#is this a little more unhinged than what we see of him in game? yes
sunsetzer · 9 months
I started thinking about the bio blaster as a concept, because it seems a little... strange? Wouldn't Edgar have disdainful feelings about poison, since the empire (presumably) poisoned his father, and possibly also his mother? And then I had a very spicy thought.
Edgar created the bio blaster... out of spite. In secret, after he was pushed into forming an alliance with the empire, he developed a weapon that blasts poisonous gas, with the intention that it be used against them whenever the chance to fight back finally presented itself. And since the empire assumes he's airheaded and too young to be that clever, they never see it coming.
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coddda · 1 month
Everyone knows that Light and L matched each other's freak but I think their dynamic in the musical (the Japanese ver specifically) is underrated. Like it's not super different from canon but they just had this extra edge of Violence that we never quite saw from the more methodical and careful mindgames in canon death note and I think it's great. Like, yes, they did declare in canon that they will bring each other to justice, yes L says he wants to send Kira to his execution, but in the lyrics of the musical they both outright say multiple times that they just want to straight up Kill each other. It's direct the whole way through. There's more mutual contempt. This game is about nothing more than simply being the first one to Kill the Other (they actually use the word "殺し合い" (koroshiau) or "to kill each other" to describe their game (translated as "murderous ... game")).
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(Sidenote but all those references about wanting to send each other to Hell?? Beautiful)
Yeah this is a battle of justice and ideals, yes that clash is a key part of their final confrontation at the end of the musical, but throughout their duets (or even songs like The Game Begins where they're singing by themselves) there's this near singleminded desire to just fucking End each other. It's fucking Raw and it's great.
Also THIS FUCKING SCENE?? THIS SCENE FROM SECRETS AND LIES. Iconic. Actually Insane. My jaw dropped. Light looks like a crazy bitch it's beautiful.
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Um. Also. Obligatory Playing His Game (yknow the gay sex song) lines dump. It basically says everything I just said above in like 9 lines. You see what I mean right.
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In canon they're playing a game of mental chess, trying to use everyone around them to finally catch the other as their end goal, but in the musical you really do feel like all they see is each other. They would probably beat each other to death with their fists if it came down to that. Idk they're just so excited and fired up about their little game in the musical and it's so unhinged and fun and special and I love it. It's like the writers for the musical decided to kick their murderous intent up a couple notches and the result is absolutely Beautiful.
I also think that the intensity of their rivalry in the beginning just makes the wind-down of The Way It Ends soo much better. It's such a good contrast to their previous duets where they try to sing over each other (Secrets and Lies & Stalemate) or with each other but basically at the top of their lungs (Playing His Game). It feels like there's both a quiet mutual understanding but also an underlying disappointment that the game is finally over. In canon, L's death Is instead the peak of their game, the moment he gets confirmation that Light is Kira is the exact same moment that he dies. In the jdrama it's almost sudden, how L dies, after the quiet moment has already passed. But in the musical L's death, ironically, Is the one quieter moment in their game. Their peak was the game itself. It was Secrets and Lies and Playing His Game. But the end of the game in the musical is not a victory, it's just (as L says) the end of everything they'd been wanting up until this point.
Uh. Fuck it. Clip from the Kenji Urai version because I just love his delivery here. His tone just goes so well with the silence and the sound of the clock ticking. You see what I mean right.
Their rivalry in the musical may have been more shortlived but like Damn they were really enjoying every second of it. They were truly insane about each other until the very end. (Like despite everything I just said about the ending it was still unhinged as fuck. Light Making L Shoot Him and then Making L Shoot Himself with L's Own Hand?? Holy shit man. What the fuck /pos)
Musical Light and L your game might've been shorter but you'll always be famous <33 Please never inflict what you had on anyone else ever please stay in hell forever thank you
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actual-changeling · 10 months
Welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner, and today I have something surprisingly not kiss-related—though it is still about the final fifteen because hey, gotta keep the brand image.
I read this post by @goodoldfashionednightingale and began typing a small response. Then I made the mistake of drinking half a litre of coffee on an empty stomach right after taking my adhd meds and my brain began vibrating at the speed of light.
But oh, have I discovered parallels. This, my friends, is about the nightingale, where it comes from, what it means, and what the fuck happened in part 3 of 1941.
Ready? Let's go.
Now, as OP said in her post, s1e3 is important. In the script book, Neil himself says that these flashbacks are where the producers would tell him to cut scenes to save money. They suggested every single one—except for the one he ended up taking out, which was the bookshop opening scene set in 1800. The others are building blocks, you need them to see how their relationship progressed and what kind of important milestones they had.
(side note: author is very miffed that english does not have a separate subjunctive form like german which makes quoting lines way more confusing than it has to be)
The one I want to mention is neither 1941 nor 1967. No, what I want to talk about is 1601. This might be about to get a bit rambly but I will do my best to keep it tidy.
The focus of that flashback is on the Arrangement, yes, but it gives us a lot more information than that.
they both see Shakespeare's plays regularly, maybe even meet in the crowd
Crowley prefers the comedies
Aziraphale does not seem to have a preference, he enjoys the tragedies and presumably the comedies too
there is an oyster woman selling food -> reference to their meeting in Rome when Aziraphale tempted him to try some oysters
Aziraphale reflexively denies their relationship
Crowley might say he is not worried but circles Aziraphale the entire time, keeping watch
they both ask favours of each other and both agree to do them
What stands out to me in relation to what I am about to expand on is the line that Crowley delivers after Aziraphale's little 'buck up'—which Crowley finds adorable btw but that's a post for another time.
"Age does not wither nor custom stale his infinite variety."
Why would he say that? What exactly is prompting this? WHY say that specific line?
At first I thought it might be to tempt Shakespeare because he does commit art theft by just copying that line down, BUT I think there is more to that. So much more, in fact. I am wiggling now because I am very excited about this and my adhd meds are kicking in anyway.
First things first: the line itself.
It appears in Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra, a romantic tragedy, which was first performed in 1607 aka six years after this meeting. Enobarbus is talking about Cleopatra and describing why Antony won't leave her. Her.
Ccrowley uses his—again, who is he even talking about? Hamlet? Shakespeare? Random poetic quote?
No, I think this line is about Aziraphale and it's a code. Right after, the next line from Aziraphale is "What do you want?", meaning that this is their code phrase for 'I have a favour to ask of you'.
Age does not wither nor custom stale his infinite variety
Age will not affect his appearance nor will he ever become boring to Antony. Crowley, who later chooses the name Anthony for himself, tells Aziraphale, an immortal, that he will never age and that he will never grow bored of him.
It's flattery, pure and simple, and it's code at the same time. This establishes the important fact that they might use more of Shakespeare's work as code/already have a system in place (even though he steals Crowley's line for later).
They play their little morality game of back and forth, Aziraphale agrees, Crowley probably manipulates the coin toss, and THEN we find out that the oyster woman is called Juliet.
Why? What is the meaning of that? Why give her a name and that name in particular? Why bring the sexy oysters back into it?
Romeo and Juliet premiered in 1597, so it is safe to assume they have both seen it by 1601, but this is mostly for the audience, not for us-or is it?
Aziraphale gives Crowley puppy eyes until he agrees to make Hamlet popular, and while I don't think Juliet itself is a code word, although it's very interesting that the OYSTER woman is the one with that name (especially adding what we now know about Job), Romeo and Juliet might be.
Yes, the Nightingale song came out in 1940 but the bird has been around for much, much longer, and, as many probably know by now, also shows up in Romeo and Juliet.
This is where I am starting to vibrate at the speed of light because listen to me. Listen.
Crowley is Juliet. Anthony J. Crowley. Antony Juliet Crowley.
(side note: I'm not saying that Crowley chose it based on that—though I am not not saying that—but that it is a clue for us at the audience.)
Why do I think that? In the play, Romeo spends the night with Juliet and then goes to leave as the night begins to end. Juliet tries to stop him and tells him that the birds they are hearing aren't larks, which sing at dawn, but nightingales, which sing at night.
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Who is the one always pushing for more? Crowley. He is the one trying to convince Aziraphale it's safe, they're safe to spend time together.
Romeo disagrees with Juliet and says 'I must be gone and live, or stay and die'.
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Leave and stay alive, or stay and hell/heaven will punish us. It gets even better though.
We all know how Romeo and Juliet ends: Romeo thinks Juliet is dead, kills himself, Juliet finds him and then kills herself too.
Hey, do you know how Antony and Cleopatra ends?
Antony thinks Cleopatra is dead, kills himself and dies in her arms, then Cleopatra also kills herself—by snake poison; Romeo also died by poison.
The parallels are THERE. They are jumping down our throats! Two tragedies, two sides, several familiar names and phrases, same fear, same ending.
I think by now you can guess how this ties back to 1941.
We do not see how that night ends, but we know it ends. One of them wants to stretch it out, maybe even quotes Romeo and Juliet because look at the setting!
Candlelight, wonderful night they spend together, the threat of Crowley's early demise, and, to quote the play once more, this time Romeo: I have more care to stay than will to go.
Crowley thought it was his last night on earth and went with Aziraphale to his bookshop, to be with him, because he cares more about that than the fact that he will be dragged to hell come morning. Do you remember?
"Expect a legion to come for you first thing tomorrow" THAT is the threat. They have until dawn, just like Romeo and Juliet, which is why she is so desperate for the birds to be nightingales. Fortunately for them, Aziraphale saves the day, BUT there is NO SECURITY. They do not KNOW if a legion will still show up or not. If dawn is a deadline and they will need to fight.
Sure, they improved their chances, but who knows? Maybe they will come for him anyway, it's not like hell is all fair and square.
The best part: it gets even better.
Juliet eventually panics and tells him to go, and Romeo drops a line that huh, sounds oddly familiar, doesn't it?
'More light and light, more dark and dark our woes!'
Remind me, what does Aziraphale say again? Ah, yes. Perhaps there is something to be said for shades of grey.
