#it didnt change me at all im just at the absolute peak of ‘back on my bullshit’ here hey
firefly-fez · 2 years
okay i get what y’all mean about adhd meds letting you focus but not letting you control what you focus on. I was very specific about using today to look for placement and work opportunities and instead i have spent the last two hours researching ways I can contribute to the P4A this year
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
cuddling with kabukimono scara
Sub!Kabukimono x Male! Kaedehara clan reader
Fluff + Smut(hint of angst at the end. IF YK. YK)
1.2k words Scara masterlist
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"12.." you took a deep breath while counting another soon to be dead nobushi samurai. "Its truly a shame.. such distinguished warriors as ourselves can succumb to banditry." You raised your cursed blade. preparing to kill the nobushi samurai as the rain drenched through your hair. "Y/n!?..Y/n? are you here?!" You lowered your katana as the sound of pattering footsteps through the forest grew louder, along with a familiar voice. "Kabuki?..What are you doing here?" the shorter man approached you. Unbothered by the rain as his amulet dangled from his kimono. "Well..Niwa said you would be here..So I went looking for you!" You sighed, cursing your brother in your head for bringing your lover all the way out here. "Buki.. Its been awfully dangerous in inazuma. You should be back at the estate, WITH niwa." He sucked his teeth at your remark. "Ugh. Who cares about that Y/N. Cmon.. I wanna hang out with you already~ and maybe have some fun~" He peaked his head over your shoulder to notice the wounded samurai behind you. "Who is this?" You turned around, now holding your blade up again. "THIS. Is the danger ive been trying to tell you about buki.'" Kubuki scoffed andwalked around you Infront of the nobushi. "Looks weak to me." he grabbed the samurai by its helmet, watching as thin streaks of blood could be seen brushing through the outside. He then whispered into its ear. "A pathetic excuse for a samurai like you shouldn't have existed. If it was up to me, I would've killed you already. Humans like you always take up my time with y/n..My everything. Know your place."
The rain picked up, Now turning into roaring thunder and lightning which crackled through the sky. Your primary concern of killing changed once your lover arrived. Now you we're focused on getting him back to the estate safe. You held onto his hand, He turned away from the samurai and blushed as you sheathed your sword. Now walking him through the forest. The walk was silent, mostly consisting of you looking around at your surroundings and Kabuki in absolute love with your dedication to protect him. A simple eep or yell and you'd be ready to protect him in a heartbeat. You then broke the silence. "Our almighty shogun hasnt been doing a good job of maintaining order within inazuma. Day after day things get worse buki. More samurai leaving the clan, more people betraying us. Thats why i keep telling Niwa to not send you on wild chases for me." He frowned while gripping tighter onto your hand. 'The almighty shogun' was his mother. He couldnt do much to change her will regarding eternity. After all, To her. He was nothing but a liability. "im..sorry..I cant do much about my mother y/n. If only I wasnt so..Emotional..Like she said things wouldnt have-" He was cut off when you suddenly smashed your lips against his. Pulling him into a messy kiss then pulling away to witness his dummed out expression, how the rain fell against his shiny purple hair. "Dont be sorry baby. Your perfect just the way you are. Infact If you we're our archon i think id have to put in more work to impress you."
You two eventually made it back to the clan's estate, fingers intertwined together as you both settled into the kitchen. You sat on the couch. Resting and wiping off any remaining blood from your weapon. "Oh Y/n! I was with some blacksmiths earlier and they offered me some tea. I didnt think much of it, but they insisted I tried it and it was really good!" He sat beside you and placed a cup on the table. Seeing kabuki so happy over something as dull as tea made your heart ache. You grabbed the cup and blew onto it before consuming the drink. "Huh...whats this buki?" He smiled at your reaction. Did he like it? "Its bitter black tea! its great right? I took one cup but then i just kept drinking more and more until they had none left! hah hah.. but some old man gave me his recipe so I can make some for you!" "Thats great kubuki, Im glad your starting to enjoy being around everyone."
You sat closer to him. Now placing your hand along his body. "How about..I make you feel even better? Would you like that?" His body shivered at your request. "Y-yes..Id like that.." you got up off the couch and the shorter man followed you to your room. Closing the behind him then pushing him against the wall. "mmm..How about I treat you right here tonight buki? would my baby boy like that?" He let out a small moan at your sudden agression. "Ah~ yes~ I want it." You bit and licked along the side of his neck. Kabuki covered his mouth at the sudden wave of pleasure. "Shit..Bet this cock is so hard for me isnt it?" he nodded his head while still covering his mouth. You slightly pulled down his pants, enough to reveal his cock already covered in precum. "Your such a needy boy buki~" You whispered into his ear. Rubbing the tip of his cock with your thumb "Y..Y/n..~" "Yes baby?" "W-want.. more.." you laughed. "Hmm? what was that buki? Need you to get a little louder f' me." tears began to form in his eyes. He wanted you to push him harder against the wall and stroke him so roughly he screamed for you to let him cum. "Please! Go faster Daddy!!" he yelled out desperately. "Anything for you baby boy~" You grabbed him by the hips, pushing his body closer against your own as he held onto the wall, Crushing him in-between you and it. "Oh fuck~ YES~" You roughly grinded your body against him, grabbing tight on his cock while stroking it. "Fuck...Love how desperate you get for me buki' like a slut." "I Wanna be your slut daddy~ Wanna be your good boy~" he panted hard with how close he felt to cumming, how much his body burned for you. "you are buki~ so fucking good for me. Cum on daddys hand, let me taste you baby~" he yelled out your name with a sharp cry. Ropes of his cum oozed onto your fingers. "hah..Such a good boy buki'" you tasted his cum. Letting him watch as you licked it all off of his fingers. His grip fell light against the wall, falling back into your embrace "Y/n..." "Shh... come baby.. lets relax a little." you guided him to your bed, helping him take off the rest of his kimono and switch into lighter clothes of yours, Rubbing your hands through his hair as he laid besides in bed. "Y/n...I love you, I love you so much..is that okay?" You pulled him into a hug. Letting him sink into your touch by how happy yet sad you we're by his words. 'is that okay?' "Of course it is Buki, I love you more than anything else in the world." He smiled, then suddenly remembering his conversation with your brother. "Y/n..Are you not going to be home early tomorrow? Miwa said you we're going to be busy." he pouted, hoping you could cancel what ever you had to do to stay with him again.
"Im afraid so my love, I have to bring him on a acquaintance he has with a man known as 'the doctor' We're going far out into tartarsuna and I dont want him getting injured on the way there or back. But please, Dont worry about me. I will be back for you. No matter what."
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zyhkoo · 3 months
little spark ☆ ー REGULUS BLACK X READER. chapter 3
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fluff, angst, regulus reunites with you, friends to lovers, co-parents
synopsis: with james and lily dead and sirius’s false conviction. regulus had escaped the death eaters with harry in his arms. his last resort was go to you, his former best friend and james’s sister. mlist
a/n: i didnt proof read this one, so i apologize for any mistakes!
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A few days passed ever since Regulus showed up on your doorstep. Taking care of Harry is very ear-bleeding, yet he couldn’t help but soften around the boy. He was not his father, nor his family member. But there was something about him that just gives Regulus peace.
You were out at work, probably coming home soon. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays were your work hours. It was either interviews, a rehearsal, performances or something else.
But needless to say, Regulus always saw you come home tired. You would always come back home in your animagus form to avoid people tailing you. Other than the pound, who else would follow a white cat? It was 9 pm, Regulus was on the couch cradling Harry in his arms.
He was going to place Harry in the newly bought crib you bought, but before he could place the boy in the crib, he bursted into tears. Now here he was, soothing Harry. Again. He stopped crying though, and Regulus was too lazy to put him back. Regulus let out a heavy sigh, carefully placing Harry on his lap as he sat on the couch. He didn’t have the energy to stand just yet, and Harry did seem calm in his arms.
Laziness was something Regulus didn’t expect from himself. His eyes slowly drifted to the front door. He would be lying if he said he didn’t look forward to your return. As if the gods heard his wishes, a little white cat came out the small doggy door. You transformed in your original form, you still had your costume on but you looked absolutely tired.
Regulus’ eyes widened slightly in surprise as he suddenly heard you announce yourself. He hadn’t heard you coming, although he was distracted by Harry to notice. “I’m homeee.” you groaned. You collapsed on the couch that he was sitting on, thankfully it was large enough to fit both of you. “..You look exhausted.” He murmured softly, he tilted his towards you as he gently rocked Harry.
“My manager told me to go all in with my magic, I went too far for this one.” you sighed, stretching a bit. Regulus inhaled sharply, his expression shifting into a slight frown as he registered your words.
“How far did you go, exactly? You look like you’re about to topple over..” He murmured, his brow furrowing. You moved to look at him “I don’t knoww, I was too into the moment.” you tried to explain.
Regulus closed his eyes and exhaled a quiet sigh. He wasn’t too pleased that you put your energy at risk, although he supposed he didn’t understand your work. “You should be careful. That can’t be safe.” He scolded, his brow furrowing as he gently rocked Harry. You snorted “Thanks dad.”
Regulus’ shoulders dropped slightly as you spoke, a soft huff leaving his lips as he opened his eyes. “I’m just saying..” he protested softly. He wasn’t too pleased that you seemed to disregard what he said.
He glanced down at Harry. He didn’t want to get into a disagreement right now, he was too tired. “How was work?” He asked, choosing to change the subject. “Great, oh they gave me fanmail. I’m gonna read them tomorrow though.” you answered his question. Regulus inhaled quietly, tilting his head ever so slightly. “Fanmail?” He inquired, curiosity peaking at the mention of it.
As weird as it was to think about, it makes sense that you’d get fanmail. You were a performer, it was bound to happen. It was just a concept that was so unfamiliar to him.
“What does it say?” He asked, tilting his head as he looked over at you. “I haven’t read them, it’s usually the same contents though. ‘Love you Y/N, You inspire me to do more, Im your biggest fan’ blah blah.” you said “Hey if you’re lucky, they give you free stuff.”
Regulus nodded silently as he listened to your words, his expression unchanging. He had mixed opinions on this, he didn’t quite like the thought of people he didn’t know, idolising you. There were always.. strange people around.
“Interesting.” he said.
“But anywa- fuck this costume is killing me!” you completely as you sat up from the couch.
Regulus inhaled slowly, tilting his head as he watched you stand from your seat. “Wouldn’t you be better off changing out of it, then?” He pointed out. You groaned “Maybee later? I'm tired.. and lazy.” you excused, a playful pout was written in your face. Regulus arched his eyebrow, an amused exhale leaving his lips as he took in your expression. “You have energy to be playful but not to get changed?” He remarked, although his tone had a hint of mirth.
“Thats mentally, this is physically. Can I hold Harry? I miss him.” He was still slightly wary of letting you hold Harry, but he knew there was no real reason to be so protective.
“..Fine. If only because you look pathetic.” He murmured, carefully placing Harry in your arms. You scowled “That's mean Reggie, isn’t that right Harry? Aww, you’re too cute.” He had to resist the urge to laugh as he saw you turn your attention to Harry.
“I’m just being honest.” He replied dryly, folding his arms across his chest.
“Do you see this Harry?” you said to him, Harry only giggled and baffled and held tightly on your finger.
Regulus tried to repress his own amusement as he watched you speak to Harry. He hated that he found you amusing like this. “He’s too young to understand.” He pointed out.. “Why are you talking to him like that?” Regulus murmured, tilting his head slightly as he observed Harry respond to you.
“In my heart he understands, right Harry?” you nuzzled his nose.
Despite his better judgement, he felt a soft smile forming on his lips as he watched the two of you. He had to make a conscious effort to drop it and return to his usual demeanor. “You’re being ridiculous..” he said.
“Did he eat or poo yet?” you asked.
“Both. Yes.” He said, a look of mild disgust on his face at the mention of Harry’s.. bodily functions. “Don’t ask me about that.” He murmured, shaking his head slowly.
“Why? It’s gonna be normal now.”
“Normal or not I’d rather not talk about it.” He protested quietly, tilting his head. “You take him when he needs.. changing.” He declared firmly.
“No fair!” you protested. He knew you well enough by now that he should’ve prepared for this. “Why not? You’re the one insisting on it being normal.” He said with a smirk. You stayed silent with a scowl “I win.” he said. “You can deal with the less savory parts of childrearing.” He murmured.
“I'll never get a kid after Harry grows up.” you sighed.
Regulus couldn’t help but quietly laugh in response to your words. He couldn’t argue. Neither of you were overly fond of children.
“We seem to be on the same page about that.” He confirmed. “He’s cute though, I’ll slide that.” you grinned. In honesty, he was fond of the baby. Despite the extra work he added to his plate, he did find himself growing rather attached to Harry. “..Quite.” He said. He found himself unwilling to say anything more, as to not expose himself.
