#it may crash idk
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rykundsz-art · 1 month ago
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Gathered all my courage to try and get myself to draw transformers bcs how do you even
Hi random tfp Ratchet fanart
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itsgirlcraft · 1 month ago
I wanna try something.
...holy shit it lags but it works! This is just Sabre's interview, after the RQ/TSS!Sabres got merged together. ...I don't suggest trying to read it, it might crash-
"The explosion shattered the crystal and sent the entire lab around me into the void! Even if I had survived the explosion itself, I would've died anyways!"
Sabre had a wild look in his eyes as he recounted the explosion that took him away from his friends. He waved his arms around, imitating the explosion that killed him.
"...AND if the shockwave hadn't shook me to the bone and made my ears bleed, the crystal shattered at a wavelength so high my mind burned! The crystal shards flung everywhere, lodging themselves deep into me. It burned, it burned like a thousand suns. The sheer power of the crystal couldn't be handled.."
He paused only to reveal scars. Thick, jagged scars along his face, neck, and arms. They bunched up the closer to his torso they were.
He stared into the men's souls with an empty expression void of joy.
"I screamed as I fell into the void below, the burning not stopping as I was enveloped in the cold blackness. My eyes burned with hot tears as my limbs froze. I started coughing up blood, the knife-sharp pieces lodged in my chest burrowing deeper. My breath slowed as I choked in the airless void. I tried to reach out, do something, anything.
But it was no use. The debris falling with me escaped my grip every time.
I had enough consciousness left to watch the giant yet not endless crater above dissappear from view. The dimension would survive. I did it.
My view was soon blocked by a massive chunk of wood coming right for me.
I shut my eyes as it slammed into me, sending me flying deeper into the abyss.
The crystal shards pushed deep into me, piercing many organs. I bit my lip, trying not to scream. My body was bruised and torn. I tried to hold on.
But the blunt trauma and sharp pain was too much.
I howled in agony as I fell into the uncaring, freezing, void. My eyes were growing heavy.
That was when I saw it. The creature was as dark as the void, somehow even darker. Teal and green markings, shimmering in the emptiness, defined its form.
It was truly MASSIVE. Larger than any being I had ever seen.
It appeared above me. I froze mid-fall the moment it appeared.
I couldn't make out any features on the Thing. I could see a teal and green light growing below me. It soon was so bright I couldn't help but look.
I couldn't see anything by that point.
My eyes had grown blurry with tears and blood.
The light enveloped my broken body. It was just as cold as the void."
Sabre stared at the two with his dead eyes. His pupil-less coded eyes had turned teal and green, just like the creature, but dull. Like a computer turning off slowly.
The pro hero tried to avoid the man's uncomfortable gaze, finding himself unable to look away. The pure power this man held kept him in a trance.
The detective did manage to avoid his gaze, jotting down as much as he could, as if his life depended on it. If he noticed his companion's trance he didn't show it.
"And that was when I died. At least, that body of mine," Sabre smiled dangerously, "It felt like a rebirth, into another world.
Which it almost was.
When I awoke in the new world, it felt like time had skipped. I was in a cave base, speaking to the...viewers. I won't explain who they are. All you need to know is that I became aware only after I had been in the new world. I...can't remember how I got there. How I encountered it. Why I was aware of the viewers again, or had my tablet back. Why I was in a cave in the first place.
I talked to them like I knew what I was doing, like I hadn't just woken up. I used my tablet's camera mode to interact with them before leaving..
At the time, I couldn't remember what I'd just been through. None. I couldn't remember the Steves, I couldn't remember the explosion. I knew the world was...different though. That the world was more detailed than usual.
All I knew was I didn't remember showing up and encountering a creature.
It's not until now that I've connected the two..
That...light. It wasn't just a hallucination as I died. It was a portal - a portal directly to its home. I..."
Sabre stopped speaking suddenly, a grim and dark thought on his mind. The thought in question had been plaguing him since the walk to the police station.
If these Steves have come with him, what if there were others somewhere else? More importantly, what if they were his past enemies?
SS Sabre was even in a non-Steve world, when he got sent to this universe.
He was supposed to be dead.
The Rainbow Steves were supposed to be dead.
SS Nightmare probably was dead, at least when Sabre returned and had to deal with Illusion.
How many vanquished enemies were alive, then?
And even if he somehow convinced these "Pro Hero" people to help him deal with those enemies, how would they even do it?
He and his friends may be smarter thanks to their past and stronger together, but so were those against them.
What made him stop talking was a horrifying realization of just how screwed they could be very soon.
What if the Void Steves team up? What if they started up a team of all the others?!
The voice shook Sabre out of his thoughts.
"Oh. Sorry, I just- had a thought. A really terrifying thought. I've mentioned multiple times that there's more Steves than those here.." Sabre sighed, "But I think there's quite a few so dangerous it'd be putting this world in danger to not talk about them."
Sabre grabbed a piece of blank paper and a pen, scribbling down names hastily.
"These are the ones you really need to look for," he turned the paper around for the two men to see, "I'll list visuals later."
He readied himself to discuss some of the most traumatizing people he's ever crossed paths with.
"There's two versions of Nightmare Steve. One redeemed, one who went too far and died but returned from the grave only to be killed once and for all. It's a good thing the redeemed one is here and not the other."
"Died? Literally?" Naomasa raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Yep," he instinctually rolled his eyes, "dude wouldn't stay dead. Actually, both did that.
RQ Nightmare, the non-redeemed one, isn't extremely dangerous on his own. But he uses fear tactics, being extremely good at making others do what he wants out of fear.
He also can use the Darkness to a degree, more on that later. SS Nightmare has control over fire and lightning, being able to go at extremely fast speeds and summon craters of fire."
Aizawa opened his mouth to speak, but didn't want to interrupt. This was vital information that clearly needs to be heard.
"Thank you. Reverse Steve also has two versions, I can't say one is worse than the other but they have different stories and powers and that changes how you can defeat them. Both are supposed to be dead, by the way.
