#it was fast and like if a child was running around in leaves and guess fucking whaf
kruxton · 10 months
aphantasia not letting me dream at night most of the time but the only two dreams i remember having in all of my life were the scariest shit ever
#first one was the worst#i was a kid stuck in the car in what seemed to be an aisle between two buildings but instead of buildings it was just a wall? im not sure#i was alone and the doors were locked and there was a blinding white light coming from in front of me#it was kinda like a gas station's strange neon light in the middle of nowhere at night kinda light yk#so im at the backseat trying to get out when i suddenly feel like someones outside and THERE WAS because i could hear a shuffling#it was fast and like if a child was running around in leaves and guess fucking whaf#it was fucking CHUCKY#and he had his little knife and all and he was covered jn blood and i looked out the car and i saw my parents and i wanted to cry#he was rattling the door like crazy trying to get in and i was fucking frozen#then he managed to get in and i woke up in a sweat for the first time in my life#i was shaking like crazy dude i never had a nightmare before#weirdest thjng is ive never even seen chucky???? so why did he come in my ever so rare dreams i will never know#anhwyas that one sucked#second dream i was at school and we all turned into zombies and it was the scariest thing ever#like imagine an all of us are dead scenarjo#the korean show i think is what its callex yeah#i had just finished watchjng it and it camenup in my dreams ig#watched my friends get turned into zombies and stuff it was craaaazy#had to kill.em too and k cried doing it#but then i saw my teacher and he for some unknown reason had PINK HAIR#and i woke up instantly because what thw fuck thats hilarious#did not wake uo shaking for that dream tho so i'll take that one anyday instead of the chucky shit#okay km done#hehe#storytime#text#random
0 notes
satorusugurugurl · 16 days
The Single Dad Club! (Chapter Three: Gojo)
Summary: The Single Dad club consisted of Grto Suguru, Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento! But with summer upon them, the men find themselves ladies who are willing to have them leave their self-appointed club!
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 5.2K
Warning: mentions of lost child, panic, flirting, fluff, cursing, oral sec (male receiving) smut, p in v, unprotected sex
A/N: The last and final part of the Single Dad Club Summer Series! I had fun with this mini series! Yay for Sexy dilfs!! 😈💚
Part One Part Two
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“It’s official. God hates me and wants me to suffer.” Gojo sighed as he lay on the warm side of the beach. “He has doomed me to be single for all time..”
“You’re being dramatic.” Suguru scoffed, shaking his head as he turned the page in his book.
Gojo sat up, glaring daggers at his best friend, who was unbothered by the intense stare. “Oh, shall we review just how much he hates me?” Knowing there was no way to stop the bitching, Geto huffed out a sigh, placing his bookmark in place before he turned his attention to the white-haired man. “Exhibit one,” he gestured towards Nanami, who was building a Sandcastle with Yuuji and his girlfriend. “And Exhibit number two!” he stared at the beauty walking down the shoreline with Nanako and Mimiko. “Both you assholes went and got yourselves girlfriends this summer, disbanding The Single Dad club!” Suguru sighed, running a hand down his face.
“You’re still stuck up on this?” When Gojo pouted, Gero rolled his eyes. “You know it’s as simple as getting on Tinder, right?”
“All the people on there just won’t be for my body!”
“Well fuck Satoru, what do you want?”
“I want a summer romance like you and Nanamin over there!”
“Oh, I fully intend on turning this summer romance into a long-term relationship.”
The sweet, romantic tone of his best friend's voice had Gojo sticking his nose up as he gagged, sticking his tongue out. “Ya’ know what, kiss my well-toned a—”
“Gojo!!” The sound of Tsumiki screaming sent chills down his spine. He was on his feet in an instant. It was a scream that wasn’t full of fun or laughter. This was the scream all parents dreaded to hear.
“What?! What’s wrong?!”
“I can't find Megumi!!”
Those words hit him like a baseball bat to the gut. But Gojo didn’t allow the panic to take over. Instead, he pushed it down, running towards the crying Tsumiki.
“Where did you last see him?”
“I told him to wait for me while I use the restroom! I was in there for five minutes, maybe longer! But when I came out, he was gone!” The young girlfriend sobbed into Gojo’s chest, holding onto his white T-shirt as she cried even harder.
In situations like this, it was easy for someone to lose sight of what to do. Luckily for Gojo, being a firefighter allowed him to push the panic aside and process clear and concise thoughts. If he were to panic, things might go unnoticed, or he might act out irrationally. Right now, it was best for him to stay calm.
With a shallow breath, Gojo gently grabbed Tsumiki’s arms in an attempt to ground her. Feeling his hands on her arms and squeezing them gently, the young girl breathed more steadily. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Can you tell me where you saw him last?” His adopted daughter pointed him in the right direction, and with a quick shout to Suguru to watch her, Satoru was off, sending sand flying under his sandals as he ran as fast as he could.
On the other side of the beach, you crouch down to the small boy you had noticed admiring a sea turtle barricade placed on the beach. You knelt next to him, staring at the said. He turned his head, looking at you for a moment before turning his attention back to the sand.
“Pretty cool, huh?” You finally asked, toying with the whistle around your neck. “The turtles are protected this way, and when they start hatching, they’ll head straight for the water.”
The dark-haired boy hugged his knees close to his chest. “Yeah, I guess so.” You could easily tell he was withholding his excitement. As hard as he tried to play it cool, you could see the glimmer in his eyes.
“Do you like sea turtles?”
“I like all animals.”
“Yeah? What’s your favorite animal?”
The young boy narrowed his navy blue eyes as he slowly turned to glare at you. “I shouldn't be talking to you; you’re a stranger.” The blunt words and sharp tone took you off guard from a young boy his age. Was he even a kid? He had to be what, seven, maybe eight years old? “And what’s with that look on your face?” Damn, now he was even calling you out!
“Heh—I’m not a stranger, like stranger danger kind.” You gestured towards your white lifeguard jacket and red baseball cap. “I’m a lifeguard.”
“Well, shouldn’t you be watching the ocean? Making sure no one drowns.”
You laughed out loud, tilting your head back. “I already did that; I was just about to grab my bag and call it a day. But watching people in the water isn’t all we know. We help with medical emergencies, monitor the weather, and even provide water safety lessons.” The apprehensive look on the boy's face twisted into a more neutral look as you spoke. His eyes focused on your lifeguard gear, deeming you not to be some kidnapper. “But we also help get lost kids to their folks.” You ruffled the top of his hair before standing.
“I’m not lost.” He corrected you.
“Oh really?” Your eyes scanned the emptying beach. “Where are they?”
He didn’t say a word as he looked around, blinking a few times before standing. There was a look of confusion on his face as he turned in each direction, north, east, south, and west, as if he was on the search for something or someone. Your chest constricted as you could see his eyes flash with panic before he slowly looked back up at you.
“I-I don’t think my sister heard me when I told her I would be over here.”
“Okie dokie, where did you last see your sister?”
“By the bathrooms.”
You shoved your hands into your pockets, motioning towards the bathrooms with your chin. “At least we know where she is. Come on, I’ll walk you there.” much to your relief. The little guy had no reservations about following you to the bathroom. Sometimes, kids put up a fight, not believing that you were a lifeguard, and they didn’t stop crying until one of your coworkers came to help you. Thankfully, this kiddo was a bit older than the ones you usually dealt with, making it a less painful experience for both of you.
When you get to the bathrooms, you get a description of his older sister before stepping into the bathroom to see if she is there. Much dismay, there was nobody in the restroom except for yourself. His sister either ran off in search of him or returned to find their parents. Regardless, either his sister or his family would come looking for him shortly, and even though you had clocked out for the day, you decided to stay by his side until they arrived.
“She’s not in there kiddo.” You stretched your arms above your head. “We can wait a bit, but we might need to make an announcement..”
“I don’t know if they’ll be necessary. Knowing Gojo, he’ll be running around here within the next few seconds.”
“Whose Gojo?”
You gasped as a flash of white flew past you. The shock had you placing your hand on your chest, feeling your heart rate spike as a man began frantically running around. He whirled around, searching everywhere, and it was fairly easy for you to put two and two together.
“Megumi?!” The man shouted, groaning as he ran his fingers through the tuffs of soft, pristine white hair. You hadn’t spoken to the man, and you could feel the anxiety radiating off him like an industrial air conditioning unit. “Megs?! Where are you?!”
He couldn't see the boy standing behind you from where he was standing. But the concern and fear in his eyes had you moving forward. “Excuse me, are you looking for—”
“Oh, thank god!” Large hands grabbed both of your arms, yanking you forward towards him. The smell of sunscreen musk became prominent as the handsome man leaned down to get in your face. “I need help finding my son! He’s about this tall! Black hair! Blue eyes!” He released one of his hands off your arms, putting it near his upper thigh. “A-And he was wearing a White T-shirt and shark swim trunks!” Beautiful cerulean eyes searched your face as if you had the answers to all of his questions, which way you did. “He’s a little too serious for a seven-year-old, but I wouldn’t have him any other way!”
You could practically hear the eyes rolling behind you as Megumi, you were assuming, groaned out loud in apparent embarrassment. “An overly serious seven-year-old? You wouldn’t happen to love animals, would he?” The man blinked and then twice before his frantic shaking came to a stop. “Because this kiddo was admiring, let’s see, turtle barricades.” You stepped to the side, motioning towards Megumi.
“MEGUMI!” Gojo yelled, dropping to his knees and grabbing his arms around Megumi and a crushing hug. His son grunted at the squeeze, averting his gaze as Gojo stroked the back of his head. “Oh my god, I was worried sick about you! Why didn’t you wait for your sister, like she told you to?!”
“I told her I was going to look at the barricades. Apparently, she wasn’t listening to me.”
You smiled, admiring the loving scene between father and son. The relief was visible in the muscles of Gojo’s back, and as hard as he tried to hide it, you could see the slight smile Megumi had tugging at the corners of his mouth. Little moments like this made you love your job even more.
You put the red duffel bag on your shoulder before turning your baseball cap around and clearing your throat to get their attention. Gojo released his bear-tight grip around his son, looking over his shoulder at you—a stunning beauty, white and red, who looked like she was by Zeus out of seafoam. Your body was perfect, your smile dazzling, and the way your eyes sparkled as you watched the scene unfolding in front of you had his heart skipping a beat.
Was it illegal to fake a heart attack in front of a certified lifeguard? Because he would do pretty much anything right now to have you perform CPR on him! But instead of raking up an ambulance bill and putting a damper on the whole day, Gojo stood up, dusting his knees off before towering over you.
“Thank you so much; I appreciate you staying with him.”
“Eh, it’s all part of the job! He's a good kid, smart too; you did a good job teaching him about stranger danger.”
“Being a first responder, I engraved it into his and his sister’s brains.”
“Oooh, a fellow first responder!” You took the opportunity to look him up and down shamelessly. “Let me guess,” Gojo smirked, placing one hand on his hip as he watched you slowly trailer your eyes over every inch of his body. He had broad, lean muscles, his legs were long and toned, and he had a pretty face. Long white lashes anyone would kill for, eyes with the same shade of Lagoon water, and a smile that had you swooning. You could have easily continued to stare at him, but you decided not to be a horndog and slowly trailed your eyes back to his face. “EMT?”
“Nope, fire rescue.”
“Ah, a firefighter, I would’ve never guessed. I would’ve needed to inspect you further.”
Gojo took his bottom lip between his teeth, shamelessly humming. “Ooh, sweetheart, I’d let you expect me anytime, any place.” He stuck his hand out in front of you. “Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you.”
You, too, his hand, shaking it. “Nice to meet you, Gojo.” Just as you gave him your name, you could hear yelling in the distance further down the beach.
Both you and Gojo turned your heads, watching as a group of people came running down the shoreline. People looked frantic for a second, but as soon as they saw the three of you standing near each other, their faces relaxed, and their running slowed to a walk. Assuming this was their group from how the children ran directly to Megumi while the adults stood back, you exhaled through your nostrils.
“Well, it looks like your families are here, so I think I should be getting home. I wouldn’t want your wife for your girlfriend waiting for you and Megumi much longer.”
Gojo snickered, glancing up at the sky with a grin before focusing his attention back on you. “There is no Mrs. Gojo. It’s just me, myself, and my two kids. You’re looking at the sole survivor of The Single Dad Club.” A choir of groans sounded from the group around you.
“Satoru, enough with that terrible club name!”
“I have to agree; it doesn’t work well when you’re the only member.”
“You guys suck!” Those pretty blue eyes found yours. “So yes I'm single.”
You bit your bottom lip, feeling a certain confidence burning in your chest. “What a coincidence, and so am I.” Gojo perked up; not only had you helped his kid, but you were a fucking hot lifeguard that was single on top of it?! This had to be one of the best days of his life.
“Uh-huh, well, I think we should change that.”
“Yeah? And just what do you have in mind to change that?”
“You, me, dinner and drinks. Consider it as a token of my appreciation for you taking such good care of my son. And I think you’re very attractive, and I would like to get to know you more.”
You could’ve done flips. You were so excited, but you had to play cool, not wanting him to know you were as eager as a seagull going after a fry. “I believe that would be sufficient.” You held your hand towards him. “I’ll just need your phone so I can give you my phone number.” Gojo was screaming in his head as he placed his cell phone in the palm of your hand, watching as your painted nails gracefully moved across the screen. “Text me, firefighter~.”
“Will do lifeguard.”
