#im assuming follow ends that sentence
thisqueernerd · 7 days
Malevolent Part 45 spoilers in the tags
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lunammoon · 2 months
I never really understood why British people get so annoyed when a character is said to be from a part of England their accent doesn't quite match until I listens to Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown.
I love Peri. Cool that they incluced an American companion, I don't care what anyone says, she's Not From Fucking Baltimore.
She's from New England (maybe Vermont or somewhere like that) or maybe the midwest.
Not Fucking Baltimore or anywhere in the state of Maryland.
The biggest red flag is that she calls it "Baltmore" with a T. Someone from Baltimore would probably say "Bal'more". "Baldimore" would also be acceptable.
If you called Baltimore "Balt-imore" anywhere east of DC people would parrot you mockingly
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m0llygunn · 1 year
deathbed confessions (eddie munson x fem!reader one-shot)
summary: cold and flu season hits you hard but luckily you have your best friend eddie to take care of you. If the cold medicine makes you admit a few things... eddie sure isn't complaining.
contents: 18+, best friends to lovers, r is dramatically sick with a cold (talks about dying but it's just drama), fluff idk a/n: guys i am so sick help me i had to lay on the bathroom floor after braving a shower because i thought i was gonna die (but also i wrote this so maybe im ok) wc: 4.4k+
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“Holy shit, did Halloween come early?” Eddie snickers from the door of your room.
All you can muster up is a low groan and that alone makes you feel like your head is on the brink of explosion. 
“Jesus, you’re really sick, huh?” he says with the huff of a laugh.
You answer with another groan. Yes. You are 'really sick'.
“Can I do something to help?” he replies, the first hint of empathy appearing in his voice.
“Put me out—” you interrupt yourself with a sniffle followed by a phlegmy cough. “—out of my misery.”
You were supposed to be seeing some double feature with Eddie tonight but yesterday, right before bed, you felt the slightest of tickles in your throat. By morning you were the living dead with everything from your big toe to your forehead aching in one way or another. You called Eddie and before you could even mention that you were sick, he knew from your stuffed up voice. 
No matter how many times you told him you’d be fine he was strangely insistent in checking on you at the very least. By the end of the call he’d quickly worn you down and you told him that he has the spare key and he can do whatever he wants but if he gets sick that's his fault— a little mean but arguing was the last thing you felt like doing.
From the time you hung up to now— which has only been a handful of hours, you’ve gotten substantially worse. Earth shatteringly worse. So terribly worse that the simple task of opening your eyes has been too much effort. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire, and your lungs are just begging for salvation. That’s why when Eddie called twenty minutes ago letting you know he was on his way you told him no. It would have been wise if he listened to you but instead he replied ‘too bad’ and abruptly hung up the phone. 
Cut to twenty minutes later he was at your door, letting himself in. He was willingly walking into his very own death sentence. He clearly thought it was more of a joke than anything.
You hear Eddie’s tell-tale gait as he walks further into your room. You assume that he’s standing over your bed, maybe a hand on the back of his neck, maybe a hand on his hip. Mustering the efforts to confirm your suspicions would take too much of your very limited energy so you continuing laying in your bed, not doing as much as opening an eye.
You hear the ruffle of his hair and he definitely is rubbing the back of his neck as he gauges what to do. 
“So…do you want, like, medicine then?” he asks. 
“A gun,” you croak, earning a deep belly laugh from Eddie.
“At least your humour’s still intact, that’s good to know,” he says, sitting down on the edge of your bed.
You try to shuffle over to make room for him, but that effort alone makes you wince.
“Call an ambulance,” you whine, sniffling pathetically. 
“Really?” he asks, a genuine nervousness creeping into his voice. You feel his hand tug at the blanket you’ve cocooned yourself in, revealing your face for him to see. If you were more cognizant maybe you’d care about Eddie seeing you like this, but you’re too far gone to think about that. 
“No,” you answer, nodding your head up and down in contrast to your answer, earning a huff of relief from Eddie. 
The blanket slackens from his pull and the bed dips deeper as he leans in further to get a better look at you. Once again, if you were more cognizant you’d probably rather he didn’t, but you wouldn’t have the will to fight it anyways.
“Did you take anything?” he asks. 
“It’s been a few hours.”
“Did you eat?”
“Yeah, whipped up a quick 4 course meal earlier, michelin approved of course,” you mumble. You contemplate cracking an eye open to see his reaction but you don’t. 
“Right, so no food.” 
“No, surprisingly not that hungry when you’re on your deathbed,” you say, sniffling.
“Tell me you’ve at least had water,” he says and from his tone you know that he already knows the answer. 
“I had water until the bottle was empty, then I decided I’d rather succumb to death than get out of bed,”
“Funny, funny girl,” he says dryly, obviously not impressed by your answers. 
“Tombstone quote,” you say weakly, hoping that Eddie gets what you mean. He laughs softly and you consider that enough of a success. 
You hear the slightest bit of shuffling, not Eddie getting up but more like he’s looking around your room. Whatever state it’s in, you couldn’t even work up the courage to care. 
“Do you want a movie on or something?” he asks, breaking the lull in conversation. 
“Would you do that?” you ask, tilting your face towards him despite not opening your eyes. 
“Oh yeah. I’m giving you the mortally ill special— the deathbed works, if you will,” he says, and you can tell he’s smiling. You do your best to smile back but it’s weak and probably looks more like a grimace. 
You feel shuffling before the bed rises from Eddie standing.
“Okay, so I’m gonna get you medicine first. Then movie, food, and whatever else, deal?”
Your lower lip pouts out appreciatively for the boy you’ve called your best friend for forever now. If you weren’t deathly ill, you’d kiss him.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you whisper, voice getting caught in your throat for an entirely different reason than your cold this time. 
He mumbles back some version of ‘don’t worry about it’ before he’s off, leaving you in the quiet of your room with only your breathing, coughing, and sniffling breaking the silence. It’s barely a few minutes before you hear his footsteps and the edge of your bed dips again. 
“This is what you took right? The cold and flu medicine?”
“Mhm” you hum.
“You have nasal congestion?”
You sniffle loudly and nod.
“Right. Nasal pain, sinus congestion, and sinus pain?”
You hum again, catching onto the fact that he’s reading the symptoms off of the box. 
“Chest congestion?”
Weakly you swat your hand out trying to find Eddie. When you do, you give him the weakest of taps. “Too many questions,” you muster. 
“Well, I know you’re joking about dying but I don’t want to actually kill you,” he says. You hum again.
You hear him fumbling with the cardboard before fumbling with the plastic pill packaging.
“Do you wanna sit up?” he asks.
“I want to die,”
“Well you can’t do that so I’m gonna help you sit up, okay?”
Eddie starts tugging at the blanket and you let your weakened limbs go limp, undoubtedly making the task much harder for him but he doesn’t say anything. Eventually, he pulls you up by your underarms, propping you up against your headboard. 
When you feel his cool hands on your forehead, pushing your hair back and out of your face, you open your eyes for the first time since Eddie got here. 
“There she is,” he laughs lightly, still pushing back the disheveled mess that is your hair.
“Your hands feel nice,” you whisper, focusing on the coolness on your skin. Before you have a chance to really absorb the relief of his hands on your skin, he pulls away, grabbing for the water he had set down on your bedside table. 
“Yeah, you’re really hot,” he replies, passing the water to you.
“Tombstone quote,” you say, catching his eye, making him laugh again. With a shaky hand, you take the water.
“Funny and hot, that’s a killer deal.” He hands you the little cold and flu pill and you place it in your mouth, swallowing it down with small sips of the cold water that feels like ice going down your throat. 
You redirect your gaze to Eddie, “you’re gonna get sick, that’s the real killer here,” you say. 
“I’ll be fine,”
“You don’t want this cold, trust me,” you say, taking another sip of water before holding it out to Eddie. 
“I’ll be fine,” he repeats as he takes the water, putting it back on your bedside table. 
You nod. You appreciate Eddie’s help more than anything. Fending for yourself wasn’t exactly going so well— clearly.
“You had this with your other stuff, do you want it?” he asks, holding up the vicks vapor rub.
When you felt the cold coming on you went to the pharmacy and picked up a few things just in case. The vapor rub was on sale and you bought it on a whim but haven’t tried it yet.
“Do you think it really works?”
“Wayne used to put it on me, I guess it does?”
“Where do you put it?”
“On your chest or back,” he answers, looking at the fine print of the packaging. “Yeah, it says chest, throat, and back.”
You open your mouth to reply but instead feel the creeping up of the tickling in your throat. Turning the other way, you do your best to not cough all over Eddie. Sucking in a deep breath, you only trigger another cough that divulges into one of many coughing attacks that you’ve had today. When you’re finally done, you drop your head to the back of the headboard in defeat. 
“C’mon, let’s try it on your back for now,” he says, putting a hand on your shoulder encouraging you to lean forward. You move how he wants you without protest.
“I’m just gonna lift up your shirt a bit, okay?” he says, you nod but he pauses, fingers just barely slipping under the hem of your shirt.
“Eddie, with the way I’m feeling, you could see me butt ass naked right now and I could not care less,” you say. 
He snorts a laugh before his cool fingers trail up your spine giving you tingles that make you shiver. “Sorry,” he hums but you shake your head. His hand makes contact with your upper back, rubbing the ointment on your skin and it honestly feels incredibly soothing. Whether it’s the rub or the physical contact, you’re not sure, but you’re not questioning it either.
The noise that comes out of you could have been a moan had you not been congested. Instead it comes out like a low, stuffed up groan— not unlike a movie zombie. 
Eddie rubs a few more circles on your back before his hand travels back down your spine. 
“How’s that feel?” he asks, helping you sit back up straight.
“So fucking good and like I need you to rub my back like that again,” you say, resting your head back against the headboard. Maybe you put a little too much conviction in your words but that truly felt amazing.
The room is silent and you blink open your eyes to see Eddie holding the tub of rub in his hands, paused halfway through closing it. It takes a moment for him to look up at you but when he does, he smiles softly.
“What movie do you wanna watch?”
Had you not been distracted by your sickness, you might have noticed the faintness of a blush spreading across the tops of Eddie’s cheeks. Coughing and forcing air back into your lungs takes up every ounce of your consciousness though, so you don’t notice. 
You shrug your shoulder taking a deep breath, “anything, I’ll probably pass out from the medicine anyways,” you reply, turning away again to cough. 
Eddie hums before he’s moving to your dresser opposite your bed, angling the TV for you to see it better. 
“Sixteen Candles, Children of the Corn, Gremlins, Teen Wolf?” he says, listing off the titles of the different tapes you have sprawled next to the vcr. 
“Gremlins seems kind of relevant,” he says, pulling open the clamshell box.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask. Eddie turns to you, smirk spreading across his lips.
“Nothing,” he sings lightly. He turns away from you, pushing the tape into the player and then pressing the combination of buttons to get it working. 
“You better not be implying that I look like a gremlin because—” you interrupt yourself with another cough that quickly divulges into yet another coughing fit— worse than the last. 
With each cough being so strong it makes your head pound. You don’t notice Eddie crossing your room or him settling back on the edge of your bed. You only notice his presence when he’s encouraging you forward, hand rubbing your back again. 
When your coughing finally calms down enough for you to take a good breath, Eddie brings the glass of water up for you to take a sip. You take the cup in your hands, guiding it to your mouth. At the same time, Eddie never fully lets go of the cup, making sure it doesn’t spill. You take a drink, nodding when you’re done and he sets it back down, hand still running up and down your back. 
“It’s probably just the rub working, getting all that nasty stuff out,” he says softly. 
You nod again, letting your head fall to rest on Eddie’s shoulder. It’s probably not the smartest idea to be so close to him because you're pretty much sentencing him to his demise, but with how terrible you feel you’re desperate for anything to make it better— and right now the only thing making anything better is Eddie. 
“The medicine’ll kick in any minute and you’ll feel much better, okay? I’ll go get you something to eat and then I can rub your back some more. How’s that sound?” he says softly, brushing the edge of your face with his chin as he tilts his face downwards towards yours. 
