#it’s Friday at 11:22 PM
stereax · 7 months
woohoo spiraling out of control right now (what else is new really I've been fucked up and spiraling for weeks now) and trying to figure out reasons not to delete my tumblr and discord and myself along the way
but you know. talking about myself on my blog automatically means I'm attention seeking and fishing for pity right? should just shut up and stick to the news eh, it's all I'm good for :D
anyway if you need me I'll be in the corner reliving the past, coming to terms with reality, and trying to convince myself I'm not the problem despite every indication to the contrary ✌︎︎
#sterechats :)#09:58 pm - this is a bad idea but scheduling it anyway#what's the worst that can happen really? everyone leaves again? nobody talks to me again?#probably gonna delete this in the morning so. meh. not like it matters not like I matter :D#10:29 pm - wow it feels like my head is on fire#like my brain is actually burning and I can't do a damn thing about it#I should be happy right now! the devils are winning! my favorite guys are scoring!#but no! I'm barely keeping it together around my family and praying I don't wake up tomorrow <3#11:00 pm - I need to get out of here#I need to get out of here out of here out of here I can't stay here any more this is killing me#everyone hates me and I need to chew my arms open maybe then everything will make sense#why am I even writing these tags what does it matter#I was so much more in control of myself when I was sh-ing#maybe I should get back to that maybe it'll help I don't know anymore#I just want my friends back but they hate me hahahaha#11:24 pm - wonder how many people are gonna block me after this one#how many people will finally be fed up and leave for good#everyone leaves and I should be used to this by now#here's a truck stop instead of saint peter's (yeah yeah yeah yeah)#11:41 pm - it's friday afternoon/there goes antigone to be buried alive#in the next world I want to be something useful/like a staple gun/or in love#I would fall off a cliff for you/a thousand times and call it a good day#maybe I'm just incapable of being human! maybe that's it!#maybe I'm not even human at all... but something worse instead...#1:22 am - moving the posting of this back from 3 to 6 am#not that that matters and not that I matter but I don't think I'll sleep#and I don't want this to post when I'm awake#I know I'm just going to get unfollowed and blocked and left behind as always#because happiness and good things and friendships just aren't things I get to have really#I just wish people would stop lying and telling me they're different and they'll stay when they're not different and won't stay
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friendoftashi · 1 month
a series of images sent in the personal bau chat | (spencer reid x bau!reader)
To: BAU Family ❤️
Monday, 11:14 am
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You: hotch on vacation feet on the table!
You: wait shit this is the chat he’s in isn’t it
Hotch: :/
Penelope: who taught him that?
to: BAU Fam (No Parents)
Sunday, 10:39 am
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You: so spencer wasn’t being dramatic, derek was punching too hard
Derek: looks doctored
Penelope: are you at brunch without MOI?!?!
to: BAU Fam (No Parents)
Friday, 1:22 am
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You: UGHDH hrs sooioo hHOT
Derek: clearly we left at the right time
Emily: send video
To: BAU Fam (No Parents)
Saturday, 9:03 am
You: pen quick send me the pictures from last night i’m not sure how much longer i have this hangover might kill me
Penelope: 4 attachments
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To: JJ
Thursday, 3:08 pm
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You: pickup was successful. henry was very excited to see his uncle spencer :)
JJ: awww!!! thanks again guys. we should be back before 8.
You: stay out as long as you’d like, we want another godchild 😉
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nadvs · 2 months
  💔 ⊹ ❀ ︵ ∘  better off (alt ending) ⟢
pairing rafe cameron x female reader
rating mature 18+
summary you and rafe take time apart to try to get better for each other. when you meet up, you realize your relationship is beyond repair.
content warning toxic relationship, mentions of parental abuse, all hurt/no comfort
this is an alternate sad ending to better off, inspired by this ask!
Rafe sits a foot away from you on the trail peak you used to always come to together. The sun is setting soon. The air is thick.
It’s been eighteen days since you decided to take time apart to work on yourselves. You haven’t said anything. It’s like you’re both afraid of breaking the silence.
You stare out at the horizon of where sky meets sea. Then, you meet his gaze and finally ask what’s been turning over in your head.
“Are we done?”
Rafe mournfully breathes your name, sounding defeated when he says, “You tell me.”
“What does that mean?” you say. You realize you sound just as exhausted as he does.
Frustration flares in him. He’s the one who’s always being strung along, loving you more, refusing to let you go. It’s always been like that. Now, you’re talking as if he has any power?
“I’m not the one who decides anything,” he says sharply. “You decided to break up. You decided to stop talking. You’re seriously fucking acting like anything here is up to me?”
His tone is so cutting. Mocking. You’ve been speaking for mere seconds and he’s already blaming you. He’s already angry.
But this is Rafe. He’s always angry. Maybe it’s something he’ll never change about himself. Either he can’t or he won’t.
“I’m asking because you blocked me,” you say, trying to keep your tone even, trying to have some sympathy for him.
“Not a good feeling, is it?” he snaps.
You shake your head to yourself and clasp your hands together tightly.
“So, you did it just to hurt me?” you ask.
Rafe’s jaw tenses. He doesn’t answer. It wasn’t the main reason, but he enjoyed knowing you could be trying to contact him and feeling rejected over and over again. Just like you used to do to him.
“Have you done any work on yourself? Like, at all?” you say.
The lack of belief you have in him stings. He angrily pulls out his phone to prove you wrong.
