#thousand autumns vol 5
megumibex · 2 months
I've just read volume 5 of thousand autumns and I loved it to pieces but couldn't help but notice a lot of errors in the translation. Some were (imo) relatively minor things like typos which I'd let slide. But there were a few instances where the translator mixed up character or sect names. The one that stood out was a line that said Bai Rong was part of Huanyue sect rather than Hehuan.
Dear sevenseas,
The plot is already confusing and dense enough don't make things harder by not hiring a proofreader.
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thecasualfkfan · 22 days
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He longed to just cocoon Shen Qiao within his arms, to keep him close and protect him, meticulously nestle him away until no one else would be able to see Shen Qiao, so that only Yan Wushi could look at him.
Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi-Thousand autumns by Meng Xi Shi
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orchidblacktea · 2 months
Yan Wushi: *seeing Shen Qiao in ladies' clothes*
Yan Wushi's first thought: wow, beautiful 😍
Yan Wushi's second thought: of course, this venerable self had good taste 😎
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Okay I read unofficial translations but of course I bought the official translation of Thousand Autumns and I just gotta say - does anyone else think Yan Wushi’s entire battle with Hulugu was a setup?
No, not like he was faking the duel and set something up with Hulugu. I mean he KNEW he could defeat Hulugu and the only question was how badly he’d be hurt in the process. Like if he’d be walking it off or if he’d actually collapse. Even that, he had a pretty good idea of how it would end.
Because rereading the whole series, once he becomes determined to win over Shen Qiao, Yan Wushi’s already confusing personality becomes even more misleading now that he knows he’s teasing Shen Qiao into the inevitable. We’re stuck primarily in Shen Qiao’s mind, and whenever we get a glimpse of Yan Wushi’s mind, it’s almost always to say "He was saying this, but actually he felt this and was having so much fun seeing Shen Qiao be so easily tricked." Once you’ve reread his actions multiple times over, you realize...like, he knew.
He knew he would beat Hulugu. Whether it was because of the power of love or just because of his own arrogance, he never went into the battle thinking he might lose. Any and all of his suggestions that he might actually die were for Shen Qiao’s sake, to taunt the man into realizing that he was worried about Yan Wushi - to actually admit he didn’t want Yan Wushi to die.
He joked about making bets only when he didn’t know the outcome because that was the only way things were fun, which may have had some truth to it, but then he also set up the massive betting pool to not be in his favor so that when he DID win, he ended up getting a massive payout. Like we call that illegal in our modern day, like manipulating the stock market.
Yan Wushi has been a terrible pessimist and misanthrope since he was very young. He has never trusted anyone (until Shen Qiao) to ever do something honorable or noble when they thought they could control him. Therefore, Yan Wushi very rarely EVER goes into anything without knowing his odds and his escape plan even when if he does fail (see the epilogue story "The Past" for an example). I think the only time he really bet his life was the 5-1 fight where he genuinely didn’t think Shen Qiao would survive his betrayal, let alone rush to his side to save his life.
Compared to that, even against Hulugu? Pfft, it sounds like he's just playing with Shen Qiao from the very beginning.
He announced his challenge when Shen Qiao went to Xuandu Mountain - implying it's for Shen Qiao’s sake, tugging at his heartstrings.
He tells or lies to Bian Yanmei to convince Shen Qiao that the flaws in his demonic core haven’t healed and his battle against Xueting weakened him. Oh no! Now Shen Qiao is even more worried! (Shen Qiao can’t tell just by taking his pulse alone, mystery, is he really okay???)
This also makes us all completely gloss over the fact that both Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao had gained access to the final volume of the Zhuyang Strategy thanks to Xueting’s defeat - if we count them battling one another as exchanging the volumes they never see in person. The Zhuyang Strategy. You remember that thing? That thing whose true qi kept Shen Qiao alive after getting poisoned and beaten to near-death on numerous occasions? Just that thing, no biggie.
