#it is actually a crime we dont write them more
soulcluster · 2 months
continued from xx // @vampireslasher
With Eric, Lara could always be her full self. There was no need to hide the adventurous side of her that delved through uncharted territory and obsessed over puzzles. Similarly, there was no need to hide the glamorous lifestyle her wealth afforded her, even though it wasn't really her. Because in truth, she'd been raised with little, and grew up shooting and singing Monty Python like any other kid. Eric knew all of these sides and still only saw her. Only Lara.
And he saw her in ways only he could. She'd been to operas and live bands alike, but no one played like Eric, and no one looked at her the way he did. The music coming from his trumpet thrummed through her veins to a beat made only for them.
She met up with him backstage after the show, eager to show him her gratitude for such a performance, and then found herself receiving so much more.
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Lara stared in awe at the engagement ring and then her gaze lifted back to Eric's. "Yes..." she replied breathlessly, unaware she was even answering until the syllable fell from her lips. "Yes! Of course!" Lara wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her for a kiss.
There was no one else she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
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she-whatshername · 2 months
Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn’t ask for but voted for
We back!!!
Prompt: How they would apologize after an argument
Right to jail for this one lol
The crime: Keeping a secret from you and doubling down on his decision, leading to an argument
How he apologizes: He’s seriously conflicted about the apology. He doesn’t half ass anything and the fact that he’s apologizing for what he thinks is just trying to protect you tears him up inside a bit. You hear a knock at the door and when you open its Xaden with his hands on either side of the frame, head down and not looking you in the eyes. Eventually he lifts his head and you just see the internal anguish he’s going through because he wants to keep you safe but doesn’t know how to do that without keeping secrets
He uses your full name when he begins to speak, no nicknames. That’s when you know its real.
You pull him into your arms before combusts with emotion and he just MELTS into you. He’s now muttering full apologies into your hair, your shoulders, anywhere where his face is just pressed against you.
He wants to kiss you, but he’s scared of the rejection you may give. When you finally initiate the kiss, its over, love. He picks you up with ease and hauls you into your room for a more personal, intimate apology
Ooof, a tough one.
The crime: Takes it a little to far when teasing you. You walk out on him after he makes a joke about the stance you make before you fight on the mat. He knows that you’ve been working on it, and he knows that you’re not sensitive when other people say stuff, but you are when it comes to him.
How he apologizes: The man is chasing you dow the moment he realizes what he says. He doesn’t apologize though until he’s away from everyone else and its just you two. You still push him away and ask for space, he lets you have it. The next day however he’s finding you the moment you leave your dorm room, asking to walk you to breakfast, class, you name it.
His apologies are genuine and on point. He knows what he did wrong, he knows why it was wrong and he actually puts the effort in to change his behavior.
And if anyone does say anything about your fighting stance, he’s on them in an instant. “Cut that shit out, she’s standing just fucking fine.”
Absolutely nothing, why are we even writing something. This angel could do no wrong, lol
The Crime: He yells at you. Ugh, and it hurts to write this one out!!
Yeah, I know. He is the level headed, sweet one of the group and that is absolutely true however I think Bodhi is the type of person to lose their cool every once in awhile. He is Xaden’s brother cousin after all. Like he’s got pent up emotions he doesn’t let out in a constructive way and it takes one moment to cause him to just lose it. And his fear of losing you or anyone else is projected as anger. He doesn’t mean it, but it happens.
So, he snaps at you. You’re tasked to stay behind while Bodhi and the others go out on patrol and you’re trying to convince him to let you go, saying that you’re needed there and you’re strong, which you are. However the back and fourth you both are having reaches a boiling point and Bodhi steps into his ‘wingleader’ voice and snaps with a “ I said no and thats final! Fuck, can’t you just take orders for once!”
How he apologizes: The moment it leaves his lips, and the second he sees you jerk your head, and take a step backwards he’s immediately apologizing. “Gods. I’m sorry. I’m, so, so sorry, love. I just can’t…I can’t…It can’t be you.”
He’s kind of short circuiting like Xaden but he’s much more of a waterfall of words whereas Xaden is all emotions behind the eyes.
He’s just embarrassed and ashamed he lost control like that in front of you.
Like, Bodhi would probably drop to his knees and start crying if you dont step in and tell him him to come into your arms.
“I dont deserve you.” He mumbles in your embrace. But you hold him still anyways. You’ve known him long enough to tell he’s genuinely sorry and you can see his fear through his anger
Is he off the hook though? Absolutely not. You give him a stern talking to about his behavior and he’s agreeing with everything you say.
And yes, you do get to come on the mission
And yes, yes. You best believe he puts a bouquet of flowers in your room or, better yet, hand them to you in front of everyone. Because, let’s be real Xaden learned that move from the Durran side of the family
Another precious one
The Crime: It’s not Liam’s fault, but I think it would be him not making time for you, and not seeing how much that hurts.
If we’re thinking of the Basgiath days, he’s Violet’s shadow, which means he puts her and his loyalty to Xaden above you. And that hurts.
You’re waiting for him in the hallway to talk to him and when you finally get ahold of him he’s distracted. His eyes are scanning for Violet. You tell him he needs to choose to focus on you or you’re walking away
“Please don’t ask this of me.” He pleads to you. But he’s still not making the eye contact you want. You’re done and leave him in the hallway.
You actively avoid him for a few days, even when he does manage to find the time to go look for you.
How he apologizes: Honestly, give one up for Violet who senses something is amiss and drags him to your room, pounding on the door to get you to open up so Liam can apologize. She takes it a step further and walks into your room and does her homework on your desk, saying she’s not listening so Liam can both apologize to you and keep his eyes on her.
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chaoticsomeone · 1 year
Heartrender!Reader x The Spiderverse Characters
(Im new a writing so i'm giving this a shot)
| Heartrenders have the ability to manipulate the body. They can snatch the air from your lungs, slow your pulse until you fall into a coma, or even literally crush your heart—all from a distance |
Seeing/when told that you put a villain into a coma
Miles, Miles 42, Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel, Jessica, Lyla?
Miles Morales
Doesn't know whether or not he should be afraid or amazed. (Hes more amazed than afraid)
Immediately asks alot of questions
"So can you actually just murder someone in a second?"
"Can you hear/feel people's heartbeats?"
You told him yes to both of that questions and he just goes "That's amazing. How did you get your powers. I mean we spiderpeople get bit by spiders but what about you?"
"I'm born with it" you said smiling
More wows
He continues asking about it again but now 'scientifically'
(Miles x Gwen) Asks you if you can find out whether or not gwen likes him
(Romantic you x him) Asking you out buy bringing you to a science museum
(Platonic) He got tickets to a science museum for you and the crew
You showed him and the others that you can manipulate a heart on display to move
(Romantic) melts and heart speeding everytime you impress him even though he knows you can sense it
Miles Morales (Earth-42)
(Romantically) Fell in love with you the moment you walked into his dimension with the spidercrew even though he doesnt know anything about you
Think its cool that you're a heartrender
Asks you to slow down the other miles's pulse
He tells you he ships the other Miles and Gwen
Asks you to make them both blush and get a higher heart rate near each other
You both laugh together
Thinks you're the coolest person he has met when Hobie tells him how you put someone into a coma so easily
Asks you 2-3 questions but thats it
Will actually ask you politely to come with him on one patrol to help him put his enemies into a coma for a few months so he could take a leave and break
Gwen Stacy
First time you told her she asks you to knockout a villain just for jokes
When you actually did she was shocked and a little bit afraid
When you told her you 'accidentally' put them into a coma she was like "Wow"
(If platonic)Secretly annoyed that Jess didn't adopt her too because she wants to be your sister
(Romantic) Has a crush on you but is wary so that you dont detect her heart rate
Shes just listening closely to miles basically interviewing you
At one point asking you to help her at a science fair when shes teaming up with Miles to perform a trick on people
The trick being making them pass out for a second then bringing them back
Hobie Brown (Im sorry idk much abt him)
Says smth along the lines of "cool, try doing it to Pav and bring him back out of it"
After this he asks you to come to his universe to give the people he dislikes a heart attack.
