#obey me! tickles
synthleeius · 1 year
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this was such a cute request btw ALSO IM SORRY IT TOOK AGES I DIDNT MEAN TO I JUST KINDA FORGOT AB IT but we need more like barely ticklish readers bc its adorable
Okay that's it.
You were known to be slightly inpatient, but you’ve knocked on the door of Solomon's room at least 6 times. And sure, you're all for being respectful.. but, come on!
So on that note, you twisted the doorknob and pushed his door open a crack to take a peak in before fully opening it and walking inside. You saw the sorcerer at his desk with his laptop open, and his headphones in. So that's why he didn't answer the door..
A small tinge of mischief filled your senses as you creeped up to him, taking a quick look at his laptop. Of course he was researching.. he could never get enough, could he?
You huffed quietly, I mean, how could all of his attention be on a few spells and potions! So much that he didn't even have time for you? How rude..
“What's got you so upset, hm?”
you gasped softly at the voice, your gaze immediately turned from the laptop to the voice. Solomon just chuckled, slipping his headphones from on his head to around his neck, turning around to look at you.
“What, you didn't think you could just linger over my shoulder like that and expect me not to notice right?” he chuckled, disbanding the headphones on the desk completely and standing up. His full attention was on you, and you could tell.
“That's so unfair! You weren't supposed to notice, and I was supposed to scare you!” You exclaimed, but quiet enough to not alert anyone else. Solomon just laughed at your antics, his head tilting as your arms folded over your chest.
“Don't laugh at me! Ugh, anyways.. what are you doing?” You changed the subject absentmindedly, taking a step back to his desk and looming over it to read the text on the screen. ‘The properties of this potion..’ blah blah blah.. God, did he really read all of this for hours on end?
“Just researching on this potion.. Why do you ask? Don't tell me you wish to start learning the things I do.” He teased, standing behind you and watched as your eyes squinted a bit at the laptop.
“I’d rather die, thanks.” You responded bitterly, a sly smile on your face as you turned around to meet Solomon's smug expression. “Would you now?” He asked, but you could tell that he didn't expect a true answer. “I would.” You bit back, your eyes shining with a mischievous glint.
“..What are you planning?” He asked, taking a small step closer to you. “Whatever do you mean? Im great~” You giggled gently, a single finger of yours connecting to his side. He let out a slight flinch, his hand taking a hold of yours.
“Don't start something you can’t win.”
“Oh, don't worry, I know I can win.”
You started by connecting your free hand to his hips, before you were ever so rudely interrupted..
“Absolutely not.” He said with a playfully stern voice, taking your wrist and conjoining it with your other in one of his hands and holding them in front of you. “Awh what, are you too ticklish?” You teased, leaning in a bit more forward to get a better look into his eyes.
“What are you even gonna do, hm? You know I’m not ticklish right?” You asked with a slightly confused tone, letting your wrists fall in his hold without and struggle. After all, you weren't scared.
“Barely ticklish.” He corrected you, smiling to himself when he saw your cheeks had fell a soft pink. “Yeah, barely, so what?” You scoffed, turning your head to the side.
“Say, MC, help me out will you? I'm in need of a.. assistant, if you will.” He pondered, his free hand reaching up to rest on your shoulder.
“Noho- fuck off.” You could help but giggle at the playfulness, backing up until you hit the back wall. Solomon followed you as you did, moving your captured wrists above your head and holding them in place as you struggled.
“Thank you for your cooperation MC, I deeply appreciate it.” His hand travelled to your neck, his fingertips running up and down the sides ever so gently. Usually, you don't get this kind of treatment. You weren't very sensitive to that sort of touch and that's a fact. But.. Something about his touch, it made you want to squirm in a sort of way you didn't know was possible.
“mmph.. s- stop.” you whispered, your head hiding in the side of your raised arms. Solomon just loomed down at you with a sly smirk, his nails moving to scratch under your chin teasingly. “You're right. You're not very ticklish, but that doesn't mean I can't tickle you anyways.”
“It's supposed to..” you mumbled, looking away as you felt his nails drag across your shoulder all the way up to your wrist in a swift line. He began fluttering gently with his top three fingers, making you shiver in place. You hid your forced smile, sneaking a soft peak at the other’s face.
“Hm? What is it?” He asked, the tone in his voice making you resist the urge to slap him right there and then. Just.. He was acting like he wasn't doing anything! Like his fingertips weren't slowly spidering down your arm, stopping to linger at your inner elbow, and-
“What, you can’t take it? I thought you weren’t ticklish?” He cut your train of thoughts, a sly smirk on his face looking into your eyes. “It's not.. like that. You.. you're just..”
Your voice trailed off, your brain short circuiting slightly. You couldn’t help it! barely even tickled, it was just.. flustering in a sort of way you couldn’t describe.
“You know, you're saying a lot about me.. How about we talk about you and that, may I say, adorable smile of yours?” He teased, letting his hand finally spread lower. He dragged his nails from your elbow, skimming under your arm for a split second before resting his hand on your waist.
He took a second to look at you, as if he was taking it all in. “What are you doing..?” You mumbled, your head turning forward to look at Solomon with a confused look. “Nothing.” He replied, his hand that was sitting comfortably on your waist began to run up and down, and you could feel his thumb rub side to side teasingly.
“Doesn't seem like nothi- shihit!-” You couldn't help but let out a soft giggle when his hand slipped under your shirt and skittered across your bare stomach. Sure, it wasn’t bad, but it still made that familiar bright smile reappear on your face, maybe even bigger than before if you really looked.
“Hm.. good spot?” He chuckled, letting his fingertips roam to your sides and hips just to make you squirm a bit. “Yknow, I really could make you more ticklish if you just let me use a tiny bit of magi-”
“Fuck no.” You cut him off, “Fihirst of all, fuck that, second of all, you’d torture me!” As you exclaimed, His hand finally slowed and his other came down to wrap around your torso. With a relieved sigh, you let your arms slam lightly onto his shoulders after being held up for so long.
“I should've expected that answer,” He began, a soft smile on his lips; “But if it means anything, I don't think I need to.. I like you like this.”
He whispered the last bit, laughing when you rolled your eyes.
“Stay tonight?”
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nonamenonamenon · 3 months
Across all three realms, Solomon is a sorcerer known to all as fearsome and powerful.
He has a notable amount of demons under pacts with him, and his magical prowess is nothing to laugh at, either.
Some even tell the tale of the sorcerer being able to wage war on the entirety of the Devildom, with only one man, himself, backing his corner.
To his friends and acquaintances, he's an eccentric human with a love for cooking. His love for the act doesn’t mean he’s good at it, though.
Rather than fearing his skills and abilities when it comes to magic, his cooking is the most fearful thing about him.
He’ll serve you food that looks like it’s been made out of poison and objects entirely unfit for making dishes with a handsome, close-eyed smile.
He’s entirely oblivious to the deadly effects that his meals dish out to those who eat it, with his cooking being bad enough to make even the most fearful demons in the Devildom keel over and faint simply by having a taste.
However, known to you, and only you, is a softer side of Solomon not often seen by others. Among every human, demon, angel, reaper, and any other race in this world, you feel as though you’re blessed by the Celestial Realm itself to be the only person to see all of his sides so wholly and so intimately.
As his adorable apprentice (as the sorcerer often calls you,) you’re all too aware of his skill when it comes to magic. In your eyes, he’s stellar, and an amazing teacher. While being his pupil isn’t easy, he makes sure to know that you’re doing well through praise, offering a kiss for every spell you get right, and other rewards that… aren’t exactly age appropriate enough to mention.
Though, you think he enjoys these acts a lot more than you do.
When it comes to domestic things, Solomon is all too elated by the act of cooking for the one he holds most dear. He puts all of his heart and soul into the meals he creates for you, though that doesn’t mean they’re any better. Living with Solomon… is no easy task. Especially when it comes to eating his cooking.
Unfortunately for you, your love for Solomon and the guilt of having to stare at his sad face when you reject his meals overpower your distaste for his cooking, so you grin & bear it, even if you’ll end up with nasty side effects after.
The soft, quiet, and romantic moments with Solomon are what you treasure most.
The ones where you sit, studying together in a comfortable silence, where you simply exist in each other’s presence, feeling the other’s warmth.
The moments where you’re quietly observing his peaceful sleeping face, and the moments where he’s giving you much needed comfort and affection, consoling you without needing to say any words.
It’s heartwarming, and it makes your stomach churn & flutter in a good way.
He once told you that he never had anyone in his life that cared about him so deeply, or anyone to care for in the same way.
Throughout your entire relationship, and for your foreseeable future with him, you make sure to never let him feel that way ever again.
It’s a gross underestimate to say that you two only love each other.
What you have with Solomon goes deeper than words can describe, and what you two feel for each other is more than you can express.
It’s why the quiet moments with him are your most treasured.
In each comfortable silence that the two of you share together, no matter when it is or where you are, the both of you know well that there’s a million words (and more) of love and affection being said.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
MC: I should warn you, I'm not very good at keeping secrets from Solomon…..he has been known to use physical torture.
Asmo: You mean he tickles you.
MC: As I said, physical torture!
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otomiyaa · 2 months
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Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos x Reader
Romantic + 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by @hakurei-k for my 1K Followers Event🌻
Word Count: 1.7K (I normally don't count words for drabbles but I felt this got a bit longer than average and boi I was right)
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Barbatos was winning. You could see the confident look in his eyes, even though his act was still kind and humble as ever.
"Are you discouraged? No need. Don't worry, you still have a chance to win this."
It was just a one-on-one lucky dice game. No skill needed, no experience. Only luck, making it a fair game for anyone: demons, angels and yourself, a human.
You played it sometimes with Barbatos, and also with Lucifer and Solomon. The four of you were on a summer trip to the human world where you liked to show them some of the places where you would hang out in the past.
However the weather was so awfully hot that it was hard to move outside, or enjoy the nice places you wanted to show them, so you didn't mind to spend some more time in your hotel room instead, which included the lucky dice game a lot.
And to keep it more interesting after multiple wins and losses, Barbatos came up with this little rule for the two of you:
"The loser will get tickled by Lucifer."
"Do I get a say in this?" was Lucifer's dry remark. He was not playing the game with you, but he sat in a corner of the spacious hotel suite, reading a book.
In the end Lucifer didn't refuse and wasn't against the little penalty, if that would make your game with Barbatos even more exciting.
But the more lucky rolls the smug demon butler had, the more nervous you got. He was winning, and the thought of Lucifer tickling you right now... You blushed. It would be killing! Barbatos getting tickled however? Thanks to his own suggestion? Now that was the entertainment you were looking for.
You glanced at Solomon who was relaxing on his bed, with an electric fan right by his side to keep him cool, even though the air conditioning in the room was more than okay.
There was a way to still win this game, and even though it was a sneaky and nasty one, you felt like it was worth the try.
"My turn?" you asked, and you grabbed the dice. Then with your elbow you not-so-accidentally bumped your glass full of cold soda all over yourself. A sweet and refreshing sacrifice you were willing to make.
"Oh no," Barbatos said dryly, but you already jumped up.
"Eeeek, how clumsy of me! Don't worry! I'll get it off! Solomon, come help me!" Before Solomon could even protest, you ran towards him, yanked him off his bed by grabbing his arm, and dragged him into the bathroom with you. Just in case, you closed the door.
"That happens," you heard Lucifer say. Pffft. Spilling a drink, of course it can happen to anyone. Except you, if it wasn't with a reason.
"I'll help you, calm down," Solomon said when you pinned him against the wall. But you stared at him intensely.
"Solomon," you mumbled, keeping your voice down so the others wouldn't hear.
"Please.. Could you… do that to me?" you asked. Now that the moment was here, you were shy to state the literal words.
"...What?" Solomon seemed confused by how intense you were, so you were forced to explain it.
"Make me uh, luckier?"
"I'm already making you lucky, aren't I?" Oh the sass. Stupid Solomon.
"Solomon!" you whined. "S-P-E-L-L. The lucky spell! Please, I need it."
"Oh, that. Hm... Last time you said it didn't work though?" Solomon frowned.
"Forget what I said, it could work now. Put the spell on me, I need to win this. You want Barbatos to get tickled too, right? Especially by Lucifer. It's free entertainment for us if I win this game, not to mention it's Barbatos' very own idea. I have to win."
"So, you'll cheat?" You weren't proud to see Solomon so smug about it.
"W-whatever! And like you said, it may not work. I know you're still working on that spell. But we can try at least, right?"
Solomon's lucky spell was something he had tried on you a few times, without Lucifer and Barbatos knowing since you knew they wouldn't approve of magical experiments on you, even though this was quite an innocent one.
"Hmm, we can try indeed," Solomon agreed.
"Try what?"
Oh no. You looked back to see the door open again. Barbatos was standing there, and even Lucifer had gotten up to check on you.
"Is the soda off yet?" he said, but you could hear he was sarcastic. You blushed and looked at Solomon, then at them again.
"N-nothing! I mean, try uh, try to clean my clothes? The soda is still here," you said, rubbing at the sticky spot on your shirt.
"Try what, Solomon?" Barbatos asked Solomon, ignoring your silly excuse.
"Try my lucky spell, to win the game," Solomon said. WHAT! You looked at him in shock. Betrayal! He merely smiled at you.
