#it is rad as hell however
thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
I can't tell if I should pre-order Frontiers or not
cause on one hand, I'd like to have a regular case for the game since it'll feel right and normal
Buuuut on the other, if I do pre-order from gamestop then it comes with a rad ass steelcase instead, but also I dunno if I really like steelcases that much
And there's also the question of if they're gunna release a physical deluxe edition cause I'm really hoping so (just in case those cosmetics actually are exclusive) and surprisingly ready to get it (:^)
I'm begging to hear anyone else's thoughts
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say-hi-intrepid-heroes · 11 months
Keanu Reeves is really into motorcycles. I’ve met him at collectors conventions a few times. He’s a really nice guy
that's exactly what he wants you to think
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trying to find good subs for shows is just deciding what your tolerance level is for:
untranslated words like language-specific honorifics, words with "too much culture-specific context" that are "impossible" to find a 1-to-1 correspondence, my nakama, or any term you saw floating around on the internet in the early 2010's and prior MAXIMUM PROFANITY where any word that could maybe be considered vulgar is taken to its FULL FUCKING POTENTIAL
the op and ed never being translated :'( waiting months for updates and not being sure if a sub group killed this project or not
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thegreatyin · 1 year
my obscure toxic gaming trait is that i don't play my world of warcraft alts when there's a boosted xp event because i unironically enjoy slow leveling
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okay so I was kind of not on board with the concept of bi-regeneration, mainly because of how it seemed like all of the Sad and the Trauma that the Doctor had undergone got kind of handwaved away? i'm all for ncuti's Doctor being sort of a fresh start/jumping on point for new viewers, but i didn't get how that could work if like, literally 40 minutes ago he was David Tennant being a sad wet puppy dog of a man
however, after rewatching it, i've realized what i think happened there, and it goes all the way back to something introduced with the 4th doctor's regeneration that was never explained: the Watcher
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^this spooky guy
so, for those that don't know (or haven't seen every episode of a show that is over half a century old), the Fourth Doctor regenerates at the end of a story called Logopolis (he falls off a satellite dish, but that's not important right now). all throughout the episode, this weird figure, The Watcher, stands off in the distance, and even intervenes slightly by saving the Fourth Doctor's companion. there's not much given in the way of an explanation until the Fourth Doctor regenerates, saying "it's the end. but the moment has been prepared for..."
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the watcher walks up, and gets absorbed in a super rad 1980's digital effect (never change doctor who), while his companion just gives us the not-super-helpful-for-lore statement "He was the Doctor all the time!"
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then, in a crossfade, the Doctor goes from Four to weird-powder-man to Five
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canonically, the Watcher is explained as a future version of the doctor that comes about in sort of a weird overlapping thing with the doctor's timeline, it's very wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.
SO what does this have to do with biregeneration and satisfying character arcs/moving on from trauma?
Well, remember, Fifteen said this, about Time Lords doing rehab out of order:
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so, here's the thing: Fifteen is the Doctor AFTER Fourteen (duh, I know?) But to be clear...Fourteen lives out an entire lifetime with Donna and family, gets to a ripe old age, and then, when his lifetime of healing is over, he gets yeeted back through his own timestream just to zoot himself out of David Tennant's chest.
Remember, his first words to Fourteen (after popping out of his chest) are "So good to see you! So good!", not the RTD classic "what?". He greets himself like he's almost expecting this, he then says "does anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" which only makes sense if he's coming from a different point in his own timestream (remember, when two doctors interact, memory gets really weird, 10 and the War Doctor don't remember the events of Day of the Doctor until they live through them as 11).
SO TO BE CLEAR: Ncuti Gatwa is playing the Doctor AFTER he has spent years healing from his traumas. His Doctor is fine because Fourteen takes the time to rest and work on himself.
tl;dr: I didn't like biregeneration at first because I thought it looked like this:
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In actuality, it looks more like this:
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Wearing Their Clothes
Summary: The brothers' reactions to seeing you wear an article of their clothing.
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Of all the things that surprised you in the Devildom, one of the biggest shocks was the fact that it had weather just like the Human Realm. Of course, there were many representations of what “Hell” looked like. You just never saw one that showed it raining or snowing there. So, when large snowflakes started falling, to say you were both shocked and confused would be an understatement.
You were still at RAD when it started snowing. There had been a mandatory student council meeting; and, afterwards, Lucifer had asked you to stay behind and help him with some paperwork.
Diavolo had asked Lucifer to have the exchange students fill out a survey on how their time in the Devildom had been so far; and, since you were already with him, he thought yours would be the easiest to fill out.
He was pleasantly surprised when you had nothing but praise to give Lucifer. He wore a proud smile as you talked about how much you’ve been enjoying your time in the Devildom. He loved hearing you talk about it - each commendation making him feel the all-too-familiar emotion that had been bestowed upon his demon form. 
He was having such a great time, in fact, that he didn’t realize how late it had gotten until he looked out the window and noticed how dark it was outside. 
“We must have lost track of time,” Lucifer told you before offering to walk with you back to the House of Lamentation. Not that you had a choice in the matter. After all, it was far too dangerous for you to walk back by yourself.
The second you stepped outside of RAD, you immediately regretted it. The cold air bit at your skin as the snow continued to fall. You cursed yourself for not bringing a jacket; but, how were you supposed to know that it was going to snow in the Devildom today.
You walked silently alongside Lucifer, doing your best to keep your teeth from chattering. Lucifer studied you as the two of you walked. You were usually more chatty. Was something wrong?
He looked at your appearance. Your complexion was flushed, your body slightly shivering. Lucifer raised an eyebrow as suddenly he understood what was happening - you were cold.
Lucifer was immediately taking off his large fur cape and offering it to you. The gesture warmed your heart, but you declined. He needed it or else he would be cold - you argued. Lucifer would make an argument about how much more fragile humans were than demons and then tell you, “Besides, I can’t have you die from the cold. It would be a bad look for Lord Diavolo.”
You chuckled at his words before agreeing, realizing Lucifer wasn’t going to back down. He helped place his cape over your shoulders, securing it in place. You were immediately thankful for the warmth the cape provided - the color almost instantly returning to your cheeks.
Lucifer couldn’t help but smile as he looked at you in his cape - the sheer size of it nearly enveloping your entire body. The snow fell on top of you, your hair and eyelashes being coated in white. You looked beautiful. 
Lucifer admired you the whole way home, hoping that it would snow more often in the Devildom so that he could see you in his cape more often.
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Mammon liked to spend a lot of time in your room. After all, he was your “first” so why shouldn’t he be allowed in there whenever he liked. He would spend countless hours in there with you. It didn’t matter what the two of you were doing, as long as you were hanging out. Some nights, by the time you were done, it would be so late that he would just stay the night in there.
So, it was no surprise when he accidentally left one of his shirts in your room. It was just a plain, black t-shirt. Nothing truly identifiable about it. Because of that, you had accidentally mistaken it for one of your shirts. 
Mammon however knew the difference. He had been looking for that shirt, not knowing where he had misplaced it.
He came to check for it in your room, barging in without knocking. “Oi, Y/N,” he began but stopped realizing the room was empty. He heard the faint sound of water running coming from the bathroom and realized you were taking a shower. He sat down on your bed, deciding to wait for you.
He scrolled on his D.D.D. for a while until the water turned off. Then a few minutes later, you came out of the bathroom - wearing his shirt.
Mammon felt his heart stop as his eyes were glued to you, his D.D.D. long forgotten about. You were surprised to see Mammon sitting in your room and you were about to say something when you noticed the deep red blush that coated his cheeks as he sat there looking incredibly flustered. “Mammon, are you okay?”
He wouldn't answer your question. Instead, he asked, “I-Is that my shirt?!” Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked down at the black shirt you were wearing, now recognizing it as his. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you told him.
Mammon was a mess. The shirt clung to your body in the best way possible, leading Mammon’s mind to wander to different images of you in that shirt…and out of it. Noticing his expression you said, “I can change.”
“N-No!” Mammon said, jumping off the bed now. That was the last thing he wanted. Realizing his slip-up, Mammon tried to quickly cover his tracks by saying, “Just be grateful that the great Mammon is letting ya wear his clothes!”
When he does get his shirt back, he immediately notices that it smells like you, something that makes him smile. He will never wear it again or wash it. 
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Levi was never supposed to find out.
You were doing a cosplay outfit for one of your favorite animes. You had made several videos online and had gotten a decent amount of likes. You loved it and the amount of online support you got encouraged you to do more and more outfits.
Well, it just so happened that the character you were trying to portray had a specific blue and orange jacket. It was pertinent to the character; but, you had nothing similar. So, you began brainstorming ideas on what you could do to try and replicate the clothing item.
Then, it suddenly dawned on you. You had seen Levi wearing a jacket with the same colors. It wasn’t an exact match but it would be close enough. 
You took in a deep breath as you made your way to the coat closet in the House of Lamentation, praying it was there. 
To your luck, when you opened the door, amongst the miscellaneous other coats, it was hanging up in the closet. You let out a small breath of relief. You reached your hand out to take the jacket but hesitated. Levi would probably freak if he saw you wearing his jacket. But, you really needed it.
You debated the pros and cons of taking the jacket.. One on hand, if you went and asked Levi if you could borrow the jacket, he would most likely mumble something about normies before declining out of embarrassment. Then you would be out of luck. However, if you just borrowed the jacket for a few minutes - just to make the video. Then, you could put it back and he’d never know.
Deciding that was the best course of action, you quickly took the jacket and headed back up to your room. You put the jacket on as the finishing touch and looked in the mirror. Perfect.
You began recording the video, making sure to have the perfect lighting and angle. When you were done, you rewatched it, satisfied with the results. Alright, time to put Levi’s jacket back.
“Hey, Y/N, what-,” Levi suddenly came rushing into the room. Both of you froze in shock. Was that…his? “Levi!” you said, nervously looking at him. You had been caught.
“I can explain,” you told him as his eyes widened and a blush coated his cheeks. Not only were you wearing his clothes like some normie couple, but you looked good in it. 
“I was making a cosplay video and I needed to borrow it,” you admitted. “C-Cosplay?” Levi asked, stuttering out his words as he tried to comprehend the situation.
He let out a small scream as he recognized the character you were dressed up as. It was from one of the animes he recommended to you. His eyes then trailed to the video that was still playing on your D.D.D.
You slowly took off his jacket and handed it back to him, blushing slightly. “Sorry, for taking it without asking.”
Levi took the jacket, not sure what to say. So he said the first thing that came to his mind. “Y-You’re missing the sunglasses.”
What? Levi looked back at the video again and you understood. Of course! You were missing the sunglasses for the cosplay. You knew you were missing something!
“I-I have a pair that might match,” Levi said, offering you back his jacket. If you were going to make a cosplay video, he was going to be part of it.
“That would be great!” you replied. Levi quickly left to retrieve the sunglasses as you put his jacket back on. He returned within moments, handing you the sunglasses. You put them on the way the character would and Levi asked if he could help you record the video to which you were unbelievably grateful for. 
Levi was smiling the whole time he helped. He couldn’t believe how talented you were in your impression of the character. More importantly, he couldn’t believe you were wearing his clothes!
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You were sitting in Satan’s room reading a book while you waited for him to return. The two of you had been spending the afternoon together. You were reading one of your favorites, and he had been doing the same until about a few minutes ago. He had just finished his book and told you he was going to go to the library to get another book. He promised he would return shortly but it had already been several minutes.
You were huddled up underneath a blanket, but you were still cold. It felt like Satan’s room had no heat whatsoever. You let out a small sigh as you tore your eyes from the page, glancing around the room for anything that could help you warm back up. 
You couldn’t see any blankets, but you noticed one of Satan’s sweaters sitting not too far from you. You let out a small sigh as you turned the idea over and over in your head. He wouldn’t be mad if you borrowed it, right? Not if you told him you were cold. 
You wanted to ask Satan’s permission, so you waited a few more minutes, but when you realized he wasn’t going to be coming back for a while - you decided to risk it. 
You quickly jumped out of the blanket and moved over to the sweater. You picked it up carefully, admiring the material before slipping it over your head. You noticed that it smelt like Satan, the scent making you feel like you were enveloped in his arms. 
You clutched the sweater a little closer to you before moving back to your spot and huddling underneath the blanket. You opened your book back up to the spot you were at and got lost in the fictional world once again.
You were so distracted by the words on the page that you didn’t notice when Satan entered the room. He was about to announce his presence when he noticed the familiar article of clothing that you were wearing. 
His cheeks turned pink as he looked at you wearing his sweater. You looked so adorable curled up under the blanket, reading a book, while wearing his clothes. It warmed his heart. Satan moved over to you, doing his best to hide his smile. 
He sat down next to you and you had completely forgotten that you were wearing his sweater. As if it was second nature to do so. “Did you find a book?” you asked him.
Satan nodded his head before telling you, “I’m really excited to see how this turns out.” You smiled in response, thinking he was talking about the book. He wasn’t so sure.
From now on, if you were in his presence and looked the slightest bit cold, he would immediately offer you his sweater, wanting to see you in his clothes more often.
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Asmo was the resident fashion designer in the House of Lamentation. Whenever someone needed advice on an outfit, they immediately turned to him.; and, it was no secret why. His fashion advice was always on point. He could turn the dullest of outfits into a beautiful masterpiece. 
Tonight, Asmo had invited you to dinner at a new restaurant that had open. They asked him to attend with a plus one to bring more business. After all, he had tons of fans who would go to the restaurant just to see him.
Asmo had asked you to be his plus one, and you couldn’t have been more excited. Until he told you how many people would be looking at the two of you and taking pictures. Then, nerves set in as you began panicking about what to wear.
“Don’t worry! I’ll help you!” Asmo comforted, taking you by your hand to your room. He would have you put on a mini-fashion show for him, trying on multiple different outfits to try and find the right one. But, nothing you had quite fit the vibe of the restaurant. 
Asmo thought for a moment, until he came up with an idea. He had the perfect outfit for you! Asmo quickly brought you to his room, pulling out the outfit and handing it to you. He ushered you into his bathroom, telling you to try it on.
When you did, you were surprised at how well it fit - and how good it looked. You stepped out of the bathroom and at first, Asmo didn’t say anything. He just stared at you, a large smile spreading across his face.
