thundergrace · 9 months
Watching more true crime and a judge really just sentenced a man to death and then said, "if I'm wrong, hopefully God has mercy on both of us"
Fuck you, dude. Just fuck you.
He's like "if you didn't do it...oopsy!" Abolish the death penalty already.
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mcybree · 2 months
I prepared this ask in the Notes app only for Tumblr to not let me copy and paste the text so here’s a screenshot bc I’m not typing all that again lol
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there’s this funny trend i see in trafficblr art, in that, when there’s a lineup of every past winner, most players will be surrounded by symbols that were relevant to their POV, and perhaps drawn with the last emotion they’d felt just before death (or maybe just whatever emotion the artist most associates with the character). The winners might be doing something, or in a pose that reflects how they won—there are a million ways to make a life series winners’ piece. What’s funny about it is that no one ever seems to know what to do with Scott. He’s most often just standing there looking mildly disgruntled. And for the symbols he’s most depicted with, it’s typically poppies, which are only relevant to the first season; last life scott does not place any importance on poppies, poppies dont ever come up beyond a brief interaction in episode 1, and jimmy as a whole is less relevant to scott’s pov in last life than he is in every other season.
not that this is an issue with the art; the pieces are beautifully done, it’s just representative of how little fandom discussion there is about scott’s win thematically. Most discussion I see are about the watchers and how they hate scott for defying him or whatever, but watcher lore is not discussion of the series itself as much as it is a fan creation that is retroactively applied to create meaning.
Scott’s Last Life win, to me, was achieved through accomplishing what Third Life Scott could not.
Scott spent 3L waiting for his day one ally to die. He kept Jimmy at a distance, often fully gearing himself up first before backtracking to help Jimmy along. There’s a funny disparity in episode 5, where Jimmy spends the entire episode trying to get good enchants on his iron armor, while Scott sets up a villager and gets good enchants for the full diamond set that he’d already had in storage, in about half the time Jimmy took trying to accomplish his own goal, iirc. This disparity is also something scott acknowledges with the “I’ll always be more powerful than you” line, but it’s been a while since ive written a post like this so i unfortunately do not have the episode number memorized on that one anymore. But Scott goes on to explain that he’ll always have better armor and weapons, which is why Jimmy could never kill him. This is all to say that Jimmy and Scott do not stand on equal grounds in their alliance, and, more importantly, Scott does not depend on Jimmy. The progress Scott makes in Third Life is entirely his own, with Jimmy as more of an afterthought than a teammate.
This is what landed Scott his all time lowest placement. After Jimmy dies first, Scott loses sight of his priorities and dedicates his remaining time alive to avenging Jimmy, rather than focusing on his own longevity (like he’d go on to do in future seasons). And, in that way, Scott’s attitude towards Jimmy (disposable, going to die, unreliable) was an indirect contributor to Scott’s low placement.
In contrast: Scott could not have won Last Life without Pearl. Scott has to rely on Pearl from day 1, having only two lives to start with himself. Pearl gives Scott two lives total. Pearl and Scott are almost always together. They made it to the final four by each other’s side. And that forced day 1 reliance on pearl breaks down the role scott typically assumes (*he’s* supposed to be the person people rely on, he’s supposed to be the one bringing everything to the table) which curbs his tendency to see himself as above others, which then allows for the most genuine happiness i have ever seen him have in an alliance.
The comparison between the way Scott talks to Pearl and the way Scott talks to Jimmy is like night and day. Scott doesn’t compliment or otherwise say anything supportive towards Jimmy (save for the “I believe in you! MCC has trained you for this moment!” during Jimmy’s dare to flare attempt) until after Jimmy has already died. With Pearl, however, Scott is much more open about his care towards her, saying that she’s his best friend and that he loves her as early as episode 2. There’s more examples but between last life and third life, Scott’s attitude towards his primary ally is completely different, and i think it’s symptomatic of Scott allowing himself to love and be vulnerable rather than keeping himself at a distance. And i think that it’s so special that scott won the season where he was so close with his day one alliance, directly because of his day one alliance.
