Book Summaries
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crackspinewornpages · 2 months ago
I'm not sure if anyone cares at all, but I'm going to take a break from this for a while.
This blog isn't popular but I still like it, it's gotten me to read some books I never would have.
It's just, I'm going to try to go back to school next fall and I need some reading time that's only for myself and not mandated by a deadline before I get burnt out.
In the meantime I'll finally catch up on some of those Lois Lane comics.
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months ago
THE LITTLE VAMPIRE (the 16 English translated ones)
The Little Vampire
The Little Vampire Moves In
The Little Vampire Takes a Trip
The Little Vampire on the Farm
The Little Vampire in Love
The Little Vampire in Danger
The Little Vampire in the Vale of Doom
The Little Vampire in Despair
The Little Vampire and the Mystery Patient
The Little Vampire in the Lion's Den
The Little Vampire Learns to ne Brave
The Little Vampire Gets a Surprise
The Little Vampire and the Wicked Plot
The Little Vampire and the School Trip
The Little Vampire and the Christmas Surprise
The Little Vampire Meets Count Dracula
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months ago
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months ago
The Screwtape Letters 32/32 -C.S. Lewis
The patient is in love with a girl not on the report also the issue with the Secret Police that was raised in the previous letter has been tided over and Wormwood will pay for that and his other blunders. (ooh somebody got into trouble for talking about how God loves you and he also sends his nephew a book House of Corrections for Incompetent Tempters and it has lots of pictures) He’s looked into it, not only is she a Christian, but a demure, mouse like, virgin, bread and butter one, makes him want to vomit. The Enemy is a hedonist at heart, fasts, vigils, crosses are all a facade, all of it is His pleasure, filling His world with it. Everything has to be twisted before it’s any use to them as nothing is naturally on their side. This woman’s house is one the patient should never enter everything that leaves has a deadly odor (to the demons) the whole place is an obscenity, they must be making a capitol of it just like He does with the secret of love. (they just can’t comprehend it can they) 
Screwtape hates both music and silence, but thankfully, since their Father entered Hell, there’s been Noise that defends them from impossible desires. They will fill the whole universe with it, progress has already been made on Earth. He starts to yell at Wormwood and in his anger turns into a giant centipede and the rest is written by his secretary. A rumor of this transformation has reached earth (thanks to Milton) along with the ridiculous notion that it is punishment from the Enemy rather than being a glorious manifestation of that Life Force their Father would worship if he worshiped anything but himself. (of course the devil is a narcissist) Meanwhile, in his present form he’s anxious to see Wormwood and embrace him. (foreshadowing to how he actually feels) 
Through this girl and her family, the patient is knowing more Christians and in time it’ll be impossible to remove spirituality from his life so they must corrupt it. (they can transform into an angel of light for Hell parades) “A spoiled saint, a Pharisee, an inquisitor, or a magician, makes better sport in Hell than a mere common tyrant or debauchee.”p.116 The best point is the border between theology and politics, many Christian political writers think Christianity began going wrong and depart from its Founder. They encourage this by a conception of a Historical Jesus, and it changes every thirty years distracting man’s minds from Who He is and what He did. To destroy the devotional life the presence of the Enemy they substitute a remote shadow figure who died a long time ago, such things cannot be worshipped. This Historical Jesus depicts a false history, few have been brought to the Enemy by the study of the biography of Jesus, the full biography has been withheld from them the earliest were converted by a single historical fact of Resurrection, a single doctrine, the Redemption and the Gospels came later to edify Christians. (this paragraph was three pages long) 
The historical Jesus is always encouraged but they don't want Christianity to flow in their political life, it would be a disaster, they want men of Christianity as a means of advancement even social justice. Get men to value justice as he thinks the Enemy demands then values Christianity because it may produce social justice. “For the Enemy will not be used as a convenience. Men or nations who think they can revive the Faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of Heaven as a short cut to the nearest chemist’s shop.”p.120 (well at least they upgraded stairs are easier to climb than a ladder) 
He’s been in contact with the woman’s demon, Slumtrimpet and found a chink, a vice in nearly all women within intelligent circles, the assumption those that do not share this belief are stupid. What she believes is from faith is really from her surroundings, ignorance so large and spiritual pride so small they have hope for her, now what of his patient. A novice always exaggerates, the patient is anxious to imitate this quality of life because he is ion love, have him imitate this defect in the woman and exaggerate it into the vice of Spiritual Pride. This new circle gives many reasons to be proud, education, intelligence, societal and he’s under illusion to his place in it he may think he’s unworthy of the girl but not others, ignorant by how much he’s forgiven because he’s now family. His conversation and opinions, echoes of their own and his joy in them is due to the enchantment of the girl spreading all over her surroundings. He thinks he likes them because of the congruity of shared spiritual states but if he weren't in love he’d be puzzled and repelled. (oh he’s got it down bad for this girl then) 
The Enemy is drawing the patient up by means of sexual love and agreeable people, make him feel these are his people and any other society is dull. “You must teach him to mistake this contract between the circle that delights and the circle that bores him for the contrast between Christians and unbelievers.”p.123 Success relies in confusing him, if he’s too proud of being a Christian you will fail but too little and he’ll be complacent, no natural pride but social vanity, a temporary little sin. What you should do is never let him question why he’s congratulating himself. Teach him being in a secret inner ring is where he belongs, use this girl for him to adopt an air of amusement at unbelievers. Make Christianity seem like a mystery religion that he feels he’s one of the members. Don’t fill the reports about the rubbish war, it’s a matter for the High Command. He’s not interested at all to know how many have been killed or their state of mind he can learn that from the office, he already knew they were going to die sometime. 
The trouble with the set the patient is living in is that it’s merely Christian, they have individual interests but that is the bond, they want them to stay in that state of mind of ‘Christian And-’, Christians but with a difference. The valuable passion of the same old thing, “The humans live in time, and experience reality successively. To experience much of it, therefore, they must experience many different things; in other words, they must experience change.”p.126 (stop repeating the word experience) The Enemy has made change pleasurable, but He doesn't wish them to make change, he balanced the love of it by a love of performance into Rhythm. Now they twist the pleasure of change to a demand for novelty. 
This demand diminishes pleasure and increases desire, continued novelty costs money and the desire creates avarice, unhappiness or both, soon it eats up all innocent sources and passes into those the Enemy forbids. (in other words touching grass is free) Recently they infiltrated the Arts with the horror of the same old thing, low brow and high brows drawn to fresher lasciviousness, cruelty and pride. “Finally, the desire for novelty is indispensable if we are to provide Fashions or Vogues.”p.128 (yes call out fast fashion) Fashions distract men from the real dangers, each generation against these vices and fix approval on the virtue nearest to the vice. “The game is to have them all running about with fire extinguishers wherever there is a flood, and all crowding to that side of the boat which is already nearly gunwale under.”p.129 The greatest triumph is to elevate to a philosophy so that nonsense can reinforce corruption in the will.  
The Enemy wants men to ask questions, is it righteous or prudent, possible now they get them to ask if it’s progressive or reactionary and neglect relevant questions. The questions they do ask are unanswerable as they don't know the future that relies on the choices they make now. (this seems more relevant now than ever) Then their minds are buzzing, and they have a better chance of getting in and bending them to their actions. “And great work has already been done. Once they know that some changes were for the better, and others for the worse, and others again indifferent. We have largely removed this knowledge.”-”We have trained them to think of the Future as a promised land which favoured heroes attain-not as something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whatever he is,”p.130 
“Yes; courtship is the time for sowing those seeds which will grow up ten years later into domestic hatred.”p.131 The enchantment of unsatisfied desire made to mistake for the results of charity and the ambiguity of ‘Love’ make them think they solved the problems only to postpone them under enchantment they become secret and chronic. Substitute negative unselfishness for positive Charity, male and female divergencies build up between the sexes. With women they take trouble for others and a man doesn't give trouble as a result the woman becomes a nuisance (more than any man) and the man will be long before he helps anyone. (simultaneously doing as much work as an ordinary woman does every day) In the confusion introduce a mutual compliance, a degree of self-sacrifice that after the enchantment dies, they won't have enough charity to keep up.  “They will not see the trap, since they are under the double blindness of mistaking sexual excitement for charity and of thinking that the excitement will last.”p.132 (don’t fall for the honeymoon phase) 
After Unselfishness has been established after their emotional resources have died away and spiritual hasn’t grown, delightful results follow. In arguing for the others' choices, it is impossible to find the others' real wishes and do what neither wants and both feel self-righteousness and a secret grudge on the other for their accepted sacrifice. (so passive aggressive BS) Next is the Generous Conflict Illusion, a game involving family and adult children, one suggestion makes the other will disagree with but will do out of Unselfishness the suggestion will be withdrawn through their Unselfishness then the quarrels start with bitter resentment. (a family of doormats self-righteous sacrificers people pleasers and boat rockers) “but each manages to feel blameless and ill-used itself, with no more dishonesty than comes natural to a human.”p.134 A little selfishness is less valuable for securing a soul in the long run than elaborate unselfishness. If they discover it, they’ll notice love is not enough and charity is needed. 
The use of Love to distract from the Enemy is obvious and it is now the subject of his prayers, he should be encouraged to pray for anything else and continue his normal prayer like nothing happened. Accepting the distraction as his problem and laying it before the Enemy puts him closer to the Enemy. There is promise now that he is in love he worries about earthly happiness and urgency about the war and other matters and raises intellectual difficulties about prayer. “False spirituality is always to be encouraged. On the seemingly pious ground that ‘praise and communion with God is the true prayer,’ humans can often be lured into direct disobedience to the Enemy when (in His usual flat commonplace, uninteresting way) has definitely told them to pray for their daily bread and recovery of their sick.”137 Under obedience the patient will continue the prayers but can be worried with suspicion that it’s absurd and has no results. If what he prays for doesn't happen it’s proof they don't work, if it does, he’ll find a physical cause. “and thus a granted prayer becomes just as good as proof as a denied one that prayers are ineffective.”p.137 
As a spirit he’ll find it difficult to understand how a man will be confused, but remember he takes time for ultimate reality and thinks the Enemy sees time the same as he, as their consciousness has them perceive the self-consistent creation as a series of successive events. “Why that creative act leaves room for their free will is the problem of problems, the secret behind the Enemy’s nonsense about “Love.” How it does so is no problem at all; for the Enemy does not foresee the humans making their free contributing in the future, but sees them doing so in His unbounded Now.”p.139 In the intellectual climate of Europe there's little worry about it getting out, they've delt with the learned and they are now the least likely to gain wisdom by old books with the Historical Point of View. The learned don't ask if what the ancient author said is true but what influenced him and how consistent it is and effects later writers or has been misunderstood. “And since we cannot deceive the whole human race all the time, it is most important thus to cut every generation off from all others; for where learning makes a free commerce between the ages there is always the danger that the characteristic errors of one may be corrected by the characteristic truths of another.”p.140 (damn nearly 100 years later and it hasn't changed if anything the generational gap has gotten worse) 
Screwtape reminds Wormwood he doesn’t want war reports unless it concerns the patient's spirituality. (and if you haven’t got it by now Wormwood is a fuck up) The patient’s death needs to be avoided currently as he’s broken off the worldly friends and fallen in love and is immune to their methods of spiritual corruption. As the war draws nearer his worries take him nearer to the Enemy, his dependence will make him lost to them if he is killed. (wonders if the young tempters are infected by sentiment and values by being around humans and that’s a take could a demon be so curious about humans they grow attached and start to change for the better) “They, of course,  do tend to regard death as the prime evil and survival as the greatest good, But that is because we have taught them to do so. Do not let us be infected by our own propaganda.”p.142 (not even demons are immune to propaganda) Keep him alive and he’ll have time to tempt him, it’s difficult for those creatures to preserver through routine and decay of youth when chronic temptations wear on the soul. “Prosperity knits a man to the World. He feels that he’s “finding his place in it,” while really it is finding its place in him.”p.143 Reputation, acquaintances, a sense of importance, it’s what they want, you’ll notice the young are much less willing to die than the old.  
The Enemy destined these animals to life in His eternal world, guarding them from the danger of feeling at home anywhere else. That’s why they want the patients to live long, to unravel their souls, to build attachment to the earth. Make them believe they can turn earth into Heaven in the future by some method. “Real worldliness is a work of time-assisted of course, by pride, for we teach them to describe the creeping death as a good sense of Maturity or Experiance.”p.144 (also taught them to ignore the warning that experience is the mother of illusion) Time is valuable by how little the Enemy gives, the many that survive infancy die in youth and death is another gate to life. He wants very few to have experienced resisting them of their whole earthly life, the smaller the opportunity the better they must use it, so keep his patient alive and safe. (yeah this makes sense the shorter they live the less time they have to change) 
With the Germans bombing the patient's town consider aiming for cowardice or courage with pride or hatred at the Germans. It’s no good to make him brave, the research department hasn't discovered how to make any virtues, even a wicked man needs some virtue, they can only use what the Enemy supplies. They can manage Hatred, the tension of war and fatigue makes them prone to violent emotion, only a question of where to guide it. Let him feel hatred on others’ behalf and not regard their enemies as his own so they’re not to be forgiven as Christianity teaches to. (you know they whole forgive my enemies thing) Hatred works best with Fear, Cowardice is painful in all ways, Hatred has pleasures, and in it, compensates for Fear’s miseries. “The more he fears, the more he will hate. And Hatred is also a great anodyne for shame, to make a deep wound in his charity, you should therefore first defeat his courage.”p.147 
They have made men proud of vices but not cowardice, whenever they’re close the Enemy permits war or calamity and courage becomes so important to humans all their work is undone, and they feel shame. The danger of cowardice is it produces real self-knowledge and loathing and the consequent repentance and humility. In this war thousands discovered their cowardice and consequently the whole mortal world. “In peace we can make many of them ignore good and evil entirely; in danger, the issue is forced upon them in a guise to which even we cannot blind them.”p.148 If they promote justice and charity they play into the Enemy’s hands, promote the opposite He permits a war and the cowardice or courage awakes men from mortal stupor. “This, indeed, is probably one of the Enemy’s motives for creating a dangerous world-a world in which moral issues really come to the point. He sees as well as you do that courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means, at the point of highest reality.”p.148 (is the CS Lewis explaining the question of why does God allow bad things to happen) 
They may lose too much with cowardice as the man could learn about himself but there is a chance instead of shame it produces Despair. It shows he accepted the Enemy’s forgiveness for his other sins because he didn't fully feel their sinliness, but Screwtape fears the patient already knows Despair is already a greater sin. Wormwood must keep him thinking of what he can or cannot do inside his duty that makes him feel a little safer. Superstitions of imagined safe lines keep him thinking he has something other than the Enemy to fall back on. A determination that the worst shall not come, then in a moment of terror rush it out of him. Remember, though they enjoy it, fear isn't a sin, the act of cowardice is all that matters. 
Does Wormwood think he’s been sent to earth for amusement, he’s been informed by the Infernal Police the patient's behavior during the raid was horrible, (so it was good) he felt cowardly, felt no pride and still did his duty and more. “At any rate, you will soon find that the justice of Hell is purely realistic, and concerned only with results. Bring us back food, or be food yorself.”p.151 While he hopes for results from the patient’s fatigue it won't happen, it can lead to gentleness and vision, only anger and impatience from those that already have efficient tempters. “The paradoxical thing is that moderate fatigue is a better soil for peevishness than absolute exhaustion. This depends partly on physical causes, but partly on something else. It is not fatigue simply as such that produces the anger, but unexpected demands on a man already tired.”p.152 Dissapointment can turn to injury after they have despaired and didn't think ahead weariness begins. For the best results feed him false hopes that it will soon be over. “for men usually feel that a strain could have been endured no longer at the very moment when it is ending, or when they think it is ending.”p.153 The fun is to make the man give in just when relief was almost in sight but he didn't know it. (like the ending to The Mist) 
If he meets this girl under that strain make use of it, fatigue makes women talk more and men talk less and secret resentment can be raised up. What he’s going through now can bring an intellectual attack on his faith, but Wormwood’s failures made that invaluable but emotional attacks can be tried, make him see the real world and religion is a fantasy. The meaning of Real being the bare physical facts separated from what else they experienced or it could mean the emotional facts effecting human consciousness, their business is to keep the two going at once and pull on one that suits them. Right now, they established Real are physical facts and spiritual are subjective. “in all experiences which can discourage or corrupt them the spiritual elements are the main reality and to ignore them is to be an escapist.”p.154 
Now that all is lost he asks if all of Screwtape’s terms of affection meant nothing, Screwtape loves Wormwood as he loves himself, the difference is he is stronger. “I think they will give you to me now, or a bit of you. Love you? Why, yes. As a dainty a morsel as ever I grew fat on.”p.156 That lost soul echoes through all the levels down to the Throne and he knows the instant he was snatched away the man’s eyes cleared, and he recognized the part he had in him no longer. Instantaneous liberation one moment it was their world, noise, bombs and horrors, the next it was all gone. “Did you mark how naturally- as if he’d been born for it-the earth-born vermin entered the new life?”p.157 
“As he saw you, he also saw Them. I know how it was. You reeled back dizzy and blinded, more hurt by them than he had ever been by bombs. The degradation of it!-”p.158 That the man could converse with them while he could only cower the gods are strange and not to mortal eyes. He had no concept of how they would look and even doubted their existence, but when he saw them and realized their part in his life when he thought he was alone and recognized them. “Recognition made him free of their company almost before the limbs of his corpse became quiet. Only you were left outside. He saw not only Them; he saw Him.”p.159 (and He wears the form of a man) In the Presence he had clearer knowledge of his sins than Wormwood, but they embrace those pains (the demons feel) for not even the earthly pleasure and delights he was once tempted with. Their greatest curse besides useless tempters is the failure of the Intelligence Department, if only they knew what He’s really up to, that knowledge necessary for Power. 
“All that sustains me is the conviction that our Realism, our rejection (in the face of all temptations) of all silly nonsense and clap trap, must win in the end. Meanwhile, I have you to settle with. Most truly do I sign myself, Your increasingly and ravenously affectionate uncle Screwtape.”p.160 
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months ago
The Screwtape Letters 21/32 -C.S. Lewis
While he is making excellent progress Screwtape fears that in the hurry he’ll awaken the patient to the true position, and they must not forget how different it appears to him. His course has already drawn him away from the Enemy, but he must be made to believe all his choices are trivial and reversable. He is almost glad to hear the patient is still a church goer, there are dangers in it, but it is better than he realizing the break he made in his Christian life. “As long as he retains externally the habits of a Christian he can still be made to think of himself as one who has adopted a few new friends and amusements but whose spiritual state is much the same as it was six weeks ago.”p.61 And while he thinks that they don't have to deal with repentance of recognized sin but only uneasy feelings of not doing well. 
This uneasiness needs to be handled carefully or it’ll wake him up and ruin the game and if you suppress it, even if the Enemy allowed it, it’ll lose an element in the situation. If the feeling lives and isn't allowed to grow into real repentance it’s invaluable. “It increases the patient’s reluctance to think about the Enemy. All humans at nearly all times have some such reluctance; but when thinking of Him involves facing and intensifying a whole vague cloud of half-conscious guilt, this reluctance is increased tenfold.”p.62 In this state they hate they very suggestion of Him and the patient will think and feel little for them and forget the duties as soon as they are over. Now the patient begging for a distraction and a numb heart he’ll want his prayers to be unreal as he dreads contact with the Enemy. 
Once this condition is fully established, he’ll be relieved of providing Pleasures as temptations. As the uneasiness and reluctance cuts him off more from real happiness and habits harder to forgo and anything will attract his attention, even things he cares nothing about and bore him. All healthy and outgoing activities can be avoided and nothing given in return so he’ll say as they do, that he spent his life doing neither what he should do or liked. (in a sense denying himself who he really is to fit in) They say without the Enemy Nothing is strong, “And Nothing is very strong; strong enough to steal away a man's best years not in sweet sins but in dreary flickering of the mind over it knows not what and knows not why,”p.64 These are small sins not spectacular wickedness but the only thing that matters is that he separates the man from the Enemy. “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft, underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,”p.65 (and the road to Heaven is never the easy one) 
Wormwood let the patient slip through his fingers and Screwtape sees no reason to shield him from the consequences. This repentance and renewal he describes is a second conversion, probably deeper than the first. That cloud which prevented him from attacking the patient, (some humans are permanently surrounded by it) it appears when the Enemy is directly present under modes not yet classified. Wormwood’s first blunder is allowing the patient to read a book he enjoyed and allowed him to walk down a countryside he likes, two positive Pleasures. Pain and Pleasure is real and to allow a man to feel them is giving him a touch of reality. If he tried to damn him by the Romantic method (poets and novelists like Childe Harold or Werther) self-pity, imaginary distresses, protecting him from pain a toothache would reveal them as nonsense. Instead, he tried to damn him by the World, by vanity, irony and tedium, real pleasure was the last thing he should have let him have. To detach him from the Enemy he had to be detached from himself, now it is all undone.  
The Enemy wants to detach men from themselves in a different way, He likes them and sets value in their distinction. When they detach from self-will, He gives them back all their personality and He (sincerely) boasts they are more themselves than ever. He likes them suffering their will to His and hates any other reason. Man’s deepest impulses are raw material the Enemy furnished them from. Screwtape himself would eradicate any personal taste, there's nothing of virtue in them but a sort of innocence and humility Screwtape distrusts. If a man truly enjoys anything for their own sake it is armed against their subtle attacks. He should make the patient abandon what he truly likes for what seems right or the best things. Now how to retrieve this disaster, as long as he doesn't convert it into action his repentance doesn't matter, no amount of piety will harm them if they keep it out of his will passive habits are weakened. (he could write a book about it an excellent way of sterilizing the seeds the Enemy plants in the soul) “The more often he feels without acting, the less he will be able ever to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel,”p.70 
It is alarming the patient is no longer making confident resolutions, no more lavish promises or expectations. “but only a hope for the daily and hourly pittance to meet the daily and hourly Temptation! This is very bad.”p.71 The patient is now humble, is he aware of it as all, virtues are less formidable once they are aware of them. Catch them in a moment a gratifying reflection, “and almost immediately pride-pride at his own humility-will appear.”p.71 There are other ways of fixing his attention with all virtues, the Enemy wants to turn the man's sense of self towards Him and his neighbors, all abjection and self hatred is designed for this end. This self-contempt can be a starting point for gloom, cynicism and cruelty. 
So you must conceal from the patient the true end of Humility, let him think of it as an opinion of his own character, the belief those talents are less valuable than he thinks. Make him value an opinion for quality other than truth thus introducing dishonesty into the heart threatening what will become virtue. By this way millions believe humility is a pretty woman thinking she's ugly and a clever man believing he is a fool. But they cannot succeed, and they succeed in keeping their minds revolving in an effort to achieve the impossible. They must consider the Enemy’s aims, He could put into a patient’s head to build the best Cathedral and wants him to be free of the bias of his fever so he can rejoice in his talents. “He wants each man, in the long run, to be able to recognize all creatures (even himself) as glorious and excellent things.”p.73 (so he wants humans to acknowledge their own efforts and talents as their own skills not something God did) Kill the self-love and restore a new kind for charity and gratitude, they must never forget the Enemy’s inexplicable trait. “He really loves the hairless bipeds He has created and always gives back to them with His right hand what He has taken away with His left.”p.74 
His effort is to get the man’s mind off the subject of his own value, He’d rather the man think himself a great artist and forget about it rather thinking about how he’s a bad one. Wormwood should instill vanity or false modesty, a reminder that a man isn't usually called upon to have an opinion of his own talents and will go on improving them without deciding on his niche in the temple of Fame. So, his job should be to exclude this reminder at all costs, the Enemy will also try to render a real doctrine they find difficult to feel, they didn't create themselves and their talents were given to them. (so the demons believe it’s nothing to be proud of) The Enemy’s aim is to get the patient’s mind off that Wormwoods job is the opposite. (He doesn’t even want them to think of their sins too much) 
Screwtape noticed the lull in the war corresponds with the patient's lull in spiritual anxieties now to encourage this or keep him worried, tortured fear or stupid confidence. The Enemy destines them to eternity so it's believed he wants them to attend two things, eternity and time called the Present. “For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity.”p.76 The Present moment humans experience analogues to reality as a whole in which freedom and actuality are offered. So, He would have them concerned with eternity (which means Him) or the Present, mediating on their union or separation from Him. Their business is to get them away from eternity and the Present to live in the Past but even that resembles eternity. 
It is better to make them live in the Future, biologically they already point in that direction and it inflames hope and Fear, an unknown making them think of unrealities, the least like eternity. “It is the most completely temporal point of time-for the Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.”p.77 So they affix man’s attention to the future, why all vices are related there, “Gratitude looks to the past and love to the present; fear, avarice, lust, and ambition look ahead.”p.77 
The Enemy wants them to think of the Future as necessary for now planning, justice or charity that will be enacted tomorrow. The planning of it is today’s duty and material for it from the future, the duty being in the Present. He doesn't want the humans to give the future their hearts, unlike them. His ideal is man who works all day for good and prosperity, commits the issue to Heaven and returns to gratitude by the moment passing over him. But they want the man haggard by the future of heaven or hell on earth, ready to break the Enemy’s commands if they make him think he can attain one over the other, the end he won't live to see. “We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbows end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel where with to keep the alter of the future ever real gift which is offered them in the Present.”p.79 
It is better for the patient to be filled with anxiety or hope about the war than to live in the present but that is also ambiguous. The patient may be untroubled with the Future but not concerned about the Present but because he’s convinced the Future will be fine. That will do them some good because it will pile up disappointment and more impatience when false hopes are dashed. If he is aware of the horrors and is praying for virtues and concerns himself with the Present because only there everything dwells, this state should be attacked immediately. He is most likely there because he is in good health and enjoying his work, it should still be broken up. “No natural phenomenon is really in our favour. And anyway, why should the creature be happy?”p.80 (can demons even feel happiness) 
The patient has attended a church since his conversion but isn’t pleased with it, why hasn’t he gotten a report on it, doesn't he realize that unless it is due to indifference it's a bad thing. If a man can't be cured of churchgoing the next thing is to send him church hopping. The parochial organization should always be attacked, “being a unity of place and not of liking, it brings people of different classes and psychology together in the kind of unity the Enemy desires.”p.81 The congregational principle makes it seem like a club or a faction and the search for a suitable one makes the man a critic instead of a pupil. He may be critical and reject what he doesn't find hopeful and doesn't waste time thinking about it. 
