#it's chekhov's owl
thisqueernerd · 7 days
Malevolent Part 45 spoilers in the tags
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thechekhov · 1 year
I know you have been super busy, but I was wondering if you managed to fit owl house into your tight schedule or if you had to pass on it. Which is totally fine! Just wondering if you managed to watch the finale. =)
To be honest, I haven't watched Owl House past the first.... season? If that. I don't remember where I stopped. But I'm definitely not going to watch the finale anytime soon.
I also wouldn't say I passed on it. I'm just busy with other things at this time. I may still return to watch it later, I'm just really caught up in the other 300 things people are recommending to me.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
so in king’s tide lillith responds to eda promising she’ll be back with “that’s not a spell. doesn’t even rhyme.” and then in for the future we see that the promise in the collector’s storybook to “clean the planet and scorch the air” if mortals mess with them has been crossed out and replaced by something else. so it no longer rhymes. so... ???
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timkontheunsure · 1 month
I’d like your opinion on a few theories about something Viv teased about the next episodes. She said that they culminate in the ending of an arc they’ve been building up for awhile. I have 3 theories what that could be
1. Blitz-overcoming his low self esteem and demons, able to move on
2. Stolas- he stands up for himself against the goetia, possibly stripped of his title.
3.stolitz- they finally talk, possibly confess and reconcile
Or it could be a combo of all 3. But it sounds like she’s talking about a specific arc, and while I’d like for it to be Stolitz development, I have a feeling it’s a specific character arc.
What do you think?
Humm ok (again obligatory warning about head injury, so sorry about typos, or not connecting things properly ect).
But kinda think all 3 are getting advanced, but only 1 of them finished by the end of this season.
1)Blitz-overcoming his low self esteem and demons, able to move on.
Well we've definitely had some of that Oops and Blitz getting the unattainable of Fizz forgiving him, and being his best friend again.
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And I think we're going to see some of that trauma get explored in Ghostfuckers.
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It's also likely that it's going to be the episode with Blitz's hearing he makes everything worse from evil Millie.
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But I don't think that's going to be neatly packed away, because Barbie's met to be back in s3.
It also doesn't quite make sense if that's not the main focus of the last two episodes. Mastermind and Sinsmas don't seem to be able that. Though we do appear to have the least clips about those.
But honestly mostly because this show understands trauma is with us for the long haul. We can unpack it, make it lighter to carry, but it's always with us.
2) Stolas- he stands up for himself against the goetia, possibly stripped of his title.
Could be. A big theme is Stolas learning he's allowed to choose, but also setting up one hell of a backlash for stepping out of line.
We've had a theme of people standing up to the powerful.
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With Blitz standing up to Ozzie for M&M,
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Loona standing up to Bee,
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Fizz standing up to Mammon.
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Stolas either telling Paimon, or the Goetias council, that he's getting the divorce no matter what they do; could play into that theme.
The tile striping seems fairly likely, but possible down the road. Maybe suspension first?
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But again I don't think that's going to be nice wrapped up either. With the trail plot starting in series 3.
Assuming that'll be about the book deal, because chekhov's gun says it's gotta blow up in their faces at somepoint.
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Also Stolas coming out in his 30s was always going to be a bit messy.
Can't really see that being fully over in a couple of episodes because this show gets trauma, and missed developmental stages and secondary adolescence take a while to work through.
(Take it for someone who was parentified from an early age, you don't really get to move on till you've dealt with it. Even if it's as small as being silly every now and again. Or just keeping a teddy.)
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Pretty sure this is why Stolas has to hug himself to sleep. (Link for people that have no clue what I'm on about here)
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3)stolitz- they finally talk, possibly confess and reconcile.
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Yer this would be my bet for the one that's getting nicely tied up.
Best guess it'll be them both admitting they love eachother.
Because Blitz has spent the first 2 series pretending as hard as possible that he doesn't like Stolas, and definitely doesn't love him.
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(Despite everyone around him, but Stolas, able to tell he's head over heels for his fluffy owl).
I'm not expecting miracles with our sweet dummies though.
That's kinda all I'm expecting to sort.
With them probably not full getting together because of issues they need to work though, the divorce, Stella's abuse and plot to kill Stolas, and Via being against them dating ect.
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(She's gotta be called CockblOctavia for a reason after all. Ok had to add the other link to Brandon calling her that, cus too funny).
