hi, it’s been a while but jdm’s chara in the boys said a line about training up his boy to be a solider and i’m just —- boyyyy you already did that in another show lol watching the boys is like watching for easter eggs re: spn lol
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not to get overtly sentimental but i really miss rory
i'd like to believe that he represented what the doctor strives to be. he entered the doctor's world unwillingly in both ways-- he wasn't 'chosen' first (amy was the very first companion) and his initial first impressions of the doctor. he entered the eleventh's world, despite helping him, with a sort of distrust. i mean, he did just kiss his fiancé and has been taking her to dangerous places-- of which, even eleven couldn't guarantee her safety.
but what i mean by 'what the doctor strives for' is referencing river's lil speech of what 'doctor' meant. initially meant to be 'healer', its turned into 'warrior'. and as a nurse, all rory wanted to do is help and heal people as best as he can. he carries a med pack, he bonds and sympathizes with ppl (ganger!jen and even recognizing the triumph of howie's stutter) but he was also stubbornly devoted when he really wanted to. obviously waiting for amy but also keeping compassion when the situation couldn't necessitate it (ganger!jen, even old!amy and current!amy) and understanding when he was wrong.
idk man, i just love rory so much lol
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some people believe that being bi is 50% straight and 50% gay, but in fact it’s 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name
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pride month soon!! if you treat bisexuality or asexuality as “lesser” queer identities, “basically straight”, or a “consolation prize”, die by my blade.
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yep, i really dont like nat
at s6, where will just found out that the heart pills didn't make it back to kender (?) AND WE ALL KNOW WHO FUCKING STOLE THEM SO CASUALLY :|
#shes trash sorry#i mean her actress is super pretty but the chara she plays? absolute trash#chicago med#natalie manning
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Ah sorry! I’m still watching (lol obviously) so I complete didn’t read the spoilers in the next replies (mainly because I’m either gonna get really heated or just disappointed lol Id rather find out on my own😭😂)
@annieradcliff You make an excellant point about it being writers writing for drama-sake lol It just,.. ahh idk frustrates me because if Will did any version of what Nat has been doing/had done, he wouldn’t even be an attending there! Ugh and don’t get me started on how thye finally got to together lol. Shit was so cheap and uhhh lazy 🫠🫠🫠🫠 Can’t a girl ask for some semblance of consistency? 😂😂😂
The one couple that I REALLY do not understand is Ethan/April. I mean…. ???? At least with Will, idk it was pretty obvi for me from the very first epi that Will had a crush on Nat (whether or not he really didn’t recognize it as romantic rather than platonic is a whole diff thing). Ethan is a very uhh by-the-book kind of guy— I would argue he’s very pragmatic to his approach to medicine most of the time. But April? Oh I love this girl so much — love her affections for family and her emotions and everything…. But to pair her up with Ethan? With no semblance of anything romantic prior to that? With clear differences so much so that they’re constantly bringing that up? Wait! I just finished the episode with the misogynist so no spoilers lol But yeah, Ethan-April never made any sense to me. I think what really gave me the ick was when she told Ethan to dump his pregnant sister and he’s like deathly confused as to why her attitude to him soured. Girl preaches family but everyone’s family dynamics and relationships differ. Her push towards Ethan to be supportive of his sister is literally why he wants to help her out as best as he can (whether or not it’s right is again a diff thing). Suddenly, she’s like “nah chief she’s not worth it”. Like uhhh… girl? Didn’t you try to help Noah every time a pt questioned him? Not to mention the anaphylactic reaction but where he gave the wrong meds to a pt. Like yeah sure she reported him but it literally was never brought up again and he even got his residency in Med. I’m sorry but it’s just … 🥲
Only started watching it because of the pregnant-notpregnant epi and because I miss medical and now i’m just — more frustrated lol Gonna go sleep it off and hopefully will be fine 😂😂
been watching chicago med and i’m either on s3 or s4 BUT i am starting to absolutely despise natalie manning and her character (ill put it under a readmore because i got a lot of words and she absolutely disgusts me)
First off, I know that she's an ER doc specializing in peds (though, maybe its because of how fast I watched everything but I never saw any epi specifically say that but its there whatever).