A painful one
Proud of the science fair you and Miles did
Pavitr Prabhakar
Same reaction as Miles
Continues asking stuff with miles
Like "So you can actually know if someone has a crush on you?"
Becomes happy when you say yes
Asks you to come with him to meet Gayatri
At the end of the three of you meeting he asks you if you felt Gayatri or his heart beating up
Blushes and becomes giddy when you tell him both of them has a high heart rate near eachother
(Platonic)Eventually becomes best friends in crime and inseperable
(Romantic) both him and Gayatri became close with you and asks you to date them(?)
Miguel O'hara
Wary of you
Asks Lyla to watch over you during missions
Keeps a close eye of you to make sure you don't distrupt Cannon because you aren't a spiderman
When Jess recruited you he wasn't happy
Gave you a long speech when he learned that you put someone into a coma
Told you about dont do that or that or this when it is this that just to make sure you dont disturb cannon
Warms up to you eventually
Keeps you close to help him calm down sometimes
Jessica Drew
Recruited you even though you aren't a spider
Trained you to do combat outside of your powers
Genuinely adopts you
Looks out for you
Defends you against Miguel any day
You helped her name her daughter
You always is there to help her with her pregnancy by checking on the baby's heartbeat and all
If she has a health issue you are always the first she calls (everyone too tbh)
"That's my girl" when you put that one villain you and the others were fighting into a coma.
Watches over you every second of everytime because of two things
Miguel or
Just pure curiosity of your powe4s
Reports back to miguel in an instant when you put the villain into a coma
Writes/keeps track of everything she knows about heartrenders
Interviews you with Miguel and Jessica every now and then to aks if you found or learnt anything new about heartrending
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i-yap · 4 months
I have a Dick Grayson request!
I don't know if you do vigilante s/o but I was wondering if you did could you write how he would react when he finds out that the crazy person jumping off buildings with his alter ego is also his gn s/o? I always find the different takes on the reader finding out about Nightwing but I really want to know what you think his reaction would be?Anyways, this might not be something you'll write but I just figured I'd ask
Lots of love and admiration for you and your works
A compliment and a Dick grayson ask??omg made my day ( I promise he isn't my favorite I love them all equally)
Ive never really written vigilante reader..or even imagined one but I can try
Dick Grayson x vigilante!s/o
s/n- supername
"There's an armed robbery at the children's hospital on 34th" reported Tim onto the batcom.
"I can get there in 5" replied Dick.
"Take hood with you, he's on 39th " Ordered Batman
"I don't need a babysitter..especially not hood"
"HAHA, Ill be there as soon as I'm done beating up this creep who was cornering pretty girls" Jason says cheekily.
"wait ..I dont think i need you here hood, or even I'm needed..S/n got here first. She's tying up the perps as we speak"
"Unmask her Nightwing, even I couldnt figure out her identity and she has been spotted in too many crimes around gotham" said Oracle
"You can't passible think THE s/n is a criminal" tim replied shocked
"Haha timmy has a thing for s/n just cause she was caught buying rock shirts from the shady stores he loves" Jason teases
" NO REAL NAMES ON THE COMS JASON, also Oracle is right. Best to be precautionary" states Batman.
Nightwing approaches s/n. "OH JEEZ, hi your scared me haha. Not that you're scary. You're really hot , I mean your partner probably finds you hot but not me. I'm just random vigilante...Uh anyways Ive called the police they're on their way so I think my work here is done!" You say hurriedly after spotting your boyf-nightwing approaching you.
"Well good work here s/n. But I actually had to speak to you alone. " "Me? why??"
"I need you to unmask yourself. Batman's orders . You cant trust me, you know I'm one of the good guys and we have been on multiple cases together. Plus you are kind of in my city"
" Well I- dick listen." "How do you -" You take off your mask to reveal yourself.
"I was about to tell you dickie..please don't be mad" "MAD? ME? MY SWEETHEART IS A CRIME FIGHTING ASS KICKING SUPERHERO! I KNEW YOU WERE TOO STRONG TO BE A BARISTA!. I mean I do wish you told me before" "I just didn't know how you would take it. You always talked about how much you loved our domestic intimacy and simplicity in our relationship and i-" Dick takes your hands in his "We can still have that baby, just because you are a superhero doesn't change anything. Youre still the best thing that ever happened to me and now we can even spend more time together as our alter ego. We would be a great power couple!" Says dick, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
"shit i forgot to turn off my comms" whines dick
"NO REAL NAMES ON THE COMS !" Orders Bataman
"Bring her to the manor once you have discussed the - the revelation. There is much to talk about" Says Batman.
"I'm Surprised Y/n is even real" Joins in Damian.
"WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT HAVING A PARTNER" yells Nightwing into the comms while you try to muffle your laugh.
"Well, I am no one to comment on your mental state NightWing, But it is questionable"
You pull away Dick from the comms before they all start bickering- and giving bruce a headache. Sure there was a lot to discuss but dick is the best batboy to be a vigilante partner to. He would be understanding and non restrictive and the perfect partner in fight. Communication is easy with him and he trusts you and gives you your space to be yourself. After all, its all these things that make him love you for you.
sorry if there is anything offensive i don't usually write gn!reader cuz I'm a cis female and I don't proof read. Also english is not my first language. Lmk if there's anything offensive and ill change it.
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chaggie4ever · 2 months
What future conflicts do you see happening with Chaggie? Personally, I think it would continue with their whole "Charlie doesn't listen and Vaggie doesn't express herself" issues they had in S1. Plus, the whole trusting Alastor thing might come up. Your predictions?
Absolutely great thoughts! Predictions and talking about HH is the only reason I made a Tumblr account XD
I personally really want Lute to have a role. Charlie seems to hate her even more than Vaggie after the angel reveal. And I think Vaggie will totally be here for this rivalry XD she may have to keep Charlie from killing Lute! A role for Emily in Lute’s possible redemption would be a great addition as they model Chaggie perfectly. Or maybe even Adam’s redemption (I’m convinced he’s coming back as a sinner - his vocals and lines are too great he has to come back). I remain convinced that Vaggie and Lute were frenemies and/or lovers for centuries.
The Alastor stuff is definitely important and will cause conflict for sure. I’m thinking Lilith is involved too (both her and Alastor have been gone for seven years…). I could see Vox getting involved and publicizing Vaggie’s genocidal past and Charlie comforting her.
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alas i got sidetracked. Back to Chaggie! I really hope they address their codependency, and Charlie's tendency to steamroll Vaggie… she needs to actually listen to her girlfriend and notice when she is uncomfortable and will need to learn to push a bit more when Vaggie is uncomfortable to make her express herself. Vaggie is one of a few main characters who we have NOT seen cry. She REALLY needs to XD maybe Rosie can be a couple's therapist?