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human!au star trek tos--at the airport
Kirk becoming the mom friend and holding onto everyone's passports (which are actually being held by Spock but shhhh
Bones being stopped in security because he's literally carrying 5 litre bottles of booze on board and also a penknife. He's been steadily drinking and threatening Jim throughout the day (out of love)
Uhura is doing Duolingo and is making even the owl nervous with how good she is
Sulu and Chekhov are rushing to the gate bc they're racing
Their flight is delayed, so Scotty goes to see what's going on but gets increasingly frustrated by them not telling him anything
Spock is meditating because all this human stress is starting to grate on him
Bones stops Kirk from buying snacks because he's "on a diet, damn it"
On the plane, Spock is perfectly still in his chair while reading his book and Kirk is practically sprawled across his lap
Bones is fit to kill him, because Bones is beside Kirk
Uhura and Nurse Chapel are using eachother as pillows
Chekhov and Sulu go up to the pilots and spend the whole flight with them
When they land, it turns out that Kirk has lost their passports! Uhura is trying to explain the situation in the language of the country, everyone else is so tired, and Kirk looks incredibly upset
Then Spock comes out of the bathroom with the passports, which he took from Kirk
Kirk is very upset because Spock didn't trust him and Spock is just like "it was logical babe"
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that-ari-blogger · 19 days
A Gift (Labyrinth Runners)
One thing about The Owl House that fascinates me is its relationships. The series is about complexity, and so the relationships function a lot like the characters. They have tropes they appear to fit into but are more intricate upon closer inspection.
Labyrinth Runners is an episode that highlights this specifically, to the point where the theme shows up in almost every single shot.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, One Piece, Lord Of The Rings)
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Let’s start with the opening scene. Gus makes a friend, except that friendship is built on a manipulation, then he makes a real friend in Willow. We have a bad relationship, and a good relationship established, and that recurring motif/Chekhov’s gun that is the breathing thing.
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We also have our perspective character, who is neurodivergent. Now, despite being neurodivergent myself, I am about as far from an expert as you can get, but I can see myself in Gus.
This actually relates to the themes mentioned above, because in my experience, neurodivergence affects how a person interacts with people. It makes interpersonal skills less intuitive, and as such, makes relationships more complicated to navigate.
There is a cannon event amongst neurodivergent folk of catastrophically misreading a room and having that memory burned into your brain. That’s what I mean here.
I am not going to go into depth on this reading of Gus and how it impacts individual scenes, purely because I don’t know enough and don’t know what is neurodivergence and what is just me projecting. I am more complex than the label, and judging by what show I’m analysing, I would hazard a guess that Gus is as well. But again, I can barely identify that the term fits us both, I don’t know what is and isn’t part of that.
If someone does know more, please enlighten me in the replies and reblogs and stuff.
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Anyway, the episode then begins in earnest, and let’s just highlight a few small elements before we get into anything big.
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Bump and the illusions professor immediately move between the fake coven head and Edric. Their relationship with each other is displayed by how quickly they both make the exact same decision, and the fact that they move in tandem. They are co-ordinated, they have a history, and they have a shared set of values.
They also show of their connection to their students here. This is the law of the Boiling Isles, these teachers do not know about the Day of Unity’s true purpose yet, and yet they are willing to risk confronting an emperor for their student without having to think about it.
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Meanwhile, the wall in Gus’ room features a ton of photographs, none of which are of a single person. Even the “BANNED” images relate to each other to become one image. They feel like one photograph cut up rather than three separate images. The memories meanwhile are all about Gus’ relationship with Willow, Luz, and Matt.
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For the record, this episode gives credit to the Gus x Matt and Viney x Skara ships, and I would like to step in with all the authority that my pretentiousness affords me and claim the former of those two for the romantic aces. I am genuinely going to come back to this idea later.
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Focusing on the actual plot of the episode, I don’t need to point out that Adrien is a foil for Gus, but I think how that operates is fascinating.
Both intentionally present themselves as different to how they truly act, and both wield illusions. But even in these details, the characters diverge wildly.
Gus presents himself as more confident than he actually is, constantly making himself appear tough, or clever, or whatever the situation demands. When he meets Hunter again, for example, he is immediately no nonsense in a way that he really shouldn’t be considering the Golden Guard’s reputation.
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But you will notice, all he is doing is matching Hunter’s intensity beat for beat. When Hunter dials it back a bit, Gus backs off as well. It’s a prey behaviour, like a frog puffing out it’s chest to seem bigger.
Adrien presents himself as an underdog when he infiltrates Hexside, and reveals himself to be oozing confidence on a level that makes me want to clarify something.
