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chatonfils · 4 days ago
I’ve never once heard any ideas about how Damien Darhk and Pariah Dark could be connected. Like you’re telling me that two extremely powerful evil beings with the last name “Dark/Darhk” exist in these commonly crossovered properties. And no one out here theorizing if they’re related or if Damien Darhk has tried to summon Pariah Dark????
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months ago
Iconic Teen Titan villian Deathstroke the Terminator along with W.R. Wintergreen and Trigon were introduced in The New Teen Titans 2#, cover date December, 1980. They were created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez. The issue also marked the final appearance of Ravager (death) and Carol Sladky. ("Today... the Terminator", The New Teen Titans 2#, DC Comic Event)
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eliotquillon · 2 months ago
ok real talk who was doing it like shelby trinity. thirteen years old at villain school day one she invents the most over the top valley girl persona ever and is fully prepared to stick to the bit for the next six years. actively watching one of her best friends break his ribs and fight for his life and asked him to pick her up a vegetarian meal for the escape flight. one of her best friends has legitimate supernatural computer powers and a photographic memory and yet she keeps pace with him to the point where they’re basically neck and neck in class rankings. shot a guy in the knees because he double dog dared her to. world was ending boyfriend had been kidnapped and she was looking in the dictionary for the word ‘pregnable’ because of a one-off comment. legitimately spends more time stirring the pot between her roommate’s love life than she does on her own. mommy and daddy issues out the wazoo and we never hear about it because she’d rather be spying on the senior boys water polo practice and she does all of this with a cunty blonde ponytail and lockpicks in her shoes. actual girlboss i love herrrrr
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wing-shot-first · 1 year ago
"kill them with kindness" WRONG. ACTIVATES THE OVERLORD PROTOCOL ☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️☯️
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caracarahoney · 4 months ago
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H.I.V.E.mber Prompt 9: Ruby
In my head NumberOne-Verlord's mindscape form is various kinds of terrifying; he's the agonized amalgamation of Otto's father and the digital parasite that destroyed him from the inside out. That should be all kinds of messed up.
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book--brackets · 5 months ago
Summaries under the cut
The Doll People by Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin
Annabelle Doll is 8 years old--and has been for over 100 years. Nothing much has changed in the dollhouse during that time, except for the fact that 45 years ago, Annabelle's Auntie Sarah disappeared from the dollhouse without a trace. After all this time, restless Annabelle is becoming more and more curious about her aunt's fate. And when she discovers Auntie Sarah's old diary, she becomes positively driven. Her cautious family tries to discourage her, but Annabelle won't be stopped, even though she risks Permanent Doll State, in which she could turn into a regular, nonliving doll. And when the "Real Pink Plastic" Funcraft family moves in next door, the Doll family's world is turned upside down--in more ways than one!
Ivy & Bean by Annie Barrows
The moment they saw each other, Bean and Ivy knew they wouldn't be friends. But when Bean plays a joke on her sister, Nancy, and has to hide quickly, Ivy comes to the rescue, proving that sometimes the best of friends are people never meant to like each other. Vibrant characters and lots of humor make this a charming and addictive introduction to Ivy and Bean.
Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge
For youngsters of the Dutch village, the time is especially exciting. But Hans and Gretel Brinker, with their hand-carved wooden blades, can hardly expect to compete against their well-trained young friends who own costly steel skates. Raff Brinker, their father, is seriously ill, and the desperately poor family is struggling to survive. To win the race, the siblings will need a miracle — and a helping hand.
The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer
The year is A.D. 793; Jack and his sister have been kidnapped by Vikings and taken to the court of Ivar the Boneless and his terrifying half-troll wife; but things get even worse when Jack finds himself on a dangerous quest to find the magical Mimir's Well in a far-off land, with his sister's life forfeit if he fails.