Your lower lip pouts out again and you feel your eyes water behind your closed lids. Maybe you were already hyper emotional from feeling so sick, but Eddie being so sweet is also doing a number on you.
“Sounds really nice,” you whisper, sucking in a breath.
“You’ll be okay,” Eddie whispers, hand switching from rubbing up and down your back to rubbing circles at the top of your back. “I’ll take care of you, I got you.”
Before the tears in your eyes have a chance to breach your waterline, Eddie’s shifting beside you, leaning you back against the headboard with the promise of being quick while he gets you food. Only once he’s gone and you’re left alone in your room do you notice Gremlins has already started playing. Opening your eyes, you spare a few glances at the screen that distract you from your teary eyed state.
As Eddie promised, he was pretty quick in his return. You could hear him the whole time, kitchen utensils clanking and cupboard doors closing. Maybe all concept of time is lost on you right now, but it seemed like barely any time had passed before he was taking slow, careful steps back towards your room.
“Alright— got that soup you like, got crackers, and got you some juice,” Eddie announces as he situates the dishware on your bedside table. “I even made sure not to warm the soup too much so you can eat it right away,” he says.
Eyes closed again, you don’t know what you expected him to do but him manhandling you took you by surprise. A hand slid behind your back and another under your upper thighs, he was sliding you right over on the mattress.
“Just giving myself some space here,” he says absentmindedly as he fixes your blanket around you. He quickly settles in next to you before grabbing the sleeve of crackers and settling them in front of you and grabbing the bowl of soup.
Sitting with his legs stretched out next to yours, you let your head dip to his shoulder again, this time like a silent thank you where you cozy your head against him, not unlike a cat.
“For the record, you’re more like Gizmo,” he says, a tease intruding in his voice.
“Hm?” you hum questioningly.
“You don’t look like a gremlin, you’re cute like Gizmo,” he says.
You sink your face further into the crook of Eddie's shoulder, lip jetting out once more. He’s done nothing more than call you a cute gremlin rather than an evil gremlin, yet you feel yourself turning misty eyed yet again. This time you squeeze your eyes shut, closing them on purpose, hiding your sickness induced emotions.
“Soups gonna get cold,” Eddie says, twisting his neck to look at you again. “C’mon, it’ll be better for you if you eat it warm,” he says, using his free arm to move you.
Once you’re finally propped up again in an appropriate position to eat, you feel Eddie’s hand on your cheek— no doubt becoming aware of your tears.
“You okay?” he asks softly, thumb rubbing under your cheek.
“You’re being so nice to me,” you explain, sniffling back your need to cry.
“Just taking care of you. Want you to feel better,” he replies, keeping his voice quiet. 
“Thank you, Eddie.”
“You don’t gotta thank me, just gotta eat your soup, okay Gizmo?” Eddie says, making you snort out a snotty laugh before sucking it all back in with an apology that he quickly dismisses. 
You take a few breaths, getting your tears under control. Shifting your focus to the soup, Eddie holds the bowl close to you while you slowly feed yourself spoonful after spoonful. 
“Crackers?” Eddie offers.
“Maybe one.”
“How ‘bout two?” he replies, peeling back the plastic and pulling two out for you. You nod softly before taking them from him. 
You feel yourself running out of energy and it’s exasperating that all it took was lifting a spoon to your lips a measly few times. When you let the crackers sit in your lap for too long, Eddie turns to look at you, resting the bowl of soup down in his lap. 
“Y’okay?” he asks.
“Tired,” you answer. 
“Just finish those and you can be done, okay?” he says, meeting your gaze. You shake your head.
“Can’t,” you reply.
“You can,” he says, turning his torso to put the bowl of soup on the table. He turns back around, reaching for the crackers in your hand. “Know you can,” he repeats, bringing the crackers to your lips.
“Eddie—” you try to protest.
“Bite,” he says, cutting you off and nudging the cracker into your mouth. 
You bite, giving into him. It feels weird being hand fed. It’s probably even weirder when two bites in you close your eyes in an effort to conserve your energy. Regardless, Eddie doesn’t say anything besides positive affirmations about how good you’re doing which you really, really appreciate. 
“How about you drink some of this,” he says, reaching for the glass of juice as you chew the last bite of cracker. “Then I’ll help you lay down and I can rub your back s’more?”
“You don’t have to if you wanna go home, you've been here a long time,” you say, swallowing the dryness of the cracker down. 
Eddie lifts the cup of juice to your lips, tipping it back for you to sip at. When you take more than a few drinks, you lift a hand lightly pushing the cup away. Blinking your eyes open you look at Eddie as he returns the cup to sit with the other dishware on your bedside table. 
“I’m serious, Eddie. You can go home if you want,”
“Don’t want to,”
“You’re gonna be— you interrupt yourself with a yawn this time. “—gonna be so sick,” you say groggily.
“Just let me cuddle you, you know you want it,” he says, a teasing tone hinting in his voice. You blink open your eyes again to see a genuine smile as he looks at you—one that shouldn’t be there considering how gross you feel and are sure you look. Despite that, it’s there and you do want cuddles so you nod softly, making a weak, sad attempt at getting closer to Eddie.
Eddie meets your attempt by gently pulling you down the mattress. He maneuvers you to have your head resting on his chest while his arm snakes around you, rubbing circles on your back. With the sleepiness settling in and your cold symptoms dialing back due to the medicine, you can’t help but hum happily. 
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he says quietly.
It feels beyond good. Good is an understatement. Having him take care of you like this is making you feel mushy and only highlights your feelings for Eddie. In combination with your partially delusionally, sleepy state the only thing on your mind is expressing your feelings, all of them true no matter how far out of it you are at this point. 
“Eddie, if I die, just know that I love you,” you mutter into the fabric of his shirt. 
“That’s just the cold medicine talking,” Eddie laughs softly. You find the energy to shake your head.
“Nuh-uh, love you,” you repeat. “Love you so much.”
It’s faint, maybe he whispered it or maybe it’s the fact that you were slipping into sleep but you heard it. 
“I love you too,” he says quietly. 
As if those words gave you a short lived second life, it had you perking up, desperately needing to clarify just in case he didn’t understand. 
“But Eddie I love you as my best friend but also more than that— I love you so much.”
He leaves you in silence but you don’t have the clear consciousness to overthink it, you just keep talking.
“I don’t even care if you don’t like me like that, I love you Eddie.”
“I love you too. Love you a lot, but I think we should talk about this when you’re not tired and on cold medicine, okay?” he whispers softly. 
As your thoughts start to drift, you focus on the first half of Eddie's sentiment. He loves you— and he loves you a lot. With that on your mind, intermixed with the comforting friction of his hand on your back, you fall into the deepest and most comfortable sleep of your life despite being so sick. Eddie loves you. 
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Arguably, the best thing that came out of your cold was your confession. It was bound to happen eventually and although it did sort of seem like a deathbed confession at the time, it was genuine— that of which you clarified for Eddie. To your fortune, he also clarified that his reply was true as well. Beyond that, you were still sick and neither of you had done much more than just sharing those little words that one night. So yes, arguably, that's the best thing that came out of your sickly state; however, in your opinion, you think the best thing that happened was that you got Eddie sick too. 
It was less than a day after you started feeling normal again that Eddie was running a fever. He ended up staying at your place for the majority of your sickness but he had left once to get some things for himself. Since he had his stuff here already, you offered for him to stay over at yours while you returned the favor of playing doctor. 
Eddie took on a much different position as a sick person than you did. Undeniably, you both were on the dramatic end of things but while your cynical humour came out during your time being sick, Eddie was much different in how expressed himself.
Normally, a very touchy feely person, his affectionate side heightened tenfold while he was sick. He was all grabby hands, wanting you closer to him. Maybe it was because the two of you had broken the touch barrier while you were sick or maybe Eddie just turned into a touch deprived baby when he was sick, you’ll never know, but you didn’t deny him of the cuddles that you so dearly appreciated while you were under the weather. 
The most interesting part— which shouldn't have came as a surprise, was that not only did he appreciate holding you, but he intensely appreciated you holding him, whether that be hands scratching his head as he rested it on your stomach, or your arms wrapped around him from behind making him the little spoon. Additionally, he was also incredibly affectionate with his words, constantly telling you how grateful he was for you and how much he appreciated you. 
Your favourite confession came late one night, probably at the peak of his sickness. Fairly similar to your deathbed confession, but a moment to remember regardless.
You had just finished helping him eat, similar to how he had done for you, and were cuddling with him, smoothing your hands over his side as he rested his head on your chest. 
The medicine was kicking in, making him drowsy, eyes fluttering shut as he let sleep take him over. He had kept babbling random thoughts but as he got more and more tired he was eventually reduced to heavy breaths. That was, until he titled his face up to yours. You looked down at him, meeting his sleepy eyes.
“I love you,” he said. “Love you so much.”
“Love you too, Eddie,” you replied, smiling.
“But I love you so much,” he said, voice returning to its babbling cadence. “Love you so much I wanna kiss you and love you and—” his babbling started to slowly fade as his head got heavier on your chest. You couldn’t help but laugh softly as your heart swelled.
You smoothed a hand over his face, brushing back his hair as you stared at him with nothing but love for your very, very sick boy. Like you had given him a second wind, his babbling started up again. 
“Wanna marry you. Love you so much wanna marry you,” he said, words slurring.
“Think you’ll have to ask me on a date first, cutie,” you replied quietly, partially under the impression that he was already asleep. 
“I will. Love you so much, I will,” he mumbled and with that, he was out like a light. 
From there, the rest was history. If curious minds were to inquire, you would say that Eddie’s always been very good at keeping his promises, and mindless babbling or not, he meant every word that he confessed in his sickly, drowsy state. 
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thank you! <3
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milezyuni · 1 month
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disclaimer; pls be nice this is my first time writing something !
Tags : sunshine reader x grumpy logan // fluff !! // logan in a secret big softie // slight angst // no use of y/n // age gap // im bad at tagging sorry // logan is lowkey emo !! // shit grammar
logan sat at the bar downing another glass of ice cold whiskey when someone sat in the empty seat next to him
“logaaannn !! ” You said with that big smile that never seemed to leave your face. God you were just so happy and smiley all the time i mean jesus why were you so..so nice? why did you spend all your time talking to him when he clearly didnt want shit to do with you ?
He looked over at you and merely grunted in response "so i got you a little something.." you had your hands behind your back and took them out to reveal a plushie of some sort of brown bear.. ferret kind of animal " its a wolverine!! i saw it in the gift shop when i went to the zoo with wadei mean i didnt even know that wolverine was a real thing let alone an animal! so i bought for you since yknow..youre wolverine" you smiled
logan looked at you, then at the toy and then back at you "...thanks" he watched as you smiled in response waved goodbye and went home.
this was a daily encounter, you would visit him in the bar ramble about your day before asking him about his day (which he would respond with a single sentence) sometimes you would leave him little notes or presents and he would pretend to not give a shit about them or you. But the more this routine went on the less Logan could ignore his feelings about you, he couldnt ignore the way his heart skipped a beat when your eyes met his , when your hand grazed his or when you smiled at him...and i mean that smile made logan feel like a lovesick puppy. but he didnt want to love you, because the last time he loved someone shit went sideways and everyone ended up being hurt and the last thing he wanted to do on this earth was hurt you
you walked into the bar your headphone blasting your favourite song , you look up and to your surprise you dont see logan in his usual seat, "hey uhm have you seen logan today? yknow hairy buff dude-" the bartender shakes his head , you assume hes just hungover and is still sleeping at home so you sit down and wait...and you wait....and you wait till 4 hours had past and there was no sight of him, so you got up and left the bar to head over to logans place to make sure he was okay
logan groaned as he heard a knock at his door, he pulled himself off of the couch and stumbled to the door and opened it "logan? are you alright? i was waiting for like 3 hours at the bar and you never showed up" he didnt come to the bar because he knew you would be there.. he didnt want to see you because he knew that if he did he wouldnt be able to push his feelings for you away. his mind began to race he needed to make you stay away.