Origin Steve has two versions, RQ version is kinder compared to the maniac the SS version is. You can tell them apart by the way they speak. SS Origin will be lovesick for Alex, and try to take her back as his own.
Okay, first of all, don't let him, he's a jerk and the relationship was toxic. But I can't imagine how you would defeat him. Both are the creators of their respective universe's Steves. But that also gives SS Origin scary abilities...
I got him mad, and he literally removed me from the timeline! Not kidding! It was only 10 minutes of being in there, but I escaped via basically the Steve version of heaven- don't ask- but when I got back, it had been centuries.
And worse yet, Origin had spent those years mutating the Steves! He was mutating the basic colors, adding bits of another, so they didn't have powers. They were just as powerless as me.
It was genuinely one of the most disturbing things I've seen. The Steves saw themselves as normal, but I knew this was far from it.
Your best shot at dealing with the guy is to get him away from civilization, so history can repeat itself...
If you must know, the only reason he's dead is because Alex got angry at him when she found out he was hurting Galaxy and I..
And she literally blew up, we escaped unharmed. But she had been blown apart, and we had to recollect her energy that now laid hidden in bottles. She wasn't even a ghost, more like...something even less tangible.
But somehow, Origin survived that initial blast. He was an absolute wreck, but he was alive somehow.
It took someone else, by the name of Hypno Steve, to finish him off in a single blow."
Sabre took a deep breath after such a long info dump.
He pulled out a glass bottle of water, taking a long sip, before speaking again.
"He's still not the only extremely dangerous one. There's like 6 more, all insanely powerful foes that took many sacrifices to defeat.
I'll let RQ Sabre discuss them, The Unnamed, The First Curse, and the RQ Demon Steves.
Also that version of Void Steve. And the Darkness, actually- *laughs nervously*
Oh colors, there's a lot.
Okay, enough about RQ. Void Steve - it doesn't matter the universe. He is a clear-cut villain. In the Steve Saga, he had his own personal dimension and a henchman we call Memory Steve.
Memory can wipe memories, don't look at him. Though I doubt his powers work identically here.
The Void I knew would stop at nothing to destroy Galaxy Steve. It's a long story, but what you need to know is that Galaxy and Void are one and the same.
It's confusing and concerning. I know.
Basically, a really really long time ago none of the Galaxy Family existed- Elemental, Time, Void, Memory, and Illusion. Only Galaxy. Then Galaxy decided to split himself, to lighten the load of watching over the galaxy and keeping time and space in check.
Void ended up with most of his memories and powers, leaving Galaxy confused and unaware of himself.
Void, knowing why he existed, grew hateful of Galaxy and decided to attack.
But then, Galaxy, faced with this powerful stranger attacking him, created Time and Elemental to watch over time and space while he dealt with Void.
To combat this, Void made Memory. At least I think, don't know for sure. Memory started messing with them, removing all memories of Galaxy.
Eventually that results in Elemental losing his cool and accidentally falling right into Void's trap, being manipulated to destroy the world and his own brother. He sacrificed himself to stop the machine that would cause the end of the world..
Memory also had screwed up Galaxy's memories so bad that now, probably hundreds of years later, he's got serious short term memory problems.
I had encountered Memory, not fun.
Those two? Absolutely would wreck this world.
Void also not only can traverse dimensions, he can destroy worlds.
He can form massive craters, ones that would lay this city to ruin in mere moments.
If you make him mad enough, they'll have fire too.
The only reason he's not around is because his goal was to reabsorb Galaxy, becoming stronger. But while Void was physically stronger, he was mentally weak. Galaxy was able to absorb him from the inside out.
And now while Void isn't dead, he is stuck deep in Galaxy's mind somewhere. You may notice some physical traces of that event.
It's fine to discuss that with Galaxy, by the way.
Anyway, I don't even have any idea how we could possibly destroy or lock him up inside Galaxy again. He's one of the few that I've got no emergency plan for.
At least Nightmare and Origin had the decency to die.
Like 5 of the RQ enemies are also quote-unquote 'apocalyptic' cases, might I add. You can't defeat them easily. Especially RQ Void, he was literally immortal. Got killed multiple times, turned into a demon, then finally died for real only for someone worse to show up.."
Sabre went off on a short tangent about Rainbow Quest, before returning to his own universe.
"The Virus, as I call it, is a creature I'm not certain of. It holds a lot of power - that I'm certain of. But its intentions? I...don't know. It seemed curious at first. But then it attacked. It became highly aggressive.
It's such a different experience from what I'm used to. Steves - they usually have some form of communication. They can tell me somewhat who/what they are and their intentions.
The Virus is a faceless pure black entity, with green and teal stripes all over its featureless body. Those stripes fade into white, they remind me of lines of code…
It can move extremely fast, summon lightning, and water and lava (both things more or less equally accessible for me) don't affect it at all. The only thing I found worked on it was a literal firewall."
He couldn't decide whether to laugh or glare at the two men's expressions. Why not both?
He shot them a glare from underneath his bandanna before continuing.
"Now I know it sounds stupid - but it genuinely worked! I mean, if this thing was actually a computer virus in physical form, it makes sense! *laughter* It couldn't run through the fire. However, I found that unlike Steves, it could summon lightning despite being trapped. I haven't actually seen it fly, however I doubt that's much of a weakness, seeing as nothing else has affected it so far," he looked down, considering this creature in a new light,
"But something I hadn't noticed until after I escaped its presence, was its manipulation of my memories.
The first instance was when I was surprised by its speed. I thought I hadn't seen anything like it. But I had, in the Steve Saga, where I used to be, I was aware that Yellow Steves could literally pause time with how fast they could run.
For some context, I encountered the Virus after the crystal explosion in the Steve Saga server. My current theory is that it is to blame for the spooky events in the Steve Saga server.
The creepy voice threatening Alex into complying, the bedrock, the fact that Emerald Steve was aware of the creature but simply speaking of it would aggravate it into revealing itself…it adds up.
What I was probably dealing with was something that wasn't showing all it could do. Even the very world I woke up in looked different from what the Rainbow Quest and Steve Saga servers looked like.
