#it was because there was that post going around yesterday
Stirring the Quiet - Hidden Verses
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
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Summary: Y/N's weekend spirals into something more after a simple Instagram follow sparks nonstop texting with Jenna. As a poetry night unfolds, hidden emotions and lingering looks stir beneath the surface, leaving Y/N wondering if there’s more to Jenna’s words than she realizes.
Word Count: 2.8k
I lay sprawled out on my bed, staring at the crumpled receipt with Jenna's Instagram handle scribbled at the bottom. "Jenna has neat handwriting." Mr. Noodles had busied himself with the loose string from my hoodie, batting it around like it was the most exciting thing in the world. I couldn't help but stare at the note beneath it.
"Thanks for the coffee and conversation again, Slick."
I huffed, running a hand through my hair. It was the weekend, and The Daily Grind was closed, but my mind hadn't stopped buzzing since yesterday. I wasn't sure if it was because I spent the entire night tossing and turning or if the note and handle staring back at me were messing with my head.
Mr. Noodles rolled over next to me, biting the loose string of my hoodie. I chuckled, tugging the string away only for Mr. Noodles to pounce on it again. "You're supposed to be giving me advice, Sir," I muttered to the cat.
"Should I follow her?" I muttered aloud, glancing down at Mr. Noodles as if the cat would magically start talking. Instead, he batted the string again, completely uninterested in my words. Sighing, I pulled out my phone. "Okay, maybe I'll just look at her profile... just a quick peek."
I typed in Jenna's handle, my fingers shaking just a little as her profile popped up. Her feed included behind-the-scenes shots from sets, goofy pictures with friends, and the occasional aesthetically curated post. It was everything I expected and more, yet somehow, seeing it all made Jenna feel both distant and approachable.
I glanced at the Instagram handle again, thumb hovering over the 'follow' button. My heart thumped loudly in my ears. "Do I follow her now? Is that weird?" A nervous flutter filled my chest.
I looked at Mr. Noodles, hoping for some sort of divine intervention. I sighed and turned the phone screen toward the cat, leaning in as if he might actually give me the needed advice.
"What do you think? Follow or not?" I asked, thumb still frozen in place.
Mr. Noodles tilted his head for a moment, and before I could stop him, his paw shot out, landing directly on the screen—pressing the follow button.
My eyes widened. “Oh no… no, no, no, no! Noodles! Why—" I yelped, sitting upright, heart jumping out of my chest. I stared at the phone silently as if it might explode. Great. She's going to think I'm creepy, I panicked.
Mr. Noodles showed no remorse. Unfazed by my mini-crisis, he merely stretched out his paw, pressed it on my chest, meowed, and held it there as if to say, "Chill, human, it's just Instagram."
I laughed softly, scratching behind his ears. "I guess I did ask for your advice, boss; maybe it's not the end of the world," I replied, setting the phone down and falling back onto the pillow. The nerves from before slowly faded as Mr. Noodles curled up closer, purring contentedly.
A few minutes later, a buzz from my phone broke the silence. My heart stopped for a second as I grabbed the phone. It was Jenna.
Jenna: "I see you found my Instagram, Slick."
I sat up again, staring at the screen. Slick. That nickname was going to stick, wasn't it?
My heart was still pounding. What am I supposed to say to that? I bit my lip, staring at the screen, trying to find the perfect way to respond without sounding like I was fangirling.
Y/N: "Haha, yeah, I might have had a little nudge from Mr. Noodles. He has a knack for pressing buttons."
Jenna's response came quickly.
Jenna: "I knew Mr. Noodles had good taste. Should I be worried he's the mastermind behind everything?"
I chuckled, panic subsiding. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought.
Y/N: "Definitely. He's secretly running my life from behind the scenes."
Jenna: "Well, tell him he's doing a great job."
The conversation flowed easily after that. Jenna texted about how she was shopping with her mom and sister. I found myself smiling as I read Jenna's updates about their day. We talked about each other's Instagram pages, with Jenna casually mentioning how "quiet" my account was. She commented on some of them—photos of The Daily Grind, a bunch of funny pictures of Mr. Noodles, and random snapshots of L.A. life.
Jenna: "I didn't know you were into photography."
Y/N: "Just something I dabble in, nothing serious."
Jenna: "Well, you've got an eye for it."
Reading Jenna's message, I bit my tongue, stifling a snicker.
Y/N: "You've got an eye for a lot of things, don't you? Bet you could spot a diamond in the rough without even trying."
There was a moment of silence, a break in the rapid-fire messaging, and my brain immediately went into panic mode. As I reread my last message, my heart raced as I questioned every word. Was that flirting? Oh god, did it sound like I was flirting? Groaning internally, I debated whether to follow up or leave it alone, replaying the words repeatedly, hoping I hadn't crossed any lines.
Meanwhile, across town, Jenna stood in a boutique with her mom and sister, holding a pair of shoes, when her phone buzzed again. She glanced down at my message, a small, amused smile playing on her lips as she read it. Was that... flirting? she wondered, feeling a spark of something she couldn't quite place.
Aliyah, her younger sister, nudged her with a teasing grin. "You've been glued to that phone all day. What's up with that?"
Jenna shrugged, trying to play it off. "Nothing, just texting."
"Texting who?" Aliyah leaned in, trying to peek over Jenna's shoulder. "Come on, spill the tea! You haven't been this distracted since... ever."
Jenna quickly pulled her phone closer, shooting her sister a look. "It's not a big deal."
