#it turned out great but it took so much outta me
quigzahhutt · 2 months
alrighty, celebratory reaching 6k words fic snippet for you guys :)
Liam Lawson/Logan Sargeant - (title still pending)
Their dynamic as teammates develops rapidly, but their relationship as non-teammates stays as this stubborn, muddy, nebulous thing between them. Liam really wishes it would go away. And then, something shifts one day after a particularly hair pulling race; Logan caught him afterwards and asked about going to breakfast together sometime next race weekend, chill together before quali or something. The manner it was offered was extremely apprehensive– second guessed and anxious, like Logan is expecting to be turned down. It was obviously giving Liam an easy out, a painless exit to Logan's suggestion, purposefully leaving space between them. Liam almost said no, until he suddenly remembered the time he saw Logan one morning, sat alone at a bar, wobbling on a stool, eating his breakfast methodically as he teetered back and forth. Liam bit his lip crooked before giving a casual shrug and a neutral response, trying desperately not to expose the fact he was agreeing mostly out of pity. It really wasn't that bad in the end; they ate breakfast together, Logan was chattier than usual, Liam realized how much he liked that, and it then became kind of a thing for them– people around the garage began making jokes and poking fun at them for their little ‘breakfast dates’– something Liam finds relatively humorous, but Logan… not so much. He thinks the guy might be self conscious of the whole thing, the teasing for it pretty clearly not appreciated on his end; Liam feels bad for him, because this really was something Logan was doing simply because he's a nice guy, because he wants to get to know his teammate better– because he needs company.
this time for @dwarvenchords and @escapentropy :3
I hope to get this fic posted by next week at the earliest (but the going is extremely slow so ... no promises :) )
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natalchartnurtures · 4 months
PAC: Mitski, what about me is eternal like the.. moon?
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I had so much fun doing this
Pile 1:
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love is mine, all mine, all mine
I'm sitting right in front of your cards in utter awe. I got goosebumps when I laid eyes on your cards, pile 1. Let me begin by saying this: you've seen some DARK and truly terrible times, haven't ya? Even as I say this, it feels like an understatement. There have been times when you were stripped down to bare bones, and you had to "grow back the rest of you." I apologize for the gruesome metaphor (but hey, I'm just the messenger; this ain't really coming from me :p). Maybe you've had to encounter times when you felt painfully lonely, stuck in your head and in your general life too, like your spirit was beaten down. Or maybe it felt as if the universe snatched away something you thought was incredibly precious? But I hear that it wasn't what you thought it was; that's why it had to go. You probably didn't see it that way at all, and THAT'S ALRIGHT because we don't have Spirit's perspective, now do we? I see that you really struggled to put yourself together after that somewhat 'impossible-seeming' loss. It seemed like it came outta left field.
BUT GUESS THE FUCK WHAT. You, my friend, took this PAIN and these fucked up times and turned it into a damn palace of gold. You read that right. What's eternal about you? Your alchemy. Your fire. Your willpower. Your ability to take life by the balls. Your refusal to let it beat you to dust. Your refusal to be small. Literal goosebumps, you feeling it yet? It's your connection to God/Source/Universe. Your faith. Your mastery of your mind, babe. Yeah. You've somehow mastered your mind in this process of putting yourself back together. Acknowledge that ish! 'Cause you really did do that.
Nothing can ever get you to stop dreaming, and much less trying to stop you from achieving them, love. You're a powerhouse of energy, and God bless anybody who ever underestimates that (you included side-eyeing you right now). Not you getting low key called out, haha.
Don't get me wrong, though; being a powerhouse of energy doesn't necessarily mean being in everybody's face trying to assert your dominance, y'know? It can look like silent crying in the middle of the night and waking up the next day determined to overcome the thing that made you cry the day before.
Your light is what's eternal about you. It never goes off. Like ever. Your dedication to learning and growing through whatever, and I mean WHATEVER, life throws your way is what will never die, sweetie. It's like a part of your essence at this point. I hope you're proud of that and know that it's what will bring you to your success in life, whatever that looks like for each one of you beautiful ass people reading this :)
Haha, that's so cute; I just heard Spirit go "you're going places, sweetheart" ><
And with that, let's end your FABULOUS, goosebumps-inducing (btw, I don't say that about just ANYTHING), and awe-inspiring reading here.
Thank you, pile 1, for sharing your energy with me today. I love you guys so, so much and… not gonna lie, I'm low key honored to have been in your presence today. Haha, see ya!
Pile 2:
My baby, here on earth Showed me what my heart was worth So, when it comes to be my turn Could you shine it down here for her?
My god, why is there so much happening as I tap into your energy, pile 2? And I mean it in a nice way, though. I heard T Swift's song "The Last Great American Dynasty" as I was shuffling for you, and I heard Spirit go, "she's sweet and salty," lol. We'll see how all that plays into the reading eventually.
The first thing I noticed was your incredible balance within your mind and heart. It's shocking. Maybe you've been working on getting these aspects of yours to agree with one another and balance each other out, or it's simply your personality, but… pile 2, this beautiful mind-heart balance is what's eternal about you, love. Your peace. Your calm. The childlike innocence of your heart blending seamlessly with your mind's unending curiosity for life. Your emotional intelligence. The way you flow… like water, I heard. Wow! I find that so amazing, ugh, like can we be friends, pile 2? T-T, 'cause I definitely need some of that in my life right now, not gonna lie, haha.
There's that AND then there's a whole other dimension to you where you give 'life of the party' vibes as well. OH, so maybe that's why I heard Spirit say "sweet and salty," like two very different things but produce a wonderful taste together. Complex. Addicting. You make people want to come back for more, pile 2. Mmmmmm! Love that!
You have this laid-back vibe to you as well that a lot of people in your life appreciate. I see that your ability to lighten anybody's day is what's eternal about you awwww. I heard "she's the sunshine of my life." UGH, this is too wholesome for my heart; please save me. You seem to really perk up people's day/week or just life in general. You give, like, Saggi vibes, bro. It doesn't matter if you have that in your chart, but it's just your soul. The eternal aspect of you feels bright, expansive, loving, and so vibrant in energy, my god. You've also got strong feminine energy too… you must be really good at attracting 'cause you're strong in your feminine energy AND you're chill and detached from it at the same time. Effortless manifester, master manifester are some words that come to mind as I describe this.
Your divinity is what's eternal about you. Your 'witchy vibes.' Your embodiment of your highest truth. Your commitment to maintaining this divine connection in your day-to-day. Bro, what's eternal about you is that you can turn any old mundane task/thing into something fun and magical and full of meaning and symbolism. You live life deep, and even though there aren't a whole lotta people who can join you there, you wouldn't have it any other way. It's your raw authenticity, babe. Circling back to "The Last Great American Dynasty" song, maybe you're like Rebekah that T Swift sings about, "the most shameless woman this town has ever seen." People tend to call raw, authentic women shameless, but you couldn't care less. You will forever do what you like 'cause you're a free-spirited divine mystic in the body of a teeny lil human. Love it.
That's all I have for you, pile 2. Thank you for spending time with me! I love you so much <3
Pile 3:
Moon, tell me if I could Send up my heart to you? So, when I die, which I must do Could it shine down here with you?
Ah, my divine activators. What's eternal about you? Your intensity. BS detection might as well be your middle name. Sherlock Holmes who? 'Cause you're the new detective in town, baby, sniffing out illusions, falsities, fake people, LIES, victim mentality. None of that runs free with you around, I'll tell you that. It's your capacity to hold divine truth, lovingly, which is INCREDIBLY hard, btw. You can't stand half-assed people and people who seem to not have their "heads screwed on straight." Lmao, what kinda people are you surrounded by, pile 3? Ooh, I heard that you're divinely planted where you are so you can activate a lot of people into awakening to their true selves, but it looks like nobody wants to actually awaken. Lmao.
-Side note: My heart goes out to you if you've been surrounded by really difficult and chaotic energies that bring you down a lot. That SUCKS so hard, bro. Been there myself too lately, and it's not a fun merry-go-round to co-exist with. Just keep being your amazing cool-ass self, ok? Things will work out eventually. You already intuitively feel that things will get better, so trust that feeling!-
If I could describe your energy, I would use the Phoenix rising from the ashes symbolism to do so. Ohhhhh, as I told you that, I saw a vision of T Swift's music video of "Look What You Made Me Do," where she comes out of the grave and sings, "Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time." I'm a fan, pile 3. Omg. That's some badass ballsy energy, and I'm so here for it right now. You're the epitome of what psychological death and rebirth looks like. You're the textbook definition. And THAT'S what's eternal about you. No matter where you are or what you end up doing in life, you'll always be able to "rise up from the dead" and do it iconically too. Haha, I literally heard that. Lmao. This ability of yours is an extension of the greater aspect of you - your higher self. Whoa… I just heard you've had this ability for lifetimes and you will take it strongly with you to the next ones as well. Powerful. It's etched in your soul, pile 3. You know what you want and how to get it, even if not immediately; you always do eventually. It's the security you possess within yourself that's eternal, love. Nothing can really shake you at this point. Lmao. You've got a strong-ass foundation.
-Side note: I'm really seeing a healed and fully realized root chakra for you. If you haven't gotten there yet, you're well on your way! Good job! Root chakra work is the most brutal, btw, so… you really have my respect. Haha, moving on-
You have warrior energy present quietly in your personality as well. You give spiritual warrior vibes. You don't prefer to live in it 24/7; it's simply something you tap into when a situation calls for it. Otherwise, I see you being quite heart-centered, full of love, looking at the world with rose-colored glasses. Your inner child is what's eternal about you. Your divine sensitivity and your capacity to hold your emotions without judgment and live big from a place of heart. You embody the energy of water in my eyes, tbh. Life-giving but also destructive if need be, and there's absolutely nothing weak about water. Phew. You are eternal as the oceans are.
Ahhh, pile 3, that was sooo much fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I love you soooo much!
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motherlvr · 1 year
hi:D can you do miles!42 with a reader who doesn't really like getting told "watch who ur talking to" or smth bc most fics abt miles!42 is like that and nooo i won't ever let a man say that to me😭 and they like, know how to defend themself so they're pretty independent if thats alr ofc!
ngl i loved writing this, tysm for the req!
wc: 2.1k
pairing: E-42 Miles Morales x Strong, Independent! f! reader
warnings: enemies to lovers, kind of rivalry tbh, cursing, Miles is mean in this one, but gets character development, reader knows how to fight, baddie ong, reader doesn't take miles' bs
"You gotta be shitting me." Mumbling under your breath, your eye involuntarily twitched. You glared at Miles like it was his fault for putting you in this situation.
Your glare was reciprocated as he said, "I ain't happy about it either, princesa." You hated when he called you that. It rolled off his tongue with such distaste. "Yeah? Glad we got that in common then." You snipped, irritated.
Miles Gonzalo Morales was a dick. To put it kindly.
He was a stuck-up, close-minded dick. It's like his sole purpose in life was to irk you. The two of you have never been on good terms. He tested your patience every waking moment.
But unfortunately for both of you, your Spanish teacher paired you up as partners for a major project. It would count for a good portion of your grade, so not doing it wasn't an option for you. You had less than two weeks to finish the project, and you weren't going to waste it.
You'd much prefer to do the project alone. One thing you've learned is: if you want something done correctly, do it yourself. And to never put it solely in the hands of a man. But the project was a requirement for the class, so you had no place to argue about it.
Thankfully, today was just a planning day. So it wouldn't be as painful, you hoped.
You showed him a plan you had thought about within only a few minutes and asked, "Thoughts?" He took a short glance at it and told you, "That's trash." A vein almost popped out of your head. You snapped, "You got any better ideas then?"
"Yea, anythin' other than that." He told you mindlessly. You had half a mind to make his braided head become real familiar with the cold surface of his desk. Around ten minutes later, he had finally come up with something. It wasn't that great, but at least he was semi-cooperative. You took one look at his plan and decided to turn the tables on him. You said, "You couldn't have come up with anything better? Shit's worse than my idea."
You could see him grip his pencil just a bit tighter, no doubt irritated by now. "Nah, watch your mouth." He told you, and you were unsure of how serious he was being. "Watch my mouth? You needa watch how when you turn around, one of your precious braids will be gone." You said as you made a snipping motion with your fingers. He protectively grabbed onto his braids, "Yo chill, ma."
As Spanish class progressed, everything only went downhill from there. He always seemed to hate every idea you had or had something to say. He groaned, "Woman, I swear. Your ideas are shit." Your former hopes of a peaceful partnership were long gone.
His choice of words alone irked you as you replied, "See, that's what you're not gonna call me. And if we're gonna be partners, you need to act decent for once. Get it together, Morales." You set clear boundaries as you pointed a finger at him. Surprisingly, he obliged. He looked like he made a revelation as he shook his head. "Nah, you right. That was outta line." The moment was oddly tranquil until he opened his mouth again. "I meant: I swear, your ideas are fucking terrible."
From that point further, the hopes of having a normal, mature, conversation were fleeting. The majority of the class was spent bickering rather than working on the task at hand.
You were one of the very few people that tested him. You gave him a challenge, while most people wouldn't utter a single complaint.
Eventually, at the end of the class, the two of you finally landed on an idea to carry out. A true miracle.
The next week in Spanish class passed and the days were cutting it closer and closer to the deadline. But there was still much work to be done. So, begrudgingly, you both had to work on it out of school. After Spanish, you were packing up your things when you asked him, "My place or yours?" His response was immediate. "My place. I'll give you my address. Come over after school, 'ight?" He said, writing down his address and handing it to you.
You accepted it and said, "Alright. Are your parents good with me coming over?" You questioned if he even had the decency to check first. Although you couldn't stand him most of the time, you didn't want to intrude on his family. He shrugged it off, "Yeah my ma's good with it. Already told her."
He wasn't about to tell you that his mother demanded the project was done at his house so she could keep a keen eye on the both of you.
You were dreading the final bell of the day. Spending more time than legally required with Miles wasn't your ideal image of fun. As the school day ended, you walked over to Miles' house.
Knocking on the door, it was soon opened by no one other than Miles' mother. She was expecting you, as a smile adorned her face. You greeted her, "¡Hola, Señora Morales! Gracias por invitarme a tu casa." (Hi, Mrs. Morales! Thank you for inviting me to your house.)
She widened her eyes at you, "¡Claro! ¿Cómo estás?" (of course, how are you?) She asked you with a sweet smile. You replied and reciprocated a smile, "Bien, ¿usted?" (good, you?) To which she responded, "Muy bien, gracias." (very good, thank you) As you put down your things, you noticed Miles was standing only a few feet away. His mother pulled Miles to the side and whispered, "She speaks Spanish, I like her." Not wanting to give away that she was a loud whisperer, you concealed a small laugh. It's a wonder how Miles turned out like that. His mother's wonderful. You knew she raised him better.
After his mother was done speaking to him, Miles led you to his room. His mother called out, "¡Deja la puerta abierta!" (leave the door open!) "Si, mami." He said back in an unusually nice tone.
You previously believed Miles Morales was a universal dick. But you soon realized you were somewhat wrong. He was a dick. To everyone except his mother, it seemed.
As you both settled down to start working on the project, you grinned at him like you had just found out a Federal-level secret. "You're such a momma's boy." You said.
His head whipped to you like you knew something you shouldn't. "No one would believe you." He said. You teased, "Oh, everyone would. Trust."
This was the most civil conversation the both of you have ever held within your whole history of knowing Miles. The afternoon was sprinkled with light-hearted jokes here and there, and it wasn't as painful as you initially believed. Needless to say, being forcibly confined in a space with Miles went much smoother than you could've ever anticipated. The project was progressing for once. And so was your relationship with Miles.
A few days later, you were in a better mood than regular. Within the past few days, Miles has been more tolerable. Maybe even likable. Apparently, you were in too good of a mood. You must've appeared too approachable today.
As you were walking in the hallways of school to your next class, a guy you didn't recognize slung an arm around your shoulders and said, "Hey, what's good jit?" You immediately pushed his arm off. He reeked of an excessive usage of cologne. You winced at his stench. "Don't call me that." You assertively said. But he only took it as a challenge. He said with a wink, "You tryna play hard to get? Alright, I'll play along."
"I'm not 'playing hard to get'," You mocked with air quotations. Dumbing it down, you continued, "I don't want you." Could a girl make it any more obvious?
Your words went straight over his oversized head. He said with a disgusting smirk, "I can change your mind." Your face visibly grimaced at his desperate attempt, "Not even baby Jesus could change my mind."
He was starting to get agitated at this point, "Nah, why you trippin', girl?" he said. You immediately retorted, "Why can't you take a damn hint?"