My disgust comes from how 1)she approaches people that aren't physically/mentally/emotionally prepared to have children and 2)how hypocritical she is. So lets get into it:
Her approach to her patients with children: I appreciate her dedication to childcare– whether this be giving the child the best of care or advocating for their rights when the guardian/parent(s) aren't listening. The thing... some of the things she's done or said are so surface-level, that they don't account for what happens after they leave the ER. Take the epi where she accidentally got a mother and her baby separated because she suspected child abuse due to a stained hematoma from child birth. Her medicine was sound, of course— anyone would suspect child abuse in that scenario. What I didn't like, and this patient (abbrev. pt) rightfully called out, was her judgemental ass. Like listen, I've worked in the medical field for years and even if you are judgemental towards something, you should NEVER let it affect how you treat/care for pt. Nat says she judged teh mom for being a single mother raising her child but... babygirl, you're a GD doctor. Your mother-in-law literally watches your kid FOR FREE. Your husband died from war– you know exactly who he is! That single mother was literally working two jobs just to support her and her baby. She even said that she doesn't know who the dad is so clearly she can't just "drop" the kid off at grandma's. People literally do the best that they can in the situation that they're in, whether purposeful or accidental. Whether or not they make sense is a wholedifferent thing. Like the other epi where the pt's older brother was a sociopath and the parents decided not to institutionalize him. As outsiders, ofc we'd be on Nat's side about taking him away from hurting his brother. But that's the thing– we are outsiders!! Nat's saying all this stuff yet if put in the same situation, she'd likely do the same thing as what those parents did and continue to keep him around. The decision to have kids is already an unfortunately loaded question but what about after? She has little to no care of her pts past the exit. This can get longwinded so if anyone wants more lmk otherwise imma stop here for this.
Hypocrisy: She's a straightup hypocrite. Early seasons, she followed most of the rules. She wasn't Will, ya know? But what got to me was how the show writes her cases. Ex. she had changed a treatment plan that Will was against because she didn't think it was that. Mind you, Will's under fire from that DNR incident. Before the autopsy, Will is rightfully angry that she switched treatment plans, despite her trying to justify it. Never change a treatment plan! Even with disagreements, shit will happen. There are contraindications, there are escalations, there's a bunch of different things that can happen even if the change is small. Not only was Will trying to be a good doctor, he was also trying to be a law-abiding, rule-following doctor. What about the time when she fought tooth and nail to use an experimental, not FDA-approved (not even a multi-stage study) drug to treat a cancer pt. Ofc, Will is furious that she's adamant on the switch and lo-behold, the pt dies. Now, this concoction could've worsen the cancer right? Except, rather than writing it so it either didn't have an effect or had a miniscule effect, the autopsy revealed that her concoction actually shrank it a few cms. Aint no fucking way that it did that-- mainly because there were no clinical trials documenting it. I mean, GIRL, WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Medicine isnt a magic potion unforunately. The time when she went off on that skivvy priest and his 14-year old wife is also on my list. She yells at Will or whatever doctor about professionalism but her attitude towards him (though RIGHTFULLY SO) was peak unprofessionalism. I mean there is a lot of bureaucracy in almost any institution, whether profit or nonprofit, but when anyone else breaks it, they get serious consequences. When Nat does it, its just a damn warning. Hell! What about when they induced a death-appearing coma to the guy that was abusing his wife? Shittt son, I'm surprised Will agreed to that given his DNR incident. God forbid that pt actally fucking died-- they both would've lost theirmedical licenses.
I just have so much to say! She gives me 'popular in HS' vibes since she is "always" right, rarely gets any true punishment/consequences and yaps of unprofessionalism to other people when she literally does the same thing. What crossed it for me and its the reason why I'm writing this now is when she snapped at Dr. Charles when she cut the dosage in half for a bipolar pregnant mother. You mean to tell me that YOU were in the right because you don't have time to keep up with every new psych journal? You literally specialize in peds– youre supposed to keep up with any and everything child-related, including pregnancies! Chief! God forbid there's new research and because you dont have fucking time to do some research (or at least keep up with medical literature), you end up killing a pt due to ignorance.
Maybe its how the writers are writing her but she's just... DISGUSTING. As a self-identifying female, I'm all about feminine/female power but this? Nah chief– Maggie is better written than she is and she's "just a charge nurse"!
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been watching chicago med and i’m either on s3 or s4 BUT i am starting to absolutely despise natalie manning and her character (ill put it under a readmore because i got a lot of words and she absolutely disgusts me)
First off, I know that she's an ER doc specializing in peds (though, maybe its because of how fast I watched everything but I never saw any epi specifically say that but its there whatever).
