#it's the third part of a series
sarcasticamaleont · 5 months
Me during a probably depressive episode: Man, I just feels hollow no matter what I do. Maybe I could just start studying so at least I can blame it on something.
✨✨My favorite youtuber descending from the heavens with a new funny video about LOTR: FEAR NOT MY CHILD. ✨✨
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sommerbueckers · 4 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬¹
PAIGE WAS SITTING patiently in the living room of her hotel as she waited for KK and Ice to get ready. Their plane to New York City had landed last night and they had yet to stock up with snacks for the week. Ice was only going to ensure that Paige and KK bought something other than junk, she knew how slow they'd in practice after living off nothing but Tollhouse cookies and Pepsi for seven days.
"Y'all ready?" the blonde asked, shutting off her phone and slipping it into the pockets of her shorts.
"Been that, jus' waiting for Ice slow ass," KK responded, shooting the taller girl a side eye.
"Okay," Ice chimed in, "I don't wanna go either, everybody else is making me."
"Everybody except the two other people going," KK scrunched her nose up, playfully judging her.
Ice held her hand up in front of KK, moving to grab the keys off of the counter. Paige followed suit as they headed out the door and toward the elevator. She scrolled idly on her phone until a picture of the New York Liberty team popped up, triggering a question in her mind.
"Yo what time does the game start tomorrow?" she furrowed her eyebrows, looking between her two friends.
KK shrugged while Ice pulled out her phone.
"So are we eating before or after? 'Cus everything goin' be closed if we try to go after," KK said.
Snorting, the blonde turned to her, "Is food the only thing you think about?"
KK glared at her, not bothering to respond.
"Not to insert myself, but this grocery trip was literally your idea Paige," Ice said.
"So we was supposed to starve all week?" Paige asked, raising an eyebrow, and when neither of them responded she continued, "That's what I thought."
"--No i'm telling you, we're gonna need more than one family bag of Doritos."
KK stared blankly up at Paige, the single bag of chips being crushed in her grip.
"You don't think this bag will last?" she frowned.
"Dude," Paige said, "there's seven of us here, no the bag isn't gonna last KK." Paige took it upon herself to grab a couple more bags off the shelf before tossing them into the cart.
"We need milk, and probably some break-away cookies, breakfast stuff too," Ice mentioned as she looked up from her phone.
"I can get those," Paige offered.
"I certainly wasn't getting 'em," Ice frowned with a laugh.
Paige, mocking the girl's laughter, set off toward the dairy aisle in search of the items Ice had named. She saw the milk first, pausing while she debated on whether to get the full cart or the half cart. They'd be here for a week, and if she got three half cartons then they could distribute them amongst the rooms. A full carton would have to be shared...That would be a lot of back and forth.
As she began to grab the cartons off the shelf, a soft voice called out to her from a few feet away. When she turned, her eyes landed on the one person from high school she hadn't forgotten about after graduation -- that hadn't been on the basketball team of course.
Myla Mintz.
Paige remembered her like it was yesterday; the curve of the dimples in her cheeks, the faint smile lines around her mouth, the deep brown of her doe eyes as she took in her surroundings. It was almost as if no time had passed, and if it hadn't been for her outfit showing off the way her body had developed, Paige would've been convinced that none did.
"Myla," she smiled, surprise written on her face.
"Oh my gosh it's been so long, how are you?" Myla asked, the same amount of surprise plastered across her beautiful face as well.
"I -- I'm great, how're you?"
Myla laughed, it was familiar to Paige, yet so foreign at the same time.
"I'm doing really good," she nodded.
"That's good, yeah. Damn, it's been four years," Paige scoffed in disbelief, taking a step closer to the girl, the milk cartons sitting forgotten in their original place.
Myla mirrored her actions, the pair now close enough that only they could hear their conversation.