"You know I can't lie, not when Lucifer is here too."
Coward! You looked at Lucifer and Barbatos and tried to explain.
"No! He means, not a spell b-but like the eh magic word of motivation and- eek!" You stood with your back against Solomon when Barbatos and Lucifer walked into the bathroom. Although quite spacious and luxurious, this room was suddenly very... cramped, and crowded.
"Were you trying to win, by cheating?" Barbatos asked calmly.
"No! Really I wasn't!"
"Lucky spell? Has Solomon been practicing magic on you, in secret?" Lucifer asked.
"No! Not in secret- I mean, not at all! Solomon, tell them it's not true!"
To your surprise, Solomon who still stood behind you, grabbed both your shoulders and held you tightly against him, pulling you back slightly. He said with his mouth very close to your ear:
"Still trying to lie your way out of this? That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position."
Three against one, nooo!
"I really wah-Ahahaha! Lucifeheher no plehehease!" you cried when Lucifer and Barbatos finally closed you in, and Lucifer was the first to start tickling you.
"Since cheating counts as losing, this punishment is for you," he said, sounding very vengeful while attacking your tummy. He must be so disappointed in you for experimenting with magic behind his back.
"Nonono I dihihidn't cheheheat- ahahah!"
"You attempted to, so Lucifer is right," Barbatos said. He only needed one hand to grab both of yours, and you yelped when he used his free hand to start tickling your side and ribs.
"No this ihihisn't fahahair! Aahahah!" you howled. "Solomohohon hehehelp!"
You squirmed against him, but instead of helping you, Solomon joined in by sneaking his fingers under your arms where he started to tickle your armpits mercilessly.
"Cheating indeed isn't fair, so I agree with this punishment." That Solomon! You could swear he wouldn't have minded putting that spell on you if you weren't caught, but here he was, conveniently choosing Barbatos and Lucifer's side.
"Plehehease- hehehe nohohot thehehehere!"
"Not where?" Barbatos asked. Fair. They were all tickling a different spot, and you weren't even sure who this was aimed at. It all tickled so bad.
"E-everywhehehere hahaha!"
"I am confused," Solomon joked, and you jolted when he dug his fingers into the centers of your armpits. The sneaky sorcerer was tickling you and holding you steady at the same time, making sure you wouldn't sink through your knees and slip out of their grasp.
Not that you saw any chance to escape. It was a tickle punishment you were going to endure for as long as they pleased.
"This shirt is all dirty," Lucifer said, picking up your sticky soda shirt and pulling it up slightly. When he tickled your bare tummy, with his fingers scribbling around your belly button, you threw your head back and shrieked.
"Noooohohoo ahahaha!" Normally Lucifer would wear gloves, and whenever he tickled you while wearing them, well yes, it tickled indeed. But since it was so hot and you were relaxing in the hotel anyway, he wasn't wearing them, and you could swear that with his bare hands, his tickles felt twice as ticklish.
Meanwhile Barbatos clawed at your ribs with terrifying determination, while keeping a serious face. And none of them seemed to mind that your hysterical laughter was extra loud with a special echo effect, since you were still in the bathroom!
"Need some help there?" Solomon said, moving your shirt up even further so Barbatos' fingers started to get access to your bare ribs.
"We're fine, but thank you," Barbatos said politely.
"Plehehease I'm sohohorry!" you yelled through hysterical giggles.
"Why apologize?" Solomon asked. He was so mean!
"I'm sohohorry I t-tried to cheheheat!"
"So you admit it, good. What else?" Lucifer said, glaring at you while not even slowing down his tickle attack on you.
"I'm sohohorry for lehehetting S-Solo-ahahaha whahaait!" It was hard to apologize properly while getting tickled like this.
"Keep talking," Barbatos said. They were not making it easy!
"I'm s-sorry fohohor hehehe, ehexperimenting mahahagic!" Better, shorter. And they seemed to accept it. It was a weird experience to feel the tickling stop so suddenly as they all stopped at the same time, yet it was as if your laughter was still echoing through the bathroom.
"Apology accepted," Lucifer said.
Barbatos finally smiled again and pinched your cheek fondly. "Me too," he said.
Solomon finally released you as well and you stumbled forward, right into Barbatos' arms. You enjoyed the feeling of his comforting embrace while he caressed your hair.
"We were a little hard on you, I apologize too," he admitted, giving you the aftercare you really deserved after going through that intense tickle punishment. You giggled and leaned against him. Lucifer also caressed your back, helping you relax. He then turned to Solomon.
"So, next up is Solomon," he announced. Solomon jumped.
"Eh? I didn't lose any game," he argued.
"You didn't. But you also secretly experimented with magic, on our human," Lucifer said, making you blush like you always did whenever they would call you theirs.
"It was just a harmless trick!" Solomon chirped, but even though you were too tired and Barbatos didn't join in either, it was still a delight to see Lucifer release that lovely tickle wrath on the ticklish sorcerer. You knew Lucifer alone could be just as bad as the three of them together, and it became clear as soon as Solomon's desperate pleas were heard.
"Pleehhease ahaha hehehelp mehehe!" he whined, but you merely smirked and watched him get what he deserved.
"Get him, Lucifer," you encouraged, and you happily indulged yourself in Solomon's sweet melodious laughter.
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lilithnights01 · 1 month
You and I
Masturbating together.
It’s a date.
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ticklygiggles · 7 months
The Avatar of Lust | Asmo x Reader [N$FW]
Commissioned by @intheticklecloset
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A/N: kekekeke this header makes me laugh, our cute sheep is not so innocent on this fic hehehehe anyways, big thanks to the kind and supportive Nym! I hope you enjoy this. It came out longer than I expected, but I hope it's good! I'm sorry for the wait~
Summary: No little dirty secret can't escape the Avatar of Lust.
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Sex with Asmo was the best. After all, he was the Avatar of Lust and he really knew what he was doing. Making love with Asmo was never boring. He always surprised you with new positions and games that sent you into a subspace of pleasure that you never wanted to leave. Asmo managed to make the most obscene and embarrassing sounds escape from your mouth and he swallowed them with hot and desperate kisses. It seemed like he had a thousand hands, one touching your intimacy, another your nipples, and another holding your jaw to keep you in place while he ate your lips in a kiss. 
He was so good to you, always making sure that you were feeling the best and very loved. He simply did everything right… especially tickling you. 
You giggled when he softly brushed his fingertips against the heated skin of your hips as his mouth made you see stars. A pretty moan made its way out and your hips moved forward, seeking more of his tongue and those tickles that made you cover with goosebumps. 
His fingers moved higher, walking up your back and over that soft spot beneath your ribs. You giggled more, your body begging to get away from the sensation, but you desperately wanted more of it. More of that pleasure that you just couldn't share with Asmo for fear that he would think it was ridiculous, childish. Your orgasm was close, and the more Asmo tickled you and his tongue worked magic between your legs, the more stars and sparks clouded your vision. You were going to come.
“A-Asmo, I- 
He chuckled, leaving your heated flesh to look at you with a cheeky smile. “You really love it when I tickle you, huh?” 
That delicious orgasm that was already beginning to make your lower belly tremble suddenly stopped. Your entire body froze and your eyes widened. That terrible hot feeling of humiliation ran through your entire body. The flush spread from your face to your chest. You were a fool. An idiot. You should have been more discreet about this, but how could you? How could you act like you weren't having a great time with his hands doing your skin sparkle with the playful touch of his hands. It was what you had always wanted, and Asmo gave it to you almost daily, without reservation and with joy, and you thought, in your little pleasure-clouded mind, that he would never notice. You really were a fool. 
“Hey,” Asmo said, cleaning his mouth before placing his hands against your heated cheeks. “Baby. What is wrong? Are you not feeling well?” 
He lifted your face, but you so desperately avoided his eyes, not knowing what else to do. 
“What is wrong? Wait, is it because I said you like being- ah, please don't cry!” 
You didn't want to, but your eyes filled with tears and soon they were streaming down your red cheeks. Asmo desperately tried to wipe them up, but they came out like faucets, non-stop. You really felt ashamed, humiliated. As if you had been caught doing the most horrible crime in this world.
“My cutie, please!” Asmo whined, little tears in his eyes too. “Why are you like this? Did I say something wrong? I am so sorry! Please forgive me!” You shook your head and he gasped. “You don't forgive me?!” 
That made you giggle and you shook your head again, sobbing as you hid your face against his chest. “I'm sorry, Asmo. I am so ashamed, I didn't want you to notice I got off by you tickling me, but I felt so good.” 
Asmo hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head. “Hey, why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong!” 
You sniffed, “You'll think I'm childish.” 
He laughed, “what are you saying? My love, how could I think that? I'm pretty sure you've never made a comment about all my kinks, hmm? Why would I think yours is childish?” He gently cradled your face between his hands, his thumbs lovingly brushing against your cheekbones. “I love everything about you, my lovely. Besides, isn't tickling so cute? I love listening to your laughter,” he said, kissing your nose. “Please, don't feel shy towards me, cutie. I'm here to please you, you know?” 
His words tried to stop you from crying, but when you heard him you couldn't help but cry even more, hugging him tightly. He whined playfully, but hugged you back just as hard. 
You were not sure how long you both lasted like this. You both were completely naked and still a little sticky with sweat and other fluids, but it didn't matter, not when he had been so kind and had accepted you so tenderly like this. 
“Hey…,” he said against your ear when you had finally stopped crying. You shivered, recognizing that sultry tone of his voice. “Now that my precious creature has revealed those deep secrets, I feel a reward should be given.” 
You looked up and a moan got stuck in your throat when you saw his lustful eyes on you. He looked like a predator looking at his prey, famished, mouth watering and you shuddered, feeling heat gathering in your lower tummy. 
“Would you like that, baby?” Asmo grinned at you, he was his usual self, but his grin was… dangerous, you could see his fangs twinkling behind his lips and you gulped, slowly nodding your head, smiling at him. 
“I'd love that.”
He giggled, “very well. Lay down, would you? We're gonna play a lot tonight.” You did as you were told, laying down comfortably on your back on his big bed. “Would you be a love and spread your legs and arms for me? Very well.”
Your heart was hammering against your chest. Was he going to… tickle you? You felt your heart dropping in an amazing way when you saw him pulling out some red robe from one of his drawers. 
“Are you okay with being tied up, love?” You nodded. “We've done this before, but I want to know your limits.”
“I… want to know my limits too,” you said and Asmo’s grin widened. 
“Don't say such things, love. You're gonna make me cum.” Only then, you saw he was half erect already and your ears heated up. 
He giggled as he approached the bed. He gently grabbed one of your arms and pulled at it nicely before wrapping the silky robe around your wrist and then to the bedpost of his bed. He did so with your other three limbs and admired his handiwork from the end of the bed. You pulled at your arms and legs and gasped softly, feeling adrenaline, fear and excitement rushing through you when you could barely move your limbs. 
“Don't hyperventilate,” he said and you notice your breath going a bit erratic. “As always, we won't do anything you don't want to do. You remember that right?” You nodded. “Great. Do you also remember your safeword?” 
You nodded again. “Cupcake,” you said softly. 
“Louder. Otherwise I won't hear you and won't know when to stop.” 
“That's a good baby,” he said, grinning at you for a moment before sighing loudly. “I wish you could look at you, baby,” he said, brushing his fingernails against the top of your foot and up your leg. “You always look so pretty when tied up. Your body is so seductive… I wonder where I should start.. “ 
You gasped, jerking when you felt his nails against your inner thigh. “A-Asmo!”
“Mhm, I am right here. You sure look eager for me to start. Poor cutie, for how long have you been dreaming of this, hmm? Did you fantasize about me tickling you until you went crazy? I'm sure you did.” 
You moaned, whimpering when his nails caressed your hip and waist and side. You arched your back and giggled softly when he touched your armpit and the inside of your elbow. Your skin craved more of that maddening sensation, but you whined when he made his way back again. Just brushing your body so lightly with his nails. 
“A-Asmo, plehease.”
“Please what, cutie?” You looked at him with pleading eyes, and he raised a taunting eyebrow as he tickled your knee, making you giggle. “I can't know what you want if you don't speak up.”
“You- ah! Y-You know what I wahant. Please, please, please.” 
“Use your words,” Asmo said, his voice serious but the smirk on his lips was wide. 
Tears were sparkling against your lashes as you looked at him, your eyes pleading. “Tickle me, please?” 
He giggled, “of course, honeybunch.” 
The touch of his nails on one of the soles of your feet felt electrifying. You gasped heavily before squealing and laughing wildly. His fingers skittered across your skin, up and down your foot. Asmo scratched at your arch, the ball of your foot and that horrible sensitive spot underneath your toes. Laughter was shooting out of your mouth, too fast and too loud.  
“Hehe, I knew you were ticklish, but look at you go, baby,” he said over your laughter, his fingers focusing on the top of your foot, making you squeal. “And you're leaking so much already, are you enjoying yourself?”
You nodded, that was the only thing you could do besides laughing. The sensation was already overwhelming and he was only tickling one foot; chills ran through your body and, mingling with your laughter, small moans of pleasure escaped your lips. It felt incredibly good. All those sparks traveled directly between your legs and your hips moved up and down, searching for some kind of friction to ease your arousal. 
