#it was like one year away from having a good shape
ivesambrose · 18 hours
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May the remaining months of 2024 lead to a favorable plot twist for all of you reading this 🖤
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• A lot of you will be blessed with foreign travel to a destination that heals this restlessness in your heart. It seems as though you had been fighting against the odds for so long and have also accumulated so much mental strain and grief because you've felt like you couldn't grow where you're at and you're right. You're going to feel the most alive you've felt in a long time. Don't turn down the opportunities that come your way. • Unexpected wealth or income from an unknown or foreign source. • Venturing out of your home or comfort zone. A change in perspective as well. • The sun rising after the darkest hours of your life. It's amusing that it's happening during fall when things usually wither away that you're getting your color back. You may feel like you're Venturing out alone or that your journey is a solitary one. You aren't too bothered because you're so used to it even as it terrifies you. But along the way you'll find people who want to walk beside you even as the cold threatens to sink into your bones. You might just find your soul family this fall. Perhaps home isn't confined to four walls but rather, the people and the places you've yet to step foot into.
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• You'll be blessed with finding a balance in your life that earlier was bound to topple over no matter what you did and how hard you tried. You'll confront certain habits and behaviours that you have and actively choose to work through them. Some of them have been hindering your growth and costing you your own peace of mind as well as relationships. • Improvement in health. As well as recognition and reward in your workplace or emotional fulfillment via the work you do or your lifestyle changes. • Heightened intuition and foresight. Trust your instincts over fear mongering from others. • Possible expansion in social circle or connecting with people you can learn from without being ridiculed. You'll be introduced to people or spaces with a more positive outlook to life and circumstances rather than the ones who have a cynical approach to everything. • A better self concept and increase in confidence. Do not allow anyone to walk over you or be little you in any shape or form. • you may also get the confidence or the money to shop for certain fashion items you had earlier been stalling on or might be gifted the same.
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• You'll be blessed with something rather abrupt. You may not even consider it as a blessing at first till realisation dawns on you. • I significantly see a blessing that's financial in nature something that will aid you in the long term. You might be too fixated at things going wrong at first. Please don't do that. When the opportunity arrives please have the courage to reach for it and make it yours. You may have the tendency to worry to the point that anything good happening for you is too good to be true. Thing is you tend to be blessed in rather unconventional ways. Certain things you may have quiet literally looked over for months or years. This autumn take some time to reflect on certain aspects of your life and how regardless of what was going wrong or what wasn't 'working out' for you had been in your favor all along. The more you bring in your awareness to that the more of these blessings you'll receive. • A lot of you do struggle with mental health as well as sleep issues. You're rather artistic however but may have kept your arts and crafts aside for a long time. You'll be revisiting things that have brought you joy in the past and feel happy this time instead of feeling performative. • Lastly, allow good things to happen to you.
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n0tamused · 3 days
Have you by any chance seen someone on Twitter posting a translated version of Xiangli Yao's daily schedule? How about writing something like what his schedule would be with the reader (already in a relationship) maybe on a day off? Something like: 8:00 AM - get up and start day 10:00-12:00 AM snuggled in bed with y/n as a result. Or - 4:00 PM - prosthetic maintenance. ambushed from behind. (Imagine nuzzling him from behind while he tinkers with his hand 🥺) Something like a bunch of small drabbles in 1 work? I guess finding someone to write for him awakened something in my brain, I'msorry.
A/n: I have heard of this schedule but tbh I didn't see it myself before I got this request lol, I really find the idea sweet so I hope I did it justice! And no need to apologize, I am happy to write for Xangli Yao
Contents: Xiangli Yao x GN!Reader, fluff, short drabbles, established relationship not proofread
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08:30 - Wake up
It’s been many years since Xiangli Yao has practiced this continuous cycle of waking up at certain times, to the point he did not need an alarm clock anymore. It was 8:14 when he came to his senses, morning light sleeping through the blinds and softly caressing his eyelids to open. He turns away from them, shifting sluggishly underneath the blankets, knowing that work wasn’t waiting on him today. 
He is greeted by your sleeping face, relaxed and soft as the few spots of light from the blinds danced over your cheeks and lips. The light didn’t seem to disturb you, something he was thankful for as he shuffled closer and wrapped his good arm around you, bringing you closer to his warmth as he nuzzled his nose into the top of your head, breathing in your scent as your hair tickled his skin. He feels you mold into his shape, your sleep heavy arm going underneath his and over his side, the blanket keeping your shared warmth trapped, shielding you from the chilly morning.
09:30 - make breakfast with my beloved :) 
Well, it may have been 9:10 by the time you both willed yourself to leave the comforts of eachothers arms. It was hunger that pulled you both from bed, stumbling into the bathroom. Xiangli Yao was next to you as you washed your face while he brushed his teeth. He handed you your toothbrush after you blindly found the towel next to the sink and brushed your face dry. 
Although he had gotten used to being the one to prepare breakfast for both of you during workdays, the weekends did allow more time, and so Yao did try to listen to you more when you said you wanted to help or do more of the work since you don’t usually get the chance to do so. He did convince you some times before, letting you so simply sit aside and look pretty while he whips you up your favorite, but today wasn’t that day. You woke up with more energy and a craving for good quality time and to get your hands busy.
What ends up happening is a table full of food, a big but balanced breakfast of veggies and fruit and needed protein. While you were setting up the table, Xiangli Yao poured you both the juice you made the weekend. He may not think about it too often, but he always feels like the richest man in the world when he shares mornings like these with you.
13:00 - go to the market, restock groceries
His prosthetic arm is holding the basket while the fingers of his other hand are intertwined with yours. Xiangli Yao was yet to become truly used to these public displays of affection, but he never disliked them. The thing was that such little acts of affection flustered him so much at first and he’d rather not catch someone ogling him while his cheeks are red as the tomatoes you were looking at now. He was used to it, he tells himself as he slowly lets your fingers slip from his hold when you say you can use some of the tomatoes. He remembers you mentioning a recipe some time ago that required a good amount of tomatoes. He helps you pick out the best ones and he adds it to the basket after the purchase is done. Although today’s shopping trip ended with more bags than either of you expected, Xiangli Yao vehemently refused to  allow you to carry any of the bags.
You ended up stopping at the local dessert shop, purchasing a few sweet goods for home. You mentioned how the chocolate cake he got looked oddly similar to Xiang-LEE. Now he couldn’t unsee it..
16:00 - prosthetic maintenance(p.s. keep your back guarded!)
How oddly homely it felt to have your arms around him while he tinkered away on his mechanical arm..
Although at first you only observed him from the doorway, he chose to skillfully ignore you when you began to sneak closer, almost as if he couldn’t see you from the corner of his eye. 
You knew he knew too, but it's a game you both chose to play every evening when the sun began to lean in to kiss the mountains. 
You hum as you put your chin on top of his head, peering down at the assortment of open wires and metal plating scattered about on the table. There's a screwdriver in his good hand, and he's clearly doing something, but you're unsure what. Perhaps you'd ask one day, tell him to explain how his arm really works, but that is not today.
He feels you leaning in and kissing his cheek and then his temple.
“The meal is soon to be done. Don't keep me waiting all alone at the table, Xiangli Yao”
19:00 - Free activities 
Xiangli Yao can't help the chuckle that escapes him as he witnesses your scowl and furrowed brows, and all for the little board game with black and white pieces. You've won the round from last night and he deemed it appropriate to ask for a rematch, although he only wished to make you blow off the steam. You've been rather stressed this week, perhaps some back and forth of the game could allow a reprieve.
“You've been thinking about your next move for quite some time now, my love…” he tries, a smile plastered on his lips, both amused and sympathetic.
“...I got it…shh” you return, pushing your chin into the heel of your palm. He hums in response, and another few heartbeats of silence pass before he sees your face light up, as if a star had whispered the next act into your ear. Your fingers deftly move across the board and move your piece across the checkerboard.
He laughs, his chest shaking with joy as you beam at him. You beat him. Again.
22:30 - bedtime
Mornings are where Xiangli Yao thrives. He is a morning person to the last bone in his body and on work days it is not rare for him to rise before you and his alarm, but they don’t bring him nearly as much relief and joy as bedtime does. Your sleepy face as you go to brush your teeth and change into your bedwear always has his heart softening, his own movements slowing down as his entire body yawns for the comforts of the mattress and comfortable blankets.