"jesus fuckin' christ.. do you never take a fuckin' hint?? all you do is follow me around like some parasite. is it even possible for you to shut the fuck up ??" he hissed. his words hitting you life a knife through the back, you felt your eyes sting as you held back tears "im sorry--- im sorry" you practically ran off, all you wanted to do was escape that humiliating moment you wanted to forget it even ever happend.
Logan watched as you sped off his heart filling with guilt, he noticed a folded up piece of paper on the ground where you once stood, you mustve dropped it. He stomped back inside falling back onto his couch as he opened the piece of paper to find a drawing of him smiling with the lyrics from the song 'here comes the sun' scribbled next to it.
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solarnomoon · 2 months
tame - nishimura riki
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ni-ki always stood out to you, or atleast, in his own way. when you started noticing him more, it was easy to like him.
pairing >>> ni-ki x male reader
tags >>> college au, fluff, friends to lovers
warnings >>> swearing, substance usage, suggestive themes
wc >>> 3,073 words
author's note >>> ni-ki is just so freaking pretty i want to give him the biggest hug and never let go\(≧▽≦)/ also js remember this is ooc also if you guys ever to just talk about random enhypen stuff or virtually anything im always down to talk n stuff anyway i hope u guys enjoy this one!! it kinda spawned out of nowhere and also all over the place so idk lol bye!!
it wasn’t like you to fall for a boy so easily. at least, not in the way that occurred, especially for a guy like nishimura riki. it was cheesy, to say the least: you two have been acquaintances since middle school, quite literally knowing each other for 6 years now, even now attending the same university (completely unintentional, of course). you always just kinda knew him as that lovely kid that was the same height as you, even throughout high school. don't get it twisted, you weren't that tall, but regardless of the fact, he was the same height.
the first time you saw him the summer after high school was at your orientation. you were placed in the 12th group, and when you reached the meeting spot, you noticed riki immediately, much, much taller than before, giving you two a height difference that wasn't present before. the second thing you noticed was the drop of his voice, which you discerned from his "yo, y/n!" coupled with a slight wave.
"ni-ki? what-" and before you even finished your sentence, the orientation leader interrupted, telling the group as a whole that they were about to start as you happened to be the last person they were waiting for. your conversation had to be put on halt until 20 minutes later where she began a tour of the school.
while you began to follow the group to the first destination, ni-ki reconvenes with you after speaking to a couple of the other group members, nudging your shoulder with his own to get your attention. "y/n, i didn't know you committed here? i thought you were gonna go to ucla for sure," he questions you with a voice of slight familiarity.
"no yeah, i was, but i thought about it and i just wanted to go here." he hums in acknowledgment, giving a few seconds of downtime before you begin to speak again. "dude, when did you become so tall? and have that deep ass voice? weren't we like basically the same height a few months ago?"
a few other differences were left unspoken but assumed nonetheless. first off, his hair, which historically was left black and much shorter throughout highschool, but now was longer with an ombré effect going from a light grey to black at the ends. secondly, his style, which flipped 180 from sweatpants and a normal shirt to something straight out of k-dramas. and lastly, his piercings, double lobes with a helix on both. or maybe one? point is, he looked good. too good.
he laughs, knowing this must come as a shocker to you because last time you checked, he was completely anew. "well for one, i turned 18 and was basically allowed to do whatever i wanted with my body. for some reason i went through a second puberty," he signals your height difference by putting his hand out flat at the top of your head and then bringing it to his, just shrugging. "also, i got a modeling job that allowed me to buy random ass clothes. so... yeah!"
your mouth slightly ajar combined with your head tilt let him know you were still in fact lost, so he continued on. "well, you know that dance group i've been in since a few years ago right?" the nod coming from your stature allowed him to finish the thought, "so basically some of the guys in that group like... told? their manager about me and gave me a chance to attend one of their casting calls, and i made the cut."
the group stops in front of the library, allowing you guys to sit down at one of the slabs nearby, half listening to your tour guide, but more focused on conversing with one another because you two had already toured the school when filling out college applications.
"wait, congrats ni-ki, that's insane!" you turn to him, giving him a quick cheeky smile with two thumbs up, and he just chuckles at you, putting his face into his hands at the sight of your cuteness playfulness. "what, did i say something wrong?"
"n-no, it's just... nevermind..." he tsks at you, not wanting to reveal the fact that he found you cute for a second.
you two continued to chat about anything and everything, eventually learning more about the guy that you would've never known previously. for one, he hates the color pink, even though all of his friends tell him that the color suits him—even his model designer thinks pink is his most suitable color. you also learned that the group that he's apart of, enhypen, is actually pretty popular on tiktok and youtube: garnishing over 4 million subs on youtube and 2 million followers on tiktok. he's also been with his group for multiple years now, and you even met some of them at sports events and stuff, like sunoo and jay.
other things include the fact that he has an older and a younger sister, he loves to dance, he likes to play piano, and one time he met jung ho-yeon before she was on squid game and he was so confused on why they looked so familiar, he thought they were long lost siblings or something. then he found out that she's korean.
he still believes it though...
soon enough, you guys find yourselves at the end of the orientation, having made friends with others, but especially between you two. you asked him if he could hang out during summer, but he has plans to go to japan the rest of summer, so you just plan to hang out during your time in college.
the one thing that you didn't talk about was your rooming situation, so imagine your surprise when you're in the middle of your move-in, and in the hallway, you see ni-ki, walking into the suite right across from yours. "no fucking way, nishimura riki." you yell to him due to his headphones over his head, and he turns over and immediately puts a grin onto his face.
"y/n l/n." he puts his box down and walks over to you, embracing your smaller body, allowing you to practically melt in his scent and hug. once he lets you go, he just gazes at you, still smiling. "how have you been?" he leans against the wall in his cool-guy-esque fashion, but after talking with him the entirety of orientation, you know that he's a lot more of a nerd and introvert than he lets on.
"it's been good! honestly dude, i missed you." you don't miss the fact that his cheeks slightly flush with color, losing the eye contact that was previously held. "how was fucking japan, you looked like you had so much fun on your story and shit!" while asking, you point toward his box, silently questioning if you could come in and help him with his stuff while you updated each other.
while speaking, he brought you to his room that was surprisingly extremely decorated: full of neutrals and darker tones with some pop of color, many boxes and clothes on the floor but already pretty put together.
"wow, you're already way farther in the move-in than i am—i feel like there's just so much fucking stuff," you explain, taking a seat on his bed. you bounce on it a couple of times, mouth wide open by how comfortable it is. "wait, ni-ki, how did you do this?"
"mattress topper." he replies, placing his last box down on the floor and beginning to re-arrange his clothes onto the outside hanger he had bought. "looks like we're gonna be neighbors, y/n," he said in his deep tone, always catching you off-guard, but somehow giving you a tinge of butterflies in your stomach.
"yeah!" you chirp, excited to explore the newfound friendship with ni-ki.
after the first month of university, many people in both of your guys' social circles had created a conceived notion around ni-ki: that he was a nonchalant, cool guy.
you knew this wasn't him at all though.
but you understood why people had thought that of the guy. for one, he's 6 foot something (he doesn't tell you his exact height just to tease the fact that he's much taller than you). next, he dresses stylistically as if every day is his last waking day. lastly, he loves to observe, and not talk much, but every time he did, he always had something witty or something flirtatious to say.
that is until people saw how he was whenever he was with you.
the cool guy persona had completely shifted into something more friendly, more recognizable as a regular person. ni-ki explained his day rapid-fire, telling you basically everything that happened, showed you a specific dance that he and his members had learned, or maybe gave you a sneak peek of what he was gonna wear to some fashion show. he also would tell you about his interests, the things he did on the side, even the people he met. when his friends saw how different he acted around you, they confronted him first, then confronted you after.
"what did ni-ki say?" you ask, wondering why he acts so different around yourself than other people.
"he just said that's how your dynamic was." heeseung had shrugged. "even though we've been members together for like 5 years now, i've never seen ni-ki open up this much to someone. it's like you guys are like... dating or something."
the sentiment gets a cough out of you, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. "w-what?! of course not, we're just friends!" you deny frantically, waving your hands in front of him. "me and ni-ki are just friends."
just then, an arm wraps around your waist, a voice entering the conversation, "who's just friends?" ni-ki questions, smiling at you and heeseung.
of course, heeseung just looks at you, looks at the arm around your waist, then at ni-ki, and back to you. he raises his eyebrows and puckers his lips before walking away. ni-ki turns to you in confusion. "what's that all about?"
as time went on, you and ni-ki had become exceptionally comfortable with one another, becoming each other's ride or dies. unfortunately for you though, it meant he had become increasingly flirtatious with you. you knew he was straight, he had explained his previous crushes to you and what he was looking for in a girl, but you on the other hand had fallen susceptible to his advances, convincing yourself that this is just what friends do.
on his birthday, he had brought you to smoke at the "top of the world," so he called it, which was literally just a trail that led you to the top of a scenic cliff. romantic, you thought, but you knew it was just out of you two becoming best friends.
"y/n-ie," he starts, the nickname sticking after calling you that one drunken night during halloween. "what do you think about teddy bears?"
you passed the joint back to him after taking a hit. "teddy bears? ni-ki, what the fuck are you on about??" the words come out a little too harsh for your liking, so you quickly follow-up, "sorry, i didn't mean it like that."
ni-ki gets up and turns to you. "that was kind of mean," he pouts, putting out his joint before putting back into the metallic holder he had thrifted. the taller had shifted slightly closer to you, wanting to lean his head on your shoulder. it was a little awkward due to the height difference, but the guy made it work, and it made you begin to sweat on your palms.
"sorry, ni-ki." even through the nervousness, you had half a mind to pretend like nothing's wrong, so you lean your head on top of his just barely. in case he questions it, then you could always play the ambiguity card: 'i didn't do anything, it was all you.'
"it's okay baby." he also started calling you that after thanksgiving, when he heard sunoo calling you it. he crossed his arms and wouldn't talk to you for the rest of the day until you came over to his room and asked you why sunoo called you baby and he couldn't, so after that it was a deal that he was allowed to.
you checked the time, which just hit 12 am. "oh, happy birthday ni-ki." you tell him, reaching from your tote bag for a smaller, paper bag within. you hand it to the guy, looking into his eyes for validation. "for you, it's not a bomb, i swear!"
he takes it from you and opens it, revealing two keychains that matched, alongside bracelets from his favorite brand. "y/n..." he trails off, not knowing what to say to you.
"i know, i know, the bracelets are expensive. but ni-ki, you're my best friend. i would do anything for you." you tell him, not wanting him to freak out.
the bracelets had been on his mind since the summer, you remembered from one of the random conversations that you had during orientation, and even though it was a long time ago, you knew he had been wanting them for months, but couldn't allocate the right funds to get it, especially because he was building his closet at the time.
"y/n... i... thank you." he finally stammers out, looking back at your eyes. even in the pale moonlight, you could discern the water in his eyes, but you knew that he hated when he cried, so you didn't say anything of it. "you remembered, huh?"
"uhh, duhh! of course i did," you joke, attempting to lighten the mood. you place your hand onto his shoulder to give him some comfort, but he takes that arm and uses it as leverage to push you onto your back, crawling on top of you. "w-woah, ni-ki?!" you yelp in surprise, not comprehending what just happened.
he just grins, placing his large hand on your face, rubbing your cheek softly. "y/n..."
little did he know though, this was your final straw. you couldn't take it anymore, the incessant flirting, the changes in his behavior around you, hell, even the constant sleepovers that he asked you all the time. so you did the only thing you could think of: run.
of course it didn't really work though.
he was miles more athletic than you were, so he caught up to you within like 5 seconds which is honestly embarrassing on your behalf but you were too sad and a little turned on to even care.
