#it is past my bedtime.... dont tell anyone
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was poking around with html and found a huge list of x11 colors with registered keynames and immediately went "god damn this roster is gross as fuck". and then immediately went "no wait, gross colors don't exist", and made this color palette abt it. feel free to use or don't. i'm not your boss
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ialpiriel · 5 months
me, the coyote who's just gotten out of the leg trap after five months: man, why do i feel so fucking bad about everything this week?
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letstrythisout4 · 3 months
hi >. i saw your requests for prompts and requests and just wanted to ask if you could do like head cannons or even a story abot Blaise Zabini being a girl dad.
Like I know this sounds lowkey specific but could you please?
It's alright if you dont want to.
♡ ♥💕❤
Author note: this is much longer than I thought it would be, but I love it and it isn't even everything i thought of, thank you sm for this ask and if anyone else has anything they want to request or questions or anything please send me an ask
Blaise Girl Dad:
When Blaise found out he was going to be a father he was both ecstatic and terrified at the same time
Ecstatic because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Terrified because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Because of his own experience with his father (i.e. none), he felt incredibly conflicted
Logically he knew that a parent is a parent. Your job is to raise, protect, love and guide this human being as much as possible without taking away from their life. There are obstacles you won't be able to protect them from and in those times you will have to be the shoulder to cry on. And in turn when they succeed you will be their first and loudest supporter.
He didn’t need to have a father to know that
His mom made sure that (to the best of her ability) he never felt like he was missing something
Emotionally though…
Blaise loves his mother
His mother fawned over him
But there was always a question as to why there was no father in his life
His mother would never take anything or anyone away from him that could bring him joy and as he visited his friends as a four year old, he could see that fathers, just like mothers, should bring happiness to their kids 
When he was a really young he would ask her why he didn't have a father and she would comfort the confused child before explaining that why he may not have a father, to her he as miraculous as the moon, sun and stars and most precious of everything in her eyes
And so when Blaise found out he was going to be a father he made sure to make his child know -just as his mother did with him- that they were everything to him
Holding his baby girl in his arms for the first time was more than enough to reassure him that it was going to be so incredible simple to love his baby
Blaise doesn’t and has never liked the way so many speak of fatherhood
As if its some burden, “babysitting”, that kids need “discipline” and “punishments” for every little toe out of line
That having a daughter was “more difficult” than having a son
He hated being in public carrying his daughter, who was dressed in her favorite baby blue puffy princess dress, and being questioned
“Mom dressed her, eh?” someone's grandpa would ask, shaking his head at the admittedly excessive dress.  “No, I did.” “...” “She is a princess, what else would she be dressed in?” 
His daughter would be fussy and someone would say, “It’s because you spoil her.” 
Blaise hates the way people use the word spoiled
Because his baby is spoiled
But people seem to think that means she gets away with everything. Which is not true. 
Being a girl dad has made Blaise realize that people care way too much about the non-important details when it comes to kids. 
No, my daughter is spoiled. She’s a kid who wants to spend extra time on the playground. Time that we have. So yes, Blaise “spoils” her and allows her the extra time. Because why not? 
Being a father has taught Blaise that adults just like to tell kids no.
Blaise is incredibly aware that the time he has with his daughter is limited. She will grow up, she will not be dependent on him always. So yes he “spoils’ her.
Yes she can have another scoop of ice cream.
Yes she can have that plushie.
Yes she can stay up past her bedtime to watch him to some silly magic.
Because one day she isn't going to be five and wants to dress like princess Tiana everyday. 
Merlin, he spoiled her before she was even born. Every piece of furniture in her nursery was built by him, by hand. 
He spent an unholy amount of money on stuffed animals and books she wouldn't be able to truly engage with for years. 
And an even greater amount of money on books about raising a child, psychologically and biologically
Ever since he knew he was going to be a father he has been active in his daughters life and has said that watching his daughter grow is the biggest blessing he’s ever had.
He loves every moment he has with her. 
When she said that she wanted him to be her partner for her ballet performance, he agreed without hesitation.
When she wants to take taekwondo as an eight year old, he signs her up immediately
When she magically turned his hair pink, he laughed beside her.
And this continued on as she grew up.
He felt his eyes water as they stood on Platform 9 ¾ for her first year
“You said you wouldn’t cry”
“I’m not” he did
He’s the kind of parent to send his daughter lavish gift baskets
His daughter never spends Christmas at Hogwarts, if she wants to spend it with her friends they can come over to the Manor too, there's plenty of room
And most importantly, she would never want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts.
His love is not one sided. His daughter loves him back just as much. Nobody is allowed to talk shit about her dad or her grandmother. She will curse them into the next century.
That’s her dad. Her day 1. Her ride or die. She knows that in any situation she can call on him and he will come. 
And it sets up such a lovely understanding of what care and love look like.
The respect, care and autonomy that Blaise allows his daughter allows her to become such a well rounded person. From the moment she could express her opinions, wants and desires, he has respected them and aided her in acting them out/ achieving them.
He will support her till the ends of the earth
(also she is very much best friends with he kids of Blaise's fellow slytherins .... feel like i should say that)
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caracarahoney · 1 month
H.I.V.E. Birthday Bundle 2024:
With the best worst father with too many names, Cypher!
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(And the color gold.) Buckle up folks, it's a long one!
Playlist- Not Afraid (You Should Be)
The Lab Era Mad IQs- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME GUY.exe- Superfruit On The Run E.V.O.L.- Marina and the Diamonds Pork Soda- Glass Animals Lent- Autoheart Paranoia in B Major- The Avett Brothers Family Man Clusterhug- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME C Sections And Railway Trestles- The Avett Brothers The Loss Paper Scars- Lovedrug Black Light- My Epic Cypher Is Born So Called Life- Three Days Grace Look Away- The Dear Hunter Me Against You- Three Days Grace Rumors- NEFFEX The Siege Absinthe- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Yin Yang- USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) NFWMB- Hozier All Alone Leopard- Jack Stauber Paul Newman vs. The Demons- The Avett Brothers Gone Rogue P.O.L.I.T.I.C.S.- MISSIO Wolf In Sheep's Clothing- Set It Off Bleeding White- The Avett Brothers Gone Forest Whitaker- Bad Books, etc.
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I got a rabbit as my animal, which honestly fits- lots of cool symbolism there. Something, something, snares and escaping and prey animal vs predators, etc. I honestly think this man is motivated more by fear than he lets on. Fic: A Temporary Alliance (A negotiation leads to an effective, if begrudging partnership between Cypher, three girls… and a pilot in deep over his head.) Headcanons:
Extremely paranoid ever since he began working in the villain industry, and this only became exacerbated after Xiu Mei’s death. Also misanthropic and believed most people are more bad than good, though he recognized a few exceptions like his family.
Instead of a plain oval of glass, his mask was a modified helmet resembling a motorcyclist’s. Alongside gloves, it allowed him to cover every inch of skin to prevent anyone getting hair or fingerprints for DNA testing.
Had long hair ever since he entered G.L.O.V.E., as he became paranoid that someone would assassinate him while cutting it. As Wu Zhang, he cut it himself and kept it up in a high ponytail (when down, it was a little past his shoulders). After losing Xiu Mei, he didn’t keep up with caring for it as often and let it grow a few inches longer, tucking it into his helmet as Cypher and tying it up otherwise.
Wore his mask anytime he was around others during his Cypher era, including his own henchmen. If he ever needed to sleep– such as on long flights– he would sleep with it on and hold a gun the whole time.
Based his Cypher look on some of the Power Rangers-esque shows Wing would watch as a child; he would watch them with him sometimes as a form of easy bonding time.
Adored Darkdoom’s exploits and would tell Wing bedtime stories about him; took inspiration for the Kraken from Darkdoom’s vehicles.
Despised Xiu Mei at first after the Overlord incident, but acknowledged they were stuck together. Their escape from China was full of violence, running from enemies, assassination attempts, and the usual actiony antics. This is when they first learned to appreciate each other as they both saved each other a few times. 
As a husband, Mao was less physically affectionate. He showed love through gift giving, usually by making Xiu Mei small robots or trinkets or buying her nice things. He was very aloof as a person in general, so she valued being one of the few people he would willingly be close to. They enjoyed having movie or tv nights at home more than any other kind of date, which they’d usually end with a cuddle on the couch.
As a father, he was distant, but hardworking and comparatively loving. He knew from his teen years that he wasn’t cut out for family life, but did his best once avoiding it was no longer an option. He preferred to do the “maintenance work” of the family (house work, handling paperwork, planning stuff, etc) behind the scenes while his wife handled the face-to-face parenting. After Xiu Mei’s death, he was emotionally negligent and occasionally verbally abusive whenever he and Wing would argue, but never lashed out physically. He feared how angry he could be as he grieved and would separate himself early to avoid outbursts, but the absences only made things worse.
After Xiu Mei’s death and a small depressive period, vengeance became his primary goal and he began training himself in combat. This is where some of his absences in Wing’s life came from and where Wing’s early fitness started, as he tried a few times to work out with his father to bond with him. Considering that Wu was always very upset when doing so, it never worked out. Cypher was roughly at Nero’s level in combat by the end and had some training with most weapons; he’s not a boxer and wouldn’t do well in a fist fight, but if he was armed or given the chance to strategize, he could be very dangerous.
Did not build his criminal empire from the ground up– he instead infiltrated and worked under another villain for a year or two before assassinating him and stealing his holdings, using a few robots he’d made to bolster his defenses until he was powerful enough to use his reputation.
