#is this because of the alastor thing
undead-discourse · 3 months
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LMAOOO guys slenderman just told me to kill myself
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a1sart · 8 months
if there's one thing this last episode has affirmed for me about Alastor it's that he FUCKING HATES being reminded that he's not the most powerful creature in hell.
Like, he hates being ignored by Carmilla when she says she doesn't care why he was gone
He hates Lucifer ON SIGHT
He threatens to KILL Husk when he dares to mention that Alastor is working for someone more powerful than him
and now this.
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Alastor freaking out because he almost died. Something almost killed him. He can fucking die. There is something more powerful than him out there. And it's not something he can ignore or brush off because it almost killed him.
Alastor hates the reminder that he's not as powerful as he tells people he is. He isn't indestructible, he isn't invincible. And he fucking hates that.
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calam4r1 · 3 months
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motherly love
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
concept of katie killjoy having sold her soul to vox because she thought he was an honourable Straight Man and low-key had a thing for him but then later found out he was one of the QUEERS but it was already too late by then
she thinks valentino turned him gay (only because he's more openly queer and it was more obvious with him than vox)
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nerdynuala · 4 months
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Sketch of the adorable scene in the new chapter of Of Saints and Sinners by @morningstarwrites
This scene was too cute, I couldn't ignore the urge to sketch it ಥ◡ಥ
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nouverx · 4 months
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Day 5 and Day 6 of Radiostatic Week
Free day (Picture) and one sided attraction. Seems like purple doesn't suit Alastor...
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allastoredeer · 4 months
Since you're a multishipper (love that) have you consider Adam, Lucifer and Alastor as a trio? (Poor, poor Alastor)
Any thoughts?
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Do I want Alastor to be stuck in the middle of a petty angel sandwich?
Yes. Yes I do.
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diurnalvl · 6 months
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seven years ago, they used to be friends. almost.
1 / 2 / ?
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vaggieslefteye · 2 months
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ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴄʜᴏᴏꜱᴇ ↳ anonymous asked: HUSK and ALASTOR or angel and valentino?
#hazbin hotel#husk#hazbin husk#alastor#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel edit#hazbin edit#radio demon#requested#make me choose#my gifs#dad beat dad#flashing gif#flickering gif#the full ask said ''in whichever way you define'' at the end so#i chose based off of which dynamic i'm more intrigued by. valentino as a villain and as a challenge to angel is REALLY interesting dont get#me wrong here. it's great. but THESE two have a lot of untapped potential for husk specifically#alastor is just there at the moment but HUSK. husk. it really is a mirror to angel's situation - everything wrong in his afterlife is#because of that gamble. but he WAS an overlord. HE was the one doing that horrible shit before. that's INTERESTING!!#he gathered and gambled away souls like money. it was all just a game to him. now HE'S getting his. a sick poetic justice in a way.#i am SO excited to see if they dive into this more!! will he ever self reflect? if he does will we SEE him doing this reflection? will it#be enough to play a part in him choosing to redeem himself? or even decide if redemption is worth the effort? i feel like there's potential#with his dynamic with alastor to influence that big time + his friendship with angel will also be a major factor#also making this set made me realize the hallway scene is like their one major interaction. jfc and it's fucking HORRIFYING lmao#look i loved their pilot interaction/dynamic as much as the next person but this is just. SO much better. more things to explore.#i'm really glad in the end that they were rewritten in this way. A+
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Angel Dust: “D’ya ever get a weird feelin’ about this place?”
Husk: “Yeah. Sweet an sickening. Like fucking syrup.”
Angel Dust: “NEVER fuck usin’ syrup UGH.”
Niffty: “I think the floor right under the second story banister railings feels weirdest! Almost bouncy when you SMASH into it!”
Angel Dust: “Not what I meant, NFT. It’s more like-”
SOMETHING: (blurs past the open door behind them)
Door: (...crreeeeks softly on it’s hinges...)
Them: (turns and stare)
Angel Dust: “…it’s like, a cold draft, innit?”
