#it isnt now of course you have to put your children first. but there will be moments when it feels like you are what you were
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nyxi-pixie · 4 days ago
alicents finger picking habit is so dear to me because she so desperately tries to stop it. its unbecoming for someone of her station, it reflects poorly on her, its the kind of thing you ought to leave behind in childhood. and she can stop for a time, but she never quite breaks it. its one of two habits of girlhood she never manages to shake
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cocomintcat · 1 year ago
Heaven's Princess (Prologue)
Hazbin hotel x seraph!reader Platonic series
Part 1 || Masterlist
Songs of the chapter: Slipping through my fingers (Abba)
The fall, God lost one of his beloved children, his son, the morning star, Lucifer. He, alongside his other 7 children, mourned the loss. The siblings all cherished Lucifer dearly. He was one of the youngest. Years on earth were chaotic, God was angry and felt lost. Then, after he felt his duty to earth was done, he secluded himself only to ever talk to his children and seraphiel, his friend. 
After 50 years or so of Emily's birth, Seraphiel had an idea. God loved his children dearly. They always brought light to him. Unfortunately, now it is just being the 7 plus him taking lucifer's job. Their work kept them quite busy, leaving God on his own. Seraphiel debated if this idea would work or be worth it, but there was no harm in trying after all. 
He brought the idea to God. God showed no opposition, so the plan was set in motion. Seraphiel created a new baby seraph. Small she was. Pale skin with a purple blush, a cute heart nose, purple hair, and the most notable, lively purple eyes briming with life.
 Once God held her in his arms, he felt a familiar surge of love and warmth. Seraphial was glad his idea worked. He watch as God coo'd at the small girl. She giggled back at him flailing her tiny little arms.
That day she was named God's little princess, Eliora Sarai Starlight.
7 beings walked through the spacious and bright home. Upon entering the lounge room, they greeted their father.
“So what exactly did you call us all here for??” Azrael was the first to speak up.
“Well I wanted to introduce you to your little sister of course!!”
“Sister?!” Almost all of his children shouted out of pure shock, not expecting to ever add another to the family since the fall.
“YES! Well, I guess I should explain myself a bit…” God explained best he could of seraphiel's idea. He had given it a try, and it was more than worth it. Some of the siblings were a bit apprehensive about the idea. Some still missed their brother, who had fallen. They just hoped their sister wouldn't become just a replacement for him.
Seeing their mixed feelings, God took them to a very beautiful room. A soft yet elegant crib was in the center. The 7 siblings crowded around immediately to see the small princess. She awoke, sensing multiple new presences. Her big eyes gazed at each of the new faces before reaching out her arms to them. Leroy, the dominion angel, put a gloved hand out towards the little one who immediately grasped it before nuzzling it. Leroy smiled down at the little one, putting his hand on her cheek, gently stroking it.
“She's quite sweet isnt she?”
“Haha! She is.” God's smiled softly watching all the siblings interact. Cassius, the shortest of the siblings, immediately scooped up the small girl. Spinning with her in their arms the little girl squealed with excitement.
“She is absolutely adorable!! What did you name her?!”
“Eliora Sarai Starlight. She's heaven's little princess, so I thought the name would be fitting.”
“Thats so cute! Little Elly!” Cassius spoiled the little girl with kisses all over her face, which made her giggle and squirm.
“Ok let the rest of us have some time with our baby sister!” Azrael snatched her straight from Cassius, giving her a hug and nuzzling her with his face.
“What a little cutie! You got really lucky with this tiny angel!” The sibling each passed her around, giving the girl plenty of affection. Micheal was the last to hold his baby sister. Gently, he rocked her. She was tired out from each of his other siblings and their excessive affections. She snuggled in his arms, and he smiled softly at her tiny, sleepy form.
“She's so precious!” Cassius continued to coo over the adorable baby alongside Azrael and Leroy. The other watched fondly seeing the joy she resparked amongst the family. God felt a sweet familiarity at the scene. He was glad he could bring his family back together.
“Emy!!” A small seraph exclaimed, running into the arms of her friend. Eliora had grown significantly in the past 40 years. Though she was still small in stature, the princess had now aged to that of a 4 year old human child.
“Its good to see you too, lia!” The other seraph squeaked happily, squeezing her friend. Emily was 90 and a good foot taller than the tiny princess. Both had become good friends being close in age. After the princess was old enough to walk and talk, Seraphiel started bringing his youngest with him to visit God. The two girls got along extremely well, pleasing their fathers.
Eliora had also met some of Emily’s other sisters. They were all nice, Sera however was always very strict and bit too much for the princess. She lived with God, the Creator, and even he wasn't so strict with everything. Still, a good bond had formed between the young princess and the youngest seraphim daughter.
For a child, Eliora was very well behaved. She rarely got into any trouble, and most of the time, it was because she followed others when they got into trouble. She'd usually sit and watch others from her father's lap or side. If she was with her siblings, she'd maybe ask a question or two about what she had observed, but other than that, she was easily entertained by watching others. She was quite curious about things, but she wasn't so curious as to figure it out for herself.
“Daddy, whats the bible?”
“Why do you want to know little one?”
“I overheard some angels talking about it.”
“Its a book on Heaven and early Earth written by humans, you know the ones that some call winners. The angels that once lived on earth.”
“Oh? Can you tell me more about it?” Eliora now was 60. She knew a bit about heaven, earth, and winners but not a lot. Her family discussed what age each topic would be appropriate to explain to her. The fall she could learn once she reached 100 along with hell, but for now, just some of heaven and earth was allowed.
God proceeded to tell Eliora a bit about eden before Eve ate the fruit. He also left out Lilith. Mostly, he told her about all the animals, and here he learned her absolute adoration for all animals. He couldn't say he was all that surprised with her sweet, loving nature.
Eliora's 80th birthday was soon. She was currently out with Micheal to go on a cute lunch date. He loved treating her to these special outings. The place was a nice little restaurant owned by a sweet elderly winner who was fairly new. The restaurant dabbled in multiple styles of southern cuisines, as Micheal had told Eliora. The restaurant staff were all southern winners who agreed to join the sweet lady's team to bring a bit of old comfort to their new home. It was a popular lunch place among many new winners. Eliora and Micheal, being heaven born, asked the server for recommendations. They ended up with (your choice ;)) and some beignets for dessert.
“Wow didn't expect Mr. Head Angel Micheal to be out here having lunch with some kid. Fuck, your baby mama leave you huh? That must suck haha!” A man with a strange mask said. Eliora's nose scrunched at the way he talked to her brother.
“Adam i suggest you watch your language. As for the kid shes my little sister Eliora.”
Eliora politely waves at the man before going back to eating.
“Sister? I thought your familial editions ended after the fall?”
“She was given to us about 80 years ago.”
“damn so she really is a little squirt.”
Micheal was annoyed and managed to get Adam to say his goodbyes and leave.
“Elly two things. First don't listen or repeat any new words you hear from Adam. Second I'm sorry we got interrupted.”
Luckily, the rest of the lunch was peaceful and delightful. Eliora said she'd like to go to the restaurant again, Micheal decided to let his siblings know about it if they were to take her out to eat.
Soon Eliora’s 80th birthday passed. She had met Adam a few more times, mostly when she was out with Sera and Emily. Eventually, Adam was asked, Sera had an emergency to attend to, to watch both Emily and Eliora. He wasn't too happy but agreed. He decided to teach them electric guitar while they waited for Sera to return.
“So you hold it like this - yup, good job, squirt.” Adam started with teaching Emily. She struggled but had fun learning. Next, it was Eliora's turn. She had been watching in amazement. She left Adam speechless with how fast she picked up how to play. He decided to teach her a few more rock instruments, which she grasped the basics almost immediately.
‘yo Micheal wtf is your sister on. Sera is using me as an emergency babysitter and so I taught the 2 tinys some instrumental lessons and ur sister knows the basics to like 3 intruments’
‘yeah, bass, electric guitar and drums’
Soon enough, Sera was back. Micheal had let his family know what Adam sent him and his theory. They decided to test it, and it was correct. Eliora’s heavenly gift was music related. She also told them how it also incorporated dance after they explained what heavenly gifts were. A celebration was held for the little princess. Adam was invited to which he gifted her some rock instruments, while her siblings gifted all sorts of traditional and modern instruments. Gabriel, however, gifted her dance shoes of all types. Emily was extremely excited and insisted the princess put on a performance for her birthday as a gift.
Over the next 60 years, Eliora practiced her heavenly gifts. She also became close to Adam, and he luckily learned to tone down his rude behavior around her. Anytime he took her around heaven, he'd put her on his shoulders or drape a wing over her like a brother resting an arm on their shorter siblings head.
Eliora had 40 years since learning about the Fall and Hell. She asked each sibling about their experience and about Lucifer. She tried to ask Adam but soon learned that it was a sore subject for him.
Eliora's relationship with God changed with the years, too. They're close, and hes a good father, but the realization of her growing up is starting to make him feel down. She tries her best to assure him that no matter how old she gets, she'll always be his little girl and stay in heaven by his side. Luckily, as long as she was around, his depression seemed to not be too bad. However, with age comes responsibility. She doesn't do any intense work or even a heavenly job, but rather, she observes others work in heaven. From each of her brothers to the seraphim. She didn't really know what she wanted to do, nor was there really a job that she was needed for aside from assisting to lighten others' workloads. Eliora also spent a good amount of time performing for others in heaven, dancing and singing to lift others' spirits or soothe new spirits. That's actually how Eliora made new friends. One went by the name Biatreh, but Eliora called her Bee.