Aliyah raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Uh-huh, sure. You're not fooling me. Who is it?"
Jenna smirked and shook her head. "None of your business, Aliyah."
Aliyah laughed. "Fine, keep your secrets. But I'm watching you," she teased, throwing a playful smirk as they walked away. Jenna's thoughts lingered on my message, the teasing fading into the background as she mentally filed away the moment for later.
Panicking a little, I started typing out an explanation. "I was just saying, you know, your Instagram feed is super polished. That post you did at the premiere? It definitely looks professional. Like, you've got an eye for these things."
I hit send, biting my lip as the message went through. Crisis averted, right?
But her reply came in almost immediately: "Are you flirting with me, Slick?"
My face immediately heated up. Was I? I hadn't thought so, but now… maybe? My heart raced as I stared at the words on my screen.
Frantically, I started typing again, trying to come up with something that didn't make me sound like a complete fool. My fingers danced over the keyboard as I finally typed, "Only if it's working."
I winced immediately. Did I seriously just say that? But I didn't have time to take it back because Jenna's reply popped up almost instantly: "Maybe it is ;)"
My brain short-circuited as I reread the message, swallowing hard. I needed to keep it together.
The rest of the day flew by. We texted back and forth, sometimes in rapid bursts and other times falling into a comfortable silence. I hadn't even noticed how much time we had spent texting. After cooking, I sent Jenna a quick message.
Y/N: "About to eat. What about you?"
But before I could wait for a response, Mr. Noodles let out a long, dramatic meow, reminding me of his presence—and his empty food bowl.
"Don't worry, I didn't forget about you," I muttered, hopping up to feed him.
Y/N: "Feeding Mr. Noodles before he stages a protest."
Jenna: "A well-fed Noodles is a happy Noodles."
I laughed and grabbed the little tray, setting Noodles' plate on it. "I even got the tray this time, Noodles." Noodles never ate his meals unless they were on his special tray. The cat had his dignity, after all. I took a quick selfie with Noodles eating his food in the foreground, my hoodie-clad self sitting beside him with a content smile.
Y/N: [Pic] "Noodles approves of dinner."
Jenna: "Noodles is adorable. Oh yeah, you're there too."
Gasping playfully, I put my hand on my chest and shook my head.
After dinner, I tossed my phone on the bed and stretched. Then, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tugging at my hoodie strings.
"We've been texting all day… like we're—" The thought was abruptly halted by a text from Jenna.
Jenna: Oh, are you going to that poetry event?"
I paused. I had almost forgotten about the poetry night, but now the idea of Jenna showing up made me excited and nervous.
Y/N: "Yeah, I'll be there, "I can't get out of work that easily, sadly."
Jenna: Lol, good, because I was thinking about stopping by.
I smiled at my phone, feeling a strange excitement bubbling inside me. I mentioned the event casually, not thinking Jenna would actually show up. But here she was, considering it.
Y/N: "Yeah, come drop by! It's going to be tons of fun."
Jenna: "Fun's one way to put it…I was thinking about reading something."
I froze. Jenna Ortega, reading poetry?
Y/N: "Wait, you're gonna read something? Now I have to see this."
Jenna: "Guess you'll have something to look forward to then."
Y/N: "I guess we’ll see then. I'm heading to bed. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight!"
Jenna: "All right, get some rest. Goodnight!"
I flopped back onto my bed, my phone still in hand. Mr. Noodles, completely unbothered, was fast asleep, the very cause of my earlier crisis now resting peacefully. I gave him a light scratch on the head. "This is going to be an interesting poetry night, buddy."
A few days later, the poetry event was in full swing at The Daily Grind. The café's warm glow set the perfect stage for the poets to approach the mic. Customers sat scattered around tables, sipping lattes and nibbling on pastries, but tonight, there was no usual chatter. The air buzzed with something more—a soft, attentive silence layered with the energy of excitement and nerves.
I stood behind the counter, half-listening to the poems as I washed some dishes. My mind kept drifting back to Jenna, who'd arrived not too long ago. She was sitting in the middle of the café now, flipping through her journal, occasionally looking up when someone delivered a line that caught her interest.
I tried to focus on the cappuccino cup I was washing, but my stomach kept twisting with this weird mix of excitement and nerves. I'd never really imagined Jenna as the poetry type, but seeing her here, confident, made the idea of her reading even more intriguing. Jenna, reading poetry. Damn.
I’d finished the last of my batch of dishes when I heard the soft creak of a chair. Glancing up, I saw Jenna standing, journal in hand, making her way toward the small stage. Her steps were steady but confident, sending my heart into overdrive.
I leaned against the counter, gripping the edge as I watched her take her place at the mic. The background hum of conversation faded to nothing, and I could feel the energy shift as Jenna tapped her journal against the mic stand.
"Hi, for those who don't know me, my name is Jenna." The crowd softly erupted into a few snaps and cheers.
"This is something I've been working on for a while," Jenna started, her voice steady but carrying this vulnerable edge. "I don't usually share my poetry, but… here goes nothing."
My breath caught in my chest. The café was silent now, except for the faint hiss of the espresso machine in the background. My attention was fixed on Jenna.
She flipped open her journal, her fingers gently brushing over the worn pages. She took a deep breath and began to read:
"There's a space between silence and sound, Where words get caught, Lingering like an echo that never fades, A warmth that lingers in the coldest moments. It’s like a whisper I can't quite grasp, But somehow, it stays with me."