because, to me, one of scott’s defining characteristics is his self reliance. He will have allies, yes, but he often assumes a supportive role and acts as a supplier. He doesnt like taking things from other people. Last Life is different because Scott relies on Pearl, too. It’s also not a coincidence that last life is the only season where scott is normal about jimmy but that’s a different post
tldr yes scott won last life with the power of love but not in the way people say he did (ignoring the boogeyman curse was strategy ☝️)
I SHOULD NOTE, though, that the boogeyman curse was still a fail. Although purposeful, Scott receives the penalty and apologizes to his team. He says he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. I do think that his words here aren’t fully honest— he’d admitted earlier that this choice was fully for strategy. But I also think his apologetic attitude here is genuine. Scott is a perfectionist, he needs to succeed; failing, though purposeful, still hurts. He feels the need to apologize. It means so much to me that his win in last life directly follows the choice to fail on purpose. I’m insane though idk
third life scott embodies scotts flaws while last life scott is him overcoming them 👍 is what im trying to say 👍 last life scott is everything that third life scott could not bring himself to be, in allowing himself to love and depend on other people and overall just be a person.
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exerzist · 25 days
Erasermic, where their cats (bastard and sushi obvi) like to sit on the fridge and plot. They only come down when shouta gives them treats. When they come to the edge of the fridge, shouta swipes them up but still gives the treat. hizashi always complains that it's rewarding bad behaviour. At some point, they stop falling for shouta's schemes, and the only way to get them down is to scare them off by vigorously shaking plastic bags at them.
Cut to hizashi being woken up at like 5am by shouta coming home from patrol and 'bagging' the cats.
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troperrific · 2 months
/spoilers for ekuoto chapter 69 (nice)/
The Depression arc and the end of the world via plushies have finally arrived. Hopefully Mr. Priest’s corruption arc will actually be interesting for his character and not just about Belphegor trapping everyone into their own lotus-eater machines.
I mean, it would definitely be interesting to see what a “perfect dream” would look like to each character, and how they would each fight off their own temptations, I’d like to have that too, but I’m not sure if we will get that.
If they (Belphegor and Mr. Priest) are really are going to put everyone to sleep, then they’re already robbing the entire world of their agency, but ideally, I’d like Mr. Priest to go further and further (after this arc, maybe?) and really go full “I know better and I’m doing what’s best for everyone” towards the few people he does care about.
Since we’ve spent so long comparing the Demon Lords and Mr. Priest, why not have him full-on undermine the agency of the people he likes? Wouldn’t that be neat?
Because here is the thing. Mr. Priest never really loved the world all that much if at all. He just had a few people he kinda of liked but that was it. After spending time with Imuri, and then his temporary classmates… he sorta began seeing the world and its people as more than Hell itself and mere blobs of flesh all smushed together. But that was too brief, I suppose, to make up for all the horrors awaiting him outside his room.
Belphegor’s proposal for a peaceful world is one where no one interacts with each other; in other words, a world without pain, but also a world without love.
Perhaps this is what will get the world out of Belphegor’s giant baby room, since…
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…even at his lowest, mentally and emotionally speaking, Mr. Priest does seem to have a reason to get out of the bed.
I really like how his thoughts go immediately to the fact that Leah and Imuri are calling out to him. Not that he has a meeting to attend, not that he has to prepare for his duties- it’s the individual people he wants to protect that moved him, even for a second, despite him being on the brink of despair. Even if it wasn’t enough to pull him from giving up on the world.
So even if they are eventually going to be a reason to snap him out of Sloth, it would also be neat if they didn’t completely pull him off of his “corruption” arc just yet but were a catalyst to push him further, in a different way.
Speaking of which, I wonder if Belphegor will out Imuri to Mr. Priest in this arc…
And on a side note:
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The nuance between the original Japanese and the English translation seem a bit different to me?
Belphegor’s [もういいの] could be translated in a few different ways, but I was under the impression that it was for sure an echo of chapter 68’s title [もういいよ] (translated as “Please no more” in English). So it came off to me as him going more “Had enough?” or “Can we finally go forth (with our promise)?”.
How do I put it…? The second is more arrogant to me, or rather, it’s like Belphegor was just waiting for the confirmation/outcome he expected from the beginning instead of genuinely asking Mr. Priest if he wants to do it. Because in Belphegor’s mind this has been Mr. Priest’s- their- wish since he was a small child.
