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boxforhead · 11 months ago
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one way broadcast am i right
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 year ago
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I love how these 5 kind of form a chain with their connections and I desperately need to see all of those connections come together at some point
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greykolla-art · 11 months ago
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“I’m a SHARK-” said Alastor the deer demon, “because it’s a good metaphor!’
(NO I will not do a part 2!💕)
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fourdollarwords · 8 months ago
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Things I need in season 2: the other Vees mercilessly mocking Vox.
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moon--kit · 10 months ago
RadioStatic Week Day 7 (Protecting the other)
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eatmyson · 11 months ago
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viv posted this pic and i just had to do it
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staticradioismyfavhateship · 2 months ago
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Love his change in expression as he realizes who is actually looking back at him through the screen. The first time in 7 years their eyes meet, and he realizes oh fuck... I'm not ready for this.
Love the bisexual lighting.
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grandkhan221b · 1 year ago
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The Vox fan to Vees fan pipeline
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celtrist · 5 months ago
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Next thing you'll say is he doesn't have a tail
ref to this pic
EDIT: Just to keep things clear I didn't really think about bringing it up but not everyone's gonna click to see the first picture and might be confused. Alastor was stated to know only a little bit of broken French, the reasoning due to being from New Orleans. Speaking standard French is very much not a thing in New Orleans, so he would logically only know French-Creole. This is very different from the standard French language and a large misconception that people from New Orleans speak regular French. So yes, he does speak some French, just not as well as people make him nor would it, in theory, be the regular French that everyone makes him speak [but I wouldn't put it past the writers to not do that research but maybe I have too little faith in them]. I'm not from New Orleans, I visited it once so it's not like I'm an expert. But I HAVE looked into it and just bothering with one Google search will tell you it's not common and you'll even have a special term called "Louisiana French" pop up. With that all said, these were statements made on years past streams and could've been changed in the official series. However, as of right now, the official statement is that he speaks only a little broken French that should technically be French-Creole if they're going by and that he's from New Orleans to know that language. And again, I don't have a lot of faith in writers to do the research into it being Louisiana French rather than regular French, but now I'm rambling lol This is just a bit of context for this comic so people who were curious can understand it a bit more. And it's totally possible I got something wrong, so feel free to point it out when I do. I just like to dig into the nooks and crannies of information for things :3 2nd EDIT: Just for any future reblogs, I did get somethings incorrect in the above (not surprising), so here's some of the corrections I got:
@mangotangerine: "A tiny nitpick - it would likely be Louisiana Creole, which is one of the French-based Creole languages (Haitian Creole is prob the most well known as it has about 10-12 million speakers vs Louisiana Creole which has around 10,000 due to multiple factors but especially legislation in early 1920s outlawing it). Louisiana French is an umbrella term for the various French dialects/etc in the region (e.g., the dialect Cajun French)." (We actually had a whole conversation in the comments of this post and highly suggest looking down there in case you're interested in learning more!)
@alyssumflowers: "I am from New Orleans and a little bit of a language nerd. You're confusing some things here. Cajun French is a dialect of French. My great grandmother spoke it fluently, my grandfather in pieces.
Louisiana Creole is another language entirely. The word "creole" means mixed and a creole language is basically a mixture of two or more languages. Sort of, it's a linguistics thing. Anyways. Louisiana Creole has next to no speakers left and I've had a hard time trying to find somewhere or someone to learn it from because I really want to." (Always great to hear from someone who has more insider knowledge on the subject! So I wanted to give this it's share due as well, hope you can fine somewhere to learn it! /ᐠ > ˕ <マ ₊˚⊹♡ )
Thank you for the comments! My previous statement still stands about Al probably not speaking normal French, but I wanted these corrections still known and pointed out :3
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moth-bytez · 1 year ago
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vox and alastor when they first met maybe!!!!!
after this they formed a one sided close friendship and vox considered alastor a genuine companion (and wanted to do the occasional spit swapping) and so he's been craving his attention and approval ever since this!!!!!! (im crazy abt them)
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pinkbear-13 · 1 year ago
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don't worry guys he's fine :)
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dragengyrr · 8 months ago
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When your mischievous little plan backfires.
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 year ago
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how vox's "offer" for alastor to join his "team" went
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elsa-fogen · 11 months ago
Alastor's apologising (part 2)
It happens after this and before this
Part 1
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Seems like Rosie is angy with Alastor... very angy.
Vox yappin.
i have no thoughts. head empty.
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benjimatorarts · 11 months ago
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A frame from a special episode featuring your favorite radio host!
+Bonus He keeps getting these answers correct, weird.
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To be honest, the top picture was originally going to be part of a bigger piece with other sketches but I kinda went overboard on the coloring and lighting, so I had to make it's own piece.
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moon--kit · 10 months ago
RadioStatic Week Day 5 (Rain (and one gets sick))
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Instant karma
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