#sh polycule
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araneapeixes · 1 year ago
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idk how long it will take me to color this and i really like the lines so enjoy<33
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illithidhost · 1 year ago
when i think about playing all the origin/companion playthroughs, i keep ending up on them all dating shadowheart. laezel? kissing shadowheart. astarion? kissing shadowheart. karlach? also kissing shadowheart. wanna guess what gale and wyll are doing???
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puckpocketed · 9 months ago
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whorefordarlin · 1 year ago
My morning went from a morning to so good I LOVE THIS
pretty darlin appreciation listener addition
this is a compellation of everyone finding darlin hot and darlin not getting it this is part 1 with all the relevent listeners and part 2 will include the boys this is inspired by @whorefordarlin btw
this might be long af
the only physical trait i give to trait is a beefy build and short hair tw: alot of simping shenanigans, mention of shitty foster care parents/neglectful parents, i cant spell so be warned
angel:(set durring darlins first meeting back)
angel had no idea what to expect from this 'mysterious pack member'. but it definitely wasn't this. i mean give angel some credit with the way the pack described the pack member it made them out to be some sort biker gang delinquent with and eye patch or something! but no the person Infront of the angel was most definitely not what they expected.
they were about 6 inches taller than them and and had a very pretty face with all kinds of pretty piercings on it. they were wearing a patched up leather jacket with a tank top under neath, tattered but tight jeans, and some beat up combat boots. all of this layered on top of they're very broad frame.
"Hi, i'm angel! nice to meet you!" angel greets with a nervous but excited glint in their eyes.
"oh! davids mate right?, nice to meet you too." tanker greeted back and GOOODD!! their voice was so fucking sexy. their voice was deep with a slight rasp to it that made angels face go red and burst into a fit of flustered giggles.
thus began the slightly awkward conversation between angel and tanker before the pack meeting started. with a red faced angel barely being able to keep together and a very concerned tank trying to decipher what all the giggling means
"hey by the way i think i scared your mate...". the pack meeting finally ended. tank ad david were going some final things when tank brought up angels strange behavior's.
david let out an amused huff "pft- i don't think you have to worry about tanker." he had this amused all knowing smile spread across his face recalling the 5 minute rant angel went on about just how hot tanker was.
"i- what does that mean???"
"don't worry about"
babe:(set in a library near asher and babes apartment)
"baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe im bored.." asher was starting to remember why he disliked libraries so much. they were everything he wasn't, quiet.
"asher i told you that you didn't have to come in with me today" asher's fiancé thick accent rang out quietly through the room. today babe had been called in the fill the last few minutes of someone's shift at the library because they had to go home early.
but before asher could reply the bell at the front door rings out as a very familiar head of white hair is spotted
"well hey there tanker, what you doin' here?" asher genuinely forgot that tank actually loved reading but he loved teasing (lovingly) them about it. "i could ask you the same thing, aren't you the one who constantly complains about libraries being boring or something?" tanker sarcastically shot back.
babes head wiped around breaking out of their concentration at the new voice. so this was the elusive 'super hot biker that comes in every Saturday', as their coworkers described them.
and that description was pretty accurate. they had sharp, half lidded eye that had this twinkle to them that made babe feel like they were in a ya novel when the made eye contact with the very attractive wolf. they some how have both a baby face and a nice sharp jawline and the same time. their hair was cut short and was slightly messy that made them some how even hotter. they were dressed in a lazy zip up hoodie and a band t-shirt along with the forbidden grey sweat pants.
they were hypnotic, alluring, fucking enchanting they wer-
"hey you good?" a deep rasping voice snaped them out of their own spiral. making them realize that A. they had been starring at poor confused wolf and B. asher had this all knowing, shit eating grin spread across his stupidly handsome face.
"o-oh right, um h-how can i help you?" shit their all flustered now and probably made tanker uncomfortable as well
"ive just come to return these." they answered noticeably not making eye contact with them, and thankfully. babe didn't now if the could keep together any longer if they had to keep looking at those bewitching eyes of theirs.
tanker heaves the stack of books they were holding onto the counter. "um o-oh y-yeah okay, let me just...." babe trailed off as they focused back to their work.
the transaction went by pretty fast with tank and Asher playfully bantering back and forth all the while babe processed the book returns. eventually all books were processed and tank was off on their way. Asher turns to them with the same shit eating grin on his face and states "aren't i glad you met me before tanker huh?"
sweetheart:(first day at high school, they're childhood besties)
"its okay, im sure this new family and school will really click with you!" sweethearts social worker had always been an optimistic women even though both of them knew the women was partially lying.
rita had been sweethearts social worker since they 6. so she most likely knew the whole song and dance of sh being forgotten and then eventfully returned. but she didn't know was that a new family meant new neglectful parents but it also meant new asshole kids and new neglectful teachers.
