#can you tell I have acnh on the mind xD
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DAY 10 Jack caught a ghost!
#danny phantom#jack fenton#vlad plasmius#jack/vlad#jack/vlad daily#can you tell I have acnh on the mind xD#been having a lot of fun with it lol
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Yes that was the photo!! Idk how people live in nyc, it seems like the weather gets so unbearable at times. Ill definitely check out the asmr, ive been looking for new channels to watch anyways! Yeah it sucks that acnh needs a switch, but imo its the best animal crossing game Nintendo has put out so far. I also used to play guitar! Ive lost the calluses on my fingers though so now whenever I play it hurts haha. I totally get the movie thing. I have a habit of choosing video essays on YouTube over movies, even though a lot of the video essays I watch are movie length. Make it make sense brain???? I probably should’ve guessed you liked frozen 2 by your header! It was such a gorgeous movie. What are your favorite kinds of edits to make? - pixel ☕️
hellow again pixel! yup it's sad that animal crossing needs a switch but you know what? i'm gonna go watch gameplays on yt XD like, the ones that record everything right from the very start hehe i've been doing that for genshin impact lately :D
ugh tell me about the calluses! i feel like all string instruments require you to constantly touch them at least once every day if you wanna play them without crying from the burns on your fingertips lmao.
oooo video essays sound interesting! what are they? and yes i did love frozen 2! though i think the plot line didn't make much sense. i watched the disney+ documentary on how they made it and it was just absolute chaos and rushing lol. but i didn't mind that much honestly bc for me the key focus was on how visually STUNNING the animation & graphics were!! especially as an editor and gif-maker, the color palettes were inspiring af + great for enhancing color theory <3 what was your favorite scene/moment from the movie? mine was elsa battling the dark sea and the water horse!
ahhhh favorite edits to make that's hard bc there are so many!! but i'll give you some of my current ones:
i love making edits based around b&w, vintage minimalism and monochrome themes. obviously, with these concepts less is more and i'm something of a minimalist myself. also i love the challenge :) @ikraar is honestly a b&w queen and mist just constantly inspires me!
handwriting edits! this is a rather recent obsession kslhakljskallf i just love the idea of overlaying your handwriting on a picture it’s just so charming??
collages but i’ve only made one so far for a friend’s birthday (it was my first time trying! i was proud with how it turned out) and for collages nat/miss marshmallow @ohh-goddamn has my absolute mad respect she just rules that category!!
the final one is posters and redesigns of anything from a movie, tv show or album! this type is probably the one i do most cause it’s what comes the most naturally to me. i’ve been making edits for years, starting with good ol’ picsart and working my way up to photoshop (@magnusedom @cheddarthefluffyboi and @deepika-padukone are my gurus). i like that i can sit in front of a blank canvas on my laptop and just conceptualize the design as i go <3
final one is simple hehe. any edit that lets me use the film grain filter or overlays :’)
what about you? what are your favorite movies? are you a content creator on here as well?
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Declassified Island Survival Guide From a Seasoned AC Veteran
A friend of mine recently bought ACNH and was very confused as this was her first foray into AC, so I made this info dump guide. I thought somebody else in the world might be able to benefit from it as well. Hope you enjoy! Happy Animal Crossing-ing!
Daily Tasks:
Talk to your islanders. talking to them, completing favors, and giving them gifts will increase your friendship level. Don’t forget to check up on villagers that are inside their houses! They might be crafting a DIY and they will give you the recipe if you talk to them!
Shopping. Everyday the items in the shops will change, this include the items on the nook store, accessible through the Nook Kiosk in town hall/the tent in the plaza
Log on to the Nook Kiosk every day for free nook miles!!!
Walk your beaches. You’ll find shells, and a message in a bottle with a DIY will spawn every day.
Watering flowers. Watering your flowers will lead to hybrids growing. this is how you get colors of flowers such as purple and orange, etc. If it rains, you don’t have to water the flowers, but if you do, then you have a higher chance of hybrids growing.
Money Rock. Every day there will be a money rock. hit it with your ax or shovel (I use the shovel) for cash. Don’t forget to dig a barricade behind yourself to keep you from sliding so you can get all 8 hits in.
