#it's the same when I say Kyouka has a crush on Atsushi but Atsushi only sees her as a friend/sibling
morphestic · 5 months
dazai and oda are a tragic story with unrequited love and the fandom is reading it with their eyes closed.
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luneariann · 1 year
Bsd headcanons!
- Kouyou, 27 yr as of current canon
- Kouyou started dressing in traditional clothing in an effort to seem older/inspire more respect when she first became an executive, and it stuck. now instructs all the people under her wing to do the same
- Actually a huge fan of romance novels, Chuuya started reading them cuz of her
- Tea snob
- WILL judge you to your face in the most convoluted language, you will only realize you were insulted in like three business days
- She has freckles but she covers them up w makeup, Yosano loves them
- Yosano, 27 yr old
- When she was first adopted by Fukuzawa she tried doing things she thought kids her age did in an effort to feel more "normal" it didn't rly work
- Has won scariest ADA member four years in a row, shes both very proud of that title and very protective of it, actively does scarier shit once the elections come back around each year
- Wine snob!
- Veryyy blunt, she got it from Ranpo (Fukuzawa would call him a bad influence except he theyre both saying what hes thinking so)
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- Dazai, 26
- Has tried to be a plant dad to win a bet w Ranpo, failed miserably, none of his plants are alive but theyre all lovingly named anyway, he talks to their decomposing corpses sometimes
- The worst fashion sense known to man, he KNOWS how to dress he just makes the active choice to dress like a bowling alley carpet when given the chance
- When Atsushi made him a friendship bracelet and he had to be excused to go to the bathroom and compose himself
- Hes Yokohamas local cryptid
- Chuuya, 26
- Loves romance novels, its his greatest secret
- Dazai gave him a bunch of plants as a surprise gift during his brief plant dad phase, he frantically learned everything he could abt them so he could take care of them properly
- He cuts his own hair, yes it is uneven on purpose, he thinks he looks cool (he does, but only because hes Chuuya so he can pull off literally anything) (yes i am biased why do you ask)
- Fantastic cook
- Piercings <333 he would get a tattoo but he doesnt rly do well with needles (cough trauma cough)
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- Atsushi, 18
- Had a "sleepover" with Kyouka when he realized neither of them had ever had one, it was great they did eachothers nails and watched romcoms together, Kyouka decided she didnt really like them but Atsushi did so they watched them anyways
- Made everyone friendship bracelets one time on said "sleepover"!
- ALSO has an atrocious fashion sense, its Dazais influence <//3
- Kyouka has made it her personal mission to fix his haircut over time (he cuts his hair with kitchen scissors, she was horrified when she saw)
- Akutagawa, 19
- a full on trad goth, he goes simple for work tho
- Hes a gatekeeper, sorry yall </3
- Carries around an umbrella in the sunlight cuz he burns rly rly easily
- Gets cold REALLY easily too
- The most socially inept man you will ever meet, Gin had to cover for him A LOT when they were children
- When he first realized he felt something for Atsushi he not only did not realize that his heart speeding up around him was a crush thing, but thought it was excitement for a fight, so he just ended up challenging him to an absurd amount of fights, going as far as to go to the ADA to pick fights
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stanlunter · 2 years
Yk actually I really dislike guster and think that ship is kinds weird, but what is more weird to me is the way people treat is like it's the most evil proship can be, while in other fandoms people treat tge similar ships better.
Not to mention it's technicaly not even a proship and 3-4 years age gap isn't that terrfying (I agree it's bad tho), that's still strange that in toh fandom people hate it so much, while in atla fandom Tokka (with the same exact age gap) isn't being treated like it's illegal. That's pretty popular ship and everyone treats it good. The same goes with Atsukyou. Like, I barely even seen people who hate Tokka, but there are tons of people who hate guster and its fans and also a lot of people who hate atsukyou.
About my person opinion about them, well, I actually see Gus and Hunter only in the way when Hunter becomes like a litteral brother to Gus and love their relationship at this point. I also used to ship Atsushi and Kyouka, but I then I started see them more in a sibling way and 4y age gap is too big to me too, Idk if I still like it at any point tho, but I can say only that I love their relationship. I also used to like Tokka and now I think the same. That's obviously that Toph had a crush on Sokka, but Sokka, I think, treated her as a little sisters or smth. I actually like the idea of it cause that's kinda not fair that his actual little sister cared about him like she was older, so I wanted Sokka to finaly take hia responsibility of being a big brother. May be in the future Tokka could work out, but at now I defenetly don't like it.
So, again, I just don't understand why everyone loves Tokka and hate Guster for reasons Tokka has too. Yeah, I don't mention Atsukyou, cause bsd fandom treats it both good and bad.
That's just a paradox to me tbh.
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ckjbun · 4 years
What kind of ability would Higuchi have and its potential name?
Hi to whoever is reading this! This is my first self-written post so I’m still figuring out how all this works and I’m sorry, if it gets a bit chaotic. Anyways, recently, I came across a question regarding Higuchi from Bungou Stray Dogs. It was about what Higuchi’s ability would be called and what type it would be. So I won’t go into details whether she has an ability or not. I believe she has since she is named after an author (and Asagiri himself kinda confirmed it via Twitter). Thus, I just want to write my thoughts on the potential names and kind of ability. 
Since abilities in the BSD world are always named after rather well-known works of the authors, I compared some of the famous works of Higuchi Ichiyo. Now mind you, I haven’t read her works myself. I mostly relied on comparing summaries and analyses of them. Since there are not a lot of summaries, I read two lesser-known stories myself. I will add the links of the summaries/analyses of the works down below. However, while comparing I found two works that would fit Higuchi. Now, first what do I mean by “fit”? Well, it might be best to start explaining what I think about the type of Higuchi’s ability.  
I believe Higuchi has not an offensive type of ability. Nothing like Atsushi’s, Akutagawa’s, Kyouka’s etc. If she had, I’m sure she would have used it already, since she’s fighting a lot with her guns, why wouldn’t she use her ability as an addition, why would she hide it? There are two possibilities why we haven’t seen her ability yet. First possibility would be that her ability is not visible like Odasaku’s or Ango’s, maybe it’s even an ability that she hasn’t even discovered, just like Fukuzawa hasn’t realized he has one before the ADA. Second would be that she can use her ability only under stringent conditions. And I believe it’s the latter, hear me out. 
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Remember this scene from Chapter 14? Higuchi reaches out to hold Akutagawa’s hand but then pulls back because she remembered him saying that he doesn’t need her help. Now, you could argue that holding the hands of injured loved ones is a gesture of closeness, a way to show them your support, a way to tell them that you’re staying by their side. And Aku doesn’t want this support, so that’s why she retracted her hand. But something bothers me here. In this scene it looks like Aku slapped Higuchi’s hand away, doesn’t it? And then he says, he doesn’t need her help, instead of support. I know, you could say support and help are almost the same. But to me, help is something that you do more “actively”, while support can be something passive. What if Higuchi’s hand represents this “active” help? And what would actively help Akutagawa in this very moment? A healing ability for example. Coincidentally, in the panel before, Hirotsu asks Higuchi what power she posses to make them [the black lizard] obey. Is this a hint that there is a hint about Higuchi’s ability in the next panel? Maybe. But let’s look at the next panel. It’s the title page of this chapter. 
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As you can see, Higuchi has a bandage wrapped around her leg and they seem connected to Akutagawa. In this chapter, it is revealed that Higuchi contemplated about leaving the Port Mafia but her reason for staying is implied to be Akutagawa. This is perfectly symbolized by the bandages in this title page. The bandages coming from Akutagawa are holding her leg back, stopping her from walking away from the PM. But maybe there is a second interpretation? If you’re looking at Akutagawa’s left hand, the bandages are starting to come off. What if this means Akutagawa is healing and doesn’t need the bandages anymore? Instead it wraps around Higuchi’s leg, restricting her movement. What if Higuchi’s ability allows her to help someone else (doesn’t have to be necessarily a healing ability) but in exchange she needs to sacrifice something? Anyways, I think she has an ability which allows her to help other people in a non-combat way. With this in mind, I was looking through several works of Higuchi Ichiyo, searching for something that “fits”. Meaning that I was looking for parallels and themes in irl Higuchi’s stories that could be “converted” into an ability. Just like the coat that the protagonist of Rashomon stole in order to now die of hunger was used as Akutagawa’s ability which seems to be able to eat everything, or like the wish that one’s brother does not die in war in Thou Shalt Not Die became Yosano’s ability and serving as a basis of her background story. Anyways, I’d like to present the works that could be used for Higuchi’s ability and draw some parallels. 
1. The Thirteen’s Night
The story revolves around a poor woman, called Oseki. Thanks to her marriage to a rich man, her family was able to live a better life and her brother found a job. But on the thirteenth night of the ninth month of the lunar calendar (one of two special nights for moon viewing), Oseki visited her parents with the intention on asking her parents for approval for divorcing her husband. Before entering, she overhears her parents talking about how lucky they are that they have such good children who don’t cause trouble and that they are very thankful for this marriage. Hesitating at first, she finally goes in and admits that she wants to divorce her husband because he abuses her mentally. He insults her constantly and tells her that she's worthless, stupid, and uneducated. Her mother is outraged. But her father, even though he acknowledges her suffering, reminds her what her husband has done for this family and that she would lose her son since women couldn’t get custody of their children after a divorce at that time. Agreeing with her father, Oseki decides to go back to her husband: 
“It was selfish of me to think of a divorce. You're right. If I couldn't see Tarō, there'd be no point in living. I might flee my present sorrows, but what kind of future would I have? If I could think of myself as already dead, that would solve everything… Then Tarō would have both his parents with him. It was a foolish idea I had, and I've troubled you with the whole unpleasant business. From tonight I will consider myself dead — a spirit who watches over Tarō. That way I can bear Isamu's cruelty for a hundred years to come.” 
– In The Shade of Spring Leaves, translated by Robert Lyons Danly
Just like BSD Higuchi contemplates leaving the PM, the protagonist here wants to leave her husband. The PM is like the husband. It allows her to support herself and probably her family (at least we saw that she has a sister). But there is constant abuse. Akutagawa is clearly the biggest source of abuse that we can see. But it’s not only him. In Chapter 14, Mori asks her if she is really suited for this job. Telling her indirectly that she is useless or that she is too weak for the PM. Later, you can see the Black Lizard doubting her capabilities, even threatening her. But just like Oseki she stays because of a loved one. What really concerns me is Oseki saying that she will consider herself as a dead spirit watching over Tarō. What if Higuchi, in order to use her ability, has to sacrifice part of her lifespan? Or maybe she loses a feeling? Like e.g. she loses the ability to feel happiness, making her a bit more dead inside? If you draw this parallel, you could also say that when ‘consider myself dead’ is the condition of the ability, then ‘watching over Tarō’ is a hint to Higuchi’s ability. An ability that allows her to watch over and protect her loved ones? This theme fits Higuchi perfectly, since a big topic in Higuchi’s story line is how she wants to help and protect Akutagawa. So it makes sense that her ability might be something that would help him (**intensely squinting at the recent events in the manga, especially chapter 88**). Moving on to the second possibility before the pain starts to set in. 
2. Takekurabe (literally: "Comparing heights", "Child's Play" in the Robert Lyons Danly translation, "Growing Up" in the Edward Seidensticker translation)
Now this is considered as Higuchi Ichiyo’s masterpiece. So the chances are high that the ability is based on this story. The story accompanies a group of children who live next to the Yoshiwara quarter. There are two rival gangs: the main street gang (’omote-machi’), lead by Shōtarō, a cultivated young boy who is the grandson of the owner of a pawnshop, and the back street gang (’yoko-chō’), lead by Chōkichi, the impulsive firefighter’s son. (Maybe a parallel to the ADA with (cultivated) Fukuzawa and the PM with Mori who’s a doctor which belongs into the same category of occupation as firefighters?). Among the main street gang, there was Midori, popular and pretty, who lives in the brothel where her sister works. Shōtarō probably has a crush on her. But Midori probably has feelings for the other main character, Nobu, the son of a Buddhist priest. Even though he returns her feelings, he distances himself from her out of his self-consciousness. Later he joins the rival gang after repeated request by Chōkichi. Anyways, they spend their days very care-free, attending school, playing with each other after school. One day, some conflict arises between the gangs and Midori, while protecting someone else, gets slapped by Chōkichi with a sandal. He then proceeds to tell her that their gang is backed by no other than Nobu. Midori feels humiliated and stops going to school. Soon she also stops playing with the other children. After some time passed, Midori is seen with her hair all done up. She has become a distant, lady-like young woman. This probably means that she got her first period and is old enough to become a prostitute or that she just had her first client as a courtesan. Little by little, the children grow up. Nobu is sent off to be trained as a priest and Shōtarō has come to accept the responsibilities of his family’s shop. 
There are several themes in this story that I’d like to point out, namely unrequited love, Midori’s transformation and underlying unchangeable fates. The first one is obviously a big theme in Higuchi’s story. Midori and Nobu are unable to express their love for each other because of their positions in life. Just like Higuchi is unable to express her feelings for Akutagawa. If you want some hope, AkuHigu shippers, maybe Aku has also feelings for Higuchi but is still very confused and self-conscious about it just like Nobu. Anyways, because of their positions in the PM, it would make everything very complicated if Higuchi confessed. Additionally, Midori feels like she was humiliated by her love when she got slapped by that sandal. I’m sure that Higuchi gets humiliated by Akutagawa a lot. The next theme is Midori’s transformation from a tomboyish to a lady-like, distant woman. We all know Higuchi looks really badass in her suits. But again, look at the title page of chapter 14. Higuchi is dressed up all prettily and lady-like in a dress, and her hair is done all up. Just like Midori after her transformation. Midori’s transformation stands for Midori accepting her occupation as a prostitute even though she doesn’t want to. In this chapter, we see that Higuchi has accepted her job in the PM, even though she doesn’t want to do this job. At the end Shōtarō sings the following: 
"Growing up,
she plays among the butterflies
and flowers.
But she turns sixteen,
and all she knows
is work and sorrow."
– In The Shade of Spring Leaves, translated by Robert Lyons Danly
I don’t know about you guys, but to me that necklace that Higuchi is wearing in that title page looks like a butterfly to me. This is really farfetched but maybe this could be a hint about when Higuchi joined the Port Mafia? However, the biggest theme in Takekurabe is the underlying unchangeable fate of the children. Shōtarō was destined to become the next owner of the pawnshop, Nabu was destined to become a Buddhist monk and Midori would become a prostitute. Maybe this gives us some insight into why Higuchi joined the PM? Maybe one of her parents was a PM member? I also like to think that since Aku is in the PM, since she wants to be with him, she can’t but stay in the PM, and this is her fate. Nevertheless, fate is a central theme in Takekurabe. This is the reason why I think, if the ability is based on this story, Higuchi’s ability would be something like changing fates. Changing fate of someone else but in return she must sacrifice something. 
Okay, so this post has become quite long. But I still wanted to mention two other stories Yamizakura (Flowers at Dusk) and The Sound of the Koto where I saw a lot of parallels. I just want to briefly tell you the story of The Sound of the Koto. In this story a woman abandons her son in order to leave her husband who has a bad reputation. The husband then turns into an alcoholic and dies later at a party because of alcohol intoxication. The boy becomes hardened to the world, despises his mother for leaving them, and even contemplates suicide. The story shifts then to a woman playing the koto.  I want to give you an excerpt for the end of this story: 
“On this night the sound of the woman’s playing helped another to be reborn. Through fourteen springs and fourteen autumns, the boy had been buffeted by the rains. His heart had gradually toughened until it had become as hard as stone. No arrow could penetrate it. He seemed destined to follow the example of his father, to die among the fields or in the mountains, where his remains would be bleached by the elements. Some were convinced the boy’s life would end in prison chains, while his bad name spread to every roadside. 
But now, at once, the tenderness buried in his heart was freed by the midnight strains of the koto. For the first time in many years, he felt tears come to his eyes. Or were they jewelled drops of dew? He would not exchange them for anything. 
He, who had known neither love nor compassion, and who had no idea what the player of these refrains could even look like, felt a moment of happiness as the music drifted over the garden wall. […]
[…] How could a stormy wind blow now? The clouds in his heart had disappeared. Once more the woman began to play. The sound of the koto would be his friend for a hundred years, the seed for a hundred years of yearning. He had entered a world where a hundred different flowers wer in bloom. 
– In The Shade of Spring Leaves, translated by Robert Lyons Danly
This boy somehow just reminds me so much of Akutagawa. Just like this boy, without any parents and home, wandering around in this world, Akutagawa has become hardened to the world. I’d like to think that Higuchi’s ability could free Akutagawa from his pain, just like the sound of koto does for this boy. 
So, now I said everything I wanted to say, I guess. If there is really anyone reading this and reading this until here, thank you so much! I appreciate it very much that you kept reading even though my thoughts are probably quite chaotic. I’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or weird sentence structures or anything like this. English is not my first language. I’m very happy, if you could point out any mistakes or have any suggestion for improvement. Lastly, I just want to remind you that these are my thoughts, I love discussing so feel free to comment your thoughts but I’d like you to keep in mind that there is not necessarily a wrong or right, theories are theories, interpretations are interpretations. Everyone has another interpretation. They can only be proven wrong by Asagiri sensei himself. Until then just keep the discussions friendly and tolerant towards other people’s thoughts and opinions. 
All manga panels used in this post are from easygoingscans
Higuchi Ichiyo (樋口 一葉)
Higuchi Ichiyo: "In the Shade of Spring Leaves"
In The Shade Of Spring Leaves: The Life Of Higuchi Ichiyo, With Nine Of Her Best Stories, translated by Robert Lyons Danly
In the Shade of Spring Leaves – Ichiyō Higuchi, Part 1
“Flowers at Dusk” and Other Notes – Ichiyō Higuchi, Part 2
“Encounters on a Dark Night” and Other Notes – Ichiyō Higuchi, Part 3
“Child’s Play” and Other Notes – Ichiyō Higuchi, Part 4
The Thirteenth Night (Wikipedia)
Female Subject, Interrupted in Higuchi Ichiyō's "The Thirteenth Night"
HIGUCHI ICHIYŌ IN MODERN JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN DRESS: Modern Japanese versions (gendaigoyaku) of Higuchi Ichiyō’s Takekurabe and their Relationship with English, Castilian Spanish and Catalan Translations
Separate Ways Summary
Literary Analysis of “Separate Ways”
Flowers at Dusk
Nigorie (Wikipedia)
From the Margins of Meiji Society: Space and Gender in Higuchi Ichiyō's "Troubled Waters"
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rinkunwritesstuff · 4 years
bsd characters and the types of hug they would give
((hi, i’m trying at headcanons again ;-; the last ones were shit, that’s why i deleted them and i’m so sorry to the anon’s request that i accidentally deleted too and i can’t remember what it was *grrrrr* so yeah, i’ll try to get better. please enjoy the headcanons -rin))
armed detective agency
would suffocate you and say that you should do the same and brags to everyone that he’ll have the nicest way of unaliving
or avoids hugs at all costs
depends on the mood
noted every. single. way of hugging
meaning that he also sorted which hug he uses when and with who
gets confused sometimes cuz he forgot what type of hug he assigned someone to
if he forgot for good, he short circuits and awkwardly pats your back
anxious cat boy
type of hugger that doesn’t know where to put his hands
literal description of an extroverted koala omfg
would jump on you and maybe break your back
you’ll forgive him and y’all hug :P
king of dad hugs
sometimes even ruffles or pats your hair (depending on who you are)
doesn’t hug
makes exceptions when you are crying
will hug you through the whole crying session
BIIIG hugs
i mean, he probably lifts cows right, so he’s likely to do the same with you
doesn’t care about how much you weigh or how tall you are
mhh typical lesbian hugs, i love em
puts so much love into hugs, and wouldn’t care about who you are
ok, if you’re a cis-het misogynistic man, she’ll throw you out the window :3
just an average with tendencies of rubbing your back 
WITH sweater paws :D
hugs your out of nowhere
mostly from behind too
but when onii-sama is on the room, she’ll literally FORGET about you and push you away
also someone who just doesn’t hug
but will give you parts of his futon to cuddle you if y’all are close
eventually gives in and hugs you full-heartedly
blushy boy
port mafia
never really hugged before
waits until it’s over and eventually, ONLY EVENTUALLY, he will hug you lightly and melt in your arms
bsd’s hisoka ;-;
will hug you LiKe A nOrMaL pErSoN (at least that’s what he claims)
has wandering hands
doesn’t hug if it’s not for her benefits
will hug you to make you go to a sweets shop and be all dreamy with you while hugging and when you are convinced, she’ll immediately switch to a bitch face
the typical auntie hug
(will give you money during the hug and tries to hide it but kind fails)
ah yes, mother kouyou
her hugs are SO warm
the moment she wraps her arms around you, it’s like hugging a heater
so careful with you
even if you’re crushing her
treat you like porcelain
because of genes, she also melts in your arms :3
is so cocky about it
but when you actually hug him really nicely...
extra blushy boy
probably tries to get away the first few times but gets used to it
you are the first person to break any sort of hug
he reeks of smoke
but in general, also dad hugs but with a little bit of mother hug
he’s a heater
tries so many hugs with you
definitely hurt you at least once before because of this
*confused bi noises*
PANICS if you hug her
doesn’t matter how, who or for how long
pure nervousness
back and head pats
also his hands are so warm, so if he hugs you, you’ll get warm so quick
but is not like a heater
another one who doesn’t hug 
won’t make exceptions 
ok, if y’all are REALLY close, he will just push you into his chest and hug you in silence
will kill you if you ever speak of it to someone
LOVES it when you hug them
i think they’d hug with at least one stuffie in the hug
and also LIVES for head pats and gets angy >:( if they get none
if you don’t pat their head at least 70 times, they’ll either ignore you for a really long time or immediately curse you
depending on how close you are
anxious raccoon keeper
probably avoids hugs the best he can
when he can’t it gets really awkward 
pat pat pat
limbs everywhere, i don’t make the rules
pretty nice hugs but i think that he’s a literal ice block
big bro hugs
his hugs are probably so nice??
another anxious baby
could pass out if you hug her
soft soft soft
(and she smells nice)
hugs? where can i buy that?
no but seriously, i do think that he can hug nicely, but is way to cocky about it
even so, gentleman
would squeeze you to death if you’re someone she knows
but also hugs unknown people but a bit lighter
her hugs are nice
wandering hands part 2??
his hands are only on your ass
wont hug sinners >:(
if he has to, he’ll bathe in holy water after that
cocky but nicer i think
her hugs are soothing in some way
dad hug dad hug dad hug
the rats in the house of the dead/the decay of angles
doesn’t initiate hug
like, ever
but if you hug him, he’ll respond with another hug
2nd ranpo but a bit calmer
he’s busy so he doesn’t have the time to hug someone
if he hugs you, he gets even more introverted that he already was
doesn’t talk
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drangues · 4 years
ansbwjjcnw I still gotta read it but my motivation to Do New Shit is. So very low right now. All I want are naps. BUT I’m sure an art of Tangled!Dazatsu from you would look really nice, if you decide to draw it! ALSO GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST IM ROOTING FOR YOU, make sure you get enough sleep and eat something filling!!! Anyways, let’s be honest- Dazai and Chuuya only get worse when their attention flustered their boyfriends. (Nyanon, 1/7)
This is because (A) they think Flustered BFs are fucking adorable, and also (B) they know this means that their boyfriends haven’t been appreciated much and that means War (on their low self image). Also I love the implication that rich kid!Dazai and Chuuya’s natural reaction to being Pissed at each other is to spoil Atsushi or Akutagawa. It’s great. And! That is: EXACTLY. What I’m saying. (Nyanon, 2/7)
I can imagine them as that one post of the writer and the artist throwing chapters and pictures at each other, ahaha. Dazai practically being the embodiment of a chaotic author is Very Fitting, he writes when he writes and in whatever genre strikes him. No, there’s no need to worry about him, he’s definitely not living on coffee and spite alone. And Atsushi is definitely the type to mostly stick to fluffy drawing, I think! (Nyanon, 3/7)
He can definitely do other things, but he probably finds drawing cute stuff comforting. Also Kyouka likes the super cute ones and he’s pretty much willing to draw whatever to keep the baby sis happy. I also imagine that he’d do commissions? Because it never hurts to have an additional source of income. Except he’s a pushover when people tell him his prices are “too high” or something, so Kyouka has to put her foot down and tell him to Not give in, haha. (Nyanon, 4/7)
(It’s okay Dazai, I’m an attention whore to. I want to be complimented too much.) And! Poor Atsushi, haha, he probably wasn’t expecting his favorite author to say he liked his art? He probably keysmashes and then draws a cute little doodle for another one of Dazai’s fics and then Dazai is just. Gone. Also ten bucks says that their first DM interaction is Dazai saying something memey. It just feels like something he’d do. (Nyanon, 5/7)
And a bonus: Kyouka does really deep analyses of different shows and books and games, and occasionally on fanfiction as well. Kunikida makes a comprehensive, huuuge post on the lore Igor different series because I feel like he’d enjoy doing something like that? Just like, organizing the background and making it more understandable, if that makes sense? I’m not sure what Chuuya would but I get the distinct sense of someone who makes edits and aesthetics from Akutagawa. (Nyanon, 6/7)
Yosano and Ranpo both probably have that weird “list of questionable shit the authors need answers to” blog or something... I’m in too deep. Help. But! Have another Concept: Faking dating jealousy cliche, with Dazatsu and Chuuaku. Basically, Chuuya decides that he and Atsushi should pretend to be a couple to see if it’ll get their crushes attention. Cue confusion and jealousy from Dazai and Akutagawa, who may or may not have realized their own feelings. (Nyanon, 7/7)
dude dont worry i was joking there no pressure!! and felt. right now im so sleep deprived and studying for a test and i have oTHER ASSIGNMENTS TO DO- its all draining, and i mainly feel bad because i havent posted any art, but i do know that fandom is not a job but a hobby and its okay that i take my time
also kyouka being his number one supporter is just!! so!! cute!!! in my opinion kyouka would be that very young but hella good with technology in the fandom like, she would make gifs and edits in an INSTANT and when everyone learns shes fourteen theyre like W H A T?? either way, shes the one who probably shows atsushi the ropes of digital art and has the vibes of that young tech person in a show that definitely can hack into any government files. (as a joke she would most definitelly do an edit of “dazai” except its just screenshots of his fics and some lines here and there with some dramatic effects and sexy music. atsushi wont admit that he has it downloaded)
dazais way to start a conversation is definitely sending a random meme to get it going, since atsushi would be too shy to initiate conversations
also kyouka doing deep analysises is so her!! she would probably even start a youtube channel where she explains everything in that robot voice and funny editing but no one can lie that all her videos are very in depth.