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also now that season 3 and 4 are confirmed, im betting on a Chaggie engagement season 2. And if they dont have some down time to have an on screen date or fooling around time imma blow up the studio (no not really). I love that they are established and not the centerpoint of the season - this helps normalize gay relationships. But I also have needs XD maybe Charlie had to wait for Lucifer to come back in her life before she could officially get engaged as queen of hell. Future queens of hell 🥰 this will also likely not go over well in heaven or hell after Vaggie’s exorcist past…
Also… thank goodness Vivi isn’t in charge of writing anymore as she has Satan kill Vaggie after they are engaged and I will kill everyone if this happens
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Bonus headcanons (some are stolen):
- Vaggie’s wings come out when she’s aroused - stiffly XD I think they will transition from gray to silver over time as she redeems herself further
- Vaggie and Lute stand trial for crimes by the seraphim. Vaggie is absolved of her disobedience and halo and eye restored (or maybe a weird glowy version so she still keeps her eye patch most of the time). She never wears the halo but it lets her open portals to heaven and hell. Lute is cast out of heaven for killing a member of Lucifer’s family (Dazzle) and attacking them and her vigilante justice on Vaggie. She may lose her wings and an eye too. She will still have one arm as she does not love anyone to restore it (Vaggie’s wings grow back out of love for Charlie and because they weren’t cut off by angelic steel. Lute ripped her arm off and it can also grow back.. if she learns to love).
- Vaggie hides her wings 90% of the time because she’s ashamed of her past (I’d LOVE a B plot episode where Angel Dust helps her with this)
- Charlie is super embarrassed when she demons out when Vaggie teases her publicly (always subtle until Charlie ruins it)
- Vaggie and Nifty bond over shared violence
- They go on flying dates where Vaggie carries Charlie and she loves it. Sometimes Lucifer joins.
- Charlie has picked up stabby Vaggie on several occasions and walked away with her to avoid conflict
- Vaggie’s spear is an emotional support spear and she talks to it and Charlie is jealous and has tried to hide it
- Vaggie spends Sunday dinners with Carmella and her daughters and is basically adopted and Charlie is jealous but also really happy that Vaggie is making her own friends
- Charlie loves when Vaggie speaks Spanish in bed - I also love the theories that they keep ruining beds with Charlie’s horns XD
- EVERYONE has heard them having sex - Charlie is LOUD and sometimes sings + Vaggie avoids Angel Dust the week after particularly loud sessions
- Charlie will propose after a very awkward convo with Lucifer
- Vaggie eventually bonds with sinner Adam and maybe Lute too
- I have an aversion to pregnancy and children but some of the kid theories are cute and Vaggie seems to be the more feminine but I could actually see Charlie carrying 😉😇
Ok imma stop now before this turns into a whole fan fiction XD
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nappingpaperclip · 6 months
“People who tell you not to vote Biden are psyops trying to steal left votes” type posts are pro-government propoganda.
Last time y’all spread that bullshit around the blogs getting deleted for being “Russian spies” were black leftists.
Not everyone who criticizes Biden or says they won’t be voting for a genocider and that you shouldn’t either wants you to vote for Trump or not vote!! Third party candidates exist!!! Write ins exist!!! If we actually organized instead of y’all pulling the “lesser evil” bs about a GENOCIDAL RACIST RAPIST OLD MAN we might actually see some fuckin progress!!
Did y’all forget Biden is a rapist?????
Btw is the “left” in the room with us? Where is the left? Where is the progress y’all keep claiming Biden is making?
Last time I checked Biden has not let those kids out of cages, has personally approved more huge pipelines that run through Indigenous lands and speed up climate change, has ex-BlackRock leaders (yknow, the top 10 climate change villains company who also funds most American private prisons as well as funding arms manufacturing companies, who spend millions lobbying politicians on environmental regulations, immigration and drug policy) in his cabinet, increased police and military budget, didn’t codify Roe v Wade, in fact he held it hostage for votes, hasn’t codified gay marriage or trans rights, hasn’t legalized marijuana, hasn’t raised the federal minimum wage, oh and also is DOING GENOCIDE in case y’all forgot or wanna tiptoe around the “some bad policies” y’all always talk about
Did y’all forget about his “nothing will fundamentally change” policy?
Y’all heard that and thought “left”?? Babes he’s a right leaning centrist AT BEST.
There are actually left candidates btw! Ones who care about things like Landback and reparations and free healthcare and education and sustainability! The ones y’all are telling people are throwaway votes/votes for Trump!! (Which isn’t even how the electoral college works btw)
So us telling y’all not to vote for a genocider makes us Russian psyop spies but y’all telling us not to vote for leftist third party candidates doesn’t? K.
The only way to get a politician to stop doing WAR CRIMES is to tell them you won’t vote for them or give them money or otherwise support them until they stop!
You can fucking lie if you want!!! All we’re asking is for y’all not to publicly announce Genocide Joe still has your unconditional support WHILE HES DOING GENOCIDE
His approval ratings are literally less than Trumps!
He has no one to blame but himself.
If he loses in November, I don’t want to hear y’all bitch and moan and blame black people or disillusioned voters or third party voters or “Russian spies” again like y’all did in 2016, I don’t want to see y’all blame anyone but him, BLAME BIDEN FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. HE IS A GROWN MAN AND HAS THE MONEY AND POWER TO STOP IT IF HE ACTUALLY WANTED TO.
Y’all keep saying he’s doing his best to stop it, that he’s working behind the scenes, that he’s trying, IF HES TRYING WHY ARE WE STILL SENDING ISRAEL MONEY?
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vechter · 1 month
what do you think it would take for dick grayson to kill?
a lot of people think he takes "killing" very lightly and he would easily commit murder on anyone who hurt his loved ones but i don't think it's that easy. it's way more complicated than that. i thought you could make a post on dick and his connection with his morals and how he perceives things?
i totally understand if u dont want to or if you need some time to construct the post <3
okaaaay. a couple of thoughts on this but the first thing that comes to mind is this set of panels from nightwing (1996) #112:
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this is his voiceover right at the beginning of the renegade arc and it's written by devin grayson. while i don't agree with all aspects of how she writes dick, i think this one is a fairly accurate depiction of what dick himself thinks of his morals.
this is coming right off the blockbuster saga so dick has lived that moment where he froze and let tarantula shoot blockbuster:
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the thing with dick's no-kill mentality is that he adopted it from bruce but it's way more nuanced than that.
bruce mentored him in his most formative years; he taught dick almost everything there is to know about vigilantism and crime. but the thing is, dick was an entire person before he met bruce! most of his inner strength and determination and will power is a reflection of being raised by mary and john grayson till age 8/9/10 (kat actually has a wonderful meta about this). panel below from jla (1997) #76:
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it's what makes dick so different- it's why nightwing is a beacon of hope, why he's the guy every superhero trusts.
on the other hand, bruce is staunchly dogmatic in his moral code. for him, to take a life is essentially becoming a part of the senseless violence that took his parents from him in that alley. he will never be the same if he lets himself give in. and if he's not the same, he can't be batman (panel from batman 1940 #650):
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dick, however, is different in the way he approaches this. while you cannot understate his adherence to no killing, his loyalty to bruce supersedes all. just look at his first thought after letting blockbuster die in nightwing 1996 #93:
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did blockbuster deserve to die? yes. did dick himself think that? yes, for a brief moment. but that's the thing about vigilantism- it's all about split seconds and moments that are lost before they're ever held. it's why all of them have to hold themselves to such strict standards.
there have been several instances where dick has threatened killing when it's his loved ones in danger. panel from new teen titans (1984) #18 (lil nebulous bc i can't remember if he was under brother blood's influence or not):
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but i think one of dick's chief characteristics is how deeply he values control, which brings me to dick killing the joker.
see, the thing is dick's moral code is deeply influenced by his desire to protect his loved ones. he gets angry when they're hurt. but this protective rage often wars with his desire to stay in control! if you read joker: last laugh (2006) #6 through that lens, it gets rlly interesting:
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we see him state that this isn't the way. but his anger is driving him:
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dick's reaction is soooo fun. it's not really about the joker being dead, it's about how he lost control and let the joker win! it's not about the joker, not really, it's about what it says about dick. if dick is not in control, can he trust himself? what does it say about him that he let his rage get the better of him?