More notes on god and 7 heavenly virtues, mostly based on the art by or for who i assume is @apieceofheaven 
I believe cassius is by mika_ji_ on X, they commissioned artists for their design so I can assume as they're the only person I found art of that exact cassius design!! (I love all the designs I hope yall like the ones I chose as reference since we don't know any of their cannon designs)
Also context seraphiel is head of seraphim family in this version, so sera and Emily are sisters (there so many versions of heaven and the names so I'm going with what ones suit this story best and I kinda like the idea of this)
Also name meaning "God is my light" "princess" and obviously starlight is English so you can assume why I chose that <3
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stevie-petey · 1 year ago
Hi! I know you're sleepy ( I am too it's almost one am over here) but I had a blurb idea to send in!
Steve going over to the Henderson house for the first time and what does momma Henderson do? Pull out the baby photos of course! Both her and Steve just fawning over baby reader, and momma Henderson bragging about her beautiful children. A personal story from my childhood, people thought my mom put chapstick on me and my brother cause we had red lips and my mom would brag and tell them it was all natural. That just gives me Ms. Henderson vibes
i can finally do this one !!! we made it babyyyy
enjoy <3
"come over."
"come over." he says again, not even bothering to say hello.
steve isnt sure why hes so surprised by this. "howd you get my number?"
"dont worry about it. be here before y/n gets home. bye."
and thats how steve finds himself having a snack with your mom and dustin before jonathan has even dropped you off at home. he knows he couldve told the kid no, but honestly? steve was bored and this was a good excuse to see you.
plus, he got to meet your mom, which was a bonus.
steve knocks on your front door, slightly nervous, and when your mom answers, she looks disappointed when she sees that its him. "oh... youre not jonathan."
"im sorry?" steve frowns, unsure what to do. he hadnt been expecting such a response from the woman.
dustin is quick to save him though, running up to the door and greeting steve with a smile. "steve! ya made it!"
"we live like, ten minutes apart." he mumbles, very much aware of claudia just staring at him. she doesnt look upset, per say, but steve can tell that shes trying to decide steves place.
dustin rolls his eyes and tugs him aside, saying to his mother, "steves a friend, mom. well, he was y/n's friend first, but now hes mine."
when claudia hears this, her eyes widen and she suddenly fills with glee. she yanks steve into a hug and squeals, "oh, y/n has a boyfriend?"
"n-no!" steve carefully pulls away from the woman, not wanting her to get any wrong ideas. hes here to charm her, maybe make her like him more than she likes jonathan, but he doesnt want her thinking hes only after her daughter. "we're just friends, y/n and i. nothing else, mrs. henderson. i promise."
claudia pinches his cheek. "youre so cute when you lie!"
"mom," dustin clears his throat, trying to get his moms attention, but she doesnt listen.
"youre such a handsome young man, its no surprise my baby girl has taken to you!" steve tries to correct her again, but the next words that come out of her mouth only make him shut up and play along. "would you like to see baby photos of dusty and y/n?"
"oh absolutely i would, mrs. henderson!" steve exclaims, now looping his arm through hers.
dustin tries to block their path to the kitchen. "what! no! whats happening?"
"step aside, dusty." steve teases, overjoyed by this turn of events. "i have a wonderful lady on my arm who is offering me baby photos of her lovely children."
claudia giggles. "oh, arent you just charming?"
steve bats his eyelashes at her, and when she isnt looking, he sticks his tongue out at dustin.
dustin stands in the living room, horrified of the monster he has created.
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loloelia · 22 days ago
Hello! 💙
I know it's going to sound very creepy, so I apologise in advance, but I was thinking just yesterday evening about the poetry you wrote on Anchordeep while I was jotting down notes for Kall's fic. Now seeing the reblog I re-read it again and I can't help but ask you the permission to quote it during the fic. Not sure how yet, but the idea is someone reciting it to Kall in a moment of vulnerability. I'm happy to discuss the hows trying to avoid spoilers as well! You can say no and it's perfectly fine, if you say yes I will of course credit you all over it when the time comes. But whether you say yes or no, know that I keep loving The Prettiest Grave with all my heart. Truly beautiful. Thank you💙
...ive never been more honored in my entire life . Just the fact someone thinks about my works anymore than a second is a blessing to me ,but you thinking about it while writing for kallamar's fic makes me tear up.
So if it wasnt clear its a big big yes.
Im trying to contain myself to not just scream ,im so so happy someone even likes the poem i wrote thinking about anchordeep followers (especially snuggly my oc)!
And if i remember correctly it was one of your kallamar post that made me want to write it ,so its kinda funny!
But honestly blue ,use my little poem if you want !
Also the fact you say that you like The Prettiest Grave makes me run around like a feral child
So thank you blue,for appreciating my work ,for remembering it ,for asking ,and for being your usual amazing self !💙
Local slug reaction and yapping
Making children cry ,are we ,blue ? Jk i just have issues with my emotions hehe
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I became feral(i just hugged my pillow)right after that though
The only funny thing is the character that "in universe" would have made the poem can neither read or write another one of my ocs can ! They would probably write what they hear him say , and could show it to someone if asked ,wich could explain how it got to kall !:)
But its my explanation and you dont have to ackniwledge it one bit ! What's important is how you want it in your story ! If you decide to put it in at all ! im just saying my little take and you can do watever with it
Done rambling i think again im very very happy ,and unlike you i might have actually been creepy and a little over the top,and if some things i say dont make sense im very sorry english isnt my first language and i tried to write this as fast i could !
Youre amazing thank you so darn much ,thats it
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reco-obsessed · 20 days ago
since its a special occasion tomorrow, (REKO BIRTHDSY TOMORROWWWWW) do you have any hcs for how reko celebrated her birthday over the years?? :33
hc anon here.....im always lurking.....and stalking.....
(you can only answer this ask tomorrow so its on time if thats ok.....im sending it early though because im EVIL!!!!!!!!)
hohoho, i like your sick and twisted ways hc anon. i like them verrrry much. youre always on the hunt for more hcs. i can respect that
id say its actually a good thing you sent it early because it does usually take me a day or two to write all my hcs out. im a pretty slow writer.
admittedly it isnt something ive thought of extensively. i dont personally know a lot about japanese culture, but some brief online research seems to imply birthdays arent as big of a deal there as they are where im from; in fact, it seems that individual birthdays as opposed to all babies aging up unilaterally on new years was only instituted in japan in the 50s. most birthday traditions are borrowed from western ones, and tend to be understated in comparison. keep in mind this all from a really quick google search so i dont wanna sound like im an expert on any of this, im just some random westerner. so go ahead and take a grain of salt for everything i say forward. but from a really general perspective, id assume theres less fanfare about it.
overall, i dont think reko would put a lot of extra emphasis on her birthday. in fact, even if she were going by more western traditions, i doubt she would. she seems like more of the type of person to not care so much for the idea of a day thats all about her. if it werent for her excellent memory, she'd probably forget about it until after it already happened.
that said, there are a couple specific dates that have more importance in japan- particularly 3, 5 and/or 7 (it depends on the kids gender). children are sometimes taken to shrines and dressed in kimonos to celebrate for living into late childhood. i have no idea how common this practice actually is because its hard to find any reliable sources that actually specify, but given the fact ive mentioned i believe reko and alice's mother would be more spiritual, i think it would make a lot of sense if they did it regardless. but seeing as these ages are all before reko got scouted and her and her brothers relationship was more tense, theres not much angst i can think of to inject here.
that said, its not like people in japan just dont do anything for their birthdays. its often a dinner or similar small celebration with close ones, and i imagine once reko was taken under the wing of her father and pushed into the limelight, she eventually stopped wanting to even do those. her interest in "hard work" and already being so "mature" would be commended, but, alice would be in the background seeing it with his own reservations. he was too young back then to fully comprehend just how poorly she was being treated and how this was reflective of it, so he never spoke up; its one of those things he looks back on with guilt, and so he always has this conflicted feeling around the time of her birthday (even though reko doesnt really care, and would probably be disheartened to know her brother is getting all sad and worked up about it).
in reality, reko stopped wanting those family dinners because she was already struggling to look her parents in the eye because of all the pressure she was being put under by them. at first, she really enjoyed getting to have the time with her family because she was so busy now, but her father getting so obviously blinded by greed and her mother turning the other cheek made things too tense. this wasnt obvious to anyone at first, until of course she had her rebellious phase, and she stopped trying to hide how she really felt.
fast forward to her 20th birthday.
the 20th birthday is considered the milestone to adulthood in japan, and theres certain cultural events associated with it, all celebrated on the succinctly named "coming of age" day. speeches given, the wearing of traditional or formal clothing, the opportunity to reunite with people from secondary school.
im less sure of how to interpret this for rekos character; by 20 shes very likely to already be a part of samurai yaiba, and depending on her celebrity status, im not sure whether she'd want to attend a major public event specifically for that reason. i have no idea what celebrity culture is like in japan, so im not sure thatd even be an issue. but even besides that- theres hang ups here. a celebration like this likely means shes going to have to be around her close family. based off what we know, her relationship with her parents can be probably be described as "awkward" at best at this stage. her fathers relaxed, but shes still more than likely sorting out her baggage. she wants to be grateful to her parents, make amends, but probably still harbors some hurt after all these years. and of course her dynamic with her brother at this time is a whole can of worms.
seeing how emotionally distanced she is from everyone and how isolated shes been from her peers, i dont think she'd really have anyone to celebrate with. combine that with her disregard for of the importance of these things, and... i struggle to see her looking forward to it, to say the least. i wouldnt be that surprised if she didnt want to celebrate coming of age day at all, and just treated it like any other day until one of the band members finds out and calls her out about it, upon which she maybe has a sudden change of plans. which, depending on which member that was, might jsut be going out for a legal drink for the first time. but its hard for me to say. if she did, she may not want to do it in the most traditional sense. maybe she still travels to her home town, but rather than going to a highschool reunion or renting out a furisode, she uses it as more of a way to observe the way things have changed since she left. maybe she finally has a birthday dinner with her parents again.... you know. baby steps.
until we get info on reko in her 60s, thats about it for any ideas i have on reko birthdays !