"C'mon, I know you want me. Gimme a chance." He said. You were sick and tired of this interaction, so you just decided to walk away. Turning your back, you tried to escape this conversation. But he grabbed your hand to prevent you from leaving. "Aye, where you goin'?"
You tried to be patient. And where did patience get you? Nowhere. In your mind, this guy was way too testosterone-deficient to be talking tough to you. There was nothing worse than a teenage boy. More importantly, a boy that didn't know what 'no' means.
And in an instant, the sound of a slap resounded throughout the hallway.
He looked like he was about to start crying. Holding his cheek in pain, he sneered, "Fuck you, bitch. You ain't shit anyway. I ain't even want you." But as you tried to walk away once again, he placed a tight grip on your shoulder to prevent you from escaping.
Miles was skipping class and wandering in the hallways when he saw you. From your body language, he could tell you were uncomfortable. His eyes glanced toward the guy's grip on your shoulder, and Miles suddenly understood the situation. He could see where this was heading. Or at least, he believed he did. Miles was about to intervene when within the blink of an eye, you had flipped the guy on his back and onto the floor.
You told the boy on the floor, "Don't try that shit again. With me or any other woman, got it?" Groaning in agony, the guy whimpered in response, and you took it as a 'yes'.
The guy was no André the Giant, but it impressed the hell out of Miles nonetheless. Since when could you do that? He questioned himself. Miles had to prevent his jaw from dropping. He was suddenly glad he never pushed you that far. You walked away unbothered as if nothing had happened. He gained a newfound respect for you. But that would have to stay unspoken.
Once Spanish class rolled around, you realized it was the second to last day you had to finish the project, so you were working extra diligently in Spanish class. You told Miles, "Alright, I finished decorating it. What do you think?" showing him the project. Not that you cared what he thought, but it would make this whole process much easier if he wouldn't shit on your every move. You've had your daily dose of asshole for the day. Almost an overdose, really.
A few moments passed by where he stared at the project, and then back to you. Fully expecting Miles to be his usual asshole self, you said, "Spit it out. What is it?" You waved your hand in front of his face. He swatted your hand away and replied, "I ain't gonna hold you, it's a pretty solid project so far."
You raised a brow at him, and suspiciously asked, "Really?" This was the first time he didn't have any retort to say. "Yeah, I think you're great, ma." He said. You cheekily grinned at him as he tried to correct himself, "I meant, great at the project. Yeah. The project." He almost stumbled on his words. He never did that. He was always collected. What was up with him? It was definitely a sudden change, but you weren't complaining.
There was only a small portion of the project left to do by the end of the class, so Miles suggested finishing it at his house.
This time after school, the both of you walked together to his house. As you worked on the project in his room, you noticed he wasn't getting much done. It seemed like he was in his head, whatever goes on in there. As you glanced up, he locked eyes with you. You hadn't a clue what he was thinking.
You originally would've preferred to do the project yourself, but if you had to have a partner, you believed the work should be divided equally. You weren't going to carry the whole project on your back.
"Why're you slacking, Miles? Our time is limited, y'know." "Ion know. Mind's elsewhere." He shrugged. It was subtle, but you noticed his glance travel to your lips. You grinned and took the opportunity to tease, "What, you want a kiss or somethin'?" You said it mainly as a joke. Sure, maybe you liked the way he gave you a challenge everyday. You wouldn't blatantly admit it, but it was refreshing to be with someone that actually cared about their work. But much to your surprise, he ran his hand over the back of his braids and said. "Shi, maybe it would motivate me. You feel me?"
Not expecting him to agree, you said, "I mean, alright. If you get off your ass, maybe I'll give you one." You tried to say as casually as you could. But you couldn't deny the fact that you were growing fond of him. You were internally conflicted as you wanted to hate him, but couldn't. In reality, it was far from hate.
Miles couldn't exactly pinpoint the moment his detest for you faded away and was replaced with something different. An emotion he rarely felt. Seeing you singlehandedly take on a guy was only fueling it for him. He quickly started working harder on his part. You mentally praised yourself. After a few silent moments, he spoke up, "Yo, I'm basically finished."
He was bullshitting, and you knew it. As you looked at his part of the project, he still had a good chunk to finish. But you caved and moved closer to him. Holding a hand to his face, you peppered a light kiss to the corner of his mouth, just barely avoiding his mouth.
As usual, he had something to say, "Don't play, mami." He resisted the urge to press his lips to yours until they were numb. You simply smiled at him and replied, "Yeah? Keep workin' and you'll earn a real one."
Immediately, Miles got right back to working on his part of the project without another complaint. You've never seen him work so studiously.
Pleased to say, with your motivation, Miles was more productive that day than all the other days combined.
taglist! please lmk if u want to be added 🫶
@l5byrinth @iamspooderman
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sommerbueckers · 1 month
hey baby! so i couldn’t really come up to some scenario, but i would realllyyyy like to see smth like reader is a professional ballerina and has a 🤏🏼 age gap w Paige, (P could also be r’s older sister’s friend if thats sits well with you) and like they have a situationship or Paige tries to hit on r, but P keeps her playboy attitude (ifykwim). I would be really happy to see this especially when i’m in love with everything u do, but its alr if you don’t feel like itt! Love ya and forever grateful 🫂♥️
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭
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✰ 𝐰𝐜 :: 𝟏.𝟓𝐤
✰ 𝐡𝐢 𝐦𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 !!
✰ 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲
THE MUSIC CEASED, AND the entirety of the theater was submerged in a thick silence. You panted softly, your gaze casted downward while your hands were raised above your hand in an 'O' shape. Seconds passed, seconds that felt like hours, before the audience erupted with cheers.
People stood, people whistled, people clapped, and you felt your body finally relax. The man beside you, Theodore was his name, smiled proudly to the crowd before he gently took your hand and led you backstage. Once the two of you were concealed by the thick, black curtain, you leapt into his arms.
"We did it, Theo! We did it!" you hailed, your voice muffled as you spoke into the fabric of his leotard.
Theo chortled in his own disbelief, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist.
After months of rehearsing and previewing the performance, you and Theo had finally brought it to the stage. Pas de deux was no walk in the park, you had many bruises to attest to that, but the hardest part was over: Opening Night.
You fanned your face after Theo set you down, your lips permanently stretched from ear to ear as the people backstage repeatedly congratulated you. A while after you retreated to your dressing room, wanting nothing more than to see your family who had been waiting to see you all night. You and Theo walked out together.
"You were amazing out there, Svea."
"Me?" you gawked, a laugh following afterward. "You were incredible! When we first started rehearsing you didn't even have the strength to lift me! You remember that?"
"Yes, unfortunately, it's hard to forget," he sighed, shaking his head.
You playfully nudged him arm with your elbow, "You've come a long way, so you better celebrate tonight."
"I will. I'm gonna 'get turnt' as you say," he smiled.
The two of you reached the front lobby where it had begun to clear out. Though people still lingered, as people usually did, it wasn't hard to spot your family amidst all of them.
Your mother waved excitedly, rushing toward you with the largest of smiles on her face. She took you into her arms just as Theo had done, her grip was much weaker than his.
"Oh honey, i'm so proud of you!" she cried, her brown eyes going glossy with tears.
"We, Sonya," your father chimed in from behind her.
"Yes, yes," the woman waved dismissively. "That young man was great too, I thought he handled you with so much care."
"We! We thought that," your father had stepped forward now, wrapping his thick arm around you and drowning you in his cologne. There was a bouquet of red roses in his hand, secured together with a silky black ribbon. "We got these for you. Your mother picked them out, of course, but I paid."
You laughed lightly, "Thank you dad."
"Alright, outta the way! My turn!"
Your head snapped in the direction of your sister's voice, grimacing as she pushed your father aside and pulled you in for a hug. She was a few years older than you, but the top of her head stopped just above your shoulder.
"You looked like a spec of dust flyin' around out there, I wasn't sure if it was really you," she said, squinting upward. "Look like you could use a donut or two."
You patted your stomach, "Definitely could."
"If you ride with me and Paige, we'll take you to Krispy Kreme or something," she winked.
As if on cue, Paige appeared behind your sister. She also had a bouquet of flowers, but these were different from the ones your father had gifted you; these were special. It was a bundle of hibiscuses tied together by a pink ribbon, Paige had always known what you liked. You stared at her in awe — of the gesture of course.
She presented them to you with a smile, the smile that she often gave you whenever she did something remarkably sweet but didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
"You got me these?" you tilted your head at her.
"No," she frowned, "your sister did. She jus' didn't feel like holding them."
"Actually I gave them to you when I went to the bathroom and you refused to give them back after that," the shorter girl argued.
"Oh." You hid your disappointment well, nobody seemed to notice it as you thanked your sister for the flowers and followed the group out of the building. Of course Paige hadn't gotten the flowers for you, the gesture was too grand, and Paige often preferred to keep things clandestine.
You, Paige, and your sister separated from your parents, heading toward the parking garage where the two had parked.
Paige fell into step with you, her hands stuffed casually into her pockets as she smiled down at you.
"You looked pretty up there," she whispered, "You look pretty all the time, but, especially when you're dancing."
You blushed at her compliment, shaking your head and keeping your eyes steady on your sister's back.
"Not gonna thank me?"
"Thank you, Paige."
"That didn't feel genuine," she sucked her teeth, "I think you'll have to give me a kiss to prove you meant it."
You flashed her a disapproving look, "You know I don't kiss people i'm not dating."
"You kissed me before," she reminded you, lowering her voice a bit.
You sighed slightly, glancing up at her to find her giving you that signature smirk. "Maybe later."
That answer seemed to satisfy her enough, she nodded triumphantly and began to walk ahead of you to assist your sister in finding the car.
Did you want to kiss Paige? Of course you did, what girl didn't? But that was the problem, any girl that wanted to kiss Paige got what they wanted. You knew you couldn't have her all to yourself, so you tried to find peace in the little piece that she'd given you.
Everyone had gone to bed except for you and Paige. The two of you were standing in the kitchen, the light to the fan above the stove hardly illuminating your faces.
You swallowed a bite of your donut, "Um, why?"
"Because they're pretty," she shrugged, "and you're pretty. So, why not?" She always knew exactly what to say. She grabbed the bouquet from the island and handed it over to you.
"Say 'Paige' on three," she smiled.
Your shoulders slumped, "I'm not saying that shit."
"Fine. Jus' say 'Cheese' then," she rolled her eyes.
"Cheese..." you repeated, cradling the bundle of flowers in your arm. Paige's finger rapidly tapped the button, taking more pictures than she needed. "Can I see them?"
"If you want," she shrugged, "but you gotta give me somethin' first." She was childish wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You scoffed, moving back toward the counter to set the flowers down. "Can you ever just be nice without a price?"
"Bro c'mon," she sighed, tilting her head. "You can't really sit there and tell me you don't wanna kiss me."
She was right, you couldn't. The truth was you bad been waiting all night to kiss Paige, you just wanted to seem stronger than you were. She was staring at you with those bright blue eyes, those perfect pink lips pulled into a smirk, she knew what I was doing.
She stepped closer, her phone lying abandoned on the countertop. "How 'bout this," she started, "i'll ask you one last time, and if you say 'no' I won't ever ask again, okay?" She was pretending to be sweet, like if the thought of her kissing me actually made me uncomfortable then she would stop if I asked her to. She knew i'd never ask. She knew I wouldn't say 'no', not to her.
She was towering over me now, her eyes low, gaze determined to break me. I pressed my hands to her abdomen, I tried to find the strength within me to push her away but all I could manage to do was keep her there. She trapped my wrists in her fingers, snaking them under her shirt to lay against her skin.
"Tell me," her voice was low, and she was breathing hard through her nose. Like she was trying her hardest to contain herself.
You couldn't look her in the eyes, but you could feel her breath hot on your forehead.
"C'mon, Svea, tell me. Tell me you don't wanna kiss me."
"I can't."
"Why can't you?" she urged.
"Because I do wanna kiss you," you sighed out, having accepted your defeat.
Paige stepped back from you, nodding her head with a victorious smile. "I know."
You had fallen for it, just like always. She'd steer you away from your boundaries, right until just after you broke, and then she'd play you like a fool. Just like she had done just now.
She tauntingly pointed her finger at you, breaking off a piece of your donut and tossing it in her mouth. "Next time, don't be so stubborn."
She retreated up the stairs to your sister's room, leaving you alone in the dimply lit kitchen with your lips parted and a tingly feeling between your legs.
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lqveharrington · 1 year
Many Kisses | M.M
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summary: miles is just too cute and you can’t contain it anymore, him returning it back <3
pairing: earth 1610!miles morales x fem!reader
warnings: (not proof read !!) no use of y/n, fluff, loads of kissing, miles being an adorable person and great boyfriend in general, lmk if i missed any
a/n: my brain just thinks on a daily that miles is so cute that i wanna pocket him and keep him for myself, ALSO, i do truly believe miles would call his s/o cute names in spanish a lot because of his mother. (p.s. the other one-shot is under way !!)
You were beyond bored, scrolling through your phone to at least sufism the boredom Miles left you in. He was playing video games and you were curled up in his bed, not entirely sure why he invited you over in the first place.
You had changed into some of his clothes upon arriving, picking his oversized shirt and old shorts to feel more contented despite the lack of affection coming from your boyfriend.
“Miles?” You call out, turning to face his backside.
“Amor?” He responded back in his subtle flirty way.
You huff in amusement, pulling his blanket closer to yourself as the smell gave you comfort. “How much longer do you have?”
“Uh, I don’t know… It could be awhile. Why?” Miles leaned with the game, slightly jumping. “You good?”
“What? Yeah, m���just bored.” You smile at how he focused on the game, knowing that his tongue was poking out.
It was normal for Miles to put all his attention on one thing and still be so cute while doing so. Working on a school project, helping his mother cook, or simply sleeping next to you. But for you being the only one to enjoy his adorable face making and mannerisms, you felt like pocketing him up and keeping him for yourself.
You stared at him while he was gaming, but being too quiet brought Miles’ attention back on you.
“Mi vida?” Miles pushed away from his set up as the loading screen pulled up, spinning around to face you instead. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
You hum, pink dusting your cheeks. “Jus’ thinking.”
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He take your hand and laced it with his. “Besides me of course.”
“Technically, nothing else.” You mumble, glancing away from him and down to your intertwined hands. “Your just so… I’m not too sure how to describe it. Like, ugh.”
“Like, ugh?” He raised his brows.
You click your tongue, “Like so cute, I guess is a word to describe it. I just wanna squeeze you so hard with a hug and never let go.”
“Cuteness aggression comin’ outta no where.” Miles’ pecks your hand. “Give me a sec.”
You shut your eyes as he lets go of your hand, sinking into the comfort of his bed. Only when you feel the weight shift on the bed do you open your eyes.
“What’re you doing, Miles? I thought you and Ganke had to game for a bit?” You question as he slots himself in between your legs, head resting on your shoulder.
“We did, but I realized that my amazing, cute girlfriend needed my attention.” He pecked some of your exposed shoulder, slowly making his way up. “You’re just so incredible, mi vida.”
You blink, feeling tired from the weight on you.
He continued to leave light kisses and kissed all over your face. Your forehead, cheeks, nose, anywhere accessible to him he would kiss. The one place you wanted a kiss he was purposely avoiding.
You give a joking pout, still patiently waiting for the kiss on your lips but still received none.
Miles left one last kiss on your forehead before laying back down, moving his body to lay on his side to face you.
Staring at his lips then back to his eyes, you sigh. “Miles?”
He hummed, keep his arms around your waist secure as your legs were tangled with his.
“I wanna kiss.”
“You got plenty of kisses.” He tried to hide his amusement, knowing you weren’t going to stop until you got a kiss on your lips.
“Yeah, I guess…” You bit your lip and think about your next move. “But you kinda missed a spot?”
“Where, mami?” Miles took one of his hand and brought it under your chin. He left a soft kiss to your cheek, “Here?”
You let a small smile slip through, “No…”
“You gotta tell me where, baby.” He rubbed the soft part of your check with his thumb. “Otherwise, I won’t know.”
“Here.” You pointed to your lips, his eyes following your movements.
He pulls you close to him, kissing you on the lips with his own soft ones, smiling into it when you quickly return the kiss. You cup his face, kissing him multiple times and giggling when he copies you.
“I love you so so so much.” You mumbled between kisses.
“I love you so much, more than you will ever know.” Miles says after giving you one last kiss and rests his forehead on yours. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
© lqveharrington — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms.
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devildomditzy · 1 year
“Alright, again.”
“Mammon, c’mon, do I have to? We’ve been at this for hours?”