"sure..." to be entirly honest with you they weren't exactly excited, with the old bullies it was easy to predict and avoid. but with new bullies there was always a learning period and those always hurt the worst.
but eventually and much to sweethearts dismay they arrived to their final destination, met their new family and unpack their things into their "bedroom'. though you couldnt really call it a bedroom, it was more like mattress and night stand in an unfinished basement but they've had worse.
it took awhile but sleep came and went. they were up and out of the door by 5 am sharp, theyve made it a habit to not stick around and 'be a bother'. they sat down at the bus stop and got emersed into a book, the wait would be long after all.
they were so emersed they didn't notice the warm body that sat next to them. that was until of course that person fell asleep and start to let a soft snore. turning to look at them had sweetheart slightly fluster but also worry.
they had remarkably clear skin for a 15 year old and had short but shaggy hair that fell over and framed their face almost perfectly. but on the other hand they dressed and had the general demeaner of a typical bully. the cool and Grundy punk style they had to them though didn't come of as forced like alot of the others, it looked so natural and so good on them, well good enough to make sweethearts teenage heart flutter.
......okay that may have been a bit of a stretch since the person was asleep, but this was a good opportunity to scope out a possible danger that didn't with sweetheart getting pummeled... hopefully.
a sharp and admittedly cute snort interrupted sh's thoughts as that person woke up. there was a bleary almost adorably clueless look in their eyes as they but two and two together on where they were.
they looked around and made eye contact with sweetheart, then looked down at the book they had. and smiled...... but then quickly looked straight ahead
why did they have to be so. god. damn. gorgeous????
and what makes it worse (read as: better) was that they didnt even know any one knew about this book!!!
"u- um do you like this series?"
why did the say?!?!?! what compelled sweetheart to blurt that out in the most awkward way possibl-
"oh um, yeah its actually my favorite..." there was a slight nervous chuckle at the end of that sentence that made sh's heart sore in ways they never felt before.
the question and reply started an unlikely friendship between the two that no one, not even sweetheart saw coming. all because sh' thought the were pretty and liked the same book
lovely:(lovely was getting repairs done on their guitar when tank walks in)
this was the worst.....
lovely couldn't believe they had to sit here in this ironically quit music store. it was days like these they wish Vincent could go out into sunlight. it would mean at the very least they would have him there to bored along with them. but alas that wasn't the case.
they heard that this store in particular was good at repairs with instruments and had decent prices though. it was a small music shop that was decorated with history music, old expensive instruments lined the walls with a few poster of famous rock a metal idols along with them.
the only other person in the store with them was this older Hispanic man that looked like a much older Gómez Addams
suddenly the man shot up from his seat as soon as the shop bell ringed.
" aye!!! i havent seen in awhile where have you been lobo?!" the older Hispanic man that was working on their guitar asked with excitement towards the person
"ive been busy old man, i cant just hang around the shop all day like i did when i was kid." the deep raspy voiced stranger responded with amusement.
and when they came just a little close..... they just were so pretty???
lovely didnt even know if it was just the lighting or something but they were prettier than Vincent! and Vincent was stage 10 pretty boy but this random person in this small little music shop was prettier!?!? now dont get them wrong they love Vincent very much but for a brief moment they considered snapping a picture and asking Vincent for a polycule with this random but very attractive stranger. all the while the stranger was conversation with the old clerk while he works on lovely's guitar they were able to get a good look at them.
they well built but like in that really hot muscular with a layer of softness over the muscles that made them look both very strong but very huggable, the had soft short hair that lovely would've broken bones to run their had through. in their eyes there was this mysterious almost teasing look to them that had lovely hooked and all types of hot and bothered. everything about them was just so tantalizing.
the stranger or lobo as the store clerk called them had this aura around them that could only be described as playful but mysterious and those scars looked so good. lovely didn't know many people in real live make having scars so sexy-
" how did you fuck up this thing so bad??" the older clerk cries throwing his hands on his head in distress snapped them out of their small simping spiral. when looking at what the old man was talking about they saw a well used and loved bass sitting on the counter, guitar was already finished and set off to the side.
the body of the bass was slightly cracked and the strings looked like they were a tap away from snapping.
"I told you've i've been busy...." lobo trailed off almost ashamed of the state of their bass"
the older man only mumbled something in spanish about bullshit excuses and turned of to call out to lovely, telling them he's done with the repairs and told them the price. they paid and excited the building only catching the beginning of a likely very hefty scolding about the importants of bass care.
they immediately whipped out their phone once out of ear shot and called Vincent.