“How do I look?” you asked after the silence began to grow awkward. Asmo tried to keep his composure as the thought of you wearing his clothes in public threatened to spark his sin. “That’s the one!” Asmo told you excitedly before helping you do your make-up. By the end of it all, the two of you looked like you had walked straight off the pages of a magazine. 
You made your way to the restaurant and when you got there, you were met with countless cameras. It seemed like everyone wanted to capture the restaurant’s grand opening.
Asmo grabbed your hand as the cameras started flashing, documenting yours and Asmo’s presence. He led you into the restaurant, his smile only growing larger as he thought about you wearing his outfit. The photos would forever document that you were wearing his clothes.
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It was a complete accident. 
You had left the House of Lamentation while it was warm out, so you didn’t think to bring an umbrella. Who would?
Well, apparently, it was the biggest mistake you could have made because on your way home, you had found yourself in the middle of a rainstorm. You had no protection from it, the droplets soaking you from head to toe.
You began running to the House of Lamentation, letting out a sigh of relief as you made it to the front door. You quickly entered, thankful to be out of the storm. Then you heard someone behind you. “I see you forgot your umbrella.” You jumped as you turned around and saw Lucifer standing there.
A small blush coated your cheeks as you were embarrassed of the state you were currently in. Lucifer asked you to go to the laundry room so that you didn’t track water everywhere and you agreed, making a beeline towards the room.
When you got there, you quickly took off your wet clothes. You looked around the large room for your basket of laundry, confused when you couldn’t find it.
Then, you realized you had taken it to your room earlier to finish folding the clean clothes. Could this day get any worse.
So, here you were standing naked in the House of Lamentation's laundry room, contemplating how you ended up here. 
You had to come up with something quick before one of the brothers accidentally walked in on you. 
Looking to your right, you saw a large black t-shirt with a design on it. You quickly picked it up, examining it. You had seen Beel wearing it at some point. You held it up to you and noticed that it was so big compared to you. It would be enough to cover you until you could make it to your room. 
You quickly slipped Beel’s shirt on, double-checking that everything was covered before opening the door. All you had to do was make it to your room without being seen. Easy, right?
You turned out of the laundry room, immediately bumping into a large figure. The force caused you to stumble back as you felt two large arms steady you. You looked up to see Beel, looking at you like a confused puppy as he took in your appearance. 
You immediately began blushing as he asked, “Are you wearing my shirt?” Your mind tried to explain the situation, but your words merely came out as a series of stuttered words before you gave up. “It’s a long story,” you told him defeatedly.
Beel could see that you had a long day and he didn’t want to make it worse. So, he didn’t question you any further. Besides, he had to admit it made him feel flustered, seeing you in his clothes. He thought it was adorable how his shirt looked like it was going to swallow you up at any moment.
“Keep it as long as you need,” Beel told you with a small smile. You were thankful that Beel didn’t make things any more awkward as you pushed past him to go to your room.
Beel entered the laundry room to get the rest of his clothes and noticed your discarded clothes. His cheeks felt hot as realized that you were completely nude underneath his shirt. 
He did his best to push out intrusive thoughts as he made his way back to his room, his clean laundry in his arms.  
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When it came to you and Belphie, you were sure that was the only reason you did anything anymore. 
Belphie liked to act like a brat and decided to do things he knew would frustrate you because he liked to see the way you would react.
So, he decided to start a prank war with you. But, you were not a pushover; and, you were going to make sure Belphie realized that once and for all. 
So, when he started pulling minor pranks. You let him think he was getting the best of you, until you had pulled a much larger prank on him. You had surprised Belphie with your creativity and your tenacity. But, he wasn’t ready to back down either.
Minor pranks turned into much more serious ones, the two of you so wrapped up in your war that you could hardly pay attention to anything else.
You had just pulled your latest prank of Belphie the day before. You were waiting anxiously for Belphie to pull his prank, constantly watching your back. 
He could strike from anywhere at any time. 
It was getting late, so you had decided Belphie wasn’t going to pull his prank today. You went to your bedroom to go to bed.
However, as soon as you opened the door to your room, you immediately regretted it as a large bucket off water poured on top of you. You let out a small gasp as your clothes were completely drenched. Really?!
You let out a small scoff as you immediately began thinking of retaliation pranks, making your way to your closet to change into a dry pair of clothes.
But, when you got there, you saw that the closet was completely empty. Belphie had taken all of your clothes.
You were fuming as you made your way to the Twin’s Room, bursting through the door to find Belphie in there by himself, lounging on his bed with a smile. 
“Where are my clothes?” you asked him, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Belphie replied, smirking back at you.
“All of my clothes are gone,” you stated, knowing full well that he was the culprit. “It looks like you’ll just have to sleep in your wet clothes then,” Belphie replied, turning his attention to his D.D.D.
You glared at him, anger coursing through your veins. He was not winning this one. After realizing Belphie wasn’t going to give you your clothes back, you came up with a new idea.
“Fine,” you told him, marching over to his closet. Belphie tore his eyes away from D.D.D to look up at you. “What are you doing?” he asked, watching your every move.
“If I can’t wear my clothes, then I’ll just have to wear yours,” you replied, stripping your shirt off before putting his on. The rage you were feeling was clouding your mind to the point where you didn’t even realize you had just undressed in front of Belphie.
Belphie most definitely realized though, the image of your half-naked body being seared into his mind as he looked at you in shock.
You then changed into a pair of Belphie’s sweatpants and his cheeks were stained pink as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Luckily, the shirt had covered most of what he would have seen. But, his imagination was running wild. 
You turned to face him, wearing his clothes and his eyes traced every inch of you. You wore a satisfied smirk as you locked eyes. “Good night,” you stated, walking back out of the twins room, a blush on your cheeks at the way Belphie was looking at you. You won.
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devildomcuties · 3 months
Obey Me: I've Got You [Demon Brothers]
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thank you for sending this request in :)
🕷 paring: demon brothers x gn!reader 18+ ONLY
🕷 summary: Bashful m/c clings to her demon when a stranger makes her uncomfortable.
🕷 wc: 4.1k
🕷 warnings: harassment, pet names, threats of bodily harm/murder, marking (hickeys, biting, scratching), oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie, shared bath, dry humping, choking, I think that's it?
🕷 date: July 6, 2024
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Lucifer kept a close eye on you whenever possible. He knew you could take care of yourself but when his brothers were involved, it led to mayhem with you caught in the middle. 
Some days, Lucifer would finish his work early to roam the halls of RAD in hopes of catching you or any of his mischievous brothers running amok. 
He finds the silence in the halls eerie. He wonders if he’s missed the last bell but his watch says there’s still a few seconds left before it rings. Lucifer doesn’t worry, he knows sometimes classes run a bit late but it is unusual for you not to be the first one out of class, usually with one of his younger brothers on your heels. 
So when the bell rings and the halls clear, he’s surprised he hasn’t spotted you. Immediately Lucifer is concerned, had something happened to you? Were you in need of aid?
Lucifer rounds the corner, determined to find you. He freezes when he spots you clutching your books to your chest. The demon in front of you has no spacial awareness, he is too close to you. His gaze is anything but friendly, unwelcomed as you look at the floor instead. 
Lucifer walks gracefully toward you, confidence blooming from his very core as he easily wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Hello, darling. I have plans for us this evening,” he informs you sweetly, kissing the top of your head before his gaze darkens as he meets the gaze of the demon in front of you. 
“I’d excuse us properly but you were making them uncomfortable, so I’ll leave you with this, cast your eyes on them one more time and it’ll be your innards decorating these halls instead of the trophies. Good day.”
Lucifer steers you down the hall as you cling to him, softly thanking him.
Lucifer nods as he leads you to an empty classroom, shutting the door to give you two privacy. His hands gently cup your face, but with a blink or two, you appear in his bedroom. 
Silence welcomes you in your safe space. Your heart rate no longer thunders and your adrenaline soon will disappear now that you’re in the safety of Lucifer and his bedroom. 
“You’re always there to save me,” you whisper as you lean into his touch. 
“I’ve got you, darling. I always will,” Lucifer swears as he holds your gaze a moment longer. 
Your hands reach for him, your lips meeting his before you lay on his bed with him on top. His touch is gentle but firm. You love when his hands grab your hips, a smirk on his lips when you whine softly but soon beg for him to squeeze you harder.
“So lovely,” he whispers as he kisses his way down your jaw to your neck, you sweet whimpers music to his ears as his teeth scrape against your heated skin. You melt so easliy for him, so needy for his touch at every turn.
Lucifer knows you’re more important than whatever washed up demon in the hall with you. He knows your kisses are a distraction for him, because it would take so little for him to bring the building down if he so wished. Barbatos and Diavolo’s wrath be damned.
Hells, he’s sure the two would aid him in destroying RAD if they knew of the demon making you uncomfortable. After all, wasn’t the goal to bring harmony to the three worlds?
Your lips cover every inch of Lucifer’s body while he’s lost in thought. You’d managed to get him on his back, a rare occurrence.
However, it takes one swift movement for your back to meet the mattress and your head to hit the pillow. You giggle, eyes locked on his until he’s kissing you once more.
It’s not much later that you’re moaning his name, nails dragging down his muscular back as he fucks you slowly, moaning your name when you tighten around him. 
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“How fast can it go?” Mammon asks the salesman as he opens the driver’s door to the car he was looking at. 
The salesman answers Mammon as he allows him to get in the seat. 
While Mammon is in the car, the salesman continues his pitch all while eyeing you up and down with a hungry gaze. You shift uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze as Mammon shuts the driver’s door. 
Mammon sees your uncomfortable reflection in the side mirror and immediately gets out of the car, smacking the demon with the door. 
“We won’t be doing business with you,” Mammon states as he drapes his arm over your shoulders to lead you away from the baffled salesman. He was lucky Mammon didn’t shove him face-first through the windshield for making you uncomfortable. 
The drive back to HoL is tense. Mammon keeps his hand on your thigh as he drives with his jaw clenched. He’s beating himself up for not noticing sooner. Had that demon been making you uncomfortable the whole time? Has Mammon let you down? He was your first, he was supposed to be looking out for you at all times and he had failed you.
Mammon is quick to lead you to his bedroom, bypassing Asmo when you walk through the front door. 
“Not now, Asmo,” he muttered as the two of you walked by. 
Asmo would have normally protested but the scowl on his older brother’s face had him sidestepping the both of you. 
The moment Mammon shuts his bedroom door, he’s taking your hands in his as he leads you to the couch. 
“I’m sorry, Treasure. I should have noticed sooner. I was so focused on getting a new car, that I didn’t notice how that filth was looking at you.”
“It’s okay,” you whisper as you meet Mammon’s gaze. You climb into his lap and cling to him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Did he hurt you?” Mammon asks, trying to control his temper. 
“No, he just stared at me,” you answer honestly. “I didn’t like it.”
Mammon nods stiffly, his fingers tapping your thigh as he calms himself. He should have been more aware. He thought you’d be safe at his side and…
Your lips kiss his cheek. His thoughts are silenced as you kiss his jaw and then his lips. 
“Don’t beat yourself over this,” you tell him as you lace your fingers with his. 
“You know you can always count on me, right? I’ve got you,” Mammon promises as he kisses your lips gently. His forehead presses to yours as you lock eyes and smile at each other sweetly. 
“I love you, Mammon.”
“I love ya, Treasure.” 
The smile that lights up your face is brighter than any Grimm he’s ever owned. It makes his heart skip a beat as you straddle his lap and deepen the kiss. 
Your fingers thread through his hair, moaning when your teeth nip his bottom lip. You help each other get naked in between kisses and soft laughter. 
Your mind is filled with nothing but love as he fucks into you slowly, moaning your name into your neck as you ride him. 
“Mammon,” you moan sweetly, holding him close as your orgasm hits and your legs shake. 
“That’s it, Treasure. I’ve got ya.”
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The pop culture store was packed for an early Saturday morning. You had agreed to accompany Levi as long as he took you to breakfast after. 
“I’m gonna head to the aisle with the new otome games,” you inform him as you point to the aisle. Levi looks up from his perusing long enough to acknowledge you and nod. His cheeks turn pink when you kiss his cheek before walking away. 
Slowly, you go down the aisle, reading the titles softly. 
“Oh, excuse me,” you say when you bump into someone. You had been so focused on the games, that you hadn’t seen the demon beside you. 
The demon waves you off politely as you turn and read the titles on the other shelf to stay out of their way. You make it halfway down before you feel the heat of someone watching you. It’s not a familiar heat, this one makes you uncomfortable. 
Without missing a beat, you head straight for Levi, clutching his arm tightly. 
“Are you okay, love?” Levi whispers as he pauses his browsing. He turns to you with a curious gaze as you look down at your shoes. 
Levi looks around, glaring when he spots a demon in the aisle you’re in. Without a word, Levi leads you to the checkout and pays for his items. He keeps his arm around your waist while you shyly hide your face in his chest. 
When you leave the store, he asks you to teleport the both of you to his bedroom. 
Levi sits down on his desk chair, tugging you onto his lap. Normally he’d be just as shy as you or more but your apparent discomfort is more important than feeling bashful having you so close. 
“Was that demon making you uncomfortable?” He asks straightforwardly. “I noticed the way he was looking at you.”
You nod. “Something about his gaze made me want to run.”
“I’ll always protect you. No matter what, baby. I’ve got you,” Levi promises as he lifts his pinky for you to seal the promise with your own. 
Levi brings your twined pinkies to his lips, kissing them before he kisses your lips. 
Slowly, your kissing grows hungrier as your hands help Levi remove his clothing until he’s blushing under you. 
You kiss him gently, smiling coyly before you kiss your way down his body, lingering on his pretty torso. 
His dulcet moans rile you up as pleasure blooms deep inside. Your hands wrap around his hard cock, moving forward to spit on it. 
Levi curses, turning into putty beneath you as you wrap your lips around his cock to tease him. He whimpers, eyes shut as pleasure burns through his veins. You feel pride build in your chest as you take him deeper until he hits the back of your throat.
Levi tangles his fingers in your hair gently, moaning your name as you bob up and down on his length, fueled by every moan and groan that escapes him.
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“It should be right over here,” Satan hums as he rounds the corner of the bookstore. You don’t follow him, instead, you stop at the new releases, checking out the romance novels and Simeon’s new book. 
“That’s a good one,” someone says beside you. You nod, avoiding meeting their gaze as you read the titles to yourself and pick up Simeon’s book. 
