#it feels like im the only one trying to keep the gc alive.
kuroakikitsune · 1 year
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ii-zi · 1 year
Even when they ask, venting to people makes me feel like a tar pit lol
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television-pil0t · 2 years
I don’t wanna be touched I wanna be loved. I wanna feel loved. I wanna stop crying. I don’t wanna be needy I wanna be needed. I don’t wanna hurt this much but I don’t wanna die. I wanna handle it myself but I’m at my breaking point. LMAO IVE BEEN HERE FOR A DAMN WHILE! SINCE JULY APPARENTLY! I wear the same clothes to school everyday. I don’t wanna try. My head hurts and it’s spinning. I’m tired of bleeding. I’m tired of punching and burning myself. I’m tired of finding every way out of this. I hate being worried he’s cheating on me. I hate how nonchalant he can be. I hate that i have any problem with him whatsoever GOD IM SUCH A ASSHOLE! WHY AM I LIKE THAT! WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT FROM HIM! IM THE ONE THAT LET HIM BACK IN MY LIFE AND NOW IM COMPLAINING IT BITCH ITS YOUR FAULT ITS ALL YORU FAULT! Why do I complain so much. Am I asking to much to be loved a little bit more? Yes. Because he’s giving me all he can. We talked about it before. God he’s fucking trying. I’m gonna throw up I hate myself. I’m never gonna be good at art. Programming is a joke. I’m shit at technology. MF probably dosnt EVEN really want me around anymore. He used to talk about how much he wanted me. He said he needed me once. My dad used to hug me. I used to have worth. I used to be worth something. Why did this happen. I used to have so much to me. I used to be so nice. Why did he touch me. WHY DID HE TOUCH ME! WHY DID MIDDLE SCHOOL HAPPEN! GOD I WISH I WAS JUST MOLESTED ON THE INTERNET WHY DID IT HAPPEN IN REAL LIKE! WHY DID HE RUIN MY LIFE! I used to be so fucking nice! I used never be obsessed with someone! I was fucking normal! Why did he have to hit me. Over and over and over! I used to be so fucking nice I CANT GET OVER THAT I USED TO BE NICE! Now I’m such a asshole! Manipulative ass FUCKING BITCH! Using there mental illness as a landing pad when I do something wrong and have the gall to act like I’m better than everyone. MF you wanna go protest. Protest against yourself you fuck up. All this because a guy in 8th grade? All this because some guy when you were 5? Get the fuck over it! SHIT AS IF I CAN BLAME THEM! I’m just a fucking asshole! My bf probably still sends nudes to the gc. He still probably talks shit. He probably likes his friends. LMAO HE PROBABLY FUCKING FLIRTYS WITH THEM ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND I JUST DONT FUCKING KNOW BECAUSE “you get jealous so easily” MF I JUST WANNA DIE GOD DAMN IT IM CRYING AGAIN! I JUST WANNA FEEL SAFE! I WANT SECURITY! I WANT A FUCKING APOLOGY! I WANNA BE TREATED BETTER! EVEN MY PARENTS FUCKING HATE ME! HIS PARENTS WILL TO WHY WOULD I EVEN GO OVER THERE IM A AWFUL FUCKING PERSON WHY AM I ALIVE I SHOULDVE DIED YEARS AGO! I’m a fucking pussy that’s why. I just wanna be ok so fucking back. God it hurts. I cant keep going but I refuse to stop. I don’t wanna die. I just want better. I need better. I can’t be surrounded by fucking hell and be expecting to thrive in it! I’m the the rose in concrete god damn it! I was just a kid. FUCK I ALWAYS SAY THE WRONG THAT! AND THE WORST PART LMAOOO HE DOSNT EVEN TELL ME WHEN I SAW SOMETHING WRONG! HE JUST TALKS SHIT ABOUT ME LMAOO!! “Lol you never learn” YEAH I FUCKING CANT! CALL ME OUT PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME! I can’t talk to my own bf about my issues not only has he given up by I just feel like he would say “damn boi it’s not that serious” I scream! Maybe if I scream until I bleed I’ll finally be heard. By everyone. I’m tired of this. I’m not ready to be a adult. I’m not ready for any of this shit. God my heart hurts so bad. I feel like I’m just in year one. So much anxiety. Nothing to ease the pain and who’s fault is that. Mine. As always. Who am I crying to? Who am I asking for help? Nobody. Because it never goes well. I just wanna be told I’m loved. Im needed. Tell me it’s gonna be fucking alright because this world sucks. Im not gonna be able to leave out of my apartment until 26 at this rate because of government and inflation and my bf is just saying “save money” UGH LOOK AROUND!! WERE ALL TRYING! It’s so hard to make ends meet! It’s so hard!!
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leavetwn · 4 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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arckook · 5 years
around and around - five
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pairing: cho seungyoun x reader, kim wooseok x reader
au: idolverse
warnings: none
wordcount: 4.6k
description: you’ve had a one-sided crush on your close friend seungyoun for who knows how long, but things don’t stay so black and white when he introduces you to his new groupmate kim wooseok.
*sent image*
everyone look at our baby seungyoun at this photoshoot manz looks a fool
I think hyung looks good though?
Hansol can you read the mood. She’s trashing Seungyoun-hyung because he actually looks good
Oh ya I see it now
y/n y/n y/n where are you 
dont leave me alone here with these boring men
You sigh, reading over the recent messages in your friends’ group chat. Shaking your head slightly, you set your phone down in your lap, watching through the large mirror in front of you as your hairdresser lays the bleach onto your hair.
“I’m surprised you finally agreed to going blonde!” she says, looking excited to do something more interesting with your head. You tend to stick with a darker look, because it’s easier to take care of.
“I just want a change,” you tell her, smiling. 
And it’s true.
You almost feel like one of those girls who has gone through a crazy breakup, and does something drastic to her hair to try and cope emotionally. 
You’re just not going through a breakup, and also not doing it yourself so you don’t piss off your management.
You glance down at your phone again and see a few more texts.
Boring? BORING?
boring boys can you tell me if it’s just me who thinks seungyoun and y/n are acting weird
this is a necessary callout bc its making me feel uncomfy
Do you have to make them feel awkward…
so you DO agree
I never said that
I agree
They keep ignoring us in the gc 
Whichever one of you shows up here first is not a loser
boy are you 12? tf kind of tactic is that
There’s nothing wrong. Sorry I haven’t kept up much with you guys the past couple of weeks!
“tF kInD oF tAcTiC iS tHaT”
You read over Seungyoun’s message a few times, your eyes drawn to his name, to his contact image. It’s one of the only pictures of him that you’ve taken yourself- from one of the first times you’d even met him. He put on these dumb sunglasses and pushed his hair all the way back and flat against his head. It looked stupid, but at the time you thought it was funny and endearing enough to set at his photo.
There’s nothing wrong.
For some reason, you can’t bring yourself to believe that he actually feels that way.
You still feel sick to your stomach when you think back to his expression that night, when you told him you didn’t want him to take you home. Not that you didn’t want to be taken home… that it was him that was the problem.
He’s probably confused.
But you can’t explain it. You can’t. 
“I think a more silvery blonde will look good on you,” your hairdresser chirps, cutting into your thoughts. “Would you be open to that?”
“Oh, sure,” you answer, knowing your voice sounds a little half-hearted. “Can you cut some layers too? I’m curious what that would look like on me.”
“Totally!” she says, folding up a foil. “It’s going to look so good!”
A few hours later, when your new hair is completely bleached, toned, colored, cut, and blow-dried into a flowy and shiny curtain of silver-blonde, you post a picture of the new look on your instagram, feeling a little better from seeing yourself look so different.
You turn to see your group members, who all came from the dorm to get you from the salon so you can all get lunch together. 
Eunmi oohs and ahhs at your hair, running her fingers through it. “It actually looks soft!”
“That’s what happens when you don’t bleach the shit out of it like me,” Jiseo says, pinching a piece of her own hair, currently a faded minty green color, and cringing at it.
“Yeah, you should cut it, Unnie. Your ends look bad.” Soohyun says to the oldest, who sticks out her tongue. 
“Now three of us are basically blondes,” Eunmi pats your head. “I’m the only brunette left.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N won’t last long,” Jiseo jokes as she takes your hand, slotting her fingers in the spaces between yours. “She’s just going through emotional turmoil.”
“I am so not,” you mutter as the four of you start walking through the building towards the parking garage. 
“Y/N-unnie isn’t going through emotional turmoil, she’s just trying to look good for her new man,” Soohyun says, snickering even before Eunmi and Jiseo snap towards you, eyes wide.
“What?” Jiseo exclaims, and all you can do is glare intensely at Soohyun.
“That is also not accurate,” you grit your teeth as you talk.
“It so is,” she sing-songs, swinging her bag in front of her as you all keep walking. “His name is Kim Wooseok. Don’t worry, he’s handsomer than Cho Seungyoun.”
“Don’t say that about Seungyoun,” you tell her with a frown, but she just shrugs.
“It’s not like I called him ugly.”
“Isn’t Kim Wooseok his groupmate?” Eunmi wonders aloud, seemingly over the fact that Soohyun referred to him as your man. 
“Yeah,” you answer simply.
“Is that who you’ve been meeting up with the past few weeks?” Jiseo asks, which nearly makes you jump out of your skin, stopping in your tracks with wide eyes. Your leader glances over at you, a knowing smile on her face. “Y/N, did you think I didn’t notice you sneaking out whenever we had time?”
“I…” you trail off, a little embarrassed. “Um… yeah… I thought that.”
“Ooo-hoo-hoo!” Eunmi grins, and shoves you gently. “So it is like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like that,” she says suggestively, and you smack her arm.
“No, it’s-”
“Y/N-unnie sends him selfies,” Soohyun adds, making you groan and the other girls ooh and ahh even more.
“Yah, L/N Y/N!” Jiseo physically grabs and shakes you, her lips pulled into a wide smile. “I know as a leader I should scold you, but this is great news. You can finally get over Seungyoun.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” you whine, throwing your head back in frustration. “We are just friends!”
“Oooookay,” Jiseo hums, as you all exit the building into the parking garage. “Anyway, check out this spot I got. Someone was leaving right as we came in.”
“Lucky,” you comment as the car comes into view, glad of the change of topic.
The four of you get into the car, you and Soohyun automatically going to the backseat as you have done since the very first time you all went somewhere together. 
You glance down at your phone as the girls start discussing where you should go to eat, and are surprised to see another notification from your groupchat.
*sent image*
so y/n can post on insta but not respond to her best friends i see how it is😔
Woahhhh Y/N your hair
you can compliment but she’s not gonna respond😭😤
You sigh, your front teeth latching onto your bottom lip. 
You feel bad, to put it plainly. 
It’s not like you’re intentionally trying to ignore all of your friends… you just feel uncomfortable talking when you know Seungyoun will read it.
thanks vernon :)
sorry weve had a lot of shoots and stuff recently i dont have much time to be on my phone
She’s alive
wait y/n are you sleeping and eating :(
you were sick
im ok
take care of urself and ur new awesome hair girlie
sure thing
You turn your head to see Soohyun looking over at you, her brows furrowed. “You look stressed.”
“...No,” you smile, shaking your head. You reach over and take her hand, squeezing it. “I’m totally fine.”
“And then they made me wear this,” you find the picture you’d been looking for in your camera roll and turn your phone around, displaying the bizarre outfit you’d had to wear for a recent magazine spread. “Like, what is that? I’m embarrassed that documentation of this even exists.”
“It’s not that bad,” Wooseok hums, taking a bite of his cake. He does it delicately, and with a degree of elegance, like he does pretty much everything.
You huff, turning your phone off and setting it down on the table. “Well, thanks, I guess. I’m still in shock though.”
“By the way, Y/N,” Wooseok starts as you dig your fork into your own dessert, lifting a sizable chunk of the cheesecake to your mouth. “Why do you keep asking for me to meet up with you?”
You frown as soon as the words leave his mouth, setting the fork with your cake back down on the plate. “What?”
He shrugs, but it almost looks tense. Wooseok avoids meeting your eyes as he talks, instead trailing his fork around on the plate in front of him. “We agreed on me not spying on Seungyoun for you anymore. That was the whole reason we met up and ate together, but you’ve still been contacting me.”
You lean back in your chair, regarding him with furrowed brows and teeth latching onto your lower lip. “I don’t… are you saying it’s bothersome to meet up with me?”
Wooseok’s eyes flash up. “I didn’t say that. I’m just-”
“Well it feels like you’re saying that.” you cut him off, grip on your fork tightening as you look down at the table. “You could have just turned me down if you don’t like seeing me.”
“You’re not a bother, Y/N,” Wooseok says, and since you can practically hear the apology in his voice, you glance up to meet his gaze. It’s one of the few times you’ve seen him truly frown. “I shouldn’t have said it that way. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t really know what you’re trying to say,” you mutter, looking away again. “I didn’t just cut you off after the ‘no more Seungyoun updates’ thing because I like you and I want to be friends with you. Sorry if you didn’t feel that way.”
“Y/N-ah,” Wooseok says, clearly trying to get your attention, but you ignore him, because you feel a little hurt. “Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.”
“Okay, then what did you mean?” you ask, knowing bitterness is seeping into your tone. 
“I just thought that… you might be trying to make up for asking me that favor in the first place.” at this, you look up, confused. Wooseok fidgets a little, which is uncharacteristic for him. “I could tell that you were feeling uncomfortable about it that day that I came to get you from Jimin-ssi’s place. I thought you might be feeling guilty, so I was going to tell you that you didn’t have to be.”