I don't think it was revealing its full capabilities to me when we came face-to-face…" he became lost in thought as Aizawa and Naomasa were left to contemplate this information.
The two exchanged thoughts on the matter, leaving Sabre to do his thing.
"Do you think this discussion may cause…it to come?" Naomasa spoke softly as to not disturb Sabre.
"Best case scenario, no, but we can't confirm anything. We'll need to ask him directly about the consequences," Aizawa muttered, looking over his notes.
"Sabre," the detective said a bit louder.
The man jumped slightly.
"Oh," he laughed nervously, "sorry. Got lost in thought."
"I noticed. You said it would show itself if spoken of. Could this very discussion cause this?"
Sabre gulped. "I don't know for sure. I can't feel its presence at all here. Sure, I didn't feel it earlier on in the Steve Saga server, but I get the feeling that this is a whole 'nother universe. I don't know if it can cross universes, but dimensions/servers are possible. Universes are harder to traverse than dimensions, servers, and worlds. I'm capable of entering all of those. But universe-hopping is new. I'm hoping the Virus can't get here unless the lightning transfers it. That's a whole different can of worms we're opening there. As long as my current understanding of the situation is right, it can't get to us. And hopefully never will."
The weight of this discovery fell hard on the three men's shoulders. But they knew there were much more important things to focus on. The likelihood of Void Steve coming to this universe was much higher.
So Aizawa asked for RQ Sabre directly.
He would provide the rest of the needed information.
The Pro Hero and detective watched as SS Sabre transformed into RQ Sabre with a flourish.
"Okay, first off, this'll be much more structured than his," he laughed.
"Let's start off easy. There's two main things that exist in the Steve Realm I'm used to that's not in the Steve Saga's.
The Darkness and the Crystals.
There are seven crystals, one for each color. Unlike the Steve Saga, there are Orange, Indigo, and Violet Steves. Long story short, each color represents a specific concept.
In standard rainbow order it goes: wisdom, creativity, energy, health, spirit, connection, and love. This gives each crystal a special ability, such as the red crystal providing knowledge.
The Darkness rivals the crystals, created from a hero's corruption. Darkness generally appears as living shadow creatures, sometimes a Beast. A Darkness Beast is gigantic, one was able to siege an entire kingdom alone..
To be fair, no one was doing anything until I took charge- Soooooo I don't think said kingdom was anywhere near ready to deal with it in the first place-"
He laughed quietly to himself, reminiscing memories of being the under-qualified general of the TNT cannons.
"Yeah. They needed some help there-
Anyways, the Darkness truly isn't a laughing matter. It is terrifying. Its primary form of offense is infecting others, spreading itself across the land. The Darkness seeked to destroy the world into nothingness.
It almost did.
The first time I had accidentally released the Darkness from its temple prison. I had met this Red Steve for only a few hours, and he was infected because of me.."
Sabre bit his fist, trying not to cry. His first friend, along with so many others, was dead because of him.
"I...I watched him die. He pleaded for his closest and oldest friend to kill him, that's how freaking awful it is to be infected. It had already gotten in his eye, and he knew what would happen if it got worse.
The Darkness would've gotten in his mind, in his heart. He would lose control. He would be forced to give in sooner or later and succumb to the Darkness. He would've attacked me and his friend, Orange Steve.
Orange is here right now, in fact.
Don't pressure him into talking about this. I don't want to remind him of one of my many failures as a hero..."
He lifted his bandanna, wiping away black tears threatening to spill.
"There's so much more blood on my hands.
It's all my fault..the Steves would have lived on happily if I never came back to their world.
I wish I never opened that temple. I wish I never touched that stupid message. I wish I could go back and stop myself from bringing all this misery to them.
They never deserved it..."
Sabre's voice was barely a whisper as he fell silent, mourning his past mistakes.
'Hey, it's alright. Those Steves don't hate you for all of this.'
'× Why should I believe your lies? They all know it's my fault. Orange Steve knows I caused all of it. ×'
'Because I've regretted a lot of my past. Sure, I saved some of them. I killed Nightmare, I stopped Reverse. But a lot of the chaos was because of me being stupid.
In fact, the part I talked about earlier that I asked you to ignore was really recent...it was such a stupid move and I paid for it.
What I'm saying is we made mistakes but everyone we hurt tends to still love us.
If it wasn't for the Guardian stepping up to merge us, we'd be in a lot of pain right now.
He saw me do ridiculous things, and he still helped us.
You made mistakes but I can tell Orange Steve still loves you as if nothing ever happened.'
'× *sigh* fine...if you catch me crying again, please repeat that until I'm chill again, please? I want this over with but obviously my trauma outweighs my discomfort. ×'
'Sure I guess.'
Sabre wiped away tears, calmer now. SS Sabre knew just what to say.
"Ugh, sorry. ✨️Trauma things✨️"
Aizawa looked concerned but didn't say anything.
"Uhm..okay then?" Detective Naomasa also looked concerned but didn't comment further.
"Cool. So, after some guidance Orange and I were on a quest to gather the 7 crystals. Only problem: since the second hero, the colors had turned cold towards one another.
So Orange made the first Rainbow Hub. There were portals to each color that would go off if they needed help. He made it really fast too, it was crazy- like 30 seconds for a whole complicated structure with like magic and everything.
Yeah. Well, things go south while getting the yellow crystal.
The first kingdom we end up in gets seiged by that Darkness Beast, then we meet the Nightmare King. Long story short, he creates Dark Steve in an unholy merging of his own assistant and Darkness.
Nightmare turns out to have stolen the throne from the true king by force and had planned on having the Darkness seige his own kingdom. He also was using the Darkness and the crystal to become powerful.
Oh yeah, he also trapped us in a secret underground lab. Not fun.
He also committed at least one act of murder right in front of us. Right in his own throne room.
The place was right above a goddamn pit, and he pushed one of his own citizens into it.
He was a jerk.
Oh, he also murdered me! Yea, I got sent to the Steve equivalent of heaven only to plead with a Blue Steve to send me back. I also learned a bit about the second hero."