the only other canonical instance where dick kills someone is creighton kendall in nightwing (1996) #146. but the thing with this one is that it's different from the other two. dick is very much in control of the situation. in fact, it's pretty much premeditated:
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tomasi's run is excellent, prolly one of my favourites, but for some of the events that transpire, you don't really get any kind of introspection on them. and dick is very much an introspective guy, even if it's introspection based on his warped perception of himself. so, i'm a little unsure if he feels any guilt about this or if he thinks it's a justified call. because he did plan it out by letting kendall drag him across the water, soaking his wings and timing his own jump.
so, i think how dick would approach the situation is very important. if it's something like the joker or the blockbuster, where dick is lost to senseless rage or emotionally spent from deaths he blames himself for, dick will never forgive himself. but for a guy like kendall, where it's the only viable last resort, dick will not have the same level of self-hatred and guilt over it.
i think this conversation with babs in nightwing (1996) #53 is a pretty good summation of what moral philosophy he adheres to:
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but to be fair, dick kills the joker literally 10 issues later and then blockbuster comes into his life soon enough to blow it all up, so maybe this is a slightly rosy view of what he thinks is the right thing to do.
which is why the monologue in nightwing #112 is such a good articulation of his evolving code. dick has been in a position where he has surprised himself more than once so he doesn't hold the same view about the infallibility of his ethics any more.
all this to say, dick will absolutely not easily kill someone who has hurt any of his loved ones. the only time such a thing would be tenable would be in a moment of great emotionality or him facing the absolute worst kind of sophie's choice, and even then- the odds of him killing someone are laughably low. remember, this is the guy every superhero trusts indubitably and whose resolve is too strong to be darkened!
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trashy-0possum · 1 year
Suguru geto hcs✨
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hes a girls dad (like we already saw😌)
At first prob really scary but when he opens up hes sweet af
Respectful af
Like ur a women getting harassed on the streets? This mf will go full on protectiv mode even tho he doesnt know u
Really good with children
Cat person
He has a morning voice. Cant change my mind his morning voice is so fn low
Hygiene? Yes. Most cleanest mf on earth
He defenitly likes hot showers
Hes a heater-
Like fr this man has such a high bodie tempature
He takes care of his hair like his live depends on it
He prob had a routine for it-
He defenitly buys some of his hygiene products in bodie shop-
His hair is so damn soft. (I dont need to say anything different.)
Hes a strong mf- not just the curse technique but he def got more power in his arms than gojo like-
He prob goes to the gym-
Morning person actually. but hates to wake up and make his hair-
His hair is prob tangled af in the morning hes prob even too tired to brush it sometimes
Loves tee-
Isnt a sweet tooth
He prob likes liquorice 😭
He likes everything butter tbh-
He def loves comfy stuff
Like this man lovesss to wear hoodies or just baggy pants he doesnt like tight stuff xc
Like he lovesss reading
Has a big ass bookshelf full of romance books or Crime stories (maybe dramas)
Actually hates drama like please just leave him be he doesnt care about peoples drama-
Only if its a breakup 👀
Hes such a damn good listener
✨Bear hugs✨
He will give u so many hugs when u feel down or just hold you while you cry in his arms or smth 😿
Probably a perv- same as gojo but he hides it not making it obvious like gojo😭
Him and gojo would always talk about girls (or boys-) they would have like some meetings and bring some magazines with hot people in them and rate them from 0-10
Def had more piercings than just his lobs he prob would get snake bites or dimple piercings HE WOULD LOOK SO GOOD WITH THEM
Has darker skin. Hes tanny def tanny
Paints his nails- or to be exact the girls paint his nails.
He loves the girls like his own children (mom material 😿)
He would kill for them like fr if they need smth like going to the mall he will go with them.
Protectiv ass-
Hes sooooo protectiv even over gojo even tho he knows he doesnt need to be protected
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daisymylove · 1 year
Sword catcher spoilers, speculations and theories about "Ragpicker King" and some ramblings ahead, proceed at your own discretion.
So I'm 90% sure Vienne is alive and we will find it out when lin comes to the palace to treat her
She has an official art and there was a whole snippet about her, I don't see the point of making all that fuss about a character that was going to have three interactions with Kel (speaking of which, I kind of shipped them even tho I know ana will be his end game 👉🏻👈🏻 am I the only one?), kill some random guys and bite the dust. On top of that her arc was about to get so interesting. She is a trained assassin, oath bound to protect this little girl, whom she loves deeply, until she dies, but then her charge was murdered, and her life's mission came crashing down on her. The angst, the potential.Her dying would be a huge waste.
I don't question Jolivet's loyalty, at least not now, but Markus is not a mentally stable person (btw whats up with him? does anyone have a theory?).I think he lied she was dead bc markus may have killed her otherwise and, as dangerous as she is, Vienne may be more useful to them alive than dead with the possibility of a war looming over.I also don't discard the possibility that he may have personal ties to vienne and/or her family. The whole covering her with his cape could have been a show of respect for the black guard if she's really dead, like kel thought, but compounding with the fact that, even tho she charged on conor, jolivet did nothing to either stop or harm her, it struck me as oddly affectionate. Anyone can correct me if im wrong, but I dont remember kel mentioning anything about an accent, which makes me assume she speaks their language on a native level, so there's that
One thing I didn't like was that this trained bad ass assassin was completely unarmed during such an important event.Kel is always armed, even when impersonating conor he had a dagger on his person. Granted, it's easier to conceal weapons on male attire, but it would've been more realistic if she'd had at least one dagger, had been forced to use it and thus was left unarmed. Its not enough to tackle all those guys, as kel himself thought, but she wouldn't have been helpless.
I'm also 90% sure Lin and conor are going to have sex on a beach, I'm willing to bet money on it.I've read way too many books by Cc to not recognize her foreshadowing. Besides, she's fond of writing sex scenes on peculiar locations.
The "yes I'm the goddess come back" may have been scheming on Lin's part (loved that btw) but I'm sure she actually is the goddess come back. She will also be queen, as the prophecy foretells. Charlon saying to luisa "dance for your future court", but Lin ending up being the one to actually dance also reeks of foreshadow.
Now to the ragpicker king, we know almost nothing about andreyen and I have a lot of speculations. First I thought he was the Makabi, what about the ragpicker being a figure that has always existed in Castellane, his symbol being a bird and his having a bowl that allegedly belongs to makabi's lineage. But when he said ragpicker king is a title, which he inherited from another, I put it in the back burner (it hasn't been discarded tho, im not discarding anything for now and he would hardly tell kel "yo I'm this immortal entity and have been forging my death over and over for centuries" if that were the case) in favour of thinking he's the Maharam's exiled son. He's the right age and it makes sense for a boy that has been shunned by everyone and left to fend for himself to turn to crime.
What has been nagging at me, on the other hand, is that he matches Lin's vision of Suleman from her dreams. Pale, tall, handsome, long black hair and when his eyes were going to be described the dream was conveniently interrupted. I'm not saying he is suleman for sure, idk how that would work in practical terms -- is he an immortal and suleman never actually died at the sundering? unlikely, considering Lins dream and how vivid it was. Is he a reincarnation? Under that line of thinking he could be both the exiled boy AND suleman on a single person -- and he could have no relation to him whatsoever, the physical resemblance being just a coincidence (but really?) and I'm just crazy.His interest in the stone and magic in general checks out for both suleman and exiled son, so it isn't really an indicator.