The person next to you watches you intently, licking their lips as they eye your body up and down. You bristle, immediately feeling uncomfortable and looking up from the books to search for Satan. 
You spot him heading towards you, a pile of books tucked under his arm. His gaze is terrifying but it’s not aimed at you, it’s aimed at the demon beside you who is making you uncomfortable. 
“You better find someone else to ogle before I rip your eyes out and feed them to you,” Satan threatens before he drapes his free arm around your shoulders to lead you away from the seething demon. 
You cling to Satan, thanking him softly as you set your books on the counter to pay. 
Satan kisses the top of your head as he sets down his books beside yours, moving behind you to shield you from anyone else’s curious eyes. He pays quickly and thanks the cashier before taking the bag with your books. 
“Let’s get you home,” he says as he follows you toward the exit. His anger is simmering, ready to boil over if he sees the demon one more time. How dare anyone make you uncomfortable? He’d only left you for two minutes and you were frightened. You didn’t like when other demons looked at you, much less ogled you so brazenly. You were timid, still getting used to Satan and his brothers and their rambunctiousness. 
You only felt comfortable with the brothers, the angels, Sol, Barb, and Dia. You often challenged Levi as the most bashful in HoL. 
Before you know it, you’re in Satan’s bedroom. Your new books and his remain in the bag as Satan gets into bed, patting the spot beside him. 
You climb into his lap instead, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your chest to his. Satan sighs softly into your neck, breathing you in to calm himself down. 
“I’m sorry that creep got so close to you,” he whispers as his hands run down your back to settle on your hips. 
“It was fine at first when he talked about the books but then his look changed,” you shuddered at the memory and Satan ran his fingers through your hair. 
“He won’t bother you ever again,” Satan assures you. “Not as long as me or my brothers are around. We’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
“I know,” you smile as you lace your fingers with his, you kiss him gently, moaning when he deepens the kiss a few minutes later. 
You press your foreheads to him, smiling at him as he blushes. His hands rub your sides before he kisses you again, deepening it until you’re unzipping his pants and sighing when he fills you. 
“Fuck, Satan,” you moan into his shoulder as you slowly ride him, his hands gripping you tighter as he hides his blushing face. His lips pepper feather light kisses on your skin, moaning your name when you suck on his neck. 
You know it won’t be much longer until you reach your peak, eager to drag Satan with you.  
“I love you.”
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Asmo lived to be admired, lived to be worshiped, lived to be loved. 
He was the center of attention wherever he went, even on private dates like the one you were on at the moment. 
The masseuse had just finished with you when Asmo entered your room. He had snuck out of his to check on you. He knew you were bashful, especially with things that required you to be naked with nothing but a towel to cover your most intimate parts. 
“You look absolutely radiant, hon!” Asmo exclaims as he sits beside you. 
There’s a knock on the door, and Asmo tells them to enter. He’s clad in his fluffy robe as you finish tying your own. 
A cart full of sweets and champagne is rolled in. You’re handed a glass of champagne before Asmo and you thank the demon in front of you. He bows his head and takes a step back as you reach for a chocolate-covered strawberry. 
You lick the chocolate off the end, moaning in delight before biting it. You giggle when Asmo leans over to bite the other side.
When you lick the chocolate off your lips, you feel the heat of an unwelcome stare and realize the demon is still watching you with a look that makes the hair on the nape of your neck rise. 
Slowly, you scoot closer to Asmo, hiding your face in his shoulder as he sets his D.D.D.  down when he feels your mood shift. He looks from you to the demon and his gaze hardens. 
“That will be all,” Asmo states in a dry tone, waving the demon toward the door. 
The demon nods as he takes his leave and Asmo feels your grip on his arm relax. He waits until the door shuts before he uses his fingers to tilt your chin upward. 
“He’s gone, hon. It’s just us,” he informs you as you thank him meekly. You cover yourself with the robe, almost afraid of the demon returning. 
“Hey, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got you,” Asmo whispers as he gently cups your face and your eyes lock on his. You nod, smiling softly.
Asmo kisses the tip of your nose. Asmo will have the demon fired and removed from the premises before the both of you leave. His reputation will be enough to do so. How dare anyone make you uncomfortable, much less with him beside you? The audacity. 
Asmo kisses you softly, his hands holding yours sweetly. His nails match yours, a pretty pink design you had selected. 
“Let’s take a bath,” He suggests as he leads you toward the bathroom. 
The water is steaming when you enter, but it doesn’t scald you like you’d thought. Asmo sits behind you, tugging you to his chest. His delicate hands grip your middle, kissing your shoulders before making his way to your neck.
You gasp, cheeks hot as he nips that one spot that makes your heart flip.
Asmo giggles, his hands reaching for a pink washrag. The scent of lilies fills the space around you as he lathers it up and slowly washes your body, leaving kisses in the most sensitive spots. You moan when his hand goes between your legs, his lips pressed to your neck, moving up to nip your earlobe.
“Asmo!” his name escapes your lips as his hand moves faster, chuckling when you fall apart soon after. 
“So sweet for me,” He grins as he tilts your head toward him before he kisses you.
“Your turn,” you smile as you turn to face him, resting on your knees as you run your hands over his body, his giggles filling the room when your hand wraps around his hard cock.
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The restaurant was buzzing with chatter on Saturday night. Beel had made reservations ahead of time to minimize the time you had to wait. 
Upon reaching your table, Beel ordered appetizers while you perused the menu. At first, you had been too busy deciding what to order to notice the stare of the server. His eyes lingered on your body as you ordered your meal and drink. 
Beel ordered one of everything and sent the server off to place your order. He noticed your quiet demeanor and he tugged your chair closer to his. 
You smiled at him before placing your hand on his thigh. 
“I’m glad you joined me tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to be alone,” Beel grins as the chatter continues in the background. “Well, alone without my brothers.”
“We have all night to be together,” you remind him as you lean in to kiss him. Beel smiles into the kiss, his large hand cupping your face sweetly. 
His name escapes you in a delicate whisper as he bites your bottom lip playfully before releasing you. 
You trace your lip with your tongue, eyes sparkling as you meet his gaze, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
Beel giggles as he kisses your hand. 
When you look at him, your gaze catches the server on his way to your table. He winks at you before he approaches with your drinks. 
Beel thanks him as you move your chair closer to him, squeezing his thigh.
By the time your food is served, you’re more relaxed. Beel inhales his food one plate at a time. 
The server approaches with a cart to clear the plates, his eyes on you the entire time. He winks at you when Beel isn’t looking before he stands upright. 
“Would your lovely date like some dessert?” The server asks Beel with a smirk. 
You move closer to Beel, looking at the table before gripping his arm. 
Beel’s body tenses as he looks at the server and notes the way you squeeze his arm. “Can we go?”
“Sure, baby,” Beel responds, kissing your cheek. He looks at the server with a glare. “I’ve got dessert covered, but thanks.”
The server shrinks under his gaze, stutters his goodbye, and rushes to the kitchen. 
Beel takes your hand in his, leading you to the front to pay quickly. He didn’t want to see the server again and end up in a fistfight. 
You remain silent at his side, and Beel feels awful for not noticing your demeanor before. 
Once you arrive home, Beel leads you straight to his bedroom. You lay on his bed, tugging his shirt off him so you could wear it. His scent soothes you, and you curl up to his bare chest once he joins you under the covers. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Always,” he promises softly.
You snuggle into him, his large arm draped over your waist as he holds you close. His lips meet yours before he’s tugging you onto his body. Your hands rest on his chest, a giggle escaping you as he covers you in kisses while his large hands guide your hips over his.
You moan when he kisses you, his tongue meeting yours as make out with him. You relax in his hold, soon asking him for more while he rocks his hips into yours, making you moan into his skin. Beel loves to tease you. He loves to watch you fall apart for him, only you can ease the hunger that overwhelms him at times.
He’ll tease you for the rest of the night, only giving you what you desperately crave when you’re all he can taste on his tongue.
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It wasn’t often that Belphie left the comfort of his home, much less his bed but today he was doing both as he shopped for a new mattress. His old one was fine, but he’d heard great things about a new bed in one of the stores downtown. 
With you at his side, Belphie felt confident in leaving his home long enough to make his purchase. 
Normally, you’d stay at his side but the array of mattresses had your attention while Belphie found a salesperson.
“Need any help?” Someone asks you, and you shake your head.
“Just waiting on my boyfriend,” you state as you look over your shoulder to look for Belphie. He’s in deep conversation with the salesperson, signing a form to get the mattress delivered later that day.
The salesperson scoffs, which makes you face them with a scowl.
“If you need help finding a mattress let me know. I’m an expert on beds,” The demon smirks as he eyes you up and down. 
You frown as you take a few steps back until you turn to find Belphie heading your way with a scowl. You grab his hand and stand by his side, hiding your face in his chest.
The demon cowers under Belphie’s gaze, the unspoken threat loud and clear to the leering demon. He takes off in a sprint as Belphie leads you out of the building.
He has you focus on him until you can take the both of you to his spot in the attic.
Belphie wraps his arms around you as he pulls you to bed with him. His hand rubs circles onto your back as you hug him close.
“Are you okay?” Belphie asks. He knows you don’t like being looked at, or stared at. It makes you uncomfortable and sometimes self-conscious. However, that demon at the store was leering, clearly making you uncomfortable.
Belphie had to resist the urge to go back there with his brothers in tow, not that he needed help from them but because they’d insist on going once they found out how the demon made you feel.
“I’m okay now,” you assure him as you take his hands in yours. You move to his side to lay beside him with his chest pressed to your back.
Belphie holds you close, his fingers tracing a heart on the back of your hand until he brings it to his lips to kiss it. 
“Want me to get him fired?” Belphie asks nonchalantly. 
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head. 
Belphie chuckles as he moves his hand to rub your hip. You press yourself to him and he grips you tighter. 
“You sure?” Belphie asks with a smirk. “You know I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
You hum, not to sure what to say as his hand slips under your shirt. You melt into a happy puddle as his hand moves up and down your side while his lips capture yours. 
Belphie always has the effect on you. He makes you forget about everything but him, and you love it.
You’re not surprised when you end up wrapped around him with one hand on your hip and the other wrapped around your throat. You take his fingers in your mouth, drooling all over yourself and him as his hips rock into you repeatedly.
Your moans are muffled by his fingers, pleasure coursing through your veins as you cum shortly after. Belphie moans your name, his face buried in your neck as he cums a few moments later.
You grin as you lay satiated at his side, sweaty and feeling like you’re floating on a cloud.
“Wait until we break in my new bed,” Belphie teases. “You won’t be getting any rest.”
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katboykirby · 1 year
A Case of Cuteness Aggression
CUTENESS AGGRESSION, a superficially aggressive but unharmful behaviour that is instinctive to demons. Demonic cuteness aggression is triggered by the presence of cute things, most commonly humans or occasionally small animals.
Characters: all demons (Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistopheles) SFW
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LUCIFER is the best at controlling his urges. In fact, he didn't feel very much cuteness aggression around you at all in the beginning. Perhaps it was because his work had him seeing you as more of a responsibility than anything else, or because he considered you one of Diavolo's assets that were vital to the success of the Exchange Program. Either way, it took some time for him to start feeling those urges around you. When he finally did realise what he was feeling, Lucifer was reminded very much of the cuteness aggression he'd felt toward many of his little brothers when they were still young. So it should have come as no surprise that he eventually started to feel that way around you, as well. He remains one of the most restrained in his actions, however, and Lucifer only occasionally gives in to his impulses. If you're within arm's reach of him for too long, you might find yourself with Lucifer's hand on the top of your head. He'll press down on the top of your skull with steadily increasing pressure, or maybe he'll rub your head and ruffle your hair without noticing how rough he's being (like he used to do to Mammon and the twins)
MAMMON has absolutely no impulse control at all, so he is on the complete opposite end of the aggression scale as Lucifer. As soon as he'd made his pact with you, all bets were off. Better kiss goodbye to your personal space right now, because Mammon has zero concept or awareness of boundaries. Expect to get tackled in the halls of the House of Lamentation or RAD at any given moment. He's at least careful enough not to actually hurt you, but he's full-body sacked you enough times to send you both hurtling into the floor. He always feels bad afterwards, but apart from a few rug burns you're fine. Please reassure him and tell him that you're okay, otherwise he'll sulk for the rest of the day. It still doesn't stop him though, and Mammon will be back to pouncing on you all over again the very next day.
LEVIATHAN shows signs of his cuteness aggression with fictional characters like Ruri-chan, and even his favourite idols like Sucre Frenzy. But there's a big difference between gushing over what he sees on a screen and gushing over you, and at first Levi was way too nervous and embarrassed to act on his urges. He'd be perfectly happy to squee over you from afar, and at first that's all he does! If you start getting closer to him though, eventually Levi will hit a point where his urges to squeeze you like his beloved Azuki-tan pillow will be stronger than his anxiety. He'll glomp onto you without even noticing what he's doing at first, his arms and legs binding you to his body so tightly it feels like you're trapped in the coils of a massive boa constrictor. And speaking of snakes, is that his tail you can feel wrapping around you, too?
SATAN, much like Lucifer, tries his best to control himself around you. Unlike Lucifer, Satan's cuteness aggression towards you manifested itself almost right away. It takes a hell of a toll on him, trying to restrain himself and not give in to his urges. He'd be absolutely mortified if his brothers saw him cooing and fussing over you like you were a little baby. Luckily, he's had lots of practice controlling himself, thanks to living with his Wrath. Once he's alone with you behind closed doors, though, in the privacy of his bedroom? That's when he lets his stifling self-control go at long last. He treats you much like a kitten during his cuteness aggression episodes, squishing your cheeks and rubbing them with his thumbs. He'll just barely manage to stop himself from babbling at you in baby-talk, but it's much much harder to fight the urge to headbutt you full-on to show you his love
ASMODEUS is another personal space invader. As much as he dislikes being compared to his greedy older brother, Asmo is more similar to Mammon than he might realise. Your personal bubble is his personal bubble, and he's always touching you or caressing you in whatever way he pleases. Unlike Satan, he goes all-in on the baby talk. He loves to cuddle you, sometimes by force, holding you in his arms and refusing to let you go for anything. You permanently smell like sweet roses and sugary perfume thanks to him, and you often find yourself with new accessories and trinkets decorating your outfits after a cuddle session. Sometimes you think you look like one of those little purse dogs, with an absurd bow holding back your hair. Asmo is obsessed with your hair, and he's constantly playing with it. Thankfully, one way that he differs from Mammon is that when you tell him to stop or give you some space, he does so right away without pouting and sulking about it.