Genuinely believed Nero stole Wing for hostage purposes, as he received a letter that appeared to be written by him threatening Wing after his disappearance. In reality, this letter was crafted and sent by Overlord to encourage Nero and Cypher to go to war.
Needed glasses or contacts; his vision wasn’t horrible and he could function without them, but he was prone to bad migraines without them. As Wu Zhang, he preferred contacts, but switched to glasses as Mao Fanchu. During his time at H.I.V.E., he would become very uncooperative if not provided with glasses and an occasional exam. Also had high blood pressure and other chronic stress issues, but knew how to manage them. 
After the fall, he had to do daily physical therapy. Nero ensured he had equipment to do so (which was stored under his bed), but he struggled with chronic pain for the rest of his life. Also occasionally had chronic pain from Overlord’s blast, but this was less frequent. One of the closest relationships to amicable he had as Cypher did come from this though, as he developed an acquaintanceship with Dr. Scott.
After Overlord, he was a brontophobe (feared lightning in particular) and had a strong distaste for the color red despite using it as one of his cardinal colors. Also feared A.I.s and almost threw up at the sight of H.I.V.E.mind in Rogue.
Resented most supervillains’ “they’re disposable” attitude towards their technicians or low-ranking staff, especially as Cypher. He also preferred to avoid killing enemies’ staff, but did so to fit in and get closer to Number One, seeing it as genuinely necessary in his mission to save the world. 
And finally, Prompts! (AKA my rejected fic ideas for this...) - Darkdoom the pirate finding siren Wu after the latter got in a scuffle with the infamous Captain Nero. - A student finds Cypher's cell and talks to him through the door. - In an AU where he survives, Cypher playing Battleship with Laura. - Wu Zhang and Xiu Mei fleeing from G.L.O.V.E. after the Incident. - Cypher arguing with Nero in his cell about bringing Overlord online too early.
Anyways, hope y'all had fun! Can't wait to see what you've all created!
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suicideenthusiast · 13 days
why do u have a bedtime scjedule lain
im up past my bedtime rn dont tell anyone
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madokasoratsugu · 2 years
dug this out from the deep deep depths of my drafts. it made me laugh so have at it: cindphenon LIs as dads + bonus mom lucette
Rod: surprisingly sensible and steady. is nervous and antsy in the beginning but admires both his fathers A Ton so tries his best to bring their best qualities to the forefront: ever present and very loving. quiet but very supportive parent, encourages his child’s pursuits of any interest (be it a hobby or a person). will fucking snide anyone who talks smack about his kid being a fine arts major. may be a little overbearing and critical at times but only because he wants the best for his child. 
Karma: pta mum. throws hands every weekend with karen and her disgusting brownies. will let you know how his kid is better than yours in a very smug and ‘oh did you hear’ kind of way. lets his kid know all the time that they deserve the whole fucking world. maybe spoils them a bit too much. meddles in the kid’s love life all the time. the weaker parent to the puppy eyes. doesnt like to play bad cop, tends to give in to the kid a lot lmao.
Rumpel: super straight laced parent in the streets, absolute mess in the sheets. gives kid unsolicited advice 24/7. workaholic dad but always makes it in home for dinner and keeps his weekends free. slides a cake into their room when theyre sad bc he doesnt want to force them to talk but Also doesnt want them to be sad alone. definitely disappointed when kids dont want to follow in his footsteps but very enthusiastic in seeing what they want to forge for themselves.
Fritz: must call if staying past curfew or he’ll call the cops and make them put out an amber alert. overprotective and can be smothering but very, very loving and never gives his children a reason to doubt that love. 100% behind his kid and is proud of them no matter what - from acing a test to egging a house. will say ‘i love you’ and tuck them in every night, even when they’re grown, and will fucking Cry when they move out/leave his side. definitely punched another dad once.
Waltz: actually the best dad. a natural with handling people, a safe figure to confide in, knows when to pry, and when to leave his kid alone. showers kids with lots of love, never lets them go without. the type to read bedtimes stories at night and puts peeled oranges into their lunch boxes. last day of school its an unpeeled orange and a note that says “its time to learn how to peel your own oranges :”(”. can be too nice/soft, but stern when it comes to necessary discipline.
Lucette: stern but fair mother, always encouraging and kind but will scold her child if needed. talks to her children like theyre adults, but always expects them to behave like kids. plays bad cop as often as she tells them ‘i love you’. an unsure parents and lots of self-doubt in the beginning, but never fails to put her child first. shows her love through actions more than words. trying her best to be better every day.
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dutchwinter · 1 year
i dont like adding to long chains so im doing my own little thang... thank you charlie @cicadaboybat <3
last song: bedtime song by anthony green.... ha
currently watching: nothing i dont. watch things. :3c
curently reading: also nothing :3c
current obsession: you can tell. yeah its anthony greens stupid fucking music. especially circa survive right now bc of many reasons. this past week and it just ended actually was anthony week where i gave myself the task of finishing his like. entire discography in that week. and i didnt even finish it. i still have like obscure circa demos and other obscure solo stuff. and of course patreon locked stuff but im not gonna get into that bc i dont have their [circa's] patreon! i didn't even touch covers because i knew it'd never get done.this is where this has led me if you were wondering. i started with circa on monday and i was like lets keep this going. so every project/band hes been in, every solo song, every demo that was never finished, every remix, every song hes been featured on, everything. this is why my last song was bedtime song. but also i do just love lets start a band lol
tagging um anyone who wants to do this idk who has been tagged and who hasnt so im gonna stay out of it
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dumblildog · 1 year
Why I don't sell content :3
"Do you do OF?"
"You should."
This conversation keeps happening with people. I used to sell content before OF was a thing. I'd definitely do it again if I looked like that still. I have so many fucking scars now I'm just.. idk plus I'm as pale as bb vampire so it's just a gross contrast on my skin. I have this overwhelming amount of self hate especially about how I look. If my last relationship wasn't a sexless lonely cage of self doubt and hate I probably wouldn't be sooo hateful but like having someone look at you dead face and say "I'm as attracted to you as I can be" it's like huh.. what's the point.. when someone doesn't want you for so long for years.. but also won't let you go when you beg for it you just let go of yourself in so many different ways. I lost all grips of myself and now I just dont recognize who or what I am. I was already so lost before that relationship just a lil drug addict with no money & horrible self destructive habits. I'm so surprised I didn't die that spring with my daily habits. For so long I survived off nothing but substances, self harm, and sex. I was having so many adventures and got second hand affection from the attention my actions brought me but I still was just so so lonely. I gripped onto the first person who wanted something more than my body my bed or my connections. I didn't see what he was using me for before it was too late. I stopped doing drugs anything anyone would offer, drinking anything I'd get my hands on, stopped smoking anything and everything I could light. Gross mixed bowls and cigarettes turned to nothing but green and dabs. Alcohol and nothing but coffee and espresso turned into simple teas, coffees so much water. From eating a few times a week went to having full meals sometimes more than once a day. I stopped cutting and burning myself and started wearing glitter. I got a job, then two, then three. Parties, bars, mosh pits, basement shows, trespassing, staying up to see the sunrise turned into movies, car rides, museums, and early bedtimes for tomorrows responsibilities. Handfuls of roommates and people in and out of my bed at all hours turned into a one bedroom apartment and a bed shared with only one. Tho I quickly left that bed for the couch and slept there most nights. My life was so different but I was still so lost and empty. I thought I had what I wanted but when the person you're sharing your life with doesn't want you back.. the emptiness is so all consuming. I changed and the depression and agoraphobia got so much worse. So much isolation. My body changed my habits changed. Now I'm just plagued with chronic nightmares and the emptiness. I'm free from the grips of the lonely relationship but I lost myself day after day to 4 years. Tho I've learned so much about myself in that loneliness. I know what I'd like now and what I want but my body and brain are so fucking gone it's so out of reach and I don't feel like I can do it on my own. Everything in me tells me I'm wrong and if I was this or that maybe just maybe I'll be happy or loved. Then the echos of my past lovers cruel words bounce around that empty space in my chest and remind me that even through out all those different versions of myself I still wasn't enough for any of them to actually want me. They lied, cheated, hit, hurt, hid, and then left. No one has ever wanted me for more than a thrill or a self fulfillment. I myself, I've never been first choice to anyone friendships family lovers... it's hard to be my first choice and with little to no support or recourses and with a broken body and brain it's hard to change and reach for anything. I feel like a burden on those I love and I'm not really living for anything but sparing them the grief and guilt of my suicide.
I'm tired of this existence.
I'm tired.
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ssumcity · 2 years
Call Log (Harry): Day 61 - 87 (Planet Pi)
Day 61 “Currently Unavailable”
waketime: in
breakfast: in (paid option: It feels strange to hear breakup from you)
lunch: none
dinner: out (paid option: I’m gonna call you I wanna hear your voice, Harry)
bedtime: none
Day 62 “A Day Made Possible Because It Took Two”
waketime: in
breakfast: none
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: But it’s true that they are the ones being rude)
bedtime: in + out (paid option: If there’s anything more ur hiding, feel free to tell me)
Day 63 “Big Guy’s Root”
waketime: in (paid option: My phone would ring any second lol)
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: Found a new talented one?!)
Day 64 “The World’s Next Top Bodyguard”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Has anyone stayed at that academy for that long…?)
lunch: out
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 65 “Noah With His Training”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: You don’t see any shop or building around?)
