#ive read some posts that talk about some of this stuff but not all of it together
ninyard · 4 months
Hellooo i saw that you were asking for asks (that sounds funny) and I wanna know some of your hcs on Kevin and Allison being besties/ kevjean relationship
This is my chance to finally share some Allison/Kevin hcs so I'm gonna seize this opportunity with both hands and give you this total MESS of a brain dump
- Allison is the only fox that doesn't make fun of Kevin's eating habits. Kevin KNOWS his relationship with food is fucked up because of the nest and Allison knows it too, so she refuses to make bets or make fun of the way that he eats. Kevin only realised because she once tried to quietly tell Nicky to knock it off when he was pushing Kevin to have dessert or making fun of what he'd decided to have instead.
- Kevin also knows not to talk about the numbers or macros in front of her, too. They have a weird unspoken mutual respect RE: food and they both appreciate each others efforts on that front without ever actually mentioning it. they also have a gesture for each other that's code for "i want a snack do you have anything" and they'll throw each other protein bars if they're out/on a long bus journey etc.
- they are the BEST drinking buddies. Whenever the team starts drinking/partying/clubbing more together post-TKM, they are literally CHILDREN when they're drunk together. Kevin gets tired of the monsters being boring when they go out and there's only so much dancing he can do with just Nicky and Aaron alone. So Allison pulls him up to the bar one night to do a tequila shot, and they literally have the most unexpectedly fun night ever. Kevin loosens up a whole lot without the threat of Riko etc post tkm, and when I tell you he is such a fun drunk. now he doesn't really drink THAT much during the season but off-season? oh he's a party animal. I could write thousands of words about him and Allison getting drunk together and becoming literal best friends as soon as they have a drop of alcohol in their systems but here's some things I think they've done drunk
stole a shopping cart and sat in it as they pushed each other down the road in it (and fallen out of it and laughed so fucking hard) ((but were bruised up as fuck the next day because of it)
he's sat her on his shoulders - while dan sits on matt's - as the two girls try to push the other one off
he's really easily convinced to do things by her. another shot? sure. and another shot IMMEDIATELY after that? alrighty! karaoke? well, okay. jockeyback? stealing traffic cones? pulling pranks and fucking with the other foxes? acting like actual teenagers? okidokie!
she's probably the only person in the world who has successfully convinced kevin day to sing
he holds back her hair if she has to puke
she convinced him to let her do his makeup once. full glam. like a serious look, fully beat, full coverage look. there's a picture out there somewhere of it that she saves for blackmail.
fucked. make out sometimes. strip poker. they dance together :)
he never lets her walk alone anywhere when she's drunk. if she can't find one of the girls to accompany her to the bathroom at a party she'll take him.
she's taught him full dance routines
she was joking that there's no way the raven warmups could be that different to theirs, and bet him that she'd be able to do them without breaking a sweat (he won)
they've both ugly drunk cried in front of each other (but they never talk about that sober)
she's pretty light so he's bench pressed her before
- They know each others drink orders/favourite shots
- if Allison is out, say she's with her friends and not with the foxes, and she has to wait alone for a taxi or walk somewhere alone, she'll call him and he'll stay on the phone with her until she's safe
- They make fun of each other and bully each other like there's no tomorrow (affectionate). the whole "Allison hates Kevin" thing WAS true for a while, but once they get closer, she just pretends to hate him. he's like an annoying brother to her
- Allison is really easily frightened, and Kevin thinks it's funny to scare her. she's never safe walking around a corner or into a room if Kevin is there and in a good mood.
- they're not BEST FRIENDS. like they're not in each others pocket all the time and laughing and joking ALL THE TIME but she can read him like a book. she knows when he's having an off day, or thinking about something too much.
- She also knows when he's being serious and when not to joke around. She knows when he doesn't want cheering up or to joke about something and knows when to back off. The same with him - he knows when she's having a mood that requires being cheered up, or a mood that requires him to leave her the fuck alone.
- He's a big reason why she puts a whole lot more of herself into Exy post tkm. She's always been invested, but once they talk more, and they consider each other friends, she listens to him talking about Exy and it really clicks for her. his dedication. and also how fucking talented he really is. She doesn't do the night training with him but they'll occasionally go to the gym together or start practice a half an hour early to run some basic raven drills.
- They're iconic when they get together to do press after games. they bounce off each other like nothing else. they're just so funny. and he's also like andy murray in that he will ALWAYS defend her, dan, and renee's talent if interviewers start to focus more on him instead of the girls. he'll step in if an interviewer says something shitty or misogynistic. she LOVES directing objectifying and misogynistic questions his way.
- She calls him a bitch and makes fun of him for being a nepo baby. He calls her an asshole and makes fun of her for being a rich kid.
- Have gone to banquets as each others date.
that's just a few random thoughts off the top of my head but yes. Allison and Kevin. Literally the only Two Pretty Best Friends ever to exist.
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Ace Attorney fandom.
I know why people don't like Turnabout Bigtop. I am among the people who dislike Turnabout Bigtop.
But I GET why people like the case. I'm not going to be one of those annoying people who just blindly dump on it because I hate those mfs too.
Thing about Bigtop isn't that it sucks. Thing isn't the weird grooming stuff (though that is a huge part of it). It's not that it could've been good.
It's that - in my personal OPINION - it could have been *great*.
I think it had the potential to be one of the best third cases in the trilogy. It had everything; a fun and goofy setting fit for a pretty dang goofy lawyer game - where the environment itself had jokes and quips and one-liners and mishaps and tomfoolery written all over it, it had the previous case introducing a very interesting and important plotline that gave background for one of the more well-loved characters while also introducing an equally fucked up and lovable new one who was a child forced into a shit childhood of naivete in a CIRCUS with another character who was very naive and childish - whose interactions could have been funny and cute and reflective of said shit from the previous case (seriously she becomes such an important character in the 4th case, WHY would they not include her in this one for some character development? How did they fuck up letting a CHILD explore a CIRCUS?? That would have made the interactions flow MUCH better).