“...Oh.” you say. 
It’s quiet for a second, because as a somewhat emotional person, you need a moment to recover from what you thought was about to become a total betrayal of your friendship with Wooseok, and you think he might feel a little awkward.
After you’ve had a minute to contemplate what he just told you, you sit up and take that bite of cheesecake you’d been preparing before, looking at Wooseok with all (probably not all, realistically… but most) of the distress wiped from your face. “You’re kind of right. I did feel guilty about it due to certain circumstances, but that’s not why I keep in touch with you. I just like you. And it’s fun having a friend that isn’t friends with the rest of my friends.”
One corner of Wooseok’s lips turns up, in that almost smirky way that he often does. Subconsciously, you think. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“...Can you apologize one more time though? Because that kind of upset me for a second.”
At this, he chuckles quietly. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
About twenty minutes later, after Wooseok has documented the outing with a picture of you and the food (he says he likes doing that because he can’t post pictures of most of his idol friends on social media) you leave the dessert cafe and head out onto the streets of Seoul together. You’re in a quieter area with a lot of parks, but since it’s nighttime, there’s not many people around aside from the occasional group of teenagers or drunk couple.
Eunmi is currently covering for you by having told your manager that the two of you went out for dinner together even though she’s actually just at her brother’s house, so you’ll have to meet up with her soon and go home. But for now, you’re enjoying walking around in the cold air with Wooseok.
He’s been quiet for a few minutes, though, and you’re considering questioning it when he finally speaks up.
“I know you said that day that you didn’t want to talk about it,” Wooseok starts, looking straight ahead as you two walk through a park. “But I can’t lie that I’m not curious. What made you not want to hear about Seungyoun anymore?”
You glance over at Wooseok, biting hard on your lower lip. You’re not sure if you really want to say.
He looks to the side to meet your gaze, and holds it. “He’s seemed uncomfortable too, the past couple of weeks. He was in his room when I got back after taking you home that night, and Seungwoo-hyung said he went straight there when he came back to the dorm. Did something happen between you two?”
You tug on your fingers, pulling at the fabric of your gloves, and look away from Wooseok, coming to a stop. “Not really. I mean, a little bit, but it wasn’t like…” 
You sigh, feeling without being able to see the judgemental look Wooseok is definitely giving you right now. “Basically, Seungyoun-oppa brought a girl with him to this get-together thing. I didn’t even know he was coming so it was kinda a shock, but she seemed nice and Jimin-unnie even said they were friends so I went with it. But this girl got me alone with her at one point and asked…” you sigh again, clasping your hands together. “She wanted me to pretty much do what you were doing for me. See what Seungyoun was saying about her, get him to like her and make her look good to him. I guess that… it just made me regret having asked that of you. Maybe it’s also because I was kind of drunk, but I almost threw up, too.”
“...Oh. I see.” Wooseok says plainly. You glance up to see his expression, expecting the judgemental look, but he just looks… concerned? “You never asked me to make you look good to Seungyoun, though. You just asked me to tell you what he says about you. Those are different.”
You shrug. “I guess. It felt the same, though. That’s why I wanted to tell you that you don’t have to anymore right away. And I really wanted to leave. There was no way I was going to be able to hang out with this girl after she told me that she’s in love with him.”
“In love with him?” Wooseok scoffs. “What’s her name? That seems dramatic to me.”
You crack a smile. “Her name was Sahee.”
Wooseok gives an unimpressed look. “Well he’s never even mentioned her, so I doubt that she’s that important to him.”
You shrug again.
After a moment, Wooseok continues. “So nothing happened at all between you and Seungyoun?”
You rub your arm, sending a grim smile his way. “Geez, you really want to know, don’t you?”
He tucks his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that I can tell something is weird between you two, and I don’t even see you at the same time.”
“Well, it wasn’t much,” you say, accepting your fate and just deciding to tell him. “Sahee must have told him I was feeling sick, so he came to check on me, and wanted to take me home. I told him I’d take a taxi… that was after I texted you. He was insisting at least on taking me downstairs but I didn’t really want to see him in that moment, plus it’s not like I was actually planning on a taxi, so…” you shake your head, sighing once again. “I don’t know. I guess I kind of hurt his feelings in the process.”
“If you were rude to him you should think about apologizing,” Wooseok says bluntly.
Wow. Absolutely no mercy.
“Yeah, I mean… I figured…” you mumble, crossing your arms. “I don’t really know if it was rude though. It was more like… uncalled for.”
“That means rude in most people’s vocabulary,” Wooseok says with a sigh, then starts walking again, which means you have to as well to keep up. “Anyway, he keeps being mopey so even if you don’t apologize, text him or something.”
“Can’t you tell him to text me first?” you mutter, not intending for Wooseok to hear, but you guess that he does by the glare you see him shoot you from your peripherals.
You groan. “Okay, maybe tomorrow. No promises though.”
“You’re such a kid,” Wooseok says, but when you look over, he’s smiling. “Want a ride home?”
“You don’t have to,” you say, but he shakes his head. 
“Just accept. I’m avoiding going back to the dorm for as long as possible because Eunsang and Dohyon decided they wanted to host a ‘video game night’, and I don’t want my ears to bleed from the inevitable noise.”
You laugh loudly, already being able to imagine how much that would get on a lowkey person like Wooseok’s nerves. “Alright then. I’ll accept the ride home.”
You have a preliminary recording session the next day for your group’s next album, which is set to come out in March. Jiseo wanted you all to come in just to check out the current tracklist the company has agreed on and maybe start recording some vocals to see if it feels right.
You’ve been at it since the morning, and now that it’s lunchtime, you’re sitting in the room connected to the studio with the girls, who are all on their phones like you. You finished eating a while ago, and now you’re just staring at the messages you have with Seungyoun. You’ve never deleted his tab on your phone, so if you scroll up far enough, you’d be able to read the first ever text you sent him. Which was, if you remember correctly: “Hi Seungyoun-sunbaenim! It was nice to meet you :)”. That was the day after you were first introduced.
You sigh, setting your phone down and dropping your forehead to the table.
“What’s up with her?” Jiseo says with her mouth full. 
“Maybe you were right about emotional turmoil,” Eunmi muses. 
You lift your head up. “Do you have to gossip about me when I’m right here?”
“Duh.” Soohyun says, so you reach over and smack her arm (gently, you may add), which she whines dramatically at. 
“What? Did something happen with Kim Wooseok yesterday night?” Eunmi asks, and you groan.
“No, unnie. Can you stop trying to act like he’s my boyfriend?”
“No, I cannot,” she responds, sticking out her tongue.
“Leave her to her emotional issues,” Jiseo says, once again through her chewing. “Eunmi-yah, Soohyun-ah, let’s go back in since you’re done eating. Y/N-ah, just come when you’re ready.”
“Thanks, unnie,” you tell her honestly as she leads the other girls out of the room, Soohyun scrunching up her nose at you before she closes the door.
You grab your phone again and look at the screen.
It’s been a while since you last texted Seungyoun. Not since November. It hits you that it’s been months since you had a real conversation with him, and you feel bad all over again.
Hey :) I just wanted to say sorry if I was acting weird at Jimin-unnie’s house that one time. I felt really sick and I think the alcohol was getting to me.
You type out the message, but your thumb hovers hesitantly over the send button. You end up pressing and holding on delete until the whole thing is gone.
Oppa, sorry for being rude that night. I wasn’t feeling well. 
You read that one over a few times, and delete it too. 
Seungyoun-oppa, I can’t remember well, but I think I was kind of rude to you that day at Jimin-unnie’s house. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it
You bite your lip, and then in a sudden moment of “who gives a fuck”, just hit send.
And then immediately groan at what you’ve done. 
“Dumbass,” you mutter to yourself. “You remember everything.”
With a shake of your head, you get up and start gathering the takeout your group members had left on the table, probably thinking they’d just clean it up after. You throw everything that’s empty away, and then close up the containers of what isn’t done, stacking it in the middle of the table.
And then your phone starts ringing.
You nearly knock over the stack of styrofoam boxes it surprises you so much. You hurriedly walk back to where you were sitting, and pick up your phone, going cold when you see who’s calling.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your screen enveloped by that dumb picture of Seungyoun in the glasses. At least he’s just calling and it’s not Facetime.
You hit answer, unable to actually miss his call on purpose, and bring the phone up to your ear. “Hello?”
“Y/N-ah?” Seungyoun’s voice sounds out immediately, and the tension in your body skyrockets as you sit back down in your chair. “Is this a bad time?”
“No, I have a few minutes,” you answer, glancing through the window in the door to the recording studio, where you can barely see Jiseo and Soohyun with headphones on, Eunmi most likely recording some background vocals.
“Oh, good,” he breathes. “You… you got home okay that night?”
“Yeah, um, there were tons of taxis around,” you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Good,” Seungyoun repeats. “Were you really sick? Or did it pass the next day?”
“I think it was just the alcohol,” you try to reassure him. “I hadn’t drank for at least a month before that.”
“You don’t always drink like that, right?” he asks, then sighs, almost sounding a little strained. “It kind of worries me.”
“Why would you worry about that kind of stuff?” you ask, frowning. “You know I don’t get drunk easily.”
“Yeah, but look at what happened,” Seungyoun retorts. “You looked like you were about to pass out but you didn’t even want me to take you home. Someone in their right mind doesn’t act like that if they’re not totally wasted.”
You nearly let the words slip out: “There was more to it than that”.
But you snap your mouth shut before they do.
“I just feel like…” Seungyoun sighs again, sharper this time. “You never let me be worried about you. You brush it off every single time. It’s frustrating, Y/N.”
You’re at a loss for words.
Just... what?
“That’s not-” you start, then let out your own sharp sigh. “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing, though. You already have so many things going on, and I don’t want to be a burden, so-”
“When did I ever say that you’re a burden?” Seungyoun exclaims, interrupting. “You just assumed that! It’s like you want to be friends, but you don’t want me to actually care about you or be there for you!”
“That is not true,” you snap, your grip on your phone tightening. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Seungyoun.”
“I know exactly what I’m talking about,” he responds, note of frustration evident in his voice. “You haven’t been the same the past few months. You just haven’t.”
“Whatever,” you say, knowing it’s bratty. “You think you know everything but you can’t even see how oblivious you are.”
You know you’re edging on dangerous territory here, but the way he’s talking to you is making a frustration at him swell up that you’ve never felt before.
“Oblivious?” Seungyoun scoffs, a sharp laugh following. “Come on, Y/N.”
“What, you think it’s funny?” you question, hearing the hostility in your voice. “Did you stop to wonder what your friend Sahee was saying to me on the balcony? Did you even notice we were out there together before she went to tell you I was sick?”
“What are you even talking about?” he asks. “This isn’t the point right now-”
“It’s exactly the point, you don’t think you’re oblivious, but you were friends with her for years and never noticed that she’s in love with you!” you snap, your voice rising in volume over the sentence. 
Seungyoun is silent after that, and the sense of regret starts to seep in instantly as you realize what you’ve done.
“...What did you say?” he asks, his voice quiet this time. “Sahee told you that she’s in love with me?”
You don’t answer, but he must take it as a yes.
Seungyoun is quiet still, but you can picture him, wherever he is, throwing his head back, pushing his hair through his fingers in agitation.
“Fuck,” he finally mumbles.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your voice small as your throat starts to close up. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No fucking kidding, Y/N,” Seungyoun says sharply. You can hear his grit teeth through the closed sound of his words.
You breathe in a heavy breath, trying not to start crying even though you can feel the tears welling up. “I’m sorry. Oppa, just pretend I didn’t say that-”
“L/N F/N,” he says, and you stop immediately. “Just don’t.”
You sniffle, holding the phone away from you so he can’t hear you as the tears start rolling down your cheeks. 
“Fuck,” you hear Seungyoun repeat. “Fuck, I can’t believe this… all that time and she never told me?”
You hold back a sob, almost choking on it.
It almost sounds like he’s talking about you.
This is why he can never find out.
This is why you’ll never be able to tell him.
You let out just the first broken part of the kind of shuddering breath you take when you’re crying, and Seungyoun’s mumbling stops.
“Shit, Y/N-ah? Are you crying?”
You can’t find the voice to answer him, just trying hard not to openly cry.
“Y/N-ah,” he repeats. You hear Wooseok’s voice in your head from yesterday. Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.
“Y/N-ah, please don’t cry. Fuck, fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you manage to get out, your voice tight and thin. 
“No, it’s okay,” Seungyoun says quickly. “Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I’m just shocked, listen, it’s okay, okay? Y/N-ah, don’t cry. I swear I’m not mad.”
“I’ll hang up now,” you say, taking another shuddering breath. “Please don’t tell Sahee I told you.”
“Don’t hang up,” Seungyoun scrambles to tell you. “L/N F/N, please don’t hang up right now-”
You pull the phone away from your face and tap the red button, and set it facedown on the table. It starts ringing again right away.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Jiseo’s voice sounds out from the doorway to the recording studio. You look up, and she gasps. “Yah, Y/N! Why are you crying?”
“Unnie,” you whimper, wiping at your eyes. “My heart really hurts right now.”
“Hey!” Jiseo shouts into the other room. “Everyone get in here!”