“He is cute though, don’t deny.” you coed. Regulus nodded his head in acknowledgement. “I suppose he is..” he murmured softly, glancing in Harry’s direction momentarily. “Even if he does scream half the time.” He added a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
You looked at him with a smile. He noticed you looking at him. He met your gaze for a moment before breaking it, a hint of pink appearing on his cheeks. It wasn’t often that he got flustered easily, though when he did, it was usually because of you.
“What?” He protested, a soft huff escaping his lips. “You just look so happy nowadays.” you said, looking at his lips.
“Is that such an unusual thing for me?” He prompted, his tone a little defensive.
“Well no, you just look more.. relaxed.” you reassured him. “I don’t know how to explain it, you just look at peace.”
He supposed he couldn’t argue with that. He hadn’t even realized it himself. He did find himself feeling more content than usual, especially around the two of you. “I suppose you’re right.” He murmured quietly, tilting his head as he looked over at you.
You stretched and got off the sofa. “I'm gonna go shower and sleep, you can put Harry back in the crib.” Regulus nodded, carefully taking Harry back from you. “Alright.” He said simply, standing up to follow you.
As the two of you entered the room, he placed Harry on the crib. Regulus watched to make sure Harry was alright before glancing over at you. “Do you want me to stay with him as you get ready?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
“You’d do that?” you asked. “Of course.” Regulus replied without hesitation. “He’ll start fussing soon. I’d rather not hear him all night.” He murmured, a soft sigh escaping his lips. You answered by pulling him to a hug, your hands wrapped around his waist.
“Thank you, for taking care of him.” you murmured in his ear.
Regulus felt his cheeks warm at your unexpected gesture. He was a little stunned at first, not used to you being so openly affectionate like this. He returned the embrace after a moment, his arms wrapping around you. “It’s nothing..” He said quietly, his expression shifting into a soft sigh. You then pulled away with a smile. “I’ll take a bath then you can sleep so I can take care of him okay?”
“Alright.” Regulus responded simply, taking a step back to give you space. “Try not to fall asleep in there.” He added jokingly, tilting his head with a little smile. “Haha.” you rolled your eyes and took out your nightgown in your closet then entered the bathroom.
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tags: @jqtaro
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gamblersdoll · 10 months
summary: your two teenage friends try to win your heart.. to what extent?
content contains adult themes, such as death, mature themes, angst, comfort, ect. my work is not suitable for many people. reader discretion is advised.
chapter one.
“you gonna be my wife, y/n?” gojo teased, peaking over his glasses. he had a am slinging around your shoulders bending to your height. how he was already six foot one at seventeen was astonishing. but he is satoru gojo after all.
“you think id set the bar for you that low? i value myself.” you said, peeling his arm off and looking at him with your arms folded. “youre delulu.” you said, shaking your head.
“hey– hey! dont call me that, youre delulu for not taking a chance.” he said, huffing like a child not getting his little snack from his local mart-wal or shop. “just give me one chaaance , mrs satoru..!” he said, a whine and pout. he was going to speak again until geto showed up.
“oh satoru, please stop whining over her. shes your type yes, but no need.” geto appeared, his eyes slightly hanged low towards you.
“haa?” he said, looking to him. “you know shes hot and you blame mee!?” he exclaimed, growing a little hissy fit. “isnt she your type too? you should understand, emo!” he pouted, looking away from both of you.
“not confirming nor denying, but she probably wouldnt want a delusional man whining.” geto said, taking his hair out of a bun and letting it fall. god, he should at least have a girlfriend right now , nor a situationship.
“would both of you stop calling me that?!” he yelled, causing the boys to bicker and banter against each other. you had managed to slip away from that, and into your own room.
you shouldnt had agreed to share a apartment with them, geto with hair that sheds like a damn shepherd, gojo having some randos come over, geto having icky scented candles lit, ect. especially when they argue about something, you always became the middle man and youd somehow argue too because one didnt like your response.
you understood the shedding, since you had a head full of hair anyway, and maybe they thought you had icky scented candles. like the time you had a sour apple candle going and geto side eyed you for it. but it was home, your home.
you had closed the door, slipping out of uniform and changing into a baggy shirt with some shorts. you liked being comfortable, the only problem was the shorts riding up because of your thighs and you sometimes hated it. you hadnt worn it outside your room persay, but you needed to at that moment to cook something at least.
which would be the absolute death of you.
you walked out of your room to the kitchen, having geto and gojo stop mid arguement, only to look respectfully of course.
his blue eyes on you.
his brown eyes on you.
you felt them, you shouldnt care, but you couldnt. you felt like a animal with two predators on you, drooling. you heard them both breathe heavily while you got on the step ladder to reach for the cajun seasoning. you felt them breathe on you even being a few feet away.
“told you shes hot.” gojo said, using his hands to demonstrate your curves, meanwhile looking at geto.
“thats….” geto sighed, looking away from you finally. “okay.”
“im uh … making cajun chicken and pasta.” you tried to change the topic, but it was about you.
“unt unt.” gojo sounded, shaking his finger side to side, clicking his tongue. “we arent gonna ignore this little fit you got on.” he said, practically frantic in his eyes. he wasn’t desperate for you, but, he was eager.
“gojo, its shorts and a big ass tee, i look terrible.” you said, flatly.
“you dont know what a homeless outfit on a hot bitch like you does to me.” he said— was he getting closer? you had to do a double take.
“gojo, two steps back to where you were!” geto demanded–
yeah, he was getting closer, he had those eyes that made him look crazy, acting like a tweaker. you stepped back as well, no longer looking at his direction, but looking for your cast iron skillet. you were hearing him and geto say something but you didnt pay attention until you squatted back up–
“gojo, get back here n..”
“—and if you dont, i wont hesitate to rip it off with my teeth maybe.” gojo finished, looking at where you ended up against him. he was at fault since he was in your bubble, but you brushed up against him when you squatted back up to your height. and it made him lose his cool on the inside. he didnt mind it though.
everyone was quiet, geto pinching the bridge of his nose. geto had his own thoughts about you, but he could keep it to himself, unlike gojo. he relied on actions instead of words, thats why helps cook, clean, or just help you with your hair.
“it isnt wise for you to wear shorts like that around. you can throw some pants over it or ill rip them off with my teeth.” he warned, trapping you against the fridge with a arm beside your head.
you hated when he did that, when hed talk to you all low and heafty with his eyes low and lidded. this time is like that but he had such a mean face. you only hated it because it was like one of those boyfriends that spoke to you all dark and low.
“go get me some pants then, out my drawer geto..?” you sighed, keeping an eye on gojo and keeping distance.
after that whole fiasco, you were in your room. you were just reading up until you heard them bicker again, and they called your name.
you came out to the banter, feeling like its stupid. until they asked you something about if cookies are better well done, normal, or undercooked. you sighed, finally answering.
“cookies are better soft, so somewhere between undercooked and normal cooked. i also kinda like medium rare cookies.” you said, finding peace in that answer, until gojo spoke up.
“you pretty and pretty thick and all but what the hell is a medium rare cookie???” he asked, making the confusion of questions.
“please do explain, y/n.” geto chirped in, putting his hair up.
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typekiku · 9 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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synthleeius · 1 year
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this was such a cute request btw ALSO IM SORRY IT TOOK AGES I DIDNT MEAN TO I JUST KINDA FORGOT AB IT but we need more like barely ticklish readers bc its adorable
Okay that's it.
You were known to be slightly inpatient, but you’ve knocked on the door of Solomon's room at least 6 times. And sure, you're all for being respectful.. but, come on!
So on that note, you twisted the doorknob and pushed his door open a crack to take a peak in before fully opening it and walking inside. You saw the sorcerer at his desk with his laptop open, and his headphones in. So that's why he didn't answer the door..
A small tinge of mischief filled your senses as you creeped up to him, taking a quick look at his laptop. Of course he was researching.. he could never get enough, could he?
You huffed quietly, I mean, how could all of his attention be on a few spells and potions! So much that he didn't even have time for you? How rude..
“What's got you so upset, hm?”
you gasped softly at the voice, your gaze immediately turned from the laptop to the voice. Solomon just chuckled, slipping his headphones from on his head to around his neck, turning around to look at you.
“What, you didn't think you could just linger over my shoulder like that and expect me not to notice right?” he chuckled, disbanding the headphones on the desk completely and standing up. His full attention was on you, and you could tell.
“That's so unfair! You weren't supposed to notice, and I was supposed to scare you!” You exclaimed, but quiet enough to not alert anyone else. Solomon just laughed at your antics, his head tilting as your arms folded over your chest.
“Don't laugh at me! Ugh, anyways.. what are you doing?” You changed the subject absentmindedly, taking a step back to his desk and looming over it to read the text on the screen. ‘The properties of this potion..’ blah blah blah.. God, did he really read all of this for hours on end?
“Just researching on this potion.. Why do you ask? Don't tell me you wish to start learning the things I do.” He teased, standing behind you and watched as your eyes squinted a bit at the laptop.
“I’d rather die, thanks.” You responded bitterly, a sly smile on your face as you turned around to meet Solomon's smug expression. “Would you now?” He asked, but you could tell that he didn't expect a true answer. “I would.” You bit back, your eyes shining with a mischievous glint.
“..What are you planning?” He asked, taking a small step closer to you. “Whatever do you mean? Im great~” You giggled gently, a single finger of yours connecting to his side. He let out a slight flinch, his hand taking a hold of yours.
“Don't start something you can’t win.”
“Oh, don't worry, I know I can win.”
You started by connecting your free hand to his hips, before you were ever so rudely interrupted..
“Absolutely not.” He said with a playfully stern voice, taking your wrist and conjoining it with your other in one of his hands and holding them in front of you. “Awh what, are you too ticklish?” You teased, leaning in a bit more forward to get a better look into his eyes.
“What are you even gonna do, hm? You know I’m not ticklish right?” You asked with a slightly confused tone, letting your wrists fall in his hold without and struggle. After all, you weren't scared.
“Barely ticklish.” He corrected you, smiling to himself when he saw your cheeks had fell a soft pink. “Yeah, barely, so what?” You scoffed, turning your head to the side.
“Say, MC, help me out will you? I'm in need of a.. assistant, if you will.” He pondered, his free hand reaching up to rest on your shoulder.
“Noho- fuck off.” You could help but giggle at the playfulness, backing up until you hit the back wall. Solomon followed you as you did, moving your captured wrists above your head and holding them in place as you struggled.
“Thank you for your cooperation MC, I deeply appreciate it.” His hand travelled to your neck, his fingertips running up and down the sides ever so gently. Usually, you don't get this kind of treatment. You weren't very sensitive to that sort of touch and that's a fact. But.. Something about his touch, it made you want to squirm in a sort of way you didn't know was possible.
“mmph.. s- stop.” you whispered, your head hiding in the side of your raised arms. Solomon just loomed down at you with a sly smirk, his nails moving to scratch under your chin teasingly. “You're right. You're not very ticklish, but that doesn't mean I can't tickle you anyways.”
“It's supposed to..” you mumbled, looking away as you felt his nails drag across your shoulder all the way up to your wrist in a swift line. He began fluttering gently with his top three fingers, making you shiver in place. You hid your forced smile, sneaking a soft peak at the other’s face.
“Hm? What is it?” He asked, the tone in his voice making you resist the urge to slap him right there and then. Just.. He was acting like he wasn't doing anything! Like his fingertips weren't slowly spidering down your arm, stopping to linger at your inner elbow, and-
“What, you can’t take it? I thought you weren’t ticklish?” He cut your train of thoughts, a sly smirk on his face looking into your eyes. “It's not.. like that. You.. you're just..”
Your voice trailed off, your brain short circuiting slightly. You couldn’t help it! barely even tickled, it was just.. flustering in a sort of way you couldn’t describe.
“You know, you're saying a lot about me.. How about we talk about you and that, may I say, adorable smile of yours?” He teased, letting his hand finally spread lower. He dragged his nails from your elbow, skimming under your arm for a split second before resting his hand on your waist.
He took a second to look at you, as if he was taking it all in. “What are you doing..?” You mumbled, your head turning forward to look at Solomon with a confused look. “Nothing.” He replied, his hand that was sitting comfortably on your waist began to run up and down, and you could feel his thumb rub side to side teasingly.
“Doesn't seem like nothi- shihit!-” You couldn't help but let out a soft giggle when his hand slipped under your shirt and skittered across your bare stomach. Sure, it wasn’t bad, but it still made that familiar bright smile reappear on your face, maybe even bigger than before if you really looked.
“Hm.. good spot?” He chuckled, letting his fingertips roam to your sides and hips just to make you squirm a bit. “Yknow, I really could make you more ticklish if you just let me use a tiny bit of magi-”
“Fuck no.” You cut him off, “Fihirst of all, fuck that, second of all, you’d torture me!” As you exclaimed, His hand finally slowed and his other came down to wrap around your torso. With a relieved sigh, you let your arms slam lightly onto his shoulders after being held up for so long.