BEELZEBUB has to be very careful around you. You trigger his cuteness aggression even worse than Belphie, but Beel knows that he can't be rough with you or use his full strength around you like he can with his brothers. It's easier for him to control himself than it is for Satan, though, and Beel is always good about not going too far. He gives you the biggest bear hugs, squeezing you in his arms and lifting you completely off the ground, until your feet are dangling in the air. He holds you up above his head, grinning happily as he hugs you to within an inch of your life. You usually don't have the heart to tell him to stop (even if it's getting hard to breathe) because he just looks so damn happy. No matter how big or how tall you are, you're still tiny compared to Beelzebub, and he can easily carry you around like a football Fangol ball like it's nothing.
BELPHEGOR doesn't get feelings of cuteness aggression as bad as his brothers, so for a while you thought you were safe. Sorry, but just because his urges aren't as strong as the others (that's just what Sloth is like) doesn't mean he won't get any urges at all. At most, he will pinch you hard. If he's REALLY feeling that itch and you happen to be close by, you'd better settle in for a long stay. Belphie has no qualms about grabbing you and yanking you down into his nap spot, and he's not exactly gentle about it either. He could be innocently sleeping on the couch one minute, then suddenly you're snatched and buried in the blankets with him, and he's using you as his new body pillow. Might as well relax and get some rest, you're gonna be here for a while.
DIAVOLO is in the same boat as Beel, and has to be constantly reminded by both Barbatos and Lucifer that he can't use his full strength around you. Beelzebub has a lifetime of experience holding himself back for the sake of his brothers, but Diavolo does not. So despite his best attempts to be gentle, the Demon Prince is often the roughest with you. Luckily, his restraint is enough that he never actually hurts you, but it's always rather disorienting whenever Diavolo's cuteness aggression takes hold. It doesn't matter where you are, be it a classroom at RAD or the Royal Palace itself, Diavolo has no shame about grabbing you whenever he feels like it and vigorously shaking you. It might feel like your brain it being rattled around inside your skull, but he means well.
BARBATOS is probably the only demon around who bests Lucifer and Satan when it comes to self-control. You will never know what he is thinking or feeling, nor will his expression ever give anything away. However, this does not mean that he is immune to his own demonic instincts. If anything, Barbatos feels a cuteness aggression towards you that is stronger than most. You'll never be able to tell, but whenever he stands quietly at the ready to serve his Young Master, it is always difficult to keep his mind off of you should you be present as well. His face will be calm and unreadable, but behind that placid smile he will be desperately holding himself back. If you were able to read his thoughts, all you would hear is I want to squish them, I want to squish them, I want to squish them, I want to squish them, I want to...
MEPHISTOPHELES likes to pretend that he is above such things, but he's really not. To his credit, he's definitely not as bad as those damnable brothers, and he keeps himself in check as would be expected of a noble demon such as himself. Besides, he can't stoop to the level of Lucifer, just because you're around! He actually does quite well for a long time, mostly due to the fact that you rarely ever directly interacted with him. But that was back then, and recently he's been seeing an awful lot more of you. He knows that Diavolo is fond of you, so he supposes that he'll just have to put up with you - and the irrational, frustrating urges he feels to squeeze your adorable head like a stress ball. Mephisto holds himself together whenever the two of you talk, but as soon as you leave the room he is clawing at the empty air and grabbing at his own cane to furiously shake it like he wishes he could do to you.
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rashomonss · 1 year
MC and the brothers
context: cute little headcanons i have about MC and the demon brothers
a/n: also what?? rashomonss isn’t posting angst?? jk jk i promise I’m not up to anything so enjoy some fluff
my love for you transcends time
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When you and the brothers are out and about on the street weather you all are going out to dinner, doing some shopping, or even just hanging out the brothers will all walk in a circle around you unconsciously.
The two leading the MC circle are both Lucifer and Mammon (since I believe they have longer strides than the others when they walk).
Behind them are Satan and Asmo who will always walk to the side of you, and then Levi will always walk at an angle behind you and them this works best for him since he can hide behind you and his brothers if he gets annoyed with other people.
Lastly in the back of the MC circle are the twins. Belphie doesn’t have that long of a stride so he’s a slow walker and Beel will always match whatever pace his twin walks unconsciously.
So they are always at the back because if anything they can just tap you to get your attention and you’ll slow down to walk with them. However the MC circle happens all the time when they are all with you.
It scares a few lower level demons at times because here are the seven rulers of hell all walking around and talking, but there you are in the middle, barely able to be seen over them but still laughing and talking with them.
If you’re out to eat for dinner you all have certain seats. The brothers of course have their own seating arrangements when they go out to eat, but when you came into the picture they all changed seats.
So without fail you all will always sit a certain way at restaurants and such. This can differ depending on their moods and the day.
You tend to carry around seven different types of things whenever you buy something. It could be a snack or a drink you picked up from the RAD cafeteria, but without fail there will always be seven different flavors of it in your hands.
Because once you buy something for one brother you think about the others and feel the need to get them something too, otherwise you’ll have to make a trip back with them to get what they wanted. So to save yourself the trouble you usually just get each of them something.
Each of them like to latch onto you whenever they walk you to whichever class you have at RAD. They will each find their own way to do that.
Lucifer prefers holding your hand, or at rare moments linking arms.
Mammon’s go to is intertwining your fingers as you drag him along to your next class.
Levi likes to latch onto you from behind when he attends in person.
Satan prefers when you hold onto his arm then hold his hand.
And Asmo definitely wants you all over him, except he’s always all over you.
Beel’s simple, holding hands is more than enough for him, honestly the fact that you’re alone with him just makes him happy.
Belphie can differ depending on the day. If he’s exceptionally tired then linking arms is your go to since you spend your time dragging him along, however if he’s not that tired then he prefers to lean on you and hold your hand as you walk.
Don’t mind the stares from the lower level demons, the brothers gaze is enough to scare them off.
You all have a set system for ordering at a restaurant. Lucifer goes first of course, thus giving everyone time to remember their order.
Then Mammon follows, after Mammon you’ll order, however if you don’t feel like ordering for yourself then Mammon will always order for you.
Next is Satan then Asmo, followed by Levi and Belphie.
Lastly is Beel since he always has the biggest order.
You usually end up feeling bad for the waiter because after Beel’s order they always seem confused.
You all have designated seats also on the couch during movie nights.
Of course you’re in the middle it’s better this way so the brothers don’t end up fighting over you.
Next to you on one side is usually Mammon or Lucifer, on your other side will be Asmo and Satan.
Levi and the twins prefer the floor since it’s less crowded. Levi will lay his head on one of your legs while Beel will rest his head on the other. Belphie will then lay across the two using them as pillows. They all like to cuddle in this position as well if it’s later into the night.
Each brother leaves something important of his in your room. This gives them a reason to go visit you in case they need it.
Of course Mammon leaves almost a spare of everything in your room since he sometimes treats it like his own.
Levi leaves a few games and manga in your room so he has something to do if he wants to destress in your room.
Beel of course leaves snacks, however when you did explain to him about not wanting crumbs all over your floor he got into the habit of leaving his favorite jacket in your room. Often times when he remembers to go get it he finds you wearing it and smiles soon deciding he can just pick it up later.
Asmo leaves his beauty products and makeup in your private bathroom. When asked why he doesn’t take it back to his room he gave you somelame excuse about not wanting to carry all of it back.
Satan likes to leave his unfinished books along with his favorite book marks just so he can tell you about them when he visits your room.
Belphie leaves his pillow in your room, specifically on your bed. It sometimes freaks you out when you walk into your room and just see a body in your bed. However after further examination you find it’s just Belphie passed out like usual.
Lucifer doesn’t leave anything in your room, he’s to tidy for that. Is what he wants to believe. He often leaves some of his favorite pens or some unfinished documents on your table in hopes of seeing you again. Of course he’s always welcome in your room but, you soon begin to worry though when piles of paperwork find themselves resting on your table.
You carry seven different keychains on your bag. Each of them gave you one in hopes you would show it off, and when you put in on your bag they were ecstatic.
Lucifer got you a cute mini album keychain with your favorite song on it. Like the show off he is the songs title was engraved into it.
Of course you have the matching keychain with Mammon you both got from the human realm, however he wanted to get you one that was just from him. So he got you both heart keychains. Together they form a heart but when taken apart they’re two separate pieces. He hopes you don’t think it’s too cheesy.
A ruri chan keychain would surely suffice for you, however you both already have a ton of matching ones, so Levi decided to take a different approach. He spent awhile on it but he made you your very own keychain of Henry! Upon closer inspection the little goldfish keychain was so well crafted it surprised you. He almost cried when you said you loved it.
Satan knew exactly which keychain to pick out for you. It was a cute black cat with little red horns and a tail. When he presented it to you he huffed a bit when you said it looked like him. Still he was glad you liked it.
Asmo went all out and made a beaded keychain for you. It was pink and had little sliver hearts at the bottom. Did it take him long? Yes. But did you need to know that? No. He’s just glad you thought it was beautiful, but you should know that he’s still prettier than his creation.
Beel’s keychain was simple, but rather cute when he gave it to you. He gave you a little hamburger keychain he saw at one of his favorite restaurants. The second he saw it he thought of you. Since his favorite food is hamburgers he hopes that it’ll remind you of him. But he also hopes that you don’t try to eat it like he almost did.
Belphie will give you a keychain of his favorite constellation in the Devildom. It’s a little smaller than the others but he took the time to find it and picked it out just for you. He hopes you’ll enjoy looking at it just as much as he does. And a part of him can’t help the small smile that creeps onto his face when you recognize the constellation. 
Once all keychains are on your bag you do become rather loud due to all the keychains jingling.
The brothers all keep little notes from you. Whether they be notes passed in class or even sticky notes of encouragement you left in their rooms.
Each brothers has their own place they keep notes from you.
Lucifer keeps your notes in his office in a locked drawer. He would rather die than admit it but when he’s exhausted he likes looking at them for a little pick me up.
Mammon leaves them in a tiny box under his bed. Because when he finds himself thinking about you he rereads them and smiles.
Levi usually gets sticky notes from you so they all hang on his wall over his gaming monitors. At times he forgets they’re there so he always get nice little words of encouragement when he looks up.
Satan keeps them all over his room, he sometimes even uses them as bookmarks if he really needs to. It’s messy yes but if you asked him where each one was he could definitely tell you.
Asmo keeps all your cute sticky notes on the border of the mirror on his large vanity. It makes him happy to see your sweet notes to him with little hearts as he gets ready in the morning.
Beel leaves your notes on his nightstand. They pile up but never get dirty. He takes extra care to make sure he doesn’t get crumbs or grease on them when he eats in his room.
Belphie leaves them in the attic. Often times when he’s tired he likes to go there to sleep so he likes to be greeted with the sticky notes you gave him as they hang all over the walls. Sometimes they’re not just notes they’re also little doodles of the stars, you and him, his brothers, or anything. His favorite is your stick figure drawing of you, him, and Beel.
The brothers let you draw on them. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist or not, all the little doodles on their hands are something they find cute.
The only ones that have been called out for the doodles however have been Lucifer, Beel, and Mammon.
One afternoon while Lucifer was having tea with Diavolo in the council room he decided to take off his gloves. Due to the rare occasion Diavolo took a peek at his hand since something blue caught his eyes. After he pointed it out Lucifer immediately became embarrassed exclaiming that he didn’t draw on himself, you did. Diavolo finds his reaction quite funny and tells you about it later.
Beel was getting ready for fangol practice when one of his teammates brought up all the writing on his arm. He shrugged it off simply saying that you drew it. After practice though he was a bit disappointed his sweat made is disappear.
Lastly Mammon thew a hissy fit at his modeling gig because they wiped off all the ink you had drawn. Specifically the “i love you” you had written on his arm. They explained how it was better for the shoot without it on him which kinda pissed him off. However you found it cute when he told you so you drew on his arm again. 
A day will not go by without all seven of them being in your room together for at least an hour.
The first ones to stop in would be Mammon and Levi exclaiming that there was a new series that was becoming popular in the human realm that all of you should watch. With that being said Mammon mentions the fact you all need snacks so he leaves to go get some.
As Levi is setting up the series Mammon comes back with a mountain of food and drinks. However behind that mountain is Beel asking if this was enough for everyone. At your response of “that’s plenty” he then leaves to go get his twin.
As Mammon sorts through the food on you table and Levi continues to get the series ready you set up your bed waiting for the inevitable.
A minute or two later Satan walks in claiming he has to tell you something. But when he sees the other two he stops and decides to take a seat next to you on your bed. Mammon then yells at him for being to close to you.
At the sound of yelling Asmo bursts through the door screaming at the two of them to shut up. But once he registers what’s going on he runs in and sits on your other side. Causing Mammon to yell at him to.
You roll your eyes, laughing as they all argue. However they then start to get loud and Levi ends up getting hit with a pillow in the process. Upset at this now, he threatens to summon Lotan which somehow summons Lucifer instead, causing him to yell at Levi.
You tell Lucifer to then join you all and after some bribery he finally does.
So then Asmo moves next to Satan and Lucifer then sits next to you on your bed.
Mammon then sits next to Lucifer right as the twins walk in. Beel sits on the floor and surrounds himself with food while Belphie uses everyone as his own personal pillow.
Sighing Lucifer covers the youngest with his coat.
Finally finished Levi starts the show and sits next to Asmo.
You laugh quietly to yourself as your demons spend the next few hours in your room.
Honestly what would they do without you?
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 months
Exchanging Pleasantries / Cooper Howard Imagine
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Request: Could you please do hurt/comfort with The Ghoul? Like, maybe you got hurt during a fight with Raiders and he's being mean while stitching you up. Thanks pookie bookie ily
Omg bb @itsyellow ily too I couldn't wait to write this!! Hit me with that hurt/comfort that's my jam son
Also did I make this full of unresolved sexual tension? Frick yeah I did
As always, if you enjoyed please drop a comment to help me out and let me know!
Warning: slightly NSFW/ making out, mentions of injury and violence, slight mention of a choking kink? and some strong language!
