#it was actually in collecting baseball cards
randomfusilier · 9 months
me: collecting baseball cards
friends and family: but you hate baseball, you will talk at length about how much you dislike baseball, the concept, the rules, everything
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berternies · 1 year
so obsessed with the fact that every single person at this wedding was up to something absolutely unhinged. like we started off with aniq planning to propose at someone else’s wedding and i was like well that doesn’t seem like a good idea. and then it turns out that was actually easily the least insane plan that anyone had.
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naiivemelodyy · 2 years
current hobby: jumpscaring friends by saying “recently i got back into x hyperfixation” knowing damn well they didn’t know i was into x hyperfixation in the first place
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hairymenenjoyer · 2 years
Can I please not develop a creampie kink I am too terrified of getting pregnant for that one 🙏 any other kink is fine but that one is simply too scary!!!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Random Crack headcanons I’ve collected
Rodolfo teaches Gaz how to break his thumb to get out of cuffs, gets yelled at by Price over it, does not care. Threatens to teach Gaz how to dislocate his arm to get them around to the front if he keeps it up
Rodolfo has a stuffed bear that Alejandro bought him when they were kids that no one is allowed to talk about, lest they suffer the consequences
Alejandro has a stripper pole in the ranchhouse. Refuses to elaborate on if he or Rodolfo uses it. (Neither use it, it came with the ranch house, but he thinks it is so unbelievably funny when people just stare at it and then at him questioningly)
Someone made the mistake of getting Soap a hoodie with way too long of sleeves and it rained and he got soaked so he started to slap people with the wet sleeves
Ghost calls himself an Empath
Roach has a pokemon card collection
Valeria is basically the Vodka Aunt of Los Vaqueros. I can elaborate on my theory that Alejandro works with her, occasionally, to keep the peace in Las Almas, but I truly think she’s just randomly there for no fucking reason
I actually think she becomes kind of like a big sister to Gaz just due to how Rudy and Alejandro treat Gaz like a younger brother, and I think she teaches him how to eloquently threaten people in Spanish
Price glares at all coffee drinkers, this includes Laswell and Alex. Graves just gets straight up ignored when he asks for coffee
Laswell actually kind of likes tea but Price is so fucking petty that she drinks nothing but coffee around him just to spite him. And her kidney.
Don’t tell Price, Gaz actually kind of likes coffee
Laswell is trying to quit smoking by switching to Herbals, but it’s not working
Has also tried vaping
Gaz has a baseball hat collection that keeps growing. He did not start it, it’s a default gift from everyone and he’s too shy to tell them no more
Alex owns a cowboy hat that Gaz has put on several times, Alex refuses to let anyone explain to Gaz why that’s a problem, but he’s not exactly stopping Gaz either (Gaz knows what the cowboy hat rule is, he’s trying to hit on Alex and Alex is not getting it. Farah’s about to smack both of them.)
Malika regularly falls asleep on top of Farah and she refuses to move until Malika wakes up, like Malika’s a cat. Will glare at people when they try to wake Malika up
She also regularly makes dirty jokes and everyone still acts shocked about them, every time
Malika has a hello kitty doll collection. 
Malika has a beanie baby collection
Malika headlocked someone and broke their arm in one move and had Farah hyperventilating
She’s little slow on pop culture but she’s getting it
Graves is only still at the Las Almas base because he’s a POW and, as such, has decided to make Alejandro’s life as difficult as possible by -Flirting with his husband -Needing something every five seconds -Riling Rodolfo up with petty things -Riling Ghost up with petty things -Breaking random stupid things that still have to be replaced -Encouraging Soap to do random stupid things -Encouraging Gaz to help him -Eating their food and praising Rodolfo’s cooking so Rodolfo gets super flattered and now Alejandro feels like he has to outdo him with the compliments -Existing -Save Alejandro, pls
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billthedrake · 10 months
It was twilight more than actual dawn, but as I heard the sound of the metal clink in Dad's uniform belt, I roused in my bed and saw his beefy build standing by my dresser. Carefully, he removed his service weapon and placed it next to my baseball card collection and my trophies, then did the same with his utility belt.
My eyes took a second to adjust, but I could start to make out his handsome features. Roman nose, round cheeks, thinning hair kept military buzzed.
"Heya kiddo," he whispered when he finally saw me watching, sitting up in bed. Already he was unbuttoning and untucking his uniform shirt, the kevlar vest making his barrel chest even more pronounced beneath.
"Hey Dad," I said. I tried to be quiet, too, but my voice was groggy and my greeting came out louder than I intended.
Not that I probably needed to worry. It's crazy and would be impossible to explain to any outsider. But this was an open secret in our family. Mom knew, my little brothers knew and even if no one talked about it, there was a strange acceptance. Maybe because my parents fought less now. Maybe because I was the star baseball player who was pretty much tapped to get a top pick in the upcoming draft, straight out of high school. I was definitely the Golden Boy. I wouldn't say I was spoiled, because I worked my ass off for my success, but I got a lot of special treatment.
It was a ritual I was getting used to, the way Dad neatly hung up his uniform, putting it in my closet, next to my Sunday best blue blazer and pressed khakis. He wore Jockey style briefs that clung to his meaty ass and heavy genitals. My morning wood was reliable but even if it wasn't I'd have gotten rock hard just watching him.
Finally Dad turned toward the bed with a relaxed smile, taking two steps to approach, then hooked his thumbs in the elastic and slid off his underwear. My father wasn't erect yet, but his dong was getting firmer as he lifted up the bed sheet and crawled in next to me.
"Sorry to wake you, Nolan," he said as he scooted up against me, his strong hands latching on to my sides. "But you do feel nice, buddy...."
"You too, Dad," I said. My dick pressed into the softness of his belly. My father wasn't overweight but he had some love handles on his otherwise hard, regulation-fit body. I loved every bit of him and the way he felt next to me. My hands were matching his move, running along the hard lats and over his meaty ass cheeks.
"This is what I look forward to after a hard shift," he said.
"Tough night?" I asked.
"Yah," he said. Dad didn't talk about the stress of his job in detail, but I liked that he could confide in me. When I was a kid he'd always hide that part of his life from me.
Our lips met. Softly at first but I nudged his mouth with my tongue, and Dad opened up to accept it. He moaned into my mouth as he pawed me more greedily, his hands' urgency a contrast to our restrained kiss.
My own hands were feeling him up excitedly, eventually one moving down to cup his crotch. My dad was rock hard now.
"HMMM," he hissed as we broke the kiss. "You got me hard, buddy."
"I can tell," I said. The daylight was a little brighter in the room now, and I could make out my father's masculine, soulful face up closer. His body felt warm and the scent of him filled my nostrils. My fingers caressed his rigid prick, which jerked in my hand some. "What are you in the mood for, sir?"
With me and Dad it was 50/50. Not only the sex acts we did but who guided how we would mate. After a big game or when we got some extended dad-son time, I generally got to pick. But when Dad was coming off of a night shift, I liked to indulge him.
"Hard to choose," he said. His hand was now moving to feel up my son bone.
"I know what you mean," I said.
