#it’s not an exciting skill but it is a handy one
juniperhillpatient · 1 year
update apparently all my years of being a teacher’s pet kinda girl the type of girl your parents say “oh she’s so well behaved” about have payed off & the corporate lady told my boss to promote me
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devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #2
Silly Little Headcanons #1
He sleeps with socks on.
Has on multiple occasions carried a crying Asmodeus around.
His home screen on his phone is a picture of his brothers with a poorly edited Cerberus in the background.
Can sing the entirety of Bohemian Rapsody without missing a note.
Has a drawer with all the things Luke has given him. There's a lock on it.
Stands with one foot on his thigh when preparing noodles.
His keys are attached to his pants because he kept forgetting them.
Ruffles his brothers' hair. All of them.
Remembers everyone's favourite shows so he can buy them merchandise for their birthday.
Makes stickers so he can decorate Henry's fish tank.
Brings glowsticks to Beel's Fangol games.
Wears wrist warmers during winter.
Has kicked Lucifer in the balls more than one time.
He has a tendency to bump his hip into tables and chairs, you name it
Really good at jump ropes. He can even do tricks.
Has a secret stash of catnip.
Ran a marathon in heels out of spite.
Had a slime Deviltube channel back when it was trendy.
Very skilled at origami. Made a bouquet for MC's birthday.
Has fallen down the stairs quite a few times.
Ate the slime Asmodeus made for his Deviltube channel. It's a mystery how he didn't end up sick.
Kicked the front door off its hinges by accident 13 times in the span of 5 days.
Eats most fruits without peeling them first.
Makes a buzzing sound when you scratch his head.
Will take naps on any bed, but it has a tendency to not be his own.
Almost drowned in a bowl of soup once because he fell asleep.
This man never wears matching socks.
If he moos at cows, they will come running to him. He is the cow summoner.
Falls for clickbait at least twice per day.
Accidently ordered 100 spoons online instead of 10. He won't run our spoons any time soon.
Likes to make flower arrangements.
Sleeps with a giant Teddy bear that takes up half the bed.
He sounds like he's about to keel over and die every time he coughs.
Brings Solomon's cooking with him for lunch.
Forgot Luke in a supermarket.
Randomly brings animals with him to Purgatory Hall.
Has a hard time telling left from right.
Owns multiple kazoos.
He will never admit but he really enjoys shoulder rides.
Likes to spin around on office chairs. Sometimes he does it too much and ends up extremely dizzy.
He once caused a chemical reaction with his cooking that forced the residents of Purgatory to live at the castle for a week.
Has no feelings in his pinky toes. He will ram them into a table leg full force and not even flinch.
Falls asleep on the couch all the time.
Can mimic animal sounds like a pro.
Falls out of her bed all the time. She moves a lot in her sleep.
Her very first trap was a bucket of water on a door. It hit Solomon straight on the head.
Really good at acrobatics.
Had a pet squirrel for many years. It died of old age and Thirteen was devastated when it happened.
Almost broke Barbatos' hand out of excitement when going to the cinema for the first. He apologised for weeks after the incident.
Skilled at climbing. It really comes in handy when he wants to sneak out of the castle.
Likes to do rubber duck races.
Hits his head on doorframes all the time.
Will randomly just do cartwheels.
Slides down the railings in the castle when there isn't anyone around to see it.
Likes to play the piano with the Little D.'s
Don't be surprised if you see birds or other animals help Barbatos. Demon Snow White.
He can and will destroy you in Uno.
Helps Luke with homework from time to time. Don't tell anyone though.
Has high kicked a demon into the ceiling because he heard them conspire against Diavolo.
He has a great singing voice.
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flowermiist · 5 months
A warm heart - II
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Click here to check out past chapters if you haven’t ♡
Pairing: John Price x Fem!Reader
Sypnosis: Some time ago, you started a cooking channel on YouTube as a way to relax, have a proper hobby and teach others your favorite recipes as you improved your own culinary skills too. Fame wasn't something you wanted, you were more than happy with your 50k subscribers... Yet you never thought you'd stumble upon one of them.
Word count: 3k
A/N: Hii!! I’m really excited for this chapter (as with every other) I’d like to apologize if this took me more time than I intended, work has been quite heavy lately but all the kind comments make me smile soo much. Enjoy!! And please don’t forget to like, reblog and let me know your thoughts about this chapter if you’d like!
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After leaving your car at Harrison’s garage, you take an uber home. The mechanic told you it would take about three days to properly fix what was wrong with the engine, you didn’t give it much thought.
You sit in the back seat of the Uber and place your grocery bags on your lap, you sigh and open your purse, seeing the small note with John’s number – It was written on an old receipt the man managed to find in one of the pockets of his jeans, using a black pen you always keep in the glove compartment of your car.
You sink back into your thoughts while looking out the window. You don’t know whether to call his number or not, you sigh and keep thinking, as intense as it might sound, you know that if you call his number and he doesn’t pick up, you’ll be too embarrassed to ever attempt to call him again – You promise yourself that if he doesn’t pick up, you won’t call again.
It wasn’t like you wanted anything other than to thank him again properly for helping you back there. John was nice, yes, but he was still a stranger and you didn’t really know much about him.
You turn your head to the other window and realize you’ve reached your destiny, you pay the grumpy driver and make your way into place.
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The charms hanging from the keychain jingle as you open the front door. You sigh and close the door behind you, locking it before you start walking towards the kitchen with the grocery bags in hand as well as your personal bag that has the receipt with the phone number of certain man – you make sure to place the groceries where they belong and you kneel down to the drawers of the counter where you store the bags you used, might come handy anytime.
The tripod is still on the counter where you left it. You check the battery of your camera before grabbing the ingredients for the homemade sourdough bread you’ve been preparing for your next video.
So after washing and drying your hands, you re-adjust the camera to the tripod and begin recording the process, making sure the lightning looks good enough.
When you try to start the small oven to preheat it and have it ready for the bread, it does not respond which makes you confused since last time you used it, which was over a week ago, it had been working – not anymore, apparently.
What is going on? Why is everything you own acting up? First the car now the fucking oven, great.
Not wanting to get pissed any further, you choose to use the oven of your stove which of course, was bigger and would take more time to heat up.
This was going to be a long night for sure.
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John finishes putting the clean dishes away, the TV in the background with some History Channel show he was not paying attention to, but it was just the background noise he wanted.
Not particularly interested in what the telly had to offer anymore, he turns it off and does the same with the lights of the living room as well.
John Price has always had a pretty strict rule for himself and for his house, to turn off every light he wasn’t using – except for the old lamp he had in his living room next to the couch but besides from that one lamp, every other room that was not being used did not need any artificial lighting.
As he’s about to walk towards the stairs, the man remembers the laundry he had put in the dryer earlier, he had completely forgotten about it – “Fucking ’ell…” the words escape his lips as he clicks his tongue in annoyance and moves towards the uility room of his house, where the clothes should be.
After opening the small lid of the dryer, John places the clean clothes in the basket, grabs the old iron and the ironing board. He has never liked to leave things to the last minute, never liked to do things in a hurry and do them badly. John knows it’s better to iron the clean clothes now rather than leave them all wrinkly and forgotten.
Placing the ironing board in the living room, he folds out the winkly t-shirt and connects the iron, waiting for it to start producing enough heat and get this shit over with as soon as possible.
Some steam appears and he grabs the handle, making smooth movements with the iron, moving it from from the neck to the short sleeve of the green cotton t-shirt.
Looking back at it, the material is still the same, wrinkly and with obvious creases. John gathers his patience and moves the iron again, using a rough hand to stretch the fabric more and trying to press one of the buttons to make more heat yet nothing happens.
His mind drifts towards today’s events as all he can hear is the sound of the iron against the clothes – Your smile was still in the back of his mind and the thought of the big possibility of you not calling his number crosses his mind. Was he too forward? Would you call?
Without noticing, he moves the iron over his thumb and part of the back of his hand, groaning out in pain loudly as the sharp pain immediately hits him. John quickly grabs his left wrist. “God fuckin’ damnit, old fucking thing!” – Endless insults rumble through his chest, escaping through gritted teeth as the man is scrunching up his face with discomfort looking at the back of his hand where the bright red mark on his thumb throbs.
The smell of burning fabric and steam catches his attention again, looking down at the iron burning his shirt he quickly grabs it and places it vertically, taking a moment to manage the anger rising inside him, his face almost red.
John lifts up the green t-shirt, his gaze darkens as he sees the dark hole over the sleeve of the fabric. “Awesome.” He states with anger and sarcasm as he throws the t-shirt on the floor and unplugs the iron, contemplating smashing it against the wall for a single second but knowing it won’t solve anything.
Breathing through his nose while calming down, he walks to the kitchen sink, gritting his teeth in discomfort as he washes the burning part of his left hand – A first degree burn, nothing he can’t handle.
The basket with clothes ready to be ironed remains forgotten as John grabs one of the aid kits he keeps inside one of his kitchen counters. The man clearly has experience with dealing with these superficial wounds as he loosely wraps some of the bandage around it, covering the red area.
“What a muppet.” He grits through his teeth, directed to nobody but himself.
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When you finally finish the video, you look at the clock, it is around 21:30 and you are tired, however; you aren’t too tired to go to bed just yet – and besides that, there’s still something you want to do before going to bed or rather someone you want to talk to.
The bread has such a good smell, freshly baked as you cut a big piece and put some cheese, tomato slices and arugula over it before biting and almost melting at the delicious flavor filling your palate.
You walk towards your bedroom and open the drawer of the nightstand right next to your bed to grab the pack of cigarettes on the second drawer. You were never a smoker but you liked the taste of nicotine on your mouth from time to time, especially after such a long day like this one.
You open all the windows to make sure the smell does not stay inside the apartment, you may like the taste and how the nicotine relaxes your mind but you still find the smell of it sticking to your clothes absolutely annoying.
Walking back to the living room, you grab our purse as the cigarette remains between your lips, the string of smoke and the smell over you now, your eyes open more when you look at the old receipt with the man’s number and smile, grabbing the cigarette from your lips and exhaling the smoke out of you.
At this point, all you are wearing is a pair of gray lacy underwear and a white tank top.
You look at the wrinkled paper and gather some courage before you dial the number and press on the green phone icon to call.
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John sits on his back porch, a cigar between his index and middle finger.
His attention is immediately caught when he hears the ringing sound of his phone back in the living room, where he left it before moving to wash the dishes. Who would be calling him at this time of the night if it was not work related?
He grunts as his knees crack when he stands up and walks back inside, seeing the “unknown” contact and quietly staring at the number. Could it be?... No, he does not want to get his hopes up.
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“Hello?” A hoarse, masculine voice speaks through the line with a tone full of curiosity and some clear seriousness, you immediately smile, holding the cigarette as sink down on the swing chair of your balcony.
“Hope it isn’t too late.” You say, bringing your hand closer to your mouth and position and the nail of your right thumb between your teeth when you hear a low chuckle. He recognized your voice, of course he would.
“How are you?” The man immediately asks after you stop talking – If you were able to see him, you’d see the way he scratches the beard on his cheek and goes back to his porch, a small smile between his thin lips.
“I’m good…” There’s a small silence before you speak again, keeping the phone close to your ear with your left hand. “Wanted to thank you again for everything, you know…”
John hums in acknowledgement – “No need to thank me, it was quite an honor for me to help my cooking teacher…” Is he flirting? No, that has to be a trick your mind wants to play with you for fun.
“How’s the car, eh? Hope it didn’t stop in the middle of the road.” He slightly tilts his head to the side while speaking, changing the topic rather fast.
“Well… I left it with the mechanic, won’t have it for a few days – took an uber home.”
You could have asked me to drive you home – He wants to say as he takes a puff of the thick cigar between his fingers. Of course, he would not rush into anything. He was still a stranger to you after all and the thought of possibly sounding creepy cringes him.
“Sounds like you had quite the battle then, with all those grocery bags?” His tone makes you chuckle and that gives him some relief yet he doesn’t want to think much of this call for now.
“I did, actually. Came home and filmed my next video.” You say, forgetting about the cigarette between your fingers and you move your hand away from your face.
“Mhm… Next recipe then?”
“May I know ’bout it?”
John chuckles quietly and it makes you smile.
“It’s a surprise...” The calmness of your voice is clear and it resonates in his ears.
“I don’t mind waiting then.” His voice is just as calm as yours.
There’s a comfortable silence through the line when the question pops out and you decide to ask it, to learn more about him.
“You said you had experience with changing tires.”
“Indeed.” John responds, giving you silence of his own for you to speak.
“Well, you got me wondering if you were actually my mechanic in disguise.” It lights up the mood a little bit when you hear a breathy smile. John grins before replying.
“I could be, you never know…”
“Where did you get the experience?”
He thinks of his answer...
“Different places ’round the world.” It’s vague and definitely not enough for you to figure him out completely and you are eager to do so.
A hum sounds through your throat, you take a drag of your cigarette and exhale. Not keeping the smoke inside for too long.
“You travel a lot?”
“Quite a lot, yes.” His voice is still calm. John is pondering whether he should say more or leave it at that, he is not the most open man when it comes to his line of work.
“Business men travel a lot.” The suggestion arises in the air when your words are spoken.
“They do, don’t they?” The sarcasm he uses answers absolutely nothing, he’s messing with you and you can clearly tell he finds it funny.
“Maybe you’re a famous lawyer traveling from one boring conference to another…” Another one of your suggestions.
John can’t help but grin a little at your response – “No, nothing like that.”
“No, not that either.”
You sigh, you won’t deny this is entertaining but you were getting nowhere so you give it one final try – “Well... They say military men travel a lot... Are you one of them?”
“Correct.” A calm voice replies and you try not to cheer loudly at finally guessing a part of this man’s life.
“So you’re in the military?” You want to make sure you’re right, even if he was clear and brief.
“I am.”
The line goes quiet before you break the silence.
“Explains a lot then.” You try to sound unimpressed as you shrug and it does get to him because now he’s curious.
“Does it?” He moves the cigar to his lips again, taking a puff and looking up at the dark sky.
The phone call hides the teasing smile painted over your lips. “Yeah, you look it.”
Before John can question your words any further, you change the topic.
“I’m pretty sure there are evil gnomes messing with my stuff.”
Your words don’t fail to impress him as he exhales smoke through his nostrils.
“You believe in that stuff?” The thick british accent and his raspy masculine voice could not be more noticeable as he tries not to sound rude while making fun of your possible beliefs.
A chuckle escapes your lips and you pretend to act offended by his selection of words “And what if I do?” A brief pause – “First my car then my oven…”
It catches his attention, John tilts his head like some curious dog and keeps the phone pressed against his ear.
“Did the secret recipe go wrong?”
“Well, almost.” You sigh and elaborate. “So I got this… smaller oven, easier to use compared to the bigger one that comes with the stove but as I tried to preheat it, it stopped responding.” “I’ll have to get a new one tomorrow.”
With a sigh, you get up from the swing and get closer to have a view of the street under your building, you take another drag of your cigarette as you place your elbows on the frame of the balcony, feeling the cold breeze embrace your exposed thighs and caress your almost naked arms, moving your hair with it.
“Could help you look for a new one.” The same husky voice sounds through the speaker of your phone. John’s eyes dart around his back yard, a man like him is never fully off guard. No matter where.
“You’ve already helped me enough… I- don’t really want to bother you.” There’s some embarrassment in the tone you use, looking up at the dark night sky while exhaling a slow – thin string of smoke out of your lips.
The man gazes at his bandaged thumb then at his fingers holding the cigar.
“Wouldn’t mind a shopping expedition, could use one m’self.”
This catches your attention, curiosity enters your mind. “Yeah?”
John won’t admit the fact that he burnt his hand with the old iron because he was distracted, he would rather lie that sound like a fool.
“Got this old iron at home, burnt my bloody hand while trying to use it, burnt my goddamn t-shirt too.” Some embarrassment makes the british man scrunch up his face, he doesn’t want to sound like a potty mouth.
He clears his throat before continuing – “Would be good to kill two birds in a stone, ya get your oven and I get my iron… Some advice could be useful too – ’bout the iron, ’course...”
A small smile escapes your lips as you reply to the man on the line - “Sounds like a good plan then...”
“Sounds like it.”
“Could drive you to the store with me if that’s alright.”
Right, you haven’t thought about how you’d get there.
“Will need one.” Of course you will, dummy, You don’t have your car with you – Says that little voice within your head, the one that tries to prevent you from saying too much.
His deep voice is heard again through the speaker of your phone. “Right, no problem.”
John replies, his tone monotone and casual about it which you’re thankful for.
“What time can I pick you up at? Got all day.”
“I get out of work at five, a friend will drop me off at home… Is six too late for you?”
“Don’t worry ’bout it, six ’s fine.” John says calmly and you smile.
“I’ll text you the address then.” You sit back on the hanging chair as the wind moves your hair and you squish the head of the cigarette against the ashtray placed on the small glass table of your balcony.
“Six it is then.” That voice rumbles through his chest and without even knowing you just put your cigarette away, he sticks the head of the cigar against the wood of his porch, leaving a small mark, putting his own cigar away almost at the same time as you.
“Good night, John.”
“Sleep tight, Y/N.”
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Taglist: @bumblebeesfromvenus @thesevi0lentdelights @zekes-beard @blckbrrybasket @shuttlelauncher81 @thychuvaluswife @airzonaaa @mamanmae @cadotoast @ateliefloresdaprimavera @heyitsmarimari @markitvz @live-love-be-unique @syoddeye @hyriefortuno (Let me know im the comments if you’d like to be added! Dm me for removals! ♡)
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r0-boat · 13 days
I had a thought
How would the kings or nobles (preferably Belial & Jjyu, Eligos, Gamigan, Leraye, and Ppyong) react to an MC who is absolutely CRACKED at claw/crane machines?
Like, just wins every single prize and empties the machines
(Is Ppyong considered a noble? Idk I like that red lumpy looking potato tho)
🦩 anon
Oh absolutely I would consider Ppyong as a noble though I don't know if you want the human version or the lumpy potato So I'm just going to do the lumpy potato and it can be a platonic thing
I will do the nobles you have listed there! Because I feel like the kings and the nobles would be a little too much!!
Anyways without further ado
Whb various react to crane claw master mc
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Crane claw machines work differently in hell than in the human world. But even with the less scummy practices of these claw machines It was still relatively difficult to get a prize.
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But not to you, who was so used to the limp and rigged claws of the machines back home. The Crane claw machines in hell were practically a cakewalk. The red lump devil stared at you with wide, gleaming eyes as you bagged every toy you wanted with ease. He almost wasn't sure you were human; you were some kind of superhero! He tried to tell everyone about your super human skills, so he did...