He is sitting at the edge of the bed, tinkering with his prosthetic arm for the last time and setting it aside on the table right next to his side of the bed. His prosthetic is cold and rather uncomfortable to sleep with for both of you. From behind he hears you exiting the bathroom and the sound of your bare feet against the floor hurrying up has him turning around to see how you crash into the bed, your face buried into your pillow with a low groan, a breath of relief as weight is taken off your feet.
He shuffles, telling you to get under the blankets while he turns off the lights. Once he remembered you both joking about being afraid of the dark, and although it was all just a joke - Xiangli Yao has been the one to turn off the lights since then. 
He hums as he returns, sliding under the blankets and finding the warmth of your body with searching fingers, pulling himself closer until he was wrapped around you. He buries his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent before laying a lingering kiss to your cheek, bidding you goodnight. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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hungerpunch · 3 days
things to pay attention to when observing a captive animal
re: lrb i figured i might as well just stick these in its own post since this is, in fact, one of the big animal video websites.
i know that most people do not have access to wild animals on the reg and i know that most people have not had continuing education about the care of captive wild animals. fwiw, neither do i! but over the years i have watched enough documentaries and read up on enough failed animal "sanctuaries" to have gathered a lot of tips. so here are some easy things anyone can keep an eye out for!
1. is the animal's enclosure relatively clean or are there signs of accumulated filth? some wear & tear is expected but you shouldn't see what looks like multiple days of shit, piss, food scraps, etc. an animal's enclosure should be cleaned every day.
2. can you see obvious access to water sources and does that water look clean? if you don't see clean-looking & full buckets, troughs, or a natural source of running water, you should question whether that animal has anything to drink.
3. is the animal left alone when it walks away or does the caretaker continue to follow and bother it? perhaps understandable if something medical needs to take place, but if it's just for "fun" or something that doesn't seem totally necessary, that's a bad sign. an animal should be free to walk away from something pestering it.
4. if outside, is there shelter from the elements? something like a run-in shed, open barn, thicket of trees, natural overhang etc. animals need sources of shade to protect themselves from sun exposure and heat.
5. can you see enrichment toys or materials? especially true for smaller zoos where animals can't roam much. you want to see evidence that there's an effort to provide mental stimulation to the animal.
6. is the animal displaying repetitive behaviors like pacing or walking in small circles? because that's bad! it could indicate anything from anxiety to psychosis.
7. if you search for pics of the animal in the wild does its body shape approximate examples you find? it should. if the animal is much thinner, it could indicate starvation. if it's much rounder, it could indicate that although it's being fed, it's not being fed an appropriate diet. (think of those captive tigers with bellies that almost touch the floor, for example)
8. is the animal entirely alone or do you see other animals with it? most animals want some form of companionship. of course some animals are kept solitary for safety reasons or maybe they're loners in the wild. but most animals benefit from social interaction with other animals.
9. if in a zoo, does the animal have a place it can retreat from the public? it should!
10. does the animal display aggressive behaviors like charging its caretakers? it could indicate the animal has been traumatized or abused in some way.
11. in good zoos, the keepers will physically handle an animal as little as possible. so if you see the animal being manhandled a lot, that's a bad sign.
if you see these signs, you can try to find mechanisms that let you report the facility to local animal welfare agencies. and you can also not engage/boost that content and instead go engage with a reputable sanctuary or conservation-forward zoo instead :)
also please keep in mind that every time a captive wild animal goes viral, the exotic pet trade booms—and it's completely despicable. wild animals should not be pets. end of. if anyone else has other tips to add, please feel free!
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nemesyaaa · 2 days
knuckle velvet // killer!rafe cameron x fem!reader
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summary ; ready or not (the movie) au. after a peaceful relationship and marriage with rafe cameron, you began to be the prey of your husband and his whole family in a twisted revisited hide and seek.
warnings : violence. blood. survival horror trope. smut. p in v. betrayal. manipulation.controlling behavior. sick/strange and freaky attitude. finale girl trope. horror au. blood kissing. mentions of guns. form of revenge. daddy issues. cameron family being crazy. a little twist. death of characters. knuckle velvet by ethel cain and somebody that i used to know by gotye lyrics coded. escaping. mentions of smoking. belly bulge. twisted ending. some spoilers for ready or not (movie). minors DNI. not really dark content but be careful with the warnings <3
author's note ; it's one-shot around 3k. i highly recommand ready or not. it's one of my fav movies and trope. tysm @rafecameroninterlude for helping me with the idea !
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everyone in town said that rafe cameron was a dangerous and strange man. it was something that not only god knew, but you knew as well. you knew about his reputation but above all you knew who he was and what he had done.
he could have killed you thousands of times as he had done so to his victims, but you had always known how to keep the secret.
but now that he had proposed to you, three years later after the accident, things had changed.
you were the perfect girlfriend he wanted and he was the perfect boyfriend you dreamed of. your wedding was shaping up so well. you could already see yourself dressed in the most beautiful white dress in the church hallway while he waited for you in front of the altar.
everything with rafe cameron was what you reached for.
even the sex part, making out with rafe cameron was always fierce and rough, like the way his cock thrust deeply into you repeatedly, the curvy tip hitting your spot back and forth. you can feel his hand which was wrapped tightly around your neck, gripping you possessively like a leash, his fingers kept running into your bruised skin. “ don't fucking give up on me now.” he growled angrily against your ear, and pulled out his wet tongue to put a lick on your lobe, with and a savage bite.
“ don't try to run away pumpkin, or i'll make sure both of your legs know they’re mine by only making them fit with my cock buried inside you. understand ? nod pretty heart, give me the pleasure of knowing that you obey me.”
you nodded, letting out a moan as you felt his large and veiny girth fitting and bullying your spongy walls. his firm hips slamming into yours, as he gripped the side of your cheeks with a heavy hold, the strong slapping of skin to skin echoing louder in the room. he slipped two fingers inside your mouth, brushing them quickly against your dripping tongue, leaving your muscle with a trickle of drool falling from your open jaw. "good fucking dog, seems like i raised a perfect slut."
his words were so degrading but he turned you on so much. your whole body was covered with pretty and thrilling shivers, and his back and forth into you were so violent that tears quickly stained your cheeks. you cried like a baby while he fucked you like a big girl. you were as pathetic as the mess raining over your sloppy pussy that rafe abused massively by burying himself deep in it, while touching all your spots to hear your desperate and muffled cries that he was - of course the only one to give you.
you could feel his length reaching for your tummy, seeing the hugeness of his full shaft moving into your stomach as you gurgled passionately . he spat into your open mouth, whichwas stuffed with his fingers, forcing you to swallow his saliva. his palm was pressed against your flesh to feel the bulge of his cock destroying you with a smirk, while the huge clapping of your bodies sticking to each other, made your plushy cunt squeeze around him. his thrusts were harder and faster, and made you whine even more as the outline of his dick drew his strokes inside your belly.
the bed creaked beneath you. you were dizzy to the feeling of him plungingin your insides, your pussy soaking every inch of his cock that was tightened in your canal. your eyes rolled back, and he had his face pressed against your cheek.
there were those incessant noises in the light of your room. your two bodies slamming against each other, his sweat against your skin. rafe grabbed your neck more savagely, leaving it covered in bruises, which he licked with passion, while his dick continued to fuck you so hard that you no longer had the ability to think.
you were completely submissive. your cunt was in tatters, dripping on the mattress and around him. he pushed his fingers even further into your mouth to the point where you were gagging around them, a huge burst of drool exploding around your lips.
he mocked with a soft and harsh tone. "you can take this cock but you can't even suck my fingers properly? what a fucking baby."
your tears had redoubled on your face, and you had continued to suck again, going so far as to shove his fingers down your throat. the saliva was such that it foamed at the edge of your lips, and your mouth opened wide to work cleanly.
