#it is kinda sad that he didnt managed to even confess
thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
Okay so Charlie actually didnt forget Vaggie for lying for that long, which is understandable, really.
Rosie is really sweet lady, but im not really vibing her voice
But i really DO vibe the cannibals. They all have this cool aesthetic n i really love that!
Carmillas n Vaggies song was also really good!
Also when Vaggies wings SUDDENLY N OUT OF NOWHERE came out i was like: OKAAAAAYY... IM NOT SURE WHY BUT GO OFF IG!!
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Also they so cute n silly, I love em
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the 8th ep...
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Also can we talk bout how Charlie n Vaggie FINALLY KISSED??? I CANT IMMA JUST----
Im really so glad that Alastor is actually protecting the hotel and all people in it, hes probably doing it just because he have no choice, but i really hope that he do care about Charlie n everyone else. Also their fighting outfits is really cool. AND THE ANIMATIONS WHEN HE TOOK HIS DEMON FORM WAS SOOOO COOL, IT WAS LIKE IN 3D (maybe it actually was in 3d idk-)
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Okay yknow.. When Adam blasted (idk if thats a correct word for that) at Alastor n broke his michrophone and Als voice became so clear, like, without any radio effects, I actually thought that he lost all his abilities, cuz Adam is clearly stronger than Al, and i got so scared becuz that would mean that he wont be able to protect the hotel anymore and maybe even die... But it didnt happen so its all good!!
Also Vox watching this whole fight being so exited for Als death was kinda funny to watch.
Okay.... I dont wanna cry again so can i not talk about sir Pentious? Thank you. All i gotta say, I really happy he managed to confess his feelings to Cherri before he... yknow...
Also i immediatly thought that sparing Lute was a mistake. Guess what? IT WAS!! :DDDDDD
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And we saw his demon form n its really cool!
Okay, at 1st ep i was not sure bout Katies new voice, cuz it clearly was hearable that its a mans voice, but in this ep its actually working! I absolutely loved this: «Nobody gives a shit about you, Tom!» xd
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Also this last part of the song with Alastor was so strange. Yk english is not my first language so i probably missed alot what he said in that, but i clearly remember that he said something bout his wings n i was like WHAAAAT????? I know i probably just heard it wrong, cuz HE JUST CANT BE AN ANGEL RIGHT?... RIGHT??? He also said smt bout his freedom, so yeah, I think the wings was just a metaphor. But overall he looked really scared for some reason, which is actually so weird. Its so weird to see Alastor actually being scared..
ALSO WE FINALLY SAW LILITH, but sadly didnt hear her voice. N what is weird, it looked like she was on sorta vacathion, and Lute talked with her bout Adam being Killed AND THATS SO WEIRD AHHH I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HER ROLE IN ALL HERE!!
ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT CHARLIE WAS RIGHT?? SINNERS CAN BE REDEEMED. CUZ PENTIOUS APPEARED IN HEAVEN AFTER HIS DEATH (n im really-really happy for him actually, im so glad that he didnt dissapear from the show, cuz he actually was my fav character in the pilot)
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aoisjdjdjndndnns i cant wait for season 2!!!! Ig that the main antogonists in this season will finally be VEES?? OHHH IM SO EXITEDDDD
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
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evansbby · 1 year
naur coz why doni feel like mean!ari is way meaner than poyt-steve coz atleast poyt!steve was quick about breaking it off with sharon and being a simp all abput being girlfriend-boyfren and mega never share! with mean!ari and baby i feel like at this point hes totally playing her. he prolly still in that steve era thats like ya she'll stay a sidechick coz shes wayyy below my league but everyone will know shes mines and im fucking her. until naive baby is well and truly heartbroken one day when sharon flashes her ring around campus. didnt mean shit to ari but its a fucking ring ofcourse its a big deal! and coz shes a good girl shes like NO HES A BIG MEAN LIAR! HES GONNA MARRY HER IM NEVER GONNA BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! I HATE HIM! (but actually no shes just big sad :(.) and then obv her dad was a serial cheater but they kept the toxic marriage together for 'their children' and thats why she grows up super naive and trusting of ari. but maybe a weeks ago her brother or mother confesses coz the dads off on a cheating binge again and thats why they had to cancel their weekly dinners for the 3rd time :( omg i feel sad now.
so anyways because of that shes like fuck i will never get in the way of a couple especially engaged or married couple and i shudve never gotten with ari! and when ari corners her shes like
"I'm quitting you!"
he like "Huh?"
"No more, Ari! I am NOT a home wrecker! I wont do that! I hate that."
And hes just cooing at her and shes melting and suddenly she starts quiet crying, clinging to him and she whispers "Please stop Ari. I love you but I hate that you make me hate myself. "
And hes stunned.
"If you keep lying, I'll believe you. Because I want you so badly, Ari... I always want to just be near you, even if you can't kiss me but you always, always do... you always hurt me. I'm quitting you, Ari, because I am not Sharon. And I want to be. Not the one you use, not the sidechick."
ugh SHUT UP! i wanna hug her.
and Aris at a loss and for the first time ever she manages to slip away. shes not on campus the next few days, not trace of her. she back at her familys house with her mother and they have a normal few days. the unspoken miserable commiserationof both being the one cheated on and cheated with. they knit together at sunset and make special teas at dawn. her mother says that the beach is good for the soul so on the last day they go to the beach together and they play tic tac toe in the sand.
when the mum drops her back off at campus its errily quiet, theyre staring at her but she has the hood of her jacket up and shes just shuffling her way back to her dorm. red jacket, splitting the crowds like little red riding hood in the forest.
turns out ari turned the whole canpus upside down and so did sharon in her anger. but guess who changed the lock on her dorm room? left a note saying you know where to find me. and when she shows up she'll be the last one standing if she ever tried to leave again coz ari would leave no one else for her to run to.
Omg bestie 😩😩😩 first of all, yes you’re kinda right! At least poyt!Steve made omega his public girlfriend after like… two days. He also promptly dumped Sharon (via text, but he still dumped her loool). So in that sense, he’s better than wg!Ari. But wg!Ari isn’t as cruel or plain fucked up as poyt!Steve (or is he 🤔🤔🤔 hehe)
And omg bestie not you writing a whole saga!!! I love it!!! All the angst! Reader playing tic tac toe on the beach with her mom 🥺🥺🥺 AND THE CONFRONTATION WITH ARI AHHHHHHHH
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k00sserhq · 10 months
A... Really sad part for an Tragic character..?
Hi. im K00sser, writting this as i am just writting for an thought of a part of my lore (Spoilers for it (even if i didnt posted something before it in here)). As im hearing this... raining noises because of an certairn stuff, i came in conclusion that a part of the lore of one of my characters is just... straight up.. sad... as how he reaches to the start, to how it ends a part of a certain story (especefically Part 5/6. ``I dont regret anything``).
K00sser, one of the ``protagonist`` was in his home, a little home on the forest, heard a sound of a portal just being open, as he opens his door. he founds a.. pile of... thing.. bodies of their friends. most of them are death, not with a beautiful look, but one appeared to be kinda alive in that situation, Dan (Danki blackwood petterson if u want full name). He manages to stay alive as a... missing part of him was fully expose, his lower body, only fluids, meat and dirt of his jacket, was onto him. Dan manages to crawl with his attempt to give that final speech.
the sad thing is not that he is holding him just because of hearing him.... no no, but because of
idk what i had on my mind as i writted that on, but because that i explicity made it that Dan slowly was slowly becaming uncoherent and whispery with his voice, dying SLOWLY at his arms, not even K00sser understanded him, but is just sad that the only last thing that Dan said was ``I love you``. just to DIE in that moment.
Dude What the hell is wrong with me???
i dont even understand how Fucking painful it would be that a character (Danki) never confessed his love because of his FEAR of being rejected, and told him ONCE that he loved him, not even K00ss knew that. and he fucking accepted him, ALWAYS, no matter what happend to him, he would love him alot, and just kill him in his sight, and with the other bodies that couldnt say a thing... is straight up making worse the mental state of K00sser.
(possibly will make it more canon, but i leave like this for NOW!)
ig... thats all
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heiayen · 4 years
sempiternal - xiao x gn reader
angst, fluff, major character death (no details), no dialogues, xiao dislikes changes, 3rd person view
no spoilers, word count: 596 + fic under the cut!
sempiternal - something unchanging, even eternal
despite the chaos, his life was full of never changing routines.
despite the chaos, things were always the same. the same balcony at wangshu inn, same people, same duties. but it wasn't something he disliked. he actually liked this peaceful feeling and somewhere, deep inside, wished, that it won't change. it was something that made him feel safe in this cruel world, and he wished that this, from all things around him will never change.
till one day, someone new came to the balcony with a plate of almond tofu.
their first meeting ended faster than he thought it will, and honestly he didn't mind. he wasn't in the mood (or rather, never was) to meet new people so it was great for him. he didn't even tried to remember who it was, being sure that they won't meet again. but they did. second time, third time, fourth time and fifth time was special, because this new person tried to talk with him.
and while the convo ended before it could even properly start, this new person tried talking again, and again, till one day, they succeed. and xiao realized that it wasn't... this bad as he thought it will. quite nice, if he really needed to say.
[Y/N], because this was their name, were kind and never pushed him to talk, which was something he greatly valued. and it was a small change that he didn't minded at all. he even... liked it a bit.
the second change was, however, not around him. but im them.
it was just a small change in their hairstyle, yet still noticeable for him. nothing worth mentioning... but he still did and honestly, he was happy that he decided to, because xiao earned the greatest smile in the return.
and the next time, they decided to wear more accessories and xiao noticed it too, and soon it became a small thing, small tradition.
they also had a habit of talking to xiao about their day. it was... cute, at first [Y/N] was trying to keep it short to not bore him, but later, they would start to talk more and more, often about small and not important details. he liked that.
but what he didn't liked was the way his feelings were changing about them. what he felt about them was... new, quite terryfing. how do you deal with the feel of happiness everytime you see them, how do you deal with the need to listen to them all the time? maybe he was sick, maybe he needed some medicine to get rid of it? or maybe, he can just ignore it till it goes away?
but, once he realized that it won't go away, he decided to just... let it be.
he knew that distancing himself away won't work for long, heck, it won't work at all! so he just decided to let it be. he will have plenty of time to deal with it.
...or at least he thought he will, till he noticed how [Y/N] voice was getting weaker and weaker with each their meeting. how they were getting weaker, how it was harder for them to talk with so much energy and passion as before. but they would just laugh at it, that it was fine, they were just tired after comissions, you don't need to worry, xiao.
till they missed one of their daily meetings.
and second.
and just like this, his life once again, was full of routines.
despite the chaos, it all was peaceful again.
despite it all.
ehehehe. first time writin' xiao and it's angst with major character death, wonderful. next two fics i have planned (kaeya and zhongli) are also... angst. heavy angst this time. the name of the fic is so funny when you look at what happened in the fic itself, not gonna lie
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yoshkeii · 4 years
"𝙰 𝚜𝚑𝚢 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑"
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࿐ character(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi, Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsurou
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff, comfort, tiny angst if you squint
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)? / imagine
࿐ requested by: @dumpsterfireinc 
⌦  shymale!reader (he/him)
⌦ ‘if I can request comfort hcs for Ushijima, Daichi, Kuroo, and Oikawa who have a crush on as shy male!reader who thinks the boys should be with a girl and not him.’
A/N: i had to drop oikawa on this one since i cant seem to get his personality out?? i- uh-. i apologize- also my way of writing hcs is weird? idk why i like writing like that, but eventually they’ll shift- somehow- (i’ll probably make a proper hcs post if you want-)
1-16-2021: sorry in advanced if this took waaay to long. im doubting my writings. kinda shit but im just burnt out.
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❀ Ushijima had a crush on you. of course he would, someone so soft, gentle, and shy. he actually found it cute you having those aspects. even though not a lot of people would enjoy such an introverted person at times.
❀ being shy would fit well together with his own personality generally. like being stoic and quiet himself. at some points he genuinely thought you and him were perfect. just two puzzle pieces that could fit together.
❀ he doesn’t know when he had a crush on you till Tendou or someone would bring it up. cause he always somehow had his eyes on you in the halls, classes, etc. 
❀ adding on to his personality, he is very blunt and straightforward with his words. and when you heard those three words from the intimidating captain. made your heart skip a beat, muscles tense, and mind race.
❀ “..y-you.. like me??” the softened tone in your voice echoed within the empty afterschool halls.
❀ “Yes. I just stated that.”
❀ “..I heard you.. you dummy..” you muttered the last words softly. fiddling with your fingers nervously, he always found you fidgeting with something whenever you were nervous or put on the spot. your gaze kept low.
❀ the silence only just settled. making Ushijima await another word from your smaller figure.
❀ but he didn’t expect those words to slip out of your mouth. he never did.
❀ “Why.. Why would you want to be with me.. instead.” your voice still kept your softened tone, but it had a faint hint of sadness. the slight wavering of your voice gave way.
❀ “..isn’t it better to be.. with a girl instead? t-they’re better options. pretty. talented. i-i don’t.. have any of those.”
❀ Ushijima just stared, unsure on what to do. no one told him this would be a scenario or a possibility. thought it was simply just a yes or no to a confession, something quick.
❀ “You also won’t l-look.. weird.. o-odd.. with-” your voice cracked, tears gathered in your eyes. quickly wiping them away with a sniff.
❀ “F-fuck I’m sorry.. for c-crying..” softly cursing as you nervously laughed.
❀ “y/n,” Ushijima lifted your head gently with his hand making sure your eyes looked up at him, “..I don’t care, if people will look at us weirdly. I don’t care if they all knew or not.”
❀ he wiped the tears dripping from your eyes as you stared at him with disbelief.
❀ “I like you. No- I love you. That’s that. I love y/n, and nothing will stop that.”
