#it wasn't only after wad let's be real for a second
goldenpinof · 3 months
Rewatching the livestream and I can’t believe they had the audacity to say they came back to dapg not knowing if it’d be well-received or not and getting surprised by the reaction as if we literally didn’t beg them to revive the gaming channel for 5 YEARS STRAIGHT
i know. Dan is such a bitch about it. like, he loves to pretend that Phil and us haven't been asking him to come back to dnpg for years. this question is literally on tape from Vidcon 2019 or 2020 (probably both tbh). people were constantly asking Dan about dnpg during wad meet and greets in 2022-2023. like, god, shut the fuck up, this is a traumatic memory, and you know it!
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only-lonely-stars · 2 months
Burning the Midnight Oil
Oneshot – (FFN) (AO3)
Lois Lane, dedicated reporter for The Daily Planet, will not rest until she figures out Superman's secrets! She's only an intern, but she will have her story! Clark Kent, her partner in crime, is always there to keep her afloat in the sea of information.
Note: This fic is set right after Season 1, Episode 3 of MAWS (right after Lois gets her interview with Superman). Let's all just pretend there's one or two more days between that and Episode 4, and this fic slots right into that gap.
FANART! Thank you @tsbdhdndj!!!
Late one evening, Lois Lane knew that she was staring her answer straight in the face– but she was still missing something. 
Who was Superman? 
What was he trying to hide? Who was he when he wasn't Superman? He obviously wasn’t Superman all the time, no matter what he said. And he was obviously keeping secrets! No one could blame her for being curious– and she had so many questions that kept going unanswered!
Lois’ hard-fought, very short, very disappointing interview with the maybe-alien had given her nothing she could use. Not even a scrap! Superman hadn’t answered any of her questions the way she’d hoped. 
(How could someone not know who they were, or where they were from? Why didn’t he know how to use his powers? Even if it was the truth, she couldn’t print it. It would scare people!)
No. Here was part of the truth, plain and simple.
Superman had planned his responses carefully, saying only what he had scripted. Whether by himself or with help from someone else, he’d been trained on how to respond to the press.
It was as if he knew that she was trying to expose him.
She wasn't even trying to expose him, per se! She just wanted to know all his secrets and then publish them for all the masses to read! Then she would finally be a respected reporter, a real investigative journalist. 
(No longer an intern of over a year, never having her name on the byline, always having her quote-unquote “research” stolen by Cat Grant…)
If she could just get published, then she was one step closer to her Pulitzer–
The unexpected voice behind Lois startled her, and she jumped a foot in the air. “Wha– oof!”
“Woah, Lois!” Clark protested, stumbling, and he bumped into the door. Coffee splashed against him and the bag on his arm swayed, but after a moment of panic, he managed to stand upright.
Lois gasped and ran to help him, taking two coffees in a to-go holder from him. “Oh my gosh, Clark! I am so sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it!” Clark stammered, putting the bag on top of a pile of ripped-out tabloid pages on their work table– pages that had no business being everywhere, but were, because she’d been adding them to the murder board and stopped halfway in the middle of her work. “I’m sorry, I– I should have knocked.”
“No, no, this is your office too.” Lois put the coffee down and looked at him.
For a split second, there was a trick of the light. Clark’s jaw looked just a little more square, his hair a little neater than usual…
His sweater, stained with a spreading splotch of brown.
Lois panicked. “Your sweater!”
Clark glanced down, eyes growing wide. “Oh!”
Lois reached for the bag and pulled out a large wad of napkins, then ran to dab them at the stain. She only barely caught herself, stopping from putting her hands all over his chest, and offered him the wad of paper. “Uh– here, for– for your sweater. Quick!”
“Ah– thanks, Lois.” Clark took them, blotting haphazardly, but it was too late. The brown stain had spread into a blob, marring the cream waffle knit, and barely any was picked up by the napkins. 
In the back of her mind, Lois thought it resembled a little heart.
(Not that that was anything special! She was observant, it was just how a reporter behaved!)
Clark eventually sighed and gave up, putting the napkins on the table. “Well… anyway.” He offered Lois a sheepish grin. “I was just… wanting to bring you some food! Since you’re still here. Burning the midnight oil, looking for m– for Superman.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have!” She glanced at the bag, then back at him, admiring the smile on his face. “What… is it?”
“Well, coffee for starters! Mocha with an extra shot of espresso for you, decaf black for me.”
It was her favorite coffee order, and the cups said they were from Waid’s– her favorite coffee shop. How was he so thoughtful? Lois felt a blush coming on, so she tried to ignore it by investigating the bag. “And what’s in here?”
“Ramen!” He sprang to open it, pulling out a bowl. “Here’s mine, no spice of course. And yours!” He offered it to her with a big grin and slightly pink cheeks. “Extra spicy, with bean sprouts.”
Lois laughed and took it, her fingertips brushing his. “Clark…”
“It’s nothing. Honestly.”
“It’s not nothing,” she protested, but she still opened the lid and took a deep breath of the contents. It smelled like spice, and the steam relaxed her face. Had she been frowning while she worked, if her face was this sore? She was probably going to have frown lines by the time she was thirty.
Clark watched her expectantly, so she set it down with a smile in his direction. “I guess it’s about time for a break. I’ve been so busy, it’s just… I’m close to a discovery. I know it!”
“You– you are?” He looked surprised, but pulled out a chair and sat down anyway. “Is this about m– Mister Superman?”
“Mister Superman? No, it’s just Superman, that’s crazy.” She laughed it off, sitting down next to him. “Look. He’s keeping secrets! I played that recording for you. Didn’t it strike you as odd?”
“Of course, but you said yourself he’s probably an alien. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“It’s not about worrying, it’s about what it means.”
“What bad thing could it possibly mean for Superman to be an alien? Or to have secrets?” Clark argued with a passion, opening his bowl of ramen and searching for a pair of chopsticks. “C’mon. He’s just a regular guy who happens to be able to fly.”
“But he’s not what he seems, Clark! He’s keeping something from Metropolis. If I could just figure out what–” Lois cut herself off with a sip of coffee, frustration taking over. “I don’t know what, or what I’ll do. I’m just– I’ve been here all day, and I still don’t have any answers.”
Clark glanced at the clock, then at her. “It’s seven o’clock. You’ve been here ten hours. Maybe it’s… time to call it a day?”
“But it’ll still be here tomorrow!” Lois pounded the table, making a little of their soup broth splatter, and Clark grabbed a napkin preemptively. “You don’t understand! I have to get this scoop! Otherwise I’ll never get a Pulitzer!”
“A Pulitzer? Lois, that’s not what this is about.” He set down the napkin, resting his hands on the table as he leaned toward her. His voice was more confident now, the way he got when he was assured of himself, which wasn’t very often. “You’re a great reporter. The best one I know. Don’t doubt yourself so much.”
She glanced away, using her chopsticks to push around her noodles. “Clark…”
“I mean it! You’re incredible, and so smart, and you always get the story.”
“I’m not that good! I’m just an intern.” And not even a good one, she added internally– she couldn’t say it out loud, or he’d just tell her she was wrong. “Maybe I won’t figure him out…”
She looked back up at Clark. He was staring at her, intent clear behind his glasses. He was big– so big, so kind, Kansas born and bred. She felt her whole body flush under the heat of his gaze.
“Lois, you will figure him out. If there’s one reporter in Metropolis who will find out Superman’s secrets, it’s you. Stop doubting yourself so much.”
She mustered up a smile and rested her hand on the table, just barely brushing his fingers with her own. “You mean that, Smallville?”
He blushed, a soft pink that complimented his piercing blue eyes and black hair. “Of course I do.”
Lois laughed. “Then I guess I’ll have to trust you. You’re not a liar.”
Even though he always seemed to be making excuses about bagels… but everyone needed a good excuse, so she was willing to overlook it. He had his reasons for needing to step away from everyday life.
Clark laughed with her, sounding self-conscious, and he reached up to scratch the back of his neck. “I… appreciate it?”
“You should! And don’t sell yourself short, either. You’re a great reporter.” She moved to cover his hand with hers, delighting in the small point of contact between them. “We’re both going to be real reporters one day, exposing the corruption in Metropolis.”
“Yeah! We’re going to be great.”
Clark leaned closer, like he was about to share some secret, and Lois followed suit. His intense stare captured her attention and kept her from thinking about anything else. 
What incredible thoughts did he think in that intelligent, beautiful head of his? Solutions to global warming? Political scandals? Questions about the meaning of life and why there wasn’t a wider acceptance of the value of cream cheese bagels? Maybe he was wondering about the stories that were still alive and breathing on the street level…
Carefully, oh-so-gently, he reached out and brushed his thumb against her cheek. “You, uh, had a little bit of broth there…”
Lois had to smile, a fluttery feeling in her chest. “Oh. Thanks.”
Clark laughed softly and sat back, and somewhere deep down his absence almost felt like a loss. “No problem.”
She turned back to her soup and took a bite of the noodles. The spice burned her throat in a delicious way. It lent sharpness to her thoughts, like dragging a blade across a whetstone, like the cold when she learned to navigate by the stars as a child.
Clark Kent made her feel safe. 
Loved, even.
All of those things were part of how Lois felt about him, too. He was a good man, a gentle soul with strength to back up his convictions. He was beautiful and amazing. She felt embarrassed by how much she appreciated him, but…
…maybe that was a good thing.
Maybe her dad was wrong, and love was something worth exploring.
Distantly, she wondered if he felt like he loved her too. Dwelling on it wouldn’t give her answers, so she stole a glance at him as he drank deeply from his to-go container. The warmth in her chest was affection, not from the chili pepper in her ramen, and it felt all-consuming. Its heat felt like the sun, bright and hot and empowering!
Even so… she would deny it until she had more proof. There was no reason to act on a lack of proof. Lois was an investigator, not a tabloid writer. She worked with facts!
Despite the emotions raging inside of her, she felt like a new question was more approachable than Superman. Maybe even more important, somehow.
Did Clark feel anything like this for her?
What would she do if he did?
So she turned back to her meal, focusing all her attention on Clark and his kind attention, the way he provided for her simply because it was like him to do it. He cracked jokes and talked about their work. Jimmy’s latest conspiracy theories and nonsense. Cat Grant’s obsession with her newest celebrity boyfriend story.
It was a pleasant blur, and when Clark walked her home that night, Lois found that she didn’t want to go in. He was a gentleman, not making a move. She didn’t want him to leave, so she pulled him into a tight hug.
“Thanks for walking me back, Smallville.”
Clark simply hugged her back, warm and sturdy, like an invulnerable shield. She let herself be immersed in him, focused entirely on how he made her feel. “Anytime, Miss Lane. Sweet dreams.”
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vukovich · 2 years
boytoy blownwide
you know why
Someone Old, Someone New, Someone Wiser, Black and Blue
"I know," Hermione said, hoisting her wedding skirts up and bunching them forward into Ginny's waiting hands. Her elbows hit the stall walls. "She said it to me, too. Exactly the same way. Like flooing into Astoria Greengrass' second bedroom is something I'm dying to be invited to do."
Ginny shrugged. "It made more sense when she said it to me at me 'n' Luna's handfasting."
"Well, I suppose it would." Hermione plopped her naked butt down on the toilet seat and let out a sigh.
"Pretty bold to go saying that to straight women, though." Ginny tucked a wad of tulle under her arm and guarded the open stall door. "And on their wedding days, too."
Hermione sighed again, then pissed so hard she counted it as her first orgasm as a married woman.
Pansy was on the dance floor when it happened to her. It was a dance in the round, women-only. Pansy and her bridesmaids linked elbows and formed the inner circle, facing out. The married women left their tables and made their way to the neon-streaked wooden floor. Some sprinted. Some wobbled on achy knees. One waddled between the tables, one hand on her lower back and a knowing smirk on her face.
Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy sauntered.
It was rumoured Draco had left her because she'd been caught fucking the gardener. It was also rumoured that they had an arrangement, and the real scandal was that the "gardener" was one Professor Longbottom, most recent recipient of the Linnaeus Herbology Award, and vastly overqualified to be pruning roses in the nude.
The women in all manner of dress joined hands in a ring around the ones in uniforms of chiffon and stays.
The music started, a bouncing, step-easy beat, and the women moved, passing each other, then back a step. Their shoes were a cacopany of sharp stilettos, hushed flats, thunking pumps, and the squeak of bare feet as they pivoted.
Astoria's palm was cool against Pansy's, and they lifted their joined hands to their shoulders. They rotated around each other, both on the verge of gasping with effort.
"I have a second bedroom," Astoria said. She yelled it over the music, but no one else noticed.
"What?!" Pansy yelled back.
Astoria leaned closer, and she smelled like diamonds ought to. "I have a second bedroom! Off of mine! At the Manor!"
Pansy shook her head. "Okay!"
"Malfoy Manor! East Wing! Fourth Room!" Astoria had a fine crease between her brows. She hopped and skipped a step to catch up to the footwork. "If you ever just want to use it!"
The circles rotated, and Pansy lost her in the crowd, which was fine, because she wasn't certain what to make of the offer.
Harry tried to stop fidgeting with his cufflinks and managed to tame his fingers into absent drumming against his thighs. He smiled at an approaching woman, nodded, smiled again, and thanked her for her well wishes. Next to him, Draco greeted her by name and asked if she planned on staying for the wedding reception.
Harry smiled at the next person, nodded, and hoped the end of the receiving line would show itself. His suit was itchy, too heavy for the clingy May weather, and the jacket shoulders fit like his Auror robes used to. It was enough to make him crawl out of his skin.
He smelled the next person before he saw her, which was just as well, because she ignored him entirely and went straight to Draco. Perfume wafted after her.
"Congratulations, Mister..." She cocked her head. At her side, a tow-headed boy watched them speak. "...Malfoy-Potter? Potter-Malfoy? Surely not Malpot or Potfoy."
Draco looked down at her primly. "You're one to speak, Ms Greengrass-Malfoy-Longbottom."
She grinned wide, then wrapped him in a hug. He squeezed her until she squeaked. Scorpius raised his arms and bounced on his toes. Draco scooped him up on one arm.
Harry's blood pounded in his ears, and he ignored the guests filing past him. He ignored the guests, and his heartbeat, and Draco's real first love being cuddled against his chest.
Astoria glanced at Harry, and her face sobered. She tugged Draco's lapels down, then brushed his shoulders off. "You remember you're always welcome at the Manor."
"I know, Tory," Draco said. He booped Scorpius on the nose. "So long as the esteemed lord of the manor accepts me."
Astoria accepted Scorpius back and settled him on her hip. She glanced at Harry again. "And you know the Floo in my second bedroom is still there."
Draco rolled his eyes, but smiled. "I'm aware."
Harry looked at them, leaning closer and closer, with their son between them, as she reminded Draco, "And you know that Floo is the secure one, right?"
"Yes, Mrs Greenfoybottom. I know."
"All right," she said tersely, then reached down and pinched his bottom. He yipped, smiled, and slapped her away. She patted his waist. "Happy tidings and all that, then."
"Why, thank you," Draco said, and did a little bow. "And I'll see you at Mum's the Sunday after next."
She nodded and let the queue push her away. Draco watched his son's hair in the crowd for long after Harry lost track.
It was years before the Floo got any use, but Astoria kept the hearth clean and the linens fresh. It didn't surprise her that Hermione Granger was the first one to come through.
A gentle chiming woke her, and she slid out of bed, pregnant belly first. Draco stirred in her bed, and a single grey eye watched her.