"vinney you will not believe i just saw someone prettier that you!!!"
okay thats it for now thxs for reading, srry for any spelling mistakes
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ghoulie-67-baby · 8 months ago
Don’t want to sleep alone - Poly!BAU team.
Summary: After a hard unsub takedown you and Spencer end up cuddled together on the sofa, being admired by your Polycule.
Warnings: Poly!BAU (I will go down with this ship), typical Criminal minds stuff, fluff, mentions of sub/dom dynamics, subspace, cuddling etc.
Pairing: Poly!BAU x GN!reader. Spencer Reid x GN!reader.
Word count: 968.
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My body groaned in protest as I climbed the steps to the jet. The sooner I was in the comfort of my own bed the better I would feel. I set my bag down on the floor beside the sofa before trudging to the kitchenette, shoulders heavy and head thumping.
"Anyone want a drink whilst I'm here?" I called out, mid-yawn, humming at the collective replies. I waited on the kettle boiling, pouring David a scotch and Emily water before pulling out mine and Spencer's matching Doctor Who mugs.
"Thank you, Dolcezza," I shuffled to hand David his drink, grinning as JJ brushed past me, hands brushing my hips gently. My body sang happily when the Italian pressed a kiss to my hand and squeezed it gently. I felt a pat on my butt as I walked past Derek to Emily who pressed a small peck to my lips before settling into her seat.
I finished making our tea in a comfortable silence, handing Spencer his, warning him to be careful. My body sagged in my chair across from the sofa Spencer had claimed and I sipped my drink with a heavy sigh, wincing as my bones seemed to scrape each other.
"You okay Sweetie?" My eyes met JJ's in a soft glance and I smiled reassuringly. "You still hurting?"
"Hmm, I'm okay." I bit my lip, hoping she didn't sense the hesitance.
"Y/N." Aaron's voice was low with warning, so he had cottoned onto my dishonesty. My eyes flickered to his, noticing the softness in them despite his tone.
"Honest, I'm fine, just tired and sore." I flexed my neck, grimacing at the crack that seemed to reverberate through the jet. "That guy was huge, knocked me through that door like I weighed nothing but I'll be fine."
"Awww poor baby, do you want a massage?" I shook my head at Derek's teasing, and stuck my tongue out at him, noticing the flash of darkness in his eyes at my cheekiness.
"You need a long hot bath and those essential oils that Penelope bought you when we get home. I'd be more than happy to wash your hair and pamper you." JJ's voice was sweet and gentle as her motherly instincts kicked in and I couldn't help the warmth that fluttered through my body as I nodded in agreement.
"That and hydration and rest will do you the world of good, it's one of the best ways to recover sore muscles along with active healing like running and other exercise." I sent a small glare to the genius, a small smile slipping onto my face when he shrugged in surrender. "But I have a feeling you don't want to be doing that."
"Yeah maybe not baby, think I'll go for the hot bath." I smiled at Spencer, relaxing in my seat as much as my muscles would allow and observing my team as they settled down. Derek's headphones were on, Emily was reading over the case files with Aaron, David was nursing his scotch, JJ was texting and Spencer was slouched on the sofa with his book, eyes drooping as he attempted to read. I watched in amusement for a few seconds until he jerked himself awake.
"Spence, you're going to end up hurting your neck sat like that." I chuckled to myself softly and stood, grabbing one of the big blankets kept on board for situations like this. My scolding was soft, feeling myself slipping into exhaustion too but ignoring it in favour of looking after my genius. "Lay down properly baby, get some rest." I didn't realise the attention I'd brought to us both as I draped the blanket across the sweet, sleepy doctor.
"M' not tired, honest, m'just having a minute" he tried to fight it, the glassy look in his eyes proved it to be a blatant lie and I cooed at him, brushing his curls from his eyes.
"Don't you lie to me," I whispered, "Don't let Aaron hear you telling fibs." I shook my head as I slipped a little into my head. When I got tired it was so easy to slip into subspace, so easy to feel small and in need of love and comfort, in need of a cuddle and sleep and after the case we'd had I wasn't surprised I was slipping fast.
"Don't wanna sleep on m'own." Spencer's voice was small and vulnerable, bringing tears to my eyes at how sad he sounded. His arms snaked amount my thigh as he pulled me closer to him "Stay with me, please." I hesitated for a moment before letting myself slip a little further with a nod. Sliding off my shoes and jacket, I motioned for him to scoot back before pulling back the blanket and crawling onto the sofa. Arms instantly wrapped around me, pulling me by the waist back against his chest as he spooned me. I winced as he pressed against my bruised ribs but held back any noise so he didn't think he'd hurt me. After a little shuffling, we finally got comfortable, his hand clasped in mine, draped over my waist and bodies pressed together sweetly. I suppressed a little moan of happiness as his warmth seeped into my sore body, soothing me and making me drowsier.