“See now? How ugly the world is? I told you so, didn’t I? See how I’m your only ally? See?
So can I just end the world already?”
That kind of feeling.
By the way, this doesn’t remove the fact that Belphegor’s care for Mr. Priest is sincere. He does want to help him. Genuinely. But, the added layer that he infantilizes the boy, the arrogance of “knowing him better than himself (except not really)”and how he projects his own feelings and ideas onto him… I prefer that rather than him actually respecting his choices and opinions (he doesn’t. that’s partially why he dismisses the priest’s own feelings for Imuri as mere lust). He’s like an overbearing and over-protective but well-meaning mother, and I like that.
But who knows. I’m not really fluent in Japanese, so I might be wrong.
But what I liked most about this chapter was Mr. Priest’s inner monologue: however heartbreaking it is to see him sink into depression and basically agree with the Demon Lords’ stance on humanity, I really do like the unabashed but rather subtle arrogance underlying these thoughts.
See, the entire time, Mr. Priest thinks about “humans” as separate from him. It’s other people that he protects despite their sins. It’s other people who should control themselves more. It’s other people that can’t control themselves.
(Ungrateful, lowly sinners who’ll never learn)
Surely you can see the irony in his speech, no? This happens after he “lost control”, pulverized Asmodeus to the ground even after she surrendered and destroyed the school. After he “lost control” and succumbed to his lust when he masturbated over Imuri. After he “lost control” and tortured Mammon after he goaded him into a fight.
Even the fact that he still eats (and he’s neither vegan nor vegetarian so he eats meat, so he indirectly benefits from the death of another being) despite not being able to truly starve (stated in chapter 31, I think), thus not needing it to survive, could still be interpreted as sinful, as both the Demon Lords and some exorcists (like Nicholas) work in those excruciating, inflexible extremes.
And right after the monologue he “loses control” and damns the entire world to the whims of Belphegor.
I love how he ignores that the women Asmodeus used to violate him were victims too and how he’s actually blaming them for falling under the demon’s control!!
The part with him being eaten is also so messed up, I love it! Is he blaming the witches, who he is vaguely conscious as victims of the Church? Is he actually going, “oh, maybe they should’ve tried harder to find another way to defy the Church/defend themselves”? Or is he actually blaming Leah for not exorcising Beelzebub that first time? For being “weaker” than him, even though she was battling Mother Rosa (her savior)’s corpse at the time? Even worse, for “losing control”, eating her brother and choosing revenge? Because otherwise he wouldn’t have felt compelled to help her? (<- sick and twisted if it’s Leah he’s blaming!! you were the one who went all “knight championing for the tragic damsel” on her Mr. Priest!! Leah never asked nor wanted you to take on her burdens!!)
I think Mr. Priest is super valid in feeling frustrated and betrayed about protecting a world that seems willfully hopeless and corrupt, when he’s trying so hard, when he’s suffering so much. It’s like all his suffering was for nothing. Wasted energy. Wasted hard-work. (<- this is also Sloth, by the way. Why bother anymore when it doesn’t matter?)
It also makes sense given his tendency to lean towards… individualism (?) when he’s blaming himself (Leah does this a lot too). When I say individualism, I mean… he doesn’t consider structural/societal/ contextual factors when he reflects about his mistakes or condition. So it makes sense that, since he’s at rock bottom, he’s applying this on a global scale to humanity. Generalizing if you will. “If only I had been stronger/If only they tried harder…”
But even if his feelings are valid he is still being arrogant. He has also “lost control”. He has also “sinned”. He’s the same in that regard. Pretending that he is any different is arrogance.
He tortured and beat Asmodeus similarly to how he beat Mammon. Worse, actually. He repeated it. He did not learn.
He often acted as if he was above sexual desire when he never really was. In his eyes, he repeatedly failed to “control himself”. He did not learn.
Extremely funny. Pride truly is right under our noses, looking at us from the horizon.
Well, all these arcs served to slowly show that Mr. Priest has always, always, always been just human after all, a being as fallible and messy as the rest of humanity. Hopefully he’ll learn that it’s not a bad thing.