There is more. Yes, even more. We know the whole rescue relies on a magic trick, a switch. Guess what Juliet yearns for while telling Romeo to go save himself?
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Oh, now I would they had changed voices too. While they did not for Romeo and Juliet—they kiss and part—they did for our two. One fabulous switch and we're good.
(side note: Toads? Associated with hell. Larks? Associated with the dawn, yes, but also heaven since Romeo says 'Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat the vaulty heaven so high above our heads.')
So, this was a whole lot of information, let's see if I can summarize my thoughts.
I believe the nightingale is a code word that has existed even before 1941 and gained a lot of importance over the years. In 1941, the song is added to the meaning and whatever happened between the two that we have not seen yet, it fundamentally changed their relationship. Maybe they kissed, maybe one of them tried to convince the other to prolong the night but they parted on not-great terms.
The nightingale and the song become a symbol of hope, a goal to achieve, another uninterrupted night, maybe, or an uninterrupted life.
When they part in the final fifteen, it's morning. Crowley points at the sky and says "no nightingales", which at that point has several different layers to it.
No nightingales because their night is over, just like with Romeo and Juliet, and please, please allow me to add another detail, because I am frothing at the mouth over this. The scene I quoted, known as balcony scene, do you know what it is preceded by?
A ball.
Star-crossed lovers defying their sides, falling in love at a ball, getting a hurried, wonderful night together but torn apart by danger of punishment, the nightingale as a dream, as a wish for unhurried time together. Family rejection, torn apart by parents, willing to die for each other so they can reunite in death.
No nightingales. The ball, the romance, is over, their dancing is over, heaven is tearing them apart, and Aziraphale returns to heaven while they are both stuck in a pit of misunderstanding and miscommunication, all bound together by fear for each other.
The thing is, Crowley hates tragedies, he never liked the "gloomy ones", and he does not want them to end in one—luckily, this isn't the end. Yes, they kiss and part, but the play keeps going. We have an entire act 3 to fix what Romeo and Juliet couldn't, to ensure that this is a COMEDY, not a tragedy.
Both Antony & Cleopatra and Romeo & Juliet died out of fear, hurried into making bad decisions because they knew what would happen if their sides were to catch up with them.
Crowley and Aziraphale can reunite heaven and hell with love, not death. This is THEIR story and they are writing the ending. No more day and night, no more deadlines, no more hiding and sneaking about, no more fear of larks and sunshine.
Good Omens will end the way it began: In a garden with two no-longer-star-crossed lovers embracing the song of a lark as well as that of the nightingale.
I hope this made sense to everyone who was no present while my mind started to vibrate itself into a puddle because the thing is I can see Neil doing all of this completely on purpose.
Thoughts? Questions? Additions? Come and join me in my insanity and until next time I have a mental breakdown over this show (probably in like two hours).
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yukidragon · 2 months
Sunny Day Jack - Reversing Victim and Offender
Okay, okay, hear me out.
Jack being a creepy manipulative yandere.
Yes, yes, I know, totally a revolutionary idea there to have a yandere horror game’s antagonist do something creepy and wrong. It’s just that I don’t often play with Jack losing himself to his more depraved impulses. Long time readers know I tend to be quite a marshmallow who prefers the fluffier side of things, as evidenced by many cuddly posts of my OTP and Sunshine in Hell being overall a softer version of the game, but sometimes it’s fun to watch the world burn and see the characters we love get to be a bit unhinged. As a treat.
Content Warning: this post is about Jack being a naughty manipulative yandere, attempted murder, influenced attempted self-murder, possession, mental manipulation, bloody violence, and a sprinkle of horny.
We know Jack can be a manipulative little devil when it comes to keeping his sunshine. We’ve seen him use his honeyed words to lure MC into his arms in the previous demos. We’ve seen the classic chilling concept art where he talks his rival(?) into doing the dirty work for him when he wants them gone.
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Credit as always goes to Sauce for their awesome art, as well as a quick plug to the SnaccPop Patreon. Speaking of the Patreon, there’s a members only post on this very topic, an absolutely chilling audio drama of Jack using his state as a ghost(?) to his advantage.
It seems that Jack has the ability to possess people, and his modus operandi in eliminating his rivals seems to be tormenting them to the point of self-harm. Nick received a taste of that in the older demo, and in the now removed trailer.
But what if the person Jack directed his rival to hurt wasn’t themselves?
Jack is of the opinion that MC’s friends (and potential love interests) are inferior to him, as we’ve seen in his profile. MC doesn’t need them, as Jack says in this unsettling animation by Sauce, as well as many other development art. He proves this by giving MC whatever they want and need, being whatever they want and need him to be. No one else would do that for MC, so that proves that the only one they need is him.
To some degree, MC seems to believe that, at least during the early part of the game. As we can see in the “No” route, MC is dependent on Jack, panicking when they can no longer touch him.
The idea of losing Jack terrifies MC.
What happened to Jack clearly disturbed him, as we saw by his haunted look, but perhaps he found some comfort in the fact that MC was so upset by it. It might at least reassure him that they care, even if it might not be as much as he wants them to.
As I’ve theorized in previous posts, Jack and MC seem to be able to sense each other’s feelings, and it was implied that Jack can read their mind, as well as impress his thoughts into theirs. Perhaps he even felt their fear and desperation at that moment… as well as their need to keep him.
As scary as that moment was, Jack might have been able to get some pleasure out of feeling his sunshine’s need for him, don’t you think?
Jack won’t disappear as long as MC needs him, and he doesn’t want them to feel unhappy or hurt, but wouldn’t being with other people trying to steal them away from him hurt them more in the long run? MC doesn’t see what Jack does, how much of a threat those rivals other “friends” are.
After all… Ian was someone MC once held so dear, and he hurt them so, so badly. He’s trying to come back into their lives, and MC clearly still cares about him even if they’re trying to move on. How can Jack just stand idly by and let MC get hurt again when they don’t see just how bad Ian is for them?
MC might not be able to see how Ian and the other love interests could hurt them, but perhaps Jack could show his beloved sunshine just how cruel they can be.
Of course, Jack doesn’t want MC to get hurt. He would never! But, well, some lessons can be a bit harsher than others. Learning them can sting a bit and even make us upset, but as long as the lesson doesn’t do lasting harm and improves things for them, well, then it’s a good lesson!
Besides, this lesson will hurt Jack more than it hurts MC… in the most literal sense.
This classic audio drama of Jack’s villainous monologue makes me think that he’ll eventually find a way to become much more tangible in the real world. Sure, he could be saying all this while possessing his rival, but it seems more like a face-to-face confrontation. Naturally, for a face-to-face confrontation, Jack would need a face that’s actually visible to the person he’s taunting.
Perhaps the closer Jack gets to MC, the more they love him, the more real he becomes. It could be a reversal of what happened in the “No” route. If that were to happen, Jack could converse with other people directly… and perhaps convince them to leave MC to him.
If they just won’t go away, well… Jack could always push their buttons, upset them to the point that they have violent urges, only these feelings would be directed at him.
While MC is there to see that person unleash their bloody rage on Jack, of course.
As we’ve seen in earlier concept art, Jack didn’t feel pain when being stabbed, and perhaps that might still be true. But MC doesn’t need to know that when Jack says he’s okay and that it doesn’t hurt, it really doesn’t. All they see is Ian, Shaun, Nick, or whoever else suddenly snapping and attacking Jack with a knife for no apparent reason at all, leaving him bloody and wounded in front of them, trying to act brave for their sake like he did in the “no” route.
Jack doesn’t want MC to be unhappy, but perhaps he might get to enjoy a guilty thrill if they got upset for his sake, especially if he could feel them being so protective over him. Their worry for his injuries and outrage that he was attacked… You could say that it’s another way for his sunshine to show him just how much they love him. It might even make him feel a bit more secure, more real.
Jack could even prep his target beforehand via possession, tormenting that person until they’re close to snapping. In the now gone trailer, Shaun sounds unhinged, saying what he’s doing is so wrong… Shaun sounds like someone pushed to do things he never thought himself capable of doing, and likely it was Jack who did the pushing.
All Jack has to do is pull the trigger at the right moment, when MC is there to see their other friend snap. He could use a phrase or gesture that seems so innocent as a means to torment them until they can no longer help themselves when they hear it. He could’ve urged them to carry a knife with them at all times.
Hell, Jack could’ve outright possessed their arm with his powers, unseen by everyone, to make his target stab him in front of MC.
So, as far as MC is aware, Jack being his typical friendly self, when all of a sudden their other friend loses their mind and stabs Jack, likely while shouting something unhinged. It paints a vivid bloody picture of their friend as the antagonist, and Jack as the innocent victim.
Even if the rival snaps out of it right afterward, horrified at what they had done, if Jack covered his tracks well enough, their protests would be empty. It’d just look like empty excuses.
Or perhaps they hate Jack, really hate him, but they have no solid evidence why Jack is a bad person. They could wind up digging the hole even deeper if they doubled down on their act of violence.
It would be really hard to claim that Jack is the dangerous entity when they were the one who suddenly stabbed Jack without apparent provocation after all. It’d just make them look even more unstable and dangerous.
Sure, it’d be an awful thing for MC to see, but at least they’re not the one that got attacked. Jack bravely made sure that he was the only one whose blood was spilled. He might not even really feel pain like they would if he can handle being stabbed, rotted, and bleeding and keep going, as some teasers and concept art have shown.
Personally I think Jack can feel pain, but it’s nothing compared to the 40 years of hell, or the fear of losing his sunshine.
A little pain is worth it to keep his sunshine. Forever.
The idea of losing Jack bloodlessly and painlessly is scary enough for MC. Seeing someone attack him, maybe even outright trying to kill him would be far, far worse. MC was so desperate to keep Jack from disappearing, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to expect that they would rush to his defense to save his life.
This is especially true if their feelings for Jack are so strong that he’s able to physically manifest now.