My eyes felt heavier and heavier by the second as Spence's heartbeat slowed against my back and his breathing evened out. Soft breaths puffed against the back of my neck where he'd nestled his face, pressing a last kiss to my nape as he nodded off. My eyes did one last swoop of the jet, comforted by all the soft smiles and admiring eyes I saw until I finally succumbed to sleep, comfortable in the company of my family and the arms of our baby boy.
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suempu · 10 months ago
soo’s masterlist <3
\•\•\ my work is gn unless stated otherwise !!
-> hoyo-games
pro gamer bf kinich
-> dungeon meshi
small things you do for them
• [ part i ] [ part ii ]
>> laios
relationship hcs
first time hcs [nsfw]
unintentionally getting hard [nsfw]
^amab lover hcs [nsfw]
^afab chubby mermaid reader [nsfw]
dwarf laios blurb [nsfw]
puppyboy laios [nsfw]
^afab milking bucentaur reader [nsfw]
rimming blurb [nsfw]
devious polycule ft. kabrulaios
>> chilchuck
insecure reader [nsfw]
inexperienced reader [nsfw]
^afab drunk makeout sesh [nsfw]
^amab & afab facefucking/sitting on his face [nsfw]
spending quality time together
>> kabru
lover hcs [nsfw]
^amab lover [nsfw]
^afab tall reader
half-foot reader
sh comfort
shy but touch starved reader
reader who bites affectionately
complimenting his eyes
shopping (modern au)
devious polycule ft. kabrulaios
>> thistle (no nsfw !!)
obsessive/yandere thistle
comforting him
obsessive thistle with a touden party! reader +short story
thistle hcs (can be platonic or not)
taking care of him +short story
reacting to kisses +short story
soft rest days
blind reader (can be platonic or not)
>> falin
^afab eating you out [nsfw]
>> marcille
eating her out [nsfw]
>> senshi
partner hcs [nsfw]
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xx-midnight-candy-goblin-xx · 2 months ago
When will leave Jackson diary incorrect quotes part 2?
If you check the reblogs to the original post, I made a part 2
This is part 3
NJ (Nightmare Jackson), writing fanfiction: #murder as a love language, #hurt no comfort, #MCR voice: I'M NOT OKAAAYYYY, #author does NOT need sleep, #physically running away from feelings because what even are those
Exer: If you need me to babysit Charlie, I'm available 24/6
Bailey: Don't you mean 24/7?
Exer: No, Saturdays are date nights with David
David, half asleep: Peer pressure me into completing tasks
Brenda: Do it or you're straight.
David, immediately getting up: I SAID PEER PRESSURE NOT THREATEN
Charlie: Can I have some?
Exer, eating Cup O Cat cheesecake: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it
Jolie: What is love?
Ken: An emotional minefield
Jackson: A neurochemical reaction
Timothy: baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more-
K3vin, talking to the REDs, Brenda, Pamela, and the Detention Kids: you and your dreadful little polycule haven't seen the last of me
Jackson: I wanna sleep for 40 hours
NJ: You know that's called a coma, right?
Jackson: That sounds so refreshing, I could totally go for a light coma right now
Ken: I thought I was doing amazing socially at a party and then this girl asked me if I was autistic
Dylan: Sh*t, I don't have enough money to pay rent . . .
Marco, biting his lip, looking Dylan up and down: Well . . . I'm sure we can find a . . . solution
Ken: You're my hero!
Brenda: All I did was catch your plate of chicken nuggets before they hit the ground
Ken: But you did it heroically
Jolie: Didn't you die?
K3vin: That was weeks ago. Things change.
Ken: Did it hurt?
Stars: *chokes on spit* excuse me? Do not pull that "when you fell from heaven" shit on me-
Ken: When you crawled up from hell?
David: I swear on my friends' lives that I don't have a crush on Exer
Brenda, hands on her neck: I can't BREATHE
Ronald: I . . . I see the light
Jackson, literally a theater kid: *choking sounds before he collapses on the floor*
Jackson: I just had a thought, which, as you can imagine, was stressful
Ken: Yeah, crushes are the worst, I always act stupid when I'm near mine
Brenda: But you always act stupid
Ken, sweating: . . .
Brenda: . . . wait-
Jolie: *very pensive*
Timothy: What's up?
Jolie: I just saw Ken pour 4 pounds of sugar into a dryer and he said he was making cotton candy
Timothy: . . . Did it work?
Jolie: . . . NO??
NJ: I like men in the sense that I can perform unethical experiments on them
NJ: everyone is addicted to my Fun and Flirty personality. lives have been destroyed
Ken: so I was talking to Brenda-
Tim: the rizzlerrrr
Ken: . . .