OH GOD KUNIKIDA IS THE TYPE TO GATHER ALL THE FACTS OF A SHOW, POST ABOUT IT. EXPLAIN THE MAGIC SYSTEM FOR ANYONE THATS CONFUSED. IF THERES AN ANIME WITH A CONFUSING PLOT THAT YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN?? KUNIKIDA IS YOUR MAN. HE CAN EXPLAIN ALL OF JOJO SEAMLESSLY AND DOES MANY REVIEWS ON ANIMES AND GATHERS ALL SORTS OF LORES MEANWHILE YOSANO AND RANPO ARE THE MORE CRACKHEADED ANALYSTS (when the three collab its just kunikida trying to be serious while yosano and ranpo do the fuckboy lip bite behind him and then throw in jokes and “author if you do not explain why these two characters are a little too fruity ill personally use my chainsaw on you” “why are these two siblings even together, wHY ARE THEY IN THE SAME BED-”)
dude. i feel like chuuya and atsushi would fake date and it would be for akutagawa. atsushi definitely wants to tell dazai about this but chuuya is afraid dazai will run his dumb mouth, plus when they “announce” it chuuya just Sees how dazais demeanor changes and is like “you know what,,lets keep this up” (either way akutagawa would end up crying like a loser in front of chuuya and chuuya would feel so bad for even fake dating to make him jealous meanwhile dazai is just mad that he couldnt have internalised his feelings and bottle them up “you just H A D to date the slug, my biggest pet peeve!!! if it was anyone else i wouldve MAYBE let it sLIDE-”)
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Im goin to sleep rn so i dont wanna do stuff but i want you to do this so have an untraditional tag
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Oooh, this was fun Lucy!! Thank you :D
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*I used orange as it’s one of my favourite colours XD
I’m going to explain them a little to say why I chose the shading I did! Or at least for most of the characters XD
Atsushi - I like him as a main character however I don’t have much attachment towards him beyond that so I only filled it up to around half-way. He’s kinda bland asadfdsasdfgfd maybe I shouldn’t say that but I can’t help but feel that way T-T
Dazai - The light of my Bungo Stray Dogs experience <3 I love Dazai a lot, he’s such a complex and interesting character and while the fandom frustrates me with how little they understand him which reflect a lot in their work about him, I still love him a lot and it hasn’t diminished my love for him. I get attatched to characters way too quickly and strongly T-T
Kunikida - I like him! I find his and Dazai’s dynamic really interesting. His ideals are a double-edged sword and we see time and time again on how often he’s confronted about them and how they’re constantly pulled into question.
Ranpo - Brat detective! I love him. He’s both the smartest member of the ADA and the dumbest and it’s such a combination T-T I am curious how he’d be able to solve a crime that relied on the knowledge of train times and tickets though considering he knows nothing about them...
Kyouka - Precious baby who must be protected at all cost. She’s cute and I’ve loved seeing her struggle to fit in with the armed detective agency. Her “first mission” is still one of the funniest things to watch. I’m kind of disappointed we haven’t had more Dazai and Kyouka bonding considering they’re both former members of the mafia.
Yosano - Waifu. I should have more shame in saying that but I can’t, I love her. That only grew even more when we got to learn her past and what she had to go through. It really makes you understand why she was so unforgiving towards Kaiji for his views on death when she fought him.
Chuuya - Short gremlin who I also care a lot for. His shading is brought down by the fact I’ve faced fatigue from the fandom using him as the mouthpiece to shame Dazai constantly and how the fandom ignores more of his negative (but very interesting) personality traits to do it. I also wish we got to see more of him in canon by I digress T-T
Akutagawa - He was like Atsushi for me at first, I liked him but found him a bit boring and so didn’t get really attached. But then the fandom happened, my lord does the fandom love to use what happened between him and Dazai to completely rip Dazai to pieces and yet then turn around and make Akutagawa and Kyouka best buddies <.< It’s like with Chuuya, the fandom ignores all his negative traits for some reason and hyperfocuses on Dazai’s instead and it’s tiring. I’ve grown to dislike Akutagawa because of that :(
Mori - I hate Mori but I do appreciate his character. He’s a horrible person but he’s not bad for the sake of it, he has reasons for why he is the way he is even if those reasons are fucked up logicial reasons. He’s an interesting villain to say the least (I just wish the fandom would stop turning him into Mafia Dad. Guys, Hirotsu is right there and has adopted four children already *I’m including Higuchi and Akutagawa*).
Oda - Oda revival when? asadfgfdsdfg I love Oda. I mourn for him very strongly because I want him back so bad but most people don’t write fix-it aus for him (I’m going to have to be the change I want to see T-T). I love him, he’s so interesting and I can see why Dazai was fascinated with him too. Shading brought down by the fact I’m sad he’s dead D:
Ango - Ango is another interesting character for me. I don’t like him but I appreciate his character. I know he’s not a bad person, in fact he’s going out of his way to help the ADA clear there name and helping Dazai despite how antagonistic Dazai feels about him and I appreciate him for that. But I’m still salty about the Oda thing T-T I also hate how the fandom have this bizarre insistance that Dazai should forgive him and move on (and yet other characters don’t have to do the same for Dazai) so my like is also brought down by that.
Francis - I liked him as a villain and I don’t mind his role as a mostly neutral entity in the story so far. Out of everything Francis wanted, bringing back his dead daughter wasn’t what I expected. I’d be interested in how he met Lovecraft because that seems like a story.
Poe - Lanky mystery goth/nerd who’s crush on Ranpo is really cute T-T I love his and Ranpo’s dynamic, it’s cute. Poe is just cute, if you looked up cute in a dictionary you’d see Poe’s picture next to it. Have I said cute enough yet?
Fyodor - Another villain I enjoy! I like smart villains and so I actually did enjoy the ADA and the PM teaming up to take him down in season 3. I want to learn more about him, though I do admit I was a bit put off with him when he and Dazai were able to speak in code somehow despite no code even existing between them...
The rest - There shading is based on how much I enjoyed their roles in the story so far rather than characterization. They don’t really have much characterization beyond Lucy and Oguri who aren’t exactly stand out characters for me. I’d be interested in learning more about Gin and her bond with Akutagawa but it’s kind of ignored and pushed to the side :(
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snowingstarlight · 4 years
Slip and Fall
AO3 Pairing: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya Tag: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending TW: Suicide Attempt Chapter One: Kill The Actor
Who am I? Who am I trying to be? Not myself, anyone but myself. Living in a fantasy to bury the reality, Making myself the mystery, A strong facade disguising the misery. Empty, but beyond the point of emptiness, Full to brim with fake confidence, A guard that will never be broken, Because I broke a long time ago. I’m hurting but don’t tell anyone. No one needs to know. Don’t show or you’ve failed. Always okay, always fine, always on show. The show must go on. It will never stop. The show must not go on, But I know it will. I give up. I give up giving up. I am lost. I don’t need to be saved, I need to be found .
By Cara Delvigne
He felt like he was drowning; crushed underneath emotion he forgot he possessed.
It was the first emotion (did it classify as an emotion?) he felt when he awoke that morning; an empty blackness that filled his body and soul and crushed him beneath dark waves of the darker emotions he often repressed. It wasn't a common feeling, but it wasn’t rare either; but something about it was different this time around. The darkness that overtook him was heavier, deeper and so... so empty .
Dazai's breath hitched as he tried to calm himself; his heart pounding in his chest despite his own confusion as he tried to pinpoint the exact reason he was feeling like this. Tears burned in the corners of his eyes as he belatedly realized what emotion was trying to spill out; it was loneliness, an ever crushing sorrow engulfing his mind and soul - an emotion causing his bones to weigh down and ache.
It took some effort to reach up and scrub his eyes until the emotions that bubbled up were wiped away momentarily; not that he really tried to shove it away, and instead Dazai let himself fall deeper into the pit he called his own soul. He never had much energy to keep his own emotions at bay, not since he had left the Mafia anyways; and wouldn’t Odasaku like to see him like this? To see him embracing these emotions instead of shoving them away, down into the inky blackness that was his soul?
The Demon Prodigy had none, to the public at least. But Dazai Osamu that was a part of the Armed Detective Agency? He had more emotions than the man knew how to deal with, thus the suffocating.
Although, Dazai doubted that Odasaku would have liked to see how he dealt with them, as he skipped breakfast in favor of a cup of coffee that was hot enough to burn his tongue; rich enough in smell that it helped him evade the nausea that clogged his stomach from the fact he hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday, and black enough he had enough energy in him to chuckle in pity of himself at comparing the color of the energy bean juice to his own soul.
It didn’t take any effort to slip on his usual mask as he dressed himself and left his apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind him as he stepped into the crisp morning air; he had nothing worthy of stealing. His feet and legs felt heavy as he headed towards the office, hands shoved until his pockets as he moved through the crowd of people like a ghost. His mind was whirling far too fast for even himself to keep up with as he sidestepped a couple passing by; a side effect of a day like this. Usually, Dazi would allow himself to stay at home, shutting off his phone and barricading the door to keep Kunikida from charging in to drag him to the office, or he’d text that he wasn’t feeling well and would spend the day sleeping as much as he could in an attempt to force himself out of his darkened mood.
However there was something different about this empty lonely feeling that he hadn’t felt since he had joined the Agency. It was, fun , to say the least - The Agency, that was - and Dazai didn’t bother putting any extra effort into his suicide attempts other than creative ways that would annoy his coworkers and supposed friends, unlike when he’d been with the Mafia. Not that he ever tried, really, never having enough energy to pour into activities outside of work, unless you counted his numerous masks, but his own facades and masks no longer took effort to keep up; as they were a second skin to him now, compared to the ones he had in the Mafia - perhaps the Demon Prodigy had been the only one that had exhausted him.
Really, the most energy he spent on a daily basis was on his own mind as he tried to keep up with his own whirling cascades of thoughts and predictions as he stayed ten, twenty , fifty , a hundred steps ahead of his enemies, and even his own coworkers.
It was whenever Dazai awoke feeling like this- drowning underneath the ever crushing overwhelming and consuming feeling of loneliness that his masks would slip up a bit; that he’d allow himself to act a bit off.
Yet, not once had it seemed to be noticed.
Not once had it seemed like anyone cared Dazai wasn’t his usual self.
Because no one cared.
His mind drifted back to the dream he had awoken from, a blip forgotten in his memory - a rare occurrence for his photographic memory - but the feeling that had seeped from that dream and into the waking world was something Dazai couldn’t shake even as he settled into his desk-chair, giving his usual chirpy “Good morning everyone!”
He couldn’t remember who it had been - someone who had no name and no face that he could recall, but somehow he knew who it was anyways and it made his stomach twist uncomfortably - but he’d been important to them. Dazai’s lips twisted into a mournful smile as he set to typing up his reports he’d been ignoring for a while now; some odd weeks at the least.
A dream, that was all it was; he wasn’t important as a person to anyone, he could go missing and no one would notice - has done so a few times before, temporarily of course - not one of them that he was surrounded by had nor would care.
Suicide - killing himself - was something he joked about often, he was even humming his silly little suicide song now as he typed without much thought in it, too wrapped up in his own obscure thoughts, and yet none of them had noticed that part of the time he wasn’t even joking about it today - and Dazai would’ve made at least three by now. Certainly they’ve gotten used to his half-assed attempts at suicide, yet had none of them realized they’d saved him a few times from an actual attempt? Not that Dazai did that often, anymore, but the thoughts still lurked in the back of his mind, clawing and gnawing at the idea that he wasn’t enough - that all he was, was a burden on everyone.
Sitting there in his chair, typing idly but diligently away, he listened to everyone chatting around him which included Kunikida stopping once in a while to bark at them to get back to work. It was a completely normal office day, ixnay his suicide jokes nor Kunikida barking at him for too long, but Dazai felt more lonely than he had in… well, perhaps since he’d gone underground for those few years to wipe his record clean. Human interaction had been sparse then and more than once had he attempted to kill himself.
It never worked though, never for him. Only humans could succeed at suicide, and wasn’t he No Longer Human?
Dazai supposed it was odd to have a dream of committing suicide that wasn’t a burden to others. It was a secret he kept close to his heart since a childhood he never had been given, but he didn’t want to be a burden on others; even if he allowed himself to act like one so often. His work got done in the end, his debts paid, but every time he acted out, it was for attention; because even though it was bad attention, attention was still attention.
No one said anything when he skipped lunch, Kunikida leaving at noon exactly for his, Atsushi and Kyouka following him; none of them invited him along, but that was expected. He often was the one who invited himself along, although it was a bit disheartening - and didn’t that just add to his terrible mood? - that none of them spared him a glance when he didn’t get up to join them with his usual loud and boisterous persona, a smile forced upon his lips just in case one of them did. The Tanizakis were out for the day, and Kenji was on a case so his usual desk was clear of the teenager, the President hardly left his office unless he was needed, same for his assistants, and Ranpo had left along with Yosano for a shopping trip that was undoubtedly sidetracked by the detective’s sweet tooth.
Dazai’s reports were finished by the time the newest detectives were back from lunch, and Dazai himself was idly playing Solitaire on his laptop in an attempt to pass the time quickly, blatantly ignoring Kunikida with a strained smile on his face as his partner screamed at him for ignoring work. There was no smart-ass reply from the elder though, and that seemed to infuriate Kunikida further, but Dazai didn’t bother paying him any more attention than the casual glance once in a while to see if he had finished with his tantrum.
He refused to be a burden on others, but he still allowed himself to enjoy a moment like this; not that Kunikida knew he had finished his reports, or that he had them sitting in his email ready to send out tomorrow morning when he’d already be gone. It’d be too much of a burden on his partner if Dazai had left the paperwork he owed along with the paperwork for finding him dead inside of his apartment for Kunikida to go through; which made his heart weigh a little heavier as he sprang up and announced in such a falsely cheerful tone that he was done for the day in what he assumed was the middle of Kunikida’s rant.
Not that any of them would notice his tone was off, none of them had before, so why would they start now? The only one who had been able to read him so clearly… he didn’t want to think about him at the moment.
Dazai forced himself to whistle a thoughtless tune as he pulled on his coat, ignoring the pang in his heart as his gaze got caught the color for a moment and his mind went to another person; someone who would’ve flourished within the Agency, a person whom Dazai was just a bad imposter of. All Dazai was… all he was, was someone who was living the life he - that Odasaku - should have been.
He flew down the staircase before anyone could even attempt to stop him; he didn’t want to read their emotions that they all wore so easily on their sleeves - except for Kyouka, perhaps (Ane-san was such a hardass with emotion training, not that it seemed to stick for someone else) - and it was easy enough to ignore the ladies’ shocked expressions and exclamations in the cafe as he paid his tab in full. Undoubtedly they were surprised, with how much trouble he gave them on paying back his debt, but Dazai’s mind was whirling out of his control again and he found his feet padding down familiar streets within a blink of an eye, no recollection of how he’d gotten there.
How long had he spaced out to get across town?
The sun was beginning to set, the orange glow eerie instead of comforting as the shadows around him grew longer alongside the voices in his head growing louder. Dazai’s heart was thumping in his throat, breathing growing erratic instead of the usual calm that unsettled his foes and - and oh, he was at Odasaku’s grave.
Instead of sitting against the grave - as if Odasaku was there with him - as he usually did, Dazai stood above it, hazel eyes trained on the name carved into the stone. Usually it wasn’t this hard to speak to his friend, but this time Dazai’s tongue sat heavy in his mouth and his throat was tight as he tried to find the words he wished to say.
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing out, eyes closing as Dazai inhaled slowly, the smell of the autumn leaves and drying grass wafting through his nose before exhaling harshly through his mouth. “Odasaku… I tried to become a good man like you said… but I cannot carry on any longer.” Lips twisted into a sham of a smile. “What good is it, or rather, how can I be the kind of person who can help people, when I cannot even help myself? You would know, wouldn’t you, old friend?”
Oda would know exactly what to say to him, what to tell Dazai to cheer him up or set him back upon the path of becoming someone who could walk easily on the side of light... but a dead man could not utter a single word, and it wasn’t long before Dazai found himself walking the streets of Yokohama, the world around him washed out and dull in color as he made one stop for a bottle of whiskey that cost him a year’s worth of pay at the Agency before heading to his apartment, a plan that been forming and changing since that morning finally firmly settled in his mind.
Cleaning his apartment didn’t take any longer than he expected it to, the empty bottles of sake and empty or half-eaten cans of crab shoved into trash bags, floors swept and mopped until they shone, along with his multitude of books stacked nicely into a corner, away from his mattress where he sat now - his back pressed against the cold wall behind him as Dazai nursed the newly opened bottle of whiskey.
It wasn’t like Dazai owned much, anyways - except for his books, perhaps. He’d been so bored those two years he’d taken the time to read book upon book, and even though he had them memorized and hadn’t read one a second time, he didn’t have it in him to just throw or give them away. His walls were bare of any art, the mattress pressed against the wall had only sheets and one blanket, a few pillows so worn down they were nearly completely flat were stacked at the head, and a pad sat on the floor next to the mattress, his farewell note written on there along with his wishes for with who he wanted his books to end up.
It had been tempting to stop by Lupin, as he often did on these sorts of days, but it was to bid his final farewells this time, and he wanted to stop looking at the ghosts of his past just for one moment in an attempt to stop the hurt . Odasaku and Ango had been the only ones he had considered a friend at the time, and Oda had gone and left them already with such horrible parting words to Dazai, and the thought of seeing Ango again, if the man allowed a moment of his time for the ex-mafioso… it had his blood boiling under his skin and Dazai took a hefty swig of the bottle to try and drown the anger away with the burning in his throat as the rich liquid slid down his throat.
During his two years in hiding, there had been the terrible days when Dazai would curl up in his hotel room crying, silent as a mouse as his chest would ache and fingers trembled as they dialed a well-used number in his phone. He’d press his phone close to his ear as he curled into a ball in the bed, listening to the voicemail message Odasaku had left - his number bought by Dazai right before his sudden disappearance from the Mafia, and he left everything alone besides paying the bill religiously for nights like these.
One rare terribly bad night, he had ended up dialing Ango’s number - it had rung once, twice, before heading to voicemail and Dazai had nearly broken his own phone in anger at knowing Ango was avoiding him. He had just wanted to talk - wanted to desperately understand, to get some closure, but Ango was denying him that and it hurt and Dazai didn’t know how to deal with hurt by himself.
His apartment looked so little used, that it ought to belong to a ghost in his opinion. “I suppose it may now, hm?” The idea of coming back as a ghost was a terrible one, but perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad as where Dazai knew he’d end up - for there was no way someone like him would get into heaven. A sigh fell from his lips as he raised the bottle in his hand to his chapped lips and took another swig, but didn’t swallow.
Swishing the mouthful of whiskey around in his mouth, Dazai’s gaze moved from his oddly empty apartment to where his closet was, the door open and the few clothing hung inside was in plain view.
His black coat he had inherited from Mori - and had told the mafia leader he’d burnt - was what his amber hues settled on first, and a faint but true smile slowly stretched across his lips as a certain redhead he’d been forcing himself not to think of he finally allowed to cross his mind. “Chibikko will open a bottle of Pétrus at hearing I’m finally dead, although I am sure he’d be pissed it wasn’t himself that ended me.” Truly not a bad way to go, but Dazai knew that his ex-partner would forever be haunted by it if he ever truly carried out his meaningless threats.
Chuuya, he was the only one who Dazai was certain would care if he was gone, for a while at first. Certainly he’d get over his death in time, but the fact that he would have no way out of Corruption if he ever needed to use it would always have Chuuya caring about it.
He could recall a time when Chuuya would be breaking his apartment door down during a day (or night) like this, manhandling Dazai into his own apartment across the building and shoving him into the bed that was far too big for someone as small as Chuuya - or so Dazai would tease whenever he was feeling up to it. However, times like those, was when Chuuya would let Dazai fall apart and stayed there to help put the pieces of his shattered mind back together without question - never prompting Dazai to tell him what he didn’t feel comfortable saying.
Dazai always ended up telling the chibi anyways, because Chuuya was one of the two people Dazai felt comfortable enough with to open up. Yet, in one single night he’d lost both those people - Oda to death, and Chuuya on his own accord by leaving the Mafia behind.
He didn’t blame Chuuya for hating him - if their roles were reserved quite honestly Dazai knew he’d likely feel the same - for he knew Dazai as well as Dazai did, perhaps even better, and Dazai loathed himself for a number of reasons he couldn’t - wouldn’t - put into words.
Mori would be disappointed that their little game of chess they'd been playing since the death of the old boss would end. Akutagawa… his mafia protege would likely be upset it was something as simple as pills that ended up killing him, and that thought was enough to have Dazai chuckling somewhat humorlessly as he took a sip from his bottle, humming delightedly as his thoughts drifted and his heart gave a little twinge of happiness at knowing that they would care enough about his end to celebrate - or fume - it.
Kouyou would be glad that the Lad would be gone to leave her Boy alone, she never had cared for Dazai anyways - and he knew it. His soul was far too dark, it scared her… it scared a lot of people who had been able to see that side of him; except perhaps Hirotsu. The elderly man had been (and was still, Dazai assumed) oddly fond of the Soukoku placed under his care, even if they were his superiors. Would the man miss him? Dazai didn’t know.
From one coat to another did his gaze next settle upon the sandy one that he’d bought a handful of days after Oda’s death to attempt to match the man - his feeble attempt at trying to match his own wishes with Odasaku’s. His mind drifted from the Mafia to the Agency, another swig taken at knowing they’d congratulate him for finally achieving his dream of committing suicide.
Dazai hoped that Kunikida would be pleased at being re-partnered, potentially with someone who actually cared about their paperwork being on time and someone who was almost as punctual as he was. Kenji, Junichirou and Naomi weren’t people he hung around all that often at or outside of work so he didn’t know exactly how they’d react, but undoubtedly they’d enjoy the bit of peace and quiet his death would bring.
Yosano and Ranpo were the two Dazai would miss most; certainly Kunikida was his partner and he’d miss messing with him, but Yosano and Ranpo were the two that Dazai had gotten closest to. Perhaps it was Yosano’s own history with the Mafia and Ranpo’s ability (or rather, his non-existent ability) to deduce anything by a glance that he’d been drawn to, but Dazai silently cherished those moments with them; sitting quietly in Yosano’s office on the bad days when his mind was screaming too loud, exchanging sweets with Ranpo while watching the latest drama in the office unfold in front of them...
“I’m getting sentimental.” Dazai chuckled weakly, his thoughts going to his pupil; little Atsushi. Oh how he’d grown in person since he had dragged him out of the river, successfully spoiling Dazai’s most recent actual suicide attempt; he’d been distracted long enough afterward to be actually curious and defected from the idea of trying to kill himself for a while by looking after Atsushi. Sadly, his pupil had grown enough and was obviously tired of Dazai’s weird way of showing his affection, and had stopped taking him seriously.