"Go back to your own rooms," she whispered.
He grumbled and hugged her pillow. "Too cold."
"Shoo!" She flapped the blankets, stealing the warmth out from under them.
He curled up in a ball, clutched for blankets, and came up short.
"All right," he said, and rolled away. He stood, stretched, and walked toward the door. "Don't stay up too late."
"I most certainly will."
"More coffee for me." And he slipped out into the dark hallway.
When she entered the attached bedroom, Hermione was pacing between the hearth and the foot of the bed. Old mascara was tracked down her cheeks.
Hermione's voice cracked. "I'm sorry I woke you."
"No," Astoria whispered, "it's fine."
"I just," Hermione wiped fresh tears from her face. "How long did it take you to get pregnant?"
"Oh," Astoria said softly. "Let me turn down the bed."
Hermione's sob stopped her at "Thank-"
A bit to her surprise, Luna was next, a few years later. Astoria heard the Floo chime while she was in the rose garden.
She was kneeling at the edge of the knot garden, and she set her trowel down to more closely listen, because afternoon felt like an odd time of day for someone to use that Floo.
Draco and Scorpius were sitting in a wooden swing under a tree, doing something that involved braiding long strands of willow bark. Neither of them seemed to notice the faint chime.
A wheelbarrow rumbled up the brick path behind her. Neville's chest gleamed with sweat where it wasn't streaked with dirt or covered in hair. "Doorbell charm?"
Astoria nodded and put down her trowel, then removed her gardening gloves. "I think I'm done for the day."
He nodded, and she went into the Manor.
Luna was sitting on the hearth in the small bedroom attached to hers. Just sitting.
Astoria knocked on the open door frame. Luna didn't react.
"Can I get you something?" Astoria asked.
Luna shook her head. "No, thank you. I just wanted to sit somewhere quiet for a bit."
Astoria nodded. "If you'd like me to come back, just put your hand in the Floo and pull it back out."
"Okay," Luna said vacantly. "Thank you."
"No trouble."
Pansy was the least surprising. Astoria had gone so far as to stock the spare bedroom for the occasion. Next to the bed, on either side, lay matching Spiderman sleeping bags.
The bed's pillowcase was stocked with a new wand, Pansy's life savings in cash, and the boys' passports. She'd also tucked in a pill bottle inside the big bed's pillowcase that held just enough for Pansy to have a restful night, but not too much.
The chimes woke Astoria just after midnight, and she untangled her limbs from Neville's and went to check. Her old bedroom was dusty, but she kept the second bedroom clean.
"Hey," Pansy said on an absolute rush of relief. She had a sleepy boy in footie pyjamas on each hip. "Thanks for this."
"Any time," Astoria whispered. She took one of the twins from Pansy and carried him to a sleeping bag.
"The last time," Pansy said.
"But still," Astoria said, trying to sound stern. "Any time."
The Floo went decades without use after that. Astoria didn't sleep next door, but rather in a small solarium on the ground floor, where the French doors opened into the rose garden. At first, she'd objected to their wedding bed being in a glass house, but Neville had been quite persuasive, despite being ineloquent.
Slowly, she moved closer to the room and its Floo. When Neville's arthritis worsened, a bedroom with sketchy temperature control was less romantic. When Scorpius and his wife had moved home, she and Neville had taken a bedroom upstairs, just to see the industrious young man in passing. His wife had asked Astoria if they could turn her old bedroom into the nursery.
"Of course, love," she'd said.
"And we'd convert that small second bedroom into a walk-in closet."
Astoria clicked her tongue. "I believe you'll want that for the night nurse."
Her daughter-in-law grimaced. "We don't plan on having hired help. We'd rather do it ourselves."
Astoria said nothing, but the room stayed as it was, Floo and all. It was on night eight of her grandson's colic when she'd taken up residence in the small spare bedroom next to his.
She started a fire in the fireplace, pulled her rocking chair up to it, and hummed softly to him while he fussed. His belly rumbled like a disgruntled water balloon, and he let loose a long bout of wind that made her let out a surprised snort.
"Well," she whispered to him as she stood, then patted his back, "I'll bet you feel better."
She laid him slowly, gently, in the bassinet next to her bed. It was still his nightly bed two years later, when Draco came through the Floo.
Astoria was just taking off her reading glasses when the Floo coughed out a cloud of dust. She leaned over the edge of her bed to make sure it didn't land on her grandson, asleep in a blanket nest on the rug. He sucked his thumb, but didn't wake.
"Hey," Draco said quietly. He was in boxers and a white bathrobe that was streaked with red. His mostly bald scalp sported a fresh bruise on one side. His chin was scraped clear across, and one of his eyebrows was split. He wrung knobby-knuckled hands and licked his lips.
"I think..." His voice throttled itself. "I think it's dementia. Or PTSD. Or both. I don't know." He sniffed back tears.
There was blood behind Draco's ear.
"It still hurts," she said softly. "Regardless."
He nodded until he cried, then buried his face in his robe sleeves. Eventually, he scrubbed his face dry. "I wasn't sure..." He cleared his throat. "If you still kept this Floo."
She folded the covers open next to her. "Come on."
He dried his eyes again, then came to stand next to the bed, looking down at their grandson. Silently, Draco slid into the bed, laying on his side. He settled his head on a pillow, arms folded underneath so he could watch their grandson sleep.
Astoria put an arm around his waist and hugged him tight.
"You know you're always welcome here," she whispered.
He brought her knuckles up to his lips, kissed them, and sighed. His grandson sighed, too. "Thank you."
She head butted him lightly between the shoulder blades. "You're welcome."
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for wanting the Yakuza to still exist? I'm writing this from a burner phone so the Daidouji don't find out, but I need some help here sorting through my thoughts.
Ever since I was a little kid, I was in poverty, and my dad found himself in debt to the Yakuza. He was a stupid ass idiot who blew wads of cash like they were nothing despite being in poverty, y'know how it is. I was sold by my dad into, for the sake of this ask, let's call it Group A. This group was ruled over by this huge prick who I'll call B. B abused me and made me fight for my life in this huge coliseum, but I fought for my worth and eventually managed to rise to the top of my family, who I'll call Subgroup A, after being freed by someone I'll call C, who was in Subgroup A.
After all that, I began to live a life of luxury- I made it in the criminal underworld, survived the toughest shit, and made my mark. I joined under Subgroup A, led by someone I'll call M, and I was living the life. That is, until M got arrested. Me and C led the family while M was behind bars, got in a few spats with B, but I also learned that M wanted to get rid of Group A, which would also get rid of Subgroup A, aka my only real family left. I spent several years sucking my feelings up and leading Subgroup A, but when M came back from Prison alongside this guy I'll call K, who was supposed to help keep Group A from being dissolved, K ended up siding with M! The guy I put my fucking faith in just betrayed the Yakuza, just like that!
M and the leader of the second largest Yakuza group in the country that I'll call D eventually showed up together to announce the dissolution, but I wasn't having it. Me and K ended up kicking each other's asses, but I lost. AITA for just wanting my family to still be around? I might've done some shitty stuff, but what's so wrong about wanting your only home to remain?
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Under False Pretenses |1| Rewrite| Band of Brothers
@marycorleone @ohnoitsthebat
master list
*This is strictly based on the actors' portrayals and not the real life hereos*
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all pictures found on pinterest
word count 3,381
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Robert Stewart Sr knocked on the front door of the apartment that his granddaughter's boyfriend Joseph Liebgott lived in, he had been informed by the doorman that Olivia, had been seen leaving with several pieces of luggage and that Lewis, the man she was supposed to marry in a year's time and his best friend Dick saw her off into a chauffeur driven car, to a train station, a quick check of her credit card statement there had been train tickets bought to New York and then from there a flight from New York to Rome. She was fleeing the country with this man. No boy, no man would be okay with sweeping a young girl off of her feet and having her finance their elopement to Italy. The door opened and a skinny dark-haired man opened the door, his own bags slung over his shoulder.
"Mr. Stewart? What can I help you with?" The older man didn't answer and stepped into the apartment, wrinkling his nose in distaste. Olivia, who had been raised in a lap of luxury, had been in here?  He knew that her going to college was a bad idea, but she put up a fight not just wanting to be a stay-at-home wife or mom. She wanted more than that and honestly, at first he didn't blame her, she was too much like his parents just to settle. 
So for the sake of his parents and his wife, he agreed only if she went to the same school as her brothers and the same school as Lewis Nixon, the man that they desperately wanted her to marry and combine their families together. Something they had been trying to do since his own daughters Careen and Sissy were younger. 
They were even more stubborn than Olivia was. 
"You need to leave my granddaughter alone." He finally said after studying the apartment, his grandson Daniel, Olivia's second oldest brother was behind him, his arms folded, he had seen Joe in passing mostly when he came to see his younger siblings at the condo they lived in with Lewis and a couple of the other friends that they had made. And at first sight, Joe wasn't anything special and not good enough to be with Stewart. And he had no problem with telling his grandfather all about him and how he was at the condo all the time and seen in Olivia's room. 
Something that infuriated Robert, he didn't raise his daughters and granddaughter to be slut but they all had been like this and he refused to let Olivia follow in her aunts' footsteps, he wanted her to be different and if he had to do this, then he was going to do this, even if she ended up hating him. 
"Daniel." Joe said, "Look can we make this quick I got somewhere to be." He had already got a message from Olivia saying that she was stuck in traffic and would be there soon. And he wanted to be there before her, he was already anxious that he was late, this was one of the biggest steps of his life. 
"We know. And you aren't going to meet her." "Why the fuck not?" His temper which had been trying to keep a hold flared. There had been plenty of times that Olivia had to pull him away from fighting with Lewis over her and how she had to remind him repeatedly that he was good enough for her. And that she loved him, and that she didn't care about the money.
That she just wanted him.  
"Because if you go to her, she is going to die." 
"What?!" Fear clenched his heart and the bags dropped to the ground. 
"I can and will kill her. I am not going to have my granddaughter running off to marry someone like you." Robert spat as he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and held out a thick wad of cash. "I am not taking that." 
"You are, and you are going to disappear. Olivia is going to be better off and safer without you being in her life." Daniel took the money from his grandfather and forced it into his hand. 
"It is for the best Joe. It is." 
Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Olivia raised herself up on her toes again looking around for the lanky body of her boyfriend, no, she corrected herself, her fiancé, this whole plan had been in the works for ages, since her 21st birthday, the year before. She twisted her wrist to look at her watch and frowned. It was 5 minutes before the train was supposed to depart and she didn't want to get on it, not without him. Trying to shake the rising anxiety, tears, and nausea she had built, she pressed the speed dial number for him again.
It had rang several times in the calls before but this time, it went right to voicemail. 
Then the train came and went, and her heart sank, he wasn't coming, he had lied like her grandfather said he would have. Shivering from head to toe, she stepped out of the train station to get fresh air and try to calm herself.
 She shoved her hands into her coat pockets and her fingers brushed against the ultrasound pictures. She had suspicions for the last few weeks that she had been pregnant due to her sweet tooth getting more out of control and constantly being sick. She had gone to the doctor's to confirm it and she found out that she was 10 weeks pregnant. The joy she had felt turned to grief, and her hope with leaving the States and going to Italy with Joe to start over turned to despair.   
"Sugar?" Buck Compton's voice came from her side, but she didn't want to turn to him, she didn't want him to see her like this, she didn't want anyone to see her like this.
"Baby?" Buck was getting more concerned normally Sugar got a reaction out of her but this time it didn't and Baby too.
"Olivia!" He grasped her soaked shoulders in her hands and turned her to look at him and his heart broke. He had known when he had gotten the call from Edward, her older brother that their grandfather had done something to her relationship with Joe but he wasn't sure what but none of them had gotten into contact with her.  
Her phone had rang and rang and then went to voicemail. 
"He didn't come." She whispered.
 "Oh, baby." He said before looking down at the ultrasound picture that she had in her hand that was wet from the snow and rain. 
"Shit.”  He muttered before he picked her up bridal style and cuddled her to his chest like she was still a little girl and not a  fully grown 22-year-old woman. He called out to Edward, James, and Bobby, the three brothers she was closest to that he had her. "Livvy, it's okay," James commented once he joined the two. "No, no it's not." Buck returned for her before handing him the grainy picture. "Son of a bitch." James cursed, almost dropping the picture, “Oh sissy,  we will find him.” 
"She is frozen to the bone." Buck said lowly to her brothers before looking at the girl, "Liv, you need to let go for a minute, I am not going anywhere. Promise."   
Those words brought the tears forward and she started sobbing into her hands.
 "Take her back to the condo, if we take her back to the hotel, she may end up killing our grandfather or I will," Edward commented watching as Bobby, Olivia's twin brother slid into the backseat next to her and she clung to him quickly.
"We will find him, Liv, I will call Hoobs and Alton." Donald Hoobler and Alton More were two of the men that Bobby met through the network skeevy, sneaky, dirty people, and they had a special set of skills when it came to finding things or people. And for Bobby's family, they would do anything. The fact that she was silent was worrying, she was never this silent or sad. Not even when their parents died, she was the one telling their grandparents no, that their parents wouldn't want this nor would their younger sister that died.
At 11, she knew exactly what she wanted and would go to any lengths to get it. And 7 years later being at college, and dating Lewis at first, she knew what she wanted. And at that point, Lewis was that then she met Joe Liebgott at a party after the football game and that was all they wrote. She wanted Joe and Joe wanted her. And for the first time, Olivia didn't care what her grandfather thought and the Stewart brothers were proud of her.  And now she was going to be back to square one and they weren't so sure that she would bounce back from this. 
"We have a major problem," Edward informed once Buck had swept Olivia past them into the master bedroom that she at first shared with Lewis, he was the one that she let near her and carried her into the townhouse. "What? What happened?" Lewis asked his eyes following the duo. Kitty, Harry Welsh's, one of Dick and Lewis's good friends got up and followed the two, she had a good idea what happened and Buck was going to need help. 
"Grandfather did something to Joe, he never showed up at the train station.' 
“Fuck." Lewis breathed as he went to fill up a glass of Vat .69 to take into the bedroom to her. 
'She can't drink anymore." James was quick to throw in, "She is 10 weeks pregnant." The crystal stopper dropped from Lewis's fingers, automatically thankful that he and Olivia hadn't been sleeping together regularly, she only slept in his bed when Joe was out with the boys or when their families came into town and they had to keep up appearances. The next thought was what would Robert do when he found his granddaughter. His precious granddaughter got pregnant out of wedlock. "What're we going to do?" He asked after he took a long swallow off of the bottle, Dick had gotten up and was standing in front of the roaring fireplace, looking at the flames. 
 "Well, first of all, we are going to take care of her." Edward commented, "Bobby is on the phone with a couple of his friends to see if they can find him." "And if they can't?" Harry asked. 
"Then Lewis marries her like planned." Dick spoke, 'And raises the baby like his own. saves her from getting any grief from her grandfather about the baby."
 "Dick." Lewis started and the redhead man held up his hand, in a silent reminder that they would talk about it later. He didn't need everyone to know their business. 
It was bad enough that Harry figured it out and that Olivia knew.
But Olivia had to know about it, she was the constant in both of their lives. "All that matters right now is Liv. She and that baby are what is important.
"Sweetie, you have to let Buck go, so we can get you out of these wet clothes," Kitty commented as she tried to ease the tight grip Olivia had on Buck's coat. 
"He isn't going to go anywhere." 
"She is right Sugar, I am going to be right here."
 With her bottom lip trembling, she released her hold on his coat and let him sit her on her feet. 