NJ: *humming along to Monster High songs*
Jackson: *walks into the room* what are you listening to?
NJ: Fallout Boy
Now if they could text:
Harry: Happy birthday, son . . . Exer: ?? is it my last? - Christine: Good morning pumpkin remember to drink water . . .
David: did you poison it? - Christine: Hey just picked up David and Exer from school they got into a fight Harry: 👍 Christine: What -
Norman, texting Mariah: Get bell soon. wet* wep* Oh forget it. You can just perish. - David, in a group chat with the REDs, Brenda, Pamela, and the Detention Kids: I want a bf Brenda: Do you mean boyfriend or best friend? Exer: I can be both Ken: damn that's crazy Timothy: @/inhiseyesaflamingglow ron come get the tea but be careful it's BURNING HOT 🔥 David: [dumb blond is replying to magic boi] {I can be both} ??? WAHT??!?? - Ken: hey Haru, two days later: what. Ken: can you get toilet paper like two days ago? mom wanted me to ask - Ken: I need to tell you smth important Elijah: yeah go on Ken: here I'll just send it. https://social.mtdv.me/articles/UGjq058oAB Elijah: . . . why.
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md-confessions · 7 months ago
Enzivizzy headcanons
I feel like while they sleep, N, V and Lizzy would all pretty much just swarm poor Uzi with cuddles, like Uzi is being smothered by the 3.
N and Lizzy are QPPs while the others are Romantic Partners.
Lizzy probably paints the other three's nails while gossiping about whatever she gossips about.
All 4 like to ramble about stuff they like even though the other 3 probably don't understand jack about it. (Uzi rambling about Anime and Guns, N rambling about 2000s horror games like RE and SH, etc.)
They started the polycule because N said "man I have a crush on Uzi" and the other two went "me too lmao" and they started yearning for Uzi together until they all confessed all at once.
Lizzy may or may not steal Uzi's jacket.
N is very cuddly to his girlfriends.
If any of V is near any of her partner's and they're sleeping she will give him a small peck on the cheek. (She's too scared to do it while they're awake)
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the-crystal-femmes · 8 months ago
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// pt: before you interact / do not interact //
Disclaimer: our dni only usually applies to follows and direct interactions, however we do hold the right to block liberally :>
// pt: dni //
Bigots (racists, queerphobes (includes aphobia!), antisemitists, intersexists, ableists, etc.), fatphobes, kink / nsfw blogs (we are hypersexual), anti endos and sysmeds, identity policers of ANY kind (as long as the identity isn't problematic), rqs and transIDs, proshippers, disordered abuse believers, anti-kin, pro/neu/complex contact harmful paraphilias, SH / ED centric blogs, anti self-dx with research, syscourse centered blogs and singlets who involve themselves in syscourse
Dni Explained (link)
Thin ice:
People who censor filter tags, those who refuse to translate typing quirks
Dnfi (do not follow if) your blog is centered around the omegaverse / misceverse, or a yandere blog. We're very uncomfortable with those types of things.
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We are a median parasian traumagenic system. We believe we could have Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder however were still doing research. We don't support fakeclaimers and syscourse around here, our blog is endo safe and we don't believe singlets belong in syscourse. We're also fictive heavy, mainly Monster High and Steven Universe. We block anyone who uses anti endo tags on sight unless we're aware they aren't going to be a threat to us (mainly mutuals).
Some of us are in a polycule so please keep that in mind lol. I (Yellow Pearl) am mostly vocal about it
Our collective identities (non-alterhuman) are lesbian, and aromantic. Genders vary from sysmate to sysmate but the host (Yellow Pearl) is a nonbinary neogirl. Please don't call me a girl, I still consider that misgendering 👍
We are bodily intersex but only I (Yellow Pearl) and Pearl are label ourselves as such.
Our username is a joke on how most of us are Steven Universe fictionfolk as well as femme lesbians! We are NOT terfs, terfs can back the fuck off
We are bodily physically alterhuman, we are an anthropomorphic bat who's real form is hidden under a 'veil'.
We prefer not being mutuals with anyone who can't handle what we post about, or our mental stuff. We tend to a vent a lot, and we have an organization tag that can be filtered if it becomes too much. We also don't want to be mutuals with anyone who thinks they can't handle Ula.
If you have a problem with our behavior, we'd prefer you shoot us an ask or a DM. We'll get to ya when we can. We also ask you remain civil while doing so. (Edit: asks only as we made DMs a mutual only thing due to the fact people would DM us for stupid shit.)
Our co-host, Ula, is very uncomfortable with doubles of Draculaura. This is due to her narcissistic personality disorder. We understand that it may not be a choice, but we ask that others respect Ula's boundaries. Ula has exceptions but those are very rare. You're still free to interact but we request caution exercised around her.