Screwtape has looked in two churches, in one the Vicar has been watering down the faith for the hardheaded congregation, now he shocks them instead with unbelief. At the other church Fr Spike, his opinions oscillate day to day. “We, of course, see the connecting link, which is Hatred. The man cannot bring himself to preach anything which is not calculated to shock, grieve, puzzle, or humiliate his parents and their friends.”p.83 There is also his streak of dishonesty, the teachings of the Church really means what he thinks he’s read recently, and he really believes it. (ah he’s that kind of preacher) They are both party churches, the fun is working up hatred between those that say mass or holy communion when neither can tell the difference, all indifferent things are grounds for their activities. “We have quite removed from men’s minds what that pestilent fellow Paul used to teach about food and other unessentials-namely, that the human without scruples should always give in to the human with scruples. You would think they could not fail to see the appplication.”p.84 
Screwtape calls out Wormwood’s ignorance for his contempt of gluttony to catch souls, one of their greatest achievements was to deaden a human soul on that, all their efforts on presenting it as Delicacy not Excess. The patient's mother is a good example; her whole life is enslaved to it despite the quantities being small. “But what do quantities matter, provided we can use a human belly and palate to produce querulousness, impatience, uncharitableness, and self-concern?”p.86 She is a terror to hosts and servants determined to get what she wants no matter how much trouble it is to others. She believes she is practicing temperance as she screams at the overworked waitress she is offended to be offered more food than she wants. (this is a new interesting take on gluttony not pigging out at a buffet but wanting the impossible gourmet still an overindulgence not for just yourself but a pain to those around you the insatiable appetite for the impossible and woe to those that cannot provide it)  
Her ‘all I want’ mindset has enslaved her and she finds no one can do it properly to please her insatiable demands and impossible palate she imagines she remembers. The days where there were good servants is really when she was easier to please and had other pleasures that made her less dependent on the table. Her disappointments lead to ill temper, cooks quit, friendships cool, everything the Enemy introduces it’s a problem Glubose counteracts that she just wants things nice for her boy and that greed has been a domestic discomfort for years. (yeah the sins can blend into each other like gluttony and greed wrath envy sloth lust and they have pride as their root)
Even though the patient is on other fronts he could still be introduced to gluttony, being male he won't get caught by the ‘all I want’ mindset. Males are best turned by their vanity that can be turned to habit. (a foodie) However it is done bring him to a state where he is in denial of indulgence of anything. Excess is less valuable than delicacy, on that subject keep him in a condition of false spirituality and let him wonder what pride or lack of faith brought him and not what he’s been indulging in. Let him think of the medical side of chastity the lie they made them believe. (chastity means to refrain it’s not just about sex) 
Sexual temptation is a tedium to learn but there's larger issues involved in learning. The Enemy’s demand on humans, either abstinence or monogamy and since their Father’s first victory the former is very difficult, the latter is closing as a way to escape through writers. The short-lived experience of being in love is the only respectable ground for marriage and it should render the excitement permanent and if it doesn't it’s no longer binding. “This idea is our parody of an idea that came from the Enemy.”p.91 The whole axiom of Hell is that one thing is not another thing; to be means in a competition, the Enemy’s philosophy is an attempt to erode this truth. A contradiction, things are many but also one, He Himself claims to be three and one, (father son and holy ghost) introduces the organism invention, parts made to cooperate. “This impossibility He calls Love, and this same monotonous panacea can be detected under all He does and even all He is-or claims to be.”p.92 
Sex from their view is innocent, a way the strong preys on the weaker (they use spiders as an example but I think praying mantises would be better) but in humans the Enemy associated affection between two with sexual desire, the offspring dependent on the parents and the parents impulse to support it producing family. Like an organism but worse, distinct members united in a responsible way, a device for Love. The Enemy describes the couples as one flesh, he can make the humans ignore He didn't say happily married, couple or being in love and Paul didn't confine it to married couples. 
Whenever man lies with a woman is transcendental and if obediently entered into will produce affection and family and humans can be made to believe falsely the affection, fear and desire they call love is what makes a marriage happy or holy. (you have to work on that happiness that’s why the beginning is called a honeymoon phase you don’t find your soul mate you grow into being soul mates)  “In other words, the humans are to be encouraged to regard as the basis for marriage a highly-coloured and distorted version of something the Enemy really promises as its result.”p.94 Some can be deterred from marriage as they do not feel in love and the very idea seems low and cynical and only sexual infatuation will be regarded as love and will be used as an excuse from guilt and conscience. (are are they talking about ace and allosexuals here)  
In response to his last letter all selves by nature are in competition so the Enemy’s idea of love is a contradiction to reiterate, “He really loves the human vermin and really desires their freedom and continued existence?”p.96 It doesn't matter if he shows those letters to anyone any appearance of hearsay is accidental, he can trust him to look after his best interests but do keep everything under wraps. (also what he wrote about Slubgob was jocular he actually has great respect for him oh so somebody got in trouble) He slipped by saying the Enemy loves the humans, that's an impossibility, He is one being and they are distinct from Him, all His talk of Love is a disguise for something else. “He must have some real motive for creating them and taking so much trouble about them. The reason one comes to talk as if He really had this impossible Love is our utter failure to find out the real motive. What does He stand to make of them? That is the insoluble question.”p.97 (they really don’t understand I feel kind of sorry for them) 
That very problem was the chief cause of their Father’s quarrel with Him, their Father could not understand, that He wished with all his heart their Father did. It was disgust at that lack of confidence that their Father chose to distance himself and now they see why the Enemy is so secretive, His throne depends on it. “Members of His faction have frequently admitted that if ever we came to understand what He means by Love, the war would be over and we should re-enter Heaven. And there lies the great task. We know that He cannot really Love: nobody can: it doesn't make sense. If we could only find out what He is really up to!”p.98 (they really don’t get the concept of unconditional love do they) 
Leave them to ask if Love, patriotism, celibacy, alters, education ect are good or bad, there's no answer. Nothing matters but moving a patient nearer to the Enemy or to them, with an arrogant man separate his sexuality from those that might humanize it. If he's emotional, feed him poetry to make him believe Love is irresistible and meritorious, producing noble romantic tragedies and adultery ending in murders and suicides. Failing it can be used to steer the patient into marriage, useful if the woman can make his Christian life difficult. Report on this in the next letter and remember falling in love is not favorable to either side, just one they both try to exploit, raw material. 
The Enemy has put an end to Wormwood’s attacks on the patient's chastity and the man has discovered they don't last forever and he cannot use their best weapon on ignorant humans, that there is no hope to get rid them except to give in. Screwtape also wants a report on the women in the neighborhood if anything for desirable marriage. The type of woman is decided in Lowerarchy to develop taste, working in a small circle of popular artists, dressmakers, advertiser ect to direct the sex away from the spiritually helpful happy marriages (this explains a lot about Susan) and with men encourage them to breed with arrogant and prodigal women. (they also made beards disagreeable to nearly all women) The waltz gave way to jazz and beauty standards are more transitory (they teach men to like women whose bodies look like boys and I’m sure there’s something implied there) and aggravate a woman's fear of growing old and less willing to have children. They have also increased the license for society to see nude art, or on stage, or on the beach (women in a two piece how scandalous) all false and propped up. (CS Lewis calling out photoshop and airbrushing impossible beauty standards from the 1940s) “As a result we are more and more directing the desires of men to something which does not exist-making the role of the eye in sexuality more and more important and at the same time making its demands more and more impossible.”p.103 (this paragraph is three pages long) 
In this he can direct his patient in two directions, in the heart of man he is haunted by two women, the terrestrial and infernal Venus, desire differs according to its object. One type amenable to the Enemy, readily charitable, obedient to marriage and colored with naturalness (they detest) another type desires to desire. Use that to draw him away from marriage, even within it he’d treat it as a slave, idol or accomplice. Love for the first the Enemy would call evil, but accidentally, but in the second the evil is what he wants, the sulkiness, craft, cruelty he likes and in body something different than what he’d call Beauty and in a sane hour call ugly and in their art can play on his private obsession. The infernal Venus is a prostitute or mistress but if your man is a Christian well trained in all excusing love he can be persuaded to marry her but there are other ways of undoing a man by his sexuality, efficient and delightful. “the unhappiness produced is of a very lasting and exquisite kind.”p.105 (why do I picture Screwtape doing the Mr Burns finger tap thing) 
A period of sexual temptations is an excellent way to attack the patient's peevishness, but it must be prepared by darkening his intellect. “Men are not angered by mere misfortune but by misfortune conceived as injury. And the sense of injury depends on the feeling that a legitimate claim has been denied.”p.106 The more claims the more ill-tempered and nothing will throw him by having his time taken from him, unexpectedly throwing him off. He is not so uncharitable or slothful that these demands of courtesy are too much, they anger him because he feels his time is stolen and never doubt this time is his birthright. “The man can neither make, nor retain, one moment of time; it all comes to him by pure gift;”-”He is also, in theory, committed to a total service of the Enemy; and if the Enemy appeared to him in bodily form and demanded that total service for even one day, he would not refuse.”p.107 He cannot realize he’s in this situation every day. 
Encourage a sense of ownership, those claims are always funny in Heaven and Hell, men believe they own their bodies. “We produce this sense of ownership not only by pride but by confusion. We teach them not to notice the different senses of the passive pronoun-”p.109 They can be taught to reduce all these senses of ownership, and they have taught men to say My God with no difference than My boots. (the teddy bear I can give affection to because it’s mine or the teddy bear I can rip apart because it’s mine) “The God on whom I have a claim for my distinguished services and whom I exploit from the pulpit-the God I have done a corner in.”p.109 The big joke is the fully passive Mine cannot be said by a human being about anything. Their Father or Enemy will say Mine for each thing that exists especially man. “They will find out in the end, never fear, to whom their time, their souls, and their bodies really belong-certainly not to them, whatever happens.”p.110 At present the Enemy says Mine of everything on the ground He made it, their Father hopes in the end to say Mine on the more realistic ground of conquest.  
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crackspinewornpages · 3 months ago
The Screwtape Letters 11/32 -C.S. Lewis
He doesn't intend to explain how these letters got to him “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”p.9 They are pleased by these errors the script in this book can be obtained by anyone who learned the knack but ill-disposed people who’ll make bad use of it won't learn from him. “Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar.”p.9 Not everything Screwtape says is to be assumed to be true even from his angle. He hasn't attempted to identify anyone in the letters but doubts their portraits are just. “There is wishful thinking in Hell as well as on Earth.”p.9 The letters are not chronological, November XVII was written before rational was serious, but the dating seems to have no relation to terrestrial time. “The history of the European war, except in so far as it happens now and then to impinge upon the spiritual condition as one human being was obviously of no interest to Screwtape.”p.9 
CS Lewis July 5 1941 (in this universe this is a published series of letters CW Lewis found like how LOTR is a history Tolkien translated and if you didn’t know he was Catholic you will now)  
Screwtape writes to Wormwood, (his nephew) noted that he tried to guide his patient’s (human victim) reading and direct him towards his materialist friend to keep him from the Enemy (God) it might have worked if he lived a few centuries before. “At that time the humans still knew pretty well when a thing was proved and when it wasn't; and if it was proved they really believed it.”p.11 They connected thinking with doing and prepared to alter their lives with that reasoning. “But what with the weekly press and other such weapons we have largely altered that.”p.11 (so in other words they propagate fake news) Since he was a boy his man has had a dozen different philosophies in his head. “Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church.”p.11 Don't waste time on materialism, make him think the strong, stark or courageous is the future. 
Argument moves the struggle to the Enemy’s ground he can argue too and in practical propaganda has been shown for centuries to be inferior to Our Father Below. (the devil) “By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient’s reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the resault?”p.12 (this is why you need to keep you mind open to all sources so you don't get trapped in a echo chamber) Even if a train of thought can be twisted to their favor, he’ll find he’s strengthened the patient’s habit of attending universal issues and withdraw from immediate sense experiences. His job is to fix his attention to it and call it real life and not to ask what is real. Remember, he’s not a pure spirit like him, just a human, an advantage of the Enemy's enslaved to the pressure of the ordinary. 
Once he had a patient, an atheist, one day his train of thought was going the wrong way and his twenty years of work was tattering. He lost his head and began a defiance argument but he wasn't such a fool and suggested he get lunch, then the Enemy presumably made a counter suggestion that this was more important. “you know how one can never quite overhear what He says to them?”p.13 (huh this is interesting the shoulder devil and angel know the other exists but can’t see or hear each other) By the time the patient got to the bus he had counter suggested an unalterable conviction real life was enough to show him that sort of thing isn't true, now he’s in their Father’s house. 
Does he see now through centuries of their work, “they find it all but impossible to believe in the unfamiliar while the familiar is before their eyes.”p.14 Use ordinary things, but not science against Christianity, they’ll encourage him to think of realities he can't see, keep them on economics and sociology. (this is also interesting usually Christianity denies science but here the argument is science teaches them to believe I things that aren’t physically there so they can easier believe in God) Don’t let them get away from real life, don't let them read science and give them an idea they know it all, his job is to fuddle not teach. 
The patient had become Christian and don’t hope he’ll escape the penalties, but they must make the best of the situation. Many who convert have been reclaimed, the patient’s habits mentally and bodily are still in their favor. “One of our great allies at present in the Church itself.”p.15 Spread through all time and space rooted in eternity that spectacle makes the tempter uneasy, but fortunately is invisible to the humans. All the patients see is a half-finished Gothic erection and a new estate that offers familiar faces and books no one understands, of corrupt texts and bad lyrics in small print. The neighbors in the pews can be useful, the patient is a fool, make him believe their religion is ridiculous, keep everything in his mind hazy, he’ll have all eternity to give him clarity in Hell. 
Work hard on the disappointment that will come in the next few weeks, the Enemy allows this to occur on every threshold of human endeavor. “In every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing.”p.17 The Enemy takes this risk because he wants the humans (that he refers to as disgusting vermin) to freely love Him. (as lovers servant and sons) “He therefore refuses to carry them, by their mere affections and habits, to any of the goals which He sets before them: He leaves them to ‘do it on their own’ And there lies our opportunity.”p.17 (see “why won’t god help me” “if God wanted me to-” people he’s not going to come down from on high to personally help you he gives you opportunities to learn and grow) But there is also their danger, if they get through the dryness they are harder to tempt. If the people in the next pew have no grounds for disappointments his job is to keep the thoughts of others different, vices don't prove hypocrisy. He hasn't been with the Enemy long enough to have real humility, what he says on his knees is parrot talk. He believes he has a good credit balance in the Enemy’s ledger for being converted and is showing humility by going to Church keep him in that state of mind. (you cant just say the words you have to actually feel them and believe in what you are saying) 
Wormwood must use the man’s relationship with his mother to his advantage as the Enemy may reach the man’s new conduct to the old lady. Keep in touch with Glubose who’s in charge of the lady and build up annoyance in the house. Keep his mind on his inner life, “Aggravate that most useful human characteristic, the horror and neglect of the obvious.”p.20 They have means of making his prayers innocuous, make sure they are spiritual and her soul not her physical being. This keeps his focus on her sins and with his influence any of her actions are irritating to him. “Thus you can keep rubbing the wounds of the day a little sorer even while he is on his knees,”p.21 This also keeps him praying for an imaginary person less and less like his real mother. He himself has patients so divorced he can turn them at a moment from praying for their family to beating them. (sadly too common) 
When two humans live together for years usually their tones and forced expressions irritate the other, use that. In domestic life, hatred expresses itself by saying things harmless on paper, but in a voice or moment they are like a punch to the face. He and Glubose must work together to have their patients quarrel and be convinced they are the innocent one. Then they’ll have the humans in a situation where they say things to offend on purpose and have a grievance to it and use the old lady's religious position. 
His last letter reminded him to write back on the painful subject of prayer, how his patient’s prayers for his mother proved unfortunate is not something to write to his uncle about or a junior Tempter to the Undersecretary, it also shows he’s shifting responsibility. The best thing is to keep his patient from praying, it’s best to encourage him to remember the parrot like nature of prayers in childhood. The sort of prayer they want is a sense of supplication not moving lips while on knees, clever and lazy patients can be taken by it for a long time, remember they are animals. “It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.”p.25 (a lot like religious cults) 
If that fails, fall back on subtle misdirection of his intention, there are ways to prevent them from attending the Enemy. “The simplest is to turn their gaze away from Him towards themselves.”p.25 Have them not turn to Him but themselves, teach them to estimate the value of prayer by the success of producing their desired feelings. But the Enemy won't be idle where prayer is He is and His actions. If He defeats this misdirection, they have a subtler weapon, humans do not directly perceive Him (which they unhappily can’t avoid) only vague impasses during the episode known as the Incarnation and objects of reverence. “But whatever the nature of the composite object, you must keep him praying to it-to the thing that he has made, not to the Person who has made him.”p.27 (is this a commentary on false idols) If the patient trusts himself to the real external invisible Presence the incalculable may occur, it helps to avoid this that humans don't desire it as much as they think. 
It is disappointing to receive a rhapsody letter instead of a report and calls him out on being drunk when the Europeans started another war. For the first time in his career he’s tasted the anguish of a human soul, and it went to his head. Remember, pleasure comes from duty, if his self-indulgence loses his prey he’ll be left eternally thirsting. With steady and cool headed application, the human will be his forever, his next letter better have a full account on his patient's reaction to the war. Consider making him a patriot or pacifist and warns him not to hope too much from the war. (if only you knew) 
A war is entertaining, the immediate fear and suffering is refreshing. “But what permanent good does it do unless we make use of it for bringing souls to Our Father Below?”p.30 When he sees suffering of humans who escaped them he feels denied a banquet, the Enemy mocks them this way. Think of how to use this war. “We may hope for a good deal of cruelty and unchastity. But, if we are not careful, we shall see thousands turning in this tribulation to the Enemy.”p.31 While tens of thousands who don't turn towards values and causes they believe higher than themselves. The Enemy disapproves of many causes but often make prizes of these humans who give their lives for them. He thinks bad on the sophistical ground humans thought them good and were following them. (yeah something tells me God didn’t like the Crusades or Spanish Inquisition or a lot of other atrocities that used religion as a reason) 
Consider the undesirable deaths in wartime, Men go where they know they might be killed but if they are of the Enemy's party they are prepared. It would be better if all humans died amid those who lie as they trained them, promising life, encouraging that sickness, excuses every indulgence and withheld suggestions of a priest. It’s disastrous for them, wartime reminds those of death. “In wartime not even a human can believe that he is going to live forever.”p.32 He believes wartime is an opportunity to attack faith is exaggerated as the Enemy’s human partisans were told by Him suffering is essential for Redemption. “So that of faith which is destroyed by a war or a pestilence cannot really have been worth the trouble of destroying.”p.32 
Screwtape is delighted Wormwood’s patient would be called for military service, they want him at maximum uncertainty, filled with considerations of the future as suspense and anxiety barricades the mind against the Enemy. His patient will pick up that he must submit to the Enemy’s will, it is his job that his patient thinks of things he is afraid of. “For real resignation, at the same moment, to a dozen different and hypothetical fates, is almost impossible, and the Enemy does not greatly assist those who are trying to attain it:”p.35 Fix his patient’s attention inwards so he no longer sees their Enemy or his neighbors. 
To the war, don't rely too much on hatred, in anguish the patient can revenge his vindictive feelings. But that is mythical hatred towards scapegoats he has never met only modeled from newspapers. The results of this hatred is disappointing, “They are creatures of that miserable sort who loudly proclaim that torture is too good for their enemies and them give tea and cigarettes to the first wounded German pilot who turns up at the back door.”p.36 There will some benevolence and in human soul, it’s best to direct that malice to neighbors who expect benevolence and benevolence to strangers. “The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely immaginary.”p.37 He must shove virtues outwards towards fantasy and desirable qualities inward to the Will. If they reach the Will and become habits, do they become fatal to them. “All sorts of virtues painted in the fantasy or approved by the intellect or even, in some measure, loved and admired, will not keep a man from our Father’s house; indeed they make him more amusing when he gets there,”p.37 
To answer his last letter the High Command’s policy is for them to conceal themselves from their patients but it wasn't always so, so they are forced with a dilemma. “When the humans disbelieve in our existence we lose all the pleasing results of direct terrorism and we make no magicians. On the other hand, when they believe in us, we cannot make them materialist and sceptics. At least, not yet.”p.39 They hope in time to mythologize their science to an extent they believe in them and closed to the Enemy. If the man believes in Forces and deny spirits, the end of the war will be in sight but for now they must obey orders. Devils are comic figures in modern imagination, if he cannot believe in that then he cannot believe he is real.  
All extremes, except to the Enemy, are to be encouraged, (well one can argue against that when religion takes over your life it can be just as harmful to you and your family as any other bad habit)  especially at this period, some ages are lukewarm, others, like now, are unbalanced and it is their job to inflame them. They want the Church (they give it feminine pronouns) to be small, but of course it is heavily defended and they have not succeeded it, she has all the characteristics of a faction but subordinate factions within produce results, from the parties of Paul and Apollos and the High and Low parties of the Church of England. If his patient can become an objector, he will find himself in small unpopular society and the effects will almost be good. Has he had doubts in serving in a just war, does he have courage and won't have misgivings of pacifism, can he nearly be convinced to obey the Enemy. His best bet is to introduce an emotional crisis to convert him from pacifism to patriotism or vice ersa, the main task is the same, have the patient treat it as religion. “Provided that meetings, pamphlets, policies, movement, causes, and crusades, matter more to him than progress and sacraments and charity, he is ours-”p.42 
Now Scewtape is sure the Training College has gone to pieces since Slubgob became the head of it, has no one taught him the Law on Undulation. Humans are amphibians (a revolting hybrid that determined their Father to withdraw his support) half spirit half animal belonging to the eternal world and, in habit time. (that’s not what an amphibian is amphibians need a moist environment to survive and can breathe through their skin) While their spirits can be directed to eternal objects their possessions are in continual change as time does. Their nearest consistency is undulation, repeatedly falling up and down. “As long as he lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richness and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness and poverty.”p.44 The dryness now is not a part of his work, just natural and will do no good unless he makes use of it. Find out what the Enemy wants to make of it and do the opposite, He relies on troughs more than peaks. 
They see humans as food (absorbing their will and at its expense increase their selfhood) but the obedience the Enemy demands is different, His love is not propaganda but the truth. “He really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of Himself-creatures whose life, on its miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because He has absorbed them but because their will freely conform to His. We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons.”p.45 Their aim is a world where their Father drew all other beings into himself the Enemy wants a world united but still distinct. 
That’s the troughs the Enemy doesn't use his power to be more present the Irresistible and Indisputable are weapons His very nature forbids Him to use. To override human will is useless to Him, the creatures are to be themselves and one with him. He allows a little overriding in the beginning but never allows it to last long. “He leaves the creature to stand up on its own legs-to carry out from the will alone duties which have lost all relish.”p.47 Through those troughs they grow into what He wants them to be, so prayers in dryness please Him best. “He wants them to learn to walk and must therefore take away His hand;”p.47 (your child can’t learn to walk if you’re always carrying them) Their cause is in more danger when a human looks upon a universe where He seems to have vanished asks why they were forsaken and still obeys. 
Like his last letter stated, the dryness needs to be expected; he believes the trough periods provide opportunity for temptations, the attack of lust has a better chance of success when the man’s world is cold and empty. (the peak lust leads more to being in love) There are other desires of the flesh, he could make the patient a drunkard, encourage him to use it as merriment but never forget, when they deal with pleasure in the healthy and normal form they are in the Enemy’s ground. “I know we have won many a soul through pleasure. All the same, it is His invention, not ours. He made the pleasures: all our research so far has not enabled us to produce one.”p.49 (something else interesting devils are unable to produce their own enjoyments like it’s almost the antithesis of their nature) All they can do is encourage humans to take pleasures in ways or degrees He has forbidden. An increasing craving for a diminishing pleasure is the formula to get the man’s soul and give him nothing in return. (in other words it’s ok have the occasional beer but not to always drink to a detriment) 
Another way of explaining the troughs is through the man’s thoughts, do not let him suspect undulation, let him think this dryness is permanent, then you may proceed. It all depends if the man is the desponding or wishful thinking type, if he is the former direct him to recover his old feelings, the latter, make him content with how low it is and doubt his first days of Christianity. “A moderated religion is as good for us as no religion at all-and more amusing.”p.51 Another possibility is a direct attack on his faith, once he assumes the trough phase is permanent persuade him his religion is just going to die away too, like all phases. 
He heard from Triptweeze his patient made some desirable new acquaintances, and he’s used this in a promising manner. (they are rich smart and superficially intellectual and pacifist not on moral grounds but in the habit of belittling anything that concerns the mass of man and is fashionably communist) With this new couple he’s made use of his patient’s social, sexual and intellectual vanity, encourage him to portray himself as part of that party and by the time he realizes it’ll be difficult to withdraw. He will soon realize his faith is the opposite to assumptions his new friends' base conversations as long as he postpones his own acknowledgement of it, he will be in a false position. “He will be silent when he ought to speak and laugh when he ought to be silent.”p.54 He will assume skeptical attitudes that are not really his but play him well until they become his. “All mortals tend to turn into the thing they are pretending to be.”p.54 Delay the moment he realizes this pleasure is temptation. 
Sooner or later the new friends' natures will become clear then the tactics depend on the patient's intelligence. If he is a fool their presence will sweep away all criticism, then he can live two parallel lives appearing to be two different men in each circle. (so he’ll be two faced duplicitous and truly belonging in neither camp) Failing this he can be made to take pleasure in the two inconsistent lives and can be done by exploiting his vanity being treacherous to two sets of people, feeling shame and satisfaction. Failing all else, persuade him to believe that by continuing with the new acquaintance he is doing them some good all while spending more than he can afford and neglecting his work and mother and her reactions will be invaluable for domestic tension. 
He is glad things are going well, the new friends have acquainted the patient with their whole set scoffers and worldlings, progressing towards their Fathers house. Though laughter is not always in their favor, it divides into Joy, Fun Joke Propper and Flippancy. The first is among family and friends, same as Jokes but they don't know the real cause. (here’s something else demons don’t know joy it’s the antitheses to their nature) Fun is close to Joy, little use to them but can be used to divert them to something else, but has undesirable tendencies to promote charity, courage and entertainment. (music is detestable something like it occurs in Heaven that kind of laughter is discouraged) The Joke Proper is a promising field, divided by humans into two classes some see as an indecent story, others laugh, bawdy humor might or might not help him. The English take their sense of humor seriously and feel shame in deficiency. “Cruelty is shameful-unless the cruel man can represent it as a practical joke.”p.59 (it’s just a prank brah) 
A thousand bawdy jokes do not help towards mans damnations so much, he finds he can do anything without disapproval if it gets treated as a Joke and this temptation can be entirely hidden by English seriousness, anything suggested as too much can be represented as Puritanical. Flippancy is the best and economical, among flippant people a Joke is always assumed, no joke made but the manner implies they found a ridiculous side to it. It builds to armor against the Enemy and free from dangers of the success of laughter. “It is a thousand miles away from joy: it deadens, instead of sharpening, the intellect: and it excites no affection between those who practice it,”p.60 (how long can you tolerate the attitude of someone who doesn't take anything seriously)  
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crackspinewornpages · 4 months ago
The Bridge of San Luis Rey 5/5 -Thornton Wilder
In one of her letters the Marquesa tries to describe the impression Uncle Pio left on her, the most delightful man in the world, second to her son in law. If he weren't disreputable she’d make him her secretary, but he is such bad company she has to leave him to the underworld. “Alas, what is the matter with this world, my soul, that it should treat such a being so ill! His eyes are as sad as those of a cow that has been separated from its tenth calf.”p.91 
Uncle Pio was Camila’s maid, singing master, coiffeur, masseur and everything, even her father. He taught her parts so well people thought she could read and write and gave her flowery small parts so memorization wouldn't be a trouble during the height of the season. Camila made her reputation at the theatre and appeared in a hundred plays of Lope de Vega. No better actress at the time, really, the best in the Spanish world, only Uncle Pio saw it. 
Uncle Pio came illegitimately from a Castilian house and at ten ran away to Madrid, living by his wits and attributes of an adventurer. (he’s a jack of all trades book and street smart and has a freedom from conscience) For five years he distributed handbills, held horses and ran errands, for the next five he trained animals for circuses, cooked and whispered information to travelers and spread slander. The next ten years his services were recognized in high circles, and he was sent out to inspire rebellions in the mountains in time for the government to arrive and crush it.  