Her voice was soft but sure, each word hanging in the air like it belonged there. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, feeling my chest tighten as her words seemed to reach out and pull me in. The room felt smaller, more intimate, like it was just the two of us.
"There's a light that breaks through the quiet, A glow that touches everything in its path. And when it touches me, I feel—"
She paused, glancing up from her journal, and her eyes landed on me. For a heartbeat, we locked eyes, and I swear my heart stuttered.
"I feel like I could stay in that light forever," she finished, her voice dropping into something softer, almost like it was just for me.
The room stayed quiet for a beat, the kind of quiet that follows something that just hits everyone right where it counts. Soft applause and snaps slowly filled the space, but I barely registered it. I was too busy trying to breathe, trying to shake the feeling that maybe—just maybe—that line had been meant for me.
Jenna closed her journal with a soft thud, her eyes scanning the room as she smiled nervously. I joined in the clapping, my hands slightly trembling. That line—"I could stay in that light forever." Damn, she had me more shaken than I wanted to admit.
Jenna stepped off the stage, her face still flushed as she sat at the counter where I stood. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until I let out a shaky laugh.
"Not bad for a movie star," I managed to say, my voice betraying me.
Jenna looked up at me, a smile tugging at her lips. "You didn’t think I had it in me, huh?"
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "No, I just… didn’t expect it. But yeah, you really had something there."
Jenna raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by how flustered I was. "Thanks, Slick. Maybe one day I’ll share the rest with you."
My throat tightened. I shook my head, laughing nervously. "Only if you want to! No rush or pressure."
She leaned in a little, her smile still teasing. "Yeah, I don’t mind. I guess I’m full of surprises."
Before I could reply, our hands brushed as I reached for a stray napkin left by a patron. That small touch sent a spark through me, my heart racing. Jenna’s fingers lingered just a second longer than necessary before her face grew redder, and she reached into her bag, pulling out a small, leather-bound journal.
"This," Jenna said, "is what I’ve been working on."
My eyes widened. "That’s amazing. Looks like a real book already."
Jenna smiled, running her fingers over the cover. "I’ve been working on a collection of affirmations and positive vibes. Something people can read to start their day off right."
I lit up. "That’s incredible! You should write a poem about The Daily Grind. You know, as an ode to caffeine and good vibes."
Jenna froze for a second, her blush deepening. "I—um—yeah, I could do that," she stammered.
I tilted my head, a little concerned. "You all right? You don’t have to if you're not up for it. I just thought you really enjoyed the café. It always seems to relax you."
Jenna let out a nervous laugh as she fidgeted with her journal. "Just a few after-butterflies. The crowd can be overwhelming sometimes... even for a big movie star," she said, her voice quieter than usual, clearly nervous.
I smiled, trying to ease the tension. "Come on, I know just the spot where you can get some air."
I led Jenna out to the back patio, the view of the city spreading out before us. The twinkling lights of L.A. cast a soft glow over the horizon, making everything feel a little more magical. It was quieter here, away from the usual hum of the café, just the two of us. The noise of the poetry event faded, leaving behind the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze.
Jenna leaned back in her chair, staring out at the view, her journal resting on her lap. She seemed more at ease now, her earlier nervousness gone. I couldn’t help but watch her, still in awe of how someone like her could feel so grounded, sitting next to me like this.
I started humming softly, letting the cool night air relax me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jenna turn her head slightly, listening. Her eyes softened.
“You’ve got a beautiful voice, Y/N,” Jenna said, her voice gentle.
I glanced down at my hands, caught off guard. “Thanks. I didn’t even realize I was doing it.”
“You should sing more,” Jenna added. “It suits you.”
I smiled but didn’t respond immediately. Instead, I leaned back, closing my eyes for a moment, letting the peaceful atmosphere sink in. The night wrapped around us, soft and still. The only sound was the breeze weaving through the trees, and our quiet breathing.
Eventually, Jenna broke the silence. “I used to take acting classes as a kid. I thought it was fun, but it was also a lot of work. Everyone thinks it’s all glam, but it’s really not.”
I opened my eyes and looked over at her. “Yeah? I remember wanting to be a star when I was younger. My parents got me singing lessons, but I ended up with a lazy talent agent who only got me background roles in a few plays and on the occasional TV or movie set.”
Jenna chuckled lightly, her smile a little mischievous. “Hey, that’s how it starts. You’ve got to work your way up. Hollywood isn’t like the movies—there’s no fairy tale moment where someone discovers you walking down the street.”
I laughed with her. “Guess I’ll stick to making lattes.”
Jenna grinned, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. “You’re good at that, too.”
As we continued talking, it felt like the world outside the patio didn’t exist anymore. It was just me and Jenna, the stars above us, and the quiet stillness of the night. We traded stories—nothing deep or profound, but it was effortless. Like we’d known each other longer than we actually had.
There was something calming about being with Jenna, something that made me feel like I didn’t have to rush or worry. Just being in the moment was enough.
Jenna took a deep breath, breaking the quiet. “I guess that’s what I love about acting… it lets me escape for a while, but it’s not always what people think.”
I tilted my head, listening carefully. “Yeah? What do people get wrong about it?”
She paused, her fingers tracing the edges of her journal absentmindedly. “They only see the glam, the red carpets, and the premieres. But they don’t see the long hours, the rejection, or how hard you have to work just to land a role. It can get exhausting.”
I nodded. "I feel you. Sometimes, everyone only sees the end result and forgets all the effort it took to get there."