My disgust comes from how 1)she approaches people that aren't physically/mentally/emotionally prepared to have children and 2)how hypocritical she is. So lets get into it:
Her approach to her patients with children: I appreciate her dedication to childcare– whether this be giving the child the best of care or advocating for their rights when the guardian/parent(s) aren't listening. The thing... some of the things she's done or said are so surface-level, that they don't account for what happens after they leave the ER. Take the epi where she accidentally got a mother and her baby separated because she suspected child abuse due to a stained hematoma from child birth. Her medicine was sound, of course— anyone would suspect child abuse in that scenario. What I didn't like, and this patient (abbrev. pt) rightfully called out, was her judgemental ass. Like listen, I've worked in the medical field for years and even if you are judgemental towards something, you should NEVER let it affect how you treat/care for pt. Nat says she judged teh mom for being a single mother raising her child but... babygirl, you're a GD doctor. Your mother-in-law literally watches your kid FOR FREE. Your husband died from war– you know exactly who he is! That single mother was literally working two jobs just to support her and her baby. She even said that she doesn't know who the dad is so clearly she can't just "drop" the kid off at grandma's. People literally do the best that they can in the situation that they're in, whether purposeful or accidental. Whether or not they make sense is a wholedifferent thing. Like the other epi where the pt's older brother was a sociopath and the parents decided not to institutionalize him. As outsiders, ofc we'd be on Nat's side about taking him away from hurting his brother. But that's the thing– we are outsiders!! Nat's saying all this stuff yet if put in the same situation, she'd likely do the same thing as what those parents did and continue to keep him around. The decision to have kids is already an unfortunately loaded question but what about after? She has little to no care of her pts past the exit. This can get longwinded so if anyone wants more lmk otherwise imma stop here for this.
Hypocrisy: She's a straightup hypocrite. Early seasons, she followed most of the rules. She wasn't Will, ya know? But what got to me was how the show writes her cases. Ex. she had changed a treatment plan that Will was against because she didn't think it was that. Mind you, Will's under fire from that DNR incident. Before the autopsy, Will is rightfully angry that she switched treatment plans, despite her trying to justify it. Never change a treatment plan! Even with disagreements, shit will happen. There are contraindications, there are escalations, there's a bunch of different things that can happen even if the change is small. Not only was Will trying to be a good doctor, he was also trying to be a law-abiding, rule-following doctor. What about the time when she fought tooth and nail to use an experimental, not FDA-approved (not even a multi-stage study) drug to treat a cancer pt. Ofc, Will is furious that she's adamant on the switch and lo-behold, the pt dies. Now, this concoction could've worsen the cancer right? Except, rather than writing it so it either didn't have an effect or had a miniscule effect, the autopsy revealed that her concoction actually shrank it a few cms. Aint no fucking way that it did that-- mainly because there were no clinical trials documenting it. I mean, GIRL, WHAT ABOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS? Medicine isnt a magic potion unforunately. The time when she went off on that skivvy priest and his 14-year old wife is also on my list. She yells at Will or whatever doctor about professionalism but her attitude towards him (though RIGHTFULLY SO) was peak unprofessionalism. I mean there is a lot of bureaucracy in almost any institution, whether profit or nonprofit, but when anyone else breaks it, they get serious consequences. When Nat does it, its just a damn warning. Hell! What about when they induced a death-appearing coma to the guy that was abusing his wife? Shittt son, I'm surprised Will agreed to that given his DNR incident. God forbid that pt actally fucking died-- they both would've lost theirmedical licenses.
I just have so much to say! She gives me 'popular in HS' vibes since she is "always" right, rarely gets any true punishment/consequences and yaps of unprofessionalism to other people when she literally does the same thing. What crossed it for me and its the reason why I'm writing this now is when she snapped at Dr. Charles when she cut the dosage in half for a bipolar pregnant mother. You mean to tell me that YOU were in the right because you don't have time to keep up with every new psych journal? You literally specialize in peds– youre supposed to keep up with any and everything child-related, including pregnancies! Chief! God forbid there's new research and because you dont have fucking time to do some research (or at least keep up with medical literature), you end up killing a pt due to ignorance.
Maybe its how the writers are writing her but she's just... DISGUSTING. As a self-identifying female, I'm all about feminine/female power but this? Nah chief– Maggie is better written than she is and she's "just a charge nurse"!
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tai lung didnt want to be the dragon warrior to appease some megalomanic dream of evils. tai lung needed to be the dragon warrior to finally accept that he was wanted in life. since he had been abandoned when he was a baby.
the dragon warrior legend has been engraved in their history. not onlywas teh dragon warrior a kungfu master, they were also supposed to bring unity and peace. they were fundamental to the entire world.
for tai lung, becoming dragon warrior would mean that he was wanted, or even needed, to be in the universe. that his legacy had been engraved in history. becoming dragon warrior was a form of validation for his life.