This man isn’t brave, he’s an eejit. He gets challenged multiple times in this episode and doesn’t take it seriously, which leads to his downfall. His confidence is built on a lie.
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I love that he just has a coffee at all times, that fits the director vibe so unbelievably well.
Then there is the thematic parallels, and this is where we get theme inception as the episode loops in on itself. The relationship between Gus an Adrien is defined most of all by their different relationships with others and each other.
With Gus, we have seen how important people are to him. He compares himself to others, he is unquestionably the team support.
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With Adrien, however, we are introduced to this man berating everyone under his command. The illusion was perfect, the captain’s performance was flawless in my opinion, and yet Adrien wasn’t satisfied. He sees himself as infallible and can’t be bothered to even guide those under him.
I also want to point out that I have acted on stage, and I am studying to go into filmmaking, so I do recognise Adrien’s style of direction as something I have encountered in real life.
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Adrien is the type of person who, if this operation had gone well, would have turned on a dime and very publicly cried about how much he knew the people under him cared, and even bought him flowers. He had a vision, and he wasn’t sure they could achieve it, but the performers surpassed expectations under his careful guidance. You know he's talking out of his arse, but he wants to convince the audience, not you.
Me? Petty? Nonsense.
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"Oh yeah?' "Yeah" I'm sorry, that is the best line and line read in the series. I am not accepting debate on this subject. I am right.
At this point, we need to talk about Bump, of all people. Because authority is a type of dynamic that The Owl House has been playing with for a while.
The series is inspired by One Piece, for which every villain factors into the idea of abuse of authority. So naturally, The Owl House has featured the same idea presented through Faust, Bump, and now Adrien. These are people who use their authority for personal gain, but that’s not what authority is.
According to One Piece, and Lord of the Rings, authority does have a place. There are kings and pirates, but it’s a duty, not just a position.
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In One Piece, the role of a captain is the leader, the person who has the spirit to push on forwards, the person who will protect everyone when the time comes. Luffy is the captain because it is his dream, but because these people are loyal to him, rather than the other way around.
This keeps coming back. Authority comes from loyalty. If you just have someone who claims leadership, they have nothing. This happens in Drum Island specifically, when the king Wapol is contrasted with Dalton. Wapol claimed authority and expected everyone to bow to him, Dalton was chosen by the people to be king.
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For Lord of the Rings, it is important to understand that Tolkien was a soldier who fought in the First World War, so his grasp of authority is slightly different to what you might expect. I’ve mentioned this before, but in Lord of the Rings, there is only one perfect king, and he doesn’t have a kingdom, he has a sword.
Every monarch in Lord of the Rings biffs it in some way shape or form, except for Aragorn. The power to do what you want corrupts here, and when a king forgets his purpose, that being to lead and protect his people, his kingdom fails.
Remember, a soldier wrote this book. The top role of those who are in charge of Middle Earth is to protect those who they look after. It is not a position of power; it is a position of service.
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In The Owl House, Bump’s primary role at all times is the defence of his students. Once again, he doesn’t know about the day of unity’s true purpose. He is just casually willing to stand infront of agents of the highest authority on the Isles and call them out on their bollocks.
Linking back to when I mentioned the ships. I declared that I had authority, but there was nothing actually there. Bump has asserted his role as a protector and leader, and when questioned, his response was to show off his team. This man is a leader because he is trusted and respected, not for any other reason.
That idea of authority comes back in a minour way at the end of the episode, when the Captain gets given power and immediately turns it on Severine, who is fed up and quits.
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Hunter works out how to navigate the labyrinth rediculously quickly. He's not immune to magic, but he's got skills, even on the worst week of his life. So far.
Which brings me to Hunter, who exists in this context of Gus, and that breathing technique. The friendship between these two has been extensively documented, but I want to highlight the breathing technique in contrast to the Captain.
People reciprocate what they have been shown. The Captain was only shown power as a cudgel and used it that way when he got it. Gus, meanwhile, was shown how to recover from a panic attack by Willow, which he then passed along to Hunter, who gave it back later on. It’s a demonstration of healthy friendships giving back and re-enforcing themselves, but there is something incredibly meta about the gesture.
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This is the moment The Owl House establishes a relationship with you, the reader. Specifically, that of a friend who will help you out when things get tough. The technique is called box-breathing, at least in circles I’m in, and it genuinely works as a method of getting through panic attacks.