❀ shortly, tears poured from your eyes from his words. softly murmuring apologizes for crying over this accompanied w/ a smile on your face. Ushijima just wiping your tears away for you, seeing how your face just melts in his hand in comfort. regaining composure after a couple of reassurances from him.
❀ “I-I.. I love you.. t-too.. Wakatoshi..” 
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❀ mans had a big crush on you ever since you both had multiple shared classes. especially same homeroom.
❀ Daichi and you had an decent relationship, it wasn’t as close like he has with Sugawara or Asahi. having the same homeroom, he always found you alone and minding your own business a desk or two behind him in the back.
❀ sometimes exchanging the simple hellos and small talk whenever Suga and/or Asahi dared him to. knowing how his eyes occasionally drifts towards your direction of the room.
❀ for someone so quiet.. he didn’t know it could be a cute feature. an adorable one if he would say so himself. just seems too s o f t .
❀ your gentle voice always made his heart skip a beat, it was so calming. a remedy to his ears. after a few small talks and interactions, you both managed to hang out a little more often. being invited on study dates sessions since you were also pretty smart in the academics (brownie points!) 
❀ as of right now, his eyes were simply glued on you. just watching you talk about whatever subject. he really wasn’t paying attention... or at all. admiring your features from across the small table on the floor that was littered with notebooks, textbooks, papers and pens.
❀ he knew you were shy so he often kept things low and safe for you whenever you both hung out once in awhile. sometimes exchanging little sticky notes with each other to limit talking.
❀ once he confessed to you, through the last sticky note of his. not a manly way to really confess but he couldn’t figure anything else out for you. didnt want to scare you away.
❀ you stared up at the captain in slight doubt, going back to the note to reread the words written. ‘would you like to go out with me?’ tiny hearts here and there on the note.
❀ looking back up at him, you noticed the slight blush across his face. you realized he was serious.
❀ “..why would you want to go out with me?” your grip on the note slightly tightened, as thoughts began to flood your mind. “wouldn’t it be better- be better with a girl?? a-and.. not me.” you began to slip on your words, gaze slipping down to avoid his eyes as you noticed him looking up at you now.
❀ “..with.. a girl?” Daichi mustered out.
❀ “or.. anyone but... me. I’m not.. popular. I’m not.. p-pretty, c-cute.. handsome.. s-smart either...”  you began to ramble, negative thoughts after another.
❀ “H-hey y/n. y/n..!” Daichi was closer to you now, his hands on your shoulders hoping to get you out of your negative trance.
❀ it successfully worked, making you stop but your gaze still remain low. hearing a sigh from Daichi made you tensed, you liked him too. you loved him. but you don’t know if it was best for him to date you. or be in a relationship in that matter.
❀ Daichi wrapped his arms around you, “Don’t be so harsh to yourself. I denied most of the confessions... j-just.. to ask you out one day you know. I’m confident I want you more than any girl.” he muttered.
❀ noticing you relaxing in his arms made him slightly smile, feeling you hug back. your hands grasping the back of his gakuran, mustering the urge to cry you hid your face on his shoulders. eventually muffling out your soft sobs and various ‘i love you too’
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚐𝚘𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚐𝚒𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐.
❀ it was obvious Kuroo was crushing on someone. and that someone was you. being one of the assistances, or at this point the team would’ve eventually called you their manager. often there to aid and help whenever needed so you stumbled by the gym many times to either drop something off for one of the members or coaches.
❀ always teasing and flirting with you, which wasn’t such an out-of-character of him. knowing him to be the master of provocation. but often when you weren’t there, he would start talking about you. unconsciously sometimes.
❀ which gave a big sign of his feelings, especially through Kenma. it wasn’t so hard to see, but you were dense and oblivious over it.
❀ he knew you liked him back eventually, seeing how you haven’t turned him down with any of his teases accompanied with the slight blush on your face each time. you were just too shy to say anything about it.
❀ he was aware that you were very shy and introverted. always seeing you staying back or infront of crowds in the hallway and avoided them at all costs. being observant he took note of it.
❀ always managing to catch you away from people or just a little people in the area, he used that time to talk to you more privately.
❀ you both began to get to know each other pretty well each time.
❀ exchanging interests and moments you’ve had in your life. often making you giggle at his silly retorts and remarks, funny moments of his teams and others. he was genuinely seeing a new side of you.
❀ never really seeing you smile brightly and laugh without holding back. it felt surreal and a literal dream.
❀ “Hey, y/n, have you dated anyone yet?” Kuroo looked over at you, eyes staring in curiosity with his common sly smirk.
❀ “I-.. uhh.. n-not yet?” you nervously laughed, messing with the sleeve of your nekoma track jacket.
❀ “Well then.. do you have a crush?” he continued on. 
❀ “O-oh.. Ye-yeah! He probably won’t like me b-back though..” you murmured.
❀ “Wait- He!?”
❀ “H-hey,, Kuroo! Keep y-your voice down please..!!” you playfully punched his shoulder in return he faked an ‘ow’ “..b-but.. yes.. i like a guy.. h-he’s popular so i doubt he would like me b-back.” you looked up at him with a weak smile, hoping to not seemed phased by it.
❀ “Ahhh.. why’s that then.” his curious tone turned stern, tilting his head into his palm so it rested comfortably. “hmmm~?”
❀ “Oh.. w-well.. he’s popular with the girls.. a lot of them a-actually. I bet he l-likes them more than me.. girls are b-better for him anyways...”
❀ “What if they weren’t? He could be gay.. or bisexual... or pan and all that jazz y’know y/n?”
❀ “Thats true.. what about you kuroo-san?” you took a sip of water from your bottle aside of your thigh. 
❀ “I have a crush too of course. And its actually you.”
❀ you choked on the water, coughing out a reply, “w-wait you.. you like me.. me- back?!” you only looked at him with disbelief, coughing slightly still.
❀ Kuroo only laughed at your off-guard reaction, “K-kuroo!! I-it’s not funnyyy..!” you whined, covering your face with your jacket. “hhhh.. g-god damnit..”
❀ after a few moments it went silently, peeking your eyes out from your hidden position Kuroo pecked your forehead. Suddenly aside of you, entwining his hand with yours.
❀ “Of course I like you back~ I want you to be my boyfriend you softie.” 
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fallindomino · 3 years
how i would have changed s2 of hsmtmts
obvious disclaimer but im not a screenwriter or anyth so im not claiming what i want is best, this is just for fun lololol
okay so first of all nini would still have dropped out of yac but she wouldn’t have gone back to east, she would have transferred to north bc she was too ashamed to tell anyone she left at first and maybe she still wants to explore who she is away from ricky and the others
nini could join north’s batb and this way maybe we could have some playful rivalry with lily and nini and more scenes with antoine shdhdjdj also it could have been a great opportunity to flesh out lily’s character so those scenes where she reaches out to ricky and her confession at the end of the season actually make sense lol
speaking of ricky ,,, i think he should have left the play at some point hear me out. he only joined in the first place because of nini and barely wanted to do it at all once he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to perform with her. he could have joined crew and been a manager with natalie or smth considering he rlly does see the theater gang as a second family. also this would leave so much room for ej and ricky development and bants since ej joined the av club and began to pursue film. they could have some convos where idk ricky asks ej how he figured out what he wanted to do after duke didn’t work out and ricky could actually develop some interests that arent the play or nini ,,, maybe fucking art club i mean he did p good on that centerpiece for carlos’ quinceañera.
with ricky not being the beast anymore i think seb should take his place that would be soooo good. and since seb isn’t chip anymore carlos won’t make those snide comments about chip being a small unimportant role and we can just cut that whole fight bc it was dumb and bad. we could still have seb being insecure that carlos is only dating him bc there aren’t really any other gay guys at school. in a heartbeat is great and i did like ricky being supportive in the background it was kinda funny too idk dhdjdjfj
ooh i almost forgot abt rini ahshdj okay so i still think they should break up. but in my version there’s no ricky pulling an ej 1.0 and deleting comments off of nini’s insta, cause with ricky in art club and nini at north trying to figure out what she wants i think one of them would realize that they’re going in different directions and only got back tgt because they made each other feel safe cause what they had was familiar. this could be triggered by ricky mentioning smth abt nini at yac and then nini breaks down and tells him that she dropped out and is at north and doesn’t know where she’s going. and then they can both realize they aren’t good for each other rn and have a less tragic mutual break up.
honestly i really liked the scene of nini taking charge after miss jenn freaked out cause with the character detail of nini giving every person in the cast of productions she’s in a thank you note she just seems really like someone who is suited to lifting others up. this could still be explored at north, maybe she could help lily through her issues that were briefly implied in ep 11 and nini realizes she wants to be a drama teacher and encourage kids to go off book and put themselves into their acting, something she couldn’t have at yac.
okay now ej ,,, so like i said in ricky’s section, more bants between them cause i feel like friendships kinda fell by the wayside due to all the relationships so more friendship !!!! also the scene where ej tells his dad he’s not going to duke shouldn’t have been an ending scene, it should have been fleshed out with his dad pushing back saying how he pulled all these strings to get him in and ej saying he doesn’t wanna go if his own hard work couldn’t get him there. and also more scenes of ej doing av club things !!! and realizing he rlly likes film and wants to do it OMG IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND ASKED THE DOCUMENTARY CREW ABT THE FILM INDUSTRY god i would love that. the only scene we rlly got of ej doing film things was at the quinceañera which made me kinda sad. uhhh also i just wanted to specifically mention how ej got mr mazzara that job at cal tech bc it really showed how he wanted to be there for people not just for gina, who he had a crush on, but for mr mazzara who supported him outside of romance, so i wanna keep that for sure.
gina !!! okay so i mostly liked her arc in this season, the only changes i would make would be to flesh it out a teeny bit (god this hypothetical s2 would have to be like 22 eps at least shdjdjdjfj) anyways besides ashlyn singing home to get gina to stay i think there should be a scene where they actually talk in her room abt how gina feels safer when shes on the run (second chance reference ilysm) hhhh and also a scene of her and carlos actually working out compromises for their choreo cause i liked that bit of development too and fleshing that out would make gina an even better foil for lily, who felt a need to hog the spotlight like gina used to. with gina’s own arc fleshed out her character would feel more whole independently from romance and portwell would be even more rewarding than it is in the current s2. the only thing i would really change abt portwell is that they would kiss !!! in the finale but thats bc im biased.
ashlyn should have gotten a more fleshed out storyline about being insecure about not being a good enough belle or the typical belle. there were some throwaway lines when north did their typical dramatics but the only two real scenes that showed it were when ash talked to big red about it and when she was telling nini she wanted to do a run in “home” bc lily did it. ashlyn should get more screen time where she has to grapple with the reasons she doesn’t feel good enough and big red can still support her but also gina too bc i would like more roommate besties interaction.
kourtney could still date howie, that harry potter shit was cute but there needs to be smth else for kourtney’s arc. idk she’s still into fashion so maybe she could be out here trying to create her own line or smth? this doesn’t have to be resolved in s2 like making a wholeass line takes time and she could work on it into a potential s3. kourtney just didnt get much outside of howie and the stuff at the beginning of the season where she said nini inspired her to be independent and that's why she got a job was just dropped?? so i think that fashion could fill that for her if she’s still dating howie cause like having her whole arc just be the pizza place kinda overlaps w big red’s mini arc abt how he wasn’t settling for hospitality, its what he wants to do with his life.
ik what ur thinking. anna, even if you added more episodes, where would u find the room to add all these plotlines?? well first we cut (most of) the seblos fight, so thats some time saved. honestly most of the time that we r going to gain is going to be from cutting ms jenn’s time. things like ms jenn’s and nini’s car ride would get cut, but mostly all of ms jenn’s romances would get cut down. considering she’s the teacher and isn’t actually a character with an arc how does she have THREE love interests this season?? like all of the weird tension between her and zack can be cut, like just some short scenes of them being competitive can stay. all of the stuff with ricky’s dad can go bye bye we don’t need it. i did like her w mr mazzara so most of that can stay i just didn’t like how he said he would give up cal tech for her, ew no that would be gone.
the MENKIES !!!! this is the last thing im gonna address cause in a perfect world every character would get a long fleshed out arc but then the season would be waaay too long and also im mostly trying to work within material the show gave so this is mostly made up of “realistic” deviations from what actually happened. lol idk what that even means it just makes sense to me. but anyways!! uhhh bro idk i thought them dropping the menkies was funny but it also made the finale really BAD lmao. in this finale, seb is the beast, east still had to deal w the fact that they’re underfunded compared to north but no one is injured, lily is less of a poorly written character and maybe ppl are even rooting for her, and wow i just realized i never actually said what role i think nini should have in north’s show. OOH she could be student director instead of lily cause lily both being in the play while also directing was weird considering omg i just checked and according to her wiki page shes a FRESHMAN?? and they let her be student director? lol hell nah. okay so with all that in mind ,,, the menkies should have been the season cliffhanger instead of portwell. east and north should both be nominated, both schools perform at the menkies, and then the award winner is about to be announced and THATS when it cuts to natalie and the end of the season.
one, this actually gives more tension for a summer s3 as we would be waiting to see the consequences of whichever school won. also i bet people would be wondering if nini’s gonna be transferring back to east or staying at north. people would also prob wonder if ej would be getting the scholarship if east won and what that would mean for his interest in film.