(I do not own Fallout or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @goodsirs.)
'Y'know, you may be one of the stupidest goddamn people left on this planet. And I've seen a hell of a lotta stupid people.'
You know better to think that the one and only Ghoul: the slinking shadow that steadily tails and entraps every inch of the starkly barren world he can reach, the infamous bounty feared in every town, from Philly to Rivet City, would be one for pleasantries. Yet, even during your brief period travelling with the man across the wake of the formerly 'glorious' West-coast America, his callousness often left you wishing for the sweet silence of a Nuclear Winter.
Even Cooper Howard himself recognises the fact that he doesn't exactly, well, radiate off anything that could be called close to a succouring nature. Hell, he would be happy to radiate off anything that wouldn't have you spending his valuable time making detours to wandering doctors holed up in blood-splattered tents to use his hard-earned money in bartering for caps off your next bottle of Rad-X. He supposes, as you had shaken the bottle in front of his frowning face and wandered back off into the crowning desert sun, that if he could work himself back up to being unenthused, he would be able to count it as his first win in over two hundred years.
'Well, if you tried to stop fighting every single person still left out here I wouldn't have to risk my ass stupidly running in to save you', you retort, gnashing your teeth and trying your best not to squirm against his chest as he rips a fragment of broken plate from the back of your shoulder.
It wasn't often that you were allowed to light a fire in the wilds of the Wasteland: far too many radroach nibble bites littered your legs, far too many gash-covered tentacles slashes from the repulsive Centaurs marked your outer arms. However, as the two of you had spent your seemingly so lovely afternoon out on the highway being ambushed by a group of bloodthirsty Raiders, you had browbeaten the Ghoul into allowing the two of you such a special treat. An empty bottle of Nuka Cola lies by your faded makeshift floor covering that acts as your mattress, and you sigh in relief as the warmth of the flames licks across your tired arms.
Your soon drawn out of your repose by the feel of The Ghoul's cowboy boots thumping against either side of your legs; he awkwardly tries to leave enough room that he's not straddling your back, but his legs won't quite dip down enough to be more than halfway off the floor.
It leaves him having to scrape himself forward until his groin is nearly pressed against your tailbone, and you can feel the hem of his hat brush up your neck as he idly surveys the extent of your injuries. As he fidgets the strap of your vest down past the joint of your shoulder, you have to breathe in sharply to stop yourself grunting at the sharp scratch of his glove's rough seams as he drags his hand down.
'You're right', he runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek, dragging a strip of musty cloth out of his satchel bag and pressing it against your oozing wound. 'Your ass really is fucking stupid if you think that you were helpin'.' You grimace as a flash of stimulation and mortification flashes through your body; whether the pain in your gut is from the flesh wounds or from the clutch of thick leather as the Ghoul tantalisingly rakes his fingers up the tender skin of your shoulder and grips, you're too distracted to try and find out.
Sweeping your eyes over the fire-brushed ground that cracked and and crumbled underneath your heel, you can understand his frustration at you. At the world. Scorch marks litter the dusty ground around your make-shift campsite, the plasma rifles and energy weapons the Fiends had managed to barter, steal, and smuggle out from the Van Graffs stock lying in blasted pieces around the fragments of rusted metal once shielding the long gone diesel pumps. The violence - the anger, it always seemed never ending. Gosh, what you wouldn't give for a canopy right now: to stop the sun burns from blistering your face, to hide the sudden hush of shame and embarrassment that rose flush up your face like a mushroom cloud.
'Yeah, well, I did come running- you're welcome, by the way-', you start, but the Ghoul, as venomous a man as he is, cuts short your reply by prodding the point of one of the needles holding the tail edge of his coat together into the hanging flaps of your skin. Your hand balls into a fist as you feel the sharp tip scrape over muscle; you try your best not to whimper as his poison slits through your veins and slithers down to corrode your very soul, but the relief. Oh, god, corruption has never felt so good as the Ghoul's free hand sliding down to cup your ribcage. His middle and ring finger took turns tapping against your waist, a slight huff coming from his mouth and tingling against the shell of your ear.
At first, you think the Ghoul is mad at you: pissed off that if any of the Raiders had survived and scampered off back to their chem-den to frenziedly retell their confrontation with a certain duster-clad gunslinger, a certain ruthless reputation - a certain long upheld persona, would be tarnished. That he was aggravated in having to waste his dwindling supply of bullets in wasting the spiky-hair fiend that had sprung out from the door of the thought abandoned Red Rocket Truck Stop just as you were busy body slamming his friend to the ground. That he was embittered at the fact that you had the incredibly anserine idea to stop off in the middle of goddamn nowhere: somewhere straight off your Pip-Boy map to nestle down for the night on your route to the New Vegas strip.
Enraged, indeed, by the fact that he may have to admit that he wanted to save your life.
'You call that running?', he puffs out a chuckle, unceremoniously wiping the blood of the needle by using the back of your vest. 'I call that leaping up yonder head over ass across that Nuka-Cola machine.' He lets go of your side, much to your disappoint, and looks at you disapprovingly as you turn around to face him. He's waving the syringe edge of a stimpak in your general direction, and you make sure to slap his hand extra hard as you grab it off him.
'You know, cowboy, you were the one that asked me to tag along. Not the other way round', you groan in exhilaration as you stab the needle into the knife wound on your thigh, and that first hit of the Stimpak courses through your muscle. Cooper has to clench his fingers into the leather of his fist to stop himself from going feral right there and then. He sniffs loudly, scrunching up his nose and casting his gaze to the fireside to try and hide his displeasure.
'Well', he manages to choke out between clenched teeth, gripping onto his own leg so harshly he wonders if he's drawn blood between his claws, 'you are such delightful company.'
For the first time in his life, Cooper Howard wants to just... ride away from his problems. That's all you were supposed to be: a solution. A resource. Another object to exploit, to foist upon his own callous needs so that he may survive another day in this merciless hell pit. A life for a hundred and fifty vials felt like a mighty fair trade in the disintegrating shit-show of post-apocalyptic commerce.
It had been easier that way, luring you away from the only small shack left among the rubble of the underground Subway Station that the Fiends hadn't left splattered with blotted rivers of crimson and half-mangled body parts. It had been so much simpler, as he had shoved the still fresh bodies of the murderers and cannibals off the side of the Metro escalator, that he was here to save you. That he had no knowledge of the bounty held over your head by the Enclave, or of the reasons that you had become so... acquainted with the New California Republic during your month long travels for the Crimson Caravan Company. As the door had groaned open, he was left pointing his pistol in your face: a towering penumbra, larger than life, that seemed to swallow every inch of swinging lamplight around your doorway in a veiled sinfulness. He had found it so much easier, as he peered down at your gloomy face and smirked as the unmistakable sound of a Ripper reared closer to his head, that he was here to be your saviour.
That's right. As he had offered you protection: a safe route away, a constant presence, your second shadow on your journey back to the Strip for only a measly few caps, he had found it so much easier to pretend that this wasn't personal. That the way you shook his hand hadn't made his skin prickle, hadn't been the first thing his nerves had alighted at since the last fading memory he had of caressing his wife. That the way you had strapped your leather armour pauldron around your left shoulder, and pulled up the hem of your trouser leg to strap a hidden knife to your calf didn't have him unconsciously dragging his tongue along the cracks of his bottom lip, and left him staring in bemusement. The incredulousness that had his eyes glazing over and the bottom of his stomach clenching as the two of you pried open the doors back up to the surface, and he had nonchalantly inquired as to who had... disposed of the Fiends before his arrival here. You had just shrugged, throwing a smirk at him from behind your shoulder, and he couldn't help but feel his own mouth twitch up to mirror your reaction.
It had been so, so much easier to pretend that you were just another bounty. That you were the first person, since he had lost Janey in another life, that had made him feel something other than contempt. Or worse, nihility. Nothingness. Just a hodgepodge script of fabricated and fictional lines that he reeled off as if it were more than just second-nature; an amalgamation of everything hollow and horrid that he had spent so much of his long-lost life trying desperately to bury.
But Cooper knew better than anyone, that nothing, and no one, could stay buried forever.
And with every returned smile: every lingering brush of some Caravan Trader's fingers on your arm as they tried to sell you some over-priced snake oil, every repulsive simper of a NCR trooper as they tried to buy you a bottle of vodka during your rare stops at some remote barrack, had the rot he had constructed within his soul become that little bit more mutilating.
The silence between you is deafening. And so you do something really stupid: you decide to ask him about his dirt-stained outfit.
'So', you drawl, turning yourself around so your legs are crossed out by your side, doing your best to stay firmly seated between the tensing muscles of the Ghoul's thick thighs. He draws his spurs in a line across the sand, but to your astonishment, and wild delight, he doesn't pull his legs open any further. 'Did you rob a real cowboy or something? I didn't think they were real. The only ones we ever saw were those rugged, way too contrived looking ones on those old movies.'
Your fingers curl over the edges of his collar, tentatively letting your fingers drop to rest against the sharp gap against his breastbone.
A muscle in Cooper's jaw jumps.
Oh. Oh. You'd never seen him actually angry before, behind all that cowboy western shooter charade.
For a moment, you're worried you've offended him somehow; a faraway look seems to draw him into the pale billows that smoke up from the orange flames, and a look that you've never seen before- never could even contemplate drooping the face of the suddenly so haggard looking man sitting by your side flitted across his scrunching face.
Forlorn. He looked so forlorn.
Neither of you are sure if he's even conscious of his arm moving, snaking itself across the small of your back to clutch almost painfully against the meat of your hip. His thumb strokes against the outline of your bone: probing, testing, clawing and pinching as if he had repeated the action over and over and over again in his mind.
'This? This is as old as the dirt and the worms.'
He doesn't react, doesn't move the frozen stone of his stoic face when you hesitantly grip onto his fingers, and slowly... god, so slowly, pull his glove off and drop it on the ground. Suddenly feeling so exhausted, your droop your head down against the dried sweat on your neck and watch yourself place your hand gingerly over his own, holding him in a wary vice against your side.
'What... what's a worm', you tentatively ask, your eyes wide open in worry that your question might break the provisionary affinity of this moment.
Cooper actually... snorts, a smirk threatening to break across his face as he looks out of the corner of his eye at you. 'An 'ol creature that used to live under the soil.' His eyes burn a hole into your irises, and he finally cracks out in a sallow grin as he contemplates the fact that he has your whole, enraptured attention. 'In fact, almost a whole lot like you.'
You smack his shoulder, but he only tilts his head back with an inquisitive gloat on his lips. He tips his head down, moving his other free hand to grab and squeeze the other side of your waist, making you woefully buck back against the bottom button of his shirt as the pit of your bottom begins to thrum with a devastating heat.
'Now', you can hear the teasing in his voice as he dips his spine down to hover over the shell of your ear. 'The real question is, where in the sweet hell would you have seen such heinous films such as those?'
His hand crawls like sweet spiderwebs across to your bellybutton, taking your breath away as he cups his palm against your skin and carts you back till your resting against the side of his chin, entangling you against the last vestige of the man he's entombed within the Stygian shadows.
'My ma used to show them to me and my brother if we had been extra good. She spent a whole three months saving up whatever metal scraps she could scavenge to go trade over at the General Store in Goodsprings and buy ourselves a real life television. The picture was blurry as shit, and we only had one holotape that I swear I ended up being able to quote back to front by the time I was sick of watching it. But hell, if we didn't crowd around the floor in wonder and dream about being a mysterious, rifle swinging stranger that roamed around the wastes saving people.'
Cooper purses his lips, swallowing thickly as he lassos your words in a whirlwind around his mind. After what seems like an eternity of listening to the soft whistle blow through the cartilage of his nose, of noting the quiet scurry of Bark Scorpions barbing through the pale tufts of faraway brushes, and the sound of your own heart hammering against your ribcage, each hit cracking your ribcage open with a sledgehammer, Cooper grumbles a reply.
'Y'know, there's an old saying back where I'm from - one that those folks in those movies you... respected use' to say. Feo, fuerte y formal. It means you're ugly, strong, and dignified. And shit, I can say for sure that you've got ugly ticked off that list.'
'You cheeky shit-', you start, but you can't help but shove your hand against your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. With a jolt forward over your stomach, you wince at the pain that flashes through your body at your only recently closed wounds. The Ghoul snarkily utters a tut tut, making you actually fucking whimper aloud this time when his hands grab your love handles, lifts you up, and slaps you down atop his lap. A faint slip from the curve of your buttocks sliding down to settle against his inner thigh has him hissing against the back of your head.
Even though there was no chance of it ever occurring, the Ghoul loosely clenched his fingers around your throat and tilted your head back until your throat went dry, as if daring you to move away from him again.
'Ain't your fault darlin'', he twangs out in that hoarse voice of his, his tongue flicking as smooth as molasses against the shell of your ear: his pointed edge darting a sticky trail up to your inner ear. 'It ain't your fault that you look like a molerat.'
You snort, and Cooper finds himself smiling at the sound of a noise he hasn't heard since his daughter was... since his daughter was...
'You remind me of someone I used to know, you know that? She was... she was far too sweet. Far too good for all this shit too.'
'Aha, there he is.' You wrestle out of his grasp and turn your head disbelievingly. The Ghoul looks almost taken aback, before he draws back into himself and fixes himself to stare you down. 'Finally making an appearance after all this time, are we? Good to see I'm finally getting through to you.'
'Now what the hell is that supposed to mean?', he bares his teeth, gnashing them together almost instinctively.
'I mean, I think that was as close to an honest exchange with the man inside you I'm ever going to have.'
That makes him start.
Pensively, he watches you, assessing and appraising the quirks and emotions that wander across your face as he waits for you to finish your accusation.
'And unless you stop sticking your blaster in the face of every creature that walks and talks, probably your last as well.'
The Ghoul swallows thickly, doing his best to seem as straight laced as usual, but growing more and more discourteous in his manner by the almost sinful way he's darting your eyes down to your lips and allowing them to hover there. 'Now darlin', I'm only exchanging pleasantries.'
'Is that really what you'd call yourself? And here I thought it was cantankerous.'
'Considering the literal crap-hole you grew up in I'm surprised you even know that word, now.'
'The sewers are empty, Cowboy - I'd say there's more piss on you from Dogmeat than down there. Besides, I lived in a Subway Station... asshole', you spit out at your feet, hitting the fragmented remains of one of your assailants helmet spikes.