“This is what I was fucking doing, alright?” he mutters, opening his conversation with you.
A string of undelivered texts are on the screen. He blocked you just to send messages that couldn’t actually get to you.
Friday, 5:46 pm
It sucks not talking to you
Saturday, 3:01 am
You think youre so mmuch better than me and it oisses me the fuck k off
Sunday, 12:11 pm
I would take back a lot of the shit I did if I could
Sunday, 9:20 pm
I always fought to make this work and you never did. I always fucking cared more
Monday, 4:44 pm
I think about you every second. I’m going crazy
Tuesday 9:57 am
I miss your laugh
Tuesday, 3:01 pm
I wonder if you noticed
“If I noticed what?” you ask.
“That I wasn’t at that stupid party last weekend,” he admits.
“I noticed.”
He reaches for his phone.
“I’m not done,” you say, looking back down at the screen. His body tightens in irritation.
Tuesday, 11:30 pm
Obviously I love you and it’s so annoying every time you say I don’t say it enough
Yesterday, 1:20 pm
I would choose being sick together over being healthy alone. At least I’d have you
Today, 10:22 am
I just wish I was good enough
You realize your eyes have started to burn with tears. Your insides twist with a painful mix of hopelessness and a yearning to understand.
In the whirl of everything he wrote, you can’t get it out of your head that he said he’d choose being sick together. You’ve always had a fear he actually preferred dysfunction.
And while this is something you’d usually brush past, as you became an expert at ignoring his red flags, you need to be sure. Because now, you’re committed to being well.
“You’d rather be sick together?” you ask.
Rafe roughly takes his phone back. His heart feels like it’s getting wrung out.
You didn’t say you miss him too, that you love him too, that you agree that not talking sucked. You just found the flaw, the hole in him, like you always do.
He wrote all those messages and showed them to you just for you to judge him?
“Of all that,” he says with an angry exhale, “that’s what you nag me about.”
The pain of watching his anger grow right in front of you and you being desperate to stop it is too familiar.
“Sorry,” you say. “That’s not what I meant. I’m not trying to fight. I just want us both to want to be healthy, you know? I wrote - I wrote things for you, too.”
“What?” he snaps. “What did you write? How it’s never your fault?”
“No,” you reply, your voice getting louder. You take a deep breath, still so afraid of being vulnerable in front of someone who has a habit of arguing against your feelings. “The last thing I wrote was that I hope we find our way back. I miss you. And I love you, too.”
His muscles lose a bit of their tension.
“What else?” His voice is rough, almost strained.
You look out at the view again, thinking about all that you’ve wanted to tell him.
“I wrote that I used to feel good about myself around you, and then at some point, I really didn’t like who I became.”
It makes everything in him hurt.
“But I blamed you and I shouldn’t have,” you continue. “We both fought unfairly, but you didn’t bring anything out of me that wasn’t already there. I’m sorry that I made it your fault when I was mean.”
He blinks, staring at your profile as you continue to speak.
“And I didn’t like how controlling and jealous you could get,” you admit. “You didn’t trust me. I never actually did anything to make you question my loyalty, did I?”
Rafe chews on his lip. Tears prick at his eyes. He hates how you never understood this; how if you’re with him, if you love him, you shouldn’t give another man a second of your time.
“You still shouldn’t talk to other guys,” he says. “If you’re in a relationship, what are you doing smiling at some asshole who just wants to fuck you?”
You shake your head in disappointment, forehead creasing. You know you’re speaking differently than you used to, apologizing and explaining yourself carefully. But he’s the same. Rude. Domineering. Argumentative.
And he has yet to say sorry for anything. He’s still hung up on a twenty-second conversation you had with a guy at a party weeks ago, back when you weren’t even together.
He did this all the time. You’d talk to a male friend for a moment and he’d get angry. If you spoke with one of his friends, he’d visibly get tense. He’d even go through your following lists on social media and ask you why you followed every guy on the list, one by one.
You’re afraid he truly hasn’t improved one bit.
“Did you do any reading about jealousy or control?” you ask. “I can show you what I read if-”
“You act like it’s crazy to not want your girl talking to other guys,” he interrupts.
“Having a conversation with a guy doesn’t mean I’m flirting,” you retort, your own anger building now. “And it’s not even just guys! You’d even get pissed off when I went out with my friends. I’d spend the whole night texting you.”
“And blocking me,” he adds.
You let out a frustrated groan.
“Because I needed a break, Rafe. I was glued to my phone because of you,” you mutter. “It’s like you purposely started arguments so I couldn’t enjoy my night. And they all said-”
You stop yourself. You’re trying to be better and not spiteful. Not cruel.
“What?” he snaps, his voice dripping with contempt.
You can’t resist the urge. You want to hurt him.
“They all said you’re psychotic,” you say. “And that I could do so much better.”
Rafe tenses up again, looking away. His eyes are bloodshot now. You can do better. He knew that from the first date.
Guilt grips you. He was always painfully insecure. Maybe even more so than you realized. But he made you pay for it time and time again.
You don’t want to be this spiteful girl anymore. You want to be kind. Understanding. You never cared to be the bigger person before. You do now.
You think back to all the reading you’ve been doing about toxic relationships and how to dig yourself out of them.