They had a pretty good, sympathetic killer imo, a morally dubious victim, an asshole of a client (who was pretty flat admittedly in-game, but I like his weird, topsy-turvy reasoning for it in the anime. Also, I think Max being kinda a dick would have bode well for the themes of Farewell since most of his clients up to this point have been like...nice? Not nice, but sympathetic, but him having to defend someone who's innocent but a prick would have shown him that just because someone is an asshole, doesn't mean they deserve to suffer for it and that they have the potential to grow as people, which is almost a complete opposite of what Matt was. Ultimately, I would have loved the contrast of them as clients and I think it would have also served as character development for Phoenix, especially with his low-empathy tendencies).
They just didn't think that far ahead. They just didn't execute it well enough. They just decided to make three of the adult characters fight for the hand in marriage of a teenage girl. (Bat's part of the story was actually kinda good if he was just YOUNGER, I think him doing that for Regina would have been a stupid thing someone in the circus would do to impress their crush. Damn you Ace Attorney and your weird treatment of underage girls!!)
It just flopped and that's ok.
Even though it kinda sucked, it can still mean something to me.
Also I'm a Moe Curls apologist. I liked him, shut up.
#didn't care for the dialogue either.#DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT FRANZISKA DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T YOU DARE GET ME STARTED#THIS CASE WAS SO GOOD FOR HER DEVELOPMENT THAT'S NOT EVEN A “COULD HAVE” THING#sure she could've been fleshed out a bit more#but the stuff we get from our interactions with her in this case is GOOD. SHIT. It's just that this case is so hated that it's overshadowed#and yeah. i like Moe Curls. i think he's cool and he added some flair in an otherwise bleak case.#i think his whole unfunny clown schtick was very entertaining. it reminded me of this one shel silverstein poem i loved as a kid#clooney the clown.#tbh ive wanted to rewrite Bigtop for a while now#get a script together and all that. but im an amateur writer who's burnt out as shit and never posts anything writing related#except analysis i get way too excited and proud of. oh well#maybe someday.#also rq why does every other tripple-a game get really good in depth analysis video essays#with their complex literary themes talked about#but with Ace Attorney - a game about reading longer than most books - half the fans have the absolute most dogshit literacy comprehension#it's actually painful. ESPECIALLY with Franziska's character#anyway i'll stop.#ace attorney trilogy#ace attorney#ace attorney justice for all#turnabout big top#franziska von karma#phoenix wright#phoenix wright ace attorney#pearl fey#farewell my turnabout#moe curls#regina berry#ig ore if this is incomprehensible i did not proofread this.#i simply do not like how fran's only traits to somea these mfs is “annoying overemotional teenager haha grumpy whip lady”
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Okay so I am back to reading Star Wars books, and I have JUST started Shatterpoint and I already know this books is gonna be great because..
No more than a couple pages in (it’s an e-book idk how many pages in the physical copy it is..it might be the first page idk 🤷🏻‍♀️) Mace Windu expresses regret over not killing Dooku on Geonosis
He’s overthinking and stressing over that decision and why he made it
And what is one of the reasons he couldn’t bring himself to kill Dooku?
Because they were friends
Because he LOVED HIM
Yeah. You read that correctly. Mace Windu loved Count Dooku. His words. Not mine. He used the word love. They were friends before Dooku left the order and Windu admits it to himself that he could not let him go, could not separate the jedi he knew with the man in front of him.
That’s right. Mace Windu. The man whom so many fans believe is a cold and unfeeling asshole.
That man, believes that he potentially allowed his love for the Dooku that was his friend stop him from killing him.
He thinks he might’ve
allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement
and cannot get over that feeling of regret.
And that is so goddamn important to me.
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baby5fanclub · 8 months
so how come i always liked acesan even after i realized they barely interacted when i read the manga, and now i’m watching alabasta and ace is just?? there???
honestly obsessed with the ace filler + simple ace presence and if he’s gonna have a yaoi moment with sanji in the process you know what so be it.
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hewwio · 1 year
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greenbloods · 1 year
Janos Slynt's Powerful Friends
so janos' "powerful friends" are pretty much a joke meant to show what a blustering oaf his character is, right? but theres also an undercurrent of something deeper beneath. because before hes executed by jon he says this:
“No,” Slynt cried, as Emmett half-shoved and halfpulled him across the yard. “Unhand me ... you cannot ... when Tywin Lannister hears of this, you will all rue—”
so we know exactly who his 'friends' are. but why does he put so much faith in tywin, half a realm away? and what exactly are he and allister thorne plotting, that jon is so afraid of the two of them?
lets take a look at alliser's part in the scene again.