If you feel rough, you can think about this, and you can use it. The episode has shown you how it works, and even given you something to laugh about to take your mind off your stress. It’s a gift, and it feels like something the writers were taught and wanted to pass on to their audience.
I like to think that this episode has helped a few people on a very personal level.
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Final Thoughts
This episode does present me with a rare opportunity. The voice actor who played Adrien, Noshir Dalal, has a Tumblr. Which means, I can ask a question to him directly.
So, @noshirdalal, what was the process behind this character, especially the voice? Were you given a specific brief for everything? Or were you given free reign to do whatever you wanted? Or somewhere in the middle?
Anyway, next week is Oh Titan, Where Art Thou, so stick around if that interests you.
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fallensnowfan · 10 months
It's time for my 2000th post celebration!
It has been a lot of fun getting to this point! Thanks to those who have stuck around over the years and to newer followers as well.
Rather than making this purely focused on One Piece, I thought it may be fun to look back at the beginning of this blog, and give a bit of spotlight to the transitions it has been though up to this point.
I began this blog back in April of 2020, mainly out of an interest in keeping up with artists who were creating AU fan comics of Steven Universe, a show I began while it was in the middle of airing its fourth season, and caught up to soon after. Three fan comics I especially enjoyed reading were a White Diamond Steven AU by Chekhov, a comic where Steven has a sister(Twiniverse,) and a special shoutout to makingfriendos/court and snidy for being a great source of joy and whimsy with their SU art back then, being the creators of one of the first fan comics I really delved into.
The comic they worked on, Steven Universe B-Sides, focused on the trio of Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth being Steven's guardians and is a joy to read. Captured the essence and humor of season one very well.
In fact, one of their drawings is the origin of the original name of this blog "showergelfan." Sourcing to a lovely doodle they drew of Peridot not understanding human cuisine and thinking that a shower gel recipe was acceptable for human consumption.
Moving forward a bit to September of 2020, Steven Universe had finished airing a few months ago and I shifted into mainly focusing on Amphibia and Owl House around the time, both shows having very active fan bases during their runs(shoutout to the-lone-witch-and-secret-room for being a cool and friendly presence within the Owl House fandom during the show's air.) Amphibia especially resonated with me for its humor, characters, and fun to explore world. Frogs being one of my favorite animals gave it a boost too.
A few other cartoons found their way into the mix as well, namely Hilda and Infinity Train. Both also good shows which I still recommend. I didn't explore fan works for these shows as much I did with Steven Universe, though enjoyed them all none the less.
Then finally, around August/September of 2021, I began the most recent and current focus towards One Piece from then on, with the name switch to fallensnowfan and greater attention to Kiku and friends happening in July of 2022. Being in part due to discovering the blog of cool friend basedkikuenjoyer around that time. Hi!
Going to conclude this celebration post with a small section dedicated to the much anticipated episode 1084, directed by Kenichi Takeshita, and the episodes he has worked on previously:
935 - Komurasaki's true identity is… 949 - Udon Prison liberated 965 - Whitebeard versus Roger 980 - Jinbei arrives 998 - Shinobu and Sanji rescue Momonosuke 1018 - Zoro scars Kaido with Enma 1039 - Tama flips the Beast Pirates to our side, and Who's Who backstory 1067 - Big Mom's fall
Tomorrow's episode, 1084 will be about an "untold story from before the Straw Hats' departure," and I am very excited to watch!
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crescentblossom66 · 2 years
A hat in time writing prompts: Prompt 8 Dates
The bright hot midday sun made the sand of the Great-Dead-Bird-Desert almost sparkled as it got whirled up by the pride and joy of the Western director, the Owl Express. Today there were only 5 passengers and its conductor on the train, it wasn't every day that the yellow owl had some time to spend with his young grandkids.
The little owlets were in the engine room with him, two of them, Greg and Serena, were looking out the window on the side, chirping happily as they watched the sand and dust fly by outside. Molly and Cameron were drawing pictures with some old crayons that their grandfather had found in a drawer in his desk, after he remembered that they might get bored on the long ride. He turned around briefly and found that Molly was drawing some...yellow sun monster thingie? He couldn't quite tell. Cameron's picture on the other hand crudely depicted a train and some canyons, considering the owlet's age it looked incredible.
It was then that he noticed his favorite grandchild, he knew it was wrong to pick favorites, but Chekhov was basically the most like him. He loved trains, he liked action movies with explosions, and he never removed the conductor's cap that he had given him for his first birthday. Chekhov reached his tiny arms up at him, wanting to be picked up by the older owl, who did as he wanted and cradled him in one wing.