Some of us are very controlling about how our fictionselves are portrayed, please keep that in mind! We are usually lax around other fictionfolk, though.
We are NOT anti kink. However one of our sysmates is hypersexual. We ask mutuals kindly to filter tag any kinky things for that reason.
Pearl and Ula don't tend to use tone tags, so please ask for clarification on their tone if it's needed! We're unsure why they don't use them.
The only ones who tend to sign off are Pearl and I (Yellow Pearl). If you need clarification on who's talking, please ask!
We have npd. We've done all the research we could and refuse to get professionally diagnosed. We're not in any financial state to get diagnosed and fear being discriminated against.
We try our best to stay out of discourse but we may end up posting about it at times. These things will be tagged with "#cw discourse" or "#tw discourse".
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[ dividers by @/adornedwithlight ]
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beepbeepinthecorner · 2 days ago
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ouh I've had an idea rolling around in my head for a while about a situation where my 3 fucked up clowns are in deep shit, so Valen attempts to do a noble self sacrifice to save one of them. Unfortunately, she is denied by way of "big fuck off hammer to the gut." This weird clown polycule is much too fond of the Hot Old Women to let them do something so silly as a self sacrifice.
There is an accompanying 2 more pages for what Laine attempts to do, but I quickly ran out of steam before I could get there lol. You can tell I ran out of juice bc these pages are mostly thumbnail sketches rather than my clean sketches askgh;sh;ga
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dogphight · 2 months ago
welcome to the blog
im early 20s and prone to oversharing my sex life. i use he/him exclusively. all others make me uncomfortable. call me whatever name you want
major switch with a lot of fucked up kinks
things i enjoy: incest play, age gaps, noncon (i may use the r word for it sometimes, it will be tagged with that word and tw after it for filtering), gore, sh, heavy degradation, and other stuff im not thinking of rn
asks are okay, especially if theyre flirting with me or threatening me. im okay with being called petnames or degrading names and i really enjoy being called titles like dad, daddy, or sir, but youre not required to call me anything
im in a polycule and will post about them sometimes. names will be changed if i use them at all
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lsunstreakerl · 2 months ago
hiii i just spent the entire day reading your search history series (except for the maxiel prequel and the threesome fic im so sorry i just cant read maxiel when i know that lestappen is already endgame in the fic's verse) after putting it off for so long (i kept saying that ill read it when the fic finished but the verse was expanding) but so glad that i did and actually, funny story, what pushed me to read it finally was the FOPA fic bc id been so desperate to find any of those 4 combinations and voila a chaotic polycule and it was so funny. but on a more serious note, i'd been feeling some type of way some days as max did in the first chapters of SH the fuzziness and restlessness and while our situations are completely different and only the same tangentially, it was so important to me to read it and to just vibe and feel with the fic so thank you so much for that. anyways, cheering you on with the fics and life in general. thank you so much for these wonderful fics ❤️❤️
Totally fair! I definitely don't write Search History as a universe with the expectation for people to read every single piece. I also try to keep any large or relevant plot points outside of the Maxiel prequel and 1+1+1 for the same reasons.
FOPA strikes again as a divine shepherd into the Search History universe. They're impressive like that.
Search History Max is a labor of love written from a multitude of my own feelings and struggles, especially in terms of self-worth being reliant on external validation, a need to prove that the love received has been earned, putting your entire heart and soul into something, fighting for it until your hands bleed and your stomach hurts, until your fingernails are raw and your hair is falling out.
It's been very cathartic, writing him on his journey to healing and becoming better. I'm reaching a point in the original fic where his healing journey is starting to outstrip my own, and in the same way I use the fic as catharsis for my past experiences, I hope to write the recovery as a blueprint for mine as well.
You're not the first person who's let me know that his experiences and the story really resonate with them, and while I may be sad that so many of us can relate to the story, I'm grateful that my fic, in some capacity, has helped people be able to recognize some of those emotions or signs in their own life.
I definitely didn't expect for Search History to get to the size that it has. I was, and continue, to write it for me, but I'm so glad that I decided to share it, because it's helped me meet so many cool people, and engage with the community more.
Thank you for reading 🫶🤍
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sevencolorsatlast · 2 years ago
Things I’ve said that would probably mortify SAGAU:
"For goodness sake Vile/Swan, I sleep with your boss."
"I have a better idea: Sic the Ruin Guards with rounds of neodymium."
"Tighnari, if you lay a hand on Karkata I will bury you under an endangered plant species."
Approaches Donna as Diluc "Hey lil mama let me whisper in your ear~"
"While we’re here could we give Guy a promotion or something? Poor man's been guarding the gate ever since I got here."