At least the boy would have Kyouka after this; and Dazai knew she’d grow to be the person he never could. Lying in the murky waters, she would drift to the lighter side while he endlessly waded where he was; torn between the darker waters and the light ones.
Fukuzawa… was a hard one to read, the man hadn’t fully trusted him for the longest time after Dazai had joined. Not that be blamed him; he had been a suspicious person, no background and getting in by the word of Chief Taneda, well, that had made things worse.
No one but Kunikida had listened to him at first, and still it was only now that they were cooperating and needed someone with a lot of inside information on the organization that they finally listened properly to Dazai.
Dazai had been the Port Mafia’s strategist; Mori-san’s right hand man. No one had dared to not listen to him when it came to planning, although they questioned the hows and whys, they never had not followed through with one of his plans, pulling them off almost flawlessly. Chuuya had been the only one who ever defied any of them, and that was a rare occasion when something had gone wrong.
The people at the Agency had never listened fully, reacted far too quickly to emotion and senselessness. If it had come to an all-out war with the Mafia, they stood a chance by sheer will and Ability alone, but in the end they’d be wiped out at some point.
At the Agency there hadn’t been a need for schemes or planning, though his mind was put to good use figuring cases out, but it wasn’t the thrill he’d gotten used to at the Mafia. After a while, after his beginning with silly schemes and the incident with the Azure Messenger, he had stopped trying to plan with them in it directly; instead choosing to wrap his schemes and plans around them, putting other plans in motion to cause them to react in the way that Dazai knew how to get them to.
Because no one cared enough to listen, although he sometimes cared far too much about them.
He sighed as he slowly lowered the bottle of whiskey - half gone already - to pick up a bottle of sleeping pills he had nicked from Yosano’s stash a while back. She either hadn’t noticed they were gone (he had placed a similar bottle filled with ibuprofen in its place) or hadn’t said anything about it if she had.
Quite honestly, Dazai was still surprised that Fukuzawa was still placing his trust in him, even after it had come out that he’d been a Mafia Executive only a handful of years ago. Whether or not Fukuzawa knew that Dazai had been the Demon Prodigy - handpicked by Mori to succeed him at some point or another - or half of the infamous Port Mafia dou Soukoku, he didn’t know, but either way he’d begun to tread carefully around the President in case he had a change of heart.
His finger stroked the bottle for a moment before in a swift movement he had the lid popped off. Without hesitation Dazai brought the open bottle of pills to his mouth, pouring as many as he could fit into his mouth before swapping one bottle for another - grimacing at the dry taste of the pills - and drowning the pills in whiskey. It took only one other time before the pill bottle was empty, and he sat it aside as he fished over the edge of the mattress for his old phone he’d kept for reasons like this.
It wouldn’t be too long until the pills kicked in, and he’d get the painless death he so sought, but before then… before then, he’d like to hear Odasaku’s voice one last time. One last nice thing for himself, perhaps.
Scrolling quickly through his contacts, Dazai smiled grimly at the name in his contact list that he dialed far more often than anyone else before closing his eyes, tapping the call button and raising the phone to his ear.
“This is Sakunosuke Oda... why Dazai insisted on having me create this voicemail, I have no idea, however I cannot reach the phone right now, so feel free to call again later, or leave a message… now how do I turn this off?”
Was what he had been expecting to hear after hearing the phone ring to the end.
"What the fuck do you want, Mackerel?"
Was not what he’d been expecting, he hadn’t even heard the noise of the phone call being answered.
Dazai startled in surprise at hearing Chuuya’s voice, eyes opening in a flash and the bottle of whiskey nearly slipped from his hand. Instead he forced it to close tightly around the neck of the bottle, biting back his instant remark of surprise he forced the cheer into his voice. “Ahh, so the Slug did pick up after all! What a good doggy!”
He must’ve hit Chuuya’s contact name instead of Oda’s - it was right beneath the other - and now he just needed to annoy his ex-partner enough to end the phone call without letting on what was going on; not that he believed that Chuuya would come running to his rescue, but Dazai didn’t want to let on that he was dying and just wanted to hear Odasaku’s voice...
Hearing Chuuya’s was almost soothing, though.
“I’m not your dog, shitty Dazai!” Came the predicted bark, which had Dazai laughing into the cell.
“Of course you are! I say jump and you say how high after all! Though, I don’t think Chuuya could jump all that high, he is so small after all.” How he missed their constant teasing and bickering; it had been so fun to rile Chuuya up, knowing that Chuuya let him - although the reasoning behind it had always evaded the strategist.
“What the fuck did you say about my hight?! You know what, never mind. Why the hell did you call? It’s been four years , asshole.”
And how many times between then and now had Chuuya called him? How many voicemails (that Dazai could never bring himself to listen to) had Chuuya left for him? And this was the first time he had ever called the number back.
How much he wanted to say it was a slip of a finger, but then Chuuya would question why he had his old mafia phone out and-
“Maybe I just missed you, my doggy! Didn’t you miss me ?”
“What the fuck? As if! Like hell I wou-”
It was almost poetic, Dazai mused, here he was likely dying, but he never felt more alive than now; it had always been that way. For as much as he wanted to die, how empty and lifeless he felt back in the Mafia, he had never felt more alive than when he was talking to Chuuya - seemed that extended beyond their Mafia days.
Ever since the moment they had met, Dazai had been interested in his elder who, as a stark contrast to himself, had been so full of life . He had found himself falling out of his masks and persona around Chuuya so easily and quite often, yet never once had Chuuya made fun of him for it- for slipping up, or falling apart around the redhead. Chuuya… he had stayed and watched out for him, taking care of him when he fell apart… and Dazai had foolishly left that behind.
Just thinking about it made his chest hurt, or was that the drugs mixing with the alcohol? Dazai couldn't tell anymore.
It was beginning to become a struggle to stay awake, Dazai belatedly noticed; the bottle of whiskey slipped out of his hand and before he could catch it it had hit the floor with an audible crack; Chuuya's rant against missing him and threats of hanging up the phone paused momentarily. "What the fuck was that?"
"Just a mess I'll clean tomorrow," Dazai lied, his words slurring and he frowned as he realized his breathing was slowing. "I'm getting…” He hesitated, uncertain why. “I'm tired." It wasn’t an exact lie, it was getting harder to think and to process whatever Chuuya was trying to say, as if it was being ran through some language he barely knew. "I… sing to me?" He wanted to hear Chuuya's voice for as long as he could, and Dazai knew the slug could sing and well.
It seemed like it would be a nice farewell.
"Have you been drinking whiskey?" Dazai let himself indulge in the idea that there was a hint of concern in Chuuya's voice as he hummed a confirmation. Chuuya knew as well as he did that he drank sake to sleep, and whiskey to drown.
"Sing ?" He pleaded quietly instead of answering, feeling his eyelids begging to close. It was, so very selfish of him to ask - no, to make Chuuya be a part of his final moments after years of everything he'd done to the elder. But Dazai was a selfish person, he knew he always had been and always knew he would be to the very end… he couldn't confess to himself that he felt guilty for this as well.
"Oi, Dazai-" Chuuya's voice was weaving in and out of his head, words mashing together and no longer fully registering, the words like distorted noise - if he didn’t know what was happening, he’d have assumed he’d been dunked under water. Dazai nearly dropped the phone as he slouched against the wall, just stubborn enough to keep the phone up to his ear.
"Chuuya." He cut off whatever Chuuya had been in the middle of ranting. It was getting so hard to concentrate enough to speak, was this his last moment of clarity before it was all over?
He wanted to thank his old partner for being here, in his final moments, for caring enough to pick up the phone despite how many times he hadn’t when Chuuya had tried. He wanted to thank him for bickering with him like they used to before… before Dazai lost Oda, before he had lost sense of himself in those emotional days and ruined their partnership; cutting the ties they had, them being so close to each other, so very harshly that those ties were now irreparable.
Chuuya still trusted him with his life, yes, he’d proven that when they had gone up against Lovecraft and the Executive had allowed himself to use Corruption, but that was the extent of it. Not to mention how mad Chuuya must still be for not taking him to the extraction point, months ago that had been.
Dazai couldn't focus enough to express just how much Chuuya still trusting him meant to the detective. Couldn't focus on even attempting to explain his scattered thought pieces - mind still whirling even in his last moments, thoughts screaming at him so loud it hurt his ears; refusing him the chance of a quiet death.
At least it was painless physically, even though his heart ached with every stuttering beat.
He was so tired, he just wanted to sleep. Sleep sounded… divine.
"Chuuya... Goodnight."
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bungostraydoggos · 5 years
Mind doing unrequited love for dazai, atsushi and chuuya? Their crush is like everything they want but just doesn't feel the same way as them and perfers staying friends
Dazai Osamu
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At first, it was nothing more than a simple interest. With his undying curiosity, it gave him no other choice but to see them, tease them, and work with them everyday at the Armed Detective Agency. During those passing times that felt like an eternity was Dazai’s most fondest moments with them. Although he will never admit his feelings for them, his coworkers poked a few rumors about his feelings for that person. What was their reaction when they heard Dazai’s deep feelings for them? Well, they didn’t say anything, but one could figure it out by looking at the expression on their face--- that person didn’t feel the same way. This constant closeness yet distance persisted for about over a year now. The feeling was honestly aggravating however, what more can he do but to respect their wishes? In Dazai’s mind, he’s a little relieved that that person didn’t feel the same way as Dazai does for them. In the back of his mind, he’s reminded that  he can’t be in a relationship no matter what. With his dark and suicidal disposition, how could someone love him if he doesn’t love himself? This bitterly and sourly unrequited love is befitting for a man like him, or so he believes, but even so, albeit everything, Dazai is a great actor, and he can easily cover his clenching heart with a clam, shrewd facade. One slick grin on his face and he’ll look like as if nothing has ever fazed him--- but that’s not so easy, is it? Dazai hovers over the tall abandoned building as he looks over the Yokohama city lights. It was at that same spot the detective made a silent promise to himself a long time ago. Although it’s a true shame the two people can’t be anything more, Dazai smiles at his unluckiness. Life is going to move on without a care in the world regardless of these tumultuous emotions, but Dazai will gladly take what he can get and resolve himself by watching and protecting over his loved one in his own way. As the moon shines brighter and shed its shine onto Dazai’s face, he smiles with new hope and disappears into the comforting shadows. 
Nakajima Atsushi
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For two days, Atsushi did not come to work. Everybody knew why and for that, the Armed Detective Agency people couldn’t do anything but to wait for their friend to return. Some people like Tanizaki and Kyouka did try to comfort Atsushi but as expected, it was no good. In the shabby apartment of the quiet neighborhood, Atsushi is sitting against the wall with his head hanging low at a forty-five degree angle. His eyes were slightly red and his clothes became dusty. God knows how many hours he has been sitting there listlessly--- thinking and thinking while slowly falling apart. To others, this undulating emotion might sound like an exaggeration, but for someone who is actually experiencing an unrequited love understands the amount of patience it takes to overcome their overflowing feelings. Atsushi is currently in the process of getting over himself. Desperately trying to collect his wits and reaffirm his resolve. He’s already causing trouble for his coworkers by not showing up at work and now, he’s causing worry for his dear friends who are concerned about his wellbeing. Atsushi reminds himself to apologize to Kyouka later since she hasn’t been coming to the apartment because of Atsushi’s isolation. With his head hanging even lower, he sighs. He recalls the scenario two days ago when he shouted his true feelings for the person he loved. Of course, they were taken aback and then, they fell silent. They kept thinking of what to say but no words came out until Atsushi realized their unspoken response. He smiled awkwardly and took back his confession. He retracted his feelings and assured them that even though he loves them, they will always remain friends and that he will protect them just like he does for others. When he said that, Atsushi desperately hoped they can tell him that they actually love him but to his unfortunate dismay, they simply said thank you. If our hearts were made of violin strings, then one string just snapped in Atsushi’s. The feeling of your heart snapping felt like steel cut in half. It did not feel good. Since then, Atsushi secluded himself into his apartment. After retracing his memories for the hundredth time, the man stands up and opens the curtains. He then picks up his phone and calls the Armed Detective Agency that he will be on his way to work alas.
Nakahara Chuuya
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“I’m sorry...”
If only it were a dream, then maybe he wouldn’t have to feel this way. About a week has passed since the incident and Chuuya has been working nonstop 24/7. None of the lower employees of the Port Mafia noticed his change of mood except the other executives and Mori. Although the Port Mafia Boss could care less about Chuuya’s state since retrospectively he is working a lot more and getting things done, Kouyou and Higuchi on the other hand has explicitly expressed their worries. No matter the times Kouyou came into Chuuya’s office nagging him to take a break and stop overworking himself, the Port Mafia Executive remains irritated and continues to work like a machine. The bags under his eyes are severe, and the lack of sleep is probably giving him hallucinations of that time when he confessed. Chuuya stares at the laptop with two documents in both hands. He suddenly stopped his movements and continue to stare at the blank screen. His bright eyes turned dull like a star losing its light. The office was awfully quiet, and Chuuya’s now-insane-mind due to the lack of sleep gave him a flashback of memories.  “I’m sorry...” On god, Chuuya pleads to his consciousness to stop hearing those words. No more--- he doesn’t want to hear the rest of the sentence. “...I can’t return your feelings but...” Chuuya pleads his mind once again. He knows, he knows, he knows. He knows that they can only be--- “---friends.” Chuuya rests his hands on his desk while continuing to stare at the blank screen of his laptop. He swivels his chair around to face the night view and pulls out his phone. He opens his photo album and looks at the picture of that person. Their smiling face in the photo reminded Chuuya his utmost responsibility. To protect them, he needs to become stronger. To protect them, he needs to work harder. He takes a deep breath and closes his phone. Coincidentally at the same time, there was a soft knock at the door. Kouyou comes inside once again and brings in hot tea. Chuuya notices his aunty-figure and greets her in.  “I’ll take that break now.”
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monsieur-fancy-hat · 5 years
For soukoku Maximum ride or midnighters
I just read the Wikipedia summary of the first book, so it’s probably not very accurate... oof.
Soukoku x Maximum Ride AU
Nakahara Chuuya started the Sheep for one reason: to give the victims of the Tatsuhiko Experiments a home. He, along with Nakajima Atsushi, the Akutagawa siblings, Miyazawa Kenji, Izumi Kyouka, Lucy Montgomery, and Osamu Dazai make up the Sheep. Well, they used to, until a couple months ago when Dazai disappeared. After that, the Sheep have to try their hardest to track down their missing member. But between fighting ability users, who are trying to capture them for more experiments, and a surprise visit from Dazai’s friend, Odasaku, the Sheep have their hands full. Will they be able to find him before their past foes and new ones can catch up to them? Find out in this non-existent, Maximum Ride inspired [but not really] Soukoku [but is there really?] fanfic!
Chuuya & Kouyou are normal siblings. They live together. When Chuuya is 5 years old, he’s taken by some bad people. Like really bad people. Kouyou tried to protect him, but she gets heavily injured and gets left to die. [The reason why Chuuya was taken will be explained later.] ;-;
Chuuya becomes a test subject A5158 for the Tatsuhiko Experiments. Dun dun dun!
The Tatsuhiko Experiments are a series of tests (on unwilling children) to give them supernatural abilities. It was founded by Shibusawa Tatsuhiko.
Some worked. Some didn’t (and the test victims died). But when they tried to test it on Chuuya (about 10 years later, cause they slow), Chuuya ends up blowing up the place. He probably would have continued to destroy everything in sight, but thankfully, Chuuya also destroyed part of the cells the victims/test subjects were kept in. And one of them happened to be Dazai. Dazai comes in and manages to touchy touchy Chuuya. Woohoo!!
When Chuuya wakes up, he sees Dazai there. Dazai explains what he thinks happened with the experiments and stuff.
They go search the compound for any survivors and for resources they can use [food, water, etc.]. They find the Akutagawa siblings, Lucy, Kyouka, Kenji (who is oddly cheerful, seeing that he just survived an explosion) and Atsushi.
Chuuya wants them all to stick together, and Dazai... doesn’t care. Atsushi is for it, Akutagawa is against it (but will stay for Gin), Lucy is neutral towards the idea (but just a bit tsundere), and Kenji is the cinnamon roll he is. Kyouka just stays silent.
Chuuya makes some short loyalty-inspiring I-get-your-trauma speech or whatever, and it convinces them to stay together.
And so, the Sheep is formed.
They live by running odd jobs, moving around A LOT (to escape the Tatsuhiko people who are still alive & chasing them down), and sticking together. Which is all yay and stuff!! Atsushi and Akutagawa have their side romance, Kyouka and Lucy bond over insulting Atsushi or something, and Kenji is a ball of sunshine & innocence~
They also share their dark pasts.
Akutagawa’s were abandoned. Also, there was this thing were Gin almost died (she didn’t get any powers, almost died from the tests, :( )[I’m sorry, but I’m a sucker for the Akutagawa siblings~]
Atsushi’s story is about the same. Orphanage abuse, but he got kicked out because he was framed for a crime. :(
Dazai is mysterious. Dun dun du-
Chuuya’s backstory was already talked about in the beginning, but he doesn’t know why he was taken. [Hint: Kouyou.]
They get into a couple skirmishes, and usually the Sheep are fine. Cause they all overpowered with SKK & SSKK.
A couple months or so into the Sheep’s stay together, Dazai poofs.
And Chuuya is kinda really upset cause he thought Dazai left. [And he was highkey lowkey falling in love-]
So Chuu~ works harder to support his fam.
But then, right after a hard fight where Chuuya is knocked out, a man named Oda comes in and gets them the hell out of there.
Oda brings them to a friend’s home.
And when Chuuya wakes up, he almost kills him. Cause stranger danger.
And Chuuya recognizes his sister
And is so happy cause “How did you survive? I thought you were dead!!”
And Kouyou introduces him & the Sheep to her love interest friend Yosano.
When they find out that Oda, Kouyou, and Yosano have powers, it’s confusion.
But then, they explain.
[que flashback sequence]
Several years ago, Kouyou was also used as a test subject for the Tatsuhiko project. The first Tatsuhiko Experiments.
It was terrible, and most of the test subjects died.
But one of the doctors there, Mori, preformed the procedure on himself, giving him Elise. After gaining the power, he left the compound. But to escape safely, he ordered Yosano (his assistant, and also an ex test subject who survived) to cause a distraction.
This distraction was to let the test subjects free. There were only a handful (two of which were Oda and Kouyou) that survived.
It was chaos, and Mori escaped. [In case anyone was wondering, he ends up living with Fukuzawa, Elise, and maybe 15 cats.]
Anyways, the test subjects all go their separate ways, got their lives together (wish I had one of those...), etc. Oda & Kouyou stay together as friends.
Kouyou gets adopted into a foster family [*coughtheNakahara’scough*]
And Oda goes to a writing school with his foster family. But they live far away from the Nakahara’s. Oof.
Kouyou used the ability she got from the experiment and stuff. But it wasn’t enough
Oh nooooooo-
Kouyou gets almost dead and the attackers leave her to, well, be dead. They also take Chuuya. 0-0
And Kouyou blacks out
[cause I’m emotionally weak & duh]
Yosano, who just HAPPENED to be nearby and she just HAPPENED to find her and just HAPPENED to recognize her and healed her.
And then, Kouyou wakes up. And she goes to stay with Odasaku. Yosano goes with her.
Cause useless lesbians
[back to the future]
Annnnnnnnnnnd que present day!
Chuuya is like, “Oh, so they tried kidnapping me cause you were a victim of the first experiment!”
And Kouyou was like, “Ye.”
[Or whatever. Something like that.]
Then, Oda explains his side of the story.
When he was in [insert name of where he lives], he met Dazai.
And they became friends.
But right before Kouyou & Yosano went to Oda’s
Dazai poofed
The Sheep and Oda discuss what they think might have happened
When Yosano speaks up
“I know someone who can find him.”
And Yosano brings them to Mori & Fukuzawa’s place, and asks for Ranpo.
They meet Ranpo, and he explains that Dazai is safe, but that the Sheep shouldn’t interfere.
And Chuuya and Ranpo get into a fight about it.
So Chuuya storms off to calm down.
As he walks his anger away [is that a thing? I dunno? I guess?] he runs into Shibusawa
And... [ques epic fight scene]
Also [que Corruption]
Also also the rest of the Sheep also join to help attacc Shibusawa
And they almost beat him
But Chuuya’s Corruption is on the verge of killing him.
[Like it’s so close to killing him it’s scary.]
[Like if this was a real AU I would cry.]
But then
In the nick of time
Dazai poofs out of nowhere
Soukoku shares a moment
Shibusawa gets taken down by Kyouka, her crush, her crush’s crush, the person who has a crush her crush’s crush’s sister, and another person with a crush on her crush.
That made sense guys.
Dazai saves Chuuya, and feels touched & all.
But they don’t really get together
Just share a moment
Cause I think they would need more relationship development before dating.
Also this prompt sucks
I’m so sorry
Also, there should be some side story for Kousano. And [insert Ango] somewhere.
This is kinda really bad
Feel free to use this as a prompt
Just tell me so I can read it
Thank youuuuuuu
Have a good day~
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hnnnfdfds · 7 years
If it's not too much trouble, can you write chuuatsu for the red string au?
Of course it’s no trouble, Anon!! Also I really craved some Chuuatsu, so thanks for the request!!!
Summary: All his life he saw those red strings, connecting people with other people – or that’s how it should have been, according to different kind of tales. No one he met, was connected to their lover. It was… like a punch in the face for him. It hurt. He wanted to believe in it – that there is a person that could love him, no matter what. He wanted to, but seeing all others, he realized that he might not end up with that person.
Then one day, he woke up with his string cut.Ao3
He cut his string.
How he did it was still a mystery, but he didn't dwell on it for too long. Honestly, he couldn’t care less about those damn things, they were only an annoyance. Like, who the hell needed some strings to determine who he should love? After all it didn’t matter in the end. When he walked through the streets, observing lovers, they never shared a string. In other words, fate could fuck itself. He didn’t get why he was the one to seem them, out of all those people in the world. He hated those damn strings, and his life was much easier before he woke up one day, suddenly seeing them – everything went worse after that. He spent months in frustration, because he didn’t know what to do. Especially not, with the string around his own pinkie. Eventually, after picking up a tale on them, he realized that he could just cut the string.
The characters in the book might have not succeeded with it, but he wasn’t in a book and a try wouldn’t hurt. So, he did it. And it functioned. Now, he was standing in his room, looking at the cut string. It was kind of weird to be honest. Once he cut it, the fallen off string on the ground, vanished in thin air after seconds and the only thing left remaining, was the little part tied around his pinkie, hanging in the air. He tried to take it off, but the string wouldn’t come off, so now he had to keep it. With a sigh, he sat down on his bed, after laying the scissors away. It could have been worse, couldn’t it?
In that moment his ringtone went off, and he took his phone, sighing, as he saw who dialed him – Dazai, that fucking moron. Despite his irritation, he picked up, praying, that his sanity would stay intact. Calls with Dazai were always that horrible and unpredictable.
“What do you want, bandage-wasting-device.”
“Ouch, what a harsh greeting, Chuuya!”
He wasn’t sure how to deal with that.
Granted, he wasn’t sure how to deal with everything, but that was a different kind of, I-have-no-idea-what-I-am-supposed-to-do situation.
All his life he saw those red strings, connecting people with other people – or that’s how it should have been, according to different kind of tales. No one he met, was connected to their lover. It was… like a punch in the face for him. It hurt. He wanted to believe in it – that there is a person that could love him, no matter what. He wanted to, but seeing all others, he realized that he might not end up with that person.
After all there was always someone better than him, wasn’t there?
But he shook his head, and told himself he would find that person, even if just for closure.
That’s what he believed until he woke up one day, his string cut.
Just what did he wrong?
Fate hated him, he was sure of that.
“You know, I wonder if soulmates are real.”
He scoffs at the other’s question.
“You shouldn’t spend your brain cells on such useless questions,” he replies, sitting down on the couch, and sighing. Chuuya wasn’t in a good mood. Recently, the whole thing with the soulmates and strings seemed to follow him everywhere and anywhere. Irritating. Annoying. Why did it have to haunt him?
“Really? I don’t believe the question is useless,” Dazai says that, sitting down beside the other, and grinning.
“Well, you’re stupid.” Maybe not his best excuse, but by now both knew that Dazai was anything but stupid, so it didn’t really matter. Then he looks at the other, wanting to say another insult, but he stops. Because the other is smiling that sad smile he always wears, whenever he seems to know just a bit too much in everyone’s opinion.
“You know, looking at you, sometimes make me think they’re real. Those soulmates,” and then chuckles, and shakes his head softly, “but maybe that’s just my imagination.”
Dazai, Chuuya can’t help but think, knows too much.
But there’s some truth in it, and Chuuya would know that the best. He still can remember the string in his hand, and they way it felt when he cut it. There are just too many wrong things in that world.