lmao that got longggg and idk if anyone’s even gonna read this but it was fun to do :D
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 127’s relation to lian
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taeil used to wake her up for school when she was still a teenager :((
such a soft but overlooked duo
will appreciate each other forever and ever
lian teaches him roasts in english that he can say to johnny
remain each other’s hype man and woman
taeil was the first to suggest he and the other nct members react to the trailers of her dramas on video so they can boost them in popularity
promotes the HELL out of lian’s solo career over twitter
lian loves coming up behind him and just giving him hugs because he’s soft (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
they watch movies together a lot! but taeil has to come down to the fifth floor because lian hates it up on the tenth one
he was once able to grab her hand in an airport and they held hands the entire time :(( a few pictures went a little viral
they share hoodies NSHDHSHCJA
lian keeps bugging him to get an instagram
taeil will ALWAYS take her side in silly arguments she and the other members have sometimes
he makes fun of her height because she’s shorter than him-
he also used to help her with her homework :(
cried when lian went on her first date
“my child is growing up (´∩`。)”
had to do a background check on the guy before he even allowed him to come in contact with her again, though
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johnny is her dad, period
no questions asked he is her father
will give her piggyback rides all the time
he was once woken up by her jumping on his bed and asking if they could go shopping
at 6:00 am
he actually got up, got ready and took her shopping but since it was so early, the stores were all closed
he took her out for japanese fluffy pancakes, though!
whenever lian is sick, johnny makes her his mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup recipe :((
speaking of johnny’s mom, she loves lian to death and always asks johnny if he’s taking good care of her
if they’re not being asked any questions or having to translate anything during interviews, they always whisper jokes in each other’s ears to try and make the other one laugh
because of how lian dies during the trailer of her new drama, johnny cried in front of twenty-two other men while they reacted to it
he was NOT embarrassed
“how are you guys not crying? this is so sad. what a cruel world we live in ໒( ˵ •̀ □ •́ ˵ )७”
kept screaming at lian’s “dream of you” performance video
he once effortlessly picked up lian and moved her somewhere else because she wasn’t standing where she was supposed to be
everyone says that their ship name is something a white, suburban mom would be named. now nctzens pronounce joann like “joanne” ・x・
it was said on the zach sang show that johnny used to measure her height every month to see if she grows or not, and that’s the only reason why he has her height memorized
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has lost lian in so many airports it’s not even funny
“hyung, what happened to lian?” “oh, you have GOT to be kidding me-“
whenever he doesn’t see her he goes into panic mode and starts asking if anyone has seen his little sister
“about this tall with really shiny hair? her cheekbones are insane, i swear. OH OH OH SHE WAS WEARING JOHNNY’S HOODIE- you don’t know what johnny’s hoodie looks like.. okay, well thank you for your help.”
one of the first members that she was comfortable with
lian said that he was her role model :’(
as the leader, he’s always taking care of her and will not sleep until he knows for sure she’s eaten
because of how lian never participated in any of nct’s first bit of promotions due to being too uncomfortable around them, she was allowed to skip out on the viewings of their relay video letters
but she was still required to make one for somebody and that somebody was taeyong ˵ ຈ ︿ ຈ ˵
she said that she was glad he was her leader and that she hoped to become closer one day
he cried
declares that he will take care of lian till the day he dies
taeyong had yelled at lian’s former manager until he voluntarily quit working for her- he had found out that lian was being overworked to the point where she collapsed during their dance practice and he wasn’t okay with it
always cheering her on backstage when she performs solo
he always tries to include her in guiding the members for their dances because he knows how happy it makes her
instead of having her carry her glasses around with her, he does it instead :D
“nana, do you have to wear your glasses now?”
taeyong tucks her into bed every night he can ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ
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totally doesn’t have feeling for her, yeah
yuta is obsessed and when i tell you he’s obsessed, he’s obsessed
did i mention obsessed?
he’s jealous of everyone :(
yun stans insist that the only reason yuta is so touchy with winwin and mark is because he’s trying to cover up his feelings for lian
bye if that’s true-
hyuck wanted to give her a hug (a rare occurrence) and yuta straight up just said,
“mine. go away”
i have proof guys :// johnny recorded it and literally posted it on instagram
lian died internally when yuta cut his long hair because she couldn’t put it into ponytails anymore :((
but his hair is growing back now so she’s able to do it again :)
yuta teaches her japanese every tuesday and thursday!
we don’t bring this up because it’s pretty embarrassing but,, when nct 127 were backstage before performing kick it, yuta asked doyoung (who was in a direction where he could get a clear view of lian’s face) if lian was staring at him
how do we know this, you may ask?
it was caught on camera and everyone made fun of him for a solid week straight
he’s caught staring at her from afar way too often for comfort
lian says that he’s very pretty
much like the other memebers that have instagram, he makes story countdowns that he posts about a week before lian plans to release her solo music
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another member of the lian protection squad
doyoung was the first to start calling her cupcake
it all started when doyoung was sick and lian made him cupcakes to make him feel better
will slap anyone who makes a flirty remark towards lian
was embarrassed for yuta when he asked if she was staring at him
said “no” and walked away
lian is the only one who ever shows him any mercy :’)
they have very similar taste in decor so they often go shopping together for things to put around the dorm
doyoung said that he spends the most time in lian’s room because it smells like vanilla all the time
he spoils her SO MUCH
like so much
half the plushies she owns at the moment were gifts from doyoung
has a tendency to watch over her and make sure she’s content at all times
“cupcake, are you hungry? i can make you some food if you’d like” “oppa, it’s 3:00am-“ “and?”
they take such pretty instagram pictures :((
at one point in time, doyoung was jealous of his older brother because lian used to crush on him a tiny bit :0
not because doyoung likes her or anything, she just couldn’t stop talking about how nice he looked in revolutionary love
disapproves of the staff giving lian such short clothing sometimes
“um, excuse me, she can’t wear that. are you crazy? go get her a new outfit, please”
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not many people bring this up because we know it’s honestly a sensitive topic :|
but he lowkey has deep feelings for her (he makes it so obvious sometimes it’s kinda disappointing to see how oblivious lian really is to it)
jaeli + yun love triangle anyways
jokes aside, though, jaehyun loves lian so so much
once cried to johnny about how he doesn’t know what to do and that he didn’t want to make anything awkward by confessing to her
makes sure to be near her as often as possible
once scared away a whole kim taehyung from talking to her during isac ╰[ ⁰﹏⁰ ]╯ (let’s pretend bts were there for 2019 pls)
“jungkook, keep your friend away, please :D”
didn’t work, though, because they ended up having a conversation later in the day either way
*in the 97’ liner groupchat* “HYUNG IM SORRY HE RAN AWAY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DOl
it was uncalled for but what can you do amirite ┐(´~`)┌
lian pokes his dimples a lot and squishes his cheeks
just randomly hugs him but he’s not complaining
johnny isn’t picking sides but he became team jaeli after jaehyun broke into tears in front of him for the first time since they were trainees about how much he loves lian
sad,, i know
lian judges jaehyun for not sleeping with sheets
continues to believe he is not a human being, but a robot created in a lab
jaehyun smiles at her for no reason
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an instant bond formed between them when they first met!
jungwoo learned a lot about her and has developed so many ways to deal with her anxiety :(
gave the staff a guide on how to keep her calm when he went on hiatus because he couldn’t be there with her
buys her colouring books because he knows that they calm her down well!
liwoo went viral and become a popular ship when lian accidentally changed the nct 127 instagram profile picture to a jungwoo icon
she got scolded but it was iconic orange haired jungwoo with a chain-
an untouchable duo when they do double aegyo
nctzens think jungwoo is her favourite member
maybe because lian said he was
“ “who’s your favourite member?” hmm i’ll have to say woo-oppa!”
*cue jungwoo laughing at yuta’s face because he was that shocked*
they share secrets with each other so now they probably know the other like the palm of their hand
even though he’s off his hiatus, he still has to guide the staff members through lian’s little moments because sm staff suck at their job sometimes
they’re the two members who go grocery shopping together
more like jungwoo dragging lian to the grocery store with him but okay
jungwoo loves kissing her cheeks (〃▽〃)
their vocals mixed together are confirmed to be noises from heaven
lian misses his blonde bowl cut :/
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leader of lian’s natural length hair committee
like when i tell you mark hates her extensions-
mark was the first friend lian was able to make in nct!
they bonded over canada and it was very rare to see them speaking in korean
mark goes into straight panic when he’s with her sometimes
has to remind himself they’re like siblings
lian ans mark covered “your eyes” by hoody and jay park during a vlive!
it was adorable :((
lian had him saved in her phone as “android user” but now she doesn’t know what to change it to
they had a fight in 2019
mark let’s her call him the weirdest freaking nicknames ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ
mars bar, markie, mork, marko
he says it’s because czennies consider her to be addicting and since marijuana is addicting as well he thought it’d be a good fit
someone on twitter absolutely ENDED HIM though and wouldn’t stop making fun of him (;⌣̀_⌣́)
they can read each other’s mind just by looking at each other
“dude i hate this shit why does she keep asking us who we wanna collab with?” *cue lian laughing hysterically*
“what’s so funny (゜-゜)” — interviewer
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haechan makes fun of her kissing scenes in dramas
calls her short all the time
“lian give me a high five- oh haha nevermind it’s too bad you’re so short”
they’ve actually been so close to fighting each other and i’m not even joking
they’re the two members who fight the most out of all of them
but despite this, they love each other very much
hyuck says he’s the only one who’s allowed to make her mad
and if anyone else makes her mad he’d kill them
limark 2019 fight flashbacks where haechan kept threatening mark
there are actually moments when they’re clingy with each other-
haechan loves her hugs :((
like ??????? one minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next, they’re all lovey dovey hugging each other make it make sense ?????
lian could be speaking english and he’d say, “korean, please. i can’t understand canadian”
“shut up <3”
hello haechan cried and wouldn’t let go of her during her and mark’s graduation ceremony in 2018
she makes fun of him for it but never takes it too far
he goes to her for dance advice
during their nct 2018 weekly idol appearance when they were doing the random kpop dance thing, they beat everyone أ‿أ
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leviathans-normie · 4 years
OKAY WOW. THATS OKAY, I DIDNT NEED MY HEART. To follow THAT up, could I request the bros catching MC in the planning/ritual, pleading with MC to stop, and accidentally/intentionally confessing their love for MC in the process? Tears are welcome, but my heart just needs some healing TTnTT
Okay, many people seem to be crying over the last thing and I'm kinda not really sorry. Onward to your request!
→What the actual fuck.png
→One moment he was doing random room inspections, the next he was seeing MC sacrificing themselves to bring his dead sister back.
→His breath hitched, ngl.
→”MC... what in the actual hell are you doing?”
→He tried to keep his cool. It would be irrational if he started panicking.
→Is what he said to himself before grabbing MC and taking them away from whatever they were doing.
→”Are you ACTUALLY stupid?!”
→I’ve a headcanon that when he loses his cool, like really loses his cool, his vocabulary shortens by a lot and can’t speak much aside from same the same five words over and over because he’s so panicked. 
→MC was already crying, telling him that it’s for the better. That it’d make the brothers happy and it was her duty to do something like that. 
→”Oh, so you are actually stupid!”
→”We’ve been dealing with Lilith’s death for years! She needn’t come back! And for sure, you don’t need to go!”
→Everything turned out fine in the end.
→But he always has a mini heart attack when someone speaks of Lilith. Mostly when they say they miss her. 
→Was this close to banning everyone from speaking about her, but he isn’t that cruel. 
→He managed to find MC mid-planning. 
→They’d seem really out of it the past few days so, like the Great Mammon, he obviously had to check, not because he cares or something.
→His first reaction was to take whatever they had in their hands, perhaps a book about the subject, and throw it right out the window. 
→They explained what they were planning, and by the time they finished, both of them were in tears.
→Although, he would never admit that. 
→”MC, why?!”
→He would never want to lose his MC.
→PLEASE DON’T MAKE HIM LOSE HIS MC. (said the author who wrote it in the first place)
→After all the sobbing ended, they just hugged it out.
→"MC what the fuck?"
→Caught them mid-ritual.
→At first he thought it was a weird human thing.
→Then, he realised.
→Oh shit.
→He was freaking out internally.
→But on the outside.
→He was freaking out too, ngl.
→He somehow managed to find an anime reference about this and proceeded to tell her how things could go downhill from that.
→They hug it out.
→And then they send the ritual stuff to where they came from.
→He knew something was up when they asked him for books about rituals.
→Straight up asked them about it.
→Although they tried to lie, he saw right through them.
→When they admitted to it, he was kinda pissed off.
→"Did they guilt you into doing this? Because if so, I swear-"
→Once MC reassures him — and bribes him not to kill his brothers — with hugs and kisses, they go back to their normal lives.
→However, Satan does keep tabs on MC for a while as well as his brothers.
→If anyone (maybe aside from Beel) grieves a bit more than needed about Lilith, they're getting hell for jt.
→The third most dramatic, surprisingly!
→He found MC mid-ritual which wasn't exactly the best.
→He's fallen to the ground, calling their name in order to stop.
→"What is this madness?! Please don't do it!"
→Full-on clutches on MC and squeezes the life outta them.
→"Don't do it ever again, go it?!"
→It takes so much reassuring and so many promises for cuddles and self-care sessions to make him stop freaking out.
→But, in the end, it was so worth it.
→Second most dramatic of all!
→It's a fact that he feels guilty about Lilith, so when he sees MC mid-ritual, his mind just clicks.
→He's the one who was grieving so much about Lilith, the one that talked to MC about his nightmares about that dreaded day and asked for comfort.
→He knew it was because of him.
→Poor Beel was paralyzed with fear :(
→Fear of losing another person dear to him. Because, even though Lilith would return, the cost was too great.
→To lose a loved one to get another back.
→No, he certainly wouldn't deal with it greatly.
→He silently begged for MC to stop, there, frozen still.
→And they did.
→They weren't the ones to judge what would be better for them.
→No matter how much they wanted Beel to see his sister, to reassure him it wasn't his fault, Beel wouldn't let them.
→For the next few weeks, he followed them like a lost puppy, not losing them from his side.
→He wasn't going to go through it again. No, never again.
→And the award for dramatic is... Belphie! (i should stop calling them dramatic and change it to sad-)
→He was napping, you know, hugging his pillow, soft snores coming out of his mouth, when he felt that something was wrong.
→He jolted up and followed that feeling up to MC's room.
→"Huh? What are you.. doing..?"