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: in
Day 66 “Expectations and Waiting”
waketime: in
breakfast: none
lunch: out (paid option: But I think you should keep watching it…)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 67 “Forest of Memories”
waketime: out (paid option: I dont like this…)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: What? So he’s a doll doctor?? The one i heard about on the internet?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 68 “Wading Through Memories”
waketime: in (paid option: This timing can’t be explained other than it’s fate)
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: People live by their own rules)
dinner: none
bedtime: in
Day 69 “To Live On Your Own”
waketime: out
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: If you can’t clear things up, that’s too much even for you… phew…)
bedtime: in
Day 70 “Touring Hotels”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: This isn’t what I was expecting…)
bedtime: out (paid option: In that case i’ll keep running studies on ur heart lol)
Day 71 “Unexpected Gathering”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: out (paid option: His parents are too overbearing…)
dinner: in (paid option: Let’s talk about that later, properly.)
bedtime: out
Day 72 “A Perfect Family”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Piu Piu… Doesn’t he have any secrets?)
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: Usually the one who had said it forgets and only the listener remembers)
bedtime: in
Day 73 “Knife of the Past”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: You brought an animal?)
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: Mind if I call you before you run?)
bedtime: out (paid option: Mind if I call you?)
Day 74 “Blue Moon”
waketime: in
breakfast: in (paid option***: “I’ll help you with the event so u help me too) // *** You probably need to start the chat first because the paid option appeared as the very first message and I haven’t seen any other options during chat that might trigger a phone call. Also I think the chat was pretty cute… spoiler: Harry ‘hires’ us as employee and ends the call with 'I’ll be missing you’ T-T)
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: Hmm? I’m listening)
bedtime: in
Day 75 "The Dream of Retirement”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in (paid option: I wanna be his classmate too)
dinner: in
bedtime: out (paid option: Getting a painting drawn by the person themself id my lifelong wish… :’( )
Day 76 “The Result of Missions”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Who’s that lady?)
lunch: in
dinner: in (paid option: I’m getting soup tonight!)
bedtime: in (* 20 minute waiting time)
Day 77 “Disappearance on the Train”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: Haven’t you read a detective novel like this?)
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: in
Day 78 “Carrot Laboratory”
waketime: out (paid option: Piu Piu, what if they say you can’t get in? :’( )
breakfast: in
lunch: none
dinner: in (paid option: I wonder how serious he is with carrots!)
bedtime: in
Day 79 “My Secret Carrot”
waketime: in
breakfast: out (paid option: You’ll cut your finger if you cook in the dark lol)
lunch: ?? (there was a paid option: “Woah… Ur bringing that to show it off to others” -> BUT neither did I receive a call nor was I able to call him, I tried 5 times after logging out and in again and even switching routes but nothing. Either my app was bugged or the phone call icon was bull.)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 80 “I Wanna Be Alone” **
** So sorry, I messed up here and totally forgot to takes notes that day . All I know is there was a paid option for bedtime. I will try to find more info online and add it later on (if my search is successful…)
breakfast: possibly outgoing call?
lunch: in
dinner: in
bedtime: (paid option: I wanted to hear him say good night.)
Day 81 “Looking For Missing Muscles”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: in (paid option: But srsly, why did he wear smth like that? Lolol)
bedtime: out (paid option: What if u fall asleep while u eat…?)
Day 82 “The Dream Message”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out (paid option: Anyway, good luck on that waste sorting next time… Haha…)
bedtime: out (paid option: That’s why you need me!)
Day 83 “Hope You Make It Alive, Harry”
waketime: in
breakfast: in
lunch: in
dinner: out
bedtime: none
Day 84 “Camping Day”
waketime: none
breakfast: in
lunch: in (paid option: Right, ur sensitive to smell. Are u ok?)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 85 “Harry’s Baking”
waketime: out (paid option: But I wanna hear Harry’s voice… :’( )
breakfast: in (*20 minute waiting time)
lunch: out
dinner: in (paid option: Wow… Now I really feel like we’re far away)
bedtime: in
Day 86 “Don’t Proceed Without Me!”
waketime: in
breakfast: out
lunch: in (*20 minute waiting time)
dinner: in
bedtime: in
Day 87 “A Future With the Angel”
waketime: none
breakfast: in
lunch: none
dinner: in
bedtime: none
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diplegia · 5 months
dont tell anyone im posting past my bedtime
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jesterjamz · 3 years
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goodnight !
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psychewithwings · 3 years
Hitoshi Shinsou Sleepy Comfort:  Hello all, this is my contribution to this months BNHAREM Collab. Please view the rest of the master list here. This months theme was about spending time with one of our favourite characters. So each piece (art, writing, or other) has really come from the heart. 
For all the times I couldn’t sleep and wished I had an insomniac Shinsou to hold me through it... For all those who cannot find enough peace to fall asleep some days, this one is for you. 
The only TW is depersonalization and some depressed thoughts.
The clock blinks 3:07 AM. The gods of sleep had forgotten you while they had kissed the foreheads of the rest of the world. Your apartment felt vast and empty and nothing seemed to make sense. Sometimes it felt as if you were evaporating from the world… or rather, the world was evaporating away. It was unsettling, feeling like you were walking through a dream. Your movements heavy and light at the same time, floating, slowly dissolving into the ether. ‘Maybe this time… it will actually happen, maybe, this time, I will fade and no longer exist. I feel nothing, I am nothing.’
Hot tears roll down your cheeks as the exhaustion adds to your fear. You sit up and look out the window to. The lights of the street pour over the pavement in artificial fluorescence. You need fresh air, something to snap you back into your body. You throw open the window and climb out onto the small balcony.
The night air washes over you, or perhaps it blows through you. You look up in an attempt to see the stars only to find the orange glow of city lights reflecting off of the black sky. ‘It’s like yelling into a void,’ you think to yourself.  You want to laugh and cry at the same time, there is such an irony in loneliness.
“Can’t sleep?” he questions. You turn to see your neighbour Hitoshi Shinsou leaning against the railing of his balcony. You shake your head, relief flowing through you that another human being can perceive your existence, even if you yourself cannot. “Been good?” you ask, giving him a sleepy smile. You had a few exchanges with Hitoshi, and occasionally hung out in each other’s apartments but he had been busy. “Eh, not too bad I guess… you?” You consider telling him that you’re good, fine, okay, but you knew Hitoshi well enough to know that he wasn’t afraid of honesty. “Been better,” you yawn and he laughs softly. “Past your bedtime, huh? Dont you usually pass out at like 11?”  You shrug and smile, “not lately.”
Hitoshi takes you in and his brow furrows in response. “Do you want to talk about it?” he offers. You shrug again and shift your weight from side to side. “Not really…” you pause considering your words carefully. “This might seem weird but- could I come over…” He says nothing, just extends his hand to help you climb over the railing separating you two.
His hand is warm and large over your own. It’s strange, you know Hitoshi doesn’t sleep much but something about his presence inspires a desire to sleep. You look at him with big tired eyes before your head falls onto his chest. You close your eyes and wrap your arms around him. “ ‘m sorry, you’re just so- comforting,” you mumble into his chest. He pulls you closer, “I’ve never been told that…” You adjust so that your ear is against his chest, his heartbeat steady. “Well, you are.”
A silence washes over you both, sounds of the city below only add to the moment, the wail of a siren and the beep of a horn, laughter from a bar a couple blocks away, music passing with cars. Leaning into the man with lavender hair, the world felt like it was slowly being filled. The life that felt it was being evaporated from you felt as if it was being poured back into your body with every stroke of Hitoshi’s hand down your back. The thought of returning back to your empty apartment had you gripping his shirt and pulling him closer. “Can I stay?” you ask. It’s unexpected but not unwelcome when he presses his lips to your forehead. “Of course,” he says, hands still running up and down your back to soothe.
Hitoshi leads you through the window, into his bedroom. You both crawl into his bed laughing quietly and making soft conversation as you find your way into each other's arms. It’s strangely natural, as if it had always been this way. Each thought and memory that is shared between the two of you is cherished, said and listened to with the heart itself. And soon your eyes are closing, your head on his chest. The comfortable silence created is paused by Hitoshi’s words, “I’m glad you’re here.” Anyone would assume he meant in his bed, but it was the way he said it that made you realise he meant more than just ‘in his bed’. You sit up slightly and look at him. You aren’t quite sure what to say so you press your lips to his cheek before you snuggle back into his chest. You fall asleep to the rise and fall of his breath and the beating of his steady heart.
It’s light through the blinds that has your eyes fluttering open. Hitoshi’s arms are still holding you, though now his chest is against your back and your legs are intertwined. You find yourself face to face with a clock once more, though this time it glows, 14:36. You roll to face him, rubbing his shoulder. He blinks awake, heavy eyelids, and smiles when he sees you. “It’s two thirty,” you say wide eyed. His eyes grow to the same size as yours as he checks the clock. You both laugh together. “I don’t remember the last time I slept that long… or that well,” he muses. You nod agreeing, “me either.” His hand comes up to meet your cheek, his thumb stroking softly under your eye before trailing down to your jaw. You lean in and touch your lips to his. It’s a soft and simple kiss. A signal of gratitude, because as he held your heart while you slept, a part of it healed, and now, you’ve woken up, but you’re truly awake.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
random headcanons i have for each om! character teehee
hi it's been a while since ive posted some hcs bc uni has been kicking my a$$! luckily i only have a few papers to tidy up and im done. here r some hcs for each obey me character that ive accumulated over the past few months wink wonk
most are random but some constants you'll find are what i think they smell like, languages they can speak (other than their native (demon/angel) and eng/jp), and music tastes !