"How long was she outside for?" The older girl looked over Olivia's head at the bigger man who shrugged his shoulders, "Dick said he and Lewis put her in a car around 11 and the train left at 12: 30. So who knows."
 He shrugged off his coat and hat and threw it onto the bed, smirking knowing that would annoy Dick the most. Kitty was working on undoing the buttons of Olivia's pea coat. 
 "What am I going to do Kitty?" Her voice finally came, still thick with tears, "Bobby and I have our birthday party tomorrow."
She stopped and looked up at her, "You are going to go and put on a brave face just like you always do when things are hard like this." 
"Yeah, Liv become Scarlett O'Hara."
 "I really hate when you say that." She rolled her eyes, "Ever since he met Edward and found that he had a sister, he has been teasing me about it." 
Buck smiled relieved, he hadn't been sure what to do with the tears or how she clung to him. Kitty had successfully worked the coat off and turned Olivia towards the bathroom.
 "Go take a hot shower and warm up. I will send Lew or Dick in." The tiny girl nodded her head and slipped into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. 
 "She is going to need you and the girls, Kitty for a while. Not just because of Joe but because of the baby.' 
The wet clothes she had in her hands dropped, "She is?" "Yeah, 10 weeks.' Kitty muttered a few curse words, "If her brothers don't kill Joe, I will."
"Is she okay?" James asked once Buck and Kitty came back into the room. "She is showering, maybe Dick you should go talk to her when she gets out," Buck said Lewis should have been the first choice but Dick was already the more level-headed of the two and that's what she needed right then. She needed the comfort and stability of Dick. 
"Don't tell her anything about the apartment being empty or the cab being really gone. It will destroy her." Bobby commented moving his phone away from his mouth, "They are trying to find him right now."
 Dick nodded before pushing himself away from the fireplace and going down the hall to the room he shared with Lewis, this was a HUGE wrench into their plans. They had all thought that Olivia would be able to get away and be finally happy and that he and Lewis would finally be happy.  
"Liv?" He knew that he shouldn't be so reserved with her. But it was embedded in his head that you don't look or touch another man's girlfriends or wives.  And Liv, god love her tried to include him in things especially when she pieced how he and Lew felt about each other, even opting to sleep in her own room weeks before she and Joe got serious.
"Yeah?" Her voice was sad and broken shaking him out of his thoughts. She was practically swimming in one of his old gym shirts and pajama bottoms. He didn't say anything instead just held his arms out to her, she didn't need words right then, she needed comfort. Her whole body shook with her sobs so much that it was making him unsteady. He placed a hand on the back of her head and rubbed the pad of his fingers against her scalp to help so soothe her.
 It worked with Lewis and he was sure it would work for her.
"What am I going to do Dick? I can't raise a baby on my own. And Lewis?" She scoffed as she pulled away from him slightly, "he is never gonna be ready for a baby."
Dick reached over and pulled out tissues from the silver holder and used it to wipe off her cheeks, he felt like such a jerk for thinking about leaving them behind, stepping away from the whole situation. 
Olivia when she wasn't heartbroken was responsible enough to care for herself and a baby and for a drunk Lewis. But this was a huge mountain for her to overcome and he didn't think she would be able to do it. 
"You won't be alone, you will have your brothers, Harry and Kitty." His heart sank seeing the fresh tears that welled up in her eyes, he should have thought that she was attached to him too. That he meant something to her too. 
"And you'll have me,  you think I will really leave you with Lewis and a baby?" He pressed a kiss to her forehead, "You two are stuck with me now." 
She nodded her head and used the tissues to clean up her nose and cheeks. "I don't want to go back out of there with them." She didn't want to add how she felt that Lewis was probably upset that their plan was ruined and that the whole of her being pregnant with another man's baby, a man that he had gotten into fights with over her before the whole thing with Dick started.  "We don't have to, we can watch a movie." He started motioning to the bed. "We can finish Lord of the Rings if you want." Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were one of the things outside of Lewis that they bounded over. 
She didn't want to add how she felt that Lewis was probably upset that their plan was ruined and that the whole of her carrying another man's baby, a man that he had gotten into fights with over her before the whole thing with Dick started.  Olivia nodded her head, thankful that Dick wasn't going to make them go into her room. It was going to be hard being in there with all the memories she had with Joe in there.  
Once she was settled on the mound of pillows and blankets, he went to settle on top of the blankets, he had every intention to go back into the study and figure out what else they could do. But her hand caught his and tugged him under the blankets with her, "Please don't leave me alone after I fall asleep Dick, I don't want to be alone."  With a heavy sigh, he crawled under the covers with her and let her cuddle into his side. 
Hilton Garden Inn
"Edward! There you are! Where are the twins?" Robert asked raising a glass in greeting. "They are at the condo still.' Edward bit out trying to keep his temper in check, "Olivia is really upset."
 "About what?" He asked causing Daniel and Nicholas to turn and look at them, the former already snickering. 
"Joe left her." Edward said, "We don't know why but she is crushed." He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of having them know about Buck finding her at the train station, soaked to the bone and half frozen, and how she sobbed so hard that she shook both Dick and Buck.
Or how she was pregnant. If Robert knew that she was pregnant she would have been taken to a clinic the next morning.  There was one thing that Liv wanted to be and that was a mother. 
"What did you do Grandfather?" He asked unable to help himself, "You knew that Olivia loves Joe and and he loves her. And he wouldn't just up and leave like that."
"I made him an offer he couldn't refuse," Robert answered.
"Please," Edward laughed bitterly, "You aren't Don Corleone, you may be the boss of this family but you aren't the boss." Nicholas perked at that, something wasn't right, Edward never got mad like this unless something bad had happened to their sister or if he had to be.
"I told him to leave your sister alone or I would have her killed."
The bottle of beer that was in Nicholas' hand dropped to the ground and shattered, and Edward recoiled like he had been slapped.
"Why would you do that? What's the point?"
"To get what I want. Finally! Your aunts messed up and Olivia was my last chance of merging our family and the Nixon family. I wasn't going to let some fucking cabbie from California ruin it." Edward shook his head, "Just know if Olivia ever finds out that you did this, she is going to hate you and cut you out of her life for good." Robert laughed, Olivia was never gonna find out and even if she did, he would deny, deny, deny.
What she didn't know wouldn't hurt. 
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yanderemommabean · 4 years
Okay but consider! Hawks was the lead in a band. He was the lead for years, from early teens into adulthood and then he just...burned out. It wasn't drugs or sex (or maybe it was, up to you), but just how fake it was. He couldn't do anything without approval from corporate, and all these fans, they didn't like him, they liked the persona they made for him. And it got to him, bit by bit. He's a shell of himself when he meets his darling, and suddenly it's like looking into the face of a muse.
Another concert, another ten hours on his feet as he has to do make up, practice, make sure the instruments work with the crew, and of course make the fans nearly wet themselves with his appearance and voice alone. Every day it’s “OH MY GOD IT’S HAWKS” or “IT’S HIM IT’S HIM IT’S HIM!”.
They don’t even really care about how he feel about being smooshed into selfies and made into clout fuel for people who only want the most likes. Which to be fair, he’s apart of that group sometimes, he might have wings but he’s far from a saint, but even to him it gets a bit much with how much they only want to gain attention.
It’s not nearly as luxurious as people assume. He has a contract, has to make an album every few months otherwise his fame and band are dropped like a bag of trash into a junkyard. He’s stressed an unable to make any new songs, and the fact he has to preform while trying to perfect his newest works drains him considerably.
He doesn’t have time to be himself. He doesn’t have time or luxury to just be Keigo. No. He has to keep up this act and be the flirtatious, rebelling bad boy all the fans masturbate too and fantasize about. (Kudos to the fic writers by the way! He’s seen some good shit!).
Hawks vs Keigo. No one knows the real him. They all go for the media showered, Instagram famous persona with his band mates tagging alongside. Keigo is a more laid back, needing personal space, wanting time alone to think kind of person. He doesn’t mind doing things and going out, he just gets his daily quota of social interaction in a matter of minutes.
So when you have millions of fans wanting your attention and grabbing onto you all the fucking time, you can imagine how unwilling and uninterested he is in even preforming or socializing.
Tonight was no different, Keigo and the band sang and played their hearts out, got a few fans some autographs and let their ears ache from how loud the fans would squeal. Yeah yeah yeah same old phrases spout with new faces.
Remembering there was a bar nearby, Keigo decided it was time for a few drinks. Or a hundred. He fidgets for the sunglasses in his bag, and slides on a different shirt to head out in, trying to make his hair style different as well when he walks by a window and sees it’s still spiked. It wasn’t the most convincing disguise but it would do.
Sliding into a seat near the corner of the bar, Keigo slumps with a huff, letting his hands run down his face while he tries to let his mind slow down and soak in what’s been happening all day. The concert, the meet and greet, the signing, the interviews, the managers constant reminder that he needed new songs and soon.
“Need a breather?” Your voice mused, catching his attention for a second. Ah. Great. A fan. Time to put on the mask again. He gives a wry expression and nods his head “even party boys need a break. Care to help one out?”.
Ah. Weak flirting. That would never go by with the press. Where’s his skill?!
You noticed the tired expression in his eyes, how he forced a smile to keep your attention on his more well known persona. You didn’t buy it. You’ve seen that look in too many people to let it slide and go unnoticed. This man needed a beer and needed one pronto.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you sit in the seat next to him, drumming your fingers on the counter as you try to think of an answer that wasn’t too forward. “Listen...I can tell you’re super exhausted. You can drop the act, ya know?”. You cough, face turning a bit red as you realize that you’re talking to a celebrity. You keep telling yourself that it doesn’t matter, you’re both human and capable of communicating.
It shouldn’t be a big deal to speak your mind to the hottest, most sought after singer in the world. Who are you kidding? Of course it is.
Keigo arches an eyebrow at your statement, and sits closer to the counter. It’s odd having someone see through his act. Sure his disguise sucked and anyone within ten feet could tell he was Hawks, but to have someone see he wasn’t who the media said, it was a shocking but well welcomed breath of fresh air.
“You...heh you cut to the chase don’t ya, kid?” He said with mirth.
“Well I hate bullshit. I-I would rather be upfront and honest.” You admit sheepishly, looking away from his hazel eyes timidly. “Didnt mean to offend you or anything” you added, hands shaking.
Offend? He’s the exact opposite! Finally, someone who’s honest and not conceded! He’s only just met you and he’s felt more of a connection here than with his own band! “Nah nah! You’re fine! I love bluntness. It’s nice to have every now and again when you’re used to bullshit”.
You giggle at that, nodding in agreement. Soon you two break more of the ice, discussing the most random but humorous things, not noticing how Keigo’s eyes gloss over with awe and admiration. It’s been so long since he could let go and be himself, he never wants to leave your company. It’s an ache in his mind to think about since he’s got to be back on the tour bus in less than two hours.
“Hey-“ his hand snatches your phone from your hands as you were replying to a friend “-I’m giving you my number ok? I’m about to have to head out and I would rather die than miss talking to you”.
As he types the number into your contacts, you couldn’t help but freeze up. Was this actually happening? You just spent hours chatting away with Hawks, and are now getting his contact information?! Surely you were drugged. Had to be! No fucking way is this happening like some cheap hallmark Christmas plot!
“Y/N right?” He slides the phone back over to you, giving you his signature flirtatious grin “I better hear from you tonight. I’ll lose sleep if I think a new friend is hurt or ignoring me”.
You blush even harder, and nod, not being able to really speak. He stands, patting your shoudler as he slides his sunglasses back on “Oh! I almost forgot-“ he pulls out a wad of cash, slamming it on the counter “For the drinks. It’s the least I can do for someone as entertaining as you”.
You cover your face in your hands and try to stop the flurry of emotions bubbling up. You thank him, hearing him chuckle as he leaves the bar, not seeing the smile on his face as he walks back to where the tour bus was parked.
Days go by, and every chance Keigo gets he’s messaging you, becoming antsy when you don’t respond within seconds. Sometimes he sends hundreds of messages a day, sometimes he’s on the phone with you for hours, or simply stalking your social media when you tell him you’re going to bed.
As long as he interacts with you, he’s sated and calm. Thinking up songs has never felt so easy, each day he makes a new hit, making the managers happy that he finally quit acting so down in the dumps. Months go by, and he’s still on the top charts, being the idol fanboys and girls pair themselves with.
But he doesn’t pay attention to that. He’s focused on you and only you. That shy encounter with you has changed his perspective, and all he wants to do is be with you. Flirting with you was easy enough but you always turned him down, saying things that didn’t make sense.
You’d say “Oh I don’t think we’d be compatible...you’d get tired of me” or “I think you’re just needing a hook up, but I’m flattered!”.
You’re crazy. He could never get tired of you. What will it take to get you to be with him and travel the world together?! Perhaps you just need more persuasion? A romantic gift? A gesture that proves he’s serious?
Well if that’s what you need then he’ll happily supply it. Just give him a few days, he’ll make sure you see how serious he is about being yours (and you being his. Only his). Should he make a song about what he loves about you the most? Maybe a song on how he fell for you?
A song on what he wants to do with you and your body? Or maybe you need a bit of danger, and need him to state what he’s willing to do to get you.
He’ll figure it out. Soon you’ll be his forever muse, he just needs to serenade you first.
(This was shit I know I know but I love this AU so much! -Mommabean )
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stcveskent · 3 years
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his forever; andy barber
warnings: fluff, swearing, idk
pairings: andy barber x reader
part 2 of his comfort.
part 1
Working in your office just like usual, you looked over at the door opening, and noticed a guy looking at you, you knew who it was, Jake, one of your best friends and one of the best colleagues.
"What're you doing Jake?" You asked and he laughed, you smiled at him, he was a very clumsy guy, but a very very nice man, he was like a brother to you, and you were like his sister ofc.
Recently he mentioned about his girlfriend, Amy, who was working with you too, and they were in love, they were so different but they were in love, it all started four years ago for them.
"Jake?! I know you need my help." You said and he acted shocked and then started rambling.
"What me? Jake? Never i can do anything —yes y/n i need your help!" He says and you laughed.
"Come on tell me, what is it about?" You allowed him to sit and he tells you everything.
"Four years ago, Amy and I got together, i just want to propose her." He says, you cover your mouth, and he looks around, you were closest to Jake, you were so happy for him, that he finally decides to make a move.
"Oh my god! Jake yes! I'm so happy for you!!" You said and he smiles looking at your expression. He hugged you and you were so happy for Amy for finally finding her forever in them.
"Alright, so i wanna chose a ring, and you were Amy's friend before Me, and i want you to help me, because you're also my best friend, like pleaseeeee?" He asked and you were glad to do so.
"Ofcourse Jakey! I would love to, when and where?"
"Today after work, we'll meet at the nearest Jewelry store okay?"
"Ofcourse! See you later!" You said and he hugged you again before leaving, and you got to work again, filling the paper work correctly, and later you got over it.
You walked out of your office, locking it, as your boss said that you need to lock it before you leave and you did it. You walked in the parking lot, and noticed the similar car.
You tried to ignore it before the window goes down, and reveals Andy, you smiled in surprise at how he came here, he gets out of his car, with a bouquet of a bunch of roses in his hand.
"Hey! What a surprise!?" You says as he hugs you, and kissed your forehead, and you smiled at how he would make you feel fresh after work with just an act of closure.
"Had to stop by to see my best girl." He says and you smiled.
"'Nuff the fake talk." You said and he rolled his eyes.