→His pillow fell on the floor and so did his knees.
→It didn't take long to figure out what they were doing.
→And, no matter how much he wanted to keep his nonchalant persona, he couldn't.
→He was the one who had killed them because of Lilith's death.
→'And this dumbass wants to continue my job,' he thought, lost in his mind.
→"H-Hey, don't do it, please...?"
→He knew MC was heavily impacted by his attempt to murder, but damn.
→MC had to go and comfort him that no one influenced them to do that, that it was their decision.
→He didn't believe it, but it reassured him momentarily.
→He clung onto them and didn't let go for so long.
→He hardly separated from them.
→He couldn't lose another person he cared about.
→Not right when he learnt to actually care again.
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serowotonin · 4 years
˗ˏˋ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 ˎˊ˗
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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 ` sakusa kiyoomi ` 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ` 1.2k ` 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 ` pure crack ` 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁 ` hcs `
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` umm idk what this is.. lowkey based off real events? midnight ramblings? yeah that kind of thing i guess... also big thank you to @kaguol​  for giving this a read (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) `
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it was sports day at your school and most of the events were over and done with but the teachers didnt allow anyone to leave yet cuz,,,, reasons✨
which is why some of the students kinda just flocked to the gym to chill and maybe play around
that was until somebody suggested they host an unofficial, volleyball game
the net was still up nobody bothered to put it down so yeaahhh
rules of the game were simple: there were none, except keep the ball in the air and get it over the net…however you can
at first only a few ppl played… the “energetic” and “athletic” ones and it still seemed like a typical volleyball game
then more ppl started joining
and it slowly started getting more chaotic
it got to the point where the entire gym was the court
there were ppl running around chasing the ball, others just hitting it as hard as they can in practically any direction, then there were those who just stood there cuz everyone else was standing there so why not ??
now sakusa didn’t want to be there
he was tired because his class had signed him up for ALL the running events
why? well cuz he was tHe OnLy AtHLeCtiC PeRsOn in his class
utter bullshit btw
he plays volleyball hes not a runner
but still ended up winning tons of races just cuz… it was him💅✨ no explanation needed
n e wayss he was tired and wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nice long shower
but ofc the students of itachiyama wouldn’t let him
some of them dragged him into the game early on
again, because he was aThLeTiC ~
but this time they actually got the sport right lolol
honestly he was lowkey annoyed at how un-volleyball the game started to become but continued playing it anyway
it was hilarious how the others tried to receive even his weakest, half-assed spikes
sakusa always made sure to aim his spikes directly at ppl’s arms tho
not out of consideration for their pride or anything no no 
it was cuz whenever the ball touched the ground the ENTIRE gym groaned rlly loud and there’d be ppl going “NOOOOOOOO” 
and that annoyed tf out of him so he was nice with his spikes
then there was you
you were outside with one of your friends when the whole volleyball thing started and only came to the gym cuz the rest of your friends were in there
so you walked in, scanned the crowd, immediately noticed your crush *cough*sakusa*cough* and then found your friends standing in a group on the other side of the gym
now here’s the thing
sakusa has a crush™️ on you too. took him a while to realize and accept it but he did and now he officially has a crush on you
he just hadn’t really gotten around to the idea of asking you out or anything
mainly cuz he just very recently realized his feelings aka last night he was thinking about all the events he had to do for sports day and he groaned cuz ppl made him do it but then he realized ppl wasn’t actually ppl it was just you
you were the one who smiled at him and said “why not sakkun,, it’d be fun” and like that he agreed. then he realized further he actually thought about you a lot. like earlier he was thinking about how’d you look tmr since u weren’t gonna be in normal school uniform and you’d have your hair all done. and then he realized he was looking forward to seeing you which led him to realize you were one of the few ppl he actually enjoyed being around. THEN he fucking finally realized “oh… i have a crush…. on y/n……. oh”
somewhat conflicted abt it for the entirety of the day,,, bois experiencing feels for u ofc its gonna take some time >.<
he didn’t get to talk to you all day though,,,,,, he was busy with his own events and you were elsewhere
either way,, when he saw you walking past in the gym he kind of lost focus
lost focus in that the ball was coming to him and he jumped to spike it but only had his eyes on you causing his aim to mess up and well,,
he hit his target
*your head*
and because he wasn’t focused, it wasn’t a “soft” spike like all the other ones hes been doing 
it was a full-blown sakusa kiyoomi spike
that hit your face
sakusa just went: ᶠᵘᶜᵏ
you saw stars,,,,,,,, and fell on ur bum
like a split second later, you heard a calm voice asking if you were ok. you muttered out a yeah and felt arms helping you up
one of them was your friend you were pretty sure, but the other one’s hands were too big to be any of your friends’
“let’s get you to the nurse,” the calm voice said again. 
“mkay,, thats probably.. a smart choice.. yeah….” and, vision still blurry, you were guided to the nurse by your friend and someone whose identity you weren’t sure of yet
sakusa was still standing there
all that, the spike hitting you, you falling, your being escorted to the clinic,,,,, that happened in like 2 seconds
he didn’t even have time to say anything yet
to make matters worse, some random ass guy was the one who came and swept you out of the gym
sure your friend was with you but to sakusa,,, that guy sus af
after they left, the game continued and sakusa rlly didn’t feel like playing anymore
he wanted to make sure you were okay and wanted to apologize 
however,,,, the teachers came in shortly after and told them it was time for the closing ceremony
throughout the entire thing, his eyes flit through the crowds looking for you
he couldn’t find you tho>:((
big sad
after the ceremony was over,, he went to the clinic but you weren’t there
then he just kinda,,, /slump/
figured he’d just pull you aside tmr and apologize then
except,,, tmr came and he still hadnt found a good time to pull you aside for a proper apology?? 
you were just so… busy.?
finally,, at around lunch after you finished eating, you kinda just sat with your friends and were talking and stuff when sakusa decided now would be an appropriate time to apologize
he walked up to you and asked if you two could talk in private for a bit
your friends shot glances at each other. he saw,, but he didnt let it bother him
anyways,, he led you out into the hall and in the softest tone he could manage he says, “about yesterday… i’m really sorry, spiked the ball a bit too hard.. how are you feeling?”
you tell him ur fine,, just that it aches a bit but nothing serious
he nods and mutters another ‘sorry..’
then this happened:
“no it’s ok you don’t have to be so sorry. accidents happen.”
“it wasn’t an accident tho..? so im sorry, it wont happen again.”
“yeah ok,, wAIT WHAT?? wdym not an accident?!?? u spiked the ball into my face on purpose?!?!!?!?”
“WHAT NO- ofc not. i just,,, i kind of lost focus… on other things… at the time… and yeah”
*sighs* “i was focused on you when you walked past and didn’t consciously control my aim or whatever and ended up spiking it into your face”
“?!?!?!??…. why were you focused on me??”
“cuz i like you dummy” /it slipped he didnt mean to say this/
“oh.... wAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
and that is the story of how sakusa confessed
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ` honestly think it would be better as a fic but uh,,, my lazy ass cant be bothered to write fics rn so uh,, hope this was good for now? lol might mess around and write one later tho.. maybe `
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lissalizzie · 4 years
CHISHIYA X READER - A SOFT ONE ( +18 because of some words I used)
It is really cute I promise, listen to the song while you read... It will give you the vibe
Sorry for any mistakes
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You were so tired of waiting...
When you first felt your heart beating faster for Chishiya after one of your first games your never imagined it would be so hard to deal with being in love with him.
The problem was... That guy seemed not to care about a thing... He didnt have friends, he didnt talk about any person in the real world... It was like he was born alone and that scared you as hell cause that made the job of getting to his heart kinda impossible...
It was a little dumb and silly to be worrying about a love in a world like that one... In a reality like that one...But you just couldn't help that... Everytime you saw him it was like you wanted so much to be his... Like you wanted him to saw you too but he never did.
And the days passed, the months passed. You weren't a girl, you were a woman... You didn't like playing more than you were already pushed to...
At some point it started to make you cry to see him because you wanted him to notice, at least, which he didnt seemed to... But that time you were wrong.
The thing was Chishiya was feeling something for the first time in his life, and he wasn't even recognizing it because it was a first time experience.
Seeing you was like another kind of pleasure, a sweeter one, some kind one soft sensation. It wasn't like when he won a game or a card... It was peaceful... Being with you didn't make his body felt like all the adrenaline in the world was in his veins... Is was like... Home... Like he didn't want to run, or hide, or plan anything, or talk... He just wanted to listen to you and watch you... Because you were such a great view for him.
Chishiya was used to paying attention on everything around him, and  of course that included you... But at some point your eyes started to be the focus... Because they were like a big, deep and beautiful ocean... And your lips...Do they supposed to shine like that while you talk? Chishiya always catched himself asking those questions.
He was confused, so he kept even quieter than he usually was...
But when he couldn't hide it anymore...He felt like something was exploding inside him. Maybe it was on your birthday when everyone tried so hard to make you happy but he just... didnt show up on that little party cause he was trying so hard to deny his feelings for you like a dumb guy would do... And then when he was coming back to his room late at night he heard you cry... And he knew it was you because he would recognize your voice even at hell after listening to you talking about everything for so long...
You were alone at your room, Kuina had left after talking to you for long hours trying to convince you that... You should only love people that are capable to value the intensity of that love... And she was so right and you were feeling so dumb.
When you saw his cold eyes in the room you almost felt like punching him in the face cause you were so angry. Not cause he didnt come to your birthday party, but because he was acting like a fucking teen and he was a man... How could he manage all those feelings about the games and could not deal with the fact that another person... Liked him? That made you feel like giving up so much, because what was the point of keeping a feeling for someone that made you cry more than made you happy ?
- You know... Looking at me like that wont help anything.
- Oh it will... It will help you to stay alive
Chishiya was smart, he was fast but one of the reasons he liked you back was... You was just as good as him... If not better.
- I didn't even know it was your birthday, y/n
- Don't you dare try playing dumb to me - You was so angry you felt like you were burning. You were so tired of suffering for someone else.
He breathed in and out as he was looking at the ground.
- Okay... I...
- No... This is not about you, there is nothing about you here, Chishiya. If you didn't want me you just had to say no and we would move on. You treated me like a child, you treated me like a girl that would follow you around like a psycho, you didnt respect me . ...because I can deal with anything but I will not accept a fucking man or anyone here looking down on me just because I'm in love... - You words were so heavy it was like anyone could actually touch them. It was clear it was not just because it was in love with him you were gonna give up on who you were or on your well being. - I fucking give up, okay? - You just threw your hands in the airs with sad eyes, you didnt want to but you also didn't see any hope on that cause he never really showed anything to you.
At that moment Chishiya felt that if he didnt make any move he would lost the one thing... He really felt that he wanted and it wasnt artificial and automatic...
We walked till your faces were really close and, for the first time, you saw an expression on his face... fear.
- I... Please, please dont leave, y/n
- Why? So you can still doing what you're doing? I'm not here for you to use me
- Can you just... Let me talk ? I... I'm afraid... Okay? I'm afraid, y/n. I never felt anything like that... I never was afraid to lose someone... I never... - He touched your hair, his eyes passing through the details of your face. - I never felt like my world was about anyone else other than me... And now it seems like it is... And I'm so afraid cause I feel vulnerable like I never did in my life... it's terrifying. - He confessed. - I'm not the kind of guy who talks... I'm not the kind of guy who knows how to... you know... expresses himself... This is me, y/n. But somehow I... Let's say... the thought of losing you on game is even more terrible as the one of... me dying on a game... And it's weird but when I think about something... You... - He closed his eyes... he wanted so much to talk but it was always so hard... like something was there trying to stop him.- Just dont leave... Because I am here waiting for you to come back everytime you leave... You matter to me... And I want to know how it is... To matter to someone else too... and to do it together. I'm sorry if I hurt you... I never meant to, and I'm sorry I acted like a jerk cause I really wasn't paying much attention on my behavior... You didn't deserve that... But please... If you could give me a chance... To show you I'm not about... what you saw
You were do shocked you couldn't even say a complete word. It didn't make any sense... Why was he being like that? It was so... dreamy it almost didn't feel like reality and that's what you were so afraid about.
- You know I'm not like those idiots you try to confuse, right ?
- Oh, for god's sake - He took your hands and  you both sat down on the bed. - If I was trying to confuse you I would be using your weak points... Like the fact you didnt had sex in like a year and you're physicall as hell... Or... I would be using that perfume you told Kuina you liked so you would be considerably distracted cause you already have feelings for me... Yes you should be more careful who you tell your secrets to, by the way... - He laughed - I wouldn't be showing you all my weaknesses if I wanted to do something to you, y/n
Well... You knew him enough to sense a little bit of sincerity there... And you felt like you could trust him... As risky as it sounded... But falling for him was already risky.
- So why are you telling me this ?
- Cause I can't take this alone anymore... And I really feel something about you... And it is good I guess... so...
You just smiled and, softly, you kissed him. He touched your face and... You thought it would never gonna happened but it was and it was just right.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Could I request an Ateez reaction in which the members find out that one of the other members has a crush on their s/o (the other member possibly doesn't know their dating) please and thank you!
Ask and you shall receive!
I made this one so that you have been friends with the guys for a while anyway, so that’s why no one is suspicious of you dating.
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One day you’re just chillin in the dorms right
It’s about to be movie night!!!
