mechanic AU 797. Danny New Rogue(?) 798. Danny Time Travel AU 799. Injured Danny Falls into JL Meeting 800. The Question Figures out the GZ Again
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