Your skills came in great handy one day when he got himself stuck in a crane claw machine. You didn't have to crane claw him out Satan could have just destroyed the entire box...
Belial is okay at the crane claw machine, but he's not that good. He first found your secret skill when the two of you were out and about on one of your special dates when it was just you and him. He signed or wrote that he wanted to win you something. After winning you a plushie of a horned cat, He got a glimpse of your skill when you used one plushie to knock another down, getting two and one.
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His lips parted for a second, trying the process because he knew crane claw machines were hard and even harder on Earth. It was not just an accident. Your moves were calculated.
He beamed when you told him that one was for him and the other was for Jjyu, who sadly couldn't make it because of his anger management class. His eyes lit up when he saw a Candy Crane claw machine. The two of you won every piece of candy from that machine before walking home with your goodies.
Crane claw machines are almost unheard of in Tartaros because the thought of losing money with no gain was nearly appalling. So when Eligos was walking through the streets of Gehhenna with you on the way to Tartaros and Saw that machine, He looked confused; it was a machine he had never seen before. And when you told him what it was and what it did, he was even more confused. Why would anyone want to risk their money for a possibility they won't get anything in return?
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Even though the fabric of the plushies was cheap, and these plushies in particular were cheaply made, You saw him eyeing a pink bunny. Why not? You put in some of the money that man would sometimes gift you and play. You smiled as you fumbled a bit, pretending not to pick up the watched in all punching his teeth every time you failed, before finally, you picked it up, which he excitedly gasped an excited 'yes!' slipping out of his mouth.
Holding the bunny in his arms Eligos now understands the appeal of these machines.
Gamigin SUCKS at crane claw machines! And there's not a lot of them around in Paradise Lost to test his skills since as the ruler of Paradise Lost, Lucifer thinks they're unnecessary and a waste of money and time. "If you want something that bad, you could just buy it at the store."His adoptive Big brother would say. The Young Dragon thinks that Lucifer doesn't get the thrill of winning a prize that you want so much!
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You were on a whole another level. As you easily and quickly one three toys in one claw. He was speechless, Even though you moved so quickly each move you made seemed calculated. And you looked so serious too staring into the glass, calm and focused. Oh please teach him, oh great claw master! Teach him your secrets!
Extremely good at Crane claw machines. He has a good eye and is a lot smarter than what he lets on. So when he's bored he usually goes to an old arcade with games from either Earth or old games in hell when he's bored.
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He likes your skills and he wants to challenge you to a crane claw battle. Whoever wins the most stuff wins! The winner has to do whatever the person says for a day. And of course you win crane claw machines on Earth were much harder than green car machines in hell and he stood no chance. He is now other than your friend and lover your crane claw rival He shall get better and beat you one day and then shower you with the gifts he had one.
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winterchimez · 1 year
Teach Me How To Love | Kim Sunwoo
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summary: the campus heartthrob whom you've had a crush on for the longest time finally asks you out on a date. since you have never been on a date before, you decided to elicit the help of your best friend, Kim Sunwoo, for some romantic advice.
pairing: f!ckboy Sunwoo x g.n!reader
genre: suggestive
warnings: kissing, making out with the one and only Kim Sunwoo
word count: 2,251
a/n: this is... umm yeah. (i'm still learning and new to writing suggestive so pls bear with me lmao 😭)
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"He asked me out."
"Asked who now?"
"He asked me out, Yuna!!" You grabbed the shoulders of your best friend, shaking them vigorously.
That was when the sudden realisation hit your friend, and she formed an 'o' from her mouth, knowing whom exactly you were referring to. 
You have had the biggest crush on Lee Hyunjae since your freshman year. Of course, who wouldn't be? He is literally the heartthrob of your campus. Everyone, including yourself, would do anything to get the man's attention. Even a smile or the slightest moment he turns straight in your direction works either way. 
It wasn't in your third senior year that you got to pair up with the infamous man in one of your science classes. Biology. How fun. 
Your lecturer chose you both to be lab partners throughout the semester, and that was when you had a legitimate conversation with the man himself. Oh, how you were so nervous back then, rubbing your palms together almost every minute, ducking your head down because you were too shy to look straight into the man's eyes. 
However, his calming and friendly persona broke off that wall between you two almost immediately and little did you know, the both of you hit off as good friends. You both started hanging out casually, even after classes, seemingly bumping into one another in the hallway lockers. 
In other words, you were whipped for the man, and when he finally asked you out, you immediately accepted the offer. 
If you were like the rest, you would've felt happy, even excited, to be going on a date with your long-time crush. You, on the other hand, felt the opposite. You were panicking, nervous, and terrified of what was to come. 
Your friend, Yuna, clearly notices your demeanour and proceeds to interrogate you on what's the matter, and that is when you let out the most inner thoughts of yours that have been bugging you for the longest time. 
Clearly, you had zero to no skills on what to do when you're out on your first date. You've seen in hundreds of films and read many rom-com books how holding hands is the least you could do on the first date, to having a passionate kiss if both sides were up for it. 
You were stressed out and had to do something to calm your nervousness. That was when a lightbulb dings right in your friend's mind, and she knew precisely the solution to your problem. 
"I dare you to elicit some help from Sunwoo." 
You paused. Sunwoo? Kim Sunwoo? Your childhood best friend? 
You were confused at the beginning as to why she would even bring him up in the first place. But as you connect the dots, the sudden realisation hits you. 
Kim Sunwoo. You both have practically grown up together since kindergarten, and you are still neighbours to this day. He was the one friend who has always stood by your side from the start, no matter how messed up or crazy your situation might be. He was also the person you'd always rant to, and he'd be more than happy to comfort you if that meant for you to feel better. 
How close were the both of you? Well, close enough that you both have determined that every Friday of the week is a movie night in his apartment that he just recently signed the lease to at the start of the year. You'd both always get the cosiest blankets and drape them over you both while seemingly cuddling with one another to enjoy the films with Sunwoo's handy-dandy mini projector that he bought for a pretty reasonable price on Amazon.
Although there was one problem, your best friend is actually the f!ckboy of the campus.
It did not start out this way, though. Neither of you knew what snapped in Sunwoo's mind. Your only guess was that he was enjoying adulthood to the fullest and getting used to university life. After attending several frat parties, having a little too much to drink and eventually hooking up with so many different women, it was too late for the male to turn back. 
You never judged him for that. It was fine by you since he still considers you to be his best friend, and you both technically still hang out with one another once every week. 
So being the f!ckboy, he knew all of the necessary basics and tricks on how one should act around their partner, especially on the first date.
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So here you were, standing right outside Sunwoo's apartment door. 
You contemplated on even knocking on the door, for you knew it wasn't even a Friday; it was a Tuesday, to be exact. And god knows whoever he is making out with on the other side. 
Because as far as you know, he was pretty “active” throughout the week except for the day you get to hang out with him. 
You paused. You kept bringing your hand up to the door and then down. Your mind was literally at a tug-of-war at this point. 
To do it? Or not to do it. 
Eventually, you huffed and returned your hands to the door until it swung open and bumped you on your forehead. 
A woman dressed in a periwinkle lace spaghetti strap sleepwear with a grey jacket draped across her shoulders noticed your presence. She immediately got you up on your knees, constantly apologising and asking if you were alright. 
You knew that grey jacket. It belonged to Sunwoo. And it was the same exact one that you always got to wear whenever you came over because you liked how it always made you feel warm and comfortable. 
But you have to brush the thoughts off immediately. Sunwoo is a f!ckboy for goodness sake, and these things are practically an everyday thing to do for the guy. 
Just as you were about to reassure the woman that you were okay, a head popped out of the door, and it was the guy you just had in mind.
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"Care to explain the sudden purpose of the visit, my friend?" Sunwoo asks while he makes a warm mug of hot cocoa in the kitchen. 
While you sat at the kitchen counter, you contemplated for a while before finally telling him how the campus heartthrob had finally asked you out on the first date.
And how you actually came to elicit his help and advice. 
It took a while for Sunwoo to process the message, and he burst out in laughter once he got it. In return, you started throwing daggers through your eyes right at him as you scowled at the man. 
"I'm sorry, but this is just too funny for me." He continued laughing while placing the ready-made hot cocoa onto the countertop. 
You pout. "And I thought you'd actually help a best friend out." 
"Okay, okay, I would do anything for my bestie. So tell me-". He slips right into the chair beside you while plopping one of his arms onto the countertop, resting his face on his palm as he stares deep into your eyes. “What do you exactly need my help with?” 
"I don't know. Teach me how to kiss, flirt, and all that jazz, I guess." You shrugged, hoping that he clearly gets the message that you're in dire need of some basic love lessons to please your date. 
The man moves a few inches closer to you now, close enough that you feel his breath. He was studying your face intensely as if some sort of dirt or dust was sitting somewhere at the top of your face. He then suddenly backs away immediately, giving you a hesitant look. 
"Are you sure, Y/N? That you want to do this?" Sunwoo asked with a serious tone, which was unusual for you since you were used to seeing the goofy side of him. But if he were to ask in such a manner, you knew that he wasn't joking around. 
"You do know that if you want me to teach you how to kiss, we literally have to kiss one another, right?"
You were new to all of this. Hell, you have never kissed anyone in your entire lifetime. And now, you were about to give your first not to your lover but to your best friend. It all comes down to whether you are willing to do it. 
Kissing Sunwoo also meant he would give you an actual physical demonstration of the different ways to kiss or even make out with one another, which may include some physical touches on certain parts of one another's body. 
"Yes, Sunwoo. You have my consent." You replied nonchalantly, anticipating whatever move he would put up with you. 
But the man was still frozen in his seat, not moving an inch. "I don't know, Y/N. Are you sure this won't, you know, get weird between us? I care a lot about you, and I do not want something like this to ruin the relationship we've built over the years." 
You could see where the man was coming from because this was the main reason you were contemplating even stepping into his apartment for this crazy love lesson situation. 
However, it was now or never. And if this was all for your first date with your long-term crush, you're down for it. 
"Yes. One hundred percent." 
Like that, Sunwoo's facial expressions shifted as he licked his plumped lips. He then snakes one of his free arms around your waist as he inches closer. 
"Tell me when you want to stop." 
Before you knew it, he closed the space between you, and both lips were now against one another.
Holy shit. You are literally kissing your best friend now. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you moved one arm around his neck while the other moved up into his hair. 
God, his hair felt so soft. 
Sunwoo chuckled between the kisses. "Look at you go, Y/N." 
He pulled away briefly, only to whisper in your ear. "I had no idea you tasted this good, baby." 
Leaning back in, he began kissing you passionately, and eventually, it became a hot mess. His lips began searching other areas to nibble on, starting from your earlobe and then down to your neck, where he began to suck. In return, you elicit a soft moan which sounded way too sweet to his ears. 
You were floating, and damn, did it feel so good. 
Sunwoo seemingly slipped one of his hands under your shirt, earning a gasp from you.
"Sunwoo-" You gasped, trying to catch your breath. "Aren't you—supposed to go step-by-step?" 
Sunwoo smirked against your jaw as he gently brushed his lips against your soft milky skin. "Baby, sometimes things just go with the flow." 
While he rests his face on the crook of your neck, his hands are now down to your thighs, rubbing them gently. "Wrap your legs around my waist, and jump." 
You were stunned. "J-jump? What are you even-"
"Trust me, Y/N. I'll catch you if that's what you're worried about." 
"You won't drop me, right?"
He chuckled. "Only a fool would drop a person like you." 
With your legs wrapped around him, he carries you towards his bedroom, slowly laying you on his bed. 
This is dangerous. And this is all so wrong. 
You only came to ask for advice on how to kiss your crush, not to have a steamy make-out with your teacher in question, Kim Sunwoo. 
But why did all of these feel so good? Why couldn't you say stop? In fact, you wanted more. You wished that all of these would not stop and that you'd be down to continue with the man himself. 
So many thoughts were going through your mind as you reminded yourself of the true purpose of your visit, your campus heartthrob. But you knew you are so screwed at this point, and there’s no turning back anymore. 
Both of you deepen the kiss, and Sunwoo’s tongue slips right into yours, exploring your mouth. In return, your soft whimpers eventually turned into pleasurable moans to the man himself. 
God, Sunwoo. Give me more. Give me-
And then it all came to a halt. Sunwoo backed away, leaving you both to catch your breath as he stood up from his bed. 
“I think. We are done for the day.” 
Just as you were about to ask him why he even stopped in the first place, you were cut off by the man's quick response, also seemingly turning his flushed face towards the side. 
“I’ve taught you more than enough to please your date.” Clearing his throat, he helps you to get back up on your feet. 
“Oh- um… yeah. You know, thanks Sunwoo. For everything.” 
As he escorts you towards the front door, that familiar soft bubbly smile that you were accustomed to is plastered on his face. “All the best with Hyunjae. I look forward to our next movie night, Y/N.” 
“Ye-yeah!! I’ll keep you updated. Good night, Sunwoo.” 
As you turned your heel and headed toward your apartment, Sunwoo immediately slammed the door shut once you were out of sight.
His back now rests against the door, and he tries to calm his fast-beating heart down.
It was then he realised that kissing you felt entirely different from all the other women he had ever made out with.
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics (join my permanent taglist here!)
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 9 months
Twice bitten
Why is my dream to be a housewife? I’m handy okay I have a wild amount of skills I swear I’d be an amazing housewife
Pairing: Buck x Eddie x reader
Word count: ….s’all in da notes app. But I did it okay 🥹🥹🥹 I wrote a longer one it’s a miracle
Notes: I didn’t realize how desperate I was for these two until I tried finding fics for them. Whoever writes them I love you, thank you. Ps, I don’t edit shit I’m sorry
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⭐️Day 16: Double Penetration⭐️
It was normal on certain days of the week for Buck to rush home, the guys teased him for it but he just laughed it off claiming he was excited to just pass out after the long day they’d had.
It was normal for Eddie to crash at Bucks place on certain days.
Why no one noticed these days coincided with each other neither man was sure, but they sure as hell weren’t going to point it out.
Everyone knew you were Bucks longtime girlfriend, you’d met after the neighbors in your apartment burnt down their own home and half of yours. There was nowhere to go that night as you sat in the back of an ambulance, an oxygen mask over your face. Buck approached you first after the fire was out, he had been watching you for a little bit and you hadn’t moved in the last 45 minutes. He looked around, uneasy at first because he knew this was stupid. But you just looked so helpless… and your house had literally just burnt down.
“I uh- I promise I’m not a serial killer” Buck joked as he approached you, you looked at him- your eyes red-rimmed and puffy.
“Okay? Cool?” Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, and Buck inwardly cursed himself. That was weird as hell
“I just- you- you don’t have anywhere to go and okay I know this is weird and my boss would kill me for this… but I have a bed! And oh my god that’s not what I mean I swear it’s just-“
“Are you asking me to stay at your place?” You look up at him and his heart breaks all over again for you.
“Yeah I am” he sighs quietly “I have an overnight shift tonight and won’t be home. So, I can take you there. I’ll just say I need to change or something, just. Consider it? Please?” He handed you a piece of paper with his number on it and the rest was history. Buck could remember the night Bobby had found out he’d done that for you, he was on dish duty for two months after that.
Four months after the fire, you still hadn’t found a place to live. It was weird at first, Buck gave up almost everything for your own comfort, often crashing on a coworkers couch. But one night he came home, and you’d made dinner for him as a surprise. The moment he walked through the door you knew something was off, he let his bag fall to the floor as he kicked off his shoes and went straight to his bed, crashing on it and putting a pillow over his head.
“Buck?” You asked softly, but he continued to ignore you. You sat at the edge of the bed and lifted the pillow a bit.
“Evan?” You whispered, and he reached out, pulling you down with him and nuzzling his face in your neck.
That was the night you and Buck had gotten together.
Two months after that, Eddie showed up at the apartment to drop something off and found you there, he knew Buck was seeing someone but he didn’t know it was you he was seeing. The conversation was light and awkward but very flirty and you found yourself comfortable around him immediately. He came around more often for “just hanging out” purposes but Buck knew there was an ulterior motive.
“Do you like my girlfriend?”
Buck cornered Eddie behind the fire truck one day as they were taking a breather, getting drinks from a corner store.
“I’m sorry, what??” Eddie wiped his mouth as he nearly spit his drink out, he coughed a couple times and looked up at him “Do I like who?!”
Buck crossed his arms over his chest “My girlfriend. Y/N? Do you like her?”
Eddie’s cheeks reddened as he tried to hide it behind the bottle. He shook his head as he took another sip. “ I mean- I- she’s cool yeah I like her she’s a nice girl!”
“You know that’s not what I’m asking you” Buck rolled his eyes.
Eddie sighed as he leaned against the truck, he looked down at his hands for a moment “Yeah” he said softly “Yeah I like her”
“So just tell her”
That night Eddie came over to Bucks house and asked you to be his girlfriend too. Buck had been suspicious for a little while before he started asking you questions and the truth came out. You did like Buck… but you just happened to also like Eddie. The immense guilt you’d been feeling went away very quickly when Buck laid back on his bed, his hands behind his head
“Yeah he’s kinda hot isn’t he”
you both laughed as you laid your head on his chest and just talked about Eddie, like two school girls with a secret crush. That was also the night Buck and Eddie decided it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing if they both found each other attractive.
This brought all three of you to today. Buck got home first, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you like he hadn’t seen you in months, he was stuck at work and then crashing at Eddie’s place for the last six days in a row.
“I missed you so much pretty girl” he breathed against your neck as he kissed it, inhaling your sweet perfume.
“I missed you too babe” you laughed as he pushed you against the counter and lifted you onto it.
“My gorgeous sweet toy” He whispers. His hands slide up your side and go to take off your shirt when the door starts to unlock. Eddie walks in, looking equally as exhausted. He slowly puts his keys into his pocket as he raises an eyebrow.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks as he sets his bag down by Bucks, and leans against the closed door
“Not if you wanted to join us.” Bucks eyes sparkle as he smiles widely. Your mouth drops as Eddie shakes his head chuckling. He removes his jacket and sets it on the hook.
“You sure she’s ready for that?” He walks over and gently turns your head to him, giving you a dizzying kiss. Buck and Eddie had been toying with the idea of talking to you about sleeping with the both of them together. It had just been taking turns or one of them watching the other with you, never all three of you at once.
“Yeah I think she might be” He starts kissing your neck again, easing your shirt over your head.
“R-ready for what?” You ask as Eddie keeps kissing you. You feel Bucks hands slide between your thighs as he leaves kisses down your neck.
“We were wondering, if you’d be up for having us both.” Eddie asks as he pulls away for a minute, smirking at the dazed look in your eyes.
“You can definitely say no and if you say yes you can absolutely use your safe word.” Buck says as he pulls away as well.