The best night when you have literally the funniest people with you
Once everyone figures out what snacks they need and actually sits down
you plop next to Joongie for some secretive snuggles
But as soon as you sit down, Wooyoung starts yelling about how he wanted to cuddle with you during the movie
Everyone teases him because even you know he has a crush on you (he’s not shy and he has a big mouth so you found out pretty quick)
Since nobody knows that you and Hongjoong are together, you force yourself to go over to Wooyoung instead
It’s almost impossible to ignore your boyfriend’s pout though
He’s staring at you from across the room with the saddest look on his face for like 20 minutes of the movie
you can’t even concentrate, you just wanna go back over there so bad
but you don’t want to expose your relationship just yet
Hongjoong will just have to suck it up for tonight
He does not suck it up, however
after another 15 minutes, he stand up really abruptly and marches over to you and Wooyoung
everybody is watching because no one knows what he’s doing all of a sudden
grabs your hand and pulls you back to his seat
cue more complaining from Wooyoung
“Well we’re together, I'm allowed”
everyone just kind of goes into stunned silence
eventually.... “YOU’RE WHAT”
bunch of yelling from everyone while Joong just yanks a blanket up over the both of your heads
you peck him on the lips and eventually the yelling stops and you can come out to finish the movie
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possessive mf
but he was the one who didn’t want to tell anyone in the first place
So when Yeosang starts flirting with you, all he can really do is be bitter about it
He watches as you laugh along, obviously not getting that one of your boyfriend’s best friends is coming onto you
You and Yeosang had been talking together for about an hour, just catching up on life and stuff
Seonghwa is getting fed up, no lie
He knew Yeosang had a crush, but he always thought he would be too shy to ever make a move
But all of a sudden Seonghwa feels threatened
he manages to catch your eye across the room and you smile and wave
he just frowns, making you pout and excuse yourself from Yeosang
you head over to him and ask him what’s wrong
He just pulls you into a kiss, catching you completely by surprise
as your eyes flutter shut, his stay open and on Yeosang who is watching with his mouth hanging open
He mouths “sorry, hyung”
Seonghwa pulls away, nods at the younger, and smiles at you
“what was that all about?? What if people saw??”
“don't care anymore”
you don't really question his sudden change of heart
all you can think about is finally being able to cuddle with him even when the boys are around lmao
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(who gave him the right to look so professional here like what)
is hanging around the studio one day when he overhears what sounds like your laugh
he’s like “they aren’t even here today wth”
so he goes to find the source and comes across Hongjoong FaceTiming you
he is about to rush over to join and say hi to his love but stops when he hears Hongjoong speak again
sounds like a confession... Yunho’s cheeks get all red and his eyes get a little glossy just because he’s overwhelmed
he sticks around to hear what you say
he knows that you love him but, at the same time, there's a part of him that's really insecure and scared
“Aw, Joongie...that’s sweet and all but...” you’re stalling because you can’t decide if you should tell him the truth
Yunho is literally dying as he waits for your answer
“Joong, I’m with Yunho... we didn’t want people to know but I think this is a pretty good reason to tell you. I’m so sorry”
Yunho lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
lets a tear fall because he was so so nervous poor thing
he backs out of the room so that he doesn’t hear more
he low-key feels bad about even overhearing that much but at the same time he feels more confident in your relationship 
he shoots you a text later telling you how much you mean to him and everything, but he doesn’t bring up Hongjoong
he knows that you will end up telling him anyway but he doesn’t want you to think negatively of him for eavesdropping
just so happy that you chose him
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so Yeosang is really confident about your relationship and loves you a lot 
but he's shy about letting other people know
but when he notices that Jongho has been making extra efforts to be near you lately, he doesn’t take it lightly
he wouldn’t be nervous if Jongho knew you were in a relationship
but since he doesn’t, Yeosang is worried that he might try and make a move on you
Jongho had talked to a couple of the other guys about his infatuation with you
but he had suspected that Yeosang also had a crush on you so he had held off
but the other guys told Jongho to go for it, since they didn't know the truth either
So as Yeosang is watching Jongho talking to you one day, he notices that Jongho’s fingers keep “accidentally” grazing yours
He’s getting angrier as he watches
but he isn’t angry at you or Jongho, just angry with himself for being to scared to say anything
eventually, he musters up some courage and saunters over to you and Jongho and takes your hand
right in front of Jongho’s salad
And Jongho is immediately like “crap” and walks away
and you’re super confused because what in the world am I missing what just happened
But Yeosang just kinda giggles and asks you if you wanna go get lunch
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now San I think is one to actually get pretty jealous
like if he sees someone trying anything with you, he’s gonna be big mad right away
But it is much more difficult to get mad when it’s Seonghwa who is after you
San is definitely afraid of coming off as disrespectful to his elder if he tries to step in and stop anything
highkey hopes that you’ll say something so that he won't have to
One day Seonghwa actually comes to San
to talk about you
he’s just rambling on and on about how cute he thinks you are, totally oblivious to San’s irritated expression
San is fuming
eventually he’s gonna snap and be like “LOOK BRO WE’RE DATING”
and Seonghwa is like O.O
then San is apologizing like a mad man because he really didn’t mean for it to come out like that
he just legit couldn’t listen to someone else talk about his girlfriend anymore it was infuriating
Seonghwa’s like “...it’s cool, I get why you’d be mad”
then he assures him that he won’t try anything now that he knows about you two
But he also scolds San for not telling him sooner lmao
Gives an apology too just to make his lil bro feel a little better
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So, Mingi gets insecure, I bet
When other tall boy, Yunho, also proclaims that you are his ideal type during a revealing round of truth or dare
there is a lot of yelling from the guys, as you are literally playing with them and he just SAID THAT?
But Mingi does not think it’s funny
Suddenly Wooyoung leans over and whispers in his ear
“we are gonna try to get y/n to say she wants dare so she will have to kiss Yunho”
Like it’s sweet that they’re planning to be wingmen for their buddy Yunho but Mingi is so SAD
scoots an inch closer to you and shakes his head at Wooyoung
“why are you pouting, just help us lmao”
he shakes his head again, but Wooyoung has already turned his attention back to the game
finally, your turn comes around and all the guys start making up excuses as to why you should take a dare
“Cmon y/n we just had two truths in a row, pleaseee”
“y/n you gotta pick dare or its not fun”
and you’re laughing and about to give in and ask for a dare when you look to Mingi and he’s making big eyes at you
you cock an eyebrow at him and he leans over to tell you what the guys were planning
your eyes go wide and the other guys are like “MINGI YOU TATTLED DIDNT YOU”
so you turn your head and peck Mingi on the lips in front of everyone
chorus of “oh my god” “woah” and other things
“Sorry, Yunho” but he just shrugs like “it’s cool, Id rather you be with one of us than someone random. even if its not me”
Mingi is smiling again and thats all that matters really and he snuggles you for the rest of the game
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Wooyoung is pretty well-attuned to things that happen around you
always watching you out of the corner of his eye like a stalker
it’s just cuz he loves you tho
so he notices Mingi hitting on you pretty much immediately
honestly finds it kind of amusing for a little bit
but then little things come up in his memory
fans saying that he was too short for you and that you’d be better with someone else
gets down on himself really fast thinking about that kind of stuff
still watching you and Mingi talking
wants to walk over there and hang all over you until Mingi gets the point
so that is exactly what he does
waddles over and slings his arms around your waist
head on your shoulder
kisses your neck and you squeal because MINGI IS RIGHT THERE I MEAN SERIOUSLY WOOYOUNG
and Mingi kind of laughs it off but he’s a little sad bc he liked you ya know
after Mingi goes away you hit Wooyoung softly on the shoulder and tell him to go talk to Mingi and apologize or something
He agrees but he’s like “you have to give me cuddles afterwards”
who could say no to that? couldn't be me
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Okay so you and Jongho are coming back from a group dinner and he sat in the front while you crammed in the backseat with WooSan
halfway through the car ride home, you fall asleep and your head flops onto San’s shoulder
he’s immediately giddy about his crush sleeping on him like his dreams are coming true
Jongho’s like “imma break your dreams like my apples bro”
Woo is giggling because San is being so soft for you and stroking your hair and everything 
Jongho just kinda watches in the rearview as San takes pictures and stuff
But Jongho just purses his lips and tries his best not to say anything
the last straw that finally breaks Jongho’s resolve is when he catches San pressing a kiss to the top of your head
“Hyung, please don't kiss them in front of their boyfriend”
San and Wooyoung look at each other like “are you the boyfriend”
they look at the driver “is he the boyfriend?”
and then their two collective brain cells join together and are like “JONGHO IS THE BOYFRIEND”
San is a little sad but his happiness at the maknae finding love is more prevalent
They start squealing and demanding details about your relationship
“when did this start” “why didn't you tell us” “did you tell your parents”
Jongho just smiles to himself as they throw questions at him
then you wake up and slap San on the boob for waking you up and then flick Wooyoung for being noisy too lmao
Jongho smiles at you and when you get back to the dorms, he gives you a smooch right where everyone can see (because he can do that now)
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
1) ice skating dates! i like Shouto not knowing how to skate so Izuku shows him and the reverse as well! 2) As pro heroes they leave dumb hints on the internet about their relationship! like really dumb though. Shouto just has a social media account that's called Pro_Hero_Deku's_Husband and just posts candid pictures of Izuku. everyone thinks the user is a crazy stalker, but its just Shouto. 3) in highschool Shouto would be taller for kisses, but then when they get older Izuku is the taller one
(I am going to post several of the messages I have received together! Thank you for sending them in! These made me very happy!)
ultragayturtlepride said:
this isn't really tododeku BUT i think is a funny thought. Shouto is actually left handed but learned to write with his right hand just to spite his father. okay back to Tododeku. I've always had this idea (and i might have said this already i don't know) Izuku accidentally confesses to Shouto by writing something about him in his analysis journal then one day Shouto asks to look at what Izuku wrote about him to see what he needs to improve 1/2
2/2 Shouto looks through it to see what he needs to improve on. Izuku has forgotten what he wrote and when they study together (or Shouto looks through it alone) he sees what was written about him. blushes, fluff, mumbling words, and a proper confession follow
Izuku and Shouto have had many dates at Dagobah Beach. I like to think that if one of them proposed in a proper way it would be there. If they didn't get engaged there, it would be either in the middle of a battle when they think their going to die, or when Izuku is in the hospital (Izuku proposes only in this situation) after a life threatening battle
@da-crazy-fangirl said:
1. Todoroki starts doing deku’s tie for him because he can’t do it very well himself, 2. Deku gets every freckle kissed every night (mom called freckles angel kisses), 3. Todoroki actually is able to boost dekus confidence, 4. The whole autism thing, deku helps todoroki understand emotions and empathy 5. Todoroki is massive emotional help for deku because of his hyper empathy, 6. Deku finds food that aren’t cold soba that todo will like the texture and temperature of for todoroki
Anonymous said:
Just gonna throw this out there - Tododeku as sleeping beauty. But the version where the “beauty” sleeps a hundred years and wakes up in a different world but falls in love with the prince who woke them up. The prince helps them with culture shock and also finds their great great nieces and nephews. (Honestly either one could be the “beauty”. Leaning more towards Shouto tho so he can balance out the sad of having his family gone with “fuck yeah my dads dead”)
Anonymous said:
I know we all talk about how much of a conspiracy theorist Todoroki is. But guess what? So is Midoryia. This is a hero fanatic that takes notes on his heroes and friends abilities and how they operate and you're telling me he doesn't come up with his own theories? That's why they are the ultimate power couple. They support one another's theories and everyone around them is at a lost
Anonymous said:
You know what I think about? That time Todoroki was deciding whether or not to use his fire during his fight with Bakugo, and just when he thinks he made a mistake in his previous match he hears Midoryia shouting “DONT GIVE UP” and just loses his shit. I mean yeah, at the end he still decided to not use it but like how’d you even hear Midoryia in that gigantic stadium where thousands of people are already screaming their heads off? This kid ended up crushing on his rival way too easily
Anonymous said:
I love how Shouto who appears calm cool and collected actually has zero chill like he heard All Might and Midoriya in the same sentence and decided that his rival (crush) was his faves secret child and that he was going to beat his rival (get his attention to show him how amazing he is) and then after they became friends he decided he was never going to leave his side ever again
Anonymous said:
Izuku having nightmares cause of what he's gone through and so he wakes up in the middle of the night and goes downstairs to make tea but Shouto is already down there cause he had a nightmare about Endeavor's abuse and the two of them are trying not to show they're upset so they can comfort their friend and it ends up with the two of them cuddling and crying together until they fall asleep for the rest of the class to find the next morning
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Katsuki are probably gonna intern with Shouto and Endeavor right? So I'm just imagining Izuku and Shouto flirting hardcore and Endeavor is like "my child and this kid?? wtf?!" and Katsuki is like "man you get used to it" and Endeavor wants to be FURIOUS with Shouto but can't cause then Izuku does something goofy or badass or anything at all and Shouto's entire face goes bright red and he smiles so fondly and softly and Endeavor is like "OH SHIT"
Anonymous said:
Vigilante quirkless Izuku who started at 14 when All Might said to give it up cause hes stubborn and was like imma prove you wrong and becomes pretty famous he runs into and possibly saves AM one night and AM was like "I should've just had you as my successor" and he takes Izuku under his wing then to train him (could also be tododeku cause Izuku fights alongside Shouto at some point or saves his life and tells him to fuck off and use his full power and Shouto falls in love right there)
Anonymous said:
Oooooo but its canon that Izuku is the one that Shouto smiles for and he just comes out and says it to all of 1a and Izuku is just so happy and flattered and in love when he realizes it and he gets all wide smiled and crinkly eyed and Shouto just falls in love even more
Anonymous said:
We don't see a lot of Toga and Todoroki confrontations when it comes to Deku in this fandom. I do have this fic in mind that Toga manages to steal Todoroki's blood cause she figured she could get close to Deku but Deku just automatically recognized that this wasnt his Todoroki. ALSO I'm pretty sure real Todoroki would be pissed if he found out how often Toga places herself ontop of Midoryia
Anonymous said:
During the whole Stain fight I figured Shoto didnt have the time to even notice. But when Izuku started showing off his moves in that class race after their internships, I loved his expression like, "omg how did I not process this beautiful site before me". Izuku comes in with a new suit, glowing neon green energy bolts surrounding him, his eyes also illuminate. And Shoto thinks about that a lot
Anonymous said:
Lmao Katsuki tryna get Shouto's attention about whatever and Shouto is just like "Izuku 😊💖" and Katsuki is like "STOP IGNORING ME" and Shouto is like "Izuku the wind really picked up huh? Kinda loud today?"