I’d also argue that, because both Mr. Priest (during inner monologues) and Belphegor (in general) use the pronoun “boku”, that whole monologue could also have come from Belphegor. I don’t think it would largely take away from Mr. Priest’s resentment of the world, nor from the interpretation above, given that Belphegor could be seen as a metaphor for depression/anxiety/intrusive thoughts regarding his role in Mr. Priest’s mind, and the fact that Mr. Priest does seem to agree with the whole argument, as it’s what makes him give in.
I think it could easily be either. Belphegor does have much more of a tendency to blame others for anything that happens to Mr. Priest (even things that Mr. Priest causes or does himself), while Mr. Priest usually blames himself. On the other hand, Mr. Priest has shown himself to be quite judgmental and arrogant at times, and sometimes lacked the self-awareness to admit he’s also guilty of similar “sins”(like lust, regarding viewing others in sexual ways), like in this chapter.
Whichever is the case, it’s very fun to think about.
And before anyone’s reading this thinks I’m bashing Mr. Priest or Belphegor, let me be clear:
I love that my priest boy can be a judgmental and arrogant hypocrite who has incredibly valid feelings of rage about his situation and is justified in wanting to run, and I love that the incel snail is extremely genuine in his protectiveness and affection for the little priest but is just as selfish delusional and perhaps even as manipulative as the other Demon Lords.
Also, on a small note, since Mr. Priest is having second thoughts about whether the world is worthy saving, because it’s full of sinners who never learn (thus they are unworthy victims, potential or actual)… are we going to touch on Mr. Priest’s odd fixation on the ideal of a “good, virtuous victim”?
Because it’s bothered me for a while now. If you don’t know what I mean… well, Mr. Priest has consistently been more drawn to the idea of a “perfect, good victim”. It’s shown during the Raid Chapter, for example, when he the example he brings up while sympathizing with the witches and their oppression by the Church is of “people who never even used magic to defend themselves”. So, extremely passive, not even capable of self-defense, never even did anything wrong, the ideal victim who only suffered and nothing else.
It’s also shown through his dynamics with Imuri, Leviathan and “Aria”. All three women have disguised themselves as victims of possible demon attacks: Leviathan said the boat she was on was attacked by a giant octopus (likely meaning the Kraken, but we know it was her who attacked it), “Aria” staged being threatened by Asmodeus (herself) and Imuri is currently playing the role of needing protection from Satan (her boss who sent her to seduce Mr. Priest). In addition, Leviathan accidentally came across as a victim of sexual abuse due to a careless comment and Asmodeus purposely made Mr. Priest think Aria was a victim of domestic abuse.
Yet, despite the trauma and potential violence lurking… none of the three showed any… “uglier” symptoms, to put it simply. No lashing out, off-putting behavior… just incredibly cute girls who need zero actual attention to their trauma or victimhood. Easy to take care of… in fact, Aria was even the one looking after him. And considering the fact that both Asmodeus and Imuri had/have the intention of seducing him… it gives off the feeling that the idea of a “perfect, virtuous victim” is not only a fantasy, but an appealing (male) fantasy to Mr. Priest (y’know, the sweet and pure damsel in distress). Like, he does have a crush on Imuri and seemed a bit attracted to Aria too. This is in contrast with the only actual (and currently alive) victim of a Demon Lord, Leah (who is more of a deconstruction of the damsel/victim akin to Mr. Priest’s deconstruction of the hero/chosen one archetype. but that’s a whole other post) who he’s comparatively less taken with.
Not saying Mr. Priest is a bad person for this or anything but… it’s a consistent trait of his… maybe he wants (or needs) a “good victim/good person”, because that’s probably worthier fighting for (?) than the foolish, sinful (“bad victims/people”) masses? Even if unconsciously?
I dunno. But that’s a very fascinating trait/pattern I’ve been curious about for a while now. Even more so because Mr. Priest himself doesn’t fit into his own preferred ideal.
But I digress.
Now, as for other details that caught my attention:
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Both Mr. Priest and Daniel were sporting some insane eye bags this chapter. It’s not a competition guys!
The contrast between these two scenes is very interesting to me.