“What do you mean by ‘having you both?’” You ask as Eddie picks you up and takes you over to Bucks bed. Buck pulls off shirt as he follows and as soon as Eddie sets you down he eases you onto your back, pulling off your bra and sucking your nipple into his mouth. His hand comes up and massages your other breast as he moans softly.
“We both want to be inside you, Y/N” Eddie says as he pulls off his shirt and starts kissing you, he picks you up and puts you on top of Buck, Buck goes to your other nipple, biting and sucking at it. You moan as you tangle your fingers in Bucks hair, pulling his face up to make out with him. You lightly grind against him and Eddie smirks as he watches your body. He pulls your shorts down and leans forward, giving your cotton panties a sweet kiss.
“What do you think Y/N?” Buck asks between kisses. You reach down and unbutton his pants and Eddie helps pull them off.
“We won’t be upset if you say no, you have full control baby.” Eddie reassures you as he starts to rubs your clit through your underwear. Your hips stutter as you grind against his hand and Bucks cock through his boxers.
“Y-yeah I want to try it.” You pant as Eddie pulls your panties to the side and easily slips his fingers in your soaked cunt.
“Fuck I’m into you” Buck laughs breathlessly as you agree to it. Eddie pulls off his pants and grabs your hips, pulling you a bit closer to him. He pulls his fingers out and you whine, angling your hips towards him.
“Shhhh mi vida it’s okay” He starts to grind his cock against your ass, pushing you against Buck. Buck groans loudly as he starts to grind back. Your gasps and moans come sharper from the pressure of both of them.
Eddie finally pulls off your panties, and your legs start shaking a bit. He chuckles and helps Buck pull off his boxers.
“You ready for this pretty girl?” Buck asks as he wraps his arms around you, kissing you softly. Eddie reaches over to the bedside table and pulls out a small bottle of lube and puts some in his hand, stroking his cock and then rubbing it between your ass. This wasn’t the first time you’d done anal but it sure was the first time with the two of them. He reaches down and lifts your hips a little grabbing Bucks cock and coating it too.
“I-I’m ready” you’re a bit nervous, Eddie rubs your back lovingly.
“Remember you can stop us if you need to but we know you can take it.” Eddie lines Buck up first and he pushes into you easily, your eyes roll back in your head as you moan together, Buck can’t help the way he pumps into you immediately. Eddie chuckles and holds his hips
“You’re both so eager”
He teases your tight hole with his cock a bit and you gulp, you angle your hips a bit and bury your head in Bucks neck. He chuckles and reaches his hands down, spreading your cheeks open for Eddie.
Eddie taps your hole again and pushes in slowly. Your body jerks a bit as he fills you, he pours a bit more lube on his cock and pushes in more. You hold onto Bucks body tightly as they both fill you, your cunt squeezes tightly around Buck and he groans, fighting to keep his hips down for you. Eddie throws his head back as he moans loudly, his grip on your hips tighter and bruising.
“Fuck that’s good, fuck” he leans forward with his head on your back as he waits for you to adjust. Your body is trembling as you lay between the two of them, filled to the brim and trying to adjust to being completely filled.
“Oh my god” your voice is high pitched as Bucks hips snap and he finally loses it, thrusting into you and holding onto Eddie’s arms above you. Eddie groans as he starts thrusting too and you feel like you’re being torn apart in the best way possible. They take turns thrusting in and out of you as you cling to Buck, gasping and crying out their names.
“Ah ah fuck Y/N shit you’re so tight” Bucks mouth covers your moans as he kisses you, it’s messy with the way they’re both pumping in and out of you but it feels good. Eddie wraps his hand around your hair and tugs it back gently, pulling you up to him and starts kissing your neck, his hands slide up your sides and cup your tits as they bounce in his hands, he reaches down and starts rubbing your clit.
“Fuck you better cum pretty girl, make a mess in Bucks lap.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, whimpering and whining as Buck grabs your hips now slamming you down on them. You scream their names, babbling incoherently as you cum all over their cocks. Bucks mouth drops in awe as he watches you squirting all over them both. Your body jerks as Buck holds you down on their cocks, they both hold onto you tightly as they come together inside you. Bucks hips stutter as he pushes his cum deep inside you. Eddie pushes his cock in to the hilt and squeezes your tits, pushing every last drop inside you. He pulls out and lets you fall forward into Bucks chest, his cum drips down your pussy and over Bucks balls.
“Fucking hell man” Eddie laughs as he pants, he turns to Buck and grabs his face, kissing him softly. “You both did amazing. Especially you mi amour” he reaches for you and Buck pulls out, handing you over. Your body is shocked and exhausted as you cuddle between the two of them.
“Promise me we’ll do that again when I can feel my body again?” You ask sleepy and both Buck and Eddie chuckle as they kiss your cheeks.
“Yeah we promise we can do that again.”
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pamsimmer · 5 months
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 9 months
I saw u say i do hcs so i thought i should ask for some hcs 'cause ur one shots r great so ur hcs will obviously be too. Anyways, can we get hcs about Javier having a crush on a girl who's nice and reserved, a bit shy too. Like, what he'd do to impress her? How will he talk to her? It's more fluff but u can add some nsfw because ur style in writing is just *chef's kiss*
HC for Javier crushing on a shy and reserved fem!reader (smut)
warnings: smut, some humiliation
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Javier is absolutely smitten
Many people think he's some smooth talking romantic, but we saw the way he was acting around those two women at the bar in Valentine
The way he acts around women he wants is quite frivolous 
At first he think your shyness means you don’t want to talk to him or straight up don’t want anyone's company, and he’s very discouraged by it
Sometimes he’ll see you walking past and say “Why don’t you talk to me more often?” to which you laugh awkwardly to
Cries himself to sleep that night
Will very hesitantly try and talk you or ask for your opinion on things to strike conversation
When you ask what’s up he would have realized he didn’t think his bluff through so makes something up
Ends up asking what you think of his outfit
To which you say you think it's lovely and call him stylish
The compliment makes his year
He trips over his words and becomes excited, grasping at anything to get your attention and keep it
His excitement can be described as juvenile, as he finds any excuse to try and be around you
Will learn how to sew simply so he can sit there with you while you do your chores 
And so Miss Grimshaw doesn’t yell at him for distracting you while working, he’s working too he would argue
Notices you come round the campfire when he’s playing or singing, so he starts doing it almost every night
Sometimes he’ll sing love songs for you indirectly, even if people are around and nobody knows it’s meant for you, Javier will mean it in his head
Will ask you for song requests personally 
He’s pretty awkward at first when it comes to crushes but once he advances in them he’ll get more confident
For a while he sorta just stood around you and asked you mundane little questions, followed you around like a lost puppy
Your shyness would keep you from giving more fleshed out answers, but your brief responses would not discourage him
But once the two of you started talking more he makes sure he’s the one you talk to the most
Definitely the type of guy who keeps your attention by making you laugh. Anytime you two are together it's all giggles from you and it's SO obvious to anyone around you guys that y’all are flirting
Definitely the jealous type as well
If he sees you talking to another guy his anger will probably cause him to be more bold with you
Eventually starts dedicating songs to you
Once he starts getting real bold he’ll say more flirty stuff
“Can I stay in your tent with you tonight? It’s a bit cold.” 
Once you start dating he INSISTS you don’t lift a finger and will do your chores for you
His previously learned sewing skill comes in real handy
Think your shyness is so so cute and sexy
Despite his own initial nerves, he tries to be audacious for the both of you during sex
Will lead many of your sessions together
Always starts nice and slow and takes things at your pace
Unwraps you like a present but very carefully as though your skin is made of paper and he might actually tear you
His nerves shine through as he undresses you with shaky hands
Will constantly ask you questions and cup your face so you can speak to him while looking him in the eyes
His confidence increases the longer you are together and become comfortable with one another
This man can fuck rough, starkly contrasts your own shy personality
Has so much stamina, but will slow it down if you ask
Loves making you blush by talking dirty, will whisper absolute filth in your ear if it means just getting you to blush
Will nip at your earlobe while whispering to you, sees just how wet he can get you from his words alone
Praises you so much during sex “My perfect girl, you’re doing so good.” “Yes, just like that preciosa, you’re so good at this.”
Loves the way the praise makes you blush just as much as his dirty talk
Is so lewd when you two are going at it, always encourages you to be just as bold
Enjoys your quiet personality in front of others just to see how loud he can make you scream in private
Puts you in embarrassing positions just to see how flustered you get 
Sometimes he'll secretly grope you in public to see the way you squeak
Absolutely tease, gets so much enjoyment from watching the way you squirm because of how shy you are 
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honey-flustered · 1 year
Made With Love (Fluff)
Eddie Munson x Crocheter!Soft!GF!Plus!Reader
Summary: You love making gifts for your boyfriend and his cool uncle. And Eddie just simply adores you.
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A/N: Just short draft that ive kept for a while now because i just didn’t know what to do with it. So ive decided to publish it as it is so that in the meantime i can get my shit together.
Word Count: 1.5k+
Summary: inexperienced!reader and eddie, plus size reader, hinted!autistic reader, eddie being a simp for reader, lots of fluff, wayne being reader’s number 1 supporter (don’t tell eddie 🤭), sexually suggestive language and behavior, some body worship, kissing, cuddling
Eddie Munson is the luckiest man in the world. No really because just how did he manage to get a girl like you in his arms? You went beyond his criteria of a perfect girl which was simply to be a woman. But you’ve exceeded in ways he could have never imagined.
For one, you’ve got amazing taste in music. Despite the differences in your music genres, you both appreciate the variety and exchange songs all the time. Second, you’re absolutely gorgeous. Eddie knew he loved rubenesque women but you were all that and more. He swears could die and go to heaven at the feeling of your thick thighs and soft belly as you’d lay his head on either part. And not to mention that beautiful face he yearns to see smiling at him constantly with those enchanting eyes that seem to twinkle endlessly.
Lastly—a fact about you that has both facts, one and two, beat—you’re awfully talented. You bake, paint, and, best of all, you crochet.
You crochet just about everything and he admires it. The best part is you always came up with the most interesting things that even Eddie wasn’t sure he needed.
Currently, you and Eddie were curled up on his couch. Your eyes wandering his shaky lean frame while his eyes stays glued to the television set, a gentle hand caressing your thigh.
You pride yourself for being an observant one, a skill you’ve had to perfect throughout your childhood in order to understand the world around you. And because you’re so observant, nothing gets passed you including the way he continues to shiver beside you.
“Something wrong?” You ask, concerned.
“Just my unusually cold wrists as always,” Eddie sighs. “Strangely specific, I know. It’s the chain bracelet and leather cuffs. The silver and leather are like ice against my skin with this freezing ass weather.”
You smile brightly, clapping your hands in excitement. “Actually, I have just the thing for this little issue.”
“Oh, do you?” Eddie smirks, nose scrunching up in amusement.
“Mhm,” You nod as you began rummaging through your bumblebee bag (crocheted by yours truly). “Close you eyes.”
“‘Kay.” He obeys with a smile never leaving his face.
Rushing up to stand in front of the television set, you held the items behind your back before commanding your boyfriend to open his eyes once more.
“So…I’ve noticed the way you rub your wrists for the friction to radiate some heat because they’re always so cold lately. And I also notice that when the cold becomes to unbearable you’re forced to remove your wrist accessories,” You began your spiel as if you’re in an infomercial. “Why should you sacrifice style or possibly losing your accessories because of naked wrists? Well not anymore with my handy dandy…wrist bands!”
You shoot your hands up and out in front of you, dangling each red and white patterned wristband in either hand. “I also call them Eds Bracelet Warmers as a placeholder product name.”
“That’s metal!” Eddie praises, standing up to study the bands closely. You release them into his hands and he stares down at them in awe, sliding each onto his arm and making a little show of them before his attention resumes back on you.
“Do you like it?” You say rocking back and forth on your heels anxiously.
“I love it! It’s the best gift you’ve ever given me.”
You snort out a giggle. “You say that with every crochet I’ve made you.”
“I was wrong all the other times. I mean, as much as I love the crocheted mug warmers, pillows, and seat cover…I’m thinking this might top them all. Just look at the detailing on this. You’re like a goddamn Picasso. Thank you, sweetheart,” Eddie says with a hand on his chest, letting you know just how much you’ve touched his heart. Then he suddenly grows shy, tapping his index fingers together as he avoids your gaze. “Permission to hold you. Maybe…kiss you a little.”
“You don’t have to ask,” You run into his embrace, cupping his face in your hands to plant a searing hot kiss onto his lips. With the mixture of your forwardness and his knee-buckling reaction, he’s sent falling back against the couch with you still in his arms.
You scramble to peel yourself off from above him, not wanting to put to much pressure on his slender frame. And yet he interlocks his fingers together right on your lower back, keeping you still. “Wait, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You could never, baby,” Eddie says, bringing a hand up to your face to caress your cheek. He then traces his thumb faintly around your lips. “I want you on me all the time.”
He suddenly becomes nervous, a tinge of pink coloring his cheeks. He’s nervous under your alluring gaze, aware that you’re clocking every shift and change in his facial features and mood. Embarrassingly, he had an erection that you no doubt felt in between your bodies and pressing against your belly. Eddie decides to release you from his full grasp.
Instead of pulling away, you draw his thumb into your mouth slowly, pursing your lips around them as you look him through your lashes and half-lidded eyes.
He chokes out an audible whine, even the inside of your mouth felt good. He’s never wanted to explore it this badly. When you pull your mouth around the digit with a pop, Eddie’s quick to cup your face now and shoves his tongue into your mouth. He takes control of the motions, gradually rolling your bodies over so that he’d end up on top.
His eager hands glide up your smooth skin of your thighs, pushing up your dress that fit snug around you. Your hands entangle themselves in his hair, letting your long nails lightly scratch his scalp.
You and Eddie have been soft lovers with one another, taking your time and being patient with one another regarding physical affection. It took a lot for the two of you to feel comfortable enough to ask each other for touches and eventual kisses. You’d say you’ve gotten pretty far.
Sometimes, things would get heated and you’d be concerned that it might lead to sex considering you’re both virgins. However, aside from your anxieties and insecurities, you actually did feel as if you’re ready to give yourself to him. But ever the gentleman, Eddie is usually one to call it quits.
But with his lips moving against your own so passionately, you couldn’t see how he’d pull away now. Especially not when you’ve got fistful of his Hellfire club shirt in your hands to prevent him from doing so.
Nonetheless, he pulls away much to your chagrin. The faint reminder of his lips against yours still felt by you in the span of a millisecond. You wish that feeling could linger forever.
He stares down at you, examining the look on your face. It’s your turn to hold him still against you, your nails burrowing in his exposed lower back.
“Sweetheart…” Eddie begins as if in a trance.
“I think…that I—”
The swinging of the creaky, trailer door is enough to lurch you both apart, sitting in your designated seats on the couch. Uncle Wayne enters the room with a hand over one eye and an outstretched hand to guide himself into the home.
“All clear?” He asks.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “All clear, Waydog. We’ve been good.”
Wayne opens his eyes slowly, his gaze landing on you on the couch. He perks up with a bright smile. “Oh, y/n, what a pleasant surprise! I wasn’t sure you’d be here. I was actually worried I was going to walk into Eddie watching—“
“Dude!” Eddie interrupts, staring at his uncle in incredulous betrayal.
“Aw come on. I kid, I kid. You know that’s what we Munson men do. She’s used to that by now.” Wayne chuckles, placing some bags of grocery on the counter.
You giggle, soothing Eddie’s hair as way of ensuring him that it’s okay. Going over to the kitchen, you and Eddie help Wayne unload the groceries when Wayne notices the crochet bands around his nephew’s wrists.
“Those look neat! You think you could make me a pair?” Wayne asks you with hopeful eyes.
“Of course! And don’t you worry, I’ll even get them to match the beanie hat I’m still making for you.” You beam.
“Woah, woah. Wait a minute. He gets a matching hat?” Eddie inquires with a pout.
“Oh, like you haven’t stolen the first hat she’s made me.” Wayne chuckles.
“I didn’t steal. I borrowed.”
“For 4 whole months?”
“There isn’t a time limit for borrowing something. If there is, I’d like to see the rule.” Eddie challenges.
“I think you’re just jealous of us,” Wayne says, standing beside you with you nodding in agreement. “Why else would you take my gifts if not to have them all to yourself?”
“My girlfriend and my uncle in alliance against me.” Eddie laughs, shaking his head in bewilderment. “Didn’t think I’d see the day coming so soon.”
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Lake Laogai
This Lake had better have Appa in it. With little water wings on.
Skipping the commentary as usual.
The Previously On section suggests that a whole lot of plot threads are about to crash into each other. Strap in folks.
Lefty Sokka!
Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled by his sister's critique of his art skills. It's not like he had paper to practice with at the South Pole.
Sometimes I forget that Aang is 12, then he does something like attempt to rescue his pet from a nefarious city-wide conspiracy of silence with lost cat posters.
"Good tea is its own reward." That means no, he isn't paid enough.
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Remember what I said in my last post about Iroh bringing too much attention to himself?
"senior executive assistant manager" someone on the writing team has worked retail I see. Nothing like meaningless promotions with no raise attached! It's right up there with employee pizza party.
I have to pause here and point something out. This whole scene with Iroh? This is an adult fantasy. I don't mean dirty, I mean this whole scene was put in specifically to appeal to the adults who got roped in to watching this kids' show by their children. A rich man walks through the door of your shitty retail job, immediately spots your natural greatness, and offers you a much better paying job with unlimited creative freedom and a better house to go with it? Find me a burnt out retail worker who hasn't conjured up this fantasy five times a shift.
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And so the plots come crashing back together. This won't end badly.
"patience really pays off" I checked. He waited literally three seconds.
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Shout out to Toph in the background playing catch with a ball she can't see. Casual flex of epic proportions.
Remind me never to go to Lake Laogai. Sounds like it's lousy with Ju Dees.
So the Ju Dees don't know about each other? Because she seems honestly confused. Does Ju Dee think she's the only Ju Dee? What happens if two Ju Dees run into each other in the street?
Posters are illegal but I haven't heard a peep about recarving a bunch of fields into a zoo.
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This is maybe the second time Aang's blown up over Appa. Frankly he deserves more blow ups about the whole situation.
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I don't think knocking down walls will help find Appa, but I applaud Toph's spirit.
They took out a whole wall and then exit by the door anyways. That's funny.
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I really hate this guy, but I have to admit that he may be the first truly competent villain of the series.
'The Jasmine Dragon' also lets anyone with half a brain know that you're Fire Nation. Try the Jasmine Badgermole instead.