He gave a slight, serious smile. It was weird that I was waking up but Dad was tired but fully awake, having been up for a good sixteen or seventeen hours. "I guess I'm trying to say, I want both... you know, flip."
We actually hadn't done that. If I hadn't watched my share of porn, I might not even know what that term meant. But the second he said it, the idea sounded perfect.
Dad must have read the approval on my face because already he was reaching over me, toward the lube I had out on the night stand. This was another thing I no longer bothered to hide. Over the course of the last nine months, we'd gone from only fooling around outside of the house to only doing it when we knew we were alone to.... this. I heard the squirt of the liquid in Dad's palm as I felt up his soft furry torso. Then Dad pumped out more for good measure.
I grinned at him as he now reached between my legs. I had a good jock's body, strong and athletic but over the last few months I'd really gotten more into lifting and my body had responded well. Dad told me he was in love with all of me, not just my muscles, but I still enjoyed the confidence my new build had given me. And Dad's eyes seemed more appreciative.
The fingers felt silky and warm as he fingered me open.
I could hear footsteps in the hall. People were starting to wake up. Dad paused a second and arched his eyebrow. The first time this had happened we were terrified of being discovered. Now my father pulled his big mitt back, wiping some of the excess lube onto my hard prick before slicking up his own.
"Lift your legs, Nolan," he instructed. No longer whispering but talking at full voice.
I was so excited to do so, pulling my legs back in the air, only to have my state trooper father guide them to a resting place on his shoulder. I pulled the extra pillow and Dad did the rest to help me lift my hips to place it beneath me. The angle was perfect, and I clenched my core once I felt Dad's wet meaty prick nudge my folds.
We used to have to go real slow through this part. Dad took my cherry right after my 18th birthday, and for months entry felt cherry-tight. But the last month, we'd both hit a groove. I was still tight, as was my father, but he was able to work himself inside me without too much difficulty.
He was doing it now, his eyes on me, excited to be inside his son once more.
"I love your cock, Dad," I hissed.
He nodded. I didn't know if that was a nod to say he knew how much I loved his dick or a nod to indicate he loved my ass equally. Probably both. "You know, kiddo... you're gonna have to tell me if this is ever too much."
I shook my head no. "You always know how to fuck me, Dad. Always have."
He grunted. "I don't mean physically, Nolan. I mean the other stuff. Everything else."
The words made my cock thrwap on my belly. If Dad hadn't suggested the flip fuck, I would have been stroking my tool already. "Not to take away from the sex, sir... but the other stuff is the best part."
That got a big smile from him. He thrust in, completely, all the way. "That it is, buddy." Then another thrust. The emotional talk had keyed me up to take this, to want this.
"Fuck me, sir. Fuck your boy."
Dad's nostrils flared as he threw more strength into his fuck, still slow but very firm. "Oh kiddo..."
The only thing that spoiled an otherwise perfect moment was the nagging realization I'd be moving within two months. Out of my childhood home, away from Mom and my little brothers. Away from Dad. "You get so worked up after a long night," I observed, now running my hands along his furry chest. It was true, but my words were meant to egg him on, too.
"Cause I think about you all fucking shift, Nolan... you and your hot fucking ass."
His hips were faster now, his whole body moving in a steady athletic pump. It was exquisite. I didn't even mind having my legs pushed back as he leaned in some. "You and your amazing baseball jock body," he added.
"I'm gonna get bigger," I hissed.
Dad's body jerked to a stop, and I thought for a second he was cumming. But he bit lip and slowly slid out of me, pulling my ankles off his meaty delts and letting my legs down. His prick was super slick, from his frothy precum as much as from the lube, and I watched how it was immobile like a tire iron as he scooted up and straddled my waist.
Already he was half twisting, half leaning back to grip my slick cock and guide it into place.
"There," he hissed as he made contact. A second later he was already sitting down on me.
"Oh fuck, Dad," I grunted. "You feel so incredible."
Dad had a determined look as he made himself relax so he could work more of my dick into him. After about thirty seconds, though he'd worked his way down most of me. He paused, then started riding his hips up and down. "Your daddy's so horny, Nolan," he grunted. The bed was squeaking and our voices were louder. There's no way somebody wasn't hearing us fuck.
"Me too, sir," I growled, my hands gripping his hard, hairy thighs. Imagining fucking him in his uniform one shift. We'd done that once, and the memory still got me going.
"You're always horny, stud. Daddy's sex-addict boy."
"You know it," I said, now thrusting up into him as much as he was riding me. It all felt too good. "I don't know if I can last long... if you wanna flip some more."
"Let it go, son. Let that cum go right up my fucking ass."
It did. The orgasm was pretty intense so I had a good feeling Dad's guts were getting pretty sauced.
"Hell yeah," he hissed, riding me and milking me with his state trooper ass. He wasn't making a move to jerk off but instead leaned all the way back onto my crotch to ensure my dick and my load were buried as deep as possible inside him. He held there just a second then slowly rose off.
He leaned in to kiss me hungrily, then just as impetuously pulled back, nudging my legs up. "Pretty please, Nolan," he asked.
I wanted to give him this. The release, and the pleasure to match what he'd just given me. He knew it was going to be intense for me, so he didn't hold back. Sliding back inside my ass, he pumped me gently a couple of times, then just started moving faster to get off. I had a pretty good idea of the button to push.
"This is incest, Dad," I hissed. I didn't drop the word much, in part because it was so powerful.
"Shit," Dad hissed with an urgency that let me know it was working. He was almost cumming.
"Real incest," I repeated. "Deep incest."
Dad was whimpering now, in full orgasm, his face scrunching up and his body jerking as he pumped a bunch of his fatherly sperm into me.
He was a little sweaty and a lot tired when he dismounted. "That was incredible, Nolan," he said, reaching down to ruffle my hair and give me a more relaxed kiss. "Thanks."
I grinned. "Keeps getting better, huh?"
Dad looked back at me with a dreamy expression, his body now lying beside mine, his hands on my waist. "Somehow... yeah, it does."
I felt him up too. "I should probably get ready for school," I said, regret in my voice.
"Definitely," Dad said. "Another kiss."
We didn't rush this one, but I finally got the will power to pull back. "All right," I said.
"I'll text you later," he said. His voice definitely sleepy now. I watched him pull the covers up over his burly, hairy body and turn away from the light of the bedroom window.
I slid out of bed and reached over to pull the blinds down. I slid on some sweats and padded out of the room, shutting the door softly behind me.
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Another big stop in Tokyo for me was Jimbocho Book Town! It is a neighborhood of, depending on who you ask, up to 400 generally-secondhand bookstores flanked by some of the major universities in Tokyo. The local government even prints out maps of the stores to help people find them all:
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Which, you will note, is not 400 stores, because the process of becoming an "official" Jimbocho Town Bookstore is an intensely political operation run by local stakeholders with tons of fights over what should qualify and what rights that entails - never change humanity!