I rather liked andreyen, merren and Ji an, tho, I really don't want him to be the bad guy, but as previously said I'm not discarding anything.It seems pretty obvious to me that he wants to use lin and her abilities in some way, much like he has a use for kel, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has nefarious goals or anything
I think Anjelica, Aimada, the malgasi princess whose name I don't remember now and the prince with the huge bank account will make appearances, they have been mentioned way too much to not feature at all
and what was that dream kel had with fire and phoenixes? There's something there, I can feel it
anyway, that's what I have so far
as a side note, I'm a bit drunk and haven't proofread this properly (i never do when writing on this blog tho, sorry lol), hope its coherent enough
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neopuppy · 1 month
I always viewed those "you write [member] so well" comments the exact same way because indeed we do NOT know these people...
But honestly, to me, that's the appeal? As long as they're broadly good people in the sense of they're not comitting abhorrent crimes, I don't care how they are off camera and I kinda ...like? the idea of not knowing. To me the most "telling" thing is what they do decide to show of their personalities, genuine or otherwise. Like to me it's fascinating to see what they want fans to know or if it's not entitely true, I like seeing how they want to be perceived.
There's one particular aspect of this topic though that makes me laugh a lot: when idols express an "undesirable" or "opposite to their usual persona" trait and the fans just start denying it and saying they're wrong? About themselves??? 😭 An example for the former (undesirable) is Taeyong saying he struggles to be sympathetic to other people and struggles comforting others. Some fans started saying: it's not true! It can't be! And an example of something opposite to their idol persona (that I think about a lot actually because he's one of my biases) is a period in time where in some interviews the NCT 127 members said that Jungwoo is actually manly off camera. So many people were up in arms because he is "soft" etc... but we don't know him!!! Get a grip!!!
But to stop rambling, truly the only thing we can do is guess what's genuine and what's not and to finally answer your question: Jeno. I feel like Jeno's image suffers quite a bit from how people see him because of his looks. He's attractive and a "fierce" performer, so people kinda just run with this strong persona because he also has moments where he speaks bluntly, but to me he just feels like a normal dude who likes to do his job. He just clocks in, is present, then goes home to his privacy. He doesn't really give me the vibe of someone "fierce" or "mean" as I've seen some people think? Just like you I feel like he's one of the members that I don't "know" much about lol.
man I’m glad I’m not the only one. I see so many dark fic/dead dove writers I follow that get shit from readers all “WHY WOULD U WRITE *INSERT IDOL* THAT WAY?!? HE’D NEVER DO THAT, YOU MUST NOT RLY BE HIS FAN!!!”
first of all……its fucking fictional and oppa will likely never know abt some fic with a few thousand hits outs of the millions out there especially not some fic written in english posted an a website as obscure as ao3 jfc.
I agree with you, bc look @ the way fans treat idols that speak great English. its so embarrassing.. like that is not our friend, dont speak to them in a manner you would not speak to any harmless stranger💀
I’m super happy when they do share things with us and let us see parts of their personalities even tho it seems to their detriment like JCC, or when Jeno would do JSMR(big asmr fan myself and he wasnt great at it but it was super cute nonetheless), and Jungwoo’s segment with other idols/especially the ghost hunting one bc I’m a big Ghoul Boys stan I loveeee watching that type of stuff. like this is content they can do that is very niche and targeted without oversharing… I would like more of that!!!
I think where SM went wrong with NCT too in this regard is- kpop stans need content to stay interested and devoted. we barely started getting unit based shows after they separated the youtube channels for each unit and imo a lot of them were awkward to watch. idrc who doesnt agree with me on this but 127 do not all like each other and that is okay. its okay for kpop groups to be just coworkers.. this is their job afterall. also, a lot of them do not like being on camera unless they have to, understandable but also… ur an idol, suck it up.
okay the topic of “undesirable to their usual persona”
Satan help me, bc this one!!!!! THIS ONE. I really really really hate when fans back each other up like a gang go bury anything to could prove their idol isnt actually this perfect clean cut industry image(dating, clubbing, smoking, drinking, partying… living a normal fucking life).
the one abt Jungwoo being manly off camera, even how they have said he’s the most different off camera, even the rumors he’s been caught up in. as one of the few hetero(at least bi bc….hey if woo and Johnny wanna go both ways, PLSSS PLSSSS PLSSSSSS LET ME WATCH PLSSSS) Jungwoo truthers out here in the world, trust me… I gave up a long time ago. I have to enjoy him silently without engaging with other fans. even friends of mine who love 127 would laugh and make comments when I’d say Jungwoo is my bias and I’d be like?????😭(side note they let it go once I showed them my Jungwoo videos and were like oh!🤔 this isnt giving gay energy at all🤨). either way ITS HELL OUT HERE IN N CITY FOR A JUNGWOO STAN, I’LL TELL U THAT.
I stick to my beliefs that Jeno is probably not the nicest person given his behavior with the dreamies but also they are friends but also friends can be pretty harsh towards each other. I think as a fan he’s one of the best idols to stan, SUPER nice and great fan service, doesnt come off disingenuous at all either. I think he’s really talented and again, this is something I’ve learned to keep to myself as this fandom loves to make a few members the resident punching bag, Jeno being at the top of that list. saying Jeno is talented out loud in N city is like begging to be doxxed and ratioed atp🙄 same goes for Jaemin unfortunately.
other than me truthfully enjoying the way Jeno raps(gasp) and his range/tone+how powerful he is on stage/very fun to watch and finding him attractive I dont care much abt learning more. we dont even speak the same language😅
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roe-and-memory · 6 months
besties can i just say omg so i went thru ur blog obsessively bc i looove the ideas behind ur headcannons and little snipets of stories. i was wondering what bobby headcannons u guys have. also memory i loove ur writing and roe?? gorgeous fanart oml
AWWWWW THANK YOUU!!! rhis is so sweet 😭🫶🫶 i saw your comment on my fic thank u sm
im gonna be honest, we dont have many bobby hcs (i really wanna change that, i fucking ADORE bobby - and, if its any help, i actually have a fic up ((dont look back in anger)) where he’s a main character!! although its an au, i hope it’ll suffice for now :3)
- bobby is definitely a prankster, but like, hes NOTORIOUS for it. and not in the bad way. he has silly pranks that only mildly inconvenience the person on the receiving end (like the dumping water on lmq and cals heads after races) and he’s Always at the scene of the crime when something silly happens. he just Is the embodiment of silly. and yes i know this is canon for the most part but hes literally just so silly i cant not include it
- hes the youngest of the trio, the baby, even, he’s a december baby, born in 1988 (same year as lightning - cal is an ‘87 baby i believe - so when bobby started racing in 2007 he was still 18) but just at the End, whereas lightning was born in may . despite this he’s still the tallest, and probably the most well built of the three . aka lightning is scrawny and cal is just Average. and when lightning makes fun of him for being a Baby hes like ok well ure literally short as hell. what about that. huh? what can you do about your height? i’ll have a birthday but you dont have a get taller day? huh? and lightnings like. well. okay.
- i feel like he befriended cal first, like, he and lightning “hated” each other but it was less hate and more lightning being incapable of making friends (lmq and cal met at the infield care center after strips crash, so they were friends ever since then) and so cal was just in the middle of this “rivalry” that was in reality like. hey. cal. i think that bobby guy is really cool do u think he’d wanna be my friend. and cals like I DONT KNOW TALK TO HIM? and they talk and theyre like wow i actually thought u hated me (theyre best friends now)
- bobby both has an iconic autograph, but hes also so good with his fans its impossible for anyone to hate him. he has so many iconic pictures and literally everyone he meets praises him for his kindness and blatant silliness . hes just super easy going and generally amazing to be around
- out of all the racers hes probably got the most amusing advertisements as well, he will go ALL IN for whatever octane gain (or his smaller/secondary sponsors) want from him, and its so Genuine it just feels like he LOVES to be there
- he loves taylor swift. AND I KNOW WHAT YOURE GONNA SAY. “ITS STEREOTYPICAL” BUT NO U DONT GET IT.. SHE DOESNT MATCH THE REST OF HIS MUSIC TASTE AT ALL. hes the last person you’d ever expect to listen to her. he says its because they have the same last name so hes obligated to be a fan, but also the day Taylor Swift (album) debuted he bought the dvd and forced the other two to listen to the entire thing multiple times on a road trip and its safe to say that since the day taylor swift has existed, lightning and cal have feared her album release dates.