Asmo giggled, “Feet are really sensitive,” he said softly. “They're a common erogenous zone, did you know? Especially the toes.” His fingers wiggled against the sensitive stems of your toes and they spread, making him laugh. “Oh, look at them, they really love their tickles huh? Then… thank you for the food.”
“Haah! Ahahahasmo!” You shrieked, feeling the warmth and dampness of his mouth in your toes. His tongue wiggled in the spaces in between, tickling you into nearly hysterics. “Thahahat tihihickles too bahahad! Plehehease, nnghh!” 
Asmo hummed and you squealed when his teeth scraped against the pads of your toes. Your foot wiggled softly, but that only invited him to scratch your sole again, making you see stars. 
“Asmo!” You gasped. You could feel yourself throbbing. “Ahahahsmohoho, wahahait plehehease, I thihihink- ah! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
What a wonderful release. Never in your life did you think you could ever come from tickling alone, but there you were, shaking and moaning with the force of your orgasm. You felt like your body was made of sparks, your mind was blank as you enjoyed that fabulous feeling. 
“Oho? Did that feel really good, baby?” His tender voice came from the clouds around your head and you nodded softly. The tickling had stopped. “I'm sure you know one gets more sensitive after cumming right?” 
Your breath hitched as you looked at him, surprised to see that he was at your other foot, a beautiful, stiff, white feather twirling between his fingers as he smiled wickedly at you. 
Your mouth trembled into a wobbly smile. “A-Ahasmoho, wahait, please.” 
“No waiting for you, beautiful,” he said, winking at you as the tip of the feather lightly traced down your foot. 
The sensation was barely there, but your body was sensitive and you couldn't help but laugh out loud at that small, delicate touch. The feather tip zigzagged from under your toes to your heel and the squeals you let out every time it grazed a very sensitive spot made Asmo laugh.
It swirled against the arch of your foot, making you jump and giggle like crazy, “it tihihihickles!” 
“Don't tell me!” he said playfully as he grazed the feather between your toes. Your laughter increased and your toes spread for him. “Do you like the feather, baby? Look at your little toes, they behave so well, right?” 
“Ihihi lihihike ihihit,” you laughed, your leg jerking every time the feather would jump from between your toes. 
“Me too, I want to use it somewhere else,” he declared and he finally moved from your feet, gracing the feather up your leg. Zigzagging against your shin and swirling around your knee. You giggled brightly, feeling goosebumps raise on your skin as he lightly tickled your thigh. 
Now closer, you could see that Asmo was fully erect. His cock bounced with every step he took. The tip was red and he was leaking a ridiculous amount of precum.
Catching you staring at him, he chuckled and you jumped when he leaned closer to your face. “Are you seeing how you have me, beautiful creature? I am like this because of you and your beautiful laughter.”
Your heart beat wildly in your chest. You felt warmth on your cheeks and ears and smiled shyly, lifting your chin a little so you could kiss him, but Asmo pulled away with a chuckle. 
“Don't try to distract me, naughty you. I'm on a mission right now,” he said and he suddenly jumped on the bed between your legs. You gasped, feeling shame as you tried to close your legs, but oh you were tied so very nicely. “Hehe, nuh-uh, you cannot hide, beautiful. Let's see now…” 
“AHAHAHA! N-Nohohot the feahahahatheheher!” 
“This spot is also super sensitive right? Riiight here in your groin.” The feather swept against the sensitive skin and it tickled like hell. Your hips bucked and you clenched, making Asmo whistle. 
“Look at you,” he said tenderly. “My cutie is feeling so good, huh?” 
“AHAHAHSMOHOHO!” You shrieked with laughter when you felt one of his hands wiggling its fingers on your other groin. You shook and your hips circled as pretty moans filled the room again. 
“Yes, my lovely?” He said teasingly, leaving the feather aside so he could graze his fingernails lightly across the sensitive skin of your thighs. He scribbled the inner part and squeezed the top of them gently, making you jump and squeal embarrassingly loud. “Where does it tickle more, beautiful? Here?” He asked, drawing hearts all over your upper thighs. “Or here?” A shriek made its way out as he found your groin again. “Ah, so it's here right?” 
“You really like it when I lightly tickle you here, huh? Look how wet you are. Didn't you just cum?” He chuckled. “Could it be that you want to cum again?” 
“Nnghh- ahahahsmohoho. B-Bahahaby plehease, I- WAIT! NGHH!” 
Your eyes crossed as you felt Asmo's tongue pressing against your hot, throbbing skin. He took you into his mouth with ease while his hands continued to tickle your crotch. The touch of his tongue felt ticklish against your oversensitive skin, so you couldn't help but laugh harder as your hips bucked up and down against his mouth. 
“Ahahahasmo plehehease! P-Plehehehase dohohon't! I'm gohohonna cuhuhum agahahain, I'm gohohonna- aaangh!” 
There you were, cumming hard in his mouth. You thought you were going to faint, because your vision became cloudy and you saw stars, the shiver of pleasure running through your body almost felt like too much. Your body trembled non-stop with the aftershocks of your orgasm while Asmo continued licking and sucking your intimacy, wanting to squeeze every last drop of your pleasure. 
“Haaah,” He sighed in delight as he lifted his face from between your legs, one of his hands wiping his mouth and chin. His eyes were darkened with lust and you moaned at seeing him. “That was nice, huh? Let's move on, then.” 
“AAAHAHAHA! WAHAHAIT! Wahahahait, plehehehease!” 
Without even letting you rest for a second, his agile and gentle hands found your hips and you exploded in cackles as he pinched your poor hip bones. Your hips rolled and bucked, trying to remove his hands, but he didn't even flinch, following your every move with ease.
“Asmo! AHAHASMO, plehehease! PLEHEHEASE!” 
You barely heard Asmo's chuckle, but at no time did he stop his attack on your hips. At some point, you lost track of time; you felt like he had been tickling you there for hours, days even. And it kept feeling so ticklish and your laughter only seemed to increase in volume and hysteria.
“You surely are laughing a lot,” Asmo said, his hands being replaced by the soft feather tracing your hips, making you giggle hysterically. “And enjoying yourself so much, I can tell. You haven't even safeworded! These hips sure are sensitive, poor them~”
Tears of laughter were streaming down your face. You felt a little shy, feeling some drool dripping from the side of your mouth, but you really couldn't control your actions when you were laughing as hard as that. It felt nice to not completely care as you enjoyed something you thought you would never enjoy. Asmo really was so good to you. 
“Are you still up for some more fun, baby?” You nodded, giggling as he circled your belly button with the feather. Asmo chuckled. “You truly wanted this, huh? I can't believe you didn't tell me before. I could've tickled you a million times already!” 
“I'm sohohorry.” 
Asmo pouted, “I think this silly baby needs to be punished,” he said with a grin as his fingers started to wiggle against your tummy, clawing at the soft sides and you threw your head back with laughter. 
No matter where his fingers found your skin, it felt too ticklish and you thought maybe Asmo was using some spell to make you more sensitive to his touch? You didn't remember being so ticklish when you had tickle fights with him or his brothers- he was probably using a little of his magic. Well, it wasn't like you were going to stop him anyway. 
Your lower belly, your navel, the sides of your tummy, the center; his hands were everywhere and he had you howling with laughter in mere seconds, your limbs pulling at their restraints, but it was all useless. Your laughter was becoming a little hoarse as he continued his exploration – his thumbs digging into your waist making you jump and scream with laughter. His fingers vibrating against your ribs and the spaces between them made your voice go silent for a few seconds, but Asmo only laughed softly and continued.He counted each of your ribs over and over again, from top to bottom and bottom to top. 
“Please stop moving, cutie. I keep losing count of your cute ribs.”
“Baby, I gotta make sure you didn't break one when you were play fighting with Mammon, that brute can be a lot sometimes.”
“Huh, you get more hysterical the higher the ribs are, could it be that one is hurt? Don't worry, I'll check thoroughly!” 
It was driving you crazy. The sensations short-circuiting your brain barely allowed you to think about anything other than how ticklish you felt at that moment. Asmo's voice teasing you and telling you how beautiful you looked made no sense over your loud cackling, but the best was yet to come. 
Asmo laughed as he stopped to let you rest for a second. "You really... no matter what I do, you don't even ask me to stop, huh? How can you be so adorable?" You jumped with a laugh as his nails traced that rib that almost made you faint. “But baby,” he said, pouting. “I’m all horny now because of you.” 
Raising your head, you felt bad at seeing the poor and sorry state of his cock. The red color actually contrasted very well with Asmo's skin, but that... he looked like he was about to burst! You blinked, looking at his poor dick and then at his teary eyes. 
You smirked at him. “Well… who said you couldn't use that?” 
You bucked your hips and his cheeks flushed red and a wide smile spread across his lips. Two heavy moans filled the room as he finally thrusted inside of you, filling you to the brim. Asmo had to stop a couple of times to avoid coming so soon, and the fact that he didn't move was torture for you. You whined, desperately moving your hips, but he held them down, stopping you.
“C-Calm down, dove,” he breathed through gritted teeth. “I don't want to cum yet.”
“I do want to cum,” you whined again and he laughed softly, lifting his face to look at you. You were breathless for a moment. 
Asmo's face was truly a work of art. His eyes were always bright and flirtatious, sparkling with mischief, but right at that moment, they were darkened with lust. That playful spark was clouded by desire and pleasure. A heavy blush spread across his face and his mouth was slightly open, his tongue poking out a little, licking his lips.  
Asmo moaned, (he was never afraid to voice his pleasure), and he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “Why are you clenching me so suddenly, hmm? Did you like my face so much?” 
“T-Tickle me more, please,” you begged, arching your back. “Tickle me a bit- a bit more, yes?” 
“Of course I will tickle you more, beautiful,” he promised, his hips finally touching your skin as he put his whole length inside you. “You just need to be good and have a bit of patience,” you whined, squirming and huffing as he stimulated you from inside. 
Asmo held your hips firmly and you were startled when your legs were suddenly free from the rope.  You quickly wrapped them around him and brought him impossibly closer to you.
“Very nice, baby. Not too tight, though, otherwise I won't be able to move.” Your legs loosened a bit. “If you push me away, I will stop completely, do you hear me?” 
You frowned, not understanding what he was saying, but soon found out when you felt his moist lips placing a wet kiss against your underarm. You gasped heavily, jerking away from his touch, only to find one of his hands already latched to your other armpit, fingers quickly scribbling against the taut skin. 
Laughter quickly escaped you and you started to squirm, but no matter what side you jerked to, Asmo was there, tickling you. He started nibbling and blowing raspberries against one of your armpits as the other was under an evil attack of fingertips digging, wiggling and vibrating, waking up all of the nerve endings there. 
“AHAHAHASMO,” you shrieked, shaking your head. “Nohohoho nihihihibbling!” You pleaded, snorting as he did the opposite and nibbled you more and faster. 
“I do what I want, baby. Now…”
Oh how wonderful his length felt inside you. He moved his hips away, his cock rubbing all the sensitive spots inside you, and then he let himself go back, pounding hard against you, hitting that spot that made your eyes roll back into your head. His hands and mouth didn't stop making you laugh and his hips went back and forth with a rhythm that was leaving you breathless. You jumped with a shriek of laughter as his free hand found that terribly ticklish spot right behind your ribs. Your back arched involuntarily and that only resulted in more tickling in both of your armpits. 
You were going crazy. Too many sensations at the same time, you felt like you were going to explode. You couldn't stop laughing even for a second, and your moans became louder and more frequent. His mouth, his hands, his cock were all on you; you were short of breath, your body was tired and your stomach hurt from laughing so much, but you didn't want Asmo to ever stop. You wanted to continue feeling everything, your mind filled with your laughter and moans. 
“I'M CUHUHUMMING!” You said, sobbing as uncontrollable laughter made you shake. “PLEHEHEASE, AHAHASMO!” 
He grunted, pounding inside you over and over and over until you finally cummed. Your vision became blurry and you sobbed as you felt overwhelmed with the force of your orgasm. It almost hurt as you felt the tickles of pleasure run through your body. You felt outside yourself, in a subspace of pleasure that you couldn't escape, and the only thing that could bring you back were those terrible, maddening tickles in your armpits and ribs. 
The sound that came out of your mouth no longer sounded like laughter to you, like when you repeat a word too many times and it loses its meaning, your laughter or the sound that came from your mouth no longer made sense. The only constant thing was those tickles and the pleasure of continuing to feel Asmo pounding inside as he finally came. 
His hands finally stopped as he shook with the force of his orgasm. Your body went limp under him as he thrusted inside you a couple of times more, riding his climax as much as he could. At that moment you were nothing more than his toy and that thought made you clench against his sensitive cock, causing him to moan harder against your ear. 
Your breathing and his were erratic and neither of you said anything for a long moment until his fingers grazed your sides and you whimpered, shivering and squirming. 
“Baby,” he sighed in your ear, you hummed weakly in response. “What is your safeword?” 
Your eyes felt heavy, you barely could remember your name, but your safeword was there, in the back of your mind, tucked away in a locked drawer. You hummed, moving your head to the side so you could speak in his ear as well. 