A Dog's Life by Ann M. Martin
Squirrel and her brother Bone begin their lives in a toolshed behind someone's summer house. Their mother nurtures them and teaches them the many skills they will need to survive as stray dogs. But when their mother is taken from them suddenly and too soon, the puppies are forced to make their own way in the world, facing humans both gentle and brutal, busy highways, other animals, and the changing seasons. When Bone and Squirrel become separated, Squirrel must fend for herself, and in the process makes two friends who in very different ways define her fate.
The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry
Abandoned by their ill-humored parents to the care of an odious nanny, Tim, the twins, Barnaby A and Barnaby B, and their sister, Jane, attempt to fulfill their roles as good oldfashioned children. Following the models set in lauded tales from A Christmas Carol to Mary Poppins, the four Willoughbys hope to attain their proscribed happy ending too, or at least a satisfyingly maudlin one. However, it is an unquestionably ruthless act that sets in motion the transformations that lead to their salvation and to happy endings for not only the four children, but their nanny, an abandoned baby, a candy magnate, and his long-lost son too.
H.I.V.E. by Mark Walden
Otto Malpense may only be thirteen years old, but so far he has managed to run the orphanage where he lives, and he has come up with a plan clever enough to trick the most powerful man in the country. He is the perfect candidate to become the world's next supervillain.
That is why he ends up at H.I.V.E., handpicked to become a member of the incoming class. The students have been kidnapped and brought to a secluded island inside a seemingly active volcano, where the school has resided for decades. All the kids are elite; they are the most athletic, the most technically advanced, and the smartest in the country. Inside the cavernous marble rooms, floodlit hangars, and steel doors, the students are enrolled in Villainy Studies and Stealth and Evasion 101. But what Otto soon comes to realize is that this is a six-year program, and leaving is not an option.
With the help of his new friends: an athletic martial-arts expert; a world-famous, beautiful diamond thief; and a spunky computer genius -- the only other people who seem to want to leave -- can Otto achieve what has never been done before and break out of H.I.V.E.?
Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson
Sent in 1910 to live with distant relatives who own a rubber plantation along the Amazon River, English orphan Maia is excited. She believes she is in for brightly colored macaws, enormous butterflies, and "curtains of sweetly scented orchids trailing from the trees." Her British classmates warn her of man-eating alligators and wild, murderous Indians. Unfortunately, no one cautions Maia about her nasty, xenophobic cousins, who douse the house in bug spray and forbid her from venturing beyond their coiffed compound. Maia, however, is resourceful enough to find herself smack in the middle of more excitement than she ever imagined, from a mysterious "Indian" with an inheritance, to an itinerant actor dreading his impending adolescence, to a remarkable journey down the Amazon in search of the legendary giant sloth.
Babe the Sheep-Pig by Christ Grant-Bear
When Babe arrives at Hogget Farm, Mrs. Hogget’s thoughts turn to sizzling bacon and juicy pork chops—until he reveals a surprising talent for sheepherding, that is. Before long, Babe is handling Farmer Hogget’s flock better than any sheepdog ever could. Babe is so good, in fact, that the farmer enters him into the Grand Challenge Sheepdog Trials. Will it take a miracle for Babe to win?
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Diana Wynne Jones
Cat doesn't mind living in the shadow of his sister, Gwendolen, the most promising young witch ever seen on Coven Street. But trouble starts brewing the moment the two orphans are summoned to live in Chrestomanci Castle. Frustrated that the witches of the castle refuse to acknowledge her talents, Gwendolen conjures up a scheme that could throw whole worlds out of whack.
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mira--image · 6 months ago
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The Apprentice, chapter 32
This is art for my fic The Apprentice (Ao3, Wattpad), where the Teen Titans season 1 finale ends differently, and Robin is forced to stay Slade's apprentice.
I'm going to try not to spoil in my description, but I'm sure those who haven't read yet can take a guess at where Robin is right now 👀
I wanted to draw something for the latest chapter as a way to reveal to readers who have been with me a while that I started drawing for the fic! I wonder if, for the next batch of drawings, I should carry on drawing where I left off at chapter 5, work backwards from 32 or jump around 🤔. What would you like to see next?
