#it’s all on Spotify now!
shepscapades · 9 months
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69. Panorama — Cool Cool, Jeremy Lister, bergie
Our eyes, they need some new direction There's somethin' lost with our connection And we can't seem to shake this scene This same routine is killin' me This town, it needs a restoration A little sparkly decoration These glossy lives and half-ass smiles keep movin' by By, by, by
Xisuma’s Season 8 has made me certifiably insane and I’m so glad this drawing challenge lets me out of my enclosure to share some of my insanity with yall— dbhc flavored, because of course! <3 This song is actually such a bop, highly recommend it!! It’s pretty early on in dbhc Xisuma’s playlist, representing the uh… Introduction/ Entering The Scene of a certain someone, and it foreshadows the horrific vibes of Xisuma’s season to come. I am so so so normal about this song, I’m positive it would be higher on the list had I found it a little earlier in the year
Although I will say, I was actually really excited to see this song rank at 69 because I knew people would request this number LMAO plus I’ve been drawing so much Xisuma lately so i was super excited to be able to draw and post some of my brainrot finally >:]
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harrisonsbabygirl · 3 months
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All You Need is Love broadcasted on this day in 1967. A total of 400 million people in 26 countries watched the live broadcast.
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onsomenewsht · 7 months
now playing: What Can I Do
< track 4 || track 6 >
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》 Alexia Putellas x Reader, Barcelona Femeni x Reader
》 words count: +2.8k
》 I don't know if you see us how I do in my head
Four years of studying all the finest details of the ways she acts and moves
“She does it on purpose”
Ingrid smiles at your whining, enjoying the easy banter growing day by day between you and her girlfriend. 
But yes, she’s doing it on purpose. All the girls know, and the ones currently in the parking lot with the three of you aren’t even trying to hide their laughs. You recognise Alexia’s soft one without taking your eyes off the defender.
María is going on a rant about all the places you need to see in Madrid since the team is going to play Atlético on the weekend. As if you’re not gonna be free there for a couple of hours and you still understand close to nothing of what she’s saying in the first place.
You have no doubt she insists on speaking exclusively in Spanish just to annoy you, she’s perfectly aware you can’t even order a coffee without the barista trying to hide a giggle at your scrambled words.
“You have to practise, she’s helping”, it’s cute she’s trying to defend her girlfriend.
“She’s a broken record”
As a matter of fact, or just to prove her point, the Spaniard’s voice is a constant background noise - from the walk toward the training centre, all the way through the changing room, and till the first stretching exercises.
You will never accept a ride from the couple, ever again.
“Mapi, give the girl a break! I’m exhausted and I’m not even listening”
You like Keira, Keira is funny in a comfortable way. Ingrid and her are the only ones able to buffer María’s enthusiasm when they notice you get overwhelmed by the language or you’re just too tired to deal with her energy.
“¡Y ni te entiende!” (And she doesn’t even understand you)
“Necesita practicar su Español” (She needs to practise her Spanish)
“She’s still here”, you try to calm your teammates’ excitement as soon as you notice more girls are gathering around you.
They planned a movie night at your place anyway, they will have time and space to bother you all they want later. 
You need to focus on your exercises right now, despite the elegant and defined movements that keep catching your attention on the small training area.
Alexia is stretching just a couple of metres away from you, talking with Marta and Irene while casually controlling a ball with her foot. Somehow, there’s always a football around her.
The punch Mapi directs at your ribcage - powerful, and quite frankly uncalled for - manages to knock the wind out of you, drawing attention and a laugh from your teammates, but a glare from Jonatan. 
The red all over your face is surely due to the blonde’s hit, nothing else.
“Just hit her back”
“And add fuel to the fire?”
“¿Qué?”, Alexia’s eyebrow rises. 
She’s closer to you now, you both like to be at your manager’s left side when he’s explaining the tactics he wants to review as his hands’ gestures are clearer.
You’re going to start the next game, he made an all scene the previous day to let you know that, so you should listen to what he’s saying.
“Nothing. I tried, she gets more annoying”
“María Leon masterclass”
She’s distracting, her smile is lighting up the whole training centre. You definitely have to listen to your manager.
You’re slowly but securely finding your place in this new club. The press is still talking about the fact you came out of nowhere, and the online comments are still questioning if you deserve to be here in the first place.