Money tree. Every day there will be a glowing fissure on the ground. Dig it up and you’ll find bells. HOWEVER DO NOT FILL THE HOLE. Instead, bury bells there. This will result in a nursery money tree growing. Trees take 4 days to grow. IMPORTANT AND I DIDN’T KNOW THIS AT FIRST money trees will only grow money once, so after you’ve collected the bells, it’s just a regular tree. I personally have four money trees with one being used and then replaced every day for an endless loop. However many bells you bury is how much money will grow X3, however keep in mind that sometimes it will only grow bags of 10,000 bells, despite planting more than that. To be safe, never go above 50,000 bells, as the likelihood of not getting back what you buried seems to increase after that, but do whatever you’re comfortable with.
Fossils. Everyday you will see star-shaped markings on the ground throughout your island. Those markings indicate that a fossil is buried in that spot. Dig it up! Then, (once he is unlocked on your island which shouldn’t be too far off) take your fossils to Blathers at the museum to get them assessed. He will tell you what the fossil is. From there they can be donated to the museum if it doesn’t have that fossil yet, or if you already have it you can place it on your island or you can sell it. ALWAYS GET YOUR FOSSILS ASSESSED BEFORE SELLING THEM. An unidentified fossil is only worth a few hundred bells, where an identified fossil is worth a varying couple thousand depending on what it is. There will be 4, sometimes 5, fossils to find on your island everyday.
Catch bugs and fish! bugs and fish spawn throughout your island everyday all day. Different bugs and fish have different conditions for spawning. Some spawn all day in any weather, some only can appear at night, others only during the day. Certain fish only are catchable in the rain. Also most bugs and fish are seasonal, with new bugs and fish being able to be caught every month. Donate your fish and bugs to Blathers to fill up your museum, and sell the rest! It’s one of the main ways to make money.
Dive for scallops! Go swimming and dive for sea critters. If you catch a scallop and you have space in you pockets, Pascal the otter will spawn and ask you for it. In return he will give you either a pearl or a special DIY recipe. He will spawn once a day. Also the critters you catch can be donated to the museum and also sold.
Not daily tasks:
* Potential weekly visitors include Leif, Kicks, Sahara, Flick, C.J., Gulliver, Gulllivar, Label, and Redd. Characters that can be found on the Plaza are Leif, Kicks, and Label. Leif is a sloth who will sell you plants, Kicks is a skunk who will sell you bags and shoes, and Label is a hedgehog who will ask you for fashion help. Characters that can be found wandering around your island are Sahara, Flick, and C.J. Sahara is a camel who will sell floorings, wallpapers, and rugs, Flick is a chameleon who you can sell bugs to, and C.J. is a beaver you can sell fish to. Both Flick and C.J. will buy their respective creatures for a higher price than the Nooklings will so it may be a good idea to save your bugs and fish for when they visit to make bank XD. Another character that you will initially find wandering around your island is Redd. Redd is fox who you will unlock later after you have donated enough stuff to your museum. Once you have, you will see him wandering around your island. Talk to him, and then the next day his boat will appear at your secret beach which is the tiny stretch of beach off by itself. Redd will sell you art work which can be donated to your museum. BE CAREFUL Redd will sell fake artwork!!! You can only donate real artwork, so choose wisely, as one player can only purchase one piece of art per Redd visit. Other players can purchase one piece of art from him too though. Gulliver and Gullivar are seagulls you will find washed up on your beach. Talk to them or hit them with a net until they wake up (just keep at it!) Talk to them and they will explain what you need to do for them. If you complete the task, you can expect a letter and a gift from them in the mail the following day. You will get one of these visiting characters everyday save for when K.K. Slider is in town. They are random, but characters that did not make an appearance one week are more likely to show up the next.
if you’re early enough in the game that the clothing store is still a visiting event, One day you’ll walk into the Nooklings and see a Hedgehog. After that, the hedgehog will be selling clothes in the plaza on random days. After I think 3 visits she will ask you about setting up a permanent shop. After that, this is store you can buy clothes from, clothes change every day so check often!
General tips:
Don’t sprint near water if you are looking for fish. Sprinting will scare the fish away.
Just regular running and walking will scare away bugs that spawn on trees, stumps, and flowers, so proceed with caution when hunting for bugs. When holding a bug net, hold down A while you walk to creep towards bugs without scaring them away. Release A to swing your net. Bugs like butterflies, dragonflies, and bugs that spawn on the ground will not disappear when scared, they will just try to get away.