You adjusted your bag, waving goodbye to the rest of the group. And when you were out of sight and out of earshot, Gojo began violently fist-pumping the air. It was an action that had his kids cringing with embarrassment over his actions and the rest of his friend group. He couldn’t help it, though. It had taken all summer, but he finally scored a date with a woman who was just as kind as she was beautiful. Gojo couldn’t wait to get to know you more.
Two days later, when you both had a day off, Gojo took you to the best restaurant he knew. You both sat there exchanging daring stories of times at work. Where he’d been stuck on the second floor, where the fire was burning, or when you had gotten sucked into the current, trying to save someone. Both of you had an understanding of how dangerous work could be, and you both knew how precious life was. It wasn’t often you found someone you clicked with instantly like this.
Not only was Gojo remarkably hot, strong, and brave, but he was also caring and compassionate. Although he insisted, a lot of his friends and colleagues knew him as an arrogant ass. That didn’t change the fact that he cared about his kids. He spoke fondly of them. Tsumiki and Megumi had both lost their parents, and Gojo had taken them in, adopting them both and raising them as if they were his kin. That in itself was so attractive.
Knowing that he was fully capable of stepping up to the plate and wasn’t scared to do the right thing, he checked off boxes you didn’t think you had when looking for a partner. You found yourself entirely enthralled by his stories, the way he spoke articulately, and how he stared at you. It wasn't in a way that he was eye-fucking you across the table. No, there was a softness in his eyes, a look that included lust and curiosity.
And your assumptions about that look had been correct. Gojo had been right when he thought the gods themselves had made you. You look so pretty in your uniform for work. But seeing all dolled up made him think about how cute you must look on lazy days with your hair, a mess, sweatpants, and a baggy T-shirt. He found himself to know what that looks like. Because not only were you beautiful on the outside, but he could tell you were on the inside.
You were kind, compassionate, and brave. His son had been proof of that. But hearing stories of you going out during a typhoon to save some drunken idiot, he had an abundance of respect for you.
“Gojo.” Your sultry voices pulled him back into the conversation. ”If you keep staring at me like that, you’re going to burn holes through my skin.”
“Oh! Shit, sorry.”
You didn’t mind him staring; you would be lying if you said you weren’t staring at him. “Just what were you thinking about?” The softness that graced his features was not something many guys on first dates had. The majority of them wanted one thing and one thing only while you were looking for something a bit deeper.
“I was just thinking about how amazing you are.”
“Oh, I’m far from amazing.”
Satoru laughed, sipping his soda while you took a sip of wine. “Okay, have you looked at yourself? You’re a lifeguard; I’m sorry to be blunt about this. You’re very attractive.” His words had your cheeks flushing hotter than the wine, and that was because they were sincere. “You save lives, and you look hot when doing it.”
“Says the literal firefighter.”
“Okay, let me rephrase that. We both save lives, and we both look hot doing it. So I’m sorry for staring, but your beauty has enchanted me.”
You felt your cheeks burning, your eyes starting towards the table just as the waiter brought your dessert. “You’re very sweet, Satoru.” Satoru loved the sound of his name leaving your lips as he took the spoon off the plate and dug into the crème brûlée cheesecake.
“I think you’re sweet too.” He offered the first bite to you, holding the spoon in front of your mouth. “I’ve had a perfect time with you tonight. Being a single dad, I don’t get out as much as I want, and my dating life has been nonexistent. I was pretty sure I’d been cursed by the gods themselves there for a while.”
He watched as you wrapped your lips around the spoon, taking the bite off. “I know exactly exactly what you mean. Dating can be busy when you’re first responder.” You followed his lead, taking a scoop of the dessert into your spoon before offering it to him.
“Then we got lucky, huh?” He chopped down on the bite. You offered him, licking the cream off his lips. “We know how difficult it can be when you’re busy saving lives.”
“We definitely did. So, I think we should do this again.”
There was part of Gojo that didn’t want the date to end so soon. Both of you were having a great time, and the conversation was great. But he didn’t want to push his luck either. So, instead of asking if you wanted to go back to his apartment, he excitedly offered you another bite of the dessert before pushing the strawberry around with your spoon.
“Say, Satoru.”
“Yeah, Sweetheart?” You swiped some caramel off the plate with your thumb before bringing it up to your mouth, licking it off slowly. Seeing you do that had Satoru sitting up straight, his mouth suddenly dry as he did his best not to choke on the dessert. “M-mm?”
“What do you say after we’re done devouring the dessert? I take you back to my place and let you devour me?”
In all your years of living, you had never seen a man stand up and ask for the check as fast as Gojo did. It was cute but also strangely erotic in a way. He was eager to get you out of the restaurant and back to your place, and it took every ounce of your being to behave yourself until then.
Thanks to some unknown reason, you managed to keep your hands to yourself until the door to your apartment shut. As it did, you threw yourself into the firefighter, arms frantically working at the buttons of his shirt. Gojo’s eyes widened in shock at the sudden kiss, but that shock slowly melted into lust as he wrapped his arms around you, searching for the zipper to your dress. Hands moved nearly in sync as you began undressing the other.
Gojo sighed against your lips, groaning at the cool air hitting his bare chest as you unbuttoned his shirt completely. You pulled away from his mouth somehow, dragging your eyes down the dips of his abs, noticing faint burn scars that lingered here and there. That made him even more attractive, which was almost unbelievable.
“Like what you see?” The question had heat pulling between your legs. You did like what you saw. You liked it very much so.
“Mhmm~ I like it a lot.” Slowly, you crouched down, trailing kisses over his bare skin. “I want to see more.”
Your hand pressed firmly over his crotch as you pushed him back against the wall, and you dropped to your knees, unbuckling his belt. “I-Oh fuck!” A nervous yet excited laugh bubbled in Gojo’s chest as he looked down at you, watching you pepper kisses over the bulge in his boxers. “What are you doing, pretty girl?” The incredulous look you gave him made another laugh form in the back of his mouth.
“Did not make it clear enough back at the restaurant?” A white brow rose as you hooked your fingers under the waistband of his boxers. “I’m going to devour you, Satoru~”
With a fast tug, you yanked his boxers down to his thighs, freeing his thick, throbbing erection. It bobbed in the air, the tip pretty and pink, twitching as pre-cum beaded at the tip. Your mouth began to water as you stared at the beautiful cock in front of your face. Satoru groaned as he watched you gently wrap your hand around the base before taking him into your mouth with a groan.
“Oh fuuuck—” He let his head fall forward, eyes fluttering, threatening to close as you hummed around him. “Fuuck, you’re good at that.” He breathed out with a sigh as you began bobbing your head around his length.
His praise had you dripping as you took him further into your mouth, allowing the tip to slide down your throat. As you did, he jolted and cursed under his breath, and you couldn’t help but admire how reactive his body was to your touch. Every time you bobbed your head or swirled your tongue around his leaking tip, you drew more reactions from him. From him bucking his hips forward to soft whines and deep guttural groans. Every sound and action he made only drove you further.
You were on a mission to please. A mission that had your eyes water with each inch of him you took in your mouth. One that left you messily sucking this sexy man’s cock, a mixture of drool and precum running down your chin, hitting the floor. All of it was so hot, turning you on even more.
If given a chance, you could have stayed there on your knees all night long, pleasing Satoru with your mouth, but he grabbed a handful of your hair, gently pulling you off of him. There was a pop—followed by your ragged, needy breathing. Hearing that almost had Satoru reconsidering what he was doing. While your lips felt so good wrapped around his cock, Satoru wasn’t quite ready for things to end there.
“I need you.”
It wasn’t a want; it was a need. This man needed you. The raw power behind his words, the way they sent butterflies swarming in your stomach and caused your pussy to throb, was truly all he needed to say. This man did not need to beg or say please. Not when he needed you. Making him beg, while he would look so pretty when doing it, would be cruel at that point.
So you did the humane kind thing and rose to your feet before dragging him across the apartment into your bedroom, where you shoved him down on the bed. He didn’t fit or change positions. For one fact, you were far too fast, discarding your drenched panties and dress to the side before straddling him. The second thing was that he liked you taking the lead and doing what you wanted without asking him to be the more assertive.
“I need you too~” You whispered as you reached behind, gently taking his spit-slick cock. “I need you really bad.”
“Fuuuck,” Satoru groaned, biting down on your lips as you kissed him. “Then have me, sweetheart, have every part of me; I’m yours.”
Those words rang in your ears as you slowly lowered yourself onto his thick length. The feel of his stretching your tight walls had both of you groaning into each other's mouths as you made out. The kiss was deep and intimate, which was fitting, seeing that you were lowering yourself onto his length. The kiss, however, wasn’t similar to the one-night-stand kisses you had shared in the past. Those kisses were fueled by the desire to fuck and get off. While this kiss, while the lust and need were there, was also filled by a need to relish in each other. Almost like a silent promise, a mutual understanding that this would not be a one-night stand.
This was something more, something real and deeper.
Both you and Satoru could feel that as you pulled back away from his mouth, sitting up tall as your hips sat against each other flesh to flesh. The pleasure of merely being connected was so intense, so pleasurable; it made your eyes roll back as Satoru’s hands found their way to your hips, holding them as you lazily rolled them over his cock. With each roll of your body, muscles tensing as you rocked, Satoru was entranced by your body.
How you moved reminded him of the waves on the shore—powerful and beautiful, majestic and entrancing. You rolled with such ease, your mouth falling agape in pleasure, that Satoru had to fight the urge to thrust up into you. Because of this, watching you use him was so arousing.
“Mmm~ fuck baby, your cock is so thick!”
Satoru grinned as a harsh moan was fucked out of him with your seductive moves. “Mm~ fuck, yeah? Does it feel good in that tight pussy of yours?”
“Y-Yeah~! Feels good~ it feels really good!” You pressed your hands firmly against his pectoral muscles as you rocked fast, bumping his cock like he was your own personal sex toy.
“Yeah~ fuck you feel so good too.”
Knowing that he felt as good as you did had you digging your nails into his chest as you began bouncing up and down his length. Satoru hissed out a curse as his fingers dug into the fat of your hips, squeezing you as you left crescent moon indents in his skin as you rode him harder than he’d ever been ridden before. He felt drunk, head spinning as his eyes roamed over every part of you. From your face twisted with pleasure, your hips rising and falling on his length.
As he admired your beauty, you did the same to him. Watching his pretty ivory skin flush with each bounce on him. How he watched you through the frame of thick lashes. He truly was handsome. Fuck even the sounds he made were intoxicating.
There was a mutual admiration for each other, which seemed to make things all the more intense.
“Nngh!” Satoru clenched his teeth as you bounced madly on him. “Fuck~! Fuck~!”
You could feel his entire length twice inside of you, urging you to keep going. “F-Fuck your throbbing! Satoru!” He growled from underneath you, sitting up, holding a hand against the small of your back. “Hahn! Fuck!” He smirked, nipping at your bottom lip as he slowly began thrusting into you.
“Yeah~ you feel so good, you’re so wet and tight~!”
“N-nngh, yes, yes!”
“I can feel you throbbing, too~ god, you feel so good! So wet baby~ so tight.” He kissed you, stealing your breath away. “Are you gonna cum?”
Satoru grunted, his thrusts becoming messier. “Good~ cum for me, sweetheart~ I wanna cum with you.” He slammed his lips against yours as you rolled faster and harder, grinning your clit against him, chasing that sweet release until you both reached it at the same time. “C-Cumming!” Satoru grunted as he kissed you with a passionate heat.
“Me too!” You screamed as you moaned against his lips. As you came hard, soaking his pelvis with your release, he filled you with hot sticky cum.
As the aftershocks of your orgasm washed over you both, you fell forward, resting on Satoru’s chest as he placed a kiss against your forehead. “Fuuck, you‘re perfect.” Satoru trailed kisses down your temple to your lips.
“That tickles!” you laughed as he kissed you deeply. “Mhmm~”
“You don't seem to mind all that much.”
“Yeah, you're right. I don't.” He groaned, rolling you onto your sides so you were spooning. “Just like you won't mind me waking you up and making the best French Toast in the morning.”
“Ha—yeah, I have a massive sweet tooth, so I’ll probably be all over you tomorrow morning. In more ways than one.”
You turned just enough to kiss him softly, winning a grin. “That sounds like a pretty great morning to me.”
You pressed another chaste kiss against his lips. Gojo was grinning as he snuggled you tighter against him. It was a soft, sweet, intimate moment, once Satoru had longed for all summer. A romance like his friends had found, one he too wanted to last way past the summer months into autumn, winter, and spring. A romance that could last a lifetime.
That night, The Single Dad Club was officially disbanded completely.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Hi coco I wanna try putting in a request
Marshall x fem reader
Marshall and reader have a child there 4 or 5 (boy or girl idc ) and marshal and reader are indulging in late night activities (18+) and there child wakes up screaming bc they heard y/n screaming . So they come running knocking on the door to see if she’s ok .
You don’t have to do this kinda a bad idea
Hey ! Thanks for your request ! I love your idea ❤️. I had a lot of fun writing it, I hope you enjoy reading !
The Monster
Eminem x Reader Fanfiction
Summary : Lily gets scared when she hears Reader screaming during sex. Her and Em need to come up with some explanation.
Tags : Smut - Fluff - Comfort
Warning : SMUT (P in V, use of toys, anal, oral, biting, squirting…).
Author’s Note : I decided to use the same characters as in the one shot « One more baby ? » because why not ?
Your daughter was finally in bed, which only meant one thing : it was on. Baby-making time. Ever since you had decided to try for another child, your evenings with Marshall were filled with… spirited activities. Your sex life had always been active, but trying for a baby had you ten times hornier than you usually were. Same for your husband. For the past two months, as soon as Lily’s bedroom lights were out, you couldn’t jump on each other fast enough.