“Lord Janos,” Jon said, “I will give you one last chance. Put down that spoon and get to the stables. I have had your horse saddled and bridled. It is a long, hard road to Greyguard.” “Then you had best be on your way, boy.” Slynt laughed, dribbling porridge down his chest. “Greyguard’s a good place for the likes of you, I’m thinking. Well away from decent godly folk. The mark of the beast is on you, bastard.” “You are refusing to obey my order?” “You can stick your order up your bastard’s arse,” said Slynt, his jowls quivering. Alliser Thorne smiled a thin smile, his black eyes fixed on Jon. At another table, Godry the Giantslayer began to laugh. “As you will.” Jon nodded to Iron Emmett. “Please take Lord Janos to the Wall—” —and confine him to an ice cell, he might have said. A day or ten cramped up inside the ice would leave him shivering and feverish and begging for release, Jon did not doubt. And the moment he is out, he and Thorne will begin to plot again. —and tie him to his horse, he might have said. If Slynt did not wish to go to Greyguard as its commander, he could go as its cook. It will only be a matter of time until he deserts, then. And how many others will he take with him? “—and hang him,” Jon finished. Janos Slynt’s face went as white as milk. The spoon slipped from his fingers. Edd and Emmett crossed the room, their footsteps ringing on the stone floor. Bowen Marsh’s mouth opened and closed though no words came out. Ser Alliser Thorne reached for his sword hilt. Go on, Jon thought. Longclaw was slung across his back. Show your steel. Give me cause to do the same. Half the men in the hall were on their feet. Southron knights and men-at-arms, loyal to King Stannis or the red woman or both, and Sworn Brothers of the Night’s Watch. Some had chosen Jon to be their lord commander. Others had cast their stones for Bowen Marsh, Ser Denys Mallister, Cotter Pyke ... and some for Janos Slynt. Hundreds of them, as I recall. Jon wondered how many of those men were in the cellar right now. For a moment the world balanced on a sword’s edge. Alliser Thorne took his hand from his sword and stepped aside to let Edd Tollett pass. —A Dance with Dragons
we see alliser considering open rebellion to jons order, but thinking better of it. clearly theres a close alliance between the two of them, with common enmity against jon snow. on my first read i didnt spend too much time thinking of alliser and janos other than generally occupying the "antagonist" role in jons chapters. but i think theres so much more going on here.
The sound of voices echoing off the vaulted ceiling brought him back to Castle Black. “I don’t know,” a man was saying, in a voice thick with doubts. “Maybe if I knew the man better . . . Lord Stannis didn’t have much good to say of him, I’ll tell you that.” “When has Stannis Baratheon ever had much good to say of anyone?” Ser Alliser’s flinty voice was unmistakable. “If we let Stannis choose our Lord Commander, we become his bannermen in all but name. Tywin Lannister is not like to forget that, and you know it will be Lord Tywin who wins in the end. He’s already beaten Stannis once, on the Blackwater.” “Lord Tywin favors Slynt,” said Bowen Marsh, in a fretful, anxious voice. “I can show you his letter, Othell. ‘Our faithful friend and servant,’ he called him.” Jon Snow sat up suddenly, and the three men froze at the sound of the slosh. “My lords,” he said with cold courtesy. “What are you doing here, bastard?” Thorne asked. “Bathing. But don’t let me spoil your plotting.” Jon climbed from the water, dried, dressed, and left them to conspire. —A Storm of Swords
what is going on??
ok. so it seems like the senior members of the night's watch--othell yarwyck, bowen marsh, and alliser thorne in the scene above--are attempting to decide whether or not to put their support behind janos slynt in the vote for lord commander, in order to best navigate the future of the watch amidst the turmoil of the war of the five kings, and are considering their options between pissing off stannis or tywin. tywin is in active communication with men of the nights watch (!!) outside of the lord commander's knowledge (!!!) (not that there was one at this time). so it seems like alliser thorne's allegiance is ultimately to the preservation of the watch, but to achieve those goals he is allied with janos slynt, who is tywin's man. its interesting that alliser seems to be playing on the same side as tywin in all this, since tywin is the one who forced him to take the black after robert's rebellion. imo this is meant to show that alliser--despite being an asshole--is ultimately a man who puts his sense of duty first.
where does this leave us in our understanding of night watch politics? we know that there was backdooring, that tywin supported janos slynt for some some mysterious purpose to become lord commander, with othell bowen and alliser convincing each other to put their stones behind janos 'for the watch.' now we just have to figure out what tywin's goal is in all this. as far as i can tell theres two two possible explanations. either 1) he's swaying the watch to give him arms so he can secure the north 2) he's planning on assassinating jon snow to complete his campaign of exterminating the starks. for the second explanation we have to look no further than the red wedding, another major time tywin used "quills and ravens" to gain allies in the north who would win his battles for him, in the hopes of crushing ned stark's household. the first notion is a little subtler, because if theory #1 is correct it wouldnt be the only time in the series a lannister in kings landing schemed to assassinate jon snow
She let Lord Merryweather fill her cup once again. “Another problem has arisen on the Wall, however. The brothers of the Night’s Watch have taken leave of their wits and chosen Ned Stark’s bastard son to be their Lord Commander.” “Snow, the boy is called,” Pycelle said unhelpfully. “I glimpsed him once at Winterfell,” the queen said, “though the Starks did their best to hide him. He looks very like his father.” [...] “Snow shares Lord Eddard’s taste for treason too,” she said. “The father would have handed the realm to Stannis. The son has given him lands and castles.” [...] Qyburn leaned forward with a smile. “The Night’s Watch defends us all from snarks and grumkins. My lords, I say that we must help the brave black brothers.” Cersei gave him a sharp look. “What are you saying?” “This,” Qyburn said. “For years now, the Night’s Watch has begged for men. Lord Stannis has answered their plea. Can King Tommen do less? His Grace should send the Wall a hundred men. To take the black, ostensibly, but in truth . . .” “. . . to remove Jon Snow from the command,” Cersei finished, delighted. I knew I was right to want him on my council. “That is just what we shall do.” She laughed. If this bastard boy is truly his father’s son, he will not suspect a thing. Perhaps he will even thank me, before the blade slides between his ribs. “It will need to be done carefully, to be sure. Leave the rest to me, my lords.” This was how an enemy should be dealt with: with a dagger, not a declaration. “We have done good work today, my lords. I thank you. Is there aught else?” --Cersei, A Feast for Crows
cersei rightfully gets a bad rep in the fandom for making terrible decisions throughout feast, but people dont give her a lot of credit for being able to correctly pinpoint threats. the tyrells are a threat to lannister power bronn's loyalty to tyrion is a danger and jon's command of the nights watch is a thorn in her influence over the north. so in an attempt to lead like her father would, cersei plots to assassinate jon. maybe like cersei, tywin would have identified this threat too. only like his daughter, he would have been much subtler in his attempts to kill the lord commander, using key allies (like how he used the boltons and freys) as catspaws that receive most of the blame for the act itself.