Despite promise of gains he never did anything for more than two weeks, “But there seemed to have been written into his personality, through some accident or early admiration of his childhood, a reluctance to own anything, to be tied down, to be held to a long engagement.”p.94 The lack of gains is what stopped him from being a thief, the dread of being locked up, he could escape but not his enemies. (this book has such long paragraphs) Similarly, why he stopped working for the Inquisition, watching his victims be led off that institution wasn't predictable. (well you know what they say no one expects the Spanish Inquisition) 
At twenty his life had three aims, independence, renounce the dignities of public life, always be near beautiful women, it was with them he got the name Uncle Pio. (he was actually decent and kind to them) He wanted to live near those that loved Spanish literature, especially the theatre and he studied it in secret. It was when his life got too complicated to continue in Spain he moved to Peru and proved to be as versatile to Uncle Pio as he was to Europe, within four months he knew practically everyone in Lima. The Viceroy employed him several times but for all his activity he never became rich, he did own a house he filled with dogs and birds. “But even in this kingdom he was lonely, and proud in his loneliness, as though there resided a certain superiority in such a solitude.”p.98 Finally he stumbled upon a treasure, Camila Perichole (her real name is Micaela Villegas) at twelve, singing at a cafe, so he bought her. (I guess you could just do that back then) 
She had a bed in his house, and he wrote songs for her and taught her how to listen to her tone. “At first all she noticed was that it was wonderful not to be whipped, to be offered hot soups, and to be taught something.”p.99 (oh Camila) But really Uncle Pio was dazzled by his experiment, the girl devoured the work as she grew into grace, becoming beautiful and she was loyal to him. “They loved one another deeply but without passion. He respected the slight nervous shadow that crossed her face when he came too near her. But there arose out of this denial itself the performance of a tenderness, that ghost of passion which, in the most unexpected relationship, can make even a whole lifetime devoted to irksome duty pass like a gracious dream.”p.99 
They traveled to America, encountering hardship, finding jobs then a harder course of training, complicated as she rose to favor quickly. To not make the applause go to her head (you failed) Uncle Pio resorted to criticism. (ah the J Jonah Jameson method) After each performance she would gauge his mood and try to force him to admit what he found at fault. The mere suggestion she was insufficient would send her into tears until he commented on what she did wrong and she’d cry more about the performance, applause and ask Pio if being so bad is why he left the theatre. He’d give her a bit of compliments but still criticize, “Only perfection would do, only perfection. And that had never come.”p.102 Then for an hour he’d analyze the play, who were they trying to please, they tormented themselves on the standards of Heaven.  With time Camila lost some absorption and a certain contempt for acting made her negligent due to the lack of interests in women's roles in Spanish classical drama, for years Uncle Pio tried to make her interested in the roles. On one occasion he told her the granddaughter of Vico de Barrera arrived in Peru, he had veneration for great poets between kings and saints, so they chose one of the masters plays to perform for her. After the performance Uncle Pio brought the granddaughter to Camila’s dressing room and Camila threw herself at her feet. Uncle Pio loved it when a new girl joined the company and the new talent bestir  Perichole who set herself to efface the newcomer. Her acting was electric but became less frequent even when she was absentminded the audience didn't notice but Uncle Pio grieved. 
Despite her discontent with her parts Perichole still warmed herself with the flame of joy in acting. “But that of love attracted her more often, through with no greater assurance of happiness, until Jupiter himself sent her some pearls.”p.106 Don Andre de Ribera, the Viceroy of Peru, a delightful man ten years in exile, he was bored. Camila was passing the years with the routine of the theatre when this Olympian suddenly transported her to the palace. “Contrary to all the traditions of the stage and the state she adored her elderly admirer; she thought she was going to be happy forever.”p.107 (how old is the Viceroy cause Camila is like in her early twenties maybe and an uneducated peasant with no family this won’t end well) He taught her the opposite of Uncle Pio who was anxious of Camila’s invitations to the palace preferring he had her love affairs in the theatre warehouse but when he saw her improve he was content. 
After some time the Viceroy asked Camila if she’d like to invite some people to their dinners and if she’d like to meet the Archbishop. The Archbishop loved his duties and was devout to punishing himself for his gluttony, (describes him as fat imprisoned in lard his own jailor) he led an exemplary life in all other aspects. He would learn but then forget all but the impressions and knew most of the priests in Peru were scoundrels and required all his education to prevent himself from doing something about it. “that the injustice and unhappiness in the world is a constant; that the theory of progress is a delusion; that the poor, never having known happiness, one insensible misfortune. Like all the rich he could not bring himself to believe that the poor (look at their houses, look at their clothes) could really suffer.”p.109 (oh he’s that type of religious) Once he almost did something about it, a new rule in Peru for priests to exact two to five meals for good absolution, in indignation he was going to write a letter to his shepherds but could not find ink and was so upset he fell ill. 
His inclusion on the dinners was stressful and Don Andres grew increasingly dependent on Uncle Pio but waited until Camila proposed he join and he invited Alvarado. When Camila arrived at the dinners she’d carry the conversation for hours gradually allowing the men to talk. All night they spoke of longing for Spain, the supernatural, earth before man ecetera. “Each one poured into the conversation his store of wise anecdotes and his dry regret about the race of man.”p.111 In the morning each waited for the other to go first and glance at the sleeping Perichole but Uncle Pio’s were on her all night. “full of tenderness and anxiety, resting on the great secret and reason of his life.”p.112 
Uncle Pio divided the world into two groups, those that did and did not love, those that had no capacity for it were not alive and could not live until after death. His own definition was gathered from his bitterness and pride from his life, a cruel malady youth pass through and emerged wrung but ready for living and never again saw a human being as a mechanical object and it seemed Camila never went through it. For years he waited, even after she bore the Viceroy three children she was the same, her passages of plays were the secret joy now were more cursory as she tired of Don Andres and found new lovers. Now she wanted to be a lady and referred to acting as a pastime, going to church and learning to read a little, becoming virtuous. She made up family and obtained legitimization for her children and carried a candle in penitential parades. “Her sin had been acting and everyone knows that there were even saints who had been actors-”p.114  
Camila’s son Don Jaime was seen and inherited his father's convulsions (epilepsy) and he frequently took walks with his mother. Camila left the stage at thirty and took five years to have a place in society and it was that progress up that told Uncle Pio he’s not to be seen with her in public and even grew impatient with his discreet visits. (so she had a taste of the high life and wants to leave behind her everything that made her who she is while also thinking she’s too good for them including the man who took her in) Finding reasons to quarrel, they were down to once a month and when impossible he’d visit the children. He met her in the French Gardens south of town waiting for Camila, (he was excited to see her be called Uncle Pio reliving their vagabond life) she says it’s Dona Micaela now. He asks that she listen, she refuses to return to the theatre daily insults of that filthy place, he’s wasting his time. She doesn't want his criticisms or advice just give up and put her out of his mind. 
 He pleads with her, they notice she’s not there and the audiences are leaving, no one can speak Spanish or walk correctly anymore. Camila apologizes for her behavior, Jaime was ill but it’ll be no good for her to go back, they were foolish to try to keep alive that Old Comedy. “Let people read old plays in books if they choose to. It is not worth fighting with the crowd.”p.119 (and so the art dies and is forgotten to time) Uncle Pio asks for forgiveness, as for his pride he never gave her the praise she deserved, she might have a chance in Madrid to be famous, she can be Dona Micaela later, they will be old and dead soon. She won’t go to Spain, he’s fifty and still dreaming, of course he loves her more than he can say. “You are a great lady now. And you are rich. There is no longer any way that I can help you. But I am always ready.”p.120 Camila says there’s no such thing as that kind of love in real life, (a girl beaten her whole life then trained to perform for no praise and that her looks were the only thing she had is it any wonder she has this way of thinking) he wasn't convinced and she told him not to try to understand, don’t think about her. “Just forgive, that’s all. Just try to forgive.”p.121 She went away but he sat for a long time trying to understand the meaning of those things.  
Suddenly the news Dona Micaela was Camila Perichole and had smallpox was all over Lima and a hope her beauty that caused her to despise her class would be impaired. As soon as Camila was able she sold her little place, returned her jewels and sold her clothes, but her admirers still sent her gifts. Like all beautiful women she believed it was the basis of attraction and now any attraction was from pity, she had never realized any love but passion. (I say there’s Uncle Pio but he’s more of a hardass that’s bad at expressing himself) The sharpest expression of self-interest, not until it passed through great doubts and self-hatred can it take place among loyalties. As her friends tried to draw her back out she grew angrier, convinced her life was over and her children’s. She gave back more than she owed and now approached poverty to her lonely future. 
Uncle Pio wasn't discouraged, making himself useful lending money but even still Camila was convinced he pitied her and lashed out. “He loved her the more, understanding better than she did herself all the stages in the convalescence of her humiliated spirit.”p.123 But one accident lost him his share in her progress, he opened a door as she tried to conceal her pockmarks, and she yelled at him to leave her house forever. She hurled things at him as she chased him down the hall and gave orders to forbid him from the grounds but he still tried for a week. He eventually returned to Lima and thought of a strategy, he returned to her house and imitated a young girl weeping under her window. (how can a man in his fifties make his voice sound like a little girl) When Camila asked who was there Uncle Pio said he’s Estrella and needs her help when she came out he revealed himself. 
She’s angry he won't leave her alone, she doesn’t want to speak to anyone, her life is over now. He only asks one more thing then he won't bother her again, let him take Don Jaime with him to live a year in Lima as his teacher in the Castilian. No, he’s sick, only the country is healthy for him, Uncle Pio begs he’ll make arrangements, a mother can't be separated from her child like that (if only it was that) now give up thinking about her, she and her children will get by. Uncle Pio used the hard measure and wanted the money she owes him, she’ll pay what she can, he didn’t mean it, he just asks for Jaime, was he such a bad teacher to her. She says it’s cruel to urge gratitude, she was but now there's nothing to be grateful for, if Jaime wishes to go he’ll be at the inn at noon. The next day Jaime was at the inn with little clothes but soon after they left Uncle Pio knew it wouldn't be good for him. As they got to the bridge, “Jaime tried to conceal his shame for he knew that one of those moments was coming that separated him from other people.”p.128 (listen to your gut feelings) Uncle Pio said they’d rest after they crossed but that wouldn't be necessary. 
“A new bridge of stone has been built in the place of the old, but the event has not been forgotten.”p.133 (never forget) The tragedy passed into expressions, some poems, anthologies but the real monument is Brother Juniper’s book. (you mean the one no one reads because the only other copy is lost in a library) “There are a hundred ways of wondering at circumstance.”p.133 Brother Juniper arrived at his method from a friendship with a student at the University of San Martin. This students wife left him and two babies for a soldier now he was locked in bitterness and derived joy from all that was wrong in the world. In moments of almost defeat and he would explain why stories like this weren't difficult to believe with so many sneers at faith, Brother Juniper saw that it was time for proof. He took notes on survivors and victims of tragedies for their value sub specie aeternitatis (thanks to analog horror every time I see Latin I instantly think of Vita Carnis) rated on a basis of ten, of goodness, piety and usefulness. (the disabled can go fuck themselves I guess)  It was more difficult than first thought, “Almost every soul in a difficult frontier community turned out to be indispensable economically, and the third column was all but useless.”p.135 Brother Juniper added up the index for each peasant and compared it to the survivors and discovered the bad were five times more worth saving, so Brother Juniper tore up his findings and threw them in the ocean. (your scientific results don’t prove your theory so you just destroy all your work)  “The discrepancy between faith and the facts is greater than is generally assumed.”p.136 Another story from the university student gave Brother Juniper a hint for how to proceed after the fall of the bridge. He was in the Cathedral of Lima and read the epitaph of a well-loved lady and got angry that people perpetuate the legend of selflessness and disinterestedness, so he sought out everyone who knew her and thinks she's just an exception. “And everywhere he went, like a perfume, her dear traits had survived her and whenever she was mentioned there arose a suffering smile and the protest that words could not describe the gracious ways of her.”p.137 
In compiling his book Brother Juniper feared admitting the little details will lose a guiding hint but still couldn't find their setting so he re-read to find hidden facts. People gave conflicting perspectives, and he found there was the least to be learned from those closest to the subjects. “He thought he saw in the same accident, the wicked visited by the destruction and the good called early to Heaven. He thought he saw pride and wealth confounded as an object lesson to the world, and he thought he saw humility crowned and rewarded for the edification of the city. But Brother Juniper was not satisfied with his reasons.”p.138 
After the book was done it was judged to be heretical and ordered to be burned with the author and Brother Juniper submitted the devil made use of him. He spent his last night in his cell seeking his own life pattern that escaped him in the five others and longed for a voice to testify for his intentions were for faith. “But the next morning in all that crowd and sunlight there were many who believed, for he was much loved.”p.139 There was little delegation from the village many stood puzzled as he was given to the flames. “Even then, even then, there remained in his heart an obstinate nerve insisting that at least St Francis would not utterly have condemned him, and (not daring to call upon a greater name, since he seemed so open to error in these matters) he called twice upon St Francis and leaning upon the flame he smiled and died.”p.139 
The day was clear and nice for the service, the Archbisop sweated on his throne, Don Andres knew the crowd expected him to play a grieving father and wondered if Perichole was there, Alvarado stepped in for a moment to call it all false. The Abbess sat with her girls, the experience left her pale and firm. “She had accepted the fact that it was of no importance whether her work went on or not; it was enough work.”p.141 Pepita wouldn't continue it and it would relapse to the indifference of her colleagues, sufficient for Heaven, the disinterested love in Peru flowed and faded and she quietly told Pepita her affection should have had more of that color and her life that quality but she was too busy. Camila attended, her heart filled with consternation and amazement. All the tragedies in her life and now the Viceroy was sending her daughters to a convent school in Spain, she was alone, (see be careful what you wish for) but she couldn't feel anything thinking she had no heart. (no you’re just numb) Then she felt great pain, “I fail everybody,’ she cried. ‘They love me and I fail them.”p.142 She despaired for another year then heard the Abbess lost two she cared for in the accident, she would know how to explain. 
She went to the Abbess and introduced herself, the Abbess knows her, having wanted to see her but was told she didn't want to see anybody and at the mention of her losses from the bridge Camila felt pain again. She asks the Abbess what to do she is alone, she takes her to the garden and tells her she wanted to know her even before the accident. She had lost two a year ago in the accident, but Camila lost her real child and has Camila tell her about it. 
“But where are the sufficient books to contain the events that would not have been the same without the fall of the bridge? From such a number I choose one more.”p.144 The Condesa d’Abuirre came from Spain to call on the Abbess, Dona Clara came in prepared to defend her mother to the Abbess to allow her to speak. (now you give a shit about your mother) At last the Abbess told her of Pepita, Esteban and Camila. “All, all of us have failed. One wishes to be punished. One is willing to assume all kinds of penance, but do you know, my daughter, that in love-I scarcely dare say it-but in love our very mistakes don't seem to be able to last long?”p.145 The Condesa showed her mother's last letter and she was astonished Dona Maria could have such words and was very happy the trait she lived for had proof and the world was ready and asks Clara if she’d like to see her work.  She showed Clara everything she worked for and spoke of there possibly being a language for the deaf (recorded history of sign language starts in the 17th century but reference to hand signs go back to 5th century BC Greece) and dumb (dumb as in not being able to speak) there’s hundreds in Peru, is there a way found in Spain, maybe someday there will be. She thinks something can also be done for the insane, but she can't go where those things are talked about, are they gentle with them in Spain. “It seems to me that there is a great secret about it, just hidden from us, just around the corner.”p.146 (the Abbess was truly ahead of her time) If there's something in Spain write it to her if she’s not too busy. (good luck she was too busy for her own mother) 
The Abbess leaves for a moment to talk to the very sick and returns with Camila and leaves again to talk to the flour broker. But Dona Clara watched the Abbess talk to them, to all those in the dark, Esteban and Pepita, alone, no one to turn to and those in beds within, a wall the Abbess built for them, light and warmth. “and without was the darkness they would not exchange even for a relief from pain and from dying.”p.148 Almost no one remembers Esteban and Pepita, Camila will die and so will the memory of her son and Uncle Pio. 
“But soon we shall die and all memory of those five will have left the earth, and we ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten. But the love will have been enough; all those impulses of love returns the love that made them. Even memory is not necessary for love. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.”p.149  
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crackspinewornpages · 4 months ago
The Bridge of San Luis Rey 3/5 -Thornton Wilder
One morning twin foundlings were found in a basket at the Convent of Santa Maria Rosa de las Rosas and given names that weren't useful since no one could tell them apart. As they aged their parentage was guessed Castilion, the one closet to being a parent was the Abbess Madre Maria del Pilar, who hated all men but was fond of Esteban and Manuel. She’d have tea with them and tell them stories and grew to love them all while waiting to see them grow the ugliness of men. “All the ugliness that made hideous the world she walked in.”p.54 They stayed in the convent until they became a distraction, (like how young girls are to creepy old men) since they dedicated themselves to cleaning other sacristies in town. As they grew older, they had no desire of clerical life, instead becoming scribes and made a living with it. (this was back when literacy and mass printing wasn’t widespread) 
Because they were twins with no family brought up by women, they were silent and lived in shame by their appearance. “They had to live in a world where it was the subject of continual comment and joking.”p.55 When they learned to speak, they invented their own language for when they were alone. The Archbishop was interested in languages but trying to get them to write it down was somehow humiliating to them and he eventually let them go. Their language was a symbol of their identity with each other, “so love is inadequate to describe the tacit almost ashamed oneness of those brothers.”p.56 Side by side existed a need of each other and exchanged few words and looks this produced natural miracles. (meaning the ESP twins share) 
Growing tired of writing they went down to the sea to work at the docks, pick fruit and ferry and always they were silent. “All the world was remote and strange and hostile except one’s brother.”p.57 Finally a shadow was cast over them by a woman, they returned to the city to copy a play and didn't like it seeing poetry as futile. Perichole was on stage as Esteban returned home to finish copying Manuel stayed, years ago they saw her before, seeing they were twins guessed Esteban was the younger one. Since all of Manuel’s errands ran past the theatre beneath her dressing room the first time his imagination was overwhelmed by a woman. He lost the dissociated of love and pleasure now it was complicated with love and he lost sense of oneself and neglect of everything that wasn't Perichole, 
  Esteban’s life was enough for him, no room for new loyalty because it was simpler now, he discovered the secret. “There may be two equally good, equally gifted, equally beautiful, but there may never be two that love one another equally well.”p.59 So Esteban stayed up wondering why Manuel was so changed, why meaning went out of their life. One evening Camila called for Manuel to write a letter for her and complains how they both never come see her, is it because she’s an actress. She sees Manuel's face he doesn't like her so wants Esteban instead, he stays saying she can trust him, does he promise to keep what they are secret even from Esteban, he does. She walks around dictating her letter and pays him and will call on him again, her uncle  Pio writes her letters but there are things she doesn't want him to know. 
Esteban knew Manuel was brooding over Perichole but didn't know he was seeing her and for the next few months a messenger boy would ask which twin is which, Manuel was wanted at the theatre. Esteban assumed it was copy work then was surprised on the visit to their room when Manuel allowed a lady in to quickly write her a letter. (she’s impatient with her matador lover) Watching the two Esteban saw the new congeniality forming he’d never know and he seemed to shrink away unwanted, a shut out from the tableau of love. (it ain’t love it’s a hard crush and a woman either oblivious or stringing him along because she likes the attention) After she left Manuel worshipped her and gradually became aware of Esteban’s mood who told him, “Go and follow her, Manuel. Don’t stay here. You’ll be happy. There’s room for us all in the world.”p.65 And Manuel felt terror as the mental image of Esteban saying goodbye, understanding his misery, demanding he choose him or Perichole. Their loyalty had been diminished, understanding his suffering, Manuel removed Perichole from his heart. 
Manuel declared it would be the last letter he writes for her but Esteban still leaves saying he’s going for a walk and Manuel didn't have to say that. “You don't have to change for me.”p.67 Manuel calls him a fool for thinking he said that for him, how could he love her what chance does he even have. (absolutely none) He tells Esteban to go to bed in their secret language but Esteban still goes out knowing he’s in the way. It wasn't until Manuel cried out like Esteban was going away forever that he returned and they didn't speak of it for weeks. The next morning Perichole sent for him and he refused. 
One evening Manuel tore open his knee on a piece of metal, fairly healthy Manuel was now bewildered as his leg swelled and racked with pain. (it’s either tetanus gangrene or sepsis) One night Esteban ran to fetch the barber-surgeon (this was back when a barber could perform surgery it’s why they had that red and white pole interesting history look into it) but he wouldn’t be back until morning. In those hours they told each other after the doctor sees it all will be fine and Manuel will be walking in a few days. The doctor came and for hours they treated the wound, but the pain grew worse until nightfall, Manuel grew delirious and at two in the morning he demanded God to damn Esteban. “For coming between me and what was mine by right. She was mine, do you hear, and what right had you...”p.70 (she was never yours and never would be) These outbursts continued hourly and it was some time for Esteban to know his brother wasn't in his right mind and after some horror with being a devout believer, he returned to his brother with a bent head. 
By morning Manuel felt serener declaring he feels better and will be up and about tomorrow, (oh no) does he want Perichole, no. Esteban asks if Manuel still feels that he came between them he would have been all right if he’d gone away, no she’s nothing to him he’s glad things are the way they are. He’s not responsible for what he says his leg hurts, so he didn't damn him to hell for coming between him and Perichole, Manuel says he’s going crazy how could he damn him to hell when he’s all he has. The brothers argue whether or not to replace the dressings and this conversation would happen over and over. The noises would be so loud the other guests would complain and the innkeeper said he’d dump the brothers in the street in the morning. Esteban would go out so they’d rage at him, go inside and muffle his brother's screams, making him angrier. The third night Esteban sent for a priest and during the sacrament Manuel died. 
After Esteban refused to go near the building his brother’s body was in, drifting in the streets, eventually the innkeeper sent for the Abbess who made arrangements. She asked Esteban to help and remembered at fifteen Manuel had said he’s prevent the crucifixion of Jesus. She asks which one he is, Esteban says he’s Manuel and he won't help her, the Abbess reminds him Manuel would always help her. Does he remember what she did for him, yes, she reminds him she is also suffering loss. Esteban wouldn't respond and when the procession passed in the city he followed on parallel streets. All of Lima was interested in the separation of the brothers, Esteban would find work then disappear and reappear in another province but always return to Lima. After he lingered around the convent Madre Maria del Pilar failed to bring him inside, she’d be angry at God for not giving her the wisdom and grace then she sent for Captain Alvarado, (his reason for wandering is he had a young daughter that died) who went to Esteban who was doing copy work in Cuzco. 
The brothers had respect for Alvarado, in the short time they worked together the three made sense in the world. Alvarado found him eating and waited to introduce himself, he’s looking for workmen for a trip far from Peru. After yelling the question again Esteban agreed, he wants his brother too, no, why wouldn't he want to go and eventually Esteban told him he’s dead and Alvarado apologizes he didn't know. (seems like something the Abbess should have told him) Which one is he, Esteban, when did his brother die, a few weeks ago, how old is he, twenty-two, he’s still coming with him, yes. Esteban told him he has to go now to the city to see somebody about something, come back by supper and they’ll talk about the trip. They ate and arranged to go Lima in the morning and Alvarado got him to drink Alvarado talked about ships and Esteban asked to be kept busy and to pretend he doesn't know him, pretend he hates him, he can't write anymore and don't tell the pother men about him. (but why) 
Alrado knows he ran into a burning house to save someone, he didnt even get burned. “you’re not allowed to kill yourself; you know you’re not allowed. Everybody knows that. But if you jump into a burning house to save somebody, that wouldn't be killing yourself.”p.82 (oh Esteban) Not even animals kill themselves when they’re about to lose. Esteban wants to give Madre Maria del Pilar a present before he goes, he’ll need his payment now he won’t need the money anywhere. (oh shit bequeathing something important is sometimes a sign that person is going to kill themselves) “she had a serious loss, once. She said so. I don’t know who it was,”p.82 (it was your brother who was like a son to her same as you) He wants to give her a present, women can't bear it like men can (she’s faring better than you) and Alvarado promised they’ll look in the morning. 
The next day Esteban changed his mind about going, it’s impossible he can’t leave Peru, Alvarado asks about his present, is he going to take it away, it might mean a lot to the Abbess, Esteban agrees. Alvarado assures him it’s the ocean he wants now, go gather his things and they’ll start. Esteban tried to make a decision, it was always Manuel that decided for them and never one as great as this. Alvarado waited for Esteban to return but after a while goes up for him and hearing and rope on plaster thinks it might be for the best then after the rope snaps he runs into the room. (now you take action) Esteban cried that he’s alone making Alvarado relive his own pain. “We do what we can. We push on, Esteban, as best we can. You’ll be surprised at the way time passes.”p.85 They went for Lima at the bridge, the Captain went to the stream to supervise the passage of some merchandise as Esteban went across.  
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crackspinewornpages · 4 months ago
The Bridge of San Luis Rey 2/5 -Thornton Wilder
“On Friday noon, July the twentieth, 1714, the finest bridge in all Peru broke and precepted five travelers into the gulf below.”p.3 It was the high road between Lima and Cuzco, hundreds passed over it every day since it was woven over a century ago. No one descended and passed over the torrent with rafts father than cross the famous bridge named after St Louis of France who protected it. (so I guess that protection warrenty only lasts a hundred years) The bridge seemed to be one of those things that would last forever, (it was woven how many rope bridges last over a century) when news of it collapsing spread people walked in a trance like state thinking of when they last crossed it, when they had planed to cross it again and themselves being the one to fall. (so imagine a person who worked in the Towers was out for coffee when the planes hit) Ther was a great Catholic service when the victims were collected and separated this especially effected the Limeans who frequently delt with acts of God. “That is why it was so surprising that the Peruvians should have been especially touched by the rent in the bridge of San Luis Rey,”p.4  
Everyone was impressed but Brother Juniper (he’s a red head) was the only one that did anything about it, by some sense of coincidence he witnessed the accident. He stopped that hot afternoon and admired the view, “Joy was in him; things were not going badly.”-”At all events he felt at peace.”p.5 Then he glanced up at the moment of the twanging noise and saw the bridge break and five into the valley. (what a way to ruin your day) One thought visited Brother Juniper, “Why did this happen to these five?”p.5 If there was any plan in the universe and human life surely it could be discovered by the lives suddenly cut off. “Either we live by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and die by plan.”p.6 At this moment Brother Juniper resolved to inquire of those five people and their reasons for taking off. 
Brother Juniper thought it was time theology to take its place among science and that he put it there, what he lacked was a laboratory. There was never a lack of human specimens that met calamity but those little things never quite fit for scientific examination and proper control, (that’s the scientific method baby) this bridge collapse was an act of God. (or poor maintenance) His plan would have perfect skepticism. “It resembled the effort of those presumptuous souls who wanted to walk on the pavements of Heaven and built the Tower of Babel to get there.”p.7 (the irony) No element of doubt in the experiment, he knew the answer, he just wanted to prove it. 
People were always asking for proof and this was the first time Brother Juniper resorted to such methods, often he would dream of experiments to justify God. Now it prompted him to be busy for the next six years, knocking on doors asking questions, filling notebooks to make those five lives whole. The completed book would be burned (foreshadowing) but a secret copy found its way to the Library of the University of San Marco. For all his diligences, Brother Juniper never knew the central passion of those five. “Some say that we shall never know and that to the gods we are all flies that boys kill on a summer day, and some say, on the contrary, that the very sparrows do not lose a feather that has not been brushed away by the finger of God.”p.9 
Any Spanish schoolboy is required to know more about Dona Maria Marquesa de Montemayor (she’s based on the real Marie de Rabutin-Chantal) than Juniper did with his research. Her letters became a monument of Spanish literature, but her biographers erred as greatly as Juniper did as they tried to invest graces into her life. “where all real knowledge of this wonderful woman must proceed from the act of humiliating her and of divesting her of all the beauties save one.”p.13 Her father was a cloth merchant that hated Limeans and her childhood was unhappy (she was an ugly child that stuttered) and she was determined to live single but forced into marriage at twenty-six, but still lived and thought alone. Her daughter, who she loved, took after her father and eventually Dona Clara left for Spain and the voyage was blessed by the church. 
Left alone the Marquesa’s life grew more inward, neglecting and talking to herself, “All her existence lay in the burning center of her mind.”p.15 She looked so terrible they thought she was constantly drunk and worse was said of her and rumors that she should be locked up and was denounced three times before the Inquisition. She would have been burned had her son-in-law not been as influential and had friends in court. The relations between mother and daughter were further embittered by money, Dona Clara received an allowance from her mother but even all the wealth of Peru wasn't enough to keep up her lifestyle. (what they hell does she do) The best traits of her nature was seeing everyone as her children except the cartographer De Blasius and scientist Azuarius.  
Four years after Clara left Dona Maria was invited to Europe, on both sides the reunion was anticipated with self-reproach and both failed to hold it in. Dona Maria left one day back to America before her daughter awoke. “Henceforth letter writing had to take the place of all the affection that could not be lived.”p.17 Her letters became the textbooks of schoolboys, so necessary was it to her love to attract her distant daughter. She forced herself to go out and trained her eye to observe, read masterpieces of her language and insinuated herself with conversationalists. Night after night she wrote the chronicles of the Viceroy court her daughter hardly read but her son in law was impressed.  