Naomasa and Aizawa glanced at one another.
"Is it true?" Aizawa muttered.
"He...isn't lying."
"Of course I'm not. There's more important things to explain though. Can I go on?"
RQ Sabre, unlike SS Sabre, did not like to keep talking about his past.
He was definitely going to need some alone time.
Too bad that wasn't going to come any time soon.
Aizawa nodded.
"Good. Well, Dark had absorbed Happy Orange Steve after I died. He was able to turn into any Steve of any color, as long as he absorbed one of that color.
So he already had done that with the seige at the Yellow kingdom.
He pretended to be Orange, the one I was friends with.
I arrived, and was able to trick him and save the Orange Steves from Nightmare's facility.
Back at the Rainbow Hub, I decide to create the Light Crystal. I wanted to make a Steve much like Nightmare did, but for good.
Someone to fight alongside the Steves while we collected the crystals.
Shy Orange Steve offered up himself to become that defending hero.
He became Light Steve, who is here now. He is quite capable, a very effective fighter. Though he became more emotionless after the transformation, he hadn't lost himself.
He went on to join the Yellow Steves.
While collecting the crystals, we met Rainbow Red, an old Red Steve who was holding onto the red crystal. He promised us he'd give it to us once we get the rest.
I also learned that Orange Steve was abnormally powerful, and that was why he lived alone instead of in the Orange village.
When we brought the crystals to Rainbow Red, he stole them, taking all of us to a broken library-like place where a machine was held.
He was obsessed with becoming the hero, and, well, that required the crystals.
But he put Orange in a glass box too close to the orange crystal, messing up the hero formation.
He became Reverse Steve, who looked like a reversed-colors Rainbow Steve. The mess up also injured Orange and corrupted the orange crystal.
He barely escaped and we ended up getting back to the Rainbow Hub in time to watch the world end.
Soooo Rainbow Red had been infected with the Darkness before, he said he was healed but it turns out he was wrong. The Darkness fed off his interest in being a hero, evolving within him. It fueled his obsession.
Becoming Reverse and going out into the world caused the evolved Darkness to jump to the rest. It caused rapid evolution within all Darkness, making it resistant to attacks.
The world was overwhelmed, and it was our fault.
But as the shield over the Rainbow Hub was draining of power, an old friend arrived.
Red Steve, with Blue Steve's help, was able to tell us Orange Steve's past.
He was the crystal.
It had the creativity to split itself and become a Steve. We were surprised, to say the least.
But with that knowledge, we were able to make the true third hero.
Orange Steve gave himself up to create Rainbow, unknowingly becoming the hero himself.
It sounds weird, but that wasn't the best thing. He barely knew how to use his powers before, but now he had even more and didn't know how to do anything.
He also had to keep up a facade of being all-powerful to keep the Steves from freaking out. You know how it is.
We came to Light for help. He was able to provide some training.
But then Reverse came for our heads.
Reverse was outraged that Orange was the hero. He beat up Rainbow in the catacombs so bad, Rainbow teleported me away.
But that's when I met Dark, alone. He was reconsidering his life choices, and I did my best to comfort him. Long story short, he agrees to help me but then betrays me.
I didn't see it then, but now I know Dark was teaming with Reverse to be a double agent.
I was left with a severely injured Rainbow and we went to the Orange Steves for help. They thankfully were able to save him.
There was a ghost in the catacombs, that requested we remove the machine Reverse made to hurt Rainbow.
We did, but that also released something evil.
We also ran into Nightmare, whose body was losing to the Darkness. He was losing control over the Darkness, and it turned on him.
He said he joined the Darkness because he was scared he was on the losing side. Light got tired of his bullcrap and killed him on the spot."
"Really? Just like that? Doesn't sound particularly heroic," Aizawa commented.
"He has a no-nonsense way of dealing with things. Kinda nice, until you get on his bad side.
Anyways, we had released Faceless, a Red Steve who willingly took on a curse to gain the ability to become anyone he touches, but he lost his identity with it.
He escaped the catacombs and came to the Rainbow Hub, where he pretended to be Rainbow. We figure it out, and he runs through the Yellow portal as me.
We run through, to be met with chaos. He had run rampant through the true yellow king's outpost, murdering Steves and committing arson.
The king sentenced me to execution.
But in a moment of quick thinking, we teleported back to the Rainbow Hub. We were able to realize Faceless was impersonating the king, and teleported to him. Thankfully we were able to fix things but Faceless got away, ending up in the Orange village.
We were able to sniff him out and trap him, but before we killed him he panicked and turned into a variety of other entities.
It's also important to note that he doesn't have the powers of the Steves he turns into.
Well, Reverse comes back for round 2. He destroys the Rainbow Hub, injuring Rainbow again. He had brought Dark with him.He taunted us, saying that if he couldn't be the hero he would cause chaos instead.
I accused Dark of betrayal and he stayed quiet. I still didn't think that Dark was actually trying to help.
Then they merged into Chaos Steve.
Outraged, Rainbow lunged at Chaos, and then Chaos teleported them both. Alone, I went to the Great Library to find a way to save my best friend.."
Sabre took a deep breath, letting the scenario settle in with the pro hero and detective.
"I ran into Nightmare, who was back from the dead.
But I also made a new ally. Galaxy Steve. He was...interesting. He fought against Nightmare, apparently not knowing he was supposed to be winning.
When I told him we wanted to win, he killed Nightmare into oblivion, sending him back to the void.
I was able to get back Rainbow, and we ended up being able to stop Chaos with Light's help. We separated Chaos back into Reverse and Dark, and while Reverse was locked up, Dark...
Dark wanted to be split again. He was still good. He wanted to return the old friends he stole from us all that time before."
He paused, looking away.
"I...still feel guilty for yelling at him for being evil when in reality he never wanted any of this, he wanted to be good but Reverse took that away.
But he thanked me in the end. Rainbow separated him and he disappeared.
He ends up returning only to be manipulated and then disappear again, by the way.
Miss him, he was actually really nice despite what you'd expect," he gave a sad smile, recalling the first time he used the Dark crystal to summon his friend.