Husk: (spooked) (fur fluffed) “Cheap as fuck place. Run down.”
Niffty: “Prime roach real estate!”
Angel Dust: “Unsettlin’. The word I’m lookin’ for is, unsettlin’.”
EYES: (blink open and glow in the shadowy corner above them.)
Angel Dust: “Creepy, even.”
EYES: (rotate 360 degrees) (still staring)
Angel Dust: “I dunno. Don’t ya just get the shivers sometimes in here? Brr.” (shudders)
Husk: “Guess the eternal pep can be kinda fucked up from the owner. No one in hell is really that fucking happy all the fucking time.”
Niffty: “I AM!!!”
Husk: “No one who’s not fucking Niffty is that happy in hell.”
Niffty: “I LOVE it here. You only got to die ONCE back in the living world.”
Angel Dust: “Once should be enough for anyone, Niffters.”
Niffty: (giggling) “Not for me! Not when it's comes to eating spiders.”
Husk: “Oh FUCK that-”
Niffty: “Think the thing watching us right now also eats spiders?”
Husk: “…”
Angel Dust: “…”
EYES: (blink) (vanish)
The Three of Them: (turn and stare)
Angel Dust: “….Husker? Any room in ya bed for guy who doesn’t wanna be alone tonight?”
Husk: “Fuck no. Anyone tries getting in my room tonight is being served a motherfucking Molotov cocktail on the house.”
Angel Dust: “I can make it worth ya while. Tire us both out so’s maybe we can get some actual sleep.”
Husk: “You think I’m gonna fucking sleep?”
Niffty: “Sometimes I eat the spiders in my sleep…”
Husk: “Niffty, I need you fucking shut up talking in that creepy little girl voice.”
Niffty: “Okay! But whyyyy~?”
Husk: “THAT’S fucking WHY.”
Angel Dust: “-shh! SHH SHHHH! D’ya hear that!?”
Husk: “Wh- don’t fucking touch me-”
Angel Dust: (strangling him a little with holding) “Husk holy shit!”
Husk: (claws out) (super floofed) “What? WHAT??”
Niffty: “Ohhh…..”
Angel Dust: “It’s COMIN’!”
Niffty: “Nooo it’s naaaw-auuuught~”
Niffty: “It’s Here~”
SOMETHING: (drops in from the open window)
Them: (SCREAM)
Vaggie: “Have you guys seen- Stop screaming it’s just me- have any of you seen Charlie around?”
Husk: “FUCK! FUCK!!!”
Niffty: “Aww.” (slumps) “Hi Vaggie….”
Vaggie: “Yeah hey… What’s got into you all?”
Angel Dust: “Into US? YoU-”
Niffty: “We’ve been terrified. It’s been fun!”
Angel Dust: “You and ya rich girlfriend have hell’s worst unpaying guest creepin’ around, and ya wonder what’s up with US?!?!”
Vaggie: “Oh. So you have seen her.”
Niffty: “Ohhh…! It’s a her!”
Vaggie: “Sure. And don’t fucking call her that.”
Husk: “I don’t wanna fucking know I don’t wanna fucking know I don’t wanna I don’t wanna no no no fuck NO-”
Vaggie: (rolls eye)
Vaggie: “Sweetie? Can you stop with the friendship notes and come out now?”
Something: (from shadows) “I’m bi!”
Vaggie: (smiles) “Out in the open where they can see you, babe.”
Charlie: “Aww, Vaggieeee…” (slips out of shadows with notebook and pout) “You’re messing with the sterile observed conditions and data collection. They were bonding!”
Angel Dust: “TOOTS!?”
Husk: “Oh.. fuck… you.”
Vaggie: “They sure were clinging to each other at least.”
Husk: “Fuck you MORE I fucking wasn’t.”
Vaggie: “Weren’t stopping him from climbing you like a tree though, were you?”
Charlie: “Sorry about that, Angel Dust. I just got so excited-”
Husk: “Get. Fucked.”