“Jealousy is insecurity,” you begin, “and I think it’s important that you reflect and ask yourself why you’re insecure. Could it be from stuff at home? I know your dad didn’t always give you a lot of attention and that he hit you and-”
“Are you fucking serious?” Rafe mutters. Hearing you recount the traumatic stories he shared with you in confidence is too painful. He can’t hear it anymore. “You’re such a bitch for using that against me.”
You try to inhale again, but your breath is shallow and broken. Bitch. That insult is so simple, yet so vile. So dehumanizing.
This is how it always happened. The few and far between times you put your effort into having a calm, reasonable conversation, he’d explode, and then you’d explode, too.
“Don’t call me a bitch,” you snarl. “I wasn’t using it against you. I’m trying to understand you. Do you even understand yourself?”
Rafe scoffs in disbelief. You watch a tear quickly roll down his cheek. He wipes it away angrily. He doesn’t answer.
“Do you know why you act like this?” you say. “Have you thought about it at all these past few weeks?”
Rafe hates this feeling. He has lived it every day of his life. The harrowing pain of being neglected, the helplessness of being unable to control what he thinks and how he acts.
Nobody understands him. And that includes himself.
“I get it, alright?” he says, his voice cracking now. “There’s something wrong with me. You said it all the fucking time.”
Despite everything he’s hurled at you, you feel your heart break, looking at him almost curled up as he sits beside you, his cheeks streaked with tears.
You think of his texts. He said he wishes he was good enough.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” you say. “You’re good enough, okay? You’re more than good enough. I just want to understand why you treated me so bad.”
“You treated me bad, too,” he counters.
You grimace. Immediately defensive. No accountability. Just blame. He hasn’t changed at all. And you’re falling back into bad habits just by talking with him.
A few moments of silence pass between you, both of you sniffling but saying no words. You have no hope left.
“I was really hoping we could bring out the best in each other instead of the worst,” you finally say. “But if you don’t actually do the work to get better, it’s not going to happen.”
Rafe meets your eyes. He’s shattered. He’s never felt smaller. And it’s all your fault. Being with you just hurts at this point. And he doesn’t want to hurt anymore.
“Then it’s not going to happen,” he answers, tone low.
You blink away tears. You look down at your lap. You exhale. And you say the hardest possible thing.
“This is over,” you half-whisper. “Goodbye.”
You stand and he doesn’t stop you. Even though going down the trail in the dusk on foot is dangerous, he doesn’t stop you. You start to walk home and he doesn’t stop you.
Eventually, a motorcycle roars past you on the street. You know it’s him. You know he passed you and didn’t care enough to at least offer you a lift home.
But of course that’s the way your mess of a relationship ends. He claims he cares, then when it matters, he obviously doesn’t give a fuck.
As you walk home, wiping away your tears, your heart broken over the fact that he didn’t have the decency to drive you home or the love to actually try to improve himself for you, you tell yourself that eventually, you won’t give a fuck, either.
You won’t talk to him anymore. You won’t touch him anymore. You won’t ask about his day or run your fingers over his hair the way he likes or laugh together. Ever again.
One day, this won’t feel like a loss. Because whatever you had with Rafe wasn’t love. It was poison and you can’t willingly drink it anymore.
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eregyrn-falls · 7 months
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(as of 11:00 pm EST on Thurs. March 21st. Meaning, it should end between 4:00pm-4:30pm EST on Friday, March 22nd. I don't know the exact time that it will end.)
The most important piece of info in the latest update (from tonight) is:
"Unfortunately we will not be using Backerkit as our post Kickstarter third party survey. So you will not be able to add-on your order after the campaign ends. Both KS and Backerkit combined will take too much of a percentage, so that is why we are putting up the last two products mentioned above now. We appreciate your understanding in this."
Campaign backers are often used to being able to add items to their pledge after the campaign ends, when they are confirming their pledge. However, the above statement makes it sound like NOW, before the campaign ends tomorrow (Friday 3/22/24) is the ONLY time you will be able to add on any of the extra items shown above.
This is pretty crucial info! So if you have pledged and were thinking about adding on later, NOW is the time to do that.
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opencommunion · 9 months
some online/livestreamed events and teach-ins happening this week (times in EST) Monday Jan 22 PACC and ADC on the recent rise in Anti-Arab, Anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic sentiments in the U.S 6 pm Tuesday Jan 23 Sherene Seikaly on Palestine, Zionism, and the Nakba 1pm Skateboarders for Palestine Alliance: Why should the global skateboarding industry take a position on Palestine and how? 1pm Audre Lorde Project on Pinkwashing 6:30 pm
Wednesday Jan 24 Live from Jericho: the beauty, culture, and struggles of the oldest city in the world 12 pm Friday Jan 26 Defense for Children International - Palestine v. Biden Pre-hearing briefing: 10:30 am Hearing: 12 pm No Tech for Settler Colonialism: from Occupied Kashmir to Palestine 1:30 pm Saturday Jan 27 Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb on the Bible and Settler Colonialism in Palestine and Beyond 9:30 am Dr. Gerald Horne on the Black Freedom Struggle and Palestine 11:30 am
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try-set-me-on-fire · 9 months
It’s only 11:22 pm on Thursday for me but (west coaster who likes to sleep in voice) I never get to kick start the tag train. It’s Fuck It Friday! Here’s the first draft of the opening scene of the cruise ship spec fic I’ve been outlining…
Buck is always surprised at how heavy water is. The way it pulls at his limbs, tears at his clothes, wants to hold him down deep inside of itself — it sneaks up on him. He should have been ready for it, this time. They’ve been out on the ocean for hours, wet salt soaking into him as they worked, frantic, time limit impossible to forget as the wave got closer and closer to the upper decks. The burn of it, too. As he spins, directionless, in the dark, he thinks it’s unfair that he’s going to die with his lungs on fire so far away from any flame. For years, now, he’d thought he’d die in a house. Not his own, probably, but at least it would be someone’s home. He’d get eaten right along with it, inferno chewing through his bones and family heirlooms alike. He thinks he would feel less alone, that way, than he does now. His head gets fuzzy, his limbs unresponsive, time stretches and shrinks. He doesn’t think much of anything at all.
