#jack Maynard
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 s02e04 A Distant Star
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*cowboy boots up* “I want to send a message to Babylon 5, attention of Captain John Sheridan. And, uh, take this down exactly.” *eyebrow waggle*
…. ??? I cackled, but I also went “whaaaaa?” My man. 1. cowboy boots. 2. You have seemingly perfect voice to text but are ordering your subordinate to take dictation, 3. the eyebrow waggle?!
Ivanova’s broken foot is going to be an amusing gauge of how long it takes to film episodes vs the healing time of human feet. I hope she uses that cane to great effect! Or has gadgets built in? She didn’t interact with the technomages on screen but I like to imagine she Russianed at them and they technomaged back and all got along very well.
I an not used to Delenn’s new look yet, and actually startled a bit when I realised who just walked up! I like that her hair styling is a bit awkward and undeniably asymmetrical, like she hasn’t really figured out what to do with it yet.
This is the first time we’ve seen a physical printer, or physical paper being handed to people, and it’s a gag to upset Garibaldi over his diet…er, food plan. Excellent use of. Sorry to say I’m on Garibaldi’s side. Better to eat deliciously than strictly healthily.
Jack and John are talking about Minbari attitudes towards John Sheridan, and that reminds me that it was an interesting choice to present him initially as seeming like he was hostile towards the Minbari as a sort of automatic response, but we’ve now been shown that he actually responds to hostility with hostility and seems quite chill (if biased and repeats species stereotypes) with them otherwise.
Hyperspace stories! I bet there’s some great horror stories. And Jack saw something, once. *waggles my own eyebrows*
Jack saw something massive blotting out the stars behind it. Sounds like a…hmm…I’d call it a Shadow.
Awww Dr Franklin don’t body shame people. This is some coming-off-the-insane-thinness-of-the-80s shit.
A mere total metamorphosis can’t change Delenn! She’s as Minbari as she’s ever been! Bummer that the Minbari on the station are being racist (speciest?) against her this fast. But it does say interesting things about the rigidity of their perception of the familiar vs the other.
Dr Franklin vs poor diets is not coming off super well. Supplements do exist.
There’s a Tokati Ambassador now! Bet they won’t be on the council though. It’s nice to hear about various species and delegations, even if they aren’t shown.
Sheridan’s having an adjustment. Luckily, Ivanova is here to talk him both up and down simultaneously.
Sheridan, mid-breakdown over being a desk jockey: “Hell, I always thought the opposable thumb was overrated.”
I, too, have had moments when I cursed the inexorable march of evolution in ages past that lead to me having to worry about taxes and nuclear holocausts.
Ivanova has a very different relationship with Sheridan than Sinclair, and I’m glad.
Our first view of hyperspace! And Captain Maynard et al are trapped there!!
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I’m feeling bad for these guys. Dr Franklin is being tyrannical. Supplements exist!
Capt Maynard’s ship must not be big enough to create its own jump point to escape hyperspace. Grim that no lost ship has ever been recovered! Something tells me the Cortez may be the first?
This is not a very encouraging speech. Some of you may die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take, basically, hah. The plan seems a lot more encouraging than his lead-in to it. They’re going to create a tether out of signals relayed between fighters, stringing themselves along the known hyperspace drift.
Was it a Shadows ship that knocked out the Cortez’s engines or whatever happened? Or something else that lives there? Either way, it’s even more risky for the fighters than they know. Oop, and there’s one fighter down and another fighter attacked.
Oof. Second fighter inoperable and knowingly drifting away forever while sending shots to guide the Cortez back. Grim is my favorite word for this episode so far. Very grim that he’s just going to drift till he’s either picked off by the hyperspace beings or runs out of atmosphere.
Let Garibaldi have his cholesterol-laden birthday meal, jeez. And let everyone eat what they’d like. No food police.
Delenn pep talk! The right places aren’t the easy places, but the universe puts us in the right places, so we can learn and be born. It’s not my preferred cosmology, but it is a nice idea.
“We are star stuff. We are the universe, made manifest, trying to figure itself out.”
I like it.
Oooo, drifting fighter seeing the unknown object with 35 minutes of oxygen left, and somehow used that to get back to B5 with a nonfunctional ship! That’s badass, but I do want the details.
“As for what it was - I don’t know. There was just this feeling that something dark and dangerous had gone by.”
An excellent little horror vignette!
Zeta Squad commander couldn’t do any better than someone who triangulated themselves out of hyperspace based on guessing the trajectory of the eldritch horror that is, terrifyingly, orbiting the B5 jump gate coordinates.