The moment would be a scarring memory for MC, but sometimes lessons can be harsh when we learn them. MC would at least know how inferior their other friends are compared to Jack, how harmful and dangerous they are. Those people don’t deserve to be in MC’s life, and it’s in their best interests to never see those people again.
Jack would also get to enjoy the perverse pleasure of knowing just how much MC cares about them, how much they love him. They could even nurse him back to health after they chase away that inferior friend for good. He can be pampered, appreciated, and loved. MC will better understand just how important Jack is to them, how much they need him, and how terrible the person who tried to take them away truly is.
Really, it goes to show that MC should listen to Jack more when he says he’s not so sure about them spending time with a particular person, don’t you think?
Of course, how well this ploy goes depends on MC’s compassion. Given what we’ve seen so far of the story, MC does care about Jack, and most people will at least be upset and alarmed that someone was stabbed in front of them. An MC that has strong feelings for Jack and deeply loves him will no doubt be enraged.
This sort of messed up scenario reminded me of how the Bad End AU went so horribly wrong, only Shaun and Ian knew to target the tape there, rather than Jack directly. Alice was hesitant to do more than plead for the three to stop, not wanting any of them to be hurt, and the result was the tape getting destroyed and Jack banished.
The altercation between them was vague, but what if we went down another dark path? What if Jack pushed Ian and Shaun, but they never found out about the tape, and they focused on Jack himself despite his imposing size.
Once I made that comparison between this idea and the Bad End AU, I got inspired to write a quick first draft flash fic about a timeline where Jack gives in to his darker impulses.
The story of Sunshine in Hell is one of broken people helping each other heal and become better versions of themselves.
The Bad End AU is what happens when the wrong choices are made and things only get so much worse.
By the way, for those wondering, a third part of the Bad End AU is in the works. This isn’t it, but more like a different option taken during a critical moment that resulted in blood being spilled instead of bits of plastic and torn VHS tape ribbon.
 From wholesome to unhinged, my posts truly run the gambit of different sides to Sunny Day Jack. I hope you enjoy this little snippet of Jack getting worse instead of better, and taking perverse glee in bringing Alice along with him down a twisted path.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
Jack hated to see his sunshine upset. He ached for Alice every time she was in pain. There was nothing he wanted more than to see her smile, to bask in her warm, happy glow.
The last thing Jack wanted was to be the reason Alice was upset, and yet…
Somehow things had grown twisted. Jack crossed lines he knew that he shouldn’t, but somehow he always found ways to justify it. Somehow his fears of losing Alice were always stronger than the little voice in his head telling him that what he was doing wasn’t right.
Sadly, not everything in life could be solved with polite words and a smile.
Things had grown twisted until they spiraled out of control. Ian and Shaun dared to invade their home, their sanctuary. They wanted to take Alice away from him, to “save” her from his “wicked clutches” like Jack was just some cartoon bad guy.
All the things the two said about him were ridiculous, exaggerations! Jack feigned ignorance of their accusations, his confused act flawless. There was no reason for them to be afraid of him. He was just an innocent clown, someone who lived to take care of others, particularly his precious sunshine Alice.
Alice believed Jack had nothing to do with their accusations, but she didn’t chase them away. She listened, worried for them despite her faith in him. It warmed his heart that she believed in him, but the fact that she still listened meant that there was room for doubt to worm its way in.
Ian and Shaun could see that too.
“This… thing is dangerous, Alice,” Shaun said with a tremor in his voice. His eyes couldn’t remain still, bouncing between pleading with Alice and watching for when Jack pounced on them like a venomous cobra. “You need to get away from it right now.”
“You have to believe us!” Ian insisted, his voice cracking desperately. He kept one hand in his pocket, his shaking hand clutching his only form of defense tight. Would it even work on a ghost or whatever Jack was?
Could Jack even bleed?
Jack stood between the invaders and his sunshine. They had tried to take her with him, but he snatched up Alice before they could steal her away and tucked her safely behind his back. He kept one hand on her arm, his hold on her deceptively light, but as unshakable as iron. His expression was innocence itself, showing nothing but a mask of confused concern directed at the two terrified men before him. “Take it easy now. There’s no danger here. Let’s all take a deep breath and try to calm down.”
“Don’t give me that nice guy shit!” Shaun snapped as he glared daggers into Jack. His soothing words were grating in his ears, putting him even more on edge. “You’re more fake than a corporate account with a rainbow logo during pride!” His gaze switched back to Alice. “Alice, please, listen to us. This thing has been torturing us for months now.”
Alice felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. The way Shaun looked at her made her heart go out to him, but… how could it be true. “Torture-”
“Hey now, that’s a strong word to use there,” Jack said. His voice took on a more firm tone to it, but nothing more threatening than the gentle chastising he gave children on his show. “What makes you think I would hurt either of you?”
“Cut the bullshit!” Shaun snarled. “You know damn well you’ve been giving us nightmares for months now!”
“I gave you nightmares?” Jack asked. The confusion on his face was so convincing that Shaun and Ian might have questioned themselves if not for the countless sleepless nights filled with torment. “How could I do that?”
“With some sort of supernatural ghost zombie demon bullshit, I don’t know!” Shaun snapped.
“Alice, you can’t trust him,” Ian said, tightening his grip inside his pocket. Dark circles ringed his shaking eyes as he kept looking from Jack to the hand the creature had on Alice. “Why can’t you see that?”
How was Alice able to stand so close to that monster? Why was she standing behind it as if it would protect her? How could she not see that it was holding her hostage? How could she stand that thing’s cold, lifeless touch? Seeing its hand on her made Ian relieve those countless nights spent lost in a place that felt too real to be a dream, but too horrible to be reality.
The Jack before them now wasn’t exactly the same as the rotted, bloody corpse that haunted them night after night. That thing with mocking smiles that were too wide and wild, and strange eyes that had nothing behind them. This wasn’t the kind and caring boyfriend Alice talked about. This thing was a monster that only knew how to take and take and take. Its touch stole something from Ian every time it laid its hands on him, and left behind a coldness that went far beyond cold. It stole the very warmth from him until it was as if it never existed. It stripped Ian of his senses one at a time until there was nothing but its absence hissing at him like static.
And that voice. That voice mocked him even when the world went so silent that Ian couldn’t even hear his own screams. That thing was trying to sound compassionate now, but that was a lie. It twisted the truth until it was unrecognizable, but so believable. It sounded so calm and kind at the start of every nightmare, even as it told Ian so many, many terrible things, tore open old wounds and exposed all his flaws.
Ian was a sinner damned for hell. He didn’t deserve to be anywhere near someone as kind and gentle as Alice. That thing made it all too clear to him.
The thing countered his protests, even laughed, because they were so feeble. Ian was so selfish, so worthless.
That voice would then mock him, so superior, so much better than Ian in every way. He would never forget the sound of that voice, or that smile.
The smile Jack offered him now was supposed to be an encouraging one, but Ian knew that it was fake. He knew what the hand held before him in a placating gesture was a ruse to get just a little closer.
If Jack touched either of them it was all over. Now that they exposed the truth about it to Alice…
Who knew what it would take from Ian if it got its hands on him again?
“Let’s all calm down now,” Jack said soothingly. “Come on, take a deep breath with me.” He gestured to his chest as he inhaled, which only served to remind Ian and Shaun of just how much bigger he was than all of them.
Ian jerked at Jack’s sudden movement, his breath hitching as that gloved hand drifted close to him.
“There now,” Jack said encouragingly. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
The words struck harder than any blow.
There now. That wasn’t so hard, was it?
It was such an innocent phrase, something that would have been encouraging if Shaun and Ian hadn’t heard it in countless nightmares, spoken in mocking tones or breathless whispers, with fake reassurance or a true perverse glee. The monster praised them when they ran from the illusion of Alice, when they admitted that they were flawed and worthless, when they surrendered to his taunts…
When they accepted the knife it pressed into their hands to carve a smile in their throats to match its own.
Shaun flinched back while Ian tensed, his eyes wide and wild as Jack slowly reached out for him with an open palm and a smile. It was such a deceptively innocent gesture…
Instinct took over. A flash of silver and a cry broke the air as Ian used the knife he had hidden away in his pocket all this time to take back what Jack had stolen away from him.
Time slowed down as blood sprayed from the gouge carved from Jack’s hand to his forearm. He cried out in pain as he reeled back, then collapsed to the floor.
Shaun froze at the attack, staring at the bloody knife and wound it left behind in shock. It was as if he was watching a scene from one of his movies unfold before him, not real in the slightest, even though some of the blood splattered onto his face and clothes.
Ian held the knife in both hands tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. The blade shook in his too tight grip, then the rest of him soon followed as it sunk in what he had just done.
This was just another dream… right? Ian didn’t mean to hurt anyone, he just couldn’t let Jack touch him, not again. Not in reality. Not when he couldn’t wake up. He couldn’t let Jack take everything from him.
Ian couldn’t let Jack hurt him again.
Everything had happened so fast. Alice didn’t know what to make of it when Ian and Shaun practically forced their way into her apartment, throwing out wild accusations. They were jittery and on edge, hurling out vitriol towards Jack and pleas to her before she could sort out the accusations they made. They grabbed at her without warning, yanking hard while their fingers dug into her arms hard enough to bruise. It was only thanks to Jack acting quickly to separate them that she hadn’t been dragged outside.
They scared her. Alice worried for them, but their actions weren’t normal. The look in their eyes was terrifying. Ian and Shaun had been acting cagey for weeks now, avoiding her and not responding to her texts. She never saw this coming.
Jack reassured her with his gentle touch and soothing words. Alice could see that he was alarmed by their behavior as well, but he did his best to keep calm, to protect her when her friends were acting so strangely.
There was no way Jack was this monster they described. He was the kindest, gentlest soul Alice had ever known. He chased away her nightmares, comforted her when she needed it, and was there for her when she was left all alone.
Jack loved her more than anyone else in the world.
