#reader x thatch
alexa-fika · 2 months
yooo! What’s up?? Anyways I wanted to request a whitebeard pirates and child reader ff, so basically reader is very prone to Injuries and is quite clumsy, and one day when everyone was having lunch at mass, and then they accidentally stab themself with a fork or knife and end up causing a very deep and bloody injury, and everything after that is left to you :) it’s just so amusing for me to imagine the whitebeard pirates all worried and scared, and maybe at the end pops ends up comforting redder? Anyways love your works!
Forks and Dorks (Whitebeard pirates x gn!reader)
A/N I Dedicate this to you Holo and the anon who believed in me and my Adhd ass to finish my homework ✊🏽. I did it guys! And as you have wished it Anon here we have more Whitebeard pirates!
reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japaness
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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“There There,” Ace sighed, picking up the crying child in his arms.
“Did you run too fast?”
“I -I “
“Hey, Hey, breath for okay? Can you remind me how you take deep breaths?”
“Y-you smell the flowers,” they sniffled, taking a deep inhale from their nose.
“And you blow the candles,” they finished as they blew out the air harshly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, how about you do it again gently? You blow any harder, and I’m gonna fly away,” he spoke as he walked out of the Deck and towards the mess hall.
“No!” They let out a teary giggle at his words
“You did! Almost went flying off the ship!”
“No, you didn’t,” they laughed, their previous incident long forgotten in their brother’s playful teasing.
“Oh? Are you being Mean to your big brother, Dokucha?” Another voice piped in
“They are! Almost blew me off the Deck. I asked them to blow the candles, and the little rascal looked like they were trying to blow out a bonfire.”
“How mean, Dokucha!” Thatch gasped, joining in on the teasing of the small child
“You’re mean!” Dokucha accused instead
“Well, I guess I must live up to the title then,” Thatch laughed with a mischievous tone as Ace passed them to him and began tickling the child.
“No!!! Aceee-niii save me”
“Nope, you’re on your own,” he called with a grin as he promptly backed away and made his way to serve himself, ignoring the shrieking and laughs leaving the pair.
“Do ya give up pumpkin?”
“I’m Sorry, Thatch-nii, you’re not mean; you’re the best brother ever!!”
“There ya go, I always knew I was your favorite,” he exclaimed with a grin as he placed the small child down, grinning as they turned around to stick their tongue at him.
“Go have a sit, ya rascal; I have to make sure those idiots don’t destroy my kitchen.”
“Okay, Big Brother,” They happily call, climbing their way into a nearby chair as he walked closer to where the rest of his brothers were
“So what was it this time?” He called to Ace as he served him
“Ran over a loose board on the Deck,” He replied, gulping down the food.
“No, last time there was a loose board in the storage room,” Izou piped in.
“Any scratches this time?”
“No, they just got a go-
Ace’s words were quickly cut off as the sound of a familiar scream reverberated across the mess hall, springing all of the brothers into action as they ran toward the source of the scream; Thatch letting out a cry of his own as he spotted what was wrong.
Somehow, the young child had managed to impale themselves with one of the many forks that lined the long tables, blood already pooling beneath them as droplets of blood fell down to their elbows and falling to the floor in a terrifying but rhythmic fashion.
“Somebody get Marco!” Izou called, his commanding voice causing his crewmates to spring into action shortly after returning with a worried Marco in tow
“Here, let me have a look at the,” Marco hurriedly called to Thatch, who by now had taken the child and kneeled on the ground with them, attempting to stop the bleeding and whispering comforting words to Dokucha.
“Hey, I need to take this out; I will be really quick.”
“Is-I -is it g-go-gonna -hurt?” they hiccuped, words close to incomprehensible among their cries
“Yes, but just for a second. I just need to take it out so I can heal it,” he assured them as he took hold of the handle and prepared his flames.
He threw a smile their way as he quickly pulled the fork from their hand and replaced it with his own hand, flames spreading to the small child’s hand.
“And all done, see good as new,” he calls, waving their hand around to prove their statement.
“Ah! It’s gone!” they exclaimed, marveling at their brother’s powers, only to frown as they looked down.
“Wah, Thatch-nii, I’m sorry I made a mess again,” they cried.
“Don’t worry about that muchkin, accidents happen; what I do want to know is how in tarnation you managed to get a fork in your hand,” he questioned
“I was just trying to play Saber-nii’s game.”
Ace tilts his head at this, a confused look growing on his face.
“What kind of game is it that would end up with a fork in your hand?”
“Ah, I saw Saber-nii do it with a knife, but I only had a fork; you have to put the fork in between your fingers and then go really fast!” they exclaimed, gesturing to the movement they were supposed to be doing and ending their explanation with a smile
“I got to do it really fast! Ah, Ace-nii? Why does your face look scary?”
“Don’t worry about it, fire-cracker; I just remembered I have to do something real quick,” he replied with a tight smile and took his leave.
They turned towards Thatch and Marco, who had similar annoyed looks on their faces.
“Where is Ace-nii going? Is he going on the striker? I want to go!” they exclaimed, jumping down from Marco’s hold and running toward the second commander.
“Not so fast,” Marco calls, easily taking hold of them again.
“Ace just needs to talk to Saber about something; he will be back soon, and I’m sure afterward he can give you a ride in the striker,” Thatch assured them.
“I don’t see why not; we can ask him when he comes back, okay? How about you go find Pops and tell him what you were up to? We also need to talk to Saber.”
“And then I came here!” they exclaimed, finishing their story with a smile.
“I bet you cried like a baby, didn’t you?”
“I did not! I was really brave!”
“Don’t laugh, Papaw!” they exclaimed with a pout.
“Fine, Fine; listen, Dokucha,” he called, causing their pout to fall as they looked at him with a slight tilt of their head.
“Don’t repeat what your brothers are doing, alright?”
“Why? My brothers are so cool! I want to be like them!”
“Because they are a bunch of idiots who don’t think before they do something,” he grumbled, downing his drink.
“You’re mean, Papaw; they aren’t idiots! I’m gonna tell Miss Tate you’re drinking again!” they exclaimed, jumping down from him and running toward the clinic.
“You damn brat!”
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Get exposed Whitebeard 🤭
I believe up next I have a Wriothesley one, and then Shanks and I also have a Luffy/strawhats oc request in the making
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The Stowaway Series, Part 4: Karma
Guys. I know it's been *ages* but work is kicking my butt and taking away my will to write at the moment. (Thanks, science. No, it's great, please ruin all my hobbies for me).
Thanks for all of you who were waiting and encouraging me to continue. <3 The name for reader!Kitty is not yet fixed, if you have a preference, let me know in the comments!
And now, without further ado:
Find part 1, part 2 and part 3, if you want to read the beginning of this. =)
Word count: 3.4k Warnings: Still SFW. Just naked butts. Pretty safe, I think? Characters: Ace, Marco & Thatch… and cat!reader :D and Pops appearing, too!
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The Stowaway Series, Part 4: Karma
You sat there, just watching them with zero thoughts in your brain for a couple of moments. Two grown pirates – one with a bounty of well over a billion, the other still with a respectable bounty of over half a billion – as they splashed each other with water and bubbles alike. Half-naked, of course, because none of them was wearing a shirt anymore.
What was this?! A Coca-Cola commercial?! What kind of freak pirate ship had you ended up on?!
You blinked slowly, your drenched fur slowly dripping water and making a puddle around you. A bubble slid down your nose and made you sneeze.
Or, perhaps, this was the male version of pillow fights…?
Somehow, right then a bucket smacked Ace right in the face and you thought that you probably preferred the more traditional pillow fights. Like, the ones that didn’t break your nose or anything. Not that Ace seemed to have any problem – if anything, it was the bucket that seemed rather worse for wear now. Slightly deformed, very much melting.
You instinctively ducked when a piece of soap came sailing towards your head and thanked your feline reflexes for saving you from looking like a Persian cat. You shuddered at the thought and slowly, one by one, your brain cells blinked back into existence. This brought with it the revelation that you were absolutely drenched and dripping wet, still bubbly, and very much in need of a proper rinse.
It did, however, also come with the realization that those two were currently pretty distracted and for the first time, you weren’t held by a half-naked man, surrounded by pirates, or incapacitated by water. This, you happily noted, was your chance to get out of here and find a place to hide away with your ninja-like skills. A place that was…-
“Did those two boneheads just abandon you like this, kitty?” the voice connected to the two hands that picked you up cooed at you.
Okay, so your perception wasn’t the greatest at the moment. So what?! You’d been through a lot, okay?!
With a deep, deep sigh, you just hung there in those hands that had closed around your ribcage, not even bothering to fight anymore. You were so done with this shit.
1/10 stars. Do not recommend. Service personnel is pretty hot but ultimately fails at its job.
“Shall we finish the job, hm? Maybe by the time we’re done, Marco will have scrubbed that feral little raccoon clean, too,” Thatch murmured and you were taken over to the shower he had just occupied.
And then… with a start… you remembered that he had been in exactly that shower like a moment ago and he’d been utterly naked. You also remembered that you had visually confirmed only minutes ago that he had a fine ass and the rest of his anatomy had also been pretty convincing.
On the one hand, for the sake of your modesty, you should be very concerned with the fact that he was probably still naked and you were about to enter a shower – also fully naked because you didn’t really count fur as clothes – with a man you had met less than an hour ago.
Had he saved your life? Yes.
But still. You were a good girl. (Or at least that’s what you usually told yourself. Most of the time.) You didn’t climb into showers for some naked and very splashy adventures until you were reasonably sure you’d actually end up having a good time.
On the other hand… you twisted in his arms and threw a curious glance down his front, your tail twitching in interest. If the rest of his body was any indication, he’d be…
Awwww. Covered with a towel.
“Miss Kitty, have a seat,” Thatch said and placed you on top of a little stool. You blinked up at him, not fully unsatisfied with the treatment. For one, he was being polite, and additionally, he had basically perched you on a little throne. Yes. Yes. This was acceptable.
Happy to hopefully get rid of the surplus bubbles you generously offered him a paw, somewhat ignoring the fact that you were supposed to be a simply stray cat, and he took it with a chuckle and started to rinse it clean.
“Or should I call you Lady, hm?” he asked and kneeled down next to you, very carefully washing all the remaining shampoo from your fur as you glanced down at him regally.
Admittedly, this didn’t feel too bad, you had your little perch, a pretty damn good-looking guy kneeling in front of you and basically giving you the finisher of a spa treatment…
Maybe you’d actually give them like… 5/10 stars after all.
Within a couple of minutes, you were actually pretty much clean and he turned off the water and stroked you with long, even movements to squeeze the water out of your fur. It felt quite heavenly, to be honest, and you might actually have started to purr a bit again…
Of course, you just couldn’t have nice things, could you?
Because this was when the door banged open – you were pretty sure some tiles cracked at the impact, and a freaking giant entered the room. And not to be dramatic… but he barely fit through that damn door and by your very modest estimate, it was probably four meters high. You started to look up along the legs. And looked up. And up. And.. still up.
When your gaze landed on a bare chest – what the fuck else, this ship apparently suffered from a severe cloth famine – you noticed enough scars to supply a full battalion of soldiers. And as it traveled even further up, you noticed a white captain’s coat slung over wide, wide shoulders. And as it finally reached a face, ducking in below the doorframe, you saw a white beard.
You made a gurgling sound as all the air in your lungs suddenly rushed out of your body and you went first stiff, and then hot, and then felt the fur all along your body desperately trying to puff up against the forces of the remaining wetness in your fur.
Oh no. Oh no no no. This was Whitebeard. The legendary Whitebeard. The guy who’d fought the Pirate King and lived to tell the tale.
“I’m hungry,” he said by way of greeting, “and the boys told me to come here.”