this theory rly fits for me thematically because it parallels quite well with the Great Northern Conspiracy being cooked up by the stark loyalists down south, and because it interfaces nicely with the whole "nights watch takes no part" arc words jon struggles with throughout dance.
so in conclusion i think that janos' "powerful friends," although used to make a joke out of his character, also shows us that there were deeper things brewing beneath the surface of the nights watch
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scarletofspring · 1 year
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She's trying to flirt
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themyscirah · 2 months
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Okay so basically the United States MINT of all people is going to be working with DC to make a line of coins! These coins sadly won't be in circulation (the things I would do to live in a world where I could get Batman coins from the supermarket) as they're collectors coins, but will be releasing over the course of the next 3 years, 2025-2027.
Designs haven't been released yet (the same is true for all 2025 designs) but we know there will be 9 coins in total (3 each year) with the first year featuring (of course!!!) Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
Although we know the first three heroes to be featured, the remaining six have yet to be decided, and it turns out the Mint is putting out a survey on their site to gauge which of a group of culturally significant heroes people want to see most! (link to the form is mentioned in the article above)
The considered group includes: Supergirl, the Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, John Stewart GL, Aquaman, Hawkman, Jamie Reyes BB, Robin (Damian?), Cyborg, and Batgirl, of which 6 will be selected.
As someone who does a bit of coin collecting myself (mainly circulation coins like the quarters sets, but I also have a couple proof and collectors coins) I think this is a really cool and interesting idea that showcases the history of the comics medium and these characters and their influence on American culture. Really excited to wait and see what the designs look like for the coins already announced!
#ABSOLUTELY INSANE TO ME#sorry just. only thing that could make this crazier is if these were circulating. i would fucking die actually lmao#i mean you could buy something with one of these legally but like youre an idiot if you do that so likeeee#someone showing up with the solid gold superman collector coin and its only legally worth a dollar lmao#not that someone would do this but future generations/archeologists finding a coin in some ruins and it just has like. batman on it#amazing to me#also just the transition from us currency having all fake people (lady liberty some random native american guy etc.) and then going to real#people and presidents then expanding that to honor people that they believe should be honored (think the harriet tubman coin set right now)#and representing beauty and innovation and culture through representation of the states#only through that lens to swing back around and have fake people on the coins again in the form of the freaking dc trinity. insane to me#no one ever gets me when im nerding out over coins its okay. at least its not postage stamps (i actually do have some special postage stamps#its like 1 sheet though it was for the 2017 eclipse and the image changes from totality to the moon with the heat of your finger theyre so#cool okay) anyways i like dont really know that much abt coins lol i originally saw a post abt this on reddit 💀 lol and had to check this#was real which is insane. anyways my dad got my all my coin stuff ive got a proof set from the year i was born albums to hold the 50 states#and national parks (america the beautiful but its 90% natl park designs lets be honest here) quarter collections as i find them irl#(dont have an album for us women yet sadly but do have some of the coins) as well as a few dimes and other circulation albums i havent used#much. and then i have a few collectibles like the hubble telescope $1 coin the 50th anniversary apollo 11 one and the 2021 anniversary peace#dollar. though like not the gold ones or anything like that lol but yeah. i talk abt coins every once and a while with friends and i know#things but then my dad is in the car and its like nevermind lol.#also put a ? after damian's name bc theres a chance it could be dick and they just used the wrong picture. because some of the character#bios had names but his didnt and seemed very dick grayson (acrobatics mention “batman's partner” etc) but not so specfic exclude either one#and the pick was damian. but then the ollie pick was goateeless for some reason so who knows#culturally dick is more important but dami is current so idk#dc comics#blah#ive really been learning so much today. first all in announcement and subsequent leaks and now this. what a ride#also love how im anticipating and know future comics things lol. when did that happen haha. ive really transitioned from only reading back#issues and never knowing current events to following a lot of releases lol and somehow finding out about the freaking coin collection...#crazy how that happens#cant scroll up at that first image without losing it a bit still actually. what a world we live in. anyways take your bets who is gonna be
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waywardsalt · 1 year
oh yeah i’ve got a bunch of loz aus that i haven’t really talked about. a few of them are listed and slightly explained in this poll and explanation reblog but i haven’t gone out of my way to actually list the aus i have and really explain them. so that’s what this post is for. here are some... decently simple explanations of my major aus and what they're generally about
i have two kinds of aus: original aus (loz aus that are set in their own kinds of worlds with their own stories and twists on character roles) and then crossover aus (we all know how this works i just mash loz and a thing i like together)
original aus: (many currently dont have actual titles, so the titles will often just be concept shorthand)
in the court of the crimson king/crimson king au: probably the most developed and closest to being written out. it's got one of the longer premises; set in a industrial-esque hyrule city, following linebeck as the main character, as the adoptive older brother of link and aryll, living with them and their grandmother as the only one able to reliably make money to pay for rent and food, leaving every other week to do jobs, but he moonlights as the 'demon of the gray moon', a masked persona he'd created as a child that had long since become a city-wide urban legend, anonymously taking unsavory jobs from whomever can contact him and offer pay, often working directly for bellum, a childhood friend, the one who enabled and trained him to become the demon, and one of five anonymous leaders of the city. linebeck effectively lives a double life, and tries to stay out of too much trouble to avoid drawing attention to himself or making his adoptive family worry, but he gets dragged into more and more danger as bellum becomes curious about the identities of the city's other leaders, and linebeck falls in love with a man named ganondorf, suspected to be one of those other city leaders. ive got a few posts related to it already: this one being another vague concept descriptor, this one being an actual scene i have written out.