Fishing tip if you find yourself struggling: it’s easy to get trigger happy when fishing. Something I do to make it easier is closing my eyes and relying on the rumble of the joy con and the sound of the of the bite. You register sound better than you do visual cues. This is how I catch all fish cause I get to nervous and anticipate bites.
If a villager has a thought bubble above their head, TALK TO THEM! They have something important to say! They either are thinking about moving (which you can encourage or tell them to stay) or want to give you something.
The same goes for if a villager runs towards you calling your name to get your attention. They either have a reaction to teach you, or a gift!
Don’t be upset with your island layout. Eventually you will unlock terraforming which will allow you to destroy and create rivers, cliffs, and pathways anywhere you want. The only thing you cannot change is the plaza, and the mouths of your rivers. You can also build inclines and bridges, and move the museum, shops, campsite, and houses, at any time so long as you have the bells. You can only build one bridge or incline a day though, and the same goes for moving buildings.
Eating fruit will give you strength. With that strength, you can destroy rocks by hitting them with your shovel or ax (they will respawn in a different location the next day) and pick up entire trees with your shovel.
a stone axe will allow you to hit a tree indefinitely, but just an iron Axe will cut down the tree in 3 hits, so don’t farm for wood with the iron Axe! also you can remove stumps with your shovel
when filling a hole, press Y to use your foot to cover the hole instead of using your shovel. This will increase the longevity of your shovel.
BE CAREFUL WHEN SHAKING TREES!!! There is a chance of a wasp nest falling! If that happens, wasps will chase you and try to sting you. You can catch the wasps with a bug net, or you can run into a building to get them to stop chasing you. If they sting you, use some medicine to heal yourself. If you get stung a second time before using medicine, you will pass out and wake up in front of your house.
IF YOU ARE GOING TREE SHAKING have the net equipped and shake the tree from the front. If a wasp nest falls, it will fall to either side of you (or right on top of you but it doesn’t matter.) Your character will turn to face the wasps. Immediately after your shocked animation, swing your net to catch the wasps.
2 items will spawn in 2 random, non-fruit-baring trees on your island everyday. Shake trees (with a net equipped in case of wasps!) and there’s a chance an item leaf will drift down.
On mystery islands there will be 1 item in a non-fruit-baring tree. Same tactics suggested as seen above
Don’t be afraid of spiders and scorpions. They will only try to bite/sting you if you are holding a bug net, otherwise they will ignore you. You should try to catch them if you are comfortable doing so though, as you can donate them to the museum and you can sell them (they are expensive! more so if you sell them to Flick!) Just creep up to them slowly and you’ll catch them just fine.
Depending on the season, there will be some special materials floating around your island that you can catch with your bug net. This include snowflakes in the winter and cherry tree petals in the spring. I assume there might be some falling leaves in autumn, but I haven’t experienced autumn in the game yet so I can’t say for sure.
To raise your island’s star level, there are two major things to do. One, put flowers freaking everywhere. Two, put furniture FREAKING EVERYWHERE. your beaches, your plains, your mountains, DECORATE EVERYWHERE!!!!
Every sunday before noon, there will be a little piglet girl walking around your island. She is selling turnips. This is the way to MAKE BANK in Animal Crossing. the turnips are meant to be sold in The Stalk Market (get it?). Everyday (save for sunday) you will be able to sell your turnips to the Nooklings. The price of the turnips changes twice a day every day, the change occurs at noon. the idea is to buy turnips low and sell turnips high. the buying price of turnips will range from around 90 to 110 bells every week. The selling price will range from like 30 bells to like 700 something. Obviously, the higher the better. IMPORTANT! Turnips go bad after one week, upon which they are worthless. Make sure to sell your turnips before the next sunday!! However I would allow one stack of turnips to go bad once as this is how you catch ants. Drop the rotten turnips outside and ants will spawn on it. The same goes for catching flies, just drop some trash outside. BUT DON’T LEAVE THE TRASH FOREVER it will lower the star rating of your island.
Never sell things to the Nooklings via the drop box unless you have to. Selling via drop box comes with a like 15% reduction on the sell price, so you won’t get as many bells as you would if you sell to the Nooks by talking to them.
Day resets at 5 AM, not midnight, so don’t panic if you need to complete something by the end of the day and it’s almost 12.