The pressure in the room was almost overwhelming and your feral instincts kicked in before a single brain cell could so much as put a word in in favor of reason. He’d eat you. He’d fucking eat you. He was Edward Newgate, the famous Whitebeard. They’d cleaned you up to serve you to their bloodthirsty captain who ate babies and cute kittens for breakfast!
With a battle scream, you exploded out of Thatch’s hands onto the floor and barely managed to land on your feet in your blind panic. In a feat of pure elegance, you somehow tripped over your own tail only one step further, resulting in you face-planting on the floor for about 0.1 seconds, because that was all the time you allowed yourself to waste. Digging your claws into the tiles, you pushed off and actually propelled yourself onto the wall, just below knee height for the giant between you and survival. If you hadn’t been so busy not getting eaten, you’d have complimented your athleticism.
“What the…-,” Thatch managed to say by the time you took the second long leap towards the door.
You’d manage. You were swift. You were like the wind.
“Flight risk!” Ace screamed when you did your third leap and pushed himself off the floor to rush after you. Fate was in your favor. His foot landed on a bar of soap, his eyes widened comically, and his leg was pulled out from under him as he slipped. You’d have appreciated the beauty of it, probably, the arch his body described as his ass went up and his upper body went down and he landed – hard – on first his shoulders and then his head. You heard something crack and faintly hoped it wasn’t his head. It was pretty.
“Not so fast-yoi!” Marco chuckled as he plucked you out of the air in your fourth leap without breaking a sweat, wrapping a towel around you at the same moment. “And here I thought you were getting used to us.”
There was a select choice of words on the tip of your tongue. Among them were several that were connected to a certain part of his anatomy and the places he could shove it. You were not gonna be eaten! You’d scratch their eyes out! You’d carve your name into their faces! You’d fight until your last breath!
You had claws! You were a ferocious tiger, no matter how small! You had the devil’s power…! You… fucking… couldn’t get out of the towel!
“Now, what’s that?” Whitebeard asked, his tone rather surprised than particularly hungry.
“A cat,” Thatch answered helpfully and ambled closer, toweling his hair dry as he walked.
Maybe that was the problem. Maybe you should turn back into your human form to show them that you were not a cat and therefore, should not be eaten. Perhaps you should declare that you were not a virgin, either, just to be absolutely sure that they wouldn’t think you were useable for any sort of ritual or for feeding to the giant or…-
No. No. That was dragons. Dragons ate virgins.
What did giants eat?!
“I can see that,” Whitebeard answered, somewhat exasperated, and ducked lower to get a better look at you while you were fighting to get out of the towel. Your claws sliced through the cloth like a hot knife through butter and yet you just couldn’t get free. You shot a wild look at the giant captain.
You were no more than a snack for him. Surely, you weren’t even worth the effort!
But maybe it was no effort. He’d swallow you whole. Like that famous whale at the start of the Grand Line, that supposedly swallowed ships whole. You fought with renewed ferocity and Marco clicked his tongue at you, fighting to keep you under control.
Ace slowly tried to get up again, clutching his hands to the back of his head. “Ouch.”
He was still alive, then. Good. At least you thought it was good…? Perhaps…? At least you hadn’t gotten any cat-eating vibes from him.
The sounds of fabric ripping below your claws announced how close you were to freedom and Marco cursed under his breath, juggling you from one hand to the other to avoid giving you a chance to latch onto one of his fingers.
“Is anybody going to tell me why there’s a cat?” Whitebeard asked finally, his tone surprisingly even.
“It’s our new cat,” Ace said, rubbing at the back of his head. There were tears in his eyes as he tenderly felt around for the quickly forming bump.
“Our cat?” Whitebeard prompted, slowly sounding less patient.
“Yes,” Ace confirmed. “Spot.”
You sank your teeth into a piece of towel and ripped at it, glaring up at Marco, who reached for a second towel, frowning. “She doesn’t have a single spot-yoi.”
“I see lots of spots,” Ace muttered and blinked slowly. “I knew it all along. The soap almost killed me. Told you it causes more harm than good.”
“Your head is way too hard for that. You’re fine. Also, I think Whiskers is a far better name,” Thatch threw in.
Personally, you thought they were both pretty shit. With a low growl, you twisted in Marco’s hands, managed to graze his index finger with one fang, and then were rolled into a second layer of towel. You didn’t feel entirely unlike a burrito.
Heh. A Purrito.
You were hilarious, even when you were 5 seconds away from being eaten. But you were not about to give them any ideas.
“Would you stop that?” Marco asked you with a sigh. “It’s just Pops-yoi.”
“Fluffy?” Ace suggested and slowly came to his feet. Even upside down and pretty sure something horrible was about to happen you could appreciate that the drops of water glittering on his skin and slowly sliding down his very defined abs made him look fine as hell.
“Killer,” Marco threw in and you glowered, wiggling yourself forward and out of the towel wrapped around you millimeter by millimeter. You were still contemplating the idea of turning back into a human – both to be able to think straight again and to maybe tell them that you wouldn’t stand for such ridiculous names. Ah, and the detail to please not eat you or do something else horrible.
Thatch leaned forward and booped your nose. You snapped your jaws at him but he was too quick for you, you didn’t even manage to nick him. “Catness Everclean,” he happily suggested and you couldn’t help it, you rolled your eyes.
So he read those types of books, huh? Probably also read romance novels and smut. You scoffed.
“Boys…,” Whitebeard said with a tone that you knew pretty well from your father. It was the tone he used when he was down to his last nerves and he was between giving you up for adoption and accepting his hand in making you the person you were. Your ears twitched.
“Can we keep her?” Ace asked, slowly coming closer, one eye squeezed shut and with one hand still at the back of his head.
“I don’t think…-,” Whitebeard started.
“Look how cute she is!” Ace immediately continued and grabbed you out of Marco’s arms. Still covered in one layer of towels, plus a few stripes of the first one. You tried to twist but his grip didn’t give an inch.
His effort was admirable, really, but with only your face visible in the layers of towels, and your eyes almost popping out of your head from the effort of fighting for freedom, you probably looked more deranged than cute.
“We already have a dog,” Whitebeard answered slowly.
You hissed, sounding somewhat suffocated. Probably due to the lack of air in your lungs at this current moment.
“Somehow, she reminds me of Ace-yoi,” Marco muttered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Is she trying to kill us? Sure. But in a slightly deranged and yet charming kinda way. You can’t really be mad at her. It’s cute, in a way.”
For that, he got another hiss. Sadly you couldn’t give him the middle finger right now. Which was probably good, you reminded yourself, he was an evil pirate, after all.
“Lady Floofiness,” Ace said as if he had heard nothing. When he tried to kick Marco who stood beside him, the older commander simply moved out of his way. “Once she’s dry, you can see for yourself. She’s really pretty and very, very gentle.”
Okay. You were pretty happy he hadn’t cracked his skull open. He was pretty cute. Plus, he probably wouldn’t let you get eaten. You hoped. At least he was your best shot in this room.
Marco snorted a laugh. “Gentle? She tried to amputate my finger. Again.”
“You held her wrong,” Ace hissed under his breath. “You need to support her…-“
“Butt. I know-yoi,” Marco answered with a shake of his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
What was this fascination with your butt?! You had a pretty great one, sure, but in your human form. That you were not about to show them. You had decided so. Perhaps your animal instincts had been a bit overwhelmed by the giant standing at the door, but you slowly lost the fear of somebody wanting to eat you.
Or perhaps you were just going numb. Whichever one.
You squinted up at Whitebeard, who was looking at you with a frown. His beard twitched as he regarded you and you quickly reversed direction and instead of trying to get out of the towel, you buried yourself deeper into it, away from his prying eyes.
“Stefan might not like it,” he finally said.
“He likes Kotatsu just fine,” Ace countered. “And she’s much smaller, won’t take up any space. She can sleep in my cabin.” He started to slowly unwrap you and you grabbed one corner of the towel and tried to hold onto it, suddenly not desiring freedom so much. Freedom meant having no barrier between you and those piercing eyes.
You were still holding onto the towel desperately when two giant fingers grabbed you by the scruff of your neck and picked you up. Gulping, you winced when your body went limb, suddenly unable to do anything but stare at the giant man who had picked you up. He held you in front of his face and you held your breath. This was it. This was the end.
He opened his mouth and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Goodbye, cruel world. I’m leaving you today.
“Stefanie,” he said then and you slowly opened one eye back up.
A brief moment of silence, then Thatch cleared his throat and Marco shuffled his feet, searching for words. Ace was less polite. “That’s a shit name, old man,” he blurted out.
“Fluffy isn’t much better,” Thatch murmured and Ace shot him a glare.
“Says the man who suggested Catness Everclean-yoi.” Marco crossed his arms in front of his chest and shook his head.
“Yeah, and Killer as a name for a teeny tiny fluffy cat clearly wins a prize for creativity,” Thatch shot back.
Marco shrugged. “We can also call her Calamity Jane, seeing as how she made Freckles almost crack his head open, made you bleed for the first time in, what, four years? And has actually managed to nick my skin here.” He lifted a finger with a frown and you could see a tiny drop of blood there for a moment before blue flames engulfed it and it was gone in the next moment.
Thatch, who saw the sparkle in Ace’s eyes, quickly shook his head even as he took a look at his forearms and registered with some surprise that you had indeed managed to scratch him. He dabbed at it with the end of his towel, still shaking his head. “Absolutely not.”
“I think it’s cool,” Ace weighed in and came to stand just below you, holding his arms out expectantly. You curled your tail around yourself and hoped that you’d indeed be handed over again. Ace was the one who held you in the most comfortable way – by far!
To be fair, perhaps you hadn’t given Marco much of a chance with your little panic attack.
But that was hardly your fault. You were in a room with Edward Fucking Newgate, also called Whitebeard. Also having the highest bounty in the whole of the fucking world. You were pretty sure a little panic was justified.
“You just like it because it fits into your little card naming scheme. Ace. Spade Pirates. Spadille. Calamity Jane,” Thatch accused him and when Marco raised an inquisitive eyebrow, he shrugged. “Queen of Spades? Calamity Jane?”
“Oh,” Marco made and rubbed at his chin. “Then no.”
“Hey!” Ace snapped and lifted himself on his tiptoes to reach for you.
You honestly shouldn’t feel so relieved at the guy heartily grabbing your butt, but at least Whitebeard let go of the scruff of your neck and you dropped into Ace’s outstretched hands. Gulping down a shiver – not quite successfully – you were happy when he brought you close to his chest again. Especially since he didn’t seem to mind that you were still wet.
“I haven’t said yes yet,” Whitebeard reminded them with a sigh. “At least I know now why they were all snickering like idiots when they sent me here.”
“You also haven’t said no yet,” Ace reminded him with a grin and started to stroke you with long, calming movements. Eyes unblinking and brain simply overloaded thanks to the last hour, you lay there against his chest and contemplated whether this was karma. Whether perhaps you had stolen one too many times from the rich and given to the poor. Mainly you, actually. But you were poor.
Ugh. You needed a cocktail with lots of rum and a cigarette.
And you didn’t even smoke.
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randompersion · 1 month
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What a way to get rejected!
Original art is not mine!
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10 notes · View notes
bbyjackie · 1 year
one piece social media + dating pt.2 feat: ace
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♡ liked by chef.thatch, marco_o and 11.4k others
_ynln: mad he lost a handstand contest to some kid 🥱🥱
tagged: ace
ace: tell me how i got rated a 6/10 and that rat of a human got 9/10 🫤
↳ marco_o: you definitely got bullied as a kid with that attitude (liked by chef.thatch, _ynln, yamatoto)
↳ ace: just letting you guys know, i wasn't bullied. i was the bully 💪💪
↳ izou.u: that does NOT make it any better
↳ saaaa_bo: why are you proud of that, all you did was bully luffy
↳ ace: now i'm not saying i stand with bullying but.. ☝️
↳ yamatoto: BUT WHAT???
p1rateking_luffy: Hehe Ace remember when we used to have handstand contests and Makino was the judge! 😁
↳ _ynln: omg that sounds adorable
↳ ace: yeah and you would fall on your head
↳ ace: makes sense why you're so stupid
↳ p1rateking_luffy: what does that mean
↳ ace: see what i'm saying
↳ saaaa_bo: you're literally the last person that can say anything
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♡ liked by nicorobin, p1rateking_luffy and 9.6k others
_ynln: girls don’t want no scrubs!