“ r-r....af..rafe” your words were muffled, as he fucked your dirty pussy filling it to the stomach. “s-to…” you had squirted so hard that you felt tingles all over your body like a slight paralysis.
you hadn’t waited long before reaching orgasm. in total, you had four. and rafe was still inside you, pounding into you like you hadn't had sex in a month.
his thumb rubbed your clit as he continued to thrust hard until you felt his cock each time your walls tightened around him, just so he could repeat to yourself how you were so fucking tight for him. you could feel his stomach twitching against your back, as you shifted positions. he had placed your hands above your spine, keeping them linked to sink more easily into you, and control every part of your body.
he released his sperm inside you, the hot rush of his load instantly warming your insides. and you cried out with one last breath, your body falling back onto the mattress.
after that, you showered. you were wearing clothes now, and you looked out the window. rafe had approached you, his hair still wet from the shower, and dripping onto the floor, a towel loosely draped around his sculpted hips.
he grabbed your hand to kiss it, his lips wrapping around your beautiful ring that must have been worth a fortune.
“i feel like your family doesn’t love me.” you confessed softly.
"believe me, it's a good thing." he replied.
"rafe, this isn't funny. i want them to like me, i want to be a part of your family.”
“ listen baby, my father always hated me even when i gave the best of myself to please him, did that kill me? no."
“it didn’t kill you because we don’t die from daddy issues. we are impacted. You want to please your father, and so do i.”
“you just need to be perfect for me, and you are. that’s all that matters.”
“i don’t have the same opinion.” you replied.
rafe had lit a cigarette, and looked up at you, you loved the blue of his pupils. he was so beautiful and unreal. it was just the only deep thing you could read in him.
"obviously you're not of the same opinion. but you don't need to be. either way, we're going to get married in any case."
"i never thought i would be rafe cameron's wife, i never even thought the kook prince rafe cameron would have a wife one day."
“i know you don’t believe in fairytales baby, so open your eyes because you exist.”
It’s been a week since that conversation, and especially since you and Rafe were married. today, rafe was driving you to the family mansion and you were completely nervous at the idea of meeting, finally, spending time with his family for a weekend.
“I’m here, okay?” he placed a hand on your leg.
it was strange this feeling you had in rafe's presence. you were sure he loved you, well, he acted like the perfect boyfriend but there was something so strange deep down. was rafe cameron really capable of loving someone?
you knew him to have a bad reputation. plus, you hadn’t always been the nice girl everyone knew.
to be honest, in high school, you were sometimes mean to boys, especially his type. when you were little, you grew up as a spoiled princess with the world at her feet. you knew something about rafe cameron that made it easy for you to keep him on a leash. but now, it was as if the situation was getting out of hand, or rather, the tables were turning.
you had arrived in the evening just in time for dinner. you greeted ward, his charming young wife and his two daughters, sarah and wheezie. they looked so different from rafe. you sat next to your husband hoping to make a good impression throughout the meal.
"how much did rafe pay you to go out with him?" sarah asked, making an obvious dig at her brother.
"sarah, it's only whores like you who pay to have someone. besides, how much did you spend for topper to agree to go out with you? so easy to spend daddy's money. " had replied rafe.
“oh sure, you can’t spend daddy’s money anymore.”
"enough!" Ward had cut in, banging on the table, making everyone jump. "We have a guest, be kind to each other. We are family."
you had felt rafe tense at the mention of the word family, so as he had done in the car to reassure you, you had stroked his thigh to calm him down.you massaged his thigh and the inside of his leg, gently reaching the bulge in his pants. with your fingers, you caressed the fly, playing with the closure. you were in a playful mood. but it was completely indecent since your in-laws were nearby. but as long as it calmed rafe down, that was all that mattered.
you had talked to everyone. you had a lot of sympathy for wheezie who was just a kid in the middle of it all.
“what if we played a game? in this family, we are very playful.” ward said.
suddenly the atmosphere became more joyful and festive. you had never seen so much excitement in the eyes of these people. even wheezie had a giant smile on his face.
“oh great, i love games ! ” you replied.
rafe hadn't said a word, as if he preferred to remain silent. you should have found it strange but you didn’t say anything. you always wanted to make a good impression with your in-laws.
“what if it was you who chose tonight’s game?” rafe had suggested. “you are our guest after all.”
“okay!” you responded enthusiastically.
sarah clapped her hands. rose looked at you strangely. ward smiled at you like you were his real daughter and wheezie...wheezie was always in a good mood. everything was perfectly fine.
rafe had brought you a box full of cards, and you rummaged through it, smiling.
when you opened your eyes, wheezie had read. “hide and seek! my favorite game!”
“I also loved hide and seek when I was little.”
“the rules are a little different…” the father began. "i mean, our rules. we like to play our way, it's more lucrative.”
“ you will be the only one to hide. and we will all try to find you.” the littlest girl explained.
“okay.” you replied.
“you don’t ask what will happen to you if we find you?” sarah asked, looking at you strangely but still with a pretty smile on her lips directed toward only you.
“for that, you have to find me first.” you replied.
“ seems like you're a really fun girl. ” sarah replied, winking at you.
“so find me.”
you started the game, venturing into the gigantic corridors of the mansion.
it was quite funny running around a house that looked like a castle in your stunning beautiful wedding dress. rafe had asked you to wear it, and you had listened to him, now here you were wandering upstairs with your petticoats flying above your quick steps.
you found a hiding place under the bed.
you waited several minutes before hearing someone walking down the hallway. you could hear each footstep hitting the ground. after a second of silence, the door slid open with a creak to let an anonymous person enter.
except that you had heard another loudly noise, that of a weapon being reloaded, and you placed a hand on your cheek. your heartbeat accelerated.
“i know you’re there. i know it because i can feel how scared you are.”
you recognized wheezie’s voice. and you wondered how such an innocent thing could hold a gun in her hands.
you had crawled to the other side to get out of the bed, facing away from her completely.
except she was quicker and drew the gun in front of you, her weapon aimed at you. “not a move, or i shoot you.”
"wheezie, it's me! don't shoot. what does that mean?"
“that you just lost.”
“wheezie don’t do that.”
“how are you going to stop me when you’re trapped?”
you had seen rafe slip discreetly into the room before shooting his sister in the back, without any qualms. you let out a cry of amazement. his cold face and feelings made you step back from him.
“ are you sick?? how can you do that? it’s your sister, rafe.”
“it was her or you. oh sorry, maybe you wanted to die? i can arrange that if you want.”
“no, i mean...why?”
“ok, maybe i lied to you.”
"so that was it...rafe cameron can't be perfect. no, rafe cameron is lying. you cannot lie to me. we're married, i'm your wife ! does that fucking mean nothing to you ? "
"this is not an ordinary hide and seek. the goal is for us to find you and kill you."
“you explain to me, what the hell is this? i absolutely don’t want to die. and there is no way you will let me with that faith.”
"eh...i'm here, i'm here for you, okay? do you trust me, baby?" he cupped both of your cheeks and placed his forehead against yours. "i swore loyalty to you, remember? i'm going to take care of you. now if you don't mind, we don't have much time before my family arrives. so follow me."
he took your hand and you followed him. you had started to go down the stairs when you came across ward and rose. when they saw your anguished look, your paralyzed eyes and the blood on rafe, they understood quickly the situation.
"rafe. " ward had warned. “let go of her.”
rafe had shown you another way and you had gone that way. but you weren't reassured because even though he was with his parents and let you gain time, sarah was somewhere nearby.
you went to the garden. and that was a fucking maze too. you were tired and sick of these giant hallways, and especially, running toward you had no idea where. you just wanted to escape the mansion and that whole crazy cameron family. it was not supposed to end up like this.
"don't try to run away, sweetheart . the game isn't over. "
you jumped when you heard sarah's voice behind your back. she had a loaded gun in her hands, ready to shoot your skull.
“scream and i'll make sure you have no more voice for the rest of your life, darling."
“sarah, i beg you, don't do this. you don't have to kill me.”
“ unfortunately for you i'm not rafe. those crybaby tears don't work on me. move one more time, and i will long for your corpse.”
you stopped moving, and sarah came closer.
except that the scene had happened atrociously quickly. you heard a gunshot, and her body fell onto the cool grass, with a stream of blood that covered your white dress in a red.
you thought this was the end of the game but a gun was now planted to your head.
you recognized this breathing, this warm, metallic smell of blood that was on yours too. it was rafe.