"ni-ki, let go of me, i can't take this anymore!"
the taller just holds your arm, but the rest of his body was frantic, like he was afraid that if he let go he'd lose you for good. "w-what, y/n, what! you can't take what?!" he yells, not knowing what happened.
you twist your head around, looking at him like he grew a second head. "what do you mean, this! i can't take it, calling me nicknames and pet names, flirting with me constantly, sleeping over, acting different around me than your friends. friends don't do this, so you need to st-" and with that explanation, he gently grabs your head, leans down, flutters his eyes shut, and places his lips onto yours.
the scent you know and learned to love floods your senses, and with that brief moment of confusion, he grabs your waist and pulls you in closer, deepening the kiss. and considering this is all you've wanted for the past months, you allow him to take your lips, kissing him back with the same softness.
after moments pass you by, eventually he lets go of you, wanting to look at your reaction. "y/n, i really like you. i kinda... always have. even since we were in middle school." your mouth opens to say something, but you let him speak. "you were always so... cool. and i just... i wanted to be something to impress you... if i'm being honest, i knew you were going here, to this college, sun told me, so i wanted a chance, a possibility, anything to impress you."
he lets go of you, reaches into his pocket to fish out the matching bracelets. "these are beautiful y/n. but, it would be more beautiful if i could put this on you, use this as a courting gift even, and show you that i really do like you, and i want to be yours."
he unclasps the bracelet, handing out in front of him. "will you let me?" you reach your arm out, allowing him to put it on you.
"yes, nishimura riki."
with that, nothing really changed. except for the fact that you and ni-ki are now dating, of course.
people around you realized that the cool nonchalant guy was ni-ki from the dance group enhypen, giving him massive amounts of popularity quickly (you didn't even know popularity in college existed...)
however, it also came to light the fact that you were dating ni-ki, and you slowly began to be known as y/n: the ni-ki tamer, which was crazy in your opinion, but ni-ki loved the title, so you let it slide.
other than that, you started to become integrated with the rest of enhypen, the rest of the members seeing how ni-ki changes when he's with you, but they realized it was for the better as you all hung out, as they saw a side of him that didn't even know existed.
you loved enhypen, they took you in as their own and integrated you into their friend group, even giving you free dance lessons just so you could also join in some of their choreos.
"guys," you pant, exhausted from the lesson ni-ki was giving you. "why did you not tell me that ni-ki is considered the best dancer in this fucking group? and why did you let me take lessons from him?" you complain to the rest of enhypen, who are watching from the sides.
"you have to suffer like we have," jake shouts while jungwon cheers for you.
sunoo and jay also just laugh, the former explaining, "i swear, before you, ni-ki was a fucking nightmare if we didn't get the choreo correct."
"alright, enough talking, more dancing, y/n, one more time."
you love ni-ki. but damn sometimes you regret falling for him.
nah, not really though.
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sturniolo04 · 3 months
I Missed You C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which Katherine missed Chris.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Chris, who was your boyfriend of 3 years, has been on tour with his brothers for the past month and a half just about. I am so beyond proud of him and his brothers but I miss him unbearingly and am ready for him to come home, according to him he still has another month left of shows and isn't even going to be back in LA after that because they were going to stay in Boston for awhile to spend time with his parents and Nate. So far now until he comes back to LA I am stuck texting and FaceTiming him.
Unbeknownst to Katherine, the Triplets tour ends the following day after she had talked to Chris on the phone, him telling her something totally different.
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"how's Iowa mom"
you ask your mom since your on the phone with her.
"it good, im ready to go home tomorrow already"
she giggles as Katherine chuckles at her mom's lacking social battery.
" yeah i bet. Am i still picking you up from the airport tomorrow morning and taking you home or are you want to uber?"
you ask her because it was somewhat true that you needing to pick her up at the airport only thing is you weren't picking up your mom you were picking up your boyfriend and your other two favorite people in the world but, of course, Katherine doesn't know this information.
"um yes you can pick me up I might just stay at your apartment for the night and not make you drive me home immediately"
she replies to her daughter as she confirms the plan with a simple hum.
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The next morning, just as clueless as ever, Katherine is sitting in the airport near the gate her mom had texted her to 'meet her at' on her phone passing time not even paying attention.
In the midst of her not paying attention, it gave her lovely boyfriend, who she is assumed was still going to be out of state for a couple more months at least, a chance to come up to her without her fully being aware of who he was.
"excuse me do you know where I can get some Pepsi"
Chris asks his girlfriend he is standing in front of currently.
"um yeah actually i do- me and my boyf-"
she trails off looking up and finally seeing who it is
"holy shit"
she gasps staring at his hovering figure trying to make sure this is a reality.
"hi pretty girl"
he replies as she stands up and wraps her arms around his neck as he rocks them from side to side.
she softly whispers as he shifts his grip to her thighs to pick her up, with her proceeding to wrap her legs around his torso.
"um hello we are here too you know"
Nick states standing next to Matt awkwardly, as Chris sets you back on your feet.
"hi Nicky"
you say softly coming up and hugging him and then hugging Matt after.
" I thought you guys weren't done with tour yet- I thought you guys were going to be gone for at least two more months"
you sigh out looking up at Chris as he wraps his arms around your shoulders bringing you into another hug.
"no tour ended yesterday"
"what- that's not what you told me yesterday"
you states pulling arm's length out of the hug to look at Chris.
"well i had to say that your mom wanted it to be a surprise"
he chuckles bringing you back into his embrace.
"and as for Boston-"
"we didnt need to go because they are coming to LA next week"
he states simply finishing Nick's sentence.
"well I'm glad you guys are back finally"
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff
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weezerblue · 14 days
friends, best friends
A/N the scrapped version of this might come out soon
ALSO : im going back and posting old drafts, unfinished or otherwise bc i have like 40 so enjoy those ; this is an alternative ver of something else i did but my memories of most of the drafts are kinda non-existent like i don't remember writing most of the stuff i wrote during this time (sorry if this is bad)
description steve takes you out on a date after school and gives you the night of your life.
includes aftercare, soft dom steve, nicknames like baby, princess and, cutie, and typical first date stuff
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"baby, wake up we gotta go"
his voice startles you, so you wake and grab his wrist to check the time.
"it's already 12:30! how long was I sleeping for?"
he gets up, yawns and grabs your bag for you.
"do you wanna go out later? that one restaurant you always talk about is open and since we're like- official and all now"
you're taken by surprise that he actually wants to be serious about this.
"yes please" you say eagerly, and take his hand as he leads you down the hallway and into your class.
"baby, isn't your class over there"
"yeah, so what?" he shrugs, opening the door for you and taking a random seat and tapping the desk next to him, gesturing for you to sit dangerously close to him.
the end of the day approaches, not without receiving a lot of teasing from steve, leaning over to trace small circles across your thighs with his fingers, looking over at you occasionally.
he opens the door for you again, going around the back of the school because it was closer to his car.
you both get seated. and you can already sense the dirty thoughts that are about to come to your mind. there's something about the way steve looks at you, holds your hand, or gently touches your thigh that makes you unbearably horny.
"what's on your mind, princess?"
he shifts his focus to you.
"um- nothing i just, i was thinking of something"
"mind sharin' that something with me, sweetness?" he chuckles.
you rub your thighs together. then you just decide, screw it, he probably knows anyways so there's no point in lying.
"i'm, uh- i'm horny"
you hide your face with your hands, steve's arm still wrapped around you.
"ohhhh so that's what it was, i thought so but I didn't wanna assume. ya should've told me earlier though, could've taken care of you in the car on the way here."
he pulls you closer to him, kissing your neck.
"steve." you look up at him, embarrassed by his teasing. it's one thing to do it in private or in school, but you were in the middle of what felt like the busiest restaurant in the world.
"alright, alright, i'll wait till we finish our food, then it's back to my place deal?"
you nod, and then before you know it, the waiter comes back.
"let me know if you guys need anything else! i'll be right over there"
they point to the bar and exit the booth section.
steve quickly finishes his food, pushing his plate to the other side, then looking at you while you finished the last of your food.
after you were both done, steve got the check.
"alright, you got everything?"
grabbing your drink, you get up and head towards the door, he follows quickly behind you.
upon arriving at his house, you look up at him.
"um, steve?" you look down at the floor, trying really hard to not focus on how hot he looks in the dimmed lights.
"can you- um"
he's looking directly at you now, expecting you to continue the sentence.
"i need you." you barely manage to get out after stuttering over your words a billion times.
he sits down on the bed, as do you.
"i could use my fingers again, or would you prefer my mouth this time? whichever one you want is more than fine with me"
crossing your legs, you blink at him a few times, thinking he'd just understand what you wanted.
"baby, i can't do anything if you don't tell me what you want"
"i want you to fuck me" steve hasn't ever gone all the way with you, sure he's seen you naked and pleasured you before but you hadn't ever gone further than that.
"you sure? you don't have to cutie, i'm happy with just eating you out again"
he rubs his thumb over your cheek, making you smile.
"no, i really want it."
you bring his hand away from your face and hold it, making eye contact with him.
"shit baby, okay lemme go get the camera"
it was a little thing he liked to do, taking photos of you after he'd just fucked you so good you could barely breathe.
he kept all the pictures in a box under his bed, and obviously they had accumulated over time, causing the box to be filled to the brim.
he came back, placing the camera on the nightstand for later.
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plxnetn1ne · 4 months
since everyone in this fandom and their mum seem to be giving their piece about the ‘update’ coming to Hogwarts Legacy on the 6th, i figured id give my piece even if no one has asked
ive been seeing a lot of posts and replies about how “we should just take what we get and be grateful” and “the devs are working hard, do you know how hard game development is?”
im very aware of how difficult game development can be and how mentally taxing it is. i dont doubt that they’ve been through the mill.
the update is trash. its that simple. we’re allowed to feel upset about it, and for people saying that its not fair to be upset — it is fair. we shouldnt have to expect the bare minimum from a game that sold 22 million copies and reached nearly 2 billion dollars in revenue, a game that had 14 nominations for awards and 3 wins.
we were told we were getting a summer update alongside the Haunted Hogsmeade quest — the quest they promised to release to PC and Xbox in march when the game celebrated one year of release. they said, and i quote;
“As we near the one-year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy, we wanted to let our community know that the Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation-exclusive content will be available on other platforms later this summer, along with additional updates and features for the game. Stay tuned in the coming months for more details on what’s coming to Hogwarts Legacy this year.” copy and pasted straight from Hogwarts Legacy’s official twitter page. along with additional updates and features to the game.
yes — i know, thats a very vague statement. it could have been taken in any way, but typically when additional updates and features — plural — is put into a sentence, you assume that there will be more than one new feature. it wasnt wrong for the community to assume that there was more than a few new additions coming to the game.
okay, we got photo mode — thats great for console players, but it isnt new for us PC players. im happy for my console buddies that finally get to bring their mc to life in the way ive been able to. im looking forward to seeing the uptick in photos upon the updates release. PC and Xbox got the new haunted hogsmeade quest, and thats great, considering the release of it was delayed by 3 months, but atleast we’re getting it. but basically. PS5 was fucked in the process, because everything minus photo mode is stuff they already had, and honestly, thats not fair. and double honest — thats not an update. thats the release of exclusive content plus a new addition.
for several months a summer update was hyped up, and the result was…. ps5 getting fucked, a photo mode that im going to bet my ass on will be buggy as all hell, and some cosmetics. so no — i wont be grateful. especially when we keep getting promised things and then getting fucked by a hot iron in the process. because i havent forgotten the documentary that was supposed to come out, and i still remember during September when they hyped up a digital surprise for Back to Hogwarts day and it ended up being 30 percent off on a game most of us already had, only for the game to go on sale for half off the following Nov/Dec for the holiday sales.
since the release of the game, modders have been basically picking up the slack by working their asses off to create bug fixes, better cosmetic options, enhanced schedules, companions, and so much more to keep the community somewhat entertained. this as well as the file miners that are constantly digging things up that we were robbed of, like the relationship list for companions, gaunt manor, other house specific quests, more quests concerning Isadora, on and on. on top of this, ive seen first hand how much of the outer parts of the map was developed only to be cut out. i spent a solid hour and a half today using free cam to fly around the outskirts of the map — buildings, caves, entire areas laid out for towns or poacher camps, all thrown out on top of all of the discarded quests and content.
and while im at it — ill be one of the few to say it, but Hogwarts Legacies storyline was not well thought out, or at the very least it wasnt very well portrayed. there were hundreds of questions we were left with upon beating the game. where did Anne go? what happened to the keepers after the final battle? why wasnt Isadora in her portrait? what were the keepers hiding? did inhaling the magic actually make a difference or was it just for shock value? how much of Isadora’s story did we miss? how was the undercroft tied in with Isadora when it was apparently a Gaunt secret? what even really was the undercroft?
yes, i know — “well arent they making a second one?” and yeah, im pretty sure they are, and maybe thats why we’ve gotten nothing more than a pile of bricks in the last year and a half. but, they should probably finish the first game before starting on a second.
this doesnt mean i dont love Hogwarts Legacy. i love the people ive met, the stories ive read, and i love capturing the screenshots i take from that game. the entire situation is just frustrating to no end.