“Ye wanted ta see the view out front, eh? Cannae blame ye, I know it's the best.” The small owl hugged his wing as he watched the train run smoothly on the tracks, after a few minutes the Conductor noticed that the his grandson had fallen asleep from the slight rocking and the comfort of his arms. He couldn't help but smile at the sight.
The others looked like they needed a nap too, as Chekhov's siblings were awfully quiet, never a good sign. When he turned back around and found Molly and Cameron who had abandoned their crayons and used their drawings as bed sheets, and Greg and Serena had somehow manged to curl up on the small window sill they had stood on and watched the scenery go by from previously.
He went all the way back to the caboose, he was sure that he still had one of the spare mattresses for the VIP rooms there, it took him a few minutes but he found it easily enough. The yellow owl grunted and swore under his breath as he dragged the the mattress back, together with a bed sheet that he had found at the same place.
By the time he made it back, he was panting a bit and his wings ached a little, but it was well worth it when he watched the owlet snuggle up to each other and sleep comfortably, after he put the bed sheet over them.
An hour later they arrived at a station that was normally never used, nobody but him probably even knew it existed, they didn't know that it had the best spot in the whole desert. A small oasis with date palm trees was but a five minute walk away from it. To be honest, the owl was actually glad that no one but him knew this place. Those pecking tourist didn't even deserve a place as beautiful as this in the first place!
The moment he stopped and the train jolted ever so slightly, he slowed it down the gentlest he could, the young birds woke up and rubbed their eyes. They all followed him to the oasis, it took a bit longer than he anticipated due to them falling occasionally. Greg and Molly both had fallen face first into the sand once, due to the latter dragging the former down as she fell. He had to lightly scold both of them after they decided that sand was very clearly supposed to be eaten.
When they arrived he spread a blanket near the water and made sure that they steered clear of it, a drowning owlet was the last thing he wanted.
The small owls looked and wandered around a bit all but Cameron and Chekhov, who apparently were still tired so they leaned against him and fell asleep.
It didn't take long until he heard a loud high-pitched screeching, the perpetrator was Serena, who was looking up at a tree, stretching her wings out while jumping up and down.
The yellow bird got up, waking the two boys as he did so.
“What is it, lassie?” The young girl turned to him and then pointed at the top of the tree, he could see the ripe dates from below. He bent down to get on the same level as the girl.“Those are dates, lassie, you can eat those.”
The female owlet chirped happily and pointed at him and then at the fruit. Did...did she want him to go up there and get some?
“I ain't gonna climb up this tree, lass, it's one o' me only free days, I want ta relax too.” The wing of the owlet slowly drooped to her side and her ear-like feathers lowered. Just a moment later she started crying, which resulted in her four siblings also crying in sync. He felt like yelling at them to quit crying and to just enjoy the day, but instead he told them:
“Alright fine! But I better not be hearin' a peep from any of ye for the rest of the day!” They stopped crying, as if on cue, and nodded enthusiastically.
The yellow owl started to climb up the palm tree, his grandchildren chirping and clapping loudly, almost like fans that cheered for their favorite sports team. He got some of the dates down, but screamed in surprise and lost his footing, when something crawled over his wing and startled him. The young birds ran away as fast as they could as he fell into the sand, creating a big dust cloud.
The five kids were scared after the dust cleared and the older bird wasn't getting up, with lowered feathers they slowly approached and lightly poked him to wake him up. Molly started to cry after seeing that her grandfather wasn't responding, not catching the slight lift of his ear-like feathers.
“No need to cry, lass-” He groaned while he slowly sat up again. “-It needs more than a small tumble ta do me in.” They all hugged him in relief, it made him feel bad for worrying them so much. He pulled them all close and started to pet their backs.
“Ye ain't gettin' rid of me that easily.”
Sorry, I needed to write about good grandpa Conductor again. It marks half a year on the day that my own grandpa died. Felt a bit sad again due to this, 'a tough softie' released on the day after his funeral, so it's just me coping by writing my favorite character.
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ourplegaymer101 · 2 years
My Ocs but theyre incorrect quotes
Violett: What are you drinking?
Arman: Vodka.
Violett: Straight?
Arman: No, gay. Why?
Violett: I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late.
Renzo: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
Violett: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.
Renzo: ...what happened?
Violett: I made a VERY bad mistake.
Stella: Damn, Lilianna, are you secretly cool?
Lilianna: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Stella: I do not.
Valerie: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride.