In chapter 59, they’re in a professional setting, a meeting with most of the exorcists present. Dante has a more accusatory tone, his “am I right” is more to emphasize what he already knows and chastising. He doesn’t have a high opinion of Daniel, likely sees him as a underhanded and cunning bastard (which he kinda is), and seems to hate his cutthroat ways (valid, Daniel is an asshole) and in turn Daniel retorts in his characteristic cold and blunt tone, impartial and cruel, but honest and logical to a fault. He also doesn’t show any sort of vulnerability or regret when talking to Dante and I like how the dislike seems to be a bit mutual.
Meanwhile, Leah approaches him in his hotel room, it’s more private, a one-on-one conversation. Her expression and phrasing indicate a more pleading tone, almost as if she thought Daniel could change his mind, even though she was in the same reunion as Dante. He was the doctor who oversaw her condition and initial treatment when she’d just been rescued from Beelzebub, so perhaps that’s why she appears to have a better opinion of Daniel’s character, compared to Dante (whereas Daniel seemed to have had a hand in sending all those “meat shields” to help Mother Rosa defeat the Lord of Flies, so perhaps Dante dislikes him for that too).
In return, Daniel allows himself to be more expressive around Leah (whether it’s because of her own soft pleading or because he’s still reminded of her 5 year old self or both), looking rather sad (if not regretful) that “there’s no choice”. He even attempts to comfort her by telling her Marco had volunteered to act as back-up.
Which was very curious to me for a couple of reasons.
It’s stated by Daniel himself that bringing Marco anywhere close to Mr. Priest might cause more trouble than it’s worth due to his fanatic devotion.
But he has Dante, Mikhail, Leah and Barbara at his disposal, all extremely strong and capable exorcists in their own right. Dante and Mikhail were shown to be mostly in charge of searching for the witches whereabouts, and since they have very little time until Walpurgis Night (little more than 2 months), it’s understandable that Daniel would want them to focus solely on that task as much as possible.
The fact that he wasn’t going to send Leah and Barbara surprised me, though, considering their abilities. Leah has zero regard toward her own well-being and life either, so it’s doubtful she would hesitate to fight a Demon Lord with or in Mr. Priest’s place now, when she tried to do just that with Leviathan and Beelzebub, and blamed herself for not being there in time for the Asmodeus fight (File 53). But then it dawned on me:
Leah and Barbara are still in charge of watching over Mr. Priest and Imuri, particularly because no one knows what Satan’s plan is yet. From Daniel’s point of view, losing them as spies at this point would probably really hurt their chances of foiling whatever’s Satan has planned;
Leah is the only other exorcist who can evoke the power of Angels. But it’s a power that has to be used scarcely, due to the huge toll it takes on her body and lifespan. There’s no telling how many more times Leah can use that power before she dies from it. I could see Daniel wanting to reserve that sort of power in case something happens during Walpurgis Night, be it because of Baba Yaga, Satan or whatever. And considering how Leah is, she would use it freely against any Demon Lord, if she thought she had to- so it makes sense that Daniel, knowing her limits and personality, wouldn’t send her (and Barbara) to fight Mammon;
So I guess, Marco was the next best thing. It probably doesn’t hurt that he does actually have experience with fighting Mammon (though this one got door slammed in the end. lol)
Speaking of the poor crow dumbass…
What’s with all the Mammon Fanservice these past few chapters? This is twice we’ve seen him naked… I’m Not Complaining, I just think it’s funny.
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It’s also a bit amusing to me how Leah always instinctively shields Imuri with her body even though she actually knows she’s a demon working for Satan.
I mean, one could say since they know nothing about Satan’s plan, that is better that they keep Imuri safe, specially considering Mr. Priest’s growing attachment towards her and his current unstable condition.
But. She did that during Part 3 too, before she saw how Mr. Priest let Imuri comfort him while stomping on Asmodeus (lol).
Maybe she has her own kind of fondness towards Imuri, despite herself. Although, I also think Leah kind of sucks at being as ruthless as she tries to portray herself to be… not to say she can’t be ruthless, but like… so is 90% of the cast, and they’re actually better than her at this… Dante can shoot the love of his life between the eyes… even Mr. Priest could use the dying Golem’s body to hide (and later tear through it, destroying it further) so he could get the upper hand on Beelzebub.