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remcycl333 · 2 years
i feel like ‘living in the end’ is such a load of bull, everyone’s saying affirm and persist or go into the states. i feel like half of the community don’t have lives to live or even go outside. Idk, i just feel like not everyone can do that, especially in such a bad environment. like I get it I want to manifest a better life but its not my fault if I don’t persist or believe.
im not an affirm and persist girly anymore, but i was for a good year or two. all the advice i saw online was to affirm more. "if your desire isn't here yet, you haven't affirmed enough." i trusted this blindly, and i ended up affirming 24/7. it took up my whole life. i'd affirm while hanging out with my friends, while watching tv, while playing video games, while listening to music. and i wasn't getting my desires, even though it had been months. this is what led me to states, even though for a good year i didn't know the term "states".
states make manifesting so easy. you don't have to be in the state all day, because you are constantly shifting in and out of states all day long. you don't have to be perfect, you don't have to dedicate your entire day every day to repeating affirmations. the state you consistently going back to--aka your dwelling state--is what manifests. as long as you go back to the state of having your desire more than you go to the state of NOT having your desire, your desire will manifest.
living in the end is not a load of bull, but it's also not a 24/7 job like some people have made it out to be. let's say your manifesting money. i'm sure there are stretches of time throughout the day where you don't think about money at all. maybe while you're watching tv or reading a book or playing a video game. at that time, you're neither in the state of being rich, nor in the state of being poor. that's why you don't have to be in your desired state 24/7.
manifestation is a tool, it's not a job. we should not be neglecting our lives to affirm 24/7. nor should we be counting our affirmations. manifestation is a natural process. we manifested for years without even knowing we were doing it. we didn't create "neural pathways" or repeat sentences 10,000 times until our mind was saturated. we simply knew (assumed) something to be true, and then it manifested naturally into our 3d reality.
if it's not your fault if you don't persist, then who's is it? you have to take responsibility for everything you do. if you're in a bad environment, i don't blame you for having trouble with persisting or believing. but it's still something you're doing (or not doing). manifestation is your power that can help you get out of whatever situation you're in. especially if it's a situation that has no physical solution. if your only hope to get out of your situation is to manifest your way out, then people like me are here to teach you how to manifest. if you don't want to put in the effort, that's on you.
i know this sounds harsh. but as i explained before, states is very easy. you don't have to believe that everything is cupcakes and rainbows in your 3D when you're seeing the opposite of what you want. but it's not permanent, and you have the power to change the story in your 4D to be something more favorable. change your 4D first, and the 3D will follow. it is safe to think/imagine in your favor. take care of your 3D, don't neglect it. but there is nothing dangerous or high stakes about living in the end in your imagination. living in the end ≠ acting as if. if you're manifesting money and you only have ten dollars to your name, don't spend that money on something you don't need because "that's what a rich person would do." nothing you do in your 3D will effect your manifestation. it doesn't matter if you're not acting like a rich person, as long as you consistently go back to the state of being rich. the only thing you need to do is occupy the state of the wish fulfilled more than you occupy the state of lack, and your 3d will change. my fav way to do this is the distraction technique. the whole purpose of this technique is to shift your state to the wish fulfilled, and then go on about your day without having to constantly think about your desire. which is perfect for someone who doesn't have much time to manifest.
living in the end is not bull, it's one of the most important parts of manifesting. but i hope i've shown you that it isn't as hard as the grind culture that is affirming 24/7 has made it out to be. it's not a job, and it shouldn't take up all of your mental capacity or months of your time. you should be allowed to focus on things other than your manifestation!
anywayz i hope this post has helped someone idk!
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quartzitess · 9 months
Alrighty! New itfts’s out time for me to theorize like alil idiot.
_________________________________ ’
Right now I'm starting to notice a pattern, especially for clocks character. From what I can see he's becoming more aware, more sentient, he's not a strange host like creature (ei. Algebraliens.))
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And from what I can see, a small snippet of an alternate clock (who I will be addressing as obj c, for the sake of simplicity) setting up some popcorn, maybe sitting down at his couch, to watch a movie? To lounge about? To flip some channels.. and doze off, you know, avarage Sunday evening.
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And at the end, as pointed out by user kyndal47 in the comment section of this episode, they point out the fact in the end we can see an image of clock, staring directly back at US, (that's if we bring up the brightness at 11:31, if you wanna see for yourself?)
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My first theory is about clock, more specifically, obj c, we see at the end he's setting up some popcorn to lounge, and from what I can observe. During the elimination, we see green turn into a radio as he gets eliminated. If your alittle observer like me!
(Im lying, I literally had to turn on the captions on my second watch because my silly ass forgot too :b!)
You'd notice greens still saying something.
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“- There IS no coming back”
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“Well, just to philosophize Between two eternities, I realize”
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“it’s just a dream,-”
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“- and my advice”
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“Is don't neglect to”
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“have a nice-”
And it cuts off. Just like that.
“it’s just a dream” r. Green says, “ and my advice is don't neglect to have a nice.., it cuts off, I don't know about you but if I had to assume, I'd like to think the ending to that sentence would've been, have a nice dream.
Have a nice dream? Obj c is dreaming, dreaming of himself being “clock” being a strange host - like creature, and more evidence to support this theory!
We hear our blurred out polka say (in reverse, again thank you user kyndal47 for providing this info) she says “change the channel” multiple times, and followed after by “i can hold Everything together for only so long”.
So from what I can see this is a dreaming obj c, subconsciously flipping through channels, while dreamin’! And perhaps polkas in a sense, a key to those channels, as her “dots” are portals that lead to different dimensions! (aka, channels!)
The blurred out polka is almost a glitched/ altered version of polka that's also more aware? Awake in a sense, she's a small and compact card with dots and her dots are portals to different channels, different channels SHE keeps together (by holding Herself together!) Literally! But when we see her fly out of blurry dot she seems less aware? Almost like she forgot what she said.
Its like when she was brought back again, she forgot a part of who she was, I mean heck! The polka we see in show barely even knows where her portals lead too!
Maybe she's in a sense a direct reflection of the tv were possibly watching the show through? The box that holds everything together, the card with millions of channels complied into one, the channels being represented as “portals” she can let people go through.
And the fact what were watchings a strange midnight amalgamation of a dream where our barely conscious obj c sleepily flips through channels while still stuck in a dream? And yet he still neglects to have a sense of control or logic in what happens in it, he forgets what or why he's here for.
He neglected what it meant to have a nice dream.
(tl , dr)
Clock, (the sentient one we see at the end of itft is addressed as obj c) may or may not be in a dream and polka dot is the key to the channels (aka universes) as her dots are portals that teleport to different places, she's stated in the episode “i can hold everything together for only so long” as supporting the theory she may be a direct reflection of the tv we're watching itft through, and pretty much the entirety of itft is a dream that obj c is stuck in.
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rist-ix · 4 months
Hi Rist! How are you doing? Is life being nice to you? Two questions:
1) I feel like this might’ve been asked before, but I’m not sure, but do you have any plans to make another part to the Sparked “Valtor wins” alt ending, or is that just a one off thing?
And 2) How would Sparked!Valtor, Tbhtbh!Valtor, and Sparked“Valtor wins”!Valtor react if their Bloom was extra mad at them and said they’d only sleep with Valtor if she got to take control?
I’m not sure how the Sparked Valtors will react since this has already (sorta) happened before, but I’m curious.
Take care of yourself and make sure to stay hydrated! 💙
Life is being a BITCH to me personally, but im confident this is just my second act low point and i shall emerge victorious in about 3-5 business days.
1) I do, in fact, have an idea for a second Victory Incarante chapter, but lets be honest, i've been dragging my feet for the next tbhtbh chapter already. I have put myself under strict orders to not write on anything else until this chapter is done.
2) Bold of u to assume that would be a threat and not an incentive to Valtor lol
But I do think there would be differences. Given that VictoryIncarnate!Valtor is a) very aware that Bloom is only here because he has successfully blackmailed her, and b) will run off if she has reason to believe he's no threat anymore, he might wanna overcompensate. Project strength at any cost, meticulously make sure she is aware of his power at any given moment, you know the deal. I think he might be the only one who would actually draw a hard line there, not because he wouldnt enjoy being a pillow princess for once, but because his (more than justified) paranoia wouldnt allow it. ESPECIALLY if Bloom would pose ultimatums like that. He'd see it as a challenge to his superiority, get inter-universal flashbacks of his tbhtbh counterparts Very Bad Three Years, and double down twice as viciously as before. His loss, in my opinion.
Mainline Sparked!Valtor on the other hand is DOWN BAD. He is READY for this. He's spent like an entire week on cloud nine after Bloom took charge for the first time in that dreamscape, the sentence hasnt even fully left Bloom's mouth yet before she realizes the monumental mistake she has made. Now he WILL NOT shut up about it. That threat has failed so badly lmao, now he's intentionally making her mad in order to get her to follow through. If he plays his cards right he'll maybe even get pegged!
And as for Tbhtbh! Valtor... well i guess we'll have to wait and see :3
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reptisoil · 1 year
"Im stuck.." || Chris Kratt x GN! Reader ||
Summary: When Y/n finds themself in a sticky situation, Chris seems to be the only person they can think of to call for help.
Notes: This is my first time writing for Wild Kratts so... Yea, sorry if Chris is too OOC. I think this is also the longest fic I have up at the moment..? Word count is 875 exactly, nice. Anyways, enjoy~
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Y/n, the usually more introverted person on the Tortuga, finally decided to get out and go on a mission with the Kratt Bros. It was simple, just find a squirrel to observe its daily activities and see what they do when nobody is around. But, since they weren't used to this stuff (being out in nature with the brothers), they got distracted and decided to climb a tree to look for a squirrel.
Not a bad idea at face value so they went for it. They climbed a big oak tree with a small hole, perfect for a squirrel to exist in! They went branch by branch, small handhold by small handhold, anything to get to that hole they thought would have a squirrel.
Sitting on top of a nearby branch, they watched the hole for a good half an hour at minimum. They stood as still as possible, waiting for a squirrel to appear. After another half an hour with nothing, they realize a squirrel probably wasn't going to show up so they decided to get down.
Looking down to map out a path between everything the tree had to offer, they realized they couldn't find one that would work. Their first thought was to wing it and just go but then they remembered all the times Martin did that and it didn't work out in his favor - ever. They couldn't think of what to do besides call for help but they could only think of one person, Chris, who was currently busy with his brother on the squirrel thing. This mission really made Y/n dislike squirrels...
After a minute of not thinking of anyone else who could possibly help them, they sighed, "Welp, sorry Chris but Im stuck so.." and rang him on their creature-pod. He picked it up almost immediately.
"Hey! Where'd you get off to? You saw something then disappeared! Got m- us worried!" As Chris spoke, Y/n saw behind him, he was back at the Tortuga so they assumed the squirrel mission was a success.
"Oh, um, I am stuck... In a tree." They nod a tiny bit after their sentence. Chris looked at them with concern and slight shock. "How did you get stuck in a tree, Y/n?"
"Well, I saw this oak tree had a hole in it that looked good for squirrels so I climbed it, not really paying attention to where I was putting my hands and stuff. Im up the tree and can't find a path down..." They explained, now having started hugging the tree while on the call still. Koki spoke in the background, "I've got their coordinates, sent them to your creature-pod, Chris!"