And then he wakes up.
It’s painful, the big ragged gasps he’s taking, and he can hardly see or hear or feel anything around him, except- there’s a hand, on his face, someone is speaking-
“-id, come on kid, breathe for me, that’s it-“
The hand at his face rubs at his sternum, now, easing the hacking coughs shaking right through him. “B-Bobby…”
“Right here, I’m right here, Buck.”
He is, leaned down over him in the dim light of- wherever the fuck they are. Buck can’t even be reasonably sure the light is dim, he might just not be fully processing the world at the moment. It’s- Bobby’s here, looking at him all overjoyed and worried at once, and- Bobby’s here, and Bobby was hurt, Bobby is still bleeding, crimson leaking down his chest, staining his clothes and Buck’s, now, too. “Y-y-you were supposed to go- I told you to leave.”
Buck’s brain is definitely still off kilter, because Bobby laughs, grinning down at him. “Well,” he says, and it sounds sort of echoey, light fading even more. “I never have been a very good listener.” He thinks Bobby might be holding his face again- he thinks Bobby is holding him, and- if he’s dying again he thinks this might be better than a house. As the light leaves completely he can just barely make out the warmth of Bobby pulling him closer, and faint words, rumbling like they’re muffled against his skull, “I’ve got you, kid.”
Tagging @lover-of-mine @rewritetheending @daffi-990 @malewifediaz @jeeyuns @eddiebabygirldiaz @shitouttabuck @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @thewolvesof1998 @bigfootsmom
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onlydylanobrien · 2 months
Saturday Night Premiere at TIFF 2024
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Jason Reitman CANADIAN PREMIERE United States of America | 2024 | 109m | English
Director Jason Reitman captures the frenzied lead-up to the very first episode of Saturday Night Live as a motley bunch of then-unknown and untrained young comedians prepare to step into a revolutionary spotlight that will change history and make them all stars. It’s the mid-1970s, and a flipbook of Watergate, Vietnam, and rising counterculture make everything old in America feel broken, and everything new feel scary as hell. And now, yet another certainty is about to crack. Because in 90 minutes’ time, live, from New York, it’s Saturday Night.
SATURDAY NIGHT dives headfirst into the frenzied hour-and-a-half before a clutch of unknown, untrained, unruly young comedians took over network television and transformed the culture. Saturday Night Live would go on to become the late-night institution that brought John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, and later Eddie Murphy, Tina Fey, Will Ferrell, and others to our screens. But tonight, it’s barely contained madness backstage, with Canadian Lorne Michaels (Gabriel LaBelle, The Fabelmans, TIFF ’22) desperately trying to channel the chaos towards a vision even he’s not sure of.
On the eve of SNL’s 50th anniversary, it’s a particular pleasure to watch how unlikely it all was at the beginning. Chevy Chase honing the frat boy charm that would make him a movie star. Garrett Morris saying America’s racial quiet part out loud. Belushi a bundle of Id in the corner. Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman, and Gilda Radner holding their own against a tide of comedy testosterone.
Director Jason Reitman (Juno, Up in the Air, Ghostbusters: Afterlife) has made certified classics, but he’s never made a film like this. Fuelled by the same anarchic energy that drove the show to air, he orchestrates this tour de force as a glorious circus of talent, ambition, and appetite for risk, with the clock ticking down to showtime.
Content advisory: drug use, coarse language
Get Tickets here
Time Zone: CEST Time zone based on your browser time
Tuesday, September 10 Royal Alexandra Theatre Premium 11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 11 Scotiabank Theatre Toronto Press & Industry 3:15 PM
Wednesday, September 11 Visa Screening Room at the Princess of Wales Theatre Premium 9:00 PM
Friday, September 13 Visa Screening Room at the Princess of Wales Theatre 9:00 PM
Saturday, September 14 Scotiabank Theatre Toronto 3:00 PM
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bbsmuts · 6 months
Fic requests are officially closed
So as most supporters of my account know, I'm getting married to my fiancée Ha-joon in a little over two months' time. I may or may not be quitting writing for Tumblr after I finish all my current requests and my own bookmarked ideas. I'll still answer questions from then on, and still support my favorite writers (talking to you @co-reborn and @ggidolsmuts), but I think July 22 will mark the end of my Tumblr writing era. I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience it may cause my readers, and I thank each and every one of my supporters. This account will by no means be deleted, and I will still be active.
As I'm writing this I've decided it's a little unfair to just close fic requests so quickly, and throw away so many possible smuts, so I'm leaving smut requests open until this Friday, April 12. If you have requests, now is the time to give them. Go ahead and blow up my PC because it's your last chance. I'll say it again, asks are closed on Friday at 11:59 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at the Questions Answered Here icon in my profile. I hope everyone's doing well.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5605
Jalsa, Mumbai                   June 22,  2023                   Thu 11:25 PM    
🪔 .. June 23 .. birthday greetings to Ef Anish Morarji Tataria .. yo from your Ef Family 😁✌🏽 .. 