Anonymous said:
Izuku is teaching Shouto to cook and as you said has him peeling veggies at first right? So Shouto is like "I'm gonna be the best veggie peeler EVER" cause he wants to impress his man but he's too focused on Izuku and he cuts himself so he's all embarrassed and Izuku is like "OH NO SHOUTO ARE YOU OK" and so he cleans Shouto's cut and bandages it up and then he presses a small kiss to it and Shouto is DYING and Izuku is like "that's what my mom always does when I get hurt"
Anonymous said:
Shouto oversharing to Izuku during the Sports Festival and having Izuku see him as an equal and a rival and expecting him to be his best for no one but himself: "I really hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"
Anonymous said:
Shouto is like "You're my rival because you're All Might's successor!" and Izuku is like "Cool so you're one of my best friends now and how would you like to go to a date to kick some villain ass" and Shouto's like "......ok but next time we go on a date I get to choose and it's gonna be saving some asshole's life"
Anonymous said:
Sometimes (all the time) I think about how Izuku legit tore apart his body and broke half his bones just to help Shouto and show him he is way more than just endeavor and I AM SONBING RN 😭😭😭😭 WHAT DID WE DO TO GET 2 PURE BOYS FILLED WITH SO MUCH LOVE
Anonymous said:
Izuku and Shouto are each other's first kiss. Izuku googling how to kiss to make sure he does it right and even asking Katsuki (who he knew had kissed Kirishima at least once) for advice
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thoschei-rights · 5 years
Season 12 but The Master kept pretending to be O??
Basically self-indulgent Thoschei with a twist.
lots of typos bc?? i aint got time to go correct stuff yet? I will later?? 
So Spyfall is resolved, The Kasaavin are banished back to their realm and the Fam and Doctor are clueless as to the true mastermind, Barton taking the fall while the Master continues to pose ad O, having decided he’s enjoying the game of tricking her too much.
Perhaps among their texts they’ve grown close, or perhaps the brief time together in the outback led to events?? ;) But either way, he changes his mind mid plan and continues to act human.
Since he never leaves the message or has the confrontation in Paris, the doctor remains unaware of Gallifrey’s destruction. The fam wait off on asking their questions since she isn’t off with them.
Orphan 55 happens, and while the fam go do their shit, O stays with the Doctor bc admit it, she was like oh ;-; when everyone went to explore. My poor baby. So they hang out together before everything goes to shit, how cute?? Things get resolved, but with the revelation of one of earth’s potential fates, and the potential that the doctor lied about knowing, the fam decide to ask to know more about her. She shares what she believes its true at the time, being born on gallifrey and being a timelord, O looms in the background looking awkward bc he knows none of that is true and he feels horrible keeping the truth from her, it makes him as bad as the rest of the time lords- but he is selfish and he doesn’t want to stop what he’s doing, he’s started to really enjoy her company, its everything he’s ever wanted, every star.
And then it’s ruined when Yaz asks to see her own planet. Blissfully unaware of its destruction, she takes them, and so they’re right there with her when she sees, opens the doors to the rubble, the dying flames- and oh god. The fam are horrified, she’s horrified, O has to fake it, while being utterly glad those nasties are dead- maybe he gets to sneakily comfort hug her??? like she’s trying not to tear up even after that whole shit show of the confession dial, it was her home??so yeah he’s like hugging her but he’s so angry bc they dont deserve her tears?? 
The doctor is off after that, and the fam know why, and none of their words of comfort do much, because sure they’ve just witnessed the death of earth too but that is just one timeline, can be completely avoided, while gallifrey is gone forever, and she believes she’s once more the last of her kind. it hurts.
they visit tesla all the same, and when that big ass scorpion looking alien (bc im sorry i didnt like the episode and i’ve forgotten her name so....) mentions dead planets, she can feel the fam stiffen, as though the doctor is gonna blow at any minute, but she keeps calm, tries to bury the rage, but O can tell, can tell by the way her arms shake, hands clenched into fists in her pockets- and it hurts him to see her like this- the longer he spends around her, pretending to be someone he’s not, he’s just realizing more and more what a dumbass he is and that he’s still as in love with her now than he was all those years ago in the academy- none of the truth will change that-
and then boom the shit show with the judoon occurs and suddenly O is confused af because that Lee guy could ONLY have been him. Who else on gallifrey was stupid enough to hide out with the doctor, marry them and die for them?? him because he’s a dumbass? but he’s a dumbass who definitely doesnt remember this memories?? which theoretically in the doctors timeline should have been sometime after the division? or during? he’s not sure? but to his knowledge he shouldn’t have been alive at this stage? and now he’s not sure what the fuck HIS own life is too? did they take his memories from him too? has he lost part of his life? suddenly the truth doesnt seem as known as he thought- so while the doctor is reeling from the information of Ruth being her somehow? O is having his own mental crisis because what the fuck did they do to him too? what is he missing?? 
praxeus continues as similar as it did originally, O is only the tiniest impressed at Yaz, ever since Spyfall he’d sensed she was the human with the most potential to not be utterly worthless so he’s glad at least one of the doctors latest pets seems to have some initiative?? but yeah i dont wanna change much about praxeus? its not important- except the doctor saying she’s a romantic and the master wants that? wait what- he’s conflicted about his own thoughts? he wanted to break her, destroy her with the truth? but he also just wants to wrap her in his arms? make everything as okay as he can? what the fuck is even happening with him? jsut your usual ‘im a mess’ vibes lmao
when can you hear me? rolls around, it happens in a similar way, i dont wanna get to into it because i dont wanna think too much...the episode was weird, it was just weird-- i cant?? although maybe bc that zellin and the lady whose name i forgot...but they were immortal right?? maybe their species is the doctors species?? huh? huh? think about that- but don’t think too hard bc i hate that theory and i’m gonna pretend i never had that thought- lets just ignore can you hear me even though the end made me cry for yaz bc lol relatable sis, relatable. do whatever you want for this bit fam, idc.
Anyyyyyway. the bit I’m waiting for... Villa Diodati ;) O is ready to smack Byron round the face, fingers itching towards the tce everytime he tries to flirt with the doctor. the lone cyberman appears and wopdie doo earth is going to be destroyed and the doctor is about to do something stupid, thinking there is no other way? the master is like um lol change of plans i dont want the cybermen to win, look how in pain my baby theta is?? i gotta help?? oof? and idk, his patience is like nope all gone? and he whips out his TCE on the lone cyberman and boom. crisis averted? except now the doctor is looking at him in horror and shock and- she realizes who he is then and there, and normally he’d made a big drama out of his, throw in some words, a speech about how easy it was to deceive her, how he destroyed gallifrey- about how he was under her nose this whole time- but he doesn’t, instead he meets her gaze and can barely manage to whisper an “im sorry” and wow shit i wasn’t gonna write that version, i was gonna have feral confrontation but now im stanning a sad master who just needs a hug and some therapy because nothing makes sense, he thought he had everything figured out but he doesnt and he just wANTS HIS FRIEND BACK uiferkghlujkfaghjfkgladhfajkg; i m fine 
i dont know what i wanna do after this point? it could go a lot of different ways?? but thoschei rights bitches. could go angst confrontation and then she abandons him in whatever century that was set bc wow i studied frankenstein in school but i couldnt tell you what century the author is from bc im dumb? 18th? maybe idk that seems likely? or 19th? but anyway yeah or maybe she’s just relieved someone else is alive? or is she shouting for answers or?? i dunno.... but woop ??? 
wow this turned into a big mess but hopefully you can kinda see where i wanna head with things? after this he’d probably show her the truth? i dunno how that’d go down, but he’d be there with her?? But anyway, this idea is free for anyone to write, but holla us a link and I'll give yall a free promo at the end of this post!!
Versions of this that yall Lovelies have blessed us with:
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
Frobi selfship headcannons
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shigabi, tenfro, fronaka, frobishima, inuobi, frokuto, aobi, frotani, fromi, ushibi, frobinoya, katsubi hcs
a/n: sorry for these long ass headcanons, i hope yall enjoy them tho?? also sorry for the reoccurring mention of my terrible paranoia </3 im going through a hard time w it rn, pls excuse me
reblogs on selfship posts are super appreciated!
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video games
i am his baby! he has a soft spot for me :3
lets me sit in his lap while he plays video games
hc that shigaraki is a twitch streamer instead of a villain and he streams with me on his lap
messy hair, black headset, pajama pants and a black hoodie vs pink tank top, white skirt, pink bows and a fuzzy blanket
we own cats named wario and waluigi >:3
we play ow and animal crossing together
he plays shooters and horror games while i play otome games and rhythm games
watching happy feet and cuddling, lets me lay between his legs as he plays with my hair
calls me brat and baby
cooks me seafood
some days i want him to baby me, other days we go run around at 4am
teases me bc of my height, leanes down to give me kisses
randomly tugs on my hair and pretends he didnt do it throught the day
i kick his ugly ass ankles /j
baking, cuddling, horror movies and videos games 24/7
both bullied so we confine in each other and comfrt the other well
hes very caring so he always checks in, even when i seem fine
notices my mood changes
"do you need a hug?" and just hugs me bc he knows i do
he likes to rest his head on my chest when he rants to me
booping noses and interlocked hands ♡
ushijima gives us rides everywhere
their manager, so i have to make sure tendou does well
the other team members are happy im dating tendou, especially ushijima
sitting with tendou on the bus to their matches
kisses and hugs after every match and practice match
lets me wear his jersey bc he hates when other guys look at me
one time terushima tried to flirt w me and he made ushi scare him away
hand on ass always.
tries to fight any guy that even comes near me
me, ryu and noya, the trio !
walks me to class with his arm around my waist
basically bestfriends to lovers so we spemd all our time together like we did before we were dating
still a slight kiyoko simp but lmao so am i, we admire her beauty together
brags to the team about me, telling them random things about me
"frobis favorite food are clams!" crosses gis arms proudly
"ryuu, you dumbass" insert me slapping the back of his bald head
saeko teasing him and telling him to treat me well
says "hey bae" and probably uses the devil emoji ajxjzjx
plays with my hair, he loves my curls :D
we prolly have a dog, small dog bc ooi dogs scary,, D:
always has an arm around me
denki bestie af !
also one that i can relate to so we can share our experiences and comfort each other
top kin so we get along very well and have alot of the same interests
movie nights w/ the bakusquad
cuddling kiri the whole time and making the rest of them feel single
he likes to pinch my shoulder to get my attention
big smiles and playful biting :D
he probably has alot of my clothes left at his house bc i like wearing his shirts
insert kiri cooking while i back hug him <3
likes to princess carry me, and carries me when im sleepy
thigh kisses bc he loves them alot <3
best an comforting, sings me to sleepy and helps me when i have really bad paranoia </3
true loml
walk to school together everyday
sometimes we race
brings me a breakfast bar, sometimes his mom makes me a morning snack too
little pecks and hand holding
we're like two energetic puppies in a relationship
i always attend his games and cheer for him and the boys
insert kuroo, tora, kenma, and kai acting like my dads
me and inu doing puppy eyes for little spoon, he usually gives in and takes big spoon
lots compliments and blushing
"inu, y-you look cute today"
"frobi, you look s-stunning"
comfort buddies!
convinces the coach to let me ride on the bus with them to tournaments
sleppys babies on the back of the bus
members have pictures of us sleeping
sharing a blanket that kai gave to us bc the bus was cold and sharing a scarf that inuoka bought me for winter
if hes sad, im sad :( if im sad, hes sad :(((
my energy beam, my number one, my ace 🥺
he loves to hold my small hands in his big ones, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb
he'd walk around at tournaments, big star bo with his tiny cute girlfriend
saru, komi, and konoha give me headpats
bo pouts because they didnt guve him head pats
many pats for the ace!! :D
during lunch i hang w him and akaashi, akaashi having to deal w me and bos shenanigans
lowkey, we probably bring him stress
me and bo go on night time adventures, he drives us <3
brings home ramen after a long day of practice
when hes sad he cries into my chest and i play with his hair
"its okay bo, your still my ace" kisses and more kisses and more kisses
he loves to hold my thumbs and kiss my wrists
always looks for me when he has a match, sees me cheering the loudest for him <3
hes my baby, he'll smiles at me and ill cry
he lets me talk about my interests and day, i let him talk about his
loves to be supportive, my shoulder to lean on
we take public transportation after school to get to our house
he lets me lean against him and sleep, tired from a long day, he'll wrap his large arm around me
he opened up after a while and smiles more, sometimes he'll lightly giggle, one time i made him laugh for 5 whole mins
hes so golden in my eyes, lake dates, he likes to just walk with me
treats me to food whenever we go out
i help him be more open and push him to be himself, but i respect his boundaries !!!
if he feels uncomfortable he'll poke my back gently
i take him away from the uncomfortable situation and ask what was wrong so that it doesnt happen again
people ask why im dating him bc hes "scary"
my response is a punch to the face
jkjk, its none of their business why, but its bc hes very sweet and kind hearted, who couldn't love an angel like my nobu? :]
complicated hc?? i have like two ways it could go, my top is def still me being a shiratorizawa girl bc lmao canon !!
met him through levy, (@bigger-simp-than-kazuichi) aoba johsais manager
she introduced me to her besyies, kyo and yahaba
"hey, you're the one they call mad dog?" he hates that now but responds with "yes, im mad dog."