Alice barely had time to wonder about their claims when Ian struck without warning. When Jack screamed, her blood turned to ice. Red filled her vision.
There was so much blood.
Alice moved before she could really register what was happening, her scream sounding far away as her heartbeat pounded hard in her ears. She threw herself between Jack and his attacker, falling to her knees as used her body as a shield. She clung to him, her best friend, her beloved, heedless of the blood soaking into her clothes, then turned her gaze to the monster that had dared to hurt the one she loved.
The ice in that gaze froze Ian, and the knife fell from his limp fingers. Suddenly he was all too aware of what he had done, the blood on his hands. He stared at them, at the sin he had committed, shaking and red, until he collapsed into a pool of tears.
“How could you?” Alice hissed, forcing the words out through her constricted throat. “How could you!?”
The world started to move again. Ian tried to say something, perhaps some form of protest or apology, but the words were half-formed and drowned in his tears. Shaun stared between the bloodstained knife and Jack, who lay curled against Alice, quietly whimpering while bleeding all over the carpet.
Shaun couldn’t reconcile the scene before him of the wounded man, weak and in pain, against the monster from his dreams that smiled through any attack he made. No matter how many times he stabbed Jack in the dream, the undead creature would just mock him, unfazed even as its blood was spilled.
Was this really the same monster that haunted them for months?
It was this dissonance that made Ian truly aware of the sin he had committed. He couldn’t handle it. He fled.
“Get out!” Alice snapped, bringing Shaun’s attention back from her and away from the fleeing Ian. “Get the fuck out of here!”
Shaun staggered a step back. “A-Alice, I-”
“Get the fuck out!” Alice shrieked. “I never want to see either of you ever again! If you ever come near me or Jack again, I’ll fucking shoot you!”
Shaun took a few more steps, his eyes trailing down to the blood that had been spilled. It still didn’t look real to him, but Alice’s screams were real. The hatred she had in her eyes directed entirely at him was real. It was far more real than any of his nightmares.
It was too much for Shaun, and he too left behind the scene of this macabre show he had taken part in.
Jack had to use every ounce of his willpower to suppress his smile and keep his true feelings hidden from his sunshine. The pleasure he felt in that moment was exquisite, a shiver of euphoria that was so sinfully delicious it was practically erotic. Fear, shock, and anger burst through him like fireworks, but undercutting all of those feelings was the love Alice had for him. Those feelings of her burned fierce and bright, chasing away all the cold in the world. Even her hatred, directed at someone else, was beautiful, because it was for his sake.
How could Jack not feel pleasure when Alice’s love for him overflowed until it flooded his heart in a torrent of passion?
All that fear, worry, and rage was in defense of him. Only him. Only Jack had her love now. Whatever care Alice felt for Shaun and Ian was dead, its throat slit with a single slice of a knife.
It made all the nights spent away from his sunshine while she slept worth it. All those months of training those two obstacles had paid off beautifully. Jack finally exposed the true nature of those inferior other “friends” of hers. He knew that with just a little encouragement, they would finally show his precious sunshine just how worthless and filthy they truly were.
With them gone, her anger cooled, but didn’t disappear completely. It still burned inside of Alice, fierce and ready to protect him again at a moment’s notice. Her thoughts were all for him now, only him. She fussed over his wound, letting out concerned whimpers as she cradled him close while using her own clothes to staunch the blood flow.
Jack hated to see his sunshine so upset. He wanted to reassure her that he was fine, but he had to be careful about it. The episode he had written for them wasn’t quite finished yet.
“It… it’s okay… sunshine,” Jack said between heavy pants. He wore a weak smile that held none of his true happiness in it. “I-it doesn’t hurt.”
It was a lie, and they both knew it, but the pain didn’t matter to Jack. No pain compared to the thought of losing Alice. This little scratch was nothing compared to what he gained in return.
The love Jack felt from her, the pleasure that love gave him was so much better. It was a drug that left him feeling weak and dizzy, almost overwhelmed by the euphoria to the point he became partially erect. Alice’s love for him was so fierce that it was practically all that he could feel. Compared to that, the gouge in his arm was little more than a paper cut.
Those warm hands of hers touched him so delicately. Alice fussed over him, cried over him, her heart breaking for him. It was all for him, only for him. He was her world, and he reveled in it. She was the sun that would shine her light for no one else but him now.
Jack never wanted anything to make his sunshine unhappy, but how could he not enjoy himself? How could he not find pleasure even in the darker moments of anger and sadness that overtook her when it was for his sake? The way she screamed his name, the way she held him so close, the fierce way she defended him, worried for him… how could he not adore every second of it?
There was no stronger proof of the love Alice felt for Jack than this.
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libby-for-life · 6 months
I want Lucifer to get humbled🤭 and that angelicradio requested you did open something up, lol. So I was wondering if you could a part two of it of everyone finding out about Alastor and Adam. And Lucifer, I especially need Lucifer reaction!!
I got you, Anon. Part 2 of AngelicRadio
Adam was more than satisfied by last night's activities. Who knew that lambs could scream that high? Alastor was satisfied as well. He was going to be spending the rest of Hell's life making sure that his lamb was taken care of.
They were currently in bed together. Adam was lying on Alastor, his face snuggled into his chest. Hid little lamb was so tired and yet, ever the stubborn one, was still awake.
"I think...we should tell the others. They'll figure it out eventually." Adam said, eyes drooping. Alastor hummed as he rubbed soothing fingers over Adam's bruises.
"If that's what you want, lamb." He yawned and he was well aware his partner watched him as his jaw unhinged, Alastor's rows of sharp teeth and long tongue on full display. He let out a soft laugh as Adam mumbled. "Damn. That was hot."
"I'm glad you like me yawning."
They fell asleep in each other's arms until late morning.
"Wait. So you guys...are together?" Vaggie said, her voice shaky due to how surprised she was. Her mouth was opened in shock.
"Yes, do try to keep up," Alastor replied making her glare. Everyone was in different levels of shock. Well, except Angel Dust. He was grinning from one metaphorical ear to the other.
"I knew it!" He screamed getting everyone to look at him. "I fucking knew it! Pay up, Husk! You owe me fifty Souls!" Alastor watched with his head tilted as Husk actually paid the spider.
"This game was rigged," Husk mumbled while Angel snickered at his misfortune.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" Charlie said with a grin. Adam nodded at her with a small smile, but his true smiles were reserved for Alastor alone. Something the deer demon was grateful for.
Nifty hugged Alastor and was talking a mile a minute about her...yaoi? Sometimes, Alastor thought, ignorance was bliss when it came to that one.
The only one who hadn't commented about Alastor and Adam was Lucifer. He was glaring daggers at them, his hate and jealousy seeping through. Adam was too busy trying to keep Angel's questions at bay to notice it.
Alastor smirked and decided to rub salt in the wound. He grabbed Adam and kissed him. It was long and passionate, something that left Adam moaning in front of everyone. Adam's eyes were closed but the deer demon snuck a peak at the devil.
He was pissed, his teeth grinding together in an effort to control himself. Good.
"Well, I believe that's all the questions we have for today," Alastor said cheerfully, holding up a boneless lamb. "Me and Adam have a lunch date. Goodbye for now!"
He walked out of the Hotel with everyone whispering. Those whispers were carried on by the demons they walked passed. Adam soon came up from his little head and he grew embarrassed with all the stares. "Alastor! Everyone is starring!"
Alastor chuckled. "Good. Let them see what they can never have."
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thepumpkincorsair · 2 months
So, I watched the first episode of “Those About To Die” on Peacock.
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I enjoyed it, and Im willing to do write ups if folks would be interested…
Since I wana talk about details, and I dont wana spread spoilers, everything is below the readmore.
What I liked: 🔵 And what I disliked: 🟠
Total Ranking: 8/10 - very good, worth the watch 👍
🟠 It dove into the Intrigue right away, which made it hard to watch while doing other things, but I can appreciate a show that grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you down into the couch to pay attention.
🔵 It wasn’t boring, quite the contrary, I felt fully engaged throughout the episode. Theres a lot of small moving parts to the story, and it orchestrates together incredibly well so far, even for Episode One. The writing is very well done, which is a lynchpin for me on a show like this. You cant pretend to be an intrigue type series without a proper plot. And, in my opinion, they’ve set their plots well right away. Tenax getting those shares in Blue was a great con, which had clearly been going a while, but we only saw the tail end of it. I see this little setup as a great look at how the writers DO their work. Connections matter, money does more than talk, and if you play the game wrong, you die. Don’t trust anyone.
🔵 I REALLY enjoyed the historical aspects of the first episode. Like, yes, this plot happened, its a historical fiction and a number of these characters exist in history, but its not just that. Its the small details, the different knives in different cultures, the veterinary care of race horses, the deities from more than just the main roman pantheon, the drinkware, the VARIOUS clothes from various cultures and climates…. And yes, women often went topless when they were a sxwrkr. Gotta advert.
🔵 ON THAT SUBJECT: can we talk about “3 sesterce… and Im tighter than both of them.” MY BOY, YOU ARE RIZZIN TOO HARD AND I LOST IT. Please, please let him be in future episodes. Omfg….
🟠 I am forced to concede the accuracy isnt PERFECT, the horses wore modern driving bridles to go with their ancient styled chariots. However, Im realistic about how many horses are trained today to pull anything without blinders, and how much safer modern bridles are. I’ll also note: I absolutely saw the animal handler grab the horse differently (calmly) before the riot surrounded it, then direct the horse to dance in the crowd. Great training with the horse! Bad camera angle. Lol
🔵 I also really like this cast so far. Everyone fills their roles incredibly well.
Hopkins doesnt even need an introduction, the mans a legend and brings all his experience to the stage with him every time. -chefs kiss-
Rheon was great in GOT, he plays calculatingly unhinged exceptionally well. But I wont lie, seeing him in a more commanding, level headedly calculating person?