[music: No Scrubs - TLC ♫]
tagged: lovenami, nicorobin
nicorobin: had so much fun with you 💗
↳ _ynln: stop i have a boyfriend
↳ ace: screw him, i'll fight your boyfriend
↳ _ynln: he'll mess u up
↳ _ynln: yeah he does LMFAOO (liked by saaaa_bo, marco_o)
↳ ace: 😐😐
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♡ liked by iampops, sh444nks and 13.1k others
_ynln: i want to be that dog so bad
tagged: ace
marco_o: holy shit i've never been jealous of a dog
↳ ace: dw u can kiss me anytime 😘
↳ marco_o: bruh no i meant i want to sock you in the face
sh444nks: HAHAHA this is so good
↳ _ynln: omg i made it in life, redhair shanks commented on my post????!
↳ iampops: Yn I comment too
izou.u: first photo made my day, thanks yn
↳ yamatoto: real!!1!
saaaa_bo: this photo is free therapy
↳ yamatoto: so glad ur self aware!!
↳ _ynln: love u i swear!
↳ ace: u r full of shit
↳ _ynln:❣️
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♡ liked by saaaa_bo, iampops and 18.4k others
ace: my pookie dookie 💩 💗
tagged: _ynln
_ynln: words can't explain how much i hate that caption
↳ ace: my sweet white mocha frappuccino with two pumps vanilla, chocolate drizzle and one scoop of java chips
↳ _ynln: omg wow i was so close to pressing the block button
_ynln: rare photo of ace w a shirt on ‼️
saaaa_bo: @_ynln blink twice if u need help
iampops: W photo 💪
↳ ace: POPS WHAT
↳ iampops: Big slay ☝️☝️
↳ iampops: Yn no cap 🚫
↳ izou.u: someone literally needs to come get their grandpa 😭
↳ _ynln: pops using colloquial language needs to be protected in a museum (liked by ace)
p1rateking_luffy: Yummy food 😋😋
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
How they walk by your side
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Hand in hand. Ace, Marco, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Penguin Hand in hand but swaying your hand as you walk. Usopp, Luffy, Killer, Perona, Corazon
Linking arms. Thatch, Marco, Sanji, Franky, Brook, Killer, Shanks, Sabo
Pinky fingers linked. Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Perona, Shachi Arm around your back. Ace, Sanji, Franky, Law, Shanks, Corazon
Arms wrapped around you so it's impossible for you to walk. Luffy, Shachi, Sabo, Corazon
Hand in your pocket. Thatch, Sanji, Kid, Buggy, Penguin
No contact but it still feels warm, thats just how they are. Deuce, Izou, Zoro, Jinbei, Law, Kid, Kuro, Zeff, Crocodile [hires someone to hold your hand] Everything all at once, so many hands. Robin
Puts his hand in your pocket even when he's not there. Buggy
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platonic yandere WB and orphan feral child reader
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Pirates x GN Child Reader
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Summary: Your life of isolation on an abandoned island is interrupted when a mistake leads to you being spotted by some pirates.
Warnings: brief descriptions of death and violence, starvation, drugging, forced adoption, platonic yanderes
Creeping closer to the shoreline left your nerves rattled. While it wasn’t unheard of for pirates to stop at this island, you’ve never seen a ship so big before. You stare in awe and fear at the behemoth of a ship stationed not far from the shore.
From your hiding spot under some brush, you’ve seen several pirates leave the ship and disperse throughout the island. Presumably, they were looking for food. They wouldn’t find much. This has been a bad year for fruit and berries, and the few animals that called this island home were getting harder and harder to catch.
Frustration ate away at you. There was so little for you to eat as is, and these people were about to steal what was left. You were already starving, and now it’s about to get worse. Still, you weren’t stupid enough to confront them about it. Talking to pirates was a dangerous idea… you learned that lesson the hard way.
Being stranded wasn’t so bad at first. You still had your mom and dad, and they took care of the bulk of the work. They’d built the treehouse that you call home and taught you how to survive. While they were always trying to flag down passing ships for help, you’d never cared all that much about it. You could barely even remember what civilization was like anymore, so you felt no real desire to go back to it. Being alone with your family was all that you knew, and the idea of anything else felt scary.
Everything came crashing down the day that some pirates docked at the island. Your parents told you to stay put in the treehouse and approached the crew to beg them for a ride back home. Following them was something you would go on to regret for the rest of your life. Despite your family being nothing but kind and respectful… they were brutalized. All you could do was watch in terror as your parents were beaten to death for “bothering” the pirates.
You hated pirates. 
Dragging your parents’ battered bodies back home was a grueling effort. They were so much bigger than you were, and you couldn’t stop crying as you looked at their bodies. If you hadn't seen it happen, you wouldn’t have even been sure it was them. Then you had to dig their graves with your bare hands. It took all day to get both of the holes deep enough to put them into. You brought over the biggest rocks you could carry as a way to mark where they were so you would never forget.
Ever since that day, you’ve been completely alone. It was hard. So much harder than you ever imagined. It’s not like you didn’t know how much your parents had done for you while they were still alive, but it was completely different having to now do all of it by yourself without any guidance. 
Gathering and storing rainwater was all up to you, getting food was all up to you, starting fires to cook meat and keep warm was all up to you. There were many points during the first year by yourself where you thought you were going to die. Miraculously, you managed to survive and settle into your independent role. You’ve survived on your own for a little over three years now by following your instincts and what your parents taught you. Today was the first time you’ve considered going against one of your rules.
You knew that your next course of action should be to leave and hide out until these pirates get off the island. Getting as close as you already have was needlessly risky, but you couldn’t help it. They were cooking up a bunch of food on the beach and it smelled amazing. Your stomach growled and you were salivating as the aroma of cooking meat assaulted your senses. Maybe it’s because you were starving from struggling to forage this year, but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave.
It was stupid… but you need food. If they’re going to take your food, then why shouldn’t you take some of theirs? The guy that had been cooking left a little while ago to go back to the ship for something, and no one else was around. If you were quick… This should be fine.
After taking another glance around to confirm that no one would see you, you spring out of the bushes and sprint for where the food is. There are several tables littered with food. You skid to a stop in front of one and grab the first thing that you see. Crouching down behind the table, you examine your find. It’s brown and has a tough, yet crumbly exterior. When you squeeze it, it gives easily and crackles under the force of your hands. Without a second of hesitation, you bring it to your mouth and bite into it. The inside is white and much softer. It’s simultaneously chewy and crunchy, and you love it. Your eyes start to grow wet as you chew it.
It tastes so good.
The rest of it is eaten in seconds, and then you grab more of these things off the table and stuff them into your bag that you carry with you everywhere. As much as you want to sample everything now, you have no idea how much time you have before someone comes back. Getting caught was not an option. If pirates killed your parents just for speaking to them, you didn’t want to find out what they would do to someone who stole from them.
Random food is stuffed into your bag as you frantically look around for signs of someone coming back. You approach the fire that has meat roasting over it. Your mouth watered as you smelled it from so close up. You reach for it, then pull your hand away. It would make more sense to cut off a piece with your knife. Grabbing something that’s roasting over an open fire will just burn your hand.
You drop to your knees and try to find your hunting knife in your bag. Just as you find it, you hear something. Footsteps. Your heart hammers in your chest and you frantically scramble under the nearest table. Peeking out from under the table, you see the cook coming back with a basket in his arms. He drops it on a table, then walks over to where the meat is cooking and checks on it.
One of your hands clutches your knife, while the other covers your nose and mouth to keep yourself quiet. Your heart is pounding in your chest so loud that you’re scared he’s going to hear it.
The man approaches the table you’re under and stops moving. You shake in fear, thinking you’ve been found. He lets out an exasperated sigh and calls out, “Can you people not wait ten minutes before pillaging?!” He grumbles under his breath about bottomless pits and starts to turn away, only to stop when he hears something.
Your stomach growling.
Trying to clutch your stomach does nothing. It’s too late now. You can only hope that he didn’t actually hear that, but it was so loud. What feels like hours pass in the tensest silence of your life, then a hand shoots under the table and grabs your arm before hauling you out into the open.
You’re effortlessly brought up to eye level with the cook, who stares at you with a baffled expression. His mouth opens and closes a few times before words actually come out. “Who… Where did you come from?”
Finally, your instincts override your terror, and you slash at him with your knife. His arms are so long that you can’t even reach him, but the action is still enough to be startling and make him drop you. The second you hit the ground, you run. You duck under the table to grab your bag and then take off towards the woods.
“Hey, wait! Come back!”
The cook tries to run after you, but you’re able to easily lose him once you enter the forest. There are plenty of tight squeezes that you know someone his size won’t be able to fit through. It’s not long before you’ve stopped hearing his voice and you can finally slow down. You lean against a tree as you catch your breath.
Normally, you wouldn’t get exhausted so easily, but your emaciated body couldn’t handle much exertion anymore. You pant hard and cough loudly as you sink to the ground. Internally, you curse at yourself for being so weak. You need to get back to the treehouse. Just because that one guy gave up didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be others.
Forcing yourself to get back on your feet, you continue the trek back home. You pull out another one of those brown things from your bag and start munching on it. This one tastes just as good as the last, and you can’t help but wonder what it is. It isn’t like anything you’ve ever had before. 
As you walk, you hear something strange. You freeze and look around. It sounds like… a bird? But the flap of the wings is much louder than you’re used to. You whip your head around frantically while trying to identify the source.
Then you see it. A giant, blue bird was flying overhead. And it looked like it was on fire. You watch, slack jawed, as it lands on a branch above your head and peers down at you. It isn’t behaving aggressively, but that isn’t enough to quell your fear. That bird could easily swoop down and pick you up, and its talons looked like they were as long as your fingers. You start walking backwards while keeping your eyes locked on the animal. You aren’t far from your treehouse now. If you could just get in there, you should be safe. That giant bird looked too big to fit inside.
Much to your horror, the bird starts following you from a distance. Its actions aren’t necessarily predatory yet, but you figure that’s only because it’s trying to decide if you’re worth the effort to prey on or not. It takes effort to not run, but you’ve learned over the years that doing that will only encourage the animal to attack. You walk at a brisk pace while watching the bird as closely as you can while periodically glancing over your shoulder to make sure that you’re still going the right way.
You’re relieved when you see your treehouse come into view, only to quickly become distressed when the bird lands on one of the branches supporting it. This is enough to give you pause about entering it. You really don’t want to get too close to that bird. It could easily carry you away if it was able to grab you… but it hasn’t behaved like a predator at all yet. Maybe it’s just curious and will go away once you get inside?
Taking a deep breath to settle your rattled nerves, you start climbing up the tree. There used to be a rope ladder, but it fell apart about a year ago, so now you’re stuck scaling the tree using its trunk, branches and the vines growing on it.
Once again, your weakened state was taking a heavy toll on you. Normally, you could get from the forest floor to the treehouse in a matter of seconds. Today, after your previous run and the fast paced walking you did, you were so exhausted that you had to take a break halfway up. A vine is tightly clutched in your shaky hands to help keep you steady as you sit on one of the branches, trying to catch your breath and get your head to stop spinning.
The familiar sound of heavy wings flapping cuts through the air again, and you look up in hopes that you’ll see that weird bird flying away. The bird flies behind the tree, then comes around and lands on another branch. The one that you’re on. 