Your last season in Italy was fun to say the least, managing to stand up against the big ones and earning with your team a place for the Champions League group stage. You were a little disappointed when a loan was hanging over your head once again, but when Barcelona knocks at your door you open the windows too. 
Games spent warming the bench, minutes after minutes, your confidence grows. Your positioning around some of the best players in the world is getting better and easier, the balls you play moving faster and flawlessly. 
You’re finding your place, both on and off the field.
“¿Estás en la luna?”
The Catalan has to fake a cough to hide her laugh at your confused face, immediately fixing her stoic one and nodding at what Jonatan is saying as if nothing happened.
No need to say you’re matching the red training top, her smile is contagious.
The rest of the session goes on without any more accidents, you need to avoid Mapi and pair with Ingrid or Irene to survive but you manage. Even if most of your passes somehow end up finding a certain blonde in the final scrimmage.
The field is now free of all equipment, your teammates heading toward the changing room. 
All but one.
Alexia’s hanging back, not leaving the training ground with the excuse to collect some of the balls left behind. She doesn’t need to do that, obviously. But she does. She takes the time with each ball, feeling it around her feet and controlling them as second nature. 
You know because you leave the balls around for her.
As the one and only newcomer, you take upon yourself the task of helping the trainers to put the equipment away after each session. You’re happy to do that, it’s a way to become familiar with the place and the people working here. 
You noticed her habit of looking around for some balls before leaving the field so you started to hide a few for her to find.
If she knows, she doesn’t say anything or care.
Three years of falling asleep with your hand on her chest, her heartbeat as the only lullaby that can make you rest
Your house is filled with loud Spanish girls, gathered around the living room and screaming at the TV like the people inside the box can actually hear their strong opinions.
This particular dating show is getting largely famous among your teammates, some of them organising watching parties to live comment together. 
It’s Alexia’s turn to host and, surprisingly to no one, she’s actually hosting at your house. 
You’re not even into this show in the first place, they talk too fast for you to understand and you don’t really get who is actually flirting with who. But the relationship with the Catalan is growing so naturally and strongly, also around funny misinterpretation in Spanish and tender touches that linger a bit too long and a bit too frequently to be just friendly, so it feels meant to be. 
“¡No me lo creo, cuando le dio un beso?!” (You’re kidding, when did they kiss?!)
You offered the place without really thinking about it, she’s supposed to spend the night here anyway. How bad could it be to have half a dozen of your friends around for a bit?
“¡Joder, qué cabrón!” (What a fucking asshole!)
“Tiene más cuernos que un rebaño”
Really bad, apparently. 
Jana and Ona are literally jumping on your sofa over something a broad guy just said, definitely the wrong thing given their reaction. Claudia is muttering under her breath all night, you have no idea what she’s actually on about but Patri, sitting on the floor next to her, sometimes bursts out laughing so you let them be. Mapi is on the far side of the sofa, a frown between her eyebrows when she’s not making her opinion loud and clear - Ingrid is out with Frido tonight, that must be it. Even Marta is getting more and more involved in the shenanigans. 
It must be a great episode.
Alexia, on the other hand, is paying no attention to the screen.
You try to let the girls be, entertaining yourself in the kitchen making snacks for them, but every time you excuse yourself the blonde is ready to drag you back, fitting your body between her legs. 
All things considerate, you’re enjoying the show your friends are putting on in your living room. They’re loud and funny and passionate, but they’re also loyal and warm.
Your girlfriend’s hands are warm too, finding their place under the royal blue hoodie you are wearing. Her fingers are drawing patterns on your ribcage, sometimes letters and sometimes abstract figures. She’s not even watching the TV, she’s smiling at the way you’re taking the scenes around you in, and how your body reacts when she’s caressing a particular spot.
Hosting this watching party was such a bad idea.
When another yawn catches you unprepared, you hide your face in the hollow of her neck, a grin spreading on Alexia’s face. You can feel her lighting up.
“Cansada?” (Tired?)
“Too late for Spanish”
“Nunca es un buen momento para ti” (It’s never a good time for you)
“Watch your silly little soap opera and let me sleep, Putellas”
Alexia has to suppress her laugh, catching on to the stress in the room since the episode is coming to an end and no one is happy with the outcome.
She turns your body closer against hers, your friends too distracted to realise you now take most of the couch and you’re practically lying on top of her. The blonde doesn’t mind though, holding you firmly.
When she feels your hand grips her shirt’s front, she knows you’re gone for tonight.