Jenna smiled, a little softer this time. “Exactly. I think that’s why I like moments like this… when everything’s quiet, and I can just be myself. No cameras, no expectations.”
My chest tightened a little at her words. There was a vulnerability there, a side of Jenna I hadn’t seen before. I nodded, feeling the weight of the conversation settle between us. “Yeah… moments like this are pretty rare.”
She looked at me then, her eyes lingering just a little longer than usual, like she was trying to figure me out. It was quiet again, but this time, the silence felt different—deeper.
Eventually, I spoke up, trying to lighten the mood. “You know, you really should write that poem about The Daily Grind. You’ve got to immortalize this place in poetry.”
Jenna laughed, the sound soft but full of warmth. “Okay, okay, I’ll think about it.”
We both sat there for a little while longer, the city lights twinkling around us like stars had spilled onto the ground. It was one of those rare moments where everything just felt… right. I didn’t want it to end, but as the night deepened, I knew we’d have to head back soon.
But for now, I was content to just sit there, with Jenna beside me, the world quiet around us.
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zhounauts · 3 days
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KISS THE RAIN, THIS IS GOODBYE TEASER ! ── heeseung's life is utterly flipped after falling in love at first sight with a mysterious girl on a rainy day. yet, when it comes to seeing her again it seems like he's out of luck. why? because she doesn't exist in the present. ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
general info... genre romance, angst, time travel, long fic word count 0.47k current status in the works loosely based on please show up! by kim kihyun warnings cursing, death
authors note... first attempt at writing a story like this. i'm reposting this cause i lowkey posted it in a rush yesterday and wanted to redo some things, so if you've already seen this no you haven't. . .
currently listening to... lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıılıı. lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıılıı. lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıılıı.
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And that someone was going to be the local weatherman, because why the actual hell was it pouring outside on a supposedly sunny day? The rain came down harder now, large droplets slamming against the pavement. It was the kind of rain that felt too heavy for the world, as if it wanted to drown everything. Heeseung cursed under his breath.
And then, cutting through the steady rhythm of the rain, there was a laugh. It danced through the downpour.
He whipped around, and there she was—a girl standing beneath an umbrella. She didn't seem to mind the rain at all.
Who was she?
Something about her was off, yet captivating. Her eyes seemed to glitter even through the gray of the sky, and her face—unfamiliar. He definitely would've remembered a face like hers.
“Huh?” that’s all he could manage. A wave of embarrassment heats his neck.
“Need a hand?” she asks.
“Who are you?”
“Me?” she tilts her head, and Heeseung can feel his heart pound faster, “Who are you?”
Heeseung blinks at this. “You don’t know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?” the girl giggles again, “I do know that you need an umbrella though,” she reaches out a hand, a red umbrella resting on it. Heeseung takes the umbrella in his hand, undoing its velcro strap quickly to open it up.
“Thanks,” he mutters “but really, who are you? I’ve never seen you before,”
“Y/n,” the girl answers.
“Y/n L/n,” she smiles, “That's my name,”
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Four days later it rains again.
And as it does, Heeseung holds your red umbrella in his hand, his face stoic. As he watches the downpour, he can only think back to the day he had met you. His head was a mess of thoughts, thoughts of you and simply how the hell this situation was even remotely possible. It couldn't be.
He had met you. He had talked to you. He had your umbrella. He remembered your smile.
And as he stands in the same spot he had met you before, he doesn't open the umbrella. He waits. Something tells him to wait.
Thunder rumbles. His heart beats. Lightning flashes. A girl laughs.
“Oh, you’re here again,”
It's you.
But it also can't be you.
Cause Y/n L/n is a name that belongs to a dead woman.
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͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ZHOUNAUTS 2024©
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odinsblog · 23 hours
[re: this post]
The bad news is, I’m stranded because my condo has only one road in and out, and that’s 100% underwater rn
The other bad news is, my car is flooded even though I thought I moved it to higher ground
BUT … the heartening news is this:
This condo complex is roughly 2,500 units so tons of people live here. We were all without power from around 4pm yesterday until 10:30am today
So at daybreak everyone was outside surveying the damage and trying to figure out how to get their sunken cars started and how to get out (we’re just going to have to wait for the waters to recede iMho)
I took one look at my VERY RECENTLY PAID FOR CAR as it sat submerged, and started to head back inside. That’s when a neighbor I’d never met before asked me if my phone was charged. I told her no, it’s completely dead. She then directed me to another neighbor who found one outlet that, for some reason, still had power. There were about 10 or 15 people lined up and someone had gotten probably the longest extension cord w/outlets that I’ve ever seen in my life. If you weren’t already charging your phone on the outlet, there was one outlet spot where everyone was taking turns to get a quick 10 minute charge and make some calls. Apparently everyone had already voted to use one of the extension cord outlets full time for a coffee pot (because coffee, right?)
There was someone else outside whose car wasn’t submerged who was letting people use his car to charge their phones
And then I heard someone say, “Are there any elderly or disabled people living here who we need to go check on?” And I said, “OMG, what about the lady on the 7th floor? She’s in a wheelchair!” And someone else said that the elevator was out because of no power, and I was like, “So? Are the stairs broken? I can run up and go check on her.” And then someone else was like, “She died a couple of years ago.” And we were all like, “Ohhh.”
