#it's always too late in hell
magicicephoenix · 1 year
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oh lord they coming
happy 414 day! since last year i did batim enemies, this time it’s batdr allies :)
without text once again under the cut!
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winchester101 · 5 months
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Zoro couldn’t bring himself to do it
Redraw of this
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tornado1992 · 4 months
Miles’ tails are way bigger than the rest of his body. That allows him to fly, and even though it makes him look way tinier than he is (and he is already too little for his age) he doesn’t mind.
He will never outgrow his tails, it doesn’t matter how many vitamins he takes or how much physical therapy he gets, spending the first four years of his life living off garbage scraps and eating less than once a day stunted his growth forever.
Good news is that he’ll always be able to fly, bad news is that he’ll never achieve the younger sibling goal of being taller than your older brother.
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sampegger · 2 months
do you guys think the writers would have taken it more seriously if it had been alastair around relentlessly tormenting dean in late seasons as opposed to lucifer with sam
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zimszim · 7 months
fucking adore how tianlang-jun was built up to be really intimidating and scary and sort of has this fucked up psychological component to his physical appearance as well as his general mannerisms, but then you find out that hes Just Like That and not like. a genuine evil guy. he was heartbroken and because of that he was like #FuckHumans!!! but could never fully kill his love of humans and humanity. what the fuck. this novel is killing it with characters i swear
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cupiidzbow · 3 months
I feel so embarrassed bc I never watch things when they’re popular im always into shit like the monkey mcsplonky show or whatever. I don’t know a single thing abt dun.geon meshi actually i just absorb it through osmosis. sorry
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
It's really freeing when you learn that rationality isn't going to be feasible in the long run, not because rationality is this thing that only Truly Enlightened people get the privilege to experience, but because humans are just irrational.
You can know when you're being irrational, and sometimes, it is in big ways. But pretending like that irrationality doesn't exist or can only exist if you're "stupid" only sets you back from growing. Irrationality is part of the human condition - it is impossible to actually be this enlightened person people like to project themselves onto.
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baldwill · 2 months
In Deep Cover, Kotoko sings about each Prisoner
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Right after singing about Mikoto, though, she continues to sing in the same sense two more times
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Like she’s still speaking about more prisoners.
In Deep Cover she refers to someone as 011
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Though it’s easy to guess that this is about Es. So that would solve who she says “inside a prison of the kind” to. But that still leaves out “swaying to and fro? Laughable justice”
I theorize that she’s saying that to Jackalope, that Jackalope might be a prisoner too.
Here me out
If each prisoner comes in a pair, then that’ll leave Jackalope to be the partner to prisoner 011. Es represents the viewers, Jackalope the creators.
Jackalope is the one presenting the information to the Es (viewers) just like a creator does
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Jackalope also says that he’s the caretaker of Es (which again is also the viewers)
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Which just gives me the vibes of someone being superior then others. Creators have more control of what’s going on then viewers do.
Jackalope is also self conscious of being viewed as a rabbit.
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Rabbits are often seen as weak then. It’s like how Creators don’t like being seen as a ‘regular’ person. Also the fact that the horns are attached to his hat; the horns aren’t real.
Only the viewers can hear Jackalope also gives into this theory too.
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The layout also makes me feel like they’re are 12 prisoners in total
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I have no idea what the room that the prisoners cells are in is called but Jackalope describes it as a clock. A clock has 12 hours on it. There is an 11th room, what about a 12? Where the 12th should be it is instead placed by a hallway.
This isn’t really isn’t a theory I would die on a hill for but I still think it’s a theory to consider
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introspectivememories · 4 months
if you're writing a charles fic, it must have some aspect of boyking. he must lean a little on the childgod side. he has to be revered a little bit, adored even. if people aren't talking about him like they wouldn't wash his feet and adorn it with perfume like mary magdalene washed and adorned jesus' feet, you're doing it wrong.
#LOOK AT HIM#nearly every image of charles has some aspect of religious imagery to it#that one image of the spanish gp 2021 where he has his hands in front of him and he's looking up at the sky.... madonna in prayer#fuckin look at the entire country of italy. do i even have to say anything?#look at the way ferrari loves him. the way they hold him. press kisses onto his helmet. comfort him. reassure him.#look at vanzini naming him 'il predestinato' all the way back in 2012!! maranello's sun/son!!!!#everyone's always like 'oh stockholm syndrome! stockholm syndrome!' babe he's never leaving them.#he's choosing this!!! he loves this!!!! he's in this scuderia ferrari shit for life like the rest of us!!!!#but he returns it all!!!#look at him saying 'if ferrari is a cage then i would like to be kept in that cage my whole life'!!!#'why stay with ferrari?' / "i have always been a tifosi. i have always loved her. that is reason enough.'#even the most recent contract renewal where he said and i quote:#now my own dream remains. a dream that writes itself in red. tifosi the dream continues.#and like red?? like blood? like the blood that dripped down jesus' temples when they place the crown of thorns on his head?#red like the suit? like the car? like the boyking they have made you out to be? the childgod you have become?#when he won in monza i think it was too late for us. i think it rewrote something in us. i think he ascended that day.#the closest the narrative has come to consuming him. when he wins again in monza (and he will win in monza again) it will change us again#i have to stop before it gets me too. who said all that? i need to go lay down.#charles leclerc#cl16#scuderia ferrari#f1#introspective.txt#and obviously you can write you fics however the hell you want. this is just how i like mine.
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noah-price · 3 months
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@pscentral​ event 26: minimalism
SILICON VALLEY (2014 - 2019) TOP 10 RATED EPISODES ON IMDB insp (1, 2)
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Listening to the audio book at work today. Got to this line and had to take a freaking break...
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He is in Hell...
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buttercup-art · 13 days
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"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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kids are dickheads
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galaxynajma · 10 months
I can’t tell if Gojoken is more angsty than satosugu or not I mean it’s definitely more spicy then stsg
Because 1. All the memories of stsg is still there with gojo and kenjaku having all of geto’s memories
And 2. Kenjaku’s very interesting history with the six eyes users
3. Gay arm moment in shibuya
Also I have seen people say that what if geto’s memories of satoru made Kenny a little more obsessed with gojo
Hm interesting very interesting
There is one thing that I can say for certain and that is all their fans are insane I would know
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thequantumranger · 27 days
"Angela looks fat!"
"Maria looks like Ashley."
"Why does James look like Leon?"
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keii · 11 months
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Music!AU JoRo 🎶 First call, already planning the next~
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