The Marquesa would be surprised her letters were immortal, though critics would accuse her of keeping an eye on prosperity, seemingly impossible she’d pain herself to dazzle her daughter. They misunderstand her as her son-in-law did, missing the purpose. She would sit for hours on her balcony wondering if the pains in her heart were natural. “This woman has suffered, and her suffering has left its mark upon the structure of her heart.”p.19 The words eventually, made it to a letter her daughter scolded her for being a cult of sorrow. (what a nasty piece of work you are) With the knowledge she’d never be loved in return acted in her ideas, first went to her religion, the sincerity of others. She longed to free herself of her love but how could she, with thousands of miles between them she wanted her daughter, for her to say she’s the best mother. 
Two years after she returned from Spain came a series of events she implored her son in law to convince her daughter to see reason and leave the cold. In Peru she is helpless, and she sends gum and a gold chain, the Viceroy also has gout again and couldn't be carried to the doctor. Clara warned her mother to be cautious with what she writes because the letters could be opened on the journey, she’s not funny, her remarks could lead her to a forceful retirement on a farm. Two women fell from a balcony and landed on Dona Merced all three lived, she and Pepita decided to go to a Comedia and a mysterious man is around the Perichole (an actress) all the time it’s unknown how they’re related. (hmm wonder who this could be) 
They play was Dona Leonor* perhaps it would go in her next letter, Pepita was borrowed from the orphanage to be her companion. The Perichole made comments on Marquesa’s appearance and supposed behaviors so all the house’s attention and laughter was on the old woman but she didn't notice thinking about Spain. Perichole became bolder and Pepita told her they should go and as they left the house erupted into triumph, but the Marquesa was pleased she had phrases to send to her daughter. 
It reached the Viceroy his aristocrat was baited in a theater and summoned Perichole to apologize to the Marquesa. (she complied of going barefoot and in a black dress and was given shoes to shut her up) The Viceroy had three reasons for this, the singer took liberties in his court, Don Andres built up exile so ceremonial and complicated society had nothing else to think about, in his court any insult to the Marquesa was an insult to him. Second, Dona Maria’s son in law was an important personage in Spain with possibilities to injure or supplant him, he wasn’t one to vex even through his half-wit mother-in-law. Finally, he meant to humble the actress and suspected she was deceiving him with a matador or another actor, forgetting he was one of the first men in the world. (the phrase ‘not even if you were the last man on earth’ comes to mind) 
Having not heard the insulting songs the Marquesa was surprised by the visit, after her daughter left she took to drinking at night until she passed out. (oh so she is an alcoholic) Several days after the scandal at the theatre she lounged in bed and at dusk Perichole arrived, with effort tried to understand what was said to her and eventually went to meet the actress. Camila (Perichole’s real name) intended to be imprudent but was now struck with the old woman’s dignity even when drunk and timidly began her apology surprising the Marquesa. “How can I be offended, senora? All that I can remember is that you gave a beautiful performance. You are a great artist. You should be happy, happy.”p.29 And Perichole felt shame for her songs the Marquesa tells her they left early for some reason and apologizes for it. Perichiole believed she was playing a farce, everyone saw that performance but still was in tears apologizing astonishing the Marquesa. It’s been a long time since anyone gave her consideration, how could this woman have offended her, an unwise unloved old woman, then asks if she knows her daughter, yes. 
Dona Maria has Pepita get some sweets and talks about how she and her daughter had a falling out over something she can't remember. She goes on complimenting her daughter, how one shouldn't believe rumors that say Clara was unkind to her, any misunderstandings were her fault but were quick to forgive each other and she practically acted it out while in tears. She’s glad Camila was there to hear Clara wasn't unkind to her as people say. “There was some mistake that made me the mother of so beautiful a girl. I am difficult. I am trying.”p.32 While repeating she’s impossible she fell out of her chair and Pepita took her back to bed and Perichiole went home and stared at herself for a long time in the mirror. (reflecting on herself I’m sure) 
The one who saw the most difficult hours of the Marquesa was Pepita, given as a companion to her. The Abbess Madre Maria del Pilar, “who was able to divine the poor human heart behind all the masks of folly and defiance, had always refused to concede one to the Marquesa de Montemayor.”p.33 She wanted to let Pepita live in the palace, have a worldly experience, bend the old woman to her own interests but was indignant. “for she knew she was gazing at one of the richest women in Peru, and the blindest.”p.34 The Abbess was someone who allowed themselves to be gnawed away, fallen in love with an idea several centuries before it appeared in civilization. (she’s a feminist) She knew that for a woman to survive she must have a man and all the misery was worth his caresses and only knowing Lima assumed its corruptions were normal for mankind. “Looking back from our century we can see the whole folly of her hope.”p.34 (yeah...) 
All her charity relied on money and obliged to watch herself sacrifice her kindness and idealism to generalship and struggled to obtain her subsidies from the church. (the archbishop hated her) Lately the Abbess felt old age and a warning feeling of terror for her work. “who was there in Peru to value the things she had valiued?”p.34 So she looked for a soul to be trained as her successor and found Pepita at twelve recounting to other girls the life of Saint Rose of Lima. The education amid a convent must be conducted with indiscretion so Pepita was given the most disliked chores. The Directress would talk to her for hours on religion, how to manage women, plan contingencies, words and beg for money, lending her duties as Dona Maria’s companion at fourteen. 
Few trials were physical, the servants took advantage of Dona Maria’s indisposition, Pepita, for standing up, took the discomforts. She also suffered distress, when accompanying the Marquesa on errands when ordered to stay put her trained obedience left her in the street for hours wanting her mistress who had left the church by another door. Her heart also suffered as Dona Maria sometimes became aware of her and talked to her for hours then the next day withdraw. “The beginnings of hope and affection that Pepita had such a need to extend would be wounded.”p.38 She tiptoed around the palace clinging to her sense of loyalty and duty to Madre Maria del Pilar who sent her there.  
Now something new that would affect both their lives, Clara (she hates the smell of flowers) wrote that she’ll be replaying less, if Vicente returns he’ll tell her about her life, also her child will be due in October. Now Dona Maria was anxious as her daughter would be a mother, she combed for all information of new medical knowledge to send even to taboos for her child. Witnesses agreed there was no harm and perhaps it did some good practicing both paganism and Christianity, at times she felt revulsion. “Nature is deaf. God is indifferent. Nothing in man’s power can alter the course of law.”p.40 She would stop in the street longing to be taken from the world that had no plan but soon belief would surge up and she would run home and light candles in her daughter’s room. 
At last she made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Santa Maria de Chuxambuqua if there was any efficiency in devotion it would be there, the ground has been holy through many civilizations. The Marquesa was carried in her chair across the bridge of San Luis Rey up the hills to the city, when she saw the walls of the town her prayers of her fright were cut short. As Pepita arranged for their stay at the inn as she went to the church a tide or resignation rising, perhaps she would learn to allow her daughter and gods to govern their own affairs. She was not annoyed by everyone around her and ordered her letters from Spain to be brought to her by messenger even as she traveled. At the shrine she read them wrapped in understanding and forgiveness sinking in her heart. 
After preparing their lodgings Pepita waited in the rooms and wrote to the Abbess about the day. The Abbess molded Pepita, “She had talked to Pepita as to an equal. Such speech is troubling and wonderful to an intelligent child and Madre Maria del Pilar had abused it.”p.44 Expanding Pepita’s view beyond her years and making her frightened of her own insufficiency then she cast her into this solitude which Pepita refused to believe she’d been abandoned to. As Pepita tended to the porridge the Marquesa returned having done what she could, “What will be, will be,”p44 (we have a similar saying ‘it is what it is’) and dropped her amulets into the brazier feeling she antagonized God by too much prayer. She sat for a long time then saw Pepita’s letter and read how she’s mistreated by the servants who steal, inquiring about the Abbess’s health. She thinks of her all the time wishing to visit, she’s lonely, wondering if she forgot her, wondering if she could write back. (oh Pepita I want to give you a hug) 
Dona Maria felt envy, longing to command another as this nun did but mostly, she longed to be back in the simplicity of love, to throw off vanity and pride. She reread the letter to find some secret to it as Pepita came back with supper having already ate and Dona Maria takes it as rejection, Pepita offers to read but was sent to bed. She offers to send Pepita’s letter with hers but she denies any letter and pretended to be busy over the brazier, she’s changed her mind of sending it. Dona Maria tells her the Abbess would be happy to receive it, Pepita says it’s not a good letter, Dona Maria thinks it was beautiful, what could have made it better, Pepita admits she wasn't brave, she took the letter to her room and tore it up. Dona Maria thought back on her life the way she acted, “It’s not my fault that I was so. It was circumstance. I was the way I was brought up. Tomorrow I begin a new life.”p.48 (you had no control on how you were raised but you do have control as an adult how you respond to that) She wrote a new letter, remembering with shame how she’d ask her daughter how much she loved her. (ok King Lear) By dawn she finished her letter then checked on Pepita whispering to let her live and begin again. (it’s never too late to change for the better...) Two days later they crossed the bridge during the accident. (...until it is) 
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crackspinewornpages · 5 months ago
Jim Henson's Labyrinth 19/19 -A.C.H. Smith
Jareth held a few crystals, one of them swirling in the air and flicking it away into a bubble. it drifted and the other three followed outside. The four bubbles approached Sarah, who stared at them entranced. hearing music, the first one had the dancer from her music box. Sarah swayed with the music inside the bubble, dressed in a ball gown, dancing with the others, each bubble had a dancer in it, approaching the other bubble, inside was a ballroom with Jareth waiting. Didymus and Ludo came to the edge of the forest, in the distance the walls of the castle. as Didymus turned to call Sarah she wasn't there, they didn't notice the bubble floating above their heads. 
The ballroom was full of opulence that hard worn away, (100 years of dripping wax candles making stalagmites and threadbare silk tapestries) and the thirteenth hour clock chimed. Sarah watched the bubble dancers and they watched her behind their masks moving in a ring lethargically as they did all night or they lounged against the wall or cushioned pits, (tended to by maids and footmen that had parchment skin so how long have these people been here at this fae party) smiling like knives at Sarah. “She was the picture of innocence in that setting, a picture that excited the dancers, who never took their masked eyes off her,”p.157 Sarah looked in a mirror and saw Jareth pass by dancing with a woman, as she turned he vanished and as she looked for him didn’t notice a young man leering at her. Jareth watched it all, following her in the corrupt ballroom. Sarah was self-conscious now among these strangers who acted like they knew something she didn't and she hurried looking for Jareth, not knowing what to say, just that it was important she found him. 
She saw him whispering to his partner and she looked away in embarrassment to another mirror and saw Jareth now alone (another My Immortal like description of his clothes) and he held out a hand for her. Sarah took it and her dizziness ceased as she spun around the ballroom, she knew she was the loveliest woman of all by the way Jareth smiled at her. She feels it’s like dream but she doesn't remember any dream like this. She saw in his face he was enjoying this moment with no mocking or secretiveness on the others. “And when you’ve found your way in, stay in your dream, Sarah.”-“Believe me. If you want to be truly free, wholly yourself-you do want that, don’t you?”p.159 Sarah did. “Then you will find what you want only as long as you stay in your dream. Once abandoned, and you are at the mercy of other people’s dreams.”p.160 
As she almost kissed him, she closed her eyes but the silence made open them, the music stopped and everyone else was watching, almost laughing. Sarah wrenched herself away from him as he tried to force a kiss, (he’s such a creeper I’m glad David Bowie adamantly refused to kiss the underaged Jennifer Connelly) the clock struck twelve. She ran through the crowd until she saw the membrane and hurled a chair at it bursting the bubble. (yes Sarah get out of that Weinstein Schneider Hollywood party) She was sucked through space and on the ground saw her friends looking up at her. Behind her the ballroom collapsed into junk she recognized from her room. “If this is the debris of the ballroom, she thought, then all my life must have been at that ball, in disguise.”p.161 (hmmm) The sea of junk stretched beyond the horizon spinning Sarah around with it, then it stopped and she was on the ground still holding the rotting peach, she flung it away and fainted. 
Sarah woke up nowhere and could only remember being at the ball ashamed at almost falling for Jareth’s charm and feeling soiled. “Those men who pawed her, Jareth trying so rudely to force a kiss upon her-had she been truly innocent, they would not have behaved like that toward her, would they?”p.163 (Sarah Sarah normally I’d say you acted like a stupid child not thinking but this this you are a child and they are a bunch of creepy adults who took advantage of a child) She looked at the desolate landscape wondering what she was doing. “No one in sight. It was a place where you would soon forget your own name.”p.163 When she stood up the pile of rags she was on moved, the woman told her to get off her back. A little old goblin woman carried a pile of junk on her back, that’s what the other mounds of garbage were. 
Sarah doesn't know where she was going, “You can't look where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re going.”p.164 Sarah didn't argue she just knew she was looking for something, of course she was, they all are, she’s already found lots of things. She gave Sarah things to get started on her own pile, digging through she gave Sarah Lancelot bringing her childish joy like she was a little girl again. Is it what she was looking for, yes, she forgot about it and the old goblin points to her tent for Sarah to look through, inside was her room. 
Sarah woke up in her bed holding Lancelot, it was all a nightmare it was so real and she was still nervous, she opened the door and it led to the wasteland. The old woman asks if she likes the things as Sarah repeats that it’s just a dream, she opens the door again, this time the old woman barged in. She told Sarah it’s best to stay inside, nothing she wants is out there, as she looked around finding things and putting them in Sarah’s arms. She names Sarah things asking if she remembers, “something else was working at Sarah’s feelings, something grey and listless, like despair. She recognized it, but couldn't be sure of its cause.”p.167 (ah this old lady is Sarah’s depression and attachment disorder talking) 
The old woman piled things on her back as Sarah stared at herself in the mirror (she’s also smearing lipstick on her mouth) her shoulders were starting to bow. She starts to think of what she was looking for but the old woman tells her not to talk about it. “It’s all here, everything you’ve ever cared about.”p.168 Sarah stopped listening to the woman or she would have cried and looked for something to distract her off the condescension. On the dressing table was the Labyrinth book, she picked it up and recited the lines and remembered Toby then everything altered, the room was the same but Sarah looked at it with new eyes. “the whole room was a garbage heap, a dead shrine to a spirit that had fled.”p.169 (that spirit being her childhood self) She called it all junk and the woman was taken aback trying to find things and gave Sarah, the music box, (sounds like the ballroom) it’s also junk. “she knew what the grey despair had been. This room was a prison, and she was her own jailor. And so she had the key to release herself, to go and do the thing that mattered.”p.169 (yay she’s breaking out of her arrested development) She had to save Toby and heard her name being called, she stood up shrugging off the junk and the room fell apart. Two hands reached from above and Sarah grabbed on being pulled up to the ground to her friends, behind them was the castle. 
They were at the gates of the Goblin City, Didymus asks if she’s sure she wants to go to the castle. she has to or she’ll lose her little brother. They move forward with Hoggle lingering behind, Didymus shouted at the sleeping goblin guard to open up (that let men in meme) until Sarah begged for him not to make so much noise. Ludo pushed the gate and it swung open (remember the beginning when Sarah was looking for the key to unlocked labyrinth) and it slammed shut as soon as they were in and another pair was open ahead of them but shut before they reached them. At each door was half a set of armor that now formed a titanic warrior called Humongous who wielded two axes. He missed his swing and it hit the wall sending sparks, they dodged his swings trying to take cover. Between a blow Didymus spotted something on the parapet, Hoggle running along toward the inner gate with a purpose. 
Hoggle jumped down on Humongous and kicked his helmet knocking it open revealing a tiny goblin working the controls. Hoggle grabbed him and tossed him out and took over the levers making Humongous go out of control and smoke as Hoggle jumped out. Humongous was on a rampage working his way back to the inner gates, swinging into the arch and breaking down as he overloaded. Sarah asks Hoggle if he’s alright, but Hoggle says he’s not asking to be forgiven. he doesn't care what she thinks, he said he was a coward and not interested in being friends. She forgives him and Didymus says what he did was courageous, Ludo calls him a friend. Sarah gives him back his jewels and Ludo opens the gates and the party heads into the Goblin City.     
The goblins watched Jareth play with Toby, wishing they could play with him, Jareth would tickle Toby and when in range, Toby would punch him in the face. Jareth laughs that he’s spirited, he’ll name him after himself, (is this just for Toby or does he rename all the stolen babies) he has his eyes, and as Toby smacks him in one says his disposition too. Goblins then came running in yelling that the girl who ate the peach is here with a monster, Sir Didymus and a gnome. (his wiki says he’s a dwarf) They got past Humongous and are on their way to the castle, Jareth commands them to stop her. He hands Toby (he calls him Jarethkin unsure if that means he’s now family or all the goblins are considered that) off to one of the goblins to take care of,  Sarah must not get him. As the goblins run off Jareth was left alone repeating she must be stopped from getting the baby. 
Goblin City was a shantytown decorated in Goblin Grotesque style and rotting garbage littered the streets huddled in the shadows of the castle. In the dawn the city seemed asleep, and the party made their way through the marketplace as Sarah and Hoggle tell Didymus to keep quiet. Hoggle calls it a piece of cake as Sarah thinks they're going to make it. Hoggle should have known better the last time that phrase was said and now the danger was a bugle that sounded the goblin army they could only run back into town. (thanks a lot Hoggle you jinxed it) Jareth watched the chaos and winced as the four ran through the city as other goblins popped their heads out of windows to look. Sarah had them run into an abandoned house and bolted the door telling Didymus to guard it while she and Hoggle watched the windows and Ludo the roof. 
As a goblin smashed through a window Sarah brought a plate down on its head, one recognized Hoggle as he used to be with them, Hoggle hit him with a teapot. Sarah and Hoggle were overwhelmed and Didymus wondered if he should disobey orders when the door started to splinter by a battering ram he tried to fend them off with his staff but it wasn't in reach when the door burst open. Sarah and Hoggle were running out of crockery and the horde kept coming, they asked Hoggle what did they do to him, they stole Sarah’s brother, he knows they steal babies. Ludo was knocking down goblins on ladders when canons were called up that misfired. 
Inside Didymus heard the goblins talking about eating Sarah and he was infuriated and charged at the goblins in town, disarming the horde. Sarah saw him surrounded by goblins wielding spears and called for Ludo to summon rocks and for Hoggle to retreat up the stairs. As Ludo roared a distant rumbling followed as bits fell off the castle walls but, in the meantime, Didymus was cornered, and they were trapped on the roof. Sarah calls for Didymus to hold them back as she made a rope out of sheets for them to climb down. Didymus fought his way to the roof and while on the rope, cut it, so the goblins wouldn't follow and fell using the sheet to parachute down. Meanwhile the rocks filled the streets overtaking the army and walling them up allowing Sarah to lead her friends back to the castle and walk inside the throne room. “The chamber was deserted. In the middle of it was a cradle, empty. The clock showed three minutes to thirteen.”p.190 (gasp Jareth you cheating bastard) The vulture sitting above the throne laughed. 
Toby was gone, but Sarah knew Jareth wouldn't abandoned his castle, the only other way was a set of stairs. Sarah ran for it and the others followed but she stopped them, she has to face them alone. “Because that’s the way it’s done.”p.192 All the stories do Sarah felt awful, but she was right and Didymus agreed. “But shouldst thou have need of us...”p.192 (hmm) She went up the stairs and found herself in a hall with many staircases, balconies doors and windows, inside out, backwards and upside down and went on alternating. (so an MC Esher painting Winchester Manor mix with Hogwarts physics) Sarah edged her way along when Jareth calls that he’s been expecting her, Toby is safe in his keep, he’s not keeping him because she’s here. Jareth tells her she’s answered none of the riddles and doesn't even know the questions, she understands nothing. (thank you for calling that out) “You are wrong. I have come to understand one thing very well. You are just putting on a show of confidence. It doesn’t take me in anymore. You are frightened Jareth.”p.193 (yes call his ass out too) They both are. 
They stared at each other for a few seconds then Jareth moved around the stairs calling Sarah cruel and they are evenly matched. “I need your cruelty, just as you need mine.”p.194 Sarah was losing balance watching him then she saw Toby, she had to reach him, Jareth mirroring everywhere she went, laughing. Jareth tossed a crystal ball, Toby followed it over the edge along a wall, defying laws of gravity. Sarah chased after him but he kept getting out of reach at risk of falling off a balcony or stairs. (safe in his keep my ass you don’t even have a single baby gate) Suddenly Jareth spun her around, “It has been a fine game, Sarah, and now it’s time to finish playing, because you cannot ever win.”p.195 Sarah saw Toby near a window, birds were outside, it wasn’t an illusion and she jumped to reach him, Jareth smiled triumphantly. “If he could not keep the baby, nor would she.”p.196  
Sarah opened her eyes and found herself in another part of the hall, something changed, a wing of the castle was in ruins, the stones were gone, grass in the cracks the turrets collapsed growing brambles. The sound around Jareth now had a forlorn ring to it. “Jareth stepped out from a shadowy archway, wearing a faded, threadbare cloak. His face looked older, drawn. In his blond mane was a trace of grey.”p.196 (so what does he really need baby youth to keep himself young and his kingdom running) She demanded Toby, he warns he’s been generous until now, but he can be cruel, he’s done everything she’s wanted. “You asked that the child be taken. I took him. You coward before me, I was frightening.”-”I have reordered time,”-”I have turned the world upside down.”-”And I have done it all for you,”-”I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn’t that generous?”p.197 (he played the role of the villain in her story) 
Sarah starts to recite the lines from the play as Jareth yells at her to stay back and stop, offering another crystal to show her her dreams. She continues and he says he asks so little, just believe in him and she can have everything, when she fumbles the lines again. “Just fear me and love me, “-”and do as I say, and I...I will be your slave.”p.198 And Sarah finally recalled the words. “You have no power over me.”p.198 Jareth and the goblins shouted no as the clock struck, (there’s no way all that happened in three minutes) he tossed the bubble up his face distorted in it and when Sarah touched it it burst. Jareth disappeared, leaving his dusty cloak and at the twelfth chime a white owl flew out from under it, flying circles over her. 
Sarah wiped her eyes saying she needs to get out of the habit of crying and going over the top, (finally some growth) then remembered she hadn't found Toby. The owl was still flying above her but she was on the staircase of her home. The owl flew out an open window and she ran up the stairs shouting for Toby, he was asleep in his crib, she woke him up cuddling him and gave him Lancelot. She watched him sleep for a long time before going back to her room, it was after midnight and her parents would be home soon. She looked around her room, at the old photographs and removed them one at a time, putting them in a drawer including the old family photo and music box. 
Downstairs, Irene called for her and Sarah held the Labyrinth book, “Wait,”-”I am closing a chapter of my life. Just wait.”p.202 And she put the playbook in the drawer and called back she’s there and welcome back, surprising Irene. Sarah thought once was enough for now and pushed the drawer shut, behind her in the window was a reflection of Ludo saying goodbye. When she spun around the room was empty then it was Sir Didymus. “And remember, sweetest damsel, shouldst thou ever have a need...” “I’ll call.”p.203 She told him goodbye and Hoggle appeared. “Yes, if you ever need us...for any reason at all...”p.203 Sarah says she needs them all then the Wise Man appeared. “Sometimes,”-”to need let go.”p.203 Outside the owl watched and waited and flew away unseen. (growing up isn’t leaving childish things behind it’s carrying them with you in different ways)  
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crackspinewornpages · 5 months ago
Jim Henson's Labyrinth 13/19 -A.C.H. Smith
Behind the tree Ludo was hung from were two high doors in a stone wall, both had iron knockers that were repulsive faces, one with the iron ring in his ears and the other his mouth, which to choose. “She always found choices hard to make; if there were two kinds of cake at a birthday party, she would contrive to take a bit of each, at a decent interval, naturally, and hoping that no one noticed.”p.103 (what party serves two kinds of cake also Sarah is it really that hard to choose between chocolate and vanilla) The knocker with the ring in his ears said it’s rude to stare she tried to apologize but the second knocker tried to say something. She took out the ring so he could speak and after the knockers had a fight Sarah asked which way to go, they don't know. they're just knockers. Since she spoke to the second door, she chose it or would that be rude since they might not like their doors opened. “If she weighed the implications of every alternative, would she ever get to make a choice at all? When one door opens, so does another one.”p.105 
She tried to open the second door but it wouldnt budge and so she asked how to get through, knock on the door. (Knock On Doors That’s What The Knocker’s For~) The second knocker refused to have the ring back in his mouth, so she used the first door. Through it she heard giggling and laughter, but Ludo refused to follow so Sarah went ahead. She followed the sound of merriment in the forest and found it was the forest that was laughing, and she joined in until she felt faint, and the forest pitched in hysterics. She couldn't stop and could see Ludo at the door encouraging her to come back. As she dropped herself close enough so he could pick her up and take her back inside. (so...what was the lesson here) 
After she recovered, she went to the second knocker and when he refused to open his mouth, she held his nose until he gasped for air. After knocking the door opened to a foreboding forest but there's no other way (you could try the maze again) and she’s not turning around, and Ludo reluctantly followed her. She didn't know which way to go now, “A path ran in front of her into the forest, but how could anyone take it for granted that a path was the way you wanted to go?’p.109 Sarah was so distracted she didn't notice the ground open up swallow Ludo and close again. As she tried to climb a tree it fell over, and she saw it was made of bone and now the whole forest was collapsing into a heap of bones. “And Sarah knew it was all her fault, the destruction of this delicate balance. And Sarah knew it was all her fault,”p.110 (well it’s about time) It was too much, and she broke down crying she couldn't do anything right and after a while noticed Ludo wasn't there with her. She couldn't stay and ran anywhere, the forest getting darker the deeper, she went until a bright savage creature leaped in front of her. 
Hoggle was hoggling around the hedge maze, the girl had his jewels, he tried to please her and Jareth. “and that’s what you get for trying to please everyone.”p.113 He stopped when he heard a scream and with a second scream his rudimentary conscience came to a decision, and he ran to her. Around the corner there was Jareth asking where he is going, after some time Hoggle said Sarah gave him the slip but he heard her just now and he will take her to the beginning like he told him to, while wishing Jareth would do anything but smile at him. Jareth nods and for a moment he thought he would help her, but he wouldn't after his warning, that would be stupid. Jareth points out his missing jewels, Hoggle promises he’ll find them and the girl just like they planned. 
Jareth stops him, he has a better plan and tosses Hoggle a crystal that turns into a peach, it won't hurt her will it, why the concern, just curious. Jareth says all he has to know is to give it to her and Hoggle was torn between fearful obedience and unknown affection. He won't harm her and Jareth is surprised at him losing his head over a girl, how could she ever like someone as repulsive as him, (whatever Lord Farquaad) is he her friend, Hoggle says it doesn't matter. Jareth warns to give her the peach or he’ll be put in the Bog of Eternal Stench and if Sarah kisses him, he’ll turn him into a prince of the Land of Stench and walks off laughing. (that joke sucked) 
What leaped in front of Sarah was a Fiery and they are wild, and it told her to cut out her screaming it won’t do any good. (well it’s right crying might be an emotional release but what good will it do when you're in trouble to just sit there and bawl) Four more appear, they’re just having a good time here and they hooted and jumped around lighting a bonfire with sparks from their fingers. One used tree stumps as drums and the rest broke into a dance around Sarah, she couldn't have run if she wanted to. She was horrified by their antics as they dismembered themselves and tried to persuade her to join in. “But she thought she had their number now-just crazy good-times, out of their skulls and she was no longer frightened, not even when one tried to lift her head from her shoulders.”p.118 (I’m serious this could easily be a horror story) 
Then she remembered her predicament and started to cry again (she cries so much for a fifteen-year-old) and tells them she’s trying to get to the castle, is she sure she knows what she’s doing, yes. The drums pick up and the Fierys grinned at each other it's not a problem, they’ll take her there, they’re not that wild. She can't walk around here by herself, she did have a friend with her, Hoggle, they know Hoggle, and they pull her along into the wilderness. Meanwhile in the castle Jareth was watching from a crystal and held Toby up to it who recognized Sarah and reached for her. Jareth shook his head so much trouble for such a little thing, but soon she’ll forget everything once Hoggle gives her his present. 