Dr Franklin and Garibaldi sharing an extremely off-food-plan meal isn’t the way I thought this would go, but I’m here for it!
Sheridan: “Ever had a long talk with Ambassador Delenn, Commander?” Ivanova: “From time to time. Why?” Sheridan: “She and the universe seem to have a special relationship.” Ivanova: “Don’t we all?”
That is an excellent point. 🤔
next episode
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
CAMPING (JOSH X READER) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)  1  2  3
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut) 1  2  3  4  5
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut] 1  2
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)
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celebmalenude2 · 2 years
Jack Maynard
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calicohyde · 10 months
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me when i'm struggling to write a scene with sexualized violence
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borderlinemediocre · 2 years
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leclaired · 1 year
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what it feels like to let go of a friend
1) david almond 2) taylor swift 3) jack zulli 4) jennifer kaytin robinson 5) blackbear 6) edward hopper 7) trista mateer 8) lorde 9) maynard dixon 10) rina sawayama 11) anne sexton
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greencheekconure27 · 3 months
Jack Point for the headcanon meme? 😁
(this one took time because I have so much thoughts about this guy)
Headcanon A: realistic
Jack and Elsie met as children back when he was part of the archbishop's household. (Bridget Maynard was a housekeeper there until her health started taking a turn for the worse.).They've been inseparable since, and when he got kicked out, Elsie decided to follow him.The latter actually makes Jack feel a bit guilty whenever things get rough. Jack is also the one that taught her to read.
Headcanon B: might not be realistic but hilarious
To everyone's surprise, he and Real Leonard Meryll get on like a house on fire. Leonard has a mischievous streak and actually enjoys Jack's sense of humour and Jack quickly catches on Leonard often uses his reputation as a bit of a stick in the mud to troll people. They're also both nerds.
He teams up with Phoebe and Leonard to help Phoebe get out of her engagement with Wilfred. Zany schemes ensue.
Headcanon C: heart- crushing and awful,but fun to inflict on friends
Angsty backstory time!
Jack always tells the archbishop of Canterbury story like a funny anecdote, but there's more to it: Jack was raised by relatives that only took him in out of obligation and who didn't bother hiding that they never wanted him. Soon he became too much of a handful for them and they "accidentally" "lost" him at a nearby town, leaving him to fend for himself.*Eventually he was taken in as an apprentice/ happily adopted by the archbishop's previous jester. When the man suddenly died right before a party a teenage Jack was pushed into filling in for him,still grieving and with no chance to mourn properly or even prepare an act. Oh he was funny, alright. Deep down he thinks that evening might've been the funniest he's ever been. Unfortunately the archbishop wasn't too keen on ruthless social satire, which resulted in a whipping and a dismissal.He's been more careful since, but that often makes him less funny than he would've been otherwise.
(*When they were kids, Elsie once asked him if he has family. He replied "None that want me" and that was all anyone ever got out of him on this subject)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon reality and substitute my own
In one alternate universe, Jack Point decides to leave England after the events of Yeomen.He gets on random ship; said ship crashes near the coast of Illyria, where he finds a job as court jester to a local count and his children.
He comes up with a new stage persona for them, sharper and bolder than his previous ones, and starts going by "Feste". He grows to genuinely care for Olivia and the people in her household, and they, in turn, grow very fond of him (well.except for Malvolio) .He's happy there, in a way.
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comicwaren · 5 days
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From Spider-Boy Annual #001
Main story by Steve Foxe (W), Carlos Nieto and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo (A)
“The Death Stone Saga: Chapter Eight”, by Derek Landy (W), Sara Pichelli and Mattia Iacono (A)
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sminny-wew · 10 months
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And what if I decided to restructure the fairytale OCs I've had since like 8th grade into a story about being aspec and finding community and defying the fate that someone else tries to force upon you??? What then huh?????
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bunnyheeler007 · 3 months
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut)
"Do I have to?" You grumbled, not really upset. You had been crashing at Joe's house for the last few days before your flight back to L.A. where you lived. You met Joe and a few of the boys on one of their stays last year. You two had hooked up, but you stayed really close friends...with occasional benefits.
"I know it's late, but Jack's video for tomorrow got erased and we're the only two in town that he can film with." Joe said, coming to stand by the bed.
"Fiiiine." You huffed. "You definitely owe me, though." You said, falling back on the bed.
Hopping over you to straddle your middle, Joe replied. "I'm sure I can find a way to make it up to you." His fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
"Dream on, Sugg." You laughed. "I need to go hop in the shower if he's going to be here soon."