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margowritesthings · 1 year ago
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Y'ALL. I can't believe this. 1,000 is such a mind boggling number to me, considering these weird word children would otherwise just be sitting in my brain on their own. I can't thank you enough for your support over the last year. this blog is one of the best things that has happened to be, and now that i'm pursuing my dream of becoming a published writer i truly believe it has changed the course of my life. YOU have changed my life. thank you for being there to read and support. i love y'all.
soooo reading and writing romance is basically my only prsonality trait, so why not celebrate 1k followers with the thing that got me here! im putting you guys as the star role in your own romance- follow along the steps below and send me an ask with your trope and character selection + any extra info.
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STEP 1 - PICK A TROPE (please pick up to 3 tropes!)
➼ friends to lovers ➼ enemies to lovers ➼ s/he falls first ➼ one night stand ➼ grumpy x sunshine ➼ small town ➼ billionaire ➼ mafia ➼ forced proximity ➼ marriage of convenience ➼ fake dating ➼ second chance ➼ one bed ➼ childhood sweethearts ➼ surprise pregnancy ➼ why choose? (send up to 3 characters for a reverse harem ship) ➼ random!- i will use a generator ➼ writer's choice- i will choose based on your profile (mutuals only)
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STEP 2 - PICK A SHIP there are 3 ways to get your ship:
➼choose a fandom (or multiple fandoms) from the below list and I will choose for you (the more info about yourself you provide the better this choice will be) ➼choose a specific character from the fandoms in the list (or multiple and I will choose) ➼(mutuals only) tell me your fandoms and I will choose for you based on your profile/what i know about you/what you provide me with (even if the fandom ISNT on the list below)
FANDOMS PARTICIPATING IN THIS CELEBRATION: ➼ red dead redemption ➼ bridgerton ➼ marvel ➼ starfield ➼ fallout ➼ skyrim ➼ stardust ➼ star wars ➼ doctor who ➼ daisy jones and the six ➼ mad men
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IMPORTANT- INCLUDE YOUR GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION IF LETTING ME CHOOSE THE SHIP. Add anything about yourself you want me to know. If you're on anon, this is very important!! I cannot make anything personalised for you if I do not know anything about you. Any icks, anything you want me to include, turn ons, etc. Basically provide me with anything you think might help me make the best gift for you!
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➼ Followers only please, I cannot police this as I have asking on anon enabled, but this is a celebration for my followers so if you are gonna enter please do ensure you are following me
➼ Likes and reblogs are really appreciated! if you do enjoy my work you can also check out my masterlists which can be found here or buy me a coffee here!
➼ At the least, I will be able to make a moodboard for your ship + tropes, but if the inspiration strikes me I will write headcanons and drabbles too. These are a bonus and should not be expected with every entry
➼ 18+ - some of these tropes will include explicit detail, so 18+ only please
➼ Please grant me patience! i am doing this alongside a full time job and have some personal stuff on, but i do want to celebrate so im trying to fit this in as best i can. please be kind and respectful of my lil internet space :)
➼ all posts will be tagged #margo's 1k celebration
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tagging my frens to say THANK YOU cause i couldn't do it without ya <3: @inkandbloodbound @cowboydisaster @musicallisto @saradika @sickvictorianangel @alottanothing @twola @photo1030
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year ago
Lots of questions time! (o^▽^o)
1. Genuinely curious about this.
If Sun had several night stands before because he was a party boy,did that affect his love for the pry/ncess or not? Was it something to move on since Moon was meant to marry them in the first place?
Or was it just because the moment called it?
Also does your version of the Pry/ncess mind it at all? Sun being a party boy and finding out about hsi times at the frontiers?
2.Since Moon is a fan of astrology,would he have a favourite constellation that he can think of?
Or perhaps would associate his Brother with,or even the Pry/ncess?
Like putting little memories behind them,and choosing that constellation as their resemblence,because it sounds like such a cute idea,I couldn't handle it!
3.What's your favourite character in Bethroned if you have any,that you enjoyed writing so much that it meant a lot to you personally?
4.How come that in the human's kingdom,the towns are named after Afton's children if he didn't really treasure most of them? Is there a specific scheme behind it? That he tried to keep hidden from the people?
5.What was Sun's opinion on the arranged marriage between Moon and the Pry/ncess.
If Moon was still alive and separated of course,and he would get to witness the wedding. What would he feel at that moment?
5. Do you have any voice claim for Moon other than the one in-game?
6.If your version of the Pry/ncess had a favourite flower in this world,what would it be?
7.If Sun ahd the opportunity to make friends,was Moon able to do the same for example when the Pry/ncess was gone?
Or did he just remain lonely in his tower?
8.Do you have any examples of what Sun and Moon's rooms look like through text or image? Still have some trouble visioning them,having a proper image of how it looks like.
9: What's your opinion on the "Enemies to Lovers" trope.
10.Would the Pry/ncess ever ask the twins the question "Would you love me as a worm" unironically to see their reaction?
If so what would that be?
Annnnd that's about it,thank you for your attention and HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR VACATION AND HALLOWEEN PARTY. <33
It did not! Sun is a man with a lot of love to give, and while he did love the people he shared his time with, it wasnt the same sort of feeling you gave him. It was an attempt from him to move on, yes!
His favourite is the andromeda constellation, by far
3. The Pry/ncess. I hadnt expected to start loving them so much, but theyre a much more complex character than I had originally planned. They are my wet cat baby girl who just wants a break and im obsessed with them
4. Public Image. Naming towns after your children and the man you usurped helps make you look like a much kinder man than you are
5. Trevor Belmont from Castlevania! Here!
6. A Dahlia, hands down (though theyre also partial to thistles)
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7. Moon has a hard time making friends, and an even harder time when his brother isnt there to break the ice for him. He's friendly with a few of the servants and other working class people in the castle, but after the incident, that was over.
8. Here ya go!! Theyre super super rough, I may clean them up someday but for now- here ya go!
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10. They'd ask it jokingly while genuinely wanting to know their answer. Sun would say yes before they even finished asking, and would go on to talk about how hed make you a nice little worm house and find you the best dirt. Moon would ask why you became a worm, if you still have thoughts, if you can explain to him that you are yourself when he comes across you as a worm, etc. After answering all your questions he'd tell you that hed put you in the garden. Where worms go.
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eclipse-rain · 2 years ago
'Awalie (Once; in the Past); Part 3
- Spiders not in this fic because i literally cant handle writing any kind of redemption arc for him sry
Part 1 Part 2
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Crawling through a vent wasnt something you thought you would ever do in your life once, nevermind twice.
As you had previously discovered the first time you went through it, the other end put you right inside the control room which was perfect for you, although not as much for Neteyam. This was because you had also previously discovered that although the vent could fit you, the same couldnt be said for your new seven foot tall friend.
This had been something you had thought about after seeing where the vent led to the first time you crawled through it though. Why else would you have risked your life to get the avatar who was guarding the door to the control room away from it?
Neteyam could get in through that way. What was even better was that he could once again be a distraction for the two who were left inside the room ; the pilot and co-pilot. While you suck in unnoticed through the vent to put what was hopefully the last part of your 'plan', to freaking hijack this spaceship, into action.
And thats exactly what you did. Okay maybe it wasnt the best idea you both could have come up with but what else were you suposed to do? The next thing you knew Neteyam had snuck in the control room door and was now grabbing all the pilots attention, while you crawled out of the vent and booked it towards the ship control panel where the pilots had previously been seated.
The good news was that the pilots were scared enough to flee the room when given the chance to by neteyam, unbeknownst to them who thought they had luckly eacaped. The bad news was that now they would call for back up. Sure Neteyam could have shot them as he brought the gun along with him, so as not to be completely defenceless, but by that point they had already pushed the emergency button on the control panel, sending warnings anew.
Locking the door to the room once they left, you both didnt waste anytime trying to find out just how many soilders would now be headed straight to this room. Now sitting in the pilots chair, you glanced above you only to see a computer screen desplaying the numbers 2169 in the corner.
"Oh fxck it really is 2169, you weren't kidding"
"See, i wasnt lying. I'm not as reckless as my brother." He laughed before becoming serious once again "Now how do we get this thing off the ground?" He asked you like you had all the answers
"How should i know? Try and find a manual or something"
"The pilots already started it though so cant you just fly it away now?"
"Well if its that easy then why dont you do it?" You scoffed, trying to figure out how to turn on autopilot. Of course you werent going to fly this thing, you had no idea how, you could guide it but autopilot would have to do the rest of the work.
"I thought all humans could fly a spaceship?"
"Of course not! Im sixteen, i cant fly a spaceship!"
"But all na'vi children can fly ikrans already by that age, isnt it like the same thing?!"
You paused for a split second, not knowing wheather to laugh or cry. You wondered if you should try slapping yourself to see wheather or not you would wake up from this absolutely ludicrous dream.
"...NO! When your sixteen you learn how to drive a car. A car! Not a freaking spaceship!"
"Whats a car?!"
"It doesnt matter!!" You shouted, getting off topic
You were both panicing now.
"Cant you do something? Anything?!" Neteyam questioned urgently, now seeing people start to gather outside of the control room door
"Im trying! Do you want us to die?!"
Hesitating, you finally layed your hands down on the steering wheel of the spaceship. You put them at two and ten like you had been taught when learning how to drive a car but the wheel was almost a completely diffrent shape.
"Well were going to either way so we might as well try it now that we've gotten this far." ; Was his reasoning to have you go along with him now that you both were here and in this situation together. A crowd of people gathered at the door now, along with even some avatars who wielded guns strapped to their person.