Lilianna: Actually Valerie, it’s salt.
Valerie: That’s what I said, sodium chloride.
Lilianna: Uh Valerie, that would be salt.
Lilianna: *takes salt packer from Valerie* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Chrono: You can’t have a gun on stage!
Vera: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that’s the rule of Chekhov’s Gun: have a gun. And now that it’s been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.
Majorie: I have an idea.
Chrono: A good idea?
Majorie: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Vera: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Majorie: I saw you.
Vera: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Chrono in a turkey costume.
Vera: I’ve made a spread sheet of all the crime in Brooklyn.
Vera: There’s so much crime in New York, no one should live here.
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
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There was SO MUCH that happened this episode, but I haven't really seen anyone discuss This scene in particular yet and the implications of it, which is a shame because I am VERY excited about what it's setting up in terms of Hunter's relationships with Willow and Gus, Luz's friendship with them, and Gus and Willow's places in the plot.
One of the biggest complaints that fans have had of The Owl House is the fact that Willow and Gus are often underutilized. And a big reason for that seems to be the problem that we kept seeing crop up multiple times in Season 2; the fact that other characters keep them out of the loop about what's going on. Luz didn't tell them about wanting to steal from Belos in Agony of a Witch, they had to figure that out for themselves. She initially didn't tell them about going through the broken portal and seeing her mom in Follies at the Coven Day Parade. She doesn't tell them about helping Philip. And she is keeping the fact that King is a Titan from them, even though King is their friend as well. Anytime Willow and Gus are involved in the bigger overarching plot, they basically have to force themselves into it because Luz won't let herself rely on them the way they clearly want her to.
This is similar to the issue that Eda had to confront in O Titan Where Art Thou, where she hid the truth from Luz and tried to send her away, which ultimately ended up hurting Luz once she realized what was going on. And while it's for slightly different reasons, Luz and Hunter are both doing the same thing to Willow and Gus, keeping important secrets from them because they are afraid of how they'll react, or think that they're protecting them. But the end results are probably going to be the same as it was for Eda and Luz; Willow and Gus are going to discover the truth, and that they were intentionally kept out of the loop, and when it does come out it's going to hurt them way more than if Luz and Hunter hadn't avoided the conversations they need to have with them and had just been honest from the start.
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zecoritheweirdone · 2 years
folks i made art for @scorpionoesit’s vagabonds fic. it is a very good fic and you all should read it if you haven’t already.
if you haven’t heard of it,, basically,, think clinic, but tommy doesn’t have healing powers + he heals many different groups, not just villains(and vigilantes).
it is,, as i said,, verrrrrrry very good,,,, we got clingy duo, we got bedrock bros, allium duo, golden duo,, whatever the hell tommy and fundy’s duo name is i don’t know i don’t keep up with these things. we got bamf tommy,, we got micheal aka the best character,, we got peanut butter cookies,, have i convinced you to read this fic yet. do i need to send my not-so-good essay. i will do it. no i won’t actually it’s not good but still you should read the fic kdjdkdndk.
anyway, ranting aside,,,, the art!!
click for better quality,,,,, reblogs > likes!!
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i feel like the rooftop itself could be better(it is. very empty,, dkdnkd),, as well as the poses,, and the background is.. eh,,, but i like everything else about it!!
and that’s not all i have! made a couple little extra doodles,, putting them under the cut!! hope you all enjoy!!
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#my art#dream smp#tommyinnit#technoblade#services for vagabonds#scorpionoesit my beloved i love their fics so much. my number one favorite author of all time; genuinely#whenever vagabonds and braided realities is done;; i would honestly love to print ‘em out and make ‘em into an actual book-#-for personal use;;; like if i ever get on a plane and wanna read something#with the authors permission of course;; kfnfkf. gonna wait until the fics are actually complete before asking tho fifnof#and i’d also need to like. actually learn how to bookbind#anyway rambling aside. if you’re curious about that essay i mentioned you’re welcome to look for it in my blog#i’m not linking it myself it is. not good as i’ve said fkfnfknfkfn. it’s only 1/3 about vagabonds#another third is about dsmp hero fics in general; and the last third is about. the owl house.#they are connected i promise. kind of#i just wanted an excuse to ramble and promote vagabonds and somehow ended up with 3k words of nonsense jdbdkdbdjvd#anyway x2. spreading my long-curly haired c!tommy propaganda. i cannot be stopped#also fun fact. techno’s hair is different than how i normally draw his hair. mostly the color#usually i draw his hair the same color as the pig skin;; but in the fic it’s specifically mentioned as ‘bubble gum pink’.#and i wanted to be accurate to that. even tho right next to him is tommy in a pony tail; something definitely not in the actual fic#tho it doesn’t really matter ngl;; you can barely see the difference in the final piece kfhfodbkd#still… i’ll know. and so will you; person who read the tags. thanks for that btw idk how many ppl actually read my inane ramblings down here#here; take a peanut butter cookie; made with a dash of chekhov’s gun#(i’ve rambled. so much(not really) about the cookies in various discord servers.)#i love this fic so much you would not believe#also ngl i kinda just. traced the. uh. shit what’s the thing called.#ok i forget the name but jsyk. i traced it fodnkdbd. did not try too much with that#well i mean. i did. with the coloring/shading bits. but not with the actual shape of it didjkdjd#also i just realized i forgot to add the fake writing details on a lil sticker on the thing but then i realized.#you can’t even see it anyway tech’s in the way. so. woo?#anyway i'm about to run out of tags so i guess this is where i stop. have a good day/night; folks!!