"Book Towns" used to actually be quite a common thing, and they peaked during the literary boom of the late 19th century. Figuring out "what books existed" was a hard task, and to do serious research you needed to own the books (you weren't making photocopies), so concentrating specialty bookstores in one area made sense to allow someone to go to one place and ask around to find what they need and discover what exists. It was academia's version of Comiket! Modern digital information & distribution networks slowly killed or at least reduced these districts in places like Paris or London, but Jimbocho is one of the few that still survives.
Why it has is multi-causal for sure - half of this story is that Tokyo is YIMBY paradise and has constantly built new buildings to meet demand so rents have been kept down, allowing low-margin, individually-owned operations to continue where they have struggled in places like the US. These stores don't make much money but they don't have to. But as important is that Japan has a very strong 'book collector' culture, it's the original baseball cards for a lot of people. The "organic" demand for a 1960's shoujo magazine or porcelainware picture book is low, but hobbyists building collections is a whole new source of interest. Book-as-art-collection powered Jimbocho through until the 21st century, where - again like Comiket - the 'spectacle' could give it a lift and allow the area to become a tourist attraction and a mecca for the ~cozy book hoarder aesthetic~ to take over. Now it can exist on its vibes, which go so far as to be government-recognized: In 2001 the "scent wafting from the pages of the secondhand bookstore" was added to Japan's Ministry of Environment's List of 100 Fragrance Landscapes.
Of course this transition has changed what it sells; when it first began in the Meiji area, Jimbocho served the growing universities flanking it, and was a hotpot of academic (and political-polemic) texts. Those stores still exist, but as universities built libraries and then digital collections, the hobby world has taken over. Which comes back to me, baby! If you want Old Anime Books Jimbocho is one of the best places to go - the list of "subculture" stores is expansive.
I'll highlight two here: the first store I went to was Kudan Shobo, a 3rd floor walk-up specializing in shoujo manga. And my guys, the ~vibes~ of this store. It has this little sign outside pointing you up the stairs with the cutest book angel logo:
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And the stairs:
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Real flex of Japan's low crime status btw. Inside is jam-packed shelves and the owner just sitting there eating dinner, so I didn't take any photos inside, but not only did it have a great collection of fully-complete shoujo magazines going back to the 1970's, it had a ton of "meta" books on shoujo & anime, even a doujinshi collection focusing on 'commentary on the otaku scene' style publications. Every Jimbocho store just has their own unique collection, and you can only discover it by visiting. I picked up two books here (will showcase some of the buys in another post).
The other great ~subculture~ store I went to was Yumeno Shoten - and this is the store I would recommend to any otaku visiting, it was a much broader collection while still having a ton of niche stuff. The vibes continued to be immaculate of course:
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And they covered every category you could imagine - Newtype-style news magazine, anime cels, artbooks, off-beat serial manga magazines, 1st edition prints, just everything. They had promotional posters from Mushi Pro-era productions like Cleopatra, nothing was out of reach. I got a ton of books here - it was one of the first stores I visited on my second day in Jimobocho, which made me *heavily* weighed down for the subsequent explorations, a rookie mistake for sure. There are adorable book-themed hotels and hostels in Jimbocho, and I absolutely could see a trip where you just shop here for a week and stay nearby so you can drop off your haul as you go.
We went to other great stores - I was on the lookout for some 90's era photography stuff, particularly by youth punk photographer Hiromix (#FLCL database), and I got very close at fashion/photography store Komiyama Shoten but never quite got what I was looking for. Shinsendo Shoten is a bookstore devoted entirely to the "railway and industrial history of Japan" and an extensive map collection, it was my kind of fetish art. My partner @darktypedreams found two old copies of the fashion magazine Gothic & Lolita Bible, uh, somewhere, we checked like five places and I don't remember which finally had it! And we also visited Aratama Shoten, a store collecting vintage pornography with a gigantic section on old BDSM works that was very much up her alley. It had the porn price premium so we didn't buy anything, but it was delightful to look through works on bondage and non-con from as far back as the 1960's, where honestly the line between "this is just for the fetish" and "this is authentic gender politics" was...sometimes very blurry. No photos of this one for very obvious reasons.
Jimbocho absolutely earned its rep, its an extremely stellar example of how history, culture, and uh land use policy can build something in one place that seems impossible in another operating under a different set of those forces. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip.
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laneydays · 2 years
ghost boy headcanons
billy showalter
adults and old people LOVE him. take him to meet ur parents, do it
but also hes the type to act way different with ppl his age than adults
kind of a smart mouth.... but in a cool kind of annoying way
twirls his hair a lot LMAO
crosses his arms when he's upset mad sad or annoyed
loves coca cola and root beer
adores dogs, his dog is his best friend
extremely supportive of queer identities even if he isnt queer himself
love language is acts of service
just loves to be helpful
feels bad if people do stuff for him though
griffin stagg
is lowkey a menace sometimes
but also a sweetheart
he likes weird unexpected shit for someone his age
incredibly smart but doesn't rlly know that
great at art
doesnt curse a whole bunch but when he does he curses like a sailor and he does it good
doesnt know how to match his clothes for the life of him
wears bandanas to pull his hair back, gets made fun of and called a girl for it
everyone just wants to kiss and hold him like a little kid, he doesn't understand it
doesn't like when people baby him
love language is gift giving, probably picks up random shit to give to you
"here have this rock" "i got a pretty flower for you" "i found a cola bottle cap"
you keep them all
vance hopper
adhd probably 
pinball hyperfixation need i say more
he's actually pretty chill when hes not angry. if u don't bother him he's real quiet
aromatic and asexual. no he wouldn't be a player
but also is open to meeting someone, whether its platonic or romantic (remember aroace people can still date)
tries to act tough but hes just a big nerd tbh
smoked a cig once. never again, hated it
gets very mad at people when they make fun of his choker, he gets embarrassed 
acts homophobic but he really doesnt care
would probably beat someone up if they made fun of a queer kid
that doesnt stop him from saying "thats gay" as a (joking) insult however
doesn't really have a specific love language, just anything to show you care he appreciates it quietly
not big on physical touch but he doesn't mind it 
collects vinyls
wears a looot of denim
finney blake
also autistic
space special interest
kind of good at drawing
literally wouldn't hurt a fly
his jokes are so unfunny that its funny
sounds like an angel when he laughs and looks like one when he smiles
and its hard to get a smile out of him
carries that little spaceship with him everywhere, freaks out if he can't find it
cant think of anything else for him
doesn't have a specific love language either, just anything to show that u care
bruce yamada
bro is not as good in school as everyone thinks he is
but tries very hard and does his best
really loves history
i feel like this is obvious but he collects baseball cards
flexes them on you every time you come to his house and it gets a little annoying 
is the nice guy of the friend group
probably the corniest person ever
is pretty funny but when he tries to be funny it doesn't work
love language is quality time definitely
also physical touch, just the little things though like touching shoulders or brushing fingers
robin arellano
wears his bandana literally every day and it smells so bad
says its to keep the hair out of his face
bro is gorgeous without it
his wardrobe is 70% sleeveless shirts
a huge showoff and a sucker for praise
laughs at potty jokes every single time
his humor is fake flirting
very protective but he isn't scary at all
fucks up the school lunch like its his last meal
probably complains about it though
can talk to literally anyone and everyone, its really nice
he's.... not great in school but he tries to be nice to the teachers
passes notes in class 24/7 and he gets in trouble so much for it
canon movie fanatic, loves watching them even if they suck
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sungbeam · 1 year
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part one: heaven only knows where you've been
nonidol!lee sangyeon x fem!reader
2.1k words, est. relationship au, fluff, romance, swear words, low-key just ooey-gooey, proposal au; sangyeon knows that you're the one, and he's ready to run headfirst into forever with you.
a/n: this was supposed to be a full oneshot LMAO but i'm trying to see if people like it enough for me to continue (_ _;) the motivation has been very low lately y'all
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IT was the summer after his senior year of university that Lee Sangyeon knew he was going to marry you.