He clicks his tongue in annoyance, hands flying to his hips.
“Well, we wouldn’t have to be if your form wasn’t so sloppy. So c’mon, arms up.”
You lazily lift them, noticing the extra pull of tension you felt from the overexertion of moving all day.
You lock your elbows as best as you can, bawling your hands into fists.
Mammon takes a step back, shifting his hips so one foot took precedent in front of the other to steady himself.
“Now, come at me.”
Honestly, you don’t think you have anything left to come at him with, but talking your way out of it doesn’t seem to be working.
“This is so dumb. Why do I need to learn self defense?”
He gawks at you like the answer is so obvious. “So you can defend yourself? What kinda question is that?”
“Why do I need to know? Shouldn’t my guardian demon always be there to protect me?”, you tease.
He gives you a pointed look, before breaking into his usual bravado.
“Of course The Great Mammon’s gonna protect ya! But what if while I’m kicking one guy’s ass, some other guy comes up behind ya? You need to know what to do!”
You don’t know why he’s so fixated on this, but you assume it has more to do with his recent Deviltube search history of “cool fighting moves” and “sick karate”, then actually being worried about your well-being
“I know what to do. I’d use one of my other pacts to call your brothers.”
“Hey w-what? Those guys? Are ya kidding me? Ya don’t need them, ya only need me!”
“Exactly, which is why I’m going back to my room. My first man’s got it covered.”
You throw in the nickname just as an extra precaution. If you could catch him off guard and turn him into a stuttering mess, maybe he’d forget about this whole thing and you could go face plant directly onto your bed to get some much needed rest.
As you start to walk past him, you’re surprised at the speed of which he grabs your shoulder, pulling you into his arms and locking you tight, your back against his chest.
“See? If ya’d just listen to me, you’d know how to get outta this, wouldn’t ya?”
You wiggle and squirm to the best of your ability to free yourself, but you know it’s no use. He is the second strongest brother.
“Mammooonnnn please,” you whine, trying to crane your neck back to see his face. “I’m tired.”
“I know, on account of you remindin’ me every five seconds!”
You huff and glare back at him, continuing to attempt to jostle free.
“Just break outta this and I’ll let you go for the day.”
It’s all too easy, really, to get one over the avatar of greed. Maybe not for some people, but you seemed to have a special effect on him.
“Fine,” you say, leaning your head back as far as you can in his grasp and leaving a timid kiss to his cheek.
The response is instantaneous.
“H-HEY! W-What was that! Whaddya think you’re doin’?”
He quickly lets go and stumbles back, stammering as he brings a hand up to his face to cup where your lips had just been in disbelief.
“I think I’m going to my room to lay down.”
You start to walk past him as he stands there, dumbstruck.
“Are you coming or not?”
He doesn’t give you much of a verbal response, letting out a quick “tch”, but like clockwork, you find him catching up to you, falling into stride at your side, grumbling to himself, “Stupid human with their stupid cheatin. I outta start chargin’ ya for these lessons.”
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kairiscorner · 8 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ the spotlight's on you. (part 2)
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💭 what would it be like dating hit male idol satoru gojo?
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...like a gamble. being gojo's partner for a while, before he even became famous to begin with, you've known for the longest time that satoru is... quite the picky eater. what fine dining to him is a mountain of fats and carbs for you; but not like he really gave a crap about stuff like that, if you're craving something and you have the money, why not, right?
gojo loves spoiling you, though, so of course when he got his first paycheck from his lives and performances after his debut, he splurged it all on you; taking you out to fancy sushi places or french restaurants in the brightest place in the city to enjoy the evening, giving you both a taste of "rich people type of stuff". though, you couldn't lie, all this kind of... intimidated you.
you felt out of place the very first time he took you out to such a fancy restaurant, and even if he wasn't well-known back then, he did attract a lot of attention for how he pretty he looked, even in such casual clothing. you couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious when around your shining star of a boyfriend, with you thinking you were just a plain old rock that revolved around him.
"oi," he called out to you from across the table to get your attention, lightly flicking your forehead, a cheeky smirk on his face. he looked at you from underneath his sunglasses and chuckled. "their champagne tastes shitty, i don't wanna stick around anymore for the rest of the meal. but do you wanna?" he asked you, tilting his head to gauge your response.
you chewed on your lower lip and tried to avoid his gaze, attempting everything you could to seem like you wanted to stay here, but you couldn't deny how you just didn't feel like you belonged here. "i-i dunno, 'toru, i—" "hey, you," satoru muttered, getting the attention of a fancy looking older couple. much to their annoyance, they gave him their attention, with gojo pointing at you. "y'think my love here is pretty, no?" he asked them with a serious look on his face.
the couple merely nodded and turned away from the white-haired boy, going back to their meal in peace. "could y'say it, geezer? say the person in front of me right now looks like a bajillion dollars, and doesn't need to feel like crap when everyone else here is a bunch of phonies," he told the old couple with a grin, while the two just rolled their eyes and ignored the boy.
"hmph, damn old people," he murmured, gently taking your hand in his, and got up from his chair, escorting you away with him. "let's get outta here, this place blows. i've been seein' you haven't been in the highest of spirits since we got here, i dunno if it's the food, the people, or... the atmosphere, but i don't want you feelin' that way anymore, so let's go somewhere you wanna go, okay?" he offered, smiling wider, showing off his perfect pearly whites that shone under the chandelier lights of the place.
you felt your cheeks heat up, your fingers go limp under his clutch, and you nodded after a short pause, your eyes widened and gazing into his own cerulean ones. gojo chuckled, stuffing a wad of the cash he earned from his paycheck into the waiter that was about to serve you two, thanking him and telling him the place reeked as you both ran out of there.
you two ended up going to a kfc, with gojo treating you to all the food and drinks you wanted. he happily ate his zinger sandwich, while you hesitated to even touch any of the food he bought for you. you felt guilty and ashamed that you both left such a great restaurant all because you didn't feel like you belonged there, but gojo took a fry and poked your cheek with it, snickering at your surprised face after he did that. "c'mon babe... lighten up. don't feel bad for anything, i didn't wanna eat there anyway. you know i do everything for you, because you're everything to me, but that's just between us, 'kay?" he tells you, looking at you from underneath his sunglasses, smiling at you.
"if you won't eat, i'll just eat you up later..." "wh-what?" you asked, doing a double take and feeling the heat in your cheeks worsen, your eyes blown wide open, with gojo chuckling loudly. "i said, i'd eat your food up later!" he exclaimed, getting a handful of fries and stuffing it into his mouth. you got to work and began to eat, while gojo slowed down to let you eat what you wanted. it made him happy to see you this way, getting comfortable to eat, to enjoy yourself, to feel valid; he didn't care if you didn't look like you belonged in such fancy places like that, you always belonged everywhere you wanted to be, and that's what gojo wanted to let you know.
be it at a hole in the wall kfc, or at the most high faluting, 5 star michelin restaurant in all of the universe, you deserved everything; and gojo would make sure you got it all, because you deserve it. and why? well, simply, because. that's all the reason gojo needs to give you everything he can, do everything with you, be everywhere you need him to be, and to be yours.
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raya-hunter01 · 3 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 9
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Boston Municipal Courthouse
Janice’s POV
“Mama, I’m ok,” Roman said as I sat there in disbelief as they took Tia out of the courtroom. “Son something ain’t right…..Why did they sentence her today? Why she got a short sentence, weren’t we all watching the same video because she needs to be up under the jail.”
“The Judge said it was because of the plea deal, her clean record and just wanting this over for everyone,” he said looking at Kara who seemed to be struggling with the verdict and I don’t blame her.
“Son something in the milk ain’t clean…..Regardless of the verdict he should have rescheduled a date for sentencing. That would have given him time to give a more suitable sentence for crime because that wasn’t it,” I said as Roman hugged me.
“Ma, can we just leave, I’m ready to get outta Boston,” he said as I sighed giving him a hug seeing Jey heading over.
“Aye, you ok auntie?” he asked as Roman moved and I gave him a hug. “Yes, baby I am, just can’t believe what happened in here today.”
“Neither can but we’re all bout to go leave and get some rest. We’re flying out tomorrow but planning to hit up the 16 East Bar and Grill in Pensacola on Sunday before we head back out on the road,” Jey said smiling at me.
“You’re inviting us?” Roman asked in shock as Jey sighed. “I’m still mad as hell at you, but I can’t help but be thankful you were there with Kara. You risked your life to save her and Trin…That what family do.”
“I love them both…I always will, it ain’t nothing to thank me for.”
“Well, the option is open, we’ll probably get there about 7. Trin reserved the patio, so we ain’t gotta worry about people,” Jey said as I smiled.
Hey, I will take those baby steps in the healing process. I know we will come back together in some shape or form.
“Well, we will meet ya’ll there Sunday,” Roman said as I tried to contain my excitement, praying this was a positive step in the right direction for us.
Kara’s House
Kara’s POV
I’m glad we did come back to the house alone and just chilled out. I don’t know how I would have reacted hanging out with my mom, I needed time to decompress. 
“Girl, I love this back yard,” Trin gushed as I smiled wrapping myself up in my blanket.
“Thanks, when I saw the firepit I fell in love,” I said as she nodded roasting her marshmallows.
“I may have to talk Jimmy into getting us one. You know marshmallows are my weakness.” “That’s why I keep them stocked up ma’am,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I know you had a lot of work to make up, did you finish?” Trin asked as I smiled. “I’m finally caught up, it wasn’t easy, but I have two A’s and two high B’s” I said truly proud of how I overcame and turned everything around.
“Yes! You know when you graduate I’mma act a fool…You know this right?” she said making me laugh as I looked at Jey flipping the meat on the grill as Jimmy was telling him some animated story. I loved their relationship so much.
“Have you told Jey?” Trin asked as I smiled at her. “Told him what?”
“Uh, that you love him, duh,” she said as I blushed. “I’ll have you know I told him the night I woke up from surgery.”
“That’s great…So are ya’ll together or what is we doing?”
“I’m scared Trin,” I said honestly as she nodded in understanding. “Do you want to be with Jey?” she asked as I nodded. “Yea, I really do.”
“Then be with him Kara, what’s the problem?.…That man loves and adores you,” she said gently pushing my shoulder.
 “I can see the blogs now having a fucking field day. Imagine their us at family gatherings. Chile, did you hear Kara is here with Joshua like she wasn’t married to Roman.”  I mocked as Trin shrugged her shoulders.
“Girl, fuck them bloggers and keyboard trolls, they don't know you and it ain't they fuckin' business. Plus, you knew Jey before Roman anyway."
"Ok, but like I said, what about the family gatherings. You know they always have parties and cookouts," I said as Trin smiled.
"Fuck their opinions too, but I don’t think it will be a problem, everyone loves you, especially mom and pops. They hate what Roman did and I think you’re overthinking it.”
“So much is going on, I just don’t want to hurt him Trin,” I whispered as she reached over and put her hand on my knee.
“It’s your time to be happy Kara and damn what people think. Life is too short, and you got a second chance at life.”
“I know I got a second chance, but I’m scared of screwing this up,” I said finally voicing my fears.
“Live your life Kara, tomorrow ain’t promised to none of us. You don’t owe anybody anything, ain’t no debts around here,” Trin said as I gave her a hug.
“I know and I love you, girly.  Ugh, I’m so tired of crying,” I sniffed failing to stop my tears.
“I love you too, sis, it’s time for the happy tears now because you deserve it.”
“You really think so?” I asked barely above a whisper as she rubbed my back. “I know so, everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself in this life about to happen and I can’t wait to see witness it.”
“Ya’ll aright over there?” Jimmy asked as Jey turned to look back at us.
“Yea, just two sisters having our daily talk,” I said as Trin laughed.
“Ya’ll know how we get, let us have our moment,” she said as Jimmy shook his head. “Man, what we gon’ do with them two?” Jimmy asked as Jey chuckled handing him a pan so he could take some of the steaks off the grill.
“Love ‘em and let them do their thang,” he chuckled. “Yea, what he said!” Trin yelled as I laughed.
Trin was right it’s my time to put myself first and live my life. Anything or anybody that disrupts my peace from this point forward gotta go, because it’s a new beginning for me, for us all.
Pensacola, FL
A Few Days Later
Janice’s POV
We been home a couple days, and it was my day to pick up Logan. I can’t place it, but I knew something wasn’t right. “Lord, uncover whatever it is because we’ve all been through enough,” I said aloud feeling nauseous pulling into Rebecca and Bill’s driveway.
Knocking on the door and getting no answer, I called and once again no answer. I saw Rebecca’s car and had talked to her ten minutes ago. I was getting irritated now.
“How the hell you gon’ tell me to come over to get Logan and not pick up the phone or answer the door.” I mutter looking under the rug for their spare key.
Opening the door, I looked around and there was no sign of Rebecca in the foyer or living room. I could hear Logan babbling on the baby monitor in the living room, so I knew she was ok.
 “Rebecca!” I called out, no answer. “This how these damn horror movie start, I hope this fool is ok,” I mutter heading towards the kitchen.
“I can’t thank you enough Terry,” I heard Rebecca say as I stopped in my tracks.
Who the hell is Terry?
“Rebecca, this is the last time I’m taking your call. I did this favor for you and Tia, but I don’t want to be tied to the drama. I got too much to lose,” I heard the familiar voice say as she laid the phone on the table.
“Thank you for helping her, she really is anxious to make it right with her sister when she gets out,” Rebecca said grabbing Logan’s formula putting it in her baby bag.
The damn judge….She was the reason for that shit show the other day.
“That’s good and all but I put in a no contact order in the paperwork for a reason. I truly feel she meant what she did and her actions alone warranted life in prison, but I helped you for old time sakes,” he said sounding seemingly disappointed with himself.
“I---We appreciate this so much, she’s going to stay out of trouble when she gets out and we won’t bother you again.”
I was physically ill, this was sick.
“I don’t know what hold your daughter has over you…But if this goes bad, it’s on your head. It would be in her best interest to just leave Kara be,” he said as she shook her head.
“I will handle Kara; she will come around and see Tia was just going through a lot and didn’t mean to hurt her. I just know by the time it’s time for Tia to get out, they will have reconnected, and Kara will be calling you to cancel that no contact order.”
This woman has lost it, like needs to sit on someone’s couch…ASAP. Hearing enough, I quietly retraced my steps finally finding my way back in the entrance of the house pretending I had just arrived.
“Rebecca, I’m here to get Logan!” I said a little louder as I heard her scrambling round the kitchen.
“She’s upstairs, I’ll get her,” she yelled as I shook my head.
I can’t believe she sold out her own daughter to protect the other one that tried to kill her. She and Tia are really one in the same she just masks her dirt.
It seemed like it took forever, but finally she brought Logan downstairs.
“Oh, baby girl I missed you,” I whispered as she placed a dozing Logan in my arms. “I put her formula in the bag, and she’s already had a bottle. She should be asleep before you get back home,” Rebecca said as I smiled at my little light.
That’s what she was to us, no matter how she was conceived, our little light.
“You can pick her up at Roman’s on Thursday. I’ll leave you to your nana break and see you tomorrow at dinner,” I said grabbing Logan’s diaper bag quickly wanting to get the hell outta dodge.
“Ok, we’ll see you then and enjoy her,” she said giving Logan a kiss on the forehead.
“Oh, we will,” I said making my way out of the house, thankful she didn’t follow me out. After strapping logan in her car seat I rushed to get back in the car to call Trin but got no answer, then I remembered she had a signing to do today.
“Hey sweetie, I forgot you had a signing, and I know ya’ll gotta help out Josh tonight. I’ll just see you tomorrow at dinner. You and Jonathon be safe, love ya’ll.”
I guess I’m on my own with this one, but I know one thing, Kara will know about the shady shit her mama did and I’mma make Rebecca tells her if it’s the last thing I do.
Pensacola, FL
Jey’s House
Kayla’s POV
Getting out of the shower I felt refreshed as I dried off. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt different.. Today was amazing, we had our balcony picnic date. It was simple, beautiful, and was everything.  Pizza, wine, and some of my favorite snacks had been on the menu.
The ocean serving as our backdrop and music as the waves crashed upon the shore due to a storm heading our way. We even went on a walk on the beach and watched the sunset before we got rained out. Hence the shower I just took.
I still hadn’t told Jey how I felt but today just solidified it even more. I was deeply in love with this man.
“You ok in there Kara?” Jey asked knocking on the door as I smiled.
“Yea, I’m good I’ll be out in a second,” I said dressing my wound. Thank God it’s finally healing and not hurting as much.  Slipping on one of Jey’s shirts, I cut off the lights as I headed back into the bedroom, frowning when I didn’t see him.