The branch dips under the added weight of the large bird, forcing you to hold onto the vine tighter to keep from falling. Your heart was pounding again as the creature inched closer to you. You’re frozen in fear and stuck staring up at it as its head cranes over to you. The way its eyes examine you feels weird. It seems so… calculated. Intelligent. Birds’ eyes have never looked so purposeful to you.
Now that it’s so close, you can’t help but be drawn to the markings around its eyes. The way that the purple feathers frame them reminds you of the glasses that your father wore. The reminder makes your chest feel weird, so you quickly dismiss it. This isn’t a good time to be getting sentimental. You need to get into your treehouse before those pirates spot you, or this bird decides that it wants to eat you.
Using a burst of energy brought on by your desire to not become a snack, you frantically close the gap between you and your home. The bird doesn’t lunge after you, much to your relief, but you still slam the hatch shut as soon as you get through the hole in the floor that acts as the entrance to your treehouse. You collapse on the floor, gasping for breath and coughing loudly between each ragged inhale.
You freeze and snap your head up when you hear the bird take off, and you wonder if it’s about to attack your home. It’s so large that you think it would be able to cave in the roof just from landing on it. Much to your relief, however, the flaps of its powerful wings grow more and more faint as the animal flies away from your home. Your head falls back onto the floor as the tension finally leaves your body.
It takes a while for you to recover from your exhaustion enough to get to your feet. When you do, you trudge over to the pile of fabrics and furs that make up your bed and fall onto it. You slide your bag off your shoulder and rip open the flap so you can finally sate your appetite with your findings.
Everything is okay. You’re safe for now.
At first, all you can do is gawk at how much food you have. You’ve never had so much food at once. It’s almost overwhelming to have so many options in front of you in such a plentiful amount.
Snapping out of your choice paralysis, you grab something that you think is a fruit. It’s bright orange, and the skin feels thick and textured. You sniff it, but the smell isn’t all that strong. Experimentally, you bite into it. The skin is tough, but once your teeth break through, juice squirts out and drips down your hands and into your mouth. The taste is like nothing you’ve ever had before. It’s so strong and sweet and it makes your mouth feel funny, but in a good way. You rip out the chunk you bit into and chew it. The skin doesn’t taste very good, and you wonder if you’re even supposed to eat it. You pick off pieces of the skin until you can bite into just the flesh of the fruit. When you do, you feel like your previous assumption about the skin was correct. Eating the flesh directly was infinitely better with the skin out of the way.
You make quick work of the rest of the fruit. Your hands and face are sticky, but you’re feeling happy for once. You took a major risk stealing this stuff, but it felt worth it. Your stomach was going to be full, and you got to taste new things, even if it would be just this once. You’re about to dive back into your bag of goodies, but then you hear it.
Footsteps. Lots of them. 
Your previous elation is gone in an instant and replaced with raw fear. You unsheath your hunting knife and drop into a crawl. You go over to where there’s a small split in the wall for you to peer out of without risking being seen. As you squint through the crack, your heart drops into your stomach when you see three people approaching the tree your home is in. One of them is the cook that saw you earlier. You start to panic, realizing that you’ve been hunted down.
This is it for you. You’re about to suffer the same fate as your parents because you got careless. 
You scurry backwards until your back is against one of the walls. There’s only one way in and out of this treehouse: the hatch on the floor. It isn’t very big, only one person can climb through at a time. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to take them on as each comes through. It’s unlikely, but this is your only chance. You refuse to just roll over and let them kill you. If you die today, you’ll go down fighting.
The walls muffle noise from the outside, making it impossible for you to make out what’s being said. What you can hear loud and clear is someone scaling up the tree. The branches creak loudly under that person’s weight as they easily climb up. In mere seconds, you see the hatch get pushed up and to the side. Your fingers squeeze around the hilt of your knife in preparation for what you need to do.
A head pokes through. A man with dark hair and freckles on his face peers around your treehouse. He chuckles quietly and mutters to himself, “This really takes me back.”
He starts to haul himself through the hole, and that’s when you finally spring into action. You lunge at him with a snarl and bring your blade down on his neck with all your might. At least you tried to. 
With seemingly no effort, the man grabs your wrist, effectively bringing you to a halt. His grip is impossibly strong. You try to pull away, but he won’t budge. You expect the man to snap your arm or hit you with an attack of his own, but he barely even reacts to you. He keeps a firm, yet surprisingly painless, grip on you while he finishes climbing into your home. He speaks to you in a casual tone, “Relax, kid. No one’s here to hurt you.”
Your wrist is released, but he snatches your knife out of your hand and closely examines it. He runs his thumb along the edge and laughs a little. “Damn, I didn’t even need to block. This thing is so dull that I don’t think it would have been able to cut me.” When he looks back up at you, you scramble back, completely terrified from how easily this guy disarmed you. The man notes your apparent terror and sets down your knife before holding his hands up, “Hey, take it easy. I promise I’m not going to hurt you. No one will.” A hand is extended toward you. The hand is open and relaxed. “I’m Ace. What’s your name?”
All that you do is stare at him. You’re not sure what he’s doing. Does he expect you to give him something after he already took your knife? 
The smile that he was sporting drops slightly, and he retracts his hand. “Not much for handshakes? Can you at least tell me your name?” Again, you just stare at him. You don’t know why he’s behaving the way he is, which only makes you more anxious. Ace’s smile droops more. “Can you talk? Do you understand what I’m saying?”
You decide to answer his last question with a tense nod. The response makes his smile return and he appears to be oddly relieved for reasons that you can’t fathom.
Ace scoots closer to you while pulling something off of his belt. “That’s good. I was starting to get worried that I’d have to act out everything.” He removes the top from the thing he pulled off his belt and holds it out to you. You can’t see what’s inside it from where you’re crouched, but you can see steam coming out of it. “Here, I brought something for you.”
When you don’t make a move to take it from him, he sighs and sets it down on the floor before moving back. “No need to be so suspicious, kid. Thatch warmed up some milk and honey for you. He thought you could use it.”
You don’t know what milk or honey is. Is it food? Accepting something from a pirate feels like a bad idea, but you get the feeling that he doesn’t plan to go away until you do. And with him blocking the way out and also having your only usable weapon, you feel like you don’t really have a choice here.
Carefully, you creep forward. Your eyes stay trained on Ace as you do. His own eyes are flitting around your home. The lack of focus on you helped soothe your nerves slightly, but you still scrambled back frantically once you were able to grab the weird cup-thing. It was warm to the touch, and the stuff inside was white. You sniff at it, and your stomach growls in response to the comforting aroma. You take an experimental sip. The taste is sweet and soothing, but also weirdly familiar. An old memory tickled at the back of your mind, but not clearly enough to fully remember it. Have you had this “milk and honey” before? Maybe before your family became stranded on this island?
Immediately, you tilt the cup up and start gulping it down greedily, wanting to drink it all before Ace could try and take it back. It’s gone in a matter of seconds. Despite just being a drink, it felt oddly filling. You feel disappointed that it’s gone already, but you don’t want to push your luck by asking for more.
Ace’s shoulders relax when you finish the drink, though you’re not sure why. He attempts to converse with you again. “See? I’m not so bad, right? I don’t suppose you want to tell me your name now, do you?”
Sharing your name feels weird. Your parents were the only people who ever knew it, and a part of you wants to keep it that way. But… Ace has been strangely nice to you. Maybe it won’t be a bad thing to tell him.
“... (Y/N).”
Your voice croaks and your throat aches from just saying the one word. Now that you think about it… you don’t think you’ve spoken since your parents died. There hasn’t been a reason to since that fateful day..
The noticeable pain in your voice caught Ace’s attention, and he frowned. He moves closer to you again. While you do tense up, you don’t move away, which he appears to take as a good sign. He moves even closer to you and speaks up again, “You look pretty hungry, (Y/N). Thatch brought some food for you.”
This makes you perk up and glance around his person, trying to figure out where he’s keeping the food at. He picks up on that and laughs lightly. “I don’t have it. If you want it… you have to come with me. Okay?”
As soon as he says that, you recoil. While he had earned a little bit of trust, it wasn’t enough to make you blindly follow him.
Ace’s hand shoots out and grabs yours before you can back away too much. His grip is firm, but not crushing. He squeezes it gently and speaks in a calm voice, “You don’t have to go far. You just have to come down from this tree. Thatch and Marco are waiting at the bottom.” When you don’t look convinced and instead keep trying to pull away, he drags you over to the hole in the floor and guides you to look down. The other two people you saw before are standing by the base of the tree. They smile warmly and wave at you.
“They just want to see you and make sure you’re okay. Can you please come down so they can do that?”
Your instincts are screaming at you to not agree and stay up here. You’ve already taken too many risks today, and this feels like an insane idea. You’re already vulnerable purely from your physical state, but you would also be outnumbered three-to-one if you go down there.
But, what’s stopping them from coming up if you don’t cooperate? It feels like you’re already caught, so maybe you should just do whatever they say so as to not upset them
With significant hesitation, you give Ace an affirmative nod, which makes him grin widely. You expect for him to start climbing down so you could follow him. Rather than that, he abruptly picks you up and drops out of the hole. You squawk in surprise and flail as both of you fall. Your eyes screw shut and you brace for impact, only for him to somehow slow down just before he lands. It almost sounds like there’s a fire for a moment, but by the time your eyes open so you can look, the noise is gone.
And you’re surrounded by three pirates. 
You shrink in on yourself as the other two stare at you. They don’t look angry, but you feel scared of them regardless. Ace sets you down on the ground, then gently pushes you towards them.
The tall cook that you ran from earlier crouches down and smiles widely at you. Even now, he towers over you, prompting you to lean back against Ace. Your wariness does nothing to deter the cook. He pulls out a small box and holds it out to you.
“Hey there! I’m Thatch. You gave me quite the surprise earlier. I thought for sure it was Ace getting into the food early.” When you don’t take the box, he pulls the lid off and shows what’s inside. There’s a bunch of food densely packed into it, and the wave of smells that hits you leaves your mouth watering. 
Your restraint dies on the spot, and you quickly snatch the box out of his hands and grab a handful of food before stuffing it into your mouth. You glance up at Thatch while you’re chewing and see him holding out some tiny, shiny thing with some points on the end.
He chuckles and stuffs it back in his pocket while returning to his full height, “I guess we can teach you about silverware later.”
While you eat, you keep your back pressed against Ace’s legs. You’re only half paying attention as the men talk amongst themselves.
Thatch spoke first, “Can they talk?”
“A little. I got them to tell me their name, but it sounds like the kid hasn’t said anything in forever. Their name is (Y/N).”
The blonde man, who you’re assuming has to be Marco, kneels down and starts examining you closely. His glasses reminded you a little bit of the bird you saw earlier. His scrutinizing gaze makes you hold your box of food tighter and turn away from him slightly. This makes him chuckle and speak to you in a soothing voice, “I’m not going to take it. I just want to get a good look at you so I can make sure you’re okay.”
His hand touches your hair and lifts clumps of it up. You wince as the matted sections of hair tug at your scalp. You used to keep your hair cut short but were forced to stop when your knife became so dull that it couldn’t really cut through anymore.
Marco hummed quietly and muttered under his breath, “Might be best to just shave it all off.” He dropped the hair clumps and moved on to examining your face. His eyes zeroed in on something in particular, and he frowns. “Did you break your nose?”
The question brings you back to a time shortly after your parents’ death. Your father had done the majority of the hunting when he was still alive, and he would use his rifle to take down some of the larger animals on the island. You had tried using it to kill a hog, but that ended horribly. Not only had you missed, but the gun jerked backwards and slammed right into your nose with a loud crack. When you managed to get to a stream so you could see your reflection, you saw that your nose was crooked. You had tried to fix it, but it hurt so bad when you touched it that you weren’t able to make it much better.
You snapped out of your thoughts and nodded your head to answer Marco’s question. He carefully holds your face and runs his thumbs down either side of your nose. Pain shoots through it, making you whine and try to pull away. He allows you to, which you appreciate.