"Wait...so let me get this straight, he was a villain? And then you trusted him to stop Reverse?" Aizawa seemed flabbergasted at the fact that Sabre trusted an enemy.
"Uh- yeah? We kinda had a whole heart-to-heart thing by the lake- why you ask?"
"None of your concern. So, who's the worst of those you mentioned?"
"Depends. Nightmare and Reverse are hard to beat. Dark and Faceless would be hard to deal with in a place like this since they can basically shapeshift into anyone. Probably Reverse, if I'm gonna be honest. He was screwed up in the head, man.
From this point forward, I'm going to just explain the overall premise of those I fought, okay?"
"Alrighty. So, let's have a quick overview," Sabre sat up at the table and began writing, "Void Steve, Time and Elemental, Corruption and Soul, Shadow...nope, the Corrected Sun and Sol, the Red Steves, the Demons, Origin, Hypno, the Core, *sigh* and The First Curse. Man I hate that guy."
"The...First Curse?" Naomasa looked up, intrigued. "Why do you hate him?"
Sabre cursed under his breath. They weren't supposed to hear that.
"Sigh. He's the worst out of everyone. Frickin omnipotent bish. Tried to curse the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! AND SUCCEEDED! He's literally all-powerful, he even cursed Origin - who's basically the god of the Steves in the Rainbow Quest server.
I may or may not have accidentally caused the end of the world - again.
And this time it was alllll my fault!"
Sabre smiled, but everyone knew he was dying inside. Trauma time. Again.
"How- how many times did the world end because of you-?"
"I don't know any more. At least 5 or 10 now.
Now shall we start from the worst or work our way up? Either way it's ✨️all trauma✨️"
"Let's go from easiest to hardest, I guess," Aizawa muttered, looking completely done with the trauma.
"Well then that would be the Corrected Sun. Wait- I should mention that Void split Galaxy into Time and Elemental Steve, and they both have similar powers to that of the Steve Saga versions. You'll see why that's relevant later.
So, there was the true Yellow king's assistant, Sol, who was basically fired. This was after two evil Steves, Corruption and Soul, were neutralized. Those two were an Indigo and Blue Steve respectively.
Well, this Yellow Steve starts an extremist group, the Corrected Sun. He starts a revolt protesting the inclusion of Indigo and Blue Steves in the Rainbow Kingdom. They start getting increasingly violent, all the while Sol saying that he speaks for the people and trying to take over the kingdom. The Yellow leader ends up siding with him, along with the Orange and Violet Steves.
Me and the leaders, along with Light, eventually are able to take back control and end his reign of terror.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention, Light has a whole guard, the Colorless Guards. They were the soldiers and security of the Rainbow Kingdom.
Also, uh, the Red Steves were kinda almost extinct before I showed up. Yeahhhh, the Darkness kind of went after them after the first hero fell to corruption...
So at the time there were no Red Steves in the Rainbow Kingdom.
But yeah, I'm sure you've seen similar stuff here with revolts and such. Sol could definitely do some damage if given the chance to convince people to hear him out.
I did find Red Steves eventually. Er- well, they found me. There was the Core, which was a massive power source that this Professor Red guy had made. The Red leader died in a battle some time later and Prof. Red used my DNA and mad science to reanimate him. But he became Hypno, who uh...was cursed by my blood to know how the world ends.
I don't know, okay?!" He raised his arms up in defeat.
"I just know that The First Curse and I have some weird connection and seeing as I'm basically their god it feels like Hypno being cursed by my DNA being part of him makes some sense.
Okay, so with The First Curse he was trapped inside this armor and was chained. Somehow he was able to get inside my head and speak to me, manipulating me into releasing him.
I took off one chain, and that was all it took. Everyone else would die if they touched him, but I didn't.
He was unleashed, and trapped basically every living entity inside the armor except me and a couple others.
Hypno was able to break into the armor, when no one else could.
I feel like I was the only one who could interact with anything with the First Curse.
Anyways, enough about that guy.
Hypno was insane, and could warp reality and just generally was crazy. But he did help so he isn't exclusively bad.
Also, The First Curse seemed to be on a mission to curse every Red Steve because Prof. Red was cursed with insanity when he popped his head through a portal and met the guy eons ago and every other weird entity I come across seems to be a cursed Red Steve as well.
Now, this next one is dangerous as hell but I'm not interested in going into detail so I'm making this quick.
Shadow Sabre was basically my evil Darkness twin who convinced me to make the Shadow Sword. The sword and Shadow used Darkness I was infected personally with by Void. More on him later.
Shadow was all in my head at first, until I released him into the real world and he took over my body. He was evil, and at one point I had to trust him to fight other evil.
He murdered, manipulated Dark into being a puppet, and tried to take over the world with Darkness after Void perished. He tried to become me but I fought it with Time by my side.
No questions, moving on.
The Demons were the reason the Darkness exists. The first hero was created to fight them, but he wasn't able to do as well as the Steves expected. He fell under pressure, breaking. The first hero became Void Steve, the first Darkness. The Darkness is the only thing to really combat against the Demons, which are from the World Below, the Steve equivalent of hell.
See, that's why I trusted Shadow and the sword. They helped me against the Demons. Said demons also could manipulate reality at one point. And might I add, the demons are so numerous that they're practically a species. Like, a LOT of demons were down there.
The Demon Steves are hungry beasts, draining the life force of Steves like starving wolves on sheep.
Though killing a ton of them with the Shadow Sword made them a lot less scary."
"Haha, let's just ignore that I said that- ple a se-"
'× Great. I scared em. ×'
'LOL you really did man.'
'× What do I do now ;-; ×'
'Idk you figure it out'
'× be useful for once please QwQ ×'
'× Ughhhh fine ×'
"Guys...please...I did crazier stuff than that... P L E A S E can we move on..." Sabre signed internally as the two men slowly calmed down.
Once the two were calmer, Sabre broke the silence with one sentence.
"Y'know, I am kinda a god lmao."
This time, Aizawa stopped Naomasa before he started asking questions.
