#the fandom is full of cowards.
morphestic · 5 months
dazai and oda are a tragic story with unrequited love and the fandom is reading it with their eyes closed.
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tired-reader-writer · 3 months
If I could beam the pain my people suffered under Imperial Japan, the cultural memory, the echoes of the pain that still lingers to this day, directly into the brains of all these Ascendance of a Bookworm fans from the US who couldn't be assed to learn anything of racism or imperialism or colorism outside of the versions they have in the US, couldn't be assed to give a look at both arguments on the topic of AoB's racism, only took a look at the version that appealed to them, the version that was convenient to them, the version that didn't challenge their views, even proudly admitting they never saw mine in which I very clearly labeled in the post itself that I am southeast asian. Burmese, to be exact. From Myanmar. The country that was colonized and brutalized by both Britain and Japan. How dare I offer my perspective as a Burmese victim of imperialism, truly, how dare I acknowledge that AoB was written by a Japanese person with Japanese biases? To this day Japan refuses to acknowledge its war crimes. To this day Japan still harbors a political movement that wants to “revise” world history books because they “slander” Japan by actually acknowledging what they did. To this day, east asian countries characterize us southeast asians as savages and barbarians. To this day Japan only can view itself as a victim of world war 2 instead of a tormentor. To this day, Japan... is still racist. Towards me. Towards my people. How dare I point out the racism in this story, the exact brand of racism that affects my people? And to think these people would have the audacity to assume I'm a fucking yank. Ha. Ha! Me? American? I was born and raised in this hell country that's been on fire for as long as it's existed. I'm a native. How dare you insult me like that? I'm not from the fucking privileged imperial core that can afford to remain ignorant of what people outside of it went through, are still going through. For people who seemingly hate the American view they sure argue like Americans.
At no point have they said anything to my face because if they reblogged my post or even commented on it then people would be exposed to my actual post. They could see me talking about my country's experience with Japanese imperialism and their entire argument would fall apart. Instead they just trusted that their army of fellow racists would jump at the opportunity to assume anyone they disagreed with was the real bigot, and their gamble paid off.
Fuck you. Fuck you all. I hope you feel every bit as insulted as you've made me feel.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Saw a tweet online that was like "they've done good guy Megatron what if they tried writing bad guy Optimus (not SG)" and it made me think
My brother in christ IDW1 is the closest we got to bad guy Optimus (there's literally a chapter called "All Hail Optimus" for fuck's sake) and people lost their fucking minds over it and to this day the fandom barely acknowledges that IDW Optimus exists even though he was just morally gray and not even evil.
People SAY they want morally gray/evil Optimus but they actually don't and it's never going to happen lol. Not only is Hasbro never going to let their precious marketing icon turn evil but the fanbase would fucking hate an evil Optimus and call him OOC and not a real Optimus and replace him with some other version
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
It’s actually insane the difference between how people treat Harwin and Laena in this fandom.Everyone will say how am amazing Harwin is and that he was Rhaenyra’s one true love because we got one scene of them LOOKING at each other for like 3 minutes .But then they’ll say Laena was basically nothing to Daemon and she was just a consolation prize when they had such tender moments between them in ep 6 and Daemon seemed devastated over Laena’s death.People are so blind to their own racism against black women(or maybe not so blind) they’re willing to pretend like Daena wasn’t married for 10 years and had two fucking children together.
I have no words for how this fandom treats Black women. They are a bunch of sick f*cked who get their jollies off of seeing Black(ish) people in pain. They hate seeing Black people period and view us as interlopers to their enjoyment of things.
How they celebrated the changes to Laena’s arc which ended up with her being lit on fire and called it empowering is one of the most disturbing things to come out of this delusional racist cult of a fandom.
They loved Laena, thought she was the love of Daemon's life, and mourned her when she was white but the moment she became Blackish it’s death to the n-word!
They can not stand white women not being worshipped for five seconds even in a fictional capacity. They are that insecure. It’s pathetic.
I’ve seen some of them hate on Harwin, but it is not at all comparable to how they go after Laena. Harwin does not nor would ever get this treatment:
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F*ck anyone who feels like what they did to Laena and her relationship with Daemon was okay. Changing up her storyline to make her some poor unloved woman was unwarranted and anti-Black.