“I should've expected that answer,” He began, a soft smile on his lips; “But if it means anything, I don't think I need to.. I like you like this.”
He whispered the last bit, laughing when you rolled your eyes.
“Stay tonight?”
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anzuhan · 5 months
Do you have any 00 characters you like, aside from the innovades and the Trinitys?
yes and im sorry i dont really talk about them or draw them (only sometimes) 😭 i posted a tierlist awhile back & i have no idea where it is . so i will just talk about everything here now :) it will probably be VERY long so i am putting it under a read more. also this will be full of spoilers but i guess that makes sense <- saying if anyone stumbles upon it & is still watching
edit its super long 🙏🙏🙏🙏 HOPE YOU ENJOY READING
my absolute favorites besides the innovades (trinities included) are neil and chris! i did draw neil a few more times than anyone else thats not an innovade, and sadly only drew chris once for her bday 😭 IVE REALLY GOT TO DRAW HER MORE shes so cute and fun to draw..
my opinions of neil were very rocky at the start and i didnt like him AND IT WASNT EVEN HIS FAULT 😭 i first played dwg3 before watching anything gundam related at all (and then started by watching 00); i didnt know which lockon stratos was in dwg3 but he was kind of annoying to me </3 and because i couldnt tell them apart i just supposed it was neil and hereby disliked him 😭 well . that one was lyle but i found that out later ... thruout s1 i slowly got to like neil more and more and by s1 finale i was absolutely crushed . my opinions on tieria may also be foreverchanging, but one thing we share for sure is that we hated neil till he died then just didnt anymore </3
chris i liked a lot from the beginning because of how easygoing and nice she was with everyone, and in more ways than one she reminded me of myself 🥺 i also dont really see very often characters that like coding or technical stuff & are extroverted & like fashion so this felt like a win for me.. finally... some representation (real). this all and her whole thing with weekly crushes is so 😭😭 when she first saw johann and got a pic with him IMMEDIATELY and thought he was hot n then got sad that he was evil and fucked up was so me 🙏 so with how much chris meant to me & how they basically replaced her with mileina that i do not like for variety of reasons was my personal 9/11 for this anime
now besides these two i also hold quite literally majority of all characters in high regard. i love patrick a lot for being funniest guy around & kati his not bayonetta badass wife ... i dont usually do shipping but theyre really so cute together i always go 🥺🥺🥺 when they were just happy together. saji and louise too !!!! the whole story with how their relationship changed and evolved was so great and i was hooked. marie is absolutely one of my favorites in terms of backstory & the peak of s2 to me (yes ... despite the innovators because i didnt like a lot of handling of them 😭) — i really didnt care all that much about soma in s1 and then they elevated that so hard in s2. i am not a person that holds family things in high regard due to my own personal bad experiences, but besides her backstory with allelujah, the scenes between her and becoming smirnov's family were always so dear to me whenever we got them 🥺 this was also really just from a little side thing of the extra s2 chibi animation, but that scenario of them all taking a trip to heaven and marie making andrei talk to his parents and them getting all together was so sweet as well i love loved that one ...
despite it all, i also truly believe graham is best boy of the entire 00 series. this guys so peak i dont even know where to begin; the bond between him and his other squadron members was so good. it was a real shame they kind of had to go 😭 his love for the flags was also so real... and this guys VERY good at what hes doing, like my guy could fight off whole gundams with gn drives in some far underdeveloped flags. i know some people didnt like the turn they went for with him in s2 where he became weeb supreme but i thought it was so funny 🙏 MR BUSHIDO LOVE. he also got a super cool custom ms so i gotta give it to him ... all & all as well, this guy then sacrificed himself, died a hero, and was so cool he just came back to life to become a new meister. how can any other guy in this beat THAT ☝️
for the rest of meisters, i am sorry everyone. i did not care about setsuna that much </3 i acknowledge him and his greatness and how much hes helped multiple people here, but whenever they just wanted to mirror setsuna and saji i always ended up being more interested in saji im sorry 😭 ; allelujah is a little guy i just felt sorry for the entire time for literally everything . all the way from the start from the debacle with tieria that was so crazy to the hallelujah struggles to then having to also struggle with soma 😭 this guys just the real struggler. the supreme struggler of all time. i hope he gets some rest he really needs it asap ; lyle i used to not like because of . how he even started off in the scene with feldt </3 AND I LOVE FELDT like get ur hands off her omg ... but he did grow from then and i think hes pretty epic now, him killing off ali was also super satisfying in the end of it all :)
for the rest of ptolemy, talked briefly about feldt above, i think shes great but also her changing crushes between meisters was so funny 😭 like you go girlie i guess ... ! she tried her best . her holding the crew in such high regards as her own family was very wholesome 🥺 LICHTY 😭 lichty was so funny too and. well. LIKE I GET IT i get the drama that went down in s1 but i wish it didnt have to end like that skllwmegj😭😭😭😭 i wish theyd just have a near death experience and then him and chris could just get to be happy together after but i guess not 😔 sumeragi & kati's intertwined backstories we got to know more of thru s2 were really cool to see, and billy's love for her punched me and kicked me into a wall. this man loved her SO much its unreal . hes such a good guy 😭 (which it kind of ticks me off he ended up with mina ........... LIKE COULD YOU GUYS NOT FIND A MORE NORMAL PERSON FOR HIM 😭 i think he deserved better but thats just my personal opinion ... im sure theres a lot of people out there who want mina right NOW and would disagree. so this ones for u guys . if u think shes epic and cool then i guess he got peak ! good for him) ; other unmentioned members i had no real big opinion on 😭😭😭😭 i sometimes even forget lasse exists i am sorry . hes done nothing wrong just left absolutely no opinion on me 🙇‍♀️
now im not gonna detail THE REST as well but again i literally hold everyone in high or at least neutral regard from ali to whatever the name of the a-laws blond evil guy was im sorry 🙏 the only two i can even say i dislike in the slightest are mileina and alejandro 😭 which is such a duo out of every character in this to tie together . i know . but yeah i hope you enjoyed the sumi rambles 00 NO INNOVADES edition 👍👍 i tried to be as true to myself and my opinions as possible so heres all of them . on paper. digital tumblr paper
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horrorknife · 1 year
why do you like jake so much?
because i love it when characters are difficult and complicated and their characterization escapes the vast majority of a fanbase. there is SO MUCH to jakes character and a lot of it gets misconstrued/misunderstood or straight up just blown past. also jake has a lot of "required reading" as i like to call it irt movies, many of the movies and medias he enjoys can be looped back around into the reader's understanding of him; big examples here are princess bride (which i actually havent seen yet but i Understand how it impacts him), avatar, and i would say even his interest in comics! Everything is Something with jake.
if were gonna use avatar for example. You might think Oh jonah. This is just his silly joke interest! which yeah thats true but it absolutely can be both and i choose to interpret it as such. but if youve seen avatar then youve seen the way neytiri and jakes relationship operates. Its literally dirkjake in a different font you guys. an important sentiment i always come back to with avatar is "i see you". jake wants to be Seen and Understood and Known but he is also very scared of being Seen and Understood and Known because he is, more than anything, a Faker. he hides the truth and even squirrels it away from himself and this is the thing that causes a lot of his internal strife and etc. in avatar jake sully at the end of the movie makes the choice to become a na'vi and be with neytiri. he literally changes himself to be with her (and ironically turns himself into a Blue Guy to be with the Blue Girl) and i think this is probably a really easy and quick way to explain the Jake Camouflage. jake Pretends and Fakes because he wants people to like him. he is desperate for validation and approval from other people to the point where it wears heavily on his wellbeing. this is one of my favorite things to play around with.
jakes relationship with gender and sexuality is also a really heavy hitter for me, i love gender and exploring gender and talking about gender because it is the Core of me as a Person. i <3 being nonbinary i will never shut up about it. Anyway. the way jake haphazardly traipses through all of his interactions with women he is "supposed to" be attracted to just screams closeted gay guy to me. like. Check this out.
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here jake is having an argument with 'himself' (bgd) about his attraction to aranea and how hes having intrusive sexual thoughts about her but "theyre just thoughts they dont mean anything im not trying to have them!" comes off to me like "Please Someone Fucking Save Me From Forcing Myself To Like Girls To Fill The Part Of A Macho Man Which I Know I Am Not". jakes relationship with jane is a fucking disaster because theyre both trying to appeal to a cishetnormative read of themselves (and for jane she pastes that onto both of them) and play the part of their agabs (tmasc nonbinary butch lesbian jane and tfem nonbinary gay jake household sorry if you came here for something different) while failing spectacularly.
when it comes to gender jake really enjoys his extremes--he loves peak masculinity and he loves peak femininity but he HATES the idea of being a man (his own words!) cue: the excerpt everyone sources.
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i have a Lot that i could say about this exchange but this is already a really long post so im gonna try and wrap shit up here.
i could honestly talk about this All Day and write several thousand words about jake alone (notice how i didnt touch on dirkjake at all here. Yeah thats because it would be the worlds longest post ever if i did. We can save that for a rainy day LOL) but for your own sanity anon i will abstain. Um yeah but this is just a quick snippet of my Thoughts. i have a lot more and i definitely left a lot of things out here but im always happy to infodump like this if i get prompted :-)
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simpinforkirari · 4 years
picnic dates :]
(with hinata, yams, and lev)
masterlist over here >> voila !
✎ warnings: none tbh. if you see something, send me an ask/message :D
✎ word count: all of them are 300+ words, so its around 1.k words ( 〃▽〃)
✎ also-! gn pronouns will be used
✎ other stuff: for the sake of the story you have a pet cat :))
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hinata shoyo
you two recently went on a picnic but it was with natsu
(spolier alert: this was when shoyo realized that you were perfect 🥺🥺)
this time shoyo wants a picnic with just the two of you, so he called you :D
he swears that his heart just burst with that nickname
before you could respond, he already ended the call >:(
“hi shoyo :))”
“y/n-chan!! wanna go on another picnic?”
“on a thursday, love?”
he wanted you to bring your cat ¿?
“actually, nevermind. i’d love to go shoyo”
“ok, ill se you in a bit. love you :DD”
“i love you too :))”
“oh, and y/n. bring your cat”
you have a very lazy cat who likes to be comfy at all times so you decided to put your cat in a carrier 
mwah, 10/10
whatever you were wearing, absolutely beautiful (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
shoyo greeted your parents while you hurriedly put on your shoes
once you said goodbye to your parents hinata tugged you outside
baby boy stared at you cuz you just looked so perfect (♡μ_μ)
he was carrying a lil basket with all the snacks and food you two liked
swinging your hand back and forth, shoyo lead you to wherever he was gonna lead you
your cat was just chilling enjoying the scenery while you and hinata chatted
he led you to a lil hill, and laid everything out
(he even brought your favorite candies ಡωಡ)
and your cat, had their own buffet 
(he watched those people on tiktok who made really appetizing food for cats 😌)
AGHGHDHG he loves you so much
at one point you two get tired so he pulls out a book for you to read out loud
lays his head on your lap cuz he knows how much you love to play with his hair
your cat sorta just cuddles near hinata and let’s hinata pet them
one of the best and calming days you’ve ever had
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yamaguchi tadashi
beach!! picnic!!
this was something you’ve been planning together for a while now
and now was the perfect time
the sun was very much bright, but it wasn’t too hot  (⌒▽⌒)☆
“yams. yams. yams. yams.”
“yes, y/n?”
“let’s have the picnic today, if you’re free”
“alright, love. ill get ready then ill pick you up, how does that sound?”
yamaguchi peaks outside his window to see that it was, in fact, the perfect weather
“perfect :)) bye ‘dashi, love you :D”
“bye-bye :]”
like a lil strawberry 🍓🥺
he stands frozen on his spot for a little bit cuz he’s just so fcking in love with you
yams even has an outfit planned for you
while you didnt- HAHHA
while you were getting ready, you’re cat sorta just became your judge
once yams knocked on your front door, you let him in
like they would look away anytime they didn’t like the fit lol 
he placed the basket of food on your dining table while you take out the food you promised to bring 
your cat practically gravitated towards him so you bet your ass yamaguchi went to your cat first before you (ಥ﹏ಥ)
(dhmu only the real ones know)
you got very pouty and all he did was laugh at you 
mans knows you too well already
giving your cat one last head pat, you and yams head out to the beach
“soryy, baby”
* gives you a lil kith kith 
(。・// з //・。)*
(its 12:12 rn, gotta love angel numbers)
“you ready to go?”
once you arrived, you picked out a spot that wasn’t too busy and laid out the blanket
one of the snacks tadashi brought was lunchbox cakes :DD
oh i forgot to mention that at one point, the both of you got bored so dipped your feet in the water 
but it ended with both of you soaking wet
and smelling like salt water 
its alright tho, you came prepared and brought the both of you towels :DD
and a change of clothes
the picnic ended with a couple of smooches
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lev haiba
your picnic wasn’t really planned lol
it was a friday and their training just ended
lev was a lil sad cuz he got a harsh scolding from kenma AND yaku (눈_눈)
(lol if you take the eye used in the emoticon (눈) is translates to “eye” in korean)
there was a new convenience store nearby that just opened
they sold pre-made sandwiches, you took 2 of them and a couple of drinks
just in case lev got hungry after training
lev leaned by the wall of the gym while waiting for you
leaning down to your height (if you’re shorter than him), you placed a chaste kiss on his forehead
“ Lyovochka! im here  \(^▽^)/”
“y/n-chan :DD”
istg no one from the team ever seen him so excited before
“i’m feeling energized already! mm. whats this?”