"Seriously, Y/n, you're my only family i have left with." He says and your eyes soften, he called you family and it was cute, at how expressive he would've become.
"Andy, aww!" You said hugging him again.
"Here are flowers for you." He says and you smiled.
"Thank you, really! They're my favorite!" You squeeled in excitement, and just then Jake came near you too.
"Hey! Y/n!" He called and you turned to him, and he smiled.
"Oh who's this?" He asked and you introduced them real quick.
"Jake, meet Andy, my best friend. Andy meet my work best friend, Jake." You introduced them and Jake shook hands with Andy.
"Great to see you, For real y/n I thought i was your best friend only in this world." He jokes and you laughed at Jake.
"Aww, poor Jake! Andy's got me in his life since forever." You said and he laughed with you, and right there Andy was broken for the second time in his life. He started falling for you, when you stayed at his place, on his bed, next to him, the next morning when he woke up next to you, you laying peacefully in his arms, your glow, your beautiful smile made him fall for you.
"Can we go for lunch?" Andy asked and you nodded
"Let's go!" You said as Jake whispered into your ears about meeting him after lunch. You sat down in his car, and he sat on the driver's seat, he looked tensed, but you felt that it was just work, probably.
Well it wasn't, he was jealous, after so many years, he felt jealous, when any other male got close to you, just so like Andy in school days back then.
For lunch, he chose your favorite restaurant, and you were just falling for him even more, everyday, and it felt so wrong for you, because he was so hurt, and wasn't probably looking for a commitment or a relationship but you wanted him so much.
You two were sitting and waiting for the waiter to get your food, and just when he tries to ask something the waiter comes in with the food, he sighs again focusing on the food.
"So, what, did Jake ...whisper in your ears?" He asked, while he took a bite of his food. A shocked smile over your face, Andy never asked who you talked to, or what did they say you, but he was interested for the first time.
"What?" He asks looking up, meeting your expression, which made him feel stupid.
"no-nothing! Jake wanted to see me, that's all." You said, that made Andy very mad, and very jealous at the same time. He hated Jake so much now, before even getting to know him.
"oh! t-that's fine, i guess..." he says and takes a bite of his food again, and starts to cough, you look at him, and go to his side, rub his back, and he breathes heavily, and you offered him water.
"you okay?" You asked and he nods, smiling at you.
Time passed, and you were at his place, while he prepared some coffee for the two of you, you were supposed to be seeing, Jake anytime he called, to help him ofcourse.
"Here you go!" He says, and offers you one cup of coffee, and you smiled, taking a sip of the special andy barber coffee. Andy always had a special way of making things, even if it was work, or food or anything, he would do it with his instructions which he makes up in his mind.
"So, how's work, assuming its great because you are." He asks and you chuckle.
"Pretty great, actually, how about you? How's everything, that dick still pushing you about things?" You asked and he clicks his tongue.
"Nah, he's fine, just because i put him to his place." He says and you scoffed. He loved that thing about you, when you rolled your eyes, annoyingly and scoff and mock him, he always used to melt at that sight.
Few minutes later, your phone starts to ring, and your attention turns towards your Phone, the contact read Jake, and you knew he needed you now.
"Sorry, i have to take this."
"ofcourse y/n." He says and smiles as you answered the call.
"Hey, i'll meet you near the shop." He said and you nodded.
"Alright, Jake, i'll see you there now." You said and Andy heard it, he wanted to know what was happening between you two. You ended the conversation, and looked at Andy.
"Hey, i-i have to go, now, i'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes ofcourse, everything okay?"
"Yeah, just some work stuff." You replied, and picked your coat from the hook, near the door, and wore it before giving him the biggest hugs,and he kissed your head.
You left, and just 5 minutes later, Andy started to follow you, he knew it was wrong, but he was being jealous and possessive over you. He saw you park your car, and saw Jake waiting for you there with a huge smile at your sight.
Andy parked his car a bit far, from where he can see you, and just then, you hugged him. His grip tightened on the steering wheel.
"Hey!" You greeted him and embraced him in a warm hug. He hugged you back, and tangled his arm with yours, as a sweet, friendly nature. Andy looks at the shop you two were going, and it wad a jewelry store. He was curious, he felt like you were gonna marry him, or something.
He left. he couldn't take it anymore, and drove to his place, again, anger, jealousy took over him, he was so mad. At the sight of the vase in his house, he smashed it, angrily.
Jake started to ask you some questions while the staff packed his little surprise in the velvet box.
"So, your boyfriend?"
"What? Who?!" You asked and he gave you a huge smirk. You , still confused looked at him raising a brow.
"Andrew Barber, your hot asf boyfriend." He said and you blushed, the mention of his just makes you go crazy.
"We're just friends, nothing else.." you said and he scoffed.
"Yeah, alright Amy and I are also just friends."
"No! Really, there's nothing between the two of us." You said
"You love him don't you?" He asked and You smiled, looking at him.
"A lot." You said and he wraps an arm around you.
"He does too, i saw how jealous he looked when i wrapped an arm around you." He says and laughed along with you, and then you two got into work, again.
Meanwhile, Andy, He sighed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and also a few beers, to lighten his mood.
The T.V played some random series, which he didn't pay attention to. One after one, Andy drank his drink, he was slowly feeling the light mood, which was him being drunk asf.
Soft laughs started to fall from his lips, which were your favorite, when he laughed like that, his hand losely fell over his phone, and he picked his phone in his hands, looking at it.
no missed calls, no messages, no replies nothing from you.
So what he did was dialed your number, and saw the pic of him and you together. Just then, you answered his call.
"Hey, Andy!" You smiled as Jake was now smirking at you. You two decided to have dinner with Amy, and that's where were you.
"Hey Y/n, you sound so beautiful." He says and you smiled.
"Thanks i guess!" You replied, his tone was different, and that wasn't really a very Andy-like.
"I love you so much! Don't marry Jake." He said and your heart literally stopped.
"W-what?" You asked
"I love you Y/n, i love you!!!! Don't you dare marry Jake! Or else i'll murder him." He yelled angrily.
"I'm not going to do that, Andy." You replied.
"Really? Oh god! I thought that i had to come down and ruin your wedding if you would marry him." He giggled and you were worried if he was okay or not.
"andy are you..drunk?" You asked and he laughed, you loved that laugh but right now you were concerned.
"No Y/n, i'm Andy, you literally just called me by my nAmEe." He says.
"Andy, baby listen to me—"
"You called me "baby" awww!! I love it!!" He says and you smile, jake and amy do a small "ooohhh" in the background.
"Yes i did, now listen to me, you'll be going to sleep now, okay?"
"i'll only go to sleep, if you say me you love me." He says and you sighed.
"Fine, I love you so much, Andy." You said and you heard his soft chuckles.
"I love you too, y/n, hell i love you so much more!!!! i'll go to sleep now, mwahh mwahh mwah." He says and passes out on the couch, and you ended the conversation. You only wished he really meant it, but he was drunk.
The night passes away, with a lot of twists and turns, and you decided to show up on his door, in the morning.
Him still passed out on the couch, heard the knock, and walks, thinking of who would be this early, at a weekend, but it was actually 11 a.m. a hand on his head, as the acts of previous nights decided to show its result.
He opens the door, and it revealed you, who just looked at him, and he just looks at you.
"Hey, come in." He says and you enter, and he goes in the kitchen. You look at him, as you sit on the couch near the kitchen counter.
"Fuck hangovers!!" He groaned, drinking water and you smiled.
"You wanna tell me something?" You asked and he looks at you confusingly.
"Your assumption of last night?"
"Oh god—"
"You have 5 minutes, explain yourself!" You said.
"Okay, i know i made a mistake, I shouldn't have followed you , —"
"You followed me?! What?"
"Oh wait...you didn't know that?" He asked and you shook your head.
"What the fuck? Really Andy?!" You raised your voice and sighed and he scrunched his nose.
"I'm sorry Y/n, but listen, i know what I did was wrong, but please! I had my own reasons to do it."
"Why you think Jake's a bad guy? I work with him, since the past 5 years! Andy, he's like a brother to me!"
"Wait, Brother? Then what were you doing at the jewelers?"
"Jake wanted my help with the ring, so he could propose to his girlfriend, Amy!" You replied, and he sighed, slowly resting his fist on his forehead.
"What were your reasons?" You asked and he looked away, staying silent, and you sighed.
"I asked you a question, and I expect an Answer! Not a silent look!"
"Okay Fine! I love you! FUCK!" He yelled. Your expressions softened, and he felt like he ruined everything, he buries his head in his hands, and you cover your mouth, at how shocked you were
"Gosh! You must really hate me right now, I understand if you do—" just then you pressed your lips on his. Your arms slowly wrapped around his neck, and his arms around your waist, as he pulled you closer.
He was shocked, this was definitely not what he expected, but he really loved this. You pulled away, and rest your forehead against his. He smiles and you chuckled.
"I love you too, Andy." You replied and he kissed you again.
"I wanted this from so long!" He says and you smiled.
"Me too, but what you did was wrong, and Also, Jake was right about you being jealous of him." You chuckled and he sighed.
"I was, but you're only mine, so yes!" He says and you laugh, kissing him again.
"God please never stop doing that okay?" He replies making the both of you laugh.
Finally, after years both of you were together. Now you knew that whatever came through any of you or the both of you, you two can get over it together. You were happiest, it was definitely the best day of your life, and his too. With such a great day, comes great memories, and many great memories will be made, in the future, forever. You were his forever, already, and he was yours too.
okay I don't like this one 😭
taglist(those who asked for part 2):
@whxre4cevans @ilikeeverythingx
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel Headcanon : We'll Meet Again
(This may be the most depressing headcanon I have ever written so for fuck's sake, read at your own risk.)
It was Gwyn's birthday today. And she couldn't be more happy. All the girls from the inner circle had spent the day with Gwyn. Even Elain had come back from the day court to spend the day with Gwyn.
While she couldn't be more happier, she saw a glint of sadness in each of their eyes. Saw a glint of sadness in every person she met.
Even in Velaris, when she was strolling through the roads and they were at a mall, people looked at her with sad eyes. As if they pitied her.
But this wasn't pity exactly. The people had happy eyes but they still glistened with tears of sadness. She didn't know what was going on and she didn't ask.
She could ask some other day, right? And besides, she couldn't wait to see her mate tonight.
The bond had recently snapped for her and it was the best feeling in the whole world. Today Azriel was organizing a party for her. She knew he hated people, but she loved that he was doing so much for her. She loved him. Shit, she was gonna have to tell that to him tonight.
But the bat boys had said not to worry, that they'll handle the party and Gwyn should just enjoy her birthday. That is what worried her but she just went with it. She trusted them with her life, but handling a party was not their job.
And now, she was getting ready for the party. She was wearing a beautiful teal dress. Gifted to her by Azriel, and she couldn't be more happy. It was pretty revealing than her normal clothes, but she was happy nonetheless.
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All the girls had gotten ready and now they were simply adding extra makeup and accessories to Gwyn. And when she was ready, they all quieted down for a bit. Just looking at Gwyn through the mirror.
Nesta broke the silence by sighing gratefully and everyone burst out into a laughter. Just before they were going to leave, Feyre called all of them in for a group hug. It was going to be one of Gwyn's most cherished memories, she just knew it. But that hug felt final. That this was there last hug.
But Gwyn didn't say anything, for she was more excited to see her mate. She was in the centre and all the other members of the inner circle surrounded her.
And as she was walking down the staircase, her gaze locked with her mate, Azriel, who was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs, in a black suit. Gods he was so handsome.
But she could care less about that. For she was far more interested in the way his eyes took her in, how they were filled with love. At some point, Gwyn might've felt overwhelmed because of his love for her, but not today. Not today.
And as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, Azriel froze. And she laughed at his nervousness. Cassian was furiously whispering in Azriel's ear to ask Gwyn for a dance, and Rhys wad violently patting Azriel's back.
At some moment, both of them literally pushed Azriel forward and he stumbled, and Gwyn giggled. Seeing Gwyn like this made his racing heart calm a bit, but he still couldn't get the words out.
So Gwyn asked her himself, "Care for a dance shadowsinger? ", and Azriel silently cursed himself, earning a soft chuckle from Gwyn before she extended her hand, and he took it.
They both went to the centre of the dancefloor. And Azriel was grinning from ear to ear seeing Gwyn blush. And he finally spoke the words he'd been dying to speak, "You look beautiful. "
And he could've sworn Gwyn's cheeks became even more redder. But she smiled, a smile that he would die to earn again. And so they danced, they danced and danced for hours, not saying a word. Just looking into each other's eyes and being happy in each other's company.
And she could've sworn that one by one, the inner circle slipped from the ballroom, leaving just her and Azriel alone.
But she didn't care about that, she was happy with the person standing in front of her, whom she loved more than herself. But then, the walls of the ballroom started disappearing. Little by little, even the roofs disappeared.
And Gwyn seemed alarmed, not knowing what was going on, not wanting to either. Azriel sensed her sadness and pulled her closer to him, their foreheads now resting against each other's. Gwyn closed her eyes and nervously asked, "Is this Rhys' magic?" Hoping the answer was yes, and not the thing she knew was happening.
A single tear left Azriel's eyes, and he too closed his eyes. With a broken voice he said, "No love" And they continued dancing, even without the music.
And when Gwyn opened her eyes after a few minutes, she saw Azriel was staring at her. She reached up to him for a kiss, a little one. But Azriel kissed her as if it was the end of the world, cause it was, for him it was.
And then he pulled away, smiling sadly at Gwyn. Gwyn then noticed his shadows had disappeared, so had his wings. She looked around nervously to see that the ground was brown now and that the night sky was fading.
"Gwyn" Azriel said, not leaving her, not letting even an inch of space be there between them. And realization hit Gwyn like a grenade. "No no no no no" She started sobbing against Azriel's forehead.
"Gwyn we don't have much time-", "Don't say that, don't say that don't you DARE say that Azriel."
"But it's the truth love" He said and tugged Gwyn's hair behind her ear. She realized this may be one of the last times he ever did that. "No no no no, please-please don't leave me." Gwyn repeated like a mantra, hoping it would stick, but it didn't.
"Gwyn I need to tell you something-", "Azriel NO, this is not the end-" She cups his cheeks, "Promise me you'll tell it to me tomorrow, promise me"
"You know I can't do that love. " He said and Gwyn started crying, really crying now. "No no no no no" She said and hugged him, resting her head on his chest now. "Gwyn" Azriel said, she could feel him fading away. "I love you" He said and his voice broke, "I love you too Azriel" Gwyn said against his chest, his body was fading away now and she pulled away to look at Azriel, cupping his cheeks once again, "Please don't leave me," "I'd never leave you love. Don't worry, I'll find you again in the next lifetime. It's okay love. It's okay" He said and Gwyn pressed her lips to his.
But she was a second too late, and he had already disappeared. "NO NO NO NO NO" Gwyn shouted and her knees buckled, she was now on the floor,all alone, crying, her head in her hands, she shouted and shouted for all of them to come back, but they didn't.
And when Gwyn looked up, she found herself in a jail. Hybern, she realized. And she then remembered that she had wanted a family so badly, that she had inserted herself as a character in one of the legends she had read. She knew it was fictional, she knew it wasn't real, and that is what scared her.
That all the love she had felt for those people, only to find out that they weren't real, they weren't real. But her love for them was, her love for them was.
She tried thinking that this was just a dream. That that was real and this jail was not. She banged on the jail's rails, shouting and shouting again, hoping someone would listen to her and come rescue her. For once, for once she just wanted to be the damsel who got rescued.