"I know right! I mean it definitely doesn't feel like it, feels like yesterday we were just sitting in Physics talking about--" she struggled to find the words, a blush creeping onto her face from the embarrassment of not being able to recall any of their conversations. "Talking about whatever."
"Yeah, yeah," the blonde smiled as she remembered, "man I don't think i've ever been less focused during a class."
"I don't know how we even passed finals."
"Screw finals, midterms!" Paige laughed loudly.
Myla ran a hand through her hair, her usual natural curls had been curled and styled with an iron, now appearing longer as they hung down her back. A few chunks in the front had been cut into curtain bangs, falling perfectly back into place when her hand returned to her side. Paige watched as the shorter girl straightened out her skirt, her gaze falling to the perfect swell of her hips as it curved in to become her stomach. Has her shape always been that perfect?
When Myla looked back up, Paige took note of the smoothness of her lips. It was hard to tell if the pink tint they held was natural or if it was a lipstick, but regardless, Paige had decided that she loved it.
Myla's mascara coated lashes batted up at the blonde, quietly waiting for her response to a question that had completely went over her head.
"Paige?" she called out.
"I asked what you were in town for," Myla smiled.
A nervous laugh escaped Paige and she briefly shook her head, "Sorry. I'm here for a week with some of my teammates."
"Oh nice. Is it for basketball or..." her voice trailed off.
"Nah, just pleasure."
Myla nodded again, anxiously biting her lip whilst she slowly built up the courage to ask her real question.
Paige hadn't even noticed her slight hesitation, but then again she had never been that observant. If she was, she would've caught on to the crush that Myla had developed on her during their junior year of high school. A crush that, let anyone other than Myla tell it, never really went away.
"Well y'know i'd love to catch up, if you're not too busy..." Myla finally breathed out, the grip she had on her basket beginning to slip from how sweaty her palms had become.
Paige, excited about the offer, immediately nodded her head, "That sounds great actually, when were you thinkin'?"
"I'm not really sure, I have some things lined up this week. If you give me your number though i'm sure we can work something out."
After the pair exchanged numbers and said their 'goodbyes,' they each went their separate ways. Paige proceeded to grab the things that Ice had requested before making her way back to her friends. It took her a minute to find them, their place having changed from the snack aisle over to the wide selection of alcohol. When they spotted her, KK removed her phone from her ear and Ice dramatically threw her hands up.
"We've been calling you," she said frustratedly.
"Yeah, we thought somebody snatched you," KK said, mimicking a grabbing motion with her arms.
"Relax," Paige laughed, "I was talkin' to somebody."
"A fan?" Ice asked.
"No, somebody I know from high school."
"Hm, well we gotta get back if we wanna make our dinner reservations tonight." Ice took the things from Paige's hands and put them in the car, positioning herself behind it to push. "Let's go."
Paige sat in the living room with her warmed up leftovers sitting in her lap. The movie the girls had been watching had been paused after they learned of Paige's plans to meet with Myla, all of them bombarding her with questions about who she was and how they knew each other. Silently chewing on a few fries, her attention was grasped by Aubrey as the girl threw her another question.
"So you had one class with this girl for one year and now y'all are going out for lunch?"
"Yeah," Paige nodded. She noticed the expressions her friends held, faces of uncertainty and disapproval. "What? We became good friends that year." It hadn't entirely been a lie, Paige and Myla did indeed become friends during their shared time in that class. Only that was all there was. Their entire friendship had been kept between the walls of that freezing Physics classroom, neither one of them even sparing each other a second glance outside of that. Paige could tell you every single thing that Myla had done over the weekend from the months of August to May. But if you asked her where the girl had sat for lunch during those same months, she would've stared at you, stuck.
"Good friends doing what -- cutting open animals and bonding over their intestines?" Kayla joked.
"First off, that's Biology," Paige said, "and second, the way we became friends isn't even weird. Y'all just hatin.'"
"We're not hating Paige," Azzi said, "we're just trying to make sure you're not being lured out to some remote location where none of us can find you."