“Is it hard to breathe through your nose?”
You stuff the last handful of food into your mouth before answering him. It takes a moment for you to find the words and force them out, “A little… used to it…”
Marco sighs softly at your answer. He pulls out a piece of cloth from his pocket and uses it to wipe off your face and hand. The cloth is put away, and he continues with his questions. “Are your parents here?”
The question makes you tense up. You didn’t appreciate how many reminders you were getting of them today. You nod stiffly, then point over to the rocks marking where they’re buried. The men glance around in confusion for a moment before looking back at you. You sigh and go over to the rocks and pat the dirt. “Here.”
All of their faces contort as they figure out what you meant.
Thatch was the one to break the silence. “You aren’t out here all alone, are you?”
You nod.
“How long have you been alone for?”
“... Three years.”
They all share wide-eyed looks with each other. Marco quickly strides up to you and takes one of your hands in his, “Let’s go back to the ship, okay?”
“No!” Any previous calm you had faded away and was replaced with a raw panic. You flailed your arm in a desperate attempt to get him to let go, but much like Ace, he wouldn’t budge.
Marco uses his other hand to grab your shoulder and force you to hold still. “Calm down, you’re just going to hurt yourself. We’re going to help you. You aren’t going to have to be alone anymore.”
You try to keep fighting, you really do, but your head starts to spin and your limbs grow weak. Before you can completely collapse, Marco scoops you up into his arms. You want to push him away, but your arms won’t do anything. All that you can do is blink wearily at your surroundings as they all swirl and blend together.
Thatch steps closer and gently pats your head. “About time. I was starting to think I went too light on the dosage. Did (Y/N) not drink all of the milk?”
“They did. They downed the entire thermos in a few seconds. I didn’t think they were going to so much as make it out of the treehouse awake.”
“I guess they’re tougher than I thought. The poor thing looked so scrawny and sickly that I was afraid I might kill them with a normal dose.”
All that comes out of you is a weak whimper as your vision starts to fade to black. Marco rubs your back and begins to walk. The gentle rocking from his gait only makes you nod off faster. His voice is quiet as he tells you assurances of how everything is going to be better now, but it does nothing to comfort you.
Terror is the only thing in your mind as you finally succumb to whatever they just did to you.
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portgasdbru · 5 months
whitebeard pirates groupchat
wb pirates (ace, izo, marco, thatch) x reader
cw: funny/crack, drug mention
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708 notes · View notes
Imagine having deep discussions with the Whitebeard pirates
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Ace: Have you ever wondered why the world government opposes people so far away from them, doing what we do?
Marco: [mutters] I wish you would just stop saying odd shit.
Whitebeard: well we're breaking the law, obviously.
You: It's a little deeper than that. It's because what many pirates do, is the same thing the world government does.
Marco: We are not similar in any way.
You: no, think about it, what does the world government do? They lay out a bunch of rules and if you don't follow them, they use violence to force most of the world into following them. And if a nation elects not to join the world government, or can't afford to join, they raid and pillage those islands and take their citizens as slaves.
Izou: On the other hand, if a nation does join the world government, they have to pay heavenly tributes, because if they don't, the Marines will raid and pillage your country. But if they pay the heavenly tributes, the marines will protect their nation from outsiders, like pirates and non-world-government-nations.
Whitebeard: However, on top of paying the heavenly tribute, the average person also pays local and national taxes, so it's a heavy burden for some countries.
Marco: Oh my gods, it's like a protection racket, that common thugs run, just on a massive scale.
Whitebeard: and, like many pirates.
You: they don't like pirates, for the same reason they don't like common thugs, because you all are muscling in on their turf.
Thatch: so most governments are just organized, and socially acceptable, thuggery.
You: Not all, look at Alabasta for instance, King Cobra has a lot of social programs for his people. Food programs and affordable housing for the poor. Medical programs that put a doctor in every village and a bunch of other stuff. The people should receive something back from their government besides 'protection'.
Ace: I know a lot of nations that are in the world government have a large lower class that they exploit labor from and bleed them dry with taxes, tolls, and fines. I can never forget what I saw at the Grey Terminal out of the Goa Kingdom's Great Gate.
Thatch: That's because in "normal society" they value wealth, and look down on and take advantage of people who don't have it. Meanwhile, in pirate culture, we value strength and look down on and take advantage of those who are weaker, like how we raid other crew's ships because we can, and they can't stop us.
Izou: [sighs] That's an oversimplification If I ever heard one.
Thatch: [steps into Izou's space bubble.] You got something to say to me?
Izou: I've been to both world-government nations and non-world-government nations, and I can tell you that they value both strength and wealth. It's just different classes value one over the other. The upper and more privileged class values wealth, and daintiness because they can hire the strong. While the less privileged value strength, because it helps them survive, because they don't have money.
Thatch: I know that, did you forget I grew up poor as shit, mister little daimyo's vassal-boy.
Izou: And I was a wandering beggar minstrel before that, also keep Oden's name out of your mouth.
Thatch: how about you fucking make me?
Marco: [hops between the two men and dramatically claps his hands together like a clapperboard.] Aaand scene, that was a brilliant performance, gentlemen.
Ace: it was almost hard to tell that you two are actually friends.
Thatch: [huffs] Alright, I'll take it back, I'm sorry Izou.
Izou: I'm sorry too
You: you all are too fighty.
Ace: bitch, you're the most stab happy out of all of us.
You: I am not
Whitebeard: Just last night, you stabbed Vista's hand with a fork because he kept reaching over your plate.
You: ... I did do that, but only after asking him to stop three times. Which is more than reasonable, he's a grown-ass adult, and he, and his fuck ass mustache, should know basic table etiquette by now.
Ace: and then you stabbed me for no reason, with the same fork!
You: that was for good measure, just in case you got any ideas!
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486 notes · View notes
innerfare · 14 days
Blue Balls - Ace: Part 1
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Summary: Ace ends up with a case of blue balls; text below the cut
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Afab!Reader
Genre: smut
CW: oral sex (Ace receiving), dirty talk
Word Count: 1,001
Ace rubbed his hand up and down his muscular chest, trailing it down his abdomen where it met yours. His fingers tangled with yours, and he found himself conflicted: he wanted to grab your hand and use it to pull you to your feet so he could kiss you some more, but he also wanted you to stay on your knees in front of him, eager for his cock in your watering mouth. 
He stood with his legs apart, that big cock of his in his other hand, while you looked up at him with your precious doe eyes and licked your lips, swollen from the sloppy, heated kisses the two of you had shared. 
You bore more evidence of those kisses on your neck, red and irritated from his tongue and teeth. At the sight of those marks, and with a perfect view of your cleavage in your pretty bra, his cock twitched in his hand. Did he want to cum on that cleavage, or did he want to cum in your mouth? You always told him he could cum anywhere he wanted, leaving him with paralysis of choice. He told himself he didn’t have to decide yet, that he had the entire night to choose. 
“Finally got you alone,” he muttered. He’d barely made it through dinner, and he’d almost challenged Jozu to a duel for making a joke about you that was clearly goodnatured and you’d laughed at; Ace was too tightly wound that night to see the humor in it. 
Before you, he’d been perfectly capable of getting himself off. Now, he needed your lips around his cock or his cock in your pussy or at least his tongue on your clit twice a day to feel like himself.
Golden pussy, Marco called it. 
Ace had punched him for daring refer to your pussy, even if to compliment it, but he knew his brother was right. 
You smiled up at him, untangling your fingers from his to keep rubbing his lower stomach, the muscles tight and rigid beneath your touch. With your other hand, you grabbed his calf, massaging his leg muscles. You placed a few sweet kisses against his inner thigh, nuzzling your soft cheek against him like he wasn’t one of the most dangerous, most notorious pirates in the world, like he wasn’t some sort of terrifying monster. 
The intimacy made Ace want to explode into a ball of flames, but he knew he had to keep his body temperature down for your sake. 
He let out a low breath, stroking your hair again. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he said in that low voice of his. It did all sorts of things to you, the masculine tenor of it. It reverberated through your body, and you pressed your thighs together in hopes of finding some relief. 
You could feel the cream in your panties. It happened more often than not around Ace. 
Ace thumbed the tip of his cock, spreading the pre cum around. 
“Easy, tiger,” you said with a smile. “That’s my job.” 
He groaned at the sound of your nickname for him, and then he groaned again when you took his cock out of his hand and held it in both of yours. It looked so much bigger when you held it, seemed so much heavier. And yet, he felt lighter, knowing full well you’d take his full load in your mouth- or on your tits- and relieve all that tension he’d been carrying around with him. 
“That’s it,” he said. He gathered your hair in his hands to keep it out of your face as you leaned in to kiss the tip. When you licked and sucked, he went crazy, but it was your kisses on his throbbing cock and balls that made him feel special- important, even. His chest swelled as you kissed down his length. “That’s a good girl.” 
“I swear it’s harder than usual,” you said against him. “I can tell how much you need it.” 
“I really do need it,” he agreed. 
“I’ve got you, tiger.” You placed sweet kisses on his heavy balls. 
Ace groaned again. He couldn’t help but push his hips forward, earning a giggle from your lips before they closed around his balls. He tightened his grip on your hair. 
You sucked lightly, well aware how sensitive he was. After a few seconds, you released them with a loud pop. You gave them a few more sweet licks, and Ace moaned.  
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. 
“It’s me,” came Thatch’s voice. “I need you on deck.” 
“I’m busy, Thatch.” Ace looked back over his shoulder and stared daggers at the door, but his expression quickly morphed into one of relief and pleasure when you dragged your tongue up his shaft and took the head of his cock into your warm mouth. It was all he could do to keep from moaning your name. 
“Actually, I need y/n for something. And don’t bother claiming she’s not in there. I could hear you moaning all the way down the hall.” 
You sat back on your heels and wiped your lips. “I’m coming, Thatch.” 
“Be quick about it.” With that, his footsteps faded. 
You pouted up at Ace and picked your shirt up off the floor. “Sorry, tiger.” 
Ace groaned, this time from frustration rather than pleasure. His mind was hazy, and he could barely string together a coherent thought. 
“What could they possibly need you for?” 
“I’m sure it’ll be quick,” you said, rising to your feet and stepping into your shorts. You buttoned and zipped them before standing up on your toes to press a lingering kiss to Ace’s lips. “I won’t be long.” 
“You better not be.” He palmed his cock, but it brought him little relief. “I need you for something too, y/n.” 
Hope you enjoyed it! You can read Part 2 here! And if you want more content, you can check out my masterlist here!
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
The strongest star (platonic)
This is determination from Whitebeard’s point of view when y/n met him and his crew. I decided to make this to flesh out my first post and also thought it would be fun since y/n is kinda an unreliable narrator in their own way due to forgetting a lot of details and events.
Master-list for the series here
Tag list: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck
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for as long as Edward Newgate could remember, he wanted a family
As unconventional as it had seemed he had always dreamed of a family of his own
That was his dream that led him to the sea all those years ago
The freedom to pursue and accomplish this with the oceans cruel and caring waves
He’s old now, a man accomplished and still having his family grow
So when Marco brings a small child aboard Newgate can’t help but be a bit giddy
It’s been years since the Moby dick had such a young one aboard its old planks
He remembers like yesterday it once did
Children he found bruised and starved, cold and alone with eyes begging for warmth and comfort despite how scared they were
He was once like that, and he swore he’d not abandon those kids like others did for him
Those children grew up now to be some of his many kids
Years heavy on them as they are for him
He watched them grow from scared to proud and strong
And most of all he watched them grow to be happy with the family harboured on a couple planks of wood on the high sea
Each night rocked by the waves with full bellies and a smile on their faces
So it’s safe to say he is hopeful when Marco marches up, carrying a small child of about 10?