Sabre just laughed.
"Heh, you knew I was trying to trick ya that time.
Yeah, technically I am kinda sorta a god- I mean, I created Origin who created every other Steve soooo-"
"*sigh* it checks out, you're not lying," Naomasa muttered, jotting down "god???" on his notepad.
"Yeah I didn't actually remember doing it so I have no idea either.
Let's just continue, now that that's out of the way-
Let's see....uh, Void, the Core, Origin, Corruption and Soul, probably Time and Elemental along with Rainbow I guess-
Let's just deal with Void now. So he was the first hero, as a Blue Steve. He was supposed to fight against the Demons that were attacking the Steve civilizations.
However, he fell under pressure, until he gave in to the horrors deep within. He became Void Steve. The crystals rejected him later, landing in the hands of a Red Steve. The Red Steve became the second hero and sealed away the Darkness and removed Void from the dimension, putting his spirit in a world which no Steves existed within.
That's where I come in. That message from before was from Void - he had made a whole prophecy and portal and stuff so I would collect the crystals and make the third hero. He manipulated everyone and everything. The Darkness fell upon every civilization. It destroyed thousands. It left hundreds of others a husk of who they once were.
He tricked us all. A call to adventure, a hero's journey, was all a ruse. He destroyed so many, just to manipulate Rainbow into joining his side and falling to the same corruption within - using the same pressure he once felt as the hero to bring him down.
He created Corruption and Soul Steve with an Indigo Steve and a Blue Steve corrupted by pure Darkness.. They became his right hand men. I fought them both in the final battle.
When I finally destroyed Void with the help of Light and the Colorless Guards, it didn't last long. The Demons were manipulating reality and Void was alive - he was immortal. He became the leader of the Demons.
At one point I created the Dark Crystal to bring back Dark Steve. Time, Dark, Shadow, and I fought Demon Void together.
Time was able to remove Void's immortality and we destroyed him. But not without casualties. The Rainbow crystal shattered, leaving only a shard of each color left.
After that was when Shadow reared his horns. He kept saying we were one and the same...he tried to take me over, and make me the lesser of us two. I had to fight for control. He mind controlled Dark Steve, making him say and do horrid things..
Time stayed by my side throughout it all...
At the end of it all, I had to decide whether to spread out the Darkness so thin it'd never be able to rise up again, or be able to keep Dark Steve, one of my closest friends at the time... I..I did what I had to.
I'm sorry Dark. I hope you're doing well, wherever you went..."
'Hey, it's okay. He knows you cared, even though he isn't here I'm sure he's watching over you.'
'× Thanks... I miss him.. ×'
'I know.'
Sabre cleared his throat, wiping away tears.
"Now, Time and Elemental. They were brothers, and good friends of mine. But with Void on the loose, Elemental started acting..weird. He wasn't himself. Eventually he went mad, asking his own brother to kill him...
He deserved better. He was an innocent soul, despite his brash attitude.
Time...did what he had to. We both mourned the loss..."
Sabre grew quiet for a moment, but SS Sabre knocked him out of his thoughts.
"There..was a worse death. I'm almost too afraid to speak of it.
We were trying to save the kingdoms...and we..failed. The Indigo and Blue Steves were evacuated but many were lost. An Indigo and a Blue Steve in particular Void turned into monsters.
And with Rainbow not knowing how to use his powers or be the hero, he was under a lot of pressure.
Void used that to his advantage.
I saw his fall..I..I wish I was a better friend. I wish...I wish I was a real hero."
Sabre grew quiet and solemn. The temperature dropped, but not in the bone-chilling way it did before.
No, this was a lonely cold, of unlit fireplaces and dusty rooms and unkempt hair.
"Rainbow fell to the Darkness. The hero was lost to corruption, again. And it was all my fault.
If only I checked in more often. If only I actually listened to him. If only I stopped it..."
Plump black tears trickled down his face, leaving gray marks. He didn't care.
"He...lost himself. He decided he wasn't worthy. He..tried to get rid of the crystals' powers.
Time stopped it before he destroyed himself. But the damage had already been done.
People saw it earlier. The corrupted form. Orange came up to me while I was glitching and he glitched too... into his Rainbow and corrupted forms.
Rainbow was broken. His once blooming colors were cracks along his old orange self.
That's when he joined him. Void convinced him the Steves were all the same.
And what scares me is once I felt the same.
After being infected, Shadow was starting to interact with me more.
No one would trust me.
I felt alone in the world.
I was trying to do good.
I was using the Darkness to save everyone, I swear...
But no one would listen.
Except Shadow and Time.
I was playing double agent, trying to pretend that I was still on the Darkness' side.
But that fooled the Steves too.
Even Light didn't trust me...
I...I wish I could've shown them.
I wish I never let Shadow in.
When Void...Void got Rainbow on his side he...turned Rainbow into a husk of himself.
He became a vessel of evil and I still wanted to believe he was still there. That somehow he wasn't gone.
But then Elemental and I..there was a rainbow portal...and..and we arrived in time to see it all."
Sabre went quiet, drowning in tears.
It was growing colder.
"See what?" Naomasa asked quietly.
"To see him die.
We- we were frozen by Void and he-he he absorbed Rainbow. He took the crystals and KILLED HIM!" Sabre shouted out of pure guilt and rage, standing up and slamming his fist.
He sunk into his seat, pulling off his bandanna, revealing blackened eyes growing darker with each moment.
"I couldn't do anything at all the entire time I was around. I always was the useless one, I couldn't break him out! I couldn't place a block down! I couldn't do anything! I was weak!
And you know what's worse??!?!
It's! All! My! Fault!
I was the one who released the Darkness! I was the one that decided to go to some random world a mysterious message wanted me to go to! And that message was probably from, you guessed it, VOID!
I not only was useless most of the time and when I had powers I didn't get to use them to do good, but I also was the cause of everything evil! I CREATED Origin, and he created The First Curse!
And you know what the First Curse created? Curses! Evil! Manipulated everything to get me to free him!
Void may have fucking killed my best friend, but at least he had a past of being the Hero! The First Curse is just fuckin evil!