“rafe, what are you doing? it's me, your wife. ”
he pushed the barrel of his gun against your cheek, his finger pressed on the trigger, playing softly with the button to make you shiver even more. and his face was stuck on the other side of your cheek.
the beads of blood on him was now on your skin, dripping in drops against your mouth, sliding in the flesh of your opened lips, his sweaty nose sinking near your jaw.
"you don't want to tell me how innocent you are, and that you don't deserve all this? this is your final hour."
“does it please you to see me scared to death?”
"yeah, do you want me to tell you how much ?"
"rafe, i'm serious! don't kill me. i'm not your enemy.”
"i killed absolutely everyone. my father, his whore, my sisters. and it will happen again. "
“ so you wanted a wife, and now you want to kill me ? you’re crazy, rafe. ”
"because i wanted you to be, pumkin. it's not destiny, i planned everything. when you found out that i fucking killing people. you remember last summer and even those before? i had to have control over you, especially after all the blackmail you put me through, i wanted to play with you even more and you fell into the trap. and you were an easy prey because with your bad past, your family moved out, your friends all left you. was so fucking easy to have you because you needed someone so badly. you were so blind and desperate to have someone on your side that you believed that i could love, but above all, you thought and wanted to believe that it was possible that i loved you. i thought you were smarter than that, but that doesn't matter, because now you will die and it doesn't matter anymore.”
you had too many tears to count them, and even to see them flow. your throat was so tight you could barely breathe, feeling a deep knot stuffed on the inside.
you hated how everything was so clear now, rafe cameron’s sudden interest in you, the strange feeling inside you, this marriage proposal, the marriage. he had been so good, so perfect that you had never once been doubted by his acting.
rafe cameron lied as well as he killed. or you were too naive. as he wanted you to be too...
you swallowed the information with difficulty to accept the hard truth. your stomach was in knots, a furious urge to vomit but instead, your lower lip was trembling, your body was running through shivers because you still had that gun threatening you, the metal rubbed through your wild tears.
you weren’t even sure if rafe was the one responsible for this nightmare. you had your part of responsibility. you played with the fire, and you no longer knew how to put it out. you lost control.
“do you know how much i hate you?”
" oh no, that's not true. your heart is beating pumpkin, and it's not because you hate me, and even less because you're afraid. but because you love me. and it's going to kill you. “
“you’re wrong.”
you turned around to grab his gun. you managed to catch him by surprise. and he smiled. you faced his face full of blood, bleeding from his nose to his jaw. he wiped away a few trickles with the back of his sleeve.
“i’m the one who’s going to kill you.”
“don’t make me think you’re going to pull the trigger. or at least, look me in the eyes. don't you want to see me fall after all that fight ?”
“do you want to bet, rafe cameron? because in this case, we are going to bet on your life.”
“oh no, don’t try to stop me.”
“i was going to tell you to aim carefully, because if you miss, you will be the only corpse of the two of us.”
“fuck you!”
“i would love to babe but you have a fucking gun pointed at my head. i have to be careful.”
"know that i loved you,rafe cameron. i tell you this because i want you to know that someone loved you, that you could have me with you for the rest of your life but you ruined everything.”
“what do you mean ?”
"that you could have had a better life, but rafe, let me tell you that you always liked being a loser. you don't want to change, and i won't try to fix you. not after all that bullshit. "
and you shot. one time. two time. the last in the heart.
you watched as blood spurted from his chest, as his body fell to the ground.
you sat astride him, his frame between your legs, your hands covered in blood around his face.
“ you're just a child and you know it. nothing in my heart is hoping you'll come back. ”
you grabbed him by the jaw and leaned down. his eyes weren't yet closed when you placed your lips on his to steal his last breath of life.
his lips were cold and covered in blood, kissing yours limply.
you sat next to him, placing your hand next to his, and he held it. but it was rafe cameron, you couldn't tell if it was love or hate.
your marriage was ruined, and everyone around you was dead. but at least you had survived. with as much blood on his hands as the camerons. but you were alive.
and that was the only thing that mattered....for now.
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n1ght0f-nyx · 2 days
I absolutely NEED #7 with pert'ah
Like reader realizes they love him, and he loves her. Like maybe it's been a year since she was sold and she wants the anniversary to have happy memories? Obviously do whatever you want i love your writing 🥰🥰🥰
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woven bonds pt 7!
pert'ah x fem reader
thank you for the request because i was completely clueless with what i was going to write for this
tags/warnings- arranged marriage, human female x male orc, gentle giant, you finally confess your feelings to big man
also, feel free to request non-woven bonds-related things that involve pert'ah or my other ocs (see my masterlist) i love writing for all these characters and seeing the mass of support I've gotten over the last month!
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The sunlight was warm against your skin as you sat by the window, looking out at the familiar sight of the orc encampment. You traced the edge of the wooden sill absentmindedly, your fingers brushing against the rough grain as your thoughts drifted. It had been a year now—an entire year since you had been sold to Pert'ah, given away like property in exchange for peace.
A deep breath escaped your lips. So much had changed in that time. You had been angry, bitter, scared at first, and who could blame you? Being taken from your home, your family, and everything you knew only to be married off to an orc craftsman—it wasn’t something you could easily accept.
But over the months, something had shifted. Slowly, and perhaps without you fully realizing it at first, your feelings toward Pert'ah had softened. He was kind, even when he didn’t have to be. Gentle, despite his massive size and tusks that had once terrified you. He always tried to make things easier for you, in his own quiet way.
Today, the one-year anniversary of your marriage, brought back a flood of memories. Not just the pain and fear from that day, but also the small, tender moments that had happened since. Moments like when he’d bring you small gifts, things he made with his own hands—jewelry, pottery, even tiny, intricate carvings. He never pushed you, never asked for anything in return, though you sometimes saw the flicker of hurt in his eyes when you remained distant.
You sighed, resting your forehead against the cool windowpane. Maybe it was time to stop being distant.
The door creaked open behind you, and you turned to see Pert'ah stepping inside. He paused when he saw you, his gaze flickering with the faint hint of surprise before settling into his usual calm expression. He carried something in his hands, though you couldn’t quite see what it was yet.
“You… here,” he said, his voice as gentle as ever. “Good.”
You gave him a small smile, a gesture that had become more natural over time. “Yeah, I’m here.”
Pert'ah’s steps were slow and careful as he approached, and when he finally came closer, you could see the item in his hands. It was another of his handmade gifts—a necklace this time, with a pendant shaped like a small leaf, carved with meticulous detail. The metal had a soft shine to it, catching the light from the window.
“I make this,” he said, holding the necklace out to you. His thick fingers were surprisingly delicate as he offered it. “For you. One year today… yes?”
You swallowed, a lump forming in your throat as you took the necklace from him. It was beautiful, and like everything else he made, it was created with care and thought.
“One year,” you echoed softly, your fingers brushing over the pendant.
For a moment, the room was quiet, the weight of the unspoken tension settling between you. Pert'ah shifted slightly, his gaze dropping to the floor.
“I know… hard for you,” he said, his voice halting, almost as if he were choosing each word with great care. “This life… not what you want. But… I want to make you happy. Try, even if… not always right.”
Your heart clenched at his words. He wasn’t wrong. You had been stubborn, holding on to the past, even when he had shown nothing but patience. But now, looking at him, standing there with the necklace in his hands and the sincerity in his eyes, something inside you broke. You couldn’t deny the truth anymore, not to yourself.
You loved him. You had fallen in love with Pert'ah—slowly, unexpectedly, and despite everything. He was your husband, not by choice, but he had become so much more than that. He had become your partner, someone who truly cared for you, even when you weren’t sure if you could care for him.
You stepped closer, taking the necklace and placing it gently on the table. Pert'ah looked at you, his brows knitting together in confusion, but you didn’t speak. Instead, you reached up and placed your hands on his broad chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingers.
“Pert'ah,” you whispered, your voice trembling slightly. “I know it’s been hard for me. But… I want you to know… I appreciate everything you’ve done. You’ve always tried to make me happy, and I—I see that now. I see you.”
His eyes widened slightly, the confusion slowly giving way to something softer. He stayed silent, watching you with an intensity that made your heart race.
You swallowed hard, gathering the courage to say the words that had been building inside you for so long. “I love you, Pert'ah.”