“i got some sandwiches from the new store :] i was thinking we could share some”
slinging his bag over his shoulder with one hand, his other hand rested on your waist
“wahh, thank you  y/n-chan !!”
“you’re welcome, lev :DD ready to go?”
“mhm :D”
it was already pretty dark out but dont worry you have lev to protect you   ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ
(spoiler: people who were walking past you thought ya’ll were so cute 🥴)
anyways, so you two found an empty playground with monkey bars 
you both climbed the monkey bar and sat on top of it
your pinkies were lightly touching while the other hand held onto the sandwich you were eating
lev had your drink resting in between his thighs
there was a festival happening nearby, you guys were able to catch some firework action ╰(*´︶`*)╯
(this seems cliche, ik, but i’ve experienced this and it was actually really fun)
once you two decided it was time to go home, you climbed down the monkey bars
passing by some vendors, lev found a toy that your cat would surely love :))
so he bought it :DD
lev followed you all the way home, making sure you were safe
he welcomed himself in and gave the toy to your cat
(your cat loved it btw)
he said goodbye to you with a thank you and a peck to your forehead
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hi there!! i hope this was ok. my second post got a hundred notes lol :DD that made me very much happy  (*¯ ³¯*)♡
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Caged Bird | Prince!Oikawa Tooru x Reader
a/n: if you know anything about fairytales then you might realize that the reader has the flute of the pied piper, though modified for the story. been watching a lot of once upon a time and got the idea from the neverland arc. hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
genre: fantasy, romance
trigger warnings: reader gets hurt a bit but nothing graphic
summary: oikawa has always lived a lonesome life in the cage that is his castle. one day he sneaks out and a beautiful melody leads him to you, a traveling musician. oikawa is about to find out that his luck is going to change for the better.
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oikawa gazed out over the town from his balcony
he let out a long sigh as he grew bored from his studies
“why the long face trashykawa?”
his bestfriend and knight walked up next to him and leaned against the railing
“oh you know, just bored of being in this castle. theres a whole town of people out there and im stuck in here. gets tiring after a while”
iwaizumi listened to his friend and nodded along to what he was saying
“then sneak out for a day”
oikawas eyes widened
“youd help me sneak out?”
“only if you come back by sundown”
so oikawa grabbed his cloak and thanks to iwas help got out of the castle
despite being born and raised in this town oikawa had no idea where he was
and after about ten minutes he was completely and utterly lost
until he heard the faint sound of a flute
he followed the sound until he ended up in the mostly cleared out town square where he saw you playing a small wooden flute for those who were present, though you had no audience
everyone walked past you as if you were invisible like you werent playing such a beautiful song
he approached you slowly and listened until you finished your performance
“that was really good”
you looked up at him and smiled
“always a pleasure to play for those who need it”
the bright smile on your face felt warm and inviting
like he was meant to be here
“would you like to take a seat next to me?”
you gestured to the spot next to you and he gladly took it
“so...whats your story”
hes hesitant to answer your question
“ill tell you mine if you tell me yours”
you set your flute down in your bag next to you
“well first of all my names y/n and my life is nothing too interesting. im a traveling performer and play my flute as a way to pass time and help those who need it. always come across the most interesting people this way”
traveling. thats something oikawa could only dream of
“so cmon now tell me about you”
he peaked at you through his hood
“ok but dont make a big commotion..im oikawa tooru”
you laughed a bit
“thats funny you share the same name as the prince”
you stopped laughing when you saw the serious look in his eyes
“oh..oh! im so sorry for being so rude!”
you started to scramble around when he grabbed your wrists to stop your movements
“shh yes im the prince but stop flailing people are starting to look”
once you had calmed down he went on
“ive been confined to my castle my whole life and stuck to certain rules i have to follow. it seems like even if i catch a break something else comes along. i have to stay this perfect image because im the prince and it just gets so lonely. its as if im a bird trapped in a cage and theres no way out”
ah so there it is
the reason he could hear your flute
you picked a flower that was growing next to you and placed it in his hair as you spoke
“im sorry your lifes been like that but oikawa, if i may be so bold, even a caged bird will become wise enough to break free. the dream of flying is too great to resist”
Once you had properly placed the flower you smiled at him before standing up from your spot and grabbing your bag
you then held your hand out to him
but he couldnt gather his thoughts
you were so bright it was almost blinding
“now cmon! lets go have some fun!”
he looked at the hand held out to him
and with a leap of faith, he took it
he was going to get out of this cage, this perpetual cycle
and finally add some meaning to his life
day after day you two spent your time together
oikawas days that were once filled with hollow words and empty actions were now filled with happiness
filled with you
and everyday slowly but surely he was falling for you
passing glances turned into prolonged gazes
his heart could no longer stay still around you
you became the key to his happiness
but for now...he had to be content with just being next to you
it would be too selfish otherwise
to ask you to stay with him here in the kingdom...he could never trap you like that
“so what are we doing today y/n?”
you were strolling through the town on a quiet sunday afternoon like you had the last few sundays
“how about we go to the bakery? theyre usually busy but since its sunday i bet its not as packed and then i want to take you somewhere”
he was curious as to what you had in store but decided against asking questions
so you two got some baked goods and headed out towards the woods
“cmon we’re almost there”
you pushed some branches and shrubs out of the way
and one eventually hit him in the face
“watch it y/n! i keep getting wacked by you”
you just chuckled a bit which oikawa had found adorable in itself
it made his heart slow just hearing it
“just come on!”
eventually you two made it to a clearing over a beautiful lake
he didnt know that there was something like this so close by
he was absolutely amazed by it
“take a seat oikawa! we can rest and eat here!”
this moment was just too perfect to him
with you here he felt as if nothing bad could happen
that if he only could see your smile everything would be alright
being content with just being at your side...was no longer and option
he knew that if he wanted this he needed to take his chance
your eyes were full of life and he couldnt help but feel so happy next to you
and before he knew it he was closing the gap between the two of you with a hand gently cradling your cheek
but right before you two could kiss you were ripped away from him
“dont you dare touch the prince commoner!”
oikawa frantically looked around as many of his guards came out of the brush
“get your hands off of them!”
you were pressed to the ground and the sight almost broke his heart
“sorry your highness but we’re under strict orders to bring you back and throw whoever was seducing you to leave the castle into the dungeon”
the guard that had been on you lifted you up like you were a sack and bound you by rope
you gave oikawa a final smile before you were taken away even though you were so banged up that it made him want to puke
he was speechless
this is what he was talking about
being so controlled and monitored made him feel so small and helpless
and he absolutely abhorred it
“your highness your mother is waiting for you in the throne room”
oikawa was beyond upset
this isnt how he wants to live
“mother how could you throw the only good thing in my life away!”
his mother sneered at his words
“only good thing? what need to you have for that filthy peasant! and how dare you cast me aside as if i hadnt given you everything you own, everything you are is because of me! i will not allow for any of this nonsense! now go wash up. and dont you dare ever leave the castle again and i forbid you from seeing that nasty peasant again. wasting your time with such a person...”
he gritted his teeth and was about turn to leave
his emotions were running too high
he wasnt himself and he knew it
but even so...he wont allow it to end like this
he was going to end it on his terms
“what did you say?”
he stood his ground
“i said no mother. im going to live the way i want and with who i want. ill gladly give up my title because frankly, i never wanted it in the first place. and dont you ever call y/n filthy or nasty again. their so incredibly kind and full of joy and laughter. i can only hope to be like that one day. so ive decided that im leaving. with y/n.”
as soon as the doors shut behind him he let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding
but it also felt as if there was a giant weight off of him now
“im coming y/n dont you worry”
it had been a couple hours since you were brought to your cell
you didnt have any major injuries, just a few cuts and scratches from when you were body slammed to the ground
“do you mind if i play?”
you pulled out your flute and the guard nodded
“thank you!”
you started playing and filled the cell you were in with a relaxing tune
“why do you play if it doesnt make noise?”
you stopped and looked at the spiky haired man who stood outside your cell
“it takes a certain person to appreciate its music”
he just looked at you as if you were crazy
but you continued anyways
until you heard frantic running coming from down the hall
“iwa you gotta let them out”
oikawa was panting trying to catch his breath
“dude no offense but your mom would kill me and you if i just let them out”
oikawa grabbed the key from iwaizumis waist before he even realized what had happened
“dont worry about it iwa. and dont worry about me. today i start my new life. it was good knowing you buddy”
they gripped hands the way they always had. A solemn but knowing look was shared between them
“if i had known me letting you leave the castle one time would lead to this...i would have done it a lot sooner. good luck out there bud”
oikawa quickly turned to you and helped you off of the ground
“you ready to run?”
he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over one of the small cuts
hed be sure to treat that later
you nodded and leaned into his hand
“are you sure this is what you want?”
you were happy to leave with him
its more than you could ever ask for
“y/n youre the only person thats made me feel free. and by doing this i will be.”
you two finally got to share the kiss you had been deprived of and not only was it full of love but also full of hope for your future
“then lets go”
and you two sprinted off to your next adventure together
the flute you possessed was one he could no longer hear the sound of after that day
for it was enchanted, only to be be heard by those who were lost and lonely
with you he was neither anymore
and he couldnt be any happier than living out the rest of his days with you as a free man, a bird outside of its cage
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet- chapter 6: potions
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chapter 5
She continued to show me to all my classes, "Ok so I have Advanced Charms first period, Herbology second, Advanced Transfiguration third, lunch, Defense against the dark arts fourth, then potions last, which is followed by a free period and then dinner. Ok sounds simple enough, except I absolutely SUCK at potions."  "Oh you can't be that bad" Hermione laughed. "Oh no you don't understand the only reason I got through it last year was by cheating, magic, and more cheating. I barely retained any of the information '' I said a hint of worry in my voice. "Oh well I can help when you need it, but good luck especially with Snape as the Professor."
 "Oh fuck I didnt even think about that. He's gonna be a living hell isn't he?" She gave a simple nod and took me to the dungeons to show me Snape's classroom and the Slytherin common room. "Ok so in here is your common room and dormitory, but i'm not really allowed in there. And down here is Snape's classroom, which hopefully he is not in right now" she laughed as we peaked inside it. "Okay wow this is a very large school." I laughed. "Oh yeah but you get used to it pretty fast" "It's almost time for fourth period, sorry if you wanted to get lunch" I said giving an apologetic smile. "Oh no it's fine, and yup off to DADA you go!" I looked at her confused "DADA?" I said , trying to keep a smile in "Oh hah that's what we call Defense Against the Dark Arts." she said as we headed that way. "I have Herbology right now but I will see you at dinner and in Charms tomorrow!" "Ok sounds good thanks again for showing me around!" I said waving as we parted ways.
   I entered the DADA classroom and looked at the tables of students. I spotted a Empty seat next to a red head boy and a boy with round glasses and sat down next to them. "H-hello." the red haired boy stuttered, staring in awe at me. The boy with glasses elbowed him and he closed his mouth and sat up straight. "Hi." I responded, getting my books out. "Im Harry and this is Ron, you're the new girl right?" the boy with the glasses said.  "Yep that would be me" I said smiling. "Well welcome. I think you'll like this school." he said smiling "Well I hope so" I responded. "We are friends of Hermione's, she told us about Dumbledore having her show you around," he said softly. "Oh cool I take it you both are also Gryffindor's." I said , noticing their ties. "Boy you catch on fast heh" Ron added. Just then the door opened and in walked the teacher. I rolled my eyes forgetting it was Professor hand-kisser that taught this class. "Good Evening class! I hope you all came prepared and ready to learn from your magnificent Professor!" he said with a large smile on his face, some of the girls across from me giggled and he smirked, what a tool. "Now" he continued but paused when he caught my eye. "Oh we have the new student in our midst, how wonderful!" he said, smiling at me as some of the kids turned to look at me. What an ass.