“Cupcake,” you answered, your voice hoarse. 
Asmo nodded, “very well,” he said, lifting his face to look at you. “Make sure not to forget it, baby, I want to cum again.” 
You smiled, more of that awful sound suddenly escaping your lips again. You didn't want this to ever end. If your circle of hell was going to be like this, you figured it wouldn't be so bad, as long as Asmo was there with you too. 
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ppystkposts · 6 months
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This is a commission, do not trace or repost
Reblogs are appreciated
Thank you so much for working with me. It was such a big help!
the commissioner chose to remain anonymous. 🫶
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chibibunygrl · 9 months
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strawberriesinbloom · 10 months
Taking Lucifer Down a Peg (or Two)
Summary: Lucifer's demon form was powerful, perfect, and poised. Was it really so bad that you wanted to see more of it?
Word Count: 2732
This fic is set in Nightbringer and based off of Mammon's NB Chapter A Devilgram. There shouldn't be too many spoilers besides the basic plot of Nightbringer (aka you're stuck in the past), and what I shared in the link.
This is a tickle fic btw
“I can’t believe the time,” you muttered, staring at your D.D.D. It was so late, much later than you planned to stay at the House of Lamentation. You pressed your lips together. Solomon was probably worried out of his mind.
Lucifer eyed you warily, slowing his pace down to keep up with your stride. “Yes, I apologize for keeping you here so late. I did not expect your duties to take so long.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You would have been home a lot sooner if Satan hadn’t decided to trash the entire kitchen, which set off Beelzebub, who accidentally bumped into Mammon, who–
Ugh. You were getting a headache just thinking about it.
“It's fine,” you said, “It’s not that long of a trek back to Cocytus Hall, anyway.”
“No, it's too dangerous to travel by yourself at night. You should leave in the morning.”
You snorted, following Lucifer, as he walked up the stairs and away from the front door. “Did you forget that I’ve been in the Devildom much longer than you?” 
It wasn’t a lie. Technically.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow and gave you a look. “Then, consider this to be a selfish request,” he said, looking over at you with an amused glint in his eyes. “Would you consider spending the night here with me?”
Lucifer stopped in the middle of the hallway, his hand resting on the doorknob to his room. You almost bumped into him but stopped yourself just in time. He was awaiting a response from you. 
“My, my, sleeping in your room? That's a bit forward, isn't it?” You asked in a teasing tone. It didn't matter if it was the past or the present: you would never pass up the chance to poke fun at Lucifer.
A bit of pink dusted his cheeks. It was subtle, but it was there. “I was thinking that you would stay in the guest room, but my room works, as well,” he said quietly. 
He opened the door and stepped inside. You followed right behind him. “I think I'll sleep in your room. Your bed looks more comfortable, anyway.”
That was a lie. You knew from personal experience that his bed felt like sleeping on a brick, but those were the sacrifices you had to make to get some one-on-one time with this elusive demon.
Lucifer said, “I have a spare set of nightwear you can borrow and an unopened pack of toothbrushes you can choose from.”
“I can choose a toothbrush? Wow, I really am living the high life here.”
“Stop dawdling.”
“Alright, alright. I get it.”
Once you and Lucifer got ready for bed, you flopped down on his mattress and scooted over to the right side, shimmying underneath the covers. You sighed, nuzzling the pillow. The familiar scent of cedarwood was comforting. It was almost like you had never left your timeline. 
Lucifer stared at you with his arms crossed, no doubt bewildered by how easily you had made yourself at home in his bed. You stared right back at him with a neutral expression. Finally, he blew air out of his nose in amusement before laying down next to you. Lucifer picked up a large book on his bedside table and opened it up to where he had placed his plain blue bookmark. He began reading. 
You turned over so that you were facing Lucifer. “What’s that book about?” 
A conflicted, almost sullen look crossed Lucifer’s face for a brief moment. “Oh, this?” In an out-of-character moment, he hesitated. “It's about an angel falling in love with a human. It's fiction, simply a bit of light reading before bed,” he said.
You snickered. “Light?” That thing was huge.
“Yes, light.”
“You know, that reminds me.” You sat up in bed, tossing the covers away from you. “Mammon told me once that angels could take off their wings. Is that true?” 
“It is but not in the way you're thinking.” He thumbed the page he was on but hadn't committed to turning it completely. “Angels can choose to hide or show their wings similar to how demons can choose to hide or show their demonic characteristics. It’s their version of our demon forms if you will.”
“Oh, that’s interesting.”
Lucifer hummed, going back to reading his novel.
You fiddled with the corner of the comforter. “Mammon also told me that you used to have twelve wings when you were an angel, but he never got to see them.”
Lucifer didn't respond, choosing to focus on his book. He turned the page and let out a small huff of laughter at whatever he had read. Was he ignoring you on purpose? 
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Mammon said something else that piqued my interest. He mentioned that he thought tickling you might have made the rest of them pop out,” you said.
Lucifer glared at you as though you were a rotten banana peel he found on the ground. His nose wrinkled in irritation. “Don't you dare.” His knuckles tightened against the book he was holding.
“It's too bad Mammon can't test out his theory, anymore, but since you told me that demon and angel forms are similar to each other…” You trailed off, allowing your hand to do the talking. You wiggled your fingers and slowly reached out toward his stomach.
Lucifer grabbed your wrist, gripping it a tad harder than was honestly necessary. You tried not to wince in pain. He was holding his book in one hand now, and you noticed that it was shaking slightly in his hold. His nostrils were flared, and a terrifying look swam in his reddish-gray eyes.
It was cute seeing Lucifer panic like that. It was a rare but not an unwelcome sight, that was for certain. He was desperately trying to regain control of the situation. Too bad you had to ruin that.
“If you try to lay a single finger on me, I'll–” 
Lucifer interrupted himself with a sharp gasp when you used your other hand to dig into the soft part of his thigh. He jerked his leg up, letting go of both your wrist and his book, which tumbled all of the way to the floor. 
“Oops, sorry,” you chuckled. You used this opportunity to spider all ten of your fingers along his sides. 
He tried to grab your wrists again, but you, expecting this, immediately pivoted to tickle his thighs, again. Lucifer wriggled under your grip. His cheeks turned a bright red, as he tried to suppress his laughter. Admittedly, he was doing a good job. You probably wouldn’t have realized the tickling was getting to him if it wasn’t for the fact that he was acting like he was being electrocuted.
Lucifer choked out, “Stop that!” He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back. You fell over with only a small blow to your ego. Lucifer tried to get out of his bed, but you played dirty. Very dirty.
“Stay!” you shouted, using your pact powers on him. 
A surge of magic flew through the air, as Lucifer flopped down on his back. He tried to get up, but you were quickly at his side. You wiggled your fingers against his ribs, taking the time to silently count every single one.
Lucifer kicked his legs out. His face was contorted into a grimace, but if you looked close enough, you could see the hint of a smile across his lips. You were so close to breaking him. Lucifer weakly grabbed your upper arm, but your pact prevented him from doing much else.
“Sorry for using my powers on you,” you said, “but I really wanted to see if Mammon was right. I want to tickle you until your demon form pops out. You’ll forgive me for that, right?” After all, wasn’t it better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission?
Lucifer opened his mouth to retort but immediately clamped his mouth shut. You could tell he was afraid of bursting out into laughter. A loud huff of air moved past his lips, causing him to press them together.
You moved to claw at his stomach. 
Lucifer jumped and squeaked.
You paused, staring at him with awe. He looked at you with a pained expression. 
“I can’t believe I made that sound,” he said helplessly. 
“I can.” 
You started tickling him again, focusing on that one sensitive spot near his belly button that had made him squeak. Lucifer writhed under your touch. He tried grabbing at your arms and wrists again but with much more desperation this time. You slipped your hands underneath his shirt, drilling your thumbs into the divots just above his hips. His skin was deliciously warm, and you couldn't help but linger in that one spot.
“HAHAHA!” Lucifer suddenly burst out into loud, frantic cackles. “DAHAHAMMIT!” His smile was wide, despite how hard he was trying to force it back down into a frown. If you looked close enough, you could see what appeared to be tiny fangs where his incisors would be. Were those always there, or was it a sign?
“You have a nice laugh, Lucifer,” you said, continuing to tickle that same spot. It seemed to be particularly bad for him, which meant that you were obligated to torture him there.
Lucifer managed to whack your shoulder. It only stung a little. “Shuhut uhuhuh–UHUP” The poor guy couldn't even get more than a few words in due to how hard he was laughing. He tossed his head back and continued to cackle. You pinched at his hips. He seized your wrists, trying to pull them off, but he couldn't. “AHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE!”
You shrugged. Lucifer seemed to be at his limit already, so you decided to be a little merciful. Slipping your hands out from underneath his shirt, you began to dig your fingers into his armpits. Lucifer dissolved into soft, almost (but not quite) hiccupy giggles.
“Ehehehehe…” Lucifer squeezed his eyes shut and jerked his head away. He bit his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing. It worked for a couple of seconds until you started to gently scratch at the area right below his underarms. “Ahaha! I'm going to–I’m going ehehehe to gehehet you for thihihis.” He looked angry, at least, as angry as he could have with an adorable smile and rosy cheeks offsetting his furrowed eyebrows. 
“I’d like to see you try.”
That was the wrong thing to say because Lucifer managed to land a strong kick straight to your stomach. You doubled over, the air whooshing out of you. Yep, you deserved that for getting so cocky around a demon. Lucifer flipped himself over on his hands and knees to try to get away from you. 
That was right. You were in the past now. The pact bond between you and Lucifer was weaker, and thus, less effective. Huh. Thankfully, you had some old-fashioned tricks up your sleeve. 
You sat on the small of his back. 
“What are you doing?” Lucifer growled, trying to buck you off. 
You grinned. “I think you know.” You squeezed his sides and dragged your nails up and down his terribly sensitive skin. It was a little embarrassing for a demon of his caliber to be this ticklish, but you didn't tell him that.
Lucifer swore under his breath. “Stohohop or else!” He was trying to knock you off, again, but you planted yourself firmly on top of him. 
“I'd like you to stay right there, Lucifer,” you said, using your pact on him, again. 
He stilled, no longer trying to push you off of him. You smiled and took this opportunity to really get under his skin. You tickled him along his torso and wherever your fingers could reach, taking the time to focus on his most sensitive spots.
Lucifer pressed his face against the mattress in an attempt to muffle his loud laughter. “You b–behehetter behe ehehe prepared for your puhuhuhunishment! Ahaha! HahahAHAha!” He shrieked when you managed to suddenly spider your fingertips along the sides of his neck. He scrunched his shoulders up, but that didn't stop you from trying to draw that sound out from him, again.
You chose to ignore him and pretended to peer at the top of his head. “Ooh, are those horns I see? I think it's working! I can see your demon form emerging.” You were just kidding, of course, but the urge to tease Lucifer never stops.
“Stop lying!” Lucifer managed to grunt out in between fits of pure laughter. You had never seen him laugh this much before, not even in the present. It was nice seeing this side of him. You supposed that the main difference between Lucifer from the past and Lucifer from the present was that your Lucifer was better at hiding his reactions. This one hadn't quite mastered that skill, yet.
“I don't think I am,” you said. You started to tickle his hips, again. That was your favorite spot because of the reactions you’d get from him whenever you teased him there.
Lucifer clawed at the area in front of him, balling up fistfuls of the comforter in his hands at a time. A part of you wanted to hear him beg, but you knew he was too prideful to do something like that.
He cackled and pounded the mattress with his fist. “AHAHA! Stop! Stohop ihit now!” His commanding presence was muddled by how cute and giggly he was being. Lucifer wriggled and twisted in place, desperate to get you to stop tickling him. His entire body twitched with each new touch. 
“Aw, but I haven't even–ugh!”
Something hit you square in the jaw. Stars clouded your vision, as you tumbled backward. You almost fell off of Lucifer’s bed, but you managed to catch yourself just in time. You propped yourself on one elbow and rubbed the underside of your stinging face. Yeah, that was going to leave a nasty bruise later. You were pretty sure you accidentally bit your tongue, too.
Wait. There was something weird inside of your mouth. Ew! You spat it out into your hand and tried not to gag. Opening your eyes, you saw that it was…a black feather? You inspected it further. Yep, that was what it was. Where did it come from?
You looked up and saw Lucifer. He had managed to sit up on his knees and was scowling at you. The diamond on his forehead looked oddly menacing in the dim lighting of his bedroom. His flowy black and red outfit was draped over his body, trailing along the bed. His horns, black as night, twisted up from his head, pointing up toward the ceiling. Lucifer’s two sets of wings flapped angrily, sending a small gust of wind your way.
He was in his demon form.
Lucifer was in his demon form.
Mammon was right.
You were able to tickle Lucifer until his demon form popped out.
As much as you wanted to celebrate this achievement, you weren’t able to, considering the death glare Lucifer was giving you. His breathing was ragged and his face was still cherry red, but that didn't change how menacing Lucifer could be when he was in his demon form.
“Congratulations. You were right. I hope you're proud of yourself,” Lucifer said. His voice was a low growl. The smirk he was giving you sent shivers up your spine. He tugged on his gloves like he was preparing for something.