One week later, Chuuya sits in a little café, looking at the pretty waiter, smiling at him. He can’t take gaze away from the other’s eyes. That’s a first for Chuuya.
“Uhm, sir…? H-how can I help you?”
He snaps out of it and blinks a bit. Right, he can’t space out! So, he orders a black coffee, and makes sure to smile back. No need to be grumpy, his whole staring was already weird enough. And it’s when the waiter turns around and walks, that his eyes catch one little detail. The waiter’s sting… was cut off. For a moment, he is back in that room, with those scissors and that red, red string. Where his heart keeps beating faster, and he wonders if all his decisions were that stupid, and why he can’t get a grip. But having that string feels so wrong, and he envies all those people, who can walk on in their life, unable to see those hellish strings, that just ruin everything wonderful about lo-
“Are you ok, sir?”
The waiter is back, looking at him with concern. There’s also a cup with coffee in front of Chuuya, and he sighs. It just never stops, doesn’t it?
“I’m fine,” he replies, tired and feeling all kinds of wrong. But he can’t be rude now.
“… The cup of coffee is on house.”
His eyes widen, and he looks up at the waiter, wondering if he misheard.
“Wait, wh- “
“It’s ok, I’ll pay for it.”
No, he obviously didn’t mishear.
He wants to protest, but the waiter has already turned around, and is walking away.
“It’s fine! You had a bad day? M-maybe this will lighten it up.”
Speechless, Chuuya looks after the other, cut, red string trailing in the air after its owner. Somehow, the sight is too pretty. Quietly, he responds, “Thank you.” He’s sure to come back to that café.
There are kind people in this world too, after all.
And, surprisingly, he does. A lot. In fact, he becomes one of the most known customers, and everyone knows his name. It’s quite… the nice feeling, he has to admit. A sense of attachment, he guesses. But he also learns interesting stuff about the café and its staff.
There’s Akutagawa, who always seems to appear from nowhere, with a book in his hands. And god, Chuuya recognizes every book, because he knows the person who wrote them, an annoying guy, who constantly crashes at his place, eats his stuff and asks stupid things.
Then there’s Kyouka and… well, she is his little sister. He’s surprised she decided to help out in that café, so he asks her for the reason.
“Money for my sweets, “is the answer he gets from her. Of course, what else?
Next comes Kenji, who works mostly morning shifts, and he’s always brightly smiling and optimistic. He’s also pretty strong, because Chuuya has seen him carry a fridge once, all alone, and he probably will never forget that sight.
Then there’s Higuchi, and honestly, Chuuya has seen her more with sunglasses than without. She’s got a crush on Akutagawa, and everyone knows that but said guy in question. But she takes it in stride and continues without showing any distress. She makes good cookies, he realizes one day, when she brings some, and the whole café turns into a battlefield.
The last two waiters are Ranpo and Atsushi, and he comes to the understanding, that those two come in a double pack. They share the same shifts and are generally seen together all the time. At first, he thought they were in a rather intimate relationship, but one day a guy came into the store, and it didn’t take long for Chuuya to find out, that guy was Ranpo’s boyfriend (he will never forget opening the bathroom door on that fated day, and everything that was beyond it).
Eventually, he found out, that Ranpo and Atsushi grew up as brothers, and because Atsushi was rather – bless that pure and kind guy – naïve, he got into a lot of trouble. So, Ranpo decided to play his caretaker, and it was clear he wouldn’t stop anytime soon. It was an amusing sight sometimes.
But in the end, there was still one thing that bothered him greatly. And that was Atsushi’s cut string. For some reason it just wouldn’t leave his mind, and deep inside, Chuuya already knew why. He just had to acknowledge it. When though?
Then it happened one day.
He walked into the café, a bit earlier than usual, but not too much. Then he saw Atsushi, sitting at one table (the table, Chuuya normally used), and stared intently at his hand. At first, Chuuya was confused, because there was nothing to stare at. But then, although a bit slowly, realization hit him.
The string.
And because he couldn’t stop himself, he spoke up, “The strings… can you see them?”
Atsushi’s expression at those words, was answer enough for him.
He should have been happy. He wasn’t the only one. He really should have been happy.
Instead he turned around, and quickly left the café.
“Ohhh, Chuuya is in a bad mood again?”
“…Shut up.”
He’s still unsure why he didn’t already punch the other. It was silent for a while after that. But then, Dazai sat down beside him, and smiled that cursed smile of his.
“You know… I started writing on a new book.”
“Nice,” was his curt reply.
“… It’s about the red strings of fate.”
That’s when Chuuya really looked at the other.
“… What?”
Dazai just grinned.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about that one question…”
Chuuya narrows his eyes at the other, unsure what will come next.
“… what if someone actually manages to cut his string?”
And time seems to freeze for him.
Atsushi wasn’t that stupid.
He could see the strings. Chuuya could see the strings, and both of their strings are cut. Then comes Chuuya’s reaction… it was only too easy to find the solution.
He sighed, a bit unsure about the whole situation. He really wanted to speak with Chuuya, but the other ran away, and Atsushi doesn’t know where he lives. But apparently fate didn’t hate him that much, because one week later, Chuuya walked into the café and asked Atsushi, if he could speak with him. So, they did. Left the café and walked around a bit. And after some silence, Chuuya said something.
“I’m sorry for running away and for cutting that string.”
Bold. But honestly, that’s what Atsushi needed.
“Why did you do it?”
“Because I don’t be in fated love.”
And so, Chuuya told him everything. It didn’t make everything right, but it was a start. And gazing into the other’s eyes, Chuuya knew that wouldn’t be the last time he stared at them.
Kunikida kept staring at the manuscript in his hands, with a sense of wonderment.
“This is… really good.”
“Hmm, I know, right?”
“But say,” Kunikida mutters, looking up from the manuscript, to the guy who wrote it, “what’s the answer to the question? To why the string could been finally cut, after so many decades of it being impossible?”
Dazai smirks, “but Kunikida isn’t that obvious? They don’t need it anymore! They don’t need that string to keep them together, that’s how great their love is!”
“… That’s… your insane.”
“I know, right?”
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minifiction · 6 years
love in the age of war
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters/Pairings: Lucy, Gin, Atsushi; Lucy/Gin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Lucy gets a crush on one of her cafe's regulars.
Lucy gets a job at a different cafe.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to see Atsushi, because she does.  Atsushi is important to her and probably always will be, even though he’s an idiot and probably always will be.  Atsushi is one of the first people in a long time who she could empathize with, who showed her genuine kindness and freed her from the Guild.
It’s not that she dislikes the rest of the detective agency either, Kyouka aside.  If she’s called on to use her powers to help instead of hurt for once, she doesn’t mind doing them favors.
It’s just that she thinks she’d like to live a life that doesn’t center around her Ability.  She can have a normal job, working with normal coworkers for normal customers.  She doesn’t have to worry about whether the person walking through the door is here for coffee or for her life.
Now that she has some work experience on her resume, she gets hired fairly quickly, and she starts to relax.
This, Lucy will reflect later, was probably her biggest mistake.
There are no ‘quiet’ cafes in Yokohama, because the city is packed full of people, many of whom need coffee to function.  Any description of a cafe as ‘quiet’ or ‘cozy’ is a lie to attract customers.  That said, you could do worse than the Silver Bush Cafe if you’re looking for a place that isn’t constantly filled to capacity.
Lucy soon picks up on the regulars.  There’s an young man with the world’s most punchable face who gets cranky if he has to wait in line for longer than a minute, an older man who orders the exact same drink every time, and a beautiful girl who hardly speaks outside of giving her order.
It’s natural that Lucy would take notice of that girl: they’re probably about the same age, and mysterious people who only leave an initial for their drinks catch your interest more, right?  The fact that she’s breathtakingly gorgeous is incidental.  Really.  Honestly.
Okay, so maybe Lucy once nearly filled a drink to overflowing because she was too busy watching G play with her hair.  And maybe she’s seriously considered writing her number on G’s coffee cup the next time she comes in.  Obviously she just wants to expand her circle of normal, non-gifted friends.
Or maybe she wants to kiss her and find out what kind of lip gloss she uses.  That’s relatively normal.
Lucy’s been zoning out while filling orders, and so she almost jumps a foot in the air when G reaches the front of the line.  “H-hey!  Welcome to the Silver Bush Cafe, what can I get you?”
“The usual,” says G.  Her soft, sweet voice reminds Lucy of bells and okay, she’s officially a useless bisexual at this point.
Lucy puts on her best ‘everything is completely normal’ smile, perfected while trying not to let Fitzgerald know how much she wanted to strangle him.  “Coming right up!”
She fixes G her favorite drink, which she could probably make in her sleep at this point, and then achieves peak useless bisexualhood: she writes her phone number on the side, then has to cross out a digit that wasn’t clear enough and write it again. There’s no way it isn’t obvious what she’s doing.
“Here you go!”  She hands G her drink.  The ‘everything is completely normal’ smile has to be plastic by now.  “Will that be all?”
G pauses for a moment, looking between her and the number on the side of her cup.  “Yes, I think so.  …Thank you.”
Lucy wills herself not to get too excited over seeing a little bit of pink in G’s cheeks as she carries her drink to the cashier.  She’s probably just imagining it.
Lucy does not get a phone call after work.
She does, however, get a text.
080-45-###-####: hi 1-902-886-####: hi! glad I can talk to you outside of customer service mode, I’d die if I had to keep that up for a conversation 1-902-886-####: I’m lucy 080-45-###-####: i know, your name tag says so 080-45-###-####: my name is gin
Gin, Lucy says to herself, and then realizes she has no idea whether she’s pronouncing it right or not.
1-902-886-####: that’s a cute name 080-45-###-####: thank you 080-45-###-####: yours is cute too 080-45-###-####: i’ve never had someone write their number on my drink before so this is a little awkward 1-902-886-####: really? never? 1-902-886-####: you don’t have guys falling over you? 1-902-886-####: men are such idiots I swear 080-45-###-####: i dont eat out much 080-45-###-####: i didnt come to the cafe regularly until recently
A thirty second pause, while Lucy dissects the implications of that message.
080-45-###-####: this really cute girl started working there
Lucy’s going to die, but she’s going to die happy.
1-902-886-####: do you want to get coffee sometime? 1-902-886-####: at a place I don’t work I mean
An agonizingly long pause.
080-45-###-####: my schedule is kind of tight but okay 080-45-###-####: it might have to be late 1-902-886-####: that’s fine!
Lucy would make room in her schedule for a date with Gin even if she had to drink coffee to be able to go get coffee.  She will make this happen.
080-45-###-####: where do you want to go
So, Lucy hadn’t actually intended to type in the cafe that she knows the detective agency frequents.  It was just the first cafe that came to mind, and she was running on autopilot to answer as quickly as possible.
This is fine.  Maybe Kyouka will get along better with her if she knows she’s not trying to get into Atsushi’s pants.  Atsushi’s never considered that anyone might possibly be interested in him, so he’ll probably treat her the same way as usual.  Besides, there’s no guarantee that any of them will actually be there.  Gin wanted to meet at a relatively late hour, so it’s likely that they won’t run into anybody…
Lucy groans.  “Don’t talk to me, tiger boy, I have zero time for you today.”
Atsushi shuts his mouth.  She’s grateful to not have to explain the concept of being on a date to him.
Gin arrives soon afterward.  She looks even more beautiful than normal, Lucy thinks, before turning her attention to how Atsushi is straight-up growling at her.
Lucy scowls.  “Shut your trap, you had your chance already-”
“We’ve met,” Gin says.  She’s edging back toward the door.
“She’s part of the Port Mafia,” Atsushi adds, not taking his eyes off of Gin.
“Oh.” Lucy considers this new and potentially dangerous information.  “We can go somewhere else for coffee, I guess.”
“I don’t think that’s safe, but if you’re sure…” says Atsushi.  And then in a tone much less hostile and slightly more confused:  “…Wait, what do you mean by ‘you had your chance’?”
Lucy shoots Atsushi a venomous glare before stomping out of the cafe.  Gin follows close behind.
“…I’ve never seen any detectives at the Silver Bush.  Just some nosy-ass coworkers.”
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izanyas · 7 years
20 with kouyou and yosano for the nsfw meme please?
Appropriate Answers
Yosano doesn’t know what she expects out of an evening spent with Ozaki Kouyou, but it’s a far cry from what she gets.
The permeating feeling of fancy is something she was waiting for; the fact that she is invited not to some expensive traditional food place but inside Ozaki’s own home is not. She wouldn’t even have guessed that it was her home—the mansion is large enough to feel like an inn, complete with hot springs—if it weren’t for the fact that Nakahara Chuuya walks in before they’re even done sitting down for tea, stops, and stares.
“What the fuck,” he says, at the same time as Yosano slides a hand into her bag and grasps the handle of her machete.
“Don’t swear in front of guests, Chuuya,” Ozaki replies pleasantly. She hasn’t looked up from the tea.
“What the hell do you mean, guests —”
“Yosano-sensei is here on my invitation,” she says. Her mouth is twitching very lightly. “Sensei, please drop that.”
Yosano withstands Nakahara’s glare for a second longer. He doesn’t immediately attack, much as he waited for her to attack first during their last and only meeting, and realizing it allows her to take a leap of faith. She lets the weapon rest at the bottom of her bag.
“What does the agency want now?” Nakahara mutters, yet he tears his eyes away from Yosano to look at Ozaki instead. “I thought we were done with that shitty alliance.”
“I see no reason not to try and keep our relationship amiable,” Ozaki says.
“ Amiable …”
Some sort of exchange must have happened between them, then, because Nakahara’s face turns crimson in less than a second. It clashes horribly against his hair color and makes Yosano’s mouth stretch into a smirk despite her confusion, and Nakahra chokes out a strangled, “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
“You wanted to tell me something, I believe.”
“I can’t fucking believe you.”
Ozaki pours the tea. She smiles. “I don’t think you of all people have any right to judge me,” she says mildly.
Nakahara looks like he wants to either scream or disappear. He settles on a slightly horrified gargle, one hand raised to his forehead as if to wipe his blush away, before storming out of the room.
Yosano opens her mouth to speak, but Ozaki lifts a hand gently, cutting her off. It isn’t three seconds later that they hear loud footsteps approaching again, and Nakahara peeks his head into the room.
“I’m gonna be gone until Tuesday evening,” he mumbles, still flushed. He glares at Yosano for good measure.
Ozaki finally turns to look at him. “Be careful,” she replies.
Every time Yosano has heard her speak, Ozaki has had her tone laced with cruelty, with some layer of violence that only needs the incentive to show. Now, it’s nonexistent.
Nakahara’s answering smile softens every line of his face.
Yosano isn’t sure what to say once he’s gone. She feels like she’s witnessed something she shouldn’t have, and it must show on her face, because Ozaki’s tone as she says, “He lives with me,” is almost enough to distract her from the feeling of their fingers brushing together as she hands a cup over.
“Family?” Yosano asks. She doesn’t for a second entertain the thought of her and Nakahara being lovers.
“As close as one can get.”
She nods, and uses the occasion to take her first sip of the tea. It’s delicious. “He’s surprisingly cute,” she can’t help but say. “The way Dazai talked about him, I never thought he’d be like that in private.”
Ozaki snorts loudly.
Yosano finds herself staring—the sight and sound of Ozaki doing that clashes so firmly with everything she knows and has seen of her so far that her mind freezes for the barest second.
“I think you’ll find that Dazai has a bit of a bias where Chuuya is concerned,” she replies, lips stretched into something very close to a grin. “I’m glad to learn he’s still not past the pigtail-pulling stage.”
Yosano has to take a second to absorb that information. Ozaki leaves her to it, staring at her over the brim of her own cup; she unfolds her legs under the table, and the movement makes silk shift around her body, makes her foot brush Yosano’s calf.
She shivers.
“I didn’t know you knew Dazai so well,” she tries, rather than ask about Dazai apparently having a crush. “I guess that explains the face he made when Kunikida and Atsushi dragged you to the office during that whole Guild affair.”
“I watched him grow up,” Ozaki says, that same fondness she showed Nakahara earlier flashing over her face once more. “There was a time I called him brother too, though he never let me in as much as Chuuya did.”
This is no surprise at all. Dazai hardly lets anyone in. Even Yosano struggles to know the barest bones of his identity or thoughts, if his easy respect for her is genuine or faked. 
She dearly hopes that it’s genuine. She hopes he gets as much peace out of their weekly drinking as she does.
Ozaki’s foot is still almost pressed against Yosano’s calf. It’s distracting, especially with the low light, especially with the stray thoughts of just how beautiful Ozaki is and how long it’s been since Yosano touched anyone.
She’s too flat for me , she thinks at herself.
It makes for a very poor excuse.
“So what did you want to talk about?” she asks, struggling not to move her own leg—either to pull it back or push it against the press of Ozaki’s socked foot.
“Ah,” Ozaki says. The line of her back straightens, but her foot stays as it is. Yosano’s lips thin. “I am of the mind that although we aren’t in direct opposition now, having more… personal relationships with the agency can only benefit the port mafia in the long run.”
“We don’t associate with criminals,” Yosano says dryly. “That’s about the opposite of what we do, in fact.”
“I’m not asking for endorsement, or favors of any kind. I want to know the people in the agency—I want to know you .”
Yosano looks at her, gathering her thoughts.
“Just tell me if you need to heal someone,” she replies eventually. “I’m a doctor before anything else, I’ll do my best to help, even if it’s an enemy.”
“Very admirable of you,” Ozaki chuckles, once her surprise has washed away. “But I assure you that I had no thought for your gift in mind, and no need for it at present. I wanted to know you because I found you a level-headed, smart woman, and I am always eager to surround myself with those. Even if it’s an enemy,” she adds playfully. “It will pay off in the future to know the agency—to truly know it, its members, the personalities within. It would satisfy my curiosity, soothe my fears, to know the sort of people taking care of Kyouka and Dazai. And you, sensei, I simply found to be someone I wish to know better.”
That doesn’t help Yosano’s rushing thoughts in the slightest. It’s too easy to read more in Ozaki’s words than she means to say—than she means at all—and if Yosano struggles to put the compliment out of her mind, she makes an even greater effort not to visualize Ozaki repeating it from much closer, wearing way fewer clothes. 
“Please, call me Kouyou.”
Yosano flushes, looks away, ears burning and glasses almost fogging up. The appropriate answer is at the tip of her tongue: Then, call me Akiko . She never lets anyone call her by her first name, but the idea is here. The words burn in her mouth.
She swallows them back and says, “I’m not really the most important person in the agency. You might want to talk to Kunikida instead.”
And Yosano is not clumsy, her job doesn’t allow for straying hands, but when she feels Ozaki’s foot press onto her calf, when she drags her hand back toward herself in surprise, she knocks her cup off the table entirely.
The tea splatters onto the floorboards with a wet sound. The cup, thankfully, doesn’t break; it cracks through the middle instead, the clearest of all ill omens, the line almost straight enough to cut right through porcelain.
“I’m sorry,” Yosano says, pushing off of her chair.
“Please,” Ozaki retorts. “Let me.”
Her hand rests on Yosano’s forearm warmly. Yosano sits back down and tries not to swallow when it leaves.
Ozaki doesn’t seem to mind at all that she might tear or sully her fine clothes. She kneels against the floor gracefully, like she has only ever knelt in her life. The thought sends another rush of heat through Yosano’s dazed mind. It makes her eye lower, makes her peer into the collar now hanging open over Ozaki’s chest and breathe in quietly.
The kimono is a deception. Ozaki is definitely not too flat for her.
“Kunikida’s good for that,” she says faintly, because it’s better than to kneel by Ozaki on the floor and try and mouth against the pale line of her neck, “he’s a good guy, good worker—”
She stills when Ozaki’s hand wraps around her ankle. She doesn’t move at all as it slides up, under the hem of her long skirt and past the ticklish crease of her knee.
“Unfortunately, sensei,” Ozaki says, looking up at her. Her hand slides under Yosano’s thigh outright, and there is no reason at all for to be there outside of the glint of pleasure in Ozaki’s cold eyes, the goosebumps that the contact spreads through Yosano’s tense skin.
Yosano braces a hand against Ozaki’s shoulder. With her free hand, Ozaki widens the opening of her collar.
“ Kunikida is not my type at all.”
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-Can you see Nakajima Atsushi and Midoriya Izuko becoming nervous, cinnamon-roll friends? I totally can, all blushy and nervous while meeting each other; whenever someone rowdy screams at them they jump in the air at the same time. Midoriya would be such a positive influence for Atsushi, as he definitely needs to be more self-confident and to realize he’s worth living. Midoriya would surely motivate him and make him stronger.
-Kyouka is immediately adopted by the girls of Class-A. Momo becomes her older sister and cuddles her anytime, not minding her…ehm, particular personality? And Uraraka and Tsuyu help her with her crush, teaching how to realize and deal with her feelings. They all spoil her rotten.
-Bakugou becomes Dazai’s favorite victim, getting pissed every five fucking minutes. Moreover, he hates not having his quirk and that’s way he doesn’t allow the man near him. He prefers to ally with Chuuya against him, at least they are short-tempered the same.
-Kirishima gets all enthusiastic and buddies up with everyone, even the one with whom he disagrees with from an ideal point of view. He’s also the one stopping Bakugou from exploding Dazai’s face.
-Kirishima and Kenji have an eating contest (A decision Kirishima would regret tremendously afterward, together with Bakugou, who has to assist the red-haired as he throws up)
-Kenji and TetsuTetsu become friends 100%, even if half of the time they misunderstand each other and get involved in absurd situations.
-Kunikida and Ida exchange suggestions and ideas to domesticate their wild colleagues/classmates. Or drink away their exasperation (Ida deinks obviously juice because he’s underage)
-Yosano becomes the girl’s leader, speaking about independence and girl power. Like the Boss Sister of a female street gang. She and Uraraka team up during fights, being a deadly badass combo.
-All the boys are mightily terrified by Yosano, especially after she has publicly used her ability on Grapeman.
-Higuchi gets kidnapped by the girls too! I can see her getting along with Jiro and Hakagure, who finds her gullible but adorable! At some point, Gin starts hanging with them too and they have big all-girls outings in the city. Favorite moment? Love talks! They tease Higuchi a lot for her crush on Akutagawa.
-Chuuya and Uraraka become sparring partner and spend hours discussing their similar powers, exchanging tips and tricks. That softy of a Chuuya would surely take a liking to her and treat her like a sister, even if he would mask it by saying he’s just studying the possible enemy. Their sparring sessions are so intense and rough that half of their friends stay as far as they can: these two go all-out. Bakugou occasionally joins too and chaos ensues.
-One time, Chuuya pushes Uraraka and Bakugou to drink with him, poking at their pride. They all get drunk and start arguing, laughing and crying at the same time. Things around them start floating or get exploded. Dazai, Kirishima, Deku and Ida have to join forces to stop them.
-Dazai and Shinsou banter continuously, one all witty and provocative, the other sarcastic and deadpanned. Dazai, however, is a good person underneath and implicitly reassures the boy he’s already a hero.
-Denki and Junichirou are absolutely best buddies! I can see them hanging around on the streets and having a good time. Kirishima often goes with them, sometimes bringing an annoyed Bakugou too (Who has to admit the other boy is not that insufferable). They also fight well combined.
-Denki is one quarter aroused and three quarters terrified by Naomi. When she touches him, he gets chills.
-Bakugou and Deku have a sort of truce (let’s say they don’t fight every five seconds) so that they can put their brains together to study and analyze the Abilities. They’re particularly wary of Dazai’s and Akutagawa’s.
-Todoroki is lost at first, but then he befriends Atsushi. However, he thinks his fights with Akutagawa are immature and ends up freezing both of them when they annoy him. Just for a little bit, nothing too painful. (Or maybe he just gets irked and competitive, who knows?)
-Kyouka adores Todoroki, he’s very cool in her eyes.
-Todoroki asks Dazai if he can erase his father forever and is disappointed when the man explains his ability doesn’t work like that.
-All Might and Fukuzawa have tea together and discuss loyalty, hope, justice, and cats. Aizawa joins the conversation only when they’re talking about cats and Fukuzawa decides he likes him.
-Mori is not invited at first and sulks a lot. Elise has to ask Fukuzawa to invite him so he stops being a child.
-Deku admires Ranpo a lot because he has understood the detective doesn’t have a real ability yet he’s amazing at what he does. It’s a powerful reminder that it’s not only his Quirk that counts. He often accompanies him during the investigations and takes notes of his deductions.
-Ranpo thinks Momo and Uraraka are precious. He gives them sweets.
-Ranpo calls Midoriya “my disciple” and recognizes his intelligence. He’s also very curious about Bakugou, psychologically speaking.
-All the girls of Class A slap and reject Dazai and his offer to double suicide. Hakagure starts crying, thinking he would kill himself on the spot anyway. Jiro hits him hard and then harder when he asks Momo. Uraraka grabs him the shoulders and shakes him, panicking, as she screams “YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! YOU HAVE TO LIVE! LOVE YOURSELF!”