If you don’t want to recognize it because she’s white in the books and dies so it’s not racist, it is when you light a Black woman on fire and play into stereotypes, and the fact that you won’t recognize it, and talk over actual Black women when we tell you this is being done because of misogynoir, makes you apart of the problem.
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dearreader · 25 days
always surprised when i see some of you interact with the performative white ally swiftie who is still super popular in the fandom but then just sigh and unfollow them.
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coastalqueries · 4 months
the only hope I will publicly express for veilguard is that it has some absolutely rancid vibes ship I can enjoy in peace because the main fandom won't touch it
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theglizzardwizard · 5 months
You're a pussy, dude.
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gregmarriage · 7 months
do you suppose when my dad had three daughters, he’d guess that two of them would get married to men and give him a ton of grandkids, and the other one would sit in her room, dykely and autistically
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wowlooknothing · 11 months
Just learned there are no Firework Freddy playlists on Spotify smh
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i love the ppl who jst post unhinged x reader smut in the main tags for content creators i admire your courage and also i think it's hilarious
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kroas-adtam · 2 months
Let’s Talk
There’s something happening here. Something that makes me feel gross to be back.
The Ghost fandom shouldn’t be like this. We’ve been labeled toxic, we’ve driven people away instead of welcoming them, and what’s worse is we’ve let the real toxicity slip into the waters.
Anon hate is rising again, people are complaining that Father Forge isn’t pumping out new music every year on the dot, and the vibes are so harsh it’s draining creativity.
Let’s get a couple things straight:
1.) anon trolls are cowards and are only interested in the attention, because to them, any attention is good attention. I have a system in place to check my inbox when I get messages. I suggest you guys try and figure out a way to help yourself deal with them should you get the messages. I have been run off my anons before, and I guarantee you, they left me miserable and moved on to their next victim. Don’t let yourself be their next victim. You’re worth so much more than that.
2.) TF just made a full length goddamn movie for us and TWO music videos. Calm down. Touch grass. Let the man have a break.
3.) We’re losing artists, writers, creators on this platform left and right. The things created and shared are free. We create them to contribute to what should be the love we feel for this fandom. You are not entitled to more art, more chapters, more creativity. You want something made? Make it yourself.
Now say it with me:
It costs nothing to keep your opinions to yourself.
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lobosfoodbowl · 30 days
i think a lot about who otacon was prior to the shadow moses incident.
(t/w: brief child sexual assault mention, abbreviated as csa)
one of the big things that bothers me is that in a LOT of iterations of otacon in fandom is that he’s helpless and feeble and that honestly makes no sense to me. okay, sure, he’s extremely clumsy and he’s a coward, otacon is a poor example of An Adult - but he’s also 25 with a doctorate and multiple bachelors, was part of the FBI (and was subsequently kicked out), he’s the head of a major project for what is essentially the mgs version of lockhead martin.
like he probably pays his taxes early. he’s had a full life before SM and he had to have survived somehow.
i see this a lot in tandem with his assault and that irks me too - csa victims aren’t feeble, they’re just people and i really don’t like infantilizing. the thing is, learning to live with it is a fascinating journey that i don’t think is explored enough - how does otacon live like an adult when he’s always got this weird notch carved into his soul. a pebble he can never shake from his shoe, you know?
personally, he seems like someone who would pour himself into his work but can never keep the fridge clean. he’ll climb up on whatever thing he’s working on and weld the iron slabs down without fear but he cries when the popcorn he’d been craving all day long is slightly burnt. he pays his taxes on time but he’s always late with his bills because he’s so busy at work he forgets. and he’s terrible about eating but has a high alcohol tolerance and can down a fireball in one gulp easily. idk. i just want MORE out the fandom’s vision of my little scrawny boy.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
I haven't read any yet but I'm a little nervous about reading IDW Optimus. I like it when Optimus prime is "strong enough to be kind" and from what I've heard, everyone's an asshole to each other in idw. If I'm way off base please let me know, I hear the comics are good but I'm not interested in an Optimus that's mean and miserable. I resent the idea that misery has greater artistic merit than joy.
I mean, I'd say don't trust what the fandom says about the comics (or any media for any fandom in general tbh) because the majority of the time they're wrong.