"Okay, thanks Koki!" He turned back to his creature pod, "I'll be right there, Y/n, don't worry, and don't move!" The call ended before Chris could hear their remark, "Wouldn't if I could."
After a few minutes, Chris comes into Y/n's vision. He looked around for a while before they yelled out to him to get his attention. He looked up at them, shock filled his face, "How in the world did you get up there?!"
"I thought a squirrel would be in here!" They let go of the branch they were hugging with one of their hands to wave it around while talking to make a point. After they stopped talking and started to slip, they embraced the branch even harder than before. Chris sighed and quickly climbed to meet them near the hole in the tree, remembering his path so he could guide Y/n down after calming them down.
"Look, I just climbed up, it's not that hard to go back down the same way! Just follow me, and I'll show you! And I promise to catch you if you fall." He gave a reassuring smile and waited for them to sit up on the branch rather than laying on it whilst hugging it. He slowly made his way down the tree and they started after he reached the bottom, following every single thing he told them and trying to remember where he put his foot or hand and when.
Even with being this careful, Y/n managed to slip about three-quarters of the way down. Chris lunged forward to catch them, just like he promised. They smiled at him in a silent thanks for catching them but after he set them down they mumbled a verbal thanks. "What was that?"
"I said, thanks for coming all the way out here just to rescue me from that tree and catching me.. Thanks." A small amount of color dusted their cheeks as they made eye contact with him. He was smirking. He did hear them the first time. Upon realizing this, they lightly punched his arm and he chuckled. "Let's get back to the Tortuga, yea?"
As the two made their way to the flying Wild Kratts HQ, a comfortable silence filled the air. Just before entering, Y/n gave Chris a kiss on the cheek and then walked in as if nothing ever happened. Chris stood there blinking for a solid minute, Martin had to come out and drag him inside but not before he mumbled something. "Im never washing this cheek again..."
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the-holy-ghosted · 4 months
*putting on a moustache and sunglasses*
So like what’s the deal with ghosted what’s that about
now see the deal with Ghosted is that it's not what happens within the events of the film that captivates me so much, though don't get me wrong i love this film to bits, but rather, it's the idea of what happens after the whole thing that makes me FUCKING NUTS
because the whole thing is relatively cut and dry in the sense that we don't have to guess about what happened before and we don't have to guess about how everybody is feeling in the present. we know (MOST) important characters backgrounds and what they're doing at Falkhill and slowly revealing Paul's context was pretty interesting if not a little abrupt at the end there but its the very last scene of this film down to the very frame that flips the whole hour and a half you just watched over on its head and prevents me from getting a good night's sleep because i can't stop thinking about it
explaining the plot of this movie is hard without sounding like im writing a pretentious review and not just talking out of my ass on tumblr but for my followers who haven't watched this movie and dont care enough to: Ghosted (2011) is set in a british prison in which Jack (John Lynch) is a long time prisoner who's wife just dumped him apparently on the anniversary of their sons death (tough break) and is being advised by his friend and cellmate Ahmed (Art Malik) (who does NOT get HALF as much screen-time or plot relevance as he DESERVES,) to find something to put his mind to and be proud of outside of his failures Paul (Martin Compston) is a prisoner who was just transferred out of a Young Offenders prison AS FAR AS WE'RE TOLD... though its noticeable from the beginning that hes not a very good liar and his story is suspicious at best Clay (Craig Parkinson) is kindof The Guy of their prison wing whos dealing drugs to other prisoners and assumes the position of authority over everybody else, though compared to other inmates with bigger cliques, his foundations are shaky. the description of this film on letterboxd calls him "the wing beast" and i have never cried laughing so hard reading something in my life
Clay and Jack both hone in on Paul immediately for different reasons. Jack, after his pep talk with Ahmed, sees Paul as a source of "a little self belief, something to be proud of", but Clay scoops him under his wing for being relatively young and impressionable. This puts Jack and Clay at odds with each other. after some plot, Paul gets into very big trouble with Clay and after An Incident is promptly plopped into Jacks hands, who had requested Paul move into his cell earlier but didn't have a good enough excuse for it. Well You've Got A Bloody Good Reason Now ect ect
Jack and Paul buddy up immediately and its noticable that Paul is sort of filling in the empty space where a son would be for Jack, however we discover that Paul has been lying about his past to everybody, including Jack. he lied about his family and he lied about having only just been transferred from Y.O. and hadn't been telling the whole truth about his sentence. what the truth ends up being, in a nutshell, is that Paul is accidentally responsible for the death of Jack's son, having been the one who started the house fire he died in (we were never even told that Jack's son died in a house fire before this, we are only told this in Paul's flashback at the end of the movie and are supposed to act, like, surprised?? whatever). consequentially, Jack flips his lid and prompts my personal favorite scene in this film in which he beats the living shit out of Paul with his bare hands and immediately regrets it the second the adrenaline wears off, hitting an alarm button within the cell that alerts the guards.
the guards whisk him away and he is put in solitary confinement, which we find out was actually the first sequence of the film where hes shown with an absurdly long beard, and considering every other fucking scene he's in is of him shaving his face, i assume this is to show just how long he's been kept in solitary confinement, which quite honestly was kindof exciting to realize at the end of the film.
and then. the end scene.
after solitary, Jack is put in cuffs and brought to see Paul who looked Extremely Dead after Jack had him, but hes not dead! just almost dead. Jack is sat next to him and tries to apologize but starts to cry, reaching out a hand to hold Paul's but retracting it regretfully. Paul, having looked unconscious not five seconds before, moves his hand to place it over Jack's...
and then the movie ends. and i am left writhing on my floor in anguish BUT NOT BEFORE I EXPLAIN TO YOU THAT THIS
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THIS is what the deal is with Ghosted
the pathetic gestures of "im sorry" and "its okay" are what kill me. sorry is nowhere near enough to justify anything that EITHER of them did, NOR should they be forgiven. AND YET.
and what gets my gears going is the thought of what everything looks like AFTER this scene. after they've bonded so close and after Jack already thought that Paul stopped lying to him, thinking that he could protect Paul from Clay now... after they started to fill the spaces for people they were missing in their lives... and after they've RUINED each others lives. They Have Ruined Each Others Lives and yet Paul probably would have had to DELIBERATELY ASK for them to bring Jack to see him because he just BEAT Paul within an INCH of his life and would NOT !! have brought Jack to see him upon Jack's own request!! Paul would have wanted to see him too!! after all this what does their relationship look like now... the image of father and son has been all but shattered in each other's eyes, one can assume, but are they still close... does the guilt and responsibility drift them apart or does it pull them inseparably together? Ahmed tells Jack that "there is no such thing as coincidence, only fate" but what does their fate look like... does it end here or does it mean that they're together indefinitely? the end of this film swings the door wide open and i think about it. way too often. unacceptably often, even.
all in all theres no reason that this should be my favorite film but it is. if nothing else it's made me look into the other actors involved and branch out with a to-watch list as long as my arm that will only get longer once i branch out from there. is it the perfect movie? no this film is mediocre at best. have i made a number of my friends sit down and watch it and listen to me yell incoherently about it? of course i have.
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ghostlycleric · 1 year
ok, so, i just watched the clip of the pineapple pizza scene at a very reasonable not 3 am time and i have some thoughts.
first off mike starts off sounding like he did in his apology to will. he’s light hearted at first and then goes on to try to fix things with a “about the last few days…” type wording again. this time, though, in the following sentences hes stuttering a lot. with will he was mostly smooth, despite his “i dont knows” and such sprinkled in (which are also in his talk with el, and seem to be in character). mike gets like this when he tries to talk about feelings to el, he loses his confidence that he usually has with others. and because of the interuption the viewer doesnt know if he was going to say “i love you” or “im sorry”… most viewers will assume the former
even after wills van monolouge with all these beautiful loving feelings supposedly belonging to el, even after el outright tells him exactly what he needs to say, and even after having so long to mull his feelings over mike is still unsure. this speaks volumes. (this can just be attributed to being embarrassed about expressing love, which i cant really push out of the picture, but it just doesn’t seem right when you compare this talk with his talk with will “its hawkins, its not the same without you” “i feel like i lost you or something” etcetc)
and this isnt even the biggest part of it!!
LOOK AT ELS REACTION TO “i just wanted to say that—” [obvious build up to some sort of confession]
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is this a look you’d give your boyfriend of however many years when you thought he was finally going to say he loved you????? the camera specifically zooms in on this expression as the music swells!!
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she doesnt smile throughout the entire sequence, she looks sad?? i dont even know what to say, this is just an insane expression for a supposedly endgame couple. he seemed like he was going to confess, or at least say sorry and els reaction doesnt match that. (remind you of a certain scene at the end of season 3??? mikes reaction to her first i love you…)
and just to put the nail in the ships coffin, argyle interupts saying “surfs up ROMEO”. could the writers be any clearer??? completely setting aside the whole star-crossed lovers are actually doomed and its not romantic thing— the writers explicitly made fun of love at first sight both on their twitter and IN THE SHOW (argyle and eden) (mike is disgusted by them too!!) and then they put several MORE nails in their coffin by making mike claim that he loved her when they first met in his monolouge!!!
and even after this situation, where mike couldve been rebuilding courage or preparing himself atleast a little bit…
i havent been so sure of the “el was going to breakup with him” theory but right now it seems so clear, ill look back on it later and see if i still see the same thing.
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heart2beom · 2 years
2. how to get fired
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SYNOPSIS a romcom office series; in which you're a huge romantic at heart but the shitty men you attract leaves you with countless failed relationships. then, you meet choi soobin. in an elevator. he isn't interested in you, he finds you annoying, and he clearly has zero respect for you, so why the hell are you so bent on making him like you?
AUTHOR NOTE the way im literally killing my engagement by delaying my posting time so early on in this fic..tsk tsk. whatever, at this point, im writing this for fun
previous | masterlist | next
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Your history with men: long, futile, possibly traumatic -- which, you guess, is more reference of the ends of your relationships, but besides the point. The most important of all, of course, is how all of the men you've dated liked you more than you did them.
You don't mean to brag, really, but despite those relationships ending, it always starts off incredibly well. By making the first moves -- subtly to not risk a man's toxic masculinity hurting his ego, you get a guy right there, right under your fingertips.
It's worked for years, after trial and error, trial and error, your N.U.T strategy, originally developed in your sophomore of high school, has proved to be successful in all regards of getting a man.
Yes, the names silly, albeit best to remember you were a teen, but changing the acronym would mean changing the magic...the steps work! It's simple really, because it goes like the following:
N = NAME rule: repeat his name as much as possible (higher success rate with aegyo)
A week after the blonde had joined the team, Chaewon already decided to use him as an excuse. Inviting everyone to dinner on tuesday, because apparently it was to celebrate blonde's one week anniversary at the job. Apparently.
Beomgyu was the one who first started the dinner after work thing and everyday, you remember to sleep hating the man for leaving this legacy behind because even when the asshole left, it continued on, to your dismay. Chaewon was apparently his successor, because she had taken the role of pestering everybody about work dinners the moment he left.
Hanging out with your colleagues after work was such a bizarre thought. Not only was it a direct violation of your strict Separate Work Life from Personal Life policy, it was unnecessary. When she first invited you, you wondered if there were genuinely psychos who would go out of their way to hang out with people that remind them of work.
You didn't have to wonder for too long. Coincidentally (not) enough, the psychos were all around you. The entire office would frequently go out after work with the exception of you and Mr. Geuk, your manager. Who was never really invited in the first place.
"Hey! Fake blonde!" you shouted out to your colleague, who you found was in the elevator. Which really seemed to be the only place you could talk to him.
This time, different to before, he had acknowledged you and reached out to press a button. You expected it to close so you hurried your pace towards the elevator, but it didn't, it stayed open.
A bloom of proudness spread across your chest, was you mentally preparing to got through with N.U.T so incredibly powerful he already got effected? It truly seemed like it.
When you walked in, you looked over to him for a bit. Until you broke into a little smile. "Hey, thanks for—"
Your sentence was interrupted the minute your eyes fell onto Chaewon's figure, the back of her little bob right in your face.