Yan Wushi denies both of the former points and says "No I challenged him for my own amusement actually, it has nothing to do with you, and also Bian Yanmei doesn’t know what he’s ralking about I’m fiiiine see?", but Shen Qiao thinks he’s downplaying or lying to spare his feelings - something Shen Qiao would believe he’d do only if he believed for a second that Yan Wushi DOES in fact care about him.
He takes Shen Qiao out gambling to further emphasize that he enjoys leaving things to fate (making us *Shen Qiao* forget the fact that he’s a meticulous planner and intelligent strategist who puts the odds in his favor and always gets what he wants even when he loses). Funny detail that Shen Qiao was (unintentionally or not) rigging the game so that he won, because his natural personality likes having control over things even if his entire journey losing his power demonstrated that he’s very competent at just dealing with misfortune without overreacting. Though they believe different things, the two really are cut from the same stubborn cloth.
Yan Wushi also makes Shen Qiao see the gambling dens where people are betting against Yan Wushi, thanks in part to a certain Yi Pichen’s comments on the matter. Shen Qiao is NOT having feelings or anything, what are you talking about, he’s not worried about this guy he absolutely does not feel attracted to, but uh...those people don’t know you well enough to place their bets correctly, am I right?
Yan Wushi KOs Shen Qiao to make him miss most of the fight to terrify Shen Qiao into thinking he might MISS Yan Wushi’s potential death match, oh no! Come on, I don’t believe Yan Wushi wasn’t skilled enough to have precisely sealed his sleep accupoint or whatever so that Shen Qiao has JUST enough time to catch him near the end of the duel.
Yan Wushi was definitely injured by Hulugu, there’s no denying it. Even when he fights other powerful characters, he’s not a Mary Sue, he still does take damage and admits that he has to push himself to actually kill other grandmasters like Yuan Xiuxiu. However, after the battle with the 5 guys, Yan Wushi absolutely knew his odds and how much it actually takes to crack his skull open. He also knows that Shen Qiao has seen him nearly dead before and will absolutely be using that to freak him out further and convince Shen Qiao he might actually be dead.
He probably DID need Shen Qiao’s medicinal pills to help him, but Yan Wushi was basically guaranteed to have survived and just waiting for Shen Qiao to say he’d "Do anything" before he woke up again. Like does that not sound like a Yan Wushi thing to do? I’m half convinced he stopped his own heart and breathing with a technique (there’s a turtle-breathing technique in the Donghua, something like that to fake it for JUST long enough for Shen Qiao to freak out) or was planning to do so if Hulugu didn’t manage to fuck him up enough for it to be convincing.
The fact that he’s still able to joke around kissing Shen Qiao then loudly complaining about how much pain he’s in automatically tells us he’s not doing as bad as when his head got cracked open. He’s fiiiine.
Then we get the gambling reveal where Huanyue Sect made a few casinos go bankrupt and he sends a fifth of it to Yi Pichen and the Chunyang Monastery as a thanks for essentially rigging the bets.
Yan Wushi tells Yu Shengyan that Shen Qiao already loves him, he’s just too prideful to admit it, and then later sets up the whole scenario in the epilogues - YES IT'S ALL A SET UP - just to get Shen Qiao to have the courage to confess.
In conclusion, Yan Wushi knew what the fuck he was doing, he fought Hulugu primarily to fuck with Shen Qiao and just also happening to get some other things out of it too on the side. Ya boi wanted to force Shen Qiao to realize how much he cares about Yan Wushi in return. And kill a bitch while earning some street cred, but that’s beside the point.
