#not trying to be mean
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Fanon: Scarecrow refers to Riddler as "Nygma"
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bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky · 2 years ago
an actor who you don’t know and will never know got married. and if you love him, you should be happy for him. but I’ve seen some real sour puss comments about it.
you don’t know the ins and out of his life or his relationships. and he was never going to marry you.
the parasocial relationship is strong with this one.
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liv-or-die · 2 months ago
Is Luffy's brain made out of rubber?
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toughtttz · 17 days ago
Wasn't target like. founded here.. yes we have target /lh
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reddthekingg · 2 months ago
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Im in maths study and I don't wanna study so I drew this instead
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plxnetn1ne · 10 months ago
since everyone in this fandom and their mum seem to be giving their piece about the ‘update’ coming to Hogwarts Legacy on the 6th, i figured id give my piece even if no one has asked
ive been seeing a lot of posts and replies about how “we should just take what we get and be grateful” and “the devs are working hard, do you know how hard game development is?”
im very aware of how difficult game development can be and how mentally taxing it is. i dont doubt that they’ve been through the mill.
the update is trash. its that simple. we’re allowed to feel upset about it, and for people saying that its not fair to be upset — it is fair. we shouldnt have to expect the bare minimum from a game that sold 22 million copies and reached nearly 2 billion dollars in revenue, a game that had 14 nominations for awards and 3 wins.
we were told we were getting a summer update alongside the Haunted Hogsmeade quest — the quest they promised to release to PC and Xbox in march when the game celebrated one year of release. they said, and i quote;
“As we near the one-year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy, we wanted to let our community know that the Hogwarts Legacy PlayStation-exclusive content will be available on other platforms later this summer, along with additional updates and features for the game. Stay tuned in the coming months for more details on what’s coming to Hogwarts Legacy this year.” copy and pasted straight from Hogwarts Legacy’s official twitter page. along with additional updates and features to the game.
yes — i know, thats a very vague statement. it could have been taken in any way, but typically when additional updates and features — plural — is put into a sentence, you assume that there will be more than one new feature. it wasnt wrong for the community to assume that there was more than a few new additions coming to the game.
okay, we got photo mode — thats great for console players, but it isnt new for us PC players. im happy for my console buddies that finally get to bring their mc to life in the way ive been able to. im looking forward to seeing the uptick in photos upon the updates release. PC and Xbox got the new haunted hogsmeade quest, and thats great, considering the release of it was delayed by 3 months, but atleast we’re getting it. but basically. PS5 was fucked in the process, because everything minus photo mode is stuff they already had, and honestly, thats not fair. and double honest — thats not an update. thats the release of exclusive content plus a new addition.
for several months a summer update was hyped up, and the result was…. ps5 getting fucked, a photo mode that im going to bet my ass on will be buggy as all hell, and some cosmetics. so no — i wont be grateful. especially when we keep getting promised things and then getting fucked by a hot iron in the process. because i havent forgotten the documentary that was supposed to come out, and i still remember during September when they hyped up a digital surprise for Back to Hogwarts day and it ended up being 30 percent off on a game most of us already had, only for the game to go on sale for half off the following Nov/Dec for the holiday sales.
since the release of the game, modders have been basically picking up the slack by working their asses off to create bug fixes, better cosmetic options, enhanced schedules, companions, and so much more to keep the community somewhat entertained. this as well as the file miners that are constantly digging things up that we were robbed of, like the relationship list for companions, gaunt manor, other house specific quests, more quests concerning Isadora, on and on. on top of this, ive seen first hand how much of the outer parts of the map was developed only to be cut out. i spent a solid hour and a half today using free cam to fly around the outskirts of the map — buildings, caves, entire areas laid out for towns or poacher camps, all thrown out on top of all of the discarded quests and content.
and while im at it — ill be one of the few to say it, but Hogwarts Legacies storyline was not well thought out, or at the very least it wasnt very well portrayed. there were hundreds of questions we were left with upon beating the game. where did Anne go? what happened to the keepers after the final battle? why wasnt Isadora in her portrait? what were the keepers hiding? did inhaling the magic actually make a difference or was it just for shock value? how much of Isadora’s story did we miss? how was the undercroft tied in with Isadora when it was apparently a Gaunt secret? what even really was the undercroft?
yes, i know — “well arent they making a second one?” and yeah, im pretty sure they are, and maybe thats why we’ve gotten nothing more than a pile of bricks in the last year and a half. but, they should probably finish the first game before starting on a second.
this doesnt mean i dont love Hogwarts Legacy. i love the people ive met, the stories ive read, and i love capturing the screenshots i take from that game. the entire situation is just frustrating to no end.
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zimthesilly · 2 months ago
If you dislike spiders and don't have an actual good reason for it, I'm sorry but you genuinely make me feel sad cuz spiders are 8 legged puppies.
And no, I'm not saying you don't have validity if you suffer from arachnophobia, I mean people who just go "eww, icky, giant bug".