I’m rambling a bit, but the point is, it was super refreshing to see people working together and sharing and helping each other. This wasn’t a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. At worst, it has merely been a big inconvenience. But it was still nice to see neighbors (many of whom were strangers until this morning) being nice and helpful to each other
It reaffirms what I’ve always believed: in difficult times most people WILL work together—without any personal or monetary incentive. So please don’t believe greedy ass mutha fuckers when they opine about survival of the fittest and making a quick profit off of someone else’s suffering. It doesn’t have to be that way, and most often, it isn’t that way
And yeah, I know that my small experience wasn’t a dire situation and no lives were on the line (like they are where the hurricane actually made landfall), but I would like to believe that my microcosm is the norm for similar macrocosms
I believe that most people are good at heart, or at the very least, they WANT to be good and sometimes just need a nudge in the right direction
Anyway, I guess it’s about time for me to go do battle with my car insurance company (now talk about evil entities!) to see what up with my partially submerged vehicle
If anyone has done this insurance claim dance before, I’m open to some friendly advice bc this is brand new for me
Please have a great day today everyone ✌🏿
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gwydionmisha · 2 days
Personal: Home just in Time to Catch COVID for the first time
Apparently Squirrel's been unwell for three days, were out of tests and forgot to ask me where they were, kept wandering around maskless to chat with me because they missed me and we needed to coordinate on stuff.
I was slightly sneezy right before bed, but attributed it to air quality and being out in it yesterday.  Woke up very sick and immediately went to test before contacting Millennials to warn them off, because i do not fuck around.  I was trying to get back to sleep when Squirrel came to ask about tests.  Mine was likely false negative because the infection was so new.
So yeah.  Quarantine here.
I was able to get an appointment very early tomorrow, so that's something.  Bad news is, Doctor told me to wait for the booster until after the trip and I was intended to go today.  I effectively likely don't have much if any immunity and it feels like someone is sitting on my chest.
I told my Doctor at the beginning of the pandemic that my goal was to try to avoid catching it for two years, which was the initial guestimate for a vaccine. I made it 4 years 7 months. Nearly 8. Two or is it three of my millennials still have never had it. I suppose I should count it a win, but I'm pissed, especially as if I'd ignored Doctor's orders or stayed south a little longer or if squirrel had been more careful when I got home, I'd be okay. My chronic illness and lung stuff are already hugely debilitating. I don't need extra chronic illness on top.
I had planned to put as much time and energy as I could into catching up the stuff I didn't post before leaving, the stuff I missed, and the firehouse of new stuff I queued last night. No clue what I'll be able to do, as I literally never had COVID before.
I beg of you wash your hands. Wear your mask.
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sweetieviktor · 3 days
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viktor x librarian!reader (headcanons + tiny scenarios)
summary: how you've meet each other, when you feel in love and your first exchange of "i love you"s.
content warning: just tooth rotting fluff and cuteness between those two. :D
author notes: i know that sooo many people writed this same idea but i can't help it, it's just so cute and so good to write!! when i was writing, the words came almost instantly and gods, i love to write fluff so much!! oh, and today, when i was re-reading this with my friend i was thinking the whole time "damn i love him" ((and i was awoken until 3am yesterday trying to finish this one but i feel sleep and couldn't end it, but i finished it this morning and now, at night time, im posting in here! anyways, hope you guys like it. :)
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» the moment the doors hang open, you turn to see who it is, and as you do so, the whole world stops.
» the prettiest man you've ever seen in your life just came into the library you work in. literally, the prettiest man.
» the way his fluffy hair falls around his face and his curious eyes keep looking at everything, scanning all corners of the room, every little thing he can, shining whenever he sees something he likes.
» and his boyish little smile, barely showing his teeth, that he was giving while talking to a furry someone just by his side.
“oh hi, dear friend!” waving, heimerdinger spoke, walking with tiny, fast steps in your direction, pausing when he was close to you. meanwhile the boy beside him was walking a little slower, his cane thudding softly against the floor.
he stopped near the yordle and looked at your face, giving a polite smile, offering to you his non-occupied hand, and you shaked it, giving him a smile of yours. “i’m viktor, heimerdinger's assistant. he said you could help me with some resources i might need, and i would very much appreciate any help your books could provide.”
“i hope you don't mind him coming here to do some researches, friend. he may come here often!” the yordle laughed, looking between the two of you and then walking away.
“ehhh.. so, do you have any books about-”
» basically, this is how you and viktor knew each other, through a friend in common. and, from this day on, he came to the library more and more often.
» at first, he just showed up, asked for a book you could provide and got out of the establishment. then, he tried to strike up a small talk with you whenever he was waiting for you to look up said books. now, he just straight up rants about any experiment he may be doing at the time.
» and if you're genuinely interested in his rant, he could go for hours just explaining every little detail to you, and he would love every second of it.
» because now he is a regular, you just analyze what he is up to in the most recent days and choose some books that might be useful to him, putting them in the drawer, below the reception desk. and when this happened for the first time he was almost flustered, because you cared enough to look up, sort and search for things that he didn't even asked for.
when you heard the door swing open, you looked at it's direction, smiling as you realized who it was. “hey, viktor! welcome again!” it was the third time this week he got to the library, looking for the same type of books, so you just worked a bit ahead this time. “i don't know if it is exactly what you need but i think that you could use these ones, they have some information you might like.”
“but i still didn't ask for anything..?” he stared at you with a puzzled face, trying to understand why you were giving him those.
“i just think it goes along with your research. also, i wanted to help.” you shrugged, smiling brightly at him.
and maybe this was when he thought for the first time “damn.. i might be in love.”