And .. to dear Ef Moses Sapir .. your wedding anniversary on June 23 .. our good wishes always ..
Birthday - EF - Anish Morarji Tataria Friday, 23 June .. and our wishes for this special day of yours .. love from the Ef family ..
Does it dawn .. dawn in the recognised morn of the day .. the day doth announce its presence .. or about its presence .. and the World of writing and writers hurriedly adopts the ‘dawn’ to their world .. 
‘ it be the dawn of a new world’ ..  they say .. or words to that effect .. effective , poetic and composite .. whether the dawn turns to the sun lit day or not irrespective .. or sets into another quiet unknown night for another dawn to re appear .. 
amusingly , when the film ‘DON’ was announced with me .. many in the world of Hindi cinema were quite unaware of the word don .. 
what they were familiar with was a product known as DAWN .. the  DAWN banyaan .. vests .. 
And the market was very skeptical and annoyed with the makers as to why a film title should be about undergarments .. !!
many still are .. 🤣
... but on another note .. Ef remembers Babuji and his translated auto biography and puts it all down .. I feel it deserves mention here :
And .. before Music Day ends .. I feel having the honor of sharing few words from Babuji about his journey with music from his autobiography .. but , then , indeed , every day is music day .. love .. ❤️🙏🏻
Quoting babuji : 🙏🏻
“ [...] ..
Pratap Narayan [my Father] was duly betrothed to the daughter of Munshi Ishwari Prasad, a resident of Katra Mohalla in Allahabad. Her name was Sursati, and she was to become my Mother. The name 'Sursati' is clearly derived from 'Saraswati', and when I felt the first stirrings of a desire to be a poet or writer, I derived much self-confidence from the fact that I was the son of the goddess of learning and of art and music.
[And in mentioning music] ..
Professor Khushhalkar, was our music teacher, he was a Maharashtrian and a pupil of Pandit V.D. Pulaskar. His Hindi was of the Bombay variety, but when he taught us devotional songs, his pronunciation of every syllable was crystal-clear; he would make us do voice practice to the harmonium, then teach us bhajans such as Tulsi's Gaiye Ganapati Jagabandara, which I can still sing from memory today. He also showed us how to sing while picking out the notes on the harmonium: he would pump the bellows with one hand while the fingers of the other would run lightly over the keys, his own voice blending with that of the instrument in such a way as to achieve a sublime harmony of the inanimate with the animate: evoking a tingling emotional response. Professor Khushhalkar sowed the seeds of music in me, but regrettably I was never able to grow the plant that should have sprung from them. Still, my slight study of music was helpful in the reciting of poetry, and a little knowledge of tala helped me compose songs in the folk genre. I can also tap out a rhythm on a drum, but that was learnt from my mother and sisters. ” ~
Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan's Autobiography: In The Afternoon Of Time .. Chapter: Things to Forget, Things to Remember .. Pages: 56, 112 ..
.. and in time .. hopefully there shall an introduction to the music that this untrained novice who has had no musical training at all .. just been in the company of listening and present to the sounds of music that has remained with me .. and the legacy of Babuji , if nothing else shall prevail .. yet again .. 
In quiet love and affection to the Ef ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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hifargoweek · 8 months
Highly Irregular Fargo Week 2024
(Anniversary Edition!)
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Highly Irregular Fargo Week is a weeklong fanworks event celebrating rare characters in both the FX series Fargo and the 1996 Coen Brothers movie which inspired it.
This year's event will mark the 10th anniversary of the Fargo TV series premiering on FX in 2014. It will run from Monday, April 15, to Monday, April 22, 2024 — because a week with eight days is highly irregular.
MONDAY: Anniversaries TUESDAY: Backstories WEDNESDAY: Characters with Zero AO3 Works THURSDAY: Rarepairs* FRIDAY: Female Characters SATURDAY: Never Met in Canon SUNDAY: “The future is…” BONUS DAY: Highly Irregular
*see below for more information on rarepairs
What counts as a highly irregular character?
Highly irregular characters are rare characters. For the purposes of this event, characters with under 50 works in the Fargo (TV) and Fargo (1996) tags on Archive of Our Own (AO3) as of this posting are considered rare.
For reference, the currently ineligible characters are: Mr. Wrench, Mr. Numbers, Lorne Malvo, Lester Nygaard, and Gator Tillman.
Can my work include a non-rare character?
Non-rare characters may be mentioned or appear briefly, but the major focus of the work should be on at least one rare character. Basically, if the non-rare character’s appearance would warrant them being tagged on AO3, they feature too prominently.
What if my work focuses on a rarepair?
This is a rare character event, not a rarepair event. However, rarepair works are welcome as long as the pairing doesn’t include any non-rare characters.
So, for example, Nikki Swango/Mr. Wrench would be ineligible, because while the pairing itself has under 50 works on AO3, Mr. Wrench as a character has over 50 works. 
Are crossovers allowed?
Crossovers between the Fargo TV series and the Fargo movie are allowed. Crossovers with non-Fargo fandoms are not.
Are original characters allowed?
Yes, as long as the work also prominently features at least one rare canon character.
Does it have to be fanfiction? Can I post art or other types of fanwork?