She walks over to your, pulling another chair up and quickly wrapping her arms around you, the ringing of your phone becoming background noise. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
It doesn’t feel okay to you.
You are still in love with Cho Seungyoun.
And he will never know.
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
So, idk if this is still ok but i saw your post about "if anyone anon or not needs a space to vent they can"
I just need to get a few things off my chest and idk who else to tell so im telling a stranger. Sorry for that bestie.
Trigger Warning: Suicidal thoughts, SH
You don't gotta keep reading if those make you uncomfortable i just gotta let it out bc i feel like I'll explode if i don't
So, idk if you know the whole "intentionally going numb/ turning off emotions" thing but i basically did that a month or so ago. And now i don't wanna go back to feeling bc i know i will just break down bc everything is too much and the fact that i don't have any real problems just makes everything worse. Like i know i don't have the fucking right to want to k word myself bc i don't have it nearly as bad as other people but that doesn't make me suddenly wanna live?
I have great friends, mostly supportive parents (although their parenting is questionable) im white, live in a wealthy country am abled and never faced "hard" discrimination based on my sexual orientation.
However, everything just seems pointless?
I had ⅓ graduation exams today and the next one which is math is tomorrow and i just straight up did not study bc i didn't see the point. My dad bought me an expensive car although i don't have a driver's license yet (i guess as motivation). And idk why anything would matter. Im turning 18 in a few days and the only good thing im seeing is that im gonna be able to buy my own alcohol.
Earlier i came to the conclusion that tomorrow would be a great day to k word myself and usually i just brush that stuff off but rn it genuinely seems like a pretty good solution. I only haven't done it yet bc i think about my friends and how traumatized they'd be but i was such an asshole today. Im pretty sure one of them (ironically my favorite one) hates me by now bc of all the emotional damage ive caused. They didn't even bother adding anything to the bs i said.
Funnily enough another friend told me i was obsessed with them^ bc i had/have a longass unrequited crush and ngl now that she said it i get what she meant. I am obsessed. Im a piece of shit lol. For constantly treating the people around me like toys. "meh they'll still be here when i play with the other one" no they fucking won't dumbass. I try my best to remind them that i care but the last few times it just sounded so wrong. Like i was forcing them to stay my friends. Like they would leave in a heartbeat if i didn't constantly manipulate them. Funfact my brain is like "you're saying bs rn" which is weird considering it usually likes it when i minimize my problems and make it sound like im being an asshole to everyone even though i just have a bad day.
Idk man. I told my therapist i think i might have adhd and he was like "i don't think you do" Granted he probs thinks im a teenager who's overreacting. Like the last one lol. That lady was smth else lmao. Telling me everything i felt was normal. Uh ma'am sorry but i don't think constantly blaming yourself for everything that literally doesn't have anything to do with you and having a voice in your head that tells you to kword yourself 24/7 is not normal but go off karen.
Anyway a friend messaged the gc earlier asking what we wanna do tmrw night and my first thought was "idk bout u but i hope im dead by then"
My mom's not home anyway so she won't "save me".
Just gotta figure out how and where and write a bunch of letters.
Bc the least i can do is give people a last goodbye. Yk bc i think as bad as it is, if im leaving i could at least give them smth to remember me by. A few words saying im grateful and i know they did their best but they couldn't have stopped me.
Maybe adding some hearts so they remember me as that bubbly caring friend i always tried to be.
Sorry for putting this on you stranger. I just didn't want to tell someone else.
If you've read this far thank you.
I'll try my best to stay alive. Maybe things will get better eventually.
Sorry again.
hey there buddy :'] I just wanna say a few things in response too! I hope I don't step over any personal boundaries, but I'm really worried and I can't bear to see this and not say anything. So under the cut, is just a few words I wanted to say :]
You don't have to read at all if you don't want to <3
[tw : mentions of suicide, bad mental state, negativity ]
I'm really glad you came to me and saw that post. I'm so happy you did, and tbfh I'm really proud of you for doing so. I would never have the guts to do it, and I think you're really brave for it.
I see that you're struggling a lot, and although it might sound strange coming out of a stranger, I really do appreciate you here. I know I can't do much rather than just offer presence on a website, but I really believe in you.
It's sad to know that people have to go through alot recently. I'm sorry you were faced with that. It must be very tough, and I really just want to give you a big hug </3
another thing I wanted to add : I am a person of color, and I just want to say that just because the world and alot of pocs are facing serious issues that people deem as "something to actually be depressed about", you should never compare your personal issues to that. Yes, sure, the world is suffering, yes, sure, everyone is facing problems, and yes, of course, some problems may hurt more than others do. That does not mean yours are invalid. I don't believe anyone needs a "reason" to be depressed. It's not a voluntary action, you can't control those feelings. Please, trust me, do not feel bad. Someone, a very close friend of mine, told me this while we were alone together. I'm glad she did, because it made me feel better at that time. And I'm passing on the message because it's true. No matter your sexuality, your race, your financial status, your gender identity; your issues at valid. Your problems are valid. You have every right to be upset, and you shouldn't invalidate yourself like that.
I'm sorry that you have to go through so much to go to be willing to do the k-thing. Al though I can't say much, I would love for you to stay. You would always have a welcoming place in my blog, and you'd always be appreciated here. I'm so sorry for everything happening, and I'm so sorry for not being able to do anything more. I don't know if you want to hear this, but I love you. I love you alot, very much, and it hurts me too, to see you like this.
Please, if you ever want to stay, if you ever want to chat, if you ever need a leaning shoulder or a listening ear, please, reach out to me. My dms are always open, my inbox is always open. If I don't reply, it's because I'm asleep.
Again, I'm glad you were brave enough to share this, and I'm glad that you're still here. I really appreciate you, my inbox and dms are ALWAYS open, please, drop by and say something whenever you feel like it.
Thanks for this message anon, I love you <3
My heart reaches out to you. I'll always be here. I meant what I said.
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softhaos · 6 years
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fellas, as of today – jan 14th 2019 – softhaos has turned one year old!! honestly, i never expected to last this long?? over the past year, i’ve gone through many ups and downs, made close mutuals, received so much emotional support from all kinds of people on this site and overall, i’m so thankful that i pulled my shit together and joined the community on tumblr! 
i still remember clearly when i first started out with this blog and posted the neighbor aus and got SO much support for it?? like?? i never thought it’d come this far where i could touch readers’ hearts with my word vomits?? that’s just insane. and even if you don’t read my works yet still follow me: wow, i’m so grateful that you managed to cope with my bullshit – be it from my undying hatred towards pcy and kmg, me abusing the uwuwuwu or my personal thoughts.
in other words, this is my message directed to everyone: thank you for keeping up with my bullshit uwu
now on to the part where i thank specific people for making my existence on this site more bearable,, i’ve left a message for everyone i tagged (i would’ve tagged literally everyone but i’m a stressed student i am so sorry if i forgot you kjldl and i would feel bad if i didn’t leave a note to everyone i tagged) and the list is in alphabetical order! @ anons i also left notes from you at the very bottom.
@baekberrie 💌 even though we just talked once literally two days ago thanks to my clumsy ass sending you an accidental ask, i’m so glad i actually did. pola (okay i got this from your about page im sorry kljsdl) you’re an amazing, kind and talented soul with whom i could’ve talked hours about soft bbh if it weren’t for my tiredness. i’ve only read your junmyeon oneshot so far but trust me, i’ll get to that cuddling fic with baek real soon once i’ve got more time uwu you’re honestly a talented writer and i hope we get to talk more in the future!
@baekbuns 💌 i’ve known you for how many days already you anon thot and i really can’t believe that i was vv intimidated by you at first (not gonna lie, you still scream bde but that’s another story-) hope, despite you trying to steal pretty much everyone from anyone, it’s still very fun to fight talk with you and you’re also an excellent writer uwuwuwu i am still very attacked by the thought of bartender yixing one day I WILL SUE YOU ALONG WITH PCY
@baekwell--tart 💌 bella!!!! ngl i’m still very pissed at myself for not realizing you from your old url but i’m glad i found you again!! (did i find you again? idk anymore i suffer from short term memory but i hope i got my point across sdjlkj) you’re such a warmhearted person and i’m really grateful that i got to know you. however, you’re also a funny person and that also shows in your writing - istg one day i will probably have “perpetual boredom” tattooed on my forehead don’t ask why that description of sehun will NEVER fail to make me chuckle!! you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and so much more uwu
@boosoonhao 💌 i know i keep repeating myself when it comes to you aj, but i really have no idea what else to say. i wrote it in the letter, i expressed myself way too often in the tags whenever i reblog your works, yet here i am doing it again (and maybe even more exaggerated than usual, we’ll see): aj, you are one of the most talented writers i’ve ever known and one of the greatest blessings in the community. there, i said it and i mean it! you are one of the very few i know that doesn’t shy away from fantasy-ish aus and executes them brilliantly. the way you have with your words is just fascinating and i find myself sometimes jotting down what you wrote for future references? but writing skills aside, you are a beautiful and kind person and up to this day the key chain you sent me is still intact. aj, thank you for blessing me, blessing everyone with your talent and general existence. 
@byuncaa 💌 bianca you smol soft bean you have my heart right there and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we get to talk more in the future uwu you’re such a cute soul gaaah it really makes me wanna send you all the soft memes i possibly own anywaY i hope you just stay as bubbly and bright and adorable as you are uwu
@cafechenle 💌 hani, kaito kid, i don’t know whether you’re still alive on tumblr or not but idc i’m still writing this to you anyway. you’re one of the first people i’ve met on this site and gOD i remember it as clear as day where i was so close to blocking you within the first few minutes of knowing you. yes, i’m talking about the entire mansae chan era discourse. anyway, we don’t talk as much but i hope you’re doing fine my wee lil silver boys supremacist!!