Trying for a baby not only made you hornier, it also made you more daring, more creative, much to Marshall’s delight. He was definitely enjoying the many new lingerie sets you had bought, as well as the toys and accessories. Since you had Lily on your own, with IVF, you decided to have as much fun as you could as you tried to give her a sibling. New positions, games, accessories, toys… as long as he was cumming inside of you, everything was fair game.
You were ovulating and had been a horny mess since this morning. It didn’t help that your dutiful husband had decided to work from home, staying in his grey sweatpants that you found him so sexy in. Days like this, he would usually stay in his home office but, for some reason, he had decided to work in the dining room. You weren’t going to complain : at least you got to admire him.
It was the holidays so were taking care of Lily but you couldn’t help but throw longing glances at each other. Every time he got a chance, he would tease you, brushing against you, gently squeezing your butt… and you got right back at him, leaning and bending forward every time you were in front of him so that he could have a good view of either your ass or your boobs. You felt your phone buzzing in your back pocket.
From Husband ❤️ : Keep on teasing me like this and you’re not walking for the next week.
You flashed him a smile and « accidentally » dropped the pencils you were holding.
- Mommy, did you drop something again ? Lily asked in an annoyed voice.
- I did, baby, you replied as you tried to hide a smile. I guess I’m really clumsy today…
- Daddy always says that we should be careful with our things, your daughter reminded you.
- And Daddy is always right, Marshall added with a smirk. I swear, Lily is the only good girl around here…
You giggled and bent to pick up the pencils as your husband stared at you - or rather at your cleavage that also showed a hint of the lingerie set that was waiting for him. You saw him licking his lips. Obviously, black lace was always a good choice. You forgot where you were and eye-fucked each other for a second before being taken out of your trance by Lily.
- Daddy, will you come and draw with us ? She asked.
- I have work to do, sweetie, he said with a small pout. I’d love to draw with you but Paul is going to be very unhappy if I don’t review these contracts for tomorrow.
- Uncle Paul always gives you work, she complained as she rolled her eyes.
- True, he chuckled. Next time you see him, you tell him he needs to leave Daddy alone, alright ?
- Yes, she said. You’re my Daddy and I miss drawing with you.
You could see Marshall’s heart melt at these words. He threw a guilty glance at the contracts on the dining room table and you could tell he was tempted to drop everything.
- I really have to work, baby, he said. But if you let me work in peace, I can go quicker and then we can do something together, ok ?
- Ok, she said. Can we make pizza just the two of us tonight ?
- Of course, he said with a smile. We can cook for Mommy. I think she’s a little too clumsy to be in the kitchen today anyway.
You giggled and took your daughter to the living room to draw for a little bit. As the evening came, Marshall kept his promise and cooked with Lily. Pizza was her favorite thing to make with her Dad. The two of them always made a mess in the kitchen, but it made them so happy that it was worth it. When it was time for bed, she insisted that Marshall be the one to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. She was clearly in her « Dad phase » and he was her favorite parent. You’d read it was normal so you didn’t worry much. Plus, it was fair : he was working a lot lately, so she probably missed him.
You decided to make the most of it and wait for your husband in the bedroom, only wearing your lingerie and high heels. With a 5 year-old, you didn’t wear your heels too much, but you knew how much Marshall loved the sight of your legs when you wore these red bottoms. You were searching for something in a drawer when you heard him enter the bedroom and lock the door. The familiar sound was always arousing to you. It was time to play.
- I have a bone to pick with you, Mrs Mathers, he said playfully in your ear as he stood behind you.
- Do you ? You giggled.
- You drove me crazy all day, he whispered. Time for consequences.
You were about to turn and face him when you felt his hands on the back of your neck, forcing you to bend over the dresser. He got closer to you until you could feel how hard he was. You couldn’t help but moan. After all, you had spent the whole day waiting for this moment. Little did he know that you were soaking wet.
- I could take you right here, he whispered in your ear.
- Please, you moaned.
- Not yet, he chuckled. Let me enjoy the view.
He ran his hands on your sides, your back, your legs, spilling kisses all over your body as you stayed in this position, all his to enjoy. He kneeled behind you and kissed your ass cheek before making your lace panties slide off your legs. He kissed your thigh, going higher and higher until you felt him kissing your pussy, from behind. You let out a soft moan as he ran his tongue up and down your slit. He slid a finger inside you, feeling how wet you were.
- For me ? He asked playfully.
- I was actually waiting for someone else, you couldn’t help but say.
He stopped and you felt a slap on your butt. Of course you had to run your mouth. It was going to be the death of you. You silently cursed yourself for making him stop what he was doing. You wanted his mouth and fingers back to your pussy, in their rightful place. He got up and whispered in your ear.
- Am I not enough ? He asked teasingly. Do you want more ?
- Marshall, you moaned. Please.
- No, he chuckled. I’ll give you more.
He opened the drawer next to you, where you kept your toys, and got your butt plug. He put it in your mouth, telling you to suck on it. When it was wet enough, he inserted it in you, before resuming his initial position and sliding two fingers inside of your pussy. His tongue worked his magic on your clit and you tried hard not to make too much noise. The sensation of the plug, his fingers and his tongue at the same time was sending you in overdrive. It was delicious. You thought you were about to come in no time but he seemed to have other plans.
- I’m not done with you yet, baby, he said. You teased me, now it’s my turn to have fun.
He just loved driving you crazy and you knew he got off on seeing you wrestle with your pleasure. Not that you were going to complain, mind you. After years of dating selfish men when it came to sex, Marshall was a breath of fresh air. You knew you had married the right man but, in that moment, you wished he would just pound into you and make you come already. Patience was definitely not your strong suit, and especially not when you were ovulating.
He grabbed your hand and pushed you on the bed, ass up, face down. In no time, he got rid of his clothes and he did not even bother undressing you. He just pushed your panties aside before entering you. His hip thrusts were painfully slow and you knew it was on purpose. However, you were not having it, so you rocked your hips in turn, owing you another slap on the ass. However, he indulged you and started moving faster. He reached for the plug and moved it a bit, causing you to whimper in pleasure. You were on verge of orgasm when he stopped again and laid down on the bed.
- Get on top, he said.
- You’re killing me, you groaned.
- Told you I’d get my revenge, he chuckled. Now, get on top before I leave you high and dry.
You were pretty sure he wouldn’t do this to you, but you were so needy that you weren’t willing to risk it. You were craving for release and he knew it. This gave your husband way too much power over you. He was smirking I when you got on top and lowered yourself on his length, taking all of it. The presence of the plug in your butt maximised the sensations and Marshall felt even bigger than usual. You moaned as you started moving, closing your eyes and chasing your high. Your man seemed to enjoy the sensations, too. He was usually a rather quiet lover but you could hear him whimper.
- God you’re so tight, he moaned.
- I’m close, you warned.
- Come for me.
Your movements started to become sloppy, much to your frustration. You were on the edge but couldn’t quite get there. You looked at Marshall. You didn’t have to say a word for him to understand you needed a bit of help.
- I got you, he said.
He reached in your nightstand and grabbed your Satisfyer. He turned it on and put it on your clit. Your body’s response was immediate. You were shaking on top of him and your soaked sex was clenching around his. It was so strong that you let out cries of pleasure. Marshall captured your lips in an attempt to shut you up, but to no avail. Your nails were digging in his chest.
- Fuck, he said as you felt him twitch inside of you, his release being imminent.
There were too many sensations at once for you to be able to think straight and control yourself. Every inch of you was stimulated. You let out screams of pleasure as you reached orgasm. You could feel your husband try and cover your mouth but you instinctively bit his hand. He pulled you close to him and your teeth found his shoulder as you kept on having spasms. It felt like never-ending waves of pleasure. You weren’t even sure if that lasted seconds of hours. Time and space had become vague concepts. All you could hear were your own sounds.
Your head was buried in Marshall’s neck as you came to your senses, both of you panting.
- Holy shit, you managed to mumble.
You were taken out of your zone by Lily screaming. Parental instinct kicked in and you stared at each other. « On it », Marshall said before hurrying into some clothes and out of the room. You quickly got out of bed and got rid of the sextoys before getting dressed as well. You were about to check on Lily and Marshall when you heard a knock on the door.
- Mommy ? Your husband asked. Can we come in ?
- Yes, you said.
He opened the door and you could see he was carrying Lily who seemed terrified.
- Mommy ! She cried.
- What’s wrong, my love ? You asked. Did you have a nightmare ?
- I heard you scream ! I’m scared…
You threw a glance at Marshall who was trying to hide a smirk. You never realised you could be this loud.
- It’s alright, you said as you walked to them and kissed her head. Everything’s fine, baby.
- Why did you scream, mommy ? She asked nervously.
- I was… scared, you said, trying to come up with a quick excuse.
- Of what ?
- Of the monster under the bed, Marshall tentatively explained. But don’t worry, I got rid of him.
She looked anxiously at her Dad, who have her a reassuring smile. The mark your teeth had left on his shoulder caught her eye and she looked at him anxiously.
- Did the monster bite you ?! She asked.
- What ? Oh uh… yeah, he said. I had to wrestle him. Scratched my chest too. But you should see him. He looks worse.
You let out a giggle. Thank God for his brain and quick thinking. Your daughter looked at you.
- Are you alright Mommy ? Did the monster bite you too ? She asked nervously.
- He didn’t, you said reassuringly. Thank God for your Dad. He’s a hero.
- I am a hero, Marshall said proudly.
Lily hugged him tighter and gave him a peck on the cheek.
- Thank you for saving my Mommy from the monster, she said. I’m proud of you, Daddy.
- Of course, he said with a big smile. I’ll never let anything happen to Mommy, or to you, or your sisters.
- Mommy… did the Monster pee on your bed ? Lily suddenly asked.
Marshall and you glanced at the bed. There was a huge wet spot, caused by a mix of squirt and sweat. You couldn’t help but blush. You might have had your most powerful orgasm ever, tonight, but you were definitely paying for it. You were absolutely mortified, while Marshall was trying really hard not to cry from laughter.
- I guess he did, you said sheepishly. That’s how scary Dad is.
- Why don’t we go downstairs for some water ? Marshall asked Lily. So that Mommy can sort the mess the monster made in bed.
- Yes, you do that and I’ll join you, you said.
- You should also open your window, Mommy. The monster stinks, Lily pointed out.
She wasn’t wrong. The room reeked of smells typical of sex : sweat, squirt, pheromones and God knows what else. Marshall chuckled and winked at you before carrying her downstairs. You opened your bedroom window and changed the bedsheets. When you joined them in the kitchen, they were eating ice cream. You frowned, as they both knew what you thought of having sugary snacks before bed.
- We’re having a celebration, Marshall grinned. We’re celebrating the defeat of the scary monster under the bed.
- Oh, you giggled. In that case, I won’t say anything.
Lily was sitting on Marshall’s lap. She still seemed a little freaked out. He talked to her reassuringly as she asked some questions.
- I don’t want to go back to bed, she whined. What if the monster comes back ?
- I beat him real bad, you know ? He pointed out. I don’t think he will be bad anytime soon.
- What if his family comes back for revenge ? She asked nervously.
- I’ll wrestle each and everyone of them, he said. Come, I’ll tuck you in.
As he carried her up the stairs, she started hiccuping again. He stopped in his tracks and looked at you. Her cries were heartbreaking. You were a little mad at yourself for scaring her with your screams. You joined and hugged the two of them.
- Can I sleep with you tonight ? She asked.
- Of course, you said. But just for tonight, ok ?
The three of you settled in bed and you were ready to turn the lights out when she started asking about the scary monster again. Both you and your husband kept on trying to reassure her but it didn’t seem to work too well. Marshall sighed and got up. You wondered what he was up to, but you quickly understood as he came back with his huge lightsaber replica from Star Wars, which served as decor in his home office that also doubled as a man cave.
- I thought it was not supposed to be taken from the wall ? Lily pointed out.
- Yeah… except in case of monsters, duh, Marshall replied with a grin. If anyone comes in here, I promise you they won’t last long.
Your little girl nodded and settled between you and Marshall. You kissed her forehead as she held your hand tightly. Your husband smiled at you and mouthed « I love you » before turning the lights off.
In the morning, everything was back to normal, though Lily still mentioned the monster. You weren’t too sure how to deal with it and you were a bit scared you had unlocked a new trauma… you were anxiously staring at Marshall, who proved (once again) to be a quick thinker and the real genius in the house.
- How about we call Lainie and ask her if you can have a sleepover at her house tonight ? He asked Lily.
- Why ? She asked.
- Well, I think Mommy and I should check the whole house for monsters tonight, he said as he winked at you. Just in case, you know ?
Author’s Note : I hope you enjoyed this short story ❤️. I really like writing with these characters (I think Marshall and Lily are so cute) so if you have any requests for them, please keep them coming 💖.
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alexa-fika · 2 months
yooo! What’s up?? Anyways I wanted to request a whitebeard pirates and child reader ff, so basically reader is very prone to Injuries and is quite clumsy, and one day when everyone was having lunch at mass, and then they accidentally stab themself with a fork or knife and end up causing a very deep and bloody injury, and everything after that is left to you :) it’s just so amusing for me to imagine the whitebeard pirates all worried and scared, and maybe at the end pops ends up comforting redder? Anyways love your works!
Forks and Dorks (Whitebeard pirates x gn!reader)
A/N I Dedicate this to you Holo and the anon who believed in me and my Adhd ass to finish my homework ✊🏽. I did it guys! And as you have wished it Anon here we have more Whitebeard pirates!
reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japaness
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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“There There,” Ace sighed, picking up the crying child in his arms.