“I am, actually,” you muttered, slowly crawling backward. Maybe if you made a run for it, you could make it to the door…
Lucifer shook his head. “Always so cocky, despite knowing exactly what I'm going to do to you.”
“And that would be?”
“I'm going to tickle you until you're begging for mercy. Do you think you could handle that?” Lucifer stepped up close to you, subtly blocking off your exit.
You smiled at him, as sweetly as you could. “I seriously doubt you could lay a hand on me.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”
The fury on Lucifer’s face washed away, as he started to snicker. He shook his head in exasperation and pressed his fingers against his temples. “You always know how to push my buttons.”
That, you did.
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chibimochii · 12 days
Mochii's to do list
This list will be building or checked off once I've completed said work!
○ Sethos x Scara
○ Xiao x Aether
○ Xiao & Itto (special ver)
○ Blade x (surprise)
○ Cyno x Tighnari (special) maybe even spicy who's to say...
○ Obey me!
○ Kinich vs (surprise)
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giggle-bee · 9 months
Triple Threat (Squealing Santa 2023!)
Hi, @hakurei-k, I'm your Santa for this year! Sorry this is a little late, but I hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenging prompt since I don't typically write intense stuff with multiple lers, but it was a fun fic to do, and I'm so happy I got you!! I also want to thank @squealing-santa, Hypah, for being such an amazing host!! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you for keeping the tradition alive!
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(Ler!Barbatos, Ler!Solomon, Ler!Simeon, Lee!MC)
Warnings: pranks, suprise tickles
Summary: Barbatos has a day off but doesn't know how to spend it. How better to than with you? Mediating a prank war wasn't in the plans, though.
Word Count: 1.8k
When Diavolo had first approached Barbatos about taking the day off, he was against the idea. “My Lord, the New Year’s celebration is not far away. The castle must be prepared for guests, there is much work to be done-” “Exactly my thoughts! You’ve been working tirelessly, my friend, you deserve some time to yourself. It’s my castle, I want to have part in the decorating! Besides, I know you’ve been keeping an eye on that new tea house. Take the day and relax, Barbatos.”
Diavolo patted him on the back and left Barbatos standing in his office, lost for words and with a blank mind for the first time in a while. For anyone else, the opportunity would be a blessing, to leave your duties behind and pay attention to the parts of your life neglected. All Barbatos could think about was the castle in a state of disarray, clashing colors, decorations strewn haphazardly about the place, anything less than perfect was not acceptable.
However, Diavolo’s pout if he figured out Barbatos was still working during his break was too heartbreaking to think about. Barbatos sighed, pulling out his DDD and pulling up his messages with you.
Barbatos MC, would you like to join me at Witch’s Brew this afternoon? My schedule has been cleared. 
MC Oh? Is that the new tea place across from Majolish? I would love to!
Barbatos Alright. See you at noon. 
Witch’s Brew was a quaint shop that sold both loose leaf teas, tea sets, and delicious desserts. To a demon like Barbatos, it was heaven. The aroma of dried flowers and warmth tickled his nose as he opened the door, sitting down at a small table with a candle in the middle. It was peaceful here, soft music playing over the speakers and setting a light ambience to the space. Ordering some tea for the both of you would be his first order of business. The fragrant notes of hibiscus and lemon called to him from behind the counter, he would bring it back to the table piping hot and waiting. 
A smile came across his lips as he imagined you taking the first sip, your eyes lighting up at the sweet flavor- rich and floral with a hint of tart to balance it. The thought was almost as sweet as you were. The tinkling of the doorbell made Barbatos glance up hopefully from his cup, eyes alight when he saw you. But you weren’t carefree and jubilant as usual. He picked up on the nervous glances you were sending around the room, your hesitant steps towards the table, and most of all, you hadn’t greeted him with so much as a smile yet. Quite unusual. 
“Ah, hello Barbatos! Sorry I’m late,” you whispered, smoothing your clothes and sitting in the chair he pulled out for you. The demon cocked an eyebrow at your behavior, instantly analyzing your expression. He knew something was up.
“Would you like to tell me what is obviously bothering you? You look like someone is out to get you.”
“Ahaha… well…” You scratched your arm, averting your gaze and peering down into the teacup. “You could say that.” You chose to elaborate on the prank war currently going on in Purgatory Hall, the one you had started a week ago. Luke had voted on staying out of things, which meant you, Solomon, and Simeon would have to prank amongst yourselves.
Pulling out all the stops this morning, you had set up several pillows to fall onto Simeon’s head, covering him in feathers. You had swiped one of Solomon’s singing potions earlier in the week and mixed it into a batch of cookies, which had him singing curses for the next hour. You had found these harmless pranks extremely funny, but both Solomon and Simeon were sure to get you back. 
“So that’s why I have to stay vigilant! They could be anywhere, Barbatos, I have to keep a lookout,” you explained, taking a sip of your tea. The flavor was complex and delicate, a nice reprieve from the chaos going on with your friends. You melted into the warm drink, nodding at the teapot, “This was a good pick, thank you for letting me try it!”
Barbatos shook his head with a fond smile. He knew you were “I believe tea is better when shared in good company, so it’s my pleasure.” Pouring you two another cup, he thought on your predicament. If Solomon and Simeon were working together, it could spell disaster for everyone in Purgatory Hall.
Humming in thought, Barbatos finished his tea and set the cup down gently onto a saucer. “Can I escort you back? Like I said, my schedule is clear for the day, so it would be no trouble. That way, you won’t have to worry about anything on your way,” he offered. Barbatos knew they would never do anything to harm you, but if it would make you feel better, it was worth it.
You perked up, relief washing over your face. “I would appreciate it, those two like to scare me as much as it is.”
Taking a dessert to go, you and Barbatos left the teahouse and started the journey back to the House of Lamentation. On the way, you talked about everything from next year’s classes to Satan’s newest cat adoption antics. Barbatos felt at ease talking to you, as he always did. His worries for the celebration faded with every step as he let you take the wheel of the conversation. Before you knew it, you two were on the doorstep. 
“Thank you for walking me here, Barbs. We need to do this again sometime!” You opened the door and were about to wave goodbye when two arms pulled you into the foyer. Barbatos quickly moved inside, surprised by the sight that greeted him. 
Solomon and Simeon had trapped you in their arms, encircling you like twin felines playing a game of cat and mouse. Solomon’s deadly smirk was something you knew all too well, paired with Simeon’s laughing eyes, they had been out to get you from the start. “You fell right into our trap, MC~” Simeon purred in your ear, watching your eyes flit between the trio of people in the room. Well, one human, one angel, and one demon. The mischievous fire in Solomon’s eyes appeared anything *but* human to you in this moment. 
Solomon looked to the demon at the door, “What do you think is a fitting punishment for our friend here, Barbatos?” 
Barbatos slowly stepped forward until he was in front of you three, assessing the situation. “Seeing as they’ve confessed their transgressions to me already, I believe something… like this will suffice,” Barbatos reasoned, grinning at your shocked face.
“Barbatos! You’re supposed to be on my side- HEY!” Barbatos wormed his hand between you and Simeon to give your side a squeeze, making you curl into Solomon. Simeon started to snicker at the idea, using his free hand to scribble around your neck while Solomon’s smile grew wolfish. “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you think so, MC?” 
You were trying not to react to Simeon’s gentle scribbles, your cheeks puffing out and your lips pouting to hide your smile. “N-no! Not a great idea! Barbatos- help me!”
Raising an eyebrow, the demon tilted his head to the side, “You want me to help? Alright, I can manage that. After all, I have no obligations today, I can spend as much time as I want here.”
Barbatos latched onto your sides, kneading into them with sudden speed and vigor that you weren’t prepared for. Your straight faced facade went flying out the window as you tried to wiggle away from the tickles to no avail. Solomon and Simeon seemed to have the same idea, the angel’s fingers finding a home in your armpits and Solomon’s squeezing at your hipbones. “WHAHAHAIT! NOhOHoO!” 
You had endured tickle attacks from all three of them separately, but together, the trio was insufferably good at reducing you to a laughing fit. They continued to scribble and poke all over your worst spots, Simeon finding a good spot on your lower tummy that almost sent you backwards. Every time you got used to something, one of them would move, sending you into giggles all over again. 
“I almost forgot how ticklish they are! Solomon, keep that up,” Simeon laughed with delight at how you squirmed away from Solomon’s evil hands that were currently chasing your ribs. “If I were you, I would stay still- it would be done a looooot faster!” Solomon chirped from your left, tazing your ribs and making you fall into Barbatos’s waiting arms.
“Your laugh is almost as sweet as the tea, you know,” Barbatos whispered quietly, kneading into your lower back and sides, chuckling when you tried to pull away with a blush. Simeon gasped and excitedly pulled you away, hugging you tight against his chest. 
“Theres this thing I used to do to Luci when he would misbehave, let me show you!” He closed his eyes and you felt invisible feathers gliding across your ears and neck, making you scrunch up. The feathers seemed to reach all of your worst spots, soft but they tickled like hell. When you felt one graze the bottom of your foot, you squeaked in surprise, how was this even possible? Simeon’s laugh sounded like bells, contrasting with your loud and squealy one. “I cAhAHaAHaN’t! PlEHehAHeaSe!” 
He slowed down the feathers of his wings to softly stroke up and down your arms, letting you collapse into him. Solomon ruffled your hair, “You all tired out? I think it’s payback for making me sing through all of breakfast. Simeon looked like a fancy chicken this morning,” he laughed. Simeon rolled his eyes, “Did you learn your lesson, MC? Never mess with Purgatory Hall, or you’ll awaken the tickle monsters that live there!” He tapped your nose, taking note of your lingering smile and flushed cheeks. He grinned and gave you a hug, releasing you. 
Barbatos had his hands behind his back, almost like he hadn’t contributed to your ticklish demise. “The cake is still outside, would you like me to bring it in?” His sly smirk didn’t go unnoticed, you nodded, rolling your eyes. “You were supposed to help me!”
“I never said I would help you. Besides, I think you deserved a little prank back for the ones you performed,” he noted, bringing the slice of matcha cake inside. 
With a sigh, you took the bag, holding out the delectable sweet. “How about a truce? Do you guys wanna split this?” All three of them nodded, causing you to smile. As you made your way towards the den, Barbatos concluded that his day off was a day well spent.
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cooldudesthings · 3 months
Obey Me! Simeon tk hc’s
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So for the little bit I know as of right now he seems like a lee-leaning switch
Worst spots
His ears might as well be the killer
Will have him into a puddle of giggles just by whispering or gently blowing into his ears
As a ler he will be gentle and make sure not to over do it and not be rough as he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt the lee
He is not afraid to say the word
If he knows it gets the lee all giggly he’ll tease them a bit over it and point out how cute their blush is
( okay that’s all for the moment I may make this into a mini series with the other characters if that’s something yall are interested in)
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Not a Competition
Satan & Lucifer x Reader
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A/N: First one of the 2-part fics! With our lovely demons ^^ Special thanks to @hakurei-k!
Summary: An argument between Lucifer and Satan leads to you getting tickled to death by the both of them. Seriously!
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It was a funny feeling. Well, with funny you wouldn't refer to the merciless tickling which felt like absolute torture. Both Lucifer and Satan were definitely not going easy on you. No, what was funny, was that you could exactly tell their tickles apart, even when you weren't looking.
"Guhhuys! E-enough ahahalready! L-Lucehehe plehehease!" You tried convince the most reasonable of the two, but Lucifer was too busy right now, concentrating on tickling your stomach, abdomen and even your hipbones with recognizable precision.
Satan's tickling was different. He chose to wiggle his fingers against your sides and ribs, his fingers digging and clawing in a much fiercer way. Not because Satan was necessarily rough, but because in this case, he was so fired up. The reason being...
"Not a competition you said, hm? Satan? Then why are you trying so hard?" Lucifer sounded very smug despite taking part in such a silly joint tickle attack, making you the victim of all people.
"Tch, I only said you suck at tickling and you're the one who needed to demonstrate it immediately. So who's trying so hard, huh?" Satan's speech was emphasized with some really ticklish things he did to your ribs, and you struggled despite their grip on you and you kicked your legs.
"Whaha-hehehey! Not thehehere- agyahhaha!"
It was actually Lucifer who started it, he was being sneaky and thought to tickle you and make you giggle when no one was looking. But your laugh was a little too loud, resulting in Satan overhearing.
What happened after that was as they just said: Satan called Lucifer out for being a sucker when it came to tickling, which lead to Lucifer tickling you even more, asking Satan what part of this was him not doing it right, which invited Satan to join in and show Lucifer he was better at it and...
Well yeah. The rest was history. You were simply laughing your head off now and the only two who could make it stop were these two bickering demons, or anyone who would come to your aid, but you were aware the others knew better than to interfere with any argument between Lucifer and Satan, no matter how silly.
"AHAha nohoho! Stahahahap you bohohoth!" you cackled hysterically. Lucifer and Satan both looked at you.
Lucifer nodded, finally paying attention to you. You, the person laughing at his mercy.
"Oh we will eventually." Eventually!
"But you'll need to tell Satan he chose to challenge the wrong person," Lucifer continued, staying true to his title: Avatar of Pride. One of his hands was still wearing its glove, the other was already bare and spidering its fingers all over your poor ticklish tummy.