-Chuuya sometimes gives Ojiro lessons of martial art.
-Midnight and Kouyou have a typical, heartfelt woman rivalry between them, nobody wants to meddle with them.
-Akutagawa is awkward as hell because he always ends up with Midoriya’s group and ?!?! no one is scared of him?!? He’s dumbfounded: that Todoroki guy freezes him every time he starts mumbling insults  or calls Rashoumon. They don’t have any damn respect for a Mafia member.
-Midoriya doesn’t like Akutagawa’s view of the world at all and tells him directly, straightforward and unwavering. Akutagawa tries to kill him again, Todoroki and Atsushi have to stop them. In the end, they have a sort of rivalry and “I’ll show you my way of thinking is the right one” thing going on.
-Akutagawa feels challenged by the fact that Deku finds an angry Bakugou scarier than him, so he randomly attacks the latest. Usually, or they kick each other’s ass equally, or Kirishima (Akutagawa is both horrified and astonished by his shining positivity and at the same time badassness when fighting) divides them before things escalate.
-Tokoyami and Akutagawa exchange information about their creatures/powers, but Dark Shadow is scared of Rashoumon and cries when it gets near. They also shows appreciation for each other’s fashion sense.
-Recovery Girl and Yosano “politely” argue about which healing power is better. Yosano is slightly offended and annoyed that now everyone wants to go the old (sly and smoochy) lady.
-The girls force an embarrassed Atsushi to change partially or entirely to pet his tiger form.
-Shinsou is deeply terrified by Yumeno and avoids her at any cost.
-Monoma and Dazai passive-aggressively insults each other all the time, becoming quite savage. Midoriya and Atsushi are still traumatized.
-Kirishima gives Atsushi manly and motivational speeches. He also drags him to practice and spar together. The mantiger is confused and unsure at first but ends up warming up to him.
-Mineta finds an ally in Kajii.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
TW for implied abortion mention
from new members of the agency, to fiery ladies, to dating sim antics
[[cont from part 79]
Assi: A~A "M-M-Mo-Mo-Mono?" mono: what? Assi: "D-Do you like parties?" mono: i guess. why? Assi: "M-My boss, Mr. Fitzgerald--the man who gave you that large tip and has been so kind to you at Deathbucks--is having a party tomorrow night..." mono: and? Assi: "A-And would you like to go? It's free? Lots of food...Fancy food. Chocolate fountain..." mono: ...eh, sure. Assi: *shiny eyes* "Yay! The party starts at 7--meet here at 6:30?" mana: isnt it tomorrow? Assi: "R-Right--6:30 tomorrow..." -elsewhere- higuchi: mmm.... =////T Gin: *lick* higuchi: *shivers* f-fuck... Gin: *passes her tongue past her lips, gripping her hips* higuchi: ah! *her hips jerk up* d-dont stop. Gin: *her lip along Higuchi's nub, her tongue reaches deeper...she slaps her bottom* higuchi: AHHN~ Gin: *pulls out her tongue, crawls up Higuchi--puts her lips along her nipple as she slides two fingers into her and starts thrusting* higuchi: gin! *wraps her arms around her back and grips her shoulders* Gin: *holds onto her, whispers in her ear...* "You better start fingering me, you little slut--or else." *pulls out her fingers--and spanks Higuchi* higuchi: nnh! *doing so* Gin: *sharp inhale* "Fuck!" *matches her pace* -after a few moments- higuchi: *laying in her arms* ........*sniff* Gin: *strokes her hair* "...Ready to talk?" higuchi: *nods* -she tells her the whole thing- Gin: "..." *hug* "I'm sorry." higuchi: *sobs into her chest* r-rain died because of this! Gin: "..." *nods* "Yes. And what do we do now...?" higuchi: i-i dont know.... Gin: "...Do you need a day off?" higuchi:....y-yeah.....b-but i should at least....tell them what i know.... Gin: "Chuuya?" higuchi:......*nod* Gin: *sighs* "At his apartment?" higuchi:.....t-tomorrow, at the executive meeting.... Gin: "!!! In front of all of them?" higuchi: it's important that they know this. this is the reason i went on this mission to begin with. Gin: "..." *sighs* "But this...is so much. I can only imagine the reactions." higuchi:...*whimpering* Gin: "Hey..." *holds her* "You'll need your rest for tomorrow..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *looks at Sonia, asleep* sonia: zzzzz Chuuya: *passes a hand over her hair to push it aside* sonia: =w= Chuuya: ("Please...be safe.") -morning- Tanizaki: *yawns* atsushi: *packing up* Kyoka: "..." *looks around* naomi: whats up? Kyoka: "Just...thinking who else to bring." naomi:... -at the airport- ????: um, excuse me, before you go? atsushi: ??.... !!! -its hans...and she brought sylvia with a suitcase- Kyoka: *eyes wide* sylvia: *small wave* hans: who of you is in charge? Dazai: "That would be--" *Kunikida and Hans both punch him in the face, knocking him back* Kunikida: "I am the representative for the Agency on this visit." hans: *ahem* mr kunikida, please accept this. *hands him a letter* Kunikida: "..." *takes the letter* "Is there a preference when to open it?" hans: right now would be acceptable. -there is a sigil on it, the same marking on ted's hand- Kunikida: *opens the letter* letter: to our new friends at the agency. we have decided to leave miss sylvia plath in your custody. all the paperwork has been taken care of, so you just handle the rest on your end. maybe one day we will meet again, sincerely, johann wolfgang von goethe. PS, by new friends, we mean all of you except dazai, he can fuck right off. atsushi: ._.; fancy handwriting. hans: i did the actual writing. goethe just did his signature and told me what to write. {goethe: *uuugh* handwritings such a pain.} atsushi: *sweatdrop* (so he's like your ranpo, then...) Dazai: Q_Q "...I want to go home now." sylvia:.... hans: <its ok, sylvia. they'll look after you.> *hands her her ticket.* sylvia:...o-o-ok... Kyoka: "Sylvia...We'll take care of you." sylvia:....*tearing up* o-o-ok, m-miss kyouka... Kyoka: "..." *smiles, takes her hand* sylvia: !!! Kyoka: "Let's go home." -elsewhere- Stein: *staring at a photo against a building* soul: *yaaawn* so glad this is all over with. cant wait to get home. Stein: "..." *rubs his eye* soul:...doc? you ok? Stein: "Just something in my eye..." soul:..... Stein: *sighs* "We filed our report--a lot of good it did against that Hughes." soul:...yeah.... -elsewhere- Poe: "I got the welcome home banner ready!" *holds it up--it's in very fancy handwriting* kirako: ^^; kenji: this is gonna be awesome! aya: yeah! Lucy: "The cake is in the fridge. Also, I put a lock on the fridge after the last cake we lost..." ranpo: *pout* Poe: ^^; "When is their flight coming in?" kirako: sometime this afternoon. Katai: "M-Maybe dust their desks?" *runs a finger along Kunikida's desk* -elsewhere- higuchi: *outside the door* ..... Gin: "...Do you want me to go in?" higuchi: *breathes and opens the door* Gin: "...Do you want me to go in?" higuchi: *breathes and opens the door* kouyou: miss higuchi, glad to see you. Chuuya: "..." higuchi:...*hard gulp* good morning. i would like to show my findings from the mission. Chuuya: *staring at Higuchi* -after higuchi explains her findings....- kouyou: !!!! *covering her mouth, stunned.* tachihara: w-w-what the hell?! Chuuya: "..." *his eyes are dull...he's just staring at the table* higuchi: .....*shaking* Gin: "..." *looks at Kouyou* "Your response?" kouyou: t-this is....a lot to take in... tachihara: t-t-this has to be a-a sick joke, right? *awkward laughing, but he's shaking* Hirotsu: "..." *removes his cigarette container, lights up, inhales deeply...exhales* "...Higuchi. This information does not leave this room." higuchi:...noted... kouyou:....chuuya? Chuuya: "..." *gripping the table* higuchi: chuuya- -the walkie talkie goes off- mafioso: m-m-mr hirotsu s-sir! Hirotsu: "Here. Report." mafioso: w-we're under attack! the- -BANG- higuchi: ???!!! naoya: what the hell's going on?! ???: "..." <Hello.> naoya: !!!!! fuck, that's beaky! Gin: "!!!" Ivan: "It is good to speak with you all again~" higuchi: shit. EVERYONE TO BATTLE STATIONS, NOW! DONT LET THEM GET TO THE TOP FLOOR. lydia: <what do you say to that, vanya?> Chuuya: *runs* kouyou: chuuya wait! yana: .... Ivan: *cackling* "...What makes you think we haven't already?" -elsewhere- mafioso: all those who can fight, hold them off, those who cant, evacuate! pushkin: aw jeez, aw jeez.... katya: pushkin, go with them, i'll go ahead. pushkin: try not to get killed ok? katya: i'll be fine.. *smirks* i've been looking forwards to this... -elsewhere- lydia: *searching*... *SLASH* lydia: *dodges* *It's a dark tendril--looks to be formed from energy and cloth* lydia: hmm, so the silent rabid dog has shown himself? Akutagawa: *intense stare out of the shadow...not blinking...* lydia:...so the name has meaning. *sending one of her beasts, a stag, after him* Akutagawa: *retracts Rashomon, wrapping it around himself until he blends with the shadows, escaping back* lydia:....so that's how you wish to play... so be it. -elsewhere- Ivan: *keeping to the shadows* -BULLET GRAZE- Ivan: "!!!" *something pulls him back in time* <Sh-Shit...> ???: <been a while, vachenka.> Ivan: "..." *smiles* <Quite. Enjoying your new home?> katya: <a lot better than the last shithole we lived in.> Ivan: <Now, is that any way to refer to Master's plans~?> katya: <after how he stabbed us in the back? gladly.> *charges at him* Ivan: "!!!" *keeps backing up and up* <New tricks?> katya: *guns out and shooting* Ivan: *dodges, hides behind a low barrier* "..." *smirks* <I have new tricks, too...> *Something clutches Katya's leg, with tiny fingers* katya: !!! *There are tiny golems, pulling at her, crawling up her* katya: *shaking them off* shit! *They start combining, wrapping around her--one jamming her gun* katya: !!!! Ivan: <I figured, why go for something big and cumbersome, when something more compact could get the work done...> katya: perhaps, but.... -10 seconds- *she takes a knife and stabs him in the ankle* Ivan: *howls in pain* katya: *smirks* *All the baby golems grab their "ankles" in pain* Baby Golem: Q_Q "WAAAAH!" katya: *holds her gun to his face* Ivan: *deep inhale* <You dare to turn your back on master...He will destroy all who get in his way...> katya: <what will happen when he turns his back on you?> Ivan: *smiles* <I'll smile.> katya:....<you really have lost your brain.> Ivan: <Funny about loss--> *SMASH* katya: HRK- Ivan: <Go big, or go home...> *A giant golem now crushes down on Katya* -a knife is held up to ivan's neck- ???: if you know what's good for you, goncharov, you'll let her go. Ivan: <...> *releases the golem* katya: .... !!! leo: *glaring at ivan* good. Ivan: <...That's not the look I expected, Leo.> leo: *ignoring him* katya, are you alright? katya: y-yeah. gun's jammed, though... Ivan: "??? Okay...All kinds of surprising..." leo: *glares at him...something about her eyes seems different....they seem more alive* Ivan: "!!! ...What happened to you?" leo: it's simple. i've found a reason for living. Ivan: "..." <Good.> -elsewhere- Chuuya: *running* ???: glad to see you again, mr executive. Chuuya: "...You." yana: *wearing the rat mask* how's your daughter? Chuuya: "..." *A pebble falls from the ceiling onto Yana's head* yana: *jumps back* Chuuya: "..." *opens his eyes--they are black* yana: !!!? Chuuya: *stands--* *and he's gone* yana: ?? *running to the stairs* (well shit...) *There are footsteps following her...They aren't behind her* yana: *looks up* !!! Chuuya: *he's keeping up with her pace...he is not feeling or thinking--he is only instinct, only a force of nature...* *blasts off the ceiling and at her* yana: *jumps up a few stairs to dodge* ah! ow... *GRAB* *Chuuya's crash broke the stairs...and a hand shoots out from the rubble* yana: !!! *Chuuya clutches her ankle* yana: *kicking at him* let go! Chuuya: *growls* "Moooooooooriiiiiii..." yana: ???!!!! Chuuya: *swings her around and throws her through--not in, _through_--the wall* -CRASH- yana: *groans as her mask cracks* <fuck.> *Light pours into the room, with Chuuya blocking it...Even with his shadow over her, his eyes glow white* yana: !!! (shit this is bad, think, yana, think!) *looking for an exit* Chuuya: "Mori...Dostoyevsky...Rain...Keek..." *marches inside, each step smashing the ground below his weight* yana: *looking around* (come on. come onnnnn....) Chuuya: *grabs her ankle--and squeezes, breaking the ankle* yana: *screams before taking the mask off and throwing it at him* *The mask just hits a gravity field, shattering into bits immediately* Chuuya: *stares at Yana* "...Child..." {???: "Papa?"} {Chuuya: "??? What is it, Sonia?"} {sonia: are you feeling alright?} {Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes. Just a bit tired..." *he puts away a folder of files...one sheet pokes up with a drawing*} {sonia: ...} {Chuuya: "I just have to wrap this up and--" *he drops the folder--and one drawing falls out...It's an artist's rendering of Yana, based on witness descriptions*} {sonia:......she was like me too.} {Chuuya: "??? What do you mean?"} {sonia: miss yana was born from the incubator like i was. she came out of it all grown up though...} {Chuuya: "...I didn't know..."} Chuuya: "...What the hell did Dostoyevsky do to you?" yana:....what do you mean? Chuuya: "...Incubaters? Child assassin? How old are you? Physically?" yana: i mean, i look about 19 or so.... Chuuya: "And you're only, what, 2 years old?" yana:.....not really sure myself. Chuuya: "...He screwed you up." yana: ......well, i am an 8th of him, genetically. the eyes should give _that_ much away. Chuuya: "And you don't know the other seven..." yana: hell if i'd know..... Chuuya: "...Dostoyevsky and Mori...Screwing up children and everyone in their way..." yana: what does the former mafia boss have to do with- Chuuya: "Nevermind..." *grabs her by the back of the neck* "We'll have plenty of time to talk..." yana: ......im not here to kill your leaders. i simply come with an ultimatum. Chuuya: "I'm listening." yana: our cleaner has released his ability. and the crimes he's covered up are slowly surfacing. within a month, the mafia's crimes will be discovered. Chuuya: "!!!" yana: so you have a decision. die to the rats, or die to the government. that's all i needed to say. Chuuya: "..." *POW* yana: grk-.... Chuuya: *grabs her by the wrists* "Let's go..." *marches her on her good foot down the stairs* yana:..... -elsewhere- Gin: *tosses a kunai* rat: GRK- *collapses* Gin: *looks around* -the other rats are either dead or have fled the scene- naoya: that clears this section Gin: "Use this as base to push forward." *calls into walkie talkie* "Report." tachihara: all good. ayako: CLEAR BABY! Hirotsu: "We need coverage in the East Sector--Akutagawa has not reported--" Gin: "!!!" -elsewhere- lydia: *attacking with her beasts* Akutagawa: *wraps Rashomon around himself...* *grabs a beast by the throat* beast: *roaring* Akutagawa: *grabs the tail of the beast and starts pulling* -BANG- Akutagawa: "..." *shudders* lydia: *holding a gun that has just been fired* if i only relied on my beasts......i would have died long ago.. Akutagawa: "R-Rash..." *The cloak falls from him in tatters...It's gray, lifeless* Akutagawa: "..." *stumbles back to the wall...leans against a glass window* -a beast charges at him…a tiger...- Akutagawa: "!!!!" *grabs the tiger by its jaws* -CRASH- *Glass shatters, as the tiger knocks itself and Akutagawa out the window, down 20 stories...* lydia:.....*walking away* *over talkie* <the rabid dog has been incapacitated.> *static* Chuuya: "..." *holding the talkie, listening* "..." yana:....heh..... Chuuya: "What's so funny?" yana: just thinking about something...... Chuuya: "!!! N-No..." Motojiro: "Yes..." *glances at Yana* "We got one of theirs?" pushkin: um...hi yana. long time no see. ^^;;; *he's all punched up* yana: <hey pushkin, you look like shit> pushkin: <fuuunny story about that.> {Motojiro: "EEK! A rat!" *picks up a crowbar and starts hitting Pushkin's shoulder and face*} {pushkin: OW! IM ON YOUR SIDE NOW! OW! STOP HITTING ME! ACK! OW! WAAAAH! <MAMA! MAKE HIM STOP IT!>} yana: <yikes> Motojiro: ^^; *now serious again* "Let's get her locked up..." Chuuya: "..." *sighs* "How many are we going to lose?" yana:.... -classical music has come over the intercom- yana: they'll be taking their leave now... -elsewhere- leo: *listening* (moonlight sonata....) katya: oh, dont think you can run away like a coward, gonch! Ivan: <Who's running~?> ???: "HA HA HA HA..." katya: wait a second....<MOTHER FUCK-> *SLICE* katya: *blood splatters onto her face* !!!!!!! leo: ........ ???: <Did that hurt?> *a finger reaches out of the darkness--and flicks Leo in the forehead* leo: !!! *stumbles back* *Gogol emerges* Gogol: <I bet it did...> leo: *coughing blood* Gogol: *kick to the torso before sending another playing card into her forehead* -BOOM- leo: *crashed into a wall* nnghh... katya: son of a BITCH! *aims her gun...out of ammo*....FUCK! *throws her gun* Gogol: *catches the gun, looks at it* "Hmm...Souvenir?" *keeps studying the gun--before another set of playing cards pins Katya by her shoulders to the floor* Ivan: "..." *looks at the destruction against the wall* katya: *glares* leo: *she just stares at ivan, harshly* Gogol: <Shall we depart?> Ivan: "..." *nods* katya: GO TO HELL, YOU LITERAL FUCKING ENEMA! Gogol: *smiles back* <Is this _not_ Hell?> *rests a hand on Ivan's shoulder, as they walk back into the shadows* Ivan: *stares forward from the shadows, no smile on his face* -elsewhere- higuchi: *looking around* any updates? naoya: the rats are fleeing the scene. Chuuya: "We got a captive..." naoya: awesome! Motojiro: "..." yana:....*glances* *The lights in the room flicker* pushkin: oh fuck... fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Chuuya: "...Higuchi? We heard a report over their communicators." higuchi: what is it? Motojiro: "??! What? What?!" Chuuya: "Higuchi...They got Akutagawa." higuchi: *her stomach drops* *The lights completely go out* pushkin: !!!!!! *SCREEEEAM* Motojiro: *grabs a lemon--* *SLICE* Motojiro: *screams, clutching his hand* *The lemon drops, rolls--and blows up* pushkin: ACK! *A hand grabs Higuchi by the hair* higuchi: !!!!!! *SLICE along her hair and at her shoulder* higuchi: AH! *The assailant pushes Higuchi into Chuuya, knocking them both down, and Yana with them* ???: <Whoops! Didn't see you there...> naoya: *trying to use her ability* fuck, too dark... yana: <hey, watch where you're shoving!> Chuuya: "Where is he?!" *swings his hand, trying to lift rubble to let light in--* *YOINK* Chuuya: "?!" *Chuuya can barely make out someone picking up...his hat* Gogol: "..." *slasher smile as he puts on the hat* Chuuya: "!!!!" Gogol: "Souven--" *CRASH* Gogol: "?!!!" Chuuya: *tackled Gogol--and slams his fist into Gogol's head* Gogol: <FUCK!> yana: just give it back, its not worth it. Chuuya: *punch punch punch* "GIVE IT BACK GIVE IT BAC--" *PUSH* Gogol: <FUCK!> *holding his mouth, blood pouring out* "TAKE IT!" *tosses the hat--which spins like a sharp metal disk* Motojiro: "!!! Duck!" pushkin: *DUCK* *A strand of hair falls down in front of Pushkin’s face, the hat embedded in the wall* pushkin: Q-Q;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gogol: <W-We done here?> yana: <ready to go....> mr executive, let the others know what i told you, alright~?.... <gogol, carry me out of here, he broke my leg> Gogol: "..." <Want me to break his?> yana: <nah, not worth it> higuchi: WAIT!....Q....where is he? yana: oh, you mean oreo boy?.....he's safe. for the time being. Chuuya: *seething* "...As monstrous as that father of yours..." yana: ........ Chuuya: "After what he did to Sonia, of course he'd put another child through that..." yana:......*looks way* higuchi: chuuya? Chuuya: "...Higuchi...That child is Dostoyevsky's daughter." higuchi: ???!!!! yana: clone baby is more accurate, but yeah. higuchi: !!!!!!!!!! Chuuya: "And what you did to Sonia--" Gogol: =_= *yawns* "Can we go now?" yana:....yes.... Gogol: *sneers--as multiple playing cards appear--* Chuuya: "!!! Hit the floor!" *SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE* -they're gone- higuchi:......*slams fist down* SHIT! Chuuya: "..." *looks at Motojiro* Motojiro: *gasping, clutching his bleeding wrist* higuchi: *over talkie* GET MEDICAL IN HERE, NOW! -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Doctor!" *waves* yosano: *waves* Kyoka: "That's Yosano, the doctor." sylvia: .... yosano: ?? oh? who's this? sylvia: eep! >.< Kunikida: "She was turned over to our care. We'll explain on the way." Dazai: ^^\\ *he has a slap mark on his face* -and so- *Confetti goes up* sylvia: EEP! *hides behind kyouka* kirako: welcome back everyone! aya: WELCOME BACK! kenji: ^^ Kunikida: "..." *looks at Aya* "...Aya." aya: *HUG* Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* Lucy: "..." atsushi: *hugs lucy and smooches her, dipping her as he does so* Lucy: O\\\\\O atsushi: h-how was that? .//////. Lucy: .\\\\\\. *steam coming off her head* Dazai: *sniff* *wipes a tear* "He's become an adult now..." Tanizaki: ^^; atsushi: i-i saw that in a movie and figured i should try it. ^////^; Lucy: "..." *hug* *whispers in his ear* "Good movie..." atsushi: hehehehe.... =/////= sylvia: .....*shuffling feet* Kyoka: "...Sir? This is the person I had mentioned." fukuzawa: *looks at her* sylvia: Q~Q *shaking* fukuzawa:...................for now, we'll set up a room for her. Kyoka: *nods* "Thank you." Dazai: *looks at Ranpo* "We miss anything?" ranpo: nothing much. Poe: "..." Katai: "..." Poe: ("Her eyes look like Karl's...") sylvia: Q____Q;;;; m-miss kyouka, there's so many people here..... Kyoka: "I know. They're harmless. Mostly." *whispers* "Ranpo steals sweets. Don't let him near." Poe + Katai: *serious faces* ("PROTECT HER.") sylvia: *answering whine* Dazai: *his ear is next to Kirako's stomach* kirako: *funny voice* hi papa, we missed you. ^^ Dazai: TwT "I missed you, too..." sylvia:......mr dazai you're awful. kirako: ?? naomi: *whispers* kirako: O-O oh, we're not actually married. its friends with benefits! ^^;;; sylvia:....oh...s-sorry....Q_____Q Dazai: QwQ "...Haven't I been embarrassed enough by this German expedition?" Everyone in the room: "NO." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "--and more attempts at arson have been popping up." shinra: dang....any updates on the meeting with arg? Akitaru: "Approved and ready." shinra: finally..... Akitaru: "Yeah, bureaucracy is a trickle...Speaking of which--" *holds up two ties* "Which one should I wear?" shinra: um....that one? Akitaru: "Good choice...Sorry, just nervous. I have a meeting with an agency director...and I didn't want to ask Takehisa because...Well..." Takehisa: *wearing a tuxedo shirt, heart boxers, bunny slippers, sipping coffee* shinra:......right. ._.; Akitaru: "While you're getting info from the 6th, I'll be trying to rope in some help outside the brigades. I asked Hibana to talk to Haijima...It didn't go well." {Hibana: *screaming into the phone* "YOU ASSHOLES BETTER GET IN FUCKING LINE BEFORE I GO IN THERE AND TEAR YOUR BALLS OFF--"} {Akitaru: -_-# } iris: yikes. Akitaru: "Please help your sister find religion again..." maki: alsooooo, BENIMARU AND KIREI ARE ENGAGED!!! <3 shinra: glad to hear. Akitaru: "!!! That's great!" Arthur: *pops up from underneath Akitaru's desk* "Wait, they were dating?" Akitaru: "..." tamaki:......