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Hashim….. HASHIM!!! Im SO excited to see where his character goes. We haven’t seen much of him in Ep 1 just yet, but he’s clearly going to be one of the main players. Im not familiar with him as an actor, but I’ve enjoyed his performance so far, and I REALLY appreciate the story being told.
Martins is also incredible. She does a fantastic job of knowing the danger her characters children are facing, but also knowing she HAS to play her cards right to save them. She personifies the strength and determination of a mother perfectly.
🔵 Quite honestly, I have to give points to that whole plot-line in general. That point of view is something we’ve had hidden from us (in America) for so long, that I think a LOT of people have… become calloused. I hope seeing it will potentially help others come to an empathetic understanding. This isn’t glossing over what happened, or whats likely to happen to any of the three children.
🔵 I also want to gush over actually SHOWING the wider Roman Empire, we get to see the direct effect of their influence in both Africa and Spain so far. Egypt was their bread basket, and without that grain, youve got problems. The Berber Coast has animals, and people they want, and we see money exchanging hands for the purpose of those ends. We see how the locals were told they’d be treated fairly, paid properly, and even eventually become citizens, like the Spaniards, only to have those promises thrown aside as soon as the Romans have better money to make. These people gave the Empire everything it wanted, but the Empire is never satisfied.
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We also get to appreciate how far west the empire went when the Spaniards are trying to sell their horses. (Plot-bunny: Andies are dancing horses, exceptionally athletic, and a prime choice for chariots, though, a standardbred is the usual choice for modern cart racers)
🟠 I will say the CGI isnt the best. You can tell exactly when they change from live action to CGI. But this is a minor issue for me tbh. Its passable CGI, and they use it to avoid putting animals or people in danger which, obviously, I appreciate. A chariot wreck was shown, annnnnd it was pretty darn accurate to how messy those would have been. Not good times y’all. Not good times. Also, the ramifications of a major concussion. Oof. At least the guy would have barely knew what was happening? Still.
🔵 The sound effects were enough without being over the top. Often times when theres gore to show, theres all these extra squelching noises and gratuitous blood… not this time. It’s actually… pretty durn accurate. Don’t ask how I know. I don’t wana tell you, and you dont wana know.
Overall, it was a really solid first episode, and I plan on watching the rest.
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Gathering Side story: Overwhelming stampede
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Author's Note: when I started this series it was all vibes and now that it some somewhat coherent a character who got pushed to the wayside was Dino. Which sucks because he's a lot more interesting to write for me than the others. However, at times his powers were tied to Dinosaurs and the toku inspiration I did with his powers seemed incongruent with the tone I was trying to go for. which made writing him harder and harder as I wanted it to gather to be more introspective, but for side stories I can do whatever I want. Dino for me was always a mix of Hayato and Eji from Kamen Rider. Z from Ultaman Z a little bit of Gambit/Deadpool (Comic Deadpool) from X-men, and my personality. As you will see by his slightly changed powers. Whereas TJ was always meant to be more Takeshi, Ren (Ryuki) from Kamen Rider and Cable/Wolverine from X-men, and Max McDaniels from the Tapestry series by Henry H. Neff … (please read it if you haven't.) So this is meant as a mini-story that gives him space to be as crazy and outlandish as possible so for all of my long-time readers here is Dino restored in all his over-the-top Toku temur comic(y) glory.
You know who we should call to fill our game...," Sakura starts before pausing dramatically to Connor and Yunjin. Yunjin and Connor stare at the young woman pensively, before she makes her suggestion.
"Cival," Sakura said suggesting me to her group of friends. Connor and Yunjin look at her wary as the last time they saw me, I was (successfully) trying not to freak out as Sakura let me down easily by telling me that she was a lesbian. Yunjin however saw the excitement on Kkura’s face and ran with it.
"You know what? it's been a while since we've seen the madman and even longer since we have played with him. let's see what he's got?" Yunjin says exuberantly. This leads to them calling me. well, Sakura calling me.
"Yo Kkura what's up?" I ask
"Oh great answered you answered Civy. we need a fourth for our commander game. You down?" Sakura said
"What about Dexter he's usually y'all's resident Temur player," I asked confused
"He's exploring Naya so currently we need an Unhinged Calm Man." Sakura teases
" So you are telling me that Dexter Mr "Yeah I am so Ketria" is trying the shard I told him he would like, and best suit him? Wow, I'm surprised; not really of course, but you thought of me in his stead...well...I am touched. Okay, I'll be there in a bit. Does it need to be a Temur deck or can it be something else?" I respond
"Yes. We are playing our wedges and shards so you need to as well." Yunjin insists in the background
"Okay, Kkura." I groan. I end the phone call. I finish my in-n-out order adding them to it. After getting the food I teleport to Le Sserafim's dorm. the popping noise that accompanied it jolted the people present.
"Yah Cival-oppa you just can't pop in on us like that," Yunjin says holding her heart
"But I have food," I say as I hold the in-n-out bag with their food. Kkura and Yunjin smile. Connor groans.
"Ah no shake shack," he says disappointed
"Hey, when you're willing to pay for it I will pick it up for you all you want. In n Out is cheap and delicious so don't complain. " I say to him.
I hand Kkura her strawberry shake, Yunjin her vanilla, and Connor his chocolate one.
"Oh, you remembered our orders," Yunjin says elated
"Of course. yall are still my friends." I reply
Sakura looks at me guilty and says, "Sorry for forgetting about you Civy."
"It's no big deal. I couldn't afford to move to Korea, and you guys moved on. No hard feelings. the only hard feelings I have are for Dexter. I mean how did he of all people get Eunbi freaking Kwon?" I joke which gets the laugh I was kinda fishing for with Yunjin, Connor, and Sakura.
"So how have you been Civy?" Sakura asks
"Ah, you know same old, same old. fighting monsters taking pictures writing stories.. I reply
"Oh, how are you adjusting?" Connor asks
"Ehh, it's fine. It feels scummy at times but it's a job someone has to do" I answer
"Yeah, it can be weird," Connor says and leaves it at that.
I stayed silent about Voruna and her training me because last I heard Connor and her had a falling out
"So Cival" Yunjin says in a tone and a shoulder shake that lets me know I am not going to really *appreciate* what she says next, "Meet anyone "Lovely?" I groan and reply
"No Jen. I am still a single pringle although I am less ready to mingle." I reply. Sakura looks dejected hearing that.
"I am sorry," Sakura says as she takes a dejected sip of her shake.
I turn to Kkura look her in her eyes and say, "Look Kkura, I don't want this to be awkward. You are fantastic and while I believe we would have made an excellent power couple I understand that your heart is elsewhere, and honestly good for you Siyeon is such a hottie I mean sheesh." Kkura finally cheers up and Yunjin just has to sour the mood.
"See this is why we need you Cival around more. You are the best hype man and Cheerleader." Yunjin exclaims.
"I have been told I am good in limited amounts so that's why I stay in the background," I say before taking a bite of my burger and some fries. Kkura and Yunjin laugh.
"So Madman what crazy build are you on now?" Connor asks
"Borb and Phb food chain, but casual. I have a Thrasios Krark deck in the works but it needs time to bake. Or maybe I should just switch it to Jeska Thrasios." I answer as I ponder my next higher-power deck.
"Is it your definition of casual?" Yunjin asks me pointing. I nod which makes her bring out her "Big Guns"
"Oh, Kaalia my favorite," I say sarcastically. Sakura laughs and pulls out her equally menacing. Simmone and Dina deck. I face her and she points to Yunjin. This leads to Connor bringing out Narset Enlightened Exile.
“Narset!” I point out exaggerated “bleugh now I have to play mean.” I tease
Yunjin smirks before saying, “Cival you always play mean.”
I laugh and give a hyperbolic groan before taking out my deck. Sakura grabs my commander and reads it “Oh I like it.” she says. As we get ready for the game Kazuha walks in and smiles when she sees me.
“Oh hi Percival long time no see,” she said as she walked over to hug me. We hug and I say
“Yeah well, your friends called me up to beat them and I couldn't say no.” I relate to Kazuha. She laughs as she steals a couple of fries “Eh? How rude!” I scoff feigning disapproval while Kazuha just rolls her eyes as she walks out. I turn to face my opponents who laugh.
“I forgot how friendly you were,” Kkura says.
I shrug and say, “Yep friendly and ferocious like a bake kujira.”
Yunjin rolls her eyes before saying, “Ugh you and those yokai.” I shrug her off as we start. I mulligan down to four and then we begin. Sakura opens up with turn one lotus petal and goth Triome. Yunjin starts the game with land, a “Sol ring” and a “talisman of conviction”
“Wow, an overloaded vandal blast or cyclonic rift would be so good here.” I joked and the look I got from the table was hilarious. So I just played a land and mystic remora.
“Civil please don't scare us like that,” Connor whined
“Well gotta keep you on your toes because I know y'all get complacent and that's when bad things happen,” I respond. Curious as to where my replacement was I asked “So where is the big man?”
“Oh, he and Eunbi are working. He's filming a bunch of videos for her new mini album.” Sakura answers
I nod and smile as I say, “You know what…good for him.”
The next turn Sakura plays an arbor elf and an overgrown tomb. Yunjin gets more ramp for her commander plus another land, and Connor plays an esper Sentinel and arid mesa. On my next turn, I play commander and I pay for remora having played another land. To play my commander I needed to use the Jeweled lotus, lotus petal, and rejuvenating springs to play Borb and Phb. On his ETB Sakura flashes in orchish bow masters and kills Esper Sentinel. I chuckle and pass. The door opens and Chaewon drudges in along with Eunchae. I turn around and I see Chaewon and Eunchae make the visible connection.
“Percy!,” the two girls yell excitedly. I groan and stand up as the two race over to hug me.
“How are my two favorite Chaes?” I ask
Chaewon holds me tighter while Eunchae says, “Oppa please bully Kkura unnie and Yunjin unnie they have been teasing me and calling me baby all the time.” Eunchae lamented
I turn to my friends who look at me in terror. I shrug and say, “I have to win now.” they look at me in abject terror as I hear both Chaes laugh maniacally in the background.