He was among the few out of your big group of mutual friends to graduate this year, and instead of a high school-esque grad party, all of you decided to book rooms at one of the fancy ass hotels downtown and live like royalty for a weekend.
It had been in the maknaes' room that everyone gathered round to play a game of One Night Werewolf, armchairs and desk chairs and pillows dragged over toward the couch in the living room of their suite. Jacob's phone sat in the center of the glass coffee table, silenced now that the round had ended in an explosion of disbelief.
"I knew it! I fucking knew it—"
"I cannot believe she pulled a Chanhee."
All of the commotion was directed toward you, who sat innocently on the couch, squeezed between Jacob's and Younghoon's partners. Your cheeks were flushed and your skin glowed with a beautiful, warm flush, your grin lighting up the room. Victory sang loudly in your eyes, and goddamn, if Sangyeon didn't find you so alluringly attractive even if you just fooled the entire group to win the game.
You could only shrug, fiddling with your Tanner card. Even your inherent modesty couldn't suppress the smile on your face. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Look, you guys know I can't lie to save my life," you said, "so this one's on you for just assuming I was a werewolf."
Sunwoo and Eric grumbled their reluctant agreement, followed by everyone else.
Sangyeon didn't know what it was about you tonight—or rather, you every night, every minute of every day—but if he could spend the rest of his life chasing that beautiful smile, then he could die a happy man. There was something so attractive about the simple, yet genius way you knew how to manipulate your own weaknesses into a strength, to wield it like a blade. It was effortless.
Changmin was groaning again, bickering back and forth with Chanhee about "influencing your tactic", mainly because Chanhee had committed a similar act to you in the very first round (except, Chanhee was actually a very skilled liar, unlike you). Somebody was going around collecting everyone's cards to shuffle up and start up a new game, and in the midst of all the madness, you felt a pair of eyes on you.
You turned your head, mid-laugh, and met Sangyeon's pair of shining crescent moons. Your posture and gaze softened, but your smile widened. It had been three years (and counting) since he first asked you out, since he asked you to be his. He'd been relatively quiet this round, and so you mouthed to him with your head tilted to the side, 'Everything okay?'
A smile pressed into his cheeks. 'Everything's perfect.'
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It wasn't until two years later that Sangyeon announced to Jacob and Kevin that he was going to propose. The three of them had been hanging out at Kevin's place watching a baseball game on TV, their bodies lounging on recliners with drinks in their hands.
Kevin fell completely out of his chair at the news, while Jacob's eyes went comically wide. "FINALLY!" Kevin squawked from the floor, grunting as he hauled himself back up into his chair while massaging his sore backside with a grimace.
Sangyeon raised his eyebrows, reaching up to cup the back of his neck. "What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed nervously. Had you said something to Kevin before?
Kevin deadpanned at him. "Dude, respectfully, if you weren't going to wife her up anytime soon, I was gonna do it for you!"
Sangyeon's mouth opened to retort, quite furiously, he might add—but Jacob wisely put both his hands up to physically step in for damage control.
"What he meant to say," Jacob said with a pointed look at a sheepish Kevin, "was that we are very happy for you, hyung. When's it happening?"
Ah. Well… Sangyeon winced to himself, knocking back a bit of alcohol. "Okay, I don't have all the details worked out—"
Kevin slapped his hand to his forehead. "You don't even have the ring, do you?"
Even Jacob covered his mouth. "He doesn't even have the ring."
With a melodramatic whimper, Kevin shook with a feigned sob. "If you liked it, then you should've put a ring on it."
Sangyeon sighed, eyes rolling up to the ceiling. To be honest, he thought telling Jacob and Kevin first was the smart choice, but then again, if he went to any of his friends and told them that he didn't have the ring yet, then he'd receive reactions similar to this one. Even if he went to their partners, he might get smacked around. It was simply the fate of being the eldest.
Moreover, he had only just decided he was going to propose to you. You graduated a year after him, and now you both had stable jobs. The two of you had moved in together awhile ago, but it was only at this very moment that Sangyeon let his mind wander to the "next step". Coming home to you every evening and waking up to you every morning had become his status quo, one that he was infinitely blessed with. He couldn't imagine starting and ending his days with anyone else, and perhaps both you and him had been so busy lately that neither of you could really sit down and talk about beyond.
Sure, the topic of marriage and kids had come up at some point. Sangyeon had even seen a glimpse of your wedding Pinterest board once, and you even knew the exact way he wanted to renovate your future home together. And two kids—you both wanted two kids and a dog.
Okay, so maybe the topic hadn't just come up. But it was about time that the ball kept rolling, no matter how much Sangyeon wanted to take his time with you. A part of him couldn't wait to get to 'forever' with you. No, all of him couldn't wait, not anymore.
The next day, Sangyeon went ring shopping with Kevin and Jacob in tow. Both of the latter's partners were also told to be close to their phones to give their opinions on each design choice.
Sangyeon had never thought about the ring. There were vague options that cycled through each imagined proposal concocted in his head, but none of them had stuck. It had to be perfect, though, that was all he knew and the very thing stuck at the front of his brain as he and his friends hopped from jeweler to jeweler.
Three hours, six shops, and two iced Americanos (each) later, Sangyeon hunched over a case of diamond-topped white gold bands. He wasn't very optimistic at this point, and even Jacob and Kevin had wandered over to a different section of the store to try on bracelets.
Sangyeon's eyes swept over the vast sea of sparkling jewels, each more radiant than the last. They were all either too expensive, too cheesy, or just not the one. There was also the option of going with a rock that wasn't diamond, but Sangyeon always drew himself toward the diamond section, unwilling to look anywhere else.
From his pants pocket, his phone buzzed the familiar ringtone he had set for your specific call. He dragged a hand down his face, but he couldn't help the soft, happy sigh from his mouth as he picked up. "Hey, baby. What's up?"
He nestled his phone between his ear and shoulder as he continued to judge the rows of rings in the case below.
"Love, I'm picking up dinner!" Your voice came out in sharp, strained huffs as if you were running and trying to catch your breath. "Almost missed… almost missed the train! Whoo—holy shit, I'm out of shape," you hissed.
Sangyeon chuckled when he heard you curse again and yell at someone to hold the door for you. Only when you were safely on and vocally announced that you had your butt in a seat, did he reply. "Glad you made it."