A jab pokes at your inner thigh; the clenched thumb of the Ghoul branding into your skin as he finally looks you dead in the eyes with a cold stare. 'And there you are.'
And yet there's something. There's something lingering there, in the dark. In the swirl of his irises. In the only part of his body that still remains fully intact. Fully him. Something valorous. A convolution of steadfastness and pride. An imploringness.
'Suppose...', you inhale sharply, not realising that the two of you have managed to claw and scrape and crawl inch by inch closer to each other during your... showdown. 'Suppose', you buck your knees forward until you have enough leverage to haunch yourself up and turn, using the exertion to swivel yourself round and straddle the Ghoul's legs. Your gaze dips down to watch the purse of his strangled lips, his head slowly raising itself to unmask itself from the murk. 'That we aren't so different after all.'
Before you have time to regret your words, the stout pressure of clashing thumbs and fingers have jerked against your chin and pulled you down to smash against Cooper's mouth. Gnashing teeth pull at your bottom lip without a moment's warning, slicing down to draw blood. Cooper pulls back to snarl, before diving back in and licking away the thin trail of blood driplets that dribble down your chin dimple with the flat edge of his impoverished tongue.
Your chest rises and falls in quick succession as the man leaning his weight eagerly against your stomach ravishes you, growling as he reaches down to pull at the bottom of your thighs, and raise your knees up so he can cup your ass and knead the sweet flesh.
Part of you wants to rip his clothes off him right there and then, part of the recesses of your mind worries about the impending danger of the Wastelands: a roaming gang of looters, the unlucky shimmer that forewarns the arrival of a Nightstalker, but all of you wants to slam your hands around the side of this man's face and knock him straight to the ground with the ferocity of your kiss.
Before you can even make it past the squishing his cheeks phase, you’re distracted from your plan by the pressure point of his fingers teasingly prodding against the outline of your inseam. You can't enact your plan - you can't, not when you can feel the tip of his finger run slowly... slowly... god! So agonisingly slowly up your inner thigh. Can feel the warm, almost ruinating nibble of his top teeth against the pulse point of your neck, before he leaves an apologetic slide of his inner lip against it: something bright and burning and beautiful making the nerves of his body scream as it gnaws away at their rot.
Perhaps, perhaps there was still time for the Ghoul to exhume the mouldering remains of Cooper Howard after all.
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circeyoru · 7 months
Unwanted Soul _ Part 5 = Requested
[Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader]
The Request
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 2.5 (ask) — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 (here)
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How you had such a depressing life was beyond Alastor. He didn’t understand it. Can’t comprehend it! But he pushed these questions back to tend to your sadden mood, tucking you in and lulling you to sleep
Alastor sat next to your sleeping form, the room pitch black save for his glowing red eyes that pierced through the darkness. His staff played soft music to calm you down and fill the silence of the room. The only tears you should be shredding are ones of joy and happiness 
The people you’ve mentioned, surely they were in Hell as well. They can’t be in Heaven for causing you such torment. He can’t let you see them, any of them. He needs to get to them first. However, for now, he can’t leave you alone in such a state
His eyes closed as he thought out how he’d torture them. Perhaps skinning them till they beg for mercy and your forgiveness? Pulling out their limbs and draining their blood? Letting the cannibals partake in a feast? No, no, he had to enjoy this. They were your tormentors when you were alive, he’ll show you that he can and will be your protector, even a guarddog if he must
But his heinous thoughts were put to a hold when you shifted in your sleep. He pushed away his thoughts while he watched your serene form rest. He put away his monocle, laying beside you and gently pull you closer to him so he was hugging you to his chest. His eyes drooped close. Perhaps he should let those unfortunate souls enjoy Hell a bit longer. If they crossed his path or yours, their voice will be on his everlasting broadcast
When things got slow for you, you found yourself hanging out with the hotel residents at times. They were an interesting bunch to say the least
Charlie was always happy to see you and would invite you on her little activities and exercises to redeem sinners. Though you’d mostly decline unless it catches your interest in some way. On the rare chance you join, she was very appreciative of your presence and wasn’t shy to thank you for joining in front of everyone. Her cheerful attitude was a bit of a hit and miss for you
There was one exercise that got you sharing something you’ve almost forgot
“Okay! Last two to share! Who’s going first?” Charlie beamed
“I’ll go first, My Darling needs all the time to recall!” Alastor directed the attention to him. “My joy in my hay day is my murders. Oh how I felt the rush when chasing my victims, hunting them like prey in the woods. The warmth of their body fading the moment I repeated stabbed my trusty blade into their weak bodies. The—”
“Okay, okay, you can shut it with the creepy killing. Sheesh.” Vaggie interrupted with a groan. She turned to you who was still in a daze, completely unfazed with what Alastor said. “You ready to go?”
“Huh? Oh, okay.” You snapped out of your daydream, unconsciously, your hand patted on your book that was strapped to your hip. “My joy when I was alive… I barely remember it, but I loved going to the library and read all the books I can.”
“That’s surprisingly cute considering you’re with that freaky smil—” Angel’s mouth was immediately shut with the slap of Alastor’s staff
You continued without flinching, this was all a normal banter between the two already now that you were hanging out with the crew more. “I frequent the library, borrowing and finishing a stack of books everyday. The librarian would recommend me new books or save me my favourite corner. I can even eat and drink in the library just because.”
Charlie’s head tilted, “So you love reading.”
“Not just reading. I love books of all kinds. Sometimes I rad that book just cause I liked the texture or the shape of it. I collect books and keep it like treasures. I hate lending books to other because they don’t care for it like I do.” You fondly smiled at the memory, “Then I got a bunch of notebooks too, because I love the design or the cover.”
Lucifer leaned back into his chair, “No wonder your powers are centered around books.”
“Better call you bookworm now! Hahahaa—” Angel was hit by two cranes, one from Alastor and another from Lucifer. Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk flinched with a face twisted to pain as if they felt that. Niffty was living in the moment, wanting one too
Husk gulped some alcohol, “You better shut that loud mouth of yours if you know what’s good for you.”
Everyone laughed and chuckled, Charlie concluding that it was a good exercise and bonding time since everyone was in attendance. Alastor got up and offered you his hand, bringing you two back to your room. You stayed out of it, being in a daze again
When Alastor asked if you were fine, you smiled and said you were fine, if you needed anything, he would be the first you’d call for. So he left you alone
You didn’t tell them. You were that absorbed into reading that you didn’t realize you were being bullied, you were used. You shared your dream of wanting to be a writer that people would love to read what you wrote and share it with friends, to entertain others. You shared your ideas with your friend but your ideas were stolen from you
The moment you handed in your writing, the publishing company said they had one already and that yours was not up-to-date. They rejected your writing. Days later, you saw the newest novel on sell. The title was so similar to yours that you checked the summary at the back. That was your story idea. But your work was rejected so how was it published?
Your nightmare came to life. A betrayal so painful and chilling. Your friend’s name was on the cover. You remember your hands shaking. It wasn’t rage you felt, it was disbelief and sadness. The trust you gave, the care you gave, and the attention you gave. It was all to stab you in the back
You watched from behind the screens at the achievement and success that should have been yours. All of it, it should have been yours to smile upon. But then you were crying and shutting yourself behind the world of fantasy, an escape from reality
Why? Why? Why!
Closing your eyes for a moment, you locked up those memories. They don’t mean much to you now. Not when you had Alastor with you and an unlikely friendship with Lucifer the King of Hell himself, then there was the silly demons of this hotel. Ironic how you found true friends in demons
That’s why when you saw Mimzy again in the hotel, you were skeptical and burning with rage. She had someone as amazing and caring as Alastor to call as a friend, but she’s abusing it without a care. How she has the guts to come back and ask for Alastor, you have no idea, though you’ve seen her kind when you were alive
“You’re a new soul!” Mimzy’s voice made you want to throw glass or grip something until it broke. “Hey, I’m talking to you!”
“What do you want?” You eyed down at Mimzy with a bored expression
She let out a sound akin to ‘uww’ with a face of disgust. “You’re never gonna get your lucky someone with that attitude.”
Your eye twitched, “I never said I was.”
Mimzy gave you a fake shocked look, “Really? I thought you were going for Alastor!”
You groaned, heading over to the bar to ask Husk for something to drink (not alcohol) because you didn’t want this annoyance to follow you to your room
“Hey,” Mimzy sat next to you without asking, “You know what Alastor’s like when he’s upstairs?”
You ignored her, but your face of silent rage was enough to get her to continue
“You don’t know. He’s a realy lady’s killer! Not literally, but you get what I mean. Girls and ladies throw themselves at him and he doesn’t even bat them an eye. A nice wave and a dashing smile, then he leaves them high and dry! Oh, the broken hearts he had was definitely more than his body count and that’s something!” Mimzy laughed at the end
What’s that got to do with you? You thought to yourself as you aggressive sipped on your drink. Husk eyed you two while cleaning some glass to appear like he was busy. You’ll maybe admit, you were a bit envious of Mimzy that she got to see Alastor when he was alive, you wonder how he looked. Not like you were going to ask
Mimzy endlessly talked bad about Alastor behind his back. What happened to trying to apologise and wanting to make up? No idea, down the drain at this point. As the others around you wonder why you were still humouring the chatty demon, you were wondering the same. Why are you just sitting here and listening to all this?
“You should shut it, can’t you see you’re the only one talking here?” Husk spoke up, indirectly telling Mimzy to just leave you alone
“Aww, and you should do your job, bar cat.” Mimzy teased back. “I’m given this poor soul some attention cause Alastor’s too high of a standard to give some.”
“Ha! Jokes on you. This hot stu— I mean, cutie here’s always got smile’s attention.” Angel inserted himself into the conversation, climbing over the bar to stand next to Husk
You got up, “This is a waste of time.”
Mimzy faked another gasp, “No way. You poor poor thing. You actually fell for him of all people of this hellhole?” She got so close in your face and not to mention your personal space, “I understand why, but! Ha! That’s just bad luck! You’re bound to get your heart broken like all those poor ladies before you.”
Before you said anything, Husk’s wing separated Mimzy from you, “You really need to shut the hell up before you regret it.”
“You shut it fur ball! I ain’t talkin’ to you.” Mimzy snapped at Husk
Deciding that it was not worth your time, you started walking away. This was drama you didn’t want to be involved in and you didn’t want Alastor catching this happening since he sees Mimzy as a friend still
“The hotel won’t allow this.” Charlie tried to establish order and break things off
“Alastor will leave you in the dirt worse than whatever you were before once he’s had his fun with you! You might think you’re on cloud 9 now, but you’re going to be in a world of pain and hurt soon enough.” Mimzy continued, completely ignoring Charlie and Husk’s words
With each step you took, she continued as if singing a song, “Alastor only like things that entertains him. He never commits. He never cares. He doesn’t even have a heart to care! He’s so powerful because he has no room for ridicious things like love. The love he has is only for himself. Alastor is just a selfish heartless motherf—”
“Shut up!” You turned to her, a deep scowl on your face
“This is gonna be good.” Lucifer whispered to the others watching, “But bad for her. Yeah.”
“Shut you annoying f- mouth.” You snapped, unaware that your hair leviated a bit from your rage. “You don’t know how lucky you are to have a friend like Alastor. Alive and dead. But what do you do? You use Alastor’s name just for the fun of it and for your benefit. You just use it! How can you use your friendship with him like this! What’s wrong with your stupid tiny head?! In Hell, you’re supposed to treasure what you have. Not abuse it.”
Mimzy scoffed, “You think you’re so good? So righteous. Well, you would have been up there, now wouldn’t you. Don’t think you’re any better.” She smirked, “In Hell, we use everything and anything to our advantage.” Another gasp came and she covered her mouth, “Oh wait, could it be?” She got close to you, “Haha, you being so defensive and triggered by all this. You really actually did fall for him.”
“I love him.”
“Wait? Couldn’t hear you, sugar—”
“I love Alastor.” You repeated firmly and loudly
“What was that?”
Getting annoyed, you turned to the direction where the question came from. Perhaps it was all this anger in your system that made you slow to realize, “I said,” That you were now face to face with Alastor. “I love you!”
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Note: This part's major focus has been mentioned in an ask already. And since it's confirmed that you and Alastor are dating in the latest asks and requests, I'm putting this scene in more detail since asks are trivia for the story
P.S. There's something new planned for future chapters~ Remember that lover and friend mentioned? OCs might be appearing cause I can't do rando short forms. Still thinking... You're thoughts? Or should I just end this series?
Circe Y.
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sphireath-wisp · 5 months
#Picture Perfect
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Sypnosis: Where do they keep pictures/polaroids of you (and them)?
Warnings: Not proofread, reader admits that there were times they felt insecure at Levi's, morally grey reader(?), Mammon's section kind of derails from main topic, posessive/jealous Levi, possible mischaracterization because I haven't played in a long time
Featuring: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor x GN! reader
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LUCIFER... who keeps pictures of you safe in his wallet. Honestly... it's not the most flattering picture of you, but he likes it a fair bit. It reminds him of the times when he used to think of you as just "the human exchange student" and not "(Name), our family."
The picture - taken by the RAD newspaper club - shows you being introduced to the whole school as the new exchange student. You look completely unamused. If his memory serves him correctly, you had no sleep last night since Mammon was unaware of the human cardiac cycle and how you needed sleep everyday. Your hands were clasped in front of you and you were sort of glaring at him from where you were standing.
He was confidently giving his speech, face neutral and completely unaware of the eyes burning holes into his back. In fact, it only garnered more attention because you had the guts to glare at the third most powerful demon in all of Devildom in such a way. It probably slipped your mind then that he had the power to snap your neck in half.
He kept it in his wallet as a reminder to warn you about controlling yourself. It'd be especially bad for his image if the human he was taking care of had the nerve to glare at Diavolo like that. Though, he never really found the time. It slipped his mind all the time simply because you never glared at any of his brothers in that way as more and more time passed.
You were unreasonably kind, he realised.
Occasionally, Mammon will attempt to steal his wallet and gets the shock of his life when he sees a photo of you by his debit card. You look absolutely horrible and... man! Mammon won't be letting Lucifer off the hook anytime soon - or rather, it's the other way around now that Lucifer has Mammon strung upside down by Cerberus as a personal piñata.