'gimmick' au: i cannot explain the gimmick without spoiling the au. put simply, in this au, hyrule as a whole has been at war for ten years, every race and kingdom taking sides in a conflict that seems to be going nowhere. link joined the hylian army young, and has made his way up the ranks to become trusted by queen zelda herself, and things in the war take an interesting turn as he and zelda discover a new faction, unaligned with any particular kingdom and with unknown motives, and zelda decides to set out to the different parts of hyrule, link and a chosen group of trusted allies in tow, intending to try negotiation one more time before things take a turn for the worse.
sci-fi/space au: the fun one that probably would need to be done in a visual medium. it takes place in a solar system of a few planets, link growing up on the planet hyrule and occasionally traveling to the others as a knight specializing in investigating and taking down dangerous bounty hunters, working for zelda as a friend. he and zelda uncover a plot by the yiga clan to accumulate a number of highly dangerous research and weapons held by each species as they aim to resurrect a demon to wreck havoc on the solar system- the b plot being about the top bounty hunters in the solar system screwing around, eventually colliding with link and zelda's a plot as it begins to involve them.
murder mystery(?) au: one of the older ones, maybe one of the oldest that i still stick with. this might actually be one of the first ones i tried writing. the plot begins when zelda returns to hyrule city years after her father- the former mayor- was murdered, finding that he has been replaced by ganondorf and that while things seem fine enough on the surface, random and organized crime run the show, and she begins a private detective agency as 'sheik', a masked young man, and with the help of impa, and old friend and confidant, she moonlights as sheik and uses her daytime identity as zelda to help chip away at some of the city's biggest problems and finds herself drawn into a long string of murders that appear to be anything but random violence.
ruined hyrule 1: i have two au’s with the premise of hyrule being ruined. neither of them have more specific names yet. this one begins with the majority of greater hyrule's population having long since locked themselves in hyrule castle town in order to escape the increasingly dangerous wildlife. zelda, a young girl at the beginning, becomes curious about what lies beyond the city walls, and makes friends with many other children within this sheltered hyrule, and as they grow up together, aim to eventually venture out into the wilderness to see what may have caused the outside world to become so incredibly hostile.
ruined hyrule 2: the other ruined hyrule. set in a devastated hyrule, roughly ten years after the royal family was killed, link failing to save them or hyrule in the time since. he now resolves to set out and indiscriminately destroy every demon that plagues the ruined hyrule, meeting and bringing along various allies, each of which has been uniquely affected by and have different lived in this altered, dangerous shell of hyrule.
modern (school): i also have two modern aus. this one isn’t plot driven, just a concept i have, would work best as little vignettes or something. essentially just the idea of a group of loz characters hanging out together in a modern high school (or college?) setting.
modern: this is the one with an actual plot. follows the general idea of zelda characters living in a modern world only for the typical legends to begin resurfacing and heralding dark events. plot specifics are murky, but that's the general idea.
dark mage: this is the au that where the seas meet the sands takes place in. basically just ganondorf x linebeck shenanigans in this alternate hyrule while actual plot sneaks up on them. named 'dark mage' mostly because the initial idea behind this au was that linebeck would learn magic.
horror au: doesn't have the best name, and it's ended up just being a personal sandbox for me. constantly changing, with the cast and setting often altering if i find that something isn't working or sticking. it's an au i've considered (and even briefly tried) writing in the past, but it's still too fluid, and writing horror effectively is difficult. it's a fun au, though.
mecha au: spawned because i watched neon genesis evangelion. a lot of this au's basic concepts can be found here: x but the short version is that hyrule is being besiged by massive monsters, but each race has created their own mechs to combat them. link is just a farmer who happens to have a strange knack for being a mech user, so is brought in by zelda as a gamble to bolster their chances, and he is tasked with working with a new and less-than-trustworthy crew to help fight those monsters.
'amnesia link' au: an au that sprang up in about a day and hasn't gotten too far since. basic premise being that three years prior to the story, link and a group of allies has faced off against ganondorf and, despite their best efforts, lost, with link being presumed dead by their enemies. now, link has woken up from his coma, his memories gone and hyrule taken over, and, with guidance, must once again travel across hyrule, aiming to rediscover his allies and try to face ganondorf once more.
A quick list of crossovers: I won't explain these in length, since they can range from having their own plot to just being a fun mental concept. So, the things I have made crossover aus with are:
Warrior Cats
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Persona 5
(there are other, smaller ones, these are just the ones i consistently pay attention to)
So! These are the majority of my legend of zelda aus, some of which I may write, some of which just exist in my mind for fun, all of which I wouldn't mind talking more about if anyone is curious!