“Did you run too fast?”
“I -I “
“Hey, Hey, breath for okay? Can you remind me how you take deep breaths?”
“Y-you smell the flowers,” they sniffled, taking a deep inhale from their nose.
“And you blow the candles,” they finished as they blew out the air harshly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, how about you do it again gently? You blow any harder, and I’m gonna fly away,” he spoke as he walked out of the Deck and towards the mess hall.
“No!” They let out a teary giggle at his words
“You did! Almost went flying off the ship!”
“No, you didn’t,” they laughed, their previous incident long forgotten in their brother’s playful teasing.
“Oh? Are you being Mean to your big brother, Dokucha?” Another voice piped in
“They are! Almost blew me off the Deck. I asked them to blow the candles, and the little rascal looked like they were trying to blow out a bonfire.”
“How mean, Dokucha!” Thatch gasped, joining in on the teasing of the small child
“You’re mean!” Dokucha accused instead
“Well, I guess I must live up to the title then,” Thatch laughed with a mischievous tone as Ace passed them to him and began tickling the child.
“No!!! Aceee-niii save me”
“Nope, you’re on your own,” he called with a grin as he promptly backed away and made his way to serve himself, ignoring the shrieking and laughs leaving the pair.
“Do ya give up pumpkin?”
“I’m Sorry, Thatch-nii, you’re not mean; you’re the best brother ever!!”
“There ya go, I always knew I was your favorite,” he exclaimed with a grin as he placed the small child down, grinning as they turned around to stick their tongue at him.
“Go have a sit, ya rascal; I have to make sure those idiots don’t destroy my kitchen.”
“Okay, Big Brother,” They happily call, climbing their way into a nearby chair as he walked closer to where the rest of his brothers were
“So what was it this time?” He called to Ace as he served him
“Ran over a loose board on the Deck,” He replied, gulping down the food.
“No, last time there was a loose board in the storage room,” Izou piped in.
“Any scratches this time?”
“No, they just got a go-
Ace’s words were quickly cut off as the sound of a familiar scream reverberated across the mess hall, springing all of the brothers into action as they ran toward the source of the scream; Thatch letting out a cry of his own as he spotted what was wrong.
Somehow, the young child had managed to impale themselves with one of the many forks that lined the long tables, blood already pooling beneath them as droplets of blood fell down to their elbows and falling to the floor in a terrifying but rhythmic fashion.
“Somebody get Marco!” Izou called, his commanding voice causing his crewmates to spring into action shortly after returning with a worried Marco in tow
“Here, let me have a look at the,” Marco hurriedly called to Thatch, who by now had taken the child and kneeled on the ground with them, attempting to stop the bleeding and whispering comforting words to Dokucha.
“Hey, I need to take this out; I will be really quick.”
“Is-I -is it g-go-gonna -hurt?” they hiccuped, words close to incomprehensible among their cries
“Yes, but just for a second. I just need to take it out so I can heal it,” he assured them as he took hold of the handle and prepared his flames.
He threw a smile their way as he quickly pulled the fork from their hand and replaced it with his own hand, flames spreading to the small child’s hand.
“And all done, see good as new,” he calls, waving their hand around to prove their statement.
“Ah! It’s gone!” they exclaimed, marveling at their brother’s powers, only to frown as they looked down.
“Wah, Thatch-nii, I’m sorry I made a mess again,” they cried.
“Don’t worry about that muchkin, accidents happen; what I do want to know is how in tarnation you managed to get a fork in your hand,” he questioned
“I was just trying to play Saber-nii’s game.”
Ace tilts his head at this, a confused look growing on his face.
“What kind of game is it that would end up with a fork in your hand?”
“Ah, I saw Saber-nii do it with a knife, but I only had a fork; you have to put the fork in between your fingers and then go really fast!” they exclaimed, gesturing to the movement they were supposed to be doing and ending their explanation with a smile
“I got to do it really fast! Ah, Ace-nii? Why does your face look scary?”
“Don’t worry about it, fire-cracker; I just remembered I have to do something real quick,” he replied with a tight smile and took his leave.
They turned towards Thatch and Marco, who had similar annoyed looks on their faces.
“Where is Ace-nii going? Is he going on the striker? I want to go!” they exclaimed, jumping down from Marco’s hold and running toward the second commander.
“Not so fast,” Marco calls, easily taking hold of them again.
“Ace just needs to talk to Saber about something; he will be back soon, and I’m sure afterward he can give you a ride in the striker,” Thatch assured them.
“I don’t see why not; we can ask him when he comes back, okay? How about you go find Pops and tell him what you were up to? We also need to talk to Saber.”
“And then I came here!” they exclaimed, finishing their story with a smile.
“I bet you cried like a baby, didn’t you?”
“I did not! I was really brave!”
“Don’t laugh, Papaw!” they exclaimed with a pout.
“Fine, Fine; listen, Dokucha,” he called, causing their pout to fall as they looked at him with a slight tilt of their head.
“Don’t repeat what your brothers are doing, alright?”
“Why? My brothers are so cool! I want to be like them!”
“Because they are a bunch of idiots who don’t think before they do something,” he grumbled, downing his drink.
“You’re mean, Papaw; they aren’t idiots! I’m gonna tell Miss Tate you’re drinking again!” they exclaimed, jumping down from him and running toward the clinic.
“You damn brat!”
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Get exposed Whitebeard 🤭
I believe up next I have a Wriothesley one, and then Shanks and I also have a Luffy/strawhats oc request in the making
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sexyandcringe · 4 months
Hopeless romantic
Part 1 ◇ Part 2 ◇ Part 3
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Warnings: none
Content: osamu x reader, Angst (to fluff in the next chapters), hurt/comfort
A/n: Guess the Song of Achilles reference! :)
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It has been around three weeks since you last saw Osamu that day: you took your chance to scurry away when he went back into the kitchen briefly, leaving your payment to Tsumoto.
The memory of his embrace with another woman still lingered in your mind, but you were able to distract yourself with the hundreds of books on your shelf and the dogs in the shelter.
You took this time to explore other places in the city, from the cozy Indian restaurant near your workplace, where the taste of salty chapati mixed with matar paneer melted in your mouth like butter, to the Mexican fast food spot at the corner of the library, where you savoured the taste of chiles en nogada followed by elotes. Yet,  nothing compared to Osamu’s handmade onigiris, the taste of his love surpassed any food you’ve ever tried.
You don’t believe he didn’t notice your absence, but it wouldn’t bother him that much, you assume, since you’re nothing more than a friendly regular. 
Or at least, you used to be a regular.
Now you are just a girl who spends her days between work and shelter,  occasionally going out to drink with the few friends you have. You know it’s wrong to use alcohol to dull the suffering, but sometimes it’s the only way to remind yourself that life still holds meaning, and that happiness, however fleeting, can be found.
But not going to Osamu’s restaurant has its consequences, like going to the grocery store to buy all the necessities to make a healthy meal and right now you are not exactly having fun doing all this.
When you were a child, your mother always told you to learn how to cook and clean because “someday you’ll have to do it for your future husband”, so, as an act of rebellion, you refused to learn anything other than the most basic dishes of your culture; this act of rebellion ended up biting your ass now because you are tired of eating the same basic things over and over again and you miss Osamu’s food.
You wander through the aisles, searching for the ingredients of the recipe you want to try.
it has been at least half an hour now and you’re meticulously selecting each item, trying to get the correct amount of food. You always tend to buy more than necessary, which ends up with you never using that specific product again and making it go to waste—like the honey syrup you bought for your pre-made pancakes that now sits untouched. You don’t even have time to eat breakfast most of the time. 
You are trying to understand which vegetables are less decayed than others when someone approaches you slowly. 
“That one will go bad in like 2 days.” 
You startle at first, but you freeze completely the second you meet his eyes.
“Hey.” he smiles.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god, please why did he have to come here out of all the grocery stores in the city?
You tried to forget about him like an unwanted pest, avoiding all the places he could be at, you even chose a longer path home so you wouldn’t bump into him while he closed the restaurant. You are old and tired and so is your heart, it can scarcely bear the burden of yet another heartbreak.
You drew in a slow, steadying breath before replying.
“Hi Osamu, long time no see.” you try your best to beam at him, like nothing has touched you, like you don’t want to run away this instant, like you don’t want to scream at him and hurl all these vegetables at him because you hate him for shattering the last remnants of hope you had left in you.
Like you don’t love him at all.
You tend to buy more than necessary, just like you tend to let your feelings grow more than necessary, and then, then they stay there, growing and decaying at the same time, festering with pests and resentment.
“Yeah, because someone hasn’t been coming to my restaurant lately.” He remarked with a petty edge to his voice.
Well, you jumped into that one.
A nervous laugh leaves your lips, “I was just … busy. We got a few more dogs in the shelter and it’s been a little hectic.” your voice is barely a whisper, laden with the weight of your lies.
Coward, liar, ugly.
He nods in quiet understanding, picking a zucchini with a pristine surface, a stark contrast to your rotten life. “Take this one. What’re ya making?.”
You take the vegetable from his hands and place it in your bag, his kindness pressing against the walls you've erected around your fragile heart “I don’t know,” you sigh, “I'm trying to make some vegetarian lasagna, but I already know it's going to suck. I’m a terrible cook.”
“You can always learn, you know.” he counters, a playful smirk gracing his lips “I wasn’t born with a knife in my hand.”
You roll your eyes, pushing your cart forward. “I’m lazy. And I don’t have anyone to teach me in a fun way.”
“I could teach you. Although I'm not sure if I can do it ‘in a fun way’” he signs with his fingers, “you won't die of boredom, I guess?”
“I’m always having fun with you, Osamu.”  And it’s true.
“That’s crazy considering that you haven’t come to meet me in three weeks.”
“Oh god, you’re so petty!” 
“Hell yeah, I am!”
You stare at each other before bursting into loud giggles; his eyes crinkle as he looks at you and you try so hard to ignore the warmth of your cheeks.
(and the warmth in your chest).
You are not used to being loved but you are used to love, and you can’t help wanting to stay around those you love, can’t ignore the tugs of your heartstrings. You know it will only end up in heartache and you are already regretting what’s coming out of your mouth, but you can’t stop it.
“Well? Will you teach me then?”
He smiles, and his face is like the sun.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
Tag: @lees-chaotic-brain
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deadpool15 · 3 months
Unexpected Visitor P2.
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Before I knew it, two men had just pushed me in the ground, hurting my stomach in the process causing me to scream out the first name that came to mind. “MANNY”.
Abruptly the phone call ended, I had never felt a sense of fear like this before. Not me for me though, my child. Right before Armando went to prison I wanted to tell him about the kid but too much was happening, a part of me wanting him to be involved in our life though the other part of me had to be logical and as much as it hurt, I had to let him go. Armando wasn’t the father but with the way our relationship was going he damm sure had no issue stepping up and showing me he could be.
We were huddled up and moved to another location before that fucking asshole received a call from a partner I’m guessing to move the hostages. Then we were planted in cars and boats apparently traveling to Cuba. “Are they gonna kill us?” I had completely forgotten Callie was here alongside us. I felt worse if anything, I couldn’t even reach out to hug her, I knew she needed comfort right now more than anything.
“No, sweetie we are going to be fine. Mike and Marcus are going to come for us. No one will hurt you ok?” Pushing myself closer to her to offer her a shoulder to lean on. Since, in this situation that’s all I could really do. “Look at you, mama bear giving her false hope. Already entering your mama phase and it hasn’t even started.” Looking at this asshole who had already pissed me off for yanking my locs. “It’s not false hope and last time I checked your boss gave you orders to not walk around speaking to me and my fucking family asshat. So, how about you do everyone a favor and check the perimeter, lord knows u could use the walk.”
He moves closer to push some of my hair back into place before caressing my cheekbones. I hurry and bit the shit outta his finger when he gets closer causing him to scream aloud and slap me. A gray haired man comes over to check the situation, head butting guy before sending him off to check the area leaving me. Christine sits there in tears worried for both me and Callie. Eventually, we hear noise from outside causing someone to yell out commands and we realize we are being moved. “Come on, ladies it’s your big day. Don’t let them outta your fucking sight, especially the feisty one.” Motioning towards me.
After a moment of waiting outside we notice something out of the ordinary and sadly so did our kidnappers causing one to grab my fucking hair again and push me back into this stupid gator park. Gunshots ringing straight through my ears causing pain. And then the man holding me falls, shot dead right in front of me. “O my fucking god, I think I’m gonna be sick.” Tears running down my face cloud my vision causing me to trip a couple of times trying to run away from the constant gunfire. Managing to untie the knot that had broken skin off my wrists, I immediately look for sight of Callie.
Crawling on the floor trying to find my 16-year old god daughter in the middle of an abandoned gator park is not something I thought I would be doing today. Finally, I look over and find Callie trying to run away from two men. Without a second thought, I run over towards here as fast as my body would let me. Grabbing ahold of her, causing her to shout not knowing the identity of who she believed was another attacker. “Callie, Callie stop it it’s me.” Holding onto the girl for dear life I check for any injuries. From the corner of my eye I see movement causing me to turn around while shoving Callie behind my back.
And right before I thought my life had came to an end. He appeared. Armando pushed us both behind him. Looking at me, while holding onto my arm not letting go. “Stay behind me. You gotta trust me.” Hearing those words hurt, made me realize how dangerous the situation was, maybe one of us wouldn’t make it. Fighting off a group of men while getting sliced up relentlessly, made me shriek in fear for the man I love. Grabbing Callie and pushing her towards the door as we try to run away a man pushed us back and Armando fight him off taking a knife to the shoulder. Leaving him on the ground in pain, I’m quick to grab him and try to pull him up. Before, I hear Callie scream.