Your villagers will teach you reactions. Aside from the 4 defaults you start with, The reactions you can learn are divided up amongst the villager types. For example, from a Normal type villager, you can learn Pleased, Fearful, Sadness, and Glee. Additionally, a villager will teach you one extra reaction if you max out your friendship level with them. If you’re best friends with a Normal type villager, they will teach you Daydreaming. So if you wanna unlock all 44 reactions, it’s important to get villagers of all different types and befriend them!
Dropping items of any kind will lower the star rating of your island if there are too many things on the ground. This includes turnips unfortunately -_-
Giving villagers gifts increase your relationship with them. But, if you wrap the gift before giving it to them, your relationship will increase by an additional point. Color of the paper doesn’t matter as far as I can tell.
Villagers have preferred styles and colors of clothing. You can give them whatever you want, but they will particularly enjoy items that match their preferred style and colors. Villagers also really appreciate gifts on their birthday! You will be notified via the notification board in the plaza about a week in advance of a villagers birthday
See a yellow bird (daytime) or an owl (nighttime) sitting on top of your notification board in the plaza? That means there’s a new post on the board! Go read it!
Holidays occur in animal crossing too! Holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, New Years, and many others have Animal Crossing equivalents. Special events and items can be experienced and obtained on these days, so make sure to check in! You should also check in on YOUR birthday ;)
All in all, Animal Crossing is what you want it to be. This is just one way of playing. You can focus on whatever you wanna focus on, and do whatever you want to do. I just went crazy covering all the bases. I’m here if you have more questions. I hope you have loads of fun!
If you’re interested in keeping track of all the stuff you have, there is a free app called ACNH Guide. It can help you keep track of what bugs and fish and fossils you have and also what bugs and fish are currently available and where to find them. You can also log items and DIYs and music and what villagers you have and mark off the rocks you’ve hit, the money tree you have planted, and the bottled message. It can also help you keep track of what days the visiting characters come. It also has a built in turnip predictor which can help you make the most money that you can! And they are adding to the app all the time. I really recommend it if you want to keep track of all the craziness.
#animal crossing#animal crossing new horizons#acnh#acnh switch#ac#tips#guide#acnh guide#helpful#gaming#nintendo#video games#gamer#gamergirl#new horizons#new horizons
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Lmao remember that COF College AU
Finally decided majors and details for some of the characters I plan to include XD
My first time using a cut lol
Business Major
Cassian absolutely wants him to inherit the family business
Tris isn’t so thrilled by that
Sev and him are roommates
Neither of them can cook anything other than ramen or pizza rolls
Sometimes they order pizza
Disaster bi on so many levels
Went to one GSA club meeting but then noped right back into the closet
Not out to Cassian or most of his friends yet
The only person who knows is Sev
Has a brown tabby cat named Rex
lmao going back through there’s like nothing here
they def got longer as they went on
Linguistics, Interpretation, and Translation Major
(In HOF she is really interested in the Pyrean language and lore so I thought it fit)
Was homeless for a while
Ran away as soon as she graduated high school
(She couldn’t be around Val any longer)
Applied for a lot of scholarships and was able to gather enough money to attend college
Roommates with Sparrow
Helps Sparrow get to her classes sometimes
Elliot, Riella, and Kade come over to their dorm a lot
Elliot cooks for them
Probs gonna be bi and genderfluid in this au
Has a calico cat named Xephyra
Phyrie for short
Is a part of the GSA club
The GSA club consists of Anders, Elliot, Sparrow, and Kade
Fine Arts Major
Is really good at drawing but also likes painting and sculpting, too
Roommates with Tristan
Would rather die than ask Tris to get something off of a high shelf for him
He’s 5′3″ (160.02 cm)
Def petite
Tris put a whiteboard on the fridge to write shopping lists on but now they both just use it to write notes to each other
“Saw u staring at Nyk earlier HMMMMMM”
“stfu like you weren’t ogling that dude she was with”
Disaster gay but everyone just assumes he’s straight like ????