"Me too," you panted. "This is why I don't go to the gym; this is so embarrassing."
"I thought you don't go to the gym because you'd just stare at me the whole time," he teased, the corner of his lips lifting into a smirk.
You stammered on the other end of the line. "You're—you can't just say that to me in public."
He laughed a little more at that, eyes flickering around him to make sure no one was giving him a glare in the quiet shop. His attention swiftly went back to the jewel case with his eyebrows creased together. This time, however, his eyes caught the glint of one ring in particular. It was one of the many diamonds seated upon white gold bands, but this one was cut in a marquise style: a slim oval at the center with smaller diamonds branching out to create a sort of floral shape around it. There was something so simple, yet elegant about its look.
Sangyeon felt his heart leap in his chest. This one. This was the one.
"—Sangyeon? Honey, you there?"
He cleared his throat, his eyes searching the store for a sales clerk and curling his fingers toward him to signal him to come over. From the corner of his eyes, he spied Jacob and Kevin catch on and begin to make their way over, too. "Yea—yeah," he grappled, "sorry, babe, thought I saw something. What were you saying?"
He licked his lips, straightening, and grabbing the phone with his non-dominant hand so he could point out the ring to the three others surrounding him.
Jacob and Kevin could hardly contain their squeals as they grinned at each other, their hands slamming together so they could grab each other and shake the other's body.
"Oh, uh, nothing. You were just quiet for a bit… where are you, by the way? Should I wait to get dinner?"
Sangyeon mouthed, 'This one' to the sales clerk, furiously jabbing his pointer finger down at the glass case. "Uh," he winced, palm coming to his forehead as he racked his brain for a sensible answer, "I'm out with Kev and Cobie right now, but I'll be home in time for dinner. I'm okay with anything you're craving."
The sales clerk quietly retrieved the ring from the glass case, the diamonds glinting like rainbows in the shop's lighting. Sangyeon's eyes went wide as he gently took the ring in his fingers and inspected the piece.
It was gorgeous. Holy shit.
"Kev and Cobie?" You parroted. "Oh, say hi to them for me! And I'll just grab something from the Thai place down the street."
"Sounds great, baby." Sangyeon bit down hard on his lower lip as he broke into a wide, almost hysterical grin. He mouthed to the jeweler your ring size, a number he had memorized for an embarrassingly long time now. After handing the ring back over, he turned slightly away from everyone so he could finally focus on you. "Sorry, I've been a little distracted, but did you have a good day?"
He could hear the sounds of the train's robotic lady voice announcing the stop for home. Shuffling from your end, then, "That's okay," you chirped, your voice growing soft as you walked further away from hustle and bustle, and closer to the quieter street your apartment complex was on. "I know you were probably busy when I called. My day was okay, but I just—" you sighed as a door thumped closed, "—I'm just happy to be home now. Can't wait to see you."
Sangyeon could feel the tug in his chest, as if the connection between you two was pulling him, urging him home to you. "Can't wait to see you, too, Yn," he replied softly. He knocked his knuckles against one of the glass cases. "Tell you what? If you place the order, I'll just pick the food up on my way home, how's that sound? You should just rest, love."
There was another door slam on your end. "I love you," you breathed in relief.
His heart sputtered in his chest, a small laugh falling from his lips. "You know I love you more."
He could hear the smile in your voice. "This isn't a competition, Mr. Lee."
"Who said I'd ever want to compete with you?" He mused. "But just so you know, I do love you the most."
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tbz m.list | possible part two?
permanent taglist: @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @hyunjaespresent-deobi @justalildumpling @hongyangi @pxppxrmint @nerdypastacalzonespy @jcmdoll @zhaixiaowen @wtfhyuck @winterchimez @sodafy @fluorescentloves @tinkerbell460 @kflixnet
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Naruto/Death Note crossover but it's just me zapping Misa into Naruto w the dimension travel beams (and also I stopped reading Death Note after L died bc I got bored)
Deranged hot goth girl fucks with ninjas more at 11
Ok but taking it seriously:
Her Shinigami eyes could actually cause SO many issues for ninja in general. No disguise ever works on her bc she can see your name !! You can not go undercover with this bitch around she'll catch you near instantly!!
Also her being able to see peoples lifespans would fuck so hard there too, what a party trick to pull. I want her to push someone to do some insane shit while going "nah don't worry you won't die for another few months at least so you'll be fine!! :)"
I don't think she came w the death note itself just bc I don't think Misa could prevent someone from taking it from her and it's way too OP to deal with the logistics of what having it just out there in the world would actually mean. Pretty much any naruto character gets it and the story ends in like 3 minutes flat
I know that there are shinigami in Naruto canon, tho I'm not too familiar w the specifics.
Either way, it could be cool if we really got into Misa's relation to them— she can see them with her eyes already, maybe she can sense them too. She's like being drawn to different artifacts and prisons of shinigami, she can sense them from far away and they call to her ooOOoOoo
She ends up freeing that one specific shinigami from the mask or whatevers going on w that. And since she already has the eyes from Rem, instead of going "oh, thanks lmao *kills you*" when freed, they recognize that shes already been claimed by a shinigami and are like "Oh shit, nice contract blondie." and she has an actual opening to talk to them (and maybe get another funky death god contract along the way)
Misa continues to show she has unstoppable, unbeatable shinigami rizz even into the next dimension. They all want her.
(If nothing else, naruto world has PROVEN that if u roll high enough on a charisma stat, you can convince anyone of literally anything, no matter if it was like the driving force of their entire life since they were 5 or whatever. So why shouldn't Misa get to talk shinigami into liking her just by being violently friendly?? No really, why not??)
Shes collecting death contracts like Pokémon cards, causing actual fucking havoc everywhere she goes via unleashing ancient evils for deals for some of their power (thanks Misa!!)
She doesn't know how to fucking fight tho, she's a 2000's goth girl in chunky heels. She's getting by on her insanely high charisma stats, good luck, and the giant shinigami only she can see standing directly behind her with a giant baseball bat waiting for someone to get close enough to hit
Could be cool if her shinigami eyes let her see yokai in general too, and just say there weren't enough back in modern Japan to notice. But there's TONS around now and Misa is making little kissy faces at them trying to be friends
Her eyes keep her safe by marking her as already claimed by a shinigami, also making most yokai reguard her as one of them. That could also maybe be used to get her places she shouldn't be in / have weaknesses a normal guy doesn't
Like, seals designed for yokai work on her too
Her eyes need to be mistaken for sharingan at LEAST once and it must cause as many problems as possible.
It'd be neat if Rem was there too. Maybe Misa collecting all this power from different shinigami is actually in some quest to bring Rem back, via giving her that power she got from the other shinigami. She's like roaming the land in an effort to get as much power as possible to make Rem a new body or smthn.
The rules of how shinigami exist and are allowed to interact with the mortal plane is different than the rules where Misa is from, so there's like tons of wiggle room for creativity n "woahh I didn't know you could do that!!"