Also, I created a playlist for the fic, with one song per chapter! This is the song for chapter 32 ;D
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splooosh · 2 months ago
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George Perez
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myfairkatiecat · 5 months ago
Any H.I.V.E. fans following me?
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shelbytrinity · 6 months ago
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I got raven and so here's her as a rough and rowdy kid
(picrew credit)
my color was black so i adorned her in black/gray bc the background wouldn't change. points docked sorry
Raven Playlist
(...that has to do more specifically with the fanfiction i wrote, either lyrically or vibe-wise, because i was navigating around already having one for her general character and i overthink)
(for the non-spotifyers: yes, anastasia (tori amos) crimon and clover (joan jett & the blackhearts) so heavy i fell through the earth art mix (grimes) DARE (gorillaz) the killing moon (nouvelle vague cover) dream state (son lux) lose your soul (dead man's bones) pavlov's daughter (regina spektor) biting down (lorde) sad pony guerrilla girl (xiu xiu) weird little birthday girl (happyness)
Raven Art
my art prompt was the ancient of days by william blake, so i emulated raven doing that with the taco bell logo on my breakfast & edited a bit in mspaint (and that's on wrist injury!!)
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Raven Prompts
Interiority time! I'm not doing the math but I know that Raven was a kid in the USSR in the late 20th century! What's her opinion on space, if any? Does it hold meaning to her? Was it just a political thing she didn't care about? Or can it be symboliiiiiccccc??? You tell me. This is a prompt
Raven cuts her hair, either in Glasshouse or as a routine post
There was only one bed Raven and Ghost MEGA AU
Raven's Gay Awakening TM (take this as you will)
What pet would Raven keep, if she were to keep one? ALTERNATIVELY, is it in character for her to keep a pet? Much to think about
Raven Fanfic
Well happy birthday, her blood's on my hands
(It's kind of a shame cause I did like that dress) or, raven has to assassinate someone who does not want to be assassinated.
~500 words, rated T for This Violence Could Happen In HIVE, title/desc from "yes, anastasia" (lol) by tori amos, ao3 link
This particular assassination takes place at least six different times. Raven is best in her profession—but even she botches things.
Thank you Mitch
for organizing this little event!!! (you get your own header♥)
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stanning-one-wing-fanchu · 6 months ago
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Two low resolution memes
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nerds-yearbook · 4 months ago
DC relaunched the Teen Titans as The New Teen Titans with a cover date of November 1980. The issue introduced Carol Sladky, Grant Wilson and (behind the scenes) the Hive. Sladky and Wilson were created by Marv Wolman and George Perez. The New Titans were formed by Raven to rescue Starfire. ("The New Teen Titans" The New Teen Titans 1#, DC Comic Event)
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eliotquillon · 7 months ago
something inherently very funny about how alex rider and hive both have these very tragic figures of traumatised morally grey russian assassins who haunt the narrative and strongly mirror the teenage protags and are in some way more central to the overarcing plot than the protagonists themselves but yassen is pretty squarely an antagonist who murdered alex's uncle and raven is otto's vodka aunt girlbestie who he went on a politician-killing world tour with and of the two of them it is NOT the one you'd think who ends up sacrificing themselves and dying for the teenage boy protag in question
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wing-shot-first · 6 months ago
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caracarahoney · 3 months ago
That Scene In OP:
Nero: I don’t understand- what madness inspired you to do this? Money? Power? Revenge?!
Cypher, high on at least two painkillers and severely concussed: I miss my wife :(
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allovesthings · 11 months ago
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"flawed"... You know like going after teenagers who were there but didn't cause your son's death instead of the people who gave him his power knowing it would kill him if he went too far with it. As you do..
Just Deathstroke things..
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