After his parents died he bounced around a few foster homes but was adopted by a doctor named Hestia when he was fifteen
He loves his mama and visits her on weekends
The food he brings back to the dorm is the only good stuff he and Tris ever eat
Knows Kade but only a little
All of my modern Sev hcs still apply
Veterinary Medicine Major
Shares the same major as Sparrow and they’re decent friends
He helps Sparrow get to the classes they share when Nyk can’t
Loves animals and is planning to adopt a doggie soon
Roommates with Elliot and Riella
He lived in a really crappy place before he became friends with Riella
The sibs invited him to move in with them (Kade also obviously helps with rent)
Became good friends with Nyk and he and the sibs spend a lot of time at her/his dorm
Used to shadow Hestia at the clinic (before he decided he wanted to be a vet and not a people doctor) and she gushed all the time about her son
He met Sev and def thinks Sev is adorable
Has also seen Sev around campus but hasn’t worked up the courage to talk to him yet
Demi and gay
Is a part of the GSA club
Thinks Anders is funny
Almost no one agrees
Culinary Arts Major
Idk it just came to me and I was like “might as well”
Cooks for Riella, Kade, Nyk, and Sparrow regularly
Has a golden retriever named Jax
Jax is crazy
He gets the zoomies
Jax is usually wary of strangers but he’s warmed up to Riella, Kade, Nyk, and is close with Sparrow
Attends GSA
Regularly tells Anders where he can shove his musical numbers and snide comments
Roommates with Riella and Kade
Took online classes until Riella graduated so they could move together
Met Kade through Riella
Can’t handle spicy food and is appalled by the fact that Kade, Riella, and Sparrow are all fueled by eating the spiciest things possible
Refuses to eat anything with pepper on it, but keeps a shaker for his friends and sister
Nyk and him bond over being unable to tolerate anything hotter than a hot tamale candy
Likes driving
Owns a minivan
It’s unclear as to why he needs a minivan he just has one
He named it Elliot jr. as a joke once but now no one lets him forget it
Is super ultimate BFFs with Sparrow
Helps her around campus when Nyk and Kade can’t
Veterinary Medicine Major
Nyk, Kade, and Elliot help her around campus (still blind and thriving)
Owns a parrot named Chirp and guide dog that everyone is 95% sure is just a wolf that Sparrow illegally bought a service animal vest for
No one knows the name of the dog
Sparrow claims that Chirp can talk but only does it in front of her
Sometimes Elliot will also claim that he’s heard Chirp talk but no one can tell if he’s telling the truth or not (He’s not even sure at this point)
Lesbian ace and is highkey dating Riella
Elliot pretends it annoys him but secretly he’s thrilled because he adores the both of them (he’d never reveal this but Sparrow knows anyway)
Attends GSA
Brings her animals
Chirp usually just sits on her shoulder, and the dog at her feet
Has super unruly hair
Only a select few are permitted to touch it: Elliot, Riella, and Nyk
Nyk will braid it sometimes, but Sparrow usually likes to have it free
Roommates with Nyk
Nyk decorated their room super cute, fairylights strung all around it and polaroids on the walls (though I guess she can’t see them rip)
Nyk loves Sparrow’s animals, and the animals get a long great with Phyrie (except for one time that Phyrie attacked Chirp but that doesn’t happen anymore)
Dance Major
Not much is known about Riella but I just thought this’d be a cool major for her
idk she gives off ballerina vibes for some reason
Sapphic and dating Sparrow
Roommates with Elliot and Kade
All three of them share a bookshelf and love talking about books
They also play video games a lot together
Minecraft is not a competition but do not play with the three of them they will win
They share an ACNH island on the switch they pooled money for
Loves having her hair in french braids
Nyk usually braids it for her before classes
Ig Nyk just braids everyone’s hair smh
Wears rompers everywhere
Met Kade when a creepy dude approached her on her way to a class and Kade pretended to know her to get her away from the creepy dude
He started walking her to that class just in case and they became friends
Performing Arts Major
Super dramatic and way into theater
Has been out of the closet for years as genderqueer and pan (Prefers he/him pronouns; he’s used them all his life and he’s used to them)
Goes to GSA club and loves telling obnoxious stories
Has hinted at being in a relationship but no one knows who it is, and the club tries to find out sometimes (It’s Latham)
Grew up with Latham and they started dating when they were seventeen
Latham isn’t out of the closet yet, so he asked Anders to keep it a secret
Anders doesn’t mind at all, he’s just happy to be with the boy he loves :)
Was a part of marching band in high school, and still practices his trumpet in his free time
Regularly texts everyone a gross amount of emojis