*facepalm* -elsewhere- ???: *groans* "G-Gin..." ???: ?? hello? *Akutagawa's eyes break open--and his hand reaches out to grab the threat* ????: woah! *falls over* h-hey, are you alright, dude? Akutagawa: "St-Stay back! I'll...I'll..." *looks down* "..." *he's in only his ripped pants* "...Oh. Rashomon..." ???: easy now, you're really hurt badly. come on, one of my coworkers is a doctor. *holds their hand out* Akutagawa: *snarls--then clutches his side with a whine* ???: hold on, i got you. *helping him up* Akutagawa: "Wh-Where are they?" ???: hm? Akutagawa: "Wh-Where did you find me? Was I followed?" ???: i just found you lying on some trash bags, dude. Akutagawa: "...Who are you?" ???: *they smile* call me 'Kan'. Akutagawa: "...Ryu." kan: ok ryu, just hold on, we're almost there. -elsewhere- sonia: ..... Babysitter: "...Sonia? Would you like to play a game while we wait?" sonia:....i dunno..... Babysitter: "...I know you're worried. But I called your father and left a voicemail. I'm sure he'll respond--" *SLAM SLAM SLAM against the door* sonia: !!! Babysitter: "Oh my..." *walks to the door...which has multiple locks...there is also a compartment next to the door* *peeks through the peephole* "!!!" *throws open the door* "Mr. Nakahara--!" Chuuya: *he looks exhausted, beaten, but standing* *he's leaning against the doorway* "S-Sonia...Where is she?" sonia: !!! papa! Chuuya: "!!!" *tries to walk in--and stumbles* Babysitter: "!!! What the hell happened?!" sonia: *runs over to him* Chuuya: "Sh-Shut it...lock it..." *hugs Sonia, holding her tightly* mito: *mreow* Babysitter: "..." *slam the door, locks all the locks, starts typing onto the compartment* sonia:...papa? whats going on? Chuuya: *holds Sonia's face* "Sweetie...I want you to go into your room, and grab your emergency suitcase. Put clothes in there. Grab what you need. Do you understand?" sonia:... o-ok....*going to do so.* Babysitter: "...How bad?" Chuuya: "We're all going underground." *takes out his wallet, shoves $100 bills to the babysitter* "You need to get out of town until this blows over." Babysitter: "..." *pockets it, opens the compartment--and removes a gun* "Not the first time...I told you that babysitting wasn't paying me shit." Chuuya: "I'll call you when it's all clear. You need to contact the others outside." Babysitter: "Why?" sonia:..... *listening as she packs up* Chuuya: "The police will be after them to. Get them all underground--and get ready for the Goose Chase." Babysitter: "!!! Now?!" Chuuya: *whispers* "After the shit I heard today, you're fucking right. This stops now!" sonia:....... -elsewhere- fukuzawa:.... *knocks* mori? Mori: "Hmm?" fukuzawa: surpisingly, dazai brought you a gift. *hands him a wrapped item* Mori: "??? What is it?" fukuzawa: open it. Mori: "..." *small rip* "I hope Dazai didn't put a bomb in here..." fukuzawa: *shakes head* {Dazai: "I assure you, there is no bomb. I got it through security, and you know I would never try to get something through security illegally. You can even have it scanned!"} {Kunikida: *already pulling a bomb scanner from his book--*} {Dazai: "NO ONE TRUSTS ME HERE!"} Mori: *opens the gift--and just stares, shocked* -it's a doll. like elise- Mori: "..." *A drop falls onto the doll* fukuzawa: .... Mori: *smiles, crying* "Elise..." fukuzawa:....i'll leave you be for now....*exits the room* Mori: *hugs the doll* -elsewhere- Stein: *opens the door to the lab* aya drevis: welcome home, dad! valentine: ^^ marie: welcome back! Stein: "...Hey." *hair ruffle on Aya* aya drevis: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: *pulls over* "Okay. What time am I picking you two up?" mono: *looks at ashi* Assi: AwA chie: have fun now, ok? Assi: "Th-Thanks!" *opens the door for Mono* mono: woah. *The interior is a celebration of wealth--with extravagant drinking and dining options* Assi: "I see he went all out..." mono: i feel so small. Assi: "Yeah...It's kind of like that a lot. But people here at work largely make it welcoming." ^w^ "Want something to drink?" mono: maybe some soda. Assi: "Sure thing!" *waves* "Two sodas, please!" Zuno: "You got it!" *hands them* "Here you go, Mono and...um..." Assi: ^^;;;; mono: assi. Zuno: "???" *points at Mono* "Wait, you're Assi? I thought you were Mono." mono:... -_-; -elsewhere- Daisy: *arms crossed, tapping her foot* eckleburg: *scoot scoot* Daisy: *turns her head* eckleburg: ^^ *wave* Daisy: "..." *nods* "Hey. How you doing?" eckleburg: LOOKING GOOD TONIGHT DAISY! *ahem* s-sorry. Daisy: "Wow, volume control, much?" *looks him up and down* "Nice threads." eckleburg: thank you, it was my grandfather's. Daisy: "Huh, retro. Nice. What you having?" eckleburg: nothing too strong. Daisy: "You a Shirley Temple dude?" eckleburg: sure. lets go with that. Daisy: "One Shirley Temple, one gin rickey." Hyde: "On it...Ochaco, get some ice." ochako: yessir! Daisy: "...Isn't she a little young to be making drinks?" Hyde: "Just the non-alcoholic ones." ochako: *whistling* *Hyde serves them up* Daisy: *sips* eckleburg: thank you. Daisy: "..." *holds up her drink* "Cheers." eckleburg: cheers. ^^ -underground- zoey: *patching everyone up* Ivan: TT_TT# zoey: *bandaging his ankle. tightly. * Ivan: "GAH!" zoey: awww, was that...too much~? Ivan: "You know it was..." zoey: hehe~ yana: <vanya, stop your griping, we're all hurting...> Ivan: Y~Y <I didn't mean to ignore your pain, Young Master...> yana: <its fine...> *staring up at the ceiling* Ivan: "???" <May I do anything?> yana: <for now, lets all just take it easy until we're all healed up.> Ivan: *sighs* yana:......<something bothering you?> Ivan: <...Seeing Lev again...> yana: <oh?> Ivan: <She looked...happy.> yana: <happy to see you? makes sense-> Ivan: <Happy to be threatening to kill us.> yana: ?! Ivan: <...I think she _likes_ being with them.> yana: <well, a lot can happen in two or so months.......does it bother you?> Ivan: "..." <No. It's fine...> *looks away* yana: ........ <he _did_ remove your 'unhappiness', right?> Ivan: *puts on a smile* <Of course~> yana:.....<i see.> *staring up at the ceiling* Ivan: "..." <We'll need so many drugs...> yana: *replying grunt and turns away* Ivan: "..." <Rest, okay?> yana:...<yeah......one more thing...> Ivan: <Hmm?> yana: <do you think....there's a reason why i was born?> Ivan: <Of course! To serve Master~> yana:.....<right.....night gonch....> Ivan: *yawns* <Night...> Fitzgerald: "Everyone having a good time?" mary: you bet! bram: *nod nod* Mr. Tsubaki: *munching on grapes* mary: having fun, toby? ^^ *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *tail wag, grape juice on his face* mary: hehe ^^ -elsewhere- Daisy: =w= "Sip a little more--it's not that alcoholic..." eckleburg: miss daisy. ._.;; Daisy: "Don't be such a stick in the mud! Loosen up...Come on, you never drink?" eckleburg: well i am driving home tonight. Daisy: "Aaaah, we can share a ride. I'll call a Hyrs." eckleburg: um. ._.; Daisy: *smiles* "Cool..." *lays back, looking up at the ceiling* "Hee hee...Shiny chandelier." eckleburg: come on, lets get you sat down... Daisy: "I'm fine--" *leans too far back* eckleburg: *holding her up* Daisy: "...Um...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Assi: "C-C-Care to...to..." mono: ?? Assi: "D-D-D-Dance?" mono: eh, sure. Assi: OwO "O-Okay..." *walks with her to the dance floor* mono: ... 7///7; Assi: *starts to dance by himself, a bit nerdy* mono: *rolls eyes and grabs his hand* here, like this. Assi: .\\\\\\. "O-Okay..." *follows her* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "And this is your room." sylvia: ..... Kyoka: "We have more blankets in the closet. Other pillows...Are you hungry?" sylvia:....*sits down on one chair* ...... Kyoka: "..." *nods* "I'll make some tea..." sylvia: t-thank you....m-miss kyouka.... Kyoka: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." *walks to the kitchen* sylvia: .... Kyoka: "Atsushi, did you want tea?" atsushi: sure. lucy? Lucy: "That'd be nice." *smiles* "...Thank you for helping that girl." Kyoka: "..." *small blush, nods* sylvia: ..... {Ted: *smiles*} sylvia: *cowering and crying* Kyoka: *returns* "...Sylvia?" sylvia: h-he's in here. h-he's in this room... atsushi: its ok, sylvia. he's not here. hes gone. *pats her back* sylvia: *wince* Lucy: "..." Kyoka: "You're far away now. And you'll be safe here." sylvia: *sniffle* *hic* Kyoka: "..." *hug* sylvia:.....*awkward hug* Kyoka: *smiles* Lucy: "..." *sets down the tea* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Sure you're okay?" *rests a hand on her stomach* kirako: *nods* mii: zzzzz Dazai: *strokes Mii's back* mii: *purrs* Dazai: "This little guy been a good protector?" kirako: he sure has. *cuddles mii* mii: >w>;;;;; Dazai: *holds her* kirako: ^^ Dazai: "Good kitty..." -elsewhere- Gin: *covering her face* higuchi: *pats her back* we'll find him. naoya: this is akuta we're talking about, he's a tough kid. Gin: "Are you sure that was what you heard?" pushkin: 'incapacitated' doesnt mean 'dead'. Gin: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Yohei: *checks the clock* "...Getting late. Ready to go pick them up?" chie: *she nods* Yohei: *picks up the keys* "Mana, you're in charge. Make sure those two behave." Shotaro: ^w^ *angel halo* Emine: -_- *devil horns* mana: noted. Yohei: *opens the door for Chie* "Ma'am." chie: why thank you~ Yohei: *smiles, guides her to the car* Emine: *already has a stick of dynamite out and a match* mana: emine no. -elsewhere- sakutaro: *having removed the bullet from akutagawa's injury* there. Akutagawa: *pants* "...O-Ow..." kan: thanks, dr hagiwara. Akutagawa: *whimpering* sakutaro: just doing my job. when he's back to health, i want him out of here. Akutagawa: *groans* kan: you gonna be ok, ryu? Akutagawa: "...As soon as I get home...or, rather, to my...family." kan: right....family...... Akutagawa: "..." *yawns* kan: get some sleep, ok? Akutagawa: "Y-Yes..." *muttering* -morning- Kunikida: *sorting files* kirako: morning everyone. Tanizaki: "Morning." Kunikida: *nods* "Busy day..." *pours coffee* "Ready for today?" yosano: yep. naomi: so what's the gameplan? Tanizaki: "Still trying to keep pace with all the new cases--and how Katai..." *picks up a blanket* "Erm, 'files' papers..." fukuzawa: .... Kunikida: *looks at a few files--* "!!!" fukuzawa: if you're all here. there's an important meeting to be had. attendance is mandatory. Kunikida: *shakes slightly, setting it down* Tanizaki: "??? Kirako, where's Dazai?" -in the meeting room- Kunikida: "All are present." fukuzawa: good. now onto business......we need to prepare for kirako's baby shower. Tanizaki: ._.; "R-Right." naomi: *phew* (how surprisingly lighthearted...) Dazai: ^^;;; ranpo: oh. Kyoka: "We begin with the diapers. I counted how many months a baby needs them. More without potty training." yosano: and baby clothes. Tanizaki: "Some neat toys?" atsushi: *smiles* (any ideas, odasaku?) Odasaku: ( Q____Q "...Plenty.") atsushi: .... (i dont know how to pat a ghost on the back. ^-^;; ) Odasaku: ("Just...start with some soft toys--no small parts. A doll. And some books--they'll need to hear someone read to them...") atsushi: *writing this all down* Kyoka: "???" Kunikida: "Well, someone is generating ideas..." atsushi: ^^; (thanks, odasaku.) Dazai: *looks over his shoulder* "...Hmm...Good choices." atsushi: t-thanks...(odasaku what do i tell him??? D8> ) Odasaku: ("How about 'been looking into this sort of thing'?") atsushi: been doing my research, i guess. Dazai: "...What, Lucy's pregnant or something?" atsushi: .///o W-W-WHAT?! NO! THAT'S NOT- Kunikida: *death glare at both of them* Dazai: .w. *sits down* Kyoka: *judging them* Odasaku: (Q~Q "...Sorry.") atsushi: ._.;;; Kunikida: "Back to priorities...We'll have a party. Ranpo, handle the menu--" ranpo: *opens mouth* Tanizaki: "Maaaaaaybe we should have someone who isn't going to just pick sweets?" ranpo:...fine, then i guess i just pout. Tanizaki: ^^; "Hey, we can still have a few chips and cookies...but maybe some fancy cheeses and crackers?" Kunikida: "Oh, I think there's a sale on that." -elsewhere- Sid: "A lot of students not here..." nygus: hmm... but plenty of other still are. soon it will be time for spring enrollments... Sid: "And orientation." nygus: *nods* Sid: "We're about ready with the next course offerings. Wanted to check with you on your schedule..." -elsewhere- Assi: ^\\\^ "I had fun..." mono: y-yeah.. same here... 7///7; Assi: "...Well, good luck at work! Maybe we can...talk after?" mono: i guess..... -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *asleep in a cot with mito* Chuuya: *sighs* ("What am I going to do...") ayako: this is AWESOME! its like a big old sleepover! this one time i did an in school sleepover in 7th grade- *bla bla bla bla* Motojiro: *shifts awkwardly, favoring his non-injured wrist* leo: how are you feeling? Motojiro: "Better...It'll take a little longer to heal--that card really went through." leo:...*hug* Motojiro: *hug* "Are you okay?" leo: yes. partially injured, but im better now.... Motojiro: "..." *nods* *holds onto her* leo: u///u kuniko: ._.; Gin: "Kuniko? You okay?" kuniko: yeah. kinda freaked out though. ._.;;; higuchi: *pats her back* Gin: "...We'll figure this out soon." higuchi: for now, lets just get our rooms set up. Tachihara: "I call the room that's not weird..." -elsewhere- Black Star: [how was germany?] soul: [busy] Black Star: [can imagine. they at least give you a week off?] soul: [ya] Black Star: [well catch some z's. want to meet up for dinner?] soul: [pizza plz] Black Star: [u got it!] -elsewhere- shinra: *shaking* Asako: "??? Mr. Kusakabe?" shinra: yes ma'am? Asako: "Are you nervous, too?" shinra: very much so ma'am! Asako: "...I am, too. I haven't seen Grandfather in some time..." shinra: ....did you get along with him? Asako: "..." *sad smile, nods* "Before...his injury." shinra:....right..... Asako: "I forget--have you been here before?" shinra: yeah, i was a student at the training school. so was arthur. Asako: *smiles* "It's good that you got to be placed together in the 8th." shinra: yeah... <_<; hurray for us. -fwiiiip- shinra: X-O we're here. loud.... pan: ah, commander arg, kusakabe. *nods* Asako: *nods* "Hello, sir." shinra: ._.; pan: been a while, kusakabe. not getting into trouble at the 8th i hope. shinra: -___-; no, sir. ???: "Oh, that sounds--" *clap* "--like a lie--" *clap* *Carin is doing push-ups--and clapping on every one to show off* shinra: *glare* carin. Carin: "Hey, Shinra. What's wrong--toilets backed up at the 8th and left you here?" shinra: not in the mood carin, i've got stuff to do. Carin: "???! Hey!" *bounces up* "You don't get to just walk on in here--" pan: carin, lay off, go get dressed. Carin: *grumble grumble* "Don't blame me if your mom gets killed next..." gwen: ............ juria: *chewing gum and leaning against the wall* Asako: ._.; shinra: *ahem* hey gwen, sorry about morgan.... gwen:.....t-trying to survive. Asako: "..." *looks to Pan* "Is the Chief in?" pan: should be. Asako: *nods* "We'll follow you." ogun: *waves to shinra* ^^ shinra: *waves back* juria: the hell you staring at, pipsqueak? shinra: 0_0 i wasnt talking to you ma'am! Asako: ._.;; "Former classmates?" shinra: ogun and gwen are. the oni, not so much... ._.;;;;;; -inside- Asako: "Mr. Kusakabe, you should go first..." shinra: are you sure? he is your grandfather... Asako: "...When I wrote to him that this was about the Adora Burst, he insisted on speaking with you." *puts on a smile* "It's okay. I don't want to get in the way." shinra:.....ok....*gulps* um.....h-hello?....c-commander arg? sir? *A man stands behind the desk, back facing the door, staring at the window curtain* shinra:...*ahem* *salute* shinra kusakabe, reporting, sir. Souichirou: "...I've been waiting for you...wielder of the Adora Burst." shinra: y-you can just call me shin- *Souichirou turns, light reflecting off his glasses* shinra: OwO;;;; Souichirou: "Burn..." shinra: i beg your pardon? *Souichirou marches forward, face to face with Shinra* shinra: O-O;;;;;;;;;;*gulps* Souichirou: "I want you to burn me..." shinra:....i-i-i-i-i'm sorry, what now? Souchirou: "Bless me with those divine flames...so I may see Adora again." shinra:.....*INTERNALLY SCREAMING* ???: "So just do it." shinra: ???!!! ???: "He wants to be burn--so burn him. Seems easy..." shinra: (who the heck...) *The room is not bright...with fire everywhere* shinra: !!!!!!! ???: "After all...you wanted to burn her, too, right?" ???: "SHIIIIIIINRAAAAA..." shinra: ???!!! *The Infernal--his mother--appears* shinra: *nervous smile, but he's crying* m-mom? *Hands grab his shoulders* ???: "Are you okay?" shinra: ??!! Souchirou: "Kusakabe!" shinra: !!!! Souchirou: "S-Sorry...Maybe I shouldn't have been so direct." shinra: r-right.... (my head hurts...) *stumbles to a chair* Souchirou: "It's alright, take all the time you need--" ???: "--because I'm here to help." *flames appear in front of Shinra* shinra: !!!! *falls over* w-w-what the hell?! *The flames assume the form of a woman* shinra: ??...iris? *The woman smiles...and keeps smiling, her mouth contorting into a mad shape...As she leans closer, something wraps around Shinra* shinra: !!!!! *trying to back away out of fear* *Something is scratching along his skin...It's bones! Bones, fused into strange, monstrous shapes* shinra: *screams* Souchirou: "!!! AAAH!" *stumbles back* "I-I just meant a tiny bit? A teensy bit? A teensy-weesy bit?" shinra: *breathing hard* w-wha...what the hell was that? w-who was that lady? Souchirou: " 'Lady'? ...You saw something, didn't you?" shinra: i...i think so.... i saw a woman.....i-i dont think she was human... Souchirou: "..." *pulls up the window blinds* shinra:....sir? do you know anything about the adora burst? Souchirou: "...So...It may have been our meeting that triggered that vision you had...Yes. I know." shinra: .... is that why you have the scars on your face? Souchirou: "...I've always worked hard. That was the ethic instilled into me by my family...and that I've tried to instill in the next generation." shinra:...... but then? Souchirou: "...About seven years ago..." *smiles* "I opened my eyes." shinra: *listening* Souchirou: "You remember, in your history class, about the Great Fire seven years ago?" shinra:....y-yeah.... an entire section of the city, destroyed. since then, it's become the slums. Souchirou: *nods* "...Despite best efforts...I let so many die..." shinra: .... Souchirou: "But...at the time of that incident..." {Souchirou: "!!!"} {*He is surrounded by light...and looks up to see a hand approaching his face*} {*SLICE*} {Souchirou: *howls in pain, clutching his face...behind his glasses appear clawed slices into his skin*} Souchirou: "Despair...salvation...Two sides of the same coin." shinra: ....... Souchirou: "After that encounter, I felt freed, like I had saved everyone...The Adora Link…It is a baptism. Returning to Adora, to that divine world...would be salvation." shinra: *shaking* arg, you're scaring me. Souchirou: *leans forward, smiling* "This mark on my face is a stigmata–a sacred wound. It opened my eyes. Please...Kusakabe: bless me with your holy flames, so I may return..." shinra: y-y-you're out of your mind! Souchirou: "...It's said...in madness can lie truth..." *smiles more widely...and widely...and widely...as the room gets white again for just a second, revealing the Woman* Woman: *smiles* *Then everything is back to normal, and Souchirou looks confused* Souchirou: "??? Kusakabe?" shinra: i dont....feel so good, sir.... Souchirou: "...Let's pause here. I'll get you something to drink--" *Outside the door* ???: "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" juria: hnn? Asako: Q____Q "...So creepy...Those outfits are so creepy..." juria: what'cha talkin' about, eyebrows? Asako: "THEM! 1-1-9!!!" *shuddering* "CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY!" >~< juria: yeah. they look like some shitty theme park knockoffs. Asako: *covers her eyes* "What are they even doing here?!" 1-1-9: *march forward past Asako and Juria, towards Souchirou's door* juria: as if i'd care....i've seen freakier shit at the old meowkies. Asako: Q~Q *crying into a puddle that has already formed at her feet* -inside- shinra: ......so, your granddaughter is here... Souchirou: "...Oh." *turns his back to Shinra* shinra:....she's right outside. Souchirou: "...Tell me more about Adora." shinra: what the hell, man?! your family is here wanting to see you, and you arent even giving a single shit?! Souchirou: "There are bigger things than family!" *turns, slamming his fist _through the desk_ * shinra: !!! why you- Souchirou: *looks up--deadly serious* "Will you burn me now?" shinra: ..........*just glares at him* (keep it together, shinra....) Souchirou: "...I'm sorry. I just want--" *BOOM* shinra: ??!!! *Flames and smoke pour in, obscuring three figures...* shinra: what the heck?! *It's 119, including the old man-face Mamoru* shinra: alright what the actual heck? Souchirou: "??? 1-1-9? We're kind of in the middle of something--" Mamoru: *rushes at Shinra* shinra: !!!! *KICK* *Mamoru is decapitated* shinra:.... !!!! carin? Carin: "..." shinra:...carin? Souchirou: *intervenes between the two* "Knock it off! Carin! There is only so much I will toler--" *PUNCH* Souchirou: *coughs up* shinra: !!!! CARIN, WHAT THE SHIT, DUDE?! YOU DONT JUST PUNCH OLD PEOPLE, EVEN IF THEY'RE CRAZY DICKS! Carin: "Kill...Kusakabe..." shinra: ???!!! Carin: "Kill..." ???: "This is perfect." shinra: *looks behind him* *The Woman smiles* Woman: "You've held so much back for so long...Give into your urges." shinra: shut up... {Carin: "Least I didn't kill my mom--"} shinra: i said shut the fuck up... Woman: "KILL HIM. RELEASE THAT BLOODLUST. KILL HIM. BURN HIM TO ASHES." shinra: i said SHUT UUUUUP!!!!! Woman: *hug* shinra: *screams* Souchirou: "!!! His feet! He's burning up!" shinra: GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!! Souchirou: "...The Adora Burst..." *smiles* "He has it..." *reaches out his hands--* -BOOOOM- pan: ???!!! Asako: "!!!" *The doors blast open, with Souchirou kicked into the hallway* shinra: *snarls* you're not the one who's fucking in control of me... Woman: "I'm not trying to control you...I'm here to help." pan: commander, what the hell is going on? Asako: "Grandfather!" Souchirou: *stunned* "Wh-What happened?" shinra: *ROAR* Asako: "Shinra!" shinra: make it stop....MAKE IT STOP!!! Souchirou: "...No...He's possessed..." juria: tch- then i'll just beat it out of him, no big deal. *flame gauntlets* Souchirou: "Do not kill him!" juria: *ignoring and charges at him* shinra: *dodge and kicks* juria: *catches it and tosses him* -outside- charon: what do you make of it, lady haumea? guruna: *humming* Haumea: "..." *smiles* "Hitohashira Me." charon: !!!! guruna: yeah, she really hates humans, doesnt sheeee~? kururu~ but kusakabe's more resilient than we thoooought~ Haumea: "Hmm...We need her to use Shinra's anger…to release all her fury…" -back inside- -shinra and juria are still battling it out- pan: commander, arent you going to stop them?! Souchirou: "..." *grabs a rope and an axe* "I can't allow any fires in this office..." *tosses the rope around Shinra--* shinra: !!! Souchirou: "So out you go..." *runs for the window--and tosses the axe through it* -CRASH- shinra: *lands on all fours, growling* Souchirou: "Pan--the axes!" pan: *FWWWWIP* juria: *glares* i aint finished yet! *runs outside* *The woman, Hitohashira Me, speaks to Shinra...