"Ooooo, I could join you." He teased, wiggling his hips on top of yours.
"I need to actually get clean this time." You replied, sitting up and kissing Joe. "Though we may have to do that before I leave. It was a hell of a lot of fun."
Finishing in the shower, you walked out across the hall in a towel. "Oh, shit. Sorry." Jack said, covering his eyes.
It was cute until he cracked his fingers and looked at you anyways. "It's okay." You laughed. Maybe he was still cute.
"I'm Jack, if you don't remember from L.A." He said, dropping his hand from his face.
"If we're going to talk, you need to follow me." You said, walking into the guest room. "And I definitely remember you. You streaked naked through the house you guys were staying at."
Turning red, he replied. "Oh, shit." He sat on the bed while you walked to the wardrobe. "Why do you only remember me by my drunk shenanigans?"
You laughed, picking out what to wear. "I remember meeting you, I just remember you best by your formidable attributes."
"Like what you saw, ay?" He asked, watching you from the bed.
"You could say that." You replied, dropping your towel, having only a thong and your bra on.
"Well, ahem. I do return the sentiment." Jack eyed you. "I thought you hooked up with Joe that trip.
"Oh, I did." You said, pulling a shirt over your head and finishing getting dressed. "It was a great trip." You winked and walked out of the room.
Jack watched you walk out and then looked down at his tented joggers. "This is going to be a long night." He said to himself, adjusting his pants and following you into the living room.
"What are we filming?" Joe asked Jack.
"I don't even know. I'm so fucked. That SD card totally died and I lost my whole video." He replied.
Grabbing a bottle of tequila out of the cabinet, Joe looked at the two of you. "Never have I ever?"
"I'm in. We were going to make margaritas later anyways." You replied, grabbing shot glasses.
"Well, that solves that problem." Jack said, setting up his camera.
You guys got about 15 rounds in, giving Jack loads of footage for a video and a bloopers video. "Okay. One last round." Jack said, reading from his phone. "Never have I ever had a threesome."
"Is this one staying in the video?" You asked.
"I'll skip our answers. I always keep one unanswered." He replied, shuffling his papers.
"Works for me. Answers in 1 2 3!" You all held up your boards
"You have?!" Joe asked you, with fake surprise.
"You too!" You scolded him. "You can't judge if you've done it too!"
"Looks like none of us can judge then." Jack said as you both looked at his answer.
"Yeah, no way we can keep that in the video." Joe laughed, dropping his papers.
Jack did his outro and you made your way to the kitchen. "I'm making pasta. You guys hungry?" You asked.
"I'm starved." Joe replied.
"I'm too drunk, so count me in." Jack said, coming to lean his head on your shoulder in true Jack fashion.
"You two look cozy." Joe commented, gathering ingredients for your late night meal.
"Mate, I'm sorry." Jack said backing away. "I didn't mean to overstep."
You laughed and Joe replied. "Buddy, you're good. Y/n can take care of herself. You won't get away with anything she doesn't want to happen." Joe clapped Jack on the shoulder.
"But aren't you two..." Jack trailed off.
"We're friends, Jack." You said, grabbing a box of pasta from Joe.
"And what a friend you are." Joe said, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a quick but passionate kiss.
"Am I that drunk or are you two confusing?" Jack asked, his eyes wide.
"We're good friends, mate. We just get a bit more intimate when we're both single. Which is most of the time." Joe laughed.
"Ah, friends with benefits." Jack answered. "Joe, I think your benefits are better than hers." He laughed.
"I don't know. I get plenty." you replied, smacking Joe on the butt.
Clearing his throat, Jack got up and joined you. "How can I help?"
"Why don't you cut those tomatoes up." You said, handing him a knife.
Dinner was fun. Flirty. Full of innuendo.
"So, I guess I should order an Uber." Jack said, messing around on his phone.
"Awww, you use us and ditch us" you said, sitting on Jack's lap. "I see how it is."
Jack's cheeks flushed and his hands ran down your thighs. "I just didn't want to overstay my welcome, love."
"You're always welcome." Joe said, coming to stand by the both of you, running his fingers through your hair.
Jack looked between the two of you, realizing Joe meant more than stay over at the house. "Are you two....am I? You gotta use plain words, I don't want to embarrass myself." Jack said, his cheeks getting redder.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" You asked Joe.
"Babe, we're always on the same page. It's why we work." Joe replied, dipping down to kiss you.
"Come on." You said, hopping off of Jack's lap and pulling him from the chair.