“I’m out here on the balcony, wait I’mma come get you,” he said as I smiled at the thought of going back out there.
“What have you done now?” I asked as he smiled clad only in a pair of shorts. “This is part two of your balcony picnic date, Ma,” he whispered offering me his hand as I anxiously took it.
“Aww it’s so pretty….Wait where did all this come from?” I gasped as he led me back out on the balcony. “Told you I wasn’t done yet, do you like it?”
“I love it but how did you do it? We been out here all day and I know I ain’t seen no bed out here earlier.” I said as he laughed.
“A couple of lil birdies did it when we went for a walk on the beach. This is your new study area for when you come to visit.” he said as I blushed looking at the bed on the balcony surrounded by pillows and the beautiful string lights above it.
“I can’t believe you did all this,” I said as he smiled, laying down beckoning me to him with his finger.
“Come on down here, Ma, I owe you a movie.” Not needing to be told twice, I climbed in bed and got comfortable in his arms.
“You know, I’ve always loved staying here.  I could fall asleep out here just listening to the ocean, and now you done put a bed out here. You know it’s a wrap right, I may never leave,” I sighed, welcoming his lips as he placed a gentle kiss on the hollow of my neck. as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders pulling him closer.
“Maybe that was my plan, kidnap you, and never let you leave,” he said as I relaxed wanting to feel more of him as his hands caressed my bare thighs.
“You can’t kidnap the willing,” I moaned, his fingers feeling so good but I winced slightly as Jey looked at me with worry.
“Are you ok?” He asked as I nodded not wanting him to stop. “Kara, let me can get up, I’on  wanna hurt you,” he said trying to sit up as I grabbed his Cuban link holding him in place.
“I’m fine, don’t you dare move,” I said as he smiled, rolling over on his back wrapping me up in his arms.
“Ok, this is a good compromise too,” I moaned getting comfortable as the pain in my chest subsided. “I know it is, stubborn ass,” Jey chuckled, reaching up to turn off the lights and starting the movie projector.
“What are we watching?” I asked, as he gently pulled one of my legs across his lap before covering us up with a blanket.
“You’ll see,” he whispered stealing a kiss as I squealed hearing the opening credits to Dirty Dancing as he laughed.
“The stuff I do for you, woman.”
“I love this movie!”
“I know, I remembered how excited you was at the hospital that night it came on. Then you got mad and almost made me switch the channel.”
“Hey, I was ready for the love scene, and they cut it… Just plain blasphemous, but I took one for the team because one simply doesn’t change the channel when Patrick Swayze is blessing your TV screen.” I said as he raised his eyebrow at me.
“I’ll try to keep that in mind,” he joked as we settled in to watch the movie under the stars.
See Jey knew my love languages and I loved that. He knew what mattered, it wasn’t diamonds and pearls, or even money. It was spending quality time, it was physical touch, and creating memories with the ones you love. Jey’s love languages were a mixture of my mine. He loved to please and do for those he loved.
 He made sure every day to tell and show you how much you mean to him, and he only wanted the same in return and rightfully so.
“I’m glad you had fun and loved everything,” he said pulling me closer.
“I really did, and I hope you know I don’t just be hugged up with just anybody now,” I said as he looked down at me with a smile, catching on to what I was saying.
“Well, I don’t just do balcony picnics dates for just anybody either.” His lips close to mine as my heart pounded loudly against my chest.
“I have to warn you, I only do things like this with my man,” I whispered, as our lips finally meeting in a short, deep passionate kiss.
“And I only do things like this with my lady.” he moaned as our lips found each other once again as our kisses becoming more passionate by the second.
“For us,” Jey moaned against my lips as I whimpered against him.
“For us.”
“You sure?” He rasped pulling back slightly, watching me closely through low hooded eyes.
“I’m sure…I’ve never been sure of anything in my life,” I said as Jey caressed my face.
 “Forever my lady,” he whispered as his lips descended upon mine as I felt like I was flying. We were finally here at last and it felt so good. Breaking our kiss to catch our breaths.
“Ma, we can wait…I-I don’t want to hurt you,” Jey moaned, his beautiful brown eyes growing darker as I moved his hand slowly down to the hem of my shirt.
“You won’t, I trust you,” I gasped as his resolve crumbling taking me in a searing kiss, only releasing me from his grasp to remove my shirt.
“Your so beautiful, he whispered in awe as I blushed under his powerful serenading gaze.
Like a moth to a flame, I craved his touch and trembled with anticipation as he towered over me. The pain in my chest a distant memory, laying on my back as Jey took his time exploring my body.
His powerful hands grasping mine, bringing them to his chest as I felt his heart racing.
“I want you to feel what you do to me,” he said licking his lips as I groaned, biting my lower lip as he thrusted my hips against his dick that was straining against his shorts begging for release.
His hands controlling every sensual buck of my hips against his dick as it continued to grow longer and harder.
“Mmm, I feel it,” I gasped, his lips capturing mine in an earth-shattering kiss as my hands anxiously helped him remove his shorts.
“Not yet aulelei,” he moaned grabbing my hands gently pining them to the bed. His kisses moved to my neck, my heart racing as he caressed my breasts, being careful of my bandage.
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“Yes, please,” I pleaded entangling my fingers in his hair as he gently suckled at my breasts taking his time with each one giving them equal attention holding my gaze as I fought back a moan.
“Mm, you sensitive huh,” he whispered with a smirk as I blushed. His lips lovingly kissing and nibbling down my body, teasingly as I fought to get ahold of myself but I was gone…
“Jey, don’t stop,” I gasped, my body trembling in anticipation of what was next to come.
 His eyes darkening as kissed the top of my mound gazing up at me with low eyes licking his lips as he descended lower. “I don’t plan too,” he whispered as I purred in appreciation.
Jey’s POV
Damn, I’m drunk…Drunk in love her intoxicating sent as I kissed the plush beautiful lips between her thighs, as Kara’s legs began to quiver.
“P- Please, Jey,” Kara as I groaned as I felt my dick get even harder.
"Fuck, all this for me aulelei? Tell me?” I moaned as her eyes met mine.
“Yes! Mmm, you know it is,” Kara gasped as I flattened my tongue and gently licked her slit, unable to stop the moan that rasped from my lips as the first drop of her sweet nectar coated my tongue.
“Mmm, I knew you’d taste like honey…. You done fucked around and created a monster, Ma,” I moaned, snatching her hips to my mouth as I swirled my tongue against her clit, commencing to drown in her.
“Jey, shit!” Kara gasped down at me in shock as I smirked.  The beautiful catch in her throat as I pleased her had me on demon time. I needed more…Much more and only she could give me what I wanted.
 “I- Mmm-” Kara moaned, trying to push my head away as I Ignored her plea intertwining our hands together, moving my tongue faster against her wet hot center.
“Stop runnin’, cause’ you deserve dis nut…..You understand me?”
Kara nodded, unable to speak. “Tell me you understand aulelei ?”
“I-I understand,” Kara whimpered as I moaned “Ain’t no stoppin’ Kara….Ain’t no stoppin’ till you nut in my mouth like a good girl,” I breathed against her pussy before going back to the task at hand.
“Fuck!..Oouu Josh, shit!” She moaned, her trembling legs over my shoulder as she sat up slightly panting in disbelief.
“Yea, you wit a real one now, moan my name baby. Damn, you makin’ my dick even harder just thinkin’ bout you nuttin’ in my mouth,” I confessed, knowing my words were encouraging her to get what she wanted…What we both needed.
“Mmm, I need it so bad,” Kara moaned moving her hips against my tongue. “Mmhm, so do I baby…. Dat’s it, you doin’ so good”
“Joshjoshjosh Mmhm!”
“Mmhm, get what’s yours. Fuck, you look so sexy chasin’ yo’ nut,” I moaned as she bit her lower lip, gripping the back of my head riding my face.
 “Babe! Kara exclaimed as she exploded in my mouth. Her beautiful face and the swivel of her hips as she rode out her orgasm were a thing of beauty.
I couldn’t get enough of her as I greedily drank her essence with a hearty moan as she writhed on the bed trying to catch her breath.  
Yea, I did dat…Fuck, I wanna keep her this way forever.
Crawling up her body, her flush face welcomed me as she grasped my Cuban link kissing me with urgency as I groaned nipping at her bottom lip.
“Mmm, you taste yourself?….You taste good, don’t you?” I groaned as Kara whimpered against my lips. Her trembling hand, reaching down between us grabbing my dick placing the tip at her entrance as I moaned trying to control myself.
“Mmm, tell me what you need,” I moaned, Kara pulling me closing whispering three words that made ignited an even deeper fire within me. “You inside me,” she gasped breathlessly as I  gave in, her tight warmth surrounding me, welcoming me home.
“Shit, Kara,” I groaned trying to take my time knowing she was still hurt, but she was making it hard. I wanted to sink inside her and get lost.  
“It’s ok,” she moaned, pulling me closer. A collective gasp of undeniable pleasure from us both filled the air as I filled her to the hilt.  
Kara’s POV
The sweat gathered at his brow as he’s trying to maintain his composure slowly beginning to thrust inside me as I craved more. “Mmm, faster.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Jey moaned as I nodded not particularly caring, he felt so good, and I wanted him closer but I knew him.
“Your not,” I gasped as he gripped my hips gently once again surging forward as we both groaned at the sensation.
“I’mma take my time….Make love to you,” Jey whispered burying his head in the hollow of my neck, tilting his weight on his elbows, thrusting at a new angle that rendered me whimpering mess as he showered my neck with kisses.
“Damn, found my first spot,” he groaned as I began meeting his thrusts, feeling the pressure building with each caress, every lick and thrust we got lost in each other.
Something was different, this wasn’t sex like it was all those months ago on Roman’s bus.  This was different, we were making love and it felt so good.
With each swivel of his hips, he went deeper and deeper, our lips meeting in a familiar dance as our tongues sensually stroked each other.
The smell of rain and the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore made the moment even more special.
Each second, body to body, skin to skin we climbed higher and higher together as Jey carefully rolled onto his back, shifting me onto my side, trying to take some pressure off of my chest but never stopping his gently thrusts.
A strangled moan escaped my lips at the new position as Jey wrapped one arm around my chest, the other placing one of my leg over his as I trembled in his arms.
“It’s just us…. Stop being shy, ma,” he rasped against my ear thrusting at a steadier pace.
“Mmm, you feel so good. I need it so bad, Josh!” I cried as he growled nipping at my neck as tears sprang to my eyes from the immense pleasure.
“I know baby, me too, I need you to cum for me…You gon’ give me what I want, ain’t you?”
“Yes! I’m close, don’t stop,” my desperate cries silenced as he grasped my throat bringing my mouth to his in a scorching kiss, as I writhed in need against him.  His other hand to toying with my clit.
“You gon’ cum for me, like a good girl?” Jey asked already knowing the answer, his thrusts and breathing more uneven as I pulsed around him.
“Louder, Ma.”
“Yes! I’mma cum like a good girl, I promise,” I cried unashamed. He was dickin’ my ass down and it felt so damn good.
“Yea…Let it go, Ma. Damn, you so feel good,” he murmured against my lips.
“Josh! Fuck!” I cried coming undone in his arms. “Mmm, fuck yea look at you cummin’ just for me,” Jey praised pulling out, rubbing his dick against my clit.  “Mmm, put it back in,” I begged truly drunk on him at this point, and I wanted all he had to give.
Jey’s POV
“Uh huh, I know baby, dat pussy quivering. You need some more of dis dick don’t you?” I groaned turned on as fuck as Kara reached down, moving my hand, grasping my dick rubbing against her clit before sliding the tip back inside her.
“Take what you want, I’m yours.”
 “I want more,” Kara purred guiding my dick back inside her as we both gasped as we became one again….
“Fuck, yea…Put dat dick back in for daddy and get you another nut I moaned as we moved against each other in sync.
 “I- I want you to cum now.” Kara whimpered against me as I felt a her tight pussy swallowing my dick like a champ. Fuck, I wasn’t gon’ last too much longer.
 “Hold on, we both gon’ get this next nut together,” I groaned on a mission thrusting harder. “Josh- Wh-”
“Just breathe, ma…Let it take over, I promise its gon’ feel so good,” I whispered nibbling on her ear as I felt her relax. “Baby….Baby…Mm, Josh,” Kara gasped.
“Yea..I’m right here Kara, I got you.”
“What are you doing to me?” Kara groaned trying to hide her face but I refused to let her. Grabbing her chin, making her look at me.
“I’ll tell you what I’m doin’…..I’m makin’ love to the woman I love,” I declared, continuing to get lost inside her.
“I love you,” Kara moaned as our lips met in a sloppy kiss as she took my hand and placed it on her clit, and guiding my hand in a figure eight motion as she began steadily throwing her ass back on my dick to match my deep hard thrust.
“Shit! I love you more. …Now be my good girl, and cum for me…Fuck you doin’ so good, ma,” I moaned.
“Jey! Mmm, fuck!” Kara screamed as I felt her pulsing around my dick.
“Uh huh, I know it baby, I feel it.”
“Cum with me.”
 “Can I cum inside you?” I groaned thrusting harder praying she would say yes. “Yes, I want you too Josh,” she whimpered as her head fell back against my shoulder in shock as she fell over the cliff of extasy, taking me with her as I groaned in triumph holding her trembling body against mine as I came and stilled inside her.
The sounds of the rain hitting the roof, along with our heavy breathing filled the night air. Neither one of us said anything for a few minutes, too stunned to speak.
 “Damn, that was insane,” I whispered, finally somewhat regaining my composure as Kara rolled onto her back still trying to catch her breath.
“Best balcony picnic date ever,” Kara said with a relaxed smile as I gently kissed her lips.
“No regrets,” I whispered as Kara caressed my beard. “No regrets.”
Roman's House
Janice's POV
"Mama, I can't believe he posted this," Roman said as I leaned over his shoulder to look at his phone.
"Aww that was nice Joshua did that for Kara," I said as Roman rolled his eyes.
"What it's very sweet."
"What about the blanket hanging off the bed mama? He's being messy, in so many words sayin' he slept with Kara," Roman said as I frowned at him.
"Roman they could have been cuddling watching movies for all we know, but in the end, it isn't your business what Kara does."
"I know, but can people give me time to deal with what I lost? I lost my wife and now she's with my cousin." Roman said slightly raising his voice.
"Roman, Kara isn't going to put her life on hold to make you feel better. I had something to tell you, but I see you aren't in the right frame of mind to hear it right now." I said choosing to not pass on the new information I found out at Rebecca's today. He'll find out tomorrow like everyone else.
"No I'm not in a good head space, but I will be when I get some air," Roman said as I got up and stood by the kitchen door.
"No you ain't because you're going to end up at Josh's and I'm not letting you do that to Kara or yourself," I said putting my foot down.
"I just need some air, mama, please move," Roman pleaded as I refused to move.
"The last time you went out to get some air you ended up in Boston and could have got yourself killed, so no I ain't moving."I cried. Roman was at his breaking point, but he needed to get all this shit out. He was holding too much in.
"What do you want from me?!" Roman yelled as I pulled him into my arms giving him a much needed hug as his arms tightened around me.
"I want you to let it go, baby...Let that guilt go and free yourself, it's almost been a year." I said trying to get through to him.
"I lost her and I can't fix it," Roman said his voice breaking as rubbed his back. "Some things aren't meant to be fixed Roman...We just own up to our mistakes and take it one day at a time," I said as he pulled away wiping his tears.
"I know I gotta let her go, mama. My mind tells me that every day but my heart ain't caught up yet," Roman said sitting back down and looking at his phone.
"It will...Just give yourself time," I said as we heard Logan cry over the baby monitor.
"I got her, you went the last time," Roman said going to check on Logan leaving his phone on the table.
Picking it up I looked at Josh's post and smiled.
"Gon' head Joshua," I muttered truly happy that Kara was moving on and being loved how she deserved to be.
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The thought of tomorrow suddenly crept back into my mind. I hated to disrupt the dinner tomorrow but I couldn't let this betrayal stay hidden.
Kara needed to know there was more than one enemy she needed protection from. I just never in my wildest dreams thought it would be her own mother.