"No seriously, do you know who you are? I was on Ebay the other day and I found a fake chunk of your hair for sale," Aubrey told her, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Aubrey please," Azzi frowned.
"Im for real! It was in a signed ziplock bag 'n' everything," she continued.
Jana, rolling her eyes, finally chimed in the conversation. "How about we just do a deep dive on this girl and settle this?" she suggested.
Azzi nodded with a smile, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram.
"Good luck with that, she doesn't have social media," Paige said smugly, leaning back in her seat.
"No social media?" KK frowned, sharing a look with Ice, "Oh she definitely a weirdo."
Kayla scoffed, "Tell that to her 3 million followers."
It came as a shock to the girls that Paige hadn't gotten whiplash from how fast she turned her head. Her face contorted in a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
"Lemme see that," she demanded.
Azzi was unresponsive as she scrolled through the girl's Instagram, her eyes widening a little more with every picture she clicked on.
"Azzi," Paige spat out.
Kayla snatched the phone from Azzi's hand, earning a pout from her as she threw the phone over to Paige. Swiftly catching it, her face began to somewhat mimic Azzi's. Her friends crowded around her as they all looked through Myla's account. Pictures of her in revealing bikinis as she posed in the sand or by the pool, reels of her in undergarments parading around with girls who wore similar things, and the rest were her dressed up in fancy outfits at various premieres.
Who the fuck is this and what did she do with the real Myla Mintz?
The Myla that Paige remembered hadn't even had a social media platform, and now here she was with 3 million followers on Instagram. High school Myla hated going to the pool because the thought of being in a swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers freaked her out. She hated her stretch marks, she hated how her thighs rubbed together when she walked, how she constantly felt the need to keep her arms away from her body because otherwise it 'made her feel fat.'
Paige had never understood Myla's desire to keep her body hidden, if she had been blessed with a body like that in high school she would've walked around showing it off. But Myla wanted to hide it. Now, looking at the new image that the Mintz girl had created for herself, it was obvious to Paige that a lot about her had changed.
"She's a model," Jana said, pointing out the tagged page in her bio, "IMG models."
"Damn, she a real model. None of that fake ig shit," Aubrey spoke, her voice slightly airy from seeing the photos.
"You sure you went to school with her, Paige?" Kayla joked, using her pointer finger to tap the blonde.
Paige couldn't answer, she could hardly even hear the question as her focus remained solely on the picture that was displayed on her screen. It was a casually taken photo of Myla on the beach. Her curls were completely soaked, fingers scrunching them at the top of her head. Her red bikini top had a zipper in the middle, one that was partially unzipped to reveal her cleavage. The matching bottoms that did very little to cover what she had clung tightly to her perfect skin.
She was smiling happily with her eyes closed, pearly teeth on full show. Everything about the picture was perfect, from the rawness of her smile to the carefreeness of her energy. Paige couldn't think of a single thing in the world that could've made the post better, that was until she read the caption typed below. It made her eyebrows raise, her lips part, her heart stop for a period of time that would concern medical specialist.
'Happy Pride from your fav;)'
A/N: so obviously this is in third person and i didn't really like that so im planning to change it going forward
BUT NEW SERIESSSSS, im hype soooo i hope yall are too
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lollipopcheerio · 1 year
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Take Me To War
@cherrifire 's DTIYS :]
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canarydarity · 2 years
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okay fine you can have a few more, as a treat.
part one / part three
(friend birthday special set)
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hop3isaprison · 30 days
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What does it mean, the murdering monster who is filled with light!