Meanwhile, Leah can’t sacrifice Barbara for the greater good… hesitates to separate Imuri from Mr. Priest (File 53). It’s actually a bit funny… she’s kinda unhinged sure, but she sometimes chokes when trying to be ruthless or dutiful (probably because her original motivations weren’t as… say, selfless as the other exorcists/members of the Church, who fight for the greater good…) in a way other characters would have less of a problem lol.
Closing thoughts… not sure if Marco would reach the others in time but…
It would have been very funny to see Marco and Belphegor fighting for the position of number 1 fanboy. Doubt it’s gonna happen though, because now it’s for suffering and horror (and plushies)
Also I was robbed of Belphegor having a gross and/or more symbolically meaningful birth. Although there’s still hope for a flashback!
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it’s midnight but do you ever think that the reason that there’s so much mischaracterization of nightwing among some writers and in a lot of fans is because we see dick through the lens of Bruce? Like we think he’s a little sunshine and he’s happy and he’s better than Bruce and he’s everything that justice should be and he’s the best superhero because that’s what he thinks because he knows nightwing is better than him and that dick is happier and is doing better then he ever could?
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monards · 3 months
dies a little inside when people wholly demonize rhinedottir
#wow i would never do that to MY daughters#why would my mom do that to me?#gen dont know what set this off. the past 12 hours have been spent simmering in anger#WHO LET THIS HAPPEN... WHO...#did certain people become aware of the fact that the completely contrasting characterizations of her were! purposeful!#THERES A REASON THERE BOTH POLAR OPPOSITES.#stop saying shes either all good and innocent#or some insane abusive mother who hit albedo#WHY DO YOU GUYS THINK ALBEDO IS. A BABY???#HE IS AN ADULT !! HE CAN CONFIRM FACTUAL OPINIONS ! AND NOT BE BIASED BECAUSE ITS HIS MOM !#he explains her following HIS ideology of humans#no fucking shit he starts off with the more unlikeable traits she had. THATS THE POINT#'human beings are defined by their flaws'#THATS THE POINT. THATS THE FUCKING POINT#LATER ON HE MENTIONS BETTER TRAITS OF HERS#??????#????????????????????????????#ELYNAS & DURIN ARE NO WHOLLY UNRELIABLE JUST BECAUSE THEY SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY.?????#SHE DIDNT CARE FOR THE RIFTLORD BECUASE IT WAS A BYPRODUCT#SHE DIDNT WANT IT??? WHY WOULD SHE KEEP AMURDEROUS DOG !#also. the riftwolves are capable of doing shit. ON THEIR OWN?? they're chill guys! they are not simmering in hate! thats a sign!#elynas & during were just kind creatures idk what to tell you. that doesnt mean theyre completely unreliable#elynas is a FATHER. he wouldve realized and admitted by now if he realized what rhine did was completely fucked if she did it#HE WOULD'VE ALREADY WENT#BUT HE DIDNT#UGHHHHHHHHHHAHHHH#rhine
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jupiterjunebug · 4 months
See the problem is that the way my brain works is itll come up with a watsonian explanation for something even if shootwise the answer is "bad booking" and "this wrestler is a shitty person or had no charisma and so he wont get over enough for a push" so ive got essays in my brainspace regarding things that literally no one TRULY gives a single fuck abt
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communistkenobi · 1 year
I think I’m gonna speedrun reading anatomy of fascism. It has good historical information about interwar western europe but it doesn’t feel very helpful in forming a theory about fascism
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cringecomp2014 · 1 year
man how the fuck do i begin to unpack complaints about pacing and narrative payoff when the high points i felt they rushed into were a) story beats that feel inevitable and satisfying, just not in the first 10 minutes of a season b) literally beyond my wildest fucking imaginings. why should i know what i'm doing about the krabby patty formula, i never thought i'd get this far.
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rancidrubysoho · 6 months
there's a fascinating phenomenon on this site where people very clearly want to be doing complex, interesting political media analysis, but also very clearly have media tastes that aren't super conducive to that. so they're trying to wring big statements out of farming simulation games and network TV sitcoms and making very menial, unimportant things seem massive in the process.
like, yeah, everything is political. all art believes in something because all people believe in something, and even total neutrality is a belief in and of itself.
but like... you're fishing in a puddle here. you're treating Minecraft and Factorio like they've got the writing and depth of Disco Elysium. there's statements to be made about all three of these, but not recognizing what the thing you're analyzing is trying to do is just silly. it's like watching Young Sheldon and trying to extrapolate some grand statement about anti-intellectualism or classism or white christ-nationalism in the American South.
the statement's probably not incorrect, but you're talking about Young Sheldon.