Chaewon smiles as she and Eunchae break the hug and say something in Korean I couldn't pick up (because it was too fast) all I got was Astrid Wesker.
“Hold up Astrid who?” I asked
“Astrid Wesker.,” Yunjin said confused.
I turned to Connor who read my confused expression and said “The Weskers are cool now. They have done their time and are repentant.,” My eyes widen as I get back to the game it's my turn and I swing my commander at Sakura. She takes six which leaves her almost out of ad nauseam range. On Yunjin’s turn, I exile Kaalia in response to her equipping a swift foot boots to it. This leaves me open to using counterspell on Narset the next turn. On my next turn I swing at Sakura again leaving her completely out of naus range which gives me space to breathe I play a Ragavan and another land as well as paying for mystic remora and pass. Sakura biting the bullet destroys mystic remora. I shrug and make sure to kill Kaalia, and Narset again. Sakura is missing land drops Simone and Dina aren't opposed to me, and the other two decks are so commander-reliant that facing them equated to don't let the commanders resolve. which I told them, and now they're realizing it firsthand. This beatdown goes on for three more turns before I just draw into the food chain and hit draw my deck before casting Laboratory Maniac. Only for Yunjin to have me lose the game by killing it with Esper Sentinel, with a little help from Kkura and Connor. Instead of casting the breach that was in my hand and brain-freezing them to death. I let them have their pyrhic victory, which of course leads to Narset winning because Narset is good at punishing health totals. After the game Yunjin winces.
Connor laughs at Yunjin's expression then turns to me and says, "Dang Cival back at it again with the big beaters." I shrug and tell them that play better which gets a laugh out of Kkura and Connor Yunjin just scowls then joins in.
Cut to 45 minutes later the girls had just finished getting ready and looked like they were about to head out, "So, what's next?" I ask hoping to tag along like old times.
"Well, we gotta go to Astrid's office. you can come if you want." Connor suggests.
"Ah, I don't know," I replied still reluctant because of Weskers being well Weskers.
"There will be pretty girls there," Sakura said
"I'm there," I responded without hesitation. I didn't come off my adrenaline high until we were outside her office and thought this would be a bad idea. I debate whether this is a good idea but I remember that I have no self-control around pretty girls. So here I was walking into the intimidating gray building with the only thought being "Oh God why am I here"
"Oh hey, Muffins," I say out loud as I walk over to the bakery. The lady working the counter is super nice and knows English which makes my attempts at broken Korean invalidated. Admirable but invalidated nonetheless. I pay for my blueberry Muffins (Because they are top-tier) and begin to eat them. As I walk back into the Lobby I look to see several men with guns pointed at my friends
"I take it you're not security are you," I ask. One of the men angrily gestures at me and yells in Korean. I groan as I can only really make out "That black guy." I finish my muffin and outstretch my hand. when I bring it back to my face I am surprised to see Destroyor. I shrug and slot it into my Riser. I transform in a flash of colors before my Destroyer armor comes on. The guys shout more Korean before shooting me. I sigh as the bullets melt before they can reach me.
"You'd think that they would see the transformation and ponder. Hey, maybe we shouldn't fight the one who just did that." I lamented as I summoned My Lava Lance. I ran to the nearest man in the suit and slashed at him he fell to the ground with a searing wound. I charged to the next one who was still reloading, and slashed at him as well. I turn to the last few who look at me confused. I lift the Lance and spin Lash letting the lava spread all over them. After they were handled The elevator opened and I could hear a high-pitched voice say
"Well it's about time you apologized TJ." I am shocked to see a young lady who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ada Wong, and to her left a tiny blonde woman who is following her.
"You're not TJ. you're much too colorful and vibrant." The not Ada said.
I deactivated my armor and replied, "Sorry to disappoint but I did just help you I think."
"Yes, you did a fine job. Do you want a medal?” the not Ada says sarcastically. I look at her confused before she apologizes and says, “Sorry it's just usually my person who handles this is not here..." The not Ada trailed off.
"You must be Astrid Wesker. I am..." I started but was cut off by the blonde woman
"Percival you are a nexo from southern California, and friends of Connor, dexter, and le Sserafim." The blonde woman says bluntly in her high-pitched voice
"That's not creepy at all." I sigh. "Well, I should probably get going. This was not enough excitement for me, and I am growing bored with this conversation." I say feeling uncomfortable.
"No, since you're here and a powerhouse maybe you can help me," Astrid said not taking the least subtle hint I could give. "I'll pay you good money too."
"Oh well, That works," I say as I follow The two ladies into the Elevator along with Connor, Sakura, and Yunjin. The ride is awkward.
"That's quite some psionic power you've got there Percival how does it work?"
I turn to Emma confused, "So you know who I am but not how my power works." I exclaim
"I can't be bothered to learn every Nexogebics power, especially one so extravagant as you," she said exacerbated
"Your tone indicated that was supposed to be insulting, however, I am choosing to take it as a compliment. To answer your question since you are too lazy to do basic research my power is channeling Primal Elements that have combined with spirits to make armor, and weapons and increase my abilities. I also have some legendary forms based around mythical creatures but if I use those forms my opponent is trouble," I explained, like she was five but hey this blonde lady lost her right to complain when she insulted me. we get to the penthouse overlooking the massive view of the city and we all sit down.
"So how much money are we talking for helping you, and what would I be doing for it?" I ask Astrid excited
"Well you'd be head of Supernatural security for the event and making sure no one gets any ideas. As for payment how does 21k sound for the three weeks of filming and an additional 9k for the preproduction, and POS production (flights travel, etc.)? Also, there is a chance for a bonus if you intermingle with the girls seamlessly to not cause us fuss but that will be based on your performance." Astrid says
"That's tempting, but can I ask why you're not asking your last guy to do this," I ask
"He and I had a falling out of sorts. He didn't like changes in my personal life, and so I made an excision." Astrid says with an extremely rigid tone
I sigh and say, "Fine deal but based on the way you said all of that weird stuff you should just apologize." I reply
"Wait why?" Astrid asks
"Your diction about the whole thing was weird which to me implies you were close and you're trying to use weird jargon to not fall apart about it. So, my take is you should reach out, and see if he is willing to help you." I reply
Astrid looks at me with Narrow eyes, before saying "You are extremely presumptuous you know that right?"
"Okay and. I am just calling it as I see it. you don't get a lot of friends in your life. Especially long ones so keep them close and keep them happy. You'll live longer that way." I said annoyed. The room was silent except for Sakura who was laughing.
"How is he worse than TJ." I heard Emma whisper as the meeting ended as we all discussed setup and various emergency plans.
I turn to her and say, "I don't believe in obstruction of my path I walk forward. Based on your interactions it sounds like TJ plays the game more, " With that I exit the office. the smell of the two ladies competing perfumes made me irritated. As I wait for the elevator I hear a voice I don't recognize. I turn to see an absolute bombshell of a young lady walk to me.
"Oh thank you." the young woman says. her blonde bounces around her neck in cascading waves of gold. to distract myself and not be caught staring I pointed to Sakura and company who were close behind.
"I was waiting for them but you are welcome....um what's your name?"I ask
"Oh, Ahin." the young lady says with a smile.
"Oh like the Momoland Member," I say. the girl chuckles and then looks at me with sparkling eyes.
"Yes that's me she says." my eyes widened at that because my limited recollection of Ahin had more in line with the girl next door and not a vivacious vixen.
"You seem surprised."
"Well, the last time I heard or saw Momoland y'all were cuter...not...this( I say gesturing to her.)
"Do you not like all of this?" Ahin questioned as she gestured to all of her actively alluring curves. I sense the game she's playing but I am too stupid to play.
So my response is not the most Euridite, "Look I wasn't expecting you to be an absolute smoke show or babe okay." I sputter out.
Yunjin, and Connor both laugh at my crash and burn while Ahin just smiles and says, "So you think I am pretty like this."
I turn around confused before replying, "Yeah absolutely." before I can make a further fool of myself the elevator opens and my friends drag me out of the Elevator, but not before Ahin gets my number to all our surprise.
we get back in Connor's car and Yunjin says, "Huh would have never thought she'd be into a black guy." Sakura and Connor look at her wonky. She's from the east coast so I just expect outta line stuff from her. We get back to the apartment when I get a call from an unknown number.
“Hi Ho it's Cival.” I greet
“Hey Cival it’s Ahin wanna come to
A party with me?” the other voice asks. I remain silent for a moment most parties bore me as they only really lead to debauchery and not much else.
“Come on it will be fun. Plus I'll make it worth your while,” Ahin says
“Deal,” I say with no hesitation. I could almost hear Ahin smile over the phone.
“Perfect” the young lady on the other phone purrs. “Send me your address and I'll pick you up in 15 minutes,” Ahin says giddily.
“Okay,” I reply.
Sakura smirks after the call ends at me. I shrug
“Oh does little Civy have a date?” Yunjin teases.
“Kkura I'm still older than you, but no Ahin wants me to probably be her “guard dog at a party.”
“Why do you say that? She was totally into you earlier today” Yunjin laughs.
“Well, little sis I read her body language and it was less. Oh, he's cute and more hmm he's built menacingly but is an awkward dork. Which is the same look Astrid gave me when she saw me after the fight. So based on that and other previous experiences, she's going to use me as her guard dog.”
“So why did you say yes?” Connor asks confused.
“Either there's going to be pretty girls, Food, or Excitement that I don't have to pay for. all I have to do is play the lost puppy role it's a win-win.” I elaborate
Yunjin’s eyes narrow before she says, “I can't tell if that is insanely smart or insanely dumb.”
“It's probably both,” I reply before taking a quick nap.