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hawkogurl · 6 months
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#oh? you’re characters in a three part iconic series that came out in the mid 2000’s#and one of you is a wealthy abused child with heavily symbolic burns scars who undergoes a redemption arc that concludes in the third part#of the franchise who’s villainy is defined by an attachment to an abusive father and a need to please him despite him not at all deserving#your loyalty and your redemption is internally motivated by your own experiences and defined by a moment where you realize who you want to#actually be? and you’re connected to a lot of shipping drama despite honestly seeming gay as fuck?#and a consistently heroic male lead with romantic drama including a brief relationship with a light haired woman that you have regrets about#and a lighter haired woman who majorly influences your character arc and you can tell is cool as fuck because men hate her? and your arc#revolves around maturing and going through various circumstances that basically function as a mini coming of age story in a piece of fiction#not of that genre? and you have baggage related to family members who you feel responsible for the fates of? and you put an intense amount#of personal pressure on yourself because you see yourself as a protector and if you can’t do that you’ve failed?#and you’re emotionally superglued to each other despite lots of disasterous first interactions?#atla#avatar the last airbender#sokka#atla sokka#zuko#prince zuko#harryposting#harry osborn#raimiverse#raimi trilogy#spider man#spiderman#peter parker#parksborn#zukka
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britishchick09 · 1 year
a sneaky list of full poto movies! ;)
1937 song at midnight
1987 animated
1989 mall
1991 staller
1993 y/k
1995 wishbone
1996 ivan jacobs
2000 ken hill audio
2013 ken hill
2021 korean y/k
leroux audiobook
(these last two are privated every so often, so they're not always available)
1974 paradise
1989 freddy
1998 rat phantom
1925 in hd
1995 phantom lover
2011 y/k takarazuka
night gallery
internet archive
1925 original
1974 paradise
1974 hollywood
2004 takarazuka
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kveom · 1 year
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seokmin + self-belief xx
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catastrxblues · 5 months
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avery kylie grambs how are you feeling now that you know taylor swift had snuck into your room, opened your diary, and put you in one of her songs for the world to hear
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aquapolis · 3 months
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this episode was like a fucking endurance test
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caught-in-a-landslide · 6 months
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Been getting into this series recently, sadly I am unable to watch the other parts as well as the movies at the moment.
So screenshot redraws are all I have to go with this.
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goemon-fan · 7 months
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This was easily one of the best Lupin episodes
#there will be a rant in the tags that you can ignore#but it is so upsetting how modern/current lupin took away the depths of these characters and flimsily tries to restore their earlier depth#i'm one of those people who craves depth in what i watch and it's so difficult to like this franchise because it will be so close to doing#something interesting only to abandon it#this episode and part one as a whole was peak lupin in my opinion with each character having emotional depth yet flaws to overcome#yet modern lupin would have you believe that these characters don't desire to improve in any capacity#if we were to just focus on Goemon for example right here he shows depth with revealing hidden emotional maturity and empathy for Lupin by#comforting him and admitting he himself is afraid (which is a big deal for a character like him who is supposed to be unflinching)#but in modern lupin goemon will literally say that he's not afraid of anything and this is written without any hint of irony or depth#i'm okay with mindless entertainment and i understand that this is a series simply about stealing but the character assassination is so#disappointing#and when this series does try to be “deep” they pick the most triggering subject matter possible to depict to the point where it's#practically unwatchable (this is in reference to Part 4 and its constant SA plots as well as the rampant gratuitous child abuse plots#throughout the entire series)#i want so badly to love lupin the 3rd but it's a huge problem when fanfiction understands the characters better than the source material#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#goemon ishikawa xiii#goemon#arsene lupin iii#jigen daisuke#daisuke jigen#fujiko mine#part 1
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one-vivid-judgment · 2 months
We Are is going straight to my top favorite BLs and I'm only 3 episodes in purely by virtue of No One Else Like Me Winny Ver.
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concorp · 3 months
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happy ending.
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was going to change the paint to look less like blood but this version RULES honestly
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oifaaa · 9 months
i thought code geass was just anime britain and anime japan trying to out imperialize each other???
Then you have been fooled bc its not even Britain fighting Japan its America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 here's a map to help you understand
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Blue is Britainia orange is iirc the Chinese federation and yellow is the EU
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