The silence that followed felt like it stretched on forever, but then, slowly, his expression changed. His large hand came up, gently resting on the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek in the most tender way. It was a simple touch, but it carried so much weight.
“I… love you too,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “From… long time. But I wait. Didn’t want… to push.”
Tears stung your eyes as you leaned into his touch. “You never pushed. You’ve only ever given me time.”
Pert'ah let out a low, relieved breath, his hand moving to the back of your head, fingers threading gently through your hair. “I want you to be happy here. Even if… you want to go, I… I let you.”
His words hit you harder than you expected. The idea that he would let you go, even after everything, out of love, broke something inside you. But you didn’t want to go. Not anymore.
“I don’t want to go,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “I want to stay here. With you.”
He gazed at you, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. When he found none, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips—a rare, genuine smile that you had only seen a few times before.
“Then you stay,” he said softly, his forehead pressing gently against yours. “You stay with me.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in the warmth and comfort of his presence, letting the moment settle between you. This was what you wanted—what you had come to realize over the past year. Not just peace, but happiness. And it was with him.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, you stayed there in his arms, the quiet promise of a future together settling over you both. It wasn’t a perfect beginning, but it was real. And for the first time, you were ready to embrace it.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 14 hours
You know, one of my favorite headcanons is that Nightmare's and Dream's Negativity and Positivity auras cause permanent damage to the soul if used too frequently.
My thought process about it is literally just that they function basically as extraneous bodies influencing the soul from the inside. Meaning that, with enough exposure, an actual extraneous residue can remain inside the soul. It's basically like an incurable infection.
Now, imagine this applied to Killer. Killer who probably chased after the feelings of the aura at least at first because sometimes he needs to feel literally anything at all to not lose it (and because the pain that came after the high was grounding and 'fun' in the way he's been conditioned to regard all pain).
And imagine him after running away from Nightmare and finally finding a a safe space with Color only to be hit with the realization that both of the ones who destroyed him left permanent marks on him (Chara with the very shape of his soul, and Nightmare with the black sludge he can never wash away flowing just below the surface). Imagine Color having to gently but firmly refuse to leave a mark of his own. Because that's not gonna make anything better, not really, it's only gonna hurt Killer further. But Killer insists that he needs it, he needs at least one mark that is from something good- from someone good.
Just, hhhhhhhhhhh, the possibilities for angst with this are so many
I love that headcanon, and the thought of that is kinda sad.
It reminds me of this little comic I came across like a year or two ago where Killer carved Color’s name into his wrist. It was for different reasons, i believe it was because Killer couldn’t think of another way to show Color that he loved him other than to leave something of Color on him permanently and that way he’d never forget him.
I wonder what kind of marking(s) Killer would be looking for here, what he’d be willing to settle for, how desperate would he get and how far would he be willing to go to get what he wants from Color.
Does it need to be something permanent, something small and easily hidden or something big enough to notice? Can it be temporary but frequent, like bite or scratch marks? Would he try to get color to fight and bruise him up. Would he find a way to leave color’s mark on him himself. Would something like a collar from Color or with something that links back to Color work, if it’s not exactly what he wants.
I’d imagine the thought of being marked again, even if by Color, would cause some major conflict between his stages—his dissociative parts, causing a lot of confusion and disturbance.
The body may have been conditioned to enjoy pain and torture, especially in Stage 2, but doesn’t mean Killer wants it or even can mentally or emotionally handle it in other Stages.
If Color marks him in a permanent painful way, somewhere deep down it’d register as a betrayal to Killer—and if Color doesn’t do something, there’s a risk of feeling misunderstood and maybe even rejected—leading to distancing if Color doesn’t approach the subject carefully.
Color is in a very delicate situation, and he has to make a choice or a compromise if he’s willing, but he also has to be prepared for any consequences or pushback that would come from refusing—which he is of course allowed to do.
I can see him being willing to find a safer alternative or compromise, and Killer is going to have to accept that one way or another—no matter how may push at the lines, keep trying to convince Color. And even if he may come very close to straight up begging—trying to convince Color that it’d be good, he can take it, it’s just once, he trusts him, yada yada.
Cause at the end of the day, Color can tell this request is coming from a place of fear and self dehumanization, a need for security and reassurance that Color is willing to give him in safer ways, not a genuine want.
{ @stellocchia }
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The Astrology Behind: The 27 Club
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We already know the dreadful and looming stories behind this phenomenon that occurs the most within the music and entertainment industry. A great number of deaths and tragic events that seemed to follow gifted individuals as a fated promise.
Although we know that a great majority passed away due to drugs and unhealthy lifestyle choices, there's also some that had unexpected accidents. Now, for those who study astrology and understand that every age activates certain houses/themes this will seem like a very clear pattern.
In terms of house profections, during the age of 27 our 4th house lights up like a lightbulb ready to come through with the lessons and experiences that match the natal planets, lord, sign, ruling nakshatra, and transit planets as well.
When we think of scary and dark periods we tend to associate them with the profections years that match the 8th and 12th house ( 19, 23, 31, 35, and so on) under the assumption that the 4th house is just a cozy corner, yet the overwhelming number of individuals who lose their life around the ages that fall into this house is rather shocking.
The 4th house rules our home, heritage, mother, ancestry, childhood, parents, sense of security, inner life, emotions, happiness, nourishment, etc. These are the topics that come to life during those years, and often times, the ones that leave the strongest mark in our lives.
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For most individuals reaching the ages of 15 or 27 arrives with harsh realizations and lessons associated to the lack of emotional and physical security that we might have or feel within ourselves or at home. At 15 we freshly enter the teenage experience of feeling like an outsider at home, as if we don't fit or belong with our family anymore, and as if the innocence of childhood feels long gone. This is where we turn to being a "rebel" and start seeking nourishment outside of what we've been taught within the confinements of home.
By the time we circle back into this house at 27, getting closer to the taste of 30 which is ruled by the 7th house (long term relationships, commitment, others, etc), we start to re-live yet again what "home" and "nourishment" truly feels like for us as adults who are more experienced at life than a 15 year old.
We realize that the perceived freedom of our early 20's was an illusion, and that what has shaped us into who we are by that point was everything we experienced within the privacy of our inner or private world. All the traumas created at home or by our parents. All the overwhelming expectations of what a family of our own might feel like, what long term commitment means to us, and how close or far we are from breaking generational wounds.
All of this can feel maddening and make us isolate from the world into our shells, as if turning into the crustaceans that represent the sign of Cancer. Since the turmoil is associated with our deepest parts, being unable to find a peaceful resolution within our stormy oceans can lead us to drowning within our waters. It makes us forget that right after the storm is when the sun comes out to bring joy, happiness, fun, pleasure, and good fortune (5th house profection). It's a turning point for all of us within our journey.
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It comes with no surprise that for a lot of celebrities whose private lives and inner world are exposed for everyone to see to be driven towards unhealthy coping mechanisms. A path to self destruction. Now, not all cases are alike and in some scenarios its accidents in their homeland or related to water.
At any case, they are difficult situations which threaten our inner safety and sense of security. It shakes our emotional foundations and forces us to build from scratch a real sense of "I'm safe in my body, mind, and the environment that I cohabit with others". It's all about learning how to regulate ourselves and not allowing our traumas to keep us from the good things life has to offer.
I'll use Amy Winehouse as an example:
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Her 4th house was ruled by Leo with her Sun and Mercury in Uttara Phalguni sitting there. She had to relive and experience themes related to her fame, father, talent, children, creative, romance, self expression, and how it all tied to the way she handled her 4th house themes.
Uttara Phalguni in particular usually stands out or feels deeply interested in music, dancing and yoga. Aryaman, the deity of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, is the god of patronage, union and is considered as the chief amongst the ancestors. They are deeply affected and involved in relationships.
One of the symbols that rules this nakshatra is the back legs of the bed or a platform. I'll focus on the latter simply because most of the time its only people who wield some sort of power or gift who get to stand on a platform of any kind. Additionally, they also tend to deal a lot with the karma of the father, and not always on the positive end of it.
She had battled with addictions to alcohol and other substances her entire life, but it only got progressively worse after she met the man who would eventually become her future husband. It was said that shortly after meeting him her personality changed and she started to indulge in other vices, such as cocaine and crack (which he knowingly admitted to introducing to her).