- hes the burnout king. every race he wins he will do a burnout down the frontstretch in front of the grandstands that will take his tires down to the RIMS. the tire marbles are INSANE
THIS IS ALL I HAVE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY 😭😭 i wish i had more and i WILL eventually make more trust me on that.. but thank you so much for the ask and i hope u liked them :3
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kooki914 · 2 months
you should make a spamton rant. rip him apart and tell the world every intimate reason he is a disreputable and immoral individual who got exactly what he deserved. we need more spamton hate in this community. people obviously dont understand just how bad he can be
Seeing as the blog that sent this is empty, and the phrasing of this ask is downright comical, I'm willing to bet this is rage bait.
If not, I'm genuinely sorry you think like this, random person, because my dislike of Spamton is, you guessed it, subjective! Just like every opinion about a fictional character, it's entirely up to the reader to form their own thoughts and decide if they like them or not, if they'd put up with their actions or not, and if the context we're provided makes their actions justified or unforgivable to you. Opinions are flexible and valid, and even change over time!
Now excuse me as I write an essay in response to this general concept because you HAVE baited me, just not in the way you wanted.
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I'd like to take a moment to comment on the absolute state of discussing "character good/character bad" in fandoms, especially nowadays. Because of the increased politicization of fandom culture, it almost feels like people treat fandom discourse as inherently political and just as serious. And, while I'd love to talk about the rampant misogyny in fandom or how homophobia still permeates even in progressive spaces, I'm specifically referring to the moralization of media engagement.
The "you can't watch this" or "you have to watch this", the people in the old undertale fandom who'd tell you you're a bad person if you decided to play through the no mercy route, the people in current deltarune fandom talking about how Kris' race ambiguity makes Toby Fox racist, and, in this case, someone trying to bait ME into moralizing my opinion of Spamton for the sake of a "gotcha" or fodder for their hatred of me. Sorry to disappoint, I don't think Spamton is reprehensible in our, practical, human terms.
He's just some fictional guy who did shitty stuff to a bunch of kids and kind of got his comeuppance in the end. That exact description applies to him, Spade King, and undertale Asgore even though they're entirely different characters. And, also, I fucking ADORE Spade and Asgore, but my subjective opinion, the Vibe Check if you will, is that Spamton is worse than them. I think we can all agree that In Real Life murder of 6 children is obviously worse than being a con artist. However, this is also fiction, and those deaths shouldn't be treated with the SAME severity as actual, real crimes against humanity should be. They are severe, yes, and breaches of morality, but not REAL morality. Actual children weren't harmed in the making of undertale, believe it or not. These reprehensible actions from the cast are narrative vessels meant to show us the state of mind a character is and how far they're willing to go.
I think Spamton's desperation for reaching his "heaven" is disturbing because he was willing to extort and kill a child for it. In the same vain, I think Asgore is a coward for choosing to go through with his plan when the human that walked into his throne room was a literal child and not someone deserving of the death penalty, which happened 7 separate times. The difference is, I like Asgore and dislike Spamton. Not for moral reasons. Just Vibes.
This ask was 100% spurred on by the video I made about shadow crystals and secret bosses. It's kind of telling of their lack of media literacy, how this (practically) anon took nothing away from that video except "this guy thinks Spamton sucks", because that was decidedly not the point. Even during my rant about him in the video, when I call him a bad person I am simply stating in-universe facts. Things that most people who like Spamton as a character rather than a poor little meow meow can agree DID happen, and DOES make him morally grey. And this is where the politicization of fandom comes in again, because I only felt the need to add that rant into that section because there's SO many people who feel the need to justify liking immoral characters by making them super not bad at all - talking about the grey as if it's white, and if you point out the darker shades, they think you're trying to paint over all of it with black.
The people who over-exaggerate how tragic Spamton's or Spade King's lives were, the ones who justify reprehensible actions through "but he's mentally ill!" (even though a sentiment like that just further stigmatizes mental illness but that's a different topic), the people that say "X character did nothing wrong" without a twinge of irony in their tone.
Spamton is not Satan. He's also not a flawless angel.
The complete loss of being able to view a character as both Bad and Likable at the same time is tragic to me, because 90% of the characters I adore are bad, reckless, stupid, selfish, downright EVIL sometimes, and even if they may be lonely or misunderstood underneath it all, that is NOT something that erases their flaws! The whole POINT of moral grayness and complexity in characters is that we learn to take the good AND the bad in stride. Where do you draw a line in the sand? Does their charisma make them lovable enough to you that you want to keep watching them do The Bad Thing as long as they're having fun with it? Or does their grappling with and regret of The Bad Thing make them so emotionally compelling to you that you want to see where they'll go next, no matter the morality of their future actions?
If you like Spamton, more power to you. If you're in love with the weird funny little puppet man, even better, live your best life. But, for the love of god, engage with him as the character he actually is, without scrubbing away the awkward and the morally dubious for the sake of a cleaner character to play with. I genuinely believe most of the cult surrounding Spamton understands this, most of what I've seen from his most avid fans still paint him as his greedy conniving canon self, it's just that there's a loud minority (and the filthy casuals who don't read any deeper into him and just flatten every character they talk about) who deliberately try to convince you that Spamton is OBJECTIVELY a good person, or OBJECTIVELY someone you have to like, otherwise you're weird and, like, hate mentally ill people or something. I've gotten a Lot of weird comments on that video you guys wouldn't even believe.
All in all I consider that Spadesgore must be canonized.
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jayladfanpage · 6 days
<3 LOVED ur jaybin musings, looking for characterization help. Currently reading Starlin's run for Jason (vvv fun!) and then will proceed to the tec issues. Im getting a little confused abt cheer (zadarsky i think?) cause im trying to figure out where does jason's morals lie ?? He says something there abt crooks being crooks and irredeemable ? then bruce told him off?? But now that im reading starlin etc etc I dont think that's what his morals were as robin??? literally feels like the opposite... so confused. Plus ive read a good chunk of tim's robin run and i am just ??????? what is happening its just lies half the time
Any thoughts on his personal morals as robin ? I think I should just ignore cheer lmao
It's always morally correct to ignore Chip Zdarsky
Cheer is probably one of Jason's worst stories right now. It's character assassination at its finest because DC wants Jason to be an antihero now and not a villain like he used to be, but that means they have to change the character fundamentally, which Zdarsky is very good at.
When it comes to Robin, though, it's very open to interpretation. Because on one hand you have Starlin, who really really hated Jason but gave him a very specific and new personality. On the other hand you have Barr, who made Robin Jason a sweetheart because he was pretending he was still writing Dick Grayson. I think it's fair to just pick your favorite of those two based on what fits best for the story you're trying to tell.
My favorite is Starlin's, just because of how extreme the differences between Jason and Dick get in his run. In Starlin's run, Jason is very aggressive, but deeply kind. He worries a lot about the victims, more than he probably should for it to be healthy, but he just cares a lot. Especially when it comes to sexual assault victims.
Outside of the garzones case, Robin Jason is pretty adamantly against murdering someone In cold blood, but he is not against watching somebody die if he thinks they're evil enough. That's exact scenario happens in Batman: The Cult (1988) where he and Bruce stand by and watch the cult leader get murdered and do nothing to stop it.