Tomorrow Rebecca is coming clean or i'mma do it myself.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo @arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
harmshake  truefant4sy  yana3sworld amandairene88
unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx tshepisho
 thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams
rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86
sayyestoheav3nn digidestned  heathetherlamont30 trashbin-nie
rebelrel0987 kriissy4gov brokenglassslippers headoftheetable
severenswife sayyestoheav3nn pittieprincess22 mindairy
jaded-human mainthingdoja mrswolffs-blog shamaness11
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allbark-no-bite · 1 year
kiss me and apologize || Carmen Berzatto x reader
summary: from private chef to working in a rundown restaurant in Chicago, your life does a 180 as you try to fit into the world that is the Beef. Richie isn’t helping and Carmen just can’t figure you out
word count: 3.7k
warnings: swearing, mentions of michael’s death/suicide
author’s note: so um i guess i write for the Bear now?? official obsessed with the show and was inspired by all of the great writers that write for Carmy on here :)
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"Carmen? The door?"
"What—? Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry."
He turns towards the door, fumbling for the key with numb fingers, his face burning hot.
He wasn't used to anyone else besides himself showing up to the restaurant so early in the morning, and he definitely wasn't used to you and your pink cheeks and and warm smile greeting him at the door. You were a new hire to the Beef, a godforsaken miracle dressed in oversized overalls who had shown up two weeks ago and been hired by Sydney on the spot.
She had been smitten with you from the start, dead set on hiring you without so much as a second interview.
"—studied in Copenhagen, worked at multiple Michelins in New York. I mean look at this, Carmen. She's a private chef in the Hamptons. We would be stupid not to hired her."
And you were great. You are great. Except for the fact that you're really fucking distracting.
"You sure you got it, chef?"
Carmen can't even blame the heat rising from his cheeks from the cold at this point because his hands are sweating as he jiggles the door knob that somehow always seems to get jammed at the worst possible moments. This is one of those moments.
Finally, he hefts his weight against the door while twisting the knob and it busts open. A muffled snort escapes you from behind him. Carmen steps inside, holding the door open for you with a small wave of his hand. "Sorry. I'm sure this crap isn't what you were expecting when you applied here—"
He's rambling, stomach twisting in knots. His nerves always screw up his stomach—maybe he'll pop a few Tums before—
"It's fine, Camren," you assure him, stepping in from the cold, body pressing against his in the small entry way. "I like it here."
I like you.
"Yo, am I interrupting something, cousin? You and the princess wanna take that shit somewhere else?" Richie's shout can be heard from all the way across the parking lot, and it makes Carmen visibly cringe.
"Fuck off, cousin," Carmen mutters, reluctantly breaking away from you.
Still standing in the doorway, you huff, whatever moment you and Carmen had shared broken by Richie's arrival. The taller man stomps up the front steps, shaking snow from his boots.
So far, he had been the only staff member you found unbearable. Even Tina had warmed to you after a few weeks and now took great pleasure in listening to your elaborate stories as a private chef. Richie, on the other hand, hated your guts.
"You just gonna stand there and let all the fuckin' cold air in? I'll let Sugar know to take the heating outta your paycheck."
"Fuck off, Richie."
The morning is only the beginning of his wrath.
"Richie, you fucking imbecile—"
"Every single time you open your mouth, all I hear is this fuckin' bullshit. Jesus, you're so fuckin' high and mighty with your fancy ass college degree," he sneers, looming over you. If he stepped any closer you would have lacked the self control not to hit him. "You wanna come in here, act like you know everything because daddy sent you to school—"
"You don't have to fucking like me, Richie, but what you're not going to do is push me around and be an egotistical misogynist just because you have a set of balls. So give me my fucking knife."
Richie's hand is in the air beside your head, waving about in wild gesticulation that he does not have your knife, or any fucking knife for that matter. "I don't have your shit!"
With your jaw clenched together, you breathe in deeply through your nose and take in the taller man through narrowed, disbelieving eyes. "Fine." You turn on your heals and storm off. "CARMEN."
Richie throws his hands up and scoffs at your retreating back, yelling after you. "Ohh go ahead, fuckin' call mommy. Like I'm scared of him," he snorts.
"CARMEN!" Your fury only fueled by Richie's taunts, your stride quickens as you shove your way through the chaos of the kitchen, dodging both Sydney and Marcus.
"Woah, chef. What's the matter?" Sydney asks as you whip past her, her hands busy with mashing potatoes, but you don't stop to answer, instead rounding the corner like a woman on a mission.
"—What?!" At the third sound of his name, Carmen finally jerks his head up from his prep station, only to be met with you head on. "What's going on, chef?" he repeats, looking back down to his station after taking in your vexed disposition and gathering that no one's dying. He puts on these sort of metaphorical blinders once he's in the kitchen and nothing, not even you, is going to distract him from what he does best. He becomes an entirely different animal in the kitchen.
"That fucking dickwad has my knife and he won't give it back. How am I supposed to—"
Still urgently chopping carrots, Carmen cuts you off. "Chef, just get another knife," he instructs, stepping around you to dump a pile of sliced carrots into the bin.
His dismissal throws you for a loop and leaves you open mouthed, protest caught in your throat. Just this morning he had been stuttering nervously, cheeks flushed as you stood waiting for him to unlock the staff door. Now he's biting and abrasive, domineering in the way he takes control of the kitchen. You know he's just doing his job, doing whatever it takes to keep his head above the water—keep everyone's head above the water, but right now you want to scream at him. "Just tell him to—"
"Yes, Chef," he provides, indicating that he's done refereeing yours and Richie's squabble. He moves across the station so that you have to step sideways to avoid being in his way.
"But I—"
"Yes, Chef?" Carmen effectively cuts you off with a hard stare, momentarily stopping his urgent chopping. His blue eyes are fixating despite their look of wild urgency.
When it becomes obvious that arguing your point further is going to get you nowhere, you nod, growling a reluctant, 'Yes, Chef.'
If Carmen notices your attitude, he either pointedly ignores it or is too busy shouting at Tina about onions to care. You grab a knife laid out at one of the empty stations, purposefully shoving Richie as you round the corner.
"What's the matter, sweetheart? Mommy didn't take your side?" he calls from the expo station "Didn't fuckin' see that coming."
You ignore him, deciding that he's not worth anymore of your energy for the time being. There's an entire rack of ribs that needs to be sliced and it's going to take you twice as long with this poor excuse of a knife.
"Chef, how are those ribs coming?" Sydney calls amidst the kitchen chaos. "Doors open in fifteen minutes."
Glancing at the digital kitchen clock, panic sets into you as you realize just how much time you've lost. "Fuck," you mutter, more to yourself than anyone. "Ahh—I'm going to need at least twenty," you shout back.
"What? What's taking so long?" Sydney asks. You can hear her moving behind you, finishing up with her own prep.
"Yeah, what's takin' so fuckin' long?" Richie chimes in.
Your grip on the knife's handle tightens, but you don't give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his words. "I'm working on it, Syd," you promise her, praying you can somehow speak that confidence into existence.
Richie is still running his mouth behind you. "Y'know, maybe you just aren't cut out for this. It's not too late to go back to makin' your fancy little hors d'oeuvres up in New York."
"Screw you, Richie," you mutter, your brow furrowed as you concentrate on cutting through the ribs. The knife is hardly cutting and it's taking everything in you not to just start hacking away and be done with it.
"This ain't a cocktail party. This is a real fuckin' business, and we don't need you over here messin' us up and screwin' around—"
"Screw. You. Richie."
"What was that? Can't hear you, princess," he taunts.
Just as you turn to open your mouth, ready to snap at him, the knife hits a dull spot and slips against your grip, catching your fingers along the way. Immediately you jerk your hand back, biting back a cry. The knife clatters to the ground at your feet.
"Fucking dammit!" you exclaim, clutching your bleeding fingers with your other hand.
"Oh now you've really fuckin' done it," Richie laughs, shaking his head.
You only glare at him before muttering, "Move," as you shove past him. To his credit, he doesn't say anymore as you shoulder him out of the way.
By the time you get to the back sink, there's blood seeping from between your gloved fingers and onto the floor. You have to fight back a whimper as you peal away the latex from your skin.
"Woah, woah— what the hell??"
Hands appear beside you, grabbing your own bloody hand and wrapping it tightly in a clean kitchen rag. You close your eyes, willing yourself not to faint. The pressure stings but serves to staunch the blood flow and relieve some of your dizziness.
When you open your eyes, Carmen's blue ones are staring at you worriedly. "You good, chef?"
You close your eyes again, this time not because you're dizzy, but rather to avoid the intensity of his stare. "Yeah," you manage hoarsely, finding your voice. "Yeah. Just bandage me up okay? I've still got prep to do."
Even with your eyes closed you can still feel his eyes on you. He's so close that you can feel the brush of his body against yours.
"Yeah, okay," he finally says, but you can hear the hesitation in his voice. Immediate loss fills your body as he pulls away, but then he's pressed up against you again, holding your fingers steady as he wraps them up.
It hurts and you want so badly to just let go of the cry of pain and frustration that you're holding back. But instead you bite the inside of your cheek and watch Carmen bandage your fingers like he's done it a hundred times before. When he's done, he draws your hand up to his mouth and tears the tape with his teeth. You force back a swallow when his lips brush your skin.
"This okay, Chef?" he asks, looking up at you with those ridiculously anxious blue eyes—anxious like he's always got somewhere to be, something to do, something on his mind. Now they're focused entirely on you.
Somehow you find your voice. "Y-yeah—yeah, thank you." You pause, still staring at him, not moving. "I, um—I should go finish prep..."
"Okay," he answers softly.
"—Hey." Before you turn to slip out of his office, Carmen calls after you. He raises a fist to his chest, tracing it clockwise over his heart.
I'm sorry.
Your brows furrow at his apology. "Carmen, it wasn't your—"
"Yes. It was," he clarifies, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back against the desk. "I blew you off earlier and you got hurt because of it... So I'm sorry."
From the doorframe, you offer him a half smile.
"Apology accepted, Chef." And then you leave him before he can say anymore, slipping back out into the chaos of rush hour.
You do end up finishing you prep before opening. Your fingers hurt like a bitch, and you may need to visit a 24 hour clinic on your way home for a few stitches, but you make it though. Rush hour was hell, your head hurts from both screaming and being screamed at, but now the Beef is closed, the kitchen is quiet, and you can just breathe.
Slowly but surely, everyone files out of the kitchen once they finish their end of the day tasks, bidding you goodbyes and see you tomorrows as they leave—except for Richie, who you flip off once his back is turned.
The bell above the front door chimes, announcing Tina's departure, and then it's just you left tending to your station. Sydney had offered to take care of it for you, seeing as you were down a hand, but cleaning your space at the end of the day gives you peace of mind and time to cool down after all the chaos.
At some point, the lights in the back office click off and heavy foot steps make their way towards the kitchen. Carmen appears beside you, arms crossed as he watches you clean. He's quiet, observing the way you scrub the already pristine table top over and over and over. You don't learn that kind of precision from working in a place like this.
You're an anomaly to him and he doesn't know what to do with you
You certainly don't fit in here with your perfectly refined private school vocabulary and your Michelin star palette and your fucking expensive gold chain necklace that's probably worth more than the rent for his apartment.
"What're you doing here?" he finally asks.
"Wiping my station?" Your voice is leaning on the defensive side and he figures that probably has to do with Richie.
"Exactly," he concedes. "So what are you doing here? Because six months ago you were making fuckin' soufflés in the Hamptons."
This time you actually kind of laugh because that statement is not too far off from the truth. "I don't know, Carmen. I was bored?"
"You don't give up the Hamptons because you're bored."
You look up at him for the first time since he's walked up. There's no bristling anger in your eyes like there was earlier when Richie took your knife—he did and you both know it. You just look at him, really look at him, and then you set down the rag and you nod. "Just like you don't give up Noma?"
Carmen holds your heavy gaze for a while. It's as if some sort of unspoken understanding passes between the two of you and eventually he sighs, nodding. "Right."
You look around at the restaurant surrounding you, the stained floors, the rundown kitchen appliances, the framed 'let it rip' note. "Natalie, uh she told me about him—Micheal... I'm really sorry. He seemed like a good guy."
His eyes follow yours to the note, and he doesn't say anything for a minute, which isn't unusual, Carmen has always been decently shy since you met him, but it makes you wonder if it was a mistake bringing it up.
Strangely enough, this is the first time that someone's brought up Michael and he hasn't wanted to slam a door in their face. Normally, he would just nod and say something like, 'yeah, he was a good guy' and that would be his way of wiggling out of another unwelcome conversation, but he doesn't. Instead, he stares at the note and wonders for the first time since Micheal died if he should have gone to the funeral.
It made him feel like a fucking asshole for not going, but he couldn't listen to all those people saying how good it was to have him back—how happy Micheal would have been to have him back—because if Micheal hadn't gone and killed himself, he wouldn't be here anyhow. He'd still be in New York. He'd still be angry at Micheal like he is now.
Carmen sighs. "I—I wish that I had talked to him more instead of just fucking off to New York. Because after that I just hated coming back too all of this... y'know? And then it was like even when I was here, he kinda just knew that I didn't want to be here, and so we spent that time just fuckin'... at each other's throats.." He trails off, sniffing to clear the choked up feeling from his throat. "Just—who the fuck does that?"
He's asking you. Who shoots themself and doesn't even leave a note? Who shoots themself and leaves their little brother to pick up the remains of their shithole restaurant?
"Well," you begin, laughing a little at the absurdity of it all. "You're talking to a girl who decided to quit her job after three years as a private chef and is now slicing spare ribs in Chicago for just over minimum wage."
The unseriousness of the confession makes him crack a smile and now he's fighting a grin off of his face. "Yeah, that was uh..." He's still chuckling, shaking his head. "That was really stupid of you. Why would you do that?"
You're fighting a smile too now, heart pumping in your chest because he's really fucking pretty when he laughs. His cheeks are flushed and his curly hair is a disheveled mess and you just want to reach over and smooth a hand through it.
Your tongue wets your bottom lip and his blue eyes don't miss the nervous habit. "Well, there's this guy..."
"Yeah?" Carmen's smiling, the tired expression on his face softened by the twinkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, there's this guy. And I've looked up to him my entire life. He's brilliant—like really fucking brilliant. And I promised myself that if I ever got the opportunity to work for him, I would do it."
Carmen snorts softly, glancing down at the white tile floor a bit bashfully before looking back to you again. "And now you know what a freaking psycho I am, huh?"
You can see it, him retreating back into the mellow, unsure person he becomes when he's not manning an overflowing expo station, a broken freezer, and an entire staff of chefs. It's endearing how timid he is, like he almost doesn't really know himself or how he fits in anywhere outside the kitchen. "I don't think you're a psycho, Carm. I mean, I would be a little crazy too if I had what you have on my plate."
He just nods, still a little sheepish at your praise. Just like this morning, when you had caught him at the back door before opening, he doesn't know what to do with himself when you're around.
You break the silence by turning back towards your station. "I'm going to finish up here. I don't mind locking up if you don't want to stay."
Carmen watches as you lean forward onto the toes of your beat up sneakers to grab the paper towels off the overhead shelf and the hem of your hand cropped t-shirt rides up. His first instinct is to look away because the exposed flesh of your rib cage feels like something he shouldn't be seeing, much less staring at, but it's like he freezes out of panic and now he's looking at the tattoo just under your breast.
He stands there, mouth partially open to reply back to you, but it's like his tongue is numb in his mouth and he doesn't even remember what he was going to say anymore. And then it's gone, concealed again by the hem of your white t-shirt.
When you walked into the Beef two weeks ago, your tattoos had been strangely surprising to him at first. He hadn't pictured you like that in his mind—bronzed skin and tatted forearms and cherry glossed lips—just grunge enough to make anyone who passes you look twice. Now you're all he thinks about.
"Carmy. Carmy?"
You're staring at him, head cocked to the side, brows furrowed in confusion and—God, he wants to kiss you.
"Are you oka—"
"Can I kiss you?" He blurts out the question as if he won't be able to finish it if he doesn't get it all out in one breath. Like he knows that if he doesn't ask now he's never going to have the courage to do it again, and he'll be stuck shoving down these feelings for you for the rest of his life.
When you stare at him, eyes wide, like a deer in the headlights, he knows he screwed up. His stomach drops and—fuck, he really needs a Tums right now. He looks away, hand reaching to his hair, eyes darting to the ceiling because he can't take the embarrassment of looking at you.
"I—fuck, I'm sorry. That was totally—um. I shouldn't have—"
"Shut up, Carmen."
"No, that was stupid of me. I—"
"Shut up so I can kiss you, you moron."
Stepping forward, your hand curls around the back of his neck, drawing him down to close the gap between the two of you. Even then you have to stand on your toes to reach him. Although the tense, anticipatory stiffness of his body against yours is screaming wait, you press your lips to his before he has the chance to back down.