Joe disappeared somewhere and you led Jack to the spare room. Walking him backwards against the bed, his knees hit the edge and he fell back onto the cushy surface. "Are you okay, Jacky?" You asked, gliding your hands up his clothed thighs.
"Never been better." He replied, his hands making their way to your waist.
"Was your threesome with two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl?" You asked him, trying to get him used to the idea of messing around with Joe.
"I've...I've done it both ways." He said, pulling you down to kiss him.
"Good to know." You replied, running your hands under his shirt.
"Get started without me?" Joe asked, coming into the room with a few supplies. Condoms and towels for the shower after.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist our beautiful friend." Jack replied, letting you stand up.
"Don't worry. I can't either." Joe said, his arms snaking around you from behind. He unbuckled your jeans and then slipped his hand under your shirt, planting kisses along the back and side of your neck.
"Hey, Joe. I need to make sure we're going to be good after tonight." Jack said, sitting up. "Your friendship means a lot to me."
"Of course, mate. I promise." Joe replied, pulling your shirt over your head.
"Good. I don't think I could have walked away at this point." Jack replied and you laughed.
"Just relax and have fun." You said, beckoning him to come to you with your hands.
Feeling Joe pressed to your back and Jack pressed to your front was unbelievable. Literally two of the most attractive people you had ever met and they were all yours for the night.
The three of you slowly undressed, exploring each other's bodies and you were left completely naked with the boys in their boxers. You walked to the bed and scooted to the middle. "Come on, boys. Don't leave me hanging." You said, running one hand over your breasts while your other hand dipped between your legs.
"Oh, fuck." Jack said, starting to pull his boxers down but hesitating, looking at Joe.
You gave Joe a look and a nod and Joe turned to Jack. "I promised you our friendship would stay good after this. Right?"
"Right." Jack replied not knowing why he was asking.
"Promise me the same." Joe said.
"Of course. I'm down for anything tonight." Jack said, seeing Joe smile.
Joe slowly closed the gap between the two of them and placed his hands on Jack's hips. He placed gentle kisses across Jack's collarbone and up his neck until finally meeting Jack's lips.
Those two were hot and even hotter to watch together and you started rubbing your sensitive clit, your bent legs dropping apart a bit.
Jack was a bit nervous and stiff when Joe first approached him, but he quickly loosened up, his hands crawling up Joe's stomach to his chest and then his back.
Joe pulled away and looked up at Jack. "Come on." He said, dropping his boxers and crawling into bed with you.
Jack, flushed cheeks and heavy breaths, stared at the two of you for a second before pulling off his boxers and climbing up the bed to rest between your thighs with his chest against yours.
"You two are incredibly sexy." You said, running your hands through Jack's hair.
"You're not so bad yourself" he replied, kissing, biting, and licking his way down your chest and your stomach to the inside of your thighs.
"You have a talented tongue." You said, laying back and closing your eyes.
"I have to agree." Joe said, his eyes following Jack's motions down your body.
Looking over to Joe, you pulled his lips to yours, moaning into his mouth when Jack's tongue parted your already soaked center. "Mmmmm." Jack hummed against you. "You're so wet."
Breaking the kiss, Joe ran his hands through Jack's hair. "She liked watching us together. Got her all hot and bothered."
Jack nodded and hummed against you again, sending chills through your body. Pulling him back into the kiss, you gently ran your fingers up and around Joe's impressively hard dick.
You loved the slow build with Joe. You never worked too quick or too roughly, keeping him wanting more and more. He wasn't a big guy, but when he finally fucked you, he fucked you good.
Your orgasm was quickly building with Jack's talented mouth sucking and lapping his tongue on and around your swollen clit. "Ah, Jack." You yelled out, breaking the kiss and grabbing his hair with both of your hands. "There, right there!"
Jack worked you through your climax until you were too sensitive for him to continue. You pulled him away from you and fell limp to the bed. "Oh, baby. That mouth." You said, breathing heavily.
"Want a taste?" Jack said, climbing back up to kiss you, feeling his length press against your thigh.
Joe grabbed something from the table and came back to you two. Breaking your kiss with Jack, you pushed him up. Joe opened the condom and made eye contact with Jack. "Come here." He said, seeing Jack eye the condom. "Don't be shy now." Joe laughed.
"I'm not." Jack replied, coming to sit on his knees in front of Joe.
"Good." Joe said, leaning in and tasting you on his lips rolling the condom onto Jack's thick erection, making Jack moan at the touch.
"Joe, come lay down." You said, rising to your knees.
"Coming, love." Joe broke away from Jack, laying on his back with his head at the top of the bed.