levy invites me to alot of their events if im not busy, lowkey oikawa is salty bc im shiratorizawas manager
kyotani stays at my side, we talk about our days and his live for volleyball
we exchange numbers and he messages me at night, we have hour long conversations till one of us falls asleep
late night calls, he just grumbles and scoffs at anything i say and he just waits for me to sleep before hanging up
confesses to me at a match infront of my team, i just kissed him in response
he visits me whenever he can, and brings me food and gifts
imagine aoba johsai vs shiratorizawa, rip kyo lmao ushi get his ass /j
kyotani likes to hold mt hands and wrap my in his jacket and scarf
barks at anyone who bothers me, loves when i sit on his lap btw
komi will pick me up over his shoulder and drag me to the room when he wants cuddles
loves horror movies, horror movie marathons any time of the year
he likes and kiss my jaw and hold my thumbs
calls me short when he's not that much taller than me
we curse at each other every 5 minutes
insert sarukui climbing through our windows atleast once a month to have a movie marathon with us
komi likes to slap my head
we probably play fight all the time, definently turns into something more intense
akaashi and konoha break us up and me and komi will be confused
"whats wrong? We were just playing"
"yall were strangling each other"
"we're fineee~"
chaotic, we always look like were fighting or arguing
"fuck you, i hate you" "fuck you too bitch"
holds hands and deep kisses the next second
akaashi lowkey hates dealing with us, bokuto loves us skxj
shira and hayato convinced me to join at their manager
the original shiratorizawa manager, ceo of the company 😎
they introduced me to the team, and they took a liking to me
ushijima was by my side alot, helped me with my job and carrying thing especially
he was so kind and even spoke to me, asked if i ate, if i slept well, if i needed anything
didn't realize it was different from what he normally was like until tendou asked about it
one time ushi was walking me home and i asked him about it, but he was definently confused
"i, guess so. your attractive and have a good personality. i would date you."
hes so blunt, awkwardly blunt
so we,, started dating, and now he really never leaves my side
i got haterz bc im THE ushiwakas bby girl 🙈
gives me headpats and kisses before everymatch
lets me wear his team jacket, huge on my small figure
he enjoys our height difference, he thinks i look cute when i look up at him :3
teaches me how to play volleyball, even smiles when i land a good serve
patches me up whenever i get hurt, slight frown if i ever fall
hes,, kinda fatherly? a person w no dad calling someone fatherly sjcjxj lmao 🙈🙈
nurturing and caring, ushi i will kiss you, probably calls me by my full name, fro, manager, baby, and sometimes even brat
hes woke, i just know it
all the characters prolly woke but hes woke asf!!
we run around, literally our whole relationship is mainly just running around and being wild
arcade hangouts after school/practice
he loves arcade games so much, and so do i
we take off guard pictures of each other, also chaotic and blurry pictures
he'll kick me in the butt, que me chasing him till i run out of breath
he likes to support my interests, loves to watch me practice dancing
we wear cat ears and maid outfits and take pictures in his room at like 5am when the sun rises
videos of us kissing and cuddling in his gallery
posts on insta to make ryuu jealous
buys me cute skirts bc he knows i love to look pretty for him !!
im his pretty kitty ♡♡
likes to call me his girly~ and his serotonin
holds my hand whenever im feeling sad and strokes my cheek with his thumb
lowkey has a good voice, sings heather to me while he nuzzles his nose into my jaw
random kisses throughout the day
pinky holding bc he likes my small hands
leans over me when he wants a kiss
gets teased by the squad and just endures it bc he likes the way i giggle when they do
head pats ! lots :3
likes to show off infront of class 1-b by holding me close and kissing me
brings me lunches he cooked and likes to feed me
always finds an excuse to be on my team for training or being my training buddy
barks at anyone who tries to train with me /j
walking me to school and home, even brings me over
mitsuki loves it whenever i come over and makes cookies when i do
katsuki helps her make the cookies D: so precious
never kisses infront of his parents bc he doesnt want to deal with their teasing and nagging
sings ballads, will sing me to sleep, probably listens to rap and rnb, some rock, but will sing me some khalid since he knows i love him
probably sung me "can i be him" one night when my paranoia got bad <//3
i laid on his chest and he ran his fingertips up and down my back, singing softly to me until i fell asleep
forehead kiss before he drifted to sleep as well, katsuuuu :( <3
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@kekozume @nekosvno
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transbibennyweir · 4 years
I love mbav so much it’s one of my favorite shows ever and I’m still so upset over the cliffhanger ending but on a side note Benny weir was definitely my number one favorite character but that might be due to the fact that I have a crush on him and in real life too anyway though I will say bethan is definitely my otp favorite pairing from the show as well and I was so upset they didn’t end together in the end but I was wondering if you would consider making Bethan fanfiction for this month?
duuude i feel the same way i love the show and even me who isn’t really into shipping can’t argue that those two had some real chemistry going on. that cliffhanger ending will always suck but at least we got fanfic to cope and pretend it didnt happen lol but yeah i’ve been writing two or three (really) short fics. the requests are mostly bethan so lucky you! i just put a new i did under the cut. its short and smiple and not too over the top shippy. its still good i think but the next bethan fic i want write to be super over the top shippy for fun with fluff (and angst with comfort ofc) (also this is on ao3)
The Valentine Dance at school was only a week away and Benny had the less than amazing plan to confess some long time dwelling feelings, and if he was lucky score a date to the dance. Although, he was lacking in any confidence seeing as he was never the best with plans and had the worst luck with... Well with everything if he was honest. Ethan was more the plan guy. Which was a total problem when Ethan is who the confession was for. Benny debated for half the school day if he should ask anyone for help, it became pretty obvious that they wouldn’t be that helpful. Rory can’t keep a secret to save his undead life, Erica isn’t much of the romantic type (ignoring that she wouldn’t want help at all in the first place), and Sarah... Actually Sarah might be the only one that would be any real help. That’s if she wanted to help. After what happened Freshman year with Ethan pinning for her and the eventual coming out from Sarah that she didn’t like guys it was sometimes amazing they could still be friends without one of them dying of awkwardness. If anything it was more awkward to ask for help from your current crush’s ex-crush, but Benny was out of options.
“Hey Sarah!” Benny greeted on his phone, his leg bouncing as he sat nervously on his bed. He had decided that he would try talk to her after school, partly hoping he would talk himself out of doing any of this. “I kinda need your help for something important. How quick do you think you could be at my place tonight? Sarah? Sarah!”
When there wasn’t a reply Benny repeated her name wondering what happened followed with a moment of silence and a sudden swiping sound of gusting wind through his phone then a whoosh out in front of his bedroom window. Vampire speed, always handy. “This quick enough for you?” Sarah giggled. Between last year to now Sarah was a lot more playful about her vampire-ness, much to the amusement of Benny.
“Knew I could count on you, Sar!” He grinned at her.
“As always. So, what’s this super important thing you needed my help in the middle of a school night?” She asked, jumping onto his bed with a weightless thump. “Is it a magic problem or just your special brand of weirdness for tonight?”
“Ha! Very funny. I mean it. It’s serious. There’s the dance coming up and I need your help scoring with-” Benny was cut off by Sarah abruptly standing up with a squeaked out “What!”
“Benny! I thought you said this was serious. I rushed over here for you thinking ugh-I can’t believe you! I am not helping you with ‘score’ with some random-”
“It’s Ethan.”
“Benny, I am really sorry.”
There was an awkward silence that made Benny want rip his insides out which was a total confidence booster. “Nah, no, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have been so ‘Benny’ about it. My fault.” Benny’s voice sounded worn and hoarse. Sarah wrapped her arms around Benny to comfort him, sitting back on his bed they stayed quite, Benny taking steading breathes. “I know it’s been a summer since he got over you, but I dunno we’ve always been friends and really close. Confident Benny wants say there’s a chance he’s into me, but Nervous Benny says everything I think has been a sign is just me getting way too hopeful and I’m just,” Benny sighed leaning into Sarah’s hug. “Really tired dancing around how I feel all the time.”
“Awe, Benny,” Sarah settled into her place on the bed facing her favorite spell-caster. “Okay. I’ll help you. What’s the plan?” Benny sheepishly smiled and raised his shoulders.
“I was kinda hoping you could come up with something. I’m more of a plan follower than a plan maker. My ideas tend to lead to the actual problem that needs fixing.” He laughed nervously.
“I think I can come up with something. You still know that flower spell, right?” They grinned at each other.
“Of course.”
The school dance was now only four days away and Sarah’s plan was simple and more importantly fool-proof. Which is what Benny was counting on.
“So, all you need to do is talk to him. Take him to the park. Whoa him with some magic, some flowers and then boom! Ask him to the dance. Simple and sups romantic.” Sarah said as they walked outside to see Ethan and their friends waiting for them in the school parking lot. “Think you can manage?”
Benny waved at them nervously. “I’m totally going mess this up.”
“Ben, it’s literally the most straightforward plan on the planet. There’s no way for you to mess it up. Just be your usual funny and charming self, it’s what he loves most about you.” Sarah smiled reassuring. Reaching their friends Benny tried not act anymore strange than his typical self, which was hard when Benny’s go to was being strange. It came with the magic powers and general teenage boy awkwardness. Erica was pushing Rory back onto the ground as he tried to float above her head saying there was something in her hair, there wasn’t, really he just wanted steal her hair pin that he was obsessed with.
“Come on, Erica!” Rory teased picking at the clip.
“Rory, if you don’t stop I’m going drive a stake through your un-dead heart!” She threatened as Ethan laughed before turning his attention to Benny and Sarah.
“Hey, Sarah, Ben.” He smiled sweetly, his eyes glancing at Benny with a sheepish blush. Although the boy in question was too busy freaking out internally to notice. “We still on for movie night?”
“Oh right!” Sarah said suddenly with a false quickness. “I totally forgot that’s tonight. Me and the vamps have some Vampire Council business and such. Y’know, vampires only. Heh.” She lied poorly but Ethan was just a little too slow to catch on.
“We do?” The two other vampires said holding off on their mini fight over a hair clip, Erica holding onto both Rory’s wrists in opposing directions. Erica watched the panic in Sarah and Benny’s eyes that said all she needed to know; ‘please just pay along’ written all over their faces. “Oooh. Yes-yeah. We do. Totally. No humans allowed or they will eat your face off. We’re doing a... vampire... ritual.... Yeah.”
“We do that? Awesome!” Rory said suddenly excited if not a little confused. “Why didn’t they tell me anything? Do you guys have their number or something because if so I feel it’s unfair that I don’t-”
“Rory, not right now.” Erica pulled her hair clip out of Rory’s hand, annoyed. “We should get going. Don’t want be late for the... ritual. Right, Sarah?”
“Right! Yeah, we really need get going. Super speed can only be so quick. Let’s go.” Sarah chuckled, pushing two of her friends away from Ethan and Benny. “We’ll see you later!” The three vamps speeded off, the other two waving them bye. The school parking lot was empty by then, Ethan’s full attention placed fully on Benny who felt the crushing weight of his friend’s eyes on him as he always did when they were alone. It was easy to play off any pining feelings when they hung out, their friendship had always been enough for Benny. Even when he had see Ethan longing after a different person, it was hard sometimes, but Benny could always push down any budding jealously or unsettling sadness. Ethan would always be his friend and now if he was lucky he could put boy in front of friend. The thought making his cheeks warm and his heart fast.
“Soo, movie night?” Ethan asked, they started their walk home only instead Benny had planned to take a subtle left turn towards the park the spell for appearing flowers repeating in his head.
“Actually I was thinking we could, uh, go for a walk... to the park?” Benny flinched with the odd expectation that his friend would suddenly reject him right there and then. “I have something I want show you, I dunno. Is that dumb? I feel dumb.”
“Benny. It’s cool. Come on, I kinda wanted tell you something anyways.” Ethan replied with a smile, his hand close to gracing against the taller boy’s. The near touch drawing them closer to each other, they’ve always gravitated towards one another with a strange pull that was always between them. Benny wondered if Ethan ever felt it, if he could ever see how Benny looked at him with such love and care. Maybe his seer powers let him see it more clearly than Benny felt it, lucky him Ethan still didn’t fully know how mind read yet.
The start of their walk was mostly silent, the longer the quite went for the more Benny’s internal freak out grew into full blown panic. He was seriously reconsidering saying anything at this point. Half way to the park and they hadn’t said a single word to each other, a first for their friendship. Ethan was biting his lower lip clearly lost in deep thought, Benny was too nervous to speak and break into whatever was going through the shorter boy’s head.
“Ben... Benny, heh, uh, I’ve been wanting to say this for awhile and I didn’t know how and I know you’re you know... You.” Ethan started. None of his words were comforting to Benny right now. “Wait-wait. That came out weird. I just wanted say when we came out to each other last summer. I know I acted really weird afterwards and it was totally uncool of me and I know I should’ve said sorry forever ago, but I’m real sorry, Ben. It was lame of me and I only acted like that because there some feelings I didn’t think I was ready to think about and now it’s like my brain is stuck thinking them but I don’t want things weird so, uh, am I making any sense?”
Benny didn’t know if he should laugh or cry, he went with the former and abruptly began to giggle in a almost soft of manic way. The sudden out bust of laugher worried Ethan. “Why are you laughing? Benny, I’m being serious. Come on, dude.”
“Sorry, dude. It’s just, you really scared me there for a second, E. I know it was a weird shift it’s totally fine. I was never mad.” Benny said, his laughter subsiding. Although he took note of the last bit, he didn’t want feel like he was reading too much into it but it couldn’t nothing, right?
They reached the park a few yards off where there was a bench was waiting for them. The lump in Benny’s throat was starting appear and it was getting too late for him to choke and bail on this whole thing. “Let’s go sit on the bench. It’s my turn to ramble and make barely any sense.”
“So nothing new.” Ethan teased. Ben wrapped his arm around Ethan’s neck and ruffled his hair.
“Yeah, yeah. Just sit down, okay?” Benny sat down with a nervous smile and his leg bouncing with a quick uneasy pace. “On the topic of us not being the straightest lightsabers in the bunch. Heh. There’s the dance coming up and I didn’t want go alone and there’s this person I wanted ask-”
“Really?” Ethan butted in with a sad look making something clink in Benny’s head. “That’s... great. What’s he like?”