It's everything that a first kiss should be—hot and sweet and a bit awkwardly reserved. You can tell he’s nervous. Nevertheless, you can't help the hum that escapes you at the feeling of his plush bottom lip pressed between your own. If given the choice, you’d never pull away from the warm taste of his mouth.
Carmen's breathing heavy, heart pounding in his chest, hand pressing into your back, pulling you closer as he kisses you impossibly harder. He's never kissed a girl before and he decides then and there that he never wants to kiss any girl that's not you.
It’s not clear which of you pulls away first—coming up for air more than anything—but it leaves you both nose to nose, mouths still inches from each other, still sharing the same air that you would had your mouths been connected.
“Carmen?” you ask softly, nose brushing his as you speak. You can feel his heart beating against his chest.
“Yeah?” he replies in same breathy tone.
“Did I mention I really like it here?”
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shadowuponstorm · 1 month
You're F*cking Joking
Like everyone in the X-Mansion, Reader is a mutant with the ability to manipulate minds telepathically and have regenerative healing. She and a certain Wolverine have been butting heads since Reader joined the mansion, and everyone has had enough, so what will happen when Charles Xavier pairs the two up for a mission?
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"No," Logan said from beside me as Charles voiced that Logan didn't know what he was going to say, "I already know because you have her in here."
"Geez, thanks asshole," I telepathically put in his head, making him jerk his head in my direction with his famous scowl.
"Hey, no telepathic manipulation," Charles said as I turned to him and told him, "I was simply telling this broody bear of a man what he already knows."
"Why I outta-" Logan responded as Charles cut him off, "This. This is what I wanted to talk to the two of you about."
"What do you mean?" I asked as Logan and I looked at Charles in confusion.
"You two have been going after each other's necks since Miss L/N's arrival at the mansion and frankly, everyone's had enough of it," Charles tells us as I felt my blood freeze.
I didn't know it had gotten this bad between us, but it isn't my fault Logan's been an ass to me since the very first day.
"Charles, I-" I started to say before he raised a hand up, "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior."
"Apology accepted, but that's not going to be enough for everyone else," Charles responds as Logan quirks an eyebrow and asks what would be enough, "You and Y/N are going on a mission together. Not an official one, but it should be long enough for the two of you to hash out your differences."
Before I could respond, Logan grunted out, "You're fucking joking, bub."
"I am indeed not joking. You both are going somewhere and will not return until this issue is resolved. Do you understand?" Charles said as I confirmed my understanding while Logan gave a small nod.
After the both of us exited Charles' office, and before we headed to our rooms to pack for this "mission," we both gave each other a look that said, "This is a stupid idea."
Where the "mission" takes place...is in the fucking woods. Great idea, Charles, stick two of your dangerous mutants together among the trees for a bonding exercise. After we arrived, Logan was already ahead of me gathering wood for the fire we'll need to light later tonight while I set up the tents, except there's only one tent in the duffle with a note from Storm saying, "Good luck."
"Damn it Ororo," I muttered to myself before I heard Logan drop the wood into the pit before he asked why I was cursing Storm, "She packed only one tent, we have to share."
"Of course we do," Logan mumbled as I glared at him and said, "Well, if you have a problem with that, you're free to sleep outside in the wilderness."
"Just put the tent up," Logan grunted as he stomped away to grab more firewood, leaving me alone yet again.
"Ugh! Why must he be so infuriating?!" I shouted in my head as I kicked the ground in frustration.
Once I calmed down, I started building the tent, which, thankfully, wasn't that small so Logan and I wouldn't be squished against one another. The sun began to set, and after Logan lit the fire pit, I started cooking dinner. A few minutes of silence passed, and Logan was smoking a cigar before I said, "Why do you hate me?"
"What do you mean?" Logan asked, but it was muffled by the cigar in his mouth.
"Take the damn cigar out of your mouth if you're going to talk. I can hardly understand you," I snapped back as Logan rolled his eyes and took the cigar before asking me what I meant by my question, "I mean, why do you hate me so much to the point where you want to bicker with me every day."
"I don't hate you," Logan said as I scoffed and told him it was funny that he said that, but his words and actions indeed said differently.
Logan sighed before explaining, "I don't want you to get close to me." Before I could ask why, he continued, "Whenever I get close to someone, they either get hurt or die, and I refuse to let that happen to you."
"Like Scott and Jean?" I asked as Logan nodded his head and mentioned how his first night in the mansion ended up with him stabbing Rogue with his claws from a nightmare, "So you don't want me close to you like a friend, gotcha."
"I didn't say like a friend," Logan said as I looked at him, confused, before he expanded, "Ever since you came to the mansion, I've felt some way about you. I don't know what it could be, but if something happened to you, I couldn't live knowing you're not here anymore."
"Logan," I started to say as I saw the stew was ready and decided to quickly fix the bowls before it gets too hot for the both of us.
"You don't have to get theatrical and tell me I'm not right for you, I get it," Logan responded as I rolled my eyes and telepathically told him to shut the hell up.
"You want to know what I thought about you the first time I saw you?" I asked as Logan gave me a slight nod before taking a bite of the stew, "Guarded, not wanting to give too much about yourself away, and putting the tough guy act on."
"But I also saw someone who cares a lot about everyone around him, even when he thinks no one notices that part of him, but I do. I admire that so much, and yes, while it is infuriating that we keep bickering back and forth, I'm hoping that will change someday," I telepathically told him as I feel his eyes back on me and see him put his bowl down.
Logan gets up from his seat and leans over me, his dog tag hanging between us, our lips inches apart, before he whispers, "Can I kiss you?" I nodded before I felt his hands go into my hair to move my head back so he could turn his head to the side, and we kissed.
"God, her lips are so soft, I could kiss them all day," I hear his thoughts come through, making me pull away with a smile to whisper to him, "You can kiss me anytime you want."
"Good," Logan whispered back with a smile and moved back onto my lips, swiping his tongue on my bottom lip, and I allowed him in.
After what felt like hours kissing, we pulled apart to get air back into our lungs, and I start laughing.
"What's funny?" Logan asked with an amused look on his face.
"Do you think Charles saw this as an outcome?" I asked as Logan shrugged and told me maybe he did, or he just saw our true feelings toward one another through all the fighting and bickering.
-Back at the X-Mansion-
It's been two days since Logan's and mine's mission, and it feels good not bickering or fighting like we used to. Now, it's just playful and joking between us, and of course, Logan has to keep his stone-cold demeanor up around the students so they don't call him a softie. I come down the stairs and go towards the kitchen to see Logan sitting at the table with Rouge and Bobby.
"Morning, guys," I said as I grabbed my mug and poured myself a cup of coffee before I heard Logan's voice, or his thought, come through, "I'm damn lucky she's mine, and her ass looks great in those jeans."
"Down boy, not in front of the kids," I telepathically shot back at him before I turn around to see him with a smirk on his face, "Smug bastard."
"What were you guys talking about?" Rouge asked as she and Bobby looked between us before I shook my head with a laugh and said, "Nothing you need to know."
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tellodona · 9 months
i saw anon ask this in my inbox, but i accidentally deleted it 😭 i hope anon would see this !
the brothers seeing mc use sfx makeup
heads up: gn!mc, swearing in lucifer's
he hasn't seen you all day, so he assumes you haven't left your room
hm. he has spare time. what's wrong with checking in on you?
he knocks on your door, and patiently waits for you to open it
when you do, what greets him is the sight of you with blood everywhere on your face
your makeup had your left eye blackened out (you just closed it) with fake blood dripping right out of it. and you even took the liberty of making yourself paler than usual
mc. what. the. fuck.
right of the bat, he could smell toxins on your face, and deduced it was makeup
but that still doesn't stop him from freezing over
"lucifer... are you okay?"
"*clears his throat* yes, i am, mc. are you perhaps trying... very detailed makeup?"
he has mixed feelings about it
one, wow, you're talented, good job, you almost scared him, mc
second, the blood reminded him too much of something and someone
"mc... please give me a heads up when you try this... sfx makeup, if you would"
that would depend
he had a big win in one of the casinos he frequents, so of course you had to know too!
he stomps towards your door and barges into your roon without much of a warning
you flinched and accidentally got lipstick on your teeth, so look turned and glared at him
"MC WHAT THE HELL??????????"
you had makeup to look like your face was burnt, and it looked too realistic for his liking. with your glare, it made you look more terrifying
he was shaking in his place because he got so scared-
ehem! the GREAT mammon doesn't get scared, okay?!
still though, you sigh and you should gently apologize to him
"mc, you scared the bejeebers outta me! i- i mean... i was surprised! just surprised! this're the things you gotta tell me, alright?!"
from then on he learnt how to knock. but it's more like slamming on your door impatiently
because of the extent of his knowledge in cosplaying, you wanted his opinion on something about your makeup. like the color of your eye contacts maybe
you knock on his door, and when he doesn't answer, you hear faint sounds of a game going off inside, so you took the liberty of going inside
there he was, busy in front of his computer on a game that probably just came out an hour ago
you waited for him to finish, so when he did, you called out his name
he flinched, sighing, "mc, you have to stop scaring-"
he turns around and pales
he threw his controller at you, which hit you square in the face
we are NOT forgetting about the fact that he's a literal grand admiral
of course you're falling down on your bum
"m- m- m- mc, i'm so sorry!!!!!!"
literally on his knees begging for forgiveness
after a while, the both of you calm down
he finally takes into detail with your sfx makeup, which looks like you were drowned in the sea and you had tears coming out of your eyes
"maybe gray would look great... or blue?"
he'd help with whatever you need, just don't scare him like that again, normie!
he'd recently borrow a book from the human world from you, finished it in one sitting, and wanted to return it to you
he knocks on your door, and when you told him to come in, he did
you were in front of your mirror, but he wasn't in the angle to see your reflection
"mc, i wanted to return your book- oh."
you returned around, looking at him curiously
your makeup made an illusion where your face seemingly split apart in the middle, one side was crying, and one side was angry
it hit home for him, despite the absolute gore of a thing you have on your face right now
he just wore a frown on his face, making you have a feeling of worry, "satan... are you okay?"
he gets out of his head and nods
"i just wanted to return your book. sorry if i'm intruding on something."
you assure him it's fine, and he debates whether to stay or not
he does, he sits on your bed behind you
"what's your inspiration for that, mc?"
you were asking for some makeup suggestions these past few days which was he excited to share with you
"are you going somewhere, mc? oh, oh! can i come? i can, right?!"
you laugh and tell him it depends
it's been two days since you last asked for makeup suggestions, so he assumed you already have them
he skips towards your room with a happy hum, knocking on your door, "mc~ i'm coming in!"
he walks in, smiling brightly
you were just finishing up, and you turned around
he almost hurls
"o- oh... that's what you've been up to, huh?"
you had some sort of crown on top of your head, but it was broken in half. your face had distorted make up on it, scratch marks all over, broken jewels decorated around your face, and some sort of gunshot wound on your forehead
he walks closer to you, his smile coming back, "can i make some suggestions?"
he immediately got hooked
be ready for an impromptu photoshoot
he'd recently receive a coupon for one of the restaurants he always go to that everything will be 25% if you bring someone with you
he immediately thought about you
he happily walks to your room, a smile on his face thinking about how much food he'll be eating and that you would be there with him
he knocks like once, before he just opens your door
"mc, i got a coupon after winning- what are you doing?"
he tilts his head when you look like you were poking at something on your face with a brush
you turn around to find him standing there with said coupon in hand, "what is it, beel?" you ask
but he just freezes
you had yourself look like you were crying, burn marks all over your face, and you wore an eye contact on your right eye to make it look like it went blind
"beel?" you try calling out again
he shakes his head when he stops thinking and the smell of the makeup's toxins flaring in his nose
"oh... uhm. you look great, mc. i didn't know you could do that."
you thank him, and he went on with the tangent about the coupon
he's desperate in subtly ignoring the makeup
it's rare, but somehow he got a nightmare
he forgot about it as soon as he woke up, but he was still feeling a little restless
he walks out of his and beel's room and walked downstairs
he finds your light still open, so he immediately decided to make it your problem
he just opens your door without any prior warning and sees you standing by your bed
he raises an eyebrow and calls your name
you turn around and he was dumbfounded
you black and white feathers scattered around your hair, your eyes were depicted to be swollen from crying, your nose is bleeding, a slice on your cheek, and half of your face was burnt
and it felt like his nightmare all over again
he was frozen over and you had to frantically assure him it was makeup
it took him a while to respond to you, and just nodded
he slept in your bed with you that night
i had some inspirations from the internet, but most of them are little close to home heh
see what i did there?
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pocket-watcher · 3 months
“It’s interesting, with a power set so vast you must have some weakness just as broad to balance you out.” The scientist said as they poked and prodded you.
You laughed nervously. “What? No. That’s ridiculous. I don’t have any weaknesses.”
And you believed that, of course. Fire resistance, high pain thresholds, and you no longer had your fear of heights! Turns out saving people 20 stories up really helps with exposure therapy!
“Biologically speaking, everything has a weakness. Predators have blind spots, they’re scared of noise, they can’t conceal their blood like prey can. So… what’s your weakness?” The scientist mused once more, not asking you specifically but more as if asking the universe.
You took a deep breath and tried not to panic. This was one of the top scientists in the country, here to help you, not to take you down.
“Are you okay?” They asked, innocently.
Too innocent.
They looked up as you looked down. Nose to nose.
Your head shot upwards to avoid their stare.
“Yeah! I-I’m fine. Just… you know…” You rocked your head slightly trying to think of another topic to talk about. “So… what do you think my weakness is?”
Their eyes lit up.
In a flash they rounded up a box and began showing your data.
Despite your enhanced intelligence your brain couldn’t keep up with the speed at which they spoke.
“-and if you look at this graph here, you’ll find what’s really interesting is the activity in your prefrontal cortex spikes! At the same time your right medial temporal lobe starts working overtime, like a forceful relaxant. It’s like somehow a specific combination of lights and patterns overrides your brain like a giant helping of melatonin!”
They blinked at you. “Aha… got a little excited there. Maybe a demonstration would help?”
You began to agree as they span you into a seat and wheeled you through the lab.
Dear god these scientists were fearless, you thought.
When you came to a stop you were hooked up to several wires, a heart-rate monitor, some strange-looking device holding your head in place (and possibly scanning it too?) and your arms pinned down… not that those restraints could do much. You’d bench pressed a 747 before lunch.
“Okay. So, I want you to listen to the voice coming out of the speakers and to watch the screen. Okay?”
You nodded, still unsure, but that unsureness seemed to disappear instantly once the screen began flashing.
The colours were too fast for you to register. The voice was repeating words that both you couldn’t understand but also rewrote your brain.
You felt your mouth hang open and your body go limp. You were vulnerable, incapacitated, all within a single minute of this scientist hooking you up to the machine.
“It’s just as I thought! How do you feel?” They asked, lifting your limp wrist and dropping it down before scribbling more notes.
You couldn’t have answered even if you wanted to.
They checked your pupils for responses and studied the data, whilst you sat there staring at the screen. Listening to the constant flow of unintelligible words.
“Okay! We should probably get you outta there, huh?” They said as they flipped the machine off.
It took you a while to fully come to your senses.
“…What was that?” You asked, incredulously.
“That was your weakness. Theorised, and now proven.”
You didn’t know what to do. You’d never been made to feel so small. So at the mercy of someone else.
“You had no right.”
You stopped. The safety of the world was at stake. If this information fell into the wrong hands…
“Woah there, we’re the only ones here! I won’t tell anyone. I promise…”
You felt an “if” coming.
“If you let me run more tests like that? We can work together, see if we can find a way for you to resist it.” The scientist smiled kindly.
You felt scared for the first time in a long time. Scared of what someone could make you do. How they could make you feel.
“Fine. If that’s the price to keep you from talking, we can run more tests.” You settled.
“Great! I promise you won’t regret it!” The scientist waved you out of the room. Once you were out of earshot they typed out a message:
It worked just as you said it would. I’ll start working on the conditioning pronto. You sure I shouldn’t have tried turning them now?
A phone pinged back a moment later:
No… slow and steady wins the race my friend. Great work.
Somewhere, a villain smiled at her phone, dreaming of a subservient hero.