The youngest on the ship as of now was Ace and a few from the spade pirates that assimilated to his crew
But he hadn’t raised them, Moreso taken them in and not having the opportunity to truly nurture them in the way he had wanted
They were teens, a fraction of their lives already lived which meant he missed out on significant moments of it
He hadn’t been able to meet Ace’s brothers or be sure to in-still in him that he’s loved
Hadn’t been able to convince spade that he was more than what everyone in his home thought of him
As an old nostalgic man Newgate missed the feeling of being there for something important like that again
And he thought for a moment he could have that again until he noticed your eyes
He’s seen the terrified, angry and hopeless that looked up at him once before
Most of his sons whom he took under his wing had a variation of that when meeting him
But yours are….something else
He’s reminded of the night sky
A sight that he’s been more than familiar with his entire life as he looked to the stars and wished for people to call home
Despite just being eyes he sees more
Bleak empty darkness, swirling with the unknown with the distant twinkling flecks of stars
They are all encompassing and unassuming at the same time
Pits of dullness that shows the withered age that only a seasoned sailor could have amongst the cruel waves
A loss of innocence and all that a child should have
Yet at the same time somehow retains some of it despite it all
It’s conflicting and hypocritical all at the same time yet it’s there all the same
Those eyes stare up at him, no fear but instead apprehension fills its place
If nothing before could have convinced him that he wanted you apart of his family than this did
But he’s known from the moment you stepped foot on this ship he wanted you to have a home here either way
On the Moby dick you start off as a quiet presence that later grows into something bigger
Perhaps even bigger than yourself as the his sons and daughters seek out your company like moths to a flame
He can’t exactly blame them, not when he himself wants so desperately to grasp and hold that light
But he sees your apprehension when around him
The way in which you try to skirt around his presence as best as possible
Something you do exceedingly well
So Edward for your sake decides to take a seat back and watch what happens
Waits to see you ease up on your own time
God knows the amount of patience he has from dealing with Roger all those years ago and his rowdy kids
So he knows when to back down and let the stage set itself
Watch the act before his role is to come
And Edward does exactly that
He watches and waits
Eddie watches as you draw the crew in like a gravitational pull
It’s slow at first
Your cautious but you let your guard down
At first it’s with Marco
Being the one to take you onboard he decides that your his responsibility and take to it like the mother hen that he is
Seeing you inured stumbling out an alleyway really hit him hard
Perhaps harder than you had even noticed
It gets worse especially after you seem to brush off your injuries
He hovers around you a lot under the excuse of checking your wounds but you seem to know better
You always seem to know better
But either way you don’t say anything and simply grumble a bit about him
Moreso out of annoyance than actual disdain
But either or, Whitebeard watches as his first commander stays by your side
Eventually getting you to drop some of your barriers ever so slightly
Like the chipping in a wall that would lead to a crack
You talk and Marco listens
As do others who eventually join in on listening to some of your stories as you sit between the rails of the railing
Feet dangling through the gaps and swaying back and fourth as you tell stories
Everyone listens
Some even stop in their trail just trying to hear what you tell Marco as he similar sits beside you
Clawed feet of his half Phoenix form and firey blue wings tinged in gold crackling gently
The real breakdown comes when he offers to fly you around
Everyone can see something in you ignite at that
Genuine excitement only caused by child-like wonder
It’s one of the only times on your stay he had seen it
The child buried beneath whatever had happened to you peaking out from the brush
This was a good sign
One that Edward is glad to see himself as you soar with Marco
Blue flames giving you warmth even with the cold harsh winds
When you eventually land once more Edward can’t help but smile at the surpassingly content expression painting your face
That crack in your defence grows
The next to chip away at that metaphorical wall is Thatch
The cook quickly making his ways into your good graces when he has you help about in his kitchen
You seemingly can’t really stay still, mind always racing and wanting to do something
Never taking the time to relax
Thatch says you take to tasks quickly, finishing as quick as you started much to his surprise and exasperation
Whitebeard laughed at that at the time
So you were quick to pick up things
Knowing tasks like the back of your hand no matter how big or small
He’s also seen it, when you gave some of his sons tips in raising the sails or properly cleaning the deck quicker
Thatch won’t admit it to anyone but himself but Whitebeard knows he cooks more food for you than he’d usually would for someone on the ship
Even when Ace or Teach hound him for more food he angrily shoves them off
Then filling your plate once more
Thatch is the one who tells him of the time you cried eating his meals
Mumbling that it reminded you of her
Your mom
Apparently you don’t remember her anymore
Just the vaguest scent of her meals and a glimmer of a smile she would give when cooking
It….sticks with Eddy more than he’d like to admit
Forgetting was an unfortunate thing that came with time
Whitebeard considered himself lucky in not forgetting much over his years
He still remembers the loneliness of his childhood
The bloodshed and alienation on Rocks’s crew
Going off to make his family after the god valley incident
Recruiting his many sons
Finding some cold and alone while others sought him out as a father
Remembers when he first met the idiot he’d call a rival
How Oden would eventually become his little brother and hearing years later of his death by Kaido
The guilt still weighing on his shoulders even now
So in every sense of the word Eddy considers himself lucky in being able to remember
But you don’t have that same privilege
Your memory fraught with missing pieces
Leaving you trailing off for a moment as you regal a story that leaves everyone on deck listening intently
They all notice that you stare off quite often while doing something
Your mind wandering to whatever is it that your thinking of
Sometimes you even mumble to yourself
Though Eddy is never close enough to hear the mumbles others sometimes mention them to him
Names and places
Dates and times
Events and descriptions
But one thing brought up is something that raises his eyebrow
Things only the Roger pirates could’ve know or seen
He already suspected something when seeing the coat draped across your shoulders
You may think your slick in thinking he didn’t recognize that old thing but Eddie knows better
He’d known Roger far too long and arduously to not recognize his gaudy red coat (hypocrite a voice in the void cry’s out)
When his frien….rival was executed he had noticed the coat he wore was different
A darker red and cheaper material
But at the time he gave no thought to it
To wrapped up in a certain kind of grief to really think twice
But now that coat is on your shoulders
Pristine rose red contrasted with the cyan blue of your bandana and cloth sash
You couldn’t have known Roger, your too young to do so
Plus that idiot had two apprentices not three
So that option was x’d out the list
As him and his commanders talked
But you being a kid of one of his members was certainly a possibility
And the only one Edward could ever imagine Roger giving his coat to was Rayleigh and he had essentially dropped off the map years ago
So the conclusion that your maybe Rayleigh’s kid and that he was potentially dead was the conclusion drawn
It’s safe to say that it is something that weighs on not only his commanders mind but also Edwards
Because of the similar situation to Ace
The only other person you had tried to avoid on this crew for some reason
But maybe you somehow knew of his origin and that’s why? But even that seemed unlikely
Roger could keep his lips shut when the situation called for it
Something that he now praised his dead friend for
But on the topic of Ace…it was odd
You avoided Ace like the plague
Whitebeard understood why you avoided him, the giant who was named the strongest man in the world and feared in all blues
But Ace? He was practically a puppy vying for your attention after seeing you interact with literally everyone but him
He’d never thought he’d see his son who’d used to be like a snippy stray dog now practically begging for attention
But here he was
Well, more like they were since literally everyone else on ship it’s finding this all too hilarious
But also kinda sad
It’s not like they’d force you to get along with him if there had been a solid reason
But seemingly there was none
You just avoided him for whatever reason
Jittering in discomfort and leaving when you saw his signature orange hat
And they’d thought it would remain like this
But like all else Whitebeard sees things change
(Just as he saw the sea change when Roger died and ushered a new era)
The final piece to break down that barrier of yours is Ace
The one besides Whitebeard himself you had been the most barred against
It starts with a small conversation
And then on deck he sees both you and ace talk more
And more
And eventually Ace is placing you on his shoulders with his hat on your head
Or taking you out on striker as the smaller boat races around the Moby Dick
It’s a sight for sore eyes
Ace once again lighting up like a bright flame
The same happiness restrained for when talking of his brothers
Or of that person who had given him the small charm he covets as if it were the greatest treasure
Something he had been initially teased for until revealing its story
The small worn down little sun dangling from his wrist representing someone who he wanted to find once more
To thank for caring for him despite his bloodline
Because Ace saw himself as a blotch on the world rather than a blessing
It was something that Ace had hid well but as his father Edward could see the conflict in his eyes
He Tried his best to resolve it but it had yet to go away
But when Ace talks of the Brothers made over a sip of sake, a small sun charm and now seemingly you
It seems for a moment to melt away
Like the strongest of metal being smelted before hardening once more
So Edward watches in amusement as Ace lets you hang from his arm
Or how his son tries his best to seemingly impress your young eyes with tricks of blazing flames
Ace doesn’t seem to notice though that anything he seems to do leaves a proud look in your eyes
But Eddie does
Whitebeard can’t place as to why but he decides to leave it
Simply enjoying his new child and Ace bonding as if they had knew each other for years
The flame brazen boy igniting excitedly like a match as your smaller hands find his and dance to the drunken shanty music
Singing songs you seem to know and regard with an almost melancholy smile as Binks Booze begins to play
Only giving more evidence to your possible heritage
And then you eventually approach Eddie himself
The fearless Whitebeard, strongest man in the world
Golden yellow eyes staring back down towards yours that reflected a starry night
He asks you about your family in which you answer vaguely
Though he expect no less of an answer he notices that the way you explain it is practiced
And despite how practiced it is it leaves him dealing down worry
You’d been on your own for a decent amount of time now
Just seemingly drifting from how you described it
No one but yourself and the sea to keep you company
Only the clothes on your back and small mementos from travels to carry on with you
Whitebeard ponders who the “friends” you’d made along the way but you don’t say names often
Just nicknames
Sneaky but he’s raised enough rebellious boys to see past all the tricks
You change conversation but Edward allows it
Instead you ask him questions, something no one would usually dare to do when being questioned from him
He’d have to admit you have some guts for a kid
Typically he’d call people who did something like that a brat but he lets it slip this one time
And he answers your questions
If only to try and ease you into seeing that he is more than just the epithet of strongest man
That first and foremost he’s a father and perhaps he could be one to you
But instead you inquired about Roger
Another itch to prove your perhaps Rayleigh’s child
So Whitebeard answers truthfully talking about the man he once considered friend
To be honest Edward never really knew how to quite characterize his and Roger’s relationship
On one hand Roger was a man that Edward had respected deeply. Someone who was not only equal in power but also in kindness
God Roger was so stupidly nice to just about everyone as long as you didn’t somehow anger him
But On the other hand Roger was one of the stupidest men alive
Running head first into a battle with nothing prepared
Roger and him were both Friends and Rivals all at the same time
Along with being two sides of a coin
Men who loved more passionately than anyone else
Men who’d do anything to protect all that they loved even if it killed them
In some sense Whitebeard knows he should be happy in being the “victor” in their rivalry yet he’s not
Because they never did settle a score because there was no score to settle
And Eddie no matter how hard he’d try to deny it missed that goof
For as annoying as he was he was equally charming
Something that was infuriating
Because of course Eddie had to become friends with that man
Of course Roger had to go and get himself killed
And it’s Eddie who’s left to mourn
Eddie who’s left to watch the world change and grow old
Eddie is always the one left standing
And it’s there with that you ask him about mourning and how he deals with it
And Edward can’t help but give a pitied stare
A child should not know grief
A child should not know how to mourn
And yet you do
You always seemed to know something your not supposed to
A thing both equally dangerous to you as it is others
……geez you really must be Rayleigh’s kid
Whitebeard smiles, looking down to the coat hung heavy on your shoulders