If you genuinely are scared of them, I respect that 100%. Phobias are phobias, but I'm referring to people who go "ewww icky bugs why do you want THAT as a pet???" THOSE PEOPLE are genuinely fucking rude.
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johanna-swann · 5 months ago
Are some of the Buddie fans aware that they're creating their own feedback loop?
(Some) Fans are really excited about Buddie. So the journalists, some of them Buddie shippers themselves and keen to feed their avid readers (and get their clicks), keep asking questions about it. The actors have to answer those questions in some sort of way, even if only to say that they have a strong platonic bond and amazing friendship. That leads to headlines like "Buck & Eddie closer than ever" and stuff like that. Which gets even more fans even more excited about potential Buddie canon. Which leads journalists to ask more questions about it and write about 911 through the Buddie lense which draws more attention to the Buddie circles online which leads journalists to write more about- You get what I'm saying.
Meanwhile the actors keep talking about the FRIENDSHIP and PLATONIC bond, about Ryan Guzman and Eddie Diaz both having to figure out how not being the tough guy all the time and having a sensitive side DOESN'T mean they're gay or unmanly, about how important and beautiful it is to have that coming out scene between a bisexual man and his HETEROSEXUAL male friend.
But journalists keep phrasing headlines in ways that suggest Buddie canon is almost upon us, even though the words the actor actually said were him doubling down on Eddie being straight and struggling with his (conservative) upbringing for other reasons.
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megumibex · 8 months ago
I've just read volume 5 of thousand autumns and I loved it to pieces but couldn't help but notice a lot of errors in the translation. Some were (imo) relatively minor things like typos which I'd let slide. But there were a few instances where the translator mixed up character or sect names. The one that stood out was a line that said Bai Rong was part of Huanyue sect rather than Hehuan.
Dear sevenseas,
The plot is already confusing and dense enough don't make things harder by not hiring a proofreader.
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today’s religion is tomorrow’s mythology.
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forkalamari · 1 year ago
I love how when Security Breach and Ruin came out everyone characterized Sundrop as a pure bean incapable of doing wrong for all eternity despite his mania
And then we get to HW2 and he calls preschool-level art absolute garbage straight to the face of its creator
Like. I’m not even joking I find this hilarious
I STILL think Sundrop is pure but he is SO SASSY AND MEAN IN HW2 when we (including me) all collectively decided that Sundrop is this little dollop of happiness and sunshine 😭😭😭😭😭
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libby-for-life · 8 months ago
Hi Dear Author,
We would like to invite you to join Anymate, a platform filled with anime, fics, OCs, and game enthusiasts. Our founders are originally from the country, where access to fanfiction, AO3, RPFs, etc., are restricted. Therefore, we decided to move to Canada last year and officially launched Anymate. Our mission is to share heartfelt fics with a global audience of fans.
We welcome all imaginative creators to share their stories and character ideas. Our platform offers subscription benefits and leaderboard earnings for characters, games, and story categories, which are determined by reader votes. The reward in each of these three categories is up to $1000 every month. Creating more content means more fun and rewards for you. Readers can also engage with you through comments and discussions, fostering a community driven by passion and creativity.
Join us at www.any-mate.com or download the Anymate app. Let me know if you're interested; we look forward to reading your stories!
Many Thanks!
Yo, I don't want to be mean...but does this sound like a scam?
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greatdarkqueen · 7 months ago
I feel like a 10 year trial run of our new yearly millionaire drowning sacrifice ritual to appease Poseidon and stop climate change should be informative enough to decide if we need even more drastic measurements..
For science ofcourse...
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mistermalaprop · 22 days ago
If Wildbreak were to be in your ES!Knockout story, would he be half Siren?
while i like the concept of merfolk and stuff, i'm not doing anything with it. just to answer the question, because he's my KO, I would say yes, Wildbreak would be half-siren.
and just to add on bc it's a part of es!KO-- Aftermath wouldn't be any percent siren as he spawned from Breakdown and the emberstone. and unless the emberstone spawns siren, there's no chance for him.
if you like the siren merfolk idea, go right for it. i give you full permission to do whatever with it, as long as my design is credited <3
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sunsetsandsunshine · 10 months ago
Do u have tickle headcanons of ler!zooble n lee!zooble? /// 💕
I…no 😭???
TADC is not apart of my fandom list (you can see that on my pinned post)
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legendaryrat · 7 months ago
Stealing AUs from people I see. Why don't you come up with your own, talentless envious lout?
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Which AU? From who? Please clarify..
I didnt steal any AUs, least knowingly. But i wont put aside the possibility the same ideas has been created. I promise to delete and apologise if there in fact is an AU i 'stole'!
Though for future, if "Anonymous" themselves sees this, you should have pointed out the AU similarities before jumping to conclusions and accusing me of stealing. (Plus talentless envious lout is epic way to call someone you think is a fraud, but mean, so dont.)
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