Vaggie: “My girlfriend takes care of that already thanks.”
Angel Dust: “EXCITED? To be stalkin’ a guy like he’s a freaking gazelle on a shitty nature doc that skips all the fucking an’ only shows the non-sexy rippin’ an tearin’ an eatin’ alive bits!?”
Charlie: “Well-”
Niffty: “Hi Charlie! Were you watching us like bugs in a bug trap? Right before they get SQUISHED?”
Charlie: “-um no. No I wasn’t-”
Niffty: “Awww why nooooooooot?”
Charlie: “I wasn’t... trying to?”
Husk: “Oh that’s not fucking terrifying to fucking hear.”
Angel Dust: “TRY HARDER NOT TO NEXT TIME! Ugh! I’m too shaky to even make a hardness pun- AND I think this gave me STRESS WRINKLES. I WORK WITH THIS FACE! Among other body parts- I cannot fucking AFFORD wrinkles, Charmeleon!”
Charlie: “Aw guys I’m sorry! I just saw you three chatting together and.” (waves notebook) “Y’know?”
Vaggie: “I know, babe.”
Angel Dust: “NO!?”
Husk: “Fuck. No.”
Niffty: “Nope! I would’ve gone STRAIGHT into hunt and kill mode!”
Husk: “Which is what it fucking FELT like you fucking did.”
Charlie: “Ooookay then, my bad. But! You all feel better now you know it was just me, right?”
Them: “….”
Charlie: “B- because you know I’d never actually hunt any of your through the halls of my hotel. Right?”
Them: “……”
Charlie: “…you, you guys know you’re safe here and I didn’t bring you here for some fucked up creepy personal murder torture reason… right…?”
Them: “……….”
Niffty: (raises hand) “I-”
Charlie: “NIFFTY THANK YOU!! See? She believes-”
Niffty: “I felt really GREAT thinking you were hunting me for sport! Can I go back to thinking that?”
Charlie: “-that, you, oh. No that’s-” (droops) “…sure … whatever makes you happy, Niffty.”
Niffty: “YAY FEAR!” (hugs Charlie’s knees) (skitters away)
Angel Dust: “Oh yippie. Getting’ high off my ass and blackin’ all this out from my memory will make ME happy.” (flounces off) “Sweet dreams, toots! I sure as hell won’t be havin’ ‘em!”
Charlie: “I’m sor-”
Husk: “Anyone fucking needs me, don’t.”
Charlie: “Husk, I really-”
Husk: (already gone)  
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “….. fuck.”
Vaggie: “It’ll be fine.” (pats Charlie gently) “Don’t freak out about it. They’re just, shook up.”
Charlie: (tired) “Except Niffty.”
Vaggie: “Niffty’s uhhh, she seems like the exception to most things yeah.”
Charlie: “She likes being scared of me.”
Vaggie: “Well. Thrilled? By you? I mean she gets her kicks out of it, so…”
Charlie: “I don’t like being scary.”
Vaggie: “You’re not.”
Charlie: “I scared them.”
Vaggie: “Startled and creeped out a little. It’s not the same thing.”
Charlie: “Isn’t it? I’m- I hate that I'm-”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “You. Are. Not.”
Charlie: “But-”
Vaggie: (takes hand) “You’re a lot of things, Charlie Morningstar. Sometimes you’re a lot of those lot of things- which I love-”
Charlie: “Heh.”
Vaggie: “But being scary just by existing? Isn’t one of them. You can be you, all the way, the whole demon princess Charlie package- and not scare anyone. I promise."
Charlie: "Tell that to my ex..."
Vaggie: "I'll carve it into his stupid fucking skull- kidding! I'm kidding."
Charlie: "I'd believe that more if you hadn't already tried."
Vaggie: "Well believe me NOW when I'm trying to say- You can get scary when someone you love is hurt or threatened, sure. That's, not a bad thing. There's nothing about you that you need to hide to have people in your life. Living with you, every part of you, is great."
Charlie: "....."