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On top of it, her own father who had a heavy influence on her (as it usually is for 99% of Leo's) wasn't supportive towards her health when she needed it the most. It was the behavior of her parents and their tumultuous marriage that shaped the way she perceived home, safety, and nourishment. This is even more noticeable with the ruler of her 4th house falling sitting in its own house.
It was the lack of support from home and damaging patterns that made her to repeat the same generational curses which inevitably lead her to drowning in her own inner world. She clearly used substances as a coping mechanism (like most do). A way to escape reality and attempt to find safety, even if it only led to more pain and disregulation.
By the end, her difficulties on dealing with these themes became even more noticeable after she divorced her husband and went on a downward spiral that didn't even allow her to perform.
Her story, specifically around the last moments, shows us how impactful and difficult 4th house profections can truly be. Alike to other artist or famous individuals, by the end of their lives (27) a lot of those themes appear over and over again until they can no longer bare with them or find a peaceful and healthy resolution.
So, if you're currently going through or about to enter this house profection, just remember to take it slow and practice as much emotional regulation as possible. Go near water bodies to relax. Seek help from individuals who can heal your mind, body, and spirit, be it professionally or not. And finally, remember that you are not your childhood traumas or wounds.
Thanks for reading <3
Check out my services and testimonials for personal readings (plus more).
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coffee-master · 10 hours
[Lee Pines]
I wish there was a fanfic about trans Stanley Pines, who realised he was trans AFTER he was kicked out of the house.
Honestly I belive that during his childhood and teenage years there would be visible sights, but Stand ignored it due to the many circumstances.
I also think that his realtionship with his father would be maybe ever worse? I belive that Filbrick would often complain that his "daughter" was making more mess than his other sons, or complain for not being "a typical girl" or "girly" or other stuff.
After being kicked out I think that due to the new enviroment and other people (good and bad) Stan would probably run into some queer group in one of the bars. Maybe he would try to scam them or steal.. But somehow he would end up with a conversation AND REALISATION.
Egg cracking.
Later Stan would realise that he's a guy and do something about it. (In illegal way due to the situation)
He would do some dirty job to get some shots of testosterone. And it would start working.
He made a call to one of his old pals (on crime) to get a top surgery. The operation was of course a big risk (like 70% you survive, 20% you will die of blood loose on the table and 10% you die due to the infection if the surgery went bad)
I think the transition would have a positive impact on his mental health (like:; "Yeah Testosterone won't solve my money or family problems BUT LOOK WHO CAN GO SHIRTLESS!!)
A little steps would make him smile.
(TW: Another small detail is that during his living on the streets before transition Stan would probably also experience some sexuall harrasment) [I'd have a big impact on him]
Another think is that the transition would help him with his crime record. Slowly [DEADNAME] Pines wanishes away and nobody knows where or how and nobody can susspect him anymore.
From now on He would call himself Lee Pines. (simply)
[Let's be honest. I don't think Lee change his name to Stanley.. it's just like Stanford.. But that's only my opinion]
But Lee Pines would get himself more criminal record and in the end still use new fake IDs and ect.
Let's get to the part where Lee gets a postcard from Stanford.
NOW THIS IS WHERE THE REAL FUN BEGIN! Because he doesn't know about this whole stiation.
Stanford is waiting impatiently for his twin sister to show up in his Shack, but when he opens the door, he sees this MESSY HOMELESS GUY (suspicionsly similar to him)
"WHO ARE YOU?! DID YOU COME HERE TO STEAL MY EYES!?" - Stanford is ready to shoot.
Lee is clearly confused. He expected that his twin wouldn be shocked to a man at his doorsteps. But he didn't expect it would go like this-
"Geez, you sure now how to-" Before he could even finish his sentence Ford rapidly moved his crossbow even closer to his face.
"Who are you!?" Stanford yelled insantly.
"Woah Woah- Chill out pointexter-" The messy twin slowly raised his hands up.
"Talk. Now." Ford threatened.
"I'm your brother you dumbass-!" Lee yelled flustration and anger, not paying attention to his words at all.
Instead of being angry Ford only laughed manically at the answer. Shermie was far away with his own family. Moreover adding the fact that he didn't keep in touch with him in a long time. The answer was just hilarious!
"Wrong answer, try again." Ford smirked thinking this must be some trick of imagination or another shape-shifting creature from this forest.
Meanwhile Lee was terrified seeing his brother in this state of mind. Just what exacly happened to him?
But before he could even question this whole Madness, he heard counting.
"Five.." It was Ford. "Four.." And he was counting down.
He was counting down-
Who could have even guessed that reunion with his brother could cost him his head? Nevertheless Lee prefered to stay in one piece.
So he spoke.
All that he know.
"In the middle school I used to take your box class, since you hated it so much and once Pa' found out, he was pretty pissed at both of us!" Immiediately he saw how Ford was taken aback.
It was a good sigh.
So he kept going.
"During summer we'd go on the beach and pretend to be treasure hunters! One time we wanted to make a fireplace next to the boat? I used my dresses as a firelighter and later I was 'forced' to wear your nerdy clothes as a punishment! We had a pet! Shanklin the Stab Possum! World's greatest pet!" He talked and talked until there was no oxygen for him to breath.
But he did it.
Ford blinked dumbfoundly instantly taking a step back from him. Lee didn't hesitate and used this opportunity once again.
"You told me to come here! You send me a post card!" He slowly reached to his pocked, taking out the pice of paper and rapidly waved it in his face.
"What.." Confused twin lowered his weapon down at the sight of the evidence.
"A lot has changed during those ten years brainiac." Finally the other twin said a little coldly, after seeing Ford putting weapoon away. "I go by Lee now." He added simply.
For a moment Stanford didn't say a thing, as if he've just got a brain damage.
"You know what? This isn't the weirdest thing I've seen. Get inside!" Stanford didn't have the time to question, especially when outside, everyone could see them.
Instead he dragged "Lee" into his house.
You can guess what happened next.
And, If someone would be interested in writing a fic about this or something similar then go ahead! DO IT! This is free to use!!!
Just tag me, becuase I'd like to read it too...👉👈
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newtthetranswriter · 2 days
Silence Can Be Good - Takashi Mitsuya
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Word Count: 1375
Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x Gn! Reader
Summary: Having a speech impediment as an adult is difficult and sometimes you just need to go quiet.
Warnings: Reader has a speech impediment, mentions of criticizing someone for a disability
A/n: Hello, I want to start off by saying sorry for my absence. My ADHD is once again kicking my ass. Secondly, I want to make it clear I, THE AUTHOR, of this imagine have a speech impediment and so this is written from experience. Any double s’s that should be only one s or when you see ‘...’ it is supposed to represent pausing to find the right word. Even if I myself have a speech impediment, it was difficult for me to find a way to turn it into something you can read, so please be kind. Also I am aware that toge form jjk technically won the poll for this fic, but I’m sorry i couldn’t figure out how to make this story work with him. Anyways, please enjoy, remember my requests are open and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
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   It was normal for Takashi to come home from a long day at his studio and be greeted with music and the sounds of his partner playing video games in the living room. So when he opened the door to their shared apartment and was greeted by a deafening silence. “Y/n, I’m home.” He called out as he made his way through the apartment, taking note of Y/n’s keys and shoes thrown haphazardly by the door like always. When there was no response he suspected that Y/n had decided to take a nap after their long day at work and so he quietly made his way to their shared bedroom.
  Opening the door, Takashi took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the space. When he was able to make out shapes in the dark room he could see the outline of his partner curled up on the bed, and had it not been for the slight shudder in their shoulders he would have assumed they were in fact asleep; but Takashi knew better and so he quietly approached the bed sitting down behind them and turning on the bedside lamp. He gently nudged their shoulder to let them know he was there and when they rolled over and just buried their face in his side he made no move to stop them.
  The two of them sat like that for a few minutes before Takashi broke the silence. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked gently while running his fingers through their hair. Y/n just shook their head clinging to Takashi just a little tighter. It took him a moment but he slowly started to piece it together. In all their years together Y/n had only gone silent a handful of times. The main cause was normally when one of them had to go to the doctor, as Y/n has a fear of hospitals and being in them typically caused panic attacks. Seeing as the two of them were in the safety of their home, there was only one thing Takashi could think of that would cause Y/n to go nonverbal. Someone made fun of the way they talk.