@changbeanbag 💌 landon, we literally just met yesterday but as you can see, i don’t care and i’m writing you a wee lil note anyway. you, my dude, radiate uwu energy and ngl i may have squealed when i saw your tags in the ask i sent you teehee - i hope we get to talk more in the future (that is, if school hasn’t killed me until then-)
@changbiinn 💌 kirra, you beautiful, blue haired visual goddess who has everyone else (including jisung yES I WENT THAT FAR) looking like a mere smurf and found dead in a ditch! i didn’t think i’d get an instant dm from that one inkigayo shitpost but you went ahead and proved me wrong sjljlks timezones fuck me up all the time but nonetheless i hope we get to interact a lil more and gET ENOUGH SLEEP OR ELSE
@cheolsjigyu 💌 MISS VAN NO I DID NOT FORGET YOU HEAR ME OUT. first of all, how could i forget you when you provided me all the great twt aus and the wild chats we had back in?? sometime early last year i guess. it’s been a very long time since we talked and i’m sorry i couldn’t reach out to you any time sooner due to school and the usual stuff (also, uh, i’m not the biggest friend of tumblr dms and barely check any messages there so there’s that too) believe it or not i still wheeze whenever i think of your fic swing baby because goddamnit that jyp song was one repeat for a good week. anyway, i hope you’ve been doing well and are not at the brink of near death like me uwu
@cherryxiu 💌 gran, frank, satan incarnate, whatever else i call you. you may fuck me up with the pcy i’ve never asked for but i hope you know you have a soft spot in my heart (i’ll never say that out loud again tho so see it as a one of a time thing). you’re my fav minseok stan and while i wouldn't necessarily jump off a cliff for you, i’d jump with you uwu anyway, aggressively refrain from sending me more pcy content i’m just trying to live an easy life here. but knowing you, you’ll definitely pretend as if that last part was never written so why do i even bother-
@chillihansol 💌 hanni my child!!! i hope you’re doing fine, aren’t as stressed anymore and have received the love you deserve and more!!! i still remember when i was highkey intimidated by you so i went on anon but then somehow you were startled by my lil threat and then i became your mom anon? funny that has changed over the time skldj hanni, i don’t regret ever going on anon for you and you’re an amazingly talented writer. i already said it once but i’ll say it again: guns n roses was the first svt fic i read on tumblr and just thank you for creating that piece uwu
@choco-seventeen 💌 miss choco, i almost tumbled down the nonexistent stairs in my apartment when i saw you ??? sliding into my dms ??? and then reading my word vomits ??? and then you followed me ??? and everything that followed after ??? i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me and up to today it remains a mystery to me ngl. we love a talented, kindhearted, fantastic, stunning, visual writing queen who is ofc the right person to love thanks to the avatar discourse she started!!! choco, keep on enlightening everyone’s life with your mere existence, the tags you put in your reblogs that make me smile and of course, wonderful stories <33
@custardheart 💌 taylor, i don’t think we have ever talked (unless you approached me on anon maybe then maybe yes??) but i just wanted to thank you for blessing my notifications. you’ve been supporting me / on my notifs for quite a long time - may i say you’re like one of the first followers i had when i first started out? THAT’S how long you’ve been here already and i can’t thank you enough <333 (please don’t ask me why i know that but goddamn every time i see that jeonghan profile picture i already know it’s you djklj)
@dinoshaur 💌 sha! lee! i know we barely talk to each other but i just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for making some of my days with your astounding fics!! one of my favorite works from you will always be “flower crown prince” because you have NO idea how much i struggle with finding seungkwan fics dkkjljlk i’m sorry i didn’t submit anything for the lfw challenge i really tried to make it but you know, life problems happened whoops. i wish you all the happiness and inspiration and love from chan himself you gifted angel uwu
@forevershua 💌 dear fossil mother ryan, i can’t believe i internally pronounced your name wrongly for pretty much half a year knowing you. please forgive me. okay, but all seriousness aside, you’re one of the closest people from this site!! i really love you so so much though i can’t guarantee that i love you as much as you love jeonghan more than shua; i still shed tears whenever i pull out your two postcards - especially the minghao one; i think i suffered from mild heart palpitations when i got it in the mail (and still do). i hope we get to meet this year and possibly clown rat together and just stay the somewhat sane person left in the gc <33 p.s HOW DO YOU FUNCTION WITHOUT A FRIDGE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT
@gamerwoo 💌 rocket, you’re always active when it’s the ungodly hour where i live and it has happened more often that i stay awake because of you. not only do i have loads of stuff i can queue from you (teehee) you recently started posting stories again and the ones you hammered out lately just??? do things to me??? for real though do you have sadistic tendencies or somethin because you posted TWO (2) nsfw stories that I indulged at 2 AM IN THE MORNING. aside from that minghao and junmyeon stuff, uuuh, i finally got around to finish your ghoul au which i completely adore!! i’m looking forward to your upcoming works uwu and hope you get all the positivity and good vibes only uwu (p.s i have to confess: my dumb ass seriously thought the “woo” in your url referred to jungwoo and for some good weeks i thought you ult jungwoo rIP ME)
@hearttoshu 💌 jess, i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me because i’m gonna be honest here, i was scared of you skaljdlkjslkj please i don’t even know why, you seemed very intimidating but i was proven wrong in an instant!! you are one super soft bean with hq gifs and a love for jun and shua that reaches up to infinity and beyond!! your tags always get the best out of me and i’m really grateful for having you in my life uwuwuwuwu 
 @jejublr 💌 ew rat, you’re finally adulting. jokes aside, you were the first victim to fall under my disastrous typo errors and may i say that i’m just simply ICONIC for forever slapping that legendary nickname on you uwu nat who?? we only know RAT. you’re the one person i can always run to when more serious issues are bugging me since i guess you can relate the most to my personal dilemmas and i just wanted to thank you for being there for me <33 that, and for keeping gran somewhat at bay. i hope we get to meet up this summer where i’ll feed you with lots of chocolate while teasing ryan about her biasing jeonghan LMAO and just like most people from the gc, you’re one of the first close mutuals i’ve made. in a way, you could say you’ve been with me here since day 1 (almost) xx
@jin-hua 💌 mayo / mango / mayo that tastes like mangoes / idk i bet i have misspelled your names approximately 993828 times in 937987 different variations but guess what? i still love u to death uwu i love me a fitness queen, a visual goddess not even god himself could ever and i’m so so glad that you exist in my life <333 i know i promised you a crackhead message but when i think about it there’s not really a lot to say that’s out of place when it comes to you?? you’re an angel uwuwu the light of my life frank could NEVER
@justsomekpopstuff 💌 jj it is i, your #1 supporter!! since you’re also part of the nug club gc from the beginning on, you have an extra special place in my heart <3 jj, i love how supportive you are and i don’t think you realize that i cherish you to the moon and back and that times 903809. i love how you get so fired up about your hockey team and like to gush and suffer from the wrath of Joshua hong and i hope you’ll stay eternally happy uwu that, and dRINK LESS COFFEE ISTG
@lxveille 💌 veille we’ve never interacted a lot but i just wanted to let you know that i admire you a LOT. i haven’t got around to read more of your works lately, but i do have a favorite fic that i still clearly remember. okay, that’s a lie, i have several that left a strong memory. but let’s say, if i had to reduce it to one fic, it’d be the 100wtsily dystopian au with jihoon and 66 & 70! you’re one of the very few writers who hit the dystopian genre spot on and you truly are an inspiration. seriously, thank you a lot veile xx
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich 💌 LOOK, i didn’t even know you changed blogs or something and i’m so eternally sorry that it took me ages to figure that out! (RIP me) you’re one of the first followers i had if i recall correctly (i’m pretty positive of that) and i just wanted to thank you for sticking with me so long uwuwuuwwu i wish you all the happiness bb <3
@multi-yeol 💌 haaaa we’ve only known each other since a day or something but i’m really glad we did!!!! honestly, that Loona song sorter is harder than any of the german exams i had and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we’ll talk more in the future bub!!!
@oatmealupdates 💌 lynna, you too are one of the first followers on my blog i’m wheEZING you’ve been here for so long sdlkjlkj thank you for your support and your comments under the fics always make my day i swear!! i’ve also noticed that you haven’t been that active as you used to be (maybe it’s just me idk sometimes my dash is kinda wacky) but all in all i hope you’re doing good!! if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always hmu <33
@queerjunhui 💌 vane, ngl, you really scared me at first. i was really intimidated by your for reasons i can’t even explain and i always thought you were out of my league sdkljlk i think we started talking since the cyzj thing and you’re one of the funniest and nicest people i’ve met so far on tumblr, seriously! your content - be it from your shitposts to mindless thoughts like the entire indirects to j*** * yES I STILL RECALL THEM - you always manage to make my day brighter whenever i see you on my dash. i wish you all the happiness and hope you’re doing good uwu
@seungcheolsbodyharness 💌 katey, sis i still think about that criminal seokmin and the entire au we made up - from FBI agent cheol to incompetent intern vernon and all that jazz. besides the fact that your url is a pure 10/10 as well as your other URLs, you’re such a nice person and i really enjoy your presence - be it in the form of reblogs of any kind of thing to the comments you occasionally leave and don’t get me started on the aSKS; katey, i’m so glad to have met you on this site!!! uwu
@softwonwoo 💌 jian darling!! honestly, i have no idea how you even know of my existence. just like pretty much everyone else i’ve tagged here you kinda had that intimidating aura?? but then the more i talked to you somehow, the more i was proven wrong and you’re such a sweet pea i can’t- also, i’m glad that i found someone who can agree with me when it comes to chungha dsakjlskj pls stay healthy, stay happy jian!!
@swyllh 💌 sara, i don’t think we have ever had a proper conversation, but i just wanted to give you my appreciation. you are one of the most underrated writers within the community yet you always give your best when it comes to your writing and honestly, i really admire you. i haven’t found the time to read your interactive fic yet (i keep pushing that back i am so sorry but i’ll get to that one day) and one of the fics that i absolutely adore is that one end of the world fic with chan, as well as the vernon collab with sha!! i really hope you’ll get the recognition and love you deserve you gifted writer !!
@tonicandjins 💌 faye my snowflake, i haven’t seen you around lately but if you read this, i hope everything’s alright from your side! i’m quite sure i’ve already mentioned this to you but i’ll say it again. i will NEVER shut up about one and two small petals and will NEVER recover from it. another banger is that wonwoo fic with the printer- ugh, you’re such a talented, beautiful person and i truly wish you all the best. remember, don’t stress yourself and relax once in a while uwu
@yeolsmiling 💌 angie hi!! i legit only sent you one (1) ask so i really don’t have much to say so far unless i wanna repeat myself lMAO one day, i aspire to purely emit soft energy for yeol but i doubt that day will ever come. i hope we get to talk more in the future you soft bear <33
honeybunch anon 💌 honeybunch, i hope you’re doing well! i still remember that i called you that when you slipped into my asks and gushed about that one mingyu fic up to this day i’m still flattered and eternally grateful that you’re still here uwu thank you for your support and making my day <33
fromis anon 💌 idk if you’ll ever read this but i miss you uwu i hope you’re doing fine and just a quick update from my side: i still haven’t found a bias yet uGH 
sugarpie / tulip anon 💌 you seem like such a cool person i’m really glad you stopped by in my inbox thank you for hitting me up uwu since i have no clue who you are and since i’m a dumbass, i’m can only rely on you messaging me jslkdj
none of the letters are proofread i am so sorry
61 notes · View notes
yunsangelic · 6 years
captaindboss’ Hottest NHL Players Survey Responses
I’m demonkonecny bc it’s halloween!!! Happy Halloween!!! Anyway I’m finally posting the results of my hottest players per team survey, (it’s closed now so u can’t take it anymore, sorry) which included ur fav ugly hots like jack eichel and connor mcdavid. Y’all had some colorful write-in responses for me, I included my favorites! Anyway, as not to clog dashes I put it under a read more. If you have questions about how I compiled this data or how I organized it, feel free to ask! Also some of y’all didn’t put an answer for like half the teams???? who raised you.
Montreal Canadians
Carey Price (55.02%--126 of 229 votes)
Jonathan Drouin (23.58%--54 of 229 votes)
Shea Weber (13.10%--30 of 229 votes)
Other* (8.30%--19 of 229 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“PK Subban...oh wait...Lars Eller... Oh wait...Drouin...oh wait...Alex Galchenyuk...oh wait shit fine Shea Weber”
“Everyone who has escaped”
“their ‘attitude problem’“
Boston Bruins
Brandon Carlo (30.26%--69(lol) of 228 votes)
Patrice Bergeron (Cause y’all would kill me if I didn’t put him) (29.82%--68 of 228 votes)
David Pastrnak (yum i lov carb) (25.88%--59 of 228 votes)
Other* (14.04%--32 of 228 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
[About Carlo] “He’s  a baby but also like has an ageless vampire quality which appeals to my ovaries, long conditioned by teen vampire novels”
“Brad Marchand's tongue (only the tongue)” [this ain’t it chief]
“I love my alien father tuukka rask” [r u ok]
Bonus, cause I’m weak:
“no one THINKS pasta is hot COME ON i hate us” [it’s okay, he is VERY hot, that’s why I put him lmao]
“Zdeno chara babey” [R U OK]
Girl as if (44.80%--99 of 221 votes) 
Jonathan Toews (22.62%--50 of 221 votes)
If you put pk*ne here i’ll come to your house and murder you*^/other (17.65%--39 of 221 votes)
hahahahaHAHAHA (14.93%--33 of 221 votes)
*= tie between Nick Schmaltz and John Hayden.
^= 3 people want me to come to their houses and murder them, unfortunately it’s still illegal to do so, therefore I will not be doing that.
“toews player portrait makes him look like a human condom”
“i live in chicago and am willing to take 1 for the team and take out k*ne” 
“Bitch you funny but also Alex Debrincat”
New York Rangers
Brady Skjei (46.32%--107 of 231 votes)
Henrik Lundqvist duh (31.17%--72 of 231 votes)
Brett Howden is the right answer despite not being on the roster yet^ (11.69% (lol)--27 of 231 votes)
Other* (10.82%--25 of 231 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
^= funny enough, like 2 days after I made this Brett made the final cut lmao.
“Chris Kreider (have you seen the golf pic???) [LMFAO yeah I have (it’s probably too NSFW if ur in public fyi if u wanna google it)]
“i'm horny for like half the gd rangers roster!!!!” [lol girl I know, y’all actually have a few cuties I was a lil shocked]
“this is a hot team too bad they suck”
Toronto Maple Leafs
Y’all are demons okay Nikita Zaitsev is a fuckin gem idk why I was surprised about this but I was lmao.
Other* (39.37%--87 of 221 votes) [just know that I hate u all :/]
William Nylander (25.79%--57 of 221 votes)
Nazem Kadri (24.89%--55 of 221 votes)
Nikita Zaitsev (9.95%--22 of 221 votes)
*= Freddie Andersen. 
“william nylander isn't a leaf, firstable, and second it's motch murner” [sjdhkdlsjdj everything about this]
“i'm putting rich clune even tho he's on the marlies. SOMETIMES HE COMES UP. he could benchpress ever leaf on the roster.” [ur valid, when u sent this I was like “FUCK they’re right.”]
“None they look like 25 year olds who smoke crack in the parking lot” [this is low-key mean but I still laughed, cause yeah, white dudes. But I’m not condoning drug abuse or jokes about drug abuse, as this person had no intention of doing, I’m sure. Just wanted to put that because I know some people might be concerned.]
Bonus, again, weak:
"Jxhn Txvxrxs” [jhkhfoij why did u censor his name sis??]
“nobody’s attractive on the leafs” [this isn’t true but I’m petty and it’s funny.]
Detroit Red Wings
I was so fucking offended by some of the dylan larkin SLANDER up in these write-ins, y’all can come to my house and fight me thx.
Dylan Larkin (48.23%--109 of 226 votes)
Henrik Zetterberg (im crying) (31.42%--71(CRYING) of 226 votes)
Other* (11.95%--27 of 226 votes)
Andreas Athanasiou (8.41%--19 of 226 votes)
*= 12 votes for “No one/Not Dylan Larkin” (yall r annoying lmfao), 10 votes for Filip Zadina (he’s a CHILD how dare u)
“Luke glen denting is hot look at his arms and he’s not too old for ME” [girl when I tell u this shit killed me, I mean I SQUAWKED a laugh out and sent it to the fps gc, I was DEAD] 
“I don't know what any of the red wings look like and it's probably better that way” [????????????????]
“ion know anyone on the wings except zadina and he scored a gwg against the bruins yesterday so my answer for this one is none 😤😤” [(this was in reference to a pre-season game) lmao sis yall are okay. it was yalls babies against our roster players, I would have offed myself had the outcome been any different lmao]
“Does anyone actually play for the red wings” [no]
“filip "thot" zadina” [don’t....]