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MAMMON... the mastermind, and you, his partner-in-crime. News spreads like wildfire in devildom. With the amount of havoc that he imprints with his every step, it's natural that cameramen have a tendency to tail him when things get dry or mundane.
Poor you. You're always caught his trouble and plastered as his accomplice to the point where you've gained quite the notorious name around Devildom.
In the past when Mammon went missing, Lucifer found that there was a much more effective way to find the Avatar of Greed without lifting a finger. Rather than putting up missing posters, bounties were placed on Mammon's head - it ranged from $100,000 grimm to millions depending on Lucifer's mood. If someone did ever find the demon, they would receive the allocated amount of course. However, Mammon rivals no one at speed, the only person who would have him on a leash would be Lucifer.
Since you're always stringed along with Mammon during his schemes, Asmodeus jokingly decided to submit a stunning photo of you to RAD's newspaper club with a bounty of infinity. It went completely viral! You can't imagine how shocked everyone was to see a human's bounty in Devildom, wanted (alive) in all of the three realms and the top "criminal" in hell.
As an inside joke between the brothers, anyone who brings you back to the HOL requires at least 20,000 grimm or some form of payment if another brother wants to hang out with you (Beel gets paid the most, Levi is the top-payer). You were certainly surprised when Satan snatched you away when Mammon's back was turned to you. He returned you back to HOL, amused when Asmo actually gave Satan some spare Grimm. Asmo would insist on painting your nails, plopping you down on his bed as Satan decides that he also needed some personal time with you as an extra reward for bringing you back.
Now, Mammon has your bounty in his room as a reminder that he has the most precious treasure in the three realms with him, the person whose worth exceeds any countable number, you.
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LEVIATHAN... who can be camera-shy sometimes and totally gets it if you feel the same way. Sometimes, he just doesn't feel that sure of himself and he realises you more in common with him than he expected when you admit that you'll occasionally feel that way too.
Most of the pictures he has of you two are faceless except for the really special occasions and he doesn't actually own physical copies of the pictures like his brothers. He keeps them safe in an folder on his gaming computer and he references them whenever he wants to add a custom character (you) into a new game.
Sure, it may seem a little creepy to have a collection of photos of someone else on your computer, yes I can see how that can play out. However, Levi really doesn't mean harm. Most of his pictures there are actually in-game moments with you.
Finally beat a really difficult boss together? Finished a game in record timing? Screenshotting that! That's gonna be stored in the folder for memory's sake. In reality, he has way more videos than photos of you and him together than anything. You once recorded how long he can yap about his recent hyper fixation and, safe to say, you completely underestimated him.
He has videos of both of your live reactions to a new anime opening song, definitely treats it like a stream and pretends that he's talking to an audience with you.
Levi does stream quite often and you usually get featured as his special guest, but you have to understand that you're working with the Avatar of Envy, sweetheart. He definitely found it a little upsetting when you saw Beel type in chat that he's saving extra food for you in the fridge. You rushed down immediately and when you left, he ended the stream without hesitation.
He's keeping his photos and videos of you to himself from now on. No more streaming with you.
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SATAN... prefers miscellaneous photos of you. Caught off-guard, mouth agape and lips curled into a smile he's so used to cherishing that it's become second nature. It highlights your imperfections, yes, but he only grows more fond of it if it's you.
Ironically, it seems more humane to see you in that way - cupcake batter all over your face as you bake, a maple leaf stuck in your hair as autumn arrives in Devildom. It reminds him that, "hey, I'm still your human no matter how perfect I seem." It reassures him that you're still the human that tripped over his books on multiple occasions, never learning your lesson.
You seemed unreachable to him in the way that he feels like he doesn't really deserve you. A romantic, heartfelt kiss or soft whispers of comfort by the shell of his ear would ease the doubt in his heart. However, Satan has learned that looking at these genuine, authentic photos of you is quite effective as well.
Unfiltered, raw, even the borderline unsightly and vulgar version of you, it's nice in its own unique way. That's the way Satan was created - unsightly, bloody, horrid. Of course, it doesn't mean he sees you in a negative light, but seeing your imperfect sides... makes you feel a little less far from him somehow.
Past all of the charming smiles and gentlemanly demeanour is someone who isn't as perfect as he'd like to seem. You'd be able to understand him with all the impurities plaguing him, right? You'd still hug him and let his claws dig into the skin of your back? You'd forgive him?
"So what?" and with two words, he was completely appalled by the simplicity of your answer. In any case, your bluntness could be interpreted as rudeness. He'd be fuming at how lightly you're treating his issues. But, that's just how little you care about flaws.
Satan laughs. A weight lifts off his shoulders and he feels... relieved. Visit him tonight, won't you? He can finally admit to someone how hard it's been to master his wrath all alone.
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ASMODEUS... who dedicates his own Devilgram as not only a memory of his best moments but also your best moments. And, oh my, did his fans love you.
When he first featured you, he actually received a little hate (he couldn't give two fucks) due to how controversial of a topic you were at first. Funnily enough, the puny human he calls family today gained him a lot of traction of Devilgram, especially after you became a hot topic once you formed your first pact with Mammon.
From behind the scenes, he'd keep his followers updated on you and the hot water you'd find yourself in, eating his popcorn with a grin and posting. The more he posted about you, the more his fans started appreciating how brave you actually were for a human.
You had a Devilgram of your own, but you rarely posted there since your first few months in Devildom were spent wisely on adjusting to the HOL. Your (unknown) admirers were getting their daily scraps of you through Asmo.
Asmo would realise sooner or later that having both you and him in a picture is the formula for a guaranteed successful post. The Avatar of Lust and a human (demons are literally TEMPTED to have their soul; it's described as a JEWEL) in one photo?! Oh shit, blow the whole roof off because it was a massive hit. (Trendsetter MC and Asmo!??!)
As for Asmo, he loves that his darling is also receiving the love and attention they deserve. In fact, he wholeheartedly supports you with every fibre of his being. He's your biggest fan and you're his.
Plus, his Devilgram is the perfect outlet to shock his brothers. He once posted a picture of himself by your side on his bed. He grins at the camera, showing off his smeared lipstick as your face is dotted with kiss marks.
Disappointingly, it got reported and taken down in an hour or so. (That doesn't mean he doesn't have the photo)
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BEELZEBUB... sticks that family picture on the fridge with a magnet. Yeah, he could totally hang it at the entrance by the stairs. Sure, he could frame it up. Yet, it's more homey having it somewhere he always visits and looks at.
Additionally, when Beel's hunger gets the best of him, the picture on the fridge forces him to remember if he has any delegated tasks today. "Oh yeah, Satan wanted some help picking up books from the library today, something about a book sale." "Belphie told me his pillow had a hole in it; I better get him a new one after visiting Hell's Kitchen."
At times when the whole family isn't home, having the picture also serves as a mental checklist! "Oh yeah, MC hasn't eaten dinner yet. Better get them something." "Lucifer wanted another cup of black coffee I think, I'll get him a snack just in case." Making sure everyone is eating well is really important to him because of his own appetite. He hates how empty it feels being hungry, why would he ever put any of his family members through that kind of torture?
Furthermore, he feels a little guilty for always eating so much. Ensuring that everyone has eaten is a role that he's assigned for himself.
It's something the whole family values, but it's especially special for Beel. When he goes on a hunger rampage and tears the kitchen up from wall to wall, if there's any damage done to the photo... you can expect a lot of apologies. (Lucifer has to schedule another time for a family photo to cheer him up asap)
He still has an old photo of the whole family without you actually - it leaves a bittersweet feeling to throw out any kind of precious photo. Yet, the more he looks at it, the more it feels incomplete without you in the picture.
Huh, you know what? He'll search for you right now to grab something from Hell's Kitchen. Nothing much, he just wants to check up on you and get his 80 plates of cheeseburgers.
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BELPHEGOR... who has a silver locket of you, him, and Beel on him at all times. It's convenient, lightweight, portable, and silver looks good on him according to Asmo.
Whenever he feels like he misses you or Beel (or both), opening up the locket solves 50% of his problems. However, it's not like he can hug the locket to sleep and bury his face into its shoulder. It's not as if the locket can carry him when his legs feel sore. All he can really do is hold it to his heart and shoot you/Beel a text.
Still, he does feel a little more relieved to see the photo. Whenever that rotting feeling of loneliness gets to him, one look at his locket reminds him that, "Hey, I still have them." It does ease his doubts, but we both know he'd never admit that openly.
Pressing the cold silver against his lips also became a habit he developed soon after getting the locket. Belphie... has chapped lips since he's always asleep and never drinking water. The cold feeling kind of distracts him from that uncomfortable feeling - it's much less effort than going all the way downstairs, grabbing a glass from the pantry, pouring water from a jug into it.... you know the drill.
Both you and Beel have one as well, but you don't wear it as often since Asmo loves to accessorize you with all sorts of new jewellery to try on. Beel wears it yeah, but it's usually off when he's eating - which is most of the time - since oil and grease are super obvious on silver stuff and it pains him to get something so precious dirty.
The other brothers are actually grateful he has the locket despite the initial jealousy. Belphie has his fair share of tantrums and everyone knows how younger, spoiled siblings can be when something pisses them off. The brothers have to try and baby him, which only ticks him off further. One peek at the locket when you or Beel aren't around and suddenly, it's like he's a new person - back to normal in a flash.
It saved Mammon's face a good punch when he accidently stepped on Belphie's foot at the planeterium while he was sleeping.
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Taglist: Empty :(
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Monsters Reimagined: Kobolds
I started playing d&d during 3rd edition, which presented kobolds as a trap happy gaggle of dragon obsessives who were counted as the weakest but smartest of the traditional dungeonfodder humanoids. Other than being lizardy they were presented near identically to goblins, both being petty and cruel and resentful over their small stature and the place it meant they occupied in the world. This overlap is actually one of the reasons I haven't gotten to kobolds before now, as I kinda felt like I covered most of it in my writeup for goblins a couple years ago.
Since Kobolds are a reoccuring request however I eventually decided I was going to give the people what they wanted. My plan was to talk about d&d dragonsimp kobolds vs. warcraft candleloving kobolds vs. jrpg dogpeople kobolds, and how all of these relate back to creature's mythological origin but hey wait a minute the official forgotten realms wiki says WHAT ?
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Huh, that sounds like a weird sort of projection from a man who's super insecure about his height. I wonder if the original dragon magazine listed as a source here has anything more to.. Oh.... OH-NO
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Living space, huh? Extinction of weaker peoples, eh? A religion based around survival, insularity, obedience, and the defeat of stronger enemies through attrition, yadon'tsay? Man, the canine kobolds might be on to something because there's an ORCHESTRA of dogwhistles going on here.
Friends, there's a lot to unpack here, so like a kobold with a pickax lets dig in
Where it started: the connection between kobolds and goblins and gnomes predates d&d back to mythological roots, as all are names shared by the european folklore character of "weird little guy who lives under the hill and plays tricks on us". Kobolds have an even more delightful bit of etymology attached, as miners blamed them for magically transforming valuable silver for (at the time) worthless cobalt. Originally my rehash of kobalds was going to centre on them as tinkerers/engineers for this reason, as alchemical cobalt batteries sound rad as hell.
Kobolds are in this way also part of the greater traditions of "mine spirits", Knackers, tommyknockers, and the like. Who play tricks on miners, and are just as likely to cause disaster when displeased as they are to warn of it when befriended.
Then the d&d authors did what they always do, they pilfered the name of folkloric creatures for the game while ignoring actual mythology, drawing hard and fast lines and making up rigid catagories as they went.
What's wrong: Given their proclivity for traps, sneak attacks, and guerilla tactics you end up getting a LOT of comparisons between Kobolds and the Viet Cong… which I find very telling.  So many of the original d&d antagonists were vessels for middle aged geeks of the 70s and 80s to hit back at their insecurities ( whether it be challenges to their masculinity, sexuality, or something more existential) it doesn’t surprise me at all that d&d has an enemy that let american boomers rehash their nation’s at the time biggest military debacle. 
Kobolds are so weak and undeserving you understand, they’ve only survived because they’re tricky, but this time we’ll get them, if we come in with enough firepower and hirelings to get through the meatgrinder we can finally hit them where they live and deal with them for good. 
D&D worldbuilding imagines kobolds as “the other” from an occupier’s lens: resentful of their rightful displacement, nursing their hatreds in the shadows, emerging only to attack or to steal and despoil what they’ve been denied. They have no ambition, no culture, no wants beyond being a threat for the new dominant power. They’re cowards for using traps and poison and tactics on those here to plunder their homes. 
What’s worth Salvaging:  While the 3e revision of kobolds as dracomaniacs is a welcome change from their old lore I’m not especially fond of it. Overuse of dragons is one of the things that most turns me off general fantasy media. Any group of sapient creatures serving a dragon is just as likely to form a dragoncult, it doesn’t make kobolds special. 
That said, if you did want to double down on kobold dragon worship you might consider spicing in a few elements from my revamped version of Tiamat, painting their reverence not just as ego and overcompensation but as a desire to emulate and become…certian kobold enclaves possibly using sorcery or alchemy to transform a chosen among their people into a fully fledged wyrm. 
While we’ve mostly tossed alignment to the curb where it belongs,to distinguish kobolds from goblins it might be worth leaning into their lawful aspects; Underfoot foremen and notaries and  work crews addressing things with a utilitarian collective effort before scurrying out of sight when the shift change occurs.  Where as goblins are screwball and slapstick onto the verge of cartoonishness, perhaps kobolds are practical and industrious to the point of causing problems: They dam a river to access a sacred cave heedless of the disruption and flooding it’d cause, they tear down, occupying and restoring a derelict mill and restoring it to function regardless of who owns it, undermining the foundations of the duke’s palace following a vein of copper in the nearby hills. 
This efficiency-focused attitude also helps thematically define mechanically minded kobolds against gnomes and dwarves as the game’s other tinkerers:  They share the practicality of dwarven artisans and the inventiveness of gnomish artificers, but lack the sentiment the other two place on what they make.  Kobold craft is often regarded as lower quality, but that’s because resource efficiency and easy replaceability are primary metrics upon which they judge something. 
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
nightbringer lesson 41
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Welp. That sure was a lesson. As always, my unfiltered thoughts and spoilers are below the cut. There will be screenshots, you have been warned.