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lucy4-ever · 1 year
nsfw headcanons about tom kaulitz
!all NSFW!
loves teasing!!
he's the horniest guy you've ever met
as he said, he doesn't really like girls that overthink every single things, espicially in bed
so depending on your relationship with you, he'll fuck you differently
if youre his serious gf, he'll keep praising and moaning
he'd enjoy giving you head and you giving him head
and he'll be wayyyy more romantic
if youre just fuckbuddies, he'll just do the job and wont make any sounds except some groans, cause he doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable
and he'd just be a receiver, not much of a giver
he likes every position
but he really loves positions where he has a great view on him fucking you
cause he really likes to see it, it turns him on :)
he'd kinda priviledge his pleasure though
now if we're being honest, he'd be a great shot in both casual hookups and couple sex
like you'd cum very hard multiple times in both situations
has a size kink FOR SURE
would love when he sees you struggle to suck because of the length
loves the clapping sounds 😧
he's always asking again and again for more rounds
he loves anal too
he loves seeing you on your knees, naked chest and innocent eyes
he'll pull out and ask you to say what you want, like :
"baby, tell me what you want? you want me to fuck huh? are you sure you want to? i don't want to hurt you"
he'd smirk while jerking off and would put it back in once you answered
he lovesssss your ass
now as you know, he has a LOT of experience
so he knows exactly how to eat out, how to finger and how to fuck you
now, i think one thing that made you his serious gf is that you made him feel better than he ever had in bed
he loves making out and getting touchy
like out of nowhere, when youre bored or when he's bored
you'll come to him and just sit on his laps while he's working
knowing him, he'll immediatly gets distracted and would happily fuck the shit outta you for being a tease
he lovessss brats
you love provocating him with tight clothes, when you implicitely want to tell him. you need to fuck
you love playing the hard to get even tho you're in TOTAL HEAT
just to tease him
if you just say the words "im horny", "i need you", "fuck me" you won't be able to walk tomorrow
he's going FERAL when you ask him randomly to fuck you, and would gladly
it turns him on SO MUCH, he'll fuck you all night long
you definitly already sucked him off at the cinema and in tons of innapropriate places
bathroom sex's somthing you two love because of the adrenaline of being caught by members of the group
he doesn't always do aftercare
but if it happens and you get to clean yourselves
you are definetly fucking again in the shower
you love bothering him during work, in trying to get him to fuck you
like, he was working and you just came in lingeries at his desk
he had headphones on and was on a call with band's members
you slipped under the table to start giving him a handjobe
and he loved it, espicailly that he had to hide it
he ended up giving up and just leaving the call to take you on his laps and he kept calling you a whore for it
"what was my favorite bitch (like he has other 😒) doing to me under the table uh?"
"that's very cunty of you"
"what is it you want from me, whore?"
"you want my huge cock right? yeah you dirty pretty slut"
and well, you fucked all night
you didnt go to college and he took his day off to the studio, excusing a sickness
but everyone knew why tom took days off, because he had too much fun the night before
overall he's a great horny bf 😙
author's note : that was funny to write, kinda want to do a part 2 :D
thank you so much for the likes on my other posts, you guys are so sweet!! and if you have any ideas pls give me IM CRAVING!!
love yaaaa!! 💕
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But It’s Home To Me
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Summary: Eddie was meant to be the next metal god but things didn’t work out and he ended up a mechanic stuck in Hawkins, but with you by his side, that might not be such a bad thing.
This was inspired by a line from one of my favourite songs, Tomorrow by Shakey Graves, that just screamed Older Eddie to me:
Well, you love this heart and this six string, girl, oh
But they've been outta tune yeah for some time.
Parings: Older Eddie Munson x f reader
Warnings: none.
The dull ache that had started in his left shoulder as he drank his morning coffee had steadily traveled its way down into his lower back throughout the day and then, by the time he headed home it had reached his knees. I’m not old enough to have shitty knees, he thought, running a hand over his tired eyes, I’m only in my thirties.
As he drove home he remembers Wayne working the same long hours at the same garage, returning every night to the same trailer park the same ache in his bones and the bitterness returned as it always seemed to do lately, it was a sharp buzzing sound that filled his brain with a familiar doubt.
Eddie reached over and turned the radio up as Metallica filled the cabin of his old van, he could feel his grease covered fingers tapping out the familiar guitar chords. He still played of course as a way to keep connected to his dreams, and to make a little extra money on the side. Tutoring some of the kids in Hawkins was fun but not as fun as being on stage.
Corroded Coffin, his old band had traveled to Chicago to submit their demo tapes to a big music exec, who took their tapes and gave their music to another band without even giving them a chance. The band had broken up a few years later, he still kept in touch with the guys of course, getting together for regular jam sessions, they all had families of their own so those jam sessions were few and far between.
We could have been up there with the greats, the bitter thought invading his brain as the final notes of Enter Sandman die out. I should have put this shithole town in my rear view mirror years ago and never looked back.
He hadn’t though, he needed the money so Wayne had pulled some strings and gotten him some shifts at the garage and he never left. His shoulders felt heavy and the buzzing in his brain got louder as he pulled into the trailer park. Can’t even afford a proper house.
He’d met you on his first day, the world's prettiest receptionist he’d thought, he couldn’t even get the words out when you smiled at him at the end of his first day and asked how everything had gone.
He was smitten, so he went to Steve the next day for advice about how to ask you on a date. He tried to be smooth, he had a whole speech planned out, but when he saw you, he’d shyly stumbled out the words “would you want the movies…with me?” He cringes to this day at the memory. But you just smiled and accepted and that Friday night you were sharing popcorn as you watched Michael Myers disembowel teenagers, and later, when he dropped you off at your house he kissed you and asked you to be his.
You were his for two years, you were his own personal sunshine, he’d pick you up every morning and drive you home every night just to spend more time with you, you were never apart. Things were perfect, but that didn’t stop him from feeling guilty, like he was holding you back from something or someone better, someone like you deserved so much more than what he could offer, so he did what his father had done, he ran.
Fuck, Eddie thought, I was a fucking idiot, letting the best thing that ever happened to me slip through my fingers. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition, he slumped down and leaned his head against the steering wheel, hands still tightly gripping the wheel.
His friends had told him that he was an idiot, he’d agreed of course, told him to get you back and somehow after six long months you had cautiously let him into your life again under the condition that he wouldn’t break your heart again. That was four years ago.
He looked up and glanced towards the kitchen window of his trailer and there you were, cooking dinner and swaying to some music. A soft smile graced his worn out features as he watched you sway along to the music playing.
Dropping his bag by the door as he entered your small trailer, chuckling a little at the familiar strains of your current favourite song playing softly. Eddie made his way to the kitchen. He watched you for a while as you cut up vegetables for dinner, you were wearing that little sundress he loved so much, god, he thought, you’re so gorgeous, he moved forward, wrapping his arms around your waist, he smiled as you jumped in surprise. Eddie pulled you tighter against his chest as his head dropped down to rest in the crook of your neck.
“Missed you baby” Eddie mumbled against your skin. He ran his hands over your swollen belly, your son would be here in a few short months.
You ran your nails along his arms eliciting goose bumps, the shine from the small diamond on your left hand catching his eye. He’d felt bad about not being able to afford anything more, but you didn’t care about that, he remembered fondly that you had squealed with joy when he proposed. You never complained about not having more, you always said you were happy with your life, with him.
Eddie stayed like that while you cooked, needing to feel your comfort. Whatever shitty things happened at work always evaporated whenever you were around.
“Daddy!” A tiny voice came from behind the two of you as your daughter padded into the kitchen in her little Snow White princess dress. Eddie turned and scooped up the tiny little girl with the same unruly dark curls and dark eyes as his.
“Hi pumpkin” he smiled as he shifted the little girl in his arms, holding her on his hip as she wrapped her tiny, chubby arms around his neck.
“I made you a picture” your little girl, Evie, proudly informed him, showing him the finger painting she’d made clutched in her tiny hands.
“You did?” Eddie asked, taking the paper and examining the drawing “I love it pumpkin!” he said, putting it on the fridge.
“Steve called, wants to have us over for a barbecue this Saturday” you mention, placing dinner on the small table. “I was thinking of making potato salad”.
Eddie places his daughter in her high chair and takes a plate from you, “it would be good to see everyone again”
He smiles as he watches you feeding your daughter, the feelings of comfort and warmth of his little family slowly replacing the bitterness he felt earlier.
“What?” You smile up at him and his heart skips a beat, the same as it did the first day you met.
“Nothing” he smiles, maybe not being a rock star isn’t so bad. It’s not much, but it’s home to me.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Allow me to cook:
Can you write the DMC men with the reader just about to go home after being on a mission together to get rid of a devil but then it starts raining dogs and cats
So they had to take shelter under a flimsy tree that can barely cover them from the rain
While they were hiding from the rain, the boys noticed the way the reader’s white blouse clung to her skin and it doesn’t help when her clothes and skin are pretty much soaked in blood so let’s just say…the sight of her blouse soaked in blood and water from the rain and how it clung to her skin ( the blouse is rather thin as well ) makes her strangely alluring
The way the wet clothes clung to her skin highlighted her sculpted figure, the visceral of the unfortunate devil hanging on her body and the crimson color of its blood washed over her doesn’t really help with the situation as well
She’s pretty much aware of their stare so she just keep silent as she doesn’t have much energy to do something about it. Right when they’re abt to compliment their someone abt it,
They heard a small sniffle
When they turn to look at her, they noticed a small droplet of tear forming at the corner of her eye threatens to fall. Turns out she’s tired from fighting the devil due to many nights staying on guard, now that the adrenaline starts wearing off do the tiredness and restlessness start catching up to her. Plus this whole scenario also embarrasses her as well. All she wants is to get back to the shop, have a warm meal with them, take a total bath and sleep but the rain starts pouring and now she feels exhausted, dirty, sleepy and embarrassment all at once
When they ask a simple “Are you okay?” did her sniffle turn to full on sobbing and whimpering
P/S: If you can, pls make the reader as tall as them or somewhat a tall lady. There’s not much fics featuring a tall reader so if you do, I’d appreciate it
As a tall lady myself I shall write this with gusto. Enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Tall!Wet!Bloody!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You guys had just wrapped up a messy mission and were on your way home, when out of absolutely nowhere, it started pouring.
-Naturally, you took shelter under a nearby tree, though unfortunately, you'd already been soaked to the bone. Your clothes were sopping wet and clung tightly to your form; the white, bloodstained blouse you were wearing appearing to meld to your body like second skin.
-For some reason, Dante found the way your bloody, demon flesh stained shirt cling to you alluring, and couldn't help but stare, even if it was rude.
-You saw him staring out of the corner of your eye and felt extremely embarrassed. You knew you were dirty, but what could you do about it at this time? You were so, so tired, and the feeling of being stared at judgementally was so frustrating, you found yourself with tears welling up in your bloodshot eyes.
-Just as Dante was about to compliment you on how morbidly lovely you looked, you started sniffling as your frustration turned to sadness and you began to cry.
-Absolutely flabbergasted, Dante asked you if you were okay, wondering if you'd gotten injured without telling him. That was the final straw for you, and your exhaustion, embarrassment, and self disgust taking its toll.
-Dante hates seeing you upset, so he pulls you close and kisses your drenched forehead before tugging off his coat and using it as a makeshift umbrella.
-"C'mon sweetie, let's get you outta here. We'll go home, get you in the bath, have some pipin' hot pizza, then maybe hop into bed early, sound good?"
■ Vergil ■
-You and Vergil had just returned from an exhausting mission, both of you drenched in blood, sweat, and demon entrails.
-To make matters worse, it started raining, heavily. You two took shelter under a tree, letting out a great sigh of relief and slumping against the trunk.
-It was then when Vergil realized that you were soaked to the bone, your wet clothes sticking to your figure and emphasizing every curve.
-This, added to the way the bloodstained on your shirt were now liquefying and sliding through the fabric, made you look strangely more attractive than usual.
-He was just about to compliment you on how lovely he thought you looked, when he heard a little sniffle from your end.
-It seemed that all that fighting made you extremely tired and the guts on your clothes made you incredibly embarrassed; this, combined with Vergil's staring had brought you to tears.
-Vergil asked you if you were alright, but that only seemed to drive you further into tears. You must have been so exhausted, you poor thing. Vergil tugged you close, your foreheads touching, and kissed you, guiding you down the street afterwards.
-"Don't cry, my dear, we will be home soon, where you can take a nice, warm bath, have some food, and lie down for a while. Shhh...."
□ Nero □
-You and Nero were on your way home from a grueling mission, both of you hunched over in exhaustion and covered in gore.
-Just when you thought your day couldn't get any more miserable, it began raining fucking hard, prompting you two to take refuge under a tree.
-Nero wasn't too happy to be soaked to the bone and looked over at you, expecting a similar reaction, when he saw hoa your clothes clung to your skin; blood from your shirt trickling down your long legs in a way that just looked so sexy for some reason.
-He couldn't help but stare at you, even though he knew it might make you feel uncomfortable.
-He didn't expect you to start sniffling and tearing up, though, and was scared he'd somehow hurt your feelings when he saw you doing so.
-He asked you if you were okay, but that only seemed to make it worse, as now you were full on bawling.
-Worried he'd done some irrevocable damage, Nero quickly pulled you into a hug, shushing you and desperately trying to get you to calm down.
-"Hey, hey, c'mon, don't cry, baby. I get it, you're tired 'n all that. Just shush, okay? It's okay, it's all okay. Let's go home, where we'll be safe and dry, that ok?"
● V ●
-You and your lanky goth weirdo that you pulled by being a badass giantess were coming home from a mission, when all of a sudden, it began to rain.
-V found the whole situation beautifully poetic, but you found it annoying, and ran to take cover under a tree.
-There, V found that you looked even more beautiful when your clothes were drenched and stuck to your figure, the blood and guts of your enemies sliding off your body and down your legs like gory honey.
-He had to admit, he was enthralled, and couldn't take his eyes off of you, even for a moment.
-You, on the other hand, felt extremely embarrassed by your situation and exhausted in general. You were so disgusted with yourself for being so dirty, and was sure that V was ogling you because he thought the same. Though you were wrong, your fatigue got the best of you, and you started crying.
-V was shocked to see this, as he never wanted to see you upset, and hurried to come up with a way to make you feel better.
-"Hush now, Wanderer. Do not cry. Everything is okay, now come on, let us return home. You will be out of the rain soon enough."
43 notes · View notes
eclipsejynx · 6 months
Before you read, I just wanna say this prompt is from @alise2109! You can see the prompt here! They make great prompts :D
Summary - Villain's feeling annoyed when they find something about Hero familiar to them. After going on a stealth mission to steal documents at [ Hero HQ ], they find out why.
TW: Flirting, manipulation(?), drinking (wine), swearing, searching through another's stuff, looking through diary
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
In the [ Villain HQ ], Villain lay on the couch, feeling as devastated as a hopeless romantic.
“I don’t get it!” They complained, feeling annoyed. They just came back from fighting Hero, and they felt fucking horrible. Their body ached, but not as much as their heart. Every time they fought, every snarky remark Hero made, something was so oddly—
Sighing, Villain lazily opened one eye to see their sidekick’s awkward face. “What do you want, Sidekick?”
“Supervillain requested a meeting again.” They spoke quickly and efficiently, though their eyes darted around the room. Villain sighed again.
“Again? For what?”
“They didn’t say.”
Clearing their throat, Villain strained up and ruffled their hair, trying to compose themself. “When’s the meeting?”
“Well, Supervillain said as soon as possible.” Sidekick sounded unsure but attempted to be slightly helpful. However, their uncertainty only aggravated Villain more.
“Go on then,” Villain said, speaking like they would to a dog. “Be a doll and tell them I’m coming.” Sidekick vigorously nodded and scurried away, going towards Supervillain’s office.
“Fucking hell,” Villain spoke tiredly. They looked down at their outfit — A baggy, worn-out shirt with loose shorts. They sighed again. “Fucking hell.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Villain knocked on the door, hearing a muffled “come in” on the other end. They opened the door, looking at the shadowy figure hidden by a shadow.
“You requested me, Supervillain?”
“In fact, I did.” Supervillain stood up from their desk and walked to a cabinet, grabbing something out of it. Out of it, Supervillain grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Care for a drink?” Villain was shocked at the gesture but nodded. Supervillain went back to the desk and poured them both a glass. Villain and Supervillain both took one glass, drinking together. Supervillain and Villain sat in front of each other, the only distance between them a desk. “I’m sure you’re curious why I’ve requested your presence, right?”
“I mean, you’ve never called me without a reason.”
“Well, is it wrong to see a good old friend?”
“You clearly want something.”
“Clever (wo)man.” Supervillain chuckled, taking a sip of the rich red wine. “I’ll admit, I didn’t call you here for nothing. There’s a mission I’ve requested for you, and you’re the only one I can trust who has brain cells here.” Villain gave their own laugh but didn’t dare sip the wine. They knew better.
“But, before we go to that, tell me something.” Supervillain started, their once calm expression turning slightly tense. “What’s got you so worked up, huh?”