All types of fanwork are welcome, as long as they focus on at least one rare Fargo character. That includes art, GIFs, graphics, fanmixes, fanvids, meta, etc.
Do I have to follow the schedule?
The schedule is completely optional, and is only there to provide inspiration for those who might need it. Feel free to ignore it entirely, or switch around the days.
Where and when should I post my work?
You can add your fanworks to the AO3 collection, and/or post them on Tumblr. For Tumblr posts, be sure to use the tag #hifargoweek2024, and/or mention @hifargoweek​ in the post.
The collection will open at approximately 12 am EDT on April 15 and close at approximately 11:59 pm EDT on April 22. Eligible works posted on Tumblr during the same period will be reblogged to this account.
Why do you hate [insert popular character here]?
I don’t! The purpose of this event is simply to give more attention to the less popular characters in the fandom, and to challenge fans to stretch their creative muscles.
Are there any other requirements?
Nope! Works of any length, rating, category, and archive warning are eligible. Feel free to post as many works as you’d like, as long as they meet the requirements for rare characters.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to send an ask. Reminders and updates will be posted to this blog, so give it a follow if you’d like to stay up to date.
(And if you'd like to browse the works posted during last year's event, be sure to take a look at the 2023 collection.)
Please reblog this post to spread the word!
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filmnoirfoundation · 4 months
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NOIR CITY: Portland
We are delighted to finally be returning to the Hollywood Theatre for NOIR CITY Portland, Friday-Sunday, July 19-21, hosted by FNF prez Eddie Muller. The festival includes screenings of two FNF funded restorations, No abras nunca esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) and The Man Who Cheated Himself as well as the 35mm print we funded of The Window. The restorations were performed by the UCLA Film & Television Archive. The rest of the festival slate comprises Gilda, Night Has A Thousand Eyes, and Eddie’s favorite film noir, In A Lonely Place.
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On Saturday, July 20th at 1:00 PM , Eddie takes a break from hosting to converse about his storied career.  After the talk, Eddie will be available to sign his books.  The Hollywood Theatre will have three of his titles available for purchase - Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir, Eddie Muller’s Noir Bar: Cocktails Inspired by the World of Film Noir, and for younger, potential noiristas, Kid Noir: Kitty Feral and the Case of the Marshmallow Monkey. This event requires a separate admission for ticket holders.
You can purchase a NOIR CITY: Portland festival pass for just $50 which grants you admission to all the screenings and to the conversation with Eddie Muller.
The festival’s full schedule and tickets to individual screenings are available on the Hollywood Theatre website.
NOIR CITY: Portland: Jul 19-21 Hollywood Theatre, Portland, OR
NOIR CITY: Chicago: Sep 6-12 Music Box Theatre, Chicago, IL
NOIR CITY: Detroit: Sep 20-22 Redford Theatre, Detroit, MI
NOIR CITY: D.C.: Oct 11-24 AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center
NOIR CITY: Philadelphia: Nov 15-17 The Colonial Theatre, Phoenixville, PA
*Other U.S. cities will be added as festival dates are confirmed.
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ruanscube · 10 months
Start playing at Dec 8, 2:22 am.
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Dec 10, around 1 pm (I guess?)
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That was good. Almost freak out last night and stay all night along because when I accidentally logout the game and reenter, all my progress was gone!. I already on chapter 3 at that!! Aaarrggggg!!!.
I work on it from 11 pm to 2 am, and you know what?, Actually I just enter the wrong email when I log in! 😭 I have 2 email in erolabs!!.
And fyuh, luckily, I can go back to my original progress. I have nothing on my schedule since Friday, so 3 days and 3 nights, Pull all nighter (I don't know whether to thank my insomnia or be angry to it)....
anyway it's clear. Ho ho ho. Can't wait for the next chapter~
Minhyeok, zagan, and Belial.. 🟩🟩
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mrsparrasblog · 4 months
Posting schedule
I'm trying to do a posting schedule so I will really work on my WIP's (let's see if it's works)
Today 10 pm MESZ: You're losing me chapter 6
Friday 10 pm MESZ Highschool AU chapter 3
Sunday 11:30 pm MESZ Nightmares become true solider Chapter 22
Making deadlines so I stop procrastinating:'(
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disneytva · 4 months
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June 2024 Programming Highlights
Thursday, June 6 Disney Original Movie – Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD “Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation” (8:00-9:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel/8:00-9:45 p.m. EDT on Disney XD) Thrill-seeker Cricket Green tricks his country family into taking a “road trip” in space, which ends up endangering all of Big City. TV-Y7
Friday, June 7 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Zola’s Novel Idea/Greatest Hits” (3-14) (9:30-10:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Zola’s Novel Idea” – Zola steals the Bookmobile and the writer Millicent McKeen. *Yvette Nicole Brown (“Pupstruction”) guest stars as Millicent McKeen.
“Greatest Hits” – The villains team up to steal back their old inventions from the museum’s new exhibit. TV-Y
Friday, June 14 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel SuperKitties “Bone Bandit/Cheesy Chase” (2-07) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Bone Bandit” – To guard a new dinosaur bone, Buddy must learn to pay attention.
“Cheesy Chase” – Sparks relies on his problem-solving skills to stop Cat Burglar and Lab Rat from stealing a giant cheese wheel. *Justin Guarini (“American Idol”) reoccurs as Cat Burglar. TV-Y
Friday, June 21 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel SuperKitties “Seed Stealer/Dastardly Dumpster” (2-08) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Seed Stealer” – The SuperKitties teach Zsa-Zsa that if she takes care of planted seeds, they’ll grow into fruits and veggies for everyone to enjoy.