I do personally think that Robin Jason would be a lot more about forgiveness and rehabilitation then his Red Hood counterpart, but that's not necessarily based on canon. It's more based on the context of him having been raised in poverty. Comics are not a very good source of how a person's environment shapes them as a person, especially when we're talking about poor people. I see Jason as someone who craves community and intimacy and doesn't really know what to do with himself when he doesn't have it. Having Bruce, and with him the entire superhero community by association, is enough to satiate that need when he's Robin. Though we do get a story where Jason goes back to Crime Alley as Robin to give money to the people that he used to be friends with, which tells me that he understands what it actually takes to keep someone from entering a life of crime.
Let me know if I forgot something that you needed and I'll be glad to answer that too!!
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orisquirrelking · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering are you comfortable writing for Yanderes? If so can you do some Yandere Midas?
If not thats totally understandable! Have a nice day :)
Fellow fnite liker i am gonna be real i have never consumed any yandere fiction other than yansim and that is it so. I hope i did… not butcher this lol
Uhhbskjf lets say in this universe “fortnite”/battle royale is a gameshow. The loopers dont actually die obvs but they can feel pain etc and keep their injuries afterwards. I like this hc v much so. Im using it. (I shit you not i am listening to chug jug with you as i write this SMHHH) this is not beta read we die like peely
As we all know, Midas is the leader of ghost, which means this man has blood on his hands, and as a former battle royale champion, Midas has killed many people and is very much prepared to go all out when it comes to you.
Midas has never actually met you. You’re a younger player,(20-25,) mostly sticking to “team rumble’s” as they’re called, before entering into the actual battle royale.
You caught the former champions eye when you won your first “real” match. You were in rough shape, but despite that, you were grinning from ear to ear, hand clutching one of the worse wounds you had sustained during your fight. There was something in your eyes, a spark that reminded Midas of himself, and he grew enamoured with the figure he saw on the screen.
It started with very specific supply drops.
Every once in a while, you would get anonymous sponsor boxes with the weapons you preferred. As a new victor, this didn’t seem out of the norm for you. You’ve been sponsored before, but the items were never this specific and on brand. You noticed your little gifts from the sky had a small insignia on them, usually on the barrel of the gun, but you never payed them mind.
You seemed to be more welcome in certain areas of the island, specifically the ones that were, or still are controlled by ghost. Not one to question good fortune, you stuck to these areas as often as you could. Eventually, you matched up the logos from your weapons to the infamous ghost, and put two and two together. Somebody higher up favoured you, that was for certain, but who?
Midas would tune into every one of your matches, sending out whatever he could to help without bringing himself to attention. You died once. The mood at ghost was soured until your next match, in which you managed to survive, barely.
He had to keep an eye on you. He put himself back into the ring. Using his training as one of the worlds largest crime leaders, he disguised himself and grabbed a sniper, keeping an eye on you through the scope, killing anybody that dared look in your direction.
You noticed, of course.
Why would a seemingly new player with that much skill only kill the contestants around you? You didn’t understand what was going on until your first duo’s match.
It was all Midas’s idea, of course. Coercing the hosts into only doing duo matches that week. He again threw his hat in the ring, so to speak, and eagerly teamed up with you.
You were starstruck. THE Midas, kingpin of ghost, former battle royale champion, teaming up with you? A beginner no less. You immediately agreed to his offer, readying yourself for the gut churning drop to the island.
You landed in a ghost dominated area. The luck you two had was insane, but that was to be expected with Midas at your side, and his lackeys at your back. You two won countless matches before the week ended and you decided to call it a day, and rest up for the rest of the month. Midas slipped you his personal number, saying it was for battle strats and if you ever wanted to team up again.
The number was… not used for that. You two spent hours texting eachother, when the golden man suddenly got serious. He asked you to meet him at one of the ghost controlled coffee fronts. He told you about sneaking into the battle royales and keeping an eye on you. He told you everything. You recoiled, as one would after finding out their hero was a stalker, told him you needed some time, and left to your home.
Midas was furious. How could you? Why would you take him for granted after all he’d done for you? He was constantly blowing up your phone. Work, break, middle of the night, there were texts upon texts from him. “I’m sorries,” “Forgive me’s,” “Why can’t you understand’s,” and more. You blocked his number. And the number after that. And all of the gimmick numbers he was using to contact you. Eventually you had opted to just drown your phone in the sink and stick to using your home and office computers for everything.
He snapped. Ignoring him was one thing. Cutting him out of your life? That, he could not stand. And so he devised a plan. Your next match. His henchmen wearing gas masks. A bottle of chloroform, and you.
When you woke up, you were dazed and confused, as one often is when they are… to put it bluntly, kidnapped. The whole room seemed to sparkle. Golden bed frame, golden silk sheets, golden door with a golden trim to match. Your heart sank. You knew exactly where you were, and you knew you were never getting out.
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loversj0y · 1 year
am i the only one who has a boiling hatred for fanon ghostbur?
Like--- I'm neutral about canon ghostbur.
But i really really hate how so many people went as far as saying that Ghostbur was all the good parts of Wilbur.
That is just so wrong---- ghostbur has the good memories, but not all the good parts. it just drives me nuts.
ghostbur wasn't good for c!tommy or anyone coping with wilbur's death
it wasn't his fault, but people need to stop depicting him as they do
ohohoho i specifically waited to get to this until i had my laptop because i love me some character analysis! so. lets talk ghostbur!
disclaimer: these are opinions, i didnt write the character, this is just how id analyze ghostbur and audience portrayal of him
so something i think people dont note about ghostbur a lot is the fact that he is not wilbur in a much more real sense than people realize. something that revivebur kind of touches on but people dont really note (in my opinion) is the way the memories and your actions during memories actually shape you as a person. ghostbur could never be all the good parts of wilbur because without the negative memories, he could never have knowledge of how he can be good in negative scenarios, like being good towards tommy in darker times. this is one of the biggest things that makes ghostbur not healthy for the characters around him, and why wilbur being revived is so important to wilbur's overall character arc
ghostbur is the image of wilbur if he never dealt with significant problems, never caused problems or engaged in them, because he only has good memories, he's never seen himself in a negative situation (think to how ghostbur reacts to philza telling him fundy wants to be "adopted" by someone else (i cant remember who at the moment))
when people tell him of his own negative consequences, he literally cannot react in a way of genuine remorse. he feels guilt because he learns that the living version of himself did those things, but he cant actually give any apology that would be beneficial to anyone involved. ghostbur cant apologize for something he cant remember doing because he doesn't know why he acted in those ways.
we can contrast this with when revivebur tries to later apologize (im thinking particularly to fundy) and how when fundy asks why he did those things, he tells him about how he wasn't well mentally. even though fundy doesn't accept the apology (in a very. drastic way), revivebur can actually acknowledge his own motivations, which allows him to actually have a chance as being forgiven.
ghostbur doesnt know any of those motivations, which is why his character is unhealthy. he is literally a ghost of the man he once was, so even though people want genuine answers, before knowing he was going to be revived, they had to realize that ghostbur is basically a punching bag for them to push their issues with c!wilbur onto because ghostbur cant actually respond in any meaningful way in terms of remorse and forgiveness.
also, as for the audience portrayal, i think people got very caught up on the "sweet ghost boy" image rather than what he actually is and how he actually affects the characters. he literally haunts them and reminds them of all the trauma c!wilbur gave them, while knowing that he can't actually answer for any of it because he doesn't remember hurting them
its a very famous philosophical argument (i believe by kant) about the concept of "if someone has no memory of committing a crime, can they actually serve time for it?" because if you have no memory of doing something, can you actually learn from and grow from your experiences?
because ghostbur cant. and thats what hurts the people around him so much. people like c!tommy and c!philza who geniunely care about c!wilbur and want him to be okay know that ghostbur is not that answer because he can't grow from memories he doesnt remember playing a part in, so it hurts to see someone you love be constantly stuck in place of never being able to grow and never being able to answer for all the things you want to ask.
ghostbur is so important to c!wilburs arc because he reminds people not to seek justice on those who can't answer for it. some people actually recognize this, some don't, and some just avoid him like a plague because it hurts.