I'm an IDW Optimus apologist so I'm a little biased, but I genuinely think that most of the story moments people call him "an asshole" over are moments that make 1000% sense when you read them in context. Like, people act like Optimus is just a jerk that goes around being mean to people for no reason when the reality is that when he's frustrated, angry, lashes out, or distant from other people, it makes perfect sense as to why??? IDW Optimus is still a noble person that believes in mercy, gives people second chances, and thinks that treating people like people is better than ending them because it's more convenient. It's just that in IDW he's more than just a noble hero icon, he's also a human that sometimes runs out of patience and snaps at people, or makes mistakes that he can't take back.
When IDW OP lashes out at people, it's not because he's a meanie jerk >:((( or whatever the fuck haters think, it's because he's incredibly idealistic and has high moral standards, and when people/the world don't measure up to them he gets frustrated. In other words, he's so passionate about doing something, about trying to help, that that passion can turn into frustration when things aren't going well. It's the fact that his virtues can be both a virtue and a flaw depending on the situation that makes him feel like the most interesting OP to me.
Also, IDW is a realistic and gritty continuity, embroiled in politics and conflict that leaves no one untouched. and Optimus is in a position of power over an army. I think it's really stupid to expect the commander of an army who gets into politics afterwards to be a squeaky clean hero who does nothing wrong and everyone likes him.
And also also, almost every single complaint I hear about IDW OP either takes his actions completely out of context or just straight up gets basic story facts wrong lmao. Like people will call him an asshole for punching Prowl when what Prowl actually did to get punched was using Devastator to try to destroy a space bridge despite knowing it would lead to the death of an entire Cybertronian colony. People call IDW OP an asshole for "not letting the Dynobots leave the planet" in Monstrosity when actually OP was the one telling them that he would help find a cure for their beastial forms, and when they decided to leave Cybertron anyways, he didn't stop them. People even get mad at him for making Megatron give a speech telling the Decepticons to stop fighting, even though Optimus was already being ridiculously lenient by letting Megatron on parole to be co-captain of the Lost Light!
The main reason people hate IDW Optimus is because they just cherrypick his worst moments without including the context and they ignore his good moments in the story. And also instead of accepting that IDW OP is his own version of Optimus that can be interesting if you give him a chance, they basically hate him for not being a cardboard cutout of a meek depressed uwu Optimus/a silly funny stupid dad character.
Optimus apologism aside, I would really, really just ignore what people say about everyone being assholes in IDW1. Just because a lot of the subject matter is dark doesn't mean that the story says that nothing in life matters and people suck-- far from it. Even Barber (whose writing I think is mediocre and shittily executed), who constantly writes Optimus being shit on, still gives him moments where he's allowed to be the hero that chooses peace and reconciliation. Not to mention how if you look at MTMTE/LL, those stories are more or less fundamentally about the power of relationships/friendship/love between people.
Anyways, fuck what the haters say, send me more asks about IDW Optimus so I can gush about his underappreciated moments of heroism and be an apologist for him whenever he acts like a jerk is a human person with flaws and virtues just like every other character in the continuity.
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vega-482 · 2 years
Kevan Brighting's opinion on voice AI
You've probably already seen this screenshot of an email of Kevan's opinion on AI generated audios
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YES it's the real Kevan Brighting
However I'll explain the full context in this post and how we got this email
[warning for brief NSFW mention]
We obtained it thanks to @/shinakazami1 who asked him directly!
Ok so, since someone from a TSP discord server I'm in posted a NSFW AI generated audio of the Narrator, and someone else pointed out it wasn't ok to feed Kevan's voice to an AI and using it for making NSFW content without his consent, I wanted to know about his opinion on the matter but I was too coward to ask myself
But Shina had previously said she could ask Kevan directly if we wanted to commission him but didn't want to ask directly, so I told her if she could ask Kevan directly about his opinion on the matter, I wanted to ask specifically about the NSFW AI audios, but she decided to ask him about AI generated audios in general, and she'll ask him about NSFW voice commissions and other NSFW matters later
And that's basically how she got his opinion about AI generated audios
So the best thing we can and should do as a fandom is respecting him and his work, as well as his opinion on the matter and stop doing AI generated audios with his voice since he doesn't agree with it
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maple-the-awesome · 9 months
Body Swap || Part 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairings: Wild, Four, Sky, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
This dungeon had been going great - so great, in fact, that you were actually sad to reach the end of it. Sure, the puzzles were a pain in the butt and the miniboss was an embarrassing waste of time, but what had made it all worth it was the fact that you had gone through every trial right by Link’s side. 