I had no pictures to add for this rant, maybe I’ll add them later, it’s 2am thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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freisende · 2 months
Thousand Autumns Vol. 5 Special Edition
Okay so my copy of the 5th volume special edition has come home, AND I HAVE SEEN PARADISE AND HEAVEN ON EARTH...🥰✨✨✨
It's hereeee faster than I expected 😭💖💖💖💖
It's totally amazing.... I LOVE, LOVE IT SO MUCH this is the practical sentence to describe my condition of seeing it waaaahh😭❤️❤️
By the way for people who still do not know, the special edition contains:
2 posters with one guest artist drawing the poster 🤧💖
5 postcards of the 5 volume covers and cute chibi animal illustrations on the back
1 postcard containing stickers AND THEY'RE SO CUTEEEE
The surprise in the inn scene??? kiss scene?!! bedfighting ASHAJAHB❤️❤️❤️ I DIED
Look at their beautiful moments together... Ahhh I'm beyond touched and my tears are already gathering up by the Autumn season and Lao Yan touching Shen Qiao's locks of hair!!!🤭💖💖💖
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And out of all the four copies, the last volume indeed has the most pages, up to 522 pages! The book is very thick, and it's a bit heavy to read while holding it (I recommend reading the book on the table lmao).
But never once I thought it was not good. It's just... so worth it. The money, the waiting, the sensation of seeing all their stories.🍁💕✨✨
I haven't had the chance to read the copy but I know I'm going to scream another various times when I got the time to read it.🤣🤭
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PLS EAT HIS CHEST UP A-QIAO that's so sexy lao Yan is trying to seduce A-Qiao isn't he!?!?!?😭😭💖💖💖
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I PRACTICALLY DIED (3RD TIME). Yan Wushi was desperate to ravage A-Qiao after seeing his drunk state with flushed face, wasn't he!?!? 🤧❤❤ His beautiful wife ❤❤
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veliseraptor · 2 months
July Reading Recap
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. I can see why people said this one had Adrian Tchaikovsky vibes because in terms of the worldbuilding and the alien species involved it absolutely did. I was not super enamored of the part of the plot that wasn't on the Tines' world (which was...an important part of the plot), but my investment in the politics of the Tines and the worldbuilding around them made up for it. I'm curious about the apparent sequel and whether it's worth reading - does anybody know?
Thousand Autumns: vol. 5 by Meng Xi Shi. I have finished Thousand Autumns and my verdict on it mostly hasn't changed from what it's been throughout: enjoyable but not really fully clicking for me. I liked it! But I didn't love it, and I don't know that it'll stick with me the way other books have, or compel me to do a reread.
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome by Emma Southon. Maybe I just don't have a sense of humor, but I felt like this book was trying too hard to be funny/clever and it landed wrong for me. It was interesting, certainly! And I learned some new things from it, and probably will go on to read the author's other book (about women in Ancient Rome), but this one tonally was not a winner, for me personally.
Ballad of Sword and Wine: vol. 1 by Tang Jiu Qing. Rereading this one (Qiang Jin Jiu, they're really going off in their own direction title translation-wise there) with the official published translation even though I am also binding it, because I can, I guess. And I still deeply appreciate how unhinged Shen Zechuan is, but in, like, mostly a way where it's not obvious to most people until they've known him for a little while. Also the sheer amount of politics, which I'm following better on this second readthrough. I think it'll be rewarding to reread.
The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan. One of two Jewish fantasy books I read this month, just by chance (I wasn't intending on a theme, they'd both been on my to-read list for a while). I liked it a lot! I thought it was going to be a stand alone and feel a little funny about it being a series (I'm always looking for more stand alones), but I am also looking forward to more of it.
The Devil & Sherlock Holmes: Tales of Murder, Madness, and Obsession by David Grann. I've really enjoyed the other David Grann books I've read/listened to (The Lost City of Z, Killers of the Flower Moon) but found myself fairly underwhelmed by most of the essays here. It's not that they weren't good (they were) or interesting (most of them were), it just didn't feel like they were that good or that interesting. Maybe I just like his full-length books better.
Five Broken Blades by Mai Corland. It was fine? Not as good as I'd hoped. I called the twist which was satisfying for me personally. I don't know if I'm going to be reading the sequel. Most of the POV characters I liked fairly well, which is the main thing this book had going for it, but one of them bored me to tears and that inflected my enjoyment of the book as a whole.
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez. This book earned its five stars by making me cry in the last 20%. Overall a beautiful book, though, relatively quiet; I wasn't sure about it early on but then it hit a turn that really got me. Makes me want to read his other book. The summary on the back really does not do the book justice but I don't actually know how I would explain it better, and I recognize that makes it a difficult recommendation.