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thechekhov · 2 years
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Another lil monthly request for y’all - beta Amity!
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cacowhistle · 2 years
the owl house spoilers ahead!
i wanna talk about a few things, namely: jacob hopkins, belos, and chekhov’s gun.
i’ve seen this theory floating around a bit already, but i wanted to expand on it--i think that belos and jacob hopkins are going to somehow work together as the villain for the shortened season 3. whether it’s via belos possessing the guy, or hopkins working with belos of his own volition, i don’t know--but i think it’s pretty much guaranteed that they’ll be working together for a few reasons.
1. jacob hopkins was set up as a minor antagonist. he was given a name--he’s a character we’re going to remember because of this. that being said, he never had a solid conclusion to his antagonist role.
camila essentially told him to “sit and think about what you’ve done,” and in guys like jacob, that can easily serve to make him more angry, and believe he’s even more in the right. he’s still out there. his story is unresolved, and therefore, i think he’s gonna come back to bite the protagonists in the ass.
it’s the rule of chekhov’s gun--if you mention something by name, it will come back later.
2. belos and jacob have very similar mindsets. obviously there is a difference between “tyrant who wants to cause a mass genocide” and “weird guy who believes aliens are real and out to get us” but both of them believe they are protecting humanity from the “unnatural.”
it would be very easy for belos to manipulate jacob into helping him. jacob likely still has a vendetta against vee and the demon realm as a whole, and i think it’s the perfect setup for him to come back for a more major antagonistic role in season 3.
3. literally what else could happen in the human realm. there are like. no other established antagonists, and with the shortened timeframe it would not only be easier to use jacob in the story, but it would still make sense writing-wise and could honestly end up being a really cool twist if they play it off right.
4. i wanna see jacob get his ass beat lol. that’s it that’s the last point. yesterday’s lie wasn’t enough for me i want him to get beaten up by a group of teenagers.
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frozenbluecookies · 4 years
So, important things that the season finale gave us:
There's the big stuff, of course; the portal, Luz being stuck, Eda and Lilith's magic, etc
But there's a bunch of smaller things pulling at my attention.
Luz's glyphs don't work in the human world.
Luz cast a spell without a glyph, using Owlbert's Staff (and was able to trigger her glyphs remotely, using Owlbert)
Something significant is behind Emperor Belos's mask
Luz still has the mask piece that she chipped off, and it has hella Chekhov's Gun vibes
Willow and Gus incited a protest against an imperial decree on live television (or crystal ball-vision i guess?)
Eda's chest gem is still fully black, while Lilith's hasn't changed. Lilith has a grey streak of hair, while Eda has a streak of pure white, lighter than the rest of her hair.
The coven member assigned to spy on the owl house isn't an ordinary grunt. They're wearing an owl mask, and i don't like it.
And then there's one thing that I was expecting which we didn't see: We still don't know who's sending letters to Luz's mother
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pattercakebakersman · 3 years
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 Lemongrab 1 and 2 fanfic masterpost thing!
felt like compiling the fanfics I’ve written that focus on these two (together or seperately) into one post, along with some art I’ve done for my fics with IDs under the cut at the end :) I will add more fics as I finish my current wips and things.
Croak Dream -  “I had my croak dream.” Lemongrab 2 whispered, and from that moment things were never the same between the lemongrabs. (words: 3K) genres: angst. cws in post.