  Letting out a quiet sigh, Takashi began forming a plan to get Y/n to open up again. “Do you want to pick out a movie while I order dinner?” He asked looking down at where they had their face pressed to his chest. After a moment Y/n slowly pulled back, nodding as they grabbed the remote from Takashi’s outstretched hand. Takashi placed a gentle kiss on their check before grabbing his phone and ordering pizza from the little shop down the street that they always got.
  When the pizza got there, the two continued to sit in relative silence while eating and watching the movie Y/n had picked for the night. Occasionally Takashi would ask if Y/n needed anything, sticking to questions that could be answered with only a nod of the head. He’d been through this before and while the first time it scared him, he was now accustomed to allowing Y/n to speak when they felt ready.
  After the credits rolled and the leftover pizza was put away, Takashi retook his spot next to Y/n, ready to go to sleep and see if Y/n felt better in the morning. But before he could pull them close and fall asleep, he was stopped by Y/n’s quiet voice. “Do I talk like an … idiot?” They asked shyly, not looking at the lavender eyed male.
  Taken aback by the sudden question, Takashi froze for a second. He knew their silence was because of something someone said to them about their speech, but it still shook him everytime he heard about it. “Not at all. You talk like everyone else, and if anyone says otherwise I’ll gladly have a chat of my own with them.” He said sitting up and pulling Y/n to lean into his side. “What brings this on?” He hoped to understand, not to confront the person who hurt his love, but so Y/n could just get the problem of their chest.
  Sighing, Y/n took a moment to collect their thoughts, clearly trying to plan out each word before speaking. “While I was at work… s-a lady got up… got mad at me for ssomething that I didn’t do, a-and when becausse I had dealt with a bunch of angry cusstomers, I got overwhelmed and…” They paused as they realized they’d started slipping again. “You probably already can figure out what happened next.” Y/n finished, trying to end the story quickly before they started slipping and stuttering again.
  Takashi nodded along, he knew that their speech impediment is a source of a lot of insecurity and anxiety for them so he wouldn’t push them to talk about it. “It’s okay you don’t have to talk if it’s too much for you right now.” He reassured, rubbing their back as they leaned further into him. “Just know that you just had an off day and that changes nothing about how strong you are. I can’t sit here and say I know what it’s like because I don’t, but I can tell you that you are incredibly brave. I don’t think I could handle having every word I say criticized for something I have no control over.” He spoke only the truth. He had heard first hand what people have called Y/n after even only a single mistake in a long winded sentence and he couldn;t imagine dealing with that nearly everyday.
   Y/n nodded, before pulling away again, facing Takashi. “I just wish I could talk like everyone else.” They said, clearly concentrating on getting the words to work right. “I wish I didn’t have to think … so hard to not … sound like a two year old just learning to form a … sentence.” Their frustration was clear as they paused every few words to make sure the right sound came out. 
  They were so focused on getting their words out that they failed to notice the tears that had started to slowly roll down their face, only noticing when Takashi reached up and wiped one away. “I know it’s frustrating, but all you can do is let the bad days pass and keep moving forward.” He began, hoping they understood. “I know it upsets you when you have slip ups and I know it’s even more upsetting when people point it out and use it against you but you have to just let it pass. And if you can’t let it pass, let me know and I will gladly be your voice while you gather the energy to speak again.” He finished with a gentle smile. Y/n managed a matching smile and a small nod. This wasn’t the first time they had a conversation like this, and they both knew it wouldn’t be the last, but they relaxed at knowing that for now everything would be ok.
  “Now, let's go to sleep and in the morning you’ll text your boss that you won’t be going in and you can have a ‘talking optional’ day. If you don’t want to talk you don’t have to, you can text or write down whatever you need from me and if you want to talk that’s up to you. How does that sound?” He asked slowly, positioning them both to begin laying down facing each other. Y/n thought on the offer, it was always nice after a rough speech day to take some time and reset their brain, so being offered an entire day where they could be nonverbal without problems was a dream. Deciding it was a great idea, they nodded quickly before cuddling closer to Takashi. 
  Feeling Y/n nod against his chest, he couldn’t help but laugh at their enthusiasm. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He said rhetorically as he placed a kiss to the crown of their head, already planning a day that would require little to no talking on Y/n’s part to truly give them a break from talking.
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(dividers by cafekitsune)
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deafknell · 1 day
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my (belated) entry to day one of the rezero fanweek! enjoy this quick felt doodle and drabble below for the prompt “—Shut up and put on your war face.”
A cold hand presses against Felt’s cheek. Each finger sculpts around the curve of her face, something a touch too familial for her liking. She doesn’t try to push them away, however, not even as a stray thumb rubs away what must be a patch of dirt she hadn’t noticed earlier. While the gesture rings as far too coddling, putting up a fight with the women who’d saved her would only leave a bad taste in her mouth.
It’s not often Felt comes by the red-light district these days. The leery gazes of shopkeepers always set her off, dreading the idea of speaking to the likes of them. If they tried anything, she’d take them down in no time, but she knows well enough to steer clear of the seedier venues round the Royal Capital. With all the big names focusing on looking good, the things brothel owners could potentially get away with outweigh the few good reasons for coming down to the district on most days.
This day, though? Call it sentimentality, or some other gross word for nostalgia.
The moment Felt walks by one of the rundown massage parlors, a masseuse comes running up to her, alerting everybody and their lover to her presence in the area. Several other ladies swarm her too, prostitutes and escorts to cleaners she used to say hello to when Old Man Rom was away. Their fussing is a headache to deal with, as expected, but she’s almost glad for it. Years of distance had left a lot of the names of people who helped feed and protect her with fuzzy faces, yet all it took was a stench of perfume for her to remember most of the cool big sisters she grew up with.
Eguchi, who always took care of any of her scrapes with bow-shaped bandages around her legs. Aoyagi, filling up a container with food two times Felt’s usual portion size for her to share with Old Man Rom. Each and every one of them spoiled her where they could afford to, and that habit had not changed in the time it’s taken for her to return.
Once everybody had stopped fawning over Felt, she’d been dragged over to a private room and shown off to any of the ladies that had missed the masseuse’s announcements. To most of them, she’s the closest they’d gotten to motherhood, taking in a stray for a couple hours of company. It’s the closest she’s gotten to a mother, too, though she’d never admit that to their faces.
Kazuragi’s the one to pitch a makeover, once the initial excitement had settled.Before Felt could say anything, she had left, searching for her palettes and brushes in another room. From what Felt remembers, she’d been the lady who helped train newcomers in etiquette and appearances, something that kept her valuable even as she hit an age where most prostitutes would have been retired or culled. Pushing back on her request isn’t really an option, despite how little Felt cares about sitting still while someone pokes at her face all day.
Looking at the neat arrangement of products Kazuragi had returned with, Felt let out a sigh. “Is all this really necessary…?”
“Yep,” Kazuragi says, popping the ‘p’ sound. “We never got a chance to doll you up before, what with how flighty you were. Now, though…”
Another prostitute dabs some setting powder on Felt’s cheeks. “Indulge us, will you? You already look so pretty. With a little contouring and some blush, nobody will be able to take your eyes off you.”
“That ain’t exactly my kinda thing,” Felt says, sneezing as a brush is pressed to her nose. “Why’d ya even do all this stuff, anyway?”
Felt crosses her arms. “Like, makeup and stuff. Ain’t it gonna be a pain to clean off after you’re done with—”
“Nope! You’re too young to talk like that,” Kazuragi is quick to smother Felt’s mouth with a hand. “Honestly, now. What happened to that little girl who used to help me with preparing clean clothing for our girls?”
“Nothin’” Felt says, muffled. “Jus’ older now. Not a lil girl.”
“Sure, sure.”
Seconds pass before Kazuragi drops her hand. None of Felt’s makeup is smudged, thankfully. Neither of them say anything as both Kazuragi and the other prostitute get back to work, steady hands tracing the outline of her eyes. More powder is pressed to her eyelids, and she blinks, unused to pressure being put against her eyes.