In a group of ten travelers, a date day with just the two of you is rare - extremely and unjustly rare - therefore you had both jumped at the chance of completing this dungeon alone together. Everything was going swimmingly, too, right down to the main boss battle. A tiny, itty bitty yet still very evil wizard is nothing compared to your combined force, so you expected it to be a piece of cake that would end in a wonderful memory to look back on later. Instead, it ended in a very different, less appreciated way.
One more hit was all it should've taken to defeat the little guy, however right as Link raised his bow for the final arrow, the wizard began swinging its wand around in a last ditch effort for success. Fearing for your partner's safety, you had rushed over with your shield, hoping to use it to block whatever spell the wizard planned, but in an unexpected twist, said spell turned into a cloud of smoke instead of a ball of energy like you expected.
As the boss made his escape, the fumes of his final spell poisoned the air and entered your lungs with an uncomfortable burn. Link and you both fell to your knees in coughing fits, suddenly feeling dizzy and woozy much to your concern...
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Aside from the initial wave of nausea you felt, that wizard's spell seemed like nothing more than a harmless distraction for escape, at least that's what you would've went on thinking if not for the sight that greeted you once the smoke officially cleared.
"Oh jeez! ...Uhhh, are you alright?" Although a shock indeed, you remain calm with your first priority being to check on Wild who's still fanning away the fumes from his face.
"Yeah, I'm alrig -" He freezes almost as soon as the words are said, his eyes immediately shooting open to look down at his body - or rather your body that he's suddenly found himself in, "WHAT THE -?! HOW AM I - I'M YOU?!"
“Very observant, Wild,” You roll your eyes before looking around the room to find no sign of that wizard. Whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate might depend on your ability to reverse this little problem he’s now left you both with, “...Guess that little guy was such a sore loser he decided to play dirty then retreat. What a coward.”
Standing up, you start examining yourself for possible injuries - ones that weren't already a part of Wild's collection, that is. Thankfully you see nothing aside from a small cut above your hip from a hit he had taken earlier; an easy fix with the help of a red potion. If only the same could be said about your incredibly tangled hair that you pull a leafed branch out of with a cringe, "When was the last time you've taken a bath?"
"Personal hygiene is very important. It keeps you from harboring full-on ecosystems in your hair."
"...You sound just like the Captain…" Wild mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the ground. Once up, he wobbles and holds his arms out for balance as if he’s never stood on two legs before.
"Oh, the Captain! He’s going to have the time of his life with this one - all the boys will, I'm sure,” In Wild's opinion, your teasing smirk doesn’t quite carry the same effect as it would if on your assigned face. Instead, it looks a bit...silly to see you speaking as himself and judging on your sniffled laughter, he, too, must look equally as funny glaring back at you as you. 
"Ugh. I can already hear Twilight blaming us for not being careful enough," He groans, subconsciously runs his hand over his arm which is smooth like silk rather than being rough with scars. Huh. He had forgotten how that felt...
"Yep, we're in for a heap of nagging and annoying jokes when we get back, but I say we at least have some fun with it while we can. Wanna see how long it takes anyone to notice?" You nudge his side as you pass by towards the exit of the boss chamber, your suggestion finally lifting his spirits.
"I don’t know. It could take them all night if we keep our mouths shut about it."
"No way. They'll notice as soon as I do something stupid and you don't, which should take approximately an hour at most…I mean, assuming that you’re not asked to make dinner tonight.”
“Oh, well in that case, they’ll definitely notice then. You’re a terrible cook.”
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You moan while rubbing your burning eyes. Even with them closed, you can still see remnants of the same flashy colors that had followed after that wizard’s stupid spell; like a firework show inside your eyelids that's so realistic you can actively smell the gunpowder.
"Don't panic," You hear someone say. You assume it must be Four since he's the only other person here, although his voice sounds different, almost like…
"Don't...? Why would I panic - AHH!" Once finally being able to see straight, you expected to find Four kneeling in front of you, but instead you just see yourself. It's as if you're looking directly into a mirror until you glance down at your hands. That's when you let out a shout, doing the exact opposite of what Four asked by instantly panicking upon realizing they aren't actually your hands, but his. Your clothes, your hair, your BODY; IT’S ALL HIM!
"I’M YOU!”
"I can see that."