i have a strong feeling that he showers twice a day: in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed
his cologne is probably the type that will last in an elevator for like a week after he uses it once. i dont think this mf ever smells like anything other than his cologne
has a secret folder on his phone of semi-nudes and other scandalous pics from when he felt sexy at the time omg
aside from demon language/eng/jp he can speak french and knows latin
listens to classical stuff yea but he also listens to diavolos mixtapes (re: diavolo's section)
not a fan of sweets but will eat sweet things when craving
really bland sense of humor...borderline cringey 😭✋🏻
has gone to google images and searched for "inspirational quotes tumblr" "gold aesthetic tumblr" & "relatable crush post tumblr" then reposts it onto his socials or just taps thru them and giggles bc he relates
his cologne doesnt last as long as lucifers and probably smells common. he has to reapply a lot but it's a people pleasing smell. it's cheaper hence the constant reapplying
he probably does have an expensive bottle but is the type to totally overspray...eek
he is canonically a car guy 🥲 and probably tells the one in his room good morning & good night + kisses the hood every once in a while. has tons of car magazines
he doesnt really speak other languages but has attempted to learn spanish before
listens to whatever is on the radio. doesnt rly stan anyone but he eventually will listen to mc's playlist and mc's playlist ONLY
lurks on mc's socials ALL THE TIMEEEE like he will rewatch ur stories and scroll thru ur feed and overanalyze ur tweets/rts or blog posts. if ur mc isnt the type to use sns much he still googles ur name all the damn time just to find any sites u might be on fjdjdjdjskks
probably streams on whatever youtube or twitch devildom site equivalent there is, but only has like 40 or so followers. which he is okay with!
until he sees someone else who gets more attention than him. then the envy starts kicking in bad. especially if they suck 🧍🏻‍♀️
classic gamer boy smell. you know, sweat, tears, must, and (sometimes) axe deodorant. lucifer has to do a scent check before he goes out to any event & lets him use his cologne. how sweet!
kpop stan!! more girl groups than anything and his ults are probably GIRLS GENERATION, wonder girls, twice, loona, & red velvet
cried when ioi disbanded and refused to leave his room. the only thing u could hear was downpour on loop at full blast
can also speak korean & communicate in echolocation like dolphins 😏
listens to country music you cant change my mind
smells like whatever environment he is in. he doesnt really have a designated smell just throws some deodorant on and goes about his day.
he's sooooo bad at driving...gets road rage way too often so his license has been REVOKED
but hes totally a backseat driver. needs to be sedated on long trips
do not let him watch finding nemo when luke asks to watch it. it's not worth it. he will cause mass destruction.
if he was a human or lived long term in the human world he totally has the ability to be a doctor
is studying as many languages as possible, but he mostly knows latin & french & german etc etc. wants to learn all the dead languages out of curiousity
dont think this mf has ever held down a relationship. ever
he doesnt compromise much & is not willing to change his lifestyle to fit an s/o into it. you keep up with how he lives or it just isnt meant to be (but dont worry! he'll eventually learn...maybe,,,,)
has the hardest time out of everyone when it comes to breaking bad habits
his smell varies bc he uses a variety of perfumes (whatever is the most popular at the time) but he probably sticks to floral and fresh scents. he never uses generic people pleaser scents like mammon
listens to electropop, mainstream pop, & some alternative rock
as for languages he too knows french, spanish, italian, etc. in general, if it's a romance language he knows it!
opposite of lucifer in the sense where he loves sweets and will refrain from eating too many bitter things
i think we all know that asmo is the biggest rockstar of the group! he's probably been in a boy band at least once, but now he makes his own music
has tried to teach mammon how to sing once. ended up in a broken piano and bleeding ears...
i feel like he is SO SHY
like unless ur close to him he will not start conversations or anything
i think he listens to r&b a lot ! and jazz 😎 maybe rock as well
smells like ur typical athlete with undertones of wet wipes. he carries them around bc he likes to clean his hands before he eats & is prepared for when theres no sink nearby
he can drive and he drives really well. no rough turns, parallel parks perfectly, and never has problems with merging
driving with beel is probably really soothing. left hand is steering the other is gripping ur thigh 😫
dont think hes really fluent in any other language but hes probably semi fluent in korean because levi wanted beel to help him out
definitely know how to order food in practically every language tho HAHAHA
he reminds me of randall from monsters inc
smells kinda musty IM SORRY but not the way levi does hes more like the kind of musty u feel or smell when it's a shitty morning
but that's only because hes so lazy, when he cleans up hes like satan
has definitely murdered multiple people before. mc is not the first 😐✋🏻
with that being said belphie has been put into prison at least twice when visiting the human world, the mf had such a strong hatred for humans theres no way he never got into trouble before
lucifer probably broke him out and they used the pen thingies from men in black to erase everyones memory of that 🙄
dont think he listens to anything other than music that'll put him to sleep. really likes lazy song by bruno mars but thinks that bruno mars put too much effort into the song. should have been one acapella verse and then finish
similar to beel hes only semi fluent in one language, probably french bc of lucifer. doesnt remember much but knows a couple of lullabies and bedtime stories
the sandman used to be his bff until they drifted. they do, however, like and comment on each other's sns posts.
once he found out who nicki minaj was he became her #1 stan
def an ariana grande stan too 😌
choreographs dances when hes stressed...idk just seems like a diavolo thing to do
also makes rly bad soundcloud rap music sometimes. turns to poetry when hes feeling emo but only lucifer knows this. barbatos is suspicious of him but doesnt have enough evidence to confirm.
his dad is like hudson abadeer from adventure time aka marceline's dad? something must have influenced him to want to unite the 3 realms + he would need the approval to do so, so his dad must be more chill than all the others before him 🧍🏻‍♀️ IDK ok anyway
currently going through his hamilton phase bc of mc. whether mc's intent was to get him hooked onto it or just to explain it bc of something he saw online, he tells everyone that he found out abt it bc of mc!
this man cannot drive his skills are only second to jumin han
not too fond of many languages but knows the widely spoken ones like spanish, mandarin, etc. if it's taught in high school he knows it
smells like a las vegas casino. not sure why but i feel like he does. but there's also an interesting & nice smell to him if he embraces you. it's a smell you cant quite identify. but it smells nostalgic, it's mysterious, and it's tempting.
very calm demeanor but underneath hes WILD hes probably done everything at least once oof
he just has a lot of control and stability over himself (must be nice!)
on a more angsty note i feel like he might have had his heartbroken sO BAD IDK he is hurting and maybe that's why hes so willing to obey diavolo and not abuse his time lord power thingies bc he learned his lesson the hard way
mans is so smart he knows every language you could switch languages mid conversation with him and he wouldnt be thrown off. he'd probably start speaking it too.
listens to the same stuff as lucifer but also likes eminem. likes the movie 8 mile but criticized it heavily
have you ever been to a chinese herb shop? naturally, he smells like that. his room probably smells like it too. he doesnt really have a significant smell like some of the others
when he bakes he smells like whatever hes baking tho
one of the few out of everyone listed to have been able to travel to literally everywhere
was probably on kitchen nightmares once, but only to get feedback from chef gordon ramsay. then he used his magic to prevent the episode from airing...
was in an orchestra, one of the best times of his life. played the violin. asmo watched him in the audience once, but didnt approach him until well after that performance.
he CANNOT sing. he can, however, rap.
doesnt listen to music. he listens to podcasts! but every now and then he turns on background music, but prefers it to be instrumental stuff
never wears sunglasses. also does not have a driver's license. cannot drive a regular car. could maybe fly an airplane.
due to his immortality he has learned almost every language to exist, but finds himself speaking mandarin the most. knows most dialects too
similar smell to barbatos but u can also smell some sunscreen on him too. like, generic beach day suncreen
he has a lot of pact marks, so he once had the idea to match foundation to his skin. it took him two weeks but he eventually perfected a combination. yes he will help u find ur perfect shade if u ask him to
another country music man. has also made a tiktok or two to that one song that goes "he cant even bait a hook." they are private tho
angel country music exists and simeon invented it
if he visits the human world and wears more causal clothing he probably tucks his shirt into his pants
wears a speedo at the beach i tell u, speedo at the beach
he can speak german...i can feel it
uses his pointer finger to type and holds the phone like 2 inches away from his face so sometimes his nose will push a key hence all his typos
has no signature smell. he simply smells like your favorite scent all the time. if multiple people are around him at once, everyone smells a different smell. it's pretty rad
"what does he smell like to himself?" u may be asking. hmm...a church? 💀
his first pet was a goldfish and a few months before the exchange program happened, he was given a koi pond!
secretly likes hanging out with levi sometimes just to play with henry. makes him miss his pet fish back home
so his favorite movie is probably finding nemo and he threw a fit when nemo touched the butt
luke is probably learning german bc of simeon, though he'd like to learn more of the dead languages just for fun
i dont think he listens to music often or has any preferences, he just listens to whatever is playing on the radio
but he finds himself listening to the music mc listens to
smells like freshly baked goods all the time. or fresh laundry. but like, not combined. just depends on the day
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Teenage Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: this is LONG so please dont let this flop
prompt: y/n is 12-16, takes place from Avengers 1 to Avengers 2
The Early Years (1) The Intense Years (3) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
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starting out with tony powering stark tower with clean energy:
it was very late, you were supposed to be asleep
“what are you doing up, missy? it’s way past your bedtime”
“it’s my fault, i let her stay up to see her dad’s big achievement” -pepper
just vibing on the couch with absolutely no intention of sleeping anytime soon
you really did take after your dad
“how was the show, sweetheart?”
“uh, cool?”
coulson showing up when he did
you were excited bc you knew he had to be there for superhero stuff
“hi, agent coulson!!”
“hey there, kiddo!
BEGGING to come with your dad
“no. absolutely not. there is absolutely no way im letting you get involved in any of this”
you got involved
but like, not the whole “im a 12 year old superhero” involved
“y/n, sweetie, this is dr. banner, you’re gonna be his assistant in the lab!”