Sarah was hauled along reluctantly, she couldn't see the castle, time was ticking and tried to think of when she could have made a different choice. “How would she know? What evidence had she been given that any of her choices were the right ones? If there were right ones; if it wasn't all a cruel hoax by which Jareth tormented her with the illusion that Toby could be rescued.”p.123 Instead of crying again she focused on what she did right, she had to to have gotten this far, but it would mean nothing if she couldn't get away and save Toby. 
The Fierys were pointing at random things asking if that’s the castle and Sarah asks to be let go but the Fierys ignore her and continue their good time. They dragged Sarah further, as they were goofing around she tried to slip away but they quickly caught up to her. Not knowing where to go, Sarah wondered what the point was of doing anything. “Maybe just havin’ yourself a good time was the best anyone could hope for.”p127 But that’s besides the point, she couldn't do anything until she got rid of the Fierys. 
She got an idea and told them they don’t even know what the castle looks like as they goofed off. One showed how wild he is by taking his head off, Sarah grabbed it and threw it as far as she could, she did the same with the others and in the pandemonium she ran. The Fierys called back that it’s fun, to take her head off too, as she climbed a rock face to escape a rope hit her in the nose. Hoggle hauled her up as the Fierys were eager to dismember her for a good time. (ok so these guys are allegory for being wary of dangerous friends who put having a good time over safety and also going off with strangers) Sarah found she was atop a turret of the Great Goblin Wall after Hoggle beat off the heads he turned to Sarah who thanked him with a kiss then the earth moved beneath them. 
The paving stones they were on tipped them into a chute, having gotten this far required Sarah to be persistent and solve paradoxes. (she hasn’t solved shit) “Jareth was King of the Castle, and he would tolerate no display of emotion here, no gesture of friendship or sentimentality.”p.131 With her kiss Hoggle became Prince of the Land of Stench. “Everyone in Jareth’s realm was an island. If you did something for someone else, it was never an act of kindness but a calculation, an investment that would return a percentage when you called on it.”p.131 The words, to give, were obscene and, to love, only was desire, you stand on your own feet and only on someone else's to get higher. Your success was measured of how you could commend others, this was why Jareth was envied, and he was gong to keep it that way.  
They skidded to the edge of the Great Goblin Wall and were made sick from the smell, Sarah didn't take Hoggle’s fear seriously, she did now. (evisceral glairy mucilaginous weren't enough to convey revulsion for the noise let alone smell) Their only path was now along the narrow wall of crumbling stones, but it was the only way. As they wondered which way to go the stones beneath them broke up and Hoggle was angry at Sarah for kissing him, Sarah tells him not to pretend, he came back for her because he’s her friend, he denies it saying he only came for his property and to give her something. More stones were crumbling away and Sarah tried to grab for him but lost her balance and also fell and landed on Ludo who howled at the smell. They were on a shoal a few feet from the mire and Hoggle was angry he wasn't Sarah’s only friend and Sarah calls him impossible, he’s as possible as she is. (dayum) Sarah moved on and Ludo pointed to a bridge and beyond a forest, better chances of getting to the castle so Sarah urged them on quickly. 
The bridge stood on a pier of stones and as they neared a little fox creature in military dress stopped them, no one without his permission may cross. Sarah says they only have a little time left and Hoggle and Ludo complain of the stench, Sir Didymus can’t smell, he detects nothing calling the air fragrant. (I suppose it is smart to have someone who can’t smell guard a bridge over a putrid swamp) Ludo howled and Hoggle tried to force his way pass and Didymus warns he swore to do his duty and points his staff at him. Ludo, seeing a friend of Sarah threatened, advanced and Didymus attacked him too and Hoggle took that opportunity to run but Didymus was quicker. Didymus enjoyed the exercise, few travelers passed this way and none tested his knightly skills and would gladly fight off a hundred Hoggles and Ludos. “How might a knight prove his valor, except it be tested?”p.137 
Sarah walked up and asked to cross but Didymus forced them back with finesse while he was distracted Hoggle scuttled to the bridge. (dammit Didymus you had one job) As Sarah watched him look out for himself again, she stood by Ludo for moral support. As Hoggle trampled to the bridge bits shook and fell off, when he reached the far bank he looked back, perhaps Sarah was getting through to him. The battle was at a stalemate, Ludo was fed up enough to beat at Didymus with a log and Didymus was bouncing around, both were nearing exhaustion when Didymus leaped back to his bridge and shouted enough. He’s impressed, never before has someone met him and come to a standstill and yields his staff, let them be brothers in arms. Sarah had enough and made for the bridge, but Didymus stopped her, she brought up Ludo is his new brother, but he’s taken an oath. He swore none without his permission may pass, Sarah asks for permission and Didymus was shocked into silence until he came to a decision to allow them to cross. (see how easy things can be Sarah when you ask for permission) 
The moment Sarah stepped on the bridge it sank several inches, she immediately got off of it, Didymus told her there’s nothing to fear, it stood thousands of years. (and it hasn’t been maintained since) Sarah began walking on it holding the railing as the bridge swayed and bits fell off into the bog. Didymus was glowing with the prospect of a quest certain they must have one the damsel was urgent (I kinda want to see a Labyrinth D&D campaign) and would follow them and encouraged Ludo but with his weight the bridge started collapsing and Sarah ran for it. As the planks dropped beneath her she flung onto the branches of a dead tree. Didymus stood dumbfounded, the bridge was gone and so his purpose then he remembered he dedicated himself to this group’s quest and set out to rescue Sarah. His staff was much too short then Ludo howled louder than he ever did and from the far side of the bog came a rumbling noise, a large boulder rolled right under Sarah as she fell. 
Ludo wasn't done, he summoned rocks from beneath the mire creating a causeway for Sarah to cross. (so he could do this the entire time) In the reunion Didymus called for his steed Ambrosius, an Old English Sheepdog, (oh here’s Merlin but seriously do not ride big dogs like horses they aren't strong enough and it will hurt their backs) a flawless mount except when he sees a cat. He rode Ambrosius across the causeway to join them and they told him their perilous quest. Hoggle hesitated by the bog, if he did give Sarah the peach he’d be dumped into it, he almost dropped it in. “the peach might even slip accidentally from his fingers and relieve him of the responsibility of making the choice.”p.150 But he heard Jareth’s voice warning him not to do it so Hoggle put it back in his bag and miserably rejoined the others. 
Didymus took over the leadership and they all went in silence reflecting on their situations. Didymus on future perils with his brother Ludo, Ludo on how hungry he is, Sarah with how Toby was fairing and Hoggle with his choice and consequences but decided it’s all Jareth’s fault. “I’m just obeying an order that I can’t refuse.”p.151 (Hoggle no) Didymus knows the way to Jareth’s castle they’ll be there before dawn, Sarah thought how that would be too late. When Ludo complained of being hungry Hoggle offered Sarah the peach, ripe and juicy, it appeared to be glowing, and she realized Ludo wasn’t the only one hungry and thinks Hoggle is so kind. Hoggle looked at her expectantly, so she took a bite and was so regretful to spoil such a pretty thing. “Although that was the point, wasn't it? A peach made itself lovely just so that someone would spoil it.”p.152 (why is this giving me creep vibes) If that’s the case, then it’s clever to be repulsive, then rattlesnakes would rule the earth. Sarah mentions it tastes strange then sways and understands what Hoggle did, he damns himself and Jareth as Sarah totters and forgets everyone but Jareth mentioning how everything is dancing.
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crackspinewornpages · 5 months ago
Jim Henson's Labyrinth 8/19 -A.C.H. Smith
Her fall was slowed by things brushing against her, she landed on one that grabbed her, a hand. Hands were all around protruding from the walls of the shaft that grabbed at her as she called for help. (help help I need an adult) A finger tapped her shoulder, she looked to see fingers make a face to talk to her, they are the Helping Hands. (when you read you could see how it if leaned into it it could easily be a horror book) Which way does she want to go, up or down, and urged her to make a choice, she supposes she’ll continue down, they snicker it’s too late to change her mind and pass her down. (One Wrong Move And It’s Down Down Down~) They sing as they take her down to a manhole, drop her in it and wave goodbye as they left her in pitch blackness. 
Jareth was observing Sarah in the oubliette through a crystal, she shouldn't have gotten that far by now and gave up. A goblin says she never will and Jareth laughed, she will if she starts all over, few have gotten as far as this girl, too old to be turned into a goblin. “Too old to be a goblin, but too young to be kept by him, damn her innocent eyes.”p.65 (what do you mean by that Jareth) Before she becomes a threat to Toby she has to be sent back immediately, and he knew just the person for the job. He calls Hoggle to take her back to the outer walls, Jareth laughs and told his goblins to laugh too, directing them like a conductor. 
Sarah got dejected, wishing she had been taken up, as she adjusted to the darkness she sensed someone with her, Hoggle. How did he get here, (yeah seems suspicious) he knew she’d get in trouble, so he came to give her a hand. (that doesn’t explain how you knew exactly where she’d be) She’s in one of the many oubliettes, (Mind The Map Now And Watch Your Step Or You’ll End Up In An Oubliette~)  “It’s a place you put people to forget about them.”p.67 (literally it's just a hole in the ground barely big enough to stand in this torturous execution is psychologically horrific) Sarah realized what that meant, it wasn’t fair Jareth challenged her, she went through with it, he couldn't just dump her here. (you made the decision to go down) Hoggle lead her through pointing out a skeleton, how the Labyrinth is a dangerous place for a little girl, if she keeps going, she’ll end up like that. (And All These Skeletons You See Each Had A Dream Now Crumbling At Your Feet~) “Lots of bad memories in the Labyrinth, I can tell you.”p.68 (considering this is Sarah’s way of analyzing her own trauma he’s not wrong) 
She has to find her brother, Hoggle says to forget about him, he knows a short cut out of the Labyrinth, she won't give up now, she’s come too far, he says this is only the edge, further on is worse. Sarah picks up his tone and finds his sudden concern suspicious, (now she thinks about it) Hoggle tries to avoid answering so Sarah bribes him with her jewelry, a plastic bracelet piece (her mother wore it in while in The Winter’s Tale) not the real things her mother gave her. He’ll take her out for it, she wants a way in, after all, he got here, he must know the way. He tells her she doesn't want to go further in, she’s proven she’s a smart, brave girl, “and you don’t deserve what would become of you in here.”-”No, no, you deserve to be saved from that. I’ll say that much for you.”p.69 
She finally agrees to take her as far as he can and flips a wooden bench over revealing a door handle and Sarh thought it wasn't fair. He opened it for the broom closet’s contents to tumble out he shoved it back in (apparently there’s a broom closet joke that’s never explained) and opened the door again to a corridor of cared rock. (so we’re going with cartoon dream logic) A booming voice called to them not to go in, they went in with more cared rock faces calling out warnings. Hoggle tells her not to pay attention to the Phony-Warnings, they mean she’s on the right track. (could these be a manifestation of Sarah’s subconscious gut feelings telling her something is wrong) The passage twisted and turned, but Sarah felt encouraged, unaware that they were being followed by a crystal ball until it bounced ahead in front of a beggar and hopped onto his hat. 
The beggar rose up asking what do they have there, Hoggle sputters as the beggar’s ruse drops to reveal he’s Jareth. He accuses Hoggle of helping the girl, Hoggle denies it, he’s taking her back to the beginning he’s actually just tricking her. And the plastic trinket, he pretends not to know where it came from. Jareth warns if he betrays him he’ll suspend him headfirst in the Bog of Eternal Stench. He asks Sarah how she’s finding the Labyrinth, it’s a piece of cake, (forehead slap Sarh you just told him it was too easy) Jareth then makes it more interesting and turns the hands of the clock forward, Srah calls it unfair. “You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for compassion is.”p.74 Jareth tosses the crystal ball down the corridor and a trundling noise came closer and louder and with a mocking laugh Jareth vanished. Hoggle and Sarah ran from the Cleaners, a moving machine wall of slashing knives and brushes. “All it needed for the story to finish now was that they should come to a dead end. Around a corner, they found one. A heavily barred door closed the tunnel in front of her.”p.75 
Sarah looked for an escape, there had to be a trick, Hoggle was scrabbling at the door, she couldn't trust him anyway. She saw a panel of metal plates next to the door and pressed on it, it gave away a little and she yelled for Hoggle to help her. They pushed and fell through just as the machine slashed by them, as they recovered Hoggle said Jareth must think a lot of her to throw everything her way. Hoggle has her climb up the ladder in the room and says not to look down, how can she trust him after what he did how can she believe him, she doesn't really have a choice does she. Sarah didn't listen to him and looked down, (dammit Sarah) frightened so badly she shook the ladder to Hoggle’s indignation. Sarah thought of nice things (Merlin her room evenings with her mother and multiplication) until she calmed down and started to climb again. Hoggle says to consider his position, he’s a coward and Jareth scares him. A humble position and she wouldn't be so brave if she smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench and they climbed outside. 
A garden with well-trimmed hedges, it was formal with statues of the Phony-Warnings, where the two came out of was a large urn atop a table, ridiculous, but nothing was what it seems to be. “It was like a language in which all the words were the same as your own, but where they meant something quite different from what you were used to. From now on, she would take nothing as its face value.”p.83 Hoggle says he’s not going any farther and Sarah calls him a cheat, coward and a liar then resorts to name calling. Hoggle flails in anger that he did ger her out, now she’s on her own. Sarah was stunned, she’s never seen anyone so angry, now she feels guilty. “She had provoked all that with just her one word, which was clearly more hurtful than sticks or stones.”p.85   
Hoggle declares he won't came back to save her and leaves, Sarah mutters he will and snatches his treasure belt he’ll get it back when she gets to the center of the Labyrinth. (“What a bitch.”-Hank Hill) Hoggle whines it’s further than he can go and about the bog, he doesn't even know which way to go, Sarah calls him a liar. Sarah picks a direction and Hoggle follows only for them to end up where they started, several times, with different paths, leads them to the urn, (Left Right Left Then Take Five More Steps Do A Pirouette Round The Statuette~) all while Hoggle whines to give him back his belt. Hoggle points to a different way and waits for her to turn up again then mocks her for thinking she’s so clever. Sarah tells him if he won’t help, he won’t get his stuff back, but he really doesn't know the way, it’s his property, it’s not fair, no it’s not. “Nothing was fair, if you expected fairness, you would be forever dissapointed.”p.87 (so Sarah just realized life isn’t fair) 
After she realized that she saw a figure, an old man wearing a hat with a bird on it, she called out asking if he could help her. The Wise Man didn't really register her, probably pondering something important and the bird told her to go away, he’s busy thinking and don't stare. The Wise Man told him to be silent then he noticed Sarah and thinks Hoggle is her brother, (so is Hoggle an allegory of Sarah’s bratty behavior or how she sees Toby or both) no just a friend, (is this how she treats her friends no wonder she cosplays alone in the park) surprising Hoggle, it was the first time anyone called him a friend. The Wise Man asked what he can do for them, how can she get to the castle, he tells her sometimes the way forward is the way back and the bird scoffs at it. “Quite often, young lady, it seems were not getting anywhere, when in fact we are.”p.90 (it’s the baby steps of healing) Then the Wise Man drifts off again and the bird demands payment for the wisdom. (Heed My Sage Advice Better Mind The Floor~) Sarah debated Hoggle’s treasures but instead puts her mother’s costume ring in the collection box. (so she’s slowly letting go of her mother) After what the Wise Man said Sarah walks backwards and Hoggle humored her, the bird told the Wise Man they actually took his advice, but he was asleep.   
After leaving the Wise Man they could walk forward and move ahead although the maze turned them around so much they weren't any closer to the castle. “Hoggle.’ she asked, ‘how did you tell when someone’s talking sense and when he’s talking rubbish?”p.93 She made him stick by her until they get there, he wouldn't abandon her while she still has his treasures. She began to wonder if the maze was a closed system, and she’d have to go back to the urn and down to the oubliette. (Pray The Map Isn’t Upside Down Or You’ll Be Stuck In The Underground In A Cage From Which There’s No Way Out~)  Her mother once told her to mind what you say to a beggar, they might be God, (this seems like out of Linda’s character) Sarah wanted to tell her it might be Jareth. How could she have respect for him, “He was dangerous and powerful, obviously but he was too aware of it-a showoff, really-and mean, a cheat. He had a certain style to him, she could conclude that much. He was not unattractive. But how could you respect, still less admire, someone like him?”p.94 (she calls him a cad so she’s seeing through his false charm) 
They turned so much they couldn't tell they weren't alone, a sea serpent along the hedge with little goblin feet under it (so it’s like those Chinese dragon costumes) and several times they missed the mounted goblin Jareth sent out to look for them. Hoggle asked why she called him a friend, he’s not much of one but the only one she has here, he’s never been someone’s friend before. (gee wonder why) Then a roar made him run away in fright, shouting out he’s no one’s friend, he only looks out for himself. (and here’s the answer) Another roar but not closer, so Sarah decided to go on the Wise Man said, things aren't what they seem. After all, back home Toby was the loudest one and he’s harmless, so she moved ahead. 
In the hedge gap she did see things weren't what they seemed, the roar came from a large beast hanging upside down and tormented by goblins. (they have sticks with those wind-up dentures on them) The goblins were so absorbed in their cruel game they didn't notice Sarah getting closer until she threw rocks at them. The goblins turned on each other in the confusion, and Sarah threw more and was surprised at how accurate her aim was. (hmm wonder why) The four goblins fought each other or ran away through the hedges. Looking at the beast now she had half a mind to leave it, but she felt more pity and went closer. The beast reacted like she was another tormentor, she told it firmly to stop it, is that any way to treat someone trying to help you, doesn't it want to get down, it says Ludo wants down. 
As she got closer, she saw his grin from his upside-down face was actually a smile. is this what Toby saw when people leaned over his crib. (so she’s starting to see things from Toby’s point of view) Ludo says friend, Sarah wasn’t taking anything for granted anymore but his eyes looked like Merlin’s, so she ruffles his shaggy red hair. As she was about to release the rope Ludo roared again, Sarah leaped back thinking she couldn’t trust anyone here until she saw him rub the tender spots the goblins caused, he was hurt. Sarah let him down and hit the ground with a thump and he got up with a groan. She tells him it’s all right now and Ludo calls Sarah friend, she is and asks for a favor, the way to the castle, but he doesn’t know it either. If no one was going to help her she could do it on her own and Ludo followed, and Sarah thought it was nice to have company. (that you don’t have to extort at that) 
0 notes
crackspinewornpages · 6 months ago
Jim Henson's Labyrinth 4/19 -A.C.H. Smith
While nobody saw the owl, the owl saw and heard everything as he settled in a tree and watched the girl below. She moved with deliberate purpose, concentrating as she recited her lines. “Give me the child,’ she repeated. ‘Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City, to take back the child you have stolen.”- “For my will is as strong as yours...”p.11 She fumbled her lines and checked the playbook for the next one. “You have no power over me...”p.12 (and now Chekhov's gun is cocked and loaded) She couldn't continue as a clap of thunder startled her and her sheepdog, Merlin. (I know Merlin is a sheepdog but my cat’s name is Merlin so I just keep picturing him) She repeated the last line until the pavilion clock chimed and she realized the time. She and her dog started running home with her muttering it’s not fair as an owl watched it all in, no hurry, he knew what he wanted. (Merlin doesn't like the owl thinking it was why Sarah was running) 
Sarah’s stepmother was waiting for her, “The world at large was not fair, hardly ever, but in particular, her stepmother was ruthlessly not fair to her.”p.13 She could already hear her baby brother crying, she didn't call him her half-brother since her friend Alice (like Alice in Wonderland a girl who went through a nonsensical other world I see what you’re doing book) asked what his other half is (a horse) and she couldn't answer. Sometimes she felt protective of Toby, wanting to take him away to a better place but times like this she hated him since he had twice as many parents as she did. “When she hated Toby it frightened her, because it led her into thinking about how she could hurt him.”p.14 There must be something wrong with her, she wished she had someone who could understand, her friends would think she's a witch and her father would be more frightened of it than herself. (well she’s not wrong a teenager holding onto this much hatred and dark thoughts towards a baby is concerning)  
Sarah unapologetically said sorry for being late and Irene (the Labyrinth wiki says her name is Irene but in fanon Karen is popular too) told her to come out of the rain (Sarah made sure never to touch her even on accident) but the dog has to go in the garage. (well yeah Merlin is a big shaggy sheepdog that’s now soaking wet and covered in mud) Sarah thought Irene’s style was tacky and her performance every evening was hammy, her favorite word since her mother's boyfriend Jeremy used it to put down an actor, she was determined to be an actress so she could sound sophisticated like him. (that’s not how I would describe it) Irene started scolding her for being an hour late, they only ask her to babysit if it doesn’t interfere with her plans. Sarah cuts her off, how would she know if she has plans, she doesn't ask, Irene assumes she’d tell her if she did. “I would like it if you had a date. A fifteen-year-old girl should have dates.”p.16 (it was the 80’s how many well adjusted fifteen-year-olds at that time were cosplaying by themselves in the park) Sarah thought if she did have a date, she wouldn't tell her, and she wouldn’t like who it was. (she has a whole fantasy of escaping in a limo and they’d only hear of her in magazines) 
Sarah’s father came up holding her brother and telling her they were worried, (as any good parent would be if their teenager was off by herself and an hour late coming home in a storm) Sarah says to leave her alone and runs up the stairs. They were so reasonable, convinced they were in the right, only a matter of time until she did as they wished. Why did he take that woman’s side, her own mother never had that look of tolerance. “She was a woman who could shout and laugh and hug you and slap you all within a minute or two. When she and Sarah had a quarrel, it was an explosion. Five minutes later, it was forgotten.”p.16 (this hits close to home the result of which is I haven't spoken to that woman since December 3rd) Irene lamented how she tries but Sarah is determined to make her the wicked stepmother, Robert says it’s hard to have a mother walk out on you, (this is common the child has a tumultuous relationship if at all to the one parent they want love and acceptance from and will try to mold themselves to that parent’s image or expectations all while dumping their frustrations and lashing out to the other parent because it’s safe to do so) he’s right but will she ever change, Robert goes to talk to her. 
Sarah’s only safe place was her room, and she checked it every day that everything was where it should be. Irene rarely came in, she couldn't be trusted, she tried to clean but misplaced things. “It was essential to ward off that disturbing spirit.”p.17 Shelves were filled with books, toys and dolls positioned to Sarah’s affinities, everything had to be a certain way or it would be unsafe once disordered the room wouldn't be familiar. (ah so she’s trying to stay at the time in childhood where her family was together clinging to order in her disordered world but in turn stifling her own growth) Sarah was so against disturbances she learned how to do her own repairs so even her father would hardly have a reason to come in. 
Sarah now stood in her room sniffling and looked at an old family photo, all around were photos and posters of her mother's plays. One had her mother and her boyfriend Jeremy posing together and signed by them for Sarah, there were newspaper clippings from paparazzi following the two on their romance. Sarah picked up the music box (it plays Greensleeves) her mother gave he on her fifteenth birthday, the three went to the country club to swim, (the dick pretended to drown) Jeremy gifted her a gown to wear to dinner and a musical where he gossiped about the actors. He had danced with her and after a photo flash joked, they’d be in the gossip columns the next day (presumably because it would be a scandal of him being seen with an underage girl) and he drove wildly to shake off the phantom photographers and at home Sarah’s mother gifted her the music box. 
She could easily remember poetry, so why was the line in the park difficult, how could she make it on stage if she couldn’t remember her lines. She tried to get into the part with the right props as her mother told her and costumes as Jeremy told her. “They helped you escape from your own life and find your way into the part, as Jeremy said. And after each show, you take it all off, and you wipe the slate clean. Every day was a fresh start.”p.20 She was putting on lipstick when her father came to her door wanting to talk, she wouldn't let him in. At a loss he tells her Toby’s asleep, and they’ll be back by midnight and walked away and Sarah sniffed how he used to kiss her goodbye and now didn't try to come in. (would you throw a fit if he did you made it pretty clear you don’t want anybody in there) 
 As she threw away a tissue, she noticed her bear Lancelot was missing and she was angry the order of her room was violated. (if it really mattered would this be noticed when you first came in) She blames Irene yelling out the window towards the taxi that she hates her. She knew Toby had it, he was given everything but given more than she ever was. Lancelot was on the floor of the nursery, (hmm seems more like it was placed there deliberately) Sarah picked him up and her entrance woke Toby who started to cry. Sarah bemoaned for someone to save her and take her away, among the cacophony of the storm, Toby crying and Merlin barking it stirred the goblins in the castle of the Goblin King.  
Trying to calm Toby and herself down she told him the story from her playbook, The Labyrinth, (there's the title) how the evil stepmother made the young woman stay and watch the spoiled baby. (hmm I don't think that’s in the play) “But what no one knew was this: the King of the Goblins had fallen in love with her, and given her certain powers.”p.23 Now the goblins were paying attention as Sarah went on, the woman called the goblins to help her say the words and they’ll take the baby and she’ll be free. The girl knew the king would keep the baby forever and turn him into a goblin, so she kept quiet for months until she couldn't bear it. 
Toby started wailing again and Sarah was losing her temper, and the goblins eagerly listened for her to say the words. “Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be, come and take this child of mine away from me!”p.25 The goblins call them the wrong words, she didn't even say ‘I wish’. Toby was screaming now, and exhausted, Sarah started saying ‘I wish’ until he quieted down and she put him back in his crib. Right before she left, she said the words, “I wish the goblins would come and take you away...-”...right now.”p.26 To the goblins delight, and they scattered. 
The thunderstorm picked up and Sarah listened to the unnatural silence in the room, Toby was quiet, and it scared her. She called his name and flicked the lights, but nothing responded, stepping into the room there were unfamiliar shadows. In the crib, under the blanket, weird shapes were bulging and Sarah thought she saw things that weren't a part of Toby poking out,  then there was stillness. Perhaps for hours she stared at the empty crib, mind blank and frightened by a thumping on the window by an owl, she didn't notice the goblins behind her. The clock chimed from the mantle at thirteen o clock, she was distracted by it until something nudged her leg, something scaly. Something else snickered out of sight and shadows crawled across the walls cavorting goblins evading her eyes. (you could easily lean into the horror of this book like Coraline) Sarah looked for a weapon and tried to beat them away with a broom when it also slithered out of her hands. 
Lightning flashed across the room and faces hid as thunder boomed and the wind blew the window open for the owl to enter. Sarah screamed covering her eyes and peaked through them to see a human shadow. Sarah recognized the stranger as the Goblin King, (he has a My Immortal description but you can just picture David Bowie however you want) he introduced himself as Jareth, (sounds a lot like Jeremy) he saved her, “I have liberated you from those bonds that distressed you and frightened you. You’re free now, Sarah.”p.32 Sarah doesn't want to be free, she does, but she wants her brother back, she didn't mean it, please bring him back.  
“Go back to your room. Read your books. Put on your costumes, that is your real life. Forget about the baby.”p.33 Sarah can't do that, so Jareth summons a crystal ball to show her her dreams, but it’s not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby, does she want it. Sarah didn't answer as she stared at it, “To see her own dreams-what wouldn't she give for that?”p.33 Jareth tells her to forget about the baby and Sarah was torn, the gift was seductive (yeah from a grown man to a teenager) but also from someone who understood her, (how much does he really understand about you) only for her to trade a spoiled child, (there’s no such thing as a spoiled baby)  only her half-brother. She appreciated it, but she can't accept it and wants her brother back. 
Jareth lost his patience, disappeared the crystal and threatens Sarah with a snake, warning her not to defy him, as it wrapped around her neck. Sarah tore it off, finding it was a scarf, then it turned into a snake again, she dropped it and it shattered into goblins who scattered around the room, they were all around now, watching her. Jareth warns her to take his offer, she no match for him, she can't do that, she has to have her brother back. He says she won't find him, so there is a place she figures and for a moment Sarah saw fear in his eyes, it was encouraging. 
He hesitates but says there is a place and points with his cane out the window towards a castle atop a mound the Goblin City. They were now no longer in the house but on a hill. “Turn back, Sarah, turn back, before it is too late.”p.36 She can't, the castle wasn’t too far off, it depended on what she comes across in the valley, was the darkness down there perpetual. Jareth warns it’s farther than she thinks, and time is shorter, she only has thirteen hours before her brother becomes one of them forever. She’ll start, he calls it a pity before disappearing, Sarah just glimpsed a white owl flying away, and taking one step off the hill, she fell. 