Latham and him moved in together when they graduated and started going to college
Latham does all the cooking
The last time Anders attempted to cook anything, the pan caught on fire (the cooking pan not Anders) (XDDD) (I think I’m hilarious)
He’s not allowed to cook anymore
They each have their own beds but usually sleep in the same one when they don’t have guests (they are both huge cuddlers) (Anders is the little spoon)
Has a pet snake because he lives to be extra (It’s a ball python)
(I can’t remember what Anders’ phoenix is named so the snake is nameless for now)
Pre-Law Studies Major
Wants to become a lawyer
Absolutely talks crap about everyone he knows with Anders
Identifies as queer but is closeted
His family are all very religious and anti-LGBTQ+ so he’s scared to come out to them
The only person who knows is Anders
His father in particular scares him
His dad really doesn’t approve of Latham being ‘friends’ with Anders, ever since Anders came out publicly
Is decent at cooking (nowhere near as good as Elliot)
Doesn’t have a lot of friends
Kind of knows Tristan and Elliot but not really
Has a Pomeranian named Xane
He’s obsessed w/ little dogs
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RAVEN!! OMG!! CONGRATS ON 2K SWEETIE!! 🎉 Sorry I haven’t been on here much and didn’t see until now XD;; ORZ This is so awesome!! Here’s to the next 2k and even more!🥂
Also doing matchups?! :3 I totally trust you to pick me out my match from either MHA or HQ!! it’s up to you~! Either N or S for W is fine! Ah, you know me! The absurdly tall and weird blonde chick 😂 Lately I’ve been playing way too much SDV and ACNH but am going on lots of walks because yay cherry blossoms! Just tuning everything bad out lol
Congratulations again luvy! I’m so happy for you! 💞
BB YAY TYSM ILYSM!!! ✨✨✨💕💕💕🥰♥️
I match you with..
“Hey Kittifer?”
“Yes Suna babe?”
“I told Blathers i dont want to hear his explanation on this bug”
“Im sorry you did WHAT NOW!!!”
He does it on purpose to get a rise outta you. Its silly but it makes him laugh and pull your huffing body to him so he can kiss you all over.
Suna loves walking in the cherry blossoms with you. Its quiet, peaceful. Hes so used to the opposite . Being around the Miya twins so much can do that.
He puts one in your hair and tells you how pretty you look too him . “Can we do this again tomorrow?”
He always makes sure he has a ticket for you for his games and a good seat so you can cheer him on.
Whenever his serve is not up to Inarizaki Highs Fans they would boo him like they do everybody. He always pays no mind , you though. You yell at these so called fans and they shut up the rest of the game. He smiles up at you and blows you a kiss
On date nights he takes your phone and his putting then away and dumps a blanket on you saying; “pick a movie” and “ pick where you want the take out from”
He always makes time for you and if your upset or down hes right there to make you feel better
Suna had you snuggled between his legs with a blanket wrapped around him and you with a movie on. It was some cheesy romance movie, he was also feeding you popcorn. It had been a long day, the game went into overtime and he was very tired. Usually he would pick you up in his arms after a game but this time he just gave you a hug.
“Heh tired huh?” You teased, poking his chest.
“Very.” He nuzzled your head sighing
“ lets go home and have a relaxing date night.”
And thats just what you did, you made sure he was comfy and snuggled up with you. He instantly felt better all over. He was also putting popcorn in your bra.
“For later.”
“I dont want it now?”
He kisses your cheek with a chuckle. “Love ya babe”
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Do any of the Papas and Copia (Popia? How do we refer to him now?!) play Animal Crossing, and if so what are their towns and play styles like?
I still love the name ‘Popia’! XD
Also, two of my greatest loves! Animal Crossing and Ghost! <3 Hope you enjoy!
Papas + Copia playing Animal Crossing
Papa Nihil: Never got into video games- even when they were brand new. He’s played his fair share of Asteroids and Pong, but didn’t really see the appeal past social bonding. Animal Crossing is easy enough for him to understand and control! Luckily someone downloaded Pocket Camp for him, as it’s the only one he will play. Nihil is so charmed by the cute characters and how easy going it is. Sometimes it’s a little too saccharine and childish for him- but it’s delightful and helps him relax.
Nihil doesn’t play often, but it’s something he can do when he’s particularly bored or needs something to focus on. His pocket camp is pretty average, if not littered with very expensive special items (you know he’s casually dropped $50 to get the fortune cookies he wants!) All of his campers are incredibly happy- and he has a ton of friends on his list. Also does all the events and is very pleased to display and show off any trophy items!