Brothers -  Lemongrab has a brother now but he’s not sure what that means having never encountered the concept of siblings before. The fact that he hasn’t encountered the concept of a loving family either doesn’t help much. (words: 1.5k) genres: fluff-ish? No cws apply other than maybe a bit of neglect. 
Bandage -  Lemongrab 2 falls and hurts himself shortly after being made, experiencing pain for the first time, so his older brother teaches him about this new emotion. (words: 2.2K) genres: angst with some hurt/comfort elements but not really. cws: cannibalism, abuse, unhealthy dynamic and also child neglect.
On Different Ships -  Lemongrab 2 talks to the lemon person his twin consumed for trying to escape. (words: 1.9K) genres: very angsty. cws: cannibalism obviously, the whole fic is set inside Lg1′s stomach. abuse, child abuse, implied character death, and just general depressings. Also this is quite old!
The Cleaner -  The blood soaked into the cloth slowly. They could smell how cloyingly thick it was with sugar - apparently the only sweet thing a lemon had was its lemonade. In which Lemongrab 2 cleans up yet another of his brother’s messes. (words: 1.5K) genres: angst. Cws: cannibalism aftermath, and autocannibalism. More cws in post.
Chekhov’s Gun - Lemongrab has a bad dream and like all children turns to his mother for comfort. (words 2.6K) genres: angst with some hurt/comfort but not really. Cws:  child abuse (Gumbald and Pb), and neglect
Birds of a Feather - Things are very, very wrong at castle Lemongrab but everyone pretends not to notice. But as Lemonhope’s inability to bend to his parents wishes grows more noticeable and Lemongrab’s behaviour becomes more and more bizarre, Lemongrab 2 is forced to face the reality of their situation and make a choice: their brother’s love, or their children’s safety. (Over 10K, 14 chapters, with 7 currently finished) genres: angst and psychological horror. Cws: massive cws for abuse, more detailed cw list in post. Not for people under 15/16 as it gets quite disturbing)
Choking On Your Own Tongue - Lemongrab 2 has broken their leg in an accident and while hospitalised has a shot at escaping their brother, if they would only take it. word count: 3.1K genres: pure angst. cws: abuse (previous physical abuse, manipulation and gaslighting, and threats), bruises from abuse, animal abuse/animal death, and hospitals.
Ebbs and Flows - Lemon Jon has died, causing Lemongrab 2 to come face to face with mortality for the first time in their short life. Grief and guilt stricken they begin to question what it means to create life. (words: 1.3K) genres: hurt/comfort, angst. Cws: existenialism, cannibalism, self starvation and adverse effects, there’s a scene set in a nightmare that features exposed organs.
Image descriptions:
First picture is a digital drawing depicting a fake cover featuring Lemongrab 1, Lemongrab 2 and the cosmic owl. The cosmic owl is at the top of the piece, spreading his wings and holding Lemongrab 2′s sceptre in his claws. The sceptre cuts down the centre of the image and splits it in half, with the left half showing Lemongrab 1 and the other half his brother. Lemongrab 1 is depicted lying on the grass in a suit of dark grey armour, with a green belt and a gunshot wound that has broken the metal over his chest, and which is seeping blood down his side into the grass. His eyes are glazed over and his mouth is slightly open, with blood trickling from his nose, and more blood splashed on his face. Princess Bubblegum’s hands are touching him gently, with one hand cupping his cheek and the other lacing her fingers through him. He also has a scratch on one leg that has beads of blood, and there is a forget me not blooming in the grass next to him. Lemongrab 2 on the other hand is trapped in the stomach and surrounded by darkness, with their legs bitten off. They are crawling back with a panicked expression away from Lemongrab 1′s hand that are groping for them. There are some geometric patterns around the picture, with the left side consisting of black triangles, and the right of white triangles. The words Croak Dream are written at the bottom. The word croak is in black, and the word dream is in white, and the o in croak has been depicted as a diamond shape that is half black half white. The background of the image is a dull orange.
Second image is a digital drawing of Lemongrab 1 and 2 standing arm in arm, both holding a mirror. Lemongrab 1 is smiling creepily and holding his sound sword, his mirror shows a reflection of lemongrab 2 with their hand on Lemonhope’s shoulder. Lemongrab 2 looks nervous and frightened, and their mirror shows a reflection of Lemongrab 1. The background is a green gradient fading to black. The words Birds of a Feather are written at the top in yellow. ED.
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alloutofgoddesses · 2 years
Marisha just casually dropping Chekhov’s fun owl fact
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