Sarah slid down the hillside on her bottom terrified, getting jabbed by rocks and shrubs. She couldn't see in the dark, but she was determined, there was no limit to what she could do and maybe with luck she would save Toby. A lark call made her look up and see the sunrise, Jareth’s castle on the horizon, it seemed only a few hours away. She wondered if Jareth’s land worked by the same time as home, would her father and Irene find her missing and call the police. As the sun rose, she saw what was in the valley. “From the foot of the hillside where she sat, to the castle and beyond it, and from horizon to horizon on each sides, there stretched a vast, intricate maze of walls and hedges.”p.40 
She studied the Labyrinth trying to solve it and the impossibility started to overwhelm her. She went on through the rocks and shrubs to the great wall stretching farther than she could see. As she got closer she saw a little man and called out startling him and making him cross at her for disturbing him. He tried to look fierce but couldn't, he wasn't friendly but not hostile and Sarah asked if he could show her how to get through the Labyrinth. He ignored her and continued spraying the fairies to Sarah’s dismay calling him a monster. She picked it up only for it to bite her, the man said of course what did she expect it to do, grant wishes. “Shows what you know, don’t it?’p.43 (he’s not wrong Sarah has no actual experience with real fairies imagine someone picking up a horsefly thinking it’s just a little pony or something) The man goes on spraying and gave her leaves to rub on the bite, she did and cried out that it hurt more, the man laughed at her, payback for startling him.  
Sarah calls him horrible, he says his name is Hoggle and he goes on spraying, after he already knew Sarah was her name she suspects he knows a lot about her, maybe he’s a spy for Jareth, he’s not her idea of a spy. “If all her opinions were wrong, as he’d said, then this one might be wrong, too. But in that case, she thought, supposing he is a spy, then it might be his job to persuade me that all my opinions are wrong when really they are all correct. And if they are all correct, he is not a spy.”p.44 Her thoughts run in circles, it’s just like a puzzle from home unable to tell who is the liar. (so Sarah is definitely going to encounter this problem later) 
Sarah smiled at him and his face darkened unused to people smiling at him and when asked if he knows where the door to the Labyrinth is, he gives her the run around. It’s hopeless talking to him, “It’s hopeless asking you anything.” “Not if you ask the right questions.”p.45 The right questions depend on what she wants to know, how to get into the Labyrinth then she heard the same music that hummed around the Goblin King. “You got to ask the right questions if you want to get anywhere in the Labyrinth.”p.45  
Sarah saw a huge gate, now she had to find the key, it was sticking out under the mat, too heavy for her to lift and Hoggle refused to help her. Sarah snapped and called him names like she did to another girl when she was younger, (I think it’s already been established Sarah can be a real bitch) and Hoggle got angry. (pipsqueak really gets under his skin because he's a dwarf) “You! Ha! You’re so stupid you are, you take everything for granted.”p.46 If she weren't she’d just try the gate, it wasn't locked. (this reminds me of high school first period sometimes the teachers wouldn’t be there in time to unlock the classroom door so we’d all sit in the hall until someone came by with a key once we did that and the door wasn’t even locked it was just the lights were off and no one tried the door) Sarah says it’s clever, “You think you’re so clever,’ Hoggle said. ‘You know why? Because you aint learned nothing.”p46 
Sarah didn't like what she saw on the other side, it was dark, there was intense music (well yeah this is a musical) and the smell of things rotting. Two steps in and she was in a narrow hallway that was slimy and smelled of mildew. Hoggle got quiet asking if she was really going, yes, is there any reason why she shouldn't, every reason why she shouldn't, is there a good reason why she should, she has to. Should she go left or right, they both looked the same, then she won't get far, he wouldn't go at all. Hoggle repeats what he told her of taking things for granted. “This Labyrinth, for instance, even if you get to the center, which is extremely doubtful, you’ll never get out again.”p.48 His opinion is better than hers, she thanks him for nothing, Hoggle calls back not to say he didn't warn her, a few steps in the gate closed and wouldn't open. 
Sarah went on her way as lichen watched her go and gossiped disapproving of her direction. After walking for a long while it still looked the same, not a turn or corner, and she thinks maybe she’s taking it for granted to go on and on. She wondered how much time she had left, “It wasn’t fair, not knowing.”p.50 She ran until she was exhausted and collapsed crying, there were still only walls, she beat on one in frustration and a little worm answered. (well she did knock on his house) Sarah realized if a worm can talk it may give her directions, it’s just a worm it doesn't know how to get through but invites her in for tea. She can't, she has get through but it just goes on, the worm says there are ways, she just doesn't see them. “There was no logic to it. Or maybe there was nothing but logic, and that was the trouble: all logic and no reason.”p.51 There was an opening right in front of her, things aren't what they seem here, so don't take then for granted. Sarah tried it and found another passage and thanks the worm (that keeps offering tea) who warns her not to go that direction, she thanks him and goes the opposite way to the worm’s relief as the other way would have led her to that dreadful castle. (remember what Hoggle said about asking the right questions) 
In the Goblin King’s chamber (it’s a pigsty) Toby was howling (even David Bowie said Toby was adorable but a screamer) as Jareth watched amused, no one else took notice of Toby, the goblins were skittering about doing their own things. Jareth wanted something to amuse him, the goblins were boring, too stupid to find their way through the Labyrinth, no wisdom or wit. (well you did kidnap them as babies what were you expecting) “In the old days, when many babies had been offered to him, Jareth had been more tolerant, reckoning that soon he would certainly find one who could be trained as a worthy companion to the throne, one whose young blood would serve to refresh Jareth’s, whose high spirits would dispel the thoughts of aging that oppressed the king of the Goblins.”p.53 (so what the youth from the infants also gave him youth) As calls became rarer Jareth became more dejected and avoided mirrors. (he’s as worried about his wrinkles like a twenty-year-old botox and filler addict) He might be lucky with Toby and he’ll help him rule his ramshackle empire, or just with mischief, nine more hours to wait, he needs something to pass the time. 
Sarah now came upon steps, a change from walls and turns, to make sure she didn't retrace her steps and marked a brick with her lipstick unknowing that a little creature behind her would turn the bricks over. She didn't see the goblins behind her as she went up to the dead-end chamber and when she turned around her arrow was gone. (What's That Sound Coming From The Ground Someone Is Turning All Of The Tiles Around~) Knowing something was fishy she called it unfair only for a voice to repeat the words behind her. The dead-end chamber now had two guards holding shields with two more guards holding on to them upside-down. (Find The Guards Hiding Behind Cards Ignore The One Outright Cause He Always Lies~) The way she came was now blocked off in a dead-end and she calls it unfair it keeps changing, what’s she to do, they suggest to try the doors one leads to the castle one to death.  
Jim and Tim can't tell her which door to use but Alph and Ralph can, but she can only ask one, it’s the rules. (the top two are Alph and Ralph and the bottom ones Jim and Tim because she though their names should rhyme) “And I think I should warn you that one of us always tells the truth, and one of us always lies.”p.57 (how do we know they’re not both liars and the both doors lead to the same place Samurai Jack taught me that) He accuses Ralph of being the liar, Ralph says he’s the one who tells the truth and it’s Alph who lies, Alph calls that a lie, Jim and Tim laugh at Sarah’s situation. Sarah thought of the question that will get the same answer (simple kill one and ask the other if the dead one is dead) and Tim laughed at her. Sarah tells them to answer yes or no, points to Alph and says to tell her that his door leads to the castle. Ralph says yes, so Sarah concludes the other door is the way because if he told her yes then the answer is no. Ralph says he could be telling the truth, then it would be a lie, if it were yes then the answer would be no. (ok point to one guard ask him which door the other guard would say is safe and do the opposite of what they agree on) Sarah is pleased with herself for getting smarter and walked through Alph’s door calling it a piece of cake before falling straight down a shaft. (see from the start the riddle was rigged by it’s own rules)  
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crackspinewornpages · 6 months ago
It Can't Happen Here 38/38 -Sinclair Lewis
Dr. Lionel Adams was a negro journalist an American consul in Africa (BA of Yale and PHD of Chicago) and was a professor of anthropology at Harvard University during Windrip’s election. After his position was taken over by a white man severely underqualified, in the chaos Lionel took to patience in the new slavery. He went across the country preaching to people to be realistic, make a future however they could. “not in some Utopian fantasy but on the inescapable basis of the ban against them.”p.321 In Burlington a colony of slave descendants that escaped to Canada had returned to be professionals and officials, Lionel bid them to seek improvement in the soul rather than social superiority. Shad (his real name is Oscar) came to censor the lecture, the first one he heard in his life and wasn't impressed. As Lionel preached, they were just as good to inspire rebellion, Shad arrested him and sent him to Trianon. Stoyt thought to make it a joke but Doremus and Pascal liked their new cellmate, so he was put in solitary. 
November 1938 had a big shock at Trianon as Shad was also imprisoned as he put half of them there. Rumors spread that Tasbrough turned him in because of grafts he didn't share and how the prisoners were going to kill him. The Minute Men were privileged prisoners, protected until they reformed and returned to the ranks with new knowledge of how to flog. They could not get to Shad and Doremus begged the plotters to restrain themselves, he knew Shad grew up with little and had little chance at life. “But more important then that, I don't believe in individual assassination as an effective means of fighting despotism. The blood of tyrants is the seed of massacre and-”p.324 Pascal cuts him off, he wanted Shad’s blood and the other cellmates agreed. 
The exercise hour was interrupted as one prisoner stumbled knocking another near Shad’s private cell. The incident made a crowd collect at it and at the edge Doremus saw Shad’s fearful face. Someone threw a lit wad soaked with gasoline and the cell quickly caught on fire, by the time they got Shad out he was dead. Cowlick was subsequently deposed and replaced with Shad’s friend Snake Tizra, a promise that the one who turned in the murderer would be let go, a following promise from the prisoners the one who snitched wouldn't live to get out. Swan was brought in and ordered ten of the two hundred to be randomly executed, (including Victor Loveland) suspects beaten more often and two weeks in December visits and letters were forbidden and new prisoners isolated. At night they whispered if this was really Tizra’s vengeance. “or whether something was happening in the World Outside that was too disturbing for the prisoners to know.”p.326 
When her father went to prison and more timid rebels had been scared away, Mary took control of the Fort Beulah cell with just Sissy and Perefixe, all the other agents left. All she could do was help escaping refugees and spread all the minor anti Corpo news she could get with Julian gone. She wanted to kill Shad, who she suspected did the actual shooting, and Sissy was now terrified of her. (before this she once beat a farmer with a riding crop for torturing a dog) Mary was fed up with caution, “men who rather liked a vague state called Freedom but did not over much care for being lynched. She stormed at them. Call themselves men? Why didn't they go out and do something?”p.328 (yes call them out Mary) She was irritated at her mother and the praising blasts from Swan that made her want to kill him more than Shad. “That was the sort of thinking that the Corpos were encouraging among descent home-body women by their program for revitalizing national American pride.”p.328 
Two visitors at the same time were forbidden at the concentration camps, when Mary visited Doremus and Titus she asked if anything happens to her, when they get out, will they take care of David. (well this is foreboding) She gathered some money and left David behind for Albany, the story was she needed change and was staying with her husband’s sister. Two days after her arrival she enlisted at the Corpo Women’s Flying Corps to learn aviation and bombing. When the inevitable war happened, women’s rights may have been taken from them, “but never had they had more right to die in battle.”p.329  
After ten hours of instruction Mary had her first solo flight, (only ten hours well I guess they were less complicated back then) the instructor said she had no fear, she needed a little for mastery, she was also an obedient student in bomb instruction. (was told Swan gleefully killed a woman and a baby with a hand grenade during a riot) On her sixth solo flight in November she was at the field where Swan was boarding his private plane (rumored to have a desk that belonged to Hitler) surrounded by an adoring crowd as he goes off to Washington to see Windrip. “Wouldn't if* be awful if somebody took a shot at Mr. Swan and the Chief? Might change all history,”p.331 (I’m sure Gavrilo Princip thought the same also if* yes that typo was in the book from an edition printed in 2014 editors do better) The mechanic thought she was joking, as she flew behind and above Swan he was so guarded he could only be taken while in the air. Mary dropped three grenades but they missed the plane soon to land and the guards shooting at her. In ten seconds she didn't have enough time for a parachute, wishing she spent more time with David as the plane crashed. 
Before Julian was arrested the New Underground in Montreal found no value in his reports of MM grafts and cruelty, but he was still able to warn five suspects to escape to Canada. When he was about to be promoted to Hanover, he had a plan of going to the family friend Tasbrough (I doubt he’s really a friend of the family) to become his secretary to sneak into his private files, before he could he was arrested in September by Shad. 
 Sissy wasn't allowed to visit Julian, after Mary was buried with military honors Philip came bumbling back home. He thought Mary and Doremus had a touch of madness, must run in the family, thankfully it skipped him. (it wasn’t madness but brains and common sense that skipped you) He suggests the rest of the family to come live with him and for Sissy to join the Women’s Corpo Auxiliary, he was so damned kind about it Sissy couldn't fly into a rage. (I could) He even bought David a little MM uniform and he wore it around chanting Hail Windrip. (imagine your nephew who’s father was murdered by the Gestapo play around the house in an SS uniform saying Hail Hitler) Emma and David went with him, Sissy will to stay at Lorinda’s after she finds a renter for the house. 
Now Shad made his move, she never hated and feared him so much as he had Doremus, Julian and Titus’s lives in his hands. She wondered if it’s wise to kill him, would it be worse for her father and Julian, would being hanged hurt. Shad suggests she come with him to New York for a few weeks and they could elope. Sissy says they couldn't live on his salary, they should pay him better, (is this her way to suggests he demand his superiors give him a raise and annoy them so he’ll fall out of their favor) Shad says he’ll be a millionaire soon and told her the secret she’d been fishing for. He wasn't just taking bribes from shops for protection against MMs, (someone call the A Team) he went into a partnership and had the books in his office desk. After she got him to leave, she cried, (Mrs. Candy was ready with a butcher knife if he tried anything) the next morning she told Tasbrough and she didn't see Shad again, though felt something when he was killed. “She found no heroism but only barbaric bestiality in having to kill so that one might so far live as to be half way honest and kind and secure. But she knew that she would be willing to do it again.”p.337 The house was rented by Shad’s replacement, Isham Hubbard, Sissy left for Lorinda’s and Perefixe took over the NU. 
Sissy was too snappish to be smothered and sent to bed, Mrs. Candy gave her enough already (you know when I was reading this I just imagined Candy as white like the other characters but now I’m wondering since this is the 1930s if she’s supposed to be the Mammy archetype) and Philip gave her all the parental advice she could endure, it was a relief when Lorinda treated her like an adult. Late at night, with no guests, Lorinda asked if it was Mary’s intent to kill Swan, the Corpos didn't seem to think so, of course they don't want assassinations to be talked about lest they become a habit. Lorinda agrees with Doremus, assassinations are mistakes in tactics, also she may get him out of the concentration camp. Aras Dilley is at Trianon now, she’s bribing him to help Doreus escape, they’ll have him out around Christmas and they’ll sneak him to Canada. A few days later they received a New Underground telegram, Lee Sarason deposed Windrip and took the dictatorship. 
“In his two years of dictatorship, Berzelius Windrip daily became more a miser of power.”p.340 He told himself his ambition was to make all the citizens healthy and pure of mind and he was brutal only towards fools who wanted the old systems. After eighteen months and the border countries refusing his notes or joining (as it was his property already by Manifest Destiny) he got angry. Daily he wanted louder Yeses from everybody for encouragement, he suspected everyone who didn't play into his ego as conspiring against him, (he really is an overgrown child given too much power) his only companion was Sarason. He felt lonely and no longer went out except to barrooms until his cabinet protested that it wasn't dignified and too dangerous to be around strangers. So, he played poker with his bodyguards who let him win, he became the opposite of himself and couldn't see it. “All the while he loved the People just as much as he feared and detested Persons, and he planned to do something historic!”p.341 He would give everyone that five thousand a year as soon as he could arrange it. 
Lee Sarason was carefully making lists (was he also checking them twice) and beguiling officials to see him as their real lord and master of Corpoism. He kept promises while Windrip forgot, his door became one of ambition. His followers were the actual government minus the megaphones. (of course from the beggining we could read between the lines that Windrip was just the figurehead and mouthpiece for Sarason) He had reports hos the officials were dissatisfied with Windrip, he made allegiances and was satisfied his national song was being played abroad. 
As a banker worried about a missing hundred million dollars, (that’s over two billion now) Windrip worried about the obedience of the American citizens and approval of Sarason. (what his wife he saw once a week thought of him was unimportant) He depended on Sarason and hung out with him (including murdering) who now seemed behind a veil he couldn't penetrate. (no joke the book says he wants to get Lee to be a good boy and play with him) To bring back Sarason Windrip replaced him with Luthorne and Haik but Sarason wasn't concerned, he also tried to ply Sarason with expensive gifts (a new thousand dollar television set how fancy would a 22k tv set be today) but only coldly thanked. As Haik made the army double efficiency Windrip wondered if he could be his new confident, he wouldn't throw Sarason in prison though. “but still, Lee was so thoughtless about hurting his feelings, when he’d gone and done so much for him and all!”p.343 (oh Windrip is Sarason senpai not noticing you) Windrip was confused and more so when Beecroft said he was tired of the bloodshed and was going home. He could have him shot for his criticisms, in his irritation had the ex-senator and twelve concentration camp prisoners executed on the charges they told bad stories about him. 
Windrip actually lived in a hotel as he was frightened by the Reds and anti Corpos who found their way into the White House to murder him. (well he’s not wrong but with his paranoia I doubt they’re actually in the White House) He spoke to Sarason with with how well Haik took over his old job and suggests Luthorne could help him. Sarason reveals Luthorne was killed ten days ago, he was popular but dangerous with all his talk of Lincoln. Windrip is shocked to hear this, he never knows what’s going on, Sarason says it’s better not to bother him with the details. Windrip understands he’s protecting him, but he liked Luthorne. (he feels as lonely as Shad) Windrip asks if he thinks of the future, how’d he like to be Duke of Georgia in the American Kingdom, just stick to him and not forget what he’s done for him. Sarason says they still need to liquidate Vice President Beecroft and if Windrip is deposed or killed he’ll be president, (I see what you’re doing Sarason) Windrip won't believe his friend could do that. (well not that friend in particular) Sarason leaves it at that and goes to his bower he shares with several handsome MM officers, savage soldiers apt at music and poetry. He’d get angry at them, whip them and caress their wounds in apology, his old editor friends said he traded green eyeshadow for a violet wreath. (violets are one of the oldest queer symbols but more associated with lesbians pansies and green carnations were for gay men and lavender was inclusive to both) 
1938 in a cabinet meeting Sarason revealed disturbing news to the heads of government, Beecroft fled to Canada and joined Trowbridge and there were bubbles of rebellion demanding their states secede. Sarason ignores Windrip’s angry outbursts and suggests plotting incidents along the Mexican border and when the public got patriotic enough declare war, (this is called a false flag operation) Haik and Macgoblin agree with him. “Once, pointed out the learned Macgoblin, governments had merely let themselves slide into a war, thanking Providence for having provided a conflict as a febrifuge against internal discontent, but of course, in this age of deliberate, planned propaganda, a really modern government like their must figure out what brand of war they had to sell and plan the selling campaign conciously.”p.347 (nothing brings the collective population together like a war against a common enemy) Windrip says they aren't ready a war now might have the opposite effect, “You put arms into the hands of too many irresponsible folks, and they might use ‘em and turn against you and start a revolution and throw the whole dern gang of us out!”p.347 (wow Windrip that’s the first intelligent thing I’ve heard you say) The MMs were Sarason’s idea, who tells him to make up his mind, of thanking the citizen soldiers or fearing them. When he leaves Windrip complains he won't stand for him and may replace him. 
That night in his hotel Windrip woke up when Sarason, Macgoblin and Haik were allowed in his room. Sarason had a bowie knife ready to stab him, when Windrip realized he was about to be killed he tried to appeal to him, reminding Sarason of all he did for him. (like giving him money to visit his sick mother) Sarason couldn't do it and decides to send Windrip off to Europe, ten days later he was on a ship to Paris where he became a minor hero of a tragedy. Windrip got a little over on them, in his two years of despotism he secretly sent four million abroad to safe accounts. (almost 90 million today) “And so Buzz Windrip passed into wobbly paragraphs in recollections by ex-diplomatic gentlemen with monocles. In what remained of Ex-President Windrip’s life, everything was ex. He was even so far forgotten that only four or five American students tried to shoot him.”p.349 (...huh...well he survived three more than Trump)  
As they once advised and flattered Windrip, his sycophants turned allegiance to Sarason, he issued a proclamation that in revelation of Windrip’s embezzlement and plotting with Mexico to avoid war, he yielded to the Cabinet and took over the presidency. He immediately began appointing his young officer friends to the most respectable offices in the State and army. It amused him to see the shock on people as he appointed a pink faced twenty five year old to Commissioner of the Federal District. In the White House of Coolidge, Harrington and Hayes, he had orgies (says it’s an old word for parties but c’mon we know that’s not what you mean) with weaving limbs and garlands and wine. (so he’s running the White House like Roman emperor Elagabalus) 
It was hard for people like Doremus to believe it and for many saw Sarason’s regime as tragic. They were the Idealists of Corpoism, while not seeing Windrip & Co as perfect, saw them as saviors of the country from Mexico and indolence of the youth. These idealists planned to correct the errors of brutality and crookedness among the officials, convinced Corpoism was Communism cleansed of foreign domination and violence of mob dictatorship. (and were you living under a rock for the last two years) “Monarchism with the chosen hero of the people for monarch; Fascism without grasping and selfish leaders; freedom with order and discipline; traditional America without its waste and provincial cockiness.”p.351 Like all religious zealots they had blindness with government propaganda, (so they believe fake news) there was no more bloody cruelty, concentration camps or restrictions and were shocked by Sarason’s coup. 
Haik scolded Sarason for how he was influencing the troops, (well think of how it will build moral and bonding) Sarason laughed and wrote a poem for him that became a popular soldier ballad. Sarason was eager for a war with Mexico, Siam or Greenland, (you know Greenland is mostly ice right) or any country that would inspire painters to portray him as heroic and at Haik’s request wrote another song theoretically friendly with Mexico. Sarason wasn't flippant in his preparation for war while Macgoblin didn't join Sarason’s midnight diversions he was amused by them and warned Sarason of Haik’s ambition, Sarason isn't worried about a military bookkeeper. (he did your job better than you and runs the military you should be worried) That night he had a party and shockingly there were girls present, the next morning Haik rebuked him, a month later he struck. He stormed the White House (huh) with some troops and shot Sarason and his companions dead (wasn’t swayed like Sarason was) and proclaimed himself president. (all I can picture is that scene from Ella Enchanted where the evil uncle puts on the crown but you know more Macbeth like) Macgoblin fled to Cuba and was last seen in Haiti living with a young girl, (how young) practicing medicine and studying voodoo. 
When Haik became president America really did begin to suffer and long for the days of Windrip. Windrip and Sarason did not mind mirth in the streets as long as they could tax it, Haik disliked such things on principle. He told the populace they would not be receiving five thousand a year but instead Discipline, he kicked out all officers that could not march and ran the nation like a plantation, the people were too tired to complain or think. Under Haik there was less flogging because to save time they just shot the slaves who refused to work.  
Unlike Windrip and Sarason he actually used the clergy, “There were the chaplains-at-heart, who, if there was no war in which they could humbly help to purify and comfort the poor brave boys who were fighting, were glad to help provide such a war.”p.354 These practical shepherds were able to steal secrets better than spies, helpful in the months after February 1939 when Haik was working for a war with Mexico and afterwards other countries. “For even with an army of slaves, it was necessary to persuade them that they were freemen and fighters for the principle of freedom, or otherwise the scoundrels might cross over and join the enemy! So reigned the good king Haik, and if there was anyone in all the land who was discontented, you never heard them speak-not twice.”p.355 
 The ban on outside information at Trianon had been raised, Mrs. Candy had come to visit and inform him of all that happened, none of it seemed real, especially Mary’s death. That Christmas Pascal made a tree of a spruce branch (they allow shanking material inside the prison) and cigarette foil and they thought of their imprisoned comrades Pascal only cared for the Communist ones, day by day losing his tolerance and everything that made him endurable. All hours he chattered on to annoyance, but sometimes converted his cellmates. “I tell you, an honest man gets sick when he hears the word ‘Liberty’ today, after what the Republicans did to it!”p.357 A lot of the MMs are fellows who couldn't find work, thinking when Windrip said Security he meant Security. (this was the truth for a lot of SS officers the country was in a depression a lot of young men that needed to support their families and here was this charismatic man who convinced you all your problems were the cause of a single group and to join him you’d be secured and able to support your loved ones)   
After the Corpos he went on about Communism, the city of Moscow, practically worshipping it, seeing the leisure of Russia as a triumph while in America it proved degeneration. Doremus as a journalist knew the only reporters that misrepresent facts more than Capitalists were Communists. (Soviet Russia had two papers the Truth and News and it was said there was no truth in news and no news in truth) Doremus was afraid it was no longer Communism against Fascism but the tolerance against bigotry that was preached equally by both. “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascist’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”p.358 (...huh) Doremus had hoped through Communism their was an escape from dictatorship, but now saw he must be alone as a Liberal as the Tolerant preserve some arts of civilization under any tyranny. Anything worthwhile has been accomplished by the free spirit and preservation of it is important under any social system. “But the men of ritual and the men of barbarism are capable of shutting up the men of science and of silence them forever.”p.359 
It turned passionate Pascals into dangerous fanatics, now Doremus feared the next warden would be like Pascal, he remembered the Bolsheviks took control and again forbade freedom. Doremus slept in a cell with a stranger Henry, Clarence, Loveland and Falck were gone and Julian in solitary. His yearning for escape drove him to near insanity and obsession and his heart nearly stopped when Aras told him he’s going to help him escape. 
Aras loosened the bars and barbed wire in the alley leading outside but Doremus could still get shot on sight so for a week Aras fed an alcoholic guard booze from Lorinda’s money. Aras handed Doremus the keys, sending him to clean and he left Pascal and Truman behind. Outside Aras gave him an old MM coat and directions to the waiting van and left him alone. When Doremus got to the van he saw a member of the New Underground, they rushed him inside and assured him they’d get him through. “I tell you, there’s nobody got friends like a revolutionist...And enemies!”p.361 He was hidden, walked secret paths, and smuggled until he turned up at a farmhouse, it seemed like a mistake before he knocked and was greeted by Lorinda and Sissy. 
The house was sparsely furnished, but Doremus was in heaven and the two angels didn't hesitate to nurse him. Sissy had brought his old clothes and shoes, but their laughter became whimpers of horror when they saw his back. The tearoom wasn't safe so they set up this farmhouse for refugees, the system was easier now with boot paths and guards to bribe and forged passports. (seems like something you should have taken into account the first time) Doremus was safe, but to make him safer they disguised him as a younger man, Doremus didn't want his beard shaved but was proud of his youthful face. As Sissy ran the tearoom, he and Lorinda spent time together talking about the last six months. (and did other things) Three days later he had to leave, “and trudging off into the new prison of exile from the America to which, already, he was looking back with the long pain of nostalgia.”p.364 
His beard had grown out again he was no longer amazed by food or soap, “But he had not yet got over the pleasure and slight amazement at being able to talk as freely as he would, as empathetically as might please him, and in public.”p.365 He sat with his new friends, Beecroft, the ex vice president and Elphrey, (Mr. Cailey) excommunicated from the Communist Party in America for siding with other political parties. Elphrey thinks the only solution is another dictatorship, if need be, violent but not governed by Moscow, Beecroft thought they all needed to return to the political days of McKinley. Doremus no longer cared how they spoke as he no longer feared spies and the next leaders wouldn't go back to a government of profits, by profits, for profits. 