“Oh you know, he’s really cool and mega smart and like, the biggest dork in the whole world.” Benny was grinning now, biting his lower lip to fight back his nervous joy. Maybe it was petty but if he was understanding right then making Ethan jealous for two minutes would make up for last year’s Sarah obsession.
“Oh. Uh. He sounds really cool. I’m glad you like him so much. So, what’s the plan to ask him out?” Ethan asked, his mood becoming more downcast suddenly. E, you pretty idiot. Well, just a bit of teasing fun wouldn’t hurt.
“Mhm. Yeah, he’s really great. I was thinking of asking him after school, y’know, surprise him with some flowers use a little magic to make sure their his favorite. Like this,” Benny made a quick glance to make sure no one was looking before making a bouquet of flowers appear. It had been the first simple trick that Benny had ever show Ethan. It started as a cheesy way to impress girls now it was becoming a cheesy way to impress his Ethan. The flowers matched the color scheme of Ethan’s favorite Star Wars character, right down to matching the center one with the character’s lightsaber.
Ethan stared at the flowers with a shy sadness. “Oh? Then what? Explain to him vampires are real next? I’m sure that one will go over real great, Bens.”
“Maybe. I think he’d be freaked out at first, probably less than he should be but grow to think it was way kick ass. I think he’d do pretty awesome fighting some bloodsuckers. Bet he looks really hot staking one out. The same way I think he looks really hot when he plays video games and starts losing and sits on my lap-which is totally cheating by the way, but I let it slide because again total cutie. I want ask him to the dance, maybe after we could sneak out and-”
“Jeez, Benny. Stop it, okay. I get it.” Ethan stood up from his seat, covering his ears. “You must really like him. What’s his name?”
“Oh, I dunno it’s something like Ian? Eric? Wait! No, I remember it’s Ethan Morgan the dumbest yet prettiest boy in town. Only second to yours truly.” Benny grinned gaining more of a cool confidence as he saw the way Ethan’s blush grew dark across his face.
“Yeah ‘oh’ you dope! Who else could I have ever been talking about?! Han Solo?”
“First of all, I don’t know! And second, Han was totally gay for Luke but that’s for a different time.” Ethan said, glancing as an older couple walked past them.
“Wait, were you jealous? Like actually?”
“What! No way, I was not.” Ethan’s blush creeped up to his ears. “And anyways, it was totally not cool of you-”
“Then we’re even. Fair?” Benny leaned closer to Ethan, the flowers disappearing from between them. “Were the flowers too gay?”
Ethan leaned closer and bit his lip. “Bens, I don’t know how break this to you, but you’re like the gayest person in town.”
“Second to you.” He laughed before Ethan closed the gap between their lips catching him off guard. The small doubt that lingered in the back of his mind was put at ease as their lips fit together. “Sorry. I was really hoping I didn’t mess this up.” Benny tried not to giggle.
“Lucky you, your bad gay jokes and charm is what got me hooked on you in the first place.”
“Yeah, guess I am a catch. So... We’re on for the dance?”
“Yeah.” Ethan smiled holding Benny’s hands. “Yeah, Bens. We are.” They grinned at each other, hands clasped together and knees touching.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Artie falls in love with you / Arthur Fleck short story
Disclaimer: Suicidal thoughts, sex, drunk Arthur, romantic, sweet
“How...how many kisses?“
Arthur was lying on the couch, burying his face in the pillow. The two of you went out on a date for the third time today and you were truly in love with him.
“Just tell me sweetheart, how many?“ He mumbled. The couple glasses of wine werent a good idea considering that he was on his medication and was never really drunk before. You felt kinda bad about his condition right now. But you really tried to get him out of his apartment and did choose a good restaurant to finally get him to eat something. He never ate propery and looked kinda starved. Also a side effect of his meds. You felt good, watching him eating half a plate today, so you ordered some wine,too.
You kneed in front of the couch to made sure he's comfortable, petting his soft, sweaty curls “What do you mean?“
He smirked at you “How many smoochies will I get from you tonight?“ His face lighted up looking at you. His childlike grin made your knees weak every time.
You kept on playin with his hair “Many,Arthur.“
“But how much?“
He tried to get up and kiss you on the cheek, making kissing noises and almost fell from the couch “Oooops“ he buried his face in your neck “I almost fell. Good thing I fell in your arms,huh?“ His breath felt hot against your skin. The smell of his hair felt like home. “Yeah Arthur, I'm afraid you're a bit drunk.“
Arthurs smile grew even more “I'm not drunk. I just love you so much and need to know how many?“ A sloppy kiss on the corner of your lips.
He sunk back into his pillow “Wow, thats a lot!“
You took the blankets and covered him with it “Just try to get some sleep,okay? You will get all the kisses when you're sober again“.
He crawled up under the sheets, his beautiful face lookin slightly weathered. “Hey (YN) wanna hear a Joke? “
“So this man comes into an libary“ he chuckles in his pillow already.
"...and asks for a book on how to commit suicide.
And the libarian said  Fuck off, you won`t bring it back"
He can`t help but laugh about his own joke. His dark homor said more about himself than you wanted to admit but you were very drawn to his view of things. He always seemed to feel everything with an intensivity you have never seen on someone else before. Eighter if he was happy or sad. When you met him he told you he never felt happy in his whole life but you felt like it changed dramatically since you dated. Knowing that he was all alone by himself, expect from living with his mother his whole life still breaks your heart. Never have you met someone more caring. He loves to make late night conversations while cuddeling up under the blankets, about everything that was going on in his head. Sometimes he had troubles explaining what he was trying to say but you loved his way of observing things around him. He payed attention wo every datail. You admired him, which he couldnt understand. He loved to be seen and he loved that you listened to him carefully. But he still wasnt sure why you loved him so much. You guess he wasnt used to this kind of attantion.
"Thats a good one,Arthur!"
He was getting sleepy "Yeah... you know what (YN) there are many more jokes in my journal, you know? I want you to read it. "
"The jokes?"
"The whole thing"
His eyes got heavier now.
"There are not only jokes in it" his eyes tried to focus on you "I was writing about you,too.I want you to read it"
Your hand slit under the blanket to caress his chest "About me? Really?"
"Yeah" the scar on his upper lip liftet when he did that smirk and it always made you blush. He even managed to make you blush while lying drunk on the couch. You felt kinda bad by getting turned on seeing him in this condition.
"I dont know Arthur, I feel like this is kinda personal. I dont want to disturb your privacy by reading your journal.
"Just do it!"
"Artie, you`re drunk. What if you dont want me to read it anymore in the morning?"
He was leaning  over to give you sloppy kisses again "Thats why I want you to read it now." He was pointing his finger at you "Hey, wanna hear another one?"
You gave him a soft kiss on his forehead "Get some sleep, Arthur. You need to rest now"
He falls back into the pillow and falls asleep with a smile on his face.
After you made sure he fell asleep you looked at his diary. He really said he wanted you to read it. And that he wrote about you.
You werent sure if you should take a look. This felt so personal. On the other hand... You were more than curious about what he might thought of you. You just started dating and had your first kiss some days ago. He was a really good kisser. You guessed he didnt really knew what to do at first but he was so emotionally involved. He seemed to soak up every second of the moment. Like he really wanted this. He was right there in the moment with you, which you loved.After the kiss he confessed that he never was with a woman before and you think he was a bit ashamed about it. But he still wanted you to know. You didnt mind. You thought it was cute actually. And you wanted nothing more than being his first. You would love him all night. Like he deserved to be loved.
Another stare at his diary. You put my hands on the cover. Arthur Fleck case number 064823. Sure he had some problems. But you wanted the both of you  to figure them out together. You wanted to hold his hand when he was in the waiting room to attent his appointments. You still werent sure what the exact diagnose was. You didnt wanted to upset him by asking too much about it. But you knew that he took anti depressants and anti psychotics.
You opened the first page of his diary. Some jokes, really dark ones. Mostly about death.
You turned the pages. Observations about homeless people. More dark jokes. Sad thoughts about being left alone.  You didnt really read all of it cuz it still felt like you were disturbing his privacy. So you tried to find the pages which are written about you and searched for your name to pop up and there is was.
Your name was written in big, red letters that looed like lipstick. With a big smiley. Your heart jumped out of my chest when you saw it. There was something so cute about it and you imagined him drawing this the night, after you met.
You took a deep breath and started to read as your hands were shaking.
"Today I met the sweetest girl. She was new in my neighborhood and seemed to be different from all those aweful bricks here in Gotham. She has a nice smile. An authentic one. Not like my own smile, which is never authentic for so many reasons. I dont even know what a real smile is. But when I saw her , I smiled and for the first time in my entire life  it felt like a real smile.
So she had those big packages to carry and i was just standing there, staring at her and suddenly she asked me for help. I was never been asked for help before. People tend to ignore and avoid me a lot. So I was very pleased to help her with her packages. We got into an conversation and I told her a joke. And she was laughing. I love it when people laugh at my jokes. I mean, I wanna do stand up comedy so bad. I need people to think that I`m funny. And I know I am. ---smiley face---
Anyway, I felt like finally someone sees me. The next day she came up to me when I was about to get to th pharmacy and she asked me out on a date. I couldnt belive it at first. I have never been on a date before. I was kinda nerveaus. Why would a beautiful, young woman like she is go out with me?
Of course I said yes.
I was dreaming about this for so long. Maybe she could be my girlsfriend. This would be a dream come true. I already told her that I have some issues, because she asked me why I was going to the city and I didnt thought twice and told her I have to buy my anti psychotics. I know that this wasnt a good move but it seems like it didnt scare her away. Well, she doesnt know how bad it really is by now.
I really hope that this time she is real and I`m not having visions or daydreams again.
Sometimes its hard to tell.
Some days I even think the meds make it even worse. But at the same time I am afraid to go off my meds. I did it once and I did some bad shit. I even ended up in Arkham for a very long time. Which wasnt that bad really.
Sometimes I think I felt better when I was locked up.
Not being able to leave my room, being with my thoughts all day, drifting away in daydreams gives me comfort. Its like ignoring the cold, dark world outside. The world doesnt care about me anyway. So why should I? The sad thing is, I still do care. I thought about ending my own life so amny times. Almost every day. But I never really tried it. Its just a game I play with myself.
How long? How long until it is not a game anymore?
How long till I have the guts to do it?
Oh man, I`m drifting away again. I wanted to talk about the GIRL!!!
She`s gorgeous. Just gorgeous.
I wish I could kiss her. I`m 35 and I hadnt had my first kiss yet. Its TIME!
I tried it once with this girls from scool i was in love with but I got so nerveaus that I started to laugh at her face and she thought I was laughing at her. Yeah well... she ended up punching me in the face and I never tried it ever since.
But I dreamed about it a lot. How would it feel to have someones lips pressed against yours? Softly and intense. To taste someones tongue in your mouth, to just melt into each other.I would never stop. I feel like a kiss is a connection on a higher level and I really wanna experience it with someone.
I got some other fantasies,too.
They`re pretty dirty and I dont feel like I can talk about them right now.
So i`m gonna quit writing for today and hope that the girl isnt already sick of me.
You turned the page and took a look at Arthur. He was humming in his sleep. Looking peaceful. All the words in his diary overwhelmed you up to a point where you didnt know what to think anymore. You hoped he enjoyed his first kiss. You really hoped your kiss was worth the wait.
The next page was just black scribbles all over the pages. Little drawings of people and cats. A lot of cats.
The next page was written on again.
"Today I woke up and wanted to die. I don`t even know why. It was just a gut feeling. I was miserable andthe darkness was caving in on me. But then I thought about the girls I just met and that she really seemed to like me. So I decited not to kill myself. Not today."
You thought about putting the diary aside. This was a lil too much for you. You didnt knew he was in such a dark place mentally. You were kinda scared but  couldnt stop reading eighter.
"So...I remembered her kiss, my first kiss and this memory was so strong. I am sure it wasnt just imagined. This time I am sure it was real. It has to be. I wanted to distract myself from suicidal thoughts and started to touch myself while thinking of her. Maybe I should write her a love letter. Or bring her flowers. Or both. I think I`ll do both. Anyway, I touched myself while thinking about sleeping with her and I finally felt something again. I tried so many times but my meds wouldnt let me cum. It barely happens. Thinking about her kiss, her hands in my hair, on my thights, between my legs.... and her sweet voice on my ear helped me a lot. I felt passion and  love and  I came so hard, you wouldnt even wanna know. I hope Penny was asleep and didnt noticed anything. This would be embarrassing as hell. I surely made some noises.
I imagined that I took her hand and made her dance all through the living room to Frank Sinatra songs and we got closer and kissed. She told me how much she loved me and how much she wanted me. I held her face in my hands and kissed her so hard, all my make up smeared up on her beautiful face. I am always wearing clown make up in my sexual fantasies. It makes me more confident.  
She just grabbed me and took my clothes off, threw them all over the room, threw me on the bed and covered my body with kisses. I felt loved for the first time in my life and all I wanted was to be inside her. To wear her like a coat that keeps me warm. I imagined her being on top of me, whispering in my ear how much she wants me to fuck her.  And yeah I know in reality she would have dominated me for sure. But in my imagination I just got on top of her and made love to her till she was out of breath. I could almost feel her breath in my neck, feel her sweet, soft hands all over me. It was just so real.  I wish it was real.
Could it become real some day?
My body was reacting in a way I didnt even knew was possible before.
I want to expercience it again. With even more details.
I think i wil get back to bed and try it one more time.
And afterwards I will write her a letter. Or two.
I just wish she never leaves again."
Blank page
Another blank page.
You put the diary aside and got up on the couch.
You crawled up under his blanket and felt the warmth of his tiney, fragile body which you want to hold for the rest of your life.
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