"WAHahahat?!" you laughed, trying to pull free, but Lucifer and Satan didn't need a lot of teamwork to keep you pinned down and helpless to their mischievous fingers.
"I didn't challenge anyone. Remember, it's not a competition. But! When I do ask you which one of us is better at tickle fights, I assume you know there's only one answer? And that is?" Satan asked, sounding a little bit out of breath as he continued to tickle you ruthlessly.
These two, really! Their fingers slowed down, making it clear to you they seriously did long to hear an answer to that question, and you gasped for air and shook your head tiredly.
"Well?" Lucifer asked. Even him! They really wanted you to tell them who was better at... tickling?!
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lovelynim · 11 months
TickleTober2023/Day 29 - Zombie
Obey me! - MC x Mammon
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Using a make-up brush to spread the blue-ish powder over your cheeks, you looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure the whole costume was coming together nicely. Pale, lifeless skin, gruesome fake cuts and wounds all around and even some details to make it look like you were rotting alive. Yeah, that was a nice zombie costume.
“What are you supposed to be?”
Nice, but maybe not so obvious zombie costume. At least, not to everyone. Unamused, you sighed, turning around to face Mammon. “A zombie, duh,” you said, checking out his costume. With fake red horns on his head and a black cape, he was dressed as… a demon. How creative.
“Hah, a zombie?” Mammon laughed, putting a hand on his waist and tilted his head, trying to check out the rest of your costume. “You’re not going to try to eat my brain, are you?” He teased.
“I would if you have one,” you chuckled, your voice full of snark as you highlighted the dark circles under your eyes.
“Hey! Whaddaya mean?” Mammon barked, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks. Oh, he looked offended - which only made you laugh more.
Turning back to him, you put the make-up tools aside and took a few steps towards the bed where he was sitting. “What? Do you want me to eat you, Mammon?”
It was easy, almost too easy to get him flustered. Just like you expected, his eyes opened wide at your words, probably falling for the second meaning in them. “W-what?!”
“You looked so offended when I said I wouldn’t… do you perhaps have something in mind?” 
You could tell how flustered he was, you could nearly feel the heat in his face when you leaned closer. Grinning, you put one hand on his shoulder. He could barely speak, stuttering one thing after the other, totally incomprehensible.
“Hah…” You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes and… “Pffft!”
Pushing him down into the mattress, you managed to lift his shirt in a swift moment. With Mammon pinned down under you, all you needed to do was blow one raspberry after the other, covering his middle with ticklish attention.
“NahAHAha- wahAHAhait!” He cried, putting both hands on your head as he tried to push you away, his feet kicking in the air as you began to nibble close to his navel. “ThaHAHahat’s noHOhot eahAHating! It’s tihIHickling!”
“Same thing,” you muttered in a breath second, using that small pause to catch up your breath before continuing to “eat” the poor demon. After all, if he didn’t have a brain, as a zombie, you needed to feast on something else, right?
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A/N: After Tumblr tried to get rid of me, did you guys thought I would lose my streak? NOT A CHANCE
I just couldn't share it with you guys and here is the proof!!!
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Anyway, you can expect a 2nd post today, so see you soon!
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Scent | Lucifer x Diavolo x Fem!Reader [N$FW]
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A/N: Commission for my dearest baby sweetie boo @otomiya-tickles Thank you so much for you kind support my dear, you're always so nice and precious to me I love you endlessly. I hope you enjoy these horny demons asjdnsjansf
Summary: Lucifer comes back to the House of Lamentation to find that he can't access his own office?! There's only one person that would dare to do such thing besides their annoying brothers!
Words: 5.5k (under the cut)
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He could sense magic as soon as he entered the House of Lamentation and he tensed momentarily by the door, sharpening his senses and feeling a slight rush of adrenaline coursing through his body, but after a heartbeat he realized that it was a magic that he knew so very well and a warm feeling spread across his chest as he relaxed again... until his heart dropped to his feet- why on Earth was he feeling this magic flooding the House of Lamentation and why did it seem to come right from his bedroom? More specifically, his personal office? 
Lucifer whined deep inside his heart. "Rats," he mumbled, fighting the urge to stomp his foot like a human child throwing a tantrum.
The magic only seemed to intensify the closer he was to his office and more profanities slipped from between his lips. This was no good. He knew very well that this was one more of Diavolo's silly games and he almost didn't want to open the door once he was standing in front of it. He didn't know what he was going to find once he turned the knob, and he was a little scared to find out too – he had a lot of work to do that evening and he wasn't sure he'd have the time to deal with one of Diavolo's diversions that would most likely make Lucifer fall behind in his work. 
He grabbed the knob and gripped it tightly, causing it to creak and shake under the strength of his grip. Lucifer took a deep breath and counted… one, two, three…, but his hand remained glued to the knob, refusing to turn it around to open the door. One… two… three…, again, nothing. 
"One… two… three! Huh?" 
This time he had turned the knob or at least had tried to. The knob he was holding so tightly had barely jingled before it suddenly stopped mid-turn. Lucifer blinked, perplexed and profusely confused by the situation, but he tried again, but the door remained closed. Did Diavolo….
"... Locked me out of my office?!" 
Unbelievable! What was he trying to do?! This was no behavior for a Crown Prince, was it?! Ah, but he'd see, this was not going to stay that way! Lucifer growled and in his mind he casted a small teleportation spell that, in seconds, had him appearing in front of the beautiful wooden door of Diavolo's personal chambers.
He gripped the knob and with a swift move the door opened wide for him. Lucifer took a step in, and baring his fangs, he said:
“Diavolo, can I know exactly why you decided to lock me out of- oh?" 
He didn't notice it instantly, but as he took a step further into the room, a wonderful scent tickled his nose. His nostrils immediately fanned and he took a deep breath, taking it all of that sweet smell and feeling a pleasant shiver run down his spine. 
It hadn't been that long since he smelled that scent, but it was a gift to be greeted by it when he was not expecting it. Was this the reason why Diavolo purposely made him go to his room? Oh, Lucifer might be able to forgive him if that was the case.  
"What are you guys doing?" He said, suddenly aware that there was, perhaps, a bit too much noise in the room. Was that… laughter? 
"Ah, Luci!" Diavolo said, looking up at Lucifer. "I knew you'd be here soon!"
"Luhuhucifeheher! Sahahahave mehehe! Mahahake hihihim stahahahap! I wihihill dihihie!" 
Lucifer frowned as he closed the door and slowly made his way to where Diavolo and the source of the laughter were.
There, behind the beautiful white canopy covering Diavolo's massive bed, Lucifer found the Crown Prince sitting at the edge of the bed, grinning mischievously with a playful glint in his eyes as you squirmed and jerked about while Diavolo tickled you mercilessly.
He was barely surprised to see you there. He would often find you huddled in Diavolo's room when Lucifer was, perhaps, a bit too busy to humor you with his company. Your visits to Diavolo, however, would often end with you and the Prince being scolded not only by Lucifer, but also by Barbatos who claimed that 'you were a great distraction to the Master. Thanks to you, he will avoid his work and that will be a problem for everyone'. He would then try to drag you out from Diavolo’s room, but you wouldn’t leave and, above all, Diavolo wouldn't let you go.
In other words, Lucifer was simply unfazed to see you there, instead, he was puzzled, for that delicious aroma was still so very present, filling every corner of the room and, if he was not mistaken, it was even intensifying as seconds went by.
Diavolo's hands buried under your arms had your head thrown back with hysterical howls of laughter, a very cute yet rare sound, Lucifer had to admit. Also, were you ticklish? He remembered Diavolo and himself had playfully and briefly tickled you in the past, just a squeeze or a poke, but it seemed that you were really ticklish, if the cute snorts meant anything at all.
He had already completely forgotten the reason why he had personally gone to Diavolo's room, his mind busy in other things as he moved even closer to Diavolo and his little victim, he then asked cautiously:
"Were you guys having… fun while I was away?"
Diavolo must have noticed the implied reference of 'fun' and, still tickling you to pieces, he looked up at Lucifer and frowned, tilting his head to the side in the most adorable way possible, making Lucifer's heart swell in his chest. 
Diavolo hummed, "we weren't," he said solemnly. "We've been doing this… for quite a while now, I'd say," he admitted without a trace of shame as he looked down at your laughing face with a tender smile and sparkly eyes. "Why do you ask- oh, did you know that our cute human was ticklish?”
Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head slightly, “I did not,” he said, grinning at seeing your pink face before returning his attention back to Diavolo. “I was asking because there's a scent in the room that made me think so."
Diavolo frowned again, "what kind of scent- oh."
Probably caught up by the discovery of your ticklishness, Diavolo seemed unaware of the exquisite aroma spreading throughout his room, but now that he did notice, his hands immediately went to a stop and he took a deep, deep breath, his cheeks turning a little pink as he looked down at you one more time, excited wonder in his darkened eyes. 
"We haven't… done anything," he said, seeing you catch your breath between a severe case of the giggles. 
Lucifer couldn't help but smile tenderly at your adorableness, but shudders running down his spine were making his skin bloom with goosebumps and he so desperately wanted to take you right on the spot, but instead of giving in to his low instincts, he waited patiently until he thought you'd be able to speak properly.
"Mind to explain, beautiful?" Was the first thing he said as soon as your giggling had died down a little.
You looked up at him through teary eyes, "I- I swehear I didn't do ahanything! Diavolo just staharted tickling mehe a-and-"
"Not that." Lucifer shook his head, uncrossing his arm to wave a hand, signaling to the whole room. "I mean this."
You blinked, looking around the room from your spot laying on the bed and Lucifer wanted to laugh. How could you be so clueless of your adorableness? Did you have any idea what you did to Diavolo and himself?
You highly probably didn't. 
"Hmm, what?" You asked, a very confused expression in your face. "The… room? I didn't… make it…?"
Lucifer rolled his eyes fondly and Diavolo chuckled, confusing you even more. 
"Of course you wouldn't notice," Lucifer mumbled, shaking his head. "I mean that your scent is all over the room. You are aroused."
Your eyes widened and the blush covering your cheeks deepened until it was a vibrant red color. Lucifer fought the urge to chomp at them as if they were the most juicy apples, rather, he let a dangerous smirk curl the corners of his mouth. 
"I'm not!"
You were lying. Lucifer knew this smell by heart, he knew it as well as he knew the magic that now flooded his office. Humans would call it pheromones, a strong scent that stimulated all of his senses, arousing him beyond belief. There was no way he could be mistaken, especially not when Diavolo himself had also smelled it and recognized it right away. 
It was impossible to not recognize your scent. It was intoxicating. It made Lucifer feel light-headed and his heart would beat like crazy within his chest. A wave of heat would rush through his body, making him shake and tremble as shivers ran down his spine. He often salivated like crazy too, mouth watering for you; fingertips itching to touch you. 
Simply put, there was no way in all three realms that he could mistake that wonderful smell and yet there you were, lying to his face as if he didn't know better.
How adorably dumb of you.
“You always expel this scent when you are… excited,” Diavolo explained, making you look at him. “You can’t smell it, of course, but Lucifer and I can and we can't be mistaken, my love. You are, like they say, turned on." 
Your eyes were wide and your face red and if Lucifer didn't know you, he'd think that you really were terrified, but he did know you and he clearly saw that glint of excitement twinkling in your eyes.
“Hmm?" Lucifer purred and he grinned devilishly when your eyes jumped back to him. "Could it be that you were having so much fun playing that little game with Diavolo? Do you like being tickled that much?” Your eyes went impossibly wider and Lucifer froze on the spot, his smile dropping. “Wait, do you actually-
“No, I don’t! I just… Dia- Diavolo was t-touching me so I- Ah! No! What are you doing- stop!” You yelled, jerking when Lucifer sneaked his hand into one of the legs of your loose shorts. He had propped one knee onto the bed, leaning and hovering you. “Lucifer, don’t! Ngh!”
“Keep acting like this,” he warned, cupping your sex and pressing on it with the heel of his palm, "and you’ll see what happens to nasty little liars like yourself.” His hand pulled your underwear apart so his gloved finger could slide into your heated cunt, you were dripping wet and a loud moan escaped you when he curled his finger inside you, touching your tender spots.
You grabbed his arm and tried to push him away. “Lucifer, please,” you sobbed, tears of shame and pleasure clinging to your lashes. “Don’t do this. D-Diavolo,” you cried, glancing at Diavolo with pleading eyes. “Tell him to s-stop, please!" 
"Don't do this, you say?" Lucifer asked, hovering more on you. "When you're already soaking and leaking?" He chuckled when the blush on your cheeks impossibly deepened and you jerked your hips away from him, shaking your head. 
"Did you really like me tickling you that much, my love?" Diavolo suddenly asked. The sweetest gentleness in his voice. Lucifer saw him cupping your face between his hands as you shook your head again. "If you liked it so much, you should've said so!" 
"I s-swear I don't! It's just, ngh! Haaa, wait! Wait, Lucifer, I- ah! Ahahaha!" 
Surprised, moany laughter filled the room as Lucifer thrusted a single finger into you, teasing the weakest spot inside you and Diavolo's fingers were brought to life and they were pressed into your waist, tickling you all over again. Your hands tried to fight Diavolo's, but also Lucifer's and a cute human like you could only do so much against their inhuman strength, so in the end, you could only grip onto their wrists, trying to push them away. 