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I love just abandoning Elden Ring playthroughs I'm just like "okay that's enough" and start a new game...I've been playing Elden Ring almost nonstop (with a little mass effect break) since I got it in November and it's now June. And I'm still like...hm I think I'm done with this strength/int endeavor I want to try blasphemous paladin again
#I just love roleplaying a sad paladin learning their oath is kind of shit#and trying but failing to abandon it and instead striking a balance where they redefine their oath for themselves#which isn't. *really* a paladin. In the DnD sense. There's Consequences to breaking an oath there isn't it? which is very fun actually#but this isn't DnD#me vs elden ring#I'm always captivated by the concept of what it means to have faith in the world of dark souls#where objectively factually the things you have faith in are failing/have failed and fallen#and the figures central to your religion turn out to be flawed and human#and yet at the same time miracles are tangible things and your faith allows you to heal and defend yourself and spread blessings#what is 'faith' in this scenario exactly? Faith in what?#I can never make a dumb faith build who just walks forward with entirely blind belief I always have to angst it a bit#in dark souls I always lean back towards it being faith *in* the miracles. The tales of the gods you recite to receive their blessing#or copy their abilities with lightning spear etc.#Elden Ring is especially funny of course because faith allows you all kinds of incantations. And I think the fact that you have all kinds o#incantations. MOST of which are kind of blasphemous and have nothing to do with the Erdtree itself#and yet you can cast them just the same as any other incantation#is an interesting concept to me. For a character to struggle with.#Alongside the whole 'Marika was the one who shattered the Elden Ring' thing.#I also like making devoted faith knights who swear oaths and are secretly really repressed gay boys.#what if I wielded a blasphemous blade of unholy flame and you wielded a sliver of a cold dark moon and we were both boys
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
Well, since you said to.. Seeing you come across my feed, either with writing or screens, is always a treat. I could never ask you to rp for fear of being boring in comparison, but I will just cheer you on from here. Keep being awesome, Cap'n!
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bloodyke · 1 year
who wants to invent therapy that works
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makerofmadness · 1 year
I use Safari and I'm not gonna change that
me and my 500 tabs are happy
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Rotating siskarak in my mind again
#Cipher talk#The thing is. The thing is. With the reading of Garak as presented in ASIT and the Nexus and the calling. He's got narrative parallels to#Sisko. Obviously there's the sociopolitical stuff with Hebitians and their history of being enslaved and implied current economic#Disenfranchisement and ongoing cultural suppression and that has some obvious connections to be drawn to Black history (Indigenous history#Is black history and vice versa these are not discrete categories without overlap)#But also like. The relationship to unreality/a reality considered less 'factual' even though it is RIGHT THERE and happening and the divine#Being called to the divine even as you try to run from it. Even as it makes you uncomfortable or even angry#Because it makes your /superiors/ uncomfortable. Because the culture you live with doesn't /do/ that sort of thing#And obviously this is different for each: with Garak his relationship is specifically targeted and oppressed and has been for a long time#Whereas starfleet is discrimatory to Bajoran faith less because it's Bajoran and more because it's idea of equality and being 'modern'#Enough to be in the Federation is flawed and discrimatory towards things like faith in general#And their connections to being Of those faiths is different#Sisko is Moses but he's specifically the version of Moses who says he's heavy of tongue because he doesn't speak Hebrew and doesn't know#How to be Jewish because he was raised in different culture (which is NOT a popular reading)#(Even though heavy of tongue is elsewhere used to mean 'I dont speak Hebrew' pretty specifically)#But let's not get into my grief over how Judaism regards Egypt as Bad and how this has loud & nasty echoes today#Whereas Garak has known what he is since he's a teenager and was raised with carefully hidden philosophy from it#Waoughhhhh
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fma03envy · 2 years
Something about the parallels between Calvin's dad in Calvin & Hobbes and Nagito Komaeda
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