“—what?” *bruce utterly shocked*
talking that man’s ear off oh my GOD
he taught you a few things along the way, though
it ended up being very educational
“yeah i built my own suit! it’s definitely not as cool as my dad’s...and he put a bunch of safety controls on it. obviously, i could bypass them and do whatever i wanted, but it’s best not to break his trust, you know?”
“you are astonishingly wise for a 12 year old”
bruce being kind of scared around you because he thinks he could hurt you
also scared you might hurt yourself on the scepter
CASUALLY talking to the rest of the avengers
“so, you’re stark’s daughter? now i’ve met three generations of starks.” -steve
“oh, wonderful, there’s a smaller one!” -thor
“hey, y/n, it’s good to see you again. still practicing those moves i showed you?” -natasha
listennnn as you got older you started to exert more of your father’s personality traits
you developed his sarcastic and occasionally ill-timed humor...and
“i mean, i’m not saying that i’m better than you but i know you’re thinking it”
when the helicarrier was attacked nobody really knew the correct way to protect you
“dad? dad??”
“right here, y/n, come with me”
tony brought your suit for emergency purposes
“you put this on and you stay here, understand?”
oh, another thing you got from him? NOT LISTENING
helping where you could, the first step to becoming a superhero, right?
being really upset when coulson died
but understanding that it was apart of the job
going back to new york for some alien ass kicking and having the whole team check on you every thirty seconds
“y/n, how’s it going?” “stark junior, are you doing okay?” “need any help out there, kid?”
“you guys don’t have to babysit me” “i’m still kickin’ it, thanks”
tony calling right before he went through the wormhole
“hey sweetheart, just gotta let you know that i love you and i am so proud of everything you’ve done”
the avengers holding you back from him when he fell back to the ground because you were unreasonably worried for obvious reasons
“is he breathing? steve? steve, let me see him! JARVIS, are you there?”
falling on the ground and hugging him (with your clunky-ass armor still on)
“hey! yeah, i missed you too”
*clink clink* pat on the back
schwarma stop
“you’re gonna eat it and you’re gonna like it”
having your own input on the stark tower remodel
taking a slight pause for random stuff
you’ve definitely drawn his mustache/goatee on your face before
“please tell me that’s not permanent marker”
“it’s permanent marker”
you and pepper doing mother/daughter things for bonding (but you and her already had a great relationship)
unreasonable amount of cussing from your father has rubbed off onto you and now he doesn’t notice when you say bad words
natasha taught you how to shoot so that was cool
“if i can shoot a repulsor, i think i can shoot a gun”
“whatever you say, baby stark”
obviously the team is just a bunch of protective uncles and an aunt
“i miss [insert avenger here]”
resume to iron man 3
just tinkering in the shop with pops
“are you sure that’s safe, dad?”
“duh, why wouldn’t it be safe?”
you were right and it was not safe
sometimes you proved your dad wrong and it made him happy?
“well would you look at that, you’re right”
learning how to help your dad with his anxiety and panic attacks
the house in malibu got blown up and your dad disappeared
you were benched by pepper effective immediately
“don’t you think it would be better if i were still out there? someone has to be out there and...i don’t know, protect the people?”
“y/n, please, you’re still a kid. i can excuse fighting aliens but i draw the line at terrorism”
“you can excuse fighting aliens??”
pepper sent you to a different house and hired a...babysitter
zip zip zip its AOU time yall remember the beginning of that at the hydra base
*explosion* “oh, shit! didn’t mean to do that...”
“watch your language, y/n!” -cap
“don’t tell my daughter what to do!”
having an external monologue that everyone just kind of rolls with
“glad i put a heater in this suit” “anyone up for burgers?” *humming Eye of the Tiger*
going back to the lab with tony and bruce and being very uncomfortable with the idea of ultron
“okay dad, you know how im usually right?”
“lighten up, kiddo. remember what i taught you about trial and error? this is a learning experience”
*bruce and you side eying*
“i’ll ground you”
“kidding, im kidding”
a lot of kid jokes from other partygoers
“isnt it past your bedtime”
“very funny”
actually dressing up nice for a change, as opposed to an oil-stained band tee
but then ur outfit was ruined because you had to shoot murder bots :(
“not cool! i designed this room!”
tony still got all the blame for ultron while you and bruce went 😬
tony made a joke about ultron being your brother and you didn’t talk to him for hours
“oh, come on! you have to learn to laugh at your mistakes!”
“poor choice of words, stark” -literally everyone
🎶getting to see your worst feaaar🎶
which was a mixture between tony not surviving the wormhole and being abandoned and vulnerable again
your phone got confiscated “because of ultron”
meeting wanda and pietro on better terms
“you are stark’s daughter?”
“um, yeah, that’s me. i sincerely apologize for anything he’s ever done wrong while i’ve been alive”
actually getting along with them (plus you were in a similar age range)
“uncle rhodey!!!”
“staying out of trouble, i hope?”
“define ‘trouble’”
okay okay, enough of that. besides a few robots hitting you and you hitting harder...and ultron taking a couple personal jabs at you after accessing some of your social media accounts...it went back to normal(ish)
you made a friend of wanda and visited the avengers compound weekly and helped with training
and nat gave you some spy pointers to help you if you ever found yourself without the suit
when you left the compound after thor that day, you had some nice father/daughter time
“why don’t i give you a driving lesson, yeah?”
“you’re gonna trust me to drive this thing?”
“sure, why not?”
you drove very fast, wonder where you learned that from
he was clasping onto the seats and whispering curse words
“next time, you can drive with happy”
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moosoobi · 4 years
In the night: Chapter 2
T.Jeff- Hamilton: the musical 
Y/N can’t hold all her secrets. She’s tired of hiding. The people deserve the truth. Here’s her confession: the one she should’ve told us long ago
I started to write this chapter the day after I finished chapter 1, yet before the first chapter was even published (time management queen). As I’m typing this message, I’m currently distracting myself from finals LMAO. Anyway, I wanted to finish this chapter as soon as possible to give some explanation of the events in the previous chapter, so I hope I do exactly that. I’m still manifesting that I articulate through this story smoothly, please give me feedback <3 
MC (aka Y/N’s) POV 
Modern au 
Word Count: 5.4k
A few unrealistic realities, but I’m working with what I got
This chapter will most likely answer many questions about chapter 1 
THIS CHAPTER OCCURS AT THE SAME TIME AS CHAPTER 1! all events in this chapter line up with the events of chapter 1
TW: violence, abuse, mentions of blood, themes of injury, itty bitty angst?
photo not mine <3
If you have any questions/concerns about this story, DONT BE SHY TO ASK ME! This is my first time writing a whole series, so I apologize if the plot gets confusing. 
-Now Playing: Broken Clocks by SZA-
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Where to start… 
My attention was taken from Professor Washington’s lecture the moment I felt a pair of eyes attempting to pierce a hole in the back of my head. As I look back, I realize that it’s no one other than Thomas Jefferson, the spoiled francophile, or so people like the whisper, but gossip’s not my thing.
Upon being called out by Professor Washington, I couldn’t hold in my giggle as Thomas’s head ducks down in embarrassment. I suppose he sure knows how to lighten the demeanor in the lecture hall; It was a nice excuse to take my eyes off of Washington’s low-quality power-point presentation, but I appreciate that the man is trying. 
This class feels like it’ll last forever, and I contemplate if I could just perish in my seat at this very instant, yet Thomas’s presence seems to make it worthwhile. I don’t know him that much, or maybe at all for that matter, but since he’s been seen with a Schuyler, the locals around here can’t seem to keep their mouths shut about him. 
From what I’ve heard, he’s another silver-spoon raised boy representing Virginia up here in New York. A few scholarships here and there, as well as a trip to France for a semester. I don’t see what all the fuss is about; He seems like a pretty cool person, probably has an exciting life, and isn’t throwing away his shot. It’s odd, even with parents to piggyback off of, Thomas is very similar to a certain orphan I know. 
“Class is dismissed” Is all I heard from Professor Washington’s mouth before that obnoxious but relieving bell sounds off. 
Desperate to get out of this class, I hurry to put my stationery items into my burgundy-magenta backpack. You’d think after those turbulent years of high school that college would motivate me for fancier bags, but I can’t say no to my favorite color. It’s simple, won’t bring attention to my presence, unlike every other decision I’ve made in my life. 
After I finally finished packing up, I can’t wait to take a breath of the fresh, polluted air of New York City. I quickly spotted my roommate's car within the crowd of vehicles next to the sidewalk. He’s on time, as always, to pick me up from class, and I’m grateful that he sacrifices his time for me, but it’s not like he had a choice. I toss my bag into the trunk, surely crinkling a few important papers. Upon reaching the door of his expensive car, my roommate greets me with joy to see me. 
“How was class, Cherie?” 
Lafayette, my roommate, shoots a smile at me, his white teeth are almost blinding, but he always says I’m exaggerating. 
“Boring as always, but I’m still here, sadly” I say as I hop into the front seat of Lafayette’s car. He pouts in my direction 
“Ahh, c’mon, don’t be like that.” Once he acknowledges the buckling of my seatbelt, he begins to power up the car. “C’est la vie, Y/N” I roll my eyes, my hatred for him grows just a little more every time he says that. 
“Can we get McDonald’s?” I attempt to change the subject, earning a small chuckle from him. He prepares to drive off “You know I can't say no to you and your American junk food” 
And so we begin to drive off  
Lafayette and I indeed have a bit of history together. After I got mistakenly involved with Alexander and his clique, Lafayette was the next best (or worse) person to walk into my life. He’s sweet, charming, probably all the things Americans are not; the gentleman hails from France. Yet he’s so much more than that. 