He cursed my Red Steve friend, M, he murdered thousands of Steves with a variety of 'natural disasters', he almost killed Time and Light, he's the reason Prof. Red, Hypno, and probably hundreds of others never got to lead a normal damn life!"
Sabre was breaking down. Shaking, he could feel the horns of Darkness sharply pulling themselves back out of dormancy. Hot tears ran into his hands with gooey junk from his nose dripping alongside.
"I never wanted this. I didn't plan on being the one who saved everyone. I didn't plan on causing misery to everyone around me..I swear I didn't mean to... I- I didn't know- Void was the tomb ghost..the First Curse would..I'm- I'm §øřrý!"
With the final word, an old 'friend' appeared behind the grief-stricken man.
The dark astronaut smiled with a wicked grin, revealing sharp teeth, unsettling the two men before him.
"Hëĺļø ţhęřě. Îť §èēmš țhąť hîś ŕëğŕėţ hãş åłļőwəđ mę ťö mæķé mý přëşęñçĕ ķňőwñ~
Į ąm Šhåđøw §ãbřę."
'× IT IS! You know just as well as me that it's all my fault! ×'
'× What. ×'
'He's literally threatening the other two!'
RQ Sabre stopped wallowing in self-pity, the familiar voice sending a chill down his spine. He tried to grab Shadow as he stood up, only to find his body wouldn't move. He couldn't stop the dark tears.
'× Oh..Oh no. Nononononono- I can't move! ×'
'× I! Can't! Move! At! All! ×"
'Okay okay thinkthinkthink- What if I- I swapped with you??'
'× WHAT! How is that supposed to fix- ×'
RQ Sabre was pulled from his mind as he felt his arm lift up. From the corner of his tear-blurred eyes, he could see Shadow grab his wrist.
His blood ran cold as an all too familiar sword appeared in his now clenched fist.
The Şhăđø₩ Šwøŕđ.
That blasted thing was supposed to be gone along with Shadow!
Despite being practically paralyzed, Sabre bared his teeth at his evil twin.
'× Dammit! How do we stop him!? ×'
'Can we open up our inventory? Maybe we could swap it with the Galaxy Sword!'
'× Good idea! ×'
Sabre concentrated on opening his inventory, and with extra effort, he succeeded.
'× Try to swap it while I try to break free of Shadow's control! ×'
As SS Sabre struggled to force the Shadow Sword to leave their hand, RQ Sabre focused all his energy on speaking.
"Hęh. Ĕvëñ wįţh ťwõ §äbřēş, ţhęy'rē ştïłľ ñø mâţčh föŕ mė~ Ãnđ țhåñķś ťő ţhèm, Î çãń pŕòvîďę ýõü ţ₩ø wïțh §ómě ĺøvəł�� ñįğhţmâŕəš~"
Aizawa stared Shadow in the eyes as he activated his quirk. As the pro hero's scarf whipped out, Sabre's arm moved in an instant, slicing the gray fabric with ease.
"HĄ! Đø ¥őų ŕæĺľý bëłįəvē śùçh čhïłđíšh ťhīņģš čøůĺď pő§ïbłý šțôp mė?!"
Finally, Sabre broke free. The Darkness-powered sword swapped with the Galaxy Sword as he pointed at Shadow.
Surprised, Shadow stopped taunting, backing away from the sword beneath his chin.
Sabre turned his head mechanically, as if a rusty machine.
He looked Shadow dead in the eyes as the puddle of Darkness below him rose into a tiny humanoid.
"Perhaps I shall instead~ Get back in my head or we'll make the score 2 to 0, §håđøw," his words dripped with hatred as the tiny Darkness grew larger with his tears.
"Ůh- ūh- Š- Šåbřę wĕ- ₩è çäñ ťąłķ ābøųť ţhïş!" Shadow's voice got higher pitched as he raised his hands against the sword inching closer and closer.
"Freaking. Shut. Up. Last time I trusted you, you BETRAYED ME! I should've known. You're nothing but a slimy bastard of the Darkness. Get back in, or I WILL stab you. That is a threat I can't WAIT to fulfill!"
Sabre's form loomed over Shadow as he gave him a bloodthirsty grin with the last sentence. Shadow backed up, bumping into the wall.
"What? Little Shadow ScArEd~?"
Shadow hissed in defiance but vanished back into Sabre's mind.
Sabre sighed as he lowered his sword. He'll have to be more careful not to let that happen again...
Maybe it was just the merge situation that let him free, but it didn't matter why. He had to keep his emotions under control or risk Shadow escaping.
Sabre looked up, bewildered, as the Darkness retreated back into his core.
Orange Steve had opened the door and everyone had witnessed the event.
"G-guys...I- I can explain, I swear-" Sabre put away the Galaxy Sword, afraid his friends would think he was a monster.
"Sabre it's okay.." Orange Steve walked up to his dearest friend, giving him the biggest bear hug ever.
"Orange I'm- I'm so sorry- I could've saved y-you- I-I- could've been a better fr-friend.." He mumbled into Orange's shoulder as he choked back tears.
"Shhh, that's the past, okay? I think that's enough 'interrogation' for you. You need a stick!"
They parted for a moment as Orange gave Sabre a stick (and SS Rainbow threw one in his direction).
Sabre couldn't help but laugh. Orange had named his 'Orange's baddies-go-away-stick' and Rainbow's was 'Rainbow's good feelies stick.'
"Pfff- you two always know how to make me feel better-" He gave a small smile as they walked out of the room, leaving a shaken up Aizawa and Naomasa alone.
The pro hero and detective spoke in hushed voices after a long silence.
"What do we do with them? They're clearly dangerous!"
"Yes, Sabre alone has concerningly powerful abilities, even if we don't count that Shadow Sabre thing! If he is 'quirkless' like he said, who knows what these Steves are capable of!
"We need to keep them in a secure location, but if that Shadow Sabre can appear whenever Sabre is overwhelmed, we have to keep him in a neutral state so this doesn't keep happening."