"Try what?" You asked him, trying to gat him to elaborate
Suddenly Neteyam shoved his much larger hands over your own and pulled up forcefully. Shaking violently, the ship lurched high up into the air and the two of you lunged backwards with the force. You could only imagine what happened to the crowd of people outside the room after that happened, a small smile was etched onto your face in victory but it didnt stay there for long.
Neteyam, not being seated, was almost thrown to the ground had he not been clutching onto your hands on the wheel for dear life. You guessed he really didnt want to die a second time and frankly neither did you. But at this rate you werent sure if all your struggling up till now would end in a fiery spaceship crash.
"I thought you said you weren't as reckless as your brother?!" You shouted over the sound of the spaceship bursting into action
"Desperate times call for desperate measures!" He shouted back with a nervous smile
"Isnt that a human saying?!"
"I dont know, is it?!"
"Wait thats not whats important right now! Is this really the time to be having this conversation?!"
Just then the spaceship stoped traveling upwards and leveled out. A breef second of tranquillity was all it took to make your stomach lurch as the nose of the spaceship tipped towards the waves crashing up against the cliff down below, before it went barrling downwards, the both of you screaming in unison as it went.
Before the both of you ended up dead once again in a head on collision with the ground, you fumbled around once more, soon seeing a little light ding on, indicating you had hit the right button for the autopilot.
Understanding your calling of him instantaniously, Neteyam helped you to pull the nose of the space ship up and away from the crashing waves below.
Soon you both breathed sighs of relief, thanking Eywa or whoever else that you had gotten out of that with your lives and all your limbs still intact.
Mapping out your destination was easy, for whatever reason they already had the co-ordinates of Neteyams home in the spaceship. As you rested, while autopilot took the lead with the flying, Neteyam had time to tell you why that was and everything that happened to his family and the Na'vi people.
You didnt know where you were going to go from here or what you were supposed to do to get home but one thing you were sure of was that you couldnt stay with the humans who were on Pandora. Even if there was a slim to none chance that the Na'vi where you were going would help you that didnt matter.
It wasnt just your own feelings, it was something more than that. You had been feeling it for a while now, since you woke up but you had been trying to ignore it. Your body must have been feeling wierd because of what those scientists did to you. Thats what you had thought but you even had this gut feeling that those scientists had definitely been experimented on you, even though you were asleep the whole time. Why was that? What made you so sure?
And why werent you more scared to be heading to a Na'vi settlement? You were all alone here, that was true but somehow you felt that you werent as well. That something inside of you was trying to calm you, keep you safe, guide you, for whatever reason. Maybe those experiments really had done a number on your body as well as your brain seemingly. Or maybe the adrenalin was making you delusional like how it can block out the pain.
You didnt know what was going on with you, with your family, with this world, with the humans. But you wanted to. You needed answers and for now, this was seemingly the only way to get them. Neteyam told you alot, you bet your life that the others could tell you more. It was another gut feeling to you, was it still a reckless impulse? Probably. For lack of a better word, although if you had a choice that better word you would use would be 'improvisation'.
The blaring sirens had stopped, so did the blinding red lights but the humans at the door did nothing to ease your minds. The avatars contributed to that even less so. You had made it about half way to your destination before you couldnt take it anymore. You had to get away from them and this ship now before they broke down the door.
Setting off the alarms again to give you some cover you both slipped through the vent and made your way to the exit chamber door of the spaceship, although not without a little protest from Neteyam.
"I cant fit through there"
"No time to complain, you'll be fine"
"Okay then stay here and perish, see ya"
*2 minutes later*
"Could you crawl any slower?!" You asked having worked reverse sicology to its finest
"You're the one who made me go through here"
"Thats because your lanky ass didnt wanna be left behind and i will leave you behind if you dont hurry up!" The two of you bickered in an attempt to push things along
With the humans still trying to get into the room behind you, it would not be long before they realised what had happened and came after you both once again.
And that they did, much faster then either of you had expected and so neither of you had any sort of plan. You both now stood with the door to the spaceship wide open, thousands of feet in the air, wind threatening to suck you out down to the watery depths below.
"So...whos going first?"
"Are you right in the head?" He asked in a panic without any parachute or any kind of machine around that would aid in a safe and swift landing
"No, what made you think that?" You retorted completely serious "I did just wake up from being brain dead so what gave you the impression that listening to me was a good idea?"
"Alright, point taken" he sighed in defeat
You heard the hurried footsteps of soilders rush towards you, guns clinking against their uniforms. There was only one option left and you both knew it.
"So....on three?" You shouted towards Neteyam over the wind
A banging on the latched door to the exit chamber you were both in swiftly coerced you into action.
"Three!" You shouted in usison, turning to each other with a nod before running and diving out of the wide open exit of the spaceship. The humans would be left with an unpleasant surprise once they managed to break down the door.
Now hurtling through the sky as the cold wind rushed passed you, you both turned to look back at the space ship.
"We should have done something before jumping, their gonna follow us!" Neteyam shouted over to you
"Dont worry! I got that covered!" You shouted back in reply
"So what did you do?!"
Just then a loud clanging of metal rang out indicating what was previously the spaceship you both were on turning into a fiery explosion of flames.
"That works!"
"Well since i had that one covered, do you have anything that could potentially make us not break every bone in our body when we hit the water?!" You questioned as you were both still free falling
"Maybe?! Whats maybe?!"
Suddenly Neteyam brought his fingers up to his mouth and made a high pitched sound.
"Wait for it!" He shouted
"Wait for wh-?!"
Just then something bigger than you had ever seen before jumped up from the depths of the ocean.
"What the fu-?!"
Before you could say another word, it clamped down and swallowed the both of you whole, diving straight back into the ocean where it had come from, with you both in its mouth.
The first thing you never thought you would do in your life was crawl through a vent three times, the second was getting eaten by a giant sea creature that was about ten times bigger than a whale. Oh and maybe being shot and becoming brain dead and then becoming not brain dead anymore because scientists used your body for experiments. Then being brought to an alien planet, but you were asleep for all of that so this was all definitely wierder.
What could you say? Humor was your coping mechanism, another thing you shared with Jake. And you hadnt been using it enough in this obviously stress inducing situation you were thrust into.
Having been plunged into darkness you struggled with not being able to breath and the salt water stinging your eyes. Soon enough you felt arms around you and you were pulled to the surface of the ocean, seemingly now out of the sea creatures mouth and also no longer falling to your imminent death.
You and Neteyam layed your torsos onto what seemed like a huge piece of debris to catch your breath, now feeling how tired you were as the adrenaline keeping you together left your bodies. That was until the big piece of debris started moving and making clicking sounds and you almost fell back into the ocean when you screamed in fright.
"Its okay! He's friendly!" Neteyam tried to assure you
"He just tried to eat us!"
"He was saving us, i told you i had a way to stop us falling. He's my younger brothers spirit brother, his name is Pakayan"
Pakayan blew water out of one of his many blowholes in response, sprinkling you both in a light rain as if trying to confirm he wasnt a threat.
You let out a nervous laugh "Oh righttt, nice giant whale thingy" you said patting his fin but suddenly as you looked into Pakayans eye you felt an unusually serene calmness come over you
Neteyam let out a chuckle at that "He's a Tulkun, remember i was telling you about them on the ship. About how the humans were after them"
"Oh right they wanted the stuff in their brains" you remebered that converstaion as well as many of the others
"The amrita." He confirmed for you
"Right because it stops humans from...aging..."
"Hey, Neteyam..."
"How..." you stuttered "...How did the humans find out that it stops them from aging...?" You questioned suddenly keenly aware of a certain fact
And with the way the boy next to you eyes widened you knew that he had exactly the same thought pattern as you.
"You dont think..." he started
Something the humans wanted to stop them from aging and a girl whos brain dead body was used for experiments.
A girl who's body didnt age.
In all that time of course she didnt age mentally but being in a comatose state couldnt have stopped her body from aging, especially for fifteen years.
Suddenly the light hearted atmosphere from earlier, of being free from the spaceship and alive, was now replaced with a chilly reality. The sun sunk behind the clouds and the water became dark and grey and murky, dropping a couple of degrees in temperature in the process.
"Y/n-" Neteyam started but a voice in the distance cut him off before he could finish speaking.
In the wide open ocean with seemingly nothing around for miles this caught you both off guard. Hauling yourself up onto Pakayans fin with Neteyam copying your movements you readied yourself for any attack crouching down behind the rest of his body.
Although you made sure to take into consideration that someone who was a threat to the two of you wouldnt announce themselves by calling out like that.
"Hey Pakayan why did you swim off like that?" The voice echoed from not to far away now, the person seemed to be approaching rather fast
But suddenly Neteyam grabbed your arm, stopping you from readying yourself to attack any possible threat.
"What?" You whispered at him
"Its my younger brother" he said with almost a slight tone of anxiety laced in his voice
"The one whos spirit brother this is?"
"That makes alot of sense actually" you reckoned he was nervous to see his brother again, seeing as the last time he probably watched the life drain from his eyes.
You would be too if you ever got the chance to meet either of your brothers again, it was a normal reaction. Although you werent quite sure what to do, especially since you were a human and they were the ones who killed him. His brother might think you were holding him for ransome or something like Neteyam had told you how the humans had done so to his siblings to lure out his father.
All you could do was grab his hand in reasurance and try to pull you both into a standing position on Pakayans fin. You had to briefly hold onto Pakayans body in the process to keep your balance as his fin slightly jostled in the water. You could only hope for the best in this situation.
And when you stood up and finally saw him you also saw that he wasnt alone, there were five others with him. You assumed Neteyams brother to be the one at the front since they were the same shade of blue. He was sat on a much smaller sea creature than Pakayan and behind him a girl with more of a teal blue skin colour sat with her arms around his waist.