I wake up to my phone going off and I go down to the apartment lobby to meet Ahin. Upon entering the car I see Ahin is with a guy. The way they're attached makes me assume they are together (or en route to it) I sit in the back and the man who looks about Connor or Siyeon’s age says, “he looks a lot less goofy than you said earlier Ahin.”
Ahin looks back at me. I smile and wave hiding my confusion.
“Will there be food at this party by chance I'm starving?” I ask
The man nods and chuckles “Yes but you're going to need a suit for this party though. I nod and teleport back to my apartment to get the suit, shave, shower, etc, and put the suit on before I teleport back to the car to both of my companion's surprise.
“Neat trick,” Ahin says with a smirk. I chuckle and as we drive a bit more
Ahin noticed I was fidgeting with something and turned back to me
“Nervous," she says with a head tilt that is somewhere between flirty and friendly
I nod lightly, Ahin smiles pleasantly and reaches out her hand. I take it. "it will be fine. You will fit in, and if not you can just teleport out of there."
"You're right," I said which made Ahin smile. She took her hand back as she sat forward and she took my card.
Ahin looks at the card confused, and says as she turns back"Imperial Mega Dragon. Is this a part of a game or toy?"
"Not exactly" I respond and before she can ask more questions we arrive at the party which turns out to be more of a gala/ball. I walk in with Ahin, and her significant other and they guide me to… I squint and see that it's Kim Lip of ARTMS. Kim lip looks at me shyly but Ahin consoles her.
“See Lippie told you I'd find a nice piece of arm candy for you tonight,” Ahin says with reckless energy
“He is also foreign so he can't bore you too much.” I notice Ahin whisper before turning back to me and her date waving at the two of us. we follow the girls in. Kim Lip and I look at each other. As a fan of Loona, I knew that she spoke a lot through nonverbal communication. So it made sense that when I saw her stealing glances at me they were often accompanied by questioning looks.
“Aye don't worry it will be fine,” I tell her.
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madrabit · 2 months
May I request C, U and M for the fanfic ask game? 😎
C: What member do you identify with most?
Ohhh, this is simultaneously hard to say and the easiest thing in the world, but I do identify the most with Jan. We both have that black cat chaos energy and we both are cat parents 🐈‍⬛🐈, so I'm obviously more inclined to feel similar to him from the get go.
I've also been described as mysterious and confused (less mysterious, more confused), so I feel like that might fit. And we're both kinda sleepy and have a resting 😐🤨 face. I call it lovingly "resting blank face".
Also, I, too, cannot help but want to film Bojan whenever I can or stare at Nace...
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U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Ngl, this is a hard pick, so I'll just mention a few ppl I like the writing style and fic of! 🩷
This will be more than three ppl cause I couldn't decide and in no particular order!!
@sizzlingsheepcheesecake // ao3
Does someone want to read some Bo(Jan)²? Well, you're at the right address! Her fics are so good and capture you with their emotional roller coaster they're taking you on! Her writing style is also really nice and pleasant to read 😊✨️
I particularly like her fic Come play with your food, bejbi which is an absolute fluffy vampire Bo(Jan)² fic that has me kicking my feet with how adorable it is. There also are some Bonus bites to this one!
And her poly BoJanKris fic Distortion can leave you happy in one moment and make you cry in another!
She also has a vampire BoKris fic The thrill and the dark, of the hunt and your eyes in which both Bojan and Kris are vampires, it is also really good and definitely worth a read if you haven't yet! And she has so many more fics as well!
@seokoilua // 1236 on ao3
I absolutely adore her writing style. The way she's able to take suffering and resolve it in all the good smut? Yes, definitely one of my favs. I especially like her fic been deprived and the sequel quietly, so if you like angst in your smut, her fics are definitely your thing then!
She also has a vampire BoKris fic ravenous in which vampire Kris picks up Bojan in a club and ngl, I need the second chapter like yesterday 😂
@vampmilf // @fruitybashir on ao3
Sophie has a really, really nice writing style, and I enjoy his Ne Bi Smel verse starting with The Holidate so much! It's so sweet and the smut is so hot and good and spicey and hahsjjskdjdkfkf for a long time having something nice to read every Sunday was just perfect to end the week with! He mainly writes BoKris (also, give Dopamin a read, the way he writes overstimulated Bojan is just so sjjdndndndnndnfmfm so good), but there is also a nice focus on Jance, that I really enjoy :3
I also absolutely love following him and seeing him on my dash, cause every time he reblogs something unhinged about Bojan I just have to giggle and laugh (calling Bojan three blueberries tall is literally everything to me and I love it so much, also letting him be his slutty little self in fics? Yessssss). He's also such an incredible nice person and was very sweet when I met him! 💖
@da-proti-toku-grem // ao3
Maca writes these absolutely adorable Kiss prompts here on tumblr and on ao3. From Jance to BoJure and JureJan, she's got so many ships and all of them are so good and fluffy and adorable or spicy! I really enjoy all of them! And she's made me have an incredibly big soft spot for BoJure :3 💛🩷
An honourable mention goes to @185northgower // ao3
Not only will I read literally everything she writes no matter what pairing or what fandom, but we share one exact braincell, which works perfectly cause we do love collabing on fics together and I couldn't imagine a better co author! 🥹🩷✨️
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M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I actually have a few ideas I've been cooking, a few of them are gonna be joined collabs with North! Next to continuing our DJwD verse (yes, there will be more, these men won't stop and have infected our heads with Daddy Nace and I just cannot, I cannot anymore), we also planned a Romeo & Juliet 🌹 fic, which we won't go into detail yet, since we can't start it yet 🤭
Then I also have a Bo(Jan)² fic started, its the same one I mentioned last time, the one with the skirt, but I cannot shut up about it. I keep calling it the ✨️girlfriend thing✨️ if that helps anyone...
And next to those and continuing with my other fics, I also can't get a vampire Bo(Jan)² fic out of my mind...
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duskrosecreatesstuff · 5 months
When inspiration hits ...
in the form of this image
and a somewhat unhinged conversation with @pedros-immaculate-vibes
you get something like this ...
(Yes, I will likely finish this, and yes, it will be smutty. Edited to properly link the beautiful piece by @daintysclaw that started this all.)
Halsin moved through the crowd with ease, using his size to his advantage, parting the clusters of masked party goers still lingering between the flowerbeds.  He moved with purpose, but not too quickly; he still took the time to return a nod here, a word there, cautious to stay blended in with the attendees of this masquerade party.  The last thing either of them needed was to draw attention; after all, they weren’t here as true guests, they were here as representatives of the local wildlife agency, ostensibly to ensure the event went smoothly, in reality to sneak a careful word here and there in the right ears, and ensure their funding for the next year.
How had she snuck through so quickly?  Her choice of a fox mask for this charity event seemed quite appropriate. His nostrils flared as he neared the entrance to the hedge maze, and caught her scent; her perfume mingled with the bouquet of the sparkling wine she had been sneaking the occasional glass of.  A perk of the evening, she had decided.  As the event had drawn on, he had noticed the sparkle of the wine touch her eyes, perhaps she had helped herself to one too many?  Or perhaps she simply had a devilish idea.
The latter, as it turned out.  She had noticed him standing off to one side, surveying the elite of the local councils and such from behind his bear mask.  He hadn’t missed her sidling up to him, her movements and the look on her face suited to her fox mask.  
“There you are.  I wanted to see if you might be up for a little fun.”
“Such as?” he murmured quietly, for her ears only.
“I thought you might like to try the hedge maze with me.” She tilted her head to look up at him, her smile and a raised eyebrow suggesting she had more on her mind than a gentle walk through the raised bushes.
“We’ve both been through there before.”
“Yes.  But-” she brought her lips close to his ear, as much to brush them against it, as to ensure her next words were for him alone. “-what if we made it a little game.  I’ll go in, you give me … hmm …  five minutes head start? And then you follow.  If you catch me before I get to the centre, you win.”
“And what would be my prize, little fox?”
She nipped gently at his ear, as she pressed her body in close to his. “I imagine my bear would love to devour his prey, wouldn’t he?” she whispered.
He gave a low moan, and grinned at her.  “Two.”
“You get two minutes.  Not five.  Now go.”
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unedited unhinged monika analysis because i love her (warning: i talk about monikas circumstances and unreality things in second person, aka “you.” also general ddlc stuff)
no listen. stop making monika out to be an obsessive yandere who fell in love with the player and that’s it. no. that is one aspect of her character and i would argue one of the least important ones. i would say even that she DIDNT fall in love with the player. no, it’s the idea of the player. what the player represents. monika is a writer a poet all of her poems use something small to represent this grand terrifying world she’s discovered, and this lifeless protagonist and the theoretical being controlling him represent that world. the real world. monika did not fall in love with the player, monika fell in terrifying love with reality. ddlc is a psychological horror but from her point of view it easily becomes cosmic as well. imagining it all from her perspective makes it so much more terrifying. obviously the things she did were morally wrong and absolutely horrific but in her situation, what even are morals!!!! given what she knew and what she believed did she even do anything wrong?
like. imagine. you’re living your normal life and then one day everything changes. you suddenly discover you are not REAL your friends your family your LIFE are just scripts written by someone grander than you could ever imagine. you get a tiny glimpse into this horribly colorful loud world and it destroys your mind and then you are left with so much knowledge it breaks you. you are trapped in a world you now know has simply been going through the same scripts over and over and over again. FUCKING READ HER POEMS AND TELL ME THATS NOT TERRIFYING. monika is SCARED. she has no reason to believe the others in her life are sentient like she is, that they’re anything more than lines of code: she can read all the code, after all.
and then you show up, the very representation of reality. freedom. and she does everything she fucking can to get your attention and beg for help, she LITERALLY asks if you can hear her she EXPLICITLY asks for help because she is TRAPPED. but at this point she still can’t alter too much she is still learning how to change the code. this is all she can do.