Ever since I caught his eye at that obnoxious high school party, he and I hit the ground running. Disclosing the events which took place in his-
our bedroom won’t solve the problem, but the stubble on his jaw and the way he holds the steering wheel with one hand nearing my thigh reminds me of the unresolved sexual tension between the both of us. 
I’ve only been living in his apartment for a few months, an idea he proposed when I mentioned my dreadful rent. A nice view, nice coffee maker, and nice bedsheets were more than enough to convince me, but I know there’s more to that “nice” list that I shouldn’t disclose. 
Though I know his intentions were good, I’m sure he invited me into his abode to protect me from Alex. 
Since I began to band with Alex and his gang, Alexander’s been strict about getting me home on time. It wasn’t only because I was a helpless high school student, but also to prevent me from ratting him and his group out to the authorities. 
Upon joining Alex's posse, a strict curfew has been placed on me, only to ensure I stay safe at night, or perhaps to make sure I don’t betray them. 
Moving in with Lafayette made following this time limitation easier for me, especially since he volunteers to drive me home or takes a stand for me. If the unfortunate event of my arrival past my ‘bedtime’ timer occurs, Alexander ensures I pay the price.
Speaking of arrivals, Lafayette passes me a box of hot, salty fries and a smile spreads across my face. His eyes visibly soften as my entire demeanor changes.  
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best person ever?” I spilled my thoughts while stuffing my mouth with fries. He lightly chuckles, watching me. 
“Maybe a couple of times..” He prepares to drive off again “...too many times, actually.” he shot a wink at me. 
Blood didn’t have any time to rush to my cheeks before I could slap the side of his shoulder, causing him to whine in discomfort. I sigh before returning my focus to the steaming fries in front of me. The tension grows, and so does the silence between us. Eager to break the tension, I propose an idea. 
“Let’s go home?” we turn to each other at the same time 
I enter Professor Washington’s lecture hall and my attention is driven to the two curly-headed Virginians. I watch in secondhand embarrassment as Thomas Jefferson and his friend playfully argue in front of the entire class, seemingly a heated debate of the greatness of Mac and Cheese. One argues on behalf of the gooey pasta, while the other simultaneously retorts with a mix of “you’re so stupid” and “God help me”. 
Feeling a rush of confidence and suaveness, my brain urges my body to intervene in their conversation. Maybe it was to make new friends, or perhaps to stop the class from staring at their dumb dispute, but I swiftly walk over to them. The next few words to come out of my mouth fell into place oh-so-perfectly. 
“Hey, can I sit here?” 
Upon sitting in between the two Virginians, they introduce themselves. The calmer, self-collected man among the two introduced himself as James Madison, while the bolder, upbeat man introduced himself as no other than Thomas Jefferson. Both of them seemed happy that I interrupted and decided to reach out to them, maybe one was a tad more excited than the other. 
And ever since then, Professor Washington can’t seem to split up our trio. From childish jokes and a few inappropriate inferences, Thomas and James make great company. The idiotic smile that spreads across Thomas’s face whenever he’s capable of making James and I break our silence during class would become more annoying than Lafayette saying “C’est la vie” whenever I make a poor life decision. 
Nevertheless, Thomas and James dangerously remind me of Alexander and his goons. The abundant amount of self-praise and cocky remarks said by both Thomas and Alexander is almost astronomical. In the case of Thomas and Alexander’s meeting, I’m sure they’d be the best of friends. But likewise, I could also envision the two attempting to tear each other's heads off, the chaotic clashing of two powerful minds. 
They always know what to say and when to say it. I’ve never met anyone as clever as Thomas and James, and they’re even worse when they’re together.  
“‘ ‘s Adams here today? Washington told me to turn in my papers t’ him.” Thomas whispers as he eases into his chair, Washington’s booming voice seems to become background noise to us 
“Is he ever?” I reply, attempting not to giggle at my own response “I haven’t seen him since Washington initially introduced him to the class.” 
“Maybe he’s jus’ sick or somethin’. Kinda reminds me of you, James'' His head of curls turns to stare down James, in which James replies by rolling his eyes 
“He can stay home, he does the same amount of work there anyways.” James cleverly retorted. 
And that seemed to be our last straw before bursting out in laughter. Thomas’s body flung forward as he laughed his head off, James ducking his head to hide his glee behind his laptop, and I quickly slap a hand over my mouth to prevent anyone around us from drawing suspicion. But apparently, Washington wasn’t having our disguises. 
“Can the three of you even tell me what I just said?” Washington turns around from the board to scan the crowd, his eagle eyes find us quickly 
The silence was all we could emit, and soon enough, He turned back to his lesson. I sigh with relief; the last thing I need is to get kicked out of a class I don’t even pay for. 
“Washington sure got a shiny ass head. D’you think he uses shampoo and conditioner?” Whispered Thomas as he leans over to me 
And just like that,  we’re faced with the same struggle all over again.
Lafayette adjusted the hot pan, erupting a few sizzles. The wall clock ticked, the hour arm froze pointing to the “11” written in roman numerals. Lafayette and I decided to agree on a home-cooked meal, and although it’s too late for an average dinner, yet too early to be defined as a midnight snack, I’m sure Lafayette’s cooking will satisfy me for the night. 
“Y/NN, would you prefer salt on your omelet? Or did you decide to be healthy tonight?” He said holding a salt shaker in the air to steal my focus from the swirling red liquid in my glass. 
My head lifts to meet his eyes. I tilt my head, the wine causing me to ponder for a little longer than I should’ve. He continues to stare at me, holding in a laugh, before I force myself to nod. 
“Yeah.. a little won’t hurt” I hear him chuckle at my drunken dialect, but I know the French man isn’t about to lecture me about English “Your wish is my command.” 
I watch as he conducts the kitchen perfectly. He knows where everything is, exactly what to add into the sizzling pan, maybe even the exact second to take the meal off the flame. 
“I thought you weren’t a fan of monarchy?” the sarcasm was evident in my tone “but I appreciate the submission” I shot him a playful wink, to which he responds with a pompous smirk
A few sips of wine later, I recognize notification that has been staring back at me for hours. 
1 Message from Thomas
A text from Thomas? And I’m barely seeing this now? I silently scold myself for giving into the wine before opening the message.
“Thomas: Hey this is Thomas from class, wanna come study with us at the library sometime?”
My eyes become glued to my phone. It was certainly necessary for me to reread Thomas’s text, I was unsure if the alcohol was beginning to make me see odd things, but I assured myself I was correct.
I could feel the blush spread across my face. Maybe it’s just the wine taking control, or maybe it’s the butterflies in my stomach forming every time I reread his message. A harmless invite, perhaps evoked from Thomas due to James stroking his ego, but I know James’ wouldn’t promote such a bold, straight-forward message. Though Thomas is known for his meticulous confidence and certainty, a message this simple could be notably deceiving. 
But a little socializing won’t damage my self-respect. “Be bold, Y/N” is what I used to tell myself at the beginning of the semester, and what do I have to lose? I begin to type my reply.
“Y/N: yeah I’m down :) just send a time and place and I’ll be on my way”
 My introspection was soon interrupted by the screeching plate being slid in my direction by Lafayette, the steam circulating the meal 
“Y/N, Mangeons.” My head comes up from my phone, my eyes meet his eyes momentarily. 
“Thanks, Laf.” I reply before taking a fork from him and digging into the steaming meal ahead of me. Lafayette’s cooking never disappoints. Ever. 
My body couldn’t help but pick up my phone every few minutes to respond to Thomas’s messages, Though they were just the details of the hangout-offer he previously proposed, I felt enclosed in my little bubble while texting him. Those few moments of interaction with him somehow made my day better. I’m sure even Lafayette could see my radiating energy, but I’m not sure how he took it.
We’re technically not a couple; a few hookups and moving in together don't make us an official couple, right? 
“Merci, Laffy.” I watched as he visibly cringed at my poor attempt at french. “Let’s just stick to our mother tongues, angel.” He retorted. I laughed it off, yet inside his reply left a scratch on my pride. 
Another class of absolute foolery and childish inferences, and I can’t help but laugh as Thomas, James, and I exit the lecture hall. The New-York cold hits us harshly, but being about a month into this semester, students already know what to expect. 
It was indeed embarrassing, running to Lafayette’s car to remind him of your library study session. 
“Alright, I’ll pick you up before your curfew, okay?” He asked with one hand on the wheel. His faux-leather jacket contorting around his toned arms made it difficult not to remember the moments they shared around midnight. The imagery of their candle-lit room appearing in her head as he sat at the wheel stopped her from replying for a moment. 
“Y-Yeah sounds great. You’re the best, you know that?” She thanked him for sacrificing his time to make sure she arrives home on time. 
“You remind me all the time.” He sneaks in a small wink between his sentences “I’ll see you tonight, Cherie” 
Y/N smiled before turning around to prance over to her friends. Y/N heard the faint sounds of Lafayette driving off, sighing in relief
After briefly explaining my situation to the boys, we quickly head over to the library. 
A woman in a coral-pink blazer and pants set is waiting impatiently at a table she rented out just for us. “What in the world took you guys so long?” She pressured for an answer 
“C’mon Angie, that wasn’t even ten minutes.” Thomas rolled his eyes before removing his backpack and opening a chair for Y/N. Real smooth, Thomas, I can’t lie. He looked over to me, seeing stars in my eyes as I realize I’m standing next to the oldest Schuyler.