   He went on to describe the lesson today, nothing exciting, once he finished he went and sat at his desk. "Ms. L/n can you come here for a moment" he said retaining eye contact with me as I walked up to his desk, I gave harry and Ron a concerned look and they just shrugged not knowing what he wanted either. "Yes?" I said when I approached his desk. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?" he asked grinning at me. Really this is what he called me up for. I managed to halt the eye rolling and answer him politely. "Well this is the first class i've been to so I can't give you a clear answer." "Hmm well how do you like my class?" he said, smirking. "Well it's only been 15 minutes. But it's ok" I said, smirking awkwardly. "Ok well im sure that will change very soon and you'll love it" he said winking. I just stared at him with a blank face and nodded my head. What the fuck is his deal? hes such a creep. "How old did you say you were?" he asked with a casual tone. Ok what. The. fuck. What kind of question is that. "I'm 16 ill be 17 in February." I said awkwardly. "Ahh February the month of love haha!" he laughed, I just kept a straight face and waited for this to be over, to my rescue Harry came over "Professor Lockhart I had a question" he said looking at me and smiling softly, I mouthed a thank you and excused myself back to the table.
After what seemed like forever class was over and it was time for the class I was really dreading. Potions with Snape. As I was leaving DADA Lockhart stopped me again. "Y/n I wanted to say it's a great pleasure to have you in my class, you are very intelligent from what I hear." he said, smirking. I don't know how he heard that or who from since I'd only been here a day. "Thank you but I need to get to my next class." I said stepping towards the door to which he stepped in my way. Hermione told me to be early or on time to potions or else Snape would be furious. "One more thing" he said smiling "i want you to know if you ever get stuck or need help, not just in my class you can always come to me." He said, still smiling and looking in my eyes. This was getting weird but I didn't have time for it. I really needed to get to potions. "Ok I will keep that in mind thank you but I really need to hurry to potions with Professor Snape." I said pushing past him and hurrying off. I looked at my watch and picked up the pace, practically jogging down the stairs and to the dungeons, I bumped into a few students and mumbled quick apologies. Soon I heard the bell ring as I was nearing the class. "Shit" I said, hurrying to his room. I opened the door quietly, trying to catch my breath. I noticed Snape's back was turned and he was facing the chalkboard and I quietly walked to the nearest empty seat in the back. Hoping and praying he didn't notice. "Late on the first day are we Ms. L/n?" he said, still not turning around. Well fuck I thought to myself. "Im so sorry Professor Lockhart wa-" "Silence!" he yelled, turning around briskly his robes following suit. "I do not wish to hear your insignificant excuses." he said, staring at me. I was still out of breath and I was getting a little nervous being singled out. "Just for this I would like you to come sit in the front next to mister Malfoy." he spat. I didn't even notice Draco was in here but he turned and smiled at me. I grabbed my books and did a walk of shame up to the front, avoiding eye contact with the brooding Professor. I took my seat and sat quietly.
My heart was beating and I was getting more red by the minute I could feel it. I didn't usually get like this, usually I'm able to argue easily with teachers that are rude. But something about Snape made me very afraid to even test those waters. "Ms. L/n since you seem to be too good for my class that you think you can join whenever, why don't you come up to the board and finish this list of ingredients for the Befuddlement Draught." he said clearly annoyed and angry, which I had picked up as his normal tone. He held out the piece of chalk and waited patiently. I slowly got out of my seat and headed up to the board, shaking hands, taking the chalk from his and looking at what he already had there, which was nothing but three bullet points. I didn't know what was in this potion. I had no clue whatsoever. I began to internally panic and closed my eyes trying to think of what's in it. I remember making it once but I couldn't remember what was used. "Today, Ms. L/n." he said sarcastically. There was a type of grass. I thought for a moment and remembered. I went to write "scurvy grass" but when I pushed the chalk it broke in half. A few students snickered and I could see Snape give them looks to shut up. "Shit" I said quietly, but apparently not quiet enough. "Ms. L/n! Do you not know where you are?!" He said furiously. I continued to stare at the board. "Language like that will not be tolerated in my class!" he yelled. "I-Im so sorry Professor it won't happen again it just slip-" "Fifty points from Slytherin! If it happens again it will be triple. Now take your seat and keep your filthy mouth shut!" he yelled as I quickly scurried back to my seat. This man will be the death of me.
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Our Princess
Ok so like I don't know if ya’ll have seen the interview or whe=atever where BTS dresses up as Princes and then proceed to like kiss each other on the cheek and stuff but imagine like you're there and they dress you up as a princess and like.... yeah. (Heres the interview if you haven't seen it)
BTS x reader (OT7 x reader)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluff, low-key smut/lemon, mentions of smut, cuteness, nicknames, eventual shy reader use of the word daddy/daddies (like once)
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Images not mine just found them on the internet but I did make the collage.
As I sneak into the back of the building I have to stifle a gleeful giggle at the sound of my boyfriends laughter. I can tell at this moment its Namjoon and Taehyng laughing and my heart swells at the thought of them. 
I truly am blessed to have such seven amazing boyfriends. And im blessed to have a friend who's willing to sneak me into this interview, of course I could have just told them the truth and come with them but this would be better. 
I just got back from my world tour and while most of it they where with me the last month (give or take) they had to return home. They called me to ask when I would be home and when I heard they where having an interview at the place my friend works I quickly lied so I could surprise them. 
They’ve done it to me tons of times before, it’s only fair I get to do the same. And hey if this happens to be how we officially tell the fans we’re together then I’m okay with that. Sadly im not actually sure what this interview is and y/f/n wouldn't tell me. 
“y/f/n!” I groan as she drags me away from where my feet were already carrying me. 
“Sorry y/n/n but I gotta get you in the proper attire first.” She says winking. 
I look at her suspiciously “you’re not sending me out in lingerie or some shit right?” She sputters before quickly yelling at me in a hushed whisper how they don't do that here and I couldn't help but chuckle, “just checking.” 
She rolls her eyes pushing me into a room and locking the door behind us, sometimes the boys need to leave an interview during break just to be alone and it would ruin the surprise of me being here if one barged in. 
As I finally look around I gape at the big ball gown right in the center. “Woah! What lucky duck gets to where that?!” I gasp admiring the beautiful dark blue dress. 
“You” She states like its a simple fact like humans need to breathe. 
“M-me- What?!” I look at her dumb founded and she just smiles. 
“Mmmhmmm!” She hum happily pulling it off the mannequin. I waste no time undressing and quickly putting the dress on before she changes her mind or something. 
I feel giddy as the dress slides on my body. “y-y/f/n” I stutter out staring at myself in the mirror as she quickly applies some makeup and puts my hair up in an elegant updo. 
“Hmm?” she hums.
“I look-” You pause truly speechless. 
“Absolutely amazing?” You nod silently, “of course you do! With me as your stylist where could you go wrong?!” She chirps happily as she looks at her watch. 
“Are we to late? Did this take to long?!” I ask worried trying to ignore my growing disappointment. 
“What?! No! Just trying to see if they’re all dressed and ready. You’re going to be the last one to go as our surprise guest.... and it looks like its time!” She says as her phone chimes. 
I stand up hands sweaty so I wipe them on a towel. “Wont they see me as I enter?” 
She shakes her head, “no they’ll be turned around and blindfolded incase someone tries to peak.” She says winking, “oh and you will be too!”
“What?!” I exclaim shocked.
“Yep... haha kinda for the whole beginning half.” she says scratching the back of her neck. 
“W-wha -why?!” I asked in a hush voice as she leads me out of the room. 
“You’ll see.” She whispers placing a silky blindfold carefully on my face, not tight enough to ruin my makeup. I sigh as we continue walking.
“Alright boys! Are you guys excited?!” y/f/n asks excitedly. she whispers for you to sit back and you do so carefully. 
“Yes!” Jungkook says excitedly. “I want to see this mysterious beautiful princess!” I can hear the smile in his voice and ignore the slight ache. ‘He’s doin it for the fans, they dint know about us yet.’ I remind myself. 
“May I ask a question?” I hear Namjoon ask. 
“Of course!” y/f/n says. 
“How old is this princess?” He asks I assume I’m supposed to answer but a hand is slapped over my mouth before I can do so. 
“She’s around all of your age!” she says quickly as Namjoon hums thoughtfully. You nod remebering they don't know its you yet. 
“Can I please please please take the blindfold off now?!” I hear Hoseok asks and I almost ‘aww’ at him but I refrain. 
“No.” y/f/n, states simply. “-First” she says cutting of there groans of frustration. “I want you to guess who it is.” She says, “Or who you hope for it to be.” 
“Papa Mochi!” I hear Jimin cheer happily and I almost bust out laughing but I quickly cover my mouth. 
“That’s a guy!” y/f/n says exasperated like she's heard this all day. 
“fine!” he groans, “ummm Kumiko!” Jimin says.
“Is that just a random person?” She asks and when I don't hear anything but a sigh from her I  assume he just shrugged. I shake my head smiling as I listen to a bunch of random names leave there lips. 
“Kaede” I hear Namjoon next.  
“Iva” Jungkook says
“Koge” Jin spoke next. 
Now it was Hobis turn “Rai”
Taehyng waited a second before also replying, “Risako”
“Ishi” Yoongi speaks calmly. 
“What do you all just have a random store of names in your head?!” Y/f/n asks exasperated. I can hear the smirk in her voice when she speaks next, “Surprised none you said your best friends name.”
“She’s still on tour.” Tae says rather roughly. 
“Calm,” Namjoon whispers but I still caught it, ‘just how close to them am I?’ I wonder reaching my hand out only to meet the fabric of someones shirt. 
“Wah!” He exclaims and I recognize it as Taehyung. ‘So I’m very close.’ I think  to myself. “Uh thanks...” he mutters moving his shoulder away. ‘cute.’ I think. 
“Jeez sore subject haha sorry folks,” she pauses and clears her throat before continuing. “Anywho go ahead and take off the blindfolds!” She says and as I go to reach for my own a hand on my wrists stops me. 
“Not you m-lady.” She says in a fake accent. I hit her hand away pouting. 
‘Lame.’ I think to myself bitterly. 
“If she can't see us why is it fair we get to see her?” Yoongi questioned. ‘Thank you!’ I thought exasperated. She groans. 
“ugh! fine! Party pooper, you can keep your mask on too!” She chirps and my shoulders sag, ‘so much for that.’ 
“Fine” he says and I can hear him sit back down. I hear the others collectively gasp as I assume they remove there masks. 
“What? Who is it?” Namjoon speaks this time, ‘so he kept his blindfold on too.’
“You two are gonna wanna see this!” I hear Jungkook say and I can hear the grin in his voice. It makes me smile and I wave shyly biting my lip. 
“Y-Y/n?!” I hear them both exclaim. My grin widens. 
“Y/f/n get this damn blindfold off me I want to see my bo-” I cut myself off, “My boys!” I say in a rush. She groans
“Okay but you'll have to wear it again for one of our games.” She states matter-o-factly. I Quickly rip it off and my smile gets impossibly larger as I see them all standing there. 
“Look at all of you!” I say grinning as I stare at all of them in there prince outfits. A noticeable warmth spreading to my cheeks, ‘shit they look really good.’ 
Before I can think more on how amazing they look I am quickly picked up and spun around by Namjoon. I laugh gleefully as he does so, me and him spent the least amount of time together on FaceTime over the past few weeks sadly, both busy at the wrong times. But that doesn't mean we didnt catch each other eventually. 
“Why didnt you tell us you where coming?” Jimin asks swiping in as soon as joon set me down to hug me and the rest of the boys followed. 
“To surprise you of course!” I say grabbing Yoongis cold hand as he pulls away. 
“Well it worked!” kook exclaimed.
“Yeah this is almost as good as papa mocha right jimin-ah?” Hobbi says nudging him. 
“Hey don't be like that!” He says as he stares at me helplessly. I laugh at this. 
“No, no I think chim would have preferred Papa Mocha right Jin?” I say looking at the handsome man. 
He smirks, “I dunno... maybe” I laugh bending over slightly as I do so missing the way all there yes where trained on me. 
“Alrght alright, enough of the gooey best-friend stuff!” y/f/n says. “We’re gonna take a break to give you seven time to prepare and poor y/n here time to enjoy herself before our next game.” she says about to walk away. 
“Wait! Whats the next game?!” I ask. 
“You’ll see.” As the cameras are turned off we are all sent away, the boys walk with my to ‘my room’ but we all know cameras where there to catch what would be said and whatnot so we stopped in the middle of both and I turned to all of them smiling widely. 
“You should have told us!” Taehyng grumbles as he clings onto you from behind nuzzling his head into your neck. 
“If I did that I wouldn't have been able to see you get all angry at the thought of me being away any longer.” I said bopping his nose and his own cheeks reddened. 
“Oh yeah, guess you heard that huh?” I make a mhm sound and he hides further in my neck as I giggle. 