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb. This one was really good and a lot of fun. Very Jewish, too, which was enjoyable and not something I run into all that often in fantasy books. Just...very charming, entertaining, a joy to read.
I'm currently reading Godkiller by Hannah Kaner though I should be reading Edenville since I have it checked out from the library (I'll get to it!). I keep meaning to get back to reading more nonfiction (or realistic fiction) and then getting distracted. My plan for upcoming books, though, includes The Ratline, To Shape a Dragon's Breath, and (after years of having it sit on my shelf) Beauty Is a Wound. We'll see how on task I stay or if I end up wandering off to other stuff.
I'm currently looking for horror and mystery/thriller recommendations, though, so if anyone has any of those I will take them.
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niconiiicotine · 3 months
A little Yanshen angst to commemorate the new release of vol 5 of thousand autumns!!!
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thisvenerablewan · 3 months
Ok folks what danmei do I read next??? I am reading the seven seas editions.
So far I’ve read (since March):
All MXTX, Erha up to vol 5, Remnants of Filth up to vol 3, and Thousand Autumns up to vol 2.
So far I think meatbun might be my favorite…!! I really like MXTX as well but I just adore how meatbun expresses the emotions of the characters and the ANGST. The more angst the better 😅
Thousand autumns so far has just been ok. I’m finding the plot very political and complicated and I don’t feel like there’s a ton of chemistry so far between the characters? They’re both interesting and I’ve ordered the rest of the series but it’s probably not my favorite.
I think I prefer a historical or xianxia setting, but I got a copy of the first vol of case file compendium to try it out since I like meatbuns other works so much.
What next????? Help a new fan out 😊
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ministar100 · 21 days
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🐺Cute Wolves🐺
Do you remember when Werewolf Cookie met "Yan Wolf-shi"? XD
► "Yan Wolf-shi" is based on the cute chibi animals from the postcards which came in my book Thousand Autumns Vol.5 Special Edition. ► Random video that someone edited from a Discord Server. ► The drawing is based on that meme of the Laughing Wolves.
──── ∗ ⋅✧⋅ ∗ ──── 🐺Lindos Lobos🐺
¿Recuerdan cuando la Galleta Hombre Lobo conoció a "Yan Wolf-shi"? XD
► "Yan Wolf-shi" está basado en los lindos animales chibis de las postales que vinieron en mi libro de Thousand Autumns Vol.5 Edición Especial. ► Video random que alguien editó de un Servidor de Discord. ► El dibujo está basado en ese meme de los "Lobos Riendo".
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lgbtqmanga · 2 months
New Releases July 9, 2024
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Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher (manga) vol. 4: Four-Leaf Clovers by Tama Mizuki
Hitsuji and Hatoyama are growing closer than ever. And while Hitsuji may not have been ready to take the leap into cohabitating, he’s determined to support Hatoyama and his son Hinata however he can. And boy, it looks like they’re gonna need it! With Hinata still struggling to form a connection with his new teacher, Samejima, and Hatoyama working himself to the bone to save up money for a bigger place, things are on the stressful side for this little family. It’s up to Hitsuji to lend a hand and find the courage to show Hatoyama just how much he cares for him!
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Engage (manga) vol. 2 by Yuu Minaduki
Mei has decided to put a lid on his infatuation with Naru and build a new relationship as nephew and uncle. However, every time Naru speaks fondly of his memories of his older brother—Mei’s late father—he feels a disturbance in his heart. Meanwhile, Hayashida, the freelance writer who’s been snooping around Mei, finally reveals his true nature!
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My Dearest Patrolman (manga) vol. 1 by Niyama
When a young patrolman gets assigned to a small town, he runs into an old acquaintance, and a casual comment from the older man leads to a fluttering heart and renewed feelings. Seiji Tajima runs a convenience store in a small town, and thanks to his easygoing attitude toward much of life, he’s still single. Tall, muscular patrolman Shin Nakamoto is a frequent visitor to Seiji’s rather desolate shop, and although the two met ten years earlier, they only recently reconnected after Shin was assigned to the police box nearby. Despite the years apart, they start interacting like nothing has changed—that is, until Seiji offhandedly remarks that maybe he should try his luck with men, unwittingly restoking the flame Shin has held for him for years!