Zuko really can't catch a break, huh? He wasn't happy being a tea server, but at least he was resting. But every time he gets five minutes to himself, the main plot reappears to drag him back into the action, whether he wants to or not. Although he hasn't figured out that he doesn't want to be dragged back yet.
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Every line of dialogue in this scene is a good point. Zuko's right, Iroh's right. The Zuko's right again, then Iroh's right again.
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That was satisfying!
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I'm not understanding why Sokka is the voice of reason here. Is he incapable of holding a grudge? He's the one that had all the animosity with Jet to begin with. Shouldn't it be Aang who wants to hear him out?
Toph is a living lie detector now? I can't think of an example off the top of my head, but I'm sure that could have come in handy previously. Any other incredibly useful skills we should know about?
Jet is oddly defensive for someone who claims to know he did wrong.
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Ever get so excited that your spine malfunctions?
Sokka just has a metre long map in his pocket. Good friend to have in a pinch.
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Avatar first! Katara is rude to an old person!
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I'm going to have fun with Toph's new ability.
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Toph, you have never been more right. It is the worst city ever. You are really shining this episode.
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I know this is a serious scene, but I need to point out that Jet's guyliner is on point.
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This shot is jarringly out of place. I think it's because it both black and white, and live action. Those have to be real clouds.
So the Blue Spirit can talk after all. Careful, your Zuko is showing.
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Wow Zuko is good at sewing. And fast too.
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Sokka is having far too much fun with this whole 'prompt Jet's memory' thing. Maybe he does have a bit of a grudge after all.
Katara can reverse brainwashing now too? Everyone's levelling up this episode.
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This scene with the planks is a very cool and disorienting visual.
Didn't have 'the gaang breaks into a brainwashing facility' on my ATLA bingo card.
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OMIGOD IT'S AP- did Zuko just break the fourth wall?
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Everyone always forgets to look up.
So this fight is going to be Toph v. all of the Dai Li while everyone else tries not to get in Toph's way.
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That's a boat.
Toph could probably take all these guys out faster if she wasn't having to constantly break off to save everyone else from them.
The Dai Li prancing up walls is a really cool visual. It's very Ty Lee of them.
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I love watching her work.
Why don't you let Long Feng escape? He's no longer threatening you, and you're down there to rescue Appa. Just let him go.
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The security on Lake Laogai is a joke.
Big words from someone who also had no plan whatsoever at the North Pole.
Zuko knows that Iroh's right. He knows, and that's important. I don't think Iroh is saying anything that Zuko hasn't thought and then hurriedly pretended to have never thought about before. It's why he says 'stop it' rather than being completely confused as to what Iroh is referring to.
Poor Appa's like 'can you have a crisis of self after you free me please?'
'You've chosen your own demise." No. You chose it for him. That's some top tier deflection/victim blaming right there.
Longshot can talk!
That's one hell of a set up and pay off re: Toph's lie detecting abilities.
Poor Jet. A double tragedy: to be likeable only when you're brainwashed, and to dedicate your life to wiping out the Fire Nation yet being killed by the Earth Kingdom.
Hi Appa. It's about time buddy.
Shockingly in character for Appa's first actions to be to single handedly save the Gaang from a threat.
You skip that bastard like a stone.
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Everyone go and listen to the sound Appa makes when he spits out Long Feng's shoe. It's delightful.
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I am framing this.
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And this too.
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I can tell there's some shmymbolism here, but it's gone right over my head.
Final Thoughts
Appa is back. The Gaang has Appa back. I have Appa back. Ok. I can relax now. With any luck, this means we can leave Ba Sing Se.
This episode felt like City of Walls and Secrets, Part 2. I think it was a good decision to have a couple of episodes between the two, but I think there would be some tonal whiplash if you binged this section of season 2. Which wouldn't have been a problem for a show designed to air once a week, so it's a moot point.
So Zuko freed Appa from his chains, and presumably pointed him in the direction of a door or something. Or maybe not; Appa has a ridiculously hard head, he could have busted his way out. Either way, Zuko broke the chains. Thanks Zuko!
In season 1, Zuko finds the Avatar the world had lost. In season 2, Zuko finds the Sky Bison the Avatar had lost. So in season 3, Zuko will find something Appa has lost. I wonder what that will be?
Jet being killed by the Earth Kingdom is so deliciously ironic, and tragic, yet very in character for the Earth Kingdom's approach to this war. It's also literally this:
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Smellerbee and Longshot have really gotten the short end of the stick over and over this season. They were the only ones to decide to stick with Jet. Presumably they were the only ones who believed that he had had a legitimate change of heart. And they were kind of wrong. They get to Ba Sing Se only for Jet to immediately backslide way past even where he was at his worst in Season 1. He completely discounts and dismisses their legitimate concerns for his methods and his overall health. Then Jet gets arrested and disappears for two (?) weeks. So what do they do now? Get jobs? Steal so they don't starve? Then suddenly Jet's back but he doesn't even remember them. Then suddenly Jet's dead. The whole point of coming to Ba Sing Se just died, in a way that shows very clearly that their desire to help with the war is not welcome at all in the city. So what now? Do they leave and try to fight in the war from outside the walls? Do they settle down and try to forget about the war? Things did spiral completely out of Jet's control once the Dai Li got involved, but you have to admit that he's left his only remaining friends up a creek.
Sokka had some good jokes but was oddly ok with this episode's events. Toph had some great lines and got to shine with a new skill that any writer with half a brain will bring back in future episodes. She felt like the audience substitute this episode, which is usually Sokka's role. Toph was episode MVP for sure. Poor Aang took a bit of a back seat this episode. Zuko finally hit the crisis point, and may well have made his first indisputably correct decision of the series. But, as previous episodes have gone out of their way to show me that Zuko being good always goes badly for Zuko, I'm sure freeing Appa will somehow come back to bite him.
Iroh's question of "who are you? And what do you want?" was Zuko's entire character arc this season. He took a shot at answering the "who are you?" portion in Zuko Alone, and sort of halfway got there before messing up at the end of the episode. As for the "what do you want?" Zuko will tell you (often and repeatedly) that he wants his honour back. But I think he just wants to go home. The thing is, I strongly suspect that the home Zuko wants to return to hasn't existed since his mother left, if it ever existed at all. Which means that while "who are you?" has an answer Zuko can work towards, "what do you want?" has an answer that is kind of impossible. So Zuko is going to have to learn to want something new.
RIP Jet. Your life was fucked to Hell long before you were old enough to try and salvage it. You'll probably be missed by more people than you strictly deserve. War sucks, amirite?
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestions, smut love bombing, occasionally sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 19 - ‘You’re Mine’
You were not as hopeless as your inner dialogue made you sound. You missed Trent so much your little heart hurt but you could live. You were busy with an array of things, you had gotten really active in local charities in Liverpool and initiatives especially Trent’s latest project launch. You had a degree from university that you didn’t really share with a lot of people around you but Trent obviously knew about it so your skill set came in handy. With the spare time you had you reached out to some contacts from your previous jobs you had put on hold back in New York. At the time you met Trent you were taking a little hiatus to just decompress. You were privileged enough to do that and well aware that is not something everyone could have the luxury of doing so once you got settled in England you started to connect with brands you worked with in the US that had UK offices. You got back into work freelance writing and styling. Your career before was in Fashion Editorial so it was an easy transition to get back into the swing of things. It made you feel better you were able to have a life outside of being Trent’s number one fan, even though that often was your favorite thing to be occupied with. Thankfully the two, Trent and work, were kept separated for the moment.
Before the tournament actually began you found that the little T- Bear Trent left for you just seemed to be with you 24/7. Tucked in bed with you every night, snuggled up on the couch watching television and as wonderful as that was, there was a certain part that this ‘T’ wasn’t able to… how do you put this… fulfill.
You were just about to whine down from the day but your hair and makeup were still done so you decided to take a few cheeky photos. A client, Agent Provocateur, a brand you adored, from an editorial piece you had worked on recently with them had gifted you some pieces of gorgeous lingerie. So you put on a little pink satin trimmed lace bra with a matching thong. The goal was to entice Trent obviously, but aside from that this set was making you feel confident which you seemed to be struggling with lately. You took some photos with the whole set on, some taking it off, some with it barely serving any purpose all while holding your new little bear. It was an incredibly sweet concept but far from innocent. You picked your favorites, ones you knew showed off things he’d enjoy so you sent them in a text unsolicited and unprovoked as you tucked into bed for the night. The little ‘delivered’ popped up under the sent photos and it quickly turned to ‘read.’ You knew he’d be excited to see them but there was always a little part of you that worried about how you actually looked in them, if he’d like them, and then of course about the potential consequences of sending such explicit photos when he’s at ‘work’ so you held your breath. He started to type and the three dots in the bubble appeared but stopped, started again only to disappear once again. The brief moment of confidence you had built started to waver. While you laid in your bed, a little disheartened, you put your phone far away from you to try to forget the situation until you heard the familiar ring of an incoming FaceTime.
“You’re such a tease, baby.” Trent rolled his perfect plump lips into a pout shaking his head but couldn’t really hold back the lustful grin he was really expressing. “I have training early tomorrow and you got me so fucking hard I can’t possibly get to sleep now.” He groaned. You sighed in relief that he did in fact really like your pictures.
“I’m sorry, T. I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just trying some things on and I thought you’d want to see. I didn’t mean to disrupt your night.” You feigned an apology playing coy.
“Nah, nah, nah you got me all worked up, miles away, sending me something I can’t have right now. You’re staying on the phone right now, helping me with this.” He sounded so commanding and it turned you on instantly.
“What can I help with, baby? To help, do you need me to keep this on or take it off?” You pulled the bra strap off your body to let it snap back against your skin.
“I wanna see more of you, beautiful. Take that off…Save that for when I can rip it off you myself and put your phone somewhere. I need to see all of you.” He instructed you so you leaned back against your headboard in front of your now propped up phone.
“This okay?” You asked craving his approval.
“Yeah, baby, just like that. You wanna spread your legs for me? Show me how wet you are.” He confirmed that was what he wanted to see. He began to stroke his cock from the tip to the base. His command had you stifling a moan.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. I miss you so much, T” you whimpered waiting for instructions till he asked for you to touch your clit, and then slowly slide your fingers into yourself. Just watching his cock get harder, hearing him pant on the other side of your phone had you inching closer to your release.
“Keep fucking that pussy,” he groaned. “Yeah, just like that, little faster, baby. Use your other hand and rub that clit again. Tell me how much you miss my cock.” His words had you crumbling. It was a cross between complete desperation, lust, and absence.
“I mi-miss it. I want your cock to fuck me, please. Ple..please I need your cock, T.” You whined. The tension and pressure released all at once causing you to whimper louder as waves of pleasure rippled through you. Your fingers coated in your slick. You couldn’t take your eyes off the screen, Trent repeatedly moaning your name as ropes of his cum spurted from his cock covering his abs. When you both came to, you smiled and wiggled in your bed giggling with him happy to feel the release but also to have achieved making him feel good from miles away.
“Fuck, that was so hot, you’re so beautiful, baby.” Trent said, laughing a little more while he cleaned himself up.
“I love you. Miss having you here with me so much.” You pouted. “Going to be able to sleep now?”
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay now, thank you.” He chuckled. “I’ll be saving those pictures though, I might need them till I get you back.”
“Yeah, yeah but I think a call may be a little more mutually beneficial.” You giggled. “Goodnight, baby.”
“Love you, pretty girl. Miss you so much. Night.” Pushing his lips out for a virtual kiss before he hung up the phone.
A week later and many similar FaceTimes, you and Dianne were going to the Euro’s. You were traveling for the first match of the tournament. You and Dianne had a great relationship. You had essentially become like a daughter. She spoiled you, she always defended you against the boys teasing, you spent a lot of time shopping together or sitting pitch side. You appreciated her so much for all she did for you since you arrived in Liverpool and loved the idea of a little trip together. You checked into a lovely hotel and settled into your separate rooms but planned to meet up for a breakfast in the morning before you headed off for the stadium tomorrow.
It was the opening match of the group stage and the place was buzzing. You hadn’t seen England play in a big tournament like this yet as Trent’s girlfriend so you didn’t really know what to expect. You hoped you had adapted to life as a ‘wag’ at Liverpool but this was a whole new lot. You had made friends with a few girls you’d met at international friendly matches, the boys you knew on the team, and were excited to be able to see some girls from Liverpool whose partners were playing for other countries. That said as much as you had watched the Euros countless times before, to be there felt so strange. Thank god Dianne was with you. You both had opted to match in Alexander-Arnold white England kit shirts. You kept your outfit pretty casual not wanting to draw too much attention given the mayhem that seemed to be ensuing lately with your every move relatively near a football pitch. ‘Casual’ is all relative though when you are a little bit of a fashion girly so; you paired T’s jersey with R13 Crossover denim shorts, white and gray Prada ‘Downtown’ sneakers, a Mui Mui gray fleece hoodie in case you got cold, your new, very sweetly gifted, navy Dior saddle bag and what felt like just about every piece of gold jewelry you owned; you’d be remiss to not be wearing your prized possession; the white gold diamond Van Clef necklace Trent gave you when he asked you to be his girlfriend. That was always going to be on and the myriad of other little bits and bobs of jewelry he'd given you over time. You liked the look, it felt authentically you: low key but if you looked close enough the finer details told another story and you liked that.
You promised Dianne you’d help up her ‘MaG’ match day fits. You two had started an inside joke considering you were Mum and Girlfriend for Trent in the stands. It was cute and you were elated to help. Outside the stadium, you stopped a girl around your age to take a photo for you with Dianne to keep for a memory and you got that special photo but it also transgressed into plenty of questions because the girl was a fan which was sweet but in turn the exchange was shared to your least favorite part of the internet lately… social football gossip pages.
‘Okay, ICL, Trent Alexander-Arnold’s mum and his presumed girlfriend holding hands walking into the stadium was precious. The mystery girl is definitely no mystery to the fam’
The girl who kindly took a photo for you outside the stadium had also shared with a fan page another photo she had taken unsolicited as you walked away with Dianne.
Dianne held onto your hand still as you walked through the corridors of the stadium while masses of people swirled around you. It was insane. Complete chaos. A familiar chaos, but chaos nonetheless. England had a strong team this year and people were excited to say the least. You made it to your seats and your heart filled with relief seeing the tan skinned pretty pretty boy, smiling beaming, warming up ahead of the match. You leaned onto Diane’s shoulder in repose.
“It’s the best feeling in the world seeing him happy doing what he loves.” Leaning her head on top of yours.
“I know, I feel lucky I get to witness it. Even just to be a small part of the whole experience.”
“Hun, you’re a big part. Things changed when you came to England for him. He’s emotionally never been in a better place.” She cooed.
“I hope so, I just want to be there for him as much as I can. I try not to let my emotions ever sway his, like when I miss him. I don’t know how you’ve done this for so long.” You joked a little because you referring to ‘so long’ was really in reference to from birth to this very moment and having to share her son globally.
“One thing I always know, he does miss us when he’s away. He doesn’t need to tell us but you know he will always, even as focused as he is for work. More specifically, he misses you sweetheart…so much.” She placed a kiss on head. “You make that boy's life outside of all this so much better for him. Easier, happier, calmer, healthier, I could go on… so thank you hun.” Her words had your heart bursting. You always had an open relationship but to get such a verbal confirmation felt really nice.
When a Trent fan account finally published the photo of you and Dianne walking into the stadium together the response was different to the usual wrath of hate you’d receive from the public on the likes of gossip news sites. Instead these fans were enthused by the sighting. Commenting…
‘I feel like she’s probably super sweet if she’s that close with his mum’
‘Seeing her with his family makes me feel like she’s actually a serious girlfriend’
‘Okay, ngl, she actually looks too cool for him lol’
‘Matching with his mum is so precious’
‘Imagine Trent being your boyfriend 😭’
‘She’s with his mum 🥺’
You couldn’t have asked for a better opening match. England dominated and Trent got a decent amount of minutes and during his time on the pitch he managed to assist Bukaya for an unbelievable goal. It was just icing on the cake to see him after a couple weeks, have the result go their way, and to have him play well. When the final whistle blew it was such a special feeling being surrounded by people who all felt just the same as you. It was a big family just supporting boys that had worked so tirelessly to get here, to represent their country. When the team had wrapped up some post match duties they were able to come over to the stands to meet up with their families after the stadium had cleared out. Trent walked over with a smile that made your heart melt. You leaned over the railing to give him the biggest kiss. His arms reached up to grab your face, yours falling around his neck. You both hummed at the satisfaction of being back together. The kiss felt like fireworks for you, your whole body ignited feeling his lips on yours. Trent’s body on the other hand fell into complete comfort and relaxation soothed by your touch.
“Missed you so much, baby.” He whispered his lips ghosting over yours.
“My T” you giggled, pressing one more peck before pulling apart.
“Lemme climb on up, pretty girl.” He needed to get off the pitch over into the stands so he did haphazardly because his body was exhausted.
“You were amazing, sweetie. So proud of you Trenty.” Dianne cooed, giving him a big tight hug. Diane stayed standing but Trent collapsed onto a seat in the stands burnt out.
“T, honestly so good. You were incredible.” Leaning over to give him another kiss. You sat next to him and he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head onto your shoulder. He pressed light kisses to it and you did the same to his temple. Dianne stood there talking to you both about the match before going over to talk to Jude Bellingham’s mum, Denise, after spotting her now the match had finished. With the idea of being alone with you, despite being surrounded by friends, family and teammates, Trent sprawled out across a row of seats and laid his head in your lap. You caressed his face and played with his hair while you two gushed about how much you missed each other. He was practically stuck to you. He couldn’t pull his hands or lips off your skin if he tried. Kissing your wrists as they moved over his face, pulling your face down for proper kisses every once in a while, purring as your nails scratched his scalp.
“Trent, come here quick.” Dianne yelled for him evoking a disgruntled face on the boy who had gotten quite comfortable back under your touch. So he stood up and made his way over to talk to the two mums. Despite telling him you’d stay put, he dragged you with him, pushing you in front of him while his hands wrapped around your waist. He kept his chin on your shoulder listening to his mum while his idle fingers played with the belt loops of your shorts. You introduced yourself to Denise who was as kind as her sons were. You’d met and spent a lot of time with both her boys since you moved to England, knowing how polite they were, it made sense she’d be that way as well.
“Going to do a lunch after the group stage with them, five of us, yeah?” Dianne was informing you and Trent about a plan she and Denise had made to go out before the England Team were hosting a little party for all the families.
“That sounds lovely!” You cheerfully smiled liking the idea of getting time together away from other than just seeing the boys from a distance on the pitch. Trent didn’t say anything, he just smiled seeing you smile. He missed the way your cheeks warmed when you did. Jude waddled his way up the stairs of the seats sore from the game coming up to you all, first giving a hug and kiss to his mum, then to Diane and then looked at you, smiled, and then rolled his eyes at Trent who was lost still gazing at you.