Los Angeles Kings
The only right answer is Alec Martinez (41.56%--96 of 231 votes)
Adrian Kempe (38.10%--88 of 231 votes)
Anze Kopitar (12.12%--28 of 231 votes)
Other* (8.23%--19 of 231 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“jeff carter would snort a line of coke with gritty” [uhhhhh WHAT]
“uhh wayne gretzky...” [jvfluhddsf sis...]
“I couldn't name anyone on this team if you PAID ME” [fjldfdhfh god I wish that were me, sorry annie u know I joke....]
Philadelphia Flyers
Claude Giroux (44.78%--103 of 230 votes)
Travis Konecny (HAHAHAHAHA that’s my ugly hot gremlin) (24.78%--57 of 230 votes
Other* (22.17%--51 of 230 votes
Wayne Simmonds (8.26%--19 of 230 votes)
*= Nolan Patrick is apparently who y’all think is the 3rd hottest flyer, even tho he Looks Like That rn lmao. fuckin’ lettuce head.
“Gritty's googly eyes are the windows to the soul”
“andrea helfrich” [ur right]
“tk, because country boy i LOVE you 😛”
“hey don't make threats abt gritty like that” [I put “if you put gritty i’ll block you”]
“My hellspawn son [Gritty,] is beautiful can’t believe Voracek and G had a son tho” [HDKUHEDKJFHD BITCH]
Pittsburgh Penguins :(
Kris Letang (55.17%--128 of 232 votes)
Other* (19.40%--45 of 232 votes)
Not Sidney Crosby [this is the option for Sidney Crosby] (16.81%--39 of 232 votes)
Tristan Jarry (8.62%--20 of 232 votes
*= different variations of “none” won but only by one vote, the person right behind was Jamie Oleksiak.
“the penguins roster came into my home and killed my entire family, but jamie oleksiak is 6'7" 255 lbs of A Man” [NDKFHSJRFDRBSKRFH valid]
“no penguin has ever been hot. As soon as they put on the jersey the hotness evaporates. Tragic.” [wow look at all that truth right there]
“as a heterosexual i chose letang, and as a flyers fan i choose the penguin mascot” [lmao girl letang is not the answer either]
St. Louis Blues
Colton Parayko (67.11%--151 of 225 votes)
Alex Pietrangelo (17.33%--39 of 225 votes)
Other* (8%--18 of 225 votes)
Ryan O’Reilly (7.56%--17 of 225 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“this [’other’] box shouldn’t exist there are no valid arguments against the angel colton parayko” [tru, but the blues have other hotties so I made the box to be fair to those of us who don’t like Big Blonde Sexies]
“uh valid i guess? idk any of the blues lmao” [LMAOOO I think they meant Vladdy, but “valid” cracked me up]
“ROR can lay me down” [ur so valid lmao]
Buffalo Sabres
Jeff Skinner (60.18%--136 of 226 votes)
Rasmus Ristolainen (17.26%--39 of 226 votes)
Other* (14.16%--32 of 226 votes)
Jack Eichel (8.41%--19 of 226 votes)
*= Inconclusive results. [Y’all big mad that I put Skinner on here. HE’S HOT!]
“Idk but not these lmao” [*instert that gif of the kardashians like “DON’T BE FUCKING RUDE”*]
“Why is Jeff Skinner an option he looks 12″ [who else tho sis. I looked at the roster!]
“If anyone says eichel i will come to their house and steal their toothbrushes. Its conor sheary.” [I took my own survey and picked Eichs but I still have my toothbrush so I guess......... I’m right.]
“Rasmus Ristolainen kinda looks like a creepy half-alive Ken doll, but I'll stand by my choice. Hire an exorcist.” [JDFKHRFWEH GIRL]
“They lost their only cute player when O’Reilly got traded sorry” [boom. roasted]
Vancouver Canucks
Brock Boeser (67.56%--152 of 225 votes)
Other* (13.78%--31 of 225 votes)
Jake Virtanen (12.44%--28 of 225 votes)
Ben Hutton (6.22%--14 of 225 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
“[about Jake Virtanen] all that ass...........” [sjdkfhdkfhdkhfi yeah]
“the city of vancouver” [?????????????????????]
“I keep forgetting that the canucks actually exist” [I’m reasonably sure this is annie lmfao]
“I don’t know how any of this team looks either” [idk if I follow Nucks blogs or what but how do u not know Boeser???]
“i don't care enough about this team to even attempt to answer” [this is my brain @ me on the last 5 questions of an exam]
New York Islanders
Mat Barzal (67.69%--155 of 229 votes)
Tito Beauvillier (14.85%--34 of 229 votes)
Jordan Eberle (10.48%--24 of 229 votes)
Other* (6.99%--16 of 229 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
“you say put full names but then u go and say tito??” [LISTEN I was tired at this point and forgot that I was trying to be at least a little bit professional about my thirst survey alright? yeesh]
“Its Matt Martin my dude” [LMAO u funny]
“idk how anyone pays attention to mat when tito is always there looking better barzal looks like every attractive jock ive ever met and i dont trust that”
Calgary Flames
Noah Hanifin (37.95%--85 of 224 votes)
Elias Lindholm (32.59%--73 of 224 votes)
Matthew Tkachuk (20.54%--46 of 224 votes)
Other* (8.93%--20 of 224 votes)
*= Sean Monahan wins 4th hottest.
“[Hanifin] looks like the bad guy in a teen movie. the guy the Main Girl is dating in the beginning but is a real dick to her. you look at him and you KNOW he has a trust fund and votes republican. god he's so hot though” [hanny......... yeah.... yeah....]
“Why do I find Tkachuk attractive? I don't know but I love him” [me too]
“James 'The Real Deal' Neal” [lol I got this answer multiple times]
Washington Capitals
Tom Wilson (31.33%--73 of 233 votes)
Andre Burakovsky (29.18--68 of 233 votes)
Braden Holtby (24.03%--56 of 233 votes)
Other* (15.45%--36 of 233 votes)
*= Michal Kempny and Nicklas Backstrom tied for fourth hottest.
“literally no one, i s2g if i see anyone say ovi is attractive..... jfc god help them” [.... but ovi is dad-hot, also he got 3 votes]
“YOUR STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS! Everyone btw just a hot team of hot ugly men and Tom Wilson” [kskdjskdjksks]
“my sweaty swedish sweetheart; Nicklas Backstrom” [I’m too illiterate to read this right the first time thru lol]
Colorado Avalanche
Gabe Landeskog ( 55.95%--127 of 227 votes)
Other* (22.47%--51 of 227 votes)
Erik “Horsegirl” Johnson (14.1%--32 of 227 votes)
Mikko Rantanen (7.49%--17 of 227 votes)
*= Tyson Barrie won by more than double of all the other write-ins, but honorable mentions go to Nate MacK, Colin Wilson, Tyson Jost, Phillip Grubauer, and The Avs Tumblr People.
Write-ins - I (jokingly) got called bitch so much in these write-ins, y’all feel some type of WAY about this team lmfao.
“but also the tysons. i would buy a whole farm just so those boys could plow me into the ground.” [i’m SCREECHING. this killed me lol]
“only attractive b/c of his proximity to horses? maybe so.” [.... girl what]
Okay, so instead of a third quote, cause I couldn’t pick, I’m gonna put all the other funny EJ comments I was contemplating:
“ej is soooo ugly in the hottest way possible”
“erik "big horny" johnson”
“oh my god Ej was included for once I'm weeping tears of joy”
“What that mouth do EJ?”
New Jersey Devils
Miles Wood (36.12%--82 of 227 votes)
Taylor Hall (33.48%--76 of 227 votes)
Brian Boyle (19.82%--45 of 227 votes)
Other* (10.57%--24 of 227 votes)
*= Nico Hischier with the majority of the write-ins, even tho he’s still a CHILD (under 20).
Write-ins, aka Mostly Taylor Hall Commentary.
“Does Michael McLeod count” [YES girl i love that boy]
“Nico Hischier (Taylor Hall I still love you)”
“i chose taylor and i don’t even need a gucci purse”
“If Taylor Hall gave me a Gucci purse I'd vote for him”
“catch me w/ a gucci purse, girl!!!! for real tho miles wood”
Dallas Stars
DISCLAIMER: I mean no disrespect to Katie, she’s fab and I made this survey a month or so ago. If you don’t know what I mean by this--do not ask me, I will delete the message. Thank you!
Tyler Seguin (46.96%--108 of 230 votes)
Katie Hoaldridge (im gay) (35.22%--81 of 230 votes)
Other* (13.91%--32 of 230 votes)
Stephen Johns (3.91%--9 of 230 votes)
*= Jamie Benn.
“tyler seguin has no upper lip” [I screamed, not exaggerating]
“You have to choose [Seguin] but I do so under duress”
“Im gay too” [hell yeah, this is a mlm and wlw friendly survey!]
Edmonton Oilers
Jujhar Khaira (28.57%--64 of 224 votes)
Other* (27.68%--62 of 224 votes)
Contract McMoney (he is hot) (25.89%--58 of 224 votes)
Darnell Nurse (17.86%--40 of 224 votes)
*= Leon Draisaitl won by more than 5 times anyone elses write-in lmao.
Write-ins ft. “The Draisaitl Quotes”
“McMoney’s money- just his money” [lmao ok sammie, HE’S HOT!]
“cannot mcwingames went off in the gq shoot i admit” [*annie voice* OHMYGOD]
“He’s [Khaira] like a romance novel cover like, f me” [tru]
Drai Quotes
“Drai but like lucic cause Momma needs a man that could kill me” [HDGFDHDGFHDH]
“leon dreisetl (is that his name, is this how you spell it?)”
“Leon Draisaitl and his contract that he doesn't deserve” [backhanded compliment lmao]
“the one w the longass name. dry saitl or whatever” [girl. lmfao]
Winnipeg Jets
Jets/laine fans are funny so I’m adding all the funniest ones instead of just 3 or 5. Sorryyyyyy I’m here to entertain.
Blake Wheeler (44.04%--96 of 218 votes)
Mathieu Perreault (but specifically in his newest headshot) (21.56%--47 of 218 votes)
Other* (19.27%--42 of 218 votes)
Connor Hellebuyck (15.14%--33 of 218 votes)
*= Patrik Laine, even tho I said NOT TO, demons.
“Their logo so I can fly away from this stupid team”
“Nobody but I just needed to point out Connor Hellebuyck looks like a stage magician and that is Not Hot” [i respectfully disagree with the last bit but the first parts made me snort]
“I don't know who windy pegg is”
“Boeing 747″ [sjdjsljlshgdu]
“they’re all second to jacob trouba’s dog Donnie”
“Patty Laine, but like, without the demon beard”
“Let me live my life! Laine has a good voice and i have a LANGUAGE KINK!”
“Laine WITH the beard because I don't fear death”
“Sorry, Laine but only with his beard” [I love the halfhearted apology]
“laine come at me bitch lol” [denny’s parking lot. 3 am. be there.]
“laine looks like a goat”
“Laine’s Beard”
“LAINE I like the beard but hockey Satan is good to hellebuyck” [I really felt like I was tripping balls while reading all these but, ESPECIALLY this one lmfao]
Arizona Coyotes
Oliver Ekman-Larsson (30.32%--67 of 221 votes)
Jakob Chychrun (28.05%--62 of 221 votes)
Dylan Strome (26.24%--58 of 221 votes)
Other* (15.38%--34 of 221 votes)
*= Alex Galchenyuk, with the majority of the votes.
“pls date me Chych” [annie, that’s my BF!]
“ 🐼 there is no raccoon emoji >:(”
“[Chychrun] [a]lso has a vampire quality but like trust fund baby vampire who has no morals. I’m...into it??” 
Honorable mentions: The 2 people who put Biz lmaoooo I love yall.
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov [he’s a baby but I didn’t know who elseeee] (38.29%--85 of 222 votes)
Haydn Fleury (35.59%--79 of 222 votes)
Other* (15.77%--35 of 222 votes)
Dougie Hamilton (10.36%--23 of 222 votes)
*= Sebastian Aho wins the write-in vote [he ain’t it!]
“Justin Faulk (I’m old so svechnikov is out)” [ugh ur right I didn’t make this more inclusive to people not my age, i’m (genuinely) sorry!!!]
“Formerly Eric ‘the hottest Staal' Staal” [only on the cane’s write-in would I have this happen...]
“[Jordan] staal terrifies me but that's hot” [true!]
San Jose Sharks
Erik Karlsson (70.04%--159 of 227 votes)
Martin Jones (17.62%-- 40 of 227 votes)
Other* (11.01%--25 of 227 votes)
Justin Braun (idk) (1.32%--3 of 227 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“Daddy shark (doo doo doo)” [just so yall know this is, of course, annie, as in anzekopistar, an actual demon, she’s talking about Erik Karlsson :)]
“Brent Burns, you know im right” [are you tho?]
“Okay sometimes I have needs I think Joe Thorton sans beard could fill” [this is why joe shaved. he felt this person in the universe wanting him to, so he did, wow thank u joe]
Ottawa Senators (lol)
Matt Duchene (33.63%--75 of 223 votes)
The entire team (cause they’re a dumpster fire) (30.94%-- 69 [it’s that tkachuk fuckboi energy] of 223 votes)
Other (there are none)* (22.87%--51 of 223 votes)
Spartacat (12.56%--28 of 223 votes)
*= Inconclusive results (because a lot of you took my “there are none” joke a little too seriously and just chose that, no write-in lmao)
“[about Duchene] he's traitorous but it's like that sometimes i guess” [sjdhdjfhkdhf girl it’s okay.]