“Dastardly Dumpster” – Lab Rat and Otto drop trash on Kittydale. TV-Y
Thursday, June 27 Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “Atlantica Day/A Winner’s Spirit” (1-01) (9:00-9:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Atlantica Day” – Ariel is given the chance to write a new song to celebrate Atlantica and all of its special inhabitants.
“A Winner’s Spirit” – Ariel goes too far in trying to help Flounder win the All-Atlantica Swim Race and learns an important lesson about letting your friends go at their own pace. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “Ursula’s Magic Camp/Fernie’s Notebook” (1-02) (9:25-09:50 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:25-10:50 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Ursula’s Magic Camp” – When Lucia wants to earn a badge at Ursula’s Magic Camp, Ariel and Ursula help her learn that keeping things small and simple is the best way to reach her goal.
“Fernie’s Notebook” – Fernie worries he won’t do a good job in the Open Market Show and Tell after he loses his trusty fish facts notebook. TV-Y
Friday, June 28 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “Crystal Cavern Caper/A Banner Moment” (1-04) (9:00-9:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Crystal Cavern Caper” – Ariel tries to stop a pesky hermit crab from stealing her land treasures.
“A Banner Moment” – When Ariel is tasked with being the royal banner carrier for Atlantica’s parade, she thinks it’s a small job and doesn’t take it seriously. TV-Y
Friday, June 28 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Zombies: The Re-Animated Series "Re-Senior Year / I Scream Zoda" (1-01) (8:00-9:22 PM. EDT on Disney Junior/11:00-11.22pm. EDT on Disney Channel)
"Re-Senior Year" - Using A-spen’s alien time warp technology, Zed and Addison start their senior year all over again, so they can redo it with all their friends.
"I Scream Zoda" - Zed creates a new drink called zoda that turns the entire school into zoda-obsessed zombies.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 3 months
hi . what is blaseball. looking it up i cant find anything except that it Ended which is extremely unhelpful . but i'm intrigued by ur au
YAYAYYYYY YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY AUTISM TRAP CARD. whisp i also have an uncompleted beastlife one that i'll offer you here once i'm done explaining.
so! blaseball was (rest in violence) a live play video game that combined aspects of roleplay, fandom, and TTRPGS with text based video games, and it ran from July 2020-June 2023 (specifically starting on july 20th, hence my reblogging of all my au posts today). blaseball was a surrealist horror game based off of america's favorite past time, baseball! in order to play blaseball, you had to make an account on the website and choose one of 24 teams to be a fan of. you then watched as the seasons played out, with one full season taking one real life week.
each season was made up of 99 games plus a postseason of indeterminate length. games were played every hour on the hour, with the regular season playing out monday-friday. the post season had it's wild card rounds on friday afternoon, and then the rest of the post season played out on saturday. sunday had no games, with the entire day being reserved for the election results, which came out at 3 PM EST every sunday.
what is the election? well, this is where the fans come in! throughout the season, you could bet on games (as well as do some other stuff that's not wildly relevant) in order to get coins. you could use these coins to buy votes, and use these votes to change the game in the election. each election had a few things you could vote on (two in the first 11 seasons of the game, and 3 in the last 13. i will only be discussing the first two of them here, as the third isn't super relevant.) the first was decrees, of which there were usually 3-6, and they were new rules that would apply to the entire league. only 1 or 2 would pass every season, based on which got the majority of the league's votes. the second was blessings, which acted as boosts for your team and/or handicaps for your opposing teams. there were usually 10+ blessings available, and they would all (usually) be rewarded to the team that put the most votes into them.
elections are where the surrealist horror comes in. in the first election of blaseball, there was one decree titled "open the forbidden book". it had no description, and fans were repeatedly warned against voting for it. as you may expect, it got 60% of the vote immediately. upon it passing, we were punished for our hubris. the moab dessert became a hellmouth, the world began to fracture, and umpires began to be able to "go rogue" during games played under solar eclipses. when umps go rogue, they straight up kill players by setting them on fire. the best player in the league (at the time) was also instantly killed as further punishment for opening the book. so yeah, that sure is where the horror came in!
there's a lot more that happened after all that, but that's the basic primer. if you want more, i'd really recommend the blaseball roundup, which was a recap show made by the company that made the game, the game band. it covers seasons 1-22, so almost the entire game, and it was made by an in universe character (the anchor), so you get a good grasp on the vibes of the whole thing as well. there are 5 episodes, all under 20 minutes, so it's not too much of a commitment and it's a lot of fun.
a quick primer on how my aus work- each au (the life series, empires, and hermitcraft) are separate universes from each other, all running simultaneously alongside one another. they pretty much just follow the plot of actual blaseball, but with a focus on these new guys instead of that aforementioned plot. some of them do fill in for actual characters, but the majority of them do not, and the ones who do fill in for those actual characters just go through said character's story beats.
now, beast life au! i'm just gonna copy paste all my google doc into this under the cut, as a special treat.
Dingo: Batter for the Hellmouth Sunbeams. Dingo becomes much more boar when the Hellmouth opens, having been a pretty normal human prior. Had an unhelpful modifier rerolled during the Expansion Era, giving them a Debt. Thus far the only victim has been Bree, but the Debt remains.