Misa herself is such a go with the flow morally grey gal w a very clear potential and allowance for absoloute insanity— I think she'd be super down with joining whoever just happens to be the first person she meets in Naruto world. Like. She bumps into the Akatsuki first? You KNOW she's gonna join in. She happens to land near Konoha first? Hell yeah she's loving the funky ninja village! Military dictatorship? Fine by her!
Shes so undying loyal, no matter how clearly wrong or deranged the object of her affection is. So whoever earns that affection first is gonna keep it p much the whole way through (honestly this world is just lucky she's still hung up on Light, which is why she still has sommee agency here)
I think the most interesting thing to do w her + what parallels her story best would be joining Akatsuki actually. Cmon, a terrorist organization "dedicated to peace" (through murder) she's so there for it, she's asking to pretty please help bc "Light would probably like it <33"
Also the Akatsuki cloak is like the only naruto outfit I can see her really rocking while keeping her signature style. ALSO also, Akatsuki nailpolish code,,,,
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miss-spookhead · 6 months
thinking about a Blast From the Past steddie au tonight. like, think about it for a second--steve as the sweet, well-meaning himbo raised in a fallout shelter and eddie as the cynic who shows him the world as it is:
The year was 1962, and an atomic bomb had just dropped on top of the Harrington household.
Okay, not really. It was actually a fighter jet that suffered a mechanical failure just above the little plot of land the Harringtons called their home, but Walter Harrington took it differently. Far differently.
See, the thing was that the man was living in a state of paranoid delusion over the Cold War--terrified of the possibility of an outright nuclear holocaust over the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviet Union. He had been carefully building a fallout shelter under his home for his wife and possible children to live in with the works--canned food, running water, and even a working television.
And one day they went in and simply never left. The explosion right when they closed the door was tangible proof that the nuclear war was happening right above them.
A few years later, around 1968, a baby boy was born in a fallout shelter with no one but his mom and dad to keep him company.
They raised Steve the best they could, even if Walter Harrington was a mad genius and Madeline Harrington was a borderline alcoholic. Even if the boy was living in a perfect little time capsule of the fifties and early sixties. Walter made sure to educate him right and teach him how to be a sociable gentleman--even if he had no idea what swear words or the concept of sex were. That was for another time. Although, twenty-four years came and went for Steve Harrington, his father still owes him 'another time'.
Steve Harrington grows twenty-four years in perfect seclusion, but that changes at the flick of a switch.
The year is 1992: supplies are dwindling Walter is growing sick, and Steve is tasked to bravely set foot in the nuclear fallout to retrieve more material. (The only reason why Walter assumes they can even get more stuff is because he observed the outside world when the shelter unlocked and mistook it as a post-apocalyptic mutant society.)
The moment Steve made it outside his little bubble, he was utterly fascinated by the world--how different the people were outside of his television and his little books, how bright the sky was outside, how the irritable man on the bus wouldn't accept the money he tried to give him, how the bus moved and didn't fling him right off his seat.
(He even saw an adult bookstore. Dad told him that those things were filled with poisonous gas. How were they even to operate if they were filled with poisonous gas? That's dangerous and totally inconsiderate of the general public's safety.)
Anyway, he tries to follow the grocery list that Mom and Dad gave him the best he can, stocking up on poultry and tissue paper and the works. But by the end of the day, he doesn't know where he came from. Not a single sign or building or person can give him a single clue where to go.
After a few hours of wandering, suitcase in hand, he comes across a store with WE BUY BASEBALL CARDS written on the window.
Golly, Steve loves baseball cards--could look at Dad's collection for hours, and with the collection he has, he could make a pretty penny selling them for supplies. Despite the little hobby store being beside an adult bookstore with poisonous gas, he scampers right in.
"I see you're looking to buy baseball cards," he says breezily to the gruff, scary-looking man behind the counter.
"That I am," he replies.
Steve pulls a few from his jacket's inner pocket. "Well, these are a bit old, you see, but I was hoping you still might be interested."
The gruff man yanks them from his hands, a spark in his eye. He looks delighted to see them, and it fills Steve with an excitement he hadn't felt at all today. Nobody has been this happy over something he's done today. "Woah," he gasps, then covers it with a cough. "Mickey Mantle rookie season...how much do you want?"
"I was hoping to sell all of my cards, actually!"
The man sputters incredulously. "All of 'em? Are you fucking with me?"
"I'm not sure what that means, but all I have are hundred-dollar bills and I need something smaller. Like, uh...ones, tens, fives..."
"Tell you what, I'll give you five hundred in small bills for all you got."
Steve smiles brightly. "Oh, that would be wonderful, sir--"
"Five hundred for a case-full of rookie season Mickey Mantles, Rick, are you fucking joking?" A deep voice cuts through Steve's thanks from the other side of the small store. He turns around to find a man leaning against a magazine rack, arms folded sternly.
The man is unlike Steve's ever seen before. Long, long limbs and big brown eyes that look traced with black and smudged around the edges. Pretty lips, too almost girl-ish, in the way they were big and plush like the women he'd see on the television. The strangest thing about him, though, was the curly hair that tumbled past his shoulders.
He looked mad, though. Madder than mad.
"Tell the poor guy you're fucking with him," long-hair-pretty-lips says to the man behind the counter, who bristles.
"Were you raised in a fucking barn, Munson? Who told you to interrupt on business?" Rick counters. Steve was really not appreciating the amount of f-words dropped in the conversation, it was uncouth.
"Sure I was!" Munson saunters towards the counter and Steve's eyes follow him like a moth to a light. "But my morals go past your business practices at this point. You remember the ninth commandment, yeah?"
"You shut your Goddamn mouth--"
"Excuse me sir, but I really don't appreciate how you're using the Lord's name in vain like that," Steve says firmly.
"See?" Munson smiles. It's like sunlight. "He gets it."
He plucks the baseball card from Rick's hand and holds it over his head when he tries to reach for it again. "See this little thing?" He says to Steve sweetly. "This guy costs six grand alone."
"Get out of town! Really?"
"Oh yeah, big guy. Selling the thing would give you a small fortune, and Rick over here is trying to con you out of it."
Steve frowns. "Is that true?" He asks Rick.
"Nothing but," Munson says in place of him. He slips the card back into Steve's hands and gives them a pat.
"The Hell is even keeping you here, Munson?" Rick sneers. "Did the gig you won't shut up about fall through like they usually do? Better to bum it out here than in your shithole apartment? Stop loitering in my damn store and make like a fucking tree. You're banned."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Munson says rolling his eyes. He looks at Steve, then the door, gesturing at it with a flick of his head. "I'll see you out, Beaver."
He walks them both out the door, stopping to gesture at Rick strangely--hands balled into fists with only his middle fingers up--before stepping outside onto the sidewalk.
"Well merci, Monsieur," Steve says appreciatively, because Dad taught him French was always to be used on such occasions.
"What, you're French?"
"Oh no, I'm"--he thinks back to what Dad told him if a mutant asks where he's from. Gosh, he thinks he's supposed to be--"out on business."
"And you don't even have a clue about the little business trick that Rick tried to pull?"