“.... we're a team“ [i-]
“the senator on their jerseys is p cute ig”
“oh so spartacat is an option but not gritty huh” [LISTEN the flyers are a HOT team, the sens are NOT. that’s why lmao]
“Just based on headshots I’m going with Ben Sexton like also how do you go wrong with that name”
Tampa Bay Lightning
Brayden Point (55.25%--121 of 219 votes)
Other* (22.83%--50 of 219 votes)
Mitchell Stephens (11.87%--26 of 219 votes)
Steve Yzerman (10.05%--22 of 219 votes)
*= Inconclusive results. Although there were a lot of responses none of them added up significantly sooo....
“am i the only one who thinks stevie y was a bit of a twink when he was younger?” [jdhslihdalskdjefh]
“Worst team in the league i hate them and theyre all hideous” [u sure bout that, bud?]
“Stamkos (I love his tiny eyes)” [????]
Florida Panthers
 Aaron Ekblad (71.75%--160 of 223 votes)
Aleksander Barkov [r yall ok???] (11.66%--26 of 223 votes)
Other* (10.31%--23 of 223 votes)
Vincent Trocheck (6.28%--14 of 223 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“who are the panthers” [sometimes a team is a dog captain, a(n extremely hot) 27-year-old lawyer, and not owen tippett because the panthers hate me specifically]
“Roberto Luongo during Parkland speech” [... valid]
“barkov is literally the only player i know on this team” [shey would be happy to teach u about the panthers!]
Anaheim Ducks
Adam Henrique (52.47%--117 of 223 votes)
No one else (29.6%--66 of 223 votes)
Other* (10.76%--24 of 223 votes)
John Gibson (7.17%--16 of 223 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
Write-ins-Ducks fans don’t @ me but i’m pretty sure half of these were submitted by y’all anyways....
“if i look @ anyone on the ducks roster for more than 5 seconds i BLACK OUT” [KSHDGJDHSKH Adam tho....]
“Quack Quack go lay your eggs somewhere else you feathered FUCKS” [sjdjfhdjsksj]
“legal 2 say kesler?” [no. go to jail]
“Henrique is fine I have no qualms about your selections” [thnk u]
“jared coreau!!! GOOGLE HIM i’m right” [I said this, and we’ve talked, but I need people to know that I, after seeing this, subsequently found out that the Wings didn’t sign coreau back this offszn lmao] 
Nashville Predators
Roman Josi (39.39%--91 of 231 votes)
PK Subban (37.66%--87 of 231 votes)
Kevin Fiala (13.42%--31 of 231 votes)
Other* (9.52%--22 of 231 votes)
*= Pekka Rinne for 4th hottest. [My mom loves him for his name lol. she says it’s “fun”]
“pk wears cool hats. I like that in a man”
“I don't find any of them hot (Josi used too be hot and then I learned he was illiterate and now I feel nothing but pity towards him)” [GIRL]
“preds are also ugly. pk subban would be attractive if he werent a pred” [lmao. what’d they do to u ?]
Columbus Blue Jackets
Pierre-Luc Dubois (50.22%--113 of 225 votes)
Zach Werenski (20.44%--46 of 225 votes)
Josh Anderson (16.89%--38 of 225 votes)
Other* (12.44%--28 of 225 votes)
*= Alex Wennberg is 4th hottest [lmao]
“Can I put werenskie and Anthony Duclair” [valid]
“Just to be clear CBJ is by far the hottest team exemplified by the fact that you left Seth Jones and Alexander Wenneberg off this list when they're like top 20 in hotness. Also Nick Foligino wins if we include looks and personality.” [I didn’t include them cause this is a mix of hot and ugly hot fam, the avs are 100% the hottest team in the NHL, and that’s coming from me, a Wings fan, destined to hate the Avs for my entire life. Also???? The hotter Foligno is def Marcus lmao]
“[About Werenski] only with the scar though otherwise seth jones” [GIRL scars don’t disappear??? WDYM only with the scar??? Are you a time traveler??? lmfaooo]
Minnesota Wild
J.T. Brown (46.46%--105 of 226 votes)
Other* (21.68%--49 of 226 votes)
Eric Staal (20.80%--47 of 226 votes)
Jason Zucker (11.06%--25 of 226 votes)
*= Charlie Coyle. Honorable mentions to Zach Parise and Matt Dumba.
“Charlie Coyle man! V hot, could kill you, gently waves at babies, 10/10″ [exactly my type! wow]
“ Not JT[,] Lexi is the hottest[,] Eric Staal from a few years ago is also hot” [I added commas to your thing cause.... girl it took me a sec to understand what u were tryna say. But also ur right it’s Lexi.]
“love a #wokebae jt” [yaaas]
FINALLY this legit took me like 10+ hours of work cause I had to transcribe all the info cohesively and then go thru all the responses lmao.
Vegas Golden Knights
William Karlsson (40.52%--94 of 232 votes)
Marc-Andre Fleury (30.60%--71 of 232 votes)
Max Pacioretty (16.81%--39 of 232 votes)
Other* (12.07%--28 of 232 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“[Karlsson] because he looks like young Bill from Mamma Mia” [shfhdjdhf girl]
“fleury isn't hot you absolute monster” [???????? drink ur bitterness tea somewhere else pls]
“let's find out just how wild this boy is” [pftd dtduftdhjfgdjfghdjf]
Bonus/Honorable mentions:
The TWO people who put “colin miller’s eyelashes” lmfaoooo
Alrighty this is The End! If you’d like to see another survey by me let me know in my messages/ask!!! Also sorry for stealing de la Rose from u, habs fans
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theageofsilence · 2 years
back here again. this place is more like a forgotten diary to me. i only come here to remember the past or rant about my present.
anyways, im really fucking sad lately. my friends did something seemingly small but huge enough to rip me apart. its not like our relationship was very strong anyways, not from my perspective. but i feel betrayed now and dont even want to see or look at them.
i lied that im over it. i hate them. well i dont hate them but i want to shake them and ask them why its so hard to feel close.
i know i dont know them anymore but it feels like they know me less. and its probably true because of all of them ive changed the most.
i hate telling them who i am now. i wish theyd just approach me as a new person entirely.
and when youve known a person for 4 years i think you get lazy. you start to think that you dont have to try. but i always try, so i have to try not to.
i think about them alot. i think about what went wrong and why were so distant now. sure the pandemic played a part but it brought me closer to the other people in my life in strange ways.
but with my 'closest friends' i think it unveiled the cracks in our friendship. that were all a bunch of avoidant fucking people. but theyre so avoidant it makes me seem engaged.
being their friend is so lonely. im always lonely in general, but being their friends makes me lonelier.
theyre never really THERE. sure i can ask for them to be there, but that moment of hesitance i feel whenever i want to talk to them. that moment where a text feels like im disturbing still water. thats how i know something is wrong.
if they were truly my friends i wouldnt feel weird about reaching out. itd be easy text them months or even years apart.
every meetup feels laborious. like we have to work to make it happen. i know everyone is going through shit but since when did someones hardships make them feel out of reach?
idk. im always here. i feel like im always here.
i stopped texting so much in our gc and thats when it went dead. for the longest time i had no idea i was keeping it alive.
it just feels like a metaphor for our entire friendship. it depends on one or 2 people to make it work. i just get the feeling we dont actually want to be friends anymore. theres no excitement about seeing eachother.
i dont know. and i put so much focus on them, on us. i called them my family. and now it feels wasted. everything just comes back to me being truly alone.
0 notes
the-winter-spider · 7 years
All In Your Head - Part Four
A/N: I hate building up story lines, i just want to skip ahead to all the angst and the draaaamaaaaaaa. tbh I'm not that happy with this part :/
Pairings: Sam x Dean x Reader!Sister
Word Count: 1,800
Flashbacks are in italics
PS i tried to tag some people and it wouldn’t let me??? Some body help a girl out???? whys that???
“It was a few years ago, i was stuck in the cage again. And after what happened last time, y/n, she took my spot with him” Sam started to sob “In there”
“Oh Sammy, I'm sorry you have that weight on your shoulders”
Sam lifted his head up “W-what?”
“I'm sorry, she put you through that”
His brows furrowed “She didn’t put me through anything, she saved me”
“Well, im sorry thats the only way you see that situation” Standing up, Mary made her way towards the door
“Where are you going?”
“Clearly i'm not welcomed here, I just keep butting heads with you and Dean. You guys aren’t my little boys anymore”
“You keep butting heads with us because you have a problem with y/n, you know nothing about what we’ve gone through all these years, of course we're not your little boys anymore, but we're still your kids”
“She’s not my kid”
“y/n, y/n, y/n” 
Your eyes remained shut you couldn’t see anything but you could feel everything.
“I'm going to bring you back”
His voice was getting louder, and what scared you was it wasn’t Sam or Dean’s voice.
“You know you were my favourite toy, but shhh don’t tell your brothers they might get jealous”
Everything felt scattered, your thoughts were moving a mile a minute.
“Open your eyes y/n, you’re home”
Shaking your head, you brought your knees to your chest, baking up further in the corner.
“Oh, y/n when will you realise, you will be back. Just your choice if you want to be brought back in one piece or in pieces”
You felt like you were on fire, but you couldn’t scream. You body was aching, but you felt yourself relax when you couldn’t hear his voice anymore instead you could hear Dean’s.
You peeled your eyes open, moving your head to look over at Dean “Dee”
His eyes shot open they were bloodshot, and puffy. You couldn’t help but feeling guilty again for what you were putting them through, you were nothing but trouble for them.
“He has me” You sobbed out
“Oh sweetheart, you're safe, i won't let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Pushing yourself up you had no idea what came over you, you wanted out of this room scared that at any second the walls would start caving in and you would be sucked back down there with Lucifer “You can’t keep protecting me Dean”
Dean grabbed your arm trying to push you back down as lightly as he could, his voice soft “Hey you need to lay down and get some rest”
Your body was throbbing in pain, but you pushed through it, lifting your legs you swung them over the edge “I can’t Dean” You were exhausted, but you needed to do research, you need to figure out if this could be prevented or if this was your destiny because if it was then you weren’t going to put your brothers through a fight that wasn’t worth fighting.
You were in seated in the back seat of the impala, in your usual spot. You eyes couldn’t help but keep glances towards Dean. His jaw clenched, he was trying to keep a hard exterior on, but you could see it in his eyes, the pain. His knuckles going white from gripping the steering wheel to hard.
“There’s a motel just off this turn” Sam pointed to the left, breaking the silence. His voice small, trying not to say the wrong thing and push Dean over the edge. Dean grunted, nodding before making a sharp turn last minute causing you to bash your head against the window.
Sam’s head whipped around as Dean pulled into a parking spot “Are you okay!?”
Lifting your hand to your head, you could feel blood “Yeah, Sammy i'm okay” You gave him a small smile.
Dean was already out of the car, slamming his door shut you winced at the loud sound, “Come on, ill check your head out in the room”
You nodded in response, truth was your head hurt like a bitch, you didn’t tell the boys how hard you really hit your head back at the warehouse trying to save Ben. Has Sam got out, you stayed a few seconds longer trying to compose yourself “You’re not going to cry” You mumbled before stepping out, just in time to see Dean coming back from the office with the room key.
“One room, two doubles. You're on the couch” Dean stated, gesturing to you. Nodding you grabbed your bags from the trunk.
Making your way into the room, Sam already had the first aid kit out. “Come” he turned to you, patting the small counter, you slid on. Wincing as Sam moved your hair out of the cut. Your eyes moved to glance at Dean a blank stare on his face. You couldn’t imagine what he was going through, after what happened tonight you weren’t sure just how long he was going to hold this with him, he would try to brush it off in a few days but he would take it out on a hunt being reckless, or he would drink himself into a coma.
You never had anyone but the boys, while at some point or another they had separate, normal lives without you, you could feel a burning in the pit of your stomach even just trying to imagine what it felt like having the memories of the only woman you ever loved erased.
Your train of thought was gone has you felt a burning pain in your head “Ow! What the hell Sammy”
“Sorry” He mumbled “This cuts really deep, did you hit your head early?”
You nodded, “why didn’t you say anything? You could have a concussion!” He scolded you.
“Because i'm fine Sam, just drop it” Sighing he nodded his head “Fine but don’t get mad at me if i  watch you like a hawk”
Rolling your eyes, you jumped down “Yes Mom”
He let out a small laugh, making his way to the washroom. Leaving Dean and you in a awkward silence. Biting your nails, a habit you encountered over the years. Sighing you're made your way to the edge of the bed, sitting beside Dean. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing ever coming out, you didn’t know what to say.
Your lifted your head so fast, the throbbing pain in it coming back but you pushed through it when you seen the tears streaming down Dean’s face ‘Yes Dee?”
“Promise you won’t ever leave me? I don’t think i could handle it if you left to”
“I promise”
“Please y/n, do this for me” You could see the pain in his pleading eyes, you knew how much Dean loved you. But you were doing this for them,
“Dean” You breathed out “I can’t just stay here all day”
He sighed “I know, but Cas said you needed rest”
“Dean, I can’t”
“Why not? Please y/n don’t be stubborn like me, I know you’re tired, i'm tired just from looking at you, you looked like crap” He let out a small chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
You gave him a small smile “It’s not that Dee…”
His face laced with concern “Then what is it?”