“So kookie was I pretty enough to be worth it? Was I a good enough mysetery beauty princess?” I ask, he bends down cupping my cheek, “The only one who fits the bill,” he whispers placing a kiss on my lips. 
“Hey knock it off!” I say as a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. They all laugh at that. 
We go to our own rooms and I sit waiting impatiently. Ten or so minutes later y/f/n comes back and pulls me into the room again and sits me back in the chair. 
“Okay so our next game is called... drumroll please!” All the boys smack there hands on there thighs, “Blush-rush!” She declares. 
“What?! Oh no!” I say exasperated “grrr curse you y/f/n!” I say shaking my fist at her as the boys laugh. 
“Yeah yeah thats the witches job not yours m-lady.” I scoff. “Ok! theres two rounds! One action round and one verbal round! y/n sets the boundaries, and you boys follow them but otherwise your good. Your goal? Make y/n blush as long and as deeply as possible.” She says looking to you to set the rules. 
“Ok obviously you boys know the no-no squares.” You say simply and they all chuckle nodding. “Okay, uhhhh I guess..Oh! No yelling in my ear!” You glare at Jungkook then remembering when you where still best friends and he screamed in your ear to wake you up, while acting out how he would wake his future girlfriend. 
He holds his hand up defensively and I shake my head at him smiling. “I don't know! You guys know me, so you know whats to far!” I said shrugging. They all nodded smiling, they know old boundaries of when we where trying to hide it from the fans are off the table, we’ve seen the theories and there isn't any negativity towards them so we figured why not.
If it comes out it comes out, if not then thats okay to. We’re happy ether way, it was a group decision. 
“Alrighty then lets get going!” She says smiling. “Boys pick which one you do first-” she gets cut off by an enthusiastic Namjoon. 
“Words!” He says quickly and all the boys quickly nod in agreement. I can't help but laugh. 
“Alrighty then y/n back on with the blindfold.” I groan but put it on anyways. 
it’s a long moment of silence before I hear anything at all, quickly thoughts of being alone flood into my mind but are quickly washed away by someones breathe hot on my ear. 
“Baby girl,” Instantly I recognize Jin, “you should have told us you where coming, we could have welcomed you home properly.” my eyes widen beneath my mask knowing full well what usually happens when we reunite. 
I clear my throat trying to avoid the blush on my cheeks. “Don't try to hide it princess,” Namjoon says his voice deep and on my other side, I can feel the warmth from the two bodies next to me. “You always react so well, such a beautiful blush.” 
This time I can't stop my cheeks from turning pink. “Little one~” It’s Jungkook, completely different from the excited adorable one who just minutes ago was excited to see a mysterious princess “doing so good, you’ve barely blushed so far.” He purrs but then chuckles deeply “Or you weren't blushing.” I groan slightly as I shift in my seat. 
‘Damnit only three of them have-’ “Hello Kitten,” ‘Yoongi, shit’. “Look at you, don't you look so pretty?” He says and I know if he could he would run his hands threw my hair right now. 
“Hello my little flower,” I hear another voice right next to my ear, ‘hello hobi’ I chuckle. “Something funny? Or you just like the way we’re making you feel?” I don't answer and he just chuckles at that. 
“Hello my little angel~” Jimin practically purrs into my ear just like Yoongi. “I love your dress, it would look better on my bedroom floor though, don't you think?” I try to shake off his words but of course the blush continues to grow.
I know who has to be coming next and I’m not surprised when I hear his deep voice, “Hi baby, are you happy to be surrounded by your daddies?” He whispers in my ear and by now the blush has moved down my necks and up to my ears. 
“Yes how are-” Jin gets cut off by y/f/n. 
“Alright alright!” She cuts in, “jeez guys I said make her blush, not kill her... you seven jeesh.” She pulls the blindfold off and I look up to see all seven of them around me smirks on there faces. 
‘uh-oh’ I look down not able to stare at them any longer, its to much I’m already warm enough. I didnt think they would be so.... suggestive. 
They chuckle as they see my cheeks warming up again. “I have to go cool off in the bathroom!” I say quickly standing up and moving to the hallway. I lean against a wall breathing deeply. 
“Damn you.” I sigh as I cover my face, even the after thought makes me blush.
“y/n?” I hear y/f/n, I look up at her smiling softly. “We can't make it a silent part, no one would no what they said and we all sign privacy policy contracts.” She said seriously. 
“Oh it’s fine I just was shocked really,” I huff out a laugh, “but lets make it silent, I want to see what our fans come up with.” She grins nodding. 
I go back out smiling reassuringly at the boys who all relax visibly. I sit back in the seat preparing myself for the next round. I breathe deeply as y/f/n gives the all clear as I watch Hobi approach. 
Truth be told I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting him to just sand in-front of me forcing eye contact, thats for sure. So when it got to be to much I quickly looked away, and thats how I knew I fell into the trap. His finger making its way under my chin to turn my face towards him as he leans in closer. 
And just when I think he might kiss me he pulls way smirking and I purse my lips to prevent a smile. So caught up in the moment I didn't realize Yoongi slipped behind me until I felt his hands move down my exposed shoulders only to go back up and move towards my collar bones. Goosebumps forming on my heated flesh. 
He drew his hands away drawing them close to my throat. Jimin also comes up not hesitating to move his hand from my cheek to my neck where he hovers placing slight pressure from his finger tips almost like from one of the first few videos he took of my where instead of doing the face smooshy thing he went and choked me. 
I know my face is beat red by now but there is still four more to go. I smile as Jungkook comes up to me, he wouldn't do anything to bad- I’m instantly proven wrong as his arms go around my middle, feather light touches moving over my sides the same way he does when I’m blindfolded and- ‘nope! don't go there then you WILL blush more!’ He smirks triumphantly knowing that was enough. 
Taehyung is much more.... pg I suppose as he peppers my face with kisses repeatedly, but I realize that that he was just to prepare me for when Namjoon sneaks up behind my sticking his face in my neck. He is sure to hide what exactly he’s doing by his position but I feel his lips moving up and down my neck going to the spot by my ear. 
Jin is the last, and what he does is simple but effective. He simply takes me off the chair and places me right onto his lap, and of course once again by now my face is beet red and they’ve surely beaten me since Hobi, but it was more fun to let them all go. 
After that the interview was basically done we stayed for about an hour more before we all decided to drive home. I was in my car with just Jungkook and Namjoon while the others went in there car. Im sitting in the back in Namjoon’s lap, yes there was a perfectly good seat beside him but honestly neither one of them cared and I loved the contact. 
We where stopped at a stop light the conversation at a comfortable silence when I spoke up. “You guys where very... open.” I say as I hide my face in Joons neck. he chuckles his hands moving up and down my back. 
“What can we say, not seeing you for, what a month? Add onto that the opportunity to publicly do anything we want with you, well we have to do everything we can.” he said smirking squeezing my hips. 
“Well not everything.” Jungkook says winking in the rear view mirror and once again I blush as a giggle leaves my lips. 
It’s a week later when I go onto youtube and find the latest conspiracy video for the eight of us shockingly. It’s videos of us over the whole time we had been dating, proof of the long time relationship. I smile as I show the boys and we reminisce on the old videos. 
I decide to post a picture on my instagram from the interview, one of the seven of them in there costumes and then one of me with each of them alone, namjoons was one of my favorites, not that I didnt love them all of them but one of the camera men caught the moment he picked me up and spun me around and I knew I would always treasure it. I put the caption, “My princes.” 
Seeing this they put a picture on there official insta saying “Our princess.” No one truly asked any questions, they all just knew. The comments where filled with friends saying finally, and fans agreeing saying how happy they where. And we where too. We truly would have a happily ever after. 
Hey guys my request an taglist’s are always open! Thank you!
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shadowheartssimp · 4 years
pc/shadowheart (another modern au fic help) sub 3k words.
-- x -- 1:21 am - 1 new message
Xildi groggily reaches out to her buzzing phone, only a little peeved that something so easily broke her from her trance. With a sigh she gazes at the awfully bright screen and finds herself frowning before her mind can even process. She doesn’t even get to unlock her phone before another message comes in.
1:23 am - 2 new messages
Sitting up straighter, she finally unlocks her phone.
2 messages from Shadowheart
1:21am → 
hey, are you awake
1:23am → 
youre probably trancing
With a sigh, Xildi weighs her options before realizing there’s not exactly one. Her fingers move fast as she types her reply.
1:24am ← 
I’m ‘awake’ now. What’s wrong?
1:25 am →
i didnt say anything was wrong
1:26 am →
you assumed that
Xildi rolls her eyes before looking back down to her phone.
1:27 am →
Moments pass, and the elf is torn whether or not she wants to return to her trance. She wonders how pissed Shadowheart would be if she accidentally left her on read, and decides that it’s likely not worth finding out.
1:31 am ←
1:31 am ← 
You’re making it seem like something’s wrong.
Most likely because something is wrong, but getting the half-elf to admit that is half the battle. Huffing, Xildi shuffles off the bed and begins traversing to her kitchen. Might as well get a snack if she’s about to be up all night waiting for whatever is wrong with her friend. 
Her phone buzzes as she’s prepping a light snack for herself, at least signaling that Shadowheart didn’t pass out on her. Scratch wakes as well, trotting into the kitchen and wagging his tail in hopes for a midnight snack as well.
1:38 am → 
someone from the orphanage contacted me today
1:38 am → 
i didnt want to even message you but idk
1:39 am →
unfortunately you know my past
Xildi rolls her eyes, it wasn’t her fault that Shadowheart blabbed it out when she was drinking too much wine at Wyll’s party. Either way, the story did already peak her interest and Xildi found herself approaching her couch with warm toast.
1:40 am ← 
The orphanage? I thought you told them to never contact you again.
1:41 am →
i did
1:41 am →
that’s why its bothering me
Quizzically Xildi bites on her toast.
1:42 am ←
Wait… you didn’t answer? Are you telling me they called and you let them go straight to voicemail?
1:43 am → 
and? i didnt want to be reminded of that awful place
1:44 am → 
i dont want to listen to it
1:44 am →
at least alone. im coming over
Xildi blanches. She’s coming over, now? She’s hardly well dressed for visitors, practically in her underwear and hair a mess. Not to mention that the place was in an array (not really, but in her eyes it was a pigsty that couldn’t be seen by anyone else’s eyes).
1:45 am ← 
Now?! Seriously? Couldn’t you wait until morning?
1:45 am ←
Shadowheart, my place is a mess.
1:46 am →
yes. now. 
It starts processing in her head. Shadowheart doesn’t live far, perhaps 15 minutes minimum if she takes the bus, but there aren’t any at this hour. At least she’s pretty sure there’s none.  So she’s walking, that gives her probably an extra 10 minutes. Then she’s reminded of how incredibly dangerous that is to begin with -- but it’s Shadowheart and she likely doesn’t care to begin with. She grew up in this neighborhood, this is nothing!
1:48 →
i need you
Oh. Xildi knows her cheeks are warm, because never has Shadowheart ever been so forward. A heavy breath leaves her lips as she knows she has no choice now but to let her come over and likely listen to this voice mail with her. Whatever comes afterward will be another story she’s sure.
1:50 am ←
The door’s unlocked, please be safe getting here.
1:51 am →
im fine
1:52 am →
but youre sweet to worry
Frantically Xildi shoves the now cold toast into her mouth and begins cleaning at an incredible pace. She starts with the kitchen, disturbed that she even let there be dirty dishes to begin with. A few minutes later and she’s drying her hands, curiously peaking over at her phone to see if anything else has come through. Thankfully nothing and she sets off for her bedroom.
It only takes a few more minutes to tidy up before she goes back to retrieve her phone. 
1 new message from Shadowheart
2:04 am →
bitch’zel stopped me on my way. im omw now
Xildi purses her lips, it was awfully late for Lae’zel to be out and about. Now that she thinks upon it, she does recall Astarion’s door closing roughly ten minutes or so ago. Interesting. 
2:05 am ←
Any chance there’s a bus going at this hour?
2:06 am →
already ahead of you
2:06 am → 
last bus of the night… guess im staying at your place again
2:07 am ←
Glad I cleaned my room then :/
2:07 am → 
how kind! bold of you to think id actually sleep with you though
Xildi feels her heart strings pull at that one. 
2:07 am →
2:08 am →
perhaps a discussion for another night
Dropping her phone onto the bed, Xildi falls back and stares up at her ceiling. She’s already on a roller coaster of emotions, she can’t imagine what must be barreling through Shadowheart at the moment. Scratch trots into her room, whining slightly before laying on the floor by the foot of her bed. 
Her phone buzzes again and she lazily reaches across her bed to find it. She doesn’t even get a chance to look at the screen before it drops on her face with a defiant thud. Groaning she picks it off her face and squints at the bright device.