Two boys mirroring the girls skin colour rode on two of their own sea creatures side by side, conversing before turning their attention towards us. A girl with the same skin tone as Neteyam rode on her own as well, with a child mirroring her same shade of blue holding onto her shoulders, standing up for a better view.
Silence was all there was for a painful few seconds and you sort of hoped in that moment that the sea would open up and swallow you.
"Oh shit i think im hallucinating"
"Am i the only one seeing him"
"No i see it too"
"Well we cant all be hallucinating together"
"Maybe we got sun stroke"
"We've barely been out for half an hour"
"Maybe we're dehydrated, someone get some water"
"Are they okay?" You whispered to Neteyam
"I cant take any more of this..." he whispered back "Hey skawang~ you're not hallucinating, im really here and alive" he waved turning his attention to his brother
Once again there was silence, then all hell broke lose.
"Oh my god he talked!"
"Why is their a human next to him??"
"Speak apparition"
"He's not dead you idiot"
"How do we know for sure?"
"Somebody slap him!"
"No! No! Definitely do not slap him"
"How much longer do you think this is going to go on for?" You whispered to Neteyam once again
"I'm not sure we might be dead again by the time they stop" he replied
After everyone calmed down Neteyam got to explaining how he was alive, there were tears, there were hugs and there was you standing by yourself wondering if you would ever get to reunite with your family.
"Oh and this-" Neteyam gestured to you "-is Y/n. She's the one who saved me, i probably wouldn't have made it out of that spaceship without her"
Just then you were glad that you had taken off the lab coat you had disguised yourself in when you were in the control room, that would have been a really bad look. Now you were just left in your black top, baggy cargo pants and combat boots, albet now soaked through with salt water.
Even so you felt as if Neteyam had put you under the spotlight when all heads turned in your direction. They seemingly scaned you up and down to see if what their brother and or friend told them was true.
Neteyam continued to speak once again but for your benefit this time. "Y/n, this is my brother Lo'ak-" when he gestured to him you realised you had been right in your previous assumption.
"My two younger sisters, Kiri and Tuk-" You now remebered their names from parts of the stories he was telling you when you were both in the control room of the spaceship.
"And our friends Ao'nung, Tsireya and Rotxo" he finished
He mentioned before that Ao'nung and Tsireya were the children of his new clans leaders Tonowari and Ronal, if you remebered correctly, you should probably be extra careful around them.
"It's nice to meet you all" you greeted as non-threateningly as you could, if that was even a thing
"So you really killed another human to save my brother?" Kiri asked
"Um, yes?" You answered a little caught off guard by the question
"Well i think that says enough" she replied seemingly appeased
"If both my older brother and spirit brother trust you than I will too" Lo'ak agreed
Before long they all seemed to have come to a decision to trust you for the time being after hearing what you had to say and what Neteyam had told them. But they didnt hesitate to make sure you knew that one toe out of line, one hair out of place and they wouldnt hesitate to treat you like a normal human.
Leaving from your standing position on Pakayans back, the others returned to their sea creatures which Neteyam told you they called an ilu. After they mounted them Neteyam took placement behind the Metkayina clan leaders son but not before he guided you over to sit behind the other teal skined boy. He had previously introduced him to you as Rotxo and you quickly noticed he seemed to have a keen facination with you being a human now that you were deemed non-threatening.
However, even so, soon it became apparent that, except for Rotxo, it was alot easier for the Sullys to accept you than the Metkayina kids, this was probably because they had grown up around humans and avatars according to Neteyam.
You wondered if Tommy had ended up being able to go to Pandora if he would have been one of the avatars they grew up around, but it was a useless thought. You had a gut feeling that Tommy was dead and your gut feelings were rarely wrong.
But now with you and Neteyam having come to an unsettling previous realisation another thing became more clear to you, another feeling. That feeling of relax you had felt when you had stared into that Tulkan, Pakayans, eye. How you somehow knew that he wasnt a threat to you, how you could understand the meaning in what his eye was portraying to you.
As well as the feelings that you had been having up till now that somewhat felt out of place. How you hadnt been afraid to go to a na'vi settlement, or how even if you thought Neteyams friends and siblings might lash out at you for being a human you still werent scared of them.
Your feelings that should have been there but werent and were replaced with something else, someone elses feelings. Goosebumps laced your body, you rubbed your arms in an attempt to alleviate them but to no avail.
A sound rang out in the distance as the others laughed and joked and made coverstaion all while making their way back to the place they called home.
The sound grew louder but no body else seemed to notice.
"Does no body else hear that?" You asked
Everybody now turned their attention to you, having been the first time you spoke since splitting from Pakayan and starting the journey home. They didnt speak a word only seemingly listening intently before looks were shared among them.
"I think you might be tired after everything that happened Y/n" Neteyam tried to reason
"No, listen" you urged
They did once again, but it was the same result as the first time, nothing came of it.
"You dont hear that...?" You asked breathlessly
"Hear what?" They questioned
If one stared for too long or too closely at you in that moment, even in the light of the setting sun, they might be able to make out the slight unnatural gold colour around the rims of your irises or the tips and roots of your hair that were not there before. Only if they did they never said so, perhaps that was because the next words that fell from your mouth were enough to strip all of the thoughts from their minds.
"What is it Y/n...?" Neteyam questioned, sounding worried
"The ocean...its crying."
I told you guys that the last part would be a way less bad cliff hanger and that they would only get worse from here MUAHAHAHA 👹
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@thehoneymushroomhealer @corgicord @lovelyygirl8
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finedinereception · 1 year ago
the married wizards au has been rotating in my head the past few days…what their first meeting like as Ice King and Magic Princess…does MQ bring home gifts and souvenirs for her 53 penguin children, does any random ever go into a dungeon or a tomb and just find a Archeologist witch carrying a penguin in bjorn…..what do the Wizards in Wizard City think of Magic Queen calling herself Magic Queen, does that imply she’s their ruler??? Man, thank you for coming up with this idea. It’s so good.
aw thank you for the kind words! 💕 these are some fun questions!
their first meeting
magic princess preferred to travel on foot, or at least fly. she could just teleport herself places, but that takes the fun out of exploration for her, and its easy to miss things when youre just zapping around, yknow? that does mean she needs to make rest stops, though, and one of those stops brings her to the ice kingdom one day. shes surprised to find out a cave she was planning to rest in was already a home (albeit a terribly furnished one) occupied by the ice king
ice king, of course, is excited. a princess has just strolled into his home, and shes not immediately leaving! shes staying overnight! time to put the moves on. magic princess is a little more wary, at first. its been about 50 years since simon parted ways with betty and marcy, and his isolation has already affected him, though he has yet to develop his violent temper. he just comes off as very… sullen. he swings between being weepy and being happy and excited like nothing happens.
but this is a fine place to stay. magic princess wont be bothered much, and she can just magic up a bed for herself that isnt a solid chunk of ice. she ends up staying longer than planned, and they get to know each other better. ice king just falls more and more in love- mp is actually polite to him. shes smart and witty and funny, and she has a way of explaining things that makes them easier to understand. she figures out where hes at and accomodates him. sure, she could just be trying to be a polite guest, but… its hard not to fall in love with a woman this perfect. not to mention shes beautiful.
magic princess isnt sure why she sticks around so long. she doesnt need this long to rest up, but she feels safe here. sure, the ice king is moody, but hes never mean, and as she gets to see his good moods more, she finds out hes actually a pretty sweet and funny guy, and very creative and enthusiastic. unlike other wizards, hes actually interested in her pre-war research, and he helps her sort through her notes, even if he doesnt really “get” them.
theyre a match made in heaven, and so a few years later they make things official, and magic princess crowns herself as queen of the ice kingdom.
gifts for the penguins/dungeon diving
absolutely. she cant understand them the way ice king can, but he translates for her. she could just magic up whatever they want, but its supposed to be the thought that counts for a gift, so even if its something silly like a smooth rock or whatever, she’ll go out of her way to pick things up for the penguins. gunther asks for the most complex things. hes got a hell of a snow globe and post card collection by this point.
shes brought gunther dungeon diving once, indeed in a carrier. he didnt really enjoy himself thought, so she didnt bring him again, and the other penguins arent really interested. but yes, if a tomb or dungeon hasnt been explored much, chances are youll go inside and find magic queen in there, surrounded by the torched remains of guards and monsters and writing info in her big, messy notepad.
relationship with wizard city
its super mixed. at first, they hated her. like, whos this out of the blue nobody calling herself a magic princess? WAIT, SHES CALLING HERSELF A QUEEN NOW?
by year 100 of betty taking the queen name, though, theyve basically learned to live with it. she doesnt have actual political authority in wizard city, but shes accepted as one of the most powerful wizards to exist in a LONG time, doubled by not just her raw power but her sheer competency with it, and its versatility.
its begrudging, but they respect her strength. they think shes wasting a lot of her time though, both with her pre-war research and her relationship with a goofy guy like ice king. they definitely kiss up and show respect to her face, but they grumble and complain behind her back.
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forvalkyrie · 1 year ago
been watching chicago med and i’m either on s3 or s4 BUT i am starting to absolutely despise natalie manning and her character (ill put it under a readmore because i got a lot of words and she absolutely disgusts me)
First off, I know that she's an ER doc specializing in peds (though, maybe its because of how fast I watched everything but I never saw any epi specifically say that but its there whatever).