Papa I: Unintentionally the winner of Competitive Animal Crossing. Papa picks up video games once in a while when he has time- he thinks they are modern wonders of story telling and symbolism. He already has a penchant for JRPGs and any open world gaming. He’s the type of person who does all of the side quests on a video game, get perfect scores, and knows how to get the best armor and skill tree combos. Animal Crossing has always been a chill break for him.
Almost immediate five star island on New Horizons. His entire island is almost a DIY perfect copy of his home cathedral. Even the villagers have all taken clergy uniform designs he meticulously recreated in the Able Sister’s shop. Has gold roses but prefers the black ones. His island is definitely one of those incredibly detailed and styled ones that barely look like an animal crossing one anymore. Sometimes he grumps at the fact you can’t switch colors or the layout of the NPC shops and areas. They break the flow of his island! Once he gets his museum full, all his debts paid, and everything 100% he’s a bit bored of the game and moves onto the next one.
Papa II: Not the biggest on softer video games, or most games in general. Papa has always been a man who prefers cards or some type of board game- something he can do with others and be more entertained. But he’s not entirely opposed to playing a bit just to see what the hype is about! Video games have just never been his style even if he can appreciate the technology advances from when he was a young man. He’s picked up a few different systems, mostly at the encouragement of his brothers and tried to play. He’s pretty decent at puzzle games and some shooters, believe it or not.
Animal Crossing is something Papa appreciates for being super calming, but he does not like the cutsey style of it. Papa likes that there is so much small stuff you could do, but whenever he plays he just feels like he could be doing it in real life. Like yes, he can make this immaculately decorated little house on this cute little island... or he could finally buy that vacation home he wanted on a REAL island and decorate it with furniture that isn’t limited to color and style! Now THAT’S fun! Will play Animal Crossing for at least one long flight before shrugging and randomly the entire Switch to a random kid he sees at the airport.
Papa III: Absolutely a big Animal Crossing fan- believe it or not! He’s not an HUGE gamer by any means, but he loves games when he gets a chance to play them! There was a few times he would sneak off Clergy grounds to go take friends to an Arcade back in the 80′s! Papa always likes to try something new and Animal Crossing was something he picked up when New Leaf came out and he bought a 3DS to help with touring boredom. Papa was immediately smitten with it and thought it was amazing and gushed about everything from the atmosphere to the little characters. The ghouls were definitely sick of hearing Papa figure out all the nice things you can do in video games by the end of it!
Papa is the type to ALWAYS make your villager look as close to himself as possible (in any game he makes the PC look like him!) With his ACNH Island it is a perfect mix of him. His house is full and upgraded to the best of his ability. He’s got a room for different occasions- decorating a whole closet, sitting room, trophy room, and recreating his personal bedroom. He makes sure all of his villagers love him (and you KNOW for a fact he went out of his way to populate his island with villagers HE likes.) The island itself is beyond 5 stars with an entire garden, stage, fountains, and as many black, gold, and purple flowers you can get! Super extra, and he loves showing it off! Will slap you in person if you pick his flowers without permission.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: Actually doesn’t mind playing video games, he just doesn’t have the time for them! Animal Crossing has always been a good series, because you don’t have to sit down and play three hours just to get ahead in a complicated plot to enjoy the game! It’s a nice way for him to unwind. Funnily enough, as skilled as he is with so many things he is actually very bad at video games. So he’s never gotten into platformers or shooters, or even MMO’s. Visual novels and minecraft/harvestmoon types are far better for him!
Copia’s Island house would be very modest. He COULD upgrade it and make it super nice like Papa III’s- but he feels like all of his bells should go back into the village. 10/10 the guy who would NEVER sell anything gifted to him by the villagers, and ALWAYS keeps projects or items THEY want on the island. Copia wants all of his cute little animal friends to be happy. At the same time, his Avatar looks exactly like him. He painstakingly recreated his Papal attire and wardrobe for the game. He still wants everyone to know he’s in charge! IT’s honestly endearing when he talks about ‘leading’ the village as well as he does the clergy.
#the band ghost#ghost bc#Ghost headcanon#cross over#animal crossing#animal crossing new horizons#acnh#papa nihil#papa emeritus i#Papa Emeritus II#papa emeritus iii#papa emeritus iv#cardinal copia#soft#fluff#ghost fluff
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