"Oh, you will be." You said, running your hands up Joe's parted thighs then circling his throbbing dick with your fingers.
"Don't tease, y/n. I can't take anymore playing around. Please, love." Joe begged, giving you what you wanted.
"I got you. Just relax." You said, dropping your wet lips to the tip of his cock. Sliding your mouth around his length, you took as much of him as you could into your mouth, bobbing up and down a few times before coming up for air.
Wanting Jack to get the message, you scooted back a bit sitting on your elbows and knees, before taking Joe into your mouth again.
"Ah. Yeah. Love." Joe always mumbled incoherent little nothing's when you were going down on him.
You could feel Jack's hands smooth over your back and your butt, asking permission. "Y/n. Can I..."
Joe interrupted him. "Join the party, pretty boy." Looking down at you, your mouth surrounding his dick and your ass up in the air. "God, what a sight."
You felt Jack line himself up with your opening and slowly press himself in until he was pressed against the back of your thighs. Pulling off of Joe, you moaned. "Shit, Jack." You said, feeling him pull out and slam back into you.
"I've never been that long, but baby I'm thick." He said, thrusting into you.
Moaning, you took Joe back into your mouth, your fingers playing with his balls. "Ah, if you keep that up I'm not going to last." Joe said, his toes curling.
"Oh, wouldn't that be a shame." You smirked, taking a breath and taking Joe all the way into your mouth.
"You know it would. Mmmm, Y/n. I want you to ride me after Jack's had you." He said, tangling his fingers into your hair.
The next few minutes were filled with moans, gasps, and plenty of name calling. "Y/n I'm gonna cum." Jack called, his thrusts getting harder but less frantic. "Y/n!" He called your name, his orgasm rushing through him. He slowly pulled out of you and laid next to Joe, catching his breath.
You grabbed a condom off of the table and handed it to Jack. "Do the honors?" You said, pulling the used condom off of him and throwing it away.
Jack ripped the packet open and rolled it onto Joe. "Come here, baby boy." You said, capturing Jack's mouth in a passionate kiss.
"My turn." Joe laughed, grabbing you by the waist to straddle his lap. "Come on, gorgeous. Do your worst." He said, running his hands up and down your sides.
"Greedy." You teased, lifting yourself up to sit back down onto his waiting cock.
Joe moaned, sliding into you. His hands groped at your bouncing breasts. "That's it, love." He said, looking up and down your naked body as you continued to ride him.
"God, you two are so hot." Jack said, having calmed fully down from his orgasm.
"I think you two are hotter." You said, eyeing the two of them.
"I think that's a hint." Jack said, his hand trailing over Joe's chest and their lips meeting.
"Oh, God." You groaned, feeling another orgasm building.
Jack sat up and straddled Joe's legs behind you. His hands played with your breasts and he placed kisses on your neck.
"Love, I'm almost there." Joe called out, thrusting up to meet you with every move you made.
"Me too." You replied, feeling Jack's hand dip down to rub his fingers over your clit.
"Come on, baby." Jack whispered in your ear and you began to fall apart, feeling your orgasm ripple through you.
"Y/n!" Joe called your name, climaxing with you.
You would have fallen forward onto Joe, but Jack held you back against his chest, peppering the skin of your neck with kisses. He pulled you off of Joe to lay between the two of them. Joe stood and threw away the condom, walking to the bathroom to start the shower.
"Come on you two. Let's clean up and then we can go sleep in mine. It smells like sex in here." Joe said, grabbing the towels.
While the sex had been focused on all three of you, the shower was your time to be pampered. Jack held you against his chest under the hot water while Joe cleaned himself and then they switched spots. They both took turns running their soapy hands all over your body. Lazy kisses being shared by all.
When you finally went to bed, you slept on your side with Jack against your back and Joe's back against your chest. Your arms held Joe tight to you and Jack's long arm draped over the both of you.
"Good night, loves." Joe sleepily said.
"Hey, before we go to sleep. Thank you." Jack said, tucking his face into your hair.
"Like I said. You're always welcome." Joe replied, twining his fingers with the hand Jack had laying over Joe.
"Goodnight, boys." You said, feeling safe and loved in the middle of the two of them.
--------------------- A/N - I'm drunk. Someone tell me if this is full of grammar mistakes and the like. <3
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fazcinatingblog · 6 months
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lovers to enemies fanfiction
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britishchick09 · 4 months
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this is an often repeated cliff thompson story...
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but senpai saw cliff maynard! :o
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there's still a thompson connection though...
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