#it was believed to be a failure.
voidendron · 7 months
Death was meant to be permanent.
It held tightly to those to fall to it, waited patiently for those who didn't seem able to die to finally join its embrace. It would wait a day, a thousands years, longer - for it knew everyone would approach its door. Eventually. It could wait.
It was through the Force - through alchemy, through rituals - that one could make death unlatch its gnarled teeth from its possessive hold. (They always came back in the end. It could wait a little longer.)
It was through the Force, that the body could preserve itself as a silent clock began to tick-tick-tick.
It was through the Force that the runes carved into flesh would begin to burn, and the hole in a heart would heal over. That breaths would return to the lungs and - like a forgotten machine being powered on for the first time in centuries - the body would begin to respond.
Tick-tick - the first beating of a lifeless heart would begin again.
Tick-tick - the chest would spasm for air, the lungs would ache for it.
Tick-tick - thoughts would come back. Slowly, oh so slowly. Hazy memories; of pain, of loss, of the lightsaber driven through a chest.
Tick-tick - the countdown would end, with twitching fingers and eyes flying open to be met by darkness. End, with panicked breathing as he realized he was trapped, that there was a hole in his chest to tell him his brother was gone. End, as he shoved at the confines of his newfound prison through the Force.
The top of a stone coffin would crack in two as both halves flew off.
There would be tears on his face even as the rest of his body would be slow to come to.
His...his brother was dead. Varkhal was gone. Couldn't feel him anymore.
Or, so their master would want him to believe.
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desultory-suggestions · 5 months
You have to stop ruining things for yourself preemptively because you believe they’ll fail anyway. Give yourself a chance to succeed.
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stuckinapril · 8 months
don't stress about that opportunity that fell through or that friend you lost or that thing you really want to happen but isn't. as long as you keep your chin up and try try try again, better things will replace your losses. i'm looking at my life rn and actually marveling at how every single thing i stressed about, whether it be an opportunity or a person, got supplanted w another thing that is so much better. it really is true that loss makes space for better things. these days i don't get sad when something doesn't work out. i get excited that i'm now open to so many other possibilities out there, so long as i actively seek them. you never lack. you just transition.
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whitesunlars · 6 months
coming in hot with my first take on antisemitism in a while after trying to limit my time on this cesspit of jew hatred: being an ally is not something you can identify as, it is something that you become through actions and are deemed so by the minority you are allying with. 99% of you who identify as an ally of the jewish people are actually raging antisemites. if we are scared of you (we are) you are not an ally, not matter how much you identify as one.
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tekitothemagpie · 4 months
Luffy is so crazy for this, man.
Judge is spouting out all the things that make Sanji a failure in his eyes.
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And then Luffy just says that it's all the good things about Sanji.
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That does shit to a motherfucker Luffy, calm down.
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farshootergotme · 2 months
What's the worst lie the popular batfam fanon has made you believe?
I'll start:
'Worst' might be an exaggeration, but the fanon that says Jason is Bruce's favorite son.
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remembertheplunge · 2 years
My name is Lew Wentz.
I am a 69 year old gay criminal defense lawyer. I have been keeping journals for 47 years as of September 14, 2024.. I am writing a book based on the journals.
I came out as a gay man in 1984. I was married to a woman then. I left the marriage after telling her I was gay.
My younger sister, Zoe, who I was very close to, died rather suddenly of pancreatic cancer in May of 2023. She gave me permission to blog the last two weeks of her life. Those blogs run from May 1 to May 14, 2023.
I journaled my journey through the turbulent 1980's and 1990's. During that time, I was pretty vocal about being gay. I volunteered to help people with aids through their illness and death. And, I believe because of this, I was fired from my job as a deputy Public Defender in Modesto California. I also documented the 12 year relationship I had with my partner, Jim, who died in 2009.
I wrote pretty much daily about these events and many others. I never intended for the entries to be made public. But, I now think they should be, as they weave what I believe to be our common story of what it's been like to be out, human and gay in the past four decades.
And, as I journaled, I developed ideas and ways to journal and wrote about them in the journals. I discuss the impact journaling has had on me. And, the amazing revelation reviewing journal entries for the blog and book of just how incredible our lives have been. Memory fades. The journal details do not.
My hope is that , after reading the blogs, and maybe some day the book, you too will become addicted to journaling. Your life on paper will amaze you down the line.
My blog became one and one half years old on August 5, 2024.
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lunamond · 3 months
Honestly, the biggest downfall in the writing of Hotd is that the writers seem barely aware of the actual politics behind the Dance other than the misogyny.
And even that they only touch on in the most surface level way completely divorced from the context of the actual feudal system it exists in.
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ffcrazy15 · 1 year
"Oh so when James Kirk refuses to believe in no-win scenarios it's 'changing the conditions of the test' and 'commendable original thinking,' but when I, Bradward Boimler, can't accept the possibility of failure and retake the Kobiyashi Maru sixteen times–"
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
It's okay if you failed. It's okay if you didn't live up to your expectations. Your worth hasn't diminished, and it never has. It's hard to accept, but it is okay to fail.
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codacheetah · 2 months
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This specific dialogue interests me because it feels like the closest thing we get to a direct correlation between the True Ending and Loop giving up. I mean yea obviously the True Ending is literally the "TRUE ENDING" of SASASAP there was even a whole dialogue change to twohats in the latest update to super canonize it for the people who didn't get it. But the way this is phrased (as the direct progression of "something terrible" into "i'm here") makes me think that Loop waking up in that meadow again directly led into them making their second wish.
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protagonist-art · 9 months
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"or whatever"
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pastelchad · 2 months
Annoying that people say that Leon’s entire character is police and military propaganda when his entire character arc revolves around how the greed of the few big bosses at Umbrella and the corruption of the US government ruined his life
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filmfqiry · 5 months
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me since i was 13
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palin-tropos · 1 year
in my opinion, disco elysium writes its leftist characters to be flawed and their choices can be interpreted as wrong not as some kind of test of faith for the audience where if you say “hey that thing they did or said was wrong actually” then you failed and are a bad player who missed the point
I think it’s a game that wants to speak to the complexity and nuance of being a leftist and seeing the world that way. it wants to bare its soul. it expresses its opinions strongly but doesn’t doggedly seek to control the audience’s thoughts and morals. it seems to value emotional authenticity over brute ideological power. and that’s good
in giving the player the space to doubt, critique, get angry at, and question the beliefs and choices of leftist characters, but also giving them a world that is fundamentally structured around a leftist analysis, it’s inviting them to spontaneously engage in leftist discourse. I think it’s an intended part of the game
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cosmiccrownedparrots · 2 months
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"Sentenced to Your Metal Grave."
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