She turned to you to give a little thanks — which you assume is about the elevator being left open. You just nodded, shamelessly taking the credit.
But when she turned around to face the closing elevator, you lightly scoff. If he didn't see Chaewon behind you, he would've let the elevator close like normal, meaning N.U.T wasn't powerful enough to transcend human capabilities, it was a shame.
It was also incredibly awkward. Your proudness deflated and the elevator still going as slow as ever.
"Y/N, do you really not want to go out with us today?" Chaewon suddenly spoke up.
You don't know why you took the time to pretend like you were thinking about it since her back was facing you, but you did anyway. "Sorry Won, just can't."
She turned herself to you again. "But why" she drawled, pouting.
"You know...you know how busy I get..." you lied, making sure to avoid eye contact.
But it didn't help you out too much. Chaewon figured you'd lie, as she just exhaled, knowing you wouldn't budge on your policy. Maybe the lie would've held up if you haven't been audibly complaining in the office about how you have nothing to do, practically every other week.
"It's a small get together, right?"
You looked at the person next to you, then you and Chaewon looked at each other, than back at the blonde, both of you clearly being startled that he spoke.
"Um, yeah. Yeah! It's just the people at work at some old diner and stuff."
"Well, I'll be there then." he said, to which Chaewon froze, then frantically nodded, smiling ear to ear, no sign of her previous sulky face, telling him the details of...whatever, you weren't listening really.
You only stood there, with your hand tightened on your bag as you let your thoughts go far too deep. You know Kim would've asked him out to the dinner, she invites anyone and everyone — with the exception of Mr. Geuk. You figured from that information alone that the blonde initially rejected the invite.
So the sudden change of heart baffled you, it left you confused. It wasn't like she added any new inciting information; she just asked whether or not you were coming.
Which you emphasized you weren't...and like a bulb lit up above your head, you've solved the mystery in a matter of seconds.
The elevator had reached the lobby floor, the elevator door open, exiting a hurried blonde.
You've figured who the blonde was by the one week of observation — he wasn't an easy man. But by this interaction alone, you'd concluded who he was -- a savage, an evil, annoying preppy little blonde.
So, you did what you promised to never do — turn into a psycho.
You ran to catch up a little to Chaewon, who was only a few steps ahead of you.
Before she could say anything, you interrupted with an inhale, then an exhale, giving up your life long policy. "I'm coming too." you said, dropping the bombshell.
"To the after work dinner, of course."
It was silent, for a bit as you both stared at each other.
"Oh, cool!"
You were most definitely hoping for a more enthusiastic response, but that was forgotten quickly.
Which is how you found yourself grumbling, as you had your arms folded holding a storming grudge, sitting right across of the blonde, dimpled, gigantic, ass. You made sure to push Sunghoon out the way to get the chair right in front of the little asshole, to which the silver haired rolled his eyes at.
There was a need bubbling inside your gut, a need to destroy the blonde…and also find out his issue with you. Other than you planning his doom, which, he doesn’t know about. He shouldn’t know about.
You had Chaeryeong, who was practically five seats away from you, squeezed in the tables corner, very confused, practically asking you hurd of questions with her eyebrows. You tried to make her understand but alas, you're no expert in transmitting information without using the art of the tongue, and it was getting awkward with everyone looking between the two of you, so you just shook your head at Chaeryeong in a way of saying 'not now'.
Which was simple enough for her to nod, and hesitantly tune back into the conversation with the rest — being Chaewon the bob cut, Sunghoon the idiot, Jaehyun the hot douche, Sakura the cool one, and Yunjin the intern. You figured the conversation wasn’t so hot to jump yourself into.
In the duration of the team dinner, you found it extremely hard to start up a conversation with the man across from you. He was right there, why did it feel like there was a literal gigantic wall between the two of you? You snapped yourself out of it by shaking your head, you were getting distracted and discouraged.
You had to follow up with N.U.T, no matter what.
"Hey!" you said chirply. You made sure in front of him, you slightly slammed your hand on the table, which, thank goodness, finally caught his attention. He smiled a little tightly, but it was a smile regardless.
Which you completely forgot to plan ahead of time, you were expecting him to ignore you again -- you even mentally prepared to make a scene and throw a drink at his face.
"Hi!" you said again, as a form of a greeting this time.
"Hey, Y/N." he replied.
And, as a direct result of your lack of planning, this was your first strike of crisis. Your head was blank, trying to search for names to match up with his face but the only thing popping up was, sickly, fake blonde.
Your faux confidence was deflating all the more, nervousness cracking a little more through the facade. "Hi, uh,"
His brow perked up, the polite smile he put up, dropped. Completely.
And so, your brain went into full red emergency blaring mode. "Hi So..hyun?"
His expression was far from impressed.
You had it in there somewhere, it was in there. "Soo...hyung?" you said again with the ends of your lips trembling.
"Um, my name is—"
"No!", you yelled out of impulse, which proved to be a mistake since it caught the attention of the entire table.
"What happened?", Chaewon asked, worried.
"Nothing, nothing. I was just—"
"She shit her pants." Jaehyun interrupted, which then shifted the entire table's focus on to him. He shrugged. "I don't know, she looks constipated."
"What? Nope, no, I'm not going to engage with this when we're in an out of work setting." you raise your hands in surrender then drop them, "Seriously, guys. It's nothing, continue talking about Die Hard...or something."
"Nobody... was talking about Die Hard." Chaeryeong said, which you figured was out of instinct. You glared at her, and thankfully she took the hint quickly as she made an 'O' shape. When she weirdly carried their not Die Hard conversation again, you and the blonde were made sure to be excluded.
You turn your full focus on the guy, seeing that a subtle pout was formed on his lips as he looked at the group, looking like he wanted to desperately join in. You sighed at the site; he was pitiful.
You composed yourself preparing to take one last shot. "It's Soomin right?"
"Soobin. It's Soobin." he said, cattier than earlier.
"Ah..." you nodded, your brows knitted together. "Are you sure? I clearly remember manager calling you Soomin!" you were digging yourself a bigger hole the more you talked, but no matter how many times you tried, you couldn't stop yourself from talking.
"You silly goose, you're trying to prank me! Just a warning though, I'm not the biggest prank fan." you said awkwardly following that up with a chuckle.
And to that he had his brows deeply furrowed, to which you respond with a dropped smile.
"Me and you, S-soomin," you said the name hesitantly, gulping felt like you were swallowing down shame. It was painful, incredibly painful. "Soomin, I just know we're going to be very good friends. Me and you," you point to him then back to your face. "A couple of best friends."
He didn't respond to that, rather just nodded, then refocused his attention on a totally irrelevant, not Die Hard conversation that was happening beside you both.
You had to take your shot or giving up your policy was going to turn out to be a complete waste. So, you cleared your throat, "Or perhaps lovers." you said under your breath.
He heard. Oh, did he hear. He snapped his head to you, again, with the same raised brow.
You gave him a quick smile, your eyes wandering down to the surface of the table as your lips kissed your teeth in embarrassment.
This was harder than you imagined.
But thus, you learned a new, valuable lesson. N.U.T wasn't fool proof, sometimes, a step might fall through, and when that happens, you need to remind yourself that human beings are diverse creatures—men are diverse creatures.
One step might not work, or can't work, but it didn't guarantee your complete failure. In fact, you had two more steps—frankly, better steps.
U = UNEXPECTED TOUCH rules: little touches, as unexpected as possible
Its been a few weeks after the Soomin incident, and you've learned to build up your relationship with the blonde in hopes of making the second step not be abrupt. So far, you've been ...failing. You don't even see him in the decade old elevator anymore! It was getting bad.
"So, what? Your nutting plan isn't working anymore?"
You snapped your focus from Soobin to the girl behind the desk you were leaning on, Chaeryeong.
"First of all, keep your voice down!" you hissed. "And second of all, it's called nut because I used to really like nuts in high school. It has nothing to do with nutting."
"For some reason, I'm having a hard time believing that." she said, then you rolled your eyes, shifting your attention back to the distressed blonde on a call.
"It's kind of funny though, if you think about it." you mumbled, reaching for the oatmeal cookie jar.
"Nutting? Not really."
"Oh my god Chae," you groan looking back at her again, "I'm talking about Soobin!"
Her lips make an O shape in realization, as she rests her forearm on the desk. "What's funny about him?" she whispered.
"How he's completely avoiding me." you mumbled as you noticed him getting up from his chair, heading to what you think would be the printing room.
"Okay, I have to go. Give me a high five for good luck." you quickly said raising your hand, Chaeryeong raising hers to slap yours, completely out of loop.
Then off you went, with a cookie you don't want in your hands, speed walking to catch Soobin in the printing room.
And thankfully, you weren't wrong. You noticed his back hunched over the printer.
"Want some help?" you asked, to which he turned around. You expected to see a horrified expression with the way hes been avoiding you, but he just had a small smile as he nodded.
Chaeryeong's high five...you have to thank her later.
"It's not printing for some reason. I have no idea why." he mumbled, stepping back to make way for you to take a look.
"Well..." putting your hands on your hips, you looked at the printer. The one thats been here since the building was founded. The thing is, no one knew how to make it work, it was spontaneous. It worked, then it didn't.
But you weren't going to tell Soobin that.
You put your free hand on his shoulder, looking directly into his eyes. "Soobin—hey look, I know your name now!" your changed tone was that of excitement but Soobin was left confused. So you cleared your throat, your voice deeper. "Soobin, I am so glad that you reached out to me. With courage like yours, I'd think you were an ex veteran. And I feel like, through this interaction, we can be the great friends that I promised you we would be. And maybe, something more—"
He pushed your hand away from his shoulder. "I was just asking for help with the printer?"
"I was just asking for help with the printer" you mimicked him in a mocking tone, you'd like to look back and believe this was your way of bantering. But he definitely didn't think so, with his face scrunched up at the impersonation. You shrugged. "Soobin, this is a bonding moment between two colleagues. Maybe friends, maybe two flirting buddies—"
"How are we anything more than colleagues?"
"Hey, what's going on here?" you looked at the door to see Sunghoon poking his head in, then you rolled your eyes.
"I just needed help with the printer." Soobin said pointing with his thumb to the back.
“Oh, that thing?", you glared at the boy in hopes of sending him a signal to shut up, but alas, it was no use. He just gave you a weird look back before continuing. "If it doesn't work, it's not going to work. You're better off with the printer in the manager's office."
"Ah, I didn't know that. Thanks."
You cursed under your breath as you saw Sunghoon walk away through the glass wall.
"I was about to tell you that. But you interrupted me." you said holding up a forced smile.
“You know I have, like, a hundred clients on hold? You completely wasted my time on purpose!"
"Okay, let's calm down. Hear me out." he raised his brow, waiting for you to continue. "Having a good relationship with your colleague is proven to be important—"
He rolled his eyes, as he dropped his hands to his sides, preparing to walk away.
"Soobin, look—"
"I would like it if you called me Mr. Choi from now on." he said coldly, turning away to leave the printing room.
And that was that. This man officially hated you.
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"Don't you think it was too easy for him to hate me? I only stalled for what, three seconds? And suddenly I'm wasting his precious time?" you sulked, staring down at your cup of coffee.
"What's stopping you from hitting him with nut's final blow?" Chaeryeong asked, then tilted her head. "Nevermind, probably a restraining order."
Like a light bulb switched on once again, you turned to face Chaeryeong. "No, but you're right. The last step is the most impactful." Chaeryeong shook her head to stop you from continuing, which was a failed attempt.
"Hear me out, okay. It could reverse his dislike for me, like I'm not even trying to make him fall in love with me anymore, I'm just trying to not make it awkward working next to him. Frankly, I'm really thinking for the team here, It'll be good for the work environment."
"Right." she drawled, narrowing her eyes at you as she took a sip of her coffee.
"If you don't believe me, watch." you said, getting up from your chair, keeping your head up high, as you walked out of the break room.
You found Soobin still sitting at his desk, using the computer. Everybody else was either in the break room, or outside eating lunch, but he was just there.
Looking at...hedgehogs?