But she knew life was cruel and it was not going to be like that. Even though she had just lost her family, her mate in just a matter of seconds, she knew no one was going to come for her.
A/N : No comments. Just tell me your views on it. I did almost cry twice while writing this.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
the elf in the café chapter 5
A corpse husband story
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(I do not own this photo, nor do I know where it originated from. All credit goes to the artist.)
Summary: Never in his life, did he think going to a cafe and meeting a Harry Potter nerd could change his life. (I’m shit at summaries
A/N: H/N means his name, being that we don’t know what his actual name is currently
It was as if any and all their problems, fears, worries and life escaped them as the weeks went by. It felt as though it was just the two of them, that nobody but them were present when they were together.
Their touches grew longer, and closer, no longer fearing underneath every hug, every small brush of skin. The only thing they had yet to do, was kiss. They both loved where they were, not feeling the need to rush anything, truly captivated in one another and the bubble they created.
She lay against her couch reading a textbook, other hand writing down notes with little thought.
She tried to pay attention to the words, but her mind was elsewhere, being captured by him.
The sound of his laughter drifted through her mind, his head thrown back as a large smile takes over his entire face, tears streaming down from his eyes.
They had watched a film two nights prior, a comedy to be exact. They rarely watched anything but horror, growing tired of the monotonous of the scares. They wanted a laugh, to watch the film with tears in their eyes as they clutch their stomachs.
It was hard not to watch him as he nearly choked on his own breath, snorts coming out every few seconds as he tried catching his breath. It was, amazing. She hadn’t felt this happy in so long, feeling her heart full for the first time in over a year.
She thought she’d never experience happiness again after that fateful day, a shooting pain in her heart at the memory.
She almost felt guilty, having felt happiness again. She never thought it was possible, but his shy smile, dazzling brown eyes and beautiful personality warmed her broken heart, not completely healing it, but filling it with a warmth that she thought had long escaped completely. ‘If only he knew’ she thought.
Tears streamed from his eyes as he pulled his disheveled hair between his fingers, trying to stop the screaming thoughts from his brain.
He knew today was going to be a bad one from the moment he woke up, but he hoped by thinking of her the thoughts would dissipate. If anything, they made it worse.
It wasn’t that the thought of her made them hurt more, but the thought of them.
He always feared the day she would see him the way he saw himself. A broken, sad, shell of a man. But she never looked at him with pity or annoyance. Always a look of love and happiness. She looked at him like he wasn't a damaged man, but a whole, amazing person. A person he sadly wasn’t. And he feared the day she’d realize it.
He sat in the shower, clothes still on as he hugged his knees to his chest.
The water wasn’t running, just sitting there as he tried not to let his mind consume him. His heart grew heavy as he thought of her, her smile making his chest burn in pain.
It was heartbreaking, to feel like she’s slipping away when he rationally knows she isn’t. He can tell himself that it’s just his brain doing this, that what he’s telling himself, isn’t real. But he can’t shake the every so draining and painful thoughts screaming through his brain.
He finally managed to get out of the bath, tears still falling from his eyes. He stopped making any noise, now only silent tears indicating any emotion in him.
He looked up at the mirror, and instantly wished he hadn’t. He never likes looking into it on a good day, let alone when his face is red from insenant crying, eyes bloodshot and fat tears still tracking down his reddened cheeks. Why would she want to be with this? Why him? He’s nothing but a broken, shy, drop out who’s only thing he’s got going for him is his deep voice that causes more pain than anything positive he could think. And he can’t even make himself known for fear of everything he’s built to come falling down!
His face momentarily changed to anger before he smashes his fist into the mirror, the shards instantly imbedding into his hand as he yells out in pain. He rips his hand from it, instant burning pain consuming his entire hand as blood drips from it down his arm. “Fuck!” He yells, panic setting in as the pain doubles.
He doesn’t think as he dials her number, tears falling from his eyes as he frantically tells her what he’s done and the sound of her panicked voice crushing his heart further. She promises to be there fast, mumbling apologizes multiple times, each one being answered with her calming voice saying it’s okay.
Her heart beats out of her chest as she runs down the long hallway, tears collecting in her eyes the closer she gets to his door. She managed to grab the first aid kit in her bathroom before she left, knowing he probably wouldn’t have anything to help.
She bursts through the door, having been given a key a few days prior in case of emergency.
“H/N!” She yells, hearing nothing back as her heart sinks.
She sees the light from the bathroom is on, running as fast as she can to it. She slowly opens it, trying not to startle him. A tear falling down her face when she sees him. He sat facing the floor, bloody hand in his lap as she sees him shaking from crying. “Hey hey hey, look at me hun.” She soothes, crouching down and holding onto his cheek.
He looks into her eyes, seeing tears collecting as she tries blinking them away. “Everything’s gonna be alright I promise. I’m right here, I’m not mad, I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m here to help you okay hun?” She says, making his heart skip slightly. She had no trace of anger or disgust in her face or tone, just purely love and understanding.
He slowly gives her his hand, leaning his head against the wall as he tries to calm his shaking body.
She slowly removes each shard of glass, cleaning each wound with unpost care and a touch so delicate, he couldn’t believe how soft she was being.
He finally was broken from his trance when she wrapped his hand in gauze, looking down and seeing all the wads of bloodied tissues around them. A new wave of tears fell from his eyes, lowering his head again as to hopefully not let her see. But she was smart, and instantly wrapped her arms around his neck.
He wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her onto his lap.
She ran her hands through his hair as she straddled his lap, tears falling from her eyes as she shook in her arms, violently crying into her chest. Her heart burned in sheer pain as his muffled yells shook through her, each one making another fat tear to fall from her eyes. “It’s okay hun, it’s okay, I’m right here and I’m not leaving.” She says, trying to mask her crying in her tone. “Why? Why don’t you just leave? You’re better off that way.” He cries, making her heart ring in pain. Is that what’s been going on? Why he hurt himself today?
She pulls away from him, holding his face in her hands as she runs her thumbs along his cheeks. “I don’t want to, I want to stay here, with you. I don’t care what your brain tells you about yourself H/N. I want you to listen to me when I say this, whatever your brain tells you, I do not see. I see an amazing, caring, beautiful man who has a heart as beautiful as the morning sun on a clever sky. You mean so much to me, and I’d be the dumbest person alive if I left you. I swear on my life H/N, I mean every word.”
For the first time that day, he smiled. A true smile through his tears as he heard her words of admiration. It’s like each word she spoke, it wove through him like a ribbon, coating every inch of his heart and soul. He no longer heard the screams of his brain, only her angelic words floating through like fresh water.
He wrapped his arms back around her, hugging her close as she ran her hands down his back, and for the first time that day, he was at peace.
Her eyes opened slowly, a smile coating her face when she felt the weight of his body atop hers.
They had moved from the bathroom floor to the couch, holding onto him as she lulled him to sleep with a hum, a hand running through his hair.
She looked at the clock on the wall, seeing the arms read 3:47 in the morning. She didn’t even realize how long she had fallen asleep for, just letting her eyes close as she drifted to sleep some hours prior.
She looked down at him, a smile on her face. His face was, peaceful. No longer the strained jaw and furrowed brows he usually had. His lips lay in a pout, making her chuckle lightly.
She ran her finger lightly over his face, slowly running over his lips and down his jaw.
She reaches down, kissing his forehead lightly, smiling when he scoots closer, rubbing his face into her neck. Her eyes grow heavy again, closing them as she lets his rhythmic breathing lul her back to sleep.
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A night of tricks cost me a fortune - literally
It was a warm night in new York, the streets were deserted as I sat in the back of my limousine, the light from the street lights beamed in through the one way glass, making patterns on the black leather seats, and creating beams of light as they hit the diamonds on my cuff links and the gold on my watch.
I was being driven around the lower class backstreets, looking for some hot young cock. I had come straight from my 5th avenue office, where I was the president of a major company, so I was still in my tailored blue suit, silk shirt and tie.
I pulled at my diamond cufflinks as I looked out of the window, for a particular hustler.
His name was Joel, a  muscled, but dumb young fucker about 22yrs, always wore tight leather chaps over his gorgeous ass and a huge package.
I had fucked this guy before but tonight I wanted to breed him so badly.
Leroy was my driver a huge handsome gay black man. He didn't worry about my special needs, as he understood them. It was Leroy who had found Joel for me a few months ago, ensuring
that the kid had everything I wanted.
Leroy was such a hot guy I have always wanted to get into his pants, but I ensured our relationship was kept strictly employer and servant. I knew he felt the same about me and at times the electricity was so powerful, but I always resisted and put him back in his place.
I wont say what I would have liked to do with him, but boy it would be really dirty.
We drove down a deserted backstreet, by now it was raining and the light hit the puddles of water on the ground. Suddenly Leroy started to slow down and I saw a figure in a doorway, it was Joel.
AS the light hit him his muscled legs stood out in his leather chaps , and the light hit his shaved head , he walked over to the limousine and Leroy got out and chatted with him, handing him a wad of notes, they chatted for two or three minutes, I saw Leroy grabbing his crotch and then kissing him before he opened the passenger door.
In he came , he was a vision of a young dumb horny and hot prostitute. Dressed in worn leather chaps, boots shirt and jacket. His head was shaved, with tattoos on the left side of his skull of a butterfly, he had rings on every finger and two gold chains around his neck which I had bought him.
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As he got in the bulge in my tailored suit pants began to expand, 'Hi Joel' I said, 'evening Mr Strang" he replied, 'do you want my place again he said. "Yes Joel I do, lets spend a few hours doing what we do best"
I never took him to my home or any of my apartments, I didn't want anyone to know about my extra curricular activities, plus I loved the idea of going to his housing project home, cheap home cheap or second hand furniture, it gave me a real buzz, as my life was sheer luxury.
He got down in front of me and pushed my legs apart as he gently unzipped my pants and started to feel my package through my silk boxers.
He started to chew through the silk at my dick. As I moaned with pleasure. He knew I mustn't cum until I was inside of him and that would only happen in his bed.
It wasn't too long before we reached the housing project.
There were a number of black kids outside his block. They knew the score, but were only sorry it wasn't them.
Leroy paid them to look after the limo, and he put my thick leather coat on my shoulders, as Joel led the way to the sixth floor.
The lift wasn't working so we walked up the stairs, lined with rubbish and stinking of piss. This place was one hell of a slum. But I liked the idea of slumming it, it was so different from what I knew, the smell so horny rather than the cleanliness of my home which was spotlessly taken care of by my two servants and the immaculate lawns. My body smelt of the expensive washes and colognes, so this for me was so erotic. I knew the price of my coat alone could buy one of these places.
We went into his apartment a one bedroom hovel. He was not a tidy kid, but that's what I liked about him.
Le Roy took my coat and sat to watch TV as me and Joel disappeared into his bedroom. The bed was unmade and u could see where his body had been, I leant down and smelled it, so manly so horny, he watched and smiled.
I walked up to him and we embraced, our tongues in each others mouths tasting each other pulling in each others breath. My hands ran to his perfectly shaped ass cheeks as he started to undo my belt and work on my zip
I was rock hard by now seeping precum into my expensive silk boxers, his budge was it normal huge size accentuated by the chaps.
I took off my dark blue pinstriped jacket and put it on a chair, he looked up at me and smiled ‘you smell so good sir’ he said, ‘thanks boi’ I said, he took off his leather jacket and dropped it on the floor, then the leather shirt.
His body stunk of BO, and that drove me crazy, I got down and started to lick at his left arm pit enjoy the smell of a real man.
As I was doing this he pulled off my tie, and shirt followed by my vest so I was bare cheated like him
'what have u got for me Joel ' I said, and he pulled out some spliffs. 'light up boi' I said, we sat on his bed as he lit up the spliffs in the slightly lit room, his face so young so hard so horny, as I watched every move.
The light hitting the rings in his ears, three on each ear and the ring in his nose, he had two in his left eyebrow, not to mention the two I had bought him for his tits.
I reached over and rubbed my hands on the tats on his arms and chest, enjoying his young muscular body.
The match went out and he took a couple of drags and handed the spliff too me. He only bought the best Leroy saw to that, and boy did it have a kick. We kissed and exchanged the smoke as we rebreathed.
The sound of the police sirens and gangs shouting in the streets added to my excitement, it wasn't long before I pushed him on the bed and was removing his boots, pulling gently as the came away from his heels.
I had to smell my boi so I placed them to my face pulling in the smell of the leather and his foot sweat, which made me stand even harder.
He was desperate to unloosen his chaps and jeans so I could gain entry and so gently I pulled them off to reveal the goods I had paid for. His cock was huge and erect the ring through the centre stood up straight as if at attention for its master, his metal cock ring embraced his balls, and helped them gently fall towards the bed
Within seconds my face was in his crotch, smelling the sweat and man smell of his dick and balls, no cologne just pure male, I rubbed my face in it, to ensure his smell was on every part of my face. I held out my hand and he passed me the spliff, I took two deep breaths and handed it back, my head was light I was spinning and in ecstasy as I put his huge member in my mouth enjoying this young boys taste and feel.
He wrapped his muscular legs around my neck to hold me there
I reached for his tits until his dick started to seep, I loved his young manly taste. . I indicated enough and he released me.
I undid the belt of my suit trousers and let them fall to the ground. Looking into his black eyes as huge smile, wanting so much to breed with my tattooed pierced slut boi.
I kick off my shoes and got in-between his legs putting his ankles on my shoulders, ‘you want me boi’?’ yes sir, every bit of you’
I pushed the head of my dick against his man hole and gently began to push
I has so much pre cum it lubed my entry and then gently I moved in, he knew what to do pulling at my tits as I went deeper and deeper into that filthy prostitutes body ramming my manliness into his guts, the sweat was pouring the smell riveting I started to pound him
Stopping only to drag on the spliff.
I didn't hear but Leroy but he had entered the room and was watching it was only when Joel smiled at him that I saw him, he came over,’ no Leroy, you the rules stand back’
Leroy was angry but moved away muttering something like ‘I will fuck you sometime’
I continued to push into Joel, as Leroy watched with his package getting bigger, Joel was ripping at my tits, and I was so high on the spliff, suddenly my balls started to pull and I shot a huge load several wads deep into my boi, god his face was in ecstasy as his cum shot past him hitting the window and gently running down the glass, I collapsed on him, my sweat mingling with his and started to kiss him deeply holding him in my arms as he pressed himself against me, we just started at each other smiling.
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Suddenly there was a snide look on his face, something I hadn't seen before.
‘My turn’ he said, I looked quizzically at him, ‘what’?, ‘my turn to fuck you’ he said smiling, ‘dont be stupid Joel’ I said, and called for Leroy, Leroy came over and grabbed hold of Joel but not in the way I expected, he started to kiss him .
They both looked down at me on the bed smiling, Leroy spoke up in his deep black voice, ‘you heard him, he wants to fuck you boi’ he said 
I started to stand up, but he pushed me back down holding a menacing fist to me, ‘what the hell Leroy, don’ be so fucking stupid, ill have you inside if you don't do as I say’
He started to laugh, ‘who do you think you are. Its only your money and possessions that define you, if someone else was in there they would be a better person than you, you fucking snob’ , with that he slapped me hard on the face, I winched, ‘don't be fucking stupid’ I shouted, ‘how much do you want?