Yet he was still lonely as he was at Trianon, no one would join him in Canada, (even though Emma could she wouldn't and Philip thought he could get him pardoned) so he had to associate will fellow refugees. He thought is take would be unique but no, he was one of thousands and Canadians were sick of being more sympathetic to the friendless and penniless. “the Canadians became distinctly weary of depriving their own families on behalf of unknown refugees,”p.367 (this sounds familiar) Ex governors were glad to get menial jobs, ex editors were plowing fields, so Doremus lived on twenty dollars a week (about 450 a week’s minimum wage today would be about 290) from the NU. Many other political escapees huddled together in small rooms much like at the concentration camps and spoke of Haik, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler, confusing facts of them together. “and Doremus became a little sick of them all and of the final brutality of fact that no normal man can very long endure another’s tragedy, and that friendly weeping will some day turn to irritated kicking.”p.368  He couldn't work as a secret agent in America as loose lips caused the headquarters to suffer and they thought he wasn’t young or strong enough. 
After being in Montreal five months newspapers were full of America’s resentment towards Mexico because of raids when the troops were away, and they burned a town while all the women and children were out of it. (hmm how suspiciously lucky) Haitian, Ethiopian, Chinese and Mexican patriots with pained consciouses confessed to MMs about Mexico’s plans to bomb major cities, and reporters were on the scene within a half an hour. (as if they were camping out in the area) “To answer this threat, America, the one country that had never lost a war and never started an unjust one, rose as one man,”p.370 ( can really tell when something was written pre Vietnam war) As soon as refrigeration and air conditioning could be readied the invasion would happen, (can’t let the troops going to war be slightly uncomfortable or be served dry rations) within a month five million were drafted. Doremus and Elphrey discussed it, considering it as absurd as all wars, “in the baldness of the lying by both sides about the causes;”-”The only thing not absurd about wars, said Doremus and Cailey, was that along with their skittishness they did kill a good many millions of people.”p.370 (sadly you’re not wrong there) They both recanted that as both made exceptions of the people’s war against tyranny as suddenly the war with Mexico was checked by a rebellion against the Corpo regime. (well it’s about time) 
There were patches of territory that were loyal to Haik, still others joined the rebels, the parts of America that were the most radical, the land of the Popularists. “Whatever might happen, exulted Doremus, the revolt proved that belief in America and hope for America were not dead.”p.371 Before in the election most of these rebels believed in Windrip’s fifteen points, returning powers to the people and month after month of being cheated felt indigent. They were too busy with their own work until they were told to march to war and awoke to their situation. “While they had been asleep, they had been kidnapped by a small gang of criminals armed with high ideals, well-buttered words, and a lot of machine guns.”p.371 There was a comic outbreak of ill-trained, confused revolutionists, even Haik jeered at them. By August the shock came when General Coon took control of Fort Snelling and held office in place of temporary president Trowbridge until a new election. 
Not all, but enough regulars joined Coon who were fed up with the Corpos and soon they won the battle of Mankato and took control of Kansas City and planned to march on. The revolt halted for a bit, “because in America which had so warmly praised itself for its ‘widespread popular free education’, there had been so very little education; widespread, popular, free, or anything else, that most people did not know what they wanted-indeed know about so few things to want at all.”p.372 The many schools lacked literate teachers and eager pupils and school boards that saw teaching worthy of any honor or pay higher than waiting tables. (damn does this resonate now) 
In two and a half years, most electors did not learn humility besides that it was unpleasant to be arrested too often. After the revolt slowed neither the Corpos nor their opponents knew how to self-govern or fit themselves for freedom, most didn't learn, ‘Give me liberty or give me death’, was more than a slogan. The followers of Coon and Trowbridge called themselves ‘The American Cooperative Commonwealth’, held the territory they seized and drove out the Corpo agents, but their politics were as unstable as Ireland. (Ireland only has a few more months to reunify as foretold by Star Trek the Next Generation) By October Doremus was called by Trowbridge’s chairman for him to report to General Barnes to proselytize Minnesota, so Doremus went off to play spy and hero. (he was disappointed it wouldn't be as romantic as he thought) 
As Doremus waited for the train to Winnipeg he hardly recognized Lorinda in disguise and kissed her, she came to say farewell and tell him the news. The concentration camps are more guarded and worse now, Julian and Pollikop are still there and Perefixe is running the NU in Fort Beulah. Emma and David are doing well (Emma is irritating her daughter in law) and Sissy is an adept agitator contriving to assault all Capitalism and planning her and Julian’s future together. Tasbrough was in repentance and let out of Corpo prison and his new housekeeper, Mrs. Candy, was sending his secrets to the NU. After telling him all that, as she ran down the train platform and waved back, he realized she didn’t know where to find him. “that no one who loved him would have any stable address for him now any more.”p.376 
William Barton Dobbs was a traveling man for farm machinery and was now in Minnesota, a state still loyal to Haik. He ate breakfast (the an embargo on sugar must say something on the state of the country and its relations to others) in the hotel and read the papers with conflicting information, The Great victory in Mexico, same as the other three in the last two weeks, shameful rebellions put down and how Trowbridge was assassinated, kidnapped and resigned. Outside the hotel an MM squad was marching with farm boys recruited for the war trying to pipe the new war song. Once the people would shout for Haik now it was jeers calling for Trowbridge, Dobbs felt sorry for them. (but the change in attitude showed his efforts were working) “as he watched the frightened toy soldiers...not too toy-like to keep them from dying.”p.378 
As he drove, he missed Fort Beulah and the mountains but was exalted by the open sky and prairies. To a farmer he introduced himself as Dobbs representing a Combine Implement Company. The farmer recognized him and takes him to seven men in the farmhouse waiting and Doremus gives them news of Coon’s rebellion and they share theirs. The agents find it difficult to convert farmers, but Doremus tells them poverty for one is poverty for all, not a new argument but useful carrots for human mules. Some saw Trowbridge as a Bolshevik or a Fascist quack, for the pro Nazis tell them Haik plans to ship anyone with German grandparents back to the Fatherland. 
As he drove to his next stop he thinks he doesn't believe that Haik story is true, so he’ll stop using it, but then again, “if you did tell the truth to a Nazi, it would still be a lie.”p.379 All the same he’ll stop using it and also order an attack on MM posts at Osaks, they’re ready. (he also wonders if that shotgun charge was meant for him) He stayed at the house of Trowbridge worshippers and dreamed he was back in Trianon, then heard the trumpets that invited out all prisoners and, in the quadrangle, stood General Emmanuel Coon saying they are free. The prisoners marched or crawled out weeping, beyond the soldiers Doremus saw women and children waiting for them and his family, then all of them fled at the sight of Shad. His host woke him up then, telling him the Corpos are after him, so he rode out to a hidden cabin were men awaited news of freedom. “And still Doremus goes on in the red sunrise, for a Doremus Jessup can never die.”p.381 (and that's how it ends with nothing solved and America practically in another civil war)
(seeing all these modern parallels is eerie and disheartening how the more things change the more they stay the same)  
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crackspinewornpages · 6 months ago
It Can't Happen Here 31/38 -Sinclair Lewis
The Informer closed at eleven Dan Wilgus stayed behind looking at posters advertising a parade, that Windrip was defying the world. Alone, he switched out the eight point type with an old ten point and ran into Doc Itchitt as he left, telling him about how Doremus should see the regime is here to stay. He stopped to watch a bar, Pete Vutong came out staggering drunk but sobered when he saw Wilgus. Pete was only a secret agent for a week and four times that week Wilgus dropped packages into his Ford that Pete would later dump in a ditch by Titus’s. (the drop off chain worked when Wilgus was searched for print type) Out walking his dogs Titus would pick it up and the next day Wilgus would on eight point type a pamphlet about Corpo crimes written by Doremus. 
The Corpos now lisenced and regulated printing and paper purchases so it was impossible to get supplies for treasanous literature. Wilgus stole the type and the three together stole an old printing press from the Informer basement, and paper was smuggled from Canada by Pollikop. (you know you can make you paper from recycled paper pulp) Wilgus was mostly moved into action by Doremus and his dislike of Itchitt. Titus offered his basement as the headquarters and the cell was composed by mid March. (long list of those that work for it) “But whoever they were, of whatever faith or station, Doremus found in all of them the religious passion he had missed in the churches; and if alters, if windows, of many-colored glass, had never been particularly holy objects to him, he understood them now as he gloated over such sacred trash as scarred type and a creaking hand press.”p.259 
Doremus was as busy as he had never been in his newspaper days, printing pamphlets and weeklies about the crimes of the MMs and Corpos from correspondents. Doremus found no other citizen knew a hundredth of what actually happened in the country. Windrip and Co found the state can be controlled via press and breaking apart associations and keeping artillery within the government, Doremus realized their lives were unimportant accidents.  Windrip was becoming more paranoid, (he shot two bodyguards for laughing) all over rise of crime and degeneracy and murders without arrests or suspects. (Einstein was also exiled from America) Pollikop said things like this happened before, they just didn’t pay attention because it was regular news, (he does have a point I have had this argument several times with my grandmother the crime was always there you just didn’t hear about it as much) he fears if Trowbridge does take Windrip’s place it will be the same. 
Doremus tried to translate a German correspondent, they praised Windrip while also saying he’s too liberal with the Jews. (it’ still the 1930s) The Communists, despite the risk, sent him reports of miners and factory workers imprisoned for their criticism, still they vilified the New Underground. News bulletins came on anything, arrived any way, all at once he heard the Battle of Waterloo, the invention of the telegraph, the Crusades. “and if it took him ten days to get the news, it would take historians ten decades to appraise it. Would they not envy him, and consider that he lived in the very crisis of history!”p.265 (as someone living through one of those interesting times in history no) All through this Doremus had to avoid behavior that would send him to a concentration camp. 
Whit Bibby was a fish monger, to suspect him of sedition was absurd, he left an order of fish wrapped in newspaper and pamphlets, the next morning they were sent to farmers. Olmstead and Julian drove out to Truman Webb’s several times for his ailing aunt under the plan to smuggle out Congressman Ingram to Canada. At Tasbrough’s quarry Titus and Pollikop pretended t have car trouble and when MMs weren’t looking, dumped seditions into the quarry. Most were gathered and destroyed but a hundred were found by quarrymen and passed on. Sissy was charming up Shad and found he Reek and Tasbrough were in a racket and Mrs. Candy had a counsin who stiole the books, Sissy took pictures and they smuggled it back. 
Mary was moved more by homicidal hate, it was her tonic out of grief, just yards away from MMs she’d drop crumpled seditions where they'd catch the eye of passersby. She’d steal Reader’s Digests and magazines and return them with leaflets. Lorinda left behind the Tavern and moved into Titus’s to scandal and Doremus would sometimes stay overnight. (you cheating bastard) Lorinda the feminist was now demanding and Doremus was happy in those errands, loving more to give than receive. (and yet you don’t give to your wife) 
This would be an adventure, printing pamphlets was only the beginning of their activities, they’d infiltrate Washington, explode the Corpo state with secret information then after they’d run away together, if they were arrested they’d die together. Lorinda noticed since they began this diligence Doremus hasn’t been as passionate of the New Underground. He says her attitude is a holdover from her religious training, that she has a duty towards the human race that probably enjoys being under Windrip. (you motherfucker) Of course it is, but still Dimick wants to send her to the Canadian border to take charge of the cell there she has to leave. Doremus knows Lorinda suggested it, does she want to get away from him, yes the world’s in chains they can’t be free to love until they’re off. (or until Doremus no longer has a wife remember) 
The information Sissy was able to get out of Shad was important and built the puzzle with information from Doremus and everyone else. Julian says he wants them to go camping and he’ll still kill Shad for her, but she has to do it. She says the worst that could happen is she’ll be raped, since 1914 people believe it’s no more serious than a broken ankle. (some people still believe that and it’s the woman’s fault for it) She can think of worse fates but she is curious about it, (WTF) but not by Shad, he has BO. She’d be willing to have it happen if it saves someone from him. “I’m not the playgirl of Pleasant Hill any more, I’m a frightened woman from Mount Terror!”p.276  
The whole thing was surreal to Sissy and found Emil’s date harder to tolerate than Shad who served high balls and sandwiches. (how can ice cream have six colors and only two strawberry flavors) Shad waited for the two to leave so he and Sissy can be alone and he can charm her. He nauseated her but she still made herself provocative, the same procedure from all the boys. She shivered when he touched her knee and she shied away from him and he complains she still thinks he isn’t good for anything, (well you aren't) she says she still thinks of him as a playmate. She says her father used to work on a farm for money (a lie) and Shad softens thinking Doremus isn’t so bad just stubborn and Sissy asks if he’ll protect him, he’ll see as long as he behaves and she’s nice. 
Sissy worked her charms to get information on who’s going to be arrested next but he caught on and won’t give in. Sissy says she just wants to see an arrest, it is exciting, it isn’t unwomanly to want to see it right, the real womanly thing is a little love making. (he refers to himself as papa *gags*) he feels her up and Sissy starts crying out of anger saying she needs time, he doesn’t want a hussy in his position does he. She fled into his bedroom to make rubbings of his keys but couldn’t get one or a mold in soap, losing time she hastily left the hotel room. 
She rounded the hotel corner to find Julian, (who looks ready to shoot someone) she told him nothing happened, she’s just an awful spy. Something came of this, her courage resolved Julian to join the MMs to work from within, he and Sissy just have to have a public break up. When she firsts sees him in his MM uniform in the dark she shrieked, “That blue tunic and slanting forage cap which, in the cinema and history books, had meant youth and hope, meant only death now...”p.282 She threw herself on him to protect him from his own uniform, in the uncertain love she started to grow up. 
The New Underground consisted of hundreds of the most professional journalists, the Corpos also had a renowned staff. Almost daily Windrip and his cohorts addressed the General Public, congratulating them and making the new world through American solidarity. “If there ever is a Fascist dictatorship here, American humor and pioneer independence are so marked that it will be absolutely different from anything in Europe.”p.284 The year Windrip had power it seemed true, within that time scientists found whips and handcuffs hurt as bad in free American air as Prussia. (the country was abolished in 1933 but continued to exist under Nazi dictatorship until 1945) Reading hidden books Doremus found the involvement of dictatorships was the same, in this land the homicidal maniacs had the same fun as they did in Europe. 
Windrip promised to make everyone richer and then contrived to only make everyone but a few hundred poorer, (like every other politician promising help to the poor only to turn and make them poorer while finding his rich buddies tax breaks) too show an increase in wages prices rose. Even loyal Corpos wondered why the military was being increased, was Windrip that paranoid, was he planning an invasion, even so with taxation there wasn’t enough to pay them. They forced exports, increased production, stripping farmers with depreciated prices while at home prices increased, so now the farmer starved. (yeah we’re feeling that inflation now) “The hardest phenomenon of dictatorship for a Doremus to understand, even when he saw it daily in his own street was the steady diminutive of gayety among the people.”p.286 America was never a gay nation, (sometimes the jokes writes themselves) but there was false cheerfulness that lessened now day by day as Corpos milked taxes on public pleasures so all the world stayed home anxiously worried about spies. “After the bread had molded, the circuses were closed.”p.287 
Communities so isolated and conspirators so unfamiliar to each other, only by inexplicable faith could they go on. Titus and the rest were armatures against Corpo propaganda. “It seemed worse that futile, it seemed insane, to risk martyrdom in a world where fascists persecuted Communists, Communists persecuted social-Democrats, Social-Democrats persecuted everybody who would stand for it ; where “Aryans” who looked like Jews persecuted Jews who looked like Aryans and Jews persecuted their debtors; where every statesman and clergyman praised Peace and brightly asserted that the only way to get Peace was to get ready for War.”p.288 What reason would a person have to seek righteousness in an unrighteous world why do anything Doremus never found a reason he just went on. 
The New Underground ran for three months, in June Tasbrough called on Doremus, after small talk he told Doremus of upcoming government promotions and he’s being considered to take over Reek’s position. He needs to keep it secret but if he could throw in his influence, Doremus warns he’s the worst person to be favored by. That's just it, the Corpos don't like him, but they do respect him, he was important to the state for a long time, it will give him a leg up if they think he converted Doremus to Corpoism. This job will help his business, and he could get the Informer from Staubmeyer and back to him if he stops criticizing the Chief and state or he could get him a different job if he came to his senses. Doremus turns him down so Tasbrough turned cold to his family and Doremus hinted at the promotions and forgot about Tasbrough happily. (uh maybe keep an eye on Tasbrough) 
Worse than having to be civil to Tasbrough a newspaper man was arrested as an editor of the New Underground paper and author to all Doremus and Lorinda wrote. As he went to a concentration camp Doremus was prevented from confessing, he explained to Emma who thought it was lucky someone else was blamed. She didn't understand fully what they were doing and was glad Lorinda was gone with all her crazy ideas of workmen and women’s rights she was a bad influence on Doremus and wondered why Titus and Sissy snorted at that. Why couldn't he associate with more lovely people like Tasbrough, Staubmeyer and Crowley, why couldn't he be a gentleman and stay out of politics. She thought the marching MMs was a fine show and while she didn't like Windrip he wasn't so bad. (Emma I’m trying so hard to defend you) 
As Tasbrough predicted the omelet makers did climb, and he was promoted to District Commissionership at Hanover and Swan was the new Provincial Commissioner. (Windrip is also worried about the growth of effeminacy in Sarason who was previously caught in a gentleman’s club) Twenty-four hours in his new position he tried an eighty year old mother of a New Underground agent and put her in a concentration camp in a disused quarry that had a foot of water. (so he plans for all the dirty water to make her sick and kill her) The New Underground sent out warnings of precaution, agents were disappearing, Titus scoffed at Doremus’s nervousness but also noticed suspicious characters.  
One evening Doremus was being followed to Titus’s by a man that looked like Shad, out of sight he bolted to Titus’s and warned him they might have to pack up and move and he called Julian to warn him in German. An hour later Wilgus came to say he saw Aras snooping around his house in disguise, they need to leave quick. Following Doremus’s orders they were on the move by three in the morning. The next day Julian invited Shad, Itchitt and Staubmeyer to Titus’s for poker and Titus’s told them they could get beer from the basement and bathrooms were upstairs. Shad and Itchitt were gone longer than normal, after they left the party broke up and Titus laughed about Shad searching the basement and finding nothing. 
On June thirtieth Doremus composed articles on the murders ordered by Sawn, the next day he noticed the suspicious man they kept seeing around. He was followed by someone they saw wearing an MM uniform in a parade, the third day he warned Truman to halt printing. At home Sissy told him she turned down Shad’s invite to an MM Fourth of July picnic. That night Doremus couldn't sleep wanting to flee, but what of the family he could hear fireworks and awoke in the morning angry nothing happened. (really Doremus really be careful what you wish for) 
The MMs got ready for the parade and the American Legion was completely suppressed, a number of the members were shot. After the Jessups went home it heavily stormed later a car skidded into their driveway and out came five Minute Men. One struck Doremus before he was arrested as they tore apart his house as Emma and Sissy watched in horror. They found an article on Swan and Doremus demanded to see Shad and Tasbrough, the lead Ensign ignored him. He was driven to the courthouse and taken to another undescriptive truck, Titus, Truman and Wilgus were already arrested. (Titus calls them something censored but one can assume – – means mother fuckers) 
They were driven three hours to Dartmouth campus, headquarters of the Corpo District Commissioner, hopefully Tasbrough would free them. They didn't see Tasbrough, instead he was locked in a room where the MMs kicked him around before he was led to the bull pen. Titus was led to the trial room after an hour Doremus heard him cry out in pain and choke gasping, Doremus was next. Instead of Tasbrough it was the Ensign that arrested him and sentenced him to twenty-five lashes and castor oil (it’s used as a laxative) but Doremus was too angry to admit anything. The doctor forbids anymore lashes, Doremus calls him out for being a doctor working with murderers. Doremus was lashed and interrogated for three days, he almost broke when told Titus already confessed but he refused to believe them or turn in others to be released. 
He was let out for half an hour’s exercise with fifty other prisoners and made eye contact with Titus, Wilgus couldn't walk and Doremus was told the next day he hung himself. (he definitely didn’t hang himself) Then Doremus was taken to another room where he met the new Provincial Commissioner, Swan. He read the article and asked if Doremus pleads guilty before calling in Tasbrough who throws him under the bus, Shad also admits Doremus tried to get him to join in a plot against him. (both are lying POS but Shad doesn’t even look him in the eyes) If it weren’t for his age and senility he’d be sentenced to a hundred lashes like all Communists that threaten the State, so he’ll have another twenty lashes and be sent to a concentration camp for seventeen years and if he tries to escape death. (Doremus is already in his sixties this is meant to be death) 
The old girl’s school at Trianon was in worse shape than Dartmouth (says something about a dictatorial regime turning everything into a shithole) ran by Superintendent Cowlick (yes that’s his name) a mild man, too mild to hurt the MMs feelings and let Doremus lie for a month to recover. The doctor permitted Olmstead to come and at last Doremus had news, the women were alright, Titus is at another camp, the NU is doing what it can do and Julian was promoted to Squad Leader. “Yes, we carry on...About like an oxygen tent for a patient that’s dying of pnemonia!”p.310 
After Doremus recovered he was made to clean, better than being worked to death or isolation where you’re forced to stay awake for days. He saw the others as comrades, once a successful capitalist, he too found himself as helpless as a janitor let go by the Big Business. “Yet he still told himself stoutly that he did not believe in a dictatorship of the proletariat any more than he believed in a dictatorship of the bankers and utility owners;”p.310 He felt he was a better reporter than Itchitt and better at politics than a factory worker, now the bourgeois pride was gone. 
Scrubbing gave him a chance to hear gossip, prisoners were acquaintances, Pascal, Pridewell and Henry became inmates, having more courage and arrogance than anyone else in the prison. Doremus shared a cell with five other men (the room was 12 by 10 and eight feet high and called too small for one woman) the got used to indignity as one does cancer. “Only it left in them a murderous hatred of their oppressors so that they, men of peace all of them, would gladly have hanged every Corpo mild or vicious. Doremus understood John Brown much better.”p.312 The worst was the waiting, “It became a distinct, tangible thing, as individual and real as Bread and Water.”p.312 Another ghost haunted them the notion of Escaping, they had to be careful talking about it snitches were everywhere. Doremus didn't believe a man could betray his companions until after two months Clarence Little betrayed Henry’s plans and was released, Doremus tried to reason him suffering tuberculosis bled out his soul. 
Every two weeks they allowed one visitor but an MM stood two feet away, Doremus pompous son Philip came, hurt when told his father would rather the dog visit. (they also got useless censored letters) Pascal was now his closet friend, ferreting out scandals of the guards, they were afraid he’d start talking so brought him gifts to be in his good graces. After Aras gave Shad information on Crowley and was transferred to Trianon and saw Pascal he became kind.  
From the window Doremus saw horrors that September he saw Henry executed by firing squad. Worse, he saw Julian and his grandfather brought in as prisoners to the torture room. Two weeks later Julian told him he was caught writing on MM grafts, Sissy wasn't caught but Doremus is worried she’ll be raped by Shad. By the end of September he thought he’d make another ten years when the sadistic Ensign Stoyt dragged him out of his cell to Cowlick’s office. They know he was connected to Julian’s treachery who already confessed, if he corroborates he can have his own cell, he won't confess and he was left to Stoyt. Stoyt was initially gentle with the interrogation but then had Julian’s grandfather brought in who denied confessing, Stoyt beat him and he prayed for god to forgive them before he died.  
In Paris Guilluame Semit wrote on his fourth trip to the US in 1938, he never saw such a abounding health and good spirits. Parades, athletic conferences of Minute Men, the Corpo Youth Movement, had such contented faces and enthusiasm for the leader and hero worship Windrip. Macgoblin showed him the labor camps where the assembled were content. Unlike the false reports of concentration camps they were just reeducation schools for adults misled by prophets of Liberalism. (yeah you know they just had their own people replace the wage slaves for the ruse) France and Britain are still in the throes of Parliamentarianism and Democracy, sinking into debt and industry by men too afraid or power hungry to cast off outdated techniques unlike Germany, America and Italy. “and other really courageous peoples, and places the sane and scientific control of the all-powerful Totalitarian State in the hands of Men of Resolution!”p.320 
In October Pollikop arrived at Trianon, he and Pascal started their old arguments and Doremus felt at home again. (but he thought the dog had more economic wisdom than them all and was smart enough to pretend not to talk) 
Back in his hotel suite Shad thought he got a dirty deal, sending more to the concentration camps than anyone yet not promoted for it. He was back from an honorary dinner and felt disconnected from all the snobs showing off and paid no attention to him about arresting Julian’s grandfather in his own church. “He was lonely. The fellows he had once best known, in pool room and barber shop, seemed frightened of him, and the dirty snobs like Tasbrough still ignored him.”p.321 He was lonely for Sissy, since her dad was sent to Trianon she didn't come around to him even though he was a County Commissioner and she the daughter of a criminal. He was almost willing to marry her if it’d get her but when he hinted at it she laughed at him. “He had thought, when he was a hired man, that there was a lot more fun in being rich and famous. He didn't feel one bit different than he had then! Funny!”p.321  
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crackspinewornpages · 7 months ago
It Can't Happen Here 25/38 -Sinclair Lewis
It wasn’t just the November sleet that kept Doremus at home he felt there was no point in going to the office. “He could find no authentic news even in the papers from Boston or New York, in both of which the morning paper had been combined by the government into one sheet, rich in comic strips, in syndicated gossip from Hollywood, and, indeed, lacking only news.”p.210 (so modern news sites then) He was overhearing Emma and Mrs. Candy discussing chicken pir recipes when Sissy slammed into the room when she should be in high school. She won't go anymore and pledge to the corporate state, chief commissioners, the Mystic Wheel and troops (you know it is your American right not to stand for the pledge those soldiers fought for our right to choose not be forced like a dictatorship) and she definitely won't go to university. 
Julian shuffled in, the Corpos are closing Amherst, he was topped off they’ve been arresting students and decided to run. Doremus can't get him a job at the Informer, remember a few years ago when medics, law graduates and engineers couldn't get a job, (they mean during the Great Depression but this also hits today as for years we were pushed on go to college and get a degree in anything well now there’s a high supply and low demand and a fuck ton of debt) it’s worse now and Julian doesn't know what to do. His only options seem to be enlist with the MMs, (a classic choice of those out of school and don’t know what degree to get or how to function on their own or have little to survive on) or go to a labor camp, (where you’re basically a wage slave) he can't keep living off his grandfather. Sissy says he could get a job hauling farm beams for decorating phony old English living rooms and Pollikop will sell her an old truck. They go off to talk to Lorinda about it, she was at the Tavern making doughnuts and took them to the butler pantry. Lorinda tells them there’s no chance anymore, there’s too many middlemen and contractors that follow Windrip’s politics, “good old Windrip is so consistently American that he’s kept up all our traditional grift, even if he has thrown out all our traditional independance.”p.213 
Back in the sedan they were miserable, and Julian asked Sissy if she’ll marry him when he finds a job, Sissy says marriage seems like rot now with how they brought down all the old institutions. She’d like to have a dozen kids but now she won't have any. “But if people have gone so soft and turned the world over to stuffed shirts and dictators, they needn’t expect any decent woman to bring children into such an insane asylum! Why the more you really do love children, the more you’ll want ‘em not to be born, now!”p.214 (damn this is progressive for the 1930s) Julian says yes but they’ll still have them, Sissy supposes so. (as usual is the case) Doremus found Julian a job with Dr. Marcus Olmstead wanting to replace Greenhill, he wouldn't hire any MMs or those that half agreed with them. After a week of driving Olmstead around Julian decided to be a doctor, (after flip flopping through career choices) and from hearing him and Sissy boasting Doremus had enough resolution to go back to the Informer and not kill Staubmeyer. 