My disgust comes from how 1)she approaches people that aren't physically/mentally/emotionally prepared to have children and 2)how hypocritical she is. So lets get into it:
Her approach to her patients with children: I appreciate her dedication to childcare– whether this be giving the child the best of care or advocating for their rights when the guardian/parent(s) aren't listening. The thing... some of the things she's done or said are so surface-level, that they don't account for what happens after they leave the ER. Take the epi where she accidentally got a mother and her baby separated because she suspected child abuse due to a stained hematoma from child birth. Her medicine was sound, of course— anyone would suspect child abuse in that scenario. What I didn't like, and this patient (abbrev. pt) rightfully called out, was her judgemental ass. Like listen, I've worked in the medical field for years and even if you are judgemental towards something, you should NEVER let it affect how you treat/care for pt. Nat says she judged teh mom for being a single mother raising her child but... babygirl, you're a GD doctor. Your mother-in-law literally watches your kid FOR FREE. Your husband died from war– you know exactly who he is! That single mother was literally working two jobs just to support her and her baby. She even said that she doesn't know who the dad is so clearly she can't just "drop" the kid off at grandma's. People literally do the best that they can in the situation that they're in, whether purposeful or accidental. Whether or not they make sense is a wholedifferent thing. Like the other epi where the pt's older brother was a sociopath and the parents decided not to institutionalize him. As outsiders, ofc we'd be on Nat's side about taking him away from hurting his brother. But that's the thing– we are outsiders!! Nat's saying all this stuff yet if put in the same situation, she'd likely do the same thing as what those parents did and continue to keep him around. The decision to have kids is already an unfortunately loaded question but what about after? She has little to no care of her pts past the exit. This can get longwinded so if anyone wants more lmk otherwise imma stop here for this.
Hypocrisy: She's a straightup hypocrite. Early seasons, she followed most of the rules. She wasn't Will, ya know? But what got to me was how the show writes her cases. Ex. she had changed a treatment plan that Will was against because she didn't think it was that. Mind you, Will's under fire from that DNR incident. Before the autopsy, Will is rightfully angry that she switched treatment plans, despite her trying to justify it. Never change a treatment plan! Even with disagreements, shit will happen. There are contraindications, there are escalations, there's a bunch of different things that can happen even if the change is small. Not only was Will trying to be a good doctor, he was also trying to be a law-abiding, rule-following doctor. What about the time when she fought tooth and nail to use an experimental, not FDA-approved (not even a multi-stage study) drug to treat a cancer pt. Ofc, Will is furious that she's adamant on the switch and lo-behold, the pt dies. Now, this concoction could've worsen the cancer right? Except, rather than writing it so it either didn't have an effect or had a miniscule effect, the autopsy revealed that her concoction actually shrank it a few cms. Aint no fucking way that it did that-- mainly because there were no clinical trials documenting it. I mean, GIRL, WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Medicine isnt a magic potion unforunately. The time when she went off on that skivvy priest and his 14-year old wife is also on my list. She yells at Will or whatever doctor about professionalism but her attitude towards him (though RIGHTFULLY SO) was peak unprofessionalism. I mean there is a lot of bureaucracy in almost any institution, whether profit or nonprofit, but when anyone else breaks it, they get serious consequences. When Nat does it, its just a damn warning. Hell! What about when they induced a death-appearing coma to the guy that was abusing his wife? Shittt son, I'm surprised Will agreed to that given his DNR incident. God forbid that pt actally fucking died-- they both would've lost theirmedical licenses.
I just have so much to say! She gives me 'popular in HS' vibes since she is "always" right, rarely gets any true punishment/consequences and yaps of unprofessionalism to other people when she literally does the same thing. What crossed it for me and its the reason why I'm writing this now is when she snapped at Dr. Charles when she cut the dosage in half for a bipolar pregnant mother. You mean to tell me that YOU were in the right because you don't have time to keep up with every new psych journal? You literally specialize in peds– youre supposed to keep up with any and everything child-related, including pregnancies! Chief! God forbid there's new research and because you dont have fucking time to do some research (or at least keep up with medical literature), you end up killing a pt due to ignorance.
Maybe its how the writers are writing her but she's just... DISGUSTING. As a self-identifying female, I'm all about feminine/female power but this? Nah chief– Maggie is better written than she is and she's "just a charge nurse"!
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future-dregs · 4 months ago
Okay so I'm having to catch up on my rewatch thoughts, and they're going to be all over the place because I am going Through. It. at the moment.
But let's start, and see what happens.
Faith is a difficult episode for me. Anytime Sam's faith is brought up it is.
But anyway.
At the beginning of the episode we see another emerging pattern. Sam's job is to grab the kids and run. Idk if there's a deeper meaning to this or not, it could simply be that Sam is just bigger and has more reach, but what I've noticed is that, though Dean is better on the whole with children, Sam is the one (usually) given the role of rescuer, the one to carry them out.
This is a horrible episode for Dean's self worth and his loathing complex and it starts that way immediately with him nearly fucking tasering himself to death to get the job done.
When the doctor tells Sam that Dean's time is very finite, you can just SEE the bottom fall out of his entire world.
Because Sam.never loses this you see, no matter how old he gets or what Dean goes through or how much damage they both take, he never fully loses this idolization of Dean. He never quite believes that Dean can actually be hurt enough to keep him down, that something could actually get the better of Dean.
Even though he worries for Dean's life constantly.
It's just another of the paradoxes in which they live.
Later we will Sam disparage the woman for what she's done, saying its evil. Dean interrupts with "desperate". This is because Sam hasn't yet reached the limits of what he'd do for Dean. He's willing to twist or break ANYTHING to save his brother, but he still thinks, and perhaps even only as a defensive mechanism, that he has a line, not to be crossed, good and evil choices.
Dean already knows he would chain Sam's reaper.
"What would you do for your brother?" It isnt even a question for Dean. Everything in him has been taken apart and rewired to Sam. He'd do anything. And he doesn't have to waste time thinking about it. And he KNOWS this about himself.
This is the first episode that Sam begins to learn it himself.
Dean has resolved himself to his fate, trying to put on brave face. For Sammy, of course, but also himself. It's a terrifying thing.
Sam goes into full research mode. There IS a solution and he WILL find it, because Dean's death is not something he will accept. I know by the end of he knew more about hearts than most surgeons.
And then. A miracle. A faith healer.
And oh. Sam believes.
Now. There's something I want to bring up. When Sam is going through the binding book, we see clippings of the previous victims. Notably an abortion rights advocate and an openly gay teacher.
And we see Sam's face twitch up when he sees them. And this is of course to indicate to us the bigotry behind why these people were chosen (if it wasnt obvious already) and to show that Sam doesn't share in it.
Thing is. I know that twitch. I've DONE it. Its recognition and yes this is part of my queer Sam agenda proof, thank you very much.
Dean's "I'm gonna pray for you" at the end just KILLS me, because he will. Maybe an older and more jaded Dean wouldn't, but this is a young and freshly bled Dean, all raw with guilt and doesn't think he even deserves to live. Of course he's going to pray for this girl.
This is just a really raw episode all around.
Sam wants to take the gift of Dean's life and run far away with it, but they can't. And he feels sick over knowing someone had to die for Dean, and he KNOWS it'll gut Dean empty, but he'd still do it.
Dean has a healed and healthy body, more time, an extension on life. And he's so guilt ridden he can't stand it. God has a plan for him, but God didnt heal him, and he doesn't even believe, but yet. He WAS chosen over everyone else, and he was restored.
And the preacher's wife is dead and his ministry is most likely over and who knows how HIS faith is holding up cause he just got the rug pulled violently out from under him and there's tentfull of desperate people begging for help and he CAN'T anymore.
And a faithless man promises to pray and two believers wait in agony for some comfort and response.
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michameinmicha · 4 months ago
Hi Micha,
Re: your post about the two people gifting each other fics for the same pairing continuously - I suppose it's possible the time frame and number of fics might fit another set of fandom friends, but I have a suspicion I'm one half of that. A regular reader nudged this post my way, actually. If so, I'd just like to thank you very much for not naming the fandom, pairing or usernames! It's the kind of ship that leads to us getting harassment on a semi-regular basis anyway (hence the locked posting of fics), and we don't need more of that.
As for the true love thing - we started gifting each other in exchanges because we both realised we've been madly in love with the same character in that fandom since we were children. So FWIW, you're right about the true love, but in the wrong way. :D
Hello! (I saw you sent this last night? (Well where i live it was night) and i wanted to take some time to write a proper answer (although now it got super long sorry))
(Edit: You know what, im putting this under a read more, its not gonna be interesting to most people who aren't the anon anyway lmao)
Im happy to hear from you (and if you wanna chat off-anon feel free to dm me) and just judging from your message i also think you might be right! (Ive seen a handful of pairings mentioned in the notes who might fit but arent the one i talked about, ...i cant explain it but i have a feeling it might be you)
At first when i made the post i didnt expect it to get this big but when it did and some people started to ask or make guesses about the pairing i was curious if anyone would guess right (and really didnt believe it could happen tbh) but then it kept getting bigger and people took it as a challenge and i finally i decided i didnt want to say it anyway. Im glad your little corner of the internet stays calm and nice <3
I hope you dont mind the post, it really touched me to see your works and i just wanted to share that experience and make others feel a bit of this emotion too.
i was too shy to comment on the fics i read (sorry im working on getting better at it) but im hoping you'll read this answer so i want to use this opportunity to say some of my thoughts (I would have liked to send you some friendly anons to say this back then😅 but you didnt have tumblrs linked in your ao3 profiles) i enjoyed reading your stories a lot! I had some really stressful weeks when i came across the pairing tag and even though im not really in the fandom myself (besides enjoying what i knew of the source material years ago) i was happy to find it! it was such a nice little treasure, this collection of stories to read when i was feeling down and they cheered me up a lot! So yeah im sorry to hear you get harrassment for it but i for one am glad you post the fics despite that, because then i could find and appreciate them! (this all sounds very sappy but i mean it!)
Im happy that you two found each other! I gotta say 'true love' to me is just as much platonic as romantic (like, the relationship i have with my best friend isnt anything less than true love to me) but i also think its wonderful that you share that love for your character!
I hope you two are doing great, please tell your friend that i appreciate their work (and yours of course!) And i wish you that you can keep doing this for as long as it makes you happy!