You don’t hear your teammates leaving your house, their disappointment about the episode is easily replaced by teasing of the lovely scene. The Catalan doesn’t need words to scold them, not moving from her position but promising revenge in the next training session. 
Mapi is the last one to leave, taking her time to tease her friend and silently admire how happy and comfortable the two of you look.
“¡Vete María!” (Leave!)
“Estás actuando como el dueño de la casa, ¿lo sabes?” (You’re acting a lot like the owner of the house, you know?)
The red on Alexia’s face is starting to spread and her friend needs to leave before she says something that’s gonna be stuck in the captain’s head.
“Un mal dueño también, no acompañar tu invitados a la puerta” (A bad host too, not even walking your guests out)
It’s a pillow that escorts the defender out, hitting the closing door all the way through your living room.
Two years of heading to a future that appallingly looks a lot like the same for the both of you
“¿Quieres un bebé?” (Do you want a kid?)
At Alexia’s question, you almost choke on the glass of wine you’re drinking. 
It’s the off-season, it’s such a beautiful sunny day, it’s a dreamy vacation you gifted each other with. Why is she trying to kill you?
“Right now?”, you manage to find your words, red wine now spread all over your linen shirt. 
She better buy you a new one.
“No, mi amor, not right now”, she hands you her jacket, failing to hide her amusement and her blush.
Her smile is soft and full of affection, and you never loved someone like you love her - even if she almost killed you.
“¿Sólo por curiosidad?” (Are you asking just out of curiosity?)
“You were cute with those girls at the beach”
“I’m always cute with kids”
“Sí, tienes razón” (Yeah, you’re right)
“But?”, you’re getting nervous about where this conversation’s heading.
You just wanted to enjoy a nice date out with your beautiful girlfriend in a fancy restaurant on the other side of the world.
You both deserve some time for each other, last season was exhausting and you both played more minutes than you were supposed to due to her bothering knee and your extra hours both for club and country.
You didn’t see such a conversation coming, you still feel sand on your skin and the sun sparkling in Alexia’s eyes.
“I’m not asking to make a kid tonight”
“We could definitely try though”
“I’m asking if you want kids in the future”, she smiles and she’s playing with her hands like she just confessed stealing candies from said kids.
“Quiero un bebé un día, ya lo sabes” (You know I want a kid one day)
“¿Conmigo?” (With me?)
You reach for her across the table, holding her hand between yours like your entire existence depends on it, on letting her understand how important she is in your life and how much your life together meant for you. 
Alexia looks so insecure you’re almost scared of what’s happening in her mind, she knows you want kids once your career comes to an end and she knows you are in for the long run with her.
“Mírame, mi corazón” (Look at me)
“Mamá y Alba made jokes y noー”
“Quiero un bebé contigo, Alexia” (I want a kid with you)
“To be honest, I dreamed about a little you running around and kicking a ball barefoot, but then the ball was your Ballon d’Or, and turned into a rocket destroying the entire house, so I didn’t feel like mentioning it”
The waitress interrupting you must sense there’s an important conversation happening, the blonde is giggling with tears in her eyes and you are barely sitting on your chair. He clears the table and nicely suggests the house’s dessert, you nod but ask for a couple of minutes.
“We can start trying tonight”
You love her open laugh.
One year of trying to tell yourself that nothing changed about the way you feel of your life here, of your life here with her
Every time you close your eyes you see the ring Alexia’s hiding in a fucking shoe box. 
One time, when she’s away for a photoshoot with a magazine you don’t even remember the name of, you find yourself digging into the closet for the velvet box, unsure of everything.
It fits perfectly, it’s the perfect ring.
You take it off so fast you’re scared you ripped your own finger too.
It’s getting all too much.
You’re sleeping less and when you do, you’re restless and anxious. It doesn’t matter what you cook, it all tastes wrong in your mouth. You’re ignoring your friends and finding lame excuses to avoid nights out that don’t involve all the team.
The only thing you’re able to focus on is football. 
You’re training harder, playing faster and decisively, spending more and more time on the pitch and in the gym, picking up extra training sessions.
You can ignore your mind if your body is louder.
But you love Alexia too much to ignore her.
When she speaks about a contract extension, about how happy she’s to captain the team for another three years and to be recognized for her pivotal role, you listen and match her enthusiasm. You’re so proud of her. You’re proud of what she achieved in Barcelona, what she means for the club and for the city and for the future of the game. 