* Hitohashira Me: "You don't have to hold back..." shinra: shut up, you're not the one in control of me! Souchirou: "Kusakabe, control yourself!" *tightens the rope, pulling him closer* shinra: GRK- -FLAME KICK- Souchirou: "AAAAAAAAAAH~" juria: *gags* gross, old man. shinra: *SCREAMING* pan: COMMANDER! WHY DONT YOU DODGE?! Souchirou: =w= "I understand...I am blessed..." Asako: *running downstairs, reaching the floor* *pant pant* "G-Grandfather! Are you okay?" Souchirou: "It burns...so divinely..." Asako: "..." Q_Q pan: sir, you cant let yourself be killed like this! Souchirou: "...But I want it..." *gets up* "But I want the Fourth to survive beyond me..." shinra: *charging and screeching* juria: *PUNCH* Asako: "!!! We need a barrier! Can't someone contain them?" -lances fall from the sky, separating shinra from juria- juria: lances? heh, took you pipsqueaks long enough! Asako: "Eek!" ???: "Sorry...I got lost." ogun: sorry for being late, i had to go get backup. tamaki: ... shinra: *grunt* r..re....l....? Relan: Q~Q "Sh-Shinra?" shinra: *insane smile, but tears falling* re-l.....run...p-please..... tamaki: just stay behind us, relan, we'll make sure he doesnt die. Relan: "WHAT?!" *shaking* Asako: Q~Q Arthur: *removes Excalibur, charges it with plasma--and his hair sticks up on end* "..." pan: boyle? and....who're those two again? tamaki: dont worry about it for now. Relan: *crying* Arthur: "..." *pats his hair* "...Static electricity. It's that woman from the Nether. Again." ogun: hey, come on, buddy, everything's going to be ok. *smiles* shinra: uuuu......AHHHHHHGH!! *charges* Arthur: "Not sure about that. This electricity possesses people very easily. I don't know how to shake it out of him--" tamaki: *TAIL ATTACK* *SLAM* shinra: *knocked back* Arthur: "!!!" "Good save." tamaki: arthur! pay attention! ogun: oooi! shinra, can you hear us? shinra: make it....stop....get her out....get her out of my fucking head!! Relan: "?!!!" Arthur: "The woman from the Nether again..." juria: wait what the fuck?! ogun: !! pan: commander, fall back! Souchirou: "But I want to feel the flames!" ogun: commander pan, you're support! Arthur: "..." *light bulb* "IT'S A WITCH!" *points at Ogun* "The soldier." *points at Pan* "The medic." *points at Tamaki* "The Were-Cat." *points at Souchirou* "Masochistic shield." juria:....the fuck? ogun: dont worry about it. Asako: "NO ONE HERE IS A SHIELD, YOU FOOL!" *turns to her grandfather* "Will you wake up already?! Shinra needs your help! And you're not even listening to us!" Souchirou: "Leave me alone--This is more important--" Asako: "!!!!" *grabs an axe* "Will you listen to me?!" *takes the butt of the axe and bashes it into Souchirou's chest* juria: oh shit! Souchirou: "!!! ...A-Asako? Stop that! I am--" shinra: *charging* -on the roof- guruna: !!!!! IT'S TAMAKINS!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Haumea: -_-# "And that awful airhead...Guruna, when this is over, rip his head off and take the cat girl for yourself." guruna: kururururururun~ of course~<3 -back on the ground- tamaki: *cold chill* urg.... Asako: *butts again* "STAY DOWN!" *grabs him under his armpits, drags him away* "I'm getting you to safety--Now!" Souchirou: *dazes* "B-But the flames..." shinra: *KICK* ogun: oof- d-dang.. pan: dont worry, im giving you all buffs. ogun: still hurts like shit. Arthur: *sighs* "Well, time for the kingly knight to do what you pleebs fail to." juria: *punching the ground, causing a fissure that cracks and heads for shinra* shinra: *dodging* Arthur: *leaps forward with Excalibur* "Time to knock that woman out of your head!" ogun: yeah! -inside Shinra's mind- shinra: *struggling* get out of my head! *attacking hitohashira-me* Hitohashira Me: *absorbs the blow...smiles sweetly* "I know what you want." shinra: just shut the hell up! *attacking, crying* Hitohashira Me: *holds him--in a hug* "Shhhh..." shinra: *trying to get away* let go of me! Hitohashira Me: "You miss her, don't you?" shinra:...... Hitohashira Me: "You've seen our power...You know what we can do...We can turn humans into Infernals...and we can turn them back. We can bring her back." shinra:....*shaking* -back to reality- Arthur: *blocking* "I'm always having to save your backside, pulling it out of the fire--" {Arthur: *about to jump off the roof* "A KNIGHT CAN FLY!"} {shinra: *yanks him back* ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED JUST NOW! D8< } Arthur: "And now it's time to keep hitting you in the head until that woman is out of it! Come back to us already!" *swings Excalibur* {mrs boyle: *watching the tv*} {Anchor: "--followed by food poisoning. The restaurant is under investigation now for arson and insurance fraud--"} {mrs boyle: *sighs and turns off the tv* .... arthur sweetie, dinner's almost ready, go get your father, ok?} {Arthur: "Okay..." *walks into the bedroom...it has no bedframe, just an old twin mattress, no sheets, one frayed blanket* "Hey. Dad? Dinner..."} {Mr. Boyle: *wearing a cowboy hat over his face*} {Arthur: "..." *lifts the hat* "What are you looking at in here?"} {Mr. Boyle: "??? ... “ *he chuckles*} {Arthur: "???"} {Mr. Boyle: "You always have creative ways of thinking, Arthur." *holds up the hat* "Your old man's okay...Just been looking into outer space in here."} {Arthur: "...Nah-uh!"} {Mr. Boyle: "Don't believe me?" *drops the hat over Arthur's face*} {Arthur: "?!! ...I only see blackness."} {*Suddenly, there appears--*} {Arthur: "!!! Dad! There's a castle!"} {Mr. Boyle: "Neat-o! What else?"} {Arthur: "And-and knights! And horses! And trumpets! An-And...maybe a dragon?"} {Mr. Boyle: "See? You just have to see things differently..."} {mrs boyle: what's going on in here you two-} {Mr. Boyle: *takes her hand*} {mrs boyle: *blushing* e-eh? ###, what are you doing?} {Mr. Boyle: "Treating my queen the way she deserves~" *looks at Arthur* "Come on, son--time for the ball to start..."} {-...-} {Arthur: *yawns...shivers, pulling the frayed blanket more over him*} {-the apartment is silent...-} {Arthur: "..." *looks at the blanket* ("Wasn't this...") "Dad?" *gets out of his cot, walks to the kitchen, dragging the blanket* "Mom?"} {*The kitchen is empty...There's a note on the table*} {Arthur: "???"} {note: arthur, your mama and papa have gone on a long journey to save the kingdom. you are now the king of the castle.} {Arthur: "..." *shaking* "Th-The kingdom?" *his eyes are wet* "...It was true!"} {-...-} {*knocking on the door*} {???: *female voice* ###? are you there? it's me, sandi! hello?} {Arthur: "The knight is not seeing anyone."} {???: arthur? it's your aunt sandi, may i please come in?} {Arthur: "..." *shudders* *opens the door a crack* "...Hello."} {sandi: *kneels down and smiles* hey kiddo, are your parents at home?} {Arthur: "They left."} {sandi: do you know when they'll be back? *worried* } {Arthur: *shakes his head* "Not until they save my kingdom."} {sandi: may i please come in?} {Arthur: "..." *opens the door* "Very well, Duchess."} {sandi: *she looks around the apartment, calling out for the names of her brother and sister-in-law, but is only met with silence*} {Arthur: "I said they were out. They're fulfilling their obligations to the kingdom."} {sandi:....*making some phone calls....no reply...* damn.....*looks at arthur* how long have they been out?} {Arthur: "Two sunsets."} {sandi:.....*shaking and gets onto her knees* my lord, you must pack your things. we will be going on a trip to the neighboring kingdom to complete your royal training.} {Arthur: "Ah! Fair point! I shall retrieve my possessions. But I'm without venison..."} {-...-} {sandi: hiro? hime? im home!} {Arthur: "..." *looks around* " 'Tis a fine castle."} {hime: hi arthur! *wave*} {Arthur: *small bow* "M'Lady."} {sandi: *smiles and looks at mr kenshimono* *whispers* can you him to the guest room.} {Hiro: "??? Why's he talking all funny?"} {Arthur: "How else does would a kingly knight speak?"} {Hiro: "??? Are you playing pretend? Aren't you a little old for that?"} {sandi: *takes his hand and whispers* i'll tell you in a moment, hiro.} {Mr. Kenshimono: "Right this way, you're highness."} {Arthur: ^u^ } {Hiro: -_-# } {-after arthur leaves the room, sandi sits down and looks at her children-} {sandi: your cousin's going to be staying with us for a while. your aunt and uncle have gone on a trip, and we dont know when they're coming back...} {Hiro: "But why is he talking so weird?"} {sandi: ....*shows him the note* i think it helps him cope...} Arthur: "The kingly knight defends his kingdom! That includes all within it!" ogun: ..... shinra: *charging and screaming* im not your fucking puppet! -in shinra's mind...- shinra: *slams foot into hitohashira-me's gut* GET OUT OF MY GODDAMN HEAD!!! Hitohashira Me: "UMPH! ..." *looks up...smiles...and tilts her head...way too much...* shinra: *hard glare but shaking* Hitohashira Me: "You have...no idea the level of wrath THAT YOU ARE DEALING WITH, CHILD." shinra: *he doesnt reply* Hitohashira Me: "..." *sharp inhale, smiles* "I'm fine. This is nothing I have not encountered before. Still, the other three never gave me such problems." shinra: ??? do you mean...? Hitohashira Me: "Or was it four? I lose track--they've been popping up in this time period so more frequently--!!!" *lets out a groan* "Seriously? Another one?" shinra: ??!! (more adora links? other than me, mikami, sho, and that girl?) Hitohashira Me: "I suppose that's the next one to visit..." *looks at him* "Pillars. Am I right?" shinra: what are you talking about? Hitohashira Me: "You already know, don't you? Ones like you." shinra:.........are you some kind of demon? Hitohashira: *smiles* "I don't think that's a suitable description--" *She's suddenly behind him* Hitohashira Me: "--for how limitless I am." shinra: !!! then....what the hell are you? -back to reality, shinra is still rampaging- ogun: damn, he's not letting up. tamaki: *still attacking* shinra: *ROAR* Arthur: *knocked back* "..." *holds the blade* "Three chances...That's all you get. Then, I'm killing you." Relan: "..." *shaking* tamaki: COME ON SHINRA, GET IT TOGETHER! shinra: *KICKS HER INTO THE WALL* tamaki: GRK- shinra: if it gets this devil out, then do it! Arthur: "..." *aims the sword* "..." *runs forward--* *Someone darts in front of Shinra* Arthur: "!!!" *stops just in time, as someone throws themselves over Shinra* shinra: !!! tamaki: !!!! juria: ??!! ogun: !!!! Relan: *hug* "Please...Shinra...Stop." shinra:.....*he's shaking.....and begins cackling.....taking a sharp inhale......and then breaks down sobbing* Relan: "..." *strokes his back* "It's okay..." shinra: *hic* *sobs and clings to him tightly* Relan: "..." *closes his eyes, holds onto him* -later- shinra: *laying on a medical bed in the 4th, resting his head on relan's lap* ...... 4th nurse: and that's what happened? shinra: *croaky* yes, ma'am... Relan: *strokes his head* Asako: "...The injury to your chest was not as severe." Soichiro: "..." Asako: "..." *closes her med kit* "Excuse me." *walks to another patient* Soichiro: "..." shinra: ......*shaking* -on the roof- charon: a new pillar??! Haumea: *nods* "She whispered it." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *stares at his phone* "..." *puts it down* "Maki's report only emphasizes my point: we need to mobilize all available resources." director: i have informed various companies. several seem to be on board with it, while others like haijima aren’t so keen. Akitaru: "I understand. But the new evidence--the chance of another great disaster, another Burst--that should motivate not only the brigades and our associates but the city itself." director: yes, but there are still other factors to be aware of, such as the rats, kishin worshippers, and other such groups. and there's not enough concrete evidence. Akitaru: "Sir...If this evidence is what I think it is, imagine if any of those other groups got a hold of the Bursts." director: exactly, thats why we're counting on the brigades. Akitaru: "...I understand. Thank you." *finishes his tea* "I will head out, then." -elsewhere- Master: "Here you go--some black and white cookies." Assi: "Kind of like you." mono: *nom* Assi: ^w^ *nom* "How's work been?" -elsewhere- madoka: a dance? that sounds like fun! Rin: "Exactly! You up for it?" madoka: *she nods* i heard CyariS and Kirafina will be there two, those are two of my favorite groups! -elsewhere- shura:....hmm, there you are. Takara: "..." -elsewhere- Shima: T~T konekomaru: *pap pap* Bon: "The reason no one wants to go with you is, A, the perv factor, B, the annoyance factor, and C--" Shima: "I'm too handsome?" TwT Bon: "...Yeah. Let's go with that." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Does it still hurt?" tamaki: i-i think i'll be fine Arthur: *nods* "It was scary, wasn't it?" tamaki: ....yeah..... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki:....*hugs* Arthur: *pat pat* "You're okay..." tamaki:....yeah... {???: worthless whore, your mother should never have given birth to you!} tamaki: ..... Arthur: "Tamaki?" tamaki: hmm? n-nothing. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *shifts, wincing* kan: easy now. *giving him some toast* i made toast. Akutagawa: "...Thank you." *takes it* "...Your friend will be having me leave today?" kan: likely...how're you feeling? any better? Akutagawa: "A bit..." *looks at the shirt he was given* "...What kind of fashion sense is this?" kan: it's a t-shirt. Akutagawa: "...What's a 'YOLO'?" kan: *sweatdrop* Akutagawa: "..." *gets out of bed, limps* "I suppose I need to return the shirt, then." kan: easy now. -elsewhere- Relan: "..." shinra: *holding onto him* Relan: "I'm sorry..." *supporting him* shinra: you didnt....do anything wrong..... Relan: "And neither did you. What happened back there...was not you." shinra: i know.....*trembling* im scared of myself.... Relan: "..." *hug* shinra: *sniff* theres almost a small part of me that wishes i was back in the pantry....that way, that demon lady or whatever she is, cant get to me....r-right? Relan: "Shinra...No. That was abuse. That doesn't help anyone." shinra: i know....and i'd still take that over being possessed..... *smiling, but crying* Relan: "..." *cries, holding onto him* iris:..... -elsewhere- Kafka: *standing with his arms on walking beams to bring back strength to his legs* hans: at least he's doing better than he was. Walter: *nods* "That's one thing about Kafka--he's stubborn. Isn't that right, Harriet?" harriet: *chameleon sounds* Walter: "Harriet agrees." hans: ^^; Kafka: *slight stumble, but still holding onto the beams* hans: your doing good. Kafka: "It-It's not p-perfect...This progress is 23.7 percent slower than last time..." hans: just remember to breathe. we dont want you passing out like last time. Kafka: "..." *nods* "...I imagine Goethe is upset with me not being there to finish my work." hans: at worst, he's annoyed. leroux: despite the whole hughes fiasco, lord goethe is rather lenient. Walter: "And the work wasn't too much--I was able to finish your part of it lickety-split!" Kafka: "!!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME LOOK BAD?! If you're able to do my work that quickly, then I'm e-easily r-r-replaceable!" hans: kafka, inhale! Kafka: *DEEP INHALE* "..." *falls dramatically onto the cushiony pillowy floor* hans: *sigh* -elsewhere- Alone: *tossing a ball against the wall--and chasing after it himself* grimoire: ..... Alone: "Want to toss it for me?" grimoire:...*toss* Alone: ^w^ *barks happily as he chases after the ball* "Ball ball ball ball!" grimoire: ... (he's so amused by the most simple things...) Alone: "Now Shaula--you throw it!" shaula: *throws it. right into his face* Alone: "UMPH!" *concave face* "...Stressed?" shaula: no, its just a bit chilly out and IM STILL IN PRISON! Alone: "...Huh. Kind of surprised Beatrice hasn't busted you out." shaula: she will soon! >3< Alone: "Could she take us with her?" shaula: ... *shrug* Alone: QwQ *puppy begging noises* shaula: *rolls eyes* eh sure. Alone: *SQUEE* >w< shaula: shhh keep it down! Alone: .w. *small squee* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Maybe this?" *holds up a t-shirt with a kitty* sylvia: um... Kyoka: "Not a big t-shirt person, huh? How about jewelry?" sylvia: i-i guess....i dont...w-wear a lot, though... Kyoka: "...Maybe something to pull back your hair?" sylvia: m-maybe.... Kyoka: "...This one has a flower." sylvia: pretty.... Kyoka: "Let's try it." *hands it to her* sylvia: its.......cute. Kyoka: *smiles* "It suits you." sylvia:... *small blush* t-thank you...miss kyouka... Kyoka: "You're welcome. We'll go pay for it. Or did you want to grab something else? Maybe a dress?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *running for his life* "I SAID _NOT_ TO STEP ON THE SQUARE TILES!" *poison darts are coming out of the walls at them* twain: *SCREEEEAM* oscar: OwO;;;;; Hemingway: *grabs a shield from a skeleton, blocks the darts from hitting them...then notices the skeletal arm still on it* "...Ew." *tosses back the arm* twain: at least there's no boulders after us! *RUMBLE* Steinbeck: "..." Hemingway: "..." emily: twain......REALLY?! *A boulder is now after them* Steinbeck: "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!" twain: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A BOULDER CHASE SCENE IN A TEMPLE ESCAPE! IT'S THE LAW! Steinbeck: "SO IS HUMAN SACRIFICE!" *picks up Twain* -fortunately, they made it out with no one dying- Hemingway: "Th-Thank goodness you're all light-weight..." *pulls out a flask, sips* baum: glad you're all back safe. twain: *hands steinbeck his granola bar as a peace offering* OuO Steinbeck: "...If we did not need every last bit of food we have left, I would beat you with this granola bar." emily: well, we'll be heading home soon. oscar: thats wonderful, feels like we've been out here for years. Steinbeck: *grumble grumble* -elsewhere- Victor: "--and that's about what's new. He's really freaking out." scarlet:...... ivy: sucks for him. *sips drink* Victor: owO;; "...That's kinda mean..." scarlet: and all misora's been whining about is the 7th commander's engagement. ivy: she should just accept that he's completly out of her league and get over it. Victor: "Hmm...Maybe get her a date. Or a hobby." scarlet: you mean besides indulging in fantasies of being an idol? Victor: "...Maybe she should try a talent show." scarlet: i'll see what we can find. Victor: ^w^ "...So, where's the boss?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Dig in, buddy!" lilac: *nom* Black Star: "So Soul, catch up on your Z's?" soul: yeah. getting there. Black Star: "At least you can put that mission in your file. Had to be better than other ones..." soul: i guess so. long one, though. Black Star: "No kidding. You in Germany was about as long as Tsubaki and me in Japan." *gobbles up his pizza, talks with his mouth full* "Take in any shows?" -soul tells them about his mission- Black Star: "...Dude...That's crazy. You ever find out what happened to that dancer?" soul: *shrug* naho: jeez, if you were habing that much trouble with the language, maybe sham could have given you lessons. otogiri:..... Shamrock: X_-; "I'm...not the best teacher." *sips* "Although those ruffians sounded most uncouth." soul: it was freaky. Sakuya: "Sound like it. Those abilities...What'll they think of next." soul:.... *side glance* who knows, sakuya. who fucking knows. -elsewhere- Dazai: "I HAVE GAINED A NEW ABILITY!" yosano: do i dare ask? Dazai: "I have learned diaper changing!" *holds up a teddy bear with a diaper on it* yosano: congrats. ranpo: .....should i tell him, or let it be a surprise? Kunikida: "Don't. I want to savor his humiliation." Dazai: =w= "Now to try treatments for skin rashes! Atsushi, pull down your pants--" atsushi: WHAT NO! D8> Dazai: "Tanizaki--" Tanizaki: "With every bit of respect owed to you, fuck no." Dazai: "Well, I'm all out of people, then." *throws the teddy bear over his shoulder--landing in Kunikida's face* Kunikida: "..." fukuzawa: *from his office* did he just throw the goddamn baby? atsushi: so much is wrong this this scenario. *sweatdrop* Dazai: "It wasn't really a baby--it was just a dummy baby." yosano: *hitting dazai with a rolled-up newspaper* YOU DONT. THROW. BABIES! oh, seems the 7th brigade commander's engaged now. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Everyone doing well?" louisa: yes sir. mary: yep! bram: *urg*, been better. =~=;;; Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzles against Bram* Fitzgerald: "Oh dear...Need water?" bram: yes please. Fitzgerald: "Owl Eyes! Fetch me the finest mineral water from the mini fridge!" Owl Eyes: ( - ) _ ( - ); *opens the mini-fridge...that is right next to Fitzgerald's foot* -elsewhere- Panda: *wearing headphones, singing along* "Makin' G's, gettin' honeys, running down the streets--" sasori: ...... inka: *whistling along* Sancho: *adding a beat* sasori: -_____- remind me what we're doing here again? Panda: "They say we blow up--BLOW UP! Blasting through this town. They say we blow up--BLOW UP--" sasori:.....fine, ignore me then. -_-# Sancho: *pulls off Panda's headphones* "Simple--Inka smelled something." inka: here we are. Panda: "Huh. How much you think they got?" sasori: a warehouse? inka: who knows. sasori, scout out for us. sasori: *enters the building* ..... Panda: "Wow...Boxes!" inka: boooriiing....(still, i know i smelt something here.....) sasori:....*glance and snarls, firey scorpion tail out* Panda: owo "What is it, girl? Trouble at the well?" sasori: dont patronize me........someones here... Sancho: "..." *peeks around a corner* *A flaming dart is coming towards Sancho's face* Sancho: "..." *stone faced* -SLASH- sasori: *slashes the dart away* Sancho: "..." *sharp inhale* "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SCREAM as he jumps into Panda's arms* Panda: "?!! Dude!" inka: what the fuck?! *looks* ???: well well, what have we here? some low grade hoods? ???: "They wrecked my freaking dart!" Panda: "Hey! We're _high_ grade!" Sancho: "Or just high." Panda: *high five* ???: stop your whining, mantis. Mantis: >3< "YOU NEVER LET ME HAVE ANY FUN!" inka: who're you assholes anyway? Mantis: "..." *licks lips* "We could ask you the same, interlopers!" inka: we're from this small town called nanaya. Mantis: "Good--now we know WHERE TO MAIL YOUR ASHES!" Panda: "...'Nanaya'?" inka: yeah. nanaya business. [as in ‘none of your business] Mantis: >_< "LET ME RIP HER ARM OFF AND BEAT THE PANDA WITH IT!" Panda: .w. ???: hehehe, i dunno, the tall guy's kinda cute~<3 Sancho: .\\\\\\. pixie: *wink* *flame devil tail twitches in a 'come on over' fashion* Sancho: "..." *glances at Inka* inka: bad sancho, dont be distracted by the cute demon girl Sancho: >\\\\\< "I'm not distracted! I'm conflicted--there's a difference!" ???: pixie, you're shameless. -_-; pixie: hehe~ ???: given how you act, im surprised you arent the oni of lust. pixie: well, they've more than earned that title~ inka: wait, oni-....you guys are with the hell blaze gang, right?! ???: yes. i am taoka, oni of sloth. inka: *grins* YOU GUYS SUUUUCK! Panda: OwO; Sancho: "REALLY?! Right now?!" taoka: *weapon out* Panda: "Sic 'em, Sasori!" sasori: *charges at them* Mantis: *chitters, summoning flame-pincers* sasori: *flame scorpion pincers and tail slash* Mantis: *swings a pincer to block the slash, just barely dodging the pincers* "!!! Stop stealing my schtick!" *tries to grab Sasori* -KICK TO THE FACE- Mantis: "UMPH!" *knocked back* sasori: judging by what that girl called you, mantises and scorpions are two different things. Panda: "Woot! Now kick them in the painful bits!" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "This is just not good..." yu: ? what isnt? Vulcan: "It's just...another person here getting screwed over by...whatever fucking Giovanni..." yu: ......is lisa doing better? i had a nightmare about her last night.... Vulcan: "..." *pours some milk* "She's doing as best as she can. Want to talk?" yu: ....she was....in the bathroom, bleeding on the floor and shaking......there was a red blobby thing in front of her with a hanger stuck in it.... Vulcan: "...Yu..." yu: y-you dont think she.....she was....d-do you? Vulcan: "I don't know...It's not for us to know. Lisa gets to decide what she wants to talk about." yu:....r-right...... lisa: ......... -elsewhere- Kid: "Okay...Open." stocking: *opens her eyes* *Kid has made a tiny Stocking cake* stocking: oh my gosh that is so cute! Kid: ^\\\^ "I-I was worried you would think this was corny." stocking:... *takes a bite*..........