Vaggie: "Charlie c'mon- I should know. If we’re talking observed data and stuff, I’ve already got three years of it. Right?”     
Charlie: “…right.” (weak smile) “I did it again though, didn’t I?”
Vaggie: “What, the intensely following around someone you’ve invited into your home trying to figure out how to make them feel more comfortable without bothering them or spooking them, working hard not to let them see how you spend hours just staring at them, taking in every little detail you can, but staring so hard they can feel it on the back of their neck anyway?”
Charlie: “And you’re sure that’s not scary. Like at all.”
Vaggie: “I always thought is was cute. Intense and a kinda worrying sign of how alone you’d been, sure, but cute.”
Charlie: “Hmph.”
Vaggie: (leans up to smooch her) “And our hazbins will too. Just give ‘em time.”
Charlie: “Our hazbins?” (grins) “Our? Oh now THAT’S cute.” (opens book and scribbles note) “Today… Vaggie.. bonded with…”
Vaggie: “I did not.”
Charlie: “…OUR- underline underline add some hearts- hazbins!”
Vaggie: “Charlie I didn’t. I barely even spoke with them.”
Charlie: “You’re comparing them to your past self and making connections between you when we first met and them now, aren’t you. You’re empathizing with them! That’s bonding! That’s ADORABLE!!”  
Vaggie: (sigh) “That’s my cue to drag you off to bed.”
Charlie: “You’re adorable~”
Vaggie: “Says the cute demon lady lovingly stalking her new friends.”
Charlie: “Do you think they’ll be friends with me? I mean I’m friends with them, but-”
Vaggie: “Charlie, they’ve met you. It’s inevitable.”
Charlie: “Heheh. Juuuust like this kiss~”
(smooch some more)
Vaggie: “Whoa there!” (chuckling) “Save it for the bed sweetie, or we’ll never get there.”
Charlie: (giggling) “Sorry. I’m not used to not having everything all to ourselves. And I suppose making out in the public areas wouldn’t be very polite, even in the middle of the night with no one around.”
Vaggie: “Probably. We’ve freaked them out enough for one day I think.”
Charlie: “There are definite downsides to having a hotel with actual other people living in it, huh….”
Vaggie: “Worth it?”
Charlie: “Mm. I hope so. I hope they’ll think so too.”
Vaggie: “They will, babe. They will.”
-Next Night-
-Alastor’s Radio Tower-
Alastor: (humming and happily prepping the next track for broadcast)
SOMETHING: (slowly rises up beyond the window behind him)
Alastor: (ears twitch) (adjust audio balance knob)  
SOMETHING: (presses against window)
Window: (Distinctive flesh-dragging-across-glass sound)
Alastor: (stops)
SOMETHING: (fades into shadows)
Alastor: (turns)
Window: (has smudge mark on it)
Alastor: “….hmm…” (walks over) (wipes window) (smudge stays bc it’s on the outside) “Interesting...”
Alastor: (goes back to disc jockeying)
SOMETHING: (reaches up and drags finger through smudge mark)
Alastor: (stops and turns)
Alastor: “Ohoho? My my my, now isn’t THIS just droll! Who COULD have left a message here for me. On my own radio tower! Smudging my glass! (smirks and walks over) “Hmm? Something dire and THREATENING no doubt? Not something they will REGRET I am SURE ha ha ha!”
Alastor: (bends down to read) “It appears to say…”
Window: (smudge has the word ‘FRIENDS’ written through it)
Alastor: (snaps back upright) (stares) (steps back) (stares harder)
Alastor: “…how… amusing.”
Alastor: (goes back to control panel)
Alastor: “….”
Alastor: (relaxes) (picks up microphone and holds it casually at the ready)
Alastor: (reaches for a record-)
SOMETHING: (slips past window behind him)
Alastor: (turning) (Shrieking) “KKKKSSSSSSSSFKKKSST” (yeets record out through window)
Window: (shatters)
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….hope that one wasn’t important, pendejo. It’s on the first floor now. In about a hundred pieces.”