Lucifer smirked at you. And you said you weren't turned on by the tickling? Now that Lucifer was stimulating your insides and Diavolo was tickling you, that sweet scent intensified, making both demons feel dizzy and just as horny as yourself. You were basically sucking onto his finger and he easily thrusted one more digit into you, curling them nicely to pleasure you.
You tried to close your legs, making Lucifer growl as he settled between them, keeping them open so he could angle his hand to keep touching while your clothes still got in the way. He felt strangely aroused when you squeezed him between your legs and he chuckled, sliding one more finger into you. 
"Ngh! Plehehease! O-Oh, plehehease!" You cried, both your hands now moving to push at Diavolo. "Dohohon- ah! D-Dohohon't do this! S-ngh-Stahahap!"
"Why do you want us to stop if you're enjoying yourself so much?" Diavolo asked, genuinely confused, his thumbs digging into that muscle right above your hips, causing Lucifer to shudder, feeling that same spot tingling on himself. "Is Lucifer hurting you?" He teased and Lucifer huffed. 
"I assure you I am not," he said, looking at you with half-lidded eyes. "I am doing my best to make her feel good, as always." 
He kept hitting that sweet spot within you and he knew that the fabric of his glove was making you feel strangely good, but Lucifer wanted to give you more. He wanted to see your eyes roll back, he wanted to make you see stars, he just wanted more.
"AHAHAHA! W-Wahahait! NGH! Ah, w-wait! O-Oh, w-wahait!"
Poor you. It was as if Diavolo and Lucifer had read each other's minds for Diavolo had moved his hands to your tummy, causing your laughter to increase as well as your squirming. Lucifer, on the other hand, had pressed his thumb against your hardened clit, rubbing deep circles, making you throw your head back with a loud moan, your legs shaking slightly around him. 
"I think our cute human will cum soon," Lucifer said, feeling the scent thicken around you all. "What shall we do, Diavolo?"
Diavolo chuckled, stealing a quick kiss to Lucifer's lips before sneaking his hands under your shirt to tickle your bare tummy.
"S-Stop! N-Nohohoho mohohore! No more! I- ah! I'm c-cumming! I'm- aaah!" 
Looking at you cumming was something out of this world. Both Lucifer and Diavolo thought they had seen no creature as beautiful as you. The way your features twitched in pleasure, your body tensed and shook with the force of your orgasm, back arched beautifully. The way your hips tried to move away from their touches, and that wonderful unrestrained moan that escaped from your lips – all of you. They simply loved all of you. 
And now, they have seen a new side of yours. A little secret that you were probably planning to keep to yourself for the rest of your days, but they had discovered it and Lucifer knew that neither him or Diavolo would forget about it. Especially not when your lips were trembling into a pleasured smile as you went through your high. 
Lucifer felt you clenching wonderfully around his fingers and he made sure to walk you through your orgasm with gentle touches against your clit. Diavolo on the other hand, had turned his quick tickles into soft ones, fingertips dragging across your stomach, fluttering against your jumpy lower tummy. 
"S-Stohop… A-Ah… N-Noho mohore," you babbled, trying to push their hands away from your hypersensitive body. "I c-cahan't, it… it tihickles…"
"And you love every second of it," Lucifer said, pulling his fingers out of you, making you cry and tremble.
"N-No." You shook your head. "Please, s-stohop," you said breathlessly, your skin still covered in goosebumps. 
Lucifer chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? Are you sure about that? Diavolo, what do you-"
All the words got stuck in his throat when he looked at Diavolo. Lucifer felt a shiver run down his spine when he saw the lust darkening Diavolo's pretty golden eyes as he looked- no, stared at you. Lucifer heard the soft muffled sound of you holding back a whimper. He saw you trying to make yourself tinier under his intense gaze.
"I think,” Diavolo started and both Lucifer and you jumped a little, “that our dear here wants to play some more," he said and you shook your head nearly desperately, but who were you trying to fool?
Not them, obviously. Right?
Lucifer nodded and smirked, lifting his drenched gloved fingers for you to look at them. "Look what you did," he said. "Will you be a good girl and clean them up for me? Open your mouth," he commanded, not waiting for your answer, and your lips trembled before you opened your mouth wide for him. 
Lucifer felt his hard-rock cock pulsating when he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you gag slightly before you started sucking on his fingers, tasting yourself with a lustful glint in your dazed eyes. Your weak, trembling hands wrapped around his wrist and Lucifer smirked, shifting his hips forwards so you could feel his hard cock against your sensitive pussy. You moaned, grinding against him as his one free hand sneaked under your shirt to lightly trace your stomach. You choked around his fingers, letting out muffled giggles. 
You looked so devastatingly wrecked, it made Lucifer’s cheeks flush as he grew more and more excited, his teasing thrusts against your clothed arousal grew faster as he was starting to feel it a bit too much and grunts and moans kept escaping from between his lips. His head started to feel light, his breathing became erratic and with just one more grind against you, Lucifer finally came in his pants. 
He pressed his fingers against your tongue as he circled his hips. The release was blissful and almost painful after holding in for so long. He hung his head back with a pleased sigh as his body trembled and tingled. He was not one to cum this easily, in fact, the Avatar of Pride felt a little embarrassed as he slowly started to regain his senses. His flushed cheeks felt hotter as he pulled his fingers out your mouth, grinning lightly when you coughed around a moan. He shyly looked over at Diavolo. 
His eyes widened and he trembled when he found Diavolo looking at him, face also flushed and fangs bare. 
"I'm going crazy," Diavolo growled. "Take her clothes off,” he commanded, making you squeal and squirm. 
Lucifer gulped. Things were heating up. 
Diavolo grabbed Lucifer’s wrists and guided his wet gloved hand towards his own mouth; Lucifer held his breath when the Crown Prince bit the tip of his middle finger and pulled the glove off with his teeth. 
"Do I need to repeat myself, Lucifer?" He purred, an eyebrow raised as he licked Lucifer’s finger. 
The Avatar of Pride couldn't help but smirk, his body vibrating. "No, Your Highness," he said, quickly hooking his fingers into the waistline of your shorts and underwear, pulling them down. "I'll do as you say," he mumbled and your shorts and underwear were off in an instant, exposing your drenched warmth.
You shrieked, quickly trying to cover yourself up. "N-No, wait! D-Don't look! I-”
"Arms up." 
Your arms immediately raised above your head on their own, making you cry out as you tried to pull them back down. Lucifer saw with a watering mouth how they stayed up, not moving even a millimeter. Your eyes were wide, looking at Diavolo with little tears on them. Diavolo had used his magic to keep your arms pinned and a ting of excited fear settled in your eyes. 
What were you feeling exactly, Lucifer wondered. What did those tears mean? The sobs making you shake slightly could make him think that you were hating every second of it, but when you looked at him, he could see flames of lust in your eyes and he had seen those beautiful pleading eyes many times before to perfectly know that you were enjoying yourself more than what you wanted to admit. 
Also, that sweet scent kept overflowing the bedroom, he was worried Barbatos might feel attracted to it as well. If you were hating this, would the scent be so damn strong as it was?
Please what, Lucifer wanted to ask, but then, Diavolo's deep voice was filling his ears and he couldn't think straight anymore. 
"You had your fun," Diavolo said, gently placing a hand on Lucifer's shoulder. "Now it's my turn."
Lucifer nodded, obediently moving to the side from between your legs that quickly closed, trying to hide your pulsating and swollen pussy. He couldn't help but lean to capture Diavolo's lips in a fierce kiss. Tongues pushing into each other's mouth, swirling together in a dance that had Lucifer feeling light-headed. A pretty moan escaping him, causing both you and Diavolo to moan too. 
The Avatar of Pride smirked against Diavolo's lips before pulling away, gently pushing the Crown Prince to that perfect spot where they could see their human from the best view. 
"Di-Diavolo," you said, arching your back. "Pl-Please, I think- eek!" 
Another adorable shriek left your lips when Diavolo rested his hands on your knees and suddenly opened them up widely, licking his lips hungrily. 
"No, beautiful," Diavolo purred. "I don't want you to think, I actually want your mind to go blank so you can only focus on all the pleasure and tickling you're going to feel."
Lucifer shivered when you moaned, arching your back and thrusting your hips in the air. 
"Now, excuse me," he said, his head lowering. “Thank you for the food.”
You gasped, "w-wait, n-no, ah! Aagh, Diavolo! Dia- angh!”
Lucifer saw with great pleasure how your eyes crossed when Diavolo's lips pressed against your heated and wet skin. His tongue licking the length of your slit, pushing into your folds until he found that little spot that had you seeing stars. 
"D-Dia- aaaah- Diavolo! Ah, please! Please!" 
Lucifer's hands were itching, but he just couldn’t tear his eyes apart from your beautiful face furrowed with pleasure. He couldn’t stop looking at your body, squirming and arching and pushing into Diavolo's mouth as he ate you out. He wanted to hear those delicious moans and those obscene wet sounds Diavolo evoked when his fingers also joined the fun, going further inside you as he sucked on your poor clit. 
He wanted to look and hear, but oh, he so desperately wanted to touch you too. 
“N-No, Lucifer!” He ignored your cries as he grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up past your head and up to your immobile wrists. Lucifer grabbed your ribs and he chuckled when you jerked heavily. “I, I don’t w-ant- nnghh, this! Please!”
“When will you stop lying?” Lucifer purred as Diavolo slurped down between your legs, making you cry with pleasure. Lucifer lowered his head to your chest and he looked up at you adoringly. “Are you not ready yet to admit that you’re enjoying this?” He felt your skin covering in goosebumps as he started to place open-mouthed kisses around your breasts, teasing you some more. 
He held your body still, pressing his hands on your ribs when you tried to arch more into his mouth. He felt you deliciously shuddering and trembling under their attention and he thought that he just couldn’t get enough of your frustrated cries and moans. 
“Maybe we should really stop,” he said suddenly, his lips millimeters apart from your nipple, his warm breath making it go hard. Your gasps and moans grew louder and more frenetic by the second. You were so close tu cum again. “What do you think, Diavolo?” 
“Since she’s hating it so much,” Diavolo said, raising his head from your heated folds. “I guess we should stop.”
The amazing frustrated cry that left your lips had both demons smirking and moving uncomfortably, their clothes becoming too tight around their crotches. 
“Please, don’t!” You sobbed pitifully, your hips desperately shaking, trying to reach that wonderful relief, but it was useless. “Dia- Diavolo, please!”
“Now you want it?” Diavolo asked, cleaning his mouth with the sleeve of his black shirt. “Didn’t you say you wanted us to stop?” 
“N-No, I j-just-!”
Lucifer grabbed your chin and made you look at him. “Would you be a good girl and tell us exactly what you want?” He purred and felt Diavolo’s chin resting on his right shoulder. 
“We might be demons, but it is a hassle to read minds, you know?” He grabbed your waist and you jerked when he squeezed you softly. “So? What is it going to be?”
Oh, Lucifer almost felt bad seeing you sobbing like this, he wanted to take you between his arms and clean your tears, however, ‘almost’ was the key word. He was beyond dizzy with your scent overflowing Diavolo’s chambers. You were enjoying every second of this. You liked them teasing you until you cried, you liked them tickling you and eating you out. You liked them treating you like a little toy they could use until they got bored– so would you be good and admit it?
“Please,” you cried, liking your lips. “Please, please, please… tickle me more and keep making me feel good. Please?”
Lucifer felt Diavolo shuddering behind him and in a blink of an eye, he was back with his head between your legs, not before leaving an open-mouthed kiss to the back of Lucifer’s neck, making him bite back a moan. 
“Ngh! Y-Yes! Th-That feels s-so good! NghahahAHAHA!”
Lucifer went to work quickly too. His hands latching to your ribs, squeezing them gently but hard enough to make you laugh your head off. His light, nimble fingers rubbed, pinched and vibrated against each bone and in the sensitive spaces in between. Your moany laugh made him shudder as he closed his mouth around your erect nipple. Your body reacted wonderfully to that, arching against his hands and mouth, asking to wreck you more. 
“I cahahahan’t!” You laughed, shaking your head when Lucifer’s fingers found a nerve on your lower ribs that had you nearly in hysterics. “Plehehehase hahahave mehehercy! NGH!” You cried, but Lucifer ultimately ignored you as his tongue flicked your nipple.
Lucifer had never met someone who could get horny by tickling. It was a stupid game that he didn’t particularly enjoyed or disliked, but if he could, he would keep himself away from any situation that could possibly have him laughing his head off, so knowing that there was a silly human who liked being tickled to pieces was something new to him, yet it was also absolute adorable and, if he had to be honest, really hot. 
Your laughter was simply beautiful and those obscene noises more so; it was a combination he never thought of but that was starting to be one of his favorites. 
“PLEHEHEASE! Oh, plehehease, I’m gohohoing to cuhuhum! I’m going t-toho-! AH!”
You barely had time to regain your breath before you dissolved into another orgasm. Lucifer sucked on your nipple and dug his fingers into your highest ribs, so close to your armpits, as he felt you coming one more time. Your body jolted, shivered and trembled with great force, your skin covering in goosebumps. 