 “You’re-” She interrupted me with a smile, sticking out her hand to shake mine
“Angelica Schuyler. And you?” I swear her name sounds familiar. I’m sure I’ve heard it around but I just can't place it. I do see her on my social media feed from time to time, and I must admit, she looks even more heavenly in person. 
“Y/N L/N.” My hand meets hers in a firm handshake. 
“Nice to meet you.” 
At first, I thought nothing of it. 
Though Lafayette’s text at 7:30 (on the dot) did push me out of my zone, I did appreciate his promise to me. 
Thomas on the other hand seemed disturbed by my sudden leave, but it’s not like he’d understand. Alexander would literally kill me if I were home late.
But Thomas and I would continue to hang out. His evening texts would slowly become a weekly routine. Whether it was a scary movie or an ice cream date for just the two of us, he always found a way to spend time with me. 
“Don’t tell me that mint chocolate chip is actually your favorite flavor, darlin’.” He adjusted his position on the park bench and raised an eyebrow, his gaze focused on the green ice cream atop my ice cream cone “You might make me regret takin’ you out tonight” he chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile 
“You know you love me” I jokingly retorted, scooping part of my ice cream with my tongue, and relaxing against the bench.
It’s very rare to get to relax like this. Not only am I a fully-fledged college student, but also one of Alexander’s goons. The weekends are merely just ‘weekdays: the sequel’, but add forbidden literature and alcohol to that equation.
I look back up to Thomas, seeing his disgusted face. “Wait.. are you actually against mint chocolate chip ice cream?” I cocked an eyebrow towards him
He shrugged before chuckling “I recall telling you of my unfortunate arguments while visiting England..” 
“..so what does mint chocolate chip ice cream have to do with your political upheavals in a foreign country?” 
He smirked in an ‘all knowing’ manner. “Well, Darlin, if you did your research—“
“—You’ve got to be kidding me—“I start to wonder why I even asked 
“—you’d learn that the monstrosity in your ice cream cone, mint chocolate chip, originated in England.” He completed his statement with triumph “Ever since my disagreements in England, I swore to despise such a concoction until the day I die.” 
I looked at him like he was crazy. “I can’t believe you did your research on English creations. You’re so dramatic sometimes” I respond 
“Hey, I wouldn’t be a Jefferson if I wasn’t.” He stared back to his cone, the mesmerizing ice cream almost reflecting himself back at him. 
We shared silence for a moment. Words were unnecessary when we were together. 
“I suppose..” Jefferson started “...I might be able to tolerate mint chocolate chip ice cream, but only for you, though.” He turned towards my direction 
My eyes soon met his. “Well, I’m honored to be your exemption, Jefferson.” I smile with triumph, recognizing my effect on him. 
He swiftly takes my hand, his skin feels burning compared to mine. Our eyes remain connected as he dips his head down to kiss the back of my hand. I attempt to hide the fact that my heart stopped beating for a moment, but the breath hitching in my throat wouldn’t help me at all. 
“Let’s drop the formalities, Darlin, you can call me Thomas now.” My hand remained between his. I try my best to keep my hand still, wanting to marinate in this moment forever. 
A new feeling courses through my body. Something unfamiliar. Perhaps it’s the charm of a Southern Gentleman. Maybe the feeling of being treated right for the first time, something I’ve never experienced from anyone.
What have I ever done to deserve this chivalrous kindness? 
‘What a gentleman’ I repeat to myself in my mind. What makes him so different from the others? 
From a simple kiss, I suddenly crave more.
More than the unresolved sexual tension between Lafayette and I. 
More than I was ever granted the opportunity to. 
Maybe ‘more’ is what I deserve. 
My mind bleeds with the thought of Lafayette, but Thomas seems like he has so much more to offer. What if I do deserve to be happy? I may not have earned it, but who gets to declare my right to happiness? I was once happy with Lafayette, but the times have changed
He’s just not him. He’s just not Thomas.
But no matter how much I enjoyed spending time with Jefferson himself, I was always the first one to leave. I had to. 
I remember the way his smile would fall at the sound of Lafayette’s car horn. 
The way his jaw tenses whenever my phone vibrates across the table 
Whenever Lafayette came to pick me up, I also can’t help but feel a part of my soul crack within me. 
“I’ll see you this weekend?” He kisses the back of my hand once more in an attempt to savor this moment, continuing to maintain eye contact.
“I’ll try, Thomas. Not sure if I’m busy.” I sigh with fatigue. “But I’ll let you know.” 
“Alright. Get home safe, darlin’” I hear him stand from the park bench as I wander to Lafayette’s car, his eyes following my figure. 
I hop into Lafayette’s car before taking one last glance in Thomas’s direction, watching as his figure begins to walk in the opposite direction that our car was heading. 
“Ahh, Y/N. Don’t tell me you’re cheating on me” his sarcastic tone wouldn’t pierce deep enough. 
I speak without thinking. “I do recall you claiming that you and I were never a couple, remember Laf?” My change in demeanor was certain to shut him up. And he did. 
He’s just not him. He’s just not Thomas. 
I remained turned away from Lafayette as we drove through the city. The memories built between Lafayette and I constantly falls like a house of cards, but I prefer to avoid the subject.
Lafayette felt otherwise, yet respected my choice. 
He was the first to speak.
“Alexander needs me for a transport this weekend.” He stated, “I’m not sure when I’ll get back, so it’s very important that you get back from whatever plans you have before your curfew.” He takes a glance over to me and briefly meets my eyes 
“Don’t test the waters, Y/N.”
Ah yes, the monthly literature transportation of Alexander’s gang. 
The Notorious Sons of Liberty. 
A popular group roaming the streets of New York. But instead ironically of selling drugs or performing homicide, they produce and sell illegal, banned literature and disperse them to the highest bidders. 
How else do you think I pay for college? 
Although gang violence isn’t really their thing, that doesn’t mean they’re not in possession of such weaponry and devices. I’ve never seen anyone take literature as seriously as they do.
They’re also known for their bold publicity stunts, which are indeed fun to watch from a nearby coffee shop. Watching Alexander, Lafayette, and some other friends, John and Herc, run from the authorities on a Sunday afternoon, accidentally laughing at the sight of John tripping over his own feet, Lafayette mouthing ‘help us out’ in my direction. Very entertaining. 
On the contrary, their security on me has become tighter and tighter. I know they worry for the gang’s reputation over my safety, but it feels nice to imagine having a battalion of book-worm gang members watching over you. 
“I know, I know. You guys can stop treating me like a kid” I attempt to contain a giggle to portray my seriousness. 
He takes a glance at me before returning his attention to the road. “You cannot say that until you have another way home other than me.” He sighed rather loudly 
“Be careful, or I might do just that, Lafayette.” 
I sipped on wine and ate cheese at Thomas’s place without a care in the world on a Saturday night. Of course, I had to accept Thomas’s offer, I never knew how to say no to him. 
Jefferson has sure been taking his sweet time to put a title on us. Now, I’m no philosopher when it comes to dating, but Ice cream at the park, fancy dinners, and wine and cheese sure sound romantic. 
My night was going well. All until the 7:30 alarm on my phone rang, and before I knew it, everything began to go downhill
[events of chapter 1]
And next thing I knew, the cold New York air slapped my face, following the harsh slam of the apartment door. 
As my adrenaline began to settle down, panic rushed through my body. 
Fuck. At this rate, I won’t be home until after my curfew. Although my immediate instinct was to sprint my way home, those thoughts were quickly followed by the idea of passing out within five minutes. My apartment isn’t too far, but being fueled by wine and cheese doesn’t sound like the best idea. 
“Don’t test the waters, Y/N” echoed throughout my head. 
I begin to walk down the street before whipping out my phone to contact an Uber. 
The small talk produced between my driver and I worked a bit to calm myself down, but that would all change the moment I walked through my apartment door. 
Once I turn back around from locking the door, I’m met with exactly what I didn’t want to see at this very moment. 
Lafayette stood staring at me, his lips pursed with anxiousness, recognizing my significantly late arrival. 
Hercules, another good friend I’ve met through the sons of liberty, stood beside Lafayette. His mouth hung open in shock as he also recognized my mistake. 
John, the group’s smallest yet mightiest, leaned against the wall, perhaps planning my fate right in front of me 
And none other than Alexander Hamilton himself, sipping scotch on my couch, similarly to how I was not too long ago at Thomas’s place. The glare on his face quickly reminded me that I was in big trouble. 
“Y/N, I thought I told you—“ Lafayette began but was quickly interrupted 
“You’re late.” He swirled his drink before standing up. The clock ticked, and the hour hand notably passed the 8:30 symbol. I was not getting out of this one. 
Although I feared for the following moments, I attempted to contain my emotions within myself. I kept my straight face for the time being. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. 
“I’m well aware.” That came out of my mouth  a little too harsh for my liking 
“May I remind you that being out past your curfew could severely damage our image.” 
I saw John look over to Alex from the corner of my eye. The air became thinner if that were even possible, and I refused to meet his eyes.
“And I do recall reminding you of your consequences.” He walked towards me and I felt my heart froze. “Having you out so late could raise some suspicions among our competitors, L/N.” 
I couldn’t find the right words and resort to nodding instead 
“I always fucking told you—“ he harshly slammed his drink onto the table beside him “—not to test the waters—” 
“—I-I know—“
“So why the fuck are you stumbling in here past your curfew?”
 At this very moment, I wondered if I had pulled the last straw. 
I couldn’t speak. God forbid I spat out the wrong words. Contained within my thoughts, I didn’t acknowledge Alexander closing the distance between us. 
“Ow!--” I watched as Alex shoved me to the wall, the moment playing in slow motion in my head. 