"...H-How are you not freaking out?" You blink at him - er, you? Whoever! You blink at who should be Four but is actually you as he simply shrugs in response to your question as if this is just another Tuesday for him!
"This isn’t really the ‘craziest’ thing that's happened to me. Maybe in the top three, but..."
You stare at him for a long minute, wanting to be angry that he's behaving so calmly right now, although he does have somewhat of a reputation for being one of the more relaxed Link's, not to mention the pair of you have seen some pretty crazy stuff during your adventures, both separate and together.
Running a hand through your hair, you take deep breathes and try your best not to be so freaked out especially once remembering this isn't technically your hair you're touching which makes you instantly stop the action, "...What do we do to fix this?"
"I...don't know."
"You 'don't know'? What, are we supposed to just live like this forever?!"
"No, of course not!" He crosses his arms uncomfortably and sighs, "We'll find a way to reverse the spell and get back to our normal bodies. We're in Legend’s world, but I think he mentioned that his Zelda knows some magic, so if we can get to the Castle, she might be able to help us."
You groan, running your hand over your face in irritation. You were having such a good day until this point! Why can't the universe allow you just one normal evening with your boyfriend, huh? Is that too much to ask for?
Four offers you a hand and helps you up. Once on your feet, you realize yet another detail about your current situation that makes you uncomfortable, "Woah. I'm not used to looking at myself from another perspective like this…or being so low to the ground.”
Four rolls his eyes at your comment before taking your hand and dragging you after him outside of the dungeon.
"Oh, come on! Doesn't it weird you out, too? Looking at yourself from my point of view while I’m in your body?"
"Of course, it’s weird,” He sighs again, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I'm just considering myself lucky I'm only looking at one of me."
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"Sky? You alright?" You crawl blindly out of the smoke cloud, coughing along the way while keeping your eyes squeezed shut to prevent anything from getting in them. Although you receive no verbal reply, you can at least relax upon hearing Sky's wheezing close by. 
You’re about to repeat your question, yet your voice dies within your throat. Once opening your eyes, you see yourself kneeled on the ground where you fan smoke away from your nose with a face scrunched up in irritation – except that’s not really you. It can’t be! You’re right here, so how is it that you’re suddenly able to look at yourself through a third person perspective? …Then you look down, slowly but surely putting the pieces together in your head.
Just as predicted, the 'other you' looks up in response, even giving a small hum before their eyes go wide with the same shock you undoubtedly mirror.
“(Y/n)? Is that you? You’re –“
“- You…And you’re me,” It doesn’t matter how many times you close your eyes and reopen them. Each time, you’re greeted by the same sight. Thanks to that stupid wizard, you’ve switched bodies with Sky which definitely wasn’t on your agenda for today…or any other, for that matter. Worst part? Neither of you know a thing about magic to reserve this, “…Shit…”
“M-Maybe someone else knows how to fix this?” Sky suggests hopefully, although judging on his waivered smile, even he must realize it’s a long shot. Not many Links are accustomed to magic either, and believe it or not, no one’s been in this situation yet not that they’ve ever cared to share, anyway.
“Here’s to hoping…Come on, we should at least get out of this place before that wizard comes back and switches our heads,” Sky gulps, but nods.
Standing to your feet, you brush yourself off and prepare to make your exit from this dark boss’s chamber, however you pause in place when you notice Sky following you at much slower pace, his posture rather stiff as he holds his arms slightly away from himself, “…Why are you walking like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like…” You copy his stance then give him a pointed look that makes him bow his head in embarrassment.
“I-I don’t want to touch something I’m not supposed to!”
"Awww, that’s sweet, but dude, you can relax. They're only feminine arms. They won't kill you," You roll your eyes, but can't help smiling at how careful and sweet he's trying to be. If there’s one thing to be grateful for in this situation, it’s that you got switched around with a gentleman instead of a pervert, "Just don't touch my breasts or anything and we’ll be good.”
Poor Sky whimpers uncomfortably after your comment…Yeah, hopefully this situation can be solved without leaving any lasting trauma behind...
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"Mmm...Hey, are you alright?"
Hyrule's voice sound so distance despite him being so close by. You wish you could see him, but every time you try to open your eyes, you're only met with blurred colors and sparkles, "...I-I think so..."