“Gonna let go for a minute so we can all say hello?” Jude joked removing Trent’s hands stuck to your body.
“Hi Judey” you giggled giving him a big hug. Lately he and Trent were together most of the time when league play was suspended for breaks and he found himself back in England so you had gotten close. He was coming on your holiday after the tournament. The holiday had funnily become a little bit of a boys trip that included you and your best friend, but moreover Trent obviously, Marcel was coming, Jude, and Jobe, his brother, had decided to tag along, and then a few other boys. You didn’t mind but it was a little comical now. Jude could sense the humor in it and knew your relationship well enough that you just were dying to be laying on the beach with Trent, alone, unbothered, but that more than likely wouldn’t be the case now.
“All good? Ready for this to be over?” You pulled out of his hug rolling your eyes at his comment as he sat down in front of you leaning on the back of a seat a row below you.
“What do you mean! Very excited to be here for the next two weeks” you beamed sarcastically.
“It worries me how good you are at lying. It’s unsettling for my brother” he shoved at your shoulder while glancing at Trent.
“No, seriously! I am actually really excited. This is amazing though. You played so well, lucky to be supporting England.” You clarified.
“Yeah, just don’t open your mouth too much and you might pass as one of us.” Jude teased about your accent but was quickly reprimanded by Denise. She scolded Jude telling him to be nicer and you just smiled relishing in the mum's protection over you.
The boys had to go back to the dressing room after getting to say hello which was bittersweet and came all too quickly. Luckily in a few days time they’d be out of the group stages and would have a few days off so you could see Trent then but right now you had to say bye.
“Call me tonight?” You cooed, draping your arms around Trent’s neck, his arms coming to drop low on your waist pulling his jersey you had on up to caress your skin, dipping his hands into your shorts slyly.
“Course, baby. I’m just so glad you’re here.” He whispered, pulling your body a little closer to his pushing his hips into you.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else, T.” You quietly said back pressing your nose against his.
“Love you, beautiful” he said with a little peck to your lips.
“I love you.” You sealed with another kiss. Your focus only on each other.
“Honestly, enough. I’m going without you.” Jude dramatically but in, hitting Trent’s arm before proceeding to stand up. Trent said goodbye to the mums, and you again with another swift but sweet kiss and a sneaky squeeze to your ass cheek before hurrying after Jude. He turned and winked at you before disappearing down the tunnel.
Later that evening, the England Instagram account posted a carousel of families reuniting after the first win of the tournament. None directly featured you, Diane or Trent but behind a photo posted of the Bellingham family were you and Trent having a cuddle while sharing a sweet kiss. There definitely was a fair share of comments who caught the affectionate interaction. In turn, cropped images of the photo, zooming in on you two, blew up all over socials again,
‘They’re not even trying anymore lol’
‘I’m happy for them 🥹’
‘Trent, I don’t need to see you cheating on me like this’
‘To kiss that sweaty man, I’d die’
‘Still just avoiding cameras, like fam, we know your together lol’
You and Diane continued going to the remaining group stage matches with England performing well. Trent even bagging a goal so the brief moments seeing him after the games were just so special. Being so close but unable to properly be alone and cuddle or kiss was slightly driving you both insane. So you spent the nights apart FaceTiming only mere hotels, short distances apart. Trent would vent about the games and you listened intently trying your best to not add unnecessary additions to the already noisy commentary he was surrounded by, you’d joke around, if there wasn’t a game directly the following day, things would get a little steamier on the call but overall you just repeated how much you missed being back at home together. More often than not you two just stayed on the phone till you both fell asleep making one of you wake up hours later and having to end the call that had been ongoing for hours of just your sleeping faces lit by phone screens.
As expected the England team finished top of their group so they were to have a few days off before the knockout stage began which meant you got to spend some time with your T. He did have to go to a short morning training session after last night's game but he was coming to meet you and his mum at your hotel to see you both after. You always grappled with sharing Trent but his mom was an exception, she deserved all his time and attention so you were hoping for a little sliver. He met you later in the day after the training session in a tea room of the hotel you and Dianne were staying at and joined you for brunch. Somehow if it was even possible, Trent walked in and looked even more beautiful than he ever did. He seemed to have that effect on you. It didn’t matter if it had been 5 minutes when he’d walk to the kitchen and back or days since you last saw him but when he’d return he somehow looked even more handsome than before. His mum stayed seated and she gave him a little side hug. You opted to stand up to give him a tight hug, you missed his warm embrace. He wrapped his arms around you and his familiar amber smell engulfed you. You could’ve stayed there forever. You kissed his neck gently, subtly, and quietly to keep it hidden from his mum but Trent wasn’t having that.
“Erm…I’d like a proper kiss, beautiful.” He beamed with a big smile, his lips pushing out waiting for you. His hands slid up from around your waist to hold both your cheeks. He placed a heart stopping kiss on your lips and you felt your legs almost give out. He was like a dream all the time. You finally sat and had a nice little meal filled with conversation more so about what was happening back at home than football, he wanted the break from the intensity. When Dianne excused herself to run to the restroom, Trent pulled your chair a little closer to his. He placed another kiss on your cheek.
“What’d you doing, pretty boy?” You cooed, unable to hide the smile he was pulling from you and the flush rising in your cheeks smitten by his flirty move.
“Wanna be closer to my girl” his hand came and wrapped around the back of your neck stroking his thumb over your exposed skin. In your Trents true fashion he had shown up with a little gift for you. “Got you a little something, baby.”
“T!! You don’t always have to do this!” You quipped in feigned annoyance. You gestured to the Dior Saddle bag you were using today again but it still always was a little exciting “I don’t need anything. I just need this.” You said, moving your hand over his resting on his leg, playing with each of his fingers slowly. It was true, just being close to him was enough for you but nevertheless he pulled out a little box.
“Just so you don’t forget where you’re loyaly lies on match days, yeah?” You opened the little jewelry box that had a Monica Rich Kosann locket that opened with two little pictures; one of you and T hugging in the tunnel at Anfield in his Liverpool kit, the other of you and him sharing a cute kiss in his England uniform. It just made you melt. He was so thoughtful and cute. “I know you're technically only half American but don’t you forget whose you are, beautiful. You’re all mine.”
“I’m pretty sure I know who I’ll be rooting for always. Always yours.” You said giggling, “but thank you, baby. I love it and I love you” leaning your head on his shoulder nuzzling into that familiar smell as his arm wrapped around you. He pressed light kisses on your head while you whispered little mushy things back and forth. When Dianne returned she smiled entering the main room seeing that her departure caused your chairs to move inexplicably closer. She liked to see that her very reserved boy found someone to be so comfortable, protective, confident and unequivocally in love with. She sat back down but it wasn’t long until she excused herself again.
“I need a little rest, a shower, and some time to get ready for tonight to keep up my ‘MaG’ looks so I’m going to head up.” She stood up from the table, placing her napkin down, pushing her chair in and placing her hand gently on yours briefly.
“MaG?” Trent questioned, looking between you and his mum for some context on the inside joke he was clearly left out of.
“Don’t worry about it” you laughed in Dianne’s direction telling her if she needed you to text you but she just wanted to let you and Trent to spend some time alone together.
“Thank you hun!” She kissed Trent’s head and squeezed your arm. “I’ll see you both a little later on before we meet with Denise and her boys.” You said your goodbyes but you stayed a little longer cuddled up as close as you can be in a restaurant setting picking at little sandwiches and sweets. Eventually, Trent and you finally left and went up to your room where he dramatically crashed on the bed, rushing to get under the covers like a little boy because he was ‘so tired.’
“T! T! Shoes! Gross!” You squealed, pulling at his arms to get him out and off your freshly cleaned hotel bedding.
“Wowwwww already asking me to take my clothes off. Eager much, baby?” He teased starting to get out of the bed begrudgingly.
“No…no, well” you blushed at his words. “I wouldn’t complain but I just meant if you could not get my bed all dirty I would appreciate it” you gave a genuine smile and a sweet giggle that made his heart falter.
“So you don’t want to be dirty in bed?” he sat up on the bed with a cheeky and devious smile, his legs hung off the side and he held his arms out for you. You moved over and stood between his legs, his hands caressed up your back pulling your shirt up with them, “With me? Not even me baby?” He gave you a look that made you cave immediately. You let him pull your shirt off over your head and after he did your hands reached out to pull his off.
“I missed this body. You’re so fucking beautiful. Been dreaming of this.” He said, dragging the strap of your bra down off your shoulder.
“Dreaming of what, T? What do you need?” You cooed with a sly smirk as your hands played with the waistband of the skirt you still had on.
“I need all of this…” sliding the mini skirt down your legs. “off right now.” He said gently, his words dripping like honey, his hands moving in slow motion. Making your skin burn.
You were standing in front of him completely naked now. He sat back resting on his arms behind him on the bed. The hotel room light cast over you illuminating the dips of your collarbones, highlighting the rise of your tits, the smoothness of your skin. Trent stared in awe just about drooling over his girl.
“Baby, I’m gonna need you here right now.” He said pulling your waist towards him. You sat with your legs on both sides of his and straddled him, feeling his prominent bulge growing harder and harder beneath your wet core.
“And I’m going to need these off, T.” You said pulling off his trousers. In quick motions all clothing was removed, Trent had flipped you over to be on top of you making out passionately, whispers and gasps of ‘I love you’ and ‘missed this so much’ muddled in between messy, sloppy, yearning kisses. You spit a little on your hand and gently gilded it up and down the length of his cock. His fingers slid between your folds gathering your wetness to play with your clit while he dipped two in to help stretch you out.
“Shit, that feels so good, sh-shit, I’m not gonna last very long, it's been a while without you. You’re so fucking tight” Trent was panting, losing focus at just the feeling of you.
“Baby, I need you so bad, can we just ju-just. Please I miss you so much T.” You were moaning as his languid fingers circled your clit begging for him to fuck you. His mouth nipped down your neck before his tongue circled and licked around your hard nipples eliciting a whimper of pleasure from you.
“Yeah, yeah, sweet girl. I’m gonna give you whatever you need.” He groaned. In swift motions he slowly aligned his cock with your core and slid into you. You both gasped at the contact. He moved slowly inch by inch but he just wanted to get as deep as possible. He missed this feeling like nothing else. His thick cock hit your g spot almost immediately once he was in. He felt so deep and the stretch of him being back inside you had your mind turn to complete mush. You lost any control you had when he was fully inside. The force and pace of his thrusts increased and so did the volume of both your moans. “You’re such a good girl, so fucking wet for me.” He said hearing the sounds of your slick as he dragged his cock slowly out of you and watched himself push all the way back thrusting harder. Your legs wrapped around him. You were whining in pleasure. Your lips parted gasping at the sensation of him. You both were moaning inexplicable phrases of praise, love, and adoration. You were completely obsessed with each other and how good the sex was only amplified it.
“Oh my fu-fucking god, T, you feel so good.” You felt tears fill your lash line. His cock rammed deep inside you again and again, hitting a spot only he knew, while his finger pressed rough circles around your clit. He dipped his head a little and played with your nipples more, pulling at them and biting. You could barely handle the sensory overload so you bit harshly onto his shoulder to try to quiet your moans.
“Fuck, baby, your pussy’s so perfect for me. Taking me so well.” He growled moving to nibble at your ear, his hot breath on your skin had your orgasm approaching faster and faster. He pulled back nearly all the way out and hammered back in. Tears started to roll down your cheek. Your arms wrapped around his body so tight your nails were digging into his skin leaving deep crescent marks while Trent continued to fuck you at an inhuman pace.
“I missed you, I missed this. You feel so fucking good. I want this forever.” You babled as your legs started to tremble. Your orgasm was getting closer and closer. Your eyes rolled back as you heard him moan your name again, again, and again.
You were getting lost in the pleasure that your T was giving to you while he was just as infatuated by your body and the sounds you were making had him fighting to not cum without you getting to orgasm first.
“You have me forever.” He whispered barely getting the words out softly in your ear. In a split second you felt your pussy spasm at the tenderness of his words and his rough strokes. You soaked his cock completely when you felt his release fill you up so much, it began to seep out while he was still inside. He laid on top of you for a while before he spoke again.
“I’m so addicted to you, beautiful. Can’t be away from you like this.” He murmured laying on your chest completely exhausted
“I guess we’re both addicts then” you giggled tracing your fingers up his spine. He continued laying there just holding you. You kissed him slowly. You were both so tired in the hotel room. “My sleepy, sleepy, needy boy.” You cooed, pressing your lips on his warm skin. You were so authentic with each other. Being back together felt like a saccharine summertime daydream. Feeling your New York daydream turned into your reality. Your love was undiluted, nothing felt better than being physically connected like this .
“We have to go soon, baby.” Trent finally picked his head up to nuzzle into your neck placing kisses all over your skin. If you could bottle this feeling forever you would, it was worth more than its weight in gold.
“I just want another cuddle, pleaseee” you whined childishly and in turned caused Trent to just let all his body weigh on top of you and wrap his arms so tight around you thought you couldn't breathe but the sound of his joyful laugh had you able to completely disregard the bone crushing pressure and just relish in the moment. You wanted to hear him happy, you wanted to see that beautiful smile pull across his face, the smile lines wrinkle, his little dimples appear so you let it ensue. Eventually you both got up and started to get dressed to meet with the Bellinghams; Denise, Jude, and Jobe at the restaurant and to meet Dianne downstairs at the hotel.
Trent needed to shower but you opted not to because your hair would take too long to do if you did which disappointed Trent because he claimed he needed your ‘help’ but in reality he just wanted another round of messing about to his disappointment you held your ground. Instead you began your skincare and makeup at the vanity in the hotel bathroom before moving back to the bedroom and sitting with a pout looking at your suitcase confused.
“What do you think I should wear? I don’t know Denise that well and I don’t know what people have said about me so I don’t want to like… I don’t know, mess up.” You nervously babbled rummaging through your suitcase on the floor.
“You look beautiful in anything.” Trent picked you up off the ground to give you a hug still wet from his shower.
“That’s incredibly unhelpful, T, seriously.” He placed a kiss on your forehead to try to calm your nerves. “Erm… I’m wearing this,” said showing you the outfit he had layed out of the bed. “If that helps at all.”
“Baby… I picked that out though” so you both started laughing.
Because you were going to the England team’s event after you wanted to be a little ‘on theme’ but not exactly sporting Saint George’s cross. You picked a pair of white linen trousers from Cult Gaia, a navy and white striped knit tank from Kule, paired with a Bottega Veneta mini sunrise bag in red, you also opted to bring a Jacquemus denim jacket in case you got cold. Oh! And of course shoes so red Manolo Blahniks were the choice. Your boobs were on display a little bit from not wearing a bra with the top but having a jacket would be a good cover. The pants fit your waist perfectly and when standing showed off your incredible figure. You wanted to be casual so your shoe choice was flats. Once you were dressed you walked over to help fix the collar of Trent’s shirt. He wore tailored khaki cargo style pants, a white t-shirt, a Rhude button up open overtop and a pair of Louis Vuitton trainer sneakers.
“You’re so so so handsome. It’s a little unfair.” You said as he stood in front of a full length mirror inspecting his outfit and you went and wrapped your hands around his biceps and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I have to keep up with you don’t I?” He cheekily said, squeezing his hands around your waist and pulling you in for a kiss.
You went to the lobby and Dianne asked if you wanted a photo, well she wanted one of you two, you obliged not particularly upset about capturing memories. Trent and you took a few and Dianne gushed over how beautiful she thought you both were. You had Dianne send them to you and Trent but neither of you posted the photo. Your camera rolls were filled with photos like this that never saw the light of day only when they were printed and hung in the house or a rare occasion where you’d post a more subtle pic of you holding hands walking down the street in your fits like you did tonight.
You held hands as you walked down cobble streets till you saw the Brummie Bellingham family waiting outside the restaurant for dinner. The group of the three boys, two mums, and yourself filed into the restaurant and per usual heads began to turn. Trent was one thing but Jude out in public was another animal… the two of them together; Pandora’s box. You sat at a table nestled in the back of a nice restaurant, you were relieved your outfit of choice was appropriate. To no one’s surprise, you sat close to Trent. One part of the table had a booth for seating and you took his lead so Trent helped you slid in before he followed. Your thighs were touching immediately, one hand wrapped around your waist low with his thumb in between the fabric of your trousers and your skin. The other gripped high on your leg till he needed to use it to look at a menu. Trent, Jude, Jobe honed in on some conversation regarding a referee error that happened in another countries group match. You nodded your head following along, you had seen the story, and Trent had explained it at length. Trent pulled on your waist to get you to be a little closer to him so you gave into his wishes and placed your head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss onto your hair in between sentences. Dianne and Denise were talking about something you couldn’t really hear but they were engrossed in their own back and forth until Dianne tapped at your hand that was resting on the table top.
“Hmm?” You picked up your head with a smile turning towards her. Trent unphased with his hand still gripping you tight.
“Come talk with us sweetheart.” She cooed, gesturing her head towards the other side of the table. You didn’t need his permission but you looked at Trent peeling his fingers off your waist to slide over to talk to the mums before whispering in his ear.
“Okay?” You asked with no real expectation for an answer you just wanted to note what you were doing.
“You can only listen to so much hun.” Denise spoke with a smile you hadn’t really seen her crack yet. Another mum of only boys made you nervous.
“It’s fine, I think when I hit the 15th time discussing the same call, I start to check out a little.” You giggled picking up a glass of wine, bringing it slowly to your lips holding it there a little longer after your sip.
“I understand that, imagine over 20 years of football chaos all day every day. It’ll never end.” Dianne and Denise laughed reminiscing about going from grassroots teams to the biggest stadiums in the world with their little boys.
“I don’t mind. I do actually love football…” you paused and giggled a little before your gaze drifted away from them to Trent. “Maybe not to the same extent of course but it’s nice when people are passionate about something, really love, devote, and care about it.” Your eyes fell back towards them but more so to the table where you played with the rings on your fingers. Trent felt your gaze but missed the connection so he reached over a little and linked his pinky with your hand that was on the seat of the booth before giving you a soft smile. Denise and Dianne watched the exchange and the way your words softened talking about being passionate and what it meant to really love something catching that it wasn’t maybe only about football but about someone sitting at the table who was playing football.
“I heard you followed football before you moved here, is that right?” Denise asked, giving you a sweet smile.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s always been something my dad and I bonded over, had a connection with, I actually played till I was around 16 or so but didn’t really want to play at university so it faded out but when I got older following a team with my dad really kept us close and that’s important to me. We’ve created some of the best memories together at matches.” You rambled a bit, maybe it was the wine, or just panic trying to speak to Denise but you felt a little on edge.