Kazuragi leans back, assessing her work, and lets out an appreciative hum. Handing Felt a small hand mirror, she pushes a lock of Felt’s hair behind her ear. “Not bad. You’d be a great canvas if you didn’t keep twitching all the time.”
She’s telling the truth, from what Felt can tell. Feels weird to see herself look so put together, but the results aren’t something to complain about. A lot of ladies would pay a fortune for this kind of treatment. “You still haven’t answered my question.”
“About why we wear makeup?” the other prostitute asks. Felt gives her a nod. “It’s nice to separate yourself from clients. They’ll see what you want them to see, while you get to keep your regular appearance to those you care about.”
“It’s a confidence thing, too.” Eguchi adds, having finally decided to join the Felt reunion party again. She ruffles Felt’s hair, leaving her hand on her head for a few seconds longer than needed.
“Facing clients can be unnerving. You never know how they’ll react to you, or what they’ll say about you. Wearing makeup, looking good, dressing well—they’re like spells designed to keep your head high, no matter what others say. We may not be knights or noblemen, but it’s our own form of war paint,” Kazuragi says.
That…makes a lot of sense. Back when that Reinhard bastard was getting torn down by his dad, she’d said something similar to him. Putting on a war face and challenging others is far better than letting those people walk all over you. Fancy appearances may be important for things like stuffy noble events or candidate speeches, but there’s more reason than just sucking up to nobles that people tend to dress up. That’s the battlefield they choose to fight on, just as knights wear their uniform with pride, and prostitutes adorn themselves with silk clothes and makeup.
Maybe that’s what Old Man Rom’s ribbon has been to her, all this time. Her own form of strength from the guy who saved her, war paint that didn’t take ages to apply.
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eatember · 3 months
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
the never stop blowing up vhs is where cute twinks go to get harmed
#not art#nsbu spoilers#kirk blade.... johnny manhattan..... maybe tenuously cosmo chase#also genuinely I Love that vic ethanol is showing himself to be bit of a dick#and kingskin conversely First Actual Communication With The Player is like. idk I just work here#(I am vibrating in my seat abt liv bloodlust. shes experiencing a bit of emotional consequence. hope she powers thru it and#becomes even worse)#I also love that g13 and jack manhattan are both like. gone#I know in adventuring party they're charting it to shape up as like. usha also slowly losing herself to the work like g13 did#and them becoming one entity entirely in the sense that their selves stop mattering in the face of their hacker capacity#(also called the Forum Moderator Dilemma)#but I also like to think that g13 handed it back to usha cleanly in the second episode with that one interaction#and is now fully unplugged from everything. left the movie. man is Sleeping#we all agree that paula ate jack manhattan tho I think it's fine to assume that#and! the way russell has been like. fully going whole hog full tilt into helping other people and moving the plot along#while Suggesting That Doing Self Reflection And Learning Lessons From This World Might Help to Other People#like I love that. 1/lieutenant syndrome but also 2/extremely transfem coded#like past the ''ohh I have realisationd I'm coming to'' stage. far past. man is bored with thinking abt genders#not new realisation to him! had that thought two decades ago. not motivated enough by anything to change anything#I think I just love the scenario of like magical mystical journey in a fantasy world clearly designed to make you contemplate ur gender#and ur like oh no what? we did that years ago. whats up#deeply interested tho. open up russell we wanna see whats up with u#dang is perfect no note 10/10 more important than anything else he is genre aware and savvy and that truly is all he needs here#the ''let's make it fun'' scene he does with liv is SO good I love him. Im so scared the vhs will snatch him away. hes too genre perfect
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sysig · 14 days
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Some scribbles :) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Texture work is original sure lol#Went in hard on one of those Drawing Advice posts about ''Hey - literally just put pencil to paper and go no worries''#It was fun :D I Do still want to just doodle freely sometimes!#I still enjoy some structure to it so I ended making a grid of various like map-style textures to tell different biomes apart lol#But just general funsies scribbles were pretty good! I enjoyed the lot :)#S'good to just Make with abandon sometimes haha#I really like the hatching effect generally and it's something I want to improve at/implement more so the practice was nice there :)#Layering on paper/with only the one digital layer is always an interesting exercise in negative space and keeping things readable#I like drawing clouds with notably flat bottoms haha I think it's funny that they just sit there#I guess I'm used to cirrus clouds a lot so seeing cumulus big puffies with a clear delineation between bottom and the rest is just fun to me#They look like toys! Designed to sit! But they're just up there! How fun!#Squiggly branches/veins was something I did a tooon as a kid before I got into Drawing On Purpose y'know#Just pages and pages of branches on branches#And curls that curled away from each other - did a little bit of that with the circles and lines but not that much haha#I dunno if I still have any but it's interesting how that dwindled down to basically never over time#I definitely know what I prefer to draw these days but hmm still wonder a bit!#And loop-di-loops haha I was thinking of Erase quite a lot for that one honestly#And the way some Disney Princesses give autographs which one is it-#Belle! I remember when I got her autograph years ago and was really enamoured with the flourish :D#Grace and elegance in shape! Ah! So cool#That and RGB from TPoH haha - all these swoopies! I like them very much :)
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sunflowersolace · 2 years
terfs will say shit like “people with penises are incapable of feeling any emotion beyond rage” and think it’s the best most feminist take in the world. girl you are going backwards.
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yappacadaver · 10 months
im just obsessed with his themes and motifs, i love when guys have suffering tailor-made just for them, and i love watching how their psyche tries to grow through the torture dungeon's twisting labyrinth, until the shape of their soul is a cast of it
#it's like pouring molten metal into an ant colony to make a cast#rational thoughts being the ants#mr delver i wont u...#this one goes out to all my favorite blorbos though#only the men though surprisingly i have a different type for women (creator of the torture dungeon)#but yea kakashi went through this too and it was so potent it probably shaped my 13 year old brain for good#though i gotta say in the suffering olympics raymond is probably one of the only ones to give kakashi a run for his money like i legit#hjave a hard time handing out the gold to either of them#i guess i would honestly HONESTLY have to hand it to raymond which is so!!! girl kakashi is an active combatant living under martial law To#but kakashi gets the chance to get better and he gets it multiple times... kakashi ends up with a family... even when things are bad he has#comrades and??? not to be like that but he has power. he's not helpless. he COULD have run away from it all (not saying he shouldve but it#was an OPTION at least)#Raymond is connecticut clarke if connecticut clarke had to resist against the forces of hell itself alone for his entire life with little t#no hope of ever escaping. no family. likely no friends (definitely none that are close and understand his situation). the only power he has#is a get out of jail free card but it's not free you have to carve a bit off of mama you gotta have a kidnapping victim to torture like. he#has nothing.#AND THE DAMN GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD ONLY WORKS SOMETIMES LIKE????? get crumpled ig
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neverendingford · 2 days
#tag talk#went running this morning for the first time in like.. a year I think. I'm so out of shape.#I used to be able to fly. I used to be able to fuckin glide on my feet#oh well. I'll get there again if I really want it. I just have to let myself move in that direction#I lost it in college when my social anxiety got so bad I couldn't just go outside and run except at one in the morning#and a few minor health things popped up that just made running that much more prohibitive.#like the fact that my ears would hurt and I would get headaches from the wind on my ears even in 90 F weather#and the general stress-related stomach issues that made running nausea-inducing#I also just want to get back into my ideal shape without cutting calories because I need all the calories I can get but#but when I'm inactive I do get more tummy than I would like#which makes me feel guilty because I know I shouldn't feel shame about the shape of my body and a little tummy is the least of my worries#but if I can motivate myself with the desire to make my body my own instead of shame for how it is.#that's no different than any other thing people do to change how their body looks and presents#it's just the shame that's bad. running towards good not running away from perceived bad. motivation versus demotivation#also exercising is a great way to get out my manic energy without fucking randos off grindr#but in general my ability to go outside and be seen by other people has gotten a lot better.#between accepting that I'm allowed to just ignore people and be weird. and also sort of gender transitioning. my anxiety is at all time lows#idk. my life is pretty manageable right now. I manage the periodic depression and ride out the mania#I have a few friends to talk to and someone to play aoe2 with so honestly I'm alright#plans for things next year that I'll see if they pull through.#all in all my life is something I don't hate anymore and that's pretty fuckin pogchamp
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