Modifications: Debt, Life of the Party
Kiki: Pitcher for the Yellowstone Magic. Has spearheaded many a resurrection, drawing the ire of a lot of the league to the Magic, as players with Debt keep ending up on the team because of him. Sonic and Kiki both picked up the Siphon modifier at the same time, but Kiki makes much less use of it. His only successful saves as a Seeker have been for Fishie. He also picks up the Traitor modifier during Expansion for. Reasons.
Modifications: Siphon, Seeker, Traitor
Sonic: Starts as a pitcher for the Boston Flowers. Very, very good at what she does, partially due to pure skill and partially due to Siphoning a lot of other players. They rocket up the Idol Board as a result of their skill. They spend at least some amount of time Shelled as a result, though she gets pecked out pretty frequently as well. He is taken by the Shelled One to play for the PODS and falls to the Charleston Shoe Thieves after Season 10, Day X, where she has stayed since. At some point in the Expansion Era, Sonic Shelled Null, hence Space’s one sided hatred of them. 
Modifications: Siphon, Parasite, Honey Roasted
John: Batter for the Miami Dale.
Modifications: Redacted, Electric, Life of the Party
Fishie: Pitcher for the Baltimore Crabs. Fishie has a penchant for being swept Elsewhere, having had two particularly extensive stints that resulted in her returning with significant memory loss until the Scattered modification wore off. The first time lasted about a season, and the second one got close to it, but both of these stays were cut short by Kiki dragging her back. Unrelated to the above, but due to the carcinization, she has a crab arm.
Modifications: Scattered [sometimes], Life of the Party
Phia: Batter for the Houston Spies. Phia lies low most of the time, managing to avoid the ire and love alike of the fans, which is pretty much entirely to faer benefit. Phia is/was the member of the Spies that Broku is/was closest to post-alternation, as she didn’t know Oku well at all and didn’t have the cognitive dissonance after all that. Pregame ritual is making stew.
Modifications: 0 No (this is technically a Blood Type and not a Modifier, but whatever)
Null: Batter for the New York Millennials.
Modifications: Shelled (that one time), Redacted
Space: Batter for the Hawai’i Fridays.
Modifications: None
Joe: Batter for the LA Unlimited Tacos. Joe was one of the victims of the Wyatt Mason-ing, an event where the universe fragmented and the entire LA Tacos team was turned into the worst player on the team briefly. Don’t worry about it. Joe was one of the players who did not get their full name returned to them, with the last name “Flyaway” being replaced by “Mason”. After the fact, Joe had a relatively normal time as the Tacos deliberately put themselves through God’s silliest hell. Joe became a Receiver (hooked up to the Microphone, which is possessed by the previously mentioned Wyatt Mason, again, don’t worry about it) due to nebulous shenanigans mostly because I thought it’d be funny. Receivers have a lot of weirdness going on that I think suits Joe’s “guy from the real world who got put in here” vibe, just trust me.
Modifications: Receiver
Bree: Batter for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands. Oku and Bree were together before season 4, when Oku was affected by the Alternate Reality decree. Bree originally attempted to maintain a relationship with Broku, which did not work, and Bree took this very poorly. Bree made an attempt to get herself alternated as well, but players have no voting power, and Bree’s stats weren’t enough of a nightmare that it occurred to any Fans to Alternate her. At some point in the Expansion Era, Bree was killed by Dingo, and now makes frequent ghost appearances via Haunting Echidna.  
Modifications: None
Oak: Batter for the Hades Tigers.
Oku: Batter for the Houston Spies. Oku and Bree were together until season 4, when Oku was affected by the Alternate Reality decree and Alternated, switching places with Broku. This obviously put significant strain on the relationship, and Broku has become far more involved with/close to the Spies in the wake. Broku also potentially got Redacted? Not sure about that yet.
Modifications: Alternate, Redacted[?]
Echidna: Batter for the Hades Tigers. 
Modifications: Haunted
Gery: Batter for the Tokyo Lift.
Moch: Batter for the Seattle Garages.
Mei: Batter for the Mexico City Wild Wings.
Modifications: Redacted, Life of the Party
Dingo: Pitcher for the Atlantis Georgias, originally a pitcher for the Dallas Steaks
Modifications: None
Kiki: Batter for the Boston Flowers
Modifications: None
Tom: Batter for the Hades Tigers
Modifications: Siphon, Supperyummy
Sonic: Pitcher for Hellmouth Sunbeams
Modifications: None
Eker: Batter for the Kansas City Breath Mints
Modifications: None
Phia: Batter for the Miami Dale
Modifications: None
Viz: Batter for the Houston Spies from their shadows, spent a season on the Canada Moist Talkers but went back
Modifications: None
Jack: Batter for the New York Millennials 
Modifications: Haunted
Echidna: Batter for the San Diego Saltines who died in Pre-History and Haunted Jack for a while
Modifications: None
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
Hello, this is BIGHIT MUSIC
BTS member Jimin will be releasing his first solo album “FACE”
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“FACE” is all about Jimin facing himself head-on as he gets ready for his next step as a solo artist.
Jimin will see the fans through various activities including the “FACE” release so we ask for your continued interest and support for Jimin’s first official solo activity.
Pre-order Date: From 11 AM, Wednesday, February 22, 2023 (KST) Release date: From 1 PM, Friday, March 24, 2023 (KST) Thank you.
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