"We can't use a prison or jail, obviously. But where else can we hold them until we know if they are truly as dangerous as Sabre said?
"This interrogation won't get much out of the others, now that Sabre broke. We'll have to find other ways of getting information out of them."
"We still have these lists, but we can't waste more time trying to get details on all of them. We need to act soon before these people do something stupid."
"Agreed. Let's have the rest come in pairs or trios to introduce themselves. We can send over others to watch over them for a few hours while we decide where they'll stay."
"Good. I need a long rest after whatever THAT was."
Meanwhile, Sabre was laying in the middle of the floor, vibing as the Rainbows piled sticks on him.
"We now declare you the stick king!" SS Rainbow tapped Sabre's face with a particularly long stick.
RQ Rainbow tried to twirl his own but smacked himself in the head.
Everyone else was piled onto the couches besides Nightmare and Illusion. Night was definitely smiling, but Illusion was pouting in the corner.
"Alright, listen up!" Naomasa announced from the doorway.
"The rest of you will come in here in pairs or trios. Introduce yourselves and explain how you know Sabre.
If you have a..duplicate explain the main difference between you two.
Afterwards you will be allowed to roam the city with several pro hero escorts.
You will return here later for us to take you to where you shall be staying for the time being."
The Steves nodded as Naomasa left.
"Soooooo- who's gonna go second?" Sabre laughed as he tried and failed to sit up.
"Y'know what? Orange and I can go first! :D" SS Rainbow offered.
"Sounds good! The Light Steves can go after us!"
RQ Light gave the duo a thumbs up as they left.
Have I. Have I ever told yall abt the 22,493 word long *chapter* before
It was for my wattpad crossover fic When Three Worlds Meet (ft. RQ and TSS in the My Hero Academia world)
And was the last chapter I posted before fucking off to nowhere 💀
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qloof · 3 months ago
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reaches into my comically large magician hat and pulls out tsuteru
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thesauce8 · 16 days ago
i always hate when people say thag the uchihas are more sensitive because theyre predisposed to mental illness as if theyre dramatic or respond disjointedly from their circumstances. im inclined to say theyre some of the only characters who behave believably in accordance with their trauma. like sasuke was literally psychologically tortured when he was 13. do we think thats gonna turn someone into a football loving go getter? they use characters whose trauma barely gets shown as a standard when its not that the uchiha are dramatic but that naruto just doesnt get much focus on the trauma that he should undeniably have.
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antiendovents · 10 months ago
The way people are harassing me for my post on why endogenic systems aren't valid and claiming I'm spreading misinformation, then I look at their damn blog and they're pro endo. Like yeah, argue with the wall mate, I linked many sources and when I go over I can't see any genuine misinformation. If I made a mistake I'd like people to correct me kindly, but all I see is pissy pro endos trying to claim endogenic systems are valid.
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savemeafruitjuice · 1 month ago
More Sonic Tickle Fics...
So I've been talking about writing a second fic for the Sonic movies pretty soon here, and I recently came up with a pretty good idea for a request I got for lee Sonic, and lers basically his whole family.
Idk I'm just yapping a bit here, 😅 but I brainstormed the plot, and decided it would be an angst/comfort fic set after the Sonic 3 movie because holy cow- there is a lot to unpack there!!
Anyways, I guess I'm just giving a little update! So yeah, that's likely going to be the next thing I write, and then I also have a silly idea for a lee Stone and Robotnik fic 🤭🤭
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sapchats · 3 months ago
it's 7am and i havent slept look at my pumpkin patch
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kagrenacs · 8 months ago
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Look at this sweetie!!
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lazzarella · 7 months ago
This is still so cute to me
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gremzon · 4 months ago
I might have OCD actually
#idk i can't tell if its ocd or paranoia#but all my life these “share this text to 10 contacts or your mum will die” always made me unreasonably panicked#and more and more because of posts like “donate now or you are a horrible person” make me deeply unwell#i feel so selfish because i know it's not their fault#im not blaming palestinians reaching out for help more like the people who share the posts and then guilt trip everyone#and i really dont wanna block the tags because it'll make me feel even worse and i still want to be informed#i have so many asks pilling up but idk what to do because I'm useless i can't help in anyway i dont have any reach and no money in my name#and i dont wanna close asks because i do enjoy ask games#but also idk what to do#because when i reply its so hard i feel miserable because i can't help but as soon as i reply i get 20 new ones and it's incredibly overwhel#overwhelming#but when i dont answer my brain is screaming at me “if you dont reply your while family will die in a car crash”#and it's a simple mental image to think of the more asks i answer the more i get the more my brain tells me awful things#I'm sorry to any mutual i may have unfollowed because they shared so many guilt tripping posts i genuinely can't do it anymore#and i feel terrible#and I don't wanna leave Tumblr because it's my only social platform left lmao and thevother ones are all awful its the inly one i like#I'm just not in the right mental state to constantly see “donate or you dont deserve to live even if youre poor” kinda posts#it's not even triggering its just making my “ocd” worse than it ever was#all day long my brian been telling me “you will die today because you didnt answer the asks!!”#it's genuinely horrible idk what to do and eother way i feel like a piece of shit i feel like i dont have the right to feel this way
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linterteatime · 2 years ago
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Crash bandicoot gijinka cuz, idk ✌
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trashcreatyre · 10 months ago
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N e way… new carmin ref and now they have a girlfriend :)
Old ref
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akkivee · 1 year ago
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bitepilled · 9 months ago
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[ CW Nudity, Robot Anatomy | Censored full under cut ]
Safe(r) sex robo torso update concept idea something. Her metal form is 100% fuckable but here’s like a design for a softer form.
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The lines and stuff disappear once she puts on her face plate and activate her "skin" layer. Her neck and limbs don't get a share of said "skin" layer tho. Keeps it interesting.
The boobs and genitals are detachable for reasons.
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jirainene · 27 days ago
if there is anything sacred out there please do not give me another day like today when i wake up amen
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cosmicheartz · 1 month ago
I have a disease and it’s called giving my main Lamb Interpretation ( Solange ) multiple different aus and “ canons “
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