2:14 am →  
or i guess you dont want to talk about it
2:14 am ←  
I do.
2:15 am → 
😤😤 good
Xildi finds herself laughing and lowers her phone onto her chest. 
2:18 am ←
Do you have an ETA?
2:19 am →
excited to see me?
2:19 am →
bout five minutes though
Xildi decides that staring aimlessly at her ceiling is her best way to waste time, not finding energy to do much else. She knows Shadowheart arrives when the door creaks open slowly, and Scratch jumps from his spot on the floor and sprints out of the room. She can hear the light grunt from the half-elf as the dog nearly knocks her over, a fragile laugh echoing the silence as claws scratch along the wooden floor.
It thankfully doesn’t take long for Scratch to settle, Xildi notes from the sudden silence. There are light steps, from both the dog and Shadowheart as they approach her room and the elf gradually rises herself into a more approachable position. Finally their eyes meet in the dim room and she can just tell how worn Shadowheart is.
“Hey,” comes lightly from Xilid as she offers a faint smile. She figures if anything she should try to be welcoming. 
Something close to a response comes from Shadowheart who sulks into the room, dropping her backpack on the way. She practically falls face first onto the bed and lets out what Xildi assumes is a much needed breath.
Tentatively, the elf places a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Do you want to change first?”
“I guess.”
So it was going to be a difficult night -- morning? Xildi isn’t sure anymore. Gradually Shadowheart rises from her spot and keeps her gaze away from the elf, absolutely avoiding the pressing matter on hand. The tension stays thick as she digs through her backpack and eventually pulls some sweats out.
Pointendly looking away, Xildi focuses on the ceiling once more as Shadowheart changes. A few quiet moments pass before the mattress shifts and the half elf hesitantly lays down next to her. Now two sets of eyes focus on the white popcorn.
Shadowheart is silent for a long time -- long enough that the elf fears that she has fallen asleep. Just when she’s about to ask, she hears Shadowheart say “I don’t even know if I want to hear what they have to say.”
Xildi shifts her gaze to a troubled Shadowheart who still casts her hard stare to the ceiling. “Do you think you’d be better not knowing?”
“No,” comes first, followed shortly by “I don’t know”.
Finally dark green eyes meet Xildi, ones filled with exhaustion and definitely some fear. The elf can’t help but wonder of all the horrors her friend(?) grew up with in that orphanage. “I could always listen to it, so you don’t have to.”
“And hold it against me?”
“You know I wouldn’t do that.”
Something close to a soft smile eases its way onto Shadowheart’s face, scooting closer and resting her cheek on Xildi’s shoulder. The half-elf’s phone does a light drop on her stomach, almost as an invitation before she sighs. 
Taking the hint, the elf lifts Shadowheart’s phone and goes to unlock it. Truthfully it felt wrong to be even doing that, but she figured if she didn’t there was no way in hell Shadowheart would. A light mutter from her side tells her the passcode that she already secretly knows from another drunken night, and she quickly exits her messages before seeing something she might not meant to be. 
Hell, she shouldn’t be navigating her phone to begin with. 
Her thumb taps the phone app and she feels Shadowheart tense against her, digits gripping her arm. “We could always listen to it later.”
“No,” says Shadowheart as she glares at her own phone. “I didn’t come all this way to continue ignoring it.”
With a slow nod, Xildi continues and clicks on the voicemail tab. She’s only a little surprised to see a few from Gale and Wyll, from today even, but ignores it for the sake of seeing the number sticking out like a thumb between it all. Tentatively she glances to the woman beside her, who holds a fierce look before she taps the number to play the voicemail. 
It starts casual enough, the shuffling of papers, stating who is calling and stating that they were looking for, yes indeed, Shadowheart. To this day Xildi is shocked that they truly messed up her birth certificate that badly. Just when they’re both thinking that the call is a fluke, that they’re trying to bait her back into calling without anything, they hear: “Please call us back when you can, we believe we might have found information about your parents.”
It clicks.
Shadowheart is still, terrifyingly so.
Xildi glances from the phone in her hand, to Shadowheart who is practically cuddling her side, to her white popcorn ceiling. Even she is unsure if it’s the truth or a white lie to get back in communication with her.
“I hate them,” comes quietly from Shadowheart, who’s biting so hard on her lip that blood dares to drip. “I hate them so much.”
Xildi remains quiet, completely and utterly unsure of how to proceed with this new information. A part of her feels that she shouldn’t have just heard this voicemail. She can only imagine how Shadowheart would have handled the news alone. Poorly, if she really has to guess.
Said woman exhales loudly, her grip on Xildi’s arm tightening before gradually loosening. Her breath is fragile for a moment, teetering on the edge of likely tears -- the elf doesn’t dare to look -- before mellowing out to an extent. She shifts slightly before sitting up and crossing her legs. 
“I don’t even know if I want to meet them.”
Her voice is so fragile, unlike herself, that it takes Xildi by surprise. She’s sitting up faster than she can imagine and wastes no time placing a hand over Shadowheart’s own. The very least she can do right now is be supportive. “You don’t have to any time soon.”
Briefly the half-elf tenses from the touch. “They left me there.”
“Sometimes there’s not a choice,” says Xildi with a frown, remembering her own past all too well. She wonders if her brothers are still well even after all this time. “Even so, because of that it led to us meeting, right?”
“Look at you, trying to make this positive,” scoffs Shadowheart, but the faintest of smiles shines. Their eyes lock for a few seconds and the same butterfly feeling stirs in Xildi’s stomach. “It’s crazy how one even can change everything. That orphanage was shit, but it led me to Shar -- something to believe in.”
“Are you thinking how things might’ve been different if you grew up with them?”
Shadowheart tilts her head. “My parents? A little,” pursing her lips, she gazes intently at the wall behind Xildi. “I hate that they left me in that awful place, never once tried to get in contact with me. And now I despise that the orphanage is trying to bring me back.”
“You don’t have to go, or even call back.” With a reassuring smile, Xilid takes her hand back and runs it idly through her hair. “If you’re happy where you are, why change it?”
The half elf pauses, as if Xildi’s words struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her gaze shifts from the wall to her lips, then to her eyes. “Would you change anything?”
“Me?” A bit baffled, Xildi raises a brow before shrugging it off. “A few things here and there sure, but I suppose it’s often better to let destiny take its course.”
“You think us meeting is destiny? That’s cute.”
Xildi gives Shadowheart a look, despite it all there’s something deeper that she’s not inherently saying. It gives her an inkling that somewhere inside, she’s actually agreeing with her -- and that they should continue letting it. Her heart skips in her chest, unsure whether to take the advance before she manages a response. “Do you disagree?”
A long silence fills the air, as if Shadowheart is weighing her options carefully. What is likely only a moment or two feels like an eternity, dragging on and eating away at Xildi until finally -- finally! -- the bed shifts underneath Shadowheart’s weight and the woman is sitting next to her. Polished nails gently scratch at Xildi’s fingers before resting. “No, I don’t think so. In fact…” trailing off, Shadowheart uncharastically fails to meet Xildi’s gaze. “I think you should let it take its course, right now.”
Mustering up all of her courage, Xildi leans forward and lifts her free hand, cupping one of Shadowheart’s cheeks. Her skin is warm and soft against her cool hands, a dull reminder of how chilly she prefers to keep her room. Her heart is pounding against her chest as she leans closer. She can see all of her eye lashes, how they begin to flutter nervously, and the dark hues of green in Shadowheart’s eyes. 
Her breath catches, perhaps the other���s too, before she sets her mind on it. Her chest practically explodes as she timidly presses her lips against Shadowheart’s, a full eruption of emotions consuming her as she suddenly gasps for air. How she frees her other hand to cup her other cheek, the need to feel incredibly close to her rising as her heart continues to pound. 
Shadowheart chuckles against her lips, the hot breath tickling her lips as she finds herself smiling. It’s not long before she goes again, parting her lips just enough to ensnare the half-elf’s lower lip. To feel how soft and full hers are against her own, the warmth that comes to her cheeks, face -- hell, her stomach too. All overwhelming but wonderful at the same time. She wasn’t aware how much she was craving this moment.
After what feels like an eternity (but definitely was a couple minutes at most), Xildi pulls herself away and shyly drops her hands to the bed. Her cheeks burn as she stares at a lopsided and completely goofy grin that stretches on Shadowheart’s face. Endearing? Absolutely.
“Perhaps… it was destiny -- us meeting that is.”
Xildi smiles. “Perhaps it was.”
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has simon written a song for each member for the polycule y/n? even platonic ones for clary and izzy? -maiaisbia
what can i say except yes. he absolutely does. he even has a few songs that are about the polycule in general and just that feeling of found family and stuff and it's nice
and can i just say............ simon is at Peak Writing Talent when he's pining. like all his best most heartfelt songs are written when he's in pining mode and i just picture him playing those songs at Taki's you know
cuz like why not have simon have a show there? they could do with some live music, they want the place to feel like home after all. and simon deserves the attention and space to show his talent you know cuz he really is a great singer and composer. maia knows this, raphael knows this, everyone knows this
so they have a special night at taki's and simon will be singing his originals and Man Is He Pining For Simon And Meliorn. him and maia are already together and stuff but him and raphael have basically just gotten reacquainted and he's getting to meet meliorn for real now, and he's in love. with them and with their love cuz like, raphaeliorn is a power couple and also goals
and of course raphael is in the kitchen while simon is playing but he can still hear it and he has that soft smile on his face the whole time, sometimes having to blink to concentrate back on what he's doing (listen i know kitchens are messy and noisy but what if i didnt care about that. also im thinking maybe this is some special kinda night where everyone is just sitting together and they juat keep the food coming by the tons, no specific orders? so that would be easier to make without the usual screaming mess idk)
and simon sings a You're My Best Friend style song for clary and some stuff clearly inspired by clizzy, some stuff about loving his girlfriend's girlfriends and how much they appreciate her that's cute. then he gets to some songs about maia that just have raphael holding back a grin because maia deserves to be appreciated and the way he sings and writes about her is so beautiful. maia is also smiling the whole time he sings for her, so concentrated on him no one dares make a drink order, cuz look, no one's ever written a song for her before
and just ugh not to be on my maiaphael bullshit but raphael just being so happy that simon has such beautiful things to say about maia and how he makes her so happy? and relating a lot to the songs about her and the soft way simon sings about how caring and fierce she is, how she's gonna change the world like she already changed his, and raphael's dead little heart is so full of love and joy and he doesn't even realize why yet
and then he gets to the songs he wrote for meliorn and raphael and they are. so beautiful. and like simon doesn't say they're about them of course but he's an open book and even if raphael is on his "not realizing people appreciate me" bullshit he still feels touched by the vibes, the way simon sings about trust and companionship and flowers, and how nothing is as meaningful as the truth
and the songs are just so beautiful and some are about raphael, some about meliorn, some about their relationship in general and simon makes such beautiful homages and captures their relationship so perfectly it takes raphael's breath away, and not for the first time he realizes that he feels so seen with simon
and then simon gets to a song that's sung entirely in spanish because this one is really just for them both. (yes the rest of the polycule minus clary understands spanish, but still, this song is for raphael only) and raphael feels like he's gonna burst because it just sounds so soothing and beautiful. Raphael's Song™ is all about sunlight and the calm after the storm, about rebuildings and reconnecting and second chances. it's about love and family and soft mornings and the little details that matter the most. it's about support and growth. and it's wonderful
even when simon's spanish gets awkward at times because he's not used to writing in that language, it just leaves raphael breathless and makes it even more endearing to him. and meliorn and maia are just listening to it with knowing smiles because anyone who knows and loves raphael knows who that song is about. and maia of course knows about simon's crush on raphael and meliorn and she knows that raphael doesn't see himself like that at all and how happy and emotional he must be feeling, and she's so happy to see him being appreciated, too
as soon as the restaurant is closed raphael just makes for him like "simon" and he sounds so emotional and breathless and the rest of the polycule who had been congratulating him kind of disappears (minus meliorn of course because they also have things to say) and meliorn looks at him all softly and is like "i think simon sees you very appropriately, don't you?" and moves to kiss simon's hand all like "thank you, simon" and simon is super overwhelmed because yes he knew he was exposing himself but he wasnt expecting them two to just like corner him all emotional about it djdndidndi but basically that's how simon gets together with meliorn and raphael now
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chiefavenuewerewolf · 3 years
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove
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All Theatres Starlight Terrace Cinemas, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Starlight Whittier Village, Whittier, CA Starlight Cinema City Theatres, Anaheim, CA Starlight West Grove Cinemas, Garden Grove, CA Starlight Triangle Square Cinemas, Costa Mesa, CA Starlight Dos Lagos 15, Corona, CA.