Even if you’re thinking your time wearing the Blaugrana colours is fading, seeking a new challenge elsewhere to prove you learned from the best ones and you can now play against them.
You’re extending your stay in Barcelona just to be close to Alexia.
When she points out you need to start practising your Catalan too, because she wants your kids to speak her first language and understand her culture, you think it is admirable how strong she feels about her home and her roots. You want that for your kids too.
Even if you miss your home country and sometimes you have to remember you have your own roots and culture and memories, ending up speaking to yourself in the bathroom mirror just to make sure you didn’t forget your own language.
You’re ignoring your homesickness just to be where Alexia’s heart is.
When she shows you how much she loves you and the life you’re living and the future you’re building together, you take all the affection and support and care because you’re so happy you’re still able to give her it all.
Even if you know you’re loving her more than you’re loving your life.
You’re hating yourself just to be in love with Alexia.
There’s not a single doubt about your love for Alexia. You love her the way writers seek the right words for their poems, and sailors fight the worst storms just to get back home, and kids pick the brightest colours for their drawings.
You love her so much that there’s no way you can leave her. 
However, you can’t pretend anymore that Barcelona is your future, this city is not your home and this culture is not yours to feel.
That’s how you find yourself with a one-way flight ticket, running away from the only place you can leave without guilt.
You leave Barcelona because that’s how you’ll find yourself again - how you’ll love yourself again.
You don’t regret leaving Barcelona, you regret losing Alexia in the process.
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
Trying to listen to podcast to calm down to sleep -> loud as fuck ad. Trying to check something quick from a youtube tutorial -> first gotta watch 2x 30 second unskippable ads. Trying to go to a website -> 2 popups and an ad video automatically start to play. Trying to listen to the radio while driving -> 7 minutes of uninterrupted ad time. Every single free app with those shitty game ads with the stupid annoying ass king. I’m tired !!! I never wanna buy anything ever again !!!!!!!
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tinyowlet · 3 months
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astarionposting · 5 months
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Your love's like rhinestones falling from the sky.
i finally updated my game so now lae'zel's kisses are fixed :') they are so cute
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yoon-dowoon · 9 months
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you're my best friend for the rest of my life until the days tinge purple once again bangtan boys and their songs for armys 💜 (cr. bemyjinnie, merjy_)
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odoroshi-rider · 3 months
to celebrate sybil's awakening video dropping today i give you all: her playlist! it's meant to be listened to from start to finish--mellow to manic--but you can shuffle it if you want idk im not a cop
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nepentheseeker · 23 days
I don't know what I was thinking Leaving my child behind Now I suffer the curse and now I am blind
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Is this revenge I am seeking?Or seeking someone to avenge me?
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It won't be long before I'll become a puppet
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It's been so long Since I last have seen my son lost to this monster
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Since you've been gone I've been singing this stupid song
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so I could ponder
The sanity of your mother
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Your sweet little eyes, your little smile is all I remember
Justification is killing me
But killing isn't justified
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What happened to my son? I'm terrified
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I'm sorry my sweet baby, I wish I've been there
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I wish I lived in the present Live in the present
With the gift of my past mistakes
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stuckinapril · 30 days
I just wanna say before short n sweet by Sabrina Carpenter drops tonight that she was my token white girl music first tbh
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“I really don’t know clouds at all…”
Joni Mitchell
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thestarfishface · 17 days
So uh... update. The squad's all here.
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Most pages are a WIP and I will absolutely be adding more with time, but if you wanna see more stuff re: my lil' purple baby and her original group that I've been drawing a bunch lately... shoves this @ u
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mightybeaujester · 10 months
Comparing Mechs fans spotify wrapped with others shows us scientifically that we're something else
A friend of mine is in the top 0.05% of Sleeping At Last (almost 8mio monthly listeners) with 7.4k minutes
I'm just in the top 0.5% of the Mechanisms (36k monthly listeners) with 9.3k minutes
This means that you needed less minutes to be a way higher listener of an artist with 205 times as many listeners.
So there aren't many of us, but I can almost guarantee that not a single one of us is even remotely normal.
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
Lately I've been converting people to my Jiang Cheng Superstar agenda (mdzs Jesus Christ superstar au) so here's just letting everyone know that Heaven on Their Minds is Such a yunmeng bros song
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jailofhorns · 1 month
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Noticed - Mutemath
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whollyjoly · 2 months
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@luztoyeweek 2024 day 1 - i'll be seeing you by billie holliday
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