December 10th was Windrip’s birthday before he realized lies could be used against you, (well you think they’d at least make a dent in your credibility as a politician) he claimed it was the 25th and his middle name was Noel Weinacht. (you really have a narcissistic messiah complex don’t you) This birthday commemorated the Order of Regulation, the government, fed up, announced anyone found to discredit the State would be executed or interned, as the prisons were full of criminals and those under protection (sure Jan) concentration camps would be opened across the country. On the eleventh one was opened to celebration and speeches, nine miles north of Forth Beulah in what had been a school for girls. Every day after that Doremus got secret correspondence from his journalist friends of Corpo terrorism and rebellions against them. Arkansas, San Francisco, Pawtucket, Scranton, Kansas, New York, the working class and malcontents rebelled and faced the MMs retribution whether they were guilty or not. 
At dinner the Jessups heard tramping outside their door, Mrs. Candy answered it and Shad barged in, they're burning books and they’re raiding Doremus’s study. Doremus already removed anything that could be deemed radical and hid them in a sofa. Shad used to work there and knows there has to be something and wants the whole house searched and destroys Doremus’s inherited set of Dickens. “Doremus could not have stayed away from the book-burning. It was like seeing for the last time the face of a dead friend.”p.222 Who owned them and why they were seized he did not know, but they burned. “to the greater glory of the Dictator and the greater enlightenment of his people.”p.223 Karl Pascal was arrested for his books and second to be sent to the Fort Beulah concentration camp, the first was Brayden, an electrician, all because an MM wanted his job and he was dead by January.  
An English glob trotter spent two weeks studying the conditions of America. His report to the BBC said the populace has never been so happy and set on making a Brave New World (this may be a subtle hint to the rest of the world that America has gone to shit because in the book Brave New World is a dystopia where emotions individuality are conditioned out of the people controlled by censorship to negate human autonomy) and a Hebrew banker was amused by the rumors of his people being oppressed.  
Doremus was nervous as Staubmeyer went over his private letters, somebody already went through his office desk. Now he fears of going to a concentration camp and wary of everyone. Buck called for Doremus and his family to be home with Lorinda and Julian, he’s got an idea. Buck arrived ten minutes late with news the fire’s getting close, they arrested the editor of the Rutland Herald, Doremus must be next, he had to get out to Canada by car the governments stopped planes, they all have to go. There’s no time to go through his investments so sign them over they can trust him, and he can cash them better since the Corpos like him. He’s got everything set and can drive them tomorrow if the weather is clear. “I’m not going to flee. I’m not guilty of anything. I haven’t anything to flee for!” “Just your life, my boy, just your life!”p.227 Doremus planned to stay but everyone protests and Shad being a creep towards Sissy he agreed to go, but once they were safe he planned to return for a proper fight or at least kill Shad. 
A week before Christmas everyone acted normal as they prepared, Mrs. Candy was to stay behind and act surprised when the Jessups were reported escaped. They packed what they could fit in their coats and in a free moment Doremus and Lorinda said goodbye. Everyone and the dog piled into the car and Julian, who staying behind asked Sissy to send a postcard and Mrs. Candy hands them a coconut cake. 
Buck knew all the backroads to Canada and Doremus was sick with fear as he drove in the blizzard thinking of what ifs for hours. Before they hit the border the car got stuck in a drift, as they went out to look the headlights showed an empty cabin and Emma offered to make coffee there. When the car got unstuck, they were comfortable inside the cabin eating cake and didn’t want to leave the security behind on the road. A few more miles to the border and anxiety built when a searchlight almost made Buck swerve off the road. Two MMs asked where they were going, Buck says they’re from Montreal and going home and hands over forged papers. They don’t believe them and say they have to wait for the Battalion leader at noon and ask why they aren’t using the highway. Buck says they’ll come back at noon, but the three other border points turned them back, they had to go home. 
He couldn’t decide if Staubmeyer and Shad knew of the escape attempt and he found it more infuriating to write anything about Windrip and he couldn’t bring  himself to hope. He cheered up when Philip called that he’s coming to visit and checkup, he’s proud of his son being a successful lawyer. (pride comes before the fall) He was shocked when Philip said Swan must have made a mistake with Greenhill, the judge has a wonderful reputation. Philip didn't bring it up again until midnight when he brought up his father’s troubles with the authorities. Philip’s sees he was wrong not to vote for Windrip, he sees now he has real statesmanship. Doremus points out he killed his brother-in-law and plenty of other good men, does he really condone that, no but you can't make an omelete without breaking eggs. 
At that Doremus explodes, “It’s used to justify every atrocity under every despotism, Fascist or Nazi or Communist or American labor war. Omlete! Eggs! By God, men’s souls and blood are not eggshells for tyrants to break!”p.238 Philip says he’s thinking realistically, another excuse for murder, but he knows horrible things happen you can forgive a means to an end, (history tends not to look fondly on that) Doremus will do nothing of the kind. He can never forgive evil or fanatics that excuse it then quotes Romain Rolland. “a country that tolerates evil means-evil manners, standards of ethics-for a generation, will be so poisoned that it never will have any good end.”p.238 (glances at 1930s Germany) 
Philip snapped a bit out of it, the only thing he knows of the Corpos is they saved them from an invasion of red agents, (you really believe that sounds more like fake news) forgetting his father works with newspapers. (Doremus wonders if he was wise not to lick the brat as a child) Philip says the point is Windrip and the Corpos are here to stay, and they have to base their actions on it and what they’ve already done. The Corpos have spiritual gains, revitalizing the whole country, they had gotten sordid with comforts and lost their sturdiness, so many young men were refusing to take military drills, (wonder how he’d view the antiwar protests of the 60s and 70s) but he forgot his father’s a pacifist, not anymore. He must listen to the voice of youth, he’s not youth either with his imperialistic theories.  
Philip came to make his point America needs to catch up to Europe and expand. “A nation, like a man, has to go ahead or go backward. Always!”p.240 (look up Manifest Destiny didn’t end well for those already living there) Doremus used to write those same words back in 1914, Philip goes on that they should grab Mexico, Central America and China for their own behalf, since there so misgoverned. (you mean like how we did with the Banana Wars) Doremus asks if he thinks he should run the Informer by Corpo ideology, yes since the time for selfish individualism is gone. Doremus tells him to get to the point, he came to tell him he’s going to get in serious trouble if he doesn't support the government. Think of the family instead of his selfish ideas, what’s he really after, he’s been approached in regard to a high honor of assistant military judgeship, (sorry Doremus your son willingly drank the kool aide) Doremus calls him a stuffed shirt (worse than a traitor) and ends the conversation. 
“Holidays were invented by the devil, to coax people into the heresy that happiness can be won by taking thought.���p.242 What might be David’s first and last Christmas with his grandparents was interrupted by Shad questioning if Pascal ever spoke to him about Communism and Mary threatening to kill Shad and Swan. They tried to act happy and Doremus thought they’d do better being drunk and he hated the Corpos more for stealing Christmas. They invited Louis Rotenstern over because he was a lorn bachelor (I don’t know if this means he was gay or not because that’s what confirmed bachelor suggestsed at the time) and a Jew under dictatorship. Buck came over with gifts for David when Aras Dilley arrived to arrest Rotenstern for questioning. The next day he was taken to the Beulah concentration camp at Trianon along with Raymond Pridewell and Shad’s friend took over his shop, (so at this point it’s no longer just threats to the power it’s people they see in the way) Doremus decides to quit the Informer. “It can happen here," meditated Doremus. It could happen to him. How soon?”p.243 
Victor Loveland, a professor from the former Isaiah college called Doremus, he and Clarence Little were just beaten by Corpos and taken to a concentration camp. A proclamation signed by Staubmeyer announced they were going to regulate agriculture on Mount Terror, six families would be housed with Doremus’s cousin, Henry Veeder. Henry voiced his complaints and was also taken to the concentration camp. Doremus decides to empty his skirts before he’s also taken and quits the Informer and Shad laughs at their switched positions. 
Doremus drove to see Shad’s supervisor Reek and is shocked to see how pale and frightened he’s become and tells him he’s quitting the informer. Doremus wonders if he also believes this tyranny is going to blow up in a revolution or he’s afraid of being thrown out. Doremus left the Informer after thirty-seven years, now at sixty-two and more eager than ever before, he had nothing better to do than eat breakfast and entertain David. After a week he took Julian aside, it’s time for high treason, the Communists have more courage than them, so he wants to work for them can he get in touch with Pascal. Two days later he got back from Trianon, (they made a sewer of the girl’s school) he spoke to Pascal who told him who to talk to. (also Henry was so badly abused he's a scared shell of himself) 
He told his family he was going to look at an apple orchard to buy and retire on but he went to the address Pascal gave. They sent him to New Hampshire, who sends him to Connecticut, then to the Eastern headquarters of what’s left of American Communists and hands them a letter. He read the dictionary until Bill Atterbury, (list of how he’s a badass) secretary of the illegal communist party, came to see him into a backroom to meet the other two leaders. (they have fake names Bailey Cailey Ailey) Doremus tried to explain himself, is he willing to lose respect looking like a bum to distribute pamphlets, they think he’s too old to start strikes and get beaten for it. They laugh at Trowbridge’s work and dismiss Doremus, but Comrade Elphrey appreciates what he’s trying to do. Doremus thinks they’ll be arguing as Trowbridge runs out Windrip, he recounted this to Julian several days later. “Communists, intense and narrow; Yankees, coherent and shallow; no wonder a Dictator can keep us separate and all working for him!”p.252 (yeah sucks when adults won't act like adults and put aside differences to work together against a common enemy) 
In the 1930s, when magazines, movies and motorcars were believed to have ended the provinciality of American villages in communities where those that couldn't retire to Europe were still aimless. Emma was bored with him around the house all the time and asks him to visit Lorinda, doesn't she get jealous, as if anyone at his age could be a lover. (well fuck you too Emma) Day by day he waited, “So much of a revolution for so many people is nothing but waiting. That is one reason why tourists rarely see anything but contentment in a crushed population.”p.254 For several days in February he noticed an insurance man, Mr. Dimick from Albany, he was a pest he kept meeting. He was starting to get suspicious of him when he came to Doremus, Trowbridge sent him for a secret war against the Corpos. Doremus will be their representative in the area for the New Underground paper, collecting and distributing information and smuggling people out of the country, he can call Mr. Samson of the Burlington Paper Company. Doremus does and Samson says Dimick works for Walbridge (you should get a better fake name for Trowbridge) he can ride along, Doremus will. 
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crackspinewornpages · 7 months ago
It Can't Happen Here 20/38 -Sinclair Lewis
Like beefsteak and potatoes stick to your ribs so does the Good Book, he hopes his ministers will quote from II Kings 18 31 and 32. (come men eat of their own vines until he comes to take them to the land of wine so they won't die) 
Despite claiming Montpelier, Shad fixated on Fort Beulah as the executive center of County B, partly because he was partners with the banker RC Crowley, who made profit on property and partly Shad wanted to show off to his old pals. He claimed the judge's chambers at the Scotland County Courthouse as his office and completely redecorated. Shad chose his assistants that had some education and manners and Doremus thought he could see what was happening in Washngton by watching him. “and understood thus that a Buzz Windrip-a Bismark-a Caesar-a Pericles was like all the rest of itching, indigesting, aspiring humanity except that each of those heroes had a higher degree of ambition and more willingness to kill.”p.151  
By June the Minute Men enrolled 562,000 and the War Department paid them up to 16,000. (about 364,000) Veterans of the Great War were given privilages and Sarason convinced Windrip college teaching the horrors of conflicts didn't weaken masculinity but made students more patriotic. “and skillful in the direction of slaughter than the average youth.”p152 Most ranks were farmers and factory workers and a large number of former criminals. (so those that don’t have much of an education and already prone to violence) One erring child called Windrip the Chief (others called him Fuhrer Imperial Wizard and Commodore) meaning anything noble and good hearted, (the exact opposite of what he is) so on July 4th 1937, five hundred thousand youths made their own chaotic parades. They were rough now without Adelaide’s hand, but nothing could be done now, and the next day came the blow. 
Someone noticed the Soviet Star was five points not six so they weren't insulting them, hectic words were sent out and thousands were quick to design a new one. Sarason (who designed the original one) came up with the ship wheel, the ship of the state and industry, motorcars and Father Coughlin’s suggestion of National Union like the emblem of the Rotary Club. Sarason drew similarities to the swastika and KKK symbol. (which are things no decent person wants to be associated with) By Loyalty Day, replacing Labor Day, they sang about the wheel. 
In August Windrip declared since all aims were being accomplished the League of Forgotten Men was now terminated and all the older parties, (the Democrats and Republicans) the only one is allowed the American Corporate State and Patriotic Party. Well, there’s two now, the party and those that don't belong and those ones are out of luck. Sarason divided occupations into six classes, agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation, communication, banking, insurance investment (this is more than six can Sarason not count) and the grab bag of sciences and education. (doesn’t surprize me science and education are last of the government’s priorities) All labor unions were supplanted by local syndicates under governmental guidance. (so there are no unions) Strikes and lockouts were forbidden under federal penalties so workmen wouldn't listen to agitators. The Corporatists were called Corpos, the ill-natured ones called Corpses, but it more fitted their enemies. (it just goes breaking down all the factors of these new systems of bureaucracy) 
While the Corpos promised 5,000 to every poor family it was undertaken by the Minute Men. Unemployment under Windrip disappeared, (did it dissapear or did they just stop reporting it) all workless men and their families assembled into labor camps under MM officers. The men were paid a dollar a day (almost $23)  and in turn had to pay a seventy (about $16) to ninety cent (about $21) a day for lodging and now there was discontentment with those who had now less but there was less rebellion. (can imagine having to support your family with only a few dollars every day and if you complained at best you’d get thrown out without a job or home at worst you’d get shot) Every evening the loudspeaker in one of the precious voices told them they were the honored foundation of a new Civilization. (as in they are literally the foundation remember the roads aren't paved with gold they aren't paved at all you are expected to pave them with your bones) They took to it and the MMs saw they hated the Jews and Negroes to look down on. “Every man is a king so long as he has someone to look down on.”p.157 (well sadly yeah that’s human nature) 
Each week the government said less about the 5,000, it was easier to respond to malcontents with Minute Men. Most of Windrip's plans were carried out, inflation rose, everyone profited except the very poor workmen, businessmen professionals and the elderly. “The workers, with opportunity tripled wages, saw the cost of everything in the shops much more than tripple.”p.157 (damn this hits close now) Agriculture suffered after foreign buying and exporting of American food ceased. The changing dollar had Big Business, confused employees did not know what to get in wages and labor unions gone, industrialists came out with doubled wealth. The other respected points were eliminating Negroes and Jews. Negroes were massacred by Minute Men in cities and Jews were charged double rates and grafts and to accept wage and price rates by Anglo Saxons. And they were told to declare how much better treatment they have in America than Europe. 
The 80,000 relief administrators were told to list every unmarried person’s finances, professional ability, military training and their opinion of the MMs and Corpos, those that protested being spies were arrested. (they’re finding out who’s loyalty useful or not) By 1937 MM officers made their own laws against Jews and Negroes. Women who complained their men had disappeared were beaten or arrested. Increasingly the bourgeois began escaping to Canada. “just at once, by the “underground railroad” the Negro slaves had escaped into the free Northern air.”p.160 In Canada and other countries those propagandists began publishing allegations against the Corpos and MMs. Due to this the guards quadrupled at every harbor and border.��
Ex Senator Walt Trowbridge was watched night and day by reading his letters and tapping his phone, they found nothing incriminating and thought he saw the light. On the Fourth of July Trowbridge invited the MMs to help set off fireworks. A Canadian airplane flew close to the rockets and turned off its lights and they couldn't tell where it landed. The guards later passed out drunk and woke finding Trowbridge had escaped with the Canadians along with four boxes with incendiary papers he published as he fled the country. Doremus and thousands like him were smuggled copies, possession of which is punishable by death. (it revealed Windrip became rich off of grifts) By winter Trowbridge had a new underground that aided thousands to escape to Canada. 
“In the little towns, ah, there is the abiding peace that I love, and that can never be disturbed by even the nosiest Smart Alecks from these haughty megalopolises like Washington, New York, & ect.”p.162 
The Democratic policy of wait and see grew shaky especially when Doremus went to his college reunion, the eyes of the three Corpo commissioners held instability. Doremus looked for his friend who warned him of the ban in military criticism, his house was a mess, he was fired for being too radical and needed to move without a job. His friend Dr. King says he’s lucky to be half Jew, so cunning, (he also says Hitler is Windrip’s boyfriend) he’s also been fired but has a job lined up, just sad to leave his research behind. (he’s a chemist) The president claimed they were let go because of overstaffing and changed the subject. There’s a new Director of Education for the Vermont New Hampshire District and one of his jobs is to make sure editors publish correct corporate ideals.  
The Minute Men were less favored than in the cities, in Fort Beulah they were drilling under National Guard, officers and Shad but Doremus refused to check. He first saw them in the  public parade in August when Dan Wilgus forced him outside. “Doremus thrilled to the MM flags, the music, the violent young men, even while he hated all the marched for,”-”He understood now why the young men marched to war.”p.167 He also hated Shad at the head of the procession, sneering through it all. 
By September Doremus was hearing a lot about the Secretary of Education, now it wasn't pleasant news about Macgoblin. He made many enemies purging teachers, it culminated in him trying to out drink his bodyguards and drunkenly tried to call on his former teacher. When told he was out visiting his Rabbi friend Macgoblin and his guerillas went to him. They made assess of themselves at the Rabbi’s house and Macgoblin asked why they don't all leave and start a nation in South America. Dr. Schmidt explains that Macgoblin is the Secretary of Education and a Corpo. “I have heard of that cult, but my people have learned to ignore persecution. We have been so important as to adapt the tactics of your early Christian Martyrs!”p.170 Even if they were invited, they wouldn't attend their only Dictator is God, they don't see Windrip as a rival. 
Schmidt tells Macgoblin the reason he’s drinking like a pig is because he’s a ashamt (I think this is Hebrew for guilty) once a promising researcher, now sold out to freebooters. Macgoblin snaps that they’re stinking intellectuals, peddlers and thieves until Schmidt yells at them to get out. Egged on by the MMs Macgoblin shoots the two and the guards chased down the houseman who ran to the streets where a cop stopped them. They were all arrested and brought to trial, but it was thrown out as the Rabbi and Schmidt were Jews (even though Schmidt wasn't) trying to coax MMs into ritual murders. (yeah they’re going there) Macgoblin was congratulated by Windrip and Sarason and the cop who shot a Corpo wasn't as lucky, he was sent to a beat in the Bronx. 
Doremus got a report from a surviving guard and wasn't happy on top of Shad replacing his delivery boys with MMs to check the paper, he raged. “If they were murderous Jews, then he was a murderous Jew too, he swore, and it was time to do something for his Own People.”p.172 That night he wrote a scathing article on the Corpo administration, Macgoblin and Windrip. “Not that all of them are as vicious as Macgoblin. Some are merely incompetent-like our friends Ledue, Reek, and Haik. But their ludicrous incapability permits the homicidal cruelty of their chieftains to go on without check.”p.173 Dan Wilgus refused to print it out of fear, so Doremus does it himself with Wilgus’s help. When he showed his family the proofs they all feared for him. “It used to be you did what was right and got a nice stick of candy for it,”-”Now, it seems if whatever's right is wrong.”p.175 (sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing especially under a dictatorship those laws were made to be broken) 
When he left his home he didn't go to the office but Lorinda’s, but first to Greenhill’s. His daughter’s family was still up and he overheard David say he wanted to be a newspaperman like his grandfather. He stayed only ten minutes telling himself nothing bad can happen to this household but told Greenhill he’ll have a run in with the Corpos one day. (is it foreshadowing if it’s tomorrow) Shad wanted him to join he said no, Doremus warns him to be careful of Shad, Greenhill says he’ll slip him cyanide. 
Lorinda finished tending to guests before she and Doremus could talk, he has her read the article. He had to decide whether to pull it from publishing by eleven, she told him he has to run it. She taught Shad in school for a year and he was a bully then and now he wants her to serve MMs for free and they’ll pretend she doesn't sell liquor without a license, she refused and now has a court summons. Doremus tells her to get a lawyer, the Corpos are using courts as grifts for accusations of sedition. (the law isn’t on your side when those in law are against you in their kangaroo courts) 
Lorinda was afraid the Corpos will do something to them, they’ll be so desperate they’ll cling to each other or be so rebellious. “we’ll feel so terribly that we’re standing for something, that we’ll want to give up everything else for it, even give up you and me. So that no one can ever find out and criticize, we’ll have to be beyond critisism.”p.179 How could such a detached people like them get involved. It is too late to kill the article for tomorrow, she’s glad to be shot rather than crippled with fear. Lorinda went back to work but Doremus didn't sleep that night listening for phantom assassins. 
“An honest propagandist for any Cause, that is, one who honesty studies and figures out the most effective way of  putting over his Message, will learn fairly early that it is not fair to ordinary folks-it just confuses them-to try to make them swallow all the true facts that would be suitable to a higher class of people.”p.181 (in essence ya’ll are dumb like those schools that dumb down the curriculum because they think it’s better so they don’t even have to try to teach the lower performing students) Also one learns the best way to win over people is if you give a speech in the evening when they are too tired to resist you. (he’s pretty much confessing how he’s manipulating them banking on them being too stupid and tired to see it) 
As his editorial was delivered Doremus looked down in the street from his office window as the MMs read the Informer and look up at the building. The people gathered into a mob, “Probably many of them cared nothing about the insults to the Corpo state, but had only the unprejudiced, impersonal pleasure in violence natural to most peope.”p.182 All it took was one MM shouting out to lynch them to start the mob but Shad called for them to stop only because the Corpos are going to take it over. (he also slaps a woman demanding her 5000) 
Doremus was escorted to the courthouse and county jail, he hasn't been there except as a reporter to interview inferior people who got arrested. (yeah Doremus here is what we call a flawed character they are a good person in the sense of everyone else around them but clearly not a perfect person) They left him in a damp cell for hours. “The tyranny of this dictatorship isn’t primarily the fault of Big Business, nor of the demagogues who do their dirty work. It’s the fault of Doremus Jessup! Of all the conscientious, respectable, lazy-minded Doremus Jessups who have let the demagogues wriggle in, without fierce enough protest.”-”Is it too late?”p.186 As it got darker he thought of Emma and Lorinda, why can’t he have both, maybe it’s getting too hot to let a man stop for bread (Emma) let alone wine. (Lorinda) 
Doremus waited until midnight when he was escorted to the judge, then he had to wait more outside the courtroom. He knew the MM and studied him in his new uniform. “I wouldn't particularly want to be a dictator over on Aras but I most particularly do not want him and his like to be dictators over me, whether they call them Fascists or Corpos or Communists or Monarchists or Free Democratic Electors or anything else!”p.188 Lorinda then came out of the courtroom and Nipper (the owner of the Tavern) looked triumphant and Aras gloated before Doremus was called in. 
Military Judge Effington Swan presided, he had ordered the MMs to invite Doremus here to get his advice as a journalist. Doremus corrects that he was dragged here because of his editorial about Windrip now Sawn remembers that minor incident. Doremus is tired and demands to know the charges, just libel, sedition, treason and homicidal incitement. Easily gotten rid of, and Swan subtlety threatens his family so he’ll play along with them in his paper and act as their spy. 
Doremus demands a lawyer, all due process has been suspended, martial law is necessary in a crisis. Shad makes a remark about Lorinda and Doremus jumps up to attack him but was thrown down by Swan who tells him Lorinda’s been sleeping other men too. Swan releases Doremus on parole to teach Dr. Staubmeyer how to do his editorial job and only write as he tells him, and it’ll start with his apology, admit he’s a liar. (oh there’s nothing journalists hate more than printing a retraction and saying they were wrong especially when they are right) 
Then Dr. Greenhill storms in (the MMs let him in because he said he was needed and he’s also treated their STDs) demanding to know what they’re doing Swan lets Greenhill go off and dig his own grave by telling them everyone’s had enough of them kidnapping honest men. He calls the three judges half-baked Hitlers, cowardly public enemies in toy soldier uniforms. Swan allows Shad to take Greenhill out to be executed by rifle squad. “From the courtyard, the sound of a rifle volley, a terrifying wail, one single empathetic shot, and nothing after.”p.196 
The trouble with Jews is that they’re cruel anybody who knows history knows they tortured debtors in catacombs while the Nordic are distinguished by their kindness to all including inferior races. (damn they’re not even trying to hide how antisemitic they are and if you think nobody would be so stupid as to believe something so ridiculous similar propaganda was use to villainize the Jews in Europe preceding WWII) 
After Judge Swan’s sentence of Greenhill’s execution his house was raided and a cache of seditious books and documents were found. (how much you want to bet if they exist at all they were planted) Mary’s protests of her husband's innocence was ignored and to punish her and give warning to others, they seized all the property and money left to her. Some said Doremus could fight for her but he couldn't as he was still on parole and subject to the authorities. She moved into the attic and didn't come out for a week. “But within a week her David was playing about in the yard most joyfully...playing that he was an MM officer.”p.198 
The rest of the house waited for something, the normally cheerful meals were quiet as every time they spoke it went to murder and the Corpos. David talked the most while Doremus was fond of children, he preferred political topics. He suspected Emma was more upset by his arrest than Greenhill's murder, bad people went to jail, Jessups didn't. (lady priorities) His office was deader than home, but he was able to convince Staubmeyer to keep Dan Wilgus on the payroll. As the weeks went by not a minute did he not hate his slavery, why stay, he was too old to start again. “So he raged-and went on grinding out a paper dull and a little dishonest-but not forever. Otherwise, the history of Doremus Jessup would be too drearily common to be worth reading.”p.201 
He did the math, if he fled to Canada he could cash 20,000 (almost 456,000) if he could smuggle it and live on twenty dollars a week. (about 456 which isn’t bad but how much are monthly bills) Well the others could if they could find work, (yeah spreading less than five hundred among what five people a week would be pretty thin) but him, he didn't fancy living in poverty for honesty and freedom. (you’re not one of those journalists that think you're not a true one until your own government assassinates you are you) There were those under other dictatorships that resented tyranny and refused bribes yet weren't courageous enough to go into willing exile, particularly when they had dependents. He tried to hint to Staubmeyer to retire but they caught on and Shad reminded him of his place and Doremus figured something out. “he was equally in danger of slipping into acceptance of his serfdom and of whips and bars if he didn't slip,”p.203 
“Under a tyranny, most friends are a liability.”p.203 One quarter turn on you, one keeps quiet, one dies with you, the other keep you alive. He and Lorinda were close, but they plotted to kill Corpos. Karl Pascal asked if he was going to join the communists nervously, Doremus is interested in civilizing and protecting against enemies, but it isn’t Russia, it's America he wants to help, Pascal calls it nonsense. “Listen, Comrade Karl, Windrip and Hitler will join Stalin long before the descendants of Dan’l Webster. You see, we don't like murder as a way of argument-that's what really makes the Liberal!”p.205 Perefixe hated to give up, he’s scared and is going to Canada. Medary Cole was a surprise, already tired of the tyranny paying them to bully. “-he who had ecstatically voted for Mr. Windrip.”p.206 
In October it was declared the Corpos ended all crime in America (again it didn’t disappear they just stopped reporting it) all tried under Court Martial, one in ten shot, four in ten sent to prison, three released, two joined the MMs. Windrip announced the way to stop crime is to stop it (what is this people die when they are killed logic) and Medary praised his firm hand. Windrip then revealed the New American Education System, scores of colleges were closed (but they opened Windrip University I’m not making a joke) some absorbed into Corpo universities. (Central Park was closed to the public to be used as a playground) All universities have a set modern curriculum omitting the classics, language and religious studies, archeology and histories before 1500 because the key to civilization is Anglo Saxon purity against barbarians. (ah time for the brain drain I see time to scrap out anything that doesn’t align with the state much like what China’s Red Gaurds did during the Cultural Revolution) New textbooks were written under Macgoblin (are they written like those Texas textbooks that claim the slave trade was immigrant migration) and students told not to waste their time on literature and instead read recently printed newspapers. (so telling students not to read anything that could give them a different viewpoint than the lies the state prints) Education was also sped up, anyone could graduate in two years. (all you needed to get in is either attended a business college or a recommendation from a Corpo and have at least two years of high school so mostly people with no real fundamental education) As he read the prospects for these Barnum and Bailey universities Doremus remembered the Greek professor from Isiah was in a Corpo labor camp. 
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