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Otherside Picnic: (novel) Omnibus vol. 4 by Iori Miyazawa and shirakaba
Contains the Complete Volumes 7-8 Satsuki Uruma—a young woman of considerable importance to Toriko who disappeared while studying the Otherside. She has menaced Toriko and Sorawo many times as an apparition, but now, she makes her boldest move yet towards the latter. In an act of desperation, Sorawo resolves to use everything she knows about the occult to finally “exorcize” her. Enlisting the help of not just Toriko, but Kozakura, DS Research, and even former cult leader and high schooler Runa Urumi, Sorawo leads the charge on a funeral operation. But once that’s behind them, there’s something else Sorawo must face; a genuine confession of love from Toriko, with only one week to respond. Through a series of conversations with herself and those around her, Sorawo begins to reinterpret their relationship… Sorawo and Toriko’s bizarre tale of exploration and survival is coming to a climax!
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Otherside Picnic (manga) vol. 10 by Iori Miyazawa, Eita Mizuno, and Shirakaba
As Toriko and Sorawo face off against a bizarre entity in the form of what appears to be an old woman, this Kano Sannuki may be one of their trickiest challenges yet! Can Sorawo come up with a plan to disarm this strange foe? Meanwhile, the specter of Satsuki Uruma continues to stalk the two girls! And when the name “Lunaurumi” begins to pop up online, it signals the start of the biggest threat they’ve ever had to face!
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Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu Special Editon (novel) volume 5 by Meng Xi Shi
contains the Standard Edition contents, but includes bonus merchandise shrink-wrapped to the book: a set of five postcards, a double-sided bookmark, two folded mini posters, and a sticker sheet.
In the tumultuous Central Plains, power and prestige are fleeting, and today’s friend is tomorrow’s foe—and Shen Qiao is in the eye of the storm. Following a daring rescue in the midst of a coup that marks the end of a dynasty, the mild-mannered Daoist has no time to rest as rumors of a power struggle call him home to Xuandu Mountain. But before he even reaches his destination, another whisper upon the wind cuts into Shen Qiao’s heart: Yan Wushi, not yet fully recovered from his damaged demonic core, has challenged Hulugu of the Göktürks to a battle from which only one will survive. Shen Qiao will need to call upon his martial arts and wits to survive the calamity that surrounds him, but when the dust settles, will what he holds dear still remain? FINAL VOLUME
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nabs-bookish-thoughts · 2 months
Kay since Emma I've read TWO books (wow I'm on a roll), The House of Doors by Tan Twan Eng (5 stars) and Thousand Autumns Vol 1 (5 stars).
Now I'm picking up Burning God again. Pray for me.
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feathers-little-nest · 2 months
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duckprintspress · 5 days
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Alright, I know there are four days left of summer technically, but looking at what I have left and what I expect to read in the next few days, I don't expect to finish any more squares, so here we are: my @queerliblib Mega-Queer Summer Reading Bingo Card! I got two bingos total - top row and one diagonal.
Genre fiction: Blackwater by Jeannette Arroyo and Ren Graham
Coming of age: Sunhead by Alex Assan
Comfort Read: Thousand Autumns vol. 5 by Meng Xi Shi
Comic, Manga, or Graphic Novel: Blue Flag vol. 2 by Kaito
Memoir: Out of Left Field by Jonah Newman
Poetry: blank
Queer pulp fiction: blank
Short Story Anthology: Many Hands: An Anthology of Polyamorous Erotica (I'm the editor so of course I read it!)
Print and post QLL fliers: I DID THIS! I printed out four quarter-sheets and last time I went to the library I asked them to put it on the board. I've got three more quarter-sheets and I'll be asking as I go to other branches, too.