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Jade Harley
Page 565-572
ROSE: Kanaya,
ROSE: It looked for a moment back there as if you were going to actually go through with our "Mutilate The Hostage Beyond Recognition" ruse.
ROSE: With Yiffy rescued and the other children absent, might now be an appropriate time to... hash it all out?
KANAYA: And What Do You Feel Needs to be Hashed Exactly
JADE: ugh... well
JADE: kanaya i know you havent been very happy and youre probably super frustrated
JADE: but first off i want to say thank you soooo much for putting everything aside to help us
JADE: youre the reason i have my girl back!
JADE: and with minimal bullet holes too! haha
JADE: ... also... you have every right to be angry!!
JADE: this isnt a little white lie, its a whole bed of secrets which then became an entire child
JADE: but whatever it takes to earn back your trust ill do it!
JADE: ever since we first met ive respected you, felt cared for by you
JADE: i hate how i returned that kindness...
ROSE: Jade.
JADE: and of course you arent obligated to ever forgive me but... i dont want to lose you too!
JADE: i love you kanaya
JADE: youre my family
KANAYA: You Fucked My Wife
ROSE: Exhales.
KANAYA: My Apologies Jade
KANAYA: That Was Very Brave And Of Course Extremely Forthcoming Of You
KANAYA: A Refreshing Change Of Pace From The Ongoing Process Of Haggling The Truth Out Of The Two Of You Detail By Sordid Detail Following The "Yiffy Reveal"
ROSE: Implying we are leaving out information that could remedy this situation.
KANAYA: Implying
ROSE: Sorry.
KANAYA: I Didnt Want You To Remedy The Situation
KANAYA: I Wanted You To Own It
KANAYA: Instead You Let John Lead The Conversation With His Stupid Questions
KANAYA: And Sprinkled Out A Gauche Attempt At A Tear
JADE: but-
ROSE: A bit shameless perhaps.
KANAYA: It Was Theatrical
KANAYA: Well Unlike John I Am Not A Stranger To Your Lives
KANAYA: When You Feed Me Some Half Baked Lie About Karkat And Dave Wanting To Adopt I Know Better
KANAYA: And Though That Travesty Of A Name Is Undoubtedly An Incomprehensibly Offensive Piece Of This Particular Puzzle
KANAYA: What I See Is Not An Explanation
KANAYA: But A Glossing Over Of The Worst Detail
ROSE: Jane.
KANAYA: Rose That Woman Is Going To Ruin The Future For Our Daughter
KANAYA: And You Snuggled Into A Secrets Bed With Her
KANAYA: For So Long I Couldnt Convince You To Share A Cup Of Tea With Jade
KANAYA: Then Years Later You Happen To Grow A Sympathy Gland And Decide To Jump Right To Sharing Offspring
JADE: its my fault kanaya! she was the only option i had left...
KANAYA: Sure Let Us Go With That Considering Your Stated Distaste For Ectobiology
KANAYA: Thats Only Suitable For Trolls Correct?
JADE: no!
JADE: everyone deserves a choice
JADE: but...
JADE: i already have an entire kingdom of ecto-children
JADE: this had to be different
ROSE: No one wants to contribute to the off brand doppelgangers strolling the streets.
ROSE: Easily the worst aspect of this place.
KANAYA: Is That Why You Acquiesced
KANAYA: Because I Am Stumped On That Part As Well
KANAYA: If Memories Serves When We Were Adopting Vriska
KANAYA: I Mentioned The Precarious Possibility Of A Jadedavekat Brood
KANAYA: What Is It That You Said Again
KANAYA: I Believe Your Approximate Verbiage Was That "Their Dysfunctional Human Centipede Of A Relationship Is Soaking With Lighter Fluid And Begging To Burn" And That You Would Feel Sorry For The Grub
KANAYA: Jades Qualities Rang Too Familiar Right
KANAYA: Evasive
KANAYA: Lacking In Proper Coping Mechanisms
KANAYA: Carrying An Air Of Unspeakable Sadness
KANAYA: The Poor Kid
ROSE: Congratulations.
ROSE: You've managed to exhume the solemn cadaver of my mother's memory and make her the star of another argument.
KANAYA: As If You Ever Bothered To Bury Her
ROSE: What does this have to do with anything!?
KANAYA: What I Am Doing Is Demonstrating That I Have No Intention To Mediate This Situation
KANAYA: Or Pacify It
KANAYA: Or Even Be A Little Bit Nice Right Now
KANAYA: So Perhaps Youll Actually Take Me Seriously For Once
KANAYA: Instead Of Assuming You Can Pull The Baabeast Keratin Over My Eyes And Distract Me From The Awful Reality
KANAYA: That You Trusted A Monster Over Me
KANAYA: And Cant Even Tell Me Why!
ROSE: And if you don’t like the answers?
KANAYA: That Is Future Roses Problem
ROSE: I see...
JADE: (ok...?)
ROSE: I want it on the record, involving Jane was not my decision.
ROSE: But it was a pre-established requisite that I did not fight against.
ROSE: It is Jade’s child after all.
ROSE: And you’re not completely wrong, either.
ROSE: I may have felt some... pang of responsibility. For a litany of psychologically revealing reasons.
ROSE: But more than anything else, I took her up on it because it felt oddly
ROSE: inevitable.
ROSE: Anyways,
ROSE: Deep down, I knew it didn’t matter.
ROSE: However we handled it.
ROSE: Whatever hurt we caused.
ROSE: It was never that serious.
ROSE: I knew you would forgive me.
KANAYA: When Did You Stop Trying
JADE: yeah rose!!!!!
JADE: what the fuck!!!!
JADE: this is not what we discussed...
JADE: you're devaluing kanaya's feelings, minimizing our impact on her!
JADE: woah, im defending you!!!
JADE: b-but i just dont want things to get even worse!!!!!!
KANAYA: Then Stop Pretending That My Feelings Are Top Priority
KANAYA: Excuse Me?
JADE: you heard me!
JADE: you were wronged kanaya!
JADE: the truth cant change that
JADE: saying it just fucking hurts more
JADE: what does that accomplish?
JADE: its so embarrassing, would you even get it if i had?
JADE: you havent been alone since we were thirteen
JADE: and the first chance you got you packed up your cosmic purpose and hid away in the brooding caverns
JADE: you have no idea what its like out there
JADE: how traumatizing dating regular citizens was
JADE: imagine trying to love someone who already knows every available detail about you
JADE: who has *opinions* on what happened to you as a child
JADE: who assumes youre indestructible
JADE: newsflash it fucking sucks!!!!!!! because no matter how nice they were
JADE: they didnt want to know me
JADE: they wanted to date the god of space
JADE: and i felt SORRY
JADE: for disappointing *THEM*!!!!!
ROSE: I had my suspicions but I had no idea it’d been that bad.
ROSE: You didn’t even hint at it.
JADE: why would i?????
JADE: so everyone could lecture me again on how "bad" my "boundaries" are?
ROSE: (I did that one time.)
JADE: you want bad boundaries
JADE: do you know how many people would be waiting outside public bathrooms to talk to me about their problems?
JADE: this one guy randomly started apologizing because they cooked their hamster in the microwave!
JADE: and they looked so sad... i had to hug them and say it was ok
JADE: but it was not ok!
JADE: they murdered their hamster!
Rose: Ugh...
JADE: and their other hamster killed itself
JADE: out of loneliness!!!!!
KANAYA: !!!!!!!!
JADE: millions of people told me they loved me
JADE: but i was never a real person to them
JADE: i couldn't let that happen to yiffy too
JADE: i had to save her kanaya!
JADE: give her the chance to grow up as a normal kid with a normal life
JADE: not one where people would befriend her to get close to me
JADE: or fucking bark at her while walking down the street!!!!!!!
JADE: and jane had the resources to provide that
JADE: every scare weve had she was able to cover up
JADE: she literally controls the media for christs sake
KANAYA: We Could Have Figured It Out
KANAYA: Indebting Yourselves To The Second Coming Of The Condescension Was Hardly The Only Answer
KANAYA: I Was Right Here
JADE: thats true but
JADE: you could have said no
JADE: or worse
JADE: i can live with rose doing this because she wanted to see what would happen
JADE: but i couldnt stand the idea of owing my kid to the fact you felt sorry for me!
JADE: especially after the dave and karkat... situation...
JADE: i couldnt do that again
KANAYA: We Could Have Helped You If You Let Us
JADE: i needed a fresh start, not to sit around taking care of grubs and watching shitty romcoms forever and wasting away in an empty house!
JADE: i wanted to live!
JADE: and living here is already so hard
JADE: and not only because of the war or what happened to dirk or whatever the hell is wrong with john
JADE: the world is fucked!!!
JADE: and yet, despite all that, yiffy turned out to be so good
JADE: and she's mine.
JADE: yiffy exists because i needed her to.
JADE: ... shes the only future i have left
KANAYA: Jade I Recognize You Have Had To Sacrifice Principles To Survive
KANAYA: And That Is Hard To Live With
KANAYA: Even Now I Can Sympathize
KANAYA: But 15 Years
KANAYA: Even If I Didnt Want Her
KANAYA: She Was Already Here
KANAYA: So Why Make It Worse
KANAYA: Why Perpetuate The Lie
JADE: i...