Joel came over to me and caressed my face with his hand, ‘your a handsome fucker, I want it all’ ‘all’ I said  ‘yes everything’ he said, ‘once my cum is in your hole our DNA will mingle and you will be one low male prostitute, you like it here and u like me, so you can really enjoy it, I'm off to the Hamptons’ with that he slapped me
‘What! ’I screamed, with that Leroy pushed me down on the bed and gagged me, I struggled but he was too strong, the drugs were also affected my ability.
He tied my hands to the bedstead and within seconds Joel was in-between my legs, ‘I want to taste him first’, said Joel to Leroy, ‘Ok baby’ he said. and with that he pulled my ankles over my head so my ass was easily accessed, I tried to scream but couldn't.
Joel got down and started to lick at my ass, the feeling was unbelievable his warm tongue deep inside me,
He looked up at me, ‘you look terrified, don’t worry, you taste so damn good, but that taste will soon be mine’
He aimed his huge erect cock at me with its piercing, ‘you always liked this soon it will be yours’ Joel said. Suddenly I felt may arse being defiled, id never been fucked before and I screamed through the gag and tried to get free, I was too drugged and weak, inch by inch he delved into me pushing deeper and deeper, it was painful, but felt damn good.
Suddenly Leroy appeared, he had stripped, and stood over my head, he took off the gag and sat on my face, that huge black ass, down on my face his smell over my nose and mouth he was suffocating me. I was struggling as I was being defiled at one end and suffocated with man smell at the other,
I was as hard as steel and excited, then it happened, Joel shot into me I could feel his dna entering my guts and swirling around my body.
My own cum shot all over Leroy, as he got off me.
Joel pulled out of me and kissed Leroy, ‘it will be ours soon baby’ he said, to Joel  ‘yeah and this fucker will get his just deserts, shames its so good a body your giving him’
Joel started to pull out all his piercing and put them on the table and his rings, ‘mustn't have anything on baby when the change happens these are his now’  he said, he then lay down next to me.
He leaned over and started to kiss me with his tongue going deep into my throat, his arms went around me and he wrapped his legs into mine, I enjoyed it and responded, as we kissed he seemed to be sucking me out from the inside my memories intelligence everything.
Suddenly I started to shake and see lights in my eyes I couldn't move.
Memories started to appear in my head, memories of a deprived childhood in the ghetto drunken mother and criminal father, somehow it was as if they were my family.
I was an intelligent guy but it was as if holes were appearing in my brain and the light was getting out, my mind was slowing down a pace and I couldn't calculate or think in the same way, memories of sleeping in the park, being raped it was all me I was that person.
My body was being pulled somehow on the sheets in fact it was reducing in size, I could feel my ass getting tighter, and numerous changes in my muscles and face.
My knowledge as a city broker disappeared although I knew who I was, even my vocabulary was reduced, I felt so dumb so stupid, not in control.
I could hear Leroy from elsewhere in the room shouting ‘its unbelievable were going to be filthy rich’
I was in terror at what was happening, what were they doing to me, and what were they going to do with me, I started to shout, ‘help me, help me’ but it wasn't my voice it was Joel's.
The pain lasted for about twenty minutes, and when I woke up from it, I was soaked in sweat,
I looked around the room and saw Leroy smiling, and lying next to me it was, ME, I screamed and stood up, but it wasn't my body I was younger and covered in tattoos.
Leroy grabbed me tightly from behind holding my arms, and walked me to a mirror, ‘NOOOO’I screamed out ‘NOOO it cant be real. I was Joel the short male prostitute, ‘help me Leroy help me!’ I screamed.
‘Hey babe what do you want me to do to you?’ said Leroy, ‘Leroy its me Mr Strang, your employer’, ‘No man, your Joel a prostitute, a fuck boi’, he laughed and released me.
I looked over and Leroy was kissing my body and it was responding, ‘damn I'm a rich man now, my mind feels so alive’, and he kissed Leroy.
he took some piercing from the table, ‘Joel these are yours now’ he smiled I tried to run but Leroy grabbed me pushing me to the floor, ‘now come on slut’ he said, ‘do as your master says’ ‘Ill give you an extra $50 for this’ he started laughing as Leroy held me down.
He got on tip of me and put the piercing in my ears and then my nose, he moved to my tits which just started my dick rising, and then my dick. ‘all in place’ he said to Leroy, Doesn't he look the part.
I looked at them in tears, ‘but why?’ Leroy looked at me ‘youre a mean fucking bastard Strang, you never cared about any one, now ill get to fuck your ass your useless piece of trash’
‘No,’ I cried .
The old Joel, now me, started putting on my vest and silk boxers, followed by my well pressed silk shirt and tie. He adjusted my diamond cufflinks, and then pulled up my suit pants over his ass and belted himself in. He picked up my socks and put them on sliding into my shoes.
He smiled as he did it, with Leroy watching and getting more aroused.
‘there my clothes’ I shouted, both of them laughed at me and threw Joels jeans and chaps at me, ‘’dress slut’, he said in my body and voice
I pulled the worn 501s up over my ass they felt good as the caressed my balls and dick, then the used dirty leather chaps, they fit me to perfection.
‘Woof’ he said, ‘you'll get some business tonight with that’ as he sneered’
‘Hey Leroy’ he said ‘try out my slut boi, and give him 100 dollars extra, no, he’s given me a lot, millions in fact, tonight $150 should do’
I knew he has control of my millions and there was nothing I could do, Leroy grabbed me and in seconds he was inside me fucking me raw, whispering in my ear as he rammed it home, strangely I enjoyed it, the body was used to this treatment.
I felt I should love Leroy but it was apparent that wasn't the case. Joel was the one he wanted not his body and that is all I was to him.
He stood in front of Leroy and pulled out what was my dick, Leroy sucked it, he had always wanted his bosses attention.
Leroy enjoyed sucking all the pre cum he was in his element. My body suddenly said, ‘interesting memories here Leroy, this body always fancied you, perhaps if he had acted on it he wouldn't be me now, eh Joel’ he said laughing at me.
‘Its time Leroy’ the thief who stole my body said. I was terrified. leroy put my leather coat on his shoulders, ‘get him dressed, his rings are there he said pointing to the table., Leroy got hold of me and made me wear the leather shirt and the jacket
He took my hand and forced 10 rings on them, ‘perfect’ he said, he got hold of my head, I was crying ‘ ah shucks,’ he kissed me,’ ‘heres your keys, lock your place up ’he said ‘and come with us’. I locked the door of the apartment and followed them down the filthy litter ridden stairs to the limo, he got in, then me. Leroy paid the guys for looking after the limo and we were off,
We stopping in the alleyway where I had picked Joel up, he looked at me ‘out boi, go earn some money’ I was terrified, I touched his hand, he slapped me hard his gold ring cut my face, ‘never touch me, my pants are worth more than your life , now get out'
Leroy opened the door and let me out, ‘enjoy’ he said, ‘I will’, they drove off in my limo with my body and my life, I looked down at myself I was a male prostitute with little chance of doing anything else.
A car came by, I got in my life of tricks had begun.
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dykish-autist · 2 years
Every now and then I think about how as a Ninth Grader I completely summed up my history teacher's lesson plan for the Entire Day and completely broke his spirit in less than two minutes.
Dear reader, I don't know How this came to pass but for whatever reason I learned So Much About the Holocaust in middle school. Not to say that kids shouldn't be taught about it, it's important to hold back the horrific conspiracy theories that try to claim it Never Happened in spite of the extensive records kept by the Nazis Themselves-- I'm getting off track, this post isn't about that.
But when I told you I had been Thoroughly Taught about the Holocaust, I mean that by the time I was in my first semester of high school, and my English teacher told us to come up with brief research questions in preparation for reading Eli Weisel's "Night", I was Out Of Questions I hadn't already gotten answered. I sat there with a blank piece of paper for about 5 minutes, before eventually landing on "why the jews, specifically?"
I knew that other minority groups had been persecuted under Nazi rule, from the Romani people to the disabled to queer people to eventually Pretty Much Any Religion, because that's what Fascism Does (Thanks, 7th grade world history), but in the majority of the propaganda I'd seen, The Jews were marketed as The Threat. The big thing dragging Germany down. So I set about my research, as we had Two Full Class Periods to put this project together.
The answer I got to with some surface level googling boiled down to things I'd already heard, but wasn't satisfied with. That Hitler never got into Art School. That he might've had a Jewish grandmother he disliked. None of it answered why the group he scapegoated Had to be the jews, and I had 10 slides to fill, so I had to dig deeper.
I eventually laid out a rough timeline, beginning with Judaism's black sheep status as the first monotheistic religion in its region, to slavery in Egypt, to the Christkiller conspiracy, to the fact that insular jewish communities, particularly with their cleanliness practices in personal hygiene, food preparation, and funerary practices, were not as affected by the devastation of the Black Plague (thanks again, 7th grade world his), to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of the first world war, the german politicians who did so Happening to be Jewish, and the economic impact of the war reparations, which comfortably filled out my presentation as I capped it off with the scapegoating required to soft pitch fascism. I got my A and then moved on to actual English work for the rest of the semester without incident.
Fast forward to my second semester of my 9th grade year. My American History teacher was a real wad. Not as a teacher or anything, he wasn't too harsh a grader, very dedicated in making sure you got down the notes, but he had the habit of coming in after the fact to make sure his own opinion on the matter was very well known. He was also the kind of teacher that would ask the question he intended to answer and be real smug as he corrected your "wrong" answer. For example, when he taught us about The Great Depression, the kids in my class, when asked, ended up placing blame with the economic policies of Herbert Hoover. He went out of his way to defend Hoover, claiming "he simply believed too much in the free market" and going on to detail the specific economic practices that contributed to the crash. None of my class liked him.
So one fine April Morning, right as we were set to start talking about World War II, he asked us a question. "Why the Jews?" I felt like I'd been given the tools to finally humble this man. I let some of my classmates answer first, giving him the surface level answers I'd found a few months ago. Art school. Grandmother. One kid who'd been paying attention even brought up the Treaty of Versailles. My teacher's smug smile only grew wider, "Well, yes, but there's more to it than that..." As if there was nothing that brought him glee like correcting Children who hadn't yet been taught. He waited for us to run out of answers. He always did. I raised my hand.
"There's actually a longstanding history of antisemitism, basically as old as the religion itself, so Hitler scapegoated the Jews to get the gentile majority on board with his authoritarian policies."
His face fell. I think the man actually Deflated a little. He put away the projector screen, revealing he'd drawn an extended version of the timeline I'd laid out in my powerpoint a few months ago on the whiteboard.
"Well, I guess you can go home. For the rest of you..."
I don't think he ever emotionally recovered.
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miraculousamara · 3 years
I got a story idea earlier today, I posted two chapters on my wattpad today. Basically it's a story idea where Chloe has a twin sister. But the twin is actually nicer than Chloe and only does what Chloe tells her because she makes her. This is Stoneheart Orgins Part 2.Because of text limit I'll add two parts. If anyone has any questions about missing plot points you can just comment or I might post the first chapter. Also Chloe and Cameron aren't identical twins, they have the same hair color, but they have different eye color, they are fraternal twins even though they are the same gender. (If I got any facts about twins wrong please tell me.my mother is an identical twin so I don't really know much about fraternal twins as I've only met one set)
Cameron's POV:
On the TV:
Nadja: (standing to the side of a picture of one of Stoneheart's minions, tablet in hand) The stone beings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. (a variety of pictures is shown) Police have cordoned off the area.
Father: (on television alongside officer Roger) We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway.
(The camera flips backs to Nadja standing next to a photo of Ladybug and Cat Noir.)
Nadja: Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug and Cat Noir, to save us all. Our lives depend on them.
I'm going to go to bed for the night.. I just hope tomorrow will be better.
Ladybug and Cat Noir.. I believe in you. I trust you. I know you can save us.
I better get dressed before Chloe complains..
"Cameron! I set out your clothes!" I hear Chloe call out.
"Oh yay. What would I do without you?" I say sarcastically
"You would do nothing without me, because I always outshine you." Chloe says
"I'm just gonna get dressed." I groan
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I rush downstairs to the hall and am the first to see father.
"Hey dad." I say
"Cameron. Are you okay? You're not scared about everything going on right?" He asks
"No father, I trust you, Ladybug and Cat Noir. I know they will save us." I say
"Thank you sweetie, I'll do everything in my power to keep you and your sister safe." He says
"I know you will." I say giving him a hug.
A few minutes later..
Chloe comes downstairs.
"Hey is Jean whatever his name is ready with the car?" Chloe asks
"Yes, and remember to be safe dear." Dad says
"Yeah whatever. Come on Cameron!" Chloe says
I follow after Chloe and get in the limo.
In the limo
"And you better remember what we talked about last night." Chloe says
"Of course Chloe." I say
I forgot to write in my diary about the whole Stoneheart thing last night, but I guess I can do it later today. When Chloe isn't bothering me.
"Okay we're here." Chloe says
We exit the limo, greet Sabrina and enter the school.
"Woah look, it's Ivan." I say to Chloe.
"Let's go and see what the crowd around him wants." Chloe says with a suspicious looking smirk.
Oh no.. she's up to no good. She never is.
Especially when that look overtakes her facial expression.But I can't do anything no matter what she does... She warned me what will happen if I mess up again today. I just hope that she decides to be not so harsh for once, but the likelihood of that happening is slim to none unfortunately.
We walk over to the group.
"So you don't remember anything that happened? Alix asks Ivan.
"You were going ballistic! It was so cool!" Says Juleka.
"You were gonna crush me or something!" Says Kim
"I'm so sorry,  I wasn't myself." Ivan says
"I'm sure Ivan didn't mean to-" I start
Chloe Elbows me.
"What did we just talk about Cameron?" Chloe asks
"Oh right sorry. " I say sadly
"Once a monster, always a monster!" Chloe says
Ivan growls and storms off.
"Oh and don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Chloe says laughing
Third Person POV:
Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.
Hawk Moth: Yes… feel the burn of those words. Lose your temper, Ivan! Your akuma awaits you. (taps on the cane that is holding the akuma)
Cameron's POV:
"How could you say such horrible things to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart!" Alya yells at Chloe
"Yeah, I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm.Back me up Cameron." Chloe says
"Just because you got that dumb footage of those superheroes doesn't mean you should get all high and mighty." I say
Chloe laughs and blows a bubble in Alya's face.
I do feel bad for what I said, but if Chloe ever catches me apologizing, it will be the end of me.
"Ugh! You little brats!" Alya starts
"Look everyone! She's angry! She's gonna split her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster!" Chloe says
Alya growls and storms off.
Suddenly I see Adrien appear and wave to us.
"Hey Chloe, hey Cameron!" Adrien says
"Hi Adrien." I say
"Adrikins! You came!" Chloe says running over to him to hug him
I see a bunch of people who recognize him start to gush over him.
"Isn't it amazing that you, me and my twin sister are all in the same class?!" Says Chloe
"Yeah, it is, I already have two people I know." Adrien says with a smile.
"Wow you look a lot like your mother." I say in awe.
"What?" He asks
"She said nothing." Chloe says while glaring at me.
"Cameron?" He asks
"Yeah, Chloe's right. I said nothing." I say
"One more slip up Cameron." She threatens
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I say
"Yeah, it better not." She says
I could've sworn Adrien passed a shocked look at Chloe, but that could be me just hoping someone heard her for once.
As we enter the classroom and Adrien finishes giving random people his autograph, Chloe rushes in front of us.
"Look Adrikins! I saved you a seat right in front of me!" Chloe says
"Thanks Chloe." Adrien says sitting next to Nino.
I sit in my seat behind Sabrina.