When you squinted your eyes to see the search more clearly, you found it was 'hedgehog pet food'. It was odd, but you smirked to yourself as you slowly approached him.
You had material for your last step.
T = TAKE INTEREST rules: in his interests
"Hey." you breathed out. Soobin jumped a little, immediately closing the hedgehog tab. Then, he spinned his chair around to you, collecting himself.
"I'm so sorry for earlier today, you know, wasting your time and stuff."
His eyes widened a bit in shock, then he cleared his throat, holding up a smile. "Oh. Well, thanks for apologizing."
You nodded. "Yeah, you know, I just get so weird at work when I don't get enough sleep. My hedgehogs keep me up at night, it's a nightmare."
"Wait, you have hedgehogs?" his brow perked up.
Again, you nodded, that time with a smile of achievement. "Mhm, yeah. People say from time to time, 'oh it must be so easy', and I'm just like, go get yourself a hedgehog first." you were getting in character as you talked, arms folded.
“No, exactly. People think it's so easy!"
"Oh my god, wait. You have a hedgehog too?" you asked, fauxing disbelief, slack-jawed.
"Yeah, I do. Only one though. I heard its hard with multiple." he said.
"It is." you mouthed which earns you Soobin's light chuckle, his eyes morphing into crescents.
"Hey," your brows perk up at him speaking up. "I'm sorry for you know, getting mad at you. You were just trying to be friendly—"
"So, here's what I'm getting. Everyone with the exception of me, is betting on Soobin not falling in love with Y/N by the end of the month?" you heard Yunjin say, very loud and very clear.
Your eyes widened as you looked at Soobin, who was very confused, back to Yunjin, who was walking backwards, facing Chaewon, Jaehyun, Sunghoon, and Sakura. They were just coming in from outside, holding the lunch they promised to get.
When Yunjin turned around, she stopped at her tracks, looking at Soobin who had now stood up from his chair, then you, who was already standing.
You inhaled then exhaled, your arms crossed as you bit down on your bottom lip.
"Shit." you said under your breath.
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"So...so what I'm hearing is that you made up this stupid plan—"
"It's called nut." you muttered.
"You know that's not helping you out, right?" he scoffed, turning around to the side to quickly run through his hair.
Soobin had publicly embarrassed you by giving you a 'we need to talk', and making you follow him like a child to the printing room. Which, isn't known to be a friend to privacy.
He was practically scolding you right in the open, the glass walls showing the scene to employees outside.
"Look, I don't know how they found out. I only told this to Chaeryeong."
"The receptionist? Are you insane? Of course it'll get out if you tell the receptionist at work!" he hissed, then he exhaled, his shoulders dropping a bit.
"Was this, like, your way of hazing me? Be honest."
Would this get you out of trouble? You weren't going to admit that you did this to plan his doom.
Or make him think you did it because you liked him.
You finally nodded. "Yeah. Its like a tradition. We even did it to Yunjin when she first came."
"You bet on her falling in love with you? By the end of the month?"
"Yeah. People do this type of hazing a lot in sales." you lied. "I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."
"Well, that's weird. Because it's quite literally against the rules." when he saw your eyes widen, and your composure breaking, he continued, "Hazing is qualified as harassment to HR."
And then, boom. The final blow.
"Ah. I see!" you squeaked, your anxiousness reaching an all time high. "Well, good thing this was just friendly, you know, games." you said as you quickly headed to leave the room.
"I'm going to report you to HR." he said, as you reached out for the door knob. You spinned around, with hands on your hips, and a trembling smile. You took a deep breath in.
"You know what's so great about this country? Freedom! And rights! You have the right to report me to HR, and—and seriously, I commend you for it. So, you know, good luck." you said, then turned around to the door, a curse slipping out your mouth.
Then, you turned around to face Soobin again. "I would, though, like, appreciate it if you didn't. But, you know, your choice." you corrected your earlier statement, chuckling awkwardly.
Soobin only gave you a tight lipped smile, one that highlighted his dimples. Which just confirmed your doom.
You finally walked out, stomping to the break room. You needed to know how everyone found about this.
Everyone's gaze fell upon you when you walked in, the mood being tense.
"He's reporting me to HR." you finally said, breaking the silence.
"What? Wow, you bothered him that bad?" Sunghoon said.
"Oh my god, is she going to get fired?" Yunjin added. "Before me?"
You rolled your eyes, pulling out a chair to sit down, your energy was at a complete low. Your attention snapping to Jaehyun, who was chewing his fried chicken loudly.
"Can you close your mouth when you eat asshat?!" you snapped.
"Jesus—alright, alright." he said putting his wing down.
"Y/N, I don't want to say I told you so, but I really want to." Chaeryeong whined, flailing your arm around. You glared at her, but nod to give her permission. You definitely deserved it.
"I told you so." she whispered, which earned her Chaewon's shaking head in disapproval. "What? It felt good, if anyone's wondering."
“I think I can go convince him not to report you." Sakura spoke up.
You shot your head up to Sakura. "Wait, seriously? Oh my god, you're a genius—a mentee has to practically obey their mentor. Thank you so much Kkura, you're seriously the best."
She lightly laughed. "I mean, I'll try. I don't know if it'll actually work."
You blowed her kiss, mouthing a thank you, pouting at how cool she is.
"So, when exactly are you guys going to makeout?"
And, the moment was ruined.
You flipped off Jaehyun, to which he responded with sticking out his tongue immaturely. But then that reminded you of the reason you came here in the first place and your face soured.
"Wait, how did you guys know about the bet? I mean, it wasn't technically a bet—how did you guys know?"
Chaewon spoke up this time. "You told us. At the diner a few weeks ago. You don't remember?"
You shook your head, brows knitted as you slowly tried to recollect the memory.
"God, you must've been really wasted."
In conclusion, you caused your own downfall.
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For the rest of the week, you tiptoed around your manager. Especially after Sakura informed you that Soobin wasn't budging. You don't know what you thought it would do, Mr. Geuk was known to be spineless, he wouldn't fight for you to stay if HR determined that you had to leave. But you weren't in the position to risk anything, so you really tried to suck it up.
Mr. Geuk was easy, but exhausting to please. Another week went by, and every minute felt like you would be called up to his office and told about your termination. So, you went back to the break room, to prepare a plate of tea and a sandwich—you truly were a slave at this point on.
When you walked to approach his office, the tray in your hands, you heard yelling. Then immediately, the door burst open with Soobin coming out. He gave you a quick glare, but then went on to ignore you. When you saw him go, you hesitantly walked in the office.
"Mr. Geuk? I prepared you some food, I know the job gets hard." you said smiling, putting the tray on the small coffee table.
"Ah, thank you. You didn't have to, but thank you." he said smiling to you.
You walked over to his desk slowly. "What happened with Soobin?"
He sighed. "I really thought I'd get another you, but I think now I've just come to appreciate your skills a lot more." you raised a brow, waiting for him to continue. "He's a horrible salesman!" he yelled throwing his hand up.
"Way worse than Chaewon. He's driving all our clients away!"
"Ah..." you said quietly. "Are you thinking of... firing him?" you asked with a glint of hope. It was low of you, but if he was gone, that meant you weren't going to get fired. Of course that would make you attempt to bite away a smile.
"What? No! I mean, I wish! But we don't have the resources to go through another hiring process." he said, groaning as he spinned around in his chair. "Fuck, did you see that little brat? Stomping out when I gave him just a little more hours as punishment!"
You sighed. If the manager wasn't going to fire him, that meant Soobin was going to stay. You had to do something.
"Boss, don't scold him too much." you reluctantly mumbled.
"Huh?" he sneered. He stopped spinning, facing you now.
"I mean, he's practically a rookie. I wasn't the best when I first started working here, you know? He just needs a little guiding, I promise. Just... lay off the hours." you bit your bottom lip, "Pretty please?" you clasped your hands together, pouting.
He exhaled, shoo'ing you away. "Alright, alright, I'm trusting you. Go back to work."
You nodded, a smile forming at the ends of your lips as you exit the office.
You looked to find Soobin, but he wasn't at his desk. So, you tried the next best thing.
The printing room.
"What are you doing?"
Soobin was, once again, hunched over the printer. This time, poking the inside of it with a pen. When he turned his head to see you, he rolled his eyes, ignoring your question.
"That's a lot of attitude for someone who's bad at their job." you blurted.
"The manager told you." he concluded, sighing. You nodded, your arms folded, smugness overtaking your pose.
"I'm trying to fix the printer." he said, turning back to it.
"With a pen?" you asked in disbelief. "Hey, if you're doing this to impress Mr. Geuk, don't, it won't work."
"What? Seriously? So, what will? I can't get stuck with unpaid overtime this week." you didn't respond, choosing to stay silent, to which he responded to with a groan. "Look, I'll—I'll drop the HR complaint. Just tell me how to get the manager off my back, you're clearly on his good side."
You bright up, walking over to him now. "We should make a deal first."
He cocked his head to the side when you snatched the pen from his hand and took a sheet of paper from the printer. "A peace treaty, let's make a peace treaty." you corrected yourself, writing the title Soobin & Y/N peace treaty.
"Also, permission to call you Soobin?" you asked tilting your head, still holding the smug smile.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." he mumbled.
All there is to say, was that once again, you managed to dig yourself out of your own hole — successfully.
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prismuffin · 2 years
heyyy, so I was wondering if I could also request something without a reader? Like, i'd like to request for Price/Ghost because i am really really deprived of that ship. For some reason I like the rare ones. If not, it's fine. Anyway, so if you do then drabbles maybe? I'm sorry for this mess, I am nervous about asking.
A/n: it’s ok don’t be nervous love- even though I don’t ship it myself I don’t mind giving you some content for your underrated ship !!
John Price x Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
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warnings?: mentions of nightmares but no details, truly just a fluffy Drabble that I didn't know how to end, so im sorry if it's abrupt or feels incomplete!!
Price sighed as he made his way to his room. He had to stay out a bit later than he’d hoped and all that was on his mind now was his bed. Just envisioning himself flopping onto his bed and wrapping himself up in his covers was enough to make him quicken his walking pace. Finally getting to the door, he opened it, hearing the familiar squeak that he always swore he was gonna fix. He closed the door behind him with another sigh before his breath hitched. There on the edge of his bed sat Ghost, he was fidgeting with his hands. His balaclava still on despite the late hours. His head immediately snapped to the door as it opened, his shoulders relaxing as his eyes met Price’s. Knowing what was happening, Price wordlessly walked closer to the buff male and stood between his legs and opened his arms to allow Ghosts head to fall right into his chest. Ghost let out a sigh of what Price assumed to be relief as he rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. “Couldn’t sleep?” “Negative.” Ghost immediately replied, his voice was firm though it quieted down on his next sentence. “I was waiting for you, sir.” Price nodded and hummed, shifting his position so that he was sitting in Ghosts lap, both of their heads resting on the others shoulder as they wrapped each other in an embrace.
One time Price caught Ghost having a silent panic attack in the common room after he awoke from a nap on the couch. It was very late and Ghost thought he was alone, but Price helped him through it by holding him in his arms on the couch and allowing Ghost to open up for once. Now it happens every so often, ghost will have one of his night terrors and will seek out Price for help. Even if its the dead of night Price will always open that door for Ghost. Sometimes he wants to talk and other times he doesn't, this seems to be one of the times he doesn't seeing as he's not quietly ranting about the nightmare in Price's ear. This time Ghost would just like to be held, comforted, wrapped in the arms of his captain. His eyes squeezed shut as he instinctively held the man tighter. Ghost wasn't sure what label his relationship with Price held, they were obviously closer to each other but he's like that with Soap as well. But he doesn't get that flutter in his chest from Soap that he feels with Price so maybe it's something more? "You should get some sleep Simon.." Price's voice whispered in his ear and he sighed, leaning back on the bed, taking Price with him. They both landed with a huff from the impact. Price smiled and shook his head at Ghost's antics before climbing off of him and getting under the covers, beckoning Ghost to follow. He did, and collapsed right into his captains arms, reluctantly closing his eyes as Price turned off the lamp by his bed.
( can you tell I didn't know how to end this. )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info first!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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