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Everybody still doesn't know we were gone. The only one who is aware of the fact that MC was in a different timeline is Solomon, as far as we know. It's possible that someone is hiding their knowledge, but I see no evidence of that currently.
HOWEVER. All the bros are SUPER clingy. Lucifer is constantly getting on their case about the fact that they can't leave MC alone. And at one point, he says he's feeling inexplicably giddy and he thinks that's what his brothers are feeling, too. So there is something that's changed and they can all kinda feel it... but nobody knows what it is and they all kinda just brush it off.
There's a lot of "huh we just saw each other but for some reason..." kinda stuff.
When Luke first sees us, that poor boy just bursts into tears. Simeon wants to pet our head, but we can also choose to hug him.
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I have been known to have this affect on children, but still.
Overall, the brothers are being very much themselves. Beel is eating things and relating everything to food, Belphie is sleepy, Asmo loves pretty things, etc etc.
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See what I mean? We did have some excellent one liners like this and I'll get to more of those lol.
My point is, nobody is acting off except for the thing where they all react a little weirdly to MC.
For a good chunk of the lesson, I was like... and where the HELL is Solomon after all this, huh?? But I'll get to him, too.
Because guess what? Diavolo has had another great idea and this time it's... the RAD Science Fair!!!
This feels very much like the usual thing they do where MC always has to have some kinda goal that requires them to spend time with each brother individually. I'm still not entirely sure how that's gonna shake out with this, though.
There are seven categories or "fields of study" as they're called. They all start with Devildom, so it's like Devildom math, Devildom geography, etc etc.
Diavolo tells them that the student council members are required to enter.
So they spend some time thinking about what category they want to go for.
There's this part where they're all heading home from RAD and MC starts to leave with Simeon and Luke. They tell you that not long ago, Simeon and Luke tried to go "home" to the HoL. Weird. All very weird. They all decide to go to a cafe instead.
They're talking about which category they're going to choose and then... Thirteen shows up!
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Thirteen is so excited to see MC she has to give them a hug! Huh. How weird. (It's not weird, my love, you can throw your arms around me anytime.)
ANYWAY, they have a whole discussion and I loved how involved she was. Though we never have enough Thirteen content. And of course, she's still not dateable...
Then we find out that Lucifer has just chosen his brothers' categories for them anyway. MC gets to choose who they want to pair with. I chose Mammon, but I don't know if this actually matters or not. Usually I go back and try different options, but I decided to leave this one for now to see if it seems like it's going to make a difference in upcoming lessons. I'll report back if it seems to change anything later.
At this time, you also find out that Diavolo has decided to enter all seven categories, too. Barbatos is also entering, but only three categories. I almost lost my shit at this part but at least Barb gets to do only three. Diavolo is a crazy man who enjoys doing this sorta stuff, but Barb needs to take it easy he already works to much!
And that's basically it! There's this one cute part where you're finally at the HoL where you can choose to hang out with a set of brothers. No matter who you choose, it's a cute little scene and it always ends saying you had a lovely time together~ (Personally I thought the one with Asmo, Belphie, and Lucifer was the most entertaining lol.)
You talk to Solomon on the phone at some point too and he tells you...
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And then he hits us with this:
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And I was like, fine I forgive you.
BUT THEN. Spoilers here for the locked lesson (41-A, not the hard mode):
The locked lesson is of your very first night back. You're in your room at the HoL with Solomon. He tells you he's going to stay the night because the fact that the two of you suddenly appeared in this timeline might make things unstable. And if you're together, it'll be easier to tell if something's going wrong. Sounds like a feeble excuse to me, old man. I know what you really want.
But he also says this:
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OH. Here I am like, it's a couple hundred, maybe a couple thousand? NOPE. SEVERAL MILLENNIA.
But then the brothers burst in and they're like we are not going to let you stay here alone with MC! So they have a gaming tournament in the common room.
Then when it's really time to go to bed, Lucifer stops you and Solomon before you get back to your room. He straight up kisses you on the forehead and says sweet dreams with a stupid smug grin before leaving and Solomon is like huh. That just happened.
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Solomon is back on his, you'll never be mine bullshit. (I'm not blaming him, it's not his fault, but it bothers me how often this narrative comes up because we never get the choice to resolve it. By telling him how much we love him.)
Of course if you tell him to cheer up, though...
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Yeah, right after this we got a fade to black because you know he might've been talking about something innocent, like a kiss. But if I'm left to fill in the blank myself... well, let's just say I'm still in my smut mode.
Spoilers for the hard lesson now:
It's silly times with the Little Ds! I'm just glad we got more Dia and Barb content, to be real with you. They're pretty cute with the Little Ds.
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Right after Barb says this, looking super aggrieved about it, Diavolo just laughs happily. Classic.
Extra stuff:
After the second story node, you get to see a chat between Raphael and Simeon. Raphael tells Simeon that Michael has summoned him, so he needs to go back to the CR for a few days. Simeon says okay and hopes that everything's all right. Then he tells Raphael to tell Diavolo. Raphael is like why? And Simeon says you're an exchange student from the CR, you have to get his permission to leave. And Raph is basically like okay, fiiiiiine lol.
Also, there is a very brief moment at the end of the last story node where we see Simeon acting odd. He's not really doing anything, he's just sorta grunting... like grh and frowning. If you ask him if he's okay, he says he's fine, he must not have gotten enough sleep. You get a chat between Luke and Simeon where Luke also asks him if he's okay and Simeon gives him the same excuse.
Sooooo what does any of this mean? I have no idea. Is it possible that the hard mode focusing on the Little Ds means there may be more to the Little Ds coming up? Is Simeon acting weird somehow related to Michael wanting to see Raphael? Does any of this Science Fair stuff mean anything or is it just another tactic to have MC spend time with their bro of choice? When is Solomon coming back? Why doesn't he have to enter the Science Fair? Simeon said that Diavolo wanted him and Luke to participate, so what about Solomon? Is he really out there gathering herbs? That feels like a weird thing to be doing at this particular moment.
And perhaps the most telling of all, what it does mean that this version of our characters remember things from the timeline we just left as if it only just happened to them?
All through the last two seasons, I have been trying to figure out why the characters from the past seemingly had memories of a future they haven't experienced yet. And now it's happening again. You could say they remember those past events, but they don't really seem to, do they? And even so, we now have confirmation that it would have been MILLENNIA ago for them. So this feels less like them remembering something that happened and more like they're just getting feelings that are related to the things that MC just experienced in the "past."
Ugh, okay, if I keep going I'm gonna make myself crazy. As always, we have not enough info and more questions than what we started with.
Onto my fave one liners:
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Mammon's response to this is "Yikes!" And like... yeah, but damn Lucifer that's one hell of a threat lol.
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Barbatos! Don't lump me in with them! :(
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That was me in high school.
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This part was just cute and wholesome in my opinion. This is the found family content that keeps me coming back to this game.
Anyway, after everything, I still just wanna know...
... where the FUCK is Nightbringer?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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opiopal · 2 months
imagine a small au where satan is one of the very first demons to have a pact made with mc, for one reason. mc has cats.
I personally have two lovely babies that I wouldn't be able to part with for a whole year, so imagine in a panic mc is like "WWWAIT I HAVE CATS AND NO FAMILY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM FOR ME!!" and dia is like "omg, then I'll just have your cats brought down pookie!!!" so mc is keeping their cats in their room for the first month cause they do NOT trust any of the demons they are living with.. after a while they maybe trust mammon and levi to even look at their cats and MAYBE a little scritch and pat. satan however has been in his own mental hell, he doesn't want anything to do with the human, but cats. but he's still going to respect the fact that the cats care taker is nervous about him being around the cats, but CATS. he doesn't even want to talk to the human period, BUT CATS. so one day he goes to their room and asks if he can at least look at the sillies, and with much convincing mc agrees. which leads to them bonding faster and satan being "yk what? you're alright, and lucifer doesn't like you so thats a plus" and ofc he quickly joins the brothers that follow mc around making sure they're safe at RAD, has probably threatened a demon or two for Mc as well.
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black00olive · 2 months
With you, always (unfortunately)
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A/N: Reader can be interpreted as any gender
Pairing: Lucifer x reader
Wordcount: ~1,300 (very lightly proof-read)
Summary: It was Lucifer’s turn to cook dinner but student council work had forced the two of you to stay back late. So, instead you propose the idea of buying some takeout on your way home for everyone. As always with your wonderful ideas, Lucifer agrees and the two of you head to Hell's Kitchen. However, as he opens his wallet to pay for our giant order (the curse that comes with living with the Avatar of Gluttony) something catches your attention— rather a photo tucked safely into a clear slot of his wallet. A photo of you. There's no way you're not going to take this opportunity to tease the hell out of him. Or, Lucifer keeps a photo of you in his wallet and quickly grows very embarrassed when you point it out. In public, as well.
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The unfortunate side effect of becoming part of the student council is days like these. Granted, you had willingly agreed to stay after with Lucifer at RAD to finish up some of the work for the upcoming event (which event was it now again? Diavolo holds so many you can barely keep track of them anymore) but that wouldn’t stop you from complaining a little. In your mind of course. You gather the papers Lucifer had finished going over and put them in their respective folders. Silence fills the room as the two of you harmoniously work to at least make a little dent in the giant pile of paperwork. Why do these events always result in so much paperwork?
As if Lucifer could sense all the complaining you were doing in your mind he speaks up: “Let us wrap it up here.” Shock is the primary emotion that takes over once you process his words— glee being the secondary emotion. Lucifer, workaholic, Morningstar is willingly not working on the paperwork until you force him to stop? You glance at the pile of paperwork that had just barely changed in size since you had started then turn your gaze back at him.
“I can tell you’re growing tired with all of the paperwork, soon enough you would start whining about it out loud,” he sighs as you send him a glare, a little offended at how accurate he was. “And furthermore, I am incharge of dinner tonight. We’ve already stayed out far too long for me to make a proper dinner, we stay out any later and we might end up with Beel destroying the house again.” You accept that, you had wanted to head home as soon as possible anyway. Lucifer straightens out his uniform as you subconsciously end up doing the same, not missing the small smirk that forms at his lips once he notices.
“Hey, let’s just buy some takeout on our way home. I’ll be quicker and the sooner we get Beel food the better, y’know?” You suggest, Beel isn’t the only reason you suggested it though. You can tell Lucifer is quite tired himself and cooking for what could basically count as 16 people is something that takes a lot of energy. However, if you were to point that out he would glare at you, claim that he’s the furthest thing from tired, and stubbornly cook a dinner for 32 people instead.
“Alright,” he nods, “you’re right that the sooner we get food to Beel the better. So, I suppose we can have takeout today. Let us pass by Hell’s Kitchen then.”
We enter Hell’s Kitchen as servers rush past. No surprise, they are a very popular restaurant. You follow as Lucifer heads up to the register. Effortlessly he starts listing his and each of his brothers’ favourite orders, Beel’s order taking about twice as long as all of the brothers’ orders combined. The worker’s face grows paler and paler as Lucifer continues without pause. Once he finally finishes he turns towards you and you say your order. The poor worker hesitantly repeats our order back to us and Lucifer nods as he pulls out his wallet. Mammon must have been rubbing off on you too much as your attention instantly strays to the wallet as you look at everything he keeps in there. Several different credit cards— Goldie included—, some receipts, and a couple of membership cards for different services’. That’s all to be expected in the wallet of someone like Lucifer, but what really catches your attention this time is a photo. Tucked safely into one of the flaps of the wallet that has a clear side.
What catches your attention even more is the fact that the photo is of you. Just you. It would have made sense if it was a family photo, with you and his brothers, but nope. You feel a smirk pull at the corner of your lips at the same time you feel your heart melt a little at the prospect that Lucifer had wanted to keep you with him at all times. Your urge to tease him about it was just as strong as your urge to coo at him. Satisfyingly, both would be equally as embarrassing to Lucifer.
Lucifer puts his wallet away after he finishes paying and the two of you go to stand further away as you wait for the unfortunate workers to finish your order. You have enough self-restraint to not point it out right in front of the worker and wait until you are at least a little more obscure from all of the other guests when you point it out. “It’s really cute of you to keep a picture of me in your wallet, Luci.” Of course, being a little more obscure didn’t mean that demons weren’t keenly paying attention to the two of you (when you’re out attention tends to always be on you anyway), both the curse and blessing of being a part of the Student Council. A blessing in this case as Lucifer knows just as well as you that the demons are desperate for anything they could gossip about, and in your opinion “Lord Lucifer keeps a picture of the newest Student Council Officer, the former human exchange student, in his wallet at all times?!” is a great header for the tabloids.
Lucifer glares at you, probably both for pointing out the picture and for using that nickname out in public, as he scoffs. “I do not keep a photo of you in my wallet, we must get your eyes checked soon. Humans shouldn’t be seeing things that are not there.” You roll your eyes at his response, you know very well what you saw and he wasn’t going to make you seem insane. As quickly as possible with your human body you grab onto his uniform and reach for his pocket where he kept his wallet. Lucifer is faster though, not super shocking news, and grabs onto your wrist. It doesn’t hurt, you note as you try to free yourself, but you really aren’t given any wiggle room here.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He sighs as you try to get your wrist out of his hold again, to no avail.
“I was going to grab your wallet,” you say as nonchalantly as if you were talking to him about the weather, “I mean, if I was really seeing things you should be okay with me checking your wallet, right?” A deep scowl starts to form on his face as you continue to press him with a face full of mock shock. “Unless…” You gasp. “You were lying to me, Luci? Don’t tell me you were trying to gaslight me! Really, what am I supposed to do with you? There’s no need to be ashamed of keeping a picture of me in your wallet. Really, I support it, I know you can be pretty desperate and clingy so this way you can still keep me with you at all times,” you tease him.
Lucifer’s scowl deepens even more— you didn’t know how that was possible— as he practically sends you a death glare. You’re sure that if you had been anyone else you would have withered away on the spot, but you’re not anyone else and you can tell he’s just trying to hide how flustered he is. “You humans always spout such inane things,” is all he says as he lets go of your hand. You carefully note how he hadn’t really disagreed with what you had said. Of course he wouldn’t, you both know nothing you had said had been nothing but the truth. You also manage to catch how the tips of his ears are bright red before he quickly walks to the pick-up area.
“Our order isn’t ready yet. You know that right, Luci?”
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