For a moment he sees Roger there, smiling at him as usual
He tells you that even when someone is gone they leave bits of themselves in the world
Eyes subtly glancing towards a distracted Ace and Izou who listens nearby
Their presence still lingering in all those that they touched by literal and metaphorical
Because when someone leaves you they never really do
They change you
Mold you into the person you are and could become wether that be good or bad
Because Whitebeard despite knowing Oden and Roger are gone can still feel their presence on this ship
The splinters from when battling Roger as he was flung onto the Moby dick
The room in which Oden carved his name in the wood along with Toki’s within the shape of a heart
Sees glimmers of Roger shining through Ace and his firey temper along with his compassion
Watches Izou mumble under his breath about how Oden would have loved to have been on this adventure
Those 3 sake cups still sit in Edwards office
Below a collection of objects and photos of all his lost children
He still mourns them
As any father would
Still wonders if they would forgive him for falling them
But when he does so he remembers their still there
Their fingerprints engraved on a old grizzled heart
At hearing this you nod, pulling that old coat on your shoulders closer
As if someone was hugging you through its luxurious red cloth
His words have seemed to have comforted you and he’s glad
Perhaps even lifting some of the grief off your chest
If so Edward is happy
Because a child should know no grief
And he’d like to change that
Would like to remold your melancholy little heart back to what it should be
That of a happy child
He and his children itch to ask you to stay
But even when Marco offers you a room here
Or when Ace just straight up asks you to stay
You always reply the same way
That like the sea herself you are untethered
Maybe one day you’d find a place but for now you must keep drifting
You have people to meet
Friends you call family to see once more
Everyone here wishes for you to stay
Some ask their father to perhaps to pull the same thing they had pulled with Ace
But Whitebeard doesn’t relent on wanting you to join by your choice
Even when he feels his will want to crack when one night after talking with you under the starry night you fell asleep in his palm
Curled up and small as he feels small tears drip down and pool beside you
Or when it wants to crack even more when he catches you one night in the crows nest singing
The almost haunting sound echoing and reverberating across the ship
The Moby herself sitting at your side, her Klabautermann joining you in song
Or the almost final blow when he realizes that you breath new life in the ship without even knowing it
It’s unseen by your eyes but Whitebeard knows his sons and his ship enough to know when it’s more lively than usual
How your words capture them
He’s watched as you sat atop a barrel telling tales and seeing everyone huddle around you like ducks
Pausing in their duties or even sitting down to ask questions or for you to elaborate more
Grown men and women enraptured by stories of the sea and all its beauty
Even he himself couldn’t help but find himself entranced by your words
The way in which you tell them all are too detailed as to not be true
But Whitebeard does not relent
Does not stop in his judgement no matter how hard it will be to let you go back on that dinky little ship you called your own
It’s sail made of spare sheets with sewn in patches giving it splatters of colour
But when that happens Whitebeard promises to throw you a grand goodbye
Promises that when you do come back they’d have a room ready
That Thatch would make food that reminded you of a once lost home again
That Marco would tend to your wounds and let you scrape the sky
And that Ace would light up with a flame of a stars intensity
But they never were able to throw that goodbye party
That party would be the next one after the one that was meant to just enjoy being with you once more without having to say goodbye
But then you decided you’d help Thatch after seeing he could barely walk in a straight line, so you paused the celebrations for yourself and went to that kitchen celler
Going to place that damned devil fruit to be locked away
But then minutes ticked by
And so Ace decides he’d go find you, saying he’d have to convince you to tell Eddie of your story about the island in the clouds
The joyful atmosphere continues
And then comes Ace’s horrified scream for Marco
Cutting through the atmosphere as the usually chipper boy runs out the kitchen with you in his arms
Bloodied little you
You sit there in Ace’s arms
Bleeding heavily from a large slashing stab that has your blood practically gushing out and into the ground along with Ace’s arms
Despite that though
Despite the pain you should be in Edward spots an oddly content look on your face
Eyes looking up towards Ace but instead of tears filling them it’s a bittersweet look
The look of I’m sorry
Ace and you sit in Edward’s palm
Your small form cradled by his sobbing son who pleads for you
Blood still fresh on his hands and now smeared across Edward’s as well
A child should never die
Let alone in someone’s arms
For they shall carry that weight of them in their arms forever
So he tells ace to lay you down in his Palm
And Ace can only do so reluctantly
Ace turns to run to Marco who’s dashing across the ship but you stop him grabbing his hand
Making his son pause
You smile despite it all, a bright and beautiful smile that rivals the sun and all stars in the sky
Then looking to his charm as you pull out a similar one nestled in that coat pocket of yours
“You found me” it comes out as a pained rasp that makes Whitebeard’s heart ache
It aches more seeing Ace’s expression
Pure grief
Just utter pure grief
Ace clutches you
Begs you not to leave
To please not leave him after finding you
To tell him who did this to you
Your eyes squint as if trying to remember, but then light up with recognition
You give a small laugh, one that makes Whitebeard go still as does Ace
Teach….thats why he wasn’t on deck
As that happens pieces of you shatter
A bright shining gold flashing in the night sky
Sparks of starlight and stardust congregating in the air
Scattering somewhere into the sky
In a fevered state you utter a last word to Ace
When your gone everyone is in a stunned silence
Because what just happened
But then Whitebeard thinks
He thinks all the way back to Roger
The last time he saw Roger the bastard had gotten suddenly silent asking Eddie if he knew of a song, a myth
A star that once dead formed back once more in a new part of the sky
A song was made about it once, something from the Rumbar pirates that had long died among the waves
But then he thinks back further
Back to those 3 days and nights they had fought on that abandoned island
And then he remembers
As Roger sent him flying with a punch Eddie skidded by the Oro Jackson
And for the briefest of moments he thought he spotted something shining in the darkness of a cracked open door
More rather the peering shining eyes of someone
At the time he tried to question Roger but he was as unmoving as a stubborn horse so Eddie had left the topic
He had forgotten of that experience years later
But now it comes rushing back
As does that myth of a undying star
It seems Roger was hinting at something all along
Sly bastard
Seems you weren’t Rayleigh’s kid after all
Maybe you were more Roger’s kid than anything
But….Eddie had taken in one of Roger’s brats before
His sobbing son is evidence of that
And perhaps he will do so again
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again” his words are spoken with conviction as a sobbing ace looks up to him, his golden eyes soften at his sons expression “their still alive Ace, just displaced when they die. Roger rambled to me a myth about it the last time we met. A star that never died and reappeared in the sky, I thought it was nonsense but maybe he was right”
“But how-“
“Think my boy. How could they be the one who had cared for you all those years ago when they’re that young? My best guess is a devil fruit” he sees the emotions swirl in Ace’s eyes as his sons nods shakily. Hands clutching the sun charm of his bracelet and scared to let go. Edward’s eyes travel from his son to his other children, the gold that was once softened now hardening once more as anger replaced it. Teach….a son now a traitor had to be delt with.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
Thatch: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Thatch: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Reader: I did? Thatch: Kiss you and make some more, you haven't been eating anything today Reader Thatch: *Walks away* Reader: ... Reader: They're gone Ace Ace, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in his month: Twankh uh! 
(Some crack in the form of incorrect quotes. Thatch should know better than to leave food unguarded and Reader coming to Ace's rescue)
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alexa-fika · 2 months
Hi, could I ask for whitebeard pirates with a female reader that’s kind of like Yor Forger from Spy x Family? Socially awkward and aloof, has poor cooking skills(Poor Thatch having to not throw up to hurt reader’s feelings) but is super strong and polite!!
Little Brothers Beware (Whitebeard pirates x sister! reader)
A/N It's been a but since I saw spy x family so l may be rusty, I know it's not exactly her characterization but similar and hopefully close enough for you!
Reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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"I messed it up again, didn't I?" Dokucha sniffled, watching Thatch's face grow more more sickly as he try to down the food.
"Good Job, Thatch. You made our sister cry," Izou drawled, watching the scene before him leaning into the dining table and against his closed fist and a slight smile on his face as he watched the scene unfold.
"How despicable of you," Haruta snickered
"Quit with the yappin’, you idiots!" he sneered, glaring at his brothers.
"Ah, Dokucha, don't cry. It wasn’ that bad, it just had too much spieces," he fusses, turning to her
"It's okay. We both know I am no good in the kitchen," she sighed.
"Or the med bay," Marco called as he walked behind them.
"Or the med bay..." she mutters
"I'm sorry I have failed you as a sister!" she cried, hugging him.
"Look at you, Thatch, making a lady cry again," laughed Izou next to him with a similar mischievous grin.
"Hush ya gettin’ on my last nerve," he growls, snapping his head to them only to turn it right back at the sobs of his sister.
"You could never fail me, Dokucha; yer the best sister I could ever ask for!" He exclaims, rubbing her back in a reassuring manner
"You mean it?"
"He's a liar, Dokucha," Calls Izou
"You're lying to me?" Dokucha questioned, looking up at Thatch, a tremble on her lips
"N-No course not, they are just spouting nonsense."
"That's not what you said with her last dis-.
"Hey, Dokucha, did they ever tell you about the time Izou and Haruta went at it?" Thatch spoke promptly, cutting him off watching with a satisfied grin as her sobs stop at the news
"You were fighting?" she growled as she turned around slowly, glaring at the two commanders, who had wiped their smiles from their faces as they shook their heads
"Of Course not, Big sis; we were only training right Izou?" Haruta called nervously at the haunting glare the woman was sending the pair
"Yes, we were to be sent to an important mission, so we figured some training before leaving would do us good."
Thatch threw them a grin as he leaned over Dokucha's ear, whispering in her ear loud enough for the two to hear.
"Ahh heard they were callin’ each other quite colorful names, and that Marco had too patch up a couple injuries," he spoke with a smirk as he glanced at them.
"You know what? I believe that was Haruta; he was quite angry that morning," Izou commented.
"You traitor!" Haruta hissed
"Haruta..." Dokucha growled, glaring at the man
"How many times have I told you not to fight with your brothers?" she snarled, slowly approaching the man who by now had shot out of the stool he sat on in favor of backing away from her.
"Come on, dokucha, it was just playful banter."
"Banter was it? I guess if you have enough energy to fight with your brothers, then you have energy for a training session with me."
"That's really not necessary."
"I insist, little brother," She chirps, throwing a dark grin his way as she drags Haruta off to the training ground.
"I'll get you assholes back for this!" He screamed back to the snickering men on the kitchen
"Oh-ho, you really do have energy. I'm sure you can do an extra long session then!"
"Wait, no, sis, I didn't mean that!" he wails.
Marco sighed, shaking his head as he drank his tea, looking at the other two disapprovingly.
"She is going to find out, you know; once she finds out you tricked her, she will be furious."
"Oh, come on, Marco, she won't know,I I won't say anything, will you, Izou?" Thatch spoke, glancing at the sniper
"If you remain quiet about me, I will remain quiet about you," he confirmed as they both turned to Marco.
"Leave me out of this," he grumbled, walking out.
"We got dirt on ya too, you know!" Thatch calls with a grin
"Oh? Do remind me, who does your checkups and heals you when you fight amongst each other behind her back or go into dangerous missions, and who keeps silent when you fall ill and don't tell her?" He drawled with a grin hidden behind his cup as he continued walking
"Maybe, let's include Marco in tha silent treaty," Thatch Mutters.
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I just realize it's been a week 🙊 oops? Im also surprised myself I din’t include ace, but ya know the other commanders need some loving too
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thekraftcryptid · 3 months
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“Those warm arms tightened incrementally around you. It was too hot, like he was trying to burn all the tears out of your body. You wanted to push him off- wanted to make him let go, but the heat was the first thing you could really feel.
The first thing that didn’t seem wrong.
“I’ve got you,” Ace’s promise was quiet, “It’ll be okay.””
-Suprise, You Ruined Everything. By HippyMindy52 (Chapter 21.)
Aaaash alright, second art piece for this fic, I’ve been thinking about this scene since the chapter 21 dropped and couldn’t help myself. Ace was so soft and that was so sweet and cute! Can’t wait for the trauma of next chapter and having to talk to pirate daddy.