He lifted his face to look at you, a string of saliva connecting your nipple to his mouth, and he whistled, seeing your face. You were sweating, tears rolling down your cheeks, drool dripping down your chin and even some snot was coming out from your nose. Your face was red, your eyebrows furrowed- you looked so beautifully wrecked, Lucifer could barely take it.
“P-Please,” you babbled, whimpering as Diavolo kept licking your trembling clit. “N-No m-more. It tihickles!”
“You’re gorgeous,” Lucifer mumbled, his nose nuzzling your wet cheek as you came down from your high. “I want you to laugh some more.”
You shook your head, “n-no plehease, I j-just cahame. It’s g-gonna be soho ba- AHAHAHA!”
Lucifer’s fingers were suddenly nestling under your arms, your armpits nicely taut for his fingers to tickle them merciless. 
“NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” You begged, howling in hysterics. Your laughter was the loudest they had ever heard. “Plehehease, Luhuhuci! I’ll reheheally dihihihie! Plehehease nohohot thehehere! I juhuhust cahahame!”
Lucifer chuckled, his fingers wiggling right in the middle of your armpits. “You’ll not die,” he said tenderly. “I won’t let you.”
You could only shake your head as Lucifer tickled you. The Avatar of Pride was vicious in his attack, he wanted to hear that hysterical laugh, he wanted to indulge you in all the tickling you’ve missed for not telling them what you wanted.
“I really can’t take this anymore,” Diavolo suddenly said and Lucifer turned around just to see the Crown Prince unbuttoning his slacks, his cock, red and wet, escaping from his underwear, looking ready to burst. Lucifer’s fingers froze as he stared at Diavolo’s length, he gulped, swallowing thickly. “You don’t mind, right beautiful?”
You gasped for air as you weakly lifted your head to look at Diavolo, your eyes widening when you saw his erect cock. You shook your head. “Di-Diavolo, I ju-just came. Give me o-one moment, I- fuck! Angh!”
He easily entered you. You were plenty wet already, Diavolo slipped easily into you. The Crown Prince gripped your thighs as he moved in and out. Your moans filled their ears and Lucifer didn’t know where to look, but his fingers twitched and he remembered he was tickling your poor, exposed armpits.
“NO! Nohohoho! Nahahat thahahat! Plehehehase! PLEHEHEASE! Luhuhucifeheher!” You threw your head back, laughing and moaning as Lucifer heard Diavolo’s own grunts and moans along with the sound of skin slapping against skin. “H-Hahaharder! Diahahavolo, h-hahaharder!”
Diavolo chuckled, “o-oh?” he said, through gritted teeth. “Harder? Like this?”
You moaned, “Yes! Yehehes, mohohore! Plehehase, mohohore!” 
“More what?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head to the side with a playful smirk as he vibrated his fingers against your armpits, making you snort. “More tickles?”
You nodded your head weakly, “YEHEHES, plehehease! AH! Ahahahaa, nnngghh!”
Lucifer was surprised when you jolted and he looked behind him to see Diavolo’s thumbs sinking into your hips, tickling as he fucked you nicely. “You like that, beautiful?”
You nodded again, your voice hoarse. “Yehehehes! I’m gohohoing- annghh! I’m gohohoing to cuhuhum!”
“Me too,” Diavolo mumbled and Lucifer how both his lovers came undone at the same time. Their moans sending shivers down his spine. 
“LUHUHUCIHIHIFER PLEHEHEASE!” You shrieked in hysterics. Lucifer hadn’t stopped tickling you and after cumming for the third time, you were far from sensitive, he was amazed you could laugh still. “I’m gohohoing crahahahazy, plehehehease!” 
“Are you now? I’m sure you’re loving- whoa!” He was a bit startled when your arms suddenly came down, trapping his hands under them. Diavolo had broken his own spell and now you were free to move and squirm as you laughed your precious head off.
Lucifer chuckled and he finally stopped, pulling his head out from under your arms to let you catch your breath. You collapsed against the bed, breathing heavily and twitching a little. The strong smell slowly faded away and the demons’ arousal slowly died down as well as they looked at you adoringly and they both laid beside you, embracing you between their arms as they whispered sweet things against your ears.
‘Why didn’t you tell us before?’
‘Were you scared we were going to make fun of you?’
‘Was that too much?’
‘Did you enjoy yourself?’
‘What was your favorite part?’
A bunch of questions that mostly had you giggling because their whispers tickled you, but you answered each of them and they were satisfied, knowing that you stubbornly refused to admit that you were enjoying yourself. 
“Thank you,” you said softly. “That was amazing… I wouldn’t mind repeating it again some time.”
Lucifer laughed at that and he squeezed your waist, making you giggle. “Like right now?”
“Nohoho! N-Not now,” you said, shaking your head and moving closer to Diavolo who gently covered your naked body with a blanket. “Right now I want to sleep.”
Diavolo beamed, “a nap sounds fantastic right now!”
Lucifer made a face, “we’re all sticky, though, let’s take a bath first.” He hid a smirk when you and Diavolo whined like children as he got up from bed, heading to Diavolo’s bathroom. “Who knows,” he said, shrugging. “Our hands can slip and we could end up doing something else- oh, weren’t you both in bed?”
Suddenly, you and Diavolo were behind him, following him into the bathroom and he chuckled, shaking his head.
In the back of his head he thought about the main reason he had visited Diavolo’s chambers in the first place and he felt guilty thinking about all the paperwork that was awaiting for him at his office. Maybe he can skip the napping and let his darlings rest while he worked and-
“Aha! N-Nohohot mehehe! Not mehehehe!” Diavolo laughed, already half naked with your hands glued to his ribs, tickling him playfully. 
Lucifer sighed, smiling softly. Well, that paperwork could wait one more day, couldn’t it?
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Can I buyyyyyyy some cherries and bananas for Lee!satan and Ler!lucifer
Fruit(s): Cherries, Bananas
WHOOOOOO DAMN I haven’t played this in two years @~@. I tried my best to keep these boys in character and flesh the idea out. Hopefully this doesn’t suck(/hj). May or may not have restarted my interest in this fandom… As always, thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Satan
Ler: Lucifer
Summary: Satan becomes engrossed in a new novel, locking himself in his room all day. He forgets about everything else as time flies, accidentally ignoring his duties and MC. Lucifer gives him a reminder he won’t soon forget.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Satan curled up on his bed, the soft pattering of rain on his bay window making the perfect white noise. He had been gifted a new mystery/drama novel by his favorite human and was intent on binge-reading it to the end. Abandoning his worries and silencing his D.D.D., the avatar of Wrath cracked the spine and began to read his new novel.
Lucifer stormed through the halls of the House of Lamentation, heading for the fourth oldest brother’s room. The knowledge-obsessed recluse hadn’t shown his face in over 24 hours. MC was worried, and the blonde demon’s list of assignments was left untouched. 
As the oldest, he took it upon himself to punish his brothers for their various misdeeds. Despite this, he had a soft spot for every one of them in his heart, no matter how small. Mammon was a cheeky, greedy little shit most of the time, but he still loved him as his brother. Nevertheless, Satan’s hermiting couldn’t be left unchecked.
Reaching the sturdy oak barrier, Lucifer knocked rather politely. He was too civilized to bang right away, though he definitely felt like it. “Satan! Open this door, now!” He could still yell, though.
The bibliophile jolted, almost dropping his beloved book as the yell shook him. He scoffed, bookmarked his page and moved to open the door. “What is it, Lucifer? I’m doing something.”
That got a huff out of the prideful demon, his eye twitching. “It’s not your list of tasks for today, is it? Or perhaps spending time with the human? You can’t be in there just reading and think you can speak to me that way.” Internally, he facepalmed. He really had lost track of time, hadn’t he? No way he was admitting that to Lucifer, though. “What makes you think you can talk to me like I’m a child? I’ll get them done, and I’ve got plans to hang out with MC later.”
That made the older man’s blood boil. Normally he’d smack the other demon around a bit and call it a day, but that time was different. He had promised his human that he would refrain from harming his brothers, especially satan. They hate seeing the two fight. Violence is off the table, but something else they had shown him came to mind. Bingo…
The smirk on Lucifer’s face sent an odd feeling to his stomach. One he could’ve sworn he’d felt before, but couldn’t quite remember when. “Satan, I’m giving you five seconds to run. If I were you, I’d use them~” He raised one hand, teasingly wiggling his fingers. Oh... Oh.
Satan did what any rational demon would in that scenario; he ran for his life. Luci rarely got into teasing moods, but when he did, they were killer. Every brother in the House knew to fear a playful Lucifer. 
The eldest brother chuckled, watching the cat-lover flee. He loved moments like these, though he’d never admit it. He slowly counted to five listening to every shoe squeak and opening door as his brother ran. Finally, when the time was up, he pursued his victim for the evening.
Lucifer followed his mental map, retracing the noises he’d heard. A shoe squeak for a turn, a door slam for a room change. He reached the end of the trail, watching a bag swing on the closet door. There we are…
Taking long, slow strides, he walked over to the closet. The demon made sure every step was loud and slapped against the ground for his hidden brother to hear. Was it mean? Absolutely. Did he care? Not one bit.
Satan kept a hand pressed over his mouth, not daring to make a sound. He knew that Lucifer was just drawing it out. Before their human showed up, the brothers never would’ve considered such a playful option. But now? It was their favorite alternative, often on both the giving and receiving side. Lucifer was still the most revered in the family, even in such a silly sense.
Chuckling to himself, Lucifer flung the closet door open, grabbing his brother’s arm and pinning him to the couch before he could even think about running. Satan kicked and squirmed, his tucked cardigan quickly getting bunched as he tried to escape. “L-Lucifer! Let me go right now!” 
A gleam shone in his older brother’s eyes, one that sent a shiver down his spine. He only got that look when he was about to do something evil, usually to Mammon… If only the greedy avatar were there to distract him. 
Lucifer leaned in, speaking directly into his brother’s ear. “I want you to know, Satan, that I will be tickling you mercilessly.” His tone was as smug as it was level. The simple gesture made his stomach do anticipatory flips. “And I will be enjoying myself~”
Before he could even breathe another protest, Luci dug into his upper rib cage, scribbling and drilling his fingers between each bone. Satan fell in a giggle fit, his cheeks quickly pinkening. “L-Luhucifeheher! Nohoho! Gehet off mehehehe!” 
“Aww, how unfortunate for you, brother. I won’t be doing that anytime soon.” He cooed, climbing up and down Satan’s rib cage with his wiggly fingers. He had the other demon strongly pinned, giving him very little wiggle room. Still, he tried his best to get away. “Gohoho awahay! I-Ihihi’ll stohop reading fohor todahahay!” 
Lucifer believed him, though he didn’t care. His sadism kept him going, but more than that, he liked seeing his logical brother laugh. “Go away? What have I said about you speaking to me like that?” He moved his wiggling fingers to Satan’s neck, basking in the high-pitched squeal he caused. “N-NYAHAHAO! LUHUCIFER, PLEHEHEASE!” That had to be one of his favorite spots, though the true winner was up next.
Satan hated begging anyone for anything, especially Lucifer. His neck was stupidly ticklish, though, and he’d much rather beg under Luci than laugh and squeal like a child. The prideful demon had no intentions of stopping, instead moving to Satan’s “jackpot spot” as his brothers called it. He moved two fingers underneath the boy’s chin, attacking the area with his short nails.
Satan was not proud of his reaction.
A mash-up of a squeal, snort and scream ripped from his throat, his whole body jolting at the feeling. The blush had pretty much taken over his face, tinting his neck and ears a vibrant crimson. “L-LUHAHAHA! I- IHI- NAHAHAHO!” Amidst the crazed laughter, unintelligible nonsense reached the other demon’s ears. He couldn’t understand that if he tried.
“Wow, Satan; I never knew a demon could get so flushed. You’re as red as Diavolo’s coat.” Lucifer had no problems  being an asshole to his brother; he had promised he wouldn’t hurt the other demon, but he never said he wouldn’t drive him mad. The teasing was just one more way to make sure his punishment stuck.
Satan was lost in his laughter. His nerves felt as if they were on fire with the ticklish sensation, his typically logical and quick mind a squishy, bubbly soup. There was no way he could do anything but laugh and hope Lucifer had a heart. “PLEAHAHA- PLEHEASE! MEHEHERCY!” 
While he was greatly enjoying himself, he could tell his cat-loving brother was at his wits end. With a sigh, he retracted his fingers from beneath Satan’s chin, granting the man his mercy. “You’re lucky I’m feeling benevolent today, brother. Next time, I won’t stop my fun so quickly.” 
With that, he released Satan’s arms and dusted off his coat as he stood. He had no shame for reducing his brother to a dazed, giggly puddle. Lucifer left the room, leaving his brother to recover by himself. He had a human to inform.
Satan curled up on the couch, rubbing his neck and hugging himself. Such an asshole… He refused to acknowledge the buzzing in his stomach, instead focusing on a revenge scheme. Taking a deep breath, the Avatar of Wrath stood, following the distant sound of his older brother’s footsteps. After he ranted to MC about how amazing the novel he received was, he had the perfect idea for his revenge. It was only a matter of time…
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