"No...no, I--"
"Yeah, doesn't matter." Munson shrugs. He smiles sympathetically at Steve before turning on his heel and walking off. Oh boy, what would he do without him?
He follows him like a lost puppy, that's what.
"...You going the same way?" Munson asks incredulously. Steve shakes his head.
"Well, I'm following you."
Munson stops in his tracks, blinking, and Steve almost runs into him in his state. "Me?"
"Well yes! Where are we going?"
"We?" Munson asserts. "I'm going back to my shithole apartment, and judging by that jacket you're wearing, you should be taking the next left and hop-skipping straight to the barber college."
"Oh, I'm lost, though."
"Aren't we all?"
"Say, did you just get banned from that hobby store because of me?" Steve says to change the subject.
Munson sighs. "Seems like I did, sailor. The place was shitty anyways, with that dickhead running the operation. Wayne could get better cards from a different joint."
...dickhead? Steve's never heard that leave the seams of anyone's lips before. "Dickhead?"
"Yeah, he's a real fucking loser. A walking talking penis capable of human speech."
Steve gets queasy at the image he's concocted in his head. He leans against the nearest brick wall, his suitcase tumbling to the ground as he drops into a contemplative squat.
"Dude, what is wrong with you?"
"Well, the mental image that I..."
Munson's eyebrows scrunch before he reaches out a hand to Steve. He takes it, letting the man haul him upward. "Look, man, where'd you park your car?"
"I came by bus."
"Aren't you full of surprises."
"I am?"
"Okay look." Eddie raises his hands, palms splayed in the air. "It's your first time in Los Angeles, right? Everyone wants a taste of it, I know, and you're out for business and fucking famished. You got the opportunity to see the great big world outside of your little bubble and you got excited--but you took a bus and got mixed up in the middle of San Fernando Valley without a clue in the world. Am I correct?"
Steve listens in wonderment. So far, Munson's been correct in a way. He's convinced he might be psychic. He nods slowly and seriously just to see Munson flash that lighting-strike smile.
"Great, great. Which brings us to here. Correct again?"
"Oh yeah."
"Where are you staying?"
Nowhere, at the moment. Steve opens his mouth to say so, but Munson interrupts quickly. "Holiday Inn?"
"Yes, the Holiday Inn!" Steve says totally truthfully.
"Okay, cool. Cool." Munson claps his hands together with finality and starts walking. "The nearest bus station is a couple of blocks away if you take a right--"
"Don't you have a car?"
Munson stops in his tracks again. He turns to face Steve once again. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
Something warm pools in Steve's gut at the pet name. Something about the way those pretty lips form that word sends blood rushing to his cheeks. "Steve," he says.
"Alright, Steve." Oh boy, his name sounds even better when Munson says it. "Rule number one in Los Angeles? Never let a stranger drive you anywhere."
"If it makes you feel any better," Steve says sweetly, "I don't have a gun."
Munson pales, then starts running.
"Hey!" Steve cries and makes haste to follow him. "I must've said something wrong, please forgive me!"
"Nope, nope--get the fuck away from me, man!"
He grabs Munson's wrist to pull him back, which is a bad move since the man starts writhing around in his grip. "I'm not going to hurt you, sir!"
Steve drops Munson's hand and raises his in surrender. "See?"
"...Just let me get to my car."
"I'll give you a Rogers Hornsby if you take me to my hotel," Steve reasons.
Munson stills. "...That's like four grand, don't bullshit me."
He pulls the card from his jacket and presents it as evidence. "See? I was holding it back." He wants Munson to feel safe. "I got two." He reaches for the other cards in his pockets and pulls them out. "And-and all these other ones, too!"
"Okay, okay. You'll give me four thousand dollars if I drive you to your place?"
"That's it?"
"And I don't have to give you a quickie in the backseat or anything?"
"Yes sir--wait, what?"
Munson blows past his question like it didn't even leave Steve's mouth. "Can you stop with the sir crap?"
"Well, I'm sorry, sir--"
"My name is Eddie."
Eddie...Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Wow, what a name. It's almost like something he's heard on the television.
"Why, it's nice to meet you, Eddie."
"Tolerable to meet you too, Steve."
Steve smiles shyly, then asks, "So are you a girl?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well it's just your hair...it's so long." Steve points at his as an example. "I've never seen anything like it before."
"Dude, it's 1992, every other guy looks like this--have you been living under a rock or something?"
Something like that. Steve shrugs.
"Well guys having long hair doesn't mean that they're girls, Steve, that's a given. It's not 1962 anymore." Eddie backtracks. "Well, I mean, dudes can have long hair and be chicks and chicks can be dudes too but that's not--"
"Oh, wow, my dad told me about one of those the last time he went here!"
"Oh that's fantastic, sweetheart," Eddie says, sugary-sweet. "But how about I drive you home?"
"That'd be a pleasure, Eddie."
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luminouslywriting · 5 months
I'm so sorry to hear that you have to undergo surgery. As a fellow chronic illness girl, I know how that can be, and I'm sorry you're going through that. If you're still looking for things to keep your mind off it, I'd love to hear any general headcanons for the guys' interests? Just random things you think they might like that weren't specified in the show? I headcanon Buck and Brady as great cooks, for example. 😊
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Nonny, thank you for your sweet message :) I so appreciate the love you're sending me! I would love to answer this ask, so more below the cut haha!! And as always, my requests are open and I love getting asks and requests from you all! Please note that this was cut for length and I kept it centered on Bucky, Buck, Rosie, and Brady!
Bucky Egan:
-This will come as no surprise to anyone, but I think he has an extensive collection of baseball cards that start from the time he was five onwards.
-I also think he really enjoys reading, specifically American Literature such as Rip Van Winkle or Tom Sawyer. He does really enjoy learning about New York as well, so he definitely has some New York memorabilia somehow.
-Board game KING. Actually, most games. He's down to play football in the dirt with his friends and he's down to play a game of checkers when the occasion calls for it.
-He strikes me as an animal person, for obvious reasons—so I think he must've had a dog back home or growing up. He definitely thought about going into some form of animal medicine before going into the military.
Buck Cleven:
-Stargazing or cloud-watching. I can't explain it, but I just know that this man has a fascination with the stars and clouds. It's a relaxing way to pass the time and it helps him center his thoughts.
-Plants?? He strikes me as a boy-scout sorta guy, so I picture he got his poisonous plant identification certification or something. He also has some favorite flowers that he likes gathering now and then.
-Science experiments. Again—this one is heavily based on the stuff we see in the show, but he collects the most RANDOM things and spare parts and will just casually build things or try to make things fit together because he likes to know how things work.
-COOKING, babe you're so right. He's a GREAT cook! Put him in front of a slab of meat though and he kinda panics. Breads? He can do it and make a recipe better than the original.
Rosie Rosenthal:
-Music history and theory; this NERD absolutely adores looking into the history of music. He knows about Brahms and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Handel, and is able to easily memorize music and tunes.
-MOVIE BUFF. I can't explain it, but I just know that he can quote movies like there's no tomorrow and half of the time, no one even gets the reference.
-Oddly really likes reading the ads in the newspaper? He likes to see what's going on and what kind of help is needed.