Hyrule sighs and is about to say something else, but his relief is instead punctuated with a gasp once he looks down at his hands. He whispers your name, however his voice goes unnoticed the first time. He has to shout it a bit louder for you to actually hear him. Finally, you're able to open your eyes and see a bit more clearly - at least that's what you thought before looking over to his voice and just seeing yourself.
"What kinda spell was that? My eyes aren't working right," You start vigorously rubbing them again only for Hyrule to reach out and grab your wrists to stop you.
"They're working. At least, I-I'm pretty sure they're working. You, uh, see yourself instead of me, right?"
"And I see myself instead of you."
Hyrule bows his head, removing his hands from wrists to stare down at them with a wobbled frown, "I don't think it's a trick of our ours. I think that spell switched our bodies."
"...Oh...Oooh!" After his words sink in, you glance down at yourself and pick at your tunic, confirming that it feels as real as it looks.
“Alright. This might seem bad, but look on the bright side: neither of us are hurt so the others can scold us too much, right? Let’s just get back to camp and –" Hyrule’s cut off when you suddenly squeal. Startled, his head snaps back up at you, fearing that perhaps you had gotten hurt somehow, yet to his surprise, you have a bright smile on your face as you tangle your fingers in your hair – or rather his hair.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just – I’ve always wondered if your hair is as soft as it looks and it definitely is!” You giggle, unable to help yourself from testing your theory personally. Hyrule's hair has always appeared to be the fluffiest out of all the Links and you've been dying to ask him if you can touch it, perhaps even braid it. Now that you technically in his body now, might as well, right? It's at least some benefit to this weird situation, “What do you use to wash it?”
"I, uh...water, I guess?"
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princeblue · 6 months
I’ll never not mourn that we didn’t get the zenitsu arc that was set up, because I truly believe it would have done wonders for how the fandom views Zenitsu.
It makes me quite angry that he’s dumbed down to nothing more than a pervert and a coward, now. I wouldn’t even go as far to say Zenitsu is a pervert, a coward sure, he even says so himself. But a pervert is someone who purposely creeps on women, tries to feel them up, tries to be a peeping Tom.
Zenitsu does literally none of that, he’s a girl lover/chaser when we meet him, I’ll admit. But he in no way shape or form harasses a woman from the point on where Tanjirou rips him off the woman he’s begging to marry him. After that, he’s very kind to the women he meets, cringe sure, but still polite and respectful,and he’s extremely devoted to Nezuko. Even if she cannot reciprocate, and even then he’s not a fucking creep, he just has a puppy crush on a pretty girl.
So to compare him to someone like, let’s say mineta from MHA, is not only extreme but just plain wrong.
Back to Zenitsu’s cowardice, I think it’s actually pretty cool he’s a coward. We get to see him grow from it, we get to see him learn to be more confident with the support of Tanjirou and Inosuke behind him, the most noticeable moment of this is when he defends the girl that Daki is harming in anger, even if at this point he’s semi aware he’s found the uppermoon, he still steps in front of her and tells her off.
Even during the actual confrontation with Daki, he still tells her she’s wrong, and cruel. And tells her to apologize to the poor girl she hurt.
And Zenitsu is intimately aware of his own flaws, even going as far to say “I hate myself more than anyone else” and listing off that when he’s scared, he freezes or runs. But he also mentions that he’s hurt that Inosuke and Tanjirou just left him at the mountain, he says that if they had tried to coax him, he more than likely would have went. And this claim is 100% supported by the flashbacks we see with Jigoro Kuwajima who was the only character to never give up on Zenitsu and constantly push him to be better and stronger.
If Zenitsu truly wanted to leave the demon slayer corps, he would, now that he’s a full fledged demon slayer and out from under Jigoro’s thumb he had every single opportunity to leave the core and go pursue an actual life outside of it, and yet he doesn’t. Because he wants to make his gramps proud, because he wants to help Tanjirou, because he finds a support system/family with Inosuke and Tanjirou that he’s never had with even Jigoro and Kaigaku.
He’s insecure, he has anxiety, he has anger issues, he wants to honor his mentor and help and protect his friends, he wants to live a happy life, he wants to be respected, he wants to be genuinely loved. He’s so much fucking more than a “pervert” and a coward, but the fandom still sticks to this perception of him because we never got the Zenitsu backstory, I don’t like the term “there’s always a duo in a trio” but at times it really felt like Zenitsu was just kind of there, while Inosuke and Tanjioru continued to get more depth and he didn’t.
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