Looking down all I saw was blood. Rushing down, but it wasn’t from Armando, it was me. My blood was pouring down. My vision started to become blurry and suddenly nothing was coherent. They were speaking but my brain couldn’t comprehend anything in that moment. Armando gathers his strength and looks at me, like a burst of adrenaline he shoots to quick while grabbing me with Callie’s help and moving towards the door. I soon feel us stop and look up and can make out a spec of what looks to be Armando’s face and his mouth is moving. “My baby, no..o the b-baby. Help.” And then everything fades. Trying to grab ahold of my stomach as a last resort to protect my son.
Sitting here facing off with Callie’s mom, while holding onto my girl. I watch my father and Callie plead for my life. “Go.. before I change my mind. Grabbing a hold of her I move with my father to find a boat. Before starting it up he looks at me, “Take this, head south. Don’t look back, and be good.” Smiling I look at him, thanking the world I got to know him. “That’s not your choice, detective.” Grabbing ahold of her and starting up the boat looking back at him, “take care of them.” With one last smile I nod and drive off. Seeing him for the last time.
2 weeks later…
“Manny, are you ready to watch the stars.” Hearing nothing my random little noises as my respond I smile. Grabbing ahold of my son I make my way to the patio to oversee the stars, “pretty right baby?” Hearing boots hitting the pavement I look up seeing Armando. “Ain’t got a thing on you, though baby.” Smiling while I watch him move closer to grab our son and play with him. Reminded how much I love him and our litter family. “What you thinking about, Girasol?” Pulling him closer for a kiss, staring into his eyes while running my nails through his hair. “Us, baby. Always about us.”
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notmorbid · 1 month
the berry pickers.
dialogue prompts from the berry pickers by amanda peters.
dying is something we have to do alone.
i want to be my full self for you.
whatever makes you happy makes me happy, too.
i'm not sure what's true and what's not anymore.
you never know when you might need kindness from people.
you see anything strange around here?
age brings all sorts of fears.
i think i've always known something was out of place.
you'll grow out of it. you'll forget.
sometimes i wonder if you have any sense at all.
don't worry. they can't hear us.
your only job right now is to be a kid.
when no one's looking, you can be a sweetheart.
it's funny how old you think your parents are, when you're a child.
stop trying to grow up so fast.
there are things more important in this world than taking credit.
there was love, but none of us knew what to do with it.
don't pretend you didn't hear me.
i will try my damnedest not to be sad.
it's hard, looking for someone who can't be found.
you never know what your last words to someone are gonna be.
words are powerful and funny things, said or unsaid.
some people are meant to read great works, and others are meant to write them.
you do love me, after all.
you're jealous. i need you to admit it.
i did what i thought was best: i left.
you seem taller, somehow.
hope is such a wonderful thing, until it isn't.
i never blamed you.
it's not your fault. it just happens, sometimes.
i guess i assumed i'd just wake up one day and everything would be normal again.
i've done my grieving. i can't do it anymore.
some wounds never close, never scar.
i just want to get away. you choose where.
make sure you write everything down, the good and the bad. but mostly the good.
what ghosts haunt your dreams?
are you going home, or leaving home?
sometimes i forget that you're hurting, too.
swearing can make you feel better.
anything you want to tell me?
there's something to be said for salt air.
i love you. i'm sorry i've been so far away.
i've never felt worse. i need you to know that.
i assume the universe knows what it's doing.
getting better isn't easy.
i was convinced the pain would haunt me for the rest of my life.
i was determined to let my pain and anger ruin me.
you like to find fault with everyone but your own self.
you have no right to hold onto that guilt all by yourself.
i'm sick of tiptoeing around you like you're going to break.
don't be sorry. be useful.
i've never been much of a talker.
it's not fair to be young and weak. there's no fairness to it at all.
prejudice runs deep and offers no apologies, in small towns.
you can't stay mad at me.
i didn't sleep because i was worried about you, asshole.
maybe i'm just one of those people who are only happy when they aren't.
it's not that i don't remember. it's that i don't want to.
why do you always assume you're on your own?
i remember. i didn't think you did.
people are always saying nice things about the dead, especially when their family is in the room.
sometimes a lie becomes so entrenched, it becomes the truth.
you never deserved anything i did to you.
the only person i have a right to be angry with is myself.
it wasn't because i didn't love you.
you know of any work i could get around here?
i wonder, sometimes, what i did to deserve it.
you got a story?
you seem too young to have a story of any interest.
something is making you all dark and moody.
what are you doing out here? there's a storm coming.
i don't go giving my name out to every stranger i meet.
people seem to need to get away from me.
own your mistakes. make amends and move on.
you feel things too quick and too heavy. you need to let things go, sometimes.
i'm here. it was just a dream.
i kind of hoped i would die before i had to tell you this.
i wanted to hate you, but i couldn't.
anger and sadness are just two different sides of the same coin.
time is never a friend to the sick or the old.
i don't like to see people i might know.
how are you still alive?
the lord must keep me around to amuse himself.
where is home, for you?
what's at home that's got you afraid to be there?
the only misery you're causing is your own.
i'll be honest, because i don't know how else to be.
don't worry. i'll remember for you.
i ruined myself all by myself.
i prayed you would come home to us.
what on earth have you got to be sorry for?
tell me about ___. if it's okay.
lost souls have to find their own way home.
i don't think i've ever laughed that hard in my life.
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sinnersweets · 1 year
Yandere!Huggy Wuggy x Reader one shot
You've only just finished moving into your new place when you hear someone by your door. Freezing your movements you wait to see what the person on the other side would do. After a while an envelope slides underneath your door.
Oh...it was the mail man.
You let out a soft sigh and make your way to pick up the letter.
Odd. There was no return address on the envelope, or your name on it. Regardless you decided to open it to see if there was a way you could contact the sender. Unless this was meant for you, maybe a greeting card from the building.
You opened the letter and read the contents of it.
Everyone thinks the staff dissapeared 10 years ago. WER'E STILL HERE. Find the flower.
At the bottom was a drawing of a flower with red splatter next to it. Clearly this must be a joke you thought. Some little kid probably wrote this considering the spelling of it. At the top right corner you what you can only guess as a company name.
Playtime Co.
The name didn't ring a bell, but if that's where it came from then that's where you should return the letter.
You've basically almost unpacked everything and decided to take a break and return the child like letter to the company. Perhaps make a small complaint about the red splatter by the flower.
Grabbing your wallet and keys you make your way out of the apartment. You hop into your car and look up Playtime Co. The GPS says it's only twenty five minutes away. You leave the area and make your way to the factory, unknowing that you wouldn't be coming back to your apartment. Ever.
Loud noises were ringing in your ears. You could hear something crawling through the vents around you. Frozen in place all you could do was worry and wonder why a toy was after you.
After arriving at the factory you notice that the parking lot was completely empty. Perhaps it was closed. You still decided to walk up to the factory and leave the note by the door, hopefully some employee would get it and deal with it. Upon reaching the door you looked inside and it looked completely run down, almost as if...maybe the letter was telling the truth. What if the company shut down but people were trapped in there.
You laughed at the silly thought. But curiosity got the better of you and you decided to enter the factory. After entering the factory was when everything went wrong.
Every single item in each room was turned upside down or broken. A blue glow caught your eyes and when looking up you saw a blue hand scanner. "Now who could reach up that high?" You said to yourself. There seemed to be huge building blocks down the hall that spelled out something but some of the blocks were missing.
Still holding onto the envelope you walked down the hall and saw toy boxes scattered everywhere. Some of them were empty, some looked a bit creepy. The toys name was apparently called 'Huggy Wuggy.' Cute. You spotted a Huggy Wuggy toy that looked very creepy and walked up to it. The other's had eyes while this one's eyes were black. You reached down to get a better look when the toy started screaming at you.
It startled you so bad that you fell back and started scooting away from it. Soon the other Huggy Wuggy toys started screaming and the sound was just too bearable. You quickly picked yourself up and ran as fast as you could away from those things.
After the sounds of a million screams started to die down you slowed yourself down and tried catching your breath. As you were trying to maintain a good breathing form you realized that you dropped the letter somewhere. It didn't matter anymore. What did matter was that you needed to get the hell outta here.
Taking in your new surroundings you see a sign above you reading 'Make a Friend' What kind of factory was this? You looked around seeing if there was a place to exit and luckily there was. Unfortunately you soon discovered that in order to leave this room you would have to 'make a friend' Seeing toys come to life screaming at you still remained in your thoughts and you were not looking forward to have to make a toy.
Despite the factorys old run down look the machine looked like it could still work. Very cautiously you started to build what could only be described as a cat that has the same look as a bee. After a few minutes the toy was complete. You were about to place it where it needed to go but suddenly felt a chill go up your spine. You looked around to see what could cause that feeling but you spotted nothing. Walking to the exit you were almost certain that you heard something move, but where? The toy you created thankfully didn't come to life and was approved by the exit so the door opened and only a hallway was there to greet you.
Barely making it past the exit sirens started to go off. The noise wasn't that loud but it did scare the crap out of you. You looked to see what could cause the alarm to go off but you heard growling coming from in front of you and turned your head to that direction. No light's were on at the far end of the hallway but that didn't matter. The growling got louder as it came closer. You stood still in place. Terrified of the sound but also curious to know what was making it. You found out really quick. Standing before you was a Huggy Wuggy toy. But this one was NOT like the others at all. This one was about ten feet tall. His mouth now opened and showed rows of very sharp teeth.
Something switched in your head and you quickly turned around and tried to find a place to get out. You noticed a spot in the wall and quickly made your way to it. Looking back would be a terrible decision so you entered what seems to be a vent shaft and thankfully it closed behind you. Moving was not an option for you. More like a choice. That is until you heard banging right behind you. You jolted up and moved forward in the vents not really knowing what to do next.
There you sat and started to cry as you could here what appears to be a large Huggy after you. You didn't want to die now, you had so much more things to do. As you were crying away and wishing that you hadn't come Huggy was only a few feet away from you. You were right there, easy to get and kill. So why? Why couldn't he continue moving forward? There was something inside of him that told him not to kill you. Not yet anyways.
Wiping your tears away you thought you were safe since you didn't hear anything moving around you. A chill went up your spine again. You felt like you were being watched. Turning your head very slowly you spotted him. A scream almost escaped your mouth but a fluffy yellow mitten silenced you.
It was almost as if you two were having a staring contest. Your heart was racing so fast that you thought it was going to explode. Huggy just looked at you. Yeah he wanted to kill you, but couldn't. Huggy moved closer to you which caused tears to come out of your eyes.
You looked so frightened to him. He liked that. He felt another feeling in him but didn't know what it was. Huggy had been alone for so long and hated that so, he decided to keep you here with him. Huggys already big smile soon to grow bigger as he wrapped his noodle arm around your torso and very forcefully drag you through the vents.
Your mouth still being covered by his mitten, not being able to scream or even ask what was happening. You've seen movies where the monster kills the people but not him. Or maybe he was taking you somewhere to be killed at. You tried moving but his grip around you only got tighter which might have caused a broken rib.
You two finally make it out of the vents and he finally lets you go. Your rib was definitely broken and you did not feel like running anymore so you decided to let fate take it's course and just die right here.
Only death never came. Huggy just looked at you. You told him how sorry you were about coming here, but he didn't care. He let out a loud roar before walking away.
You're not dead. Score.
Laying on the ground you spotted a familiar item. A small Huggy Wuggy doll. It was sitting up and holding something. The envelope! You sat up and looked at it. This is where you dropped it. Now looking around the room you noticed that this was the room with the building blocks. There seemed to be other rooms connected to this one but all the gates were shut.
Few moments later Huggy came back with lots and lots of stuffed toys. He dropped them near you before leaving again. You wondered what he was doing before you realized. Oh, he wants you to lay on these. Then another thought hit you. He not going to let you to leave. Ever.
Huggy came back but with medical tape this time. He tossed it in your direction and waited for your response. You picked it up not knowing what to do with it but then remember that he broke your rib. You weren't sure if you were supposed to thank the monster that broke your rib but you did anyway. You decided to bandage yourself later when he's not here.
Before Huggy left he picked up a toy and ripped it apart. He dropped it on the ground and then with his best attempt with his long loose arm pointed to you. You took this as a warning. Seems like if you wanted to stay in one piece you wouldn't be leaving this room. You shook your head to let him know you understood and his smile grew bigger before he left once again.
This was your life now. Trapped in a factory with a toy that could instantly kill you. You tried looking at the positive side, now you don't need to pay rent on anything.
Sleep was creeping up on you and even though you felt scared you somehow felt safe knowing nothing bad would happen to you. As long as you didn't try to leave. Pushing the toys that Huggy gave you you made a somewhat bed in the corner of the room and tried to sleep.
Above you Huggy watched as you slept. You were now his. Forever. He would play with you just like when the kids played with him long ago. And if anyone tried to take you away, then they'll end up like all the toys around you. Ripped apart.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Battle Scars // Bob Floyd
-> An Official Flight Deck Blurb
Summary: Robert Floyd doesn’t take his shirt off at the beach. But when the shirt stays on during sex? You start to wonder what he’s hiding.
Warnings: Mentions of parental Abuse. Mentions of Child Neglect. Foster Care Systems. Mentions of family trauma. Bob Floyd x Female!reader.