Reviews 14
Steven Crow
Garden Grove features a number of movie theaters, but Starlight Cinemas always offers convenient show times and a great movie selection. Bring the whole family to this theater, where kiddos are welcomed with open arms.Patrons can park in a lot near Starlight Cinemas or take advantage of the generous street parking. Whatever you're in the mood for, Starlight Cinemas has.
All Theatres Starlight Terrace Cinemas, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Starlight Whittier Village, Whittier, CA Starlight Cinema City Theatres, Anaheim, CA Starlight West Grove Cinemas, Garden Grove, CA Starlight Triangle Square Cinemas, Costa Mesa, CA Starlight Dos Lagos 15, Corona, CA.
Enjoy the latest movies at your local Regal Cinemas. Regal Garden Grove features stadium seating, digital projection, mobile tickets and more! Favorite place to go to the movies. Using the card is the best program. It really helps senior citizens. Everyone is always.
Garden Grove Cinema - Deals in Garden Grove, CA Groupon. Cinema deals in Garden Grove, CA: 50 to 90% off deals in Garden Grove. AMC DINE-IN Fullerton 20. AMC Anaheim GardenWalk 6. Active: 2019-11-22.
Please read this oneI don’t usually write reviews but the experience me and my wife had is unbelievable My wife was in a car wreck on 1-24-15 and hurt her back but still wanted to see a movie for Valentine’s day 2-14-15 so I got the tickets and went I asked the lady at the door if my wife could Just sit on bench until movie time and she got a bad attitude problem with me so I asked to see The manager she came out and I told her about the problem she seemed like she didnt care at all. But she finally let my wife sit then all we heard was laughing and giggling from them made my wife feel very bad and very uncomfortable we left and won’t be back ever.By the way me and my daughter usually go to the movies there at least once a week sometimes twice a week and have been going there for almost four years now and the guy’s that work there on the weekdays are great very kind and never any Problems at all.
Brian Bergström
Was happy with the pricing of the movies here. First run movies at discounted prices. The theaters are small, but comfortable. I first saw a movie here in 1987 and it hasnt changed much, except the technology.What disappointed me were the lights that never turn off and when the movie starts nobody closes the doors (I went to the back and closed the doors myself, nothing I could do about the lights). How can one really enjoy a movie theater experience with lights in the ceiling shining down in your eyes.I came here for 3D, because ONLY the Dolby Digital 3D works for me, the crappy RealD 3D doesnt work nearly as well. Then as it turned out the movie I wanted to see was not being shown in 3D at all.I would go back again, but probably sit more towards the front away from the spotlights and open doors.
Pat Butterfield
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove Ca
This place and staff has always given me a pleasurable experience and have gone on various days and times for the last 5yrs Even going during regular hours/days but frequent the senior/family days & hours. Been there during peak hrs & always someone at doors ready to go in and clean soon as a movie is over. Cant go to the Regals or Edwards and the like for top movies popcorn and drinks for the same price or less than what others charge just to get in the doors! Too bad Steve Crow had a bad experience, I have never seen or heard of such a thing all the times Ive gone. Im even greeted & asked where my friend is when I go alone. And acknowledged when Ive not been seen for awhile! Local theaters always best over commercial places anytime!
A Private User
I see a lot of people complaining about the employees and the seats and screens. Download blackberry handheld software for 8520. I have never had a problem with any of the employees. They arent really friendly, but have never been rude to me or any of my kids. Sure it s small, but for the value, worth it for me. We could never afford to see a movie otherwise. If you get their saver card, you get a free ticket for every four you buy, even on family night. Plus you get free popcorn and free refills on popcorn and soda. Tip..go early in family nights, you will be in line for a bit, and it will fill up.
Wesley To
Dont be fooled by the price and Starlight brand. This place has almost nothing else in common with other Starlights. No reserved seating. No seats in the center (aisle runs down the middle). Small, dim screen. But the other Starlights (Triangle Square in Costa Mesa, Cinema City in Anaheim) have identical pricing and feature reserved seating, center seats, and larger screens, as well as having more total screens, more seats per screen, and nicer aesthetics. Go to those ones if possible. Those actually deserve the '4 Star' nomenclature.
A Private User
5 Star Theater Garden Grove
Hate it. We came to watch sherlock holmes and half way through my lady went to use the restrooms and got kicked out cause the management said she was trying to jump movies. she had the ticket stub and she wasnt trying to jump movie.. she waited out side in the cold. while i was waiting for her to return. finally i went out side to look for her and i was very shocked to find out what had happened.. Never again will we ever come here again. Go some where else management seemed racist..
Yaseng Yann
I go to this theater almost exclusively esp so that we could go bowling before or after a movie: $7 refillable (one time before the movie ends) popcorn, clean theater, good sound system, friendly staff. Prices are catching up to that of UA and Regency..$9/adult is more than at some other places; so we are pulling the reins a tad. Maybe it pays to be a frequent movie pass goer..then again, we should head out to the state parks and outdoors more. Head out and shape up, America!
A Private User
i think this is a fantastic bargain to go to the movies in these most difficult of times. the popcorn is great ..the seating is good and the value is fabulous. we try to make it every Tuesday. i found the employees to be professional and courtesy so i suppose everyone has there opinion and mine is that keep the price low and the audiences will come. thanks.
John Taylor
The movie industry is my passion. When I was a teen I loved going to the cinema. This place is comfy, small and a great place to take out your girlfriend. However last time my girlfriend and I went everything was just dirty. Spit bubble gums, popcorn and smelly restrooms. Not a romantic experience at all. I hope they take some actions!
Lexi Buelna
Is this as fancy as Bella Terra? No. But as far as a discount theater is concerned, this is a definite 5 star theater! Everyone has been nothing but polite and friendly. Only 4 movies at a time but, for the price, im willing to wait a while until they change the options! And any theater with $1 hot dogs is fine by me.
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Awesome new movies. Get the frequent movie goer pass and get free movies and popcorn. CLEAN place and if you go to their site print a FREE popcorn and upgrade to large popcorn & Large drink with refills for $9.00Tuesday & Thursday $4.00 all day.everyday $5.00 until after either 4 or 5:00pm then its $6.00
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BR Abs marvel connector types.
Brandon Kheang
Absolutely love this theater, $6 Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays every week are an excellent value. Though it may not be as large as the bigger theaters, the movie viewing experience is still very enjoyable, especially given the price. The employees are friendly and the popcorn is delicious
Garden Grove 5 Star Cinema
Karen Taylor
We just moved to the area and we found this theater 'WONDERFUL' and it has a family environment in our neighborhood.The prices are good all doing the week and the popcorn is good and very affordable for us. The staff helpful. We love it there.Thanks,Resident of Buena ParkKaren
Alina Ramirez
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Considering that it is a 4 screen theater with regular old school seating, it is nice. The floors arent sticky, the seats arent broken, the restrooms are clean and most importantly..very nice staff. Great place to take my family especially since we are on a very tight budget.
5 Star Cinema Garden Grove
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timegears-moved · 4 years
☕️ mmmm pokemon games specifically (not including spinoffs)
sorry this is late im terrible with actually answering asks. ill do this generation by generation. also this ended up very long because i have a lot of thoughts about pkmn.
gen one: okay so right off the bat im gonna say that i have a massive soft spot for gen one, considering blue was the first game i ever played. i do have a degree of nostalgia towards it which is why i can never be truly be harsh on these games. i know they're a mess of glitches and mechanics that make no fucking sense (seriously FUCK psychic types and everything they stand for) but it has a certain charm to it.
but even as a "kanto apologist" (which damien calls me) i can absolutely agree that the pandering is fucking abysmal. they're trying cater to a demographic who hasn't cared about pokemon in years and aren't going to pick up a new game just because charizard is in it. by doing this it feels like they're alienating the people who actually care, like "yeah ur support is nice but we want the genwunners to like us more than anything.
also on the topic of pandering is that their pandering is so half-assed too. all of this gen one content and not one shred of love for my boys victreebel or cloyster? bro i hate it here.
gen two: i dont really have that much to say here tbh. i have no fond memories of it at all considering i only played through gold once right before hgss came out. i can say that i appreciate all of the bullshit from gen one that it fixed but i have issues with johto as a region that ill elaborate on when i talk about the remakes.
gen three: honestly i never cared much for this gen. i played it quite a bit growing up but it's always been whatever for me. a lot of it just feels kind of.....bland for me. i really don't know what to say because it leaves me feeling conflicted. there's nothing bad about these games that sticks out like a sore thumb but they just don't do it for me, ya know?
i do appreciate frlg for shedding a much better light on kanto though.
gen four: okay so i'll fully admit that the sinnoh games are my childhood faves and are still my faves now but im not letting nostalgia completely cloud my judgement on this.
honestly? i think pokemon peaked with platinum. dp had their problems for sure and some of those still carried over to platinum but the scale in which platinum told its story feels so much grander than any pokemon game that came before or after it. i absolute adore the sinnoh mythos and i only want dp remakes just so it can get expanded upon, i could care less about any actually gameplay from it. ive said this before but you cannot make the god of pokemon and not do anything with it.
as for hgss, i have very mixed feelings about this one but not in the same way gen 3 made me feel because i do have genuine problems here. ive talked before about them but i just cannot stress how bad the level and pokemon distributions are. how the fuck can you make brand new pokemon for your johto region and not put them in fucking johto?
like these games are fine ig. i never cared about the walking pokemon mechanic but it literally feels like people only praise this game as the best because of that one thing that has no bearing on the actual game itself. you can like these games all you want, i still enjoy parts of them myself, but calling them the best is a huge reach.
gen five: right off the bat im gonna say that i do love the gen five games so nobody thinks im being overly critical or anything. i love the aesthetic of these games, i ADORE the pokemon here and they're some of the most fun pokemon games to play through. it's the story and characters (with the exception of n i will absolutely give credit where it is die there) that throw me for a loop.
i feel like whenever i praise the story or characters im just following the crowd here. i don't know if im just very stupid (i definitely am very stupid) or what but none of it felt as powerful as people claim it is for me personally. maybe i should just pay more attention but i honestly don't know. im definitely not saying theyre bad or anything i just in all hobestly dont get the (very sudden) hype.
uhhh i can't say much about bw2 because i haven't beaten it since it came out but i remember liking hugh and it made iris a champion so i remember them being good on those two things alone.
gen six: hohohohoho here we go. tbh i don't even know what i can say about xy that hasn't already been said. like gen one might be a huge mess looking back on it but at least it had character. xy introduced a few pokemon that i really liked and some amazing shiny hunting methods that should definitely return but that's the most i can say in terms of praise.
i dont think pokemon has ever gotten this boring before, and that's speaking as someone who clocked over 300 hours into my x save file. nothing has life (which in hindsight is ironic considering xerneas is the god of life) and i hate the way mega evolution was handled so much. i really don't know what else to say because everyone has already said what i want to but i think this has been pokemon's lowest point so far.
oras once again made hoenn complicated for me. they made hoenn somewhat interesting for me in a way that didnt capture me in the originals. i don't think they're stellar but ive seen people call these the worst ones and....why. i get that the originals are special to a lot of people and that they feel like oras did them injustice but honestly i would oras over the originals because they're just more fun for me.
gen seven: it made popplio. 10/10.
okay so i can understand why the very slow start and unskippable long cutscenes threw a lot of people off but i just don't understand so much of the hate it around other things. again i see people proclaiming it as the worst and you can see it as that from a gameplay element, but the story fucking slapped ass and i don't think amybody can or should deny that. maybe i just feel very passionately about them because they're very personal for me in helping me through a rough time in my life but i just also dont see why everybody is so mad at these games sometimes.
the fact that sm mean so much to me makes usum's entire existence hurt so much more. like wow i love abuse apologism: the game thank you sooooo much gamefreak! /s
aside from ultra wormhole jumping, my baby dusk lycanroc and the new ultra beasts i dont care for anything new usum brought. it feels like it back peddled so much by completely ruining lillie's character by attempting to make lusamine likable when the damage from the first games was already done. i hate usum they're the only pokemon games i can state that i hate. i don't know how you can take sm's well-done albeit flawed blueprints, take out everything that was good and only leave stuff that either doesn't matter or is actively harmful.
also let's go pikachu and eevee exist too idrc
gen eight: ive already spoken my piece on swsh but im gonna be more clear here. i dont think swsh is inherently bad and i can still have fun with them. i dont think the issue here lies with the cut pokedex. i could honestly care less about that and i always figured we would get to this point. the issue lies with nintendo and tpci pushing for yearly releases, forcing the devs to make yearly subpar games. i can think of so many ways they can remedy this situation: taking longer times between releases, hiring more staff at gamefreak or even splitting developments for different projects between multiple different studios. i hope that the reported low moral at gamefreak at swsh's releases is enough of a wake up call for change but that could just be me being optimistic.
i am SO sorry this ended up as long as it is but i have a lot of opinions and not enpugh willpower to keep my mouth shut
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