“You did not play footie! That’s bullshit.” Jude’s head turned towards you.
“Jude…” Denise gave a stare that if it was directed at you, you’d probably cry but he just shrugged.
“Sentiment still stands, I don’t believe that.” Jude scoffed.
“Nah, she did! Kept the little secret in her back pocket for a while.” Trent confirmed it was in fact true with a little chuckle.
“Okay, well I wasn’t going to walk up to you people who do it professionally and be like ‘oh I played too!’ That’s embarrassing.” You sarcastically swayed your head back and forth making fun of how ridiculous it would’ve been.
“It still would’ve been interesting to know.” Jobe piped up and it made you smile. You just wanted to pinch his cheeks but he was older than that, definitely not as naive as he played but truly was adorable.
“Thanks, Jobe” you gave him a heartfelt smile. “Jude, you just listening in on our conversation?” You teased picking up your fork and pointing it at him.
“Nah, nah, you’re not all that interesting.” Jude pointed his fork at you emphasizing ‘you’ while he rolled his eyes.
“I’d say otherwise but each their own.” You imitated the same shrug he did earlier.
“You’ve had quite a whirlwind couple of years though sweetheart, at least from what I’ve heard. What did you do before you moved to the UK?” Denise, now interested in how you ended up at this dinner table and that there were things her boys were even still learning about.
“Oh, um, I went to university for a degree and then worked in fashion for a little and in what felt like a blink of an eye I ended up here.” You smiled, oversimplifying your backstory.
“Wow, Hun! Pretty, smart, funny, pushes back against my Jude. Trenty, you’ve got a good one.” Denise cooed looking at Trent whose eyes were still fixed on you from when you were speaking.
“Yeah, absolutely perfect. Worth getting her to move countries innit” Trent gushed eyes still stuck on you before sliding your body back over to him to wrap his arms around your frame placing a little peck on your neck.
“Done well” Dianne cooed, smiling at Trent’s clear obsession while taking a sip from her glass.
“Well then you’ve suddenly become my default to keep all the boys in line on this Greece holiday.” Denise joked a little but it was laced with a bit of seriousness.
“I always do, she’s been looking after mine for a bit now.” Dianne creased, the two mums were having a laugh themselves so you let it play out. The bulk of dinner wrapped up and Denise and Dianne decided they’d let the four of you get up to some nonsense without them so they said their goodbyes, hugs and kisses, and started to walk away from the table.
“Di, he is in love with that girl.” Denise quietly spoke to Dianne as they walked.
“Oh, I’m aware. It’s mutual too, think she’s more shy about the affection because he’s in his element or spaces he’s already familiar with but it’s totally infatuation all the time”
“Think they want to get married?” Denise asked the blatant question.
“I know Trent would, he’s slyly mentioned looking at rings but I keep my mouth shut.” Diane smiled just keeping her eyes forward as Denise glanced back at the table.
“It’s the only way we get any information now, just being quiet I swear” Denise laughed at the reality of their situations.
“She’s so good for him and he’s good to her. They make each other so happy, their house is gorgeous and so warm. It makes my heart full that they built this all from some whirlwind interaction.” She paused having a think. “Oh, god, you know what, yeah I’d really want that for them. Whole family loves that girl to bits.” Dianne babbled getting caught in the idea of what the future had in store for you and Trent.
You and the three boys decided to grab the check but go to the bar, you didn’t really need to sneak Jobe in with you like you normally would with a younger boy just being with Jude and Trent was like going anywhere with a free pass so it was no problem.
On cue, a few girls approached asking for photos with the boys so you happily helped take some for them. They wanted individual photos with Jude and then Trent. When one girl was posing for her photo with Trent she was a little bit more handsy than you cared for but it was only a photo so you bit your tongue. She wrapped her arm around his waist and placed her palm over his chest like a couple may pose. Jobe gripped your shoulder with his hand sensing the tension as you tapped away taking the photos on her phone. Even he knew it was probably a step too far on the girls' part. The other girl waiting for her turn for photos with Jude and Trent squealed a little.
“Literally you look like a couple! You’d be so cute together.” The fan said with a cheeky wink to her friend. Jude was quick to cut the encounter, none of you wanted to make a big deal but it still didn’t make you feel great.
“Alright darling, you want your picture with me too or just Trentski, C’mere” Jude cooed with false flirtation. The girl detached and Jobe said he’d take the remaining photos. You were polite and smiled to the girls and let them know if they needed you to take more you would but Trent walked up to you and draped his arms over your shoulder, his hands caressing the back of your head before you could really do anything else.
“Getting jealous, pretty girl?” Pressing his nose against yours. “Hmm, baby?” His lips pulled into a sly smile. You leaned in and rested your head on his chest before you started pressing light kisses over his shirt up to his collarbone and then his neck, all the way to his ear.
“Don’t like seeing you with someone else,” you quietly admitted. “You’re mine, baby.” You pouted your lips, he couldn’t see but could probably feel them roll against his skin. He grabbed both your cheeks and held your face out in front of his. You innocently looked up at him through your lashes. He teased you a little bit pressing small kisses to your neck now the same way you did to him but his were heavy with a more sensual motive. He heard you purr a little at the sensation so he took it a step further and began whispering against your sensitive skin about what he was going to do to you back in your hotel room; his words interspersed by kisses. You tried to hold back a moan before pulling him in for a proper kiss needing one to hold you over knowing you were in for a long night of cheeky hand placements and sultry kisses until you made it back to the promised land i.e your hotel room.
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next Part - Chapter 20 xx
92 notes · View notes
girltwinklater · 8 months
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not a soul asked for this but here you go gay people (me)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
makes sure you’re comfy before leaving and will MAKE you drink fluids. and if you’re staying over at hers she will not let you leave. cuddling before after and in between is like part of the deal.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
arms arms armsss sam loves her arms. so proud of them. but she’s always been super into hands. likes holding them, playing with them, sucking on your fingers. everything to do with hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
it’s like nectar to her. likes to makes sure you’re taken care of first. and then again and again and again. will suck you dry if you let her.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
loves hickies. pretends she doesn’t but loves when you mark her neck and thighs.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
moderately. but she’s learned your body and your sweet spots so she knows every way to get you off
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
doesn’t really prefer one over another, but likes seeing your face. seeing how well she’s doing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
bro is goofy as hell 😭 sam can’t take anything seriously and it’s funny watching her try.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
she likes to stay trimmed. refuses to get rid of her happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
super gentle and sweet when she’s not being silly. loves being close to you and making you feel good
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
in the shower >>>> everything. and lovess handies.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
mommy kink but you didn’t hear that from me
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your place since you live alone. but the risk of getting caught excites her a little.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
grinding and dry humping. over the clothes stuff. LOVES it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
can’t handle restraints. or knives. the one place she won’t go.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers receiving, but gives expert level head it’s INSANE
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
likes to go slow when she’s topping. making sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself. but will ride you like there’s no tomorrow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
she’s okay with them. sam prefers taking her time, though.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
she’s iffy about it, but since it’s you it doesn’t take much to convince her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
sam’s stamina is high as the heavens. can easily go three rounds without breaks. you’re genuinely baffled at how she never seems to get tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she has a few. you like to use them on her sometimes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
she’s less of the teaser and more the tease-ee. you love watching her get restless.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
relatively quiet. small gasps and whines in your ear. the occasional plea when you’re being a tease.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
she loves talking to you in spanish. pet names and praises.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
all i’m gonna say is homegirl is PACKING
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not too high. the hormones definitely lowered it, but is down for it anytime.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
she has trouble sleeping. will hold you for hours listening to your breathing until she finally does doze off.
and yes i stole this from @finalgirlmeeks mind your business
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avastrasposts · 7 months
A Baker's Dozen - Four
Twelve Pedro boys, twelve stand alone short stories, all set in the same bakery.
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I kinda figured you all would like Joel's visit to the bakery! Handy man Joel with his green plaid flannel shirt and tool belt... 🥰
This week's Pedro boy is actually forcing me to adjust the warning level, things get a bit spicier than usual with this one around and I think you'll understand when you see who it is....
Series Master List
The little bakery is buzzing with customers this warm summer evening, you’re serving everyone as fast as possible, cursing the stomach bug that had put the kid who worked extra out of commission for the week. As you ring up two slices of lemon meringue pie for Mrs Callahan from down the street, you notice the buzz increasing in the shop, almost like a wave of excitement. You glance towards the door to see if you can spot the source of the commotion and see a tall, proud looking, man closing it behind himself. His rich yellow jacket is all you have time to notice before you’re pulled back to Mrs Jones asking about the amount of sugar in the Millionaire’s Shortbread (a lot, you assure her, no, it’s not healthy just because it contains peanuts). 
You lose track of the stranger as you work your way through the long line, finally looking up to realize he’s the only one left in the shop, except for little Mrs Levinson who is just stepping through the door. The man gallantly takes a step back and indicates with his outstretched hand that she should be served before him. 
“Please, my lady, I would be offended if you insisted on waiting behind me.” 
He has an accent that you can’t place, vaguely Mediterranean maybe, and clearly very good manners. Mrs Levinson gives him a pleased smile and steps up to the counter to buy her regular weekend dark rye loaf, six chocolate chip cookies and one whole apple and cinnamon crumb coffee cake. 
“The grandchildren are visiting on Sunday, and they love your cookies, dear,” she informs you, “the mother just doesn’t know how to bake, why my son married a woman who can’t cook or bake I will never understand.”
“I’m sure she has many other good qualities and skills, Mrs Levinson,” you smile, this is a weekly complaint. 
“He should’ve married you, dear, how you are still single is beyond me, such a talented girl in the kitchen,” she pats your hand as she hands over her purse for you to count out what she owes. “But Mrs Pike’s son is single, recently divorced, I’ll make sure she sends him here to buy something, he’s such a lovely boy.” 
“Thank you, Mrs Levinson, but I don’t need to be set up, I barely have time to run this bakery, I don’t have time for dating.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll find time, my dear,” she winks at you and gives the dark haired man behind her another wink as she turns to leave. 
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” you say to him as the door closes behind Mrs Levinson. 
“No trouble, my lady, I was more than delighted to enjoy the view of such a talented girl,” he says with a confident smile, sauntering over towards the counter. 
Now that he’s not hidden by the crowd you can see that he is in fact wearing a long robe, reaching down below his knees. But that’s not where your eyes are drawn, instead you find yourself actively trying not to stare at the deep v of bare, tan skin visible where his robe sits open, adorned by an expensive looking necklace. You pull your eyes up to his face, putting on your customer smile, and mentally slapping yourself. 
“What can I help you with today, sir?” 
At your words you see his mouth quirk in a wicked grin and his eyes wander over as much of you as he can see behind the counter. Ordinarily you’d be somewhat offended by such blatant staring but…considering your own struggle to not gawk at him, if feels admissible.
“I’m sure you can help me with a great many things, my lady,” he says, the lilt in his voice fitting his strange clothes, and the double meaning isn’t lost on you. You raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms. 
“Really?” you challenge, “And what else but baked goods do you enter a bakery for?” 
“Depends on the girl, or the woman, working in the bakery,” he smirks, “when the lady of the bakery is as beautiful as you, I’d like to buy a great many other things than her cakes.” 
This line makes you roll your eyes so far back into your head you think they might get stuck there. 
“You really think coming into a bakery and suggesting prostitution to the woman who works there is going to win you any favors?” 
Now it’s the man’s turn to raise his eyebrows and look surprised for a moment, then he bends his head, bowing deeply to you. 
“My lady, I did not wish to offend you at all, I was not suggesting that I would buy any such services from you. Rather I was, badly I’m sure, suggesting that I would like to buy such a beautiful lady gifts, rather than just buying her cakes.” 
He looks up at you, his handsome face giving you an apologetic smile, “Please, truly, I did not mean to offend you.” 
“Alright, I believe you for now,” you reply, accepting his apology with a slight scowl, “So what can I help you with? In the baked goods department,” you emphasize, waving over towards the display cases. 
“I have this,” he says, pulling a bottle of wine from the satchel he has hanging at his side, “it’s cold and delicious on this warm day, but I would like to have something to eat with it. And I saw that you have these,” he points to one of the bags of lemon and almond biscotti in your display case. “They remind me of the small cakes we have back in my city, Sunspear. Will you please let me buy a bag of them?”
“Of course,” you reply, reaching for the biscotti, “Anything else?” 
“An hour of your company?” he says, smoothly, with a smile, “But I won’t offer to pay for it, just beg that you will join me with this wine, and your lovely cakes, as a small apology for offending you.” 
You look at the man standing on the other side of the counter. His confident smirk has been replaced by an apologetic smile, his arms outstretched as if he’s holding himself open for you to review and decide upon. You glance at the clock on the wall, fifteen minutes to closing but the foot traffic outside on the street has trickled down to nothing, everyone is on their way home to enjoy the last of the warm sunshine. It won’t be the end of the world if you close up a few minutes early today. And this man does intrigue you, with his accent and his strange clothes. 
“Ok, fine,” you say, “An hour, but I have no wine glasses.” 
“My sweet lady of the bakery, I’m sure I will survive without glasses, as long as I have your company to keep me distracted,” he winks at you and his demeanor changes back into confidence once again as you wave him behind the counter.
“C’mon then, we can sit out back, but only on the stairs I’m afraid.” 
“I have sat on much worse in my days, I assure you,” he chuckles, “even a prince of Dorne can’t expect to sit only on feather pillows every hour of his life.” 
“You’re a prince?” you ask but it really doesn’t surprise you. He looks every bit like a prince from some exotic country you’ve never heard of. 
“Prince Oberyn Martell, my lady,” he says, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, “It is my pleasure to meet you.” 
“Likewise, I’m sure,” you smirk, his over the top chivalry is making your inner rebel come out, and you gladly direct him to the somewhat crumbling back stairs, fishing a bottle opener out of a drawer on the way. Drinking wine from the bottle on the back stairs, overlooking the trash cans and patchy grass that lines the dingy alley behind your bakery, is probably not something a prince usually does. 
Oberyn is looking around the area outside the door as you bring the bottle opener and the biscotti. 
“Wait a moment,” he says, holding up his hand to you before he unbuckles the belt that’s holding his robe together, and dropping it on the ground. He shrugs out of the robe and shakes it out, spreading the luxurious looking fabric out over the steps and then holding out his hand for you. 
“Please, my lady,” he says, “it will be a little bit more comfortable for you than sitting on the cold stone.” 
“No, but your robe, it’ll be ruined,” you protest, but he shakes his head, “It’s nothing, just a little dust. Do not think me such a feeble prince that I am above getting a little bit dirty.” With his last word he winks at you with a smile, and you can’t help but smile back, taking his hand. 
“I don’t know what kind of prince you are, I’ve never even heard of Dorne.” 
He lets go of your hand as you settle on the top step and he sits himself on the one below, taking the bottle opener from you. 
“Dorne is a beautiful country, warm, much warmer than here, surrounded by turquoise blue ocean, white beaches and fragrant lemon groves,” he says, “And my home, the city of Sunspear, is the world’s most beautiful city, colorful, richly decorated, cooled from the hot sun by our water gardens and palm trees. It is ruled by my brother, the king. I am my father’s second son, fortunately enough for me, for I would’ve made a terrible king.” 
He smiles as he speaks of his home, a warm smile, as he pulls the cork from the wine bottle. 
“Ladies first,” he says and holds the bottle out to you, you accept it, taking a sip of the cool white wine. It really is delicious; crisp, fresh and an undertone of a rich, buttery flavor. 
“This is very nice wine,” you say, giving the bottle back to him and he smiles. 
“Made all that much better by the company.”
“Cheesy, but I appreciate the effort,” you grin and he looks confused, lowering the bottle that he was just about to drink from.  “Cheesy?” he asks, his eyebrow raised in question. 
“Yeah, you know, ‘cheesy’, when something is lame, or over the top, corny?” 
“I assure you, my lady, I did not intend to be over the top with my compliment, if anything, it was not enough,” he smiles warmly at you, and you feel butterflies in the pit of your belly. Either the wine is working very fast, or this strange man and his flirtatious way is getting to you. 
“I could say so much more about your beauty and the joy it is to spend a warm summer evening in your company with good wine and delicious cakes,” Oberyn’s eyes are glinting as he watches you squirm and he takes a sip from the bottle. 
You feel your cheeks heat up and you drop your eyes to your hands, suddenly feeling very flustered by his flattery, distracting yourself by picking at some dry dough caught on your nail. 
“Oh, the biscuits!” he exclaims suddenly and stands up, “We need just a…” he disappears into the kitchen and you look up as he turns around, scanning the shelves before he finds what he’s looking for, “Ah! Just what we need!” he says and returns to the steps, sinking down next to you again with a small bowl in his hand. “The biscuits are to be dipped in the wine, to soak up its delicious flavor and blend with the sweetness.” 
He demonstrates by pouring some of the wine into the bowl and taking the bag of biscuits from you, opening it up. He takes one of the biscotti and dips the end in the wine, letting it sit for a few seconds before taking a bite. 
His eyes hold yours as he slowly chews the biscotti, humming slightly under his breath.  “My sweet lady, this is exquisite,” he says, awe in his voice once he’s swallowed. “I would hire you as my own personal baker any day, would you wish to leave these premises.” 
“Thank you for the offer, that’s very generous,” you say, taking one of the biscuits and dipping it in the wine, copying Oberyn, “but I like running my own business.” 
As you bite into the biscotti you hold back a moan, you’ve never tried this before but now you understand why he insisted, the crunchy biscotti has softened slightly and been filled with the crips flavors of the wine, the lemon and almond adding to the complexity. 
“This is really good, Oberyn,” you smile, taking the second half, “Thank you for introducing me to it.” 
“It was all my pleasure, my lady,” he replies, leaning back against the stairs and taking a sip of the wine from the bottle. When he tilts his head back, his long neck is exposed, even more now when he’s only wearing his shirt, a smattering of freckles on his tanned skin, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. It occurs to you that the man exudes confidence in everything he does, even the way he brings the bottle back down, handing it to you with a small, crooked smile, the way he’s leaning on one elbow against the step just above him, long legs stretched out comfortably in his soft looking leather boots, utterly relaxed even on the crumbling back stairs. 