#i had to find an actual list i made to remember most of these tbh#salty talks#salty's loz aus#lmk if any of the colored text on here is hard to read i can change it#for some of the duplicate name aus the colors help me remember which is which but ill change it if it makes it hard to read#this took absolute ages to finish partially bc i dont have much physical evidence of these aus. they live in my mind and my mind only#my favorite little tidbit is that in the space au linebeck is a bounty hunter known for being a really skilled sniper#and i did not. in fact. be inspired by sniper tf2. this au predates my knowing about tf2. space au linebeck is inspired by fuckin#ttgl yoko littner and sao (gags) sinon. this will always be funny to me. space au linebeck is probably one of my favorite au linebecks#fun fact also. counting the crossover aus linebeck plays an antagonistic role at some point in 10 of these aus#also anyways worth reminding that a lot of this shit isnt actually very developed. the murder mystery au does not have a lot of actual plot#most of the developed plot stuff in these aus tends to be directly connected to linebecks role in the story bc a lot of these aus happen to#exist bc one day i was like hm what if linebeck was in (hyperspecific situation that led to the creation of one of these aus)#gimmick au is a really good example of how a linebeck in xyz situation thought can spawn a huge fucking story#but i cant get too specific abt that without spoiling the fucking gimmick and ive already said too much#'dark mage' au is also called that bc i think it was REALLY inspired by me thinking abt linebeck in the fe awakening male dark mage outfit#this has been sitting in my drafts for. so long. and then in two days i slammed all of those out and bam. here we are#the crossover aus list is also a list of 'media that also gave me brainworms and therefore got the honor of meshing with the Big Interest'#im not even a big time batman fan i just saw the 2022 movie and scrolled through an entire blog dedicated to harvey dent#i know so fucking much about harvey dent. why is dc so fucking bad about him#anyways welcome to the bottom of the tags. hope you enjoyed your stay. these r my weird loz aus#post-ph isnt here cuz i dont consider it an au. its something else between ‘au’ and ‘speculative canon’
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taegularities · 1 year
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bardicious · 7 months
Pro tip, go online, only look at pictures, NO WORDS.
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
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“Do you know how tiring it is to have to reforge a bond every single time I change hands? Maybe being the Gem of Intelligence means I have to deal with so many egotistical mongrels one after the other with no breaks in between, and maybe you’re the first to actually treat me like a person!”
Felt like doing something funky for the one year anniversary of @maldito-arbol ‘s fic Ill Be Your Best Friend, second in the Were Just Human series!
Ive done this comic before but i thought it would be fun to do it a second time to compare and its such a good scene overall so. Its crazy that its been a year, it both feels like too long and not long enough. Im so glad i decided to read this series it is so good the writing is amazing and the characters are all so complicated and interesting, and of course all the people I’ve met and become friends with because of it! so i just wanna say thanks Mal, for deciding to write this i guess, this fic has been amazing it was a wonderful thing to look forward to every second Friday and its crazy to think i could have easily never met you or anyone else in the server or not if it hadn’t been for this series. So thanks and i hope this comic shows even a bit of my appreciation for you and your fic
And to anyone who hasn’t read the series, you should!! I Love fic 1 Marcy’s unreliable narrator and her mumbling habit keeping me on my toes trying to keep track of everything. The girls’ powers and the introduction to the gems and everything that happens with that is just *chefs kiss* amazing, and don’t even get me Started on fic 3 i cant even say anything without spoiling! So if you haven’t read it, go read it! Its such a good series and the writing and characters are incredible and agh! And if you have read it, read it again i don’t care its so good i could re-read it endlessly
#i did not intent to get this sentimental in the post but! its fine we deserve it <3#bestie you do not KNOW how hard it is rn to not vauge about this. its a secret its gonna be so cool#hhhaargh! im rlly happy with this comic actually. might put it in the server seprately also becausem#i dont know if tumblr is gonna rip the quality like its done in the post maker i can see every individual pixel its awful#seeing the improvement in my art and stuff from the last comic. that was only feb guys. its been 8 months and ive gotten So much better#so proud of myself besties frfr#i was so terrified i wouldnt get this done in time but i finished this morning i was So happy#im gonna schedule this for when i Think ibybf1 would have come out but i wasnt oaying super close attention to the when at that point#i just knew it was while i was at school and id get home and read the chapter. you see mal the reaidng in class didnt start till we talked<3#feel free to male fun of me if i emd up getting this time wrong. also its gonna be so funny and nerver wracking if we get in vc#and yr reading when the time this is gonna post goes by. i cant wait to see ur reaction to this hehe#almost didnt do this considered doing it in feb for like a one year thing and make it for ibybf11 birthday but nah#len talked me into this im glad it did thanks bestie <3#uhhhm yeah so. hope u like this. hope it makes you all go insane. some of the inconsistencies just Happened some were intentional#Tree Man Posts#duck art#ibybf#wjh#marcy wu#sentimentality#yes im adding that one what the FUCK happened in this post#i think that quote is a good one i already used the nickname one last time#i Could post now but where the fun in that#gonna break down sobbing if Mal’s at work when this posts
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ghastbutlikegay · 1 year
Omg you talked about 2012 TMNT and I suddenly remembered how much of that show I watched when I was younger,,, oh the nostalgia. I don't remember all too much from it now but I remember loving it. I've never watched rottmnt but like. I probably should if it's as good as everyone has been saying it is
honestly i only watched a little bit of 2012 as a kid, i was never super into that style/genre of cartoon so i only watched it if it happened to come on hjsdghj
rottmnt is SO good. it's very very different to 2012 in a lot of ways, but the art and the writing and the voice acting are all sososo good. the characterization for all the turtles is super different as well so if youre used to a snarky Raph and a. well. a Rob Paulsen Donnie. you might not vibe with Rise at first
but thats one of the things i really love about the entire franchise, each version keeps the core concept (four mutant turtles raised by a rat are trained to be ninjas) and most of the characters the same while also all being really unique and having different takes on all the characters. i enjoy this aspect of the franchise to the point that im making my own fan reboots and everything hjksdhg
the main reason i initially watched Rise was because i heard Donnie was really good autistic rep and i have to agree, ive never connected with a character this much before hgjsdhg hes also a really good example of low empathy imo, and i very much feel like my own experience with low empathy is being represented here
the art is something i see people complain about a lot when theyre coming from a background of watching 2012 or 2003, and i definitely felt like the art was kinda weird at first, but it's also so fun and striking and as you get used to it and start picking up on little details it gets better and better
a lot of classic TMNT villains dont make appearances in Rise, and the ones who do are WAY different to the older versions, but they also have a whole ton of new villains who are super cool and compelling as well (Draxum and Big Mama my beloved <3)
the movie can technically be watched as a standalone but i highly recommend saving it til youve watched both seasons because HOLY FUCKING SHIT. THE EMOTIONS. the scene that always makes me cry probably wouldnt hit me the way it does if i didnt have all the background of the seasons
notes on where to watch though: netflix has season 1 and the movie, but i dont actually know how to legally watch season 2, and the site i used for it unfortunately shut down so i can provide links :(
oh god this got really long can you tell tmnt has entered special interest territory for me
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
Long post!! Wanted to share all the deets about my Cookie Run self insert!!