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libelelle · 5 months ago
Hello, I'm sorry for the intrusion (and this might be really weird) but I was browsing the Sonic Underground tag here on Tumblr and I came across your sibling + tails redesigns and in the tags you were asking "please pretty please somebody ask me questions about my tcof!au" and I know that you made that post two years ago and I'm incredibly new here (only followed pretty much today) so I don't even know if you're working on it anymore but this is my personal request to hear all about it because I think the Sonic Underground characters deserve more love than they typically get
AWWWW not an intrusion at all!! i don't really think about that AU all that much any more but i can dump all the ideas i had for it!! I'll put under the read more : ]
ANYWAYS the original concept of the au was literally "Tails is in Underground" and spiralled like crazy from there. it was originally inspired by Starrjoy's Pandora AU (on an indefinite hiatus but worth checking out if you havent already, Joy is a phenomenal artist and a really sweet person : ])
The actual story had the same premise as underground naturally. Robotnik took over Mobius and Aleena sent her children away, under the guidance of a prophecy. years later the triplets reunite and begin their search for their mother and their fight against Robotnik.
Except the search goes on a long time, and Sonia Manic and Sonic get older, on the run, until one day Sonic runs off on his own. he ends up in a town where he tries to blow off some steam by attacking the SWAT bots stationed there, when he finds a small little fox with two tails!! and Sonic is like welp! better take this cute little thing with me, and thats that. he brings tails back to the van and Sonia is mad and Manic is confused and Sonic has gotten them all a new little brother.
from there things continue as usual, looking for their mother, except now Aleena has a loophole in form of Tails. Since he isnt a triplet, she will visit him when hes on his own to check on him and the others. A lot of other things happen, so in bullet points here are some of them
the Debutants ball of course still happens. except its good and Sonia is wearing a better dress
Jules (like. from Archie Sonic) is a character and was Aleenas husband, before being roboticized. he gets rescued at some point by Aleena and Bernadette (also the Archie Sonic character. i dont need to explain myself)
Bernadette is a member of the resistance and later becomes its head of intelligence. she Jules and Aleena have worlds most epic Polyamory relationship
Aleena wasn't given the prophecy in this, she made the prophecy herself in an attempt to give her and her children a way out during Robotniks inevitable takeover of the kingdom. shes spent years adhering to her own rules in hopes her magic would eventually save them. she has clairvoyance among other abilities
Amy is also here, shes one of the children in the Sanctuary, he got really mad when Tail joined the triplets because Sonic has told her on multiple occasions that she couldnt come with them because she was too young. She ends up going out on her own and finding her Piko Piko hammer and becomes a hero in her own right. which she DOES rub in his face later
Knuckles is there, his main role is similar to the show but like. he ends up way more involved. ends up being a bit of a resistance outpost and regularly hosts Aleena on angel island.
Sonia ends up loving Tails (naturally) and in an uphill battle trying to teach him class and mitigate Sonics "good for nothing influence"
Manic loves Tails at first but ends up feeling kind of useless in light of Tails genius. Tails still can't figure out the van though and Manic is so proud of this
because tech is Tails thing, i needed to give Manic a thing, and because his mother can do magic, Manic inherited it. he can do illusion stuff (fits in well with his sleight of hand/pickpocket theif stuff) he's been unconsiously weaving his magic into his inventions for years, hence why Tails can't figure out the van even a little
Oh Uncle Chuck is also here, he works in the resistance and sent Bernadette to help Aleena. He also introduced Jules and Aleena
also worth mentioning that Tails feels really terrible about not being involved in the prophecy. hes doing everything he can to help, but he does really feel like a part of the family, by virtue of being excluded by the prophecy
Anywasy as the plot progresses, the prophecy gets harder and harder to maintain, Sonic gets more reckless and more irritable and so on. Sonic never really likes the prophecy to begin with, and likes to act out against it. hes a firm believer in the direct action route.
Eventually the prophecy fails. Aleena, Sonia and Manic are devasted and Robotnik wins again.
except Sonic isnt ready to let it lie like that. the prophecy never meant anything to him, so the prophecy failing did nothing to break his spirit
HONESTLY i never fully thought out how it ended, all i know id that Sonic had to overcome the prophecy and Tails had to play a very important role in it
Theres likely more in my au tag on my blog, but this is al the stuff i can remember right now. it was a really fun au and if you have any thoughts on it id love to hear them : ]
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kingcunny · 1 year ago
🔥 i need to know more about your alicent
absolutely! :)
women in westeros, specifically women and girls of high ranking houses do not own themselves, they are extensions of their house. their fathers political opportunities. otto is a very ambitious man and has groomed alicent into this exact role. she is an extension of house hightower, an extension of her father. she is his opportunity to rise through the ranks. and she envelops this role wholly. alicent is ambitious in her own right, but how much of that is herself and how much of that is otto? not even she could begin to separate those ideas.
so when otto suggests she marries the king. she jumps at the opportunity. maybe even sees it as a chance to finally gain some power for herself, to finally be out from under ottos control. to outrank him, in some way. even if she cant articulate that thought to even herself. or the desire behind it.
alicent was young when she came to court, viserys is 10 years older than her. she probably views him as another sort of father figure. projects her ideas of otto onto him. which helps, in a way. shes been her fathers pseudowife for so long, whats the difference in becoming this pseudofathers actual wife?
but she is still that culmination of all the grooming she was raised with. alicent wants power but does not believe she is capable of gaining that herself, she must find it through the men around her, her marriage, her children. thats how women gain power. so she marries the king, she gives him sons. her son will grow up to be king, and she will rule through him. THAT is how she will gain her power. and fulfill her duty to her father and house.
except then viserys fucks it all up. ruins her plans. even after giving him multiple sons, he refuses to fulfill his side of the unspoken pact and make them his heir. he does away with the rules and traditions that everyone has been following for hundreds of years, the traditions that got HIMSELF elected king. he keeps supporting rhaenyra as his heir. he refuses to even marry his daughter to her son. shes given him the one thing hes (supposedly) wanted all this time, the thing he killed his first wife trying to get. why wont he give her what she wants?
i think thats when all the projection and delusions of their marriage come crashing down. viserys isnt otto. he doesnt love her, he doesnt love their children. he has just been using her as a salve for his own fears of death. their marriage, their children, everything has been nothing but a plan B to him. a ‘just in case’ something happens to his preferred child, his chosen heir. all the years shes given him, all the pain shes put herself through for his benefit, is for nothing. she will gain nothing out of it. she will fail in her own goals and her duty to her family.
(to be fair, alicent also never loved viserys. not really. she was also using him for his position as king to try and get what she wants. but, from alicents pov, she does not owe him love. thats not part of her duty to her husband. her duty is to give him sons. in return for that however, he should at the very least love her and the children she gives him. see them as more than just spares.)
and, of course, alicent is ottos daughter. your children are extensions of yourself before they are their own people. they are your pawns to increase your standing. if they cant further your own goals then what good are they? if alicent fails its because her children have failed her. and now all they are are reminders of that failure, of time that couldve been better spent elsewhere. cause now shes stuck with them. and viserys.
but alicent cant take her anger out on viserys, hes still her husband and king, (and father in a way. just because you become aware of a delusion, doesnt mean it stops having control over you) so instead she takes it out on what she sees as the cause of all these problems - rhaenyra. viserys spoiled little daughter. his One True Love. the woman he would throw everyone else under a bus for.
this is why alicent suddenly turns on rhaenyra after they had been pretty close beforehand. theres not an actual date listed of when alicents mother dies, but i like thinking it happened before they all came to court. alicent knows how hard and lonely it is being a young girl without a mother, how dangerous it is being a young girl at court. and rhaenyras father is negligent and indulgent and distracted, in alicents eyes, wholly unfitted to be a father. so she reaches out to rhaenyra, to be that mother figure for her. to took after her and raise her. (and if she just happens to catch the kings attention at the same time. well two birds one stone.)
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kirayamidemon · 2 years ago
Ok, I have to defend Anonymous on one thing. I'm 4'8" and 35 years old. I've been called pedo bait and shit all my life. But your Yuu... you have an adult version on him. At that point, it's not just "coding" your Yuu IS a child. And you're dawing him in some messed up situations with the tweels... I can see where anon os coming from, and I will agree they were rude. But they do have a point.
Look I'm genuinely sorry that you had to experience that, but that doesnt give you the right to also dictate wat I am or am not doing with my mc n wat they are
First off, if the "adult ver" you're talking bout is the less than 5 doodles or so that I've posted in the past of a fucking au nonetheless, I didnt realize the rules of creating had to be the fucking same even if its a fucking alternate universe n decidedly not canon n that all chars still had to be the same even if its my own mc.
I feel I shouldnt have to clarify but since I apparently do, need I remind you: 1) it is a fucking au once again, 2) Yuu in that au is not even the same fucking age as they are in canon twst world, of course they are going to look different, nvm that my styles are usually inconsistent anyways even with going around diff aus, 3) while Yuu is decidedly older in there, I have never fucking stated their height n your only point of ref with that is only cause the canon cast are literel kids in there which anybody who iSNT a kid would be taller than all of them regardless, 4) did I mention its an au? ? ??
Second, NOWHERE have I stated that Yuu is a child, n have even stated in a prev ask that their age is round first year groups, 15-16. If you're going to claim that my mc is a child due to height n face n overall design, then you are also claiming that Riddle, Epel, n Ortho are also children bc they all are also pretty short n baby-faced n I dont see any of yall bitching bout that now do I. Ortho especially suffers from this n unfortunately is seen n treated as a literal fucking child by practically the entire fucking fandom but since this isnt the main focus of this post, that's another fucking story.
Now, "messed up situations with the tweels"
Pls point to me these so called "messed up situations with the tweels" esp considering that I do no post or share every single one of my arts.
Putting aside those claims, you need to remember that these are also Jade and Floyd. They generally arent nice or perfect in gen, I don't think I need to remind you of how they are in the game. While I like and indulge in soft tweels as much as the next person, they are not "soft blushy uwu romantics" in the first place n I do not always portray them as "soft blushy uwu romantics" 100% of the time, so sorry if that disappoints you.
Again I repeat, if you do not like or want to see my shit, just move on then. Nobody is forcing you to stay here n look at it.
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