Main character shares your identity: I Want to Be a Wall vol. 3 by Honami Shirono
Stonewall Award winner or nominee: blank
Format swap! Fine by Rhea Ewing (I usually read fiction, this is non-fiction, I hope that counts...)
Free space: Snapdragon by Kat Leyh
Indigenous author: blank (to the best of my knowledge none were by indigenous authors but it's also not something I usually check)
QLL book rec: blank (though again, I didn't actually check, oops)
Queer non-fiction: The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel
Main character doesn't share your identity: Silent Hearts vol. 1 by Jing Shui Bian
Lambda Award winner or nominee: blank
Set in the past: For the Love of God, Marie! by Jade Sarson
Queer picture book: Wolfpitch by Balazs Lorinczi (do YA graphic novels count as picture books? oh well.)
Queer book in translation: Blue Flag vol. 4 by Kaito
Do a subject search for a book: At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender by Shou Arai
Queer classic: blank
Book with a protagonist older than 40: Guardian vol. 3 by priest (he's like. 10,000 years old.)
Set in the future: blank (amazingly, I've read like no sci-fi this summer?? wtf????)
This was a fun challenge, thanks Queer Liberation Library for hosting it!!
(are y'all in the US? have you signed up to access the QLL through Libby yet? because you should - check it out here.)
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tonyglowheart · 7 months
if u follow me and have not read Qian Qiu (Thousand Autumns), by Meng Xi Shi (it's licensed in English!! I bought the books including preordering the special ed. of Vol 5 but have not read the "official" translation yet lmao so dk if it's uhhh good, but you can get it! or perhaps request it at your local library!) (tbh many of the fantls are still up, too, in uhh varying. degrees of quality lmao. but then again I also can't vouch for what quality the licensed tl is ig)
then. can I convince you to read Qian Qiu (Thousand Autumns), by Meng Xi Shi, lmao....
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danmeiljie · 12 days
Danmei Owned (in ebook)
(pfh) = peach flower house, (7s) = seven seas danmei, (VL) = via lactea
as of 9.11.2024
(7s) Ballad of Sword and Wine - 2/8 vol (7s) Case File Compendium - 2/10 vol (7s) Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - 5/5 vol (7s) Guardian - 3/3 vol (7s) Heaven Official's Blessing - 8/8 vol (pfh) In The Dark - 3/3 vol (VL) Lip and Sword - 3/3 vol (pfh) Little Mushroom - 2/2 vol (pfh) Peach Blossom Debt - 1/1 vol (7s) Peerless - 1/5 vol (7s) Remnants of Filth - 4/7 vol (7s) Run Wild - 0/6 vol (7s) Silent Reading - 0/6 vol (7s) Stars of Chaos - 3/5 vol (7s) The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish - 2/4 vol (7s) The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - 6/11 vol (pfh) The Imperial Uncle - 1/1 vol (7s) The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - 4/4 vol (7s) Thousand Autumns - 5/5 vol
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freisende · 6 months
Thousand Autumns English Volume Covers 1-5 Are Now Complete!
Thousand Autumns (Qian Qiu) have officially been taken and published by Seven Seas Publishing. Take a look, the volumes are all now complete. Special edition of the last volume (5th volume) are also available with limited supplies to pre-order.
They're so beautiful and I can't wait to stuff them all up in my bookshelves🥺❤
The arts were done so beautifully by Mimo.
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The drastic change in the fifth volume compared starting from the beginning of the first volume is 😔💖
They're really closing the final curtain with the season autumn💛💛
Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter; In the end, who can still remain eternal?
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Look at the symbols on the side of the books! <3
Vol. 1: Shen Qiao's Bamboo pole
Vol. 2: Scroll (Zhuyang Ce)
Vol. 3: Ah-Qiao Tangren
Vol. 4: Shan He Tong Bei Sword
Vol. 5: Banbu Peak (Xuandu Mountain)
It's all related to our beloved protagonist Shen Qiao.
Please read Qianqiu if you haven't! Let's support the authors too by buying the official books if you can.
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