"And so the elderly lesbian polycule learned the true meaning of lantern rite."
What a cursed and sassy Creator/Player, you!
For real though, despite their outward facial expressions being neutral... they are screaming inside on what the heck are you on about. Imagine when you're done talking to the NPCs and teleport somewhere, they are left standing there with the most confused yet horrified look on their faces.
In my case, they (still) hear a lot of shouting/swearing and random things that come out of my mouth when beating the living shit out of the enemies. I blame Floor 12 of Spiral Abyss most of the time. There were times I said weird stuff while exploring, during Archon quests and events too.
It's also funny because I'm bilingual so they wouldn't understand half of the stuff I'm saying.
As far as I can remember what I said were:
"GET F*CKED, YOU PIECE OF SHIT...! Bennett, mah boi, you did a great job!"
(sees Azar for the first time) "This dude makes me want to bury him alive, and I haven't even heard his damn voice!"
(When Yae manages to find a way to infiltrate The Plane of Euthymia and talks to Ei) "...Do you guys need a room? I'm seriously going to yeet myself in the Abyss if this continues."
(Seeing Childe's Foul Legacy for the first time) "Wow... I'm very f*cking terrified right now. Let's see if you can beat a casual Monster Hunter fan, you lil' sh*t."
(dying from Cyno's jokes during the recent Windblume Festival event because my humor is *DEFINITELY* broken) "...My humor's really f'd up- *wheezes*"
"Mona, I really want to name you 'Puddle'! Don't ask me why though." (looks at Silly Wisher)
(using Dehya during her trial because I didn't manage to get her) ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA-
"Dainsleif, my dude... I swear to f*cking god, I'm going to physically manifest in front of you to shake the lore out of your system. Sound good?"
(To my Abyss teams) "If I'm gonna suffer, SO YOU GUYS WILL! NOW LET'S BEAT UP SOME PIECES OF SH*TS!"
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butterflies-and-roaches · 1 year ago
Stuff about stuff
(Please read if you want to interact!!)
Edited 08.04.24
Who are you?
Call me butterfly 🦋 (or jules), legal adult, gender has no meaning to me and i prefer any pronouns except she/her, probably 'tistic (but my rizz is on the negative hehe), aroace (but for the sake of rp let's consider i'm pan on this blog lol + will not hesitate to simp over fictional characters of any gender)
Main: @timeladix (from which follows ensue)
My art: @julesdraws (rn full hellaverse but keep in mind it's still multifandom)
Wtf is this?
Started off as a butterfly🦋 anon on @/nunalastor 's blog and soon got married to @/lu-lus-duckies so i felt like i should show some face in whatever this has become :>>
Also married to @/lucifersruberduck
And i'm the one that came up with the #nunwhiskers ship name :3 (kinda accidentally lol)
Anything else?
This will sometimes be a role play sideblog (bulshiting around - meaning half the stuff i say or do is exagerated or purely joking bc it's fun) and other times i'll be serious if there is need for me to be
(Just keep in mind i'm autistic and my tone recognision skills are lacking immensly)
Asks always* open, as long as you're not mean i'll probably respond (tho maybe not always right away), feel free to talk ab anything and everything i love engagement :33
*Alright babes, ask box related, these are my HARD NOs (if you won't respect this you'll get blocked and the ask will be deleted sorry): gore, explicit imigery, hate talk (this includes transphobic/homophobic/albeistic/racist etc etc talk), polotics related, horror related, SH and su/i/cide (if it's not said as a joke or it's excessive), ra/pe, violence, abuse, and maybe other stuff that is v extreme or hard to process and doesn't come to mind rn.
(Don't take it personally please, this is me protecting my mental health🦋)
Queer and neurodivergent friendly 🫶
Not a native english speaker!!
Oh and I can actually make pancakes :>>>
(and yes i loooove butterflies)
Wanna add smth you forgot?
Oh yeah i'll update this post as this blog evolves (idk what to expect from this tbh but i'm here for the funsies)
#lore stuff (anything hazbin lore related or unhinged head canons that i find interesting)
#silly wifey stuff (anytime i interact with lulu cuz she's special bc she's my first wife from the polycule)
#silly hubby stuff (anytime i interact with lucifersruberduck aka theo, my first husband :0)
#cursed polycule (everything related to the rest of the polycule - lulu has a chart in their pinned)
#cursed cursed worms (anything worm related)
#butterfly talks (anytime i talk in reblogs or post stuff on its own)
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justastarholder · 1 year ago
If not in canon then, a different au where they do get a long? 👀
It could happen. *Looks at Dad Moon AU*
(For those confused, this is in reference to Lunar/Eclipse/SH as a polycule)
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mr-laveau · 2 years ago
Cu-wip-osity tag game >:D
@cash-n-prizes really told me to get my ass in gear and WELL, here I am so here we go!