You take the bottle from him and take another sip, the cool wine slipping down far too easily. From the corner of your eye you see Oberyn take another biscotti and dip it into the wine, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. With a small smirk he puts the biscuit in his mouth, closing his soft looking lips around it, sucking lightly while he lets his eyes linger on you. You feel heat creep up your throat, there is such promise in his eyes, such a challenge in his flirting. It’s like he’s daring you to flirt back, to push him just a little to see how he reacts. You feel a familiar heat spread through your core, a temptation to entice him. But his confidence, just the way he takes the bottle from your hand, his long fingers caressing yours with intent, almost intimidates you. If you flirt with him, even just a little bit, you think he might challenge you even more, see how far you’re willing to go, and you’re not sure you can trust your body to resist. His easy assertiveness, the way he leans back against the stairs, his hand now resting just an inch from your waist, it both unnerves you and makes arousal thrum under your skin. 
With a slight tremble to your hand, you take the bottle again and take another sip, bigger this time and it goes down the wrong way, your nerves getting the better of you. With a cough you splutter into the crook of your elbow, your eyes watering. The prince shoots up and immediately puts his hand on your back, patting you lightly a few times before he begins to rub circles between your shoulder blades. 
“Careful there, my lady, are you all right?” His eyebrows have pulled together in concern and he leans forward, looking at your face. You feel the tears that formed spill over and roll down your cheeks as you cough a few more times. 
“Y-yes, yes, I-I think so, thank you,” you finally say with a croaky voice, “it just went down the wrong way.” 
Taking a deep breath, you almost choke again when Oberyn gently cups your face with his large hands and wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, softly running them under your eyes. 
“Can I fetch you some water?” he asks, his voice low and concerned, but you shake your head. 
“No, thank you, I’m ok now,” you say, taking a steadying breath. He’s so very close now, looking into your eyes with a soft smile and you notice how one of his eyes is made amber by the evening sunlight, the other dark chocolate brown, half hidden in shadow. You feel like your brain is spinning in place, wheels turning but not moving forward, as you’re unable to tear your eyes away from his intense gaze. His hands are still on your cheeks, warm and soft even though you can feel the rough calluses on his palms. 
His eyes finally leave yours, only to very slowly move down to your lips, holding his gaze there for several seconds before he looks back up again. His face transforms into a more roguish smile and he drops his hands from your face, moving to pick up another biscotti and dipping it into the wine. 
“My lady, please,” he says, holding it up to you, one hand cupped under it to catch any drops of wine, as he offers it to you, holding it by your lips. 
You don’t know why, but you obediently open your mouth, letting him feed you the biscotti, tasting the tang of the wine and the sweetness of the sugar as you break it off in the middle. The tip of Oberyn’s tongue comes out to wet his lips as he watches you swallow it down, and then he dips the second half in the wine again, and places it between his own lips. All the while his eyes never leave yours. 
The corner of his mouth pulls up in a crooked smile, and he leans back against the door frame, crossing his arms over his lap. 
“I would kiss you, if you asked me too,” he says, matter of factly, “if you want me too.” 
You reach for the wine bottle to distract yourself while you calm your beating heart, keeping your eyes on him, that smirk still lingering on his lips as he watches you take a small, controlled sip, this time. 
You pour some more wine into the bowl and place the bottle on the top step, reaching for another biscotti and making up your mind. Dipping the delicate biscuit in the wine you look up at Oberyn, holding his gaze while you bring it up to his mouth, mimicking his gesture of cupping your hand under it. A wicked smile flickers across his face as he obediently opens his mouth and takes the biscotti. But he doesn’t bite it in half, instead he leans forward and closes his lips around your fingertips, his tongue licking at them as he takes the whole thing into his mouth. It’s warm and wet around your fingers and he gently sucks on them as he pulls back, a low hum escaping his throat. The touch of his tongue shoots a jolt of electricity through your body, settling firmly between your legs and your breath hitches. 
Oberyn swallows the biscuit and takes your hand, bringing it to his mouth again, with his eyes locked on yours he takes each finger between his lips and sucks them clean. When your pinky leaves his lips he moves forward, taking your chin between  his thumb and finger, holding you steady, your heart beating its own erratic rhythm in your chest. 
“I would kiss you, if you asked me too,” he repeats, looking from your eyes to your lips and up again. 
You don’t trust your voice, so instead you inhale, his warm scent; oranges, cinnamon, sandalwood, filling your nose, and you lean forward. He doesn’t smile this time, instead he mirrors your movement until your lips brush, your heads tilting ever so slightly to come closer together, mouths angeling as he presses a soft, gentle, explorative kiss to your tingling lips. Warm hands slip up your neck, into your hair, large enough to cup the back of your head as his thumbs stroke your cheeks. 
His next kiss is more insistent, his lips parting to taste with the tip of his soft tongue, licking the seam of your mouth. Your body seems to have lost all will to follow your head, it just moves as he moves you, pulling you closer to his lips, opening up to his tongue, letting him slip inside and explore, tangelling together as he tangles his hands in your hair, making you lean closer into him. Without knowing how you got there, you find yourself sitting on his lap, his hand finding your thigh and pulling your leg over. When he puts his hands on your hips and slides your body closer to his, your mind goes blank and you moan into his mouth. He’s distinctly hard underneath you, the thin fabric of his trousers doing nothing to hide the firm length of his cock, and he groans with delight as you roll your hips over him. 
“Sweet thing,” he whispers, his lips momentarily leaving yours, “sweet, sweet lady, I knew your kisses would be as sweet as your cakes.” His fingers dig into your hips, his mouth pressing firmer against yours as he sucks on the tip of your tongue, pulling back just a fraction and trailing kisses and bites over your jaw, down your throat, pushing back your t-shirt to suck a mark into your collar bone, making you keen and whimper under his warm mouth. 
“I wonder if you’re as sweet everywhere,” he mumbles, fingers digging into your hips and dragging you over his heavy length, straining against his trousers, “I would very much like to find out.” 
You lean your head back, exposing your throat to him as he continues to kiss and lick the soft skin of your neck, heat is building rapidly in your body and for a second you feel as if you’re looking down on yourself from above. Straddling the handsome prince on the stairs, sitting on his golden yellow robe, his face buried against your neck, his hands rolling your hips over his erection as you pant to the darkening sky above. With a groan you put your hands on his shoulders and push away, stumbling back onto your feet. 
“You’re dangerous to be around, Oberyn,” you pant as his hands slip away from your hips. His mouth hangs open as he reaches for you. In the dimming light you can see the prominent bulge of his trousers, it makes your mouth water, the image of sliding down over it coming unbidden to your mind. 
“It’s just pleasure,” he says, his voice dark and mischievous, “no guilt to be had over feeling pleasure.” 
“No, but I’m not about to have sex with a stranger on the back steps of my bakery,” you say, taking a deep breath, running your hands over your head, down your face, to ground yourself again. 
“Well, then the question beckons to be asked,” Oberyn grins, “where would you have sex with a stranger?” 
“I don’t have sex with strangers,” you say, shaking your head and quickly stepping past him, into the kitchen again. Behind you, you hear him get up and pick up the bottle, the remaining biscuits and the bowl. Placing them on the counter inside the door he follows you out to the shop as he slips his robe back on, where you unlock the door and wait for him to approach. A big part of you doesn't want him to leave, but you know that if you let him stay, he’ll have you naked on one of the counters within minutes, your body will betray you and let him do whatever he wants. 
“If you let me, I would like to not be a stranger to you,” Oberyn says as he reaches you by the door, “Would you let me come back and take you out, maybe show you Sunspear, my city?” 
“Show me the life of a prince?” you ask, you doubt you’ll see him again once he leaves, “Sure, come back and show me another side of yourself, and I’ll consider whether or not I want you to be a stranger.” 
“You don’t think I’ll come back,” he replies, a crooked smile on his lips, “have I made such a flighty impression on you, such a poor representation of who I am?” He chuckles, taking your hand and bowing low, pressing a feather light kiss to it. 
“I promise, my sweet lady of the bakery, I will come back and I will show you the true colors of a prince of Dorne. Until then I will keep your honeyed kisses close in my memory.”
He opens the front door and steps through it, before turning and smiling back at you, “And I’ll keep your delicious moans even closer on lonely nights.” 
You feel heat rise in your cheeks again as he winks, a mischievous smirk on his face, before he bow lows again and disappears down the street. 
Part Five
Tag list: @harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @oberynslady @vabeachazn
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chrysoula · 4 months
I'm writing a little something about HSR's Aventurine and I wanna gush a tiny bit about how cool he is.
First of all: as a direct report to Diamond of the IPC, he has a Cornerstone. The significance of the Cornerstones hasn't been released yet, but we do know that while Topaz has the Cornerstone of Debt Retrieval, Aventurine's is the Cornerstone of Strategems.
Ok, so let's consider the situation he's in. As presented, he's basically working alone. He's a gambler down on his luck, playing with an empty hand, rejected and insulted left and right, in clear and present danger (according to Doctor Ratio) while he just keeps smiling. There's something brittle in there, oh yes, but that's not what this post is about. Rumor has it Diamond of the IPC is an Emanator of the Preservation. I have no idea if that's true; the word Emanator gets tossed around a lot these days. But let's take it as given that Diamond is pretty powerful, probably in more ways than one. Diamond sent Aventurine to Penacony. Now, Topaz has a starship zoo and an army. She may have taken a paycut for helping out Jarilo-VI, but that's just going to force her to switch from luxury food to premium food for her zoo, if even that. Aventurine no doubt also has access to an army of his own, but we don't really see it at Penacony. I imagine that's because armies were not on the invitation for a Festival. Fair enough. Diamond must have known that from the start, as well as the fact that Penacony would be a shark tank for an IPC representative.
And Diamond picked Aventurine to send in. That means Diamond thought Aventurine could walk into a lion's den alone, and come out again with the goods. I personally believe this means he's done it before. And this is what I wanted to gush about. I just love a guy who can walk unarmed into a gunfight and win.
Although I'm not sure if 'unarmed' is the right word here. There's certainly something going with him in the White Night trailer, but besides that, I imagine he has some skill at seeing through the lies of others, and maybe even in manipulating emotions (without Clockwork!) which could be awfully handy in Penacony. I am so excited to find out what he does in the next chapter. And meanwhile... I'm gonna write this fic about an imaginary scene between him and Stelle.
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lieslab · 4 months
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: og8 X gn reader
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 5.9K
A/N: Shout out to all the baddies who struggle with hyper-independence. A request was made for it and here you go. There's a bit of angst in some parts. There are some with trigger warnings, but this is mostly light-hearted. Enjoy <3
_ _ _
Being independent was something you prided yourself on. It was the one trait you had that nobody could take away from you. Things could be hard sometimes, but you knew that you’d always be able to find the inner strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle brought your way. 
It was no different when you decided to order an upgraded dresser for your bedroom. The instructions were included and you had good music playing in the background. Step-by-step, you managed to figure it out. Everything was going great until you somehow screwed up a step. 
“Do you need some help with that?” Chan asked. He dipped his head around the corner of the room. Your back was facing him as he stepped further in. “I’m pretty good at building things.” 
“No thank you, I’ve got it.”  You picked up a screw and began to try to place it into a hole. Using your fingers, you twisted it inside until it fit. 
“Okay, but you know you can always ask for help, right?” 
“I know.” 
A small chuckle fell from him. He watched you struggle with the screw for a few more moments. He opened his mouth wanting to help, but then shut it again. He spun around and walked out deciding to let you to your own devices. 
After about an hour, your victorious laugh came from your room. You let out an excited cheer and stood up eager to show off your handy building skills to Chan. You were about to turn around to go get him when you stepped back with your hands on your hips. 
Your head tilted to the side and a frown fell on your face. Something about the dresser didn’t look right. Your music still faintly played in the background. You were excited about finishing it, but now it looked wrong. 
Chan’s footsteps padded along the carpet as he headed towards you. “Hey, did you get it done?” He grinned and stepped into the room expecting to see a perfectly pieced together wooden dresser equipped with drawers and knobs. 
It only took one look at the dresser before he busted into a fit of giggles. He dropped to his knees with a hand on his stomach. His neck curved down and his chin fell to his chest. 
“What’s so funny?” You huffed with your hands on your hips. 
“Where are the knobs?” 
“Oh!” Your face lit up with realization. “That explains why it looks so strange. They’re on there, but…” 
“What did you do?” 
“I put the front of the drawers on backwards. The knobs are hooked onto them, but they’re turned around and facing the inside of the dresser. Geez, no wonder it looks a little dumb.” 
“No, it doesn’t look dumb, it’s just um unique?” Chan grinned. 
“You’re not helping the situation.” 
He laughed again, “how about I help you fix it?” 
“But I-” 
“I promise it won’t hurt to let me help you out. It’ll be easier and we can fix it quicker. You unscrew one side and I’ll unscrew the other. A super quick fix, I promise.” 
Begrudgingly you finally agreed and within another fifteen minutes, you were fully finished. You plopped back on your butt and sighed. The brass knobs were now facing out, so you were able to open the drawers. 
“I think it looks so much better,” you commented. 
“You’re right.” 
“It could have been worse.” 
“I hope you don’t become a furniture builder.”  Chan leaned forward and gently flicked the tip of your nose with a shy grin. “Imagine if you were building a door and put the lock on the outside of the door instead of the inside.”  He bursted into another round of giggles. 
_ _ _
TW: Mentions of a car wreck and shock.
At the end of your workday, you drove straight to the JYP building to pick up Minho. The two of you had plans to go get dinner at a nice restaurant in the area. At the end of a tough week, it was a great way for both of you to relax and wind down. 
When you stepped into the JYP building with wide eyes and shaking hands, Minho knew there was something wrong instantly. He pulled away from his conversation with Felix and walked over to you with a frown. You didn’t even have to say anything. 
“What’s wrong?” He glanced over you up and down with pinched eyebrows. In the distance, even Felix looked concerned. 
Your skin was two shades paler and you looked like you had seen a ghost. Not wanting to cause any concern, you shrugged. “Nothing, why?” 
“You seem dazed or something. Are you running a fever?” The back of his hand went up and pressed against your forehead before you could object. The warmth of it was nice, but you pulled away. 
“I’m alright, it’s just been a rough day. Are you ready to go? I know I’m a little later than I planned to be. I didn’t mean to get caught up in traffic.” 
“It’s not a big deal.” 
He leaned over his shoulder and said something to Felix. You weren’t really paying attention to his words. You waved at Felix before you turned around and headed to the door. The familiar footsteps of Minho sounded behind you. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” 
You continued heading to the spot your car was in. Minho fell into a casual conversation about something that happened in dance practice earlier. You hummed softly and continued walking until there was a gasp from behind you. 
You turned around to find Minho with big eyes and a dropped jaw. He was staring at your car. The back half of it was crushed. The back bench of  seats in your vehicle were nearly obliviated. Metal was crunched and twisted together. 
“What the hell happened? When did this happen? Your car was fine yesterday!” 
“I got into a fender bender on the way here.” 
“A fender bender?” Minho roared. He rushed towards you in a panic.“Are you injured? Did you go to the hospital?” 
“I don’t need to go, I’m fine. I don’t need to go if I’m not injured. Don’t worry, the car is still driveable.” 
“No, no, no, no, no, nope.” He bent down and gently grabbed your wrists. “You’re not driving and we’re not going to the restaurant. Did you, at least, get checked over by paramedics?” Worry filled his dewy eyes. 
“No, I didn’t need to. I’m alright, I promise. Let’s just go get something to eat, it’s not a big deal.”  
“No wonder you look so out of it.” He reached up and pressed two fingers against the side of your neck to feel your pulse. “You’re in a state of shock. Your heart is pounding like crazy probably from all the adrenaline.”  
“Please don’t make it a big deal.” 
“This is a big deal. You could be injured and you have no idea. Your brain is in shock right now. If you’re in pain, your brain is protecting you from feeling it. We need to get you to the hospital before it wears off.” 
You frowned, feeling annoyed. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin your dinner plans. The idea of sitting in a hospital for the rest of the evening wasn’t ideal either. “But I’m okay,” you tried to insist again. 
“Don’t make me pick you up and haul you to the nearest hospital. I will fling you over my shoulder and pin you there. For your safety, you are going to the hospital. This isn’t a simple request, it’s a demand.” 
“Do you have to be so bossy?” 
“This is regarding your safety, so yes. Come on,” he tugged you towards the building. “I’m going to have one of the guys drive us there. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the whole time.” 
_ _ _
“My sweet pookie wookie bear, where are you?” Changbin called out once he arrived through the front door. His loud voice carried throughout the room and met you directly in the kitchen. 
The sudden loud sound sent another wave of pain radiating through your head. With half-closed eyes, your hands shook while trying to cut up potatoes. You pushed the knife down further until your grip slipped. 
The potato rolled off the cutting board and hit the ground with a soft thud. Changbin’s head perked up at the noise. He grinned and rushed to the kitchen eager to greet you after a long day in the recording studio. 
You promised you’d make him dinner. He was happy to enjoy your cooking and your food, but he was even happier to see you. After all, you were the love of his life. 
“Hi, baby! You lo- oh?” He frowned, taking in your drooped head. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Are you sad?” He opened his arms and walked towards you. 
“I’m fine,”  you mumbled. You were the opposite of fine. Every muscle sat saturated with an unbearable ache. Your voice was somewhat hoarse and your throat was on fire. The unnatural amount of sweat dripping from your forehead wasn’t helping either. 
His biceps wrapped around you in a bear hug. “Oh, you poor thing. You’re not fine, you look far from it.” He bent down and pressed his lips to the center of the forehead. 
That quick kiss was just supposed to be an act of affection. However, the warmth radiating from your forehead told Changbin a different story. He pulled away with a frown. “Baby, you’re burning up.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeated. “I just need a moment before I start cooking. I promised that I’d make yo-” 
“Nope,” he tugged you closer, “you’re not making anything besides dreams. Let’s go get you into bed. I can get you some medicine and you can take a cruise to dreamland.” 
You weakly tried to pull away, but his grip was tight around your waist. He chuckled full of amusement. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I have to make you dinner.” 
“You don’t have to make me dinner. We can reschedule our dinner plans. It’s not a big deal and your health is important.” 
A frown fell upon your face, “but you wanted my special potato dish. I need to do this for you. I don’t wanna let you down.”  
“And my cravings can wait. You’re not going to let me down at all! What happens if you cut off a finger while trying to chop potatoes? Not only is that unsanitary, but then it’ll lead to a hospital trip. I know how much you hate hospitals.” 
“What if I made you dinner and then I went to bed?” 
“Mmmh, no.” He reached down and picked you up bridal style. “Let’s head towards bed and get some shut-eye. This isn’t the end of the world. Besides, I’m feeling a little sleepy myself.” 
Exhausted, you let your head fall against his chest. A soft sigh came out as you let yourself relax in his arms. You shut your eyes while he carried you feeling feverish. 
“There you go, I’ve got you, sweetums.” 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t like my pet names. Despite what you say, I’m not dumb. I can see how happy they make you. You can’t hide that twinkling in your eyes.” 