-History boi with a niche for weird specific things. Like, he'd be in the middle of a conversation and he'd be like, "this reminds of when the Ottoman Empire...." or "Did you know that the Crusades were actually...."
John Brady:
-Poetry?? He really enjoys reading it, really enjoys writing it?? He strikes me as the type of man to enjoy Tennyson, Keats, or Byron
-Running; it's a really easy way for him to clear his head and he can go for miles before actually realizing that he's run that far.
-HE BUILDS MUSIC BOXES; listen, I have no context for this one, but he just starts tinkering around and this musical KING can just put things together super easily.
-Writes his own sheet music when he's got a lot of feelings....that doesn't mean anyone has ever actually heard said music, but it's definitely a way for him to channel his emotions into something constructive.
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skinnywalker · 1 year
Random BAU headcanons (sfw)
Aaron Hotchner
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You know he likes the beetles but he actually likes other artists that are not in English like Miki Matsubara and Lee Moon Sae
He likes the taste of animal crackers and gets them for both him and Jack.
Speaking of taste, he likes sugar cookies and always gets the holiday colored ones.
He wants to get a dog but is waiting till Jack is old often to care for him on his own.
He really enjoys debates and listens to them while driving to work or while he is doing puzzles.
Derek Morgan
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Even though he was a teen in the 80s he is more of a 90s guy so that's what he listens to.
Lots of R&B.
He has a collection of razors for his hair so he doesn't always have to go to a barber.
Sleeps with a fan but can sleep without it.
He is really good at arcade games like Pac-Man.
Collects baseball/spots in general cards
Knows a fair amount about cars and how to fix them.
He likes those like birthday cupcakes.
Spencer Reid
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He drinks a lot of herbal teas and adds a lot of sugar to them.
Carries spare change for vending machines.
A big fan of Neil Gaiman once he starts writing.
Also a fan of listening to debates while doing things.
Buys brain teasers from gift shops.
Likes the smell of old books.
Unironically a spice Girls fan.
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Reads her kids curious George books.
She is a big fan of the flavor raspberry and anything flavored that.
She collects Barbies and gets them as presents for her family.
Has a CD basket full of cases.
He kids have gone to a concert with her buy nothing to loud or vulgar.
She loves other people's cats but doesn't want her own.
Emily Prentiss
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She has gone to multiple gay bars before.
Definitely trims her own bangs to not spend needlessly.
Reads a lot of Agatha Christe.
She's a big animal person and had a snake when she was a child.
She still has some of the stuffed animals from her childhood.
Has always wanted a rabbit.
Almost all black in her wardrobe.
Really likes sweaters and goes braless at home.
Penelope Garcia
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Hatsune Miku fan.
She has a favorite dye from her hair and uses hair chalk for color.
Had a crush on Steve Irwin and Billy Joel.
Has had many different cats all named after sweets.
Owns a hair clip collection and earring collection but often loses them.
Makes knitted animals.
Loves Whose line is it anyway?
Owns cat girl Mangas.
She can tell fake gems from really gems.
Has all of blues clues on VHS.
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blakenation1 · 4 months
Charlie + Knox @ A baseball game over the summer
I can totally see Knox being into baseball, and convincing Charlie to come to a game with him over summer break! 
Going to watch a ballgame together was definitely Knox’s idea
Charlie getting a kick out of the guy selling hotdogs LMAO?!
Knox is definitely really into baseball, like collecting the cards, knowing the players, having a favorite team, etc.
Knox is stoked to go see his favorite team in person, and convinces Charlie to go with him. 
Imagining Knox picking up Charlie, and Charlie is walking out of the house in something pretty casual, cool, blah blah blah
Knox has on a hat, jersey, shoes that are the team’s colors
Charlie finds this funny and claims he feels “underdressed” now
Okay so they make it to the game! In one piece! 
Knox brought his baseball cards to see if the players would sign them :) 
I imagine Knox shyly walking up to them when he has the chance like “heysoimahugefancanyoupleasesignmycardsokaythankyou” “what”
Charlie pipes in, through a mouthful of dippin dots or something, “He SAID he’s a huge fanboy and wants you to sign his card,” 🥱
No worries all, Knox gets his cards signed
Charlie was actually pretty into the game?
AW KNOX BUYS CHARLIE A HAT!!!! So he can have a “way to remember it” or something corny like that
Charlie has lots of fun for sure, which means Knox definitely had a blast
On the ride back home, Charlie dozes off to sleep
He wore himself out, bless
I hope they got a picture with the mascot too
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so.... a friend of mine and i have started using meme-generators to communicate.. anyway, here's the semi-endearing saga of me learning how gacha games work (✅️ with said friend's consent 🌈🎉)
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for the record: i, a compilation-only non-player, do know ZZZ characters' names. the actual ZZZ-player here was the one calling Von Lycaon "wolf-butler" lol
...and also AN element of why i was confused was bc,(cont. below)
as the MC, you get to make dialogue/plot-choices. i've seen that in the cut-scene comps. and my sphere of "video-games i actually play, and not just watch the cut-scenes of" is limited to interactive fiction, visual novels type beats; so that colored my lens too. so the MC, as a playable character, you make choices for them on big and small levels. but you don't make any out-of-battle-choices for the other characters that you play. (........same as Pokemon. just. in Pokemon, i never thought about how my team of six aren't "characters" i can make choices for??? bc. theyre Pokemon. that versus how, in ZZZ and most gacha games, your team are characters in the narrative; which i thought using them in fights should have resulted in MC making their dialogue/plot-choices and cut-scene modifications and etc) but i do get how gacha's shit works now. my bud was right. a lot of it IS like Pokemon, I GUESS
but yeah i didnt really ask questions before now ABOUT THAT bc i just thought y'all were paying money for like. a cgi maybe? but mostly to collect these pngs like baseball cards or, at best, get a special scene of the character. or maybe a skin for while your MC fights, that impacts stats a lil bit (like giving your Pokemon an item)? then i heard y'all use them, like THE ACTUAL CHARACTER you just pulled and not "just a skin", in FIGHTS and confusingly "made assumptions" or whatever and now had questions lmao rip im just glad to hear you guys arent risking missing your car payment this month for THAT little lmao (tho like, seriously: don't be stupid, stupid. dont take risks on your car loans, just go pay lol)
anyway, thanks for letting me further clarify ♡ have this last-meme-of-the-conversation as a gift, seeing as my friend did have the GALL to continue the bit about me as a technologically-illiterate grandma anyway lol
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paradoxmimzy · 1 year
If my Baldur's Gate Isekai AU was a real part of the game...
You could only pick human, but would have unique modern outfits and hairstyles to choose from. (Also way more bodytypes but that goes without saying.)
Your house would be teleported to Faerun and you would spend the game collecting the different rooms that have been scattered across the world.
Your class would be reflected with a modern items. (If you're a wizard you get MTG cards, if you're a Paladin you get a baseball bat, if you're a Bard you get a synth, etc...)
As you make choices and reveal your backstory you actually shape what your house looks like.
Astarion would attempt to steal your phone.
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