» after this, he always tried to stay closer to you, to say things you might like, to show you that he cared for you just as much as you cared for him.
» he even brought coffee (he got sweet milk for himself) and pastries for you both to share one day. and this was for sure one of the best excuses to transform a boring afternoon with no clients, into a lazy reading session, this, of course, until a client came and ruined the cutesy atmosphere between the two of you.
» of course he thought about asking you out before, but it was hard. he wasn't used to the feeling of love, of liking someone so deeply like this. so what could he do besides admire you everyday he was in your library? look at you with pure adoration, chuckle lightly whenever you said something that wasn't even that funny, and after it all just show you the most beautiful, bright and in love smile.
» he didn't like to belittle himself, but he really think you would be better with someone that wasn't him. you were so different, yet so alike him, it almost felt like it was meant to be.
» then, in one of his “oh, i will stay here for 15 more minutes and then i'll go home” times (that never lasted 15 minutes, to be honest), it was almost closing time, all of your coworkers were in their homes, no more clients in, simply, not a soul in there. only you both.
» you kept looking in his direction from afar, thinking to yourself how could you get someone so intelligent, so brilliant, so beautiful, so... him. you knew what you wanted, but again, it was hard. and, if saying your feelings out loud was way too scary, writing it all down seemed easier. so, you picked up a pen and a paper, writing in it everything that was inside your chest, your heart. you poured all your feelings into every word that you scribbled down.
» until you heard him packing up his stuff. you started to panic, and now there was only two options, leave the paper as it was and try to act neutral, or try to hide it and look even more nervous? well, there's no time to think! he was already in front of you while your head was spiraling nonstop.
“hey... you are fine? you look stressed.” he examined your face, tilting his head to the side, admiring every little feature of yours. your pretty eyes, your nose, your kissable lips...
“yes! i'm completely fine, no need to worry!” you put your hands on top of the little confession, smiling anxiously, hoping that he don't notice the sweet words you wrote down just for him.
“oh, what did you got there?” he looked at the paper, then at you, and back to paper. on a common day you would like to have his focus only on you, but it was making you even more nervous now, your stomach was turning itself, your hands were cold and trembling. and when he noticed it, he took your hand in his, and you could feel that he was shaking too. “hey... look,” he took a deep breath, almost like he didn't want to continue, like he was still choosing the right words to say. “i understand that some things we just want to keep them personal, only for ourselves. so, ehh, you don't have to show me what you wrote.”, he said with a nervous smile displayed on his lips, while caressing your knuckles with an almost feather-like touch, too afraid to ruin the moment and lose you right now.
and you didn't want to lose him too. even with your brain telling you that you shouldn't tell him, your heart knew you needed to say it, breaking itself or not. so it was now or never. “well... recently i've been thinking about our friendship, about what it could possibly be, about you.” you averted your gaze to the ground, wishing that you came up with fancier words and a better way to confess to him before it all, but you couldn't turn back now. “honestly i can't stop thinking about you, it's like you consumed every logical thought in my brain, everything that wasn't... you.” finally you looked at his eyes, just to see he already looking at you, eyes finally shining for you, because of you. “i love you, viktor. with everything in me, i really love you.” it seemed so right to say these three little words to him, to let him know how you felt since the first time you've seen him.
“and i love you too.” he came closer to you, still with his hand on yours, but now holding it gently, intertwining your fingers together, pressing quickly his lips in yours, smiling in pure awe, completely lovestruck after it. “i love you more than anything, my little star.”
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earthtokhal · 1 day
I would very much like him to come back. To finish the story the way he wanted to. A secure drive in the Sauber for next year. Security, something he wasn't afforded for almost 3 years.
We all knew he didn't want the Vcarb seat next year. We knew his goal, and if he couldn't reach it, we all knew that there was a chance he wouldn't stay.
We also knew that HE didn't entertain other offers. Not the Haas in 2022, not the Mercedes reserve role and not the supposed Audi/William seats this year. He trusted them so incredibly with the twilight of his career, and to be completely honest, so did I.
We knew better. We knew how ruthless they were, we saw that episode in DTS of Horner telling Pierre to perform because it's what his friend didn't get a chance to do. We saw what happened with Kvyat, Alex, Gasly and Nyck.
But this was Daniel. A man they never wanted to leave, a man who had been so fundamental to the history of their team despite not being given a championship car.
This was Daniel, whose relationship with Horner and Max and Marko extended outside the confines of the cockpit, paddock and Milton Keynes.
This was their prodigal son. A title THEY gave him.
I do not believe for a moment that he knew on Thursday or Friday what was happening, because we've seen him in those last few months with Mclaren, we know how he looks, how he reacts when he knows it could be over. We also know that he wanted his family there.
And to be honest, I haven't been doom and gloom from yesterday, and I've been surprisingly hopeful about whatever his future holds for him but that race article, man that's a punch straight to my gut and then watching that video where he slowly and alone enters the pit lane.
How did they show more respect to a boy who they pushed aside and took Nyck instead than they did for their multiple grand Prix winner who gave them the only good PR since last year.
I've read a few different versions, and in most of them, they say Christian still backed him, but Christian may have still wanted him, but he didn't protect him. He could have given Daniel some warning. It feels like Max is the only one who tried to in the media. It feels like Horner likes him best when he's dependent on Horner.
No amount of good words written in an Instagram post would change the fact that Horner could have told him because on Thursday Daniel though he was going to be there next year too.