Villain froze at the sudden confrontation. “How’d you know?”
“Practically everyone can hear your groans of frustration. Unless, of course, it’s just your ‘private business,’” Supervillain spoke suggestively, smirking. Villain blushed.
“No no no! It’s not that! Get your head outta the gutter, will you?”
“I wasn’t suggesting anything,” they denied. “I’m simply asking what’s got you so worked up tonight.”
“Well… It’s stupid, really.”
“Nothing’s stupid, darling.” Villain winced at the nickname. Supervillain shrugged it off. “Besides, any conflict here could result in poor reports, right? I’m just worried about your reports.”
Villain was hesitant to answer. Supervillain stared them up and down. “Of course, if you don’t feel like answering because you don’t trust me, I won’t mind.” They took another swig from the wine glass, seemingly disappointed. Sighing, Villain set down the full glass of wine on the table.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just don’t know who to trust anymore,” Villain explained, Supervillain showing interest.
“Oh, really?”
“Duh. That's what I just said.”
“How humorous.”
“I’m serious, Supervillain,” Villain threatened, though they both knew Supervillain had the upper hand at all times. “Since the last mission, I’ve just…” they sighed, their cheeks turning pink. “... Hero’s been on my mind–” Supervillain’s eyes widened.
“Hero? As in your ‘oh so mighty goody-two-shoes’ Hero?”
Villain sighed and nodded. “They just… I dunno. Every time I look into their eyes, they look so familiar. Like someone I’ve known–”
“Well, that’s saying something. Not everyone’s as hot as Hero,” Supervillain interrupted casually, sipping their wine again. Villain groaned in frustration, their cheeks feeling warm.
“It’s not just that!”
“You’re not saying they’re not–”
“That’s beside the point!” Villain screamed, their face the same color as the wine. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!”
“Well, we’ve got wine for a reason.”
“How helpful,” Villain mocked, but reluctantly picked up their wine glass and drank anyway, the drink cooling the back of their throat. They sighed with satisfaction and swirled it around in their glass while leaning back on their chair. Supervillain smirked at their reaction, taking in every bit of it. Villain looked at Supervillain observing them and scoffed, continuing their meaningless rant. “The way they speak sarcastically, hurling insults towards me, even how they fight seems oddly… fuck, I don’t even know.” Villain continued sipping their wine, feeling tense. “Every time I see their face, I just wanna–”
“Kiss it?”
Supervillain cackled at Villain’s flustered and angry reaction. Sighing, Supervillain grabbed the wine bottle and gently poured over their glass. “Would you like more wine, darling?” They offered, acting like nothing happened. Villain grumbled at the nickname but handed their glass, patiently waiting for Supervillain to refill it.
Supervillain handed them their newly-filled glass. “So, are you planning on doing something about this… discovery?”
“What discovery?”
“That you might’ve known Hero? At least find out the connection?”
Villain scoffed. “Fuck no. It’s just a waste of time.” Villain let out a chuckle, but it felt a bit empty. “I mean, I may be feeling deja vu with the person I hate the most, but I still have a job. I’m not stupid.”
“Fair enough.” Supervillain shrugged. “Wouldn’t want my dear to get hurt from the past, now would I?”
“Since when did you care?”
“I don’t.”
“Well, shit.” Villain and Supervillain giggled a bit as they drank their wine. “By the way, what’s the mission you referred to earlier? My mind’s a bit foggy from the wine.”
“Already?” Supervillain teased. “Thought you had a better tolerance.”
“Thought you removed that foot up your ass.”
“Aww~ Is the little puppet sad?”
“Fuck off, dumbass. Now, can I hear the mission or not?” Villain’s patience was growing thin, and they growled when Supervillain laughed.
“Your mission is simple, yet complicated. Sneak into the [Heroes HQ] for valuable information.”
“Wait, what–”
”I hope your little deja vu doesn’t get in the way. But it won’t. You’ll ensure that no distractions are caused. Right, Villain?” Supervillain purred, sipping their wine with a smug grin.
“Oh, you shit-eating–”
“Now now, dear,” Supervillain said calmly. “Wouldn’t want a fuss before your mission. After all, it would be a shame to replace you.” Supervillain put one hand on Villain’s neck as they caressed it. “And embarrassing for your image, and you know an image is everything.”
Villain blushed slightly at Supervillain’s cold touch. Their arms felt shaky from the sudden contact as they slowly sipped their wine.
“An image gives you power and control over others that see who you are.”
Villain carefully set the now empty glass on the table and shivered.
“So, you’ll do it, right? I mean, It’s not like you got a say in it anyway.” Supervillain’s hand reached up to Villain’s jaw, tracing the edges. “And you’d hate to disappoint me, right?” Villain gave a slow, nervous nod.
“Good to know.” Supervillain let go and smirked, drinking their wine. They licked their teeth. “You’re mission’s in a week. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare.”
Villain’s body was slightly shaking from embarrassment, their body slowly turning pink.
“Want more wine?’
“I’ll pass.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After an agonizing week, the Villain suited up, covered it with a baggy hoodie and sweats, and walked through the buzzing city. Many were too distracted or busy to acknowledge them, so at least there were a few pluses. However, the loud screeching of tires and shrieking of passersby made it almost unbearable.
But they had a mission to complete.
A buzzing in their pocket vibrated against their skin. Sighing, Villain pulled their phone out of their pants and looked at the screen.
Pressing answer, they put the phone against their face while walking.
“Are you there yet?” An aggravating noise spoke against Villain’s ear.
“Not yet.”
“Can you hurry up? It’s almost nightfall.”
“Geez, were you always this pushy?” Villain groaned.
“Not my fault you suck at being not slow,” Supervillain mocked, clearly annoyed Villain wasn’t as fast as anticipated.
“It’s called sucking at being fast, idiot.”
“Whatever. Hurry up. The heroes are gonna be there soon, and we don’t wanna risk–”
“Yeah yeah. Do you need anything else?”
“Other than you not being a dick?” Supervillain questioned. “No, no I don’t. Ciao, darlin.” Villain quickly pressed end call and shoved the phone into their pocket. Grumbling, they found an alleyway and hid there for a while, staying out of sight. The shadows from the walls concealed their face, only their [ eye color ] eyes piercing through the darkness. They remained completely still until they found their target.
They were strolling past their alleyway, oblivious to their stalker. They weren’t busy or anything, just walking around while giving a casual autograph here and there. “Perfect,” they thought and followed from the depths of the shadows. Of course, it was easy. Almost everyone was following Hero. Reporters, huge fans, even some fangirls and fanboys begging for a photo. Some were even trying to latch onto their arms, begging for attention.
Rolling their eyes, Villain followed inside the crowd and eventually reached the giant building known as [ Hero HQ ]. As people tried to follow Hero through the gates, multiple bodyguards guarding the doors pushed everyone away. Still, it never stopped people and reporters screaming questions and requests through the barred gate, or flashing a camera through the tight bars for a blog article. Before leaving inside, Hero politely waved to everyone, but once their eyes laid on Villain’s civilian persona, they faltered, their unwavering grin falling for a split second. They froze, the paparazzi taking this opportunity to flash cameras in their face. Villain noticed this, wondering what was wrong. Though, when they stared into Hero’s eyes, they felt a sense of recognition.
Almost like they’ve been here before.
After snapping out of their trance, Hero abruptly turned around and hurried inside, slamming the doors. An audible groan rang throughout the crowd, slowly departing from the front of [ Hero’s HQ ]. Villain felt their body frozen, replaying it all in their head. It was like looking in a mirror. Hero looked just like how the Villain pictured themself feeling deja vu. It had to mean something.
Villain pulled out their phone and redialed. They too left the front gate and walked along the building’s edges. The buzzing turned to a bit of static and a familiar, soothing voice came.
“Back so soon?”
“Hey. Quick question,” Villain started. “What’s the earliest I can strike?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As the clock struck twelve, Villain hopped from roof to roof. The mission was similar to previous ones, but it always gave a sense of thrill and fear.
They perched on a single, towering roof, looking down at the [ Hero HQ ]. It was a building that resembled most government official buildings; A pearly white exterior with a most likely soft golden interior. Villain didn’t care much. All they had to do was get inside and steal any information they could keep. Of course, Supervillain did an honor by not giving any details about what data they wanted. It wasn’t out of character for Supervillain to be secretive and vague. Still, they’d rather not face another punishment from them. Last time was a bit complicated.
Observing the building’s layout from above, life was gracious enough to give Villain an opening; the guards from earlier were all dealing with the paparazzi again. Most of the corners were open. Bingo.
They stealthily jumped down, their footsteps blocked out by camera clicks and screaming to get inside. A big party was being hosted inside for all the heroes. It was to celebrate the defeat of [ Other Supervillain ]. Villain didn’t care much about [ Other Supervillain ] but was glad the asshole was gone. They were a manipulative narcissist who couldn’t give two shits about his employees. Still, the heroes weren’t any better, hiding any murder as a safety protocol and shit. Still, they didn’t have time to rant.
When they got close enough, they jumped the fence. If the heroes were smart, wouldn’t they make better security? Villain chuckled to themselves as they carefully looked at the walls. A couple of windows, a few with lights on. That was a no-go. They walked along the perimeter and found a window. It was pitch black, probably a room. Even if it’s on the third floor, scaling them would be the easiest part. After a few minutes of climbing, Villain reached the window. It had a weak lock on it. After picking at it, it snapped open and Villain climbed inside.
The room was spacious at least. It was dark though, and Villain would prefer to keep it that way. Bright lights attract bugs and hero-like pests. Pulling their goggles over their eyes, Villain’s sight adjusted to their dim surroundings. The goggles were night-vision, equipped by Supervillain themself. How generous after sending them on a risky death mission, huh?
Looking around, it was just a dorm room. It was similar to those you’d find in a college. They took in the details surrounding them. It had a single bed and a messy desk swarmed with papers, and the walls were decorated with posters. “So much for a hero. Can’t even save their room from messiness,” Villain thought. They approached the pinned documents and looked at them. They were scribbled layouts of buildings and warehouses, each written in chicken scratch. They sighed. They didn’t even have neat handwriting. How stupid. Still, it was a bit readable. “Huh… Warehouse Operation Zero?” Villain wondered aloud, reading the title. “explosives in the back… safety protocol five, organization three… the fuck?” Villain murmured. Something was going on, but Villain knew better than to assume. The paper was a planning sheet. It said “undergoing development.”
“Might be useful.” Villain shrugged, pulling out a scanning device. They set the paper on the table and took photos and copies, sending them to Supervillain. Villain looked around more, searching through cabinets and drawers. More papers were going about Operation Zero, so Villain did the honor of sending more scans. Villain gave a devilish smirk. This room was the jackpot. This hero must’ve been a stupid newbie.
Villain decided to snoop in some more. After all, all the documents were already sent, and the party was loud enough to send vibrations through their body. There was no way the heroes could hear Villain.
They looked in some small containers on the desk. “Huh… trading cards?” Villain questioned, taking out the cards from the box. They were the heroes' official trading cards. Of course, they were popular among children and teens, but a hero having their own trading cards? How laughable. Villains never had trading cards. They weren’t exactly popular with the public. No, what really shocked them was the fan-made trading cards of villains from their HQ. Villain stayed silent, looking at them with surprise. A hero making trading cards of villains? It was weird. Finding new curiosity, they shuffled through them. Henchman, Other Villain, even fucking Supervillain! Instead of mocking them, Villain actually felt giddy. They were so detailed. Trading cards of heroes were usually a bit more animated than realistic, looking like semi-real cartoon characters. This hero got the style just right! The shading was amazing, how they captured their expressions. Henchman looked cold as always, Other Villain looked crazy, looking like they were plotting out a scheme, Supervillain seemed slightly flirty and mischievous, and-… was that Villain’s card?
In awe, Villain set the other cards down and looked at their own card, their name printed in bold. It was shiny, glistening in the moonlight. Despite wearing night-vision goggles and almost everything looking a shade of blue, they could tell it was them. They looked malicious, yet intelligent. Almost like you were falling into their trap. After staring for a while, Villain noticed something in the top-right corner of the card. Squinting, they realized it was a watermark.
They froze. Hero made these?! Villain couldn’t tell if they should be annoyed or flattered. How the hell did Hero, probably their worst enemy, make freaking trading cards?! More importantly, why? They frowned. Hero was the reason they were feeling feelings. Their speaking patterns, the way they moved and fought, everything was familiar. The fact Hero seemed to falter when they saw Villain’s civilian persona makes it worse. They knew something, too.
And they hated it.
They growled and tossed the trading cards on the floor. They started to slam open the drawers and containers, looking for something, anything. They felt irritated. This was exactly what Supervillain warned them about, but they didn’t even care anymore. Tears started to fill their eyes. They felt confused, hatred, and… a feeling of weakness. They were so stupid. They let emotions get in the way, and emotions make you fragile. That’s what they were always taught, and that’s how it was supposed to go.
So why did Hero make them feel so vulnerable?
So much for a stealth mission. The room looked completely trashed. The once neat bed had its blanket on the floor. The messy desk has most of its stuff fallen on the floor from Villain’s rage. Sobbing, Villain quivered as they looked around for something familiar to them. Something to give comfort and warmth.
Wait, no.
No no no no no.
They shouldn’t want comfort.
They shouldn’t need it.
Wiping their tears, Villain looked around, hugging themself. Something shiny on the nightstand caught their attention. A beautiful leather book. They carefully stalked closer, gently grasping it. The unclasped the lock and opened it, reading the messy handwriting. Villain couldn’t help but let out a choked-laugh. They skimmed through, reading the shaky writing. It seemed like Hero kept it since they started the hero agency, or even before that. The dates went years ago. Suddenly, they spotted an entry from today.
Today, I thought I saw [ Villain Civillain Name ]. It was weird, really. They looked so familiar, but different. But I know what I saw. They’re dead missing(?). I’m just hallucinating, or being weird again. What was really ironic is they looked back with a similar look. Well, not really, but they seemed confused. They seemed nice, though. It was like I was looking back on the past, or something like that. They had a few scars, like a small one on their cheek. They had beautiful eyes. Reminded me of the Moon, honestly. Their outfit looked cute. Something [ Villain Civillian Name ] would probably like. Their hair was messy, but in a good way. Looked like they cut it themself. I wished I had that type of hair. They looked pretty in general. Maybe I can see them later. I mean, if they were following in the crowd, then they might be a fan, right? I’ll probably try to see them in my civillain persona, just to make sure they’re nice in general. I feel guilty, honestly. It sounds like I’m trying to replace [ Villain Civillain Name ], but life just feels empty without them. If I had someone like them, maybe it’ll feel less empty? I still feel like I’m being selfish, but it hurts.
I miss you, friend.
At the end, there was a picture. It was of two kids under a tree, posing for a photo. They seemed barely teenagers.
Villain and Hero.
They dropped the book, taking frantic steps back. Their mind was swirling with emotions, clouded with confusion and recognition. They felt annoyed, confused, disappointed, humiliated, they didn’t know anymore. Their breathing was heavy and uneven, their eyes darting around the room. They had to get out of here. They snatched the book and darted towards the window, jumping out. They landed on their face, but got up and ran out of there, ignoring the yells of the guards. They jumped over the fence and sprinted away, going along the road. They felt numb, but kept moving regardless. It was dark, the eerie street lights illuminating the alleyways and buildings. It was quiet, but Villain’s mind felt so loud. After they felt like they were far enough, they went inside an alleyway and curled into a ball. They started to sob, feeling a rush of emotions. Hero was their friend. They used to be friends, and Villain tried to kill them. Hero tried to kill them back. They didn’t know what to do. The notebook was still in their clutches to they hugged it tight in an embrace. For some reason, it made them feel safe.
A buzzing from their pocket brought them out of their trance. They shakily brought their phone out and looked. Supervillain was calling. The answered and put it against their ear.
“Villain! Where the fuck are you?! You were supposed to get out of there half an hour ago!” The familiar shout of Supervillain made them sob again, and Supervillain spoke in a more concerned and soft voice. “Villain..? Is… Is that you?”
“Y–yeah,” Villain replied, their voice cracking. The sniffed, their noise runny. “I-... Y-you go the plans, right?”
“Yeah… Villain, what–”
“I’ll be at the base in a few,” Villain said. Before Supervillain could protest, they ended the call. Sighing, they got up and shoved the phone in their pocket. They started to walk towards [ Villain HQ ], still holding the notebook near their chest.
This was the safest they felt since.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Honestly, I dunno how I feel about this :\ It feels off to me- I don't really like it, but I spent a while making this to prevent writer's block, so this is what you get-
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