Word Count: 2.1k
Author Note: Day Nine of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: ‘Scar reveal’ Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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People have secrets they keep close to their chest. Some are small enough to not cause a ripple effect onto others, and some are big enough to destroy lives, crush dreams, alter realities. 
Bob Floyd wore his secrets across his chest. Scars that made his torso look like the Rocky Mountains. Littered with small to medium size scars that healed wrong, healed over, or healed with anger. 
They weren’t pretty. If anything he wore a roadmap of abuse on his body that was hard to face in the mirror every morning. He never wanted to subject anyone to the sight of his scars, some red and raised, others faded but turned a deep purple in the cold. 
“Mornin’ gorgeous—“ Bob's morning voice was something you’d never get tired of hearing. Those lazy Sunday mornings where you’d wake up to find the Naval Aviator already awake and reading whatever book he brought with him in his overnight bag were starting to become your favourite thing. “How’d you sleep mama?” 
“Like a log.” You yawned, creeping closer and closer to where Bob sat on the opposite side of your bed. His T-shirt clad back pressed up against the headboard while his legs stayed covered by the sheets and covers of your warm, inviting bed. “I thought I had an early body clock.” Being a single mum and small business owner left little to no time for sleep-ins, which usually meant you were up before the sun got a chance to kiss the horizon good morning. “But here you are, Mr Military Man with your internalised alarm system.” 
Bob couldn’t help but to chuckle as he closed his book and placed it on the bedside table you cleared just for him. Whatever this was between you and Robert Floyd you really liked it. He was the first man you’d ever paid attention to since your fiancé died. Bob was like a breath of fresh air and so was North Island. No one knew you, no one judged you, no one cared about the demons that haunted you. 
“Force of habit I guess.” He shrugged before he sunk lower and lower, meeting your eyeline once again as you both settled in under the warmth of the covers. “How long do you think we have before Oliver wakes up?” 
“Hmmm—“ You tried to hide your eagerness through a hum that kept your lips pressed together in a fine line. “He knows Sundays are bacon and egg roll mornings.” You began as your arms wrapped around Bob's shoulders. 
His lips were hot against the supple skin of the juncture of your neck, in response your body ignited, sending waves of energy through your body that only Bob could create. He was just different. 
“So like, five? Ten minutes maybe?” Bob looked up from where he’d been leaving small
but affectionate kisses against your collarbone and met you with a lust filled gaze. He was falling head over heels in love with you. “Because I only need like two—“ 
“Oh well in that case we have time for two rounds.” You teased before rolling yourself up and over to straddle Bob's waist. He let you easily. If he wanted to, he could have fought back. The thing with Robert Floyd was that he had a sleeper build. He wasn’t as buff as some of the other Naval Aviators that frequently stopped by the Flight Deck for their morning or mid afternoon caffeine hit. With the amount of sugar and caramel syrup you dosed Hangman with on a regular basis you weren’t entirely sure how he managed to maintain his muscle density. 
But for as much as Bob was a gentle soul, he was strong and fast. He enjoyed a long run every now and again. But for all intents and purposes—he let you be on top. He liked the view. After all, he was just a simple man. Boobs were pretty cool. Especially your boobs.
“Can I ask you a question?” You cooed all the while Bob's hands trailed up your hips. You wore nothing but one of those silk nightgowns that made you look like an angel. The bed hair was cute, Bob liked you first thing in the morning. It was a side of you only he got to see. The side before the makeup, before being put together– he liked it. The authenticity. For what it was worth, Bob just really liked you. 
“Depends what the question is?” Bob replied as his hands squeezed at your hips, rolling you gently back and forth over his boxer brief clad length. “I’m kidding, ask away.” 
He had been expecting the question sooner rather than later. And with how things were going between the two of you Bob knew he would have to come clean. He was just afraid of what you might say. What you might think, and if his scars would be a deal breaker. They were, after all, a part of him that he couldn’t get rid of. 
But even expecting the question to come didn’t make it any less hard to hear. 
“How come you never take your shirt off?” You wanted to approach the question as politely as possible. “You don’t have to tell me, if you aren’t comfortable, I just—I’ve just noticed.” You saw the hesitation in Bob's baby blue eyes as he searched your face for any kind or fear. “Again, you don’t have to tell me.” You reminded the man lying beneath you as his hands stilled on your hips. “But I want you to know that if you’re hiding some sort of third nipple under there—I’m all for it.” You tried to make the conversation a little more lighthearted, Bob could appreciate that. He smiled softly at you while his hands needed at your hips like dough. 
Bob didn’t say much after that, he simply laid beneath you stroking his hands up and down your exposed thighs as his mind ran rampant with memories. He hated his scars, but most of all he hated the people who gave them to him. 
“You’re a waste of space!” The memories were all too prominent even after all these years. “I wish I never gave birth to you!” His mothers words were as cruel as she was violent and unpredictable. 
“You’re the abortion I wish I fucking had.” The abuse Bob endured went with him everywhere, even well into his adult life. He learned not to complain, to cause a scene. “Stop crying for fucks sake kid.” He learned not to show emotion when it wasn’t asked or needed. 
“You did this to yourself, if you had stayed out of the way, none of this would be happening.” But most importantly he blamed himself, for hiding his scars that clearly showed how strong he really was. 
Bob sat up to meet your eyeline. For a man haunted by so many scars he certainly had the softest of eyes. He gently tucked your hair behind your ear and placed a fleeting kiss against your forehead, all before he reached up and over to take his shirt off over his head. 
What you saw rendered you speechless for a few moments as you took in the terrain that was your, well, you wanted to say boyfriend but Bob wasn’t even officially that, torso—littered with scars he surely would have called ugly on the best of days. 
“It’s a lot.” Bob whispered just barely above an audible level as he chucked his shirt off to the side. “But they’re not going away, ever.” It was almost as if Bob had struggled with that notion himself. He wished he could have them removed—expunge from his record. The tales of parental abuse he suffered before collecting more in the foster care system. 
“Oh Bob—“ You tentatively reach out to glide your fingers over one of the many scars that were angry, red and what seemed to be risen. “You don’t have to hide these from me, ever.” Bob's heart was racing a million miles inside his chest, no one had ever touched him the way you were now. With so much love, with kindness, with understanding. “What happened here?” Your fingers gently glided across the scar down near the waistband of Bob's boxers. Right above his hip bone. 
“One of the kids in one of the foster homes I was in.” Bob began, you could tell he was uncomfortable talking about it, but you didn’t stop him. You knew if anything he would stop if he didn’t want to talk about it. “I think his name was Ryan, had an old bow with those barbed edges on it.” You knew where the story was going. “It got wedged in there deep when we were playing around, but our foster parents didn’t have insurance, so they weren’t gonna take me to get it removed—so they ripped it out and poured bourbon over it.” Your heart sank into your stomach. “I was nine.” 
“That must have hurt a lot.” You replied gently as Bob laid back down in your bed with his hands resting behind his head. His roadmap of scars on full display. “What happened here?” You moved your hand to the longer scar across his left peck. It seemed less angry, more healed, but the story attached was just as heartbreaking. 
“When I was eighteen I went back to see my parents.” Bob's eyes were tearing up. He hadn’t ever spoken about this to anyone. Not even the people he trusted with his life. You were the only one. “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have, but I needed some closure.” Your fingers gently ran the expanse of the scar that had never been touched but another person. Bob wanted to stop you out of fear you’d leave—but he willed you to continue because it felt comforting to be touched with such warmth. “My dad ran at me with a knife the second he saw me—I remember he was rambling on about how I broke my mum's heart when I went with CPS. I’m lucky it was only a graze, he still got me good enough to leave a scar though.” 
“Bob, honey, I don’t even know what to say.” You were a mother yourself. You couldn’t ever imagine doing anything of the sort to your son. Bob reached up to guide your hand across his torso to his wrist—you’d seen those small circle cluster scars time and time again but never bothered to ask what they were from. 
“These are from where my mum and my foster mum would put their cigarettes out on me.” Again, it made your heart sink, but Bob never faulted as he guided your hand around his body, back up to his stomach just above his belly button. Ridged abs peaked through the softness of his skin. “This one is from when I had to have surgery after I got an infection. Doctor said I could have died if my friend and I didn’t walk ourselves to the emergency room.” 
Bob wanted you to touch every last scar that littered his body, he wanted your gentle touch to heal his old wounds. So you let him guide you as your straddled his waist and looked down at the roadmap of torture. 
“These smaller ones are from when my dad swung the whipper snipper at me, I was in his way, I shouldn’t have been there, I remember they wouldn’t stop bleeding and ruined a bunch of my shirts.” 
“None of these are your fault.” All his life, until he joined the Navy and ran as far away as he could, Bob had been told every scar he collected was his fault. The abuse he suffered as a child, from his parents and in foster homes, was his fault. “Someone who loves you doesn’t do this to you.” You reminded the man who laid beneath you. He could hardly breathe with how hard his heart was hammering in his chest as your hands trailed over the expanse of his torso. “Bob I don’t know your history, but from what I can gather about you in the present you are all but the problem.” You were the first person to ever tell him he didn’t deserve the scars he wore, the scars he hid. 
“You’re a really good person, you know that right?” Flashes of your own war blinded your vision for a moment. The lies and haunting rumours that had you running as far away as possible could came flooding back to you in a blur as Bob sat up to kiss your lips softly, tenderly, and all so lovingly. “You don’t know how much you mean to me baby.” The term of endearment sent a shiver down your spine you weren’t expecting. But you welcomed it nevertheless. Bob was a dream, your new beginning. 
“I reckon you’ve got about three minutes to show me.” You teased, deciding now was not the time to bring up your dead fiancé. “With the shirt off—“
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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bluecollarmcandtf · 11 months
Like His Costume?
This is my kid, Tommy, and he's so excited to be Trick-or-Treating. He might seem a bit old, but that's just because he's wearing the city's Fire Chief as his costume. He's always dreamed of being a firefighter when he grows up. Just look how happy he is in that body!
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I discovered my son's powers for astral projection a few months ago, and he's been jumping from body to body ever since. I tried to restrict when and who he's allowed to jump into, but it's not easy raising a little superhero.
"Mom!" Tommy whines with the fireman's surprisingly gravelly voice, "Hurry up and get the picture! I want to keep Trick-or-treating!"
I shake my head and snap the picture quickly before my baby gallops away to the nearest house. He nearly trips over the firefighter's heavy feet as he races up the steps. Tommy's been wearing that man all day and he still hasn't gotten used to the body or the clunky uniform. It's adorable.
"Trick-or-Treat!" he grins eagerly.
The couple behind the door recoil from the grown man holding out his bag of candy, but they ultimately relent and drop some chocolate in. Tommy licks his lips and runs off to the next house.
"Tommy! Don't go so fast," I call, "And say thank you next time!"
He runs the fireman's body from house to house to collect candy as fast as possible. It's a good thing my kid has so much energy because I don't know how those guys are supposed to run around in those heavy suits all day long.
"Mom, I'm hot," he complains, shuffling back in my direction.
"Better get used to it if you want to be a firefighter, young man," I chuckle back.
"I don't think I want to, anymore," he pouts.
Before I can add anything else, Tommy's eyes light up. I can practically see the lightbulb appear over his head. I turn towards what's caught his eye and see a police officer directing the traffic at the intersection.
"Tommy, don't!" I stiffly demand.
...but Tommy's already gone. The firefighter's mind is free once again, leaving the man looking confused and rubbing his forehead. He groans something to me about not knowing where he is, but I snatch my son's candy bag from his hands and stomp away.
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"Thanks for grabbing my candy, mom," Tommy squeals cheerfully inside the cop.
"Tommy, you know you're not supposed to jump bodies without telling me!"
The officer's childish grin falters, and his eyes roll in annoyance. Tommy's already getting so rebellious!
"Did you just roll your eyes at me, mister!" I raise my voice.
"No," the officer's broad shoulders curl up defensively.
I let Tommy visit a few more houses wearing the police officer. Everyone who comes to the door is more than a little confused by the grown cop begging for candy on their doorstep, but they give him candy without hesitation. I suppose they aren't willing to question the authority of the uniform.
"Alright, buddy," I call, "Time to go home."
"One more house?" he whines, stomping the officer's shiny boot on the sidewalk.
I insist and grab his hand, leading him back home. He pouts the whole way back, but his face lights up when he sees his father's car pulling in the driveway.
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When, my husband steps out, I notice his exhausted face from a long day at the office. He locks eyes with me and is about to say hello when his expression warps into one of juvenile delight.
"Daddy's home!" my husband suddenly sings, dropping his briefcase to clap his hands.
"Tommy!" I scold, "You know your father's body is off limits! How many times to I have to tell you?"
I grab the bag of candy from the stunned policeman and drag my husband's body all the way into the house. This is the fifth time this week he's been possessed by Tommy. I hate seeing my man acting like a child, but he's always been Tommy's favorite person to jump into.
I thought letting the kid stretch his legs in a couple other bodies would make him cool down but I guess not. I slump onto the couch for a moment to think, catching a glimpse of Tommy already stuffing his father's mouth with all the Halloween candy he'd gotten.
"Tommy stop! You're going to give your dad a tummy ache!"
Tommy rolls his eyes and leaves his dad's body. My husband gasps as he regains control over himself. His tired expression returns as he looks up from the candy, chocolate smeared across his cheeks. He stands and let's out a long sigh. I can tell he's getting tired of this happening over and over again.
If raising Tommy is their hard now, how difficult it will be when he gets older?