To have to come to terms with the fact that something you've given your whole life to was suddenly being taken away from you in a matter of a few hours must have been devastating and still he smiled.
They wanted to push him in a corner. That is my opinion. They wanted to give him no option but to wait for their decision. They wanted to test Liam against Yuki and then decide whether or not to revert back to Daniel.
No amount of inconsistency or performance bullshit makes sense. Daniel was not inconsistent. He has the better race pace /race finish average result to Yuki, and the car isn't a points car right now. I'd argue it barely was at the beginning of the year, too, and Yuki benefited from some incredible luck. One driver washed and sent into premature retirement, and the other having his best season yet... and they've been mostly equal.
Legends of the sport, from those on the grid to those retired all have spoken so highly of him. They all knee and know his capabilities, that won't change no matter or many people on social media try to rewrite his history.
They wanted him to take their scraps with open hands. To stick around in case they needed him, and he most likely said no. After whatever happened in Spa, I would think he wanted some sort of proper, legally binding confirmation, and that must have been the rumored demands he was making.
The fact that Lawson was there, hovering over him. The fact that Daniel went there to perform and he wasn't even given the proper opportunities to do so.
But there will always be a Daniel Ricciardo sized whole in Red Bull, and unfortunately for any junior driver coming up, there's now also one in Vcarb. The downfall is going to be absolutely spectacular to watch, and quite frankly, I don't care who goes down with the sinking ship.
They were losing nothing. They could have given him those 6 races. They could have also announced it early on. But they chose to do none of it.
I also do not know how CAA let him down so incredibly badly after whatever happened in Mclaren. And I talking not only this weekend but the entire year when they all were allowed to talk about his lack of performance that he wasn't even lacking.
The sponsorships, too, I'm pretty sure they were promised a big name in a sister team. It's now a junior team, and there's no big name. So I hope they move along swiftly and let them feel th brunt of their decisions
Who actually makes the decisions anymore? Because I thought as long as Horner was captaining this ship, Daniel would be okay. But there's too many helmsman changing the course.
Every single news site who hounded him writing beautiful messages for him and go to hell too. They made his last weekend horrible.
I do not care for the people who only looked at resulrs in the end and wrote him off. The team should have known better.. They would have seen the data. He believed they would. He said that they would because points aren't everything.
If he does choose the ambassador role, I hope it's a page out of Jensons book and goes the route of choosing a team he never raced for. I want it to be Mercedes. Lewis is leaving, they need a big name. That is the team he should endorse.
I just wish we'd known, he'd known. Things would have played out differently. It still wouldn't be fair, but at least we'd have known we were watching him for possibly the last time. I would have probably watched alone, hyperfixated on his race like I was in Abu Dhabi 2022.
I wish the sport actually truly gave him the second chance he deserved.
I wish you'd come back, Danny Ric, but I won't blame you if you never do. You deserved better.
Wherever you go next, may it be the most successful adventure you've ever embarked on.
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pepi1989 · 3 days
Hiii atp tour posted a pic of Ben with a hello kitty mask, could you write about Ben x wife with a daughter who is obsessed with hello kitty and gave him that mask 🥹 lov ur work tysm
A Hello Kitty Surprise - Ben Shelton
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Ben strolled through the front door after a long day, the weight of his tennis bag slung over one shoulder. Before he could even take a breath, a whirlwind of giggles raced toward him. Aurora bolted across the living room with her tiny feet, Hello Kitty mask in one hand, her eyes sparkling like she’d been waiting for this moment all day.
“Daddyyy!” she squealed, holding up the mask like a prized possession. “You have to wear it again!”
Ben’s smile was automatic as he knelt down to her level. “Again? Didn’t I just wear this yesterday?” he teased, feigning exhaustion as he remembered the tea party he’d barely survived the day before, complete with the pink teacups, the frilly bows, and this very same mask.
Rory shook her head, curls bouncing. “Not at the tournament! You didn’t wear it in front of your friends!”
“Ohhh, right,” Ben grinned, ruffling her hair. “Because wearing a Hello Kitty mask at practice would totally help my backhand, huh?”
Rory’s little face grew serious as she nodded, clearly not getting the joke. “It would, Daddy! Kitty makes everything better!”
Ben shot a look over his shoulder to his wife, who was leaning in the doorway, shaking her head and smiling at their daughter’s unwavering belief in the power of Hello Kitty. She mouthed, “Do it,” with an amused look.
“Alright, princess,” Ben said with a dramatic sigh, surrendering to the inevitable. He took the mask from her tiny hands and slipped it over his head, adjusting it so that the famous Hello Kitty face was perfectly aligned.
Rory’s face lit up instantly, her whole body vibrating with excitement. “You look just like Kitty now, Daddy!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. She spun around and ran to grab her mom’s phone from the couch. “Mommy! Take a picture! Everyone has to see!”
Ben grinned under the mask, striking an exaggerated pose with his hands tucked under his chin like he was going to sleep. “Do I look cute enough?”
“More than cute!” Rory declared, running back over and throwing her arms around his neck in the biggest hug her little body could muster. “You’re the cutest Daddy in the whole wide world!”
He hugged her back tightly, his heart practically bursting. “Well, you’re the cutest daughter in the world, so I guess it runs in the family.”
His wife stepped forward, phone in hand, snapping a quick picture as Rory continued to giggle. “This one’s going straight to Instagram,” she joked, lifting the phone to show them. The photo was pure perfection, Ben in the mask, eyes crinkled in laughter, with Rory clinging to him like her favorite stuffed toy.