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them, and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Tagging: there are too many people to tag and i don’t talk to that many people sooooo whoever wants can tag in. Trust me, I cannot tag that many people for this.
And Then there were three - SH, Angel & Baaabe
Roses n’ Thorns - Darlin/Quinn (past) - Darren(Darlin) used to be in a band with Quinn called Rose n’ Thorns. Yes, I did in fact write Darr being in a band with Quinn into his actual backstory, fuck timelines and canon, I do what I want.
Spell slot - Lovely(electro)/Vincent
Gotcha bitch! - Darlin/pack - poly Shaw pack - Darren (Darlin) has a breakdown when the pack throws him a surprise birthday party
In the face of eternity - Lovely(Vampire)
Who’s ya daddy? - SH/Milo (ft. Colm) - Sadhil (SH) realizes that he and Milo have daddy issues, except SH used to work for Milo’s daddy.
Pretty Girl(gn) Walk - Angel/Darlin/David(minor)
Self-portrait - Gavin/FL - Gavin has too many hobbies but this new one is fun.
Stellar Collapse - Starlight
Fed to the Wolves - David/Darlin
The importance of Couch sharing - Poly Shaw Pack - David/Darlin/Asher/Milo
Backup Generator - DAMN Polycule & Lovely(Vampire)/Vincent
Extra Lessons - Sam/FL/Darlin
Come Back to Haunt - David & SH
Do you have an appointment? - Sam/FL - R18
Hate to see em leave, Love to watch em go - Poly Shaw pack - Asher/Milo/David/Darlin - Asher and Milo talk about David & Darren (Darlin) behind their backs but they’re specifically talking about their behinds - R18
Sweet Dreams (are made of this) - Sunshine/Elliott
Dahlia Empowered Records & Profiles Department - audio project - Magnus Archives parody but make it Redacted
Honestly…no - David/Darlin
A Pack of Idiots - Poly Shaw Pack:
"I'm in love with Asher." David said. The room went quiet after that as Sadhil and Milo's eyes locked onto their alpha in disbelief–more specifically disbelief in the fact that David actually said the very thing that everyone in the pack would joke about when they saw him and his beta together in any capacity. The key word there being 'joked' because no one actually expected it to be true. Sadhil had the mind to question the statement further but got beat to the opportunity to speak. "Well no shit, Sherlock." Darren replied. "Took you that long to figure out?" Now eyes were going back and forth between Tank and David, the bigger wolf looking at the usually quiet shifter in bewilderment as they met his gaze with nonchalance. The investigator could already feel the tensions rising and if they knew both of their fellow pack members well enough then there'd be more to this. "What do you mean, long enough?" "–Darr means," Milo is the one to speak up this time, cutting off Tank from making anymore frank remarks and riling the other man up, "that we can all tell." "What?”
Running Memories - Darlin focused
Can You Roll a Charisma Check? - Lasko/Listener (pre-canon listener) - Lasko finds out that someone new has joined his DnD group and he’s definitely gonna have to roll high if he wants to impress them
Out for Blood - Sam/Darlin - R18
What if we all dated each other? - DAMN Polycule
In-Spectre - Yes I know that’s name of an anime, I’m being funny - SH/Milo:
"Why don't I take you dancin' some time?"  "You got two feet shorter than myself there, toots. You think you can keep up?" Sadhil smirks.
Bad Dog - (Dom) Darlin/ Sam - R18:
"Course not." The vampire huffs. "I know you better than that Darlin." "Do you really, doc?" Darren smiles as crosses his arms and slowly strides over to Sam from across the bar with a sly grin. "Because I know for a fact that there's a side to me you haven't met yet and he wants to make you beg like a hungry mutt." Sam Collins has never in his life wanted anything more than just to let his mate have their way with him right now. He doesn't have time to question why when the one thing racing in his mind is to let Darren use and abuse him like a bone for his wolf to chew on, and he'll be damned if he doesn't let tonight be the night for that to happen. "Where?" "As much as I would like to fuck you in one of the stalls here, I want your ass on a bed where I can have it to myself tonight."
Broke Back Mountain - Sam/Huxley
Ghostly Touches - Lasko/SH/Milo - R18
Don’t Hold Your Breath - DAMN Polycule
Two Birds - David/Darlin
Worth of Chance - SH & Colm
Sway - Vincent/Lovely 
Heart Strings - Asher/Baaabe/Darlin
Keeping Track of Things 1 & 2 - Darlin/Sam (feat. BE & Fred) 
Reset Button - Lovely(Vampire) & Sam
Ghosted - SH/Sam/Darlin
Parks & Recreation - Darlin/David
Anyways, have fun~
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