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
OK this idea has been running around in my head for a hot minute and I gotta tell someone.
imagine if when Boo took Alphonse to meet their family, someone made a half assed “it’s not gonna last” joke. Big mistake, because Al knows how deep that cuts with Boo and he’s not letting that shit slide.
Do with this what you will.
It's not gonna last they say...How wrong they were huh?
Alphonse felt his eye twitch at that saying his partner's cousin said. Some of the other family members there gave a half chuckle at it. Some even said how 'Y/N always had high standards' or 'Y/N is difficult so maybe he'll end it?' And his partner, Boo just sat there. Alphonse felt his silver tongue itch to say something slick at the family members or hell point out how their relationships didn't last.
"Fuck off, (cousin name) your partner left because you were a dick and couldn't keep your hands to yourself." Hissing out Boo gave a nasty glare at the cousin who started it all. Alphonse left a snort leave him, causing everyone in the room to look at him.
"Wow a cheater wants to comment on MY relationship. Fuckin wild huh Boo?" The couple looked at each other before bursting out laughing.
"His fuckin stupid ass can't even get a girl no more because she spread it around (his/her/their) campus!" Tears began to flow as both added onto the conversation. The cousin was flustered and throwing insults like a child. Alphonse and Boo left the family gathering talking shit about all the family members that tried to say something about their relationship.
That was months ago, almost a year. Boo was glad Alphonse can match their energy, and even stopped at their favorite fast food place to get them something. They ate in the parking lot on top of the car acting like fools. It was one of Boo's favorite memories of their relation ship with Alphonse. Hearing the door open their pink head boyfriend walked through with bags.
"Guess who got the best fuckin deal at the grocery store? This guy!" Pointing at himself with his thumbs Alphonse gave a big smile. Going to the kitchen he started to pack things away for tomorrow's dinner. Making sure to leave the things out for tonight's dinner as well.
"Hey Boo what sandwich ya want made sure to get your chips as well. 'Cause you got annoyed last time when I didn't." Not hearing a reply Al looked at his quiet partner. "Boo? You good?" Causing Boo to giggle and nod.
"Just realizing that how it wasn't gonna last they said....how wrong they were huh?" Going to their boyfriend Boo hugged him from behind with a big content smile.
"Wait...That thing ya family said? Man fuck them let's enjoy this bomb ass sandwich I made! I'm basically the sandwich master." Proudly exclaiming Alphonse finished Boo's sandwich and started on his own.
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tinytalkingtina · 6 days
Born to Run
Part 1 of Running with the Devil, a Steddie role reversal series
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4k words | Rating: E
Tags/CW: Role reversal no upside down AU with some canon divergence, Jock/Track Star!Eddie, Metalhead/drug dealer!Steve, appalachian Eddie, confident bisexual Steve, Eddie has a sexuality crisis but is in denial, Eddie's sleeping mind decides to take matters into its own hands, wet dream (contains spanking and public humiliation), running of both the literal and metaphorical kind, child abuse referenced indirectly (physical beatings that happened in the past)
Read now on Ao3, and be sure to read @little-annie's Part 2 from Steve's POV, "Metal Health will Drive you Mad"
The sex dream within this fic is brought to you by the Week 4 prompt "slap" of the @steddiesmuttyseptember event
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Eddie was always a runner. If you asked Wayne, he apparently skipped straight from crawling to toddling around as fast as his chubby legs could carry him. When he got older, it was a release valve, for everything and anything shitty in his life.
He didn’t have to think about his mom pulling a disappearing act, or his dad getting himself arrested (again). The world would narrow until the only sounds he could hear were the rushing in his ears and the smack of his sneakers on pavement.
Running had brought him to where he was now, as he clawed his way up the proverbial high school ranks. Anyone at this party would look at him and only see the triumphant senior captain of the track team, fresh off a successful meet. Every keg stand, every heroic retelling of a close race, every sloppy makeout session with a cheerleader, kept the attention on the Eddie of the present. 
No one needed to remember the wide-eyed weirdo with patched baggy clothes, nearly ten when his classmates would only turn nine that year.
All around him, the crowd ebbed and flowed between the alcohol and the bonfire, the flickering flames and shadows making it hard to tell who was who. Someone stumbled into Eddie, breaking him out of his brooding.
“Whoops, sorry Eddie! Guess I’ll have to make it up to you later.” Before he could say anything, the giggling cheerleader pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. (He knew he went on a date with her about a month ago, but her name eluded him. Tina, maybe, or Vicki?)
He forced a grin back. “Of course you didn’t mean it sugar. Gonna hold you to that ‘kay?”
The girl possibly named Tina swooned at the tiny bit of accent he'd carefully slipped in. Just a touch could be charming to the fine folks of the Midwest, even if what he ended up using was way less Appalachian hick and more refined Southern gentleman than his momma's family had ever spoken in their lives.
As soon as her back was turned, he let the smile slide off. His post-meet high wore off too quickly tonight, and it left him well, twitchy.
An arm slung itself over his shoulder. "Ed my man, this party is wild! Your best work yet dude." Tommy grinned at him, already drunk. Neither of them commented on how close Tommy was pressing himself into Eddie. Or how Eddie wasn't quite moving away. But then again, the two of them had perfected the art of leaving things unsaid after what happened sophomore year, how close they had come to—no.
"Heh, yeah. Hey, where's Carol? She's gonna be pissed you abandoned her."
"Please, Carol's fine. She's busy talking with Lisa Carmichael. Speaking of which, she's really into you. Come on, get your dick wet, you deserve it after that 800 meter. We're fucking going to states!" His last sentence was said much louder, and a chorus of cheers and whoops predictably echoed back from celebratory partygoers. The twitchiness grew.
"I dunno man, not really feeling it tonight." Eddie tried to subtly back up a little bit, but Tommy just swayed forward into his space again.
“Trust me, you won’t be feeling like that when you're balls deep in a nice tight—"
"Tommy will you just fucking stop? What's with your obsession with my dick huh?"
A look of fear and hurt flashed across Tommy's face for a second, before it was replaced with a scowl. Fuck that was the wrong thing to say and danced way too close to the thoughts about—nope, they were not gonna talk about that.
Eddie carefully pat Tommy on the shoulder instead of thinking. "Shit sorry, it's fine, you're just looking out for me, right? I appreciate it, just not uh, really in the partying mood for some reason." 
Tommy managed to recover his grin. "Oh, duh, why didn't you say so? That fucking freak Harrington finally showed up about thirty minutes ago. Sure he's got something that'll make you unwind a bit. Here, have one on me.”
Eddie wanted to snap that he didn’t need pity money. He got the kegs supplied just fine on his own, hadn’t he? But Tommy was still holding himself tensely several steps away. Tommy, who in sixth grade biked over every other day even after his parents had told him to stay away from the trailer park. Who “accidentally” always had a second pudding cup tucked in with his lunch for sharing. Whose summertime freckles were just starting to fade but Eddie knew still trailed down all the way to his—. 
Besides, maybe weed would take the edge off whatever ugly thing kept rearing its insistent head inside him tonight. Help him forget about the looming pressures of the future and the things he wasn’t going to think about, help him feel normal again.
“Thanks Tommy, I’ll try and relax.” Eddie grabbed the money and set off down the path towards Skull Rock, where Harrington always held court. The chill wind rustling through the trees was a welcome respite to his overheated skin.
The walk over to the next clearing was only a few minutes, but by the time Eddie came upon it, the thrum of bass and general teenage debauchery had faded into a low murmur.
Instead, Skull Rock reverberated with the sound of tapping and gentle humming. Eddie’s heart picked up a little.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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It's finally here! This began life as a brain worm that Annie and I have turned into a whole fully expanded universe. We can't wait to write more with these two :D
Tagging a few folks who showed interest in the original Wiggly Wednesday post (but please feel free to ignore): @eyesofshinigami @augustjustice @griefabyss69 @hairstevington
Thank you to steddiecameraroll-graphics for the runner divider!
@dreamy-jeans137 @eriquin @hbyrde36 @hotluncheddie
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
umm... I have a really weird idea.. how about a scenario with Law x Reader as ASL's sister where they notice a bite/hickey on her neck from him?
please, if you don't like it, ignore it!! thank you in advance (^▽^)
I'll try anon.
Also, cute request!
Don't leave a mark,
Requested by: anon
Trafalgar law x fem!reader
Note: it's in the modern time cause I can't take ace being gone in the og universe :((
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"Law..." (Y/n) breathes out a soft pleasurable sigh, "Don't leave a mark. Dummy..."
"I'll do what I want." Law growled before sucking even harder and pulled away with a huff.
"I swear... If this leaves a mark, my brother's will kill you. Especially ace!" She pouted making him chuckle
"Don't worry... I won't die" he grinned sexily, "let's continue this in the bedroom, cause I doubt Bepo would want to see us."
(Y/n) glanced down on the small Pomeranian puppy by their feet
"Yeah... Let's not destroy his innocence.."
"ACE! SABO! LUFFY!" (y/n) yelled upon seeing them at the airport.
Law and (y/n) actually moved across the country to be both closer to where Law works because he was relocated and where (y/n) studies college.
(Law here is 24 and (y/n) is 22)
"(Y/n)!!" Luffy yelled and ran over to tackle her
She just staggered for a bit before laughing
"(Y/n)! Look at you, so grown" Sabo smiled before Ace scoffed
"She's still a child to me. Why did we even let her move into this... Bastard..." He grumbled as Sabo elbowed him
"It's much closer to where she aims to study, dumbass." Sabo scoffed.
"Where's Torao?" Luffy asked before jumping off of (y/n)
"He's by the car, he actually has an emergency business call earlier, so he had to take it. He said we could just walk back over there right now." (Y/n) smiled
Ace has squinted his eyes for a bit before gasping, dramatically, I must say.
"What's that on your neck, (y/n)?" Luffy asked cutely as he pointed at a part of his neck where he saw it.
"Here, look." Luffy said before handing her a mirror, "right there."
There was a big hickey... "This should've been gone yesterday!" She thought but looked up at Sabo and Ace.
Ace has a dark aura around him ready to kill, whilst Sabo had a smile that would sense they'd kill.
"Guys... Calm down..." (Y/n) said
"Where are you guys parked?" Sabo said, voice dripping with venom.
Law leaned against the car's hood after finishing his call, he soon heard (y/n) calling him, he looked and saw a raging Ace but a "calm" Sabo while Luffy was excited as ever.
"Law, run!" She called
"What?" Law was confused, of course, before seeing the hickey on her neck making him smile and his eyes widen, giving him the "oh fuck." Expression.
Ace immediately dashed past (y/n) and tried to get to law but since law used to be a fugitive, he just jumped the wired fence and stayed there.
"Law! I told you so!" (Y/n) said as she tried to stop Ace from climbing the fence, but Sabo had already successfully did so.
"Law!" Sabo yelled as law himself jumped and ran as Sabo followed.
Sabo, being a police officer, ran fast, but law used to be a fugitive in his younger years so he just ran as well.
"Law! Be careful!" She yelled
Luffy cheered for law while Ace yelled for Sabi to catch him
Guess law has learned the hard way.
Sorry Law
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hdrygdhbuu · 6 months
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Hello, I’ve read a few small stories from Dir en grey’s meet&greet and experience from the concerts in general aaannddd I also decided to share mine from m&g 19.03 in Warsaw… Maybe just mainly for archival purposes, but anyway… it was quite interesting.
Since It was my very first concert in my whole life (but what is most important Dir en grey concert😭) and I was sosososo hella nervous – on top of all I came completely alone into the dark unknown! The first show of my favourite band. The first meet&greet with precious and talented band members on their first tour destination. I thought I could have died before start of the show.
Beforehand I’ve read some different experiences from m&g – there were really a few, really – it was said that people with VIP queued in front of the venue doors and were entering one by another to meet the members(¿). (Actually I have no clue, because I didn’t happen to enter among all the people… You’re allowed to read to know then lol) When I had come on the floor I saw two queues actually. One to the m&g and another to the merch booth. But as I said, It was my first life experience so I immediately got super confused and didn’t know where to go… Two long queues, a lot of people, I couldn’t understand which one is which… Anyway I stayed at the end of the merch queue (😭) and managed to buy some things almost THE LAST ONE. I mean, there still was a couple of girls near the stand, but… the cashier was very nice, (he let me pull out of the bag some secret postcard&stickers on my own lol) when he said «there is a meeting with a band, so you should hurry» and pointed at the entrance doors. I looked and realised there was no one around, like, really, empty corridor… Obviously I got scared (even more scared than I’ve been all this day) and rushed there immediately, almost running – actually it was just “fast-walking”. I didn’t know the place, what is where, and at that moment I didn’t even know where is the venue and where I entered… I jumped up to the venue with dizzy head, completely at a loss, greatly confused (I’m sorry, but that cashier really made me worry and hurry with those words😭) and first I couldn’t even recognize the place. All happened so suddenly: I saw them. But the first gaze was so quick, really, I only managed to catch the smiley glance from Toshiya first! Probably all of them were so confused of the chaotic way I entered 😭 (I even thought Toshiya was internally laughing at me, but i guess I was simply delusional.) The staff stopped me with "wait" or something, and – oh what a shame… – at that exact moment I suddenly/quickly turned around at my speed (but it wasn’t so fast fr) and stepped back as almost i was about to leave at every moment 😰 There were no fans nearby… before or after me… and we just stayed like that, so so embarrassing… Me, being afraid even just of looking at them, because I knew, I felt they were staring at me… Maybe i got affected by this “wait” from the staff and actually lost all remains of courage, waiting, waiting for the right signal😭 I met eyes with that woman from the staff, she was staring at me and i was looking at her like “what should i do, when am i allowed to step forward😰” Jeez i really felt so many eyes on me, as it was a long moment and i got lost…
But when i raised my sight, i couldn’t bear but just notice Toshiya’s smile 😭 (him being that tall after all) You know, it was just impossible not to catch it. He was staring so brightly, with the kindest and the most loving smile on his face😭 This smile could physically warm a body and hearts, full of gratefulness, love and respect. Since I’m quite young (i’m 20 actually… but the fact that I admit that I look much younger) for a moment i realised – i’m sure – it was a smile of a loving parent/senpai looking at the child/kohai 😭 Just… can’t describe this wholesome feeling, that he created inside of me with this looking&smile. He didn’t cut off his glance even when we actually met our eyes… i mean, i immediately got shyshyshyshy, i couldn’t withstand it and looked away😭 it was just too much😭🤚🏻
Then i noticed Kaoru looking straight and handing his postcard to me, encouraging me to come closer, and so that was the sign when i managed to finally move my trembling body. (The possibility that they might have been waiting for me just flutters all my insides and kills me!) So, then.. everything happened quite quickly, i was collapsed by shock, embarrassment and happiness at the same time, to the point I almost teared up. I bowed at each of them, saying quietly arigatogozaimassss as they were handing me signed postcards. I couldn’t even make myself to raise my head and look at them… Toshiya was the last one in a row, and when i stood in front of him the actual height difference hit me and got me on knees (and that’s the second reason i couldn’t get myself to look up – it would be physically uncomfortable lol i guess) I mean… this man is really tall, I faced his chest at the level of my nose for real, so yeah (I’m 160cm). He was the one who thanked me in response – well, maybe i was just too dumb and rushed too much idk – and that was so cute of him! Really, he seemed to be the nicest at the m&g, he really does care about fans, he really is glad and happy to meet fans😭 and he obviously showed his appreciation of all its power/extent. The one meeting broke my heart.