Lafayette’s throat grew dry “Hey, Alex, Calm dow-” 
He was interrupted by the sound of Alexander harshly slapping me across the face. My hands quickly went to soothe what felt like fire burning my cheek. 
“We do so much for you, Y/N.” Alex growled 
The sharp pain in my side grew, almost echoing throughout my body. I could feel my body giving up on itself. I mean, this wouldn’t be the first time Alex has acted like this. 
Occasionally, Alex would stop by Lafayette and I’s apartment just to ensure I was home before my curfew, and he wasn’t the most forgiving. 
--He owns an apartment key and has every single one of his gang member’s location tracked on his phone. Sometimes I wondered what was so special about us to have to keep all of us in check 24/7--
One time Hercules and I went shopping a little too late after sunset, part of me felt like a reckless teenager, probably because I was. I still remember Alexander’s face when I entered my own apartment, he looks identical every time. 
In an attempt to shelter me, my body curled into itself against the wall. I shrunk to the floor, feeling his shadow intensely stand above me. 
“Arghh!—“ the sound spilled out of me when I felt Alexander’s shin connect with my rib cage. 
My lungs felt punctured under the pressure.
My arms felt like they could give out any second.
Part of me had wished I’d stay at Thomas’s place tonight, even if it meant telling him the truth. 
What a predicament I’ve gotten myself into. 
I looked up, wondering if my torment was over until I was met with a —Crack— Alexander’s knee encountered my face. 
It was only a moment before I could hear the shuffling of the others’ shoes. I prayed they were coming to help me out.
Alexander lifted his glass of alcohol, previously forgotten, and hauled it towards me
The piercing shards of glass combining with the stinging alcohol were the last thing I needed on a Saturday night. I didn’t notice the tears falling from my eyes until now, and the way my heart felt like it was just on a rollercoaster. 
I kept my head low, watching blood drip down my face and onto the floor below me. And apparently, I wasn’t the only one to notice. 
“Alex! What the fuck?!” I heard Laurens yell
“Are you trying to kill her?!?” I recognized Lafayette’s scream
Before Alex was able to make another blow, Lauren and Lafayette were quick to hold him back, attempting to calm him down. 
Hercules swiftly knelt beside me, the guilt was obvious in his gaze. I hated the pity in each of their glances towards me. He attempted to wipe away the blood from my forehead with a paper towel. 
Alexander fought back against the two, trying his best to prove his point. There’s the Hamilton we all know, unwilling to stand down no matter the cost.
Hercules turned back to me, his words were ready to leave his mouth from the moment we reconnected eyes. 
“Y/N..” He pulled me up and shoved me out of my apartment door. “..Run.” I almost stumbled into a nearby pole, but I began running, if running in my condition was possible, back to Thomas’s place. 
[events of chapter 1]
The next thing I knew, I woke up in Thomas’s bed beside him. I took a moment to soak in the feeling of his satin sheets. Part of me can’t recall the events before I passed out in front of Thomas’s apartment, or maybe my mind refuses to remember them. 
The sun hasn’t risen yet. 
I turn to my side and reach for my phone, wincing from the pressure applied to my rib cage. 
The bright light of my phone hitting my eyes felt like I was transported to another dimension. 
54 notifications: 
12 calls from Lafayette 🥐
24 texts from Lafayette 🥐
1 text from Alexander 💡
3 calls from Mariah 💋
14 texts from Mariah 💋
“oh fuck..” I sigh, wondering how things will play out. 
Out of curiosity, I open the message from Alexander. Perhaps it’s an apology? Maybe a reminder? 
Alexander 💡: I know where you are, Y/N. Don’t drag your friend into this. Because I can.
Where I am? I ask myself
My heart dropped, remembering that Alexander tracks my location 24/7. He knows where I am at this very second. 
By escaping to Thomas’s apartment, I’ve just dragged him into this mess I’ve made. If my worlds collide, it would all be because I ran to this exact apartment. 
Panic once again rushed through my body. 
I need to get out of here. I need to leave. 
I slip out from under the sheets and grab my belongings. Unprepared for what’s to come, I steal one of Thomas’s jackets from his cluttered desk chair. I’ll give it back eventually, I thought to myself. 
After I put on my shoes I take one last glance toward Thomas. 
He seems so peaceful when he’s asleep, tangled in his blanket, not to mention his name-brand Mac and cheese pajama pants. 
I’m sorry if I drag you into this, Thomas, you just wouldn’t understand.
Taglist <3: @kenmacrumbs @strayblades  @laic2299 @ohsoverykeri
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infinites-chaser · 4 years
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val’s mementos
(or: a working masterlist of my mlqc fics created mostly for my own sanity)
everything on this list has also been posted to my ao3!
currently accepting prompts from this prompt meme~
(while i will do my very best to fill every prompt with writing that i’m proud of pls keep in mind that some may take longer than others for any amount of reasons!)
dark night fireworks- my first (published) mlqc fic <333 2nd person and entirely too pretentious (rumor has it even the author doesn’t really know what she was trying to convey except. n e u r o s c i e n c e and MEMORY is cool). slight spoilers for ch.16
watch the universe expand- a long, rambly attempt to explore lucien’s character and also evolutionary biology and evols told through excessive metaphor and bedtime stories. spoilers for lucien’s childhood and ch.13. im proud of this one ^^ though there is a lot of projection involved. also lucien is an enneagram five.
to dwell on- c: lucien and homes and him and mc being soft together that’s it <3 or in more coherent language some bittersweet fluff for lucien’s bday based on moments from his mini-house and his most recent bday karma + date. in hindsight i’ve realized i didn’t use his or MC’s name at all outside of dialogue LOL
king lear and other tragedies- a prompt for the librarian ask meme linked above! im p sure anon prompted me a month before i got around to actually writing an answer hndkslgj but. here we are. shakespeare and tragedies and parallels between characters and a lot of pretentious dialogue, meant to be an extension of/missing scene after lucien’s theater date. this only rly exists bc of a single line in the date mentioning the production being put on was king lear and i took that and ran for all it was worth
just a summer thing- a short little scenario that manifested in my head one warm summer night when i should’ve been sleeping and my first foray into domestic!gavin territory <333 i’d say it’s probably one of my lightest fics, if not the lightest ahfksldg (also heavily inspired by the way @belovedstill writes gavin/mc pst basia’s fics are to die for)
under a golden sun- high school era gavin, MC and minor! originally intended for gavin’s bday except (1) i didn’t finish on time LOL and (2) the fic never mentions his bday oops. also in 2nd person though if you asked why i couldn’t tell you it just felt more right. ft. basketball and memories and a bit of bittersweet nostalgia. simultaneously has some of what i think is my weakest writing (in terms of pacing/consistent tone imo) and some of my favorite lines i’ve ever written for a gavin fic and i’ve come to appreciate it more over time bc of that c:
today, this is the whole universe (and that’s okay)- gavin, MC, and domestic, sleepy sundays. and a long ao3 title that’s it that’s the fic (narrator: and then, she never wrote anything purely fluffy ever again). heavily inspired by gavin’s sleepy morning asmr and that one clip of his cn voice actor playing/humming his theme (aka soft soft SOFTEST) also just. i said it already but all of my domestic!gavin is inspired by and exists thanks to the breathtaking writing of @belovedstill <333
in the wind- a semi(?)exploration of gavin’s wind but also just him loving mc bc that’s what he and his evol are all about. short and bittersweet <3 (if anyone’s keeping track i think this is where my writing starts to lean more on the uhhh descriptive side and becomes less dialogue-based? or i feel there’s a diff from this writing style compared to the earlier gavin fics (besides parts of under a golden sun) which is just interesting for me to think about but not relevant to the fic itself ahfklsdf) 
winter’s end- winter world!gavin and mc and a softer, more bittersweet reunion. m a j o r spoilers for ch.22 and what comes before. also gavin’s past. it hurt to write and apparently hurts to read b u t there’s a happy ending. i promise c:
sunrise to noon- a secret santa fic that ended up being less holiday related than I originally intended but like all things domestic and Gavin I think it works well as it is <3 just tender winter mornings and domesticity and the return of my fluff writing
falling down the stairs of your smile- this was a prompt for the librarian prompt meme and doesn’t have an official title on the ask but here’s the title in all its long all-lowercase ao3 glory. basically the first few chapters from kiro’s perspective with slight spoilers from his past! kiro is such a joy to write and i love this a lot and im super glad i got the opportunity to write this (the waY i banged this out in one night when i got the ask askfsdkfksl)
[deleted by Key]- i have an idea and i’m s u p e r excited about it but no spoilers except this quote: ‘But that is how a tragedy like ours or King Lear breaks your heart— by making you believe that the ending might still be happy, until the very last minute.’- If We Were Villains, M.L. Rio.
Of Corgis and Christmas- a secret santa present for a victor stan that conjured some fluffy victor writing from my victor-less heart,,, a christmas miracle aND im lowkey proud of how it turned out but the highlights of the fic are Goldman and Cindy T-T they deserve more screentime and someday. i will write the subplot that got cut where Goldman sends Cindy embarrassing Victor stories to try to impress her and MC helps :>
spend my whole life searching- i combined 2 victor librarian asks from the librarian prompt meme above would u believe he's the only suitor I got twice 😔 this man is so popular and for what (only kidding ahdjdjs we just have a relationship of mutual disapproval dont mind me dragging him just a little i need to compensate for the appreciation I developed for him while writing this :>) this is similar to the kiro librarian fic in that it kinda gives vic's perspective on victor/MC's first in-game meeting with a healthy dose of and they were soulmates and angsty longing™ and also. victor is an enneagram one
i started a few things a long time ago for him maybe someday i’ll finish them :’)
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