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Introducing Pumpking Cookie and their Pet, Gourdie!!
Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
Cookie Class: Epic
Pet Class: Epic
Story: Pumpking Cookie is the elusive king of Pumpkin Land of Fear! You probably won't see him on your first visit to Pumpkin Land, or your second either. Only seasoned visitors of the park know how to spot him while he's hiding. And if you find him, you'll get a treat! Or maybe it'll be a trick... You better be careful! He also puts on his own special show with his pumpkins at midnight in the main tent, so be sure not to miss out!
Skill: When the big gauge is filled, a giant pumpkin appears and the jump and slide buttons turn into carving buttons. Repeatedly tap the buttons to carve the pumpkin and earn Pumpkin Carving Points. Once the small gauge is filled, the pumpkin will come to life and Pumpking Cookie will ride it as it destroys obstacles until the small gauge runs out. Level up for more Pumpkin Carving Points.
Magic Candy Ingredient - Little Pumpkin Seed: This pumpkin seed is the smallest of them all. Can something so small really grow into something special? Only time will tell...
Magic Candy Effect: While riding the giant pumpkin, each destroyed obstacle creates a Roasted Pumpkin Seed Jelly. The stronger the enchanted power, the more points earned from Roasted Pumpkin Seed Jellies.
Pet Story: Pumpking Cookie can bring pumpkins to life by carving faces into them. No one knows exactly how he does it... Gourdie was the first one he brought to life and the living pumpkin became his faithful assistant who helps him with his show.
Pet Skill: At given intervals, the Pet flies ahead and the light inside begins to glow, generating Jack o’ Lantern Points and restoring Energy. Level up for more Jack o’ Lantern Points and more Energy restoration.
Combi Bonus: Extra Jack o’ Lantern Points
1000 Affection Points Bonus: Extra Pumpkin Carving Points
Basic Jelly: A true king earns their title from their subjects.
Daily Gift: “It’s a treat, I promise! Hehe!”
Like: Solid Red Sugar Crystal
Dislike: Breakout Certificate
“Come one, come all!”
“Welcome to Pumpkin Land!”
“Wonder when I can see him again…”
“The rides at Pumpkin Land aren’t for the faint of heart!”
“Don’t forget to check out the Haunted House!”
“Things will get even more fun at night!”
Tired: “Okay, timeout…!”
“Bringing pumpkins to life is a secret I won’t tell!”
“Come and find me! I might have somethin’ good for ya!”
“Is it a trick or a treat? Only one way to find out!”
“Y-you found me? Already?”
“I love watching fire dance!” (Like Hint)
“I don’t need a certificate to run Pumpkin Land.” (Dislike Hint)
“Ooo, for me?” (neutral)
“Flames are so beautiful…” (given Solid Red Sugar Crystal)
“I hope this can become a biiiig pumpkin some day!” (given Little Pumpkin Seed)
“Why would I want one of these?” (given Breakout Certificate)
“How did you find out…?!” (given Violet Sugar Crystal) [note: will not receive any Affection Points for this]
Lemon Cookie (friendly): “I’ll make you smile if it’s the last thing I do!” On Lemon’s chart (trust): “An odd one, but I guess he’s okay.”
Cherry Cookie (friendly): “It’s never boring with you around!” On Cherry’s chart (friendly): “Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Tee-hee!”
Popcorn Cookie (friendly): “Hey, when’s our next movie night?” On Popcorn’s chart (friendly): “My favorite movie buddy!”
Birthday Cake Cookie (friendly): “Pumpkin Land’s a great place for parties!” On Birthday Cake’s chart (friendly): “Let’s throw a spooky Halloween party together!”
Cinnamon Cookie (trust): “Always puts on a good show!” On Cinnamon’s chart (trust): “Pumpkin Land is my favorite place to perform!”
Currant Cream Cookie (friendly): “Studs and spikes can be spooky too!” On Currant’s chart (friendly): “I wouldn’t call my style ‘spooky’, but I like the way you think!”
Raspberry Mousse Cookie (admiration): “Show ‘em who’s boss!” On Mousse’s chart (admiration): “Their opinion of us doesn’t matter!”
Pitaya Dragon Cookie (admiration): “I like it hot!” On Pitaya’s chart (admiration): “Brighter than sssunshine…”
Shining Glitter Cookie (admiration): “Everything about her captivates me…” On Shining Glitter’s chart (admiration): “There’s always room in my schedule for you!”
Moonlight Cookie (admiration): “I’ll see you in my dreams!” On Moonlight’s chart (admiration): “Your smile is the warmest.”
Knight Cookie (tension): “You don’t stand a chance!” On Knight’s chart (tension): “What do you know about the Red Dragon?!”
Ice Juggler Cookie (rival): “Betcha Pumpkin Land’s got more visitors!” On Ice Juggler’s chart (rival): “Pumpkin Land is alright. (Pudding Cup Circus is better.)”