"Hi." Adrien says looking at Nino
"So you're friends with Chloe and Cameron?" Nino asks suspiciously
I feel bad for him anyway..
Suddenly I hear Adrien making an issue of something, I turn around and see Chloe and Sabrina putting gum on Marinette's seat.
"Woah, what are you doing?" Adrien asks
"The brats who sat here yesterday need some attitude adjustment, so I'm gonna teach it to them." Chloe says
Adrien gets up.
"I really don't think that's necessary." Adrien says
"Adrikins, no offense but you have a whole lot to learn about school culture." She says
"Didn't you already insult Alya in the hall?" I ask outloud on accident.
"Cameron what was that?" Chloe asks threateningly
"Nothing important." I say
"That's what I thought." She says
I look at the top of my desk sadly.
Suddenly I hear the familiar voice of Marinette shout.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I hear her say.
I look up and see Adrien picking at the gum on Marinette's seat.
Oh poor Adrien..
"Um-" he says
Chloe and Sabrina laugh.
Chloe glares at me for not laughing, so I just go along with it.
"Haha so funny you four." Marinette says
"Wait, I was just trying to get it off!" Adrien says
"Sure you were." Marinette says
Chloe and Sabrina keep laughing.
"Ugh, you're friends with the terrible two huh?" She asks
Honestly I don't blame her for that comment, but it still hurts everytime someone compares me to Chloe.
"Why do people keep saying that?" I hear Adrien quietly and sadly ask.
Marinette covers her seat with a tissue, and the two sit down
"See what I mean about respect?" Chloe asks
Adrien sadly sighs.
"Hey where's Ivan?" I ask
"How should I know where that brute is?" Chloe asks
"Why didn't you tell them that it was 'The Terrible Two's' idea?" I hear Nino ask
"I've known Chloe and Cameron since I was little... and while they may not be perfect, I can't throw them under the bus, they're my only friends. And I'm starting to think Cameron might not really have much to do with Chloe's plans.." I hear Adrien say.
He's the first person who has ever said anything nice like that about me..
"The terrible two are a package deal my man.. but I'm Nino, and it's about time you made some new friends." I hear him say
He deserves good friends. I wish I was allowed to have friends...
Third Person POV:
Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.
Hawk Moth: Yes. This is what I've been waiting for. You know the way, evil akuma. Track down your prey! Fly away and evilize him!
(The akuma held in Hawk Moth's cane exits it and flies out the window.)
Scene: The locker room. Ivan is upset. The akuma flies in and infects Ivan's wadded-up song lyrics.
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) This is your second chance, Stoneheart, and this time you have extra help. No one will stop you from capturing the love of your life. Just remember, I'll need something in return.
(Ivan is akumatized into Stoneheart again. He opens his eyes and all the other stone beings across Paris start waking up.)
I'll link the rest of this chapter when I post the rest of it.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Sixty-Six
Words: 5k
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze
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"Are you okay?" I ask Duff as we stand in the elevator of the Playboy office in Chicago where many of their photoshoots are held.
I’m actually thanking God we’ve managed to get this far without paparazzi catching on...then again they’re pre-occupied probably surrounding the guys’ hotel. 
Duff slammed back a startling amount of Vodka Tonics on the plane over here, to combat his rancid anxiety, that I had no idea even existed until we were seated on the plane and he nearly passed out after turning sheet white and breathing abnormally fast. 
"Yeah." He says in almost a slur. "I'm great." 
The plan is to get him a hotel room in the city for tonight and give him money for his flight back tomorrow, so all he brought is his bass, and the way his knuckles are turning white from holding on to the case it’s in, I can tell something’s up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask him.
“I’m fine.”
“If you’re upset over the flight over here--”
“--What if these people are creeps?” He cuts me short, and I realize he’s not still upset over the flight.
“What do you mean?”
“Tansy’s had shitty luck with slimy photographers before, right? She’s told us stories of them, like, hitting on her and making her uncomfortable.”
“What if one of these motherfuckers is like that?” He looks at me.
“Well, that’s why I made sure someone accompanied me...someone, i.e. you.” I nudge him.
“Yeah and if something happens and I kick ass, I’m gonna be in trouble, Nikki’s gonna find out we’re here, then he’s gonna--”
“--Do you need more alcohol or something?” I try not to sound too harsh, genuinely worried about his mental state at the moment.
He’s just freaking out about every fucking thing there is to freakout about.
“I just don’t want you to be in trouble, is all.” He mumbles, sighing, and I lick my lips.
“I’m not going to be in trouble, okay? It will be fine. Just take a deep breath, and relax.”
The elevator doors open to reveal a set, an array of soft lighting, a faux house setting, a hair and makeup station, and wardrobe (what bits and pieces of it I’ll actually have on).
I spot Danielle, in all her gorgeous yet professional glory, and she ushers us over to where she’s sitting, talking to the makeup artist.
“Hi, it’s good to see you again.” She tells me, just seeing me yesterday.
“You too.” I reply smiling. I see her eyes catch on Duff. “This is my friend, Duff.” I explain to her. “He’s here for moral support.” I add.
“Ah, Danielle Wythers.” She tells him.
“Duff McKagan.” He replies.
“Nikki couldn’t make it?” She asks me next.
“The thing is...he kind of doesn’t know about it.” I explain to her and she raises her brows. “It’s a surprise.” I lie, not telling her the real reason I didn’t tell him is actually because he wouldn’t necessarily like it.
“Well, he’ll love it.” She assures me.
“Oh, he sure will.” I reply with the same smile.
“Okay, not that you don’t look gorgeous as is, but we’re gonna spruce you up some. Starting out, we’re gonna have you in a little clothing, and then strip down as we go along.” She lays out the plan and I nod. “This is Lucille, she’s doing your hair and makeup, Maarin is your photographer, and when we finish the shoot, I will be interviewing you.” She adds.
“Got it.”
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few minutes.” She waves before walking to the photographer.
It wasn’t as bad as thought it would have been. There really wasn’t much to it: just look like you’ve got perpetual “fuck me” eyes, follow the suggestions thrown at you by the photographer, and don’t clam up when you hear:
“Alright, let’s lose the clothes.” Maarin says.
My eyes nervously dart to Duff, who I can tell is trying to keep himself at ease like I am.
I look at Danielle next, who’s off to the sidelines, and she gives me an encouraging nod.
I try not to shake as I take the skimpy top they gave me, off, seeing Duff avert his gaze as they have me lay down on my stomach for a few shots of my body against a faux fur rug.
After I’ve gotten everything they want me to get in that position, Maarin is glancing around before I see his eyes lock on Duff’s bass case that’s resting at the tall blondes feet.
“Hey, you.” He says to Duff, catching his attention and Duff looks at him. “What’s in that thing?”
“...A bass?” Duff replies, slightly confused.
“What does Nikki Sixx play?!” Maarin slightly raises his voice to get an answer from anyone who knows.
“Bass?” I tell him.
“Perfect. I want pictures of you with the bass.” He tells me, motioning to Duff to get it out of the case.
“What?” Me and Duff ask at the same time.
If I get pictures with Duff’s bass, Nikki will recognize it, and kill the both of us if it makes it into the final cut.
“Bass. Naked girl. Now.” He repeats, and Duff looks at me.
“It’s fine.” I assure him, lying, but not wanting to waste anymore time because these people have busy schedules.
“Fine.” He mumbles, getting his bass out, carefully handing it to me, trying not to look at my naked body.
Not only was I mortified, nearly, when he told me to put the bass between my legs--covering my netherregion whilst holding onto the neck, being sure to position my arms where the only thing people could see were the round of my  boobs--but when he told me to, and I quote, verbatim, “make love to the bass” (as if my bare pussy and tits weren’t already all over it) me and Duff both looked like we were going to jump out of the window.
Within two more hours, the shoot and the interview is over--our final shot is of me sitting against a black backdrop, not a stitch of clothing on, covering my chest with my arm, with my legs crossed to keep myself as modest as possible for the cover.
“So now what?” Duff asks me as we head to the exit of the building when we get to the lobby.
“Go to the hotel.” I say.
“...The hotel the guys are at?”
“But then--”
“--We can just say I didn’t want to fly alone.” I shrug.
He thinks for a moment, then sighs.
“How about, I catch a cab back to the airport and go back home.”
“Duff, why?” I ask, a little disappointed, stopping before we get to the door.
“I don’t want to start shit between you and him and it doesn’t make any sense to say you didn’t want to fly alone so you brought me with you.”
“I don’t want you getting back on another plane so soon if you--”
“--I’ll be fine, Viv.” He assures me and I furrow my brows a little.
“Duff.” I start.
“Vivian, it’s fine.” He tells me. “I’m being serious. Don’t fucking argue with me, it is okay.” He sternly, but friendly, promises.
“Okay.” I finally relent, nodding a little.
“Just call me tonight, alright?”
“Yeah.” I agree.
He gives me his best smile before I’m hugging him.
“Thank you.” I tell him. “And I’m sorry I molested your bass.”
We both laugh, remembering the odd predicament, and I pull away looking up at him.
“It’s an honor.” He sarcastically lets out, and I wrinkle my nose. “I love you, be careful getting to the hotel.”
“I will.” I hand him the wad of cash he’s going to need to get a ticket back to L.A. and he takes it.
“Thanks.” He accepts it. “See you later.”
“See you later.”
We give each other one last look before we leave, except I go left, and he goes right.
My theory about the hotel being wrapped up in media is 1000% correct as I arrive, the driver saving Fred a trip as he gets out to help me through the ten feet to the door.
"It's great, we're great." I tell a reporter that asks me "how are things with Nikki?"
"What business did you have in Los Angeles?" Another one asks as I approach the front doors of the hotel where Fred is waiting. 
"My dad's birthday." I lie, feeling relief the second Fred's large hand pushes lightly against my back, ushering me inside. 
"Your dad's birthday?" He asks, knowing that was bullshit and I roll my eyes, taking my sunglasses off when we get in the elevator. 
"It's like an act of congress to take a shit without someone asking me how it affects my marriage." I state and he laughs. 
"How're you feeling?" He asks me and I furrow my brows. "Your blood pressure."
"Oh, I think it's okay. I have an informative  sheet of paper to dictate what I eat and drink and what other medicine I can and can't take while on my antidepressant. The second I can get onto a different medication, I'm taking it." 
"Well, be glad you're alive. You dying would've really inconvenienced Doc McGhee." He tells me and I chuckle. 
"Yeah, that evil genius knows how to work the public like a vibrator with never ending battery life." I scoff and he looks at me. "What?"
The doors of the elevator open on our floor apparently.
"I've missed you." He admits.
"I'm glad you have. Bet everyone else has been thanking God I haven't been here to cry on their good time." I say as we walk down the hall. 
"Actually, I was gonna talk to you about that." He says and I raise my brows as he glances around to make sure the coast is clear. "Sixx hasn't been doing too good." 
"Oh, no, how horrible. Wasn't like he publicly humiliated his wife--or at least let another woman do so by announcing their entire relationship on national TV for everyone and their mom to see, or anything." I sarcastically let out. 
"Viv, I'm being serious, here." He tells me, reaching in his pocket for my room key, unlocking my door. 
"I know you are. And I'm saying if anyone has the right to be in hell right now, it's me. I don't want to hear about how hard he's taking it. He wouldn't have to take anything if he would've given a damn sooner, rather than waiting for his mistress to air out his bullshit in front of his wife and thousands of other people."
"Who says I give a damn now?" I hear Nikki's voice behind us and I stop in my tracks, seeing Fred with his eyes closed as if preparing for a time bomb to go off. 
I turn to face Nikki, who's inches infront of me, and he looks down at me with a clenched jaw, looking like he just rolled out of bed, only wearing his leather pants from last night. 
"Oh, if it isn't the marital fuck-up." I throw at him. 
"Nice to see you, too, wicked cunt-bitch of the west coast." He hisses. 
"Okay, if you two are gonna go back and forth, please do so where hotel guests who're trying to enjoy their stay, aren't at risk of witnessing it." Fred suggests, motioning into the hotel room.
"I'd rather castrate myself than be trapped in a room with her." Nikki argues. 
"Please do so, maybe it'll keep you from tripping and falling, landing you in other women I'm friends with and becoming engaged to them." I snap back. 
"Bitter much?"
"Go play in traffic."
"Don't threaten me with a good time." 
"Anything's a good time to you if it involves not being a half-way decent husband, at the least."
"Okay, like you're 'wife of the year' Miss 'run when shit gets messy'."
"Need I remind you 'shit got messy' because you had an entire girlfriend, got engaged, and then she proceeded to indulge me and everyone else in the world when it was broadcasted nationwide?"
"No, baby, I remember it like it was three fuckin' days ago judging by how long you just fucking up and ran for without giving me a chance to explain a damn thing." 
"Just making sure you didn't forget since I can only imagine how much smack you've been shooting yourself full of to drown out the self-hate--which is well deserved, by the way."
"Just like it's gonna be well deserved when I bend you over my lap and--"
"--Okay, get in here." Fred tugs me inside to avoid our fight getting physical.
He’s shutting the door before Nikki can say anything else, shutting him outside, as I set my bag down and go pee.
“Vivian, I’m not done talking to you.” Fred says from the room and I roll my eyes.
“I’m peeing, Fred, can we talk about my imploded marriage when I get done?”
“No, because we’re leaving for Chicago early tomorrow morning.” He leans against the bathroom door frame, covering his eyes to keep from seeing me on the toilet.
“Okay, then talk to me.” I tell him, getting done, wiping and flushing the toilet, standing at the sink to wash my hands.
“We know he’s on smack again, Viv.” he informs me.
“I could’ve told you that.” I reply, drying my hands.
“No, no, he’s on smack again but he’s trying to act like he isn’t.”
“Because he knows Doc will strangle him and he doesn’t wanna hear it.” I shrug, stepping past him.
“He was doing good until this Vanity mess got between you two.” He states.
“Nikki was shooting heroin again before the Vanity thing happened. He was on heroin the night of our anniversary.”
His eyes widen when I tell him this.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?!” He asks me and I raise my brows.
“I didn’t want him to get in trouble.” I admit honestly and he groans, rubbing his eyes.
“Vivian.” He complains.
“What, sorry, I thought he’d get a grip back on it...at least he told me he would.”
“Yes, because the past few days have obviously proven he can be trusted.” He argues. “He can’t even keep his vows, Viv, what the fuck made you think he’d get back on the wagon after falling off?”
“I didn’t know he wasn’t keeping his vows at the time, Fred, sorry.” I brush him off, pulling my hair back from my face with a ponytail holder.
“...Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll talk to Doc, we’ll figure something out before he starts spiraling.”
“I doubt he’s going to start spiraling, Fred. He tends to only let it get out of control when he’s bored.” I quickly remember him shooting up on stage during the last tour, and ODing in London… “We’ll figure something out, alright? Don’t go panicking to Doc and if you do tell Doc, don’t make it obvious to Nikki that you know what’s up and you want him to stop. He feels attacked and lashes out when people do that. Just keep an eye out for dealers and try to keep him company so he doesn’t feel lonely or alone.” I suggest.
“Well, I know when I tell Doc, what his makeshift solution will be.” He says and I raise my brows.
“What’s that?”
Reason number 1,468 that proves Doc was absolutely crazy…
“Oh, absolutely not.” I state the next night as me, Doc and Fred are walking backstage to get to the guys’ dressing rooms.
“Viv, just listen--” Doc starts but I cut him short.