“Mommyyyy, can we show everyone? Even the tennis people?” Rory asked, bouncing on her heels.
Ben chuckled and shrugged. “Why not? If it makes you happy, Rory, I’ll wear this to the next tournament. Maybe Hello Kitty will bring me luck!”
Rory gasped, her eyes widening. “Yes! You’d win all the trophies, Daddy! Kitty would help!”
His wife laughed softly, shaking her head as she put the phone away. “I think you’ve got a new superstition on your hands, Ben.”
Ben lifted Rory up, planting a playful kiss on her cheek. “Anything to make my girl smile.”
With Rory in his arms, Ben carried her into the living room, both of them still giggling. His wife followed behind, snapping a few more candid shots. In the midst of the laughter, Rory cuddled up close to her dad, resting her head on his shoulder, her Hello Kitty obsession complete for the day.
And as the sun set outside, Ben realized that no matter how many matches he played or trophies he won, nothing would ever compare to the title he held now: Rory’s dad, the cutest Hello Kitty fan there ever was.
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...you are definitely not alone 😬
Thank you nonny but uh I feel I should real quick specify that I mean all dramatics in jest, as a certified monsterfucker who writes a ton of smut I'm in no position to judge anyone, but it's a running Bit among my friends and so I find it funny to enact overblown despair. I don't actually want to make anyone feel put down or shame anyone or imply anyone is genuinely bad or gross for such a kink.
Anyway bless you, random citizen. Bless you. Let us float on our little life raft in a sea of HORRIBLE BETRAYERS together.
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
I think we should put more emphasis on how Akutagawa's love is killing him. Descriptions of his feelings for Atsushi should draw from death imagery more. Atsushi's smile is devastatingly beautiful to Akutagawa. His laughter is lethal. Atsushi's touch feels scorching hot. When he's near, the air around becomes unbreathable. He hugs Akutagawa, and Akutagawa feels like his bones are being crushed under those new and overwhelming feelings. Akutagawa drowning in Atsushi's eyes, sinking in his embrace. Akutagawa's love for Atsushi is piercing, painful, Akutagawa's heart is wounded and bleeding. Akutagawa is smitten. All contributing to represent how Akutagawa's love for Atsushi is going to be the end for him. And it was! And he is doomed by his very love, by his very ability of feeling human emotions. Akutagawa's love for Atsushi is going to be the reason he dies.
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purpleleafsyt · 7 months
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Oh, live the dream in a time machine, I've been waiting forever.
Happy (late) birthday to CCCC Vol. 1. with my own TMR piece
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vee-lociraptor · 3 months
so mad that im being this unwell about the malevolent cowboy au
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metaladam · 8 days
People who are dtf will write off just about any bad shit a character does. I don't think its inherently immoral, sexist, or whatever to do so, especially because this is all fake. In some situations it can be irritating, but its just a fantasy and its not being done on any deep level. Its just people being attracted to a character or a pairing. Goes no deeper then that. I don't think people should make it into a big deal tbh. You are the one who decides how much something will bother you.
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
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soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi soyogi
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svampira · 10 months
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if you've seen me post this already no you did naut anyways human elias
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
The Star Market
Marie Howe
The people Jesus loved were shopping at the Star Market yesterday. An old lead-colored man standing next to me at the checkout breathed so heavily I had to step back a few steps.
Even after his bags were packed he still stood, breathing hard and hawking into his hand. The feeble, the lame, I could hardly look at them: shuffling through the aisles, they smelled of decay, as if the Star Market
had declared a day off for the able-bodied, and I had wandered in with the rest of them—sour milk, bad meat— looking for cereal and spring water.
Jesus must have been a saint, I said to myself, looking for my lost car in the parking lot later, stumbling among the people who would have been lowered into rooms by ropes, who would have crept
out of caves or crawled from the corners of public baths on their hands and knees begging for mercy.
If I touch only the hem of his garment, one woman thought, could I bear the look on his face when he wheels around?
#I posted an excerpt of this poem yesterday but it felt necessary to post the whole thing today#because this poem#this darn poem#knows exactly where i live#'the feeble the lame i could hardly look at them'#i (like many of you) grew up around Christians like 85% of the time#i chose not to go to a Christian college specifically so that i could try to mitigate this part of my heart#that feels almost viscerally uncomfortable around certain types of people#i want to learn to love all my neighbors with Christ's abounding love#i know that I am no less sinful than my neighbor#but sometimes it's like there's a bee in the room and i don't know where it is#i'm set on edge by certain kinds of sin#in a way that i'm not by others#i'm sure this is true in degrees for many of us raised in the church#and this poem. this darn poem calls us out directly#it calls /me/ out directly#'The people Jesus loved were shopping at the Star Market yesterday. I could hardly look at them.'#'Jesus must have been a saint (that's the one bit i don't like-- Jesus must have been GOD) to be able to love these people'#'these people who came stumbling towards him crawling towards him lowered through the ceiling towards him'#'begging for mercy. begging with more humility than I manage on any but my best day'#'the people Jesus loved-- and i could hardly look at them'#and that last line hits you right in the solar plexus#'if I could only touch the hem of his garment could I bear the look on his face when he wheels around?'#no. no i don't think i could#and yet#i imagine that look would be so so beautiful#and by the grace of God i know i CAN bear it#i and all the other people Jesus loves#Bible humans#literature makes us more human
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thetisming · 1 month
ive been like. weirdly emotional lately
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