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 3 months
Hi i have sigewinne thoughts id like to hear your takes on
It is established that sigewinne is in the fortress wayyyy before wrio because she was also incarcerated for something right (or maybe she just has weird lingo that makes it SOUND like she committed a crime idk). And its still unclear exactly when she went from being an inmate to a working nurse (could be the same as wrio or she was also one of the people who chose to stay in meropide after her sentence is over who knows).
But like the warden before wrio is horrible iirc. And idk man horrible warden would equal unhappy, starving, desperate, and violent (and most importantly DEAD!) prisoners right?
I know melusines has this higher being-esque distant way of how they view humanity. They talk about humans being adorable like how humans would describe pets and animals. Im not saying its in a deragotory way, but theyre... a lil bit tone deaf because of it ya know. Like they KNOW they should do good for good sake but not exactly comprehend that good would make humans feel good (sedene literally went 'ah yes i remember that when humans are sad, you feed them, then theyre not sad!)
Do you think sigewinne would just... people watch? Would help humans that approach her yeah but she just... is aware that the humans around her are the sad and the hungry. And they are just less so when the warden changed? I doubt ANYONE would stay in meropide after their sentence during the previous warden era, but her staying solely to people watch and keep them healthy isnt.... that... farfetched.
And i love sigewinne, would probably need that level of distance to be a tiny nurse in a fortress of criminals. I just wonder how she is during the previous warden era because i dont really see her getting along with them either (or the warden kept her around for free labour who knows)
Sorry for the late reply, my social spoon has been low. The yap machine broke LOL
ANYWAY the melusines. I do honestly think Genshin Often write themselves into a hole with how they want to keep things "light" while still ... doing ... dark crazy shit. Putting a Melusine in Jail. Why. And also genshin's writer team is just... not good. But we have been through that I've rambled At Length about what I think there so.
Here's specific thoughts about Sigewinne.
Firstly............ what? I haven't touched new content since Fontaine MSQ finished, disclaimer, so I'm just taking your word for it. Secondly, making Sigewinne an ex convict is just so immensely Dumb of Mihoyo because that meant. Neuvillette had to sentence her. Right?? And how is That not more prominent to his story than him having to sentence Vautrin or even Wriothesley for that matter, given how he canonically feels about the Melusines and their safety. Sending one of them to Prison, where all of the Bad Guys who Hates Him and would kill the Melusines to get back at him. would ... have to fuck him up. Like he reacted so severely to just Hate Mail. How was Sigewinne's story Not At All impactful to his?
This is almost surely a Teams Not Communicating and/or Mihoyo Haven't Released Her So Everything About Her is Under Wraps thing. Which also makes no sense because.................. Wriothesley's sentence was literally referenced by that file on Neuvillette's desk. Which by the way is insane like sir it has been years. Put it away. But did they do anything like that for Sigewinne? I dunno. Haven't played in ages. The fact that she works down there At All is kinda wack if you consider how protective Neuvillette is.
So........ like... were the Melusines around even Before he was Iudex? He only brought them out of the water and into Fontaine but it's not stated that they're actually younger than him... or younger than 500 years right....... Was she sentenced by the Previous Archon? How can MHY tell a story that says so much and yet answers nothing.
Anyway, about Sigewinne and the Melusines' inaction specifically, I don't actually mind too much. They are so extremely different from humans in terms of how they age and what their maturity looks like, and that it's not too hard for me to grasp that they're just gonna act in ways that make them seem................... so out of touch. This layer actually adds so much to them in my mind in terms of how their immortality works compared to say, the Adepti, and how their emotions and memory function. I once had a thought that because they are so unaffected by loss and death all around them that they might... literally... be one of the only immortal species on Teyvat that is immune to corrosion lol. Or at least, the emotional anguish kind. In the sense they're almost like slimes. Where they just:
1. Don't recall their history with much intensity at all (that one melusine literally forgot Carole died. Or maybe it wasn't made clear to her that one of them just vanished. Maybe a lot more Melusines have died than we thought).
2. Don't care. #Live in the moment.
3. Don't ruminate (I literally said this in my fic funnily enough AHAHAHA).
Like if anyone in Fontaine is truly seriously impartial to humans, its them. Their ability to be so detached to suffering looks Frightening to outsiders (layering on their history with discrimination here lmao) but in actuality, if you consider that they're legitimately another species with a different brain, you'd be able to see their behaviour through less of a moral lense. It's literally as if they don't fully comprehend life and death— even Carole doesn't seem to fully understand death itself. And they forget things (Elynas, their 'father') which is arguably Not Erosion (forgetting small stuff is normal, and if you live as long as they do, yeah, you're better off forgetting things from 298274 years ago). Even if they remember it's probably like. Oh, that was sad! Anyway, what was I doing?
They just don't. Ruminate. They aren't built like that.
And I don't think that means that they don't care. They're just genuinely very different from humans in how they think and feel. And I refrain from saying "they're autistic" or "emotionally stunted" because these are human conditions and human terms, even if I very much frame my understanding of them through my understanding of these other human conditions. Which is why Neuvillette isn't exactly autistic either. But it's very Hard to say in his case because there's not exactly. Other Water Dragons for us to compare to and see if his cognitive/emotional abilities are Different from them (Unless it's modern au. In which yeah, he is lmao). But all the Melusines have this sort of detachment as if like, emotionally, they don't have... the trauma function basically. Or at least not one that's comprehensible to us.
So in my head, I do think Sigewinne tries her best, but she just simply isn't as emotionally charged by her experiences as, say, Wriothesley. She worked in Meropide while Wriothesley was sentenced there, so she did work under the previous warden as well, and I'm sure she did her job Well and she had her own way of caring for people but if they drop dead... genuinely, I think she'd just be like. "Aw, how sad. Anyway, I have other people to treat." Which, arguably, makes her a much more efficient nurse LMAO.
And it may seem so cruel to people do view her through a humanistic lense, but if you see it as like, if she's reached the level of enlightenment that Buddhist practitioners could only Dream of, and she's able to literally let these heavy events wash over her without letting it affect her, all while still being a caring being, this all would hopefully feel less uncomfortable. I do genuinely think she cares, but her emotional range and cognition just reaches. This point. Which is fine and doesn't make her inherently a bad character or person, I think.
I do literally think she can sit down with someone grieving and be like, "I understand that you are going through a process, and I will let you process things at your own rate, while I administer care as well as I can."
And they can be like, "Why don't you give a shit that they died?!!"
And she'd be like, "Would me feeling worse bring them back?"
Then, depends on how they react, she would continue like. "Unfortunately I do not feel things the same way that you do, and I do understand that humans often want their conversation partners to be able to relate to them, to feel as though they aren't alone in their feelings. Perhaps if you attend the memorial later, you'd be able to find those who can grieve with you. But if you feel any pain, or need any medicine, I will be here to help you!"
Yknow like. She's not Unkind. But she's very much... not gonna feel the same way about death as her patients. If anything this might make her the Best Suited person to be in charge of care in Meropide, and she might have already figured that out herself, and was like, "Monsieur Neuvillette, only I can do this without going insane. Please let me do this."
And he's like............... (shaking with fear for her) "Alright."
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