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Class: Legendary
Type: Support
Location: Middle
Story: What a strange one, that Pumpking Cookie is! Just where exactly did they come from? And what is that ominous purple glow that emanates from them? So many questions and so little answers. However, it is known that he created and rules over a Kingdom of his own called the Pumpking Patch. But… the citizens are all living pumpkins! There’s not a single Cookie in sight! This begs yet another question… Is Pumpking Cookie themself even a Cookie…?
Skill - Trick or Treat: Summons a pumpkin bomb which has a 50-50 chance of being a trick or a treat. The treat bomb explodes on the ally side, healing everyone’s HP and raising everyone’s ATK for a period of time. The trick bomb explodes on the enemy side, releasing pumpkin guts on the ground that trap all enemies, making them unable to move or attack for a period of time. It also lowers their DEF while they are trapped. It will not trap Cookies who are resistant to interrupting effects during their skill, but it will lower their DEF more. While using his skill, Pumpking Cookie will be resistant to interruptions.
Skill Activation: “Wonder what this’ll be!”
Kingdom Arena:
“Well well well, look what we have here!”
“Hope ya like pumpkins! Hahaha!”
“You wanna play with the Pumpkin King? Let’s see what you’ve got!”
“Let’s have some fun!!”
Loading Screen: If you look closely at Pumpking Cookie, you’ll find cracks in their dough all over their body.
Gacha Line: “It’s always Halloween when I’m around!”
“You should come visit the Pumpking Patch!”
“I wasn’t always a King…”
“What’s this purple light? Well, the truth may shock you… hehe!”
“This Kingdom is nice. I guess I’ll stay awhile.”
“Is this a trick or a treat? Why don’t you come find out?”
“You’re invited to the Grand Halloween Party in the Pumpking Patch!”
“Ha! My subjects would love this place!”
“My Kingdom means the world to me. No one will ever take it from me!”
“Anyone who dares threaten the Pumpking Patch will have to deal with its King!”
“Aw, no hard feelings, right? Hehe!”
“Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King!”
“Whew, that was a close one!”
“I did it? I mean, of course I did! Heh heh.”
“Don’t think I’m out just yet!”
“I… I will protect the Pumpking Patch…!”
“I won’t give in! I can’t!”
“This isn’t over…!”
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
Guess who finally found out they have athlemaphobia lol
#lizard-dumbass talks about stuff#text post#its me i have athlemaphobia#honestly though im kind of thrilled about this discovery because now i finally understand and have a way to explain my anxiety regarding#sports#oh btw athlemaphobia is the fear of sports/participating in sports#i always knew that sports stressed me out to high hell but only today did i finally discover that what ive been experiencing is an actual#fear of sports and that it has a name#reading about athlemaphobia has helped me undestand this aspect of myself in a whole new light#im really happy to have found this term but oh BOY do i wish i had known about athlemaphobia sooner#knowing i have a genuine phobia of sports would have helped me so fucking much in 8th grade P.E#between half and two thirds of my secondary school p.e has brought me some of the most stressful sports experiences that ive ever had#if i had been able to explain to my teachers that i have a phobia that makes participating in sports anxiety inducing to the point of tears#then i probably would have been able to avoid some of the stress i ended up having to go through#idk i guess this all seems kind of silly but my fear of sports has genuinely been a huge pain in my ass for the majority of my life#i'd even go as far as to say it has had a really negative impact on my life#but nevertheless im still happy i found out about athlemaphobia#because now i have a way to explain my sports related anxiety to people and also take the right steps to manage/treat my phobia#so yay :3
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foxcassius · 2 months
wait also my tags on that post were about people i knew in freshman and sophomore year of college specifically. i mean some of them i knew after that and most of them i knew from high school but damn some people really made everything about themselves when i was being emotionally manipulated in my freshman year
#i cant even think about it. makes so like disappointed and upset to think about some people.#its also just crazy how some people have like no introspection abilities at all.#they'll be like 'you did x once you abused me' ignoring how they did x 15 times and y 20 times and also came at me physically violently#and i know its not a calculator. i know i cant put all the bad things we did to each other into an algorithm that tells us who abused who#like i am aware that we had a toxic relationship and its better now that we are not in contact#but it makes me shake my head when i think about screenshots people used to send me of stuff my ex friends were saying about me on twt#because those people DO think they can put every bad thing ive ever done into a calculator that will show the result that i abused them#anyway. i like to think any person who knows me well and/or irl knows thats not me and i dont talk to almost anyone from that time anymore#i still follow and talk to fee...i think i still follow joanna but she is never on anymore....#in the end there is not much use in thinking anf agonizing about this anymore. i used to go into spirals a lot like maybe i DID abuse x fri#end and i just didnt REALIZE it maybe im CRAZY but. i definitely dont do that anymore. what she said to me made me do that.#(again. emotional manipulation.)#but its so crazy to remember high school and college from my current vantage point. i've lived so much good life since then.#now i own a house. i garden (something x friend told me i would never be responsible enough for) i have a boyfriend who has been scretly#into me for over year before we started dating (something x friend always told me i was imagining in people) i have a job i find fulfillment#in (something x friend said i would never find if i kept changing jobs looking for one i liked)#i feel like i make a post ever year or so when i inevitably end up looking back on those times...and i always feel guilty for making them#because i dont want it to seem like im gossiping or slandering (even though x friend posted about me all the time) but idk#i dont go to therapy yknow. i just journal and write and think in my head and on occasion i make a blog post with rambling tags#i talk to people and learn about them and through that learn about me. i read and learn about the world and the mind.#im not saying i wouldnt go to therapy if i could afford it...but i guess im defending my right to make a post about the past every year-ish.#it helps#t
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