_ _ _
TW: Blood.  
Painting was the perfect way to relax. Indigos and cobalt blue, mauves and maroon, flamingo pinks and sunshine yellow. Hyunjin took his time painting his canvas in his own little world. The soft music in the background only added to the ambiance. 
He hummed beneath his breath and sent a swatch of lilac across the canvas. The light pitter-pattering of quick brush strokes filled the air. Caught in a flow state, nothing could pull his attention away from his art. 
At least, it was like that until there was the unmistakable sound of glass shattering in the distance. His head snapped to his door and he frowned. When there wasn’t any noise following that, he dropped his brush and got up to investigate. 
The unnerving sound of silence created a concoction of fear and anxiety. You had been staying with him recently in his dorm and the two of you were the only ones home. He pulled open his bedroom door and called your name. 
In the kitchen, you cursed beneath your breath with your hips supported by a side counter. Blood dripped from the bottom of your foot and painted the tile floor ruby. Your glass cup had shattered into hundreds of tiny shards. 
“Are you okay?” Hyunjin’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. 
Your head jerked up to meet his worried eyes. He took a step closer and you quickly put out a hand. “Don’t! Don’t come in here, there’s glass everywhere!” 
He glanced down and stayed between the section separating the living room from the kitchen. “Is it in your foot?” 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I can get it out, just stay there.” The bottom of your foot ached from the large shard. You ignored it and carefully tugged your foot up. You kept your balance on one foot by using the back counter for support. 
“Let me get the broom and I-” 
“I’ve got it. I don’t want you to get injured. Besides, it’s my mess anyway. You just stay there and I’ll get this out of my foot and clean it up.” 
Craning your neck, your body stiffened. The shard sticking out of your foot was pretty large. The sight of it in there dripping with blood made your stomach churn. You forced yourself to swallow a mouthful of your vomit. 
When you started to pale and your body tilted, Hyunjin ignored your warning. He went around the glass and rushed towards you. Too dazed to pull away, you let him grab you. His hands found your hips and he lightly squeezed them. 
“Can you jump with one foot?” 
“Just trust me, I need you to jump.” 
You obliged and jumped. The moment you did, Hyunjin used your momentum and helped lift you onto the counter. He gently grabbed your ankle to look at the wound. His face twisted with disgust. “That looks like it hurts.” 
“I can get it,” you pathetically objected. 
He shook his head, “you’re going to let me help you. I know you like your independence, but we need this to clot, so it stops bleeding. You’re not going to help it by walking around it. Just stay here and rest. I’ll go get the stuff to clean it and pull the glass out.” 
“I don’t need your help,” you mumbled. 
“You either let me help you or I call 3racha and I force them to pin you down while I remove the glass, clean it, and bandage it.” 
You huffed with displeasure, but didn’t fight it. He chuckled, reached forward, and rubbed a hand along the top of your head a few times. You scowled with annoyance. You hated it when people did things for you and Hyunjin’s teasing only made it worse. 
“Cheer up, buttercup.” He booped your nose with a laugh. “Just stay here and I’ll be back.” 
While he was gone, you glanced down at your foot. Blood was still dripping from it. The sticky substance ran down the underside of your foot and kept dripping from your heel onto the floor. Another queasy feeling pulsed through your body. You shut your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. 
As much as you hated to admit it, it was better for Hyunjin to help you. At least, if you ended up fainting, he’d be there to make sure you were okay. That was far better than the alternative of fainting and gaining a head injury too. 
_ _ _
“Can you just let me tr-” 
“But I-” 
“You are being suc-” 
“You are going to end up hurting yourself,” Han stared at you with round eyes filled with worry. “You don’t need to be lifting such heavy boxes by yourself. I told you I can help you and I can have the guys co-” 
“I don’t need them or you,” you insisted. You bent down and scooped up another cardboard box full of stuff. “I’m perfectly capable of doing this by myself.” 
“You should bend your knees more and engage them instead of your back.” 
“Pft, don’t tell me how to lift.” 
Han sighed and lifted his hands and backed up. After agreeing to move from your apartment into his, you had to pack all your stuff and move it. Packing it all up was simple, but moving it was another story. You were on the second floor of your complex and, with your fierce determination, you refused to let anyone help you. 
With an ego and your pride outweighing your sense of safety, you ignored the constant strain you were putting on your back and your fucked up lifting form. Every time Han had attempted to offer a little help, you brushed it off. You were convinced that you didn’t need help, even if it took you double the amount of trips down to your car. 
“Are you dumb?” Han got out as you placed one box on top of another. “You’re already straining your back way too much, you’re seriously going to hurt yourself!” 
“I’m not going to hurt myself for the millionth time. Can you stop worrying so much? I’ll be fine.” You lined your legs up and dropped down to grab the bottom box and lift it up. Gritting your teeth together, you lifted your body. 
Instead of focusing on pushing yourself back up with your knees, you lifted yourself up via your waist. With a proud grin, you beamed at Han. “See? I told you I was fi-” The sharp stabbing pain in your lower back proved otherwise. 
Caught off guard, you dropped the boxes and your knees buckled. You hit the ground hard and caught yourself from face planting by pushing your hands against the boxes. Han rushed forward and plopped down at your side. 
“I told you! Are you okay?” His hands went to your waist. “What hurts? What did you do?” 
“My back,” you mumbled. Your hand slipped back and brushed along the small of your back. You winced and reached back with your other hand to massage it. 
“Shit,” Han whispered, “do you need a doctor or something?” 
“No! It’s really not that bad,” you attempted to push yourself up, “I-” You instantly winced and went back to resting on your knees. Your hands pressed into the soft skin of your back. Defeatedly, your head dropped to your chest. 
“Can I touch it?” Han asked. 
You hesitated before you pulled your hands away from your back. He shifted closer and let his fingers trail along your spine. He slipped his hands down and gently pressed along your back. His breath was warm on your neck. “What hurts?” 
When his fingers moved lower, you winced. He frowned and shifted his hands. His thumbs lightly pressed against a back muscle and massaged it. “Maybe you just pulled a muscle?” He offered. 
“It hurts.” 
“I know it does. I’ve pulled muscles before while dancing. Come on, let’s get you an epsom salt bath. If it still hurts after that, maybe you should consider the doctor or a chiropractor. This is why I was worried about you lifting boxes.” 
He got up, held his hands out to you, and grabbed your forearms. He helped you stand and started to lead you to the bathroom at a slow pace. “I know you like doing things on your own and proving that you're strong. You don’t have to lift heavy things to prove your strength.” 
“I know you, I know how strong you are. Physically, emotionally, and mentally; I already know. Next time, please let me help you.” 
You finally nodded and accepted it. A faint apology fell from your lips. Han chuckled and shook his head. “It’s alright. You can be strong and you can be brave, but you’re allowed to be vulnerable too.” 
_ _ _
TW: Implied depression and anxiety.
You loved letting Felix help you with mundane tasks. You liked watching his eyes sparkle and disappear into crescents as he grinned when you let him help you bake something. You liked it when he got clingy and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He buried his head into the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. 
You liked the way he got excited when he talked about his travel adventures. You loved listening and watching him talk with his hands. You liked the way he walked with you down the sidewalk and kept himself between you and the road as if he was protecting you. 
You liked how he clung to you like a koala every night and wrapped his limbs around yours. He nuzzled his head into your chest and fell asleep with your arms wrapped around his waist and his ear pressed against your heart. He always drifted to sleep to the sound of your breathing. 
Likewise, he liked the way you’d sometimes make him breakfast without asking. He liked that you knew the drinks he liked and sometimes you’d spontaneously show up to the studio with one for him. He liked your sweet kisses and your touch. You made him feel safe and wanted. You made him feel loved in ways that other people couldn’t. 
However, you had one downfall. One fatal flaw that continuously destroyed you. The one single trait you had that you couldn’t shake. When it came to showing your emotions, you struggled with it. Specifically, your more negative emotions. 
You never let yourself be emotionally vulnerable with Felix the way he was around you. You knew he’d never judge you for your feelings. He’d never tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. He wouldn’t shred your feelings like other people had done before, but you still couldn’t trust him. 
You were terrified that once you’d get comfortable enough, the relationship would fall apart. Your emotions were like tsunami waves and hurricane winds mixed together. They knocked you to the ground and then you drowned in them; your anger, your sadness, your fears, your anxieties. 
You held those emotions deep inside of you until you snapped. Emotional independence seemed like something you should have been proud of. You dealt with your inner demons on your own, but even the strongest people have days when they feel weak. 
For weeks your emotions built up and this morning, they crumbled. You laid with your head in your crossed arms slung over the bar counter. Planted in your chair, you wanted nothing more than to go back to bed. The thought of continuing the day with mundane tasks made you want to wreck the apartment and then burst into tears. 
You should have been eating breakfast, but instead you were trying to lasso in your emotions once again. In the silence with your eyes squeezed shut, you struggled with the fall out of everything. Too trapped in your own head, you didn’t even hear Felix approach you. 
“Hey,” he spoke softly. His hands went to your back. “Are you alright?”  He gently rubbed his hands along the curve of your spine. 
You sniffled and pulled yourself up, “I’m fine.” 
“You don’t have to lie to me, I know you’re not.” He reached over and pulled you into his arms. Still sitting in your chair, you let your head rest into his chest. “You don’t have to be perfect around me, you know? Whatever you’re struggling with, I can handle it.” 
“I know, but I don’t want to ruin your morning or add to your stress.” 
“You’re not going to hurt me by telling me what’s wrong. Honestly, I worry more about you when you don’t tell me what’s wrong. How am I supposed to help you when I don’t know how?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and stayed quiet thinking about his words. He reached up and stroked the back of your hair. Your arms slipped around his waist. He stayed like that for a while until you pulled away. 
“I feel like I’m burnt out,” you finally got out. “Everything feels so overwhelming. Work is stressful and my mental health hasn’t been the best.” You avoided Felix’s eyes. 
He stared at you and nodded, taking in your words. He reached out and gently pushed your hair from your eyes. “Well, I have the day off and so do you. You wanna have a mental health day? We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. We could just stay here cuddling and watching movies.” 
“Really?” Your eyes finally met his. 
He smiled, “of course. Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back. If you want to go out somewhere, we can do that too.” 
“Thank you.” 
“I should be thanking you actually,” he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. “Thank you for trusting me enough to open up. I know it’s difficult for you, but I’m proud of you.” 
Your cheeks flushed red and you buried your head back into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. After kissing the top of your head, a soft sigh left his body. His chin rested on the top of your head. In his arms, nothing could go wrong. 
_ _ _
TW: Angst.
“Do you purposefully live your life pushing everyone away?” 
“Huh?” You glanced up from your bowl of soup. The two of you were eating lunch at your apartment. 
“You refuse to let anyone help you do anything.” 
“That’s no-” 
“Last week you refused to let me wash dishes or do laundry. A few days before that, you were sick and refused to let me take care of you. People want to help you, but you continuously push them away. It’s like you want to die alone.” 
The words were like a knife sinking into the middle of your heart. You frowned and your eyes went down to the wooden table. Your soup didn’t taste nearly as good anymore. You attempted to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“Is that your plan?” Seungmin pressed. “Do you want to die alone? Do you even want to be with me? I’m right in front of you and you still continue to push me away. It’s like I’m not here. I could scream at you and you’d still act like I’m a ghost.” 
He knew you liked being independent, but lately it annoyed him. You were always so insistent that you were fine and you could do everything. Even when the weight of the world was on your shoulders, you gritted your teeth, bent your knees, and pretended it was fine. 
“What do I have to do to get you to trust me?” He slouched back in his chair defeated. “I’ve tried to show you. I’ve bought you things you like. I’ve constantly reassured you. When is this relationship going to become about us instead of just you? I don’t know how we’re supposed to continue this when you refuse to communicate with me.” 
You stayed silent. Tears began to prickle in your eyes. Your biggest fear was happening before your very eyes and it was entirely your fault. You refused to let Seungmin break the wall of bricks you built around yourself. 
“What more do you want from me?” Seungmin got out. “We can’t continue this relationship unless you attempt to make it work. I can’t continue to be with you and watch you try to do everything by yourself. The mundane things, the cooking, the cleaning, your feelings, and your emotions; why won’t you let me help you with them? I want to help you.” 
Your bottom lip quivered and you sniffled. “I’m scared,” you admitted. “I’m terrified that if I start to rely on you, if I trust you too much, you’re just going to leave. I don’t want to be left alone again.” 
The word made Seungmin’s heart drop to his stomach. He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he finally got out. “I didn’t mean to upset you, but if I’m being honest, it hurts me when you’re constantly like this.” 
“I want to show you that I’m here for you. I want to have you trust me more. How can I do that when you won’t even let me wash our dishes? You won’t even let me fold my own clothes. They’re simple tasks and they won’t kill me.” 
“I’m sorry,” your voice shook. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just-” Tears filled your eyes. “I’m so used to doing things by myself including house chores. When I was younger, it was expected and if I didn’t do them, I’d get yelled at. Things have been ingrained in me and I don’t know how to get rid of them.” 
“I don’t know how to stop being like this. I don’t know how to not be overbearing and too controlling. When I’m not in charge, when I can’t do things, it makes me spiral. I worry that something will go wrong.” 
Seungmin stayed quiet listening to you. He pushed vegetables and meat through the sodium filled broth in his bowl. When you finished, he glanced up again. 
“Can we start small? Can you come home once a week and really truly tell me how you feel? Will you let me, at least, help you wash dishes and cook meals occasionally?” 
“I guess I can probably do that.” 
“Thank you.” 
“But I really am sorry,” your eyes met his. “I didn’t realize my hyper-independence was hurting you so much. I’ll make an effort to try and change things. I don’t want to lose you.” 
“I don’t want to lose you either, babe. Have you tasted this soup? This is better than Lee Know’s stuff.” 
“Don’t tell him that!” 
“Too late. I already texted him and he says you're banned from cooking for the other members. If you can sway my opinion, you can probably sway the others too.” 
_ _ _
You didn’t mind the winter weather, at least, until your car broke down. You weren’t looking forward to working on Saturday when it was supposed to be one of your days off. Begrudgingly, you got up like usual and headed into work. 
You were halfway home when your car began to sputter and die on a back road. The road was a shortcut and shaved off five minutes of usual traffic on the main roads. It was something you always relished until today. 
It was an annoyance, but you could make do. Jeongin was at home waiting for your arrival. You reached down to pull your phone from the bag you always took to work. You grumbled and dug your hand inside searching for it. 
When you couldn’t find it, you dumped the bag out onto the seat beside you. To your horror, you realized that you didn’t have it with you. You dug your hands into your pockets. You got out of the car and made sure it wasn’t beneath you in the seat. You nearly ransacked the front of the car searching until you realized you must have forgotten it back at work. 
And the best part? You left your giant winter coat at home. You threw on a simple zip up hoodie this morning and called it good enough. It never crossed your mind that the car could break down. 
You sat for what felt like minutes waiting for someone to drive by. You planned on flagging them down and asking them for a phone. You had Jeongin’s phone number memorized, so all you had to do was type it in and call him to come pick you up. 
The warmth in your car began to fade the longer you waited. Your arms folded across your torso attempting to stay warm. You sat and sat and sat some more. All that you could hear was your soft breathing and the thump of your heartbeat. 
Realizing that you’d have to walk, you sighed and got out of the car. You took out the bag you used for work that contained your wallet and laptop. You threw the car keys in a section after locking the car. Sticking to the correct side of the road, you began to walk. 
The more you walked, the colder you got. There weren’t any sidewalks and the roads were a mixture of snow and ice. It took you twenty-five minutes to get home by car. You were halfway there, but with the horrible road conditions, who knew how long it’d really take you. 
Back in your apartment, Jeongin was caught up watching YouTube videos on the living room TV. After quite a while, he sat up and glanced over at the analog clock across the way. Realizing that it was later than the time you normally got home, by nearly forty-five minutes, he frowned. 
He pushed himself off the velvet couch and began to head over to the front door. He opened the front door to peer outside and see if you were parked out front. Besides his car, the driveway was empty. 
“Where are you?” He mumbled as he pulled out his phone to text you. He paced while he waited for your response. Five minutes later, he called, starting to panic, but you never picked up. 
Ten minutes later, feeling like a human popsicle, you attempted to open the front door. Your fingers seemed to be frozen solid and you could barely bend them. Your teeth clicked and chattered together. You fumbled desperately trying to get into the warmth. 
Hearing the commotion, Jeongin hurried over and opened the door. He barely caught you in time before you hit the ground. Your whole body was freezing cold. You shivered non-stop. 
“Woah, what happened? Why are you so cold? Where’s your car?” He tugged you inside and shut the door. 
The truth was that by the time you spotted a car, you were nearly home. The idea of asking someone to use their phone felt silly at that point. You were too stubborn to ask for assistance, so you struggled the rest of the way home and decided to freeze instead. 
All you could get out was a soft whimper. He wrapped his arms around you. “You poor thing, why didn’t you call me? I would have come and got you. You didn’t have to walk. Did you walk all the way home?” 
“Broke down,” you got out, “lost phone.” 
“And your propper coat?” 
“Left it here.” 
“You’re going to catch a cold or the flu or something.” He bent down and began untying your shoes. “You should have stopped someone. You better not develop hypothermia and die. Are you frost-bit anywhere?” 
You managed to shake your head. 
“Well, at least, you have all your limbs. You know you can ask for help, right? Multiple people would have helped you. Oh my god.” His eyes were full of worry. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright, come on.” He tugged you towards him. “Let’s get you snuggled into bed and I’ll make you hot chocolate. After that, I’ll warm you up.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Don’t thank me yet, you could still die. If you die, your ghost will never hear the end of it.” He bent down and slung you over his shoulder. “Do you hear me? Your ghost will never know a single day of peace.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @s3ungmins
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mogitz · 2 months
“Like calls to like.”
One thing that is interesting to me is that both Elain and Lucien are two of the most UNDERESTIMATED characters in the whole series.
Lucien is the youngest son of Autumn, younger than the other fae like Tamlin and Rhys by a couple hundred years?? So much so they call him “little Lucien.” He was basically considered Tamlin’s “yes man”, and he’s routinely talked down to and disrespected by the IC despite being a perfectly decent diplomat and charming his way through the courts, making friends and connections. His skills will come in handy soon and I hope he gives them all hell for it.
And I don’t even have to tell you how badly Elain is overlooked and set aside for being too soft and kind. Compare her to a loyal dog. Decisions made for her, despite her protests. Coddled and protected despite her begging for a bigger role in all of this! “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.”
Maybe ask her??
Excited to see these two prove everyone wrong about them. ❤️ I really believe that in each other they will find their strength and agency, their confidence to succeed.
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