“I'm scared Dean” You sobbed out, bringing your hands to cover your face. You could feel the weight on your bed shift, Dean took your hands aways from you face as gentle as he could scared at any second you would crumble into dust in his hands.
“Look at me y/n/n” His voice soft making eye contact with him, he continued “You have nothing to be afraid of. Sammy and I, hell even Cass, we have your back, as long as you're with one of us, i promise with everything in me, you’re going to be okay.”
“You can’t protect me from this, he..”
Cutting you off “Like hell i can’t”
“Dean, you can’t. Whenever I close my eyes he's gonna be there, and i’ll back in the cage”
His eyes softened “Will figure it out, Okay?”
“Now, ill let you leave your room under one condition”
You giggled, “Dean im 30, im not a baby anymore”
He scoffed “As long as i'm alive, you might as well be a baby”
“Yeah, yeah. So whats this condition?”
Finally making your way towards the library, You promised Dean that you would eat whatever Sam ate, so that meant no more bacon, no more burgers, no more burgers with bacon on it. Dean had his arm wrapped around you, helping you towards the library, he insisted on giving you a piggy back, but your arms hurt too much to hold onto him, so this was the alternative. Making your way around the corner, stopping at the blood stain on the floor, you shuttered, bring your arms to hug yourself.
Dean noticed your change in mood, your exterior stiffening, “Y/n?” He questioned, but his eyes followed yours, tightening his grip on you, he rubbed his thumb in circles on your upper arm, pulling you close to his side.
The library coming into view, your face lighting up when you seen Sam, his back turned towards you, Mary’s eyes shifted from looking at Sam, towards Dean and you. Sam turned around when he noticed her eyes were no longer on him.
Making his way towards you, he pulled you into one of his famous hugs “I'm glad you’re okay y/n”
“As long as I have you two by my side, I'll always be okay”
Dean gave you a little shove “That's the spirit”
Mary walked towards you three, her eyes never landing on you, “Sam? I need your answer”
You could see Sam’s change in composure, Dean noticed it to. Becoming wary, you could feel the air get heavy, your heart started to speed up.
“Whats going on?” Dean pushed, looking between his Mother and little brother.
“I asked him to chose”
“Chose what?”
He gave you the same look he gave you when he left you when Dean was in hell, and in purgatory. “Sammy?” You questioned, but you already knew what she meant, a tear falling down your cheek.
“I’m sorry y/n” Sam spoke, his voice just below a whisper
You look towards Dean answering his question “to chose between me and her”
Dean’s face harden, his jaw clenched, his fist balling up before he brought it up, putting all his weight into it as it collided with his little brothers face.
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@fallen-castiel @cookie-dough-lova @anime-pasta @i-just-wanna-live-gc @lemonadegazeelle @tomlinsonlovers @jackjackljaqui @avenging-winter @an-emotionallycrippled-fangirl @lonelyuniverseblog @percussiongirl2017 @overcastmisfitkid @thesignpainter11@justhere1112 @rustic11816 @the-eagle-mockingbird-bookworm @mariazintili @bethabear12 @sireennotsiren
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bwicblog · 7 years
>KUANFU: Bother Alexar.
After Kuanfu starts bragging about sleeping with Kyviar, one of Alexar's terrifying exes - and matesprit at that time - in the public chat, Alexar gets curious and tries to ask Kua his name and age. Kua responds by lying, requesting the same - and taking it to PMs when Alexar won't give him the answers he wants.
-- ayeayeCaptain [AC] is now messaging grantonCleaver [GC]! --
AC: haha, holy shit, what a name. GC: {uh} AC: i was totally going to make a joke, but you know what, dude? no. no, that's pretty cool. AC: good on you. bloodthirsty.. but adorable. adorabloodthirsty? man, my name feels totally lame, now. AC: but wait, shit, let's stay on topic. AC: how are you? GC: {uh} GC: {im fine} GC: {just you know} GC: {chillin} GC: {uh how about you} AC: awww, dude. am i making you nervous? because that is, like, totally not my intentions here. i am sorry. AC: i am currently raiding a boat! i should be doing paperwork while i am stuck down here, but. well. AC: there's nothing like the wind in your hair and blood on your deck, right? GC: {dude i dont think i know your name beyond kua and weve had like one conversation} GC: {i dont know why youre messaging me right now} AC: huh, the uh's cleared up pretty quick. AC: and i am pretty sure we have had way more than one conversation, dude. AC: isn't that why you were asking my name? GC: {pretty sure we havent} GC: {and i was just curious} AC: dude, you are so rude. like, on every level. and i know i should not take it personally, but at the same time, i am kind of hurt, considering i have been nothing but really friendly and helpful. AC: what flarp group are you part of?(edited) GC: {uh i dont remember its been ages and we changed captains and names a ton} GC: {i think once we were something like the raging boars once or something or other} GC: {yknow just flarp stuff} GC: {why} AC: because kyviar was kind of a huge fucking monster, so it's sort of weird anyone was hanging around discussing her schticks. AC: or did you all just, like, have a thing for genocidal mutants?(edited) GC: {well i mean you sort of answered your own question} GC: {she was a huge fucking monster who was a genocidal mutant} GC: {so you tell me how that didnt get the fuck around} AC: i gotta say, i never sat around talking about what the leviathan's get are up to, with their giant murder snake. everyone's always just been like "oh, shit, it's a giant snake and their horrible owner!" AC: not, like, "oh, damn, let's discuss the means of their murdering everything they can put their pink hands on!" AC: but don't get me wrong, that's a cool hobby. AC: what all did you hear about her? GC: {uh well} GC: {first of all i dont really see why youre asking me about all of this like i was just a shitty pirate flarper okay like i did that for a few sweeps and then ducked out and now i work in a bakery} GC: {second of all well i mean i heard a bunch} GC: {heard she was a mutant and wasnt afraid of it and usually tried to get people to kill her i heard she slaughtered nearly every town she went through unless they could pay up money} GC: {heard she liked to paint things black to match her blood and set shit on fire} GC: {you know the basics} AC: i don't know, dude. why'd you ask me my age and name, then refuse to give yours? AC: it makes people curious! GC: {because i was trying to remember if she had any allies or anything and that was what like} GC: {ages ago or something right} AC: and oh jeez, that's a lot. holy shit, you're a big fan. probably for the best you never met her, she'd have been so mad. GC: {at least three sweeps before she disappeared off the waters} GC: {didnt she get killed or something} GC: {its a bit murky} AC: haha, where'd you hear that? GC: {rumors} AC: nah, dude, she's totally still tooling around in space, like everyone our age. and she totally had allies! loads and loads of them. AC: but i guess that didn't get put down on your creepy fansites, right? GC: GC: {seriously?} AC: uhhh. AC: i said like three things there, dude. GC: {shes still fucking alive?} AC: haha, why do you care? GC: {shes a blackblooded mutant who got her kicks off of pirating and killing people the fact that shes still kicking it is baffling}(edited) AC: half of us got our kicks off of pirating and killing people, i just don't think that's very outstanding. GC: {you know what i mean} AC: you know what, i totally don't. AC: could you explain? GC: {wow okay fine} GC: {let me bold it} GC: {blackblooded mutant} GC: {still alive} GC: {kicking it} AC: because just between the two of us, i have to admit, i kind of am sur AC: oh shit, hold on, someone gave this pupa a gun and that's just unnecessary. GC: {haha what} AC: there we go! AC: sorry, we are back from these brief technical difficulties. AC: and it's not that weird, dude, she shouldn't have even got out of the caverns. GC: {did you just cull the shit out of a pupa while talking to me} AC: but tell you what! since you are such a fan, and you are so flabbergasted, i will AC: AC: what the fuck, no. AC: why would you even ask that? GC: {i am currently raiding a boat! there's nothing like the wind in your hair and blood on your deck, right? } AC: what sort of an asshole kills pupas? GC: {kyviar did and didnt you bang her} AC: no, i put him in the hold, and someone will put his lusus in there with him when they find it. jeez. AC: what i was going to say, before you hopped on that awful train of thought, was: AC: tell you what, i bet i could totally get you her autograph for your weird planetary fanclub, if you want. GC: {uh} GC: {sure why not} AC: great! who should she sign it to? GC: {just do gc that works well enough} AC: yeah, no, i am not going to go up to her and be like hey, please don't shoot me, i have a great idea! why don't you sign this photo and put it to gc? AC: i definitely am not going to smudge out a line and make it ac, so i can keep it on my mantle like a creep. AC: that is just something i would never do. GC: {fuck fine okay} GC: {put down something like idk} GC: {ronado} AC: you want an autograph from her to.. a fake name. AC: okay, wow, you are just steadily making this weirder. GC:{oh yeah sure im making this weird!} AC: i did not think that was possible, but that's okay. you've achieved it. good job, i think, except imagine I am totally saying that in the most concerned way possible. AC: jeez, dude, can't you even let me fujoshi transcribing before you're interrupting? GC: AC: finish. GC: {fu} GC: {fujoshi} GC: {okay so now youre the one making it weird here} AC: look, it gets ahead of itself, sometimes. GC: {you just took it into weird territory} AC: why do you even know what that word means? GC: {should i be getting an ash in here to help moderate things i feel like im being poorly pitchflirted with now} AC: i don't know what it means. AC: also, ew. i am sixteen, thanks. GC: {yeah so youre only sixteen} AC: only sixteen? AC: well, shit, how old are your usual pitchflirts? GC: {uh like ten and up usually} GC: {i dont date pupas} AC: haha, wow, i thought you were a pupa, dude. AC: are you saying you are not actually eight? GC: {no im not eight thank you very much} AC: so you are older than ten. AC: but younger than sixteen? GC: {why do i feel like im getting interrogated here} GC: {quit it!} GC: {why are you so interested in me!} AC: well, you accused me of terrible pitchflirting, dude. if that's the case, i can actually pitchflirt, and defend my pitchy honor, but i will feel morally questionable if you're under eleven.(edited) AC: that is just my own personal standards. GC: {take your pitchflirting elsewhere} GC: {im good in my quads} GC: {thank you im flattered youre interested} GC: {hit me up in like a sweep or two maybe ill have a free quad then idk idek} AC: haha, okay, you're making this weird again. GC: {you made it weird} AC: but i am starting to think that's your specialty, so that's okay. AC: you accused me of pitchflirting, man. badly. AC: all i am doing is asking questions about someone who is a creepy fan of someone that i knew, and attempting to further the fun social connection we have built. AC: after all, you have my name, my age, my creepy pirate pal's name, and my hobbies, i just thought it would be nice to know something about you, too. GC: {ok how about this we just kind of take all of this weird pitchflirty goodness and shove it into a box and close up the box and duct tape it shut and i dont know} AC: doubledots sad underscore face doubledots GC: {throw it into an industrial blender and move on} GC: GC: {what} GC: {double dots} AC: holy shit, how can i pitchflirt with you over the internet? i am not even fucking with you, i am genuinely curious. GC: { :_(: ?} GC: {oh wait} AC: like, i don't know what you look like. you could be hideous. GC: { :sad_face: }(edited) AC: no, you know - AC: yes! GC: {it doesnt fucking work} AC: yes, so why do you keep assuming it? GC: { :cry: } GC: {is that what youre trying to make} GC: {because its : cry :} AC: i don't want it crying. you do not, sadly, invoke that much emotion. GC: {also what did i just fucking say} AC: i want it frowning. GC: {put the weird pitchflirting in the box and sacrifice it to the blender} GC: {no if ands or buts} AC: AC: AC: i am not AC: AC: i am genuinely just very thrown right now! i don't even know what to say! like, honestly, i am supposed to be checking the last areas, but instead, i am standing here, one hand on my mouth, kind of just marvelling at the sheer levels of what the fuck i am feeling right now. GC: {what did i just fucking say} AC: i am not pitchflirting, holy shit. AC: what do i have to do to convince you this is entirely platonic overtures of friendship and camadery? GC: {stop being weird at me} AC: okay, fine. AC: are you going to continue hiding your name like a huge weird coward? GC: {whats yours} AC: mighty. GC: {ronado} AC: dude, you flat out admitted that is not your name. GC: {dont fucking diss my name} AC: so now we have moved onto weirdo coward who can't lie. GC: {what the fuck} AC: that is cool, i will totally just ask someone else. i'm sure someone in here knows it, right? GC: {ill go asking around too why dont i} AC: yes, sure, go ask aa. i have been pretty consistent with the mighty thing. given, you know, it is my name. AC: it's funny how not lying works.
Kuanfu does, in fact, go to ask someone else - Merrem, over in #highbloods.
AC: hey, what's gc's name? AC: if you don't know who that is, he is one of the greens.(edited) CC: who. AC: iunno, he's one of the jades! hackon cleaver. AC: wait, no, it has a g. AC: grafting cleaner? AC: grafting.. cleaver. AC: there we go, that sounds right. CC: ...huh. CC: no fucking idea who that is. CC: let me go and back read that for you. CC: aint like ive got a thing to do thats better. CC: ...why you wanna know? AC: see, this is why you are my favourite person in this chat, as of this exact moment, right now. AC: he keeps asking me questions and then, like, refusing to answer mine? it's really rude. AC: and weird. AC: he also said i am pitchflirting, and, wow, no. how are you supposed to pitchflirt on the internet, merrem? AC: it just doesn't work. AC: that's how you end up in a back alley with scabies. AC: that is a bad end. CC: damn. CC: aint that some flattery. CC: you sure he aint flirting pitch with you, and trynna accuse you of the same? CC: cause its sounding like it. CC: and alexar. BI: Scabbies... that's a new one. :thinking: BI: You leave social circles for like, two whole minutes and you miss out on all sorts of new things. CC: like the scabies? AC: god, i hope not! AC: or i guess it could be i hope so, if he's attractive, but, like, he stuttertypes. i just don't know if i can hate a man that stuttertypes. AC: and yeah, scabies are a real danger to shady internet hookups, i am told.