#tai lung is like highkey my fav villain#and hes voiced by ian mcshane!! an awesome actor#ugh anyway tomorrow youll likely catch another deep dive on the kungfupanda lore lol#tai lung#kung fu panda#kung fu panda tai lung
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hear me out: when shen closed his eyes just before the busted cannon fell on him, he chose peace. he could've easily dodged it– his karate may not have been furious-five level or anything but we've seen scenes where he easily clips and dodges throws and jabs. hell, he couldve opted to 'run away', which would appear to complete his destiny as being defeated by a warrior of black and white. except we're told that theres a secret panda village and knowing shen, with this new information, he'd likely restart his terror with a whole new crew and it would just be a cycle of violence. he literally couldve ran away. but instead, he chose to die because 1)he was tired, 2)he wanted peace and 3)he was tired of his anger
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in a very real ranty session pls ignore – i just want to get my thoughts down before i go berserk (also uhh depression trigger warnings – just dont read if you wanna not get depressed).
i just hate the job market i really do
i graduated with a masters this past summer and i've yet to find a job. i''ve had TWO PHONE SCREEINGS – theyre not even interviews, they're straightup just SCREENING. no specifics about any one job, just asking me general questions like im doing a check up.
i just... i have never been so mf depressed and ive been mf depressed before and that was a scary time in my life. in any case, i had like a mental overload earlier this week where i lowkey hyperventilated, crying my ass off. i feel like im a failure for even getting this masters– which btw was an accelerated masters meaning i finished within the year.
i feel both under and overqualified for jobs. my last job, i made a certain amount, and both these under and overquilified jobs either make wayyy below what i used to make or are above but aren't hiring. TODAY i just checked one of my apps on the company site and MIND YOU, i applied yesterday. TELL ME HOW AND WHY the position is now filled/closed.
i don't have like any money – i can barely pay my own damn rent since my savings wasn't supposed to be lasting me forever. my sisters help me more, like offering grocerymoney or paying for a portion of my rent, but my parents are just– idk man. they are not parents atm.
i feel like a true failure and i just don't know what to do about it. im legit trying not to cry atm because i already freaked out yesterday but listen, im not tryna become god or the president or anything but i thought i'd be more than just... hopeless. everytme i draw, it feels boring and empty. when i was in school, i stopped graphics because i wanted to relearn drawing and creating art again but even that's being taken away from me.
i'm watching feel-good shows and re-watching oldies but every part of me is like... punishing myself for taking a break? yesterday i told myself i was gonna stop mass-appplying to jobs since i had that mini breakdown but my friend sent me a link to try to apply to. today, she asked me what departments ive appliued to – her position is very low on teh totem pole so i doubt she could get me a job– but yet thats when i saw that the positions i applied yesterday are already filled.
its depressing to hear for 100 jobs out there, 80% are FAKE and within the 20% left, you'd be lucky to get 2 interviews. i dont wanna lower my wage standards cause ya girl gotta eat too but goddamn. entyr-level positions want 10+ exp for some reason and jobs with certifications– listen, i was gonna try for the certificate until i read that you literally need this type of work experience for you to even APPLY.
spoke to another of my friend who said i should jsut appply to these lowtier jobs and get some money but like... i am so sorry, i have so much school debt that you want me to work minimum wage after just getting a masters? i would much literally rather kill myself (not before making sure none of my siblings get the brunt of my loans because its not their responsibility).
there is nothing good in life. nothing good in this capitalist society.
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is there anyone out there that’s done/taken art commissions? pref. in the US. just got some userions on logistics and stuff
to supplement my ZERO fucking income because the job market is just not marketing, i wanna open my art commission but i’m also worried that i’m not good enough (among other things like underpricing things and no one commissioning anything).
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“available with premium subscription” “will be removed on the 31st” “available free with ads” “rent 4.99 buy 20.00″ “not available in your country” “not available on this device” what if every streaming service fucking killed itself and films ran around their fields free and organic in their natural state
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this obliterated me
#skbdjsjd ans#Ok but hear me out#you’re right but fuck off#no offense but i cannot imagine being an only child#my siblings are a hot mess and we all bond over it
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it’s always the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, but never the Irritating Ordeal of Being Known
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we need more representation in media for people who are just dogshit at improvising snappy one liners. too many characters these days can come up with the smartest funniest thing to say in any given situation with zero rehearsal or hesitation and it's just not realistic. we need more guys who say shit like "yeah, well, um, how about you, uh, suck my dick?"
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