Of course after this i rushed to the rest of people near the stage (luckily i was in a second row right before Toshiya!) And then they left the place almost right away… I mean, after all maybe i really was the last one??? And what if they were waiting for me?? (It kills me ugh) Idk… I was sure there were some more girls at the merch booth before….
Anyway, talking about my very first show impression, i was sincerely amazed by this little pleasing discovery of my own – all of them actually were looking at fans during the show! Like straight in the eyes. Catching our glances. Sustaining this eye contact again and again. It felt like a dream, it felt like we and them actually connected on some kind of inner basis/level… I’m sure I even crossed some glances with Toshiya and Kaoru 😭 I didn’t expect it so, again, i felt kinda embarrassed, but super crazy! That was so much fun! Really, I will never forget those nights… And now, every time reminding it – all of them, the performance, their movements and emotions, that charming smile of Toshiya – I can’t help but melt into a divine smile…
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart💔 And thank you too who has read this unexpectedly long message 😭🤲🏻 And sorry for any mistakes..
P.S. I also wouldn’t mind if anyone who has read it, would like to share their experience too🤲🏻 Really, just kinda curious… and after all i don’t have friends who i can talk about diru with sooooooo feel free to share🙌🏻🌷
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 8 months
I keep picturing this:
(Not yet bf!)John going short of ballistic with genuine worry when you refuse to hold hands.
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Okay, obviously this needs context.
So, John tags along with you to the V&A. Now, being a proper gentleman, he first takes you out for coffee and a bite before you slowly make your way to the museum in South Kensington. After all, it’s one of those rare sunny and warm London spring days and you could do with some Vitamin D.
No, not Vitamin Daddy. What was that?
ANYWAY! As soon as you enter, you fall into the habit of wandering about without any regard whatsoever for your companion. It’s not a conscious decision, of course, but sometimes you need to turn your brain off and enjoy art while protected by your personal bubble.
When you’re in the Cast Courts, you feel a hand on your shoulder. It takes every ounce of self-control not to let the scream tickling the back of your throat escape, which would definitely break the amiable peacefulness of the museum.
“There you are! Do you have any bloody idea how worried I was?” John’s lightly panting, eyes wide and pupils dilated with a frenzy that leaves you wondering about the cause of it. “I let you out of my sight for one second and you have me run around the entire museum looking for you.”
“Well, you kinda invited yourself,” you mumble under your breath, masking the way you flinch with a step back.
“Nah, Y/N.” His fingers dig painfully into your cheeks as he grabs your face and forces you to look at him. “You’re a big girl so use your words. Go on. You know how.”
“Y- You wanted to come with. Invited yourself.”
“I guess that’ll have to do for a proper sentence.” He lets go and extends a bear-like hand. “Before you wander off again with that silly little head of yours.”
“Hand. Now.”
“I wasn’t asking,” John growls, forcefully entwining his fingers with yours. The grip on them is firm, iron-like. Fully aware you won’t be able to escape.
You slowly walk about the space like that for a few moments. Eventually, you find the courage to defy the seething rage you feel emanating from him.
“I… I’m sorry, John.” You’re not afraid of his mood, but it’s rather the guilt that sinks its claws into you which evokes tears in your eyes.
He stops in his tracks, lets go of your hand, and turns around so fast it’s like he’s trying to evade a bullet. Within seconds, he has you wrapped up in his arms, his fingers running through your hair in an effort to console you. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m not mad with you, just a little annoyed you don’t account for me and worried about what might happen when you’re alone. I know you’re a capable girl, Y/N, but I still care about your well-being too.”
The back rubs help soothe the storm of tears welling up inside you, waiting to come thundering out. Nevertheless, the kiss on the top of your head calms it. “How about we grab a coffee, hm? Maybe get something to eat too. My treat.”
He holds you at arm’s length, checking your expression while lovingly wiping the tears rolling down your cheeks away. “Does that sound good?”
You nod. You inhale and exhale deeply, feeling silly for acting like a child at your grown age. “I’m sorry you had to see that. And for me not telling you where I was.”
“Shh, ‘s alright, love.” While normally he wouldn’t allow himself to do it since you’re not official yet and he doesn’t know whether you reciprocate his feelings or not, he kisses your forehead and the tip of your nose. “Let’s go to the café. Don’t let go of my hand.”
And you don’t.
(Might make this imagine into a proper scene for my dad’s best friend!John Price story. It’s in the works, btw! I’m currently gathering inspiration and writing bits like the above here and there, organically creating the tale, so to say.😉)
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whiskey-bumblebee · 5 months
good luck, babe!
Pairing: Elle Greenaway/Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1600
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, sad ending
A/N: I could not tell you where this came from but here it is
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In the dark, alone, in the middle of nowhere, always looking over her shoulder; these were the moments you had with Elle, but you'd rather have a little bit of her than none at all. Her lips were warm and soft against your own, and you laughed quietly when you reached up to touch your lips and found her lipstick there. You wanted to leave it, you wanted it to stay there forever, until the investigators you worked with finally put two and two together. Her shade, your mouth. Proof.
Proof that you weren't imagining it all, that you had her, even if nobody knew that you did. You felt like everyone knew she had you, thought that it would be obvious by the way you looked at her when she was talking, like she was a comet and you were the astronomer who had spent your life looking for it.
Your lips must have stilled, mind too busy to remember what you were doing, and Elle pulled away.
"What?" You said, as if you didn't know what the problem was.
Now that her eyes were open, she looked down at your lips and passed you a tissue from her center console.
"We should go."
You looked at your watch. "You still have a few hours left of the stakeout. What if he turns up right after we leave?"
"I have a bad feeling."
"About him or about us?"
She frowned at you. It always made you feel like a child, the patience and grace of the cool older kid having run out. Silent, rejected. There was nothing you could do to convince her.
Her phone rang.
"Still awake?"
It was Hotch.
"I think I might call it a night. There's no movement."
"Morgan and Reid are on their way there so you two can get some sleep. I'll see you back at the station at eight."
You groaned. That was barely three hours from now.
Elle's eyes shot over to you, and she muted the phone quickly.
"Elle? Is someone with you?"
"Shut up," She hissed at you, before unmuting the call.
"Just the windshield wipers, I think they're out of fluid."
You heard Hotch hum affirmatively over the line.
"Morgan should be there soon. Bye."
Elle snapped her phone shut, then looked back at you.
"What the fuck? Are you trying to get us caught?"
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."
"Get out."
"What? We're miles from the hotel, Elle-"
"Walk a couple of blocks that way. I'll pick you up when Morgan gets here."
"It's freezing out there."
Elle rested her head in her hands.
"Do you want to explain to Morgan why you're here, with me, when you're supposed to be sleeping?"
"No, but-"
"Get out. I'll pick you up soon."
You felt your face falling and got out of the car before Elle could see your lip wobbling and your brow furrowing. Hot, frustrated tears spilled over your cheeks and you wiped them away roughly with the corner of your sleeve. You walked fast. You couldn't remember which way the hotel was, but it didn't matter.
"C'mon Elle, there has to be somebody," Penelope smiles.
She's looking everywhere except you, and it stings like a slap to the face.
She opens her phone and pulls out a picture of her kissing some guy's cheek. The background is blurry, but it looks like a bar somewhere. The next photo is her smiling widely, her arm wrapped around his neck as he laughs. You feel like you're going to be sick.
"It never lasts," She grins, with a shrug. "Just the way I am, I guess."
"Or the job," JJ interjects. "It's hard, with these hours."
"That too." Elle raises her drink. "Well, here's to my girls."
Nobody notices that your smile doesn't reach your eyes when you clink your glass against theirs.
In a bout of desperation, you have a dozen red roses delivered to the BAU, with nothing but a heart written on the tiny card. All you want is for Elle to look at you, to blush, to thank you, to acknowledge that you exist. While you were sitting at your desk, waiting for the delivery, you made the mistake of imagining an even better outcome: Elle running across the bullpen, arms wide open, and planting a kiss on your mouth in front of everyone. She gives some speech, saying that she doesn't care who sees, she doesn't care what they think anymore. The two of you laugh and rest your heads against each other, smelling the roses.
It's a mistake.
"It's a mistake," Elle shakes her head, looking the card over. "Wrong address."
She drops the roses easily into the bin beside her desk, and turns back to her computer.
JJ stares at her. "I could take them. If you're just going to throw them away."
"They're not mine," Elle says harshly.
"Well, someone should enjoy them." JJ stoops down and picks up the stems tenderly, and Elle wrests them from her grasp, tearing the card from the cellophane.
That attracts everybody else's attention again.
Elle crumples the card into a ball and puts it on the far corner of her desk.
"Elle? Everything okay?" Gideon asks, halfway through a file.
"It's fine. I just don't think we should be reading a card that was meant for someone else."
JJ tenderly presses the roses back into their original position, and the way that she's being so careful with them is somehow the thing that breaks you.
A couple of sobs tear their way from you before you can make it out of the bullpen, and it's Reid who finds you in one of the interrogation suites, fighting for air. You're crying like your heart is broken, and you just hope to god he can't tell.
"I'm just," You take a deep breath. "I'm just on my period. And I think it's so sad that the person they're meant for won't get them."
Reid is so taken aback that he just clears his throat and nods. When you make your way back to your desk, you can tell that everyone is watching, like you're an animal who's been hit by a car but is still trying to cross the road. The roses are in a vase on JJ's desk, and there's Midol and chocolate on yours.
"Reid told us you were-" Elle says, and you can tell from her tone that she'll never forgive you. She nods at the painkillers. "Hotch got them for you."
Hot embarrassment burns in your veins, and you don't know how you'll ever be able to show your face here again.
Later, Elle corners you in the bathroom, her back against the door so no-one else can come in.
"This," She gestures between you and her. "-is over. That was insane."
She turns to leave.
"There was never anything here anyway!" You yell, not caring who hears. "A million times, I asked what I meant to you, and you never told me. You never said 'I love you'. We hide in parked cars in dark alleyways and you're so goddamn embarrassed of me that you never even look at me. Half the time I feel like you wish I was dead. Like I'm this inconvenience that you tolerate. One day you're going to wake up in a loveless marriage with some guy who thinks you're the love of his life, and he's going to buy you roses and you're going to swallow it all down and smile and pretend you're happy and you won't be! You'll be fucking miserable because you can't accept that you and I are the same," You're breathless as you finish, and your shoulders are heaving. "You can't accept that you love women like you think you should love men. And God, if you lose me, that's fine, because I know you don't give a damn, but fuck, I don't want to watch my best friend lose the rest of her life because she can't look in the mirror and call things what they are."
She's silent, the door slightly ajar. You'd been watching her face so intently that you hadn't noticed that she'd opened it.
You close your eyes, take a breath, and push past her, slipping through the door. You know she won't chase you. You've run a million times and she never has. A thousand ultimatums never changed anything.
Hotch is right outside, staring, his mouth agape.
You throw your gun and badge at his feet, and leave without a second glance. He's calling your name, but you don't hear Elle's under his baritone, so you don't care.
There's a sick feeling of relief, of freedom, as you unlock your car door and drive home, knowing all of the things that had been certain this morning are in the past now, knowing that all of a sudden, none of your tomorrows will look like today or the day before. The BAU is in your rearview mirror, and you know it'll stay there. You know that as soon as you make it home, it'll all come crashing down, all of the grief, all of the ending-feelings landing at once, all of the last two years imploding. You'll never wake up next to her again. All of the almosts, all of the 'maybe she'll change', the uncertainty finally answered. And it's not the answer you wanted, but at least it's an answer. But for now, you're driving with the windows down, and with every breath you take, you remember what you deserve. You remember that it looks nothing like Elle.
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