The discussion of scabies, shady internet hookups, and whether or not BI/Bijoux is a pale floozy continues, but in PMs:
GC: {sure why not} GC: {wait which aa} AC: uh, the brown one? GC: GC: {which aa} GC: {i think theres two brown ones} AC: AC: wow, brown is an uncreative colour. AC: the one with the really shitty quirk, dude. AC: are you a dude? GC: {theres like a billion trolls that are red or brown or yellow} GC: {also they both have shitty quirks} GC: {and yeah} GC: {im a dude} AC: and you're a jade? seriously? GC: {yeah} GC: {so what its not so weird} GC: {im living with another male jade right now} AC: uh, no, it totally is weird, sorry. GC: {or well not right now right now im somewhere else at this exact moment but you get what i mean} GC: {what} GC: {no its not} AC: are you sure you're not actually teal? AC: or olive, those blend together, too, i guess. GC: {uh yeah no im pretty sure im jade} GC: {like right smack middle jade} AC: huh. GC: {like this is our standard chrome for jade jade} AC: post pics, because that totally sounds like bullshit, and i am betting you are actually teal. AC: which, it's okay to be teal, dude. AC: is it an ugly colour? yes. GC: {only if you post pics first} GC: {im not fucking teal} GC: {im jade} AC: but it's your colour, so you should embrace it. GC: {super jade} AC: of course you are, dude. GC: {jade as jade can be} AC: i am just saying, it's okay to have a little green in your veins. it doesn't mean you're not blue. GC: {im jade} AC: doubledots sigh doubledots GC: { :sigh: } GC: {listen you fucking suck at this}(edited) GC: {thats not a real emoji either} AC: at least i am trying to accept myself for who and what i am, a proud cobalt who cannot use a computer, unlike some of us. AC: that is a cutting reference to the fact you hate your own blood colour, by the way. GC: {what are you illiterate or something} AC: or are ashamed. GC: {i dont hate my blood color} AC: shame is an option, too, i guess. GC: {okay hold up asshole} AC: more sad, but. GC: {hold on} GC: {because fuck you fuck you is why}
--grantonCleaver sent fuckyouiswhy.png, of a picture of his unbandaged hand that got spiked during his fight with Hadean. It's looking a bit gross because you know, WOUNDS but it's clean and also unmistakably jade.--
AC: huh! AC: nice filter. is that a wound the nine sweep old gave you, or are you fighting with other pupa's, too? GC: {oh holy shit} GC: {i just gave you photographic proof} GC: {and youre still calling shit on me} GC: {kua} AC: what can i say, i know enough about computers to call bullshit when i see it. AC: and i just don't think i know you well enough to be on a last name basis, dude, i am going to have to ask you to stick to mighty. GC: {might fucking sucks} GC: {so does kua} GC: {get better names} AC: wow! AC: at least i have names. AC: did you have everyone on your ship call you ronado, too? GC: {yeah absolutely} AC: man. so cabin jade ronado. that's kind of a mouthfeel. AC: can i call you ronnie? GC: {weird but sure} AC: was the work hard? GC: {uh on my flarping ship?} AC: yes, being a cabin boy.(edited) GC: {wasnt a cabin boy thank you very much} GC: {it was good and hard yeah no different than being on any other flarping pirate ship} AC: hahaha AC: suuuure. AC: what did they call it, then? ive only been on real ships, so i don't know the terms. AC: deck swabbed? AC: lookout? GC: GC: {its literally the same terms} GC: {literally the exact same terms}(edited) AC: uh, no, sorry. AC: maybe they tell you that, to make you feel better about playing pretend. GC: {i was first mate asshole} AC: huh. AC: so a glorified cabin boy. GC: {ok now youre being a dick and stupid} AC: you're right, alexar. that was just me being a total bulgemunch, and it is also a sign that i should probably go sit down, take a breather and wash this blood off, because it is unkind of me to take my frustrations out on you, an innocent, complete stranger on the internet. AC: it is wrong, and i am sincerely apologetic for having done so, dude. AC: so, like, light. GC: GC: {uh light}
-- ayeayeCaptain [AC] is no longer messaging grantonCleaver [GC]! --
-- ayeayeCaptain [AC] is now messaging grantonCleaver [GC]! --
AC: also, i totally do know you, you dumb fuck.
-- ayeayeCaptain [AC] is no longer messaging grantonCleaver [GC]! --
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makreon · 5 years
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it’s been six months and you haven’t heard my story about my past relationships. i remembered when we’re still new as official boyfriends, you asked me about this but you said you’ll ask me again if you’re ready to hear it fully and when you’re not jelly anymore (uwu so cute). pokes. it’s been a long time already since i already forgotten the heartbreak from them and duh, i’m only looking at you for six months now and counting. so, i hope you don’t mind if i open this up to you (just so maybe you’ll get to know my background and please don’t judge me that much 🤧) — ex #1 he was my first boyfriend upon joining igrp. we were at stay. he was baekhyun and i was sehun. we started as friends since we get along with each other plus we’re both exo-ls and we rp our ults. but then, yours truly is so oblivious and i didn’t get his signal that he likes me that’s why he’s so clingy and he likes to hangout with me. fast forward (because i have forgotten already the details lmao), we became boyfriends after two months of being friends. but then i got busy from school and i felt guilty for lowkey neglecting him because i can’t manage my time to rp while dealing with my thesis, tho i manage to talk to him like a few times in a day (tho we only have long chats during weekends). then one day, i happened to see the exo gc was suddenly alive because of new noisy members, including chanyeol. there, i get the chance to bully the hyungs because i was bratty maknae. days passed by, and i go lie low in rp again, but i once visited baek and exo gc. that i happened to see. baek is calling chanyeol ‘daddy’ in gc. i tried to remain calm and backread for more details because maybe it’s just a joke, right? but i see no hints. of course i have to question baek for that. he said he was sorry. he didn’t inform me that he was dared by kai to call chanyeol for days. i told him to stop it because it’s making me jelly. he said okay until we reconciled. but then as the time goes by, idk if it’s just me and my insecurities of chanyeol being so close to baek that grew inside me, but i really can see they were so noisy in stories (tagging each other and bullying) even in posts. it’s like i’ve been forgotten. it’s like baek doesn’t have a boyfriend. so it led to confrontation that i have to ask him if he likes chanyeol more than me. he replied that “maybe if you weren’t that busy, i wouldn’t like him.” was it my fault that i have no time for him? maybe yes because if i work enough to make time for him, this wouldn’t happen. so there, in the end we both left stay and chose to let go of each other.. — ex #2 months after, it was finally my school breaks, yay! and i was in the mood to rp again, so i joined moonlight rp as johnny and there was once a jimin who arrived and flirted upon his first day icb. again, fast forward, i decided to date him after a week of sleeping beside him lmfao skdnfkd. anyways our phase was so fast, but i slowly learned to love him and he learn to love me too as the days goes by. then one day i happened to know he’s someone i know from stay who is currently taken. it was so damn awkward when i asked for confirmation and sudden breakdown at the same time since i knew i wasn’t the only one he’s dating. yeah. multi-dating sucks. i hated it. it’s like lowkey cheating but not really. nevertheless,  i still continued to date him after finding that out because i loved him and i can���t just let go? tho it hurts a lot since i know when he’s not replying me for more than four hours. i already knew he’s with his other partners. i grew tired from being the last option, for being too extra in gifting him and in expressing how much i loved him. wherein he doesn’t equally love me. even though it was really painful, i decided to broke up with him. at first, he doesn’t want me to let go and one thing i really didn’t like about him is he lied right in front of my face. he said i’m the only one he really loved and he didn’t date any other guys beside me. like lol i even confronted you about that, how dare you to twist your answer now? it wasn’t a peaceful heartbreak so i just decided not to reply him anymore or else he will keep saying flowery things again (i looked rude but dnvkdnv nvm)
that’s how i decided to rp a younger idols since my confidence went really down  and my trust issues went high. i chose renjun among dreamies because he’s underrated and i was thinking no one will ever fall in love with me again since im just gonna be a baby to all lmao. but then, there’s you out of nowhere. you didn’t even just hit on me right away. it was a slow progress that i didn’t even noticed you have feelings for me. i was slowly being drawn to you but at the same time i keep on restricting myself not to fall again because i’m merely saving myself for another heartbreak. it was long ass ride of thinking but in the end, i chose to swallow all my words. there i decided to yolo and fall for you freely. and that was a best decision i ever had because i have you now uwu.
so that’s my story. tbh i thank them because i gained experience loving persons and i learned a lot to be a better boyfriend in the future. now i can really say i’m better at understanding and being patient to you. i’m still trying my best to express my love and i do really hope it reaches. so, thank you, next @ them because i live for my mark lee now~
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sweet-sapphics · 8 years
thank you okay so basically my story is really lengthy. i had just gotten out of a really shitty relationship in march after i found out i was being cheated on by someone who i was really beginning to fall for. and i have bpd so i was kind of doubly traumatized by this like "abandonment" or whatever. at the time, i had just found this really cool group of writers and we all had a gc and everything. and i had been flirting with all of them because that's how i communicate, like i just flirt (1/?)
2/5 is just me gushing as far as i know so its probably better tumblr swallowed it aaa
no one's business and just... literally the most extraordinary person i'd ever, ever met. and a few weeks later, mid to late march, we started like actually talking about our feelings instead of just the heavy flirting that we'd been doing and it was then that we made us "official" i guess you could say. well, months went by and i was in the happiest relationship i'd ever been in in my life. and though my mental illness got worse by the day, she singlehandedly kept me alive (3/?)
this is so long i'm sorry. but anyways, she ended up breaking up with me in may so she could try to heal from abuse from her past. and i told her i would try to wait for her. but around october when it was looking like she'd never come back, i got my tinder back and tried to find someone to help me take my mind off her. it was only when this new girl and i started talking that T, the love of my life, came back into the picture and told me she wanted to try again. so i dumped C, the tinder (4/?)
girl and T and i started getting involved again, but as soon as things were getting better and we were this close to being official again, she started ghosting me again. so this time, i broke it off with her. and this was late december. and now its been weeks and most days i feel so much better about myself now that she's really out of the picture, but then there are nights like tonight where i cant get her out of my head. i dont know how to leave her behind. do you have any suggestions? (5/5)
ok so as someone who is still having a lot of trouble getting over their ex, im not sure how helpful i can be. that being said, it sounds like its definitely better to not be involved with T anymore for you. it might help if you messaged C again? idk just to get your mind off of things. and also ik it sucks now but time will help i promise and every time you get stuck like this itll be a little easier to get out of it. idk how helpful this was but i really hope things turn out ok. you’re always welcome to message me/send me an ask if u need more help or just someone to talk to to keep your mind off T
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Chapter 1 - and thus the headaches began
Akashi added Vanilla, Tsundere Carrot, Food, Kisses!~, Ball to the group chat Generation of Miracles
Food: om nom
Tsundere Carrot: Who even uses kaomojis anymore…
Vanilla: akashi-kun, what is this
Akashi: A group chat, of course.
Tsundere Carrot: Why.
Akashi: So I can keep track of you guys.
Akashi: And maybe because I want to try this out.
Akashi: I do not love you guys. Especially the most headache-inducing one in this group, Ryouta.
Kisses!~: AKASHICCHIIIIII!!!!!!!!!。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。
Vanilla: could it be that akashi-kun has never been in a group chat before?
Akashi: ...
Tsundere Carrot: It’s true-nanodayo.
Akashi: How dare you betray me like this, Shintarou.
Tsundere Carrot: Also, that’s quite a lame chat name-nodayo.
Akashi: What are you calling lame, Shintarou?
Tsundere Carrot: N-nothing-nanodayo! Nodayo, nanodayo…
Vanilla: who is this ‘ball-kun’
Vanilla: izuki-kun?
Kisses!~: nah i think thats aomine…
Tsundere Carrot: Of course it’s Aomine, who else would it be? He’s the only one missing out of us Teiko people. Also, I doubt Akashi would add Izuki to this chat since we don’t know who he is-nodayo.
Vanilla: but aomine-kun is not my teammate.
Vanilla: should i?
Akashi: Yes.
Akashi: At least for me, you should.
Kisses!~: also, midorimacchi…
Kisses!~: wat is up with ur name??? Pfffffft… (*^ิ艸^ิ*)
Tsundere Carrot: Shut up! It was Takao’s idea, not mine!
Akashi: I need to re-meet this ‘Kazunari Takao’ that you speak so often of. Who is this person that can have so much influence over Shintarou’s life?
Vanilla added Tiger Power to the group chat Generation of Miracles
Akashi: Why is Taiga here.
Kisses!~: eek i could feel the glare even from here-ssu (/ω\)
Vanilla: i was starting to feel overpowered by the others, kagami-kun
Tiger Power: do i even want to be here tho
Vanilla: no most likely not, but please save me.
Kisses!~: wat would u need saving from?
Vanilla: you.
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