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peanutbubba · 3 months
White Beard Pirates x Reader Talking To Another Man
Ace, Marco, Izo, Jozu, Thatch, and Vista! Gender neutral!reader, slight cursing, kinda got lazy at the end sadly, might be a little ooc for some of them since it’s my first time writing them, no beta we die like ace, requested!
Portgas D. Ace
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Ace is naturally a jealous man, he doesn’t really like to be, finding it to be an unattractive trait within himself however he can’t help it. Especially, when he finds you near another crew member, stealing all your attention.
It doesn’t take long for him to realize that you were missing for nearly half the day, gone from your routinely activity of finding him and giving a kiss to his cheek plus checking up on him. When he goes to find you he nearly crushes a piece of railing he was holding onto, realizing that you weren’t missing, no, someone had just been pestering you all day. No wonder why you haven’t been with him for nearly half of the day, this person was hogging you all to themselves! He’s quick to act though, a charming smile on his face as he plays up his outgoing personality, tring to cover his jealousy. Swinging himself over the side of the railing and walking over to you and the other man, warm arms wrapping tightly against your waist, pressing his chest to your back.
He tries to coax you into leaving with him, hands rubbing circles on your waist as he whispers softly in your ear of missing you. If that doesn’t work then he just glares at the other man until he leaves, eyes piercing and irritated. When the man quickly runs off not wanting to anger The Fire Fist Ace you look suspiciously back at Ace, his expression now changed to relaxed and loving. Again, he softly asks if you can hang out with him. Will give you puppy dog eyes if he needs too, please say yes.
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Without a doubt, Marco is the most calm about you talking to another man that isn’t him. It isn’t exactly that he doesn’t care, he just is secure in your relationship and the fact that you’d never go behind his back. Plus, he’s very aware that you also deserve to have a social life outside of him.
However, he also prioritizes your safety and wellbeing above all else, should something happen to you he wouldn’t forgive himself. His trust in you is absolute, as always, the people you talk to not so much. Especially when it’s while you’re stopped at an island, his eyes are glued to you and that man, making sure he makes no attempts to put you in danger. As a person with a high bounty you’re always at risk of being put in danger, and while Marco is confident you can protect yourself that doesn’t stop his worries any less.
Hovering near the areas you are, or just full blown hanging around you, a charming yet deadly serious demeanor about him. He definitely feels less uneasy when you’re both on the ship around trusted people, and a hundred times more when you’re close to somewhere he can monitor your surroundings. Overall, not very overbearing about you talking to other men, so long as he knows you’re safe and that the man isn’t bothering you.
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Another man who would be pretty calm about you talking to another man is Thatch, probably would even join you in conversation with whoever you’re actively talking to if he has the chance too and you don’t mind.
As a more friendly natured man he’s quite happy when you meet new people, thinking that the socialization is good for you. If he’s not too busy then a lot of the time he’ll join in the conversation happily, pleased to talk with another person and especially you. If he is then he doesn’t really mind, he’s a little jealous that it isn’t him you’re talking to but just by a smidge, he gets over it pretty quickly.
He also does it to make sure you don’t get into any trouble. He wholeheartedly believes that you can absolutely take care of anyone that bothers you, he’s your #1 fan, but he also likes to be careful, especially if it’s with someone who isn’t from/is new to the crew.
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With Izou it’s a complete 50/50 how he acts, completely depending on how the other person is acting towards you, or if you both know the person.
If you’re chatting with a man that both of you know that he’s completely calm, maybe every now and then his eyes are flickering to your form to make sure you’re okay, but he allows you to have your conversation in peace with the man, occasionally gives the man death glares though so he knows not to do anything. If it’s a complete stranger though then his entire demeanor changes.
Izou is a fiercely loyal man, whatever it takes he’ll ensure you’re safe and happy, so without a doubt if you’re talking to someone new then he’s sticking beside you if he can. Definitely has a mean face while looking at the man you’re talking to, he’s just trying to keep the man under a watchful gaze. A hundred percent scares the man off.. Izou is definitely more protective than he is jealous, doesn’t mean you can’t make him jealous though. If he is jealous then he’s quick to get whatever pest of a man is near you away, trying to steal your attention for himself.
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Jozu is very quiet, you never really know what he’s thinking until he actually says something. If you’re ever talking to someone else he’s especially hard to read, just staring at the both of you for a moment.
He’s just trying to make sure that the man has no bad intentions for you, his silence sometimes mistaken for brooding although he’s just trying to be through with his observations of the man. If the man is fine then he’s fine, only really looking back at you occasionally making sure you’re still alright.
If the man is a little strange or off putting though then he’s quick to act, smoothly and almost silently stealing you away from your company. If you ask him what’s wrong then he’ll obviously softly tell you, but once you both are far away from that weird ass man.
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Vista barely has any bones in his body to be jellyfish, key word being barely. Although, that jealousy is more towards if that man is hitting on you rather than if you’re talking to him.
He just watches for a moment you and the man having a conversation, not very worried knowing that he can trust the way you act around other people. His eyes leave you for just a couple minutes, looking at something else before going back to you. Your body rigid and face clearly uncomfortable, the man talking to you clearly getting too confident for his own good.
Ooo, he’s mad. How dare this man make you, his lovely partner, uncomfortable! Definitely coming to your rescue as quickly as he can. If you’re okay with PDA then he might put a hand on your waist to get the man to back off, if not then he’s just casually whisking you away from that creep.
Im so sad, Jozu barely has any gifs!! Also this was pretty fun, made me write about characters I wouldn’t normally, which was cool.
Hope you enjoyed! Peas out.
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bbyjackie · 1 year
one piece social media + dating feat: ace
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♡ liked by p1rateking_luffy, marco_o and 7.3k others
_ynln: he's 20 and still manages to burn everything in sight <3
tagged: ace
chef.thatch: All my hard work down the drain
↳ marco_o: wait is this why the deck floorboard is scorched
↳ _ynln: ACE DID IT
↳ _ynln: he fell asleep while we were singing happy birthday 😭😭
↳ marco_o: oh my god
iampops: How do I add a caption on Instagram posts
↳ p1rateking_luffy: HAPQPY BIRTHDYA ACE! (liked by ace, _ynln)
↳ ace: thanks luffy!
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♡ liked by iampops, izou.u and 5.4k others
_ynln: worth it ❕❕
tagged: ace
marco_o: oh my god this is why we don't trust you guys unsupervised
↳ _ynln: i know u love us (liked by ace)
↳ marco_o: you guys make me want to throw myself off board
↳ marco_o: im losing hair cause of you two
↳ ace: like you had much to begin with LMFOAOO 💀💀
↳ _ynln: 🤣🤣
↳ marco_o: im letting both of u die
izou.u: are you guys the reason why the bathroom looks like shit
↳ ace: it's yn's fault ☝️
iampops: Sons tell me how to add a caption on Instagram posts
chef.thatch: I lose braincells whenever I am near these idiots (liked by _ynln)
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♡ liked by ace, saaaa_bo and 4.9k others
_ynln: if he isn't dreaming about me, im going to sell him to the marines 😪😪
tagged: ace
izou.u: is he even breathing in the second photo
↳ marco_o: i hope not
ace: whaattt of course i was dreaming about you my pookie dookie sugar bear cupcake frappe 😜😍🥰😘🤩❤️‍🔥💕💞💖
↳ saaaa_bo: ew
↳ saaaa_bo: kudos to yn for taking one for the team and dating u
↳ _ynln: i can already hear my 550,000,000 berries from here
↳ _ynln: @saaa_bo FRRR YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS MY BACK ☝️☝️
iampops: Sons I've been asking for a week. How do I add a caption on Instagram posts?
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♡ liked by theroronoa.zoro, p1rateking_luffy and 9.2k others
ace: my favourite girl ❣️❣️
marco is my favourite of all time
tagged: _ynln
_ynln: everyone don't be fooled, he tackled me into the ocean straight after this 😐😐
↳ ace: my mum told me to chase my dreams, not my fault my dream tried to run away 🥱
↳ ace: start sprinting towards me at the same time 🤩🤩
lovenami: omg @_ynln you ate in this photo
↳ _ynln: NAMI OMG ILY 💞💞
p1rateking_luffy: HEHE MY FUTURE SISTER IN LAW
↳ ace: bet
↳ _ynln: wait what
↳ iampops: yn how do I add a caption on Instagram posts?
↳ _ynln: pops omg you're showing your age rn
marco_o: jesus christ delete the second part of that caption
↳ ace: stop being shy 😚😚
yamatototo: yn needs to be saved 💀💀 (liked by _ynln)
_ynln 36m
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[_ynln] ace replied to your story: marco said it was payback for destroying the bathroom, you're next 🤷
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Hello!! Could I request some headcanons or whatever you want, where the reader is talking to one of the crew members or a friend about her crush and has a corny code name for him like ‘cutie pie’ and said cutie pie overhears and tries to figure out who the readers crush is and can’t figure it out so the reader keeps giving him clues but he doesn’t get it until it’s super obvious. Hope that makes sense. And thank you!!!
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GN Reader - SFW
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Ace first hears you talking about your crush when he’s rounding the corner, and see’s you talking to Marco who looks amused at the conversation topic.
“Just my little, Matchstick.” You sigh dreamily, having had a crush on Ace for what seemed like months.
He squinted as he stuffed his mouth at the dinner table when you talked to Izou this time about ‘Matchstick’ and what he’d apparently done that was so ‘wonderful’ and it was pissing him off.
Ace had no idea it was your nickname for him, everyone else knew and just watched as Ace stumbled around in jealous obliviousness.
Seemed you had to step up your game, whenever you knew he was in earshot you would test nicknames, more pointed than the last.
It wasn’t until ‘Flaming freckles’ did it click with him.
Others had been this close to grabbing Ace and shaking him, screaming in his face that you had a crush on him.
You both ended up skirting around one another for about a week before Pops burst the bubble and was basically like ‘now kish’
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At first you try a subtle name because you aren’t sure you want Marco to know about your all-consuming crush just yet and Marco is very astute.
You swear with each smirk on his lips and raise eyebrow whenever he is near you that he just knows.
You wanna play it cool at first. Only talking about him vaguely. Calling him ‘Pina Colada’ when mentioning him in conversation.
He hears you and Jozu walking past his office window, hearing you gush about how ‘cute’ this Pina Colada was and for a good week he has no idea.
This gives you time to decide you want the good doctor to know you want to give his face kisses and hold his hand.
You and Ace are sitting outside his window one day and Ace hands you a slice of pineapple from his stack of fruit he’d acquired from the kitchen.
“I love pineapple, reminds me of my cute bluebird.” You hum happily and Ace just grimaces “Oh gross, shut up.” He huffed, nudging you.
“Oh, is that so?” you both look up at the window, seeing Marco peering down over the edge, amusement on his face, half-lidded eyes focused on you.  “Maybe the ‘bluebird’ like you too, yoi.”
“Oh, gross.” Ace repeats and stuffs an apple in his mouth wishing he wasn’t there.
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Every time you mention him in passing with others it’s always some bread-related pun or name which makes everyone side-eye you. You used all the puns you can, mentioned his ‘bread rolls’ and get Marco to snort coffee up and out his nose.
Thatch has no idea but can’t help feeling jealous at all the attention this person is getting from you.
It’s a little annoying and he feels his eyebrow twitch when you mention ‘My lovely baguette man’ and he’s very close to shaking Marco and Ace down for information, or rather lay at their feet and whine till either one of them gives in.
You thought he would have gotten it by now with how obvious and frankly obnoxious you are about the whole thing.
Marco and Ace just want the dance to be over.
One day you step into the kitchen with Ace, talking about this and that before you decide to make a very clear point “I really like his smile, his wonderful warm smile that’s as soft as the bread he’s baking.”
Ace drops his plate on the floor, a face that looks aghast at your bombshell subtly as Thatch whirls around, the biggest grin on his face.
“An’ I like yours darlin’!”
“Oh, thank fuuuck.” Ace groans as he collects the food off the floor.
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