Alastor: (lowering microphone) “Oh my dear I DO apologize!” (simpering) (Glowering) “Poor thing. Not hurt, are you? Not frightened at all I hope? Really I don’t know WHAT would have happened if I had happened to HIT you!”
Vaggie: “Me frightened? No.” (tosses cleaning rag over shoulder) “The scary little smudge is gone anyway, so I’m off. Bye.”
Alastor: “Oh delightful! You KNOW ABOUT-”
Vaggie: (gone)
Alastor: “……hmmmmmm….”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “She’s so hot when she’s all ‘doesn’t even blink when something almost would've decapitated her if she hadn’t casually leaned back’ isn’t she?”
Alastor: (shriek is broadcast all over Pentagram city, shattering the remaining windows in his radio tower)
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Hi! With your stargazers au, what radio symbols do you use with Alastor's powers? What do those symbols mean and is there some special thought behind choices in symbols?
📻: "These ones, my dear?"
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Keen eye! They're actually various electrical symbols for radio stations and are NOT VOODOO at all. As I'm not a practitioner of the Vaudoux religion, I didn't feel qualified enough to represent their practices all willy nilly. Though Alastor is still very much an actual Creole Vodouisant who lived in New Orleans Louisiana in my #HHStargazersAU! This design choice for his magic came to mind when I realized that since I couldn't use the more natural voodoo deer side of him, I could just shift focus to his more electronic radio hosting aspect. Which actually had symbolisms of their own! Be it his radio symbols or sound waves. Pictograms that were likely used on signs, books, or instructions, and such. That's how his green spells came to be in my story and they're usually just the general symbols for radio! ^v^
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demonforthesemen · 5 months
Of course I love Lucifer falling for Alastor and having a whole crisis about it because (perceived or real) unrequited love is a bitch, but consider: Lucifer being deeply messed up over the way his very loving marriage ended.
Lucifer's only experience with romance being the one to fall first, the one to fall harder, and the one left behind.
Lucifer realizing he's fallen in love with Alastor and it's not ideal in any way, shape, or form, to put it mildly, but there's a strange relief there. Lucifer feeling safe with this love because he doesn't have to do anything with it, because (as far as Lucifer knows), Alastor is certainly amused by him but he most definitely doesn't feel any real affection for him.
Love grew and changed and soured between Lucifer and Lilith, but with Alastor it can remain in stasis, untouched and forever boxed up like a collector's item, only pristine and beautiful and worth something if left alone.
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snowyh2o · 7 months
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My hand slipped—
Anyways, drew what I think Alastor might look like as an angel.
Couldn’t decide which looked better so have both.
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prince-liest · 1 month
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One of my 666 extras ideas evolved into something that's almost certainly going to turn big enough to be a whole separate installment, I think!
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
wondering now which of the main characters from hazbin have the updated lgbtq+ lingo down. just velvette and rosie perhaps? i was going to say angel, but my guy died in the 40s and i think probably got as far as "bi is a thing for some people." i would actually wonder if val knows more than he does RIP. (imagining someone - probably charlie - realising there's all this new queer language and symbolism and doing a deep-dive and she gets everyone a flag, and they're all just ??? thank you? for random flag?)
velvette and rosie for sure, val to an extent if the art of him holding up the bi and pan flags means anything LMAO and also because velvette probably at least tried to explain to him and vox, how much they understood? who knows.
angel dust… likely not…? but this is also pretty old
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because then again, some of these characters own modern phones and surf the web in hell, if they keep up to date with technology, they gotta have at least heard of some of these more modern terms
I do like the idea of them just randomly getting flags they don't understand though be it by charlie or rosie. alastor gets the aromantic and asexual flags and he wonders why he gets 2 when everyone else gets 1 and he goes "is it because I'm mixed?????" he doesn't think those are the right country flags though
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aclownsclownery · 6 months
"Aroace people can still date"
Yeah and aroace people can also bash your skull in and thats what this aroace person is gonna do if you keep using this as an argument to ignore a characters identity
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