*serious face* i taste delicious. Kid: "..." *small laugh, blushing* stocking: *huuugs* Kid: *hug* "I'm glad you like it, sweetie." stocking: *KISSSSS* Kid: "Mmmm!" >\\\\< stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "..." *licks his lips slightly* "You're right. You are delicious." stocking: hmhmhm~ *whispers* better lock the door, babe~ Kid: "..." *doesn't let go of her, as he leans back and locks it* -elsewhere- Tsuyuki: *flipping through pages* tinker: *making adjustments to robo-chan* Tsuyuki: *not even looking behind him* "How is the progress?" tinker: looking good. ^^ Tsuyuki: "What is the next task you are giving your creation?" tinker: instant livestream button. Tsuyuki: "..." *lifts his head, turns* "What?" tinker: *dead serious* instant. livestream. button. Tsuyuki: "Why. Do. You. Need. One?" tinker: for my vlog! Tsuyuki: "..." -____- "Don't you think we need to be a little more covert?" tinker: its not public, it's on C3's private server! -elsewhere- Panda: "THIS IS CRAAAAAAAZY!" >w< Sancho: Q____Q *running as fast as he can* inka: *driving the golf-cart* WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! taoka: *running after them* Mantis: "GET BACK HERE!" *throws another flaming dart* pixie: aw, we were having fuuuun, dont go nooow~ sasori: *BLOCKING* Sancho: *leaps, grabbing the edge of the golf cart--and getting dragged behind* D: "AAAAAAAAAH!" Mantis: "I'LL SLICE YOUR TAIL OFF, YOU DAMN SCORPION!" sasori: <how annoying...> Panda: "Sasori! Flip them the bird! They love that!" sasori: *middle fingers up* Mantis: "..." *LOUD SCREECH--flame pinchers come up in _front_ of the golf cart_* inka: OwO HOLY FUCK. Mantis: "WE GOT YOU NOW!" Sancho: "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Panda: .w. "Hey, Sasori? Can you, like, make a flaming ramp or something?" sasori: no. Panda: "Oh...WE'RE GONNA DIE!" >w< inka: *EPIC DRIFTING* Panda: *slow motion* "Wooooooooooow--" Sancho: *slow motion* "BLAAAAAAARG-" *covering his mouth* sasori: -____________________- Mantis: "?!!!" "ONE OF YOU--DO SOMETHING! BLOW UP THEIR ELECTRIC CART!" -elsewhere- Souichirou: "..." ogun: he hasnt said anything..... Carin: *holding ice to his head* "Then ask Pan to talk to him..." -elsewhere- Johannes: *muttering* metsu: ?? Johannes: "..." *sneers* "That's...it." *writes something down* metsu:....doctor? Johannes: "???" *smiles* "Yes~?" metsu: did you need anything? *glances* *The notes refer to a "solution"* Johannes: "I think...this calls for something to celebrate. Fetch the sugar-only cola." metsu: ._.; -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." higuchi: i brought snacks if anyone's hungry. Motojiro: *raises a hand* katya: thanks! Gin: "..." -elsewhere- kan: hey, you mentioned 'gin'. who is that? Akutagawa: "...My sister." kan: ah....must be nice having siblings... Akutagawa: "...You are an only child?" kan: yeah.. Akutagawa: "Hmm. ...Any family?" kan:......my dad was murdered. Akutagawa: "!!!" kan: ....sorry, i guess that was a bit much to say all at once, huh? Akutagawa: "...Can't be helped. I'm sorry." kan: .....do you know where your sister is now? Akutagawa: "..." *shakes his head* kan: well, i hope she's alright. *smile* Akutagawa: *nods* "Likewise..." -elsewhere- Walter: "Should be back at 100 percent soon! Or at least 80 percent." goethe: good for him.... <damn, out of wine again...> Walter: "Need us to pick up groceries?" goethe: <yes.> Walter: " 'Kay. Anything, Hans? Kids?" wilhelm: cookies! Jakob: "Lots of them!" Walter: "Right on!" etta: and new lipstick! Walter: "Oh! But which color would look best on you?" -elsewhere- elizaveta: *walking along, holding her doll and humming* *A small chuckle is heard in the alley* elizaveta: !!!! *rushes in* *Light singing is heard* ???: <The thieving magpie cooked the porridge, fed it to the little children...> elizaveta: <KOLYA!!> Gogol: <Is that you?> -TACKLE HUG- elizaveta: >w< Gogol: *bones cracking* QwQ "Yep! Definitely y-you!" elizaveta: leila missed you too! 'leila': oi oi! good to see ya! Gogol: .w.; "...I...see... *ahem* Ready to rejoin the others?" elizaveta: *nod nod* is mr dosty still locked up? Gogol: "Yep...He'll get out soon, right?" elizaveta: yeah! but until then, can i show vanyusha my trick? Gogol: "Go for it!" elizaveta: yay! *click* *speaking in fyodor's voice* im sure he'll be happy with that. Gogol: .w. "...That will either speed up his recovery or turn him into a puddle of goo. Either way, I'M HAPPY!" elizaveta: *click* *normal voice* is he sick? Gogol: "He got his ass kicked." elizaveta: ouch. Gogol: "Yep. That attack on the Mafia could've gone better..." -elsewhere- Kid: =w= "That was so good..." stocking: *panting* Kid: "Are you okay?" *spoons with her* stocking: still feeling good. *rubs her butt against him* Kid: *moans* "St-Stocking..." *rubs against her slightly, his hand reaching around her* stocking: oh~ up for round 2 already~? Kid: "Depends~" *his thumb rests along her clitoris* *he's a bit hard against her* stocking: kid...i want you to take me from behind. Kid: "..." *leans to her ear* "Yes..." *coaxes her to her knees--with a small spank* stocking: *small moan* Kid: *he leans over her, one hand holding her breast, as his finger massages along her lips* -elsewhere- twain: *shaking Steinbeck awake* steinbeck. steinbeeeeck.... Steinbeck: *groans* "Not the dust...I just planted..." twain: dude, wake up. Steinbeck: *opens his eyes* "...What the hell?" twain: i just had a really fucked up thought. Steinbeck: "...Dare I ask?" twain: what if....fitzgerald had a mustache? Steinbeck: "...What time is it?" twain: 4 in the morning. Steinbeck: "..." *grabs Twain by the neck* twain: GRK- OwO;;; Steinbeck: *and tosses him across the ground and into the river* twain: that's fair! -morning- Akutagawa: "..." *checks his wallet* -yep, everything is still there as he left it- Akutagawa: "..." *takes out a $100 bill* "Here. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I caused." kan: woah, is this really alright, ryu? Akutagawa: "It is not whether it is alright: it is what is fair...Or is it not fair? Did you want more?" kan: it would be wrong to ask you for more when you're already offering this much. ^^; Akutagawa: "...Sorry for being a bother. I will leave now."' kan: good luck, ryu. maybe we'll meet again someday. ^^ Akutagawa: "..." *nods* *looks at his shirt* "...Oh. I should return this--" *starts to take it off* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Ready for the company meeting?" miwa: *nods* Akitaru: "Okay...I'm giving Shinra the day off. I'm still trying to find the others...Anyone seen Tamaki?" tamaki: here sir. Akitaru: *nods* "Okay. I wanted to review with all of you where we are after Shinra's report." tamaki: *nods* Akitaru: "Arthur reported sensing electrical discharge, suggesting the Hoods had a hand in this. Did you see any evidence of their presence?" tamaki:....just a cold chill.....i think that creepy girl i encountered was there too.... Akitaru: "!!! For real?" tamaki: *tenses...and nods* Akitaru: *sighs* "All the more reason to be on alert. I don't like the any of you being on your own out there, so you'll have to buddy up again." tamaki: *salutes* understood. Akitaru: "Onto other business, Doc, how is work on your mech?" karin: coming along great. just fixed the engines and she should be ready to roll. Akitaru: "Let me know when you conduct the test--I want to check it out. I think we're going to need it sooner than expected. Maki, I want you to keep the newer soldiers' combat training on schedule." maki: yes sir! Akitaru: "Nozomi, any luck tracking the Hoods?" -elsewhere- Medusa: *reclines in seat* "..." neian: zzz Medusa: *rocks gently* -elsewhere- Daisy: "Yo, TJ--how's it hanging?" eckleburg: ?? oh, miss daisy, thought you were jordan for a moment. ^^' Daisy: "??? Well, now I just feel insulted." Death the Kid joined the chat 16 minutes ago jordan: hey! -elsewhere- Spirit: "What day would be good? Sachiko wanted to see you and Jackie again." kim: maybe this weekend? Spirit: "Sounds good. Care to pick up some dessert?" kim: will do, anything in mind? Spirit: "Can't go wrong with cookies--Izumi loves them in variety. Even the cheaper ones..." kim: alright then. Spirit: "Thanks. See you both then!" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Happy birthday to the most perfect child." felisia: ^^ stocking: aww, guys. ^^ Mephisto: "Your mother put in a lot of work on something for you..." felisia: ta-dah~ -it's a comforter- stocking: aww, thanks mom! *hug* Mephisto: *group hug* stocking: any idea what his name's going to be? felisia: still thinking on that. Mephisto: "Mephy Jr~?" stocking: dad. -_-; Mephisto: "Kidding! Mostly..." stocking: *sweatdrop* Mephisto: *ahem* "And is Kid taking you out tonight?" stocking: *she nods* Mephisto: "Then enjoy your day of birth." *forehead kiss* stocking: ^u^ -elsewhere- Sancho: *asleep on the couch--hugging a teddy bear* "N-No, don't...You don't have a golf cart license..." Panda: *asleep on the rug--scratching himself with his foot like a dog* inka: *asleep in a hammock* nnn...... sasori: *awake, keeping watch* ....... {girl: *crying* <IT HURTS! IT HURTS!>} {shaula: hold still, brat, it wont take long if you quit struggling!} sasori: ....... Panda: *dog yawn* *smacks his mouth* "...I'm dehydrated. Time for Dew!" *looks* "Want some? Or are you a Crystal Pepsi girl?" sasori: .....i dont care. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking* ???: psssst, akuta! Akutagawa: *presses against the wall, ready to attack* naoya: *waves him into the alley* Akutagawa: "..." *approaches* "Where have you been?" naoya: we could ask you the same question! now come on, its not safe out here.... Akutagawa: "..." *follows* "The others..." naoya: somewhere safe. gin's worried sick about you... Akutagawa: *nearly passes out* "Thank God..." naoya: easy there!......how bad are your injuries? Akutagawa: "Bad enough...I need sleep..." naoya: here, get up onto my back. Akutagawa: *crawls up* "Embarrassing..." naoya:...what happened to your coat? Akutagawa: "...I lost it in the attack...and the fall...and I don't know." naoya: .....well, we'll find you a spare for now.... Akutagawa: "Hmph...Can't be any worse than other fashion choices." -underground- Gin: *shaking him* "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS--" higuchi: *smacks akutagawa in the face* WE THOUGHT YOU SERIOUSLY DIED OR- Akutagawa: *rattled* "I. AM. SOR. RY. St-Stop--My kidney still hurts!" kouyou: girls, there's enough to yell at him later after he's healed. for now, get him to medical. Akutagawa: TT~TT "I'm sorry..." katya: jeez, who fucked you up in there? Akutagawa: "...A big dog." katya: oh? Akutagawa: *shudders* "I now hate them more than before..." pushkin: was it big and shadowy looking? Akutagawa: "..." *nods* pushkin: then i think you might have seen one of lydia's beasts. Akutagawa: "Hmph. Ferocious." -elsewhere- elizaveta: hiiiiiiii everyooooone~<3 lydia: <vetya, glad to see you're well.> elizaveta: yep. *giggles* *click* *fyodor voice* <oh vaaaanyaaaa~> *Loud footsteps are heard--running quickly* lydia: *sigh* Ivan: "I KNEW YOU WOULD RETURN, MY MASTER!!!" elizaveta: *click* *normal voice* hi. ^^ Ivan: "..." QwQ <Vetya, whyyyyyyyy?> elizaveta: <i thought it would be funny.> ^^ lydia: *chop* <dont do that.> elizaveta: >3< Q: ?? Adam: "??? Who's she?" elizaveta: who's that guy? and the boy? and the lady? zoey: ........? Ivan: <Fire person, psycho child, bitch whore.> elizaveta: ooooooh hehehehehe. Q: uncle ivan, who's the new girl? elizaveta: im elizaveta akmatova, im 14! Q: im 14 too! Ivan: >3< <Whoop dee doo...> zoey: how sweet, my baby...has a friend now. ^^ Ivan: *trying not to vomit* -elsewhere- Hyde: "How much you trying to make anyway?" ochako: right now, enough for camping supplies this summer. Hyde: "Yeah, you UA students are going to be doing roasted marshmallows while camping?" ochako: you bet! Hyde: "Well, not to get your hopes down, but that's gonna be a few hours of work to get it all. Didn't want to borrow someone's camping gear?" ochako: i guess it makes more sense to work hard for something, right? Hyde: "...Yeah. You're right." ochako:... ?? Hyde: "Sorry...Just thinking about what work I'm doing. When you work with someone who's got all the attention, you feel like you're falling behind..." ochako: i guess. -elsewhere- itsuka: alright. epic hamster ball race, featuring django, sybil and chacha, take one. Bakugo: ._. tetsutetsu: ok, filming begins in 3. 2. go! -elsewhere- shiemi: *studying* izumo: hmm..... Paku: "So...excited about the festival?" shiemi: yeah. im thinking about asking yuki to go with me. izumo: *rolls eyes* Paku: *small gasp* "Dating your teacher?" shiemi: paku! *shhhhhh* izumo: he's still the same age as us. -_-; Paku: "Still..." *smiles* "I hope he says yes, Shiemi." shiemi: r-right...so, did you ask anyone, or did anyone ask you? Paku: =\\\\= izumo: ?? Paku: "Shima...did ask." izumo: SHIMA?!?! Paku: "To be fair, I'm pretty sure he asked everyone." ^\\\^; izumo: he did. -_-; he even asked girls that dont even _go_ to our school. i think he even asked a collage senior. Paku: "He may not be good in his lessons, but when it comes to dating, he's persistent. But that's a bit too much for me, so I declined." izumo: *sigh of relief* oh thats good, i nearly had a heart attack. shiemi: maybe you could ask godaiin? Paku: "???" *looks around--then points at herself* shiemi: *nod nod* Paku: "I mean, I would--but he hasn't asked me...Is he even going?" izumo: heck if i know. shiemi: then lets ask him then? izumo: right now?! Paku: .\\\\. shiemi: come on. ^^ izumo:....*siiiiiiiiighs* unbelievable. Paku: "I-I just thought we had studying to do and--" *spots Godaiin* "!!!" godaiin: *reading* Paku: "...HELLO GODAIIN!" *covers her mouth* .\\\\. godaiin: um.. hi paku. w-whats up? Paku: "..." *tries to play it cool* "The ceiling!" *points at him with both index fingers* godaiin: um..*looks up* yeah, the ceiling is definitly up there. Paku: ^\\\\\\^;;;; "So...You heard about that festival...thingie?" godaiin: yeah. thats later in the month i think? Paku: "Yep...You going?" godaiin: i guess so? Paku: "...With anyone?" godaiin: not really. Paku: "...Want to go with me?" godaiin:...... O///////////////////////////////////////O EGG! Paku: "?! Egg?" *pictures Godaiin as a chicken popping out of an egg* godaiin: I MEAN- YEAH! SURE! SEE YOU THERE? Paku: "YES! SEE YOU THERE!" shiemi: success! Paku: ^\\\\^; *stiff walking* "..." *whispers* "Oh God, I thought I was going to pass out..." Student: -_-# ("Does no one keep quiet in a library?") -elsewhere- Bon: "..." *pokes the bed* "Get up and stop moping!" Shima: >~< konekomaru: *has a fist bruise on his face* i didnt think that would insult her.... Bon: "You two need help! Like, can't we have someone advise you on how to ask people properly on a date?!" Shima: *sits up in bed* "Like you're one to talk! You can't get a date either!" Bon: .____. -and so- sayaka: *hands them a game; specifically, a dating sim.* Shima: "...Sweet! Thank you!" Bon: "You got to be kidding me! How is this going to help us?!" konekomaru: i see, by using the game, it might help us with real life? sayaka: yep! it even comes with a player's guide inside it too! Shima: *staring at the drawings of the characters* "...Video games just got so much better than when I was a kid!" Bon: -_-# "...Let's just get this over with." konekomaru: i'll get it installed. you're a livesaver, miki! -and so- Bon: "...Why is he giving us tickets?" konekomaru: maybe ask him for help? Shima: *selecting the option* "Okay, bro--can you help us get a date?" [tomoda: hoho, so you want to know your current popularity ranking, eh? here's how you rate so far!] -the girls shown are a sweet looking girl resembling a brunette shiemi, a girl with twintails, a girl with long lavender hair, and a cute girl with glasses- konekomaru: so we have the childhood friend type, the tsundere class rep type, the mysterious transfer student, and the clumsy nurse's aid. Shima: "...Ah, man--so many options! The brunette is so pretty--but that twintail girl is probably a real vixen! And I bet the clumsy girl--" Bon: *chop* "No." Shima: >_<# "But we got to pick one, man! Konekomaru, which one?" konekomaru: hmm. not sure. but why is tomoda helping us? Shima: "To move the game along." Bon: "No...No, there's a deeper reason. Let's keep going..." konekomaru: i guess. this one then. [haruna: *the childhood friend* hm? oh, ShiBonKo! good morning. ^^] konekomaru: ok, now what do i do? Bon: "Say hello to her." [-hey haruna-] [tomoda: morning you two! you lovebirds walking to school together, haha!] [haruna: e-eh? tomoda, its not like that! >///<; ] konekomaru: hey guys....i just had a thought. Bon: "Y-Yeah?" Shima: ._. konekomaru: maybe, tomoda has a crush on the player? Bon: "..." Shima: "..." Bon: "...That makes perfect sense." Shima: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I'M DONE." konekomaru: SHIMA. SIT. BEHAVE. Shima: >3< "I'm here for the ladies, not Tomoda--" Bon: "SIT DOWN AND KEEP PLAYING!" Shima: *grumbles* *proceeds* -as they keep going, one could see how much tomoda cares for the player- [tomoda: you know, im glad i met you, ShiBonKo.] [end credits roll] konekomaru: ........... Bon: "......" Shima: "......." konekomaru: t-..to..- bon + shima + konekomaru: TOMODAAAAAAAA!!!! TT______TT Bon: "WHY DID YOU GIVE UP YOUR HAPPINESS FOR US?!" Shima: "WE DIDN'T EVEN SCOOOOOOORE!" konekomaru: YOU IDIOT! YOU SHOULD HAVE ENJOYED YOUR YOUTH TOO!!! TT~TT Bon: "HE GAVE UP SO MUCH FOR US--AND WE CAN'T EVEN REPAY HIM!" Shima: "NO! We _will_ repay him!" konekomaru: *NODS* WE'LL GIVE HIM HIS HAPPY ENDING IN DOUJIN FORM!! Shima: "YEAH! ...Wait, what? I meant we'd go get dates--" Bon: *already putting out the paper and pencils* "We get to work now!" konekomaru: RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO FOCUS ON TOMODA'S FEELINGS! -one setting up of supplies later- konekomaru: *checking player guide* alright, so who should tomoda's love interest be for this scenario? Shima: "Pick the girl with the money." konekomaru: you mean kaorin? that would be the class rep. i supposed their interactions would make an interesting comedy... Bon: "But is that really taking Tomoda's feelings into consideration?" konekomaru: !! you're right! i wasnt thinking right! im such a fool! TT^TT Bon: "It's okay--we know Tomoda has a big heart and will forgive...Instead, let's find the person who makes Tomoda the most happy." konekomaru: hmmm, *re-reading tomoda's bio* lets see....someone who tomoda would be happy with... Bon: "...even during three years...that he'd be devoted to for so long--" Shima: "...Who'd make him happy..." konekomaru:....!!!!! of course, it was right in front of us the whole time! Bon: "You're right! It's--It's--" All three:  THE MAIN PLAYER CHARACTER!!! -morning- Rin: *knocks* "...Bon? Come on! I need to borrow your homework!" madoka: maybe they're out? *tries the knob. it opens* ?? guys? ... !!!!! konekomaru: *passed out* zzzzz Bon: "Zzzz..." *his head on the table* Shima: "Zzz...D-Devoted..." Rin: "..." *whispers* "I think they had a sleepover--without me! I'm so bummed!" konekomaru: nyehu? *his glasses are sideways* oh...hey rin, hey madoka. *yaaaawn* madoka: what happened in here? Rin: *picks up a paper* madoka:..... o.o is this......? "ShiBonKo": "Can't you see? I LOVE YOU MORE THAN 12 GIRLS!" "tomoda": ah....*crying* i dont get it, i would have just been content supporting you. madoka: .-. *blinks* Rin: ._.; "...Guys...The shading is all wrong in this panel." -elsewhere-
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leonawriter · 5 years
My thoughts on Atsushi/Lucy, because I’ve said so many things about Dazai and Chuuya. And I’ve seen a few things people have said on these two that I feel the need to point out my own ideas an theories on.
Ok, so, I think the most important thing is... to note what canon interactions they have? Because this is a ship where they do have canon interactions and such to go by. 
Lucy starts out hating Atsushi for having it “so much better” than her, and then not long later gets those ideas thoroughly debunked, when Atsushi says that he understands, because he comes from the same sort of background, and she sees that he’s the way that he is despite all of that. In spite of it. 
Given that the next times we see her, she’s started to blush around Atsushi, and she wants his attention, his trust, and his recognition, her crush on him starts around the time she recognises this, and gives him a parachute to jump. 
While she fits somewhat into the ‘tsundere’ archetype by means of the stand-offish way that she acts, this fits with how she acts with pretty much everyone, and... to be honest, there are aspects of the archetype that she doesn’t fit, because unlike most ‘tsundere’, she outright asks him to tell her why he thinks she’s here, and also openly admits to him at one point relatively early on why she’d actually come to work at the café. 
This speaks more as someone who, as is fitting with her character, simply doesn’t know how to relate to another person in such a way that requires her to be vulnerable, and to allow herself to set herself up for failure if he doesn’t feel the same way. She likes the idea of the romance, but when remembering that this is real life, and not a story, she defaults back to her usual thorny personality - and thorns are there to protect her, not just to drive people away. 
Remember - the types of backgrounds these kids have, that’s a defence mechanism that’s believable and realistic. It’s not just a trope to be afraid that you’ll let someone in. 
So... here, we have Lucy, who clearly is in touch with her emotions, knows that she likes the idea of a romantic storyline for herself, and throughout the manga’s story from here on is shown to do things not just for Atsushi himself, but for the ADA in general, saving their lives many times over, even.
But what about Atsushi himself? 
The thing I’ve noticed about Atsushi since the start of the series is that, despite what some might think, he... doesn’t really seem to notice or be interested in romance. 
Not with Dazai (who I see as Atsushi almost putting on a pedestal, not unreachable but This Is Mentor and Saviour), and not with Akutagawa (as Atsushi himself at one point states, “there’s too much hatred between us!”) and not with Kyouka (he seems uncomfortable at best at the idea that he’s put the thought of them actually being on an actual date in her head early on, and that discomfort only grows when other things occur; he cares, just not like that) and... yes, I’m gonna say he doesn’t see Lucy like that either. Before anyone says I’m being partial and shooting down other ships, because bear with me here.
Atsushi is uninterested in romance in my mind, not because he’s aromantic, not because he’s just plain not interested in any of these people full stop (though a certain amount of “I care but not like that” does exist), but... because of his background, as someone who has been physically, and emotionally, abused for so long. He simply isn’t ready for an emotional connection of that sort yet!
One might ask why Lucy, who also went through Orphanage Hell, doesn’t get the same “she’s not ready yet though!” from me.
My answer is... well, Lucy was abused, yes, but not in the same way. She was likely degraded, and told to work like some sort of servant since she was too small to really be expected to do such things. But she wasn’t told, repeatedly, that she was worthless, that her life held no meaning if she couldn’t save even one person, that “compared to what your parents did before you came here, this is nothing.”
In short: Atsushi still needs to overcome his abuse and move on, become able to feel and accept positive emotions and experiences, before he can believably and realistically be expected to fall in love (with anyone!) and it not be an ugly mess.
So, my predictions for this ship? I see it as being a slow burn sort of thing where Lucy knows her feelings first, acts on those feelings first, and then eventually, possibly due to specific situations, possibly just without any real catalyst, Atsushi starts realising that he has feelings as well, and then we get to the whole dance of two dorks blushing around each other because they don’t know what to do next.
To be honest, I’m really looking forward to that. But part of it is that I’d be lying if I said a major thing for me is just to be able to see Atsushi get to that stage in his life where he's grown that far at all.
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