“--We’re already having to lie to everybody and act like we’re still together, what the hell do you mean ‘make up’ with him?!” I snap, turning on him and he exhales.
“I don’t mean forgive him, I mean as long as he feels like everyone is against him, that might drive him further into his black hole--”
“--So, it’s my responsibility to make sure he doesn’t do heroin, is that what you’re telling me?”
“Vivian, I feel like it would be best if you didn’t add to the many reasons he already feels like he’s gotta hurt himself over, just until this tour wraps and we can get him some proper help.” He tells me.
“Oh my God, I am actually about to have another stroke if you keep fucking talking!” I throw my hands up, stomping away from him, but he stays on my heels.
“Vivian, just listen.” He says as I open the dressing room door and barge in to see Vince, Mick, Tommy...and Devil Spawn.
“Doc, why don’t you just drop your pants and I’ll get on my knees and start slurping at your balls because that’s obviously what you want me to do!” I scream at him.
“--Nothing is good enough! You want us to play nice for the cameras, we’re doing that, you want us to bullshit the fans, we’re doing that, you want us to postpone a fucking divorce filing, we’re doing that, and now you’re wanting me to pretend he didn’t screw me over publicly just so he won’t feel bad that I can’t fucking stand him right now?!”
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asks.
“None of your fucking business!” I sneer at him.
“Get the fuck out, Vivian, Jesus.” Vince starts up.
“Oh, go scissor Bret Michaels and mind your own fucking business, bitch boy.” I shoot at him.
Liquor is drenching my dress when Vince is grabbing Tommy’s drink and throwing it on me, causing me to see red.
“What the fuck, Vince?!” Nikki barks at him, as Vince says:
“Get get your fucking ring back from the bitch Sixx chose over you.”
I’m lashing out, my nails dragging across Vince’s cheek as my flat palm hits his other cheek as hard as it can, causing the harsh stinging noise to echo through the room, as Doc and Fred both yell at us as we’re pried apart.
“Rabid Bitch!” Vince seethes, trying to fight past Doc to get to me, but Fred’s stepped in front of me, keeping me from going to Vince, too.
The room goes silent immediately, their faces falling in shock as Vince just looks disgusted with me.
"Vivian." Doc starts, about to scold me.
"Everyone's got a fucking slap on the wrist, doesn't matter if you fucking overdose or actually kill someone, everybody just gets a fucking slap on the fucking wrist but the second I finally act like something isn't okay, the second I protest just glossing over the fact Nikki Fucking God Damn Sixx did something shitty, I'm a fucking bitter, hateful, rabid, disgusting bitch because apparently 'I should've known better'!" I outburst, taking a few deep breaths, calming down, trying not to cry before I focus on Doc. "I can smile for the cameras. I can force myself to stomach the idea of loving him in the public eye. But I refuse to just turn the other way and act like everything's okay behind closed doors, and you can't fucking make me." I say venomously to Doc before I'm storming out of the dressing room, seeing all the roadies that were around to hear the hell breaking loose behind the closed door of the dressing room.
The next couple days consists of me just staying in my hotel room, avoiding everyone except Fred, that is until…
I keep my head down, my hand gripping at Nikki’s as we all file out of the bus in the parking lot of the hotel as my other hand shields my sunglass-adorned eyes, hearing the shouts of questions from the paparazzi as all of us head to the entrance of the hotel with security trying to keep fans and the media at bay.
Almost as soon as we step foot into the hotel lobby, free from the press and witnesses, Nikki and I are dropping our hands from each other and pulling away as quickly as possible as if we’re magnetically repellent.
“Alright, shower, strip club.” Tommy names off their agenda to Nikki, Vince, and Mick. “Viv, you wanna--”
“--No.” I turn him down before he can even properly invite me, my eyes shifting to Nikki, who averts his gaze from me the second I look at him.
“But, Viv--”
“--Just leave her out of it, Tommy. She doesn’t wanna go.” Nikki tells him flatly, heading to the elevator.
“I can speak for myself, thank you.” I hiss back to him.
“Don’t start shit with me, Vivian. I’m not in the mood.” He snaps.
“What, fight with your girlfriend?” I ask as the elevator doors open.
“Go fuck yourself.” He snarls out, walking into the elevator and I’m right behind him.
“Don’t worry, I have been, being that you won’t ever touch me again.” I argue.
I guess everyone else decides not to ride in an elevator with us in case a fist fight ensues and they get caught in it.
I stare at him, his eyes covered with his sunglasses, his hair matted and sweaty from his show, his skin pale from his body purging the toxic mixture of drugs and alcohol from his system.
“Quit fucking staring at me.” He mumbles, and instead of saying something smart back or just hitting him, I look away, feeling a sadness wash over me as I notice he hasn’t taken his wedding ring off yet since we left the press behind.
“You’re not gonna take it off?” I ask, suddenly, trying to keep my tone neutral.
He doesn’t even have to ask what I’m talking about, he just knows.
I see him glance down at his ring finger before balling his left hand into a slight fist before relaxing it.
“We’re still married.” Is all he says before the doors open and he heads to his room.
I make my own separate room, unlocking the door, being met with the bland smell of a simple hotel room.
I’m used to hotel rooms smelling like Nikki.
Getting my jacket off, I step to the bathroom and get my makeup off and brush my teeth for bed before getting pajamas on. When I get to my bed, I notice something that wasn’t there before I left for the show: one of my tshirts that I left at the last hotel we were at in Texas.
Knowing who grabbed it for me, and why I should not smell it because it’s just going to make me sad, I bring it to my nose and feel my body tense in on itself, my heart heavy as his smell infiltrates my senses, and brings tears to my eyes.
How many times have I nearly talked to him, kissed him, touched him, smiled at him, all out of habit, only to realize why we are where we are in this shit to begin with?
I miss him.
He is with me everyday but I still miss him.
I exhale and climb into bed, clinging to the shirt that smells like him, closing my eyes and pretending I’m with him.
It suddenly occurs to me that the last time I kissed him, hugged him, held him, laughed with him, saw him in the shining light that I did--I didn't realize it was the last time.
Now I’ve got myself crying, and I wipe the stray tears, trying not to think about it anymore but I can’t help it.
I thought I put my absolute everything into every laugh, every kiss, every hug, every smile...but I didn’t. If I knew then what I know now, I would have.
I squeeze my eyes closed, before snatching the covers off, and go to my door, opening it, and marching to Nikki’s door.
A part of my hopes he hasn’t gone to the strip club yet, another part of me--the sane part--hopes he has.
I knock on the door and in a couple minutes it’s swinging open to reveal a hellish looking Nikki.
Trying not to cry, but failing, I lick my lips and finally get it off my chest.
“I didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’ to us.” I state, shakily, and he looks as defeated as I do.
“--You robbed me of getting to say ‘goodbye’, of being prepared to say ‘goodbye’. I wasn’t ready to not be with you, I wasn’t ready to have every reason to leave you thrown in my face. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you, and you stole that from me.” I tell him. “I didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’.” I repeat, a tear falling past my lashes.
He just looks down, letting me say what I need to and I take a deep breath, sniffle, and press my lips to his, catching him off guard.
It takes him no time to respond, the both of us letting out relieved hums as our tongues meet and he pulls me into the room with him, slamming the door behind me.
His hands are immediately pulling my shirt up, and I’m fumbling to get his belt unbuckled, being interrupted by him tugging my pajama shorts off, his lips grazing over my thigh, up my abdomen, between my breasts, and pressing to my neck before finding my lips again.
I let out a soft sigh, wrapping my arms around him, my bare chest pressed against him, his tongue moving in sync with mine.
He's pulling away in a few seconds, taking deep breaths, staring down at me, confused.
"What?" I ask softly, blinking up at him. 
"What are we doing, Viv?”
I don’t answer, not really knowing what to say to begin with.
“Huh?” He questions. “We never got to talk about it, we never--”
"--You didn't want to talk to me about it, you didn't--"
"--There was nothing to say--"
"--I had plenty to say, Vivian." 
"Nikki, it doesn't matter now."
"It doesn't matter? Are you fucking crazy? 'It doesn't matter'?!" 
"I-It does, but--"
"--But what, Vivian? You just wanna pretend it didn't fucking happen or something?" He snaps.
"No, I don't want to pretend it didn't happen, Nikki, that's why I got so upset with Doc the other night because he wanted me to act like everything was fine, even behind closed doors, and I don't want to do that."
"Then why the fuck are you here?" He asks me. 
Apparently I get the wrong look on my face that blatantly tells him what I'm up to…and he starts laughing.
"You're gonna fuck me and leave me?!” He cackles, taking a step back and I go to speak, but I’m unable to. There’s nothing I can say, and my silence confirms it. "Holy shit you sneaky cunt."
“Nikki, stop--”
“--Were you gonna tell me you had no intention of trying to actually work shit out with me and you were just using me to make yourself feel better for a couple hours, or were you just gonna hand me fucking divorce papers and a pen the second I came in you?” He sneers.
“Nikki, I’m not trying to use you.” My voice cracks as tears come to my eyes.
“Did you come to talk about what happened and try to get somewhere, or just fuck one last time for the hell of it?” He demands and I take a breath, trying to get my head together enough to try to figure out why, myself. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Get the fuck out.” He pushes me away from him.
“If you’ll let me explain--”
“--The fuck is there to explain?! I cheated on you, you left, then you come back, patronize every fucking person that's fucked up, and then try to get your rocks off on my dick one last time like some pathetic slut. You either fucking hate me and you’re leaving, or you don’t and you’re not. I’m not doing the whole ‘friends with benefits’ bullshit with my own fucking wife!”
“A majority of our marriage has been ‘roommates with benefits’ so why the hell does it matter to you now that I just want one last night?!” I outburst suddenly and he rolls his jaw.
“Get the fuck out.” He repeats, shaking his head a little.
“No.” Tears topple over my lashes and I lick my lips, shaking my head.
“Vivian, I’m not fucking telling you again. Get the fuck out or I’m making you leave.”
“Nikki, plea--”
He’s suddenly grabbing at my arms, pulling my naked body from the floor.
“--Nikki, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“--You were gonna hump and dump me and you ‘didn’t mean’ it?!” He pulls me to the door while I struggle against him.
“Nikki, it was just for one last time, just so I could remember.” I plead, my hands grasping at his shirt, my eyes--blurry from tears--looking up at his. “Please, just one last time.” I beg, weakly, and he clenches his jaw, the ghosting of tears in his eyes for a second before he says:
“If it’s gonna be the last time…" his voice cracks, before it seems like he's forcing himself to "man up." 
"...I don't want to remember it." He says next.
“Nikki, please--no!” I fight with him when he gets his door open. 
"Bye, Viv." I almost don't recognize the man speaking to me, he sounds so fucking distant, cut off, as if the Nikki Sixx I met at the Starwood years ago took a step back and someone else had to come forward and get me out.
“Nikki, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, just please, don’t do thi--Nikki!” I cry when he shoves me out of the room, completely naked, and slams the door after leaving  my pajamas at my feet.
My theory was and is today that, that moment, that "bye, Viv" was his way of finalizing what he thought was the end of us, because after that night, he acted like he despised and hated me, up until the last few nights of the Crüe's Japan tour when he called me multiple times in the middle of night, crying, fucked up, pleading, finally telling me how much he loved me.
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topconfessions · 4 years
What ya' think of Beyonce and those aaliyah rumors??? I dunno if she really kill her and shit is look to fantastic but ya never know tho
Her label killed her and Jay & Bey played a role in it too. Everyone knows especially in African American community that Jay Z was CHASING Aaliyah hard!! He wanted her badly but despite entertaining him a bit with hanging out, she didn't want him and settles for Dame Dash who dated Aaliyah till the end of her life. I guarantee you if Aaliyah haf threw a bone Jay Z way and dated him for a brief moment if not just giving it a try in general, everything would be different right now. Beyonce would not be where she is whatsoever. She would have had to settle for a lesser artist or try to date up with another one. I have nothing against her mother but her mother is a snake to me. Bey father get a bad rep but she wad perfectly okay with her daughter dating a grown man who turned her out since 18-19. If Jay Z was a nobody or a C list rapper she would keep Bey away from her. And Beyonce is an energy taker. She draws the energy of her fans from them without them realizing it. She's sold out.
Now I don't believe Aaliyah is some amazing iconic legendary brilliant performer cause she's dead. I will say that Rihanna wouldn't be shit without Aaliyah and she supplementally stepped into a modern day role of Aaliyah just more raunchier.
Aaliyah to me was a black Britney Spears. But I believe Britney had more room to show more challenging choreography than Aaliyah. They have a very nearly identical pop star freestyle type of dance style though.
But yeah that's it really. Beyonce was Jay-Z's second choice after that. So LOL. people forget Beyonce was a newbie at the time and Aaliyah was already an established solo artist. If Aaliyah would have been super into Jay the fabric of some people careers even Beyonce's would be different now.
This is no different than Janet Jackson curving Bobby Brown in the 80s cause she was too scared to date a black man publicly let alone a dark skin black guy. Had she not did that to Bobby and actually gave him a fair public chance Whitney's life would have been completely different. She would either have lived longer yet still died, still be alive today or dead sooner. Bobby wouldn't have had kids or at least his kids like Bobbi Kristina would be alive today cause it wouldn't be a trap of 2 crackheads as parents. Janet music would have taken a different turn unless she were to put her foot down and say no to romantic collabs. Bobby and Michael may have collabed.
(they slept around a lot in secret Bobby wanted to marry janet but she didn't want a relationship with him )
At the end of the day Aaliyah life was tampered with and prematurely cut short. She wasn't suppose to go that soon. I'm not saying this sentimentality cause I am not a solid fan of her like thay, but too many readers, palm readers, and spiritual readers say her life abruptly got cut short randomly before it's time.
Plus real talk: it's probably more than likely Aaliyah was pregnant or thought she was. She was "so desperate" to get back to Dame Dash after rock the boat video shoot was done. I find it either naive and stupid of her or really Suspect that everyone piled their luggage and bags onto a plane that wasn't a private Jet. Those small planes that aren't meant for that sort of weight.
Not 1 person nor Aaliyah herself had enough common sense to think it over and send a 2nd plane to come get their stuff after or along with them? Sure money tight but she could contact the label or one of her famous friends to pull a string for her.
As soon as the plane went up it went straight back down automatically and all died. That's stupid and beyond suspicious. I'm not a beyonce fan and will never Stan Her but she wouldn't be that dumb to do that. I can't see beyonce even 21 year old Beyonce lumping herself in a seaplane with a bunch of her crew and POUNDS UPON POUNDS of luggage. Thats the only thing about Beyonce that I respect. She's cautious and always reviews things before making each decisions. She was immature back then too she was young but I can never see bey doing something like that period.
So either Aaliyah was truly naive and ignorant to what was in front of her (or forced the pilot to do it anyway)
OR: This was a set up and Every one who telling the story from that day who claim they knew is telling a lie.
Fuck I don't even see Britney Spears being silly enough to do something that risky. I don't see Britney taking a small plane like that with crew period.
If funds were an issue or the label only wanted to provide that type of plane then hey maybe Aaliyah (and I mean this with all due respect on her spirit) should have dated Jay-Z for a bit. He would have did anything for her and I'm sure if he was the one she was rushing back to he could easily have her in private jets and not flying sea plane or those private small planes which isn't safe notoriously.
That's all.
Aaliyah was a sweet girl and she wasnt a hustler like Bey. And sadly that cost Aaliyah her life. Had she been a hustler like Bey she would have lived longer.
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