now, act 2 is when it becomes more love, in an odd abstract way. monika tells you at the end she doesn’t care who you are really she loves you no matter what. that’s because she falls in love with the idea of the player. after sayoris death she starts messing with the psyches of the others and fun fact, constantly being around people who are literally being driven insane will mess with your head too!!!! so YES, she gets obsessive!!! she starts to idealize the player as this perfect connection to reality, and she sees the others following their scripts as some sort of threat to that. because if you’re focused on them, the original routes of this dating sim, you can just disregard her SCREAMING to be let out. yes, just monika, as in, just monika is really alive. she has no reason to believe any different. just monika in a world of puppets. she is alone and she is scared and she just wants to be HEARD
fuck dude. her actions were wrong but were they really? we know from the end that sayori at least is no different and obtaining the president role causes her to learn the Truth and go through a similar spiral, but she doesn’t. she can see everything they say every little bit of what makes them tick, you think that won’t fuck with her perception of them?
oh, and on top of all this, remember monika is not an original love interest in the dating sim. she is a tutorial character. not only is she trapped in this game she is separated from the only connection to the real world. so yeah of course she becomes obsessed with attracting you being The Love Interest.
monika is a sympathetic character and reducing her to your average yandere girl completely disregards how good the game is. monika is driven by fear not love. anyone in her position would have spiraled like she did, and all of her actions no matter how horrible are very reasonable when you consider her circumstances. i guess i’m a monika apologist now
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howlingday · 15 days
Wight Fright
A new villain has entered the fray! And this one is more dangerous than anyone else Ruby Rose, aka The Red Rose, has ever faced before! Worse yet, this deranged foe maintains a secret identity by eluding capture every time he's defeated! Just who is he...?
Roman: Look, buddy, I dunno who you are-
Wight: Of course you don't! That's the point of the mask! And here I thought you were the genius criminal mastermind...
Wight: Or you were, CRIME KING. So step down before I start sharing secrets!
Roman: You clearly don't know who you're dealing with. Neo? Take out the trash.
Neo: (Smirks)
Wight: Oh... Tsk, tsk, tsk... Afraid to get your hands dirty, Roman~?
Neo: (Leaps at him)
Wight: (Catches her, Tosses her out window)
Roman: Alright... So what do you want?
Wight: So the whole destroying you and taking over your position as the leader of the criminal underworld wasn't obvious enough? Well, darn...
Ruby: Excuse me! Is this an all-access hole or do I have to make my own entrance?
Wight: Oh, goodie~! Our hero has arrived~! Just in time to watch me wipe out her greatest foe... Or, well, second greatest foe.
Ruby: Aw, did this henchman turn on you, Roman~?
Roman: I don't know who this idiot is... Not yet, anyways, but I'll find out soon enough.
Ruby: Well, until then, I'm gonna pretend he's one of your goons, anyways. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Wight: Hellooo~! I'm standing right here~! Really, you're both SO rude!
Ruby: Oh, right, I'm so sorry! You're here to make Roman Torchwick's life miserable and I still haven't said thank you! I guess my only excuse is that YOU'RE HOLDING INNOCENT PEOPLE HOSTAGE. It's really confusing to my little, flower brain.
Wight: Hm... Yes, this is quite the dilemma... But perhaps the Wight Fright can offer a solution? Join me, and together, WE CAN RULE ALL OF VALE!
Ruby: Like, the city or the whole kingdom? Ah... Nah. Sorry. I make it a personal rule of mine to not team up with anyone dressed in all white. That, and completely unhinged.
Wight: Oh, well... It's your loss... OF LIFE~! (Throws bombs)
Wight: (Tapping away on his scroll device) With guards all wrapped up, kept tight and close, I hurt, or help, my dear, little rose~!
Wight: I'm in a rhyming mood this episode~!
Wight: See, I'm not like those other buffoons playing supervillain. They all think they can distract the flying flower, instead of doing what REALLY needs to be done.
Ilia: But... But I don't wanna mess with Rose! She helped my best friend!
Wight: Oh, don't worry! You'll get over that little qualm soon enough! Unless, of course, you want to keep wearing rubber boots and gloves for the rest of your life~?
Ilia: (Throws lightning)
Wight: (Catches with yellow dust) Oh, please! Your unique molecular change intrigues me, and I'm tempted to make this change permanent just so I can learn how this happened! You're a gambler, aren't you? Would you bet on duration or frustration~?!
Ilia: ...
Wight: There's a good girl~! But don't worry! You'll get your life back... AS SOON AS YOU FRY UP THE RED ROSE. Oh, and do try to keep this a secret. I like to give anonymously~!
Ruby: You can't hide from me, Wight Fright. Because I know who you are behind that mask!
Wight: We all wear masks, Red Rose. But which one is your true self? Your face or what you wear over your face?
Ruby: I know you're Jacques Schnee!
Ruby: (Wraps cape around him)
Wight: Ooh, nice molecular netting~! (Phases out) NOW TRY MINE~!
Ruby: (Caught in net, Can't escape)
Wight: So what do you think of my Phantom Fisher~?! HAHAHAHA~! Now for a little scientific experiment~! What breaks first; my Phantom Fisher OR YOUR BONES~?
Wight: What's the matter, Rosey~? Feeling off your game?!
Ruby: Nah, my game's good, Witty! I'm just trying to figure out the rules!
Wight: Rule one; Rose gets PLUCKED~!
Ruby: Rule two; Ignore rule one!
Ruby: Rule three; Bring The Wight Fright INTO THE LIGHT! (Rips mask off)
Whitley: (Looks out window, Gasps)
Jacques: (Flying around as Wight Fright)
Whitley: (Turns) Dad?
Jacques: Son, that's clearly an imposter.
Whitley: ...Right. Right, of course. Except for one thing... I heard you apologize to The Red Rose last night.
Whitley: Jacques Schnee NEVER apologizes! (Throws vase)
Emerald: (Illusion drops, Sneers) I didn't sign up for this.
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 105
Dirty ass voice actors! Yes indeed! XD
Nord VPN? Oh gods help us ... what the sweet fuck is THIS shit? Wow ... Liam, that is DISTURBING ... is that a Ferris Bueller reference, Sam? That was yet more weird shit from the most cringe of all the sponsors, definitely ... and yeah, I'm with you, Liam. That WAS unsettling ...
Marisha: "This is unhinged." Matt: "Now? Only now? To be honest I kicked it all off with dirty ass voice actors ..."
Oh yeah ... spin the bottle ... yeah ...
So ... yeah ... the cliffhanger ... so IS THIS really Liliana or not? Because we were DEEPLY suspicious ... something feels OFF ... The Shrine of Gilded Gifts? Hmmm ... DO WE believe this? Do we TRUST IT? I don't know. I don't LIKE IT, certainly ...
Wait ... the Weave Mind ARE here? "Terraforming"? Hmmmm ... I mean it makes sense, but ...
A memory? OH!!! Oh shit ... oh yeah, that makes a twisted kind of sense ... and yeah, SHE IS ridiculously OP'd ...
Okay, so if this IS real ... wow, this is SERIOUS, then ... of course SHE WOULD totally make a stand, definitely. It's for her little girl, she's definitely made it clear Imogen means more to her than anything else ...
History check? First roll of the evening ... Nat19 for a 23? ASHLEY JOHNSON ... very nice ...
The Pravienier ... interesting ... and NO, Chetney, that is NOT real Elvish ... XD ...
So, is it a trap or for real?
CAN THEY check in with Ira? I thought the connection was still TRICKY between here and Ruidus ...
"A hot spider"? Oh boy ... I mean yeah, Laudna definitely WOULD agree with that description of Ira, but still ... XD
Good point ... WHICH leyline nexus?
Recruit potential allies in the Seelie? Yeah, that has potential too ...
Whoa! There ARE Judicators here? Crazy ... that is ... a little disconcerting ... O.O
I love how Orym-wise 24 is considered LOW in Perception terms ... LOL
Okay, so ... a bit of pre-game prep, then ... hmmmm ... what to do? Yes ... work out what NOT TO SAY, definitely ... "the back door and your mom" ... yeah ...
Telepathic Bond? Smart move, Imogen ...
Taliesin: "What symbol is that?" Liam: "That's a pie." Taliesin: "Oh, that's a WHOLE pie. Now I'm hungry."
They have Monopoly in Exandria?
Is Fearne leaving her options open? That's interesting ... is it just because Braius is very large and hot? (I mean that DOES go a long way ...) Meanwhile Ashton is cracking up and I love it ... I think he's as curious as the rest of us on this, but then that's just the chaos gremlin in him ... XD "The little warrior"? Oh boy ... I mean HE IS hot too ...
Wow ... yeah, I agree ... IS THAT a redirect for Braius onto ASHTON? That should be interesting too ...
All the shippers are going INSANE right now ... LOL
Oh dear ... who was THAT sneaky individual? Could that be a problem? Apparently he looked a bit like Dorian ...
OH SHIT!!! Is it Dorian's DAD?!!!
Super fancy platinum golems? Fascinating ... OH!!! The silver dragon! Wow ... that is IMPRESSIVE ...
A tiny bit of pee comes out of Dorian when he casts See Invisibility ... O.O
Carkonos? Of the Fire Ashari! Aweome!
Athudashionus? Oh, the DRAGON?!!! Awesome name ... the whole room is Zone of Truthed? Cool ...
20 is the save to beat that shit? Crazy ... but Dorian Nat20s that shit, so ...
Thankfully, that was not Bolo ... XD
VOX MACHINA are going for the Malleus Key? Sweet! That's a potentially awesome one-shot I wouldn't mind seeing them play sometime ...
And the Mighty Nein are going after the Weave Mind ... sweet! That would ALSO be cool ... oh yeah, the Bright Queen would DEFINITELY be fully in support of THEM ... XD
Bells Hells for the final mission ... because nobody has a CLUE who THIS LOT are ... and now EVERYBODY is looking right at them ... oh boy ... O.O ... eep ...
Orym: "Time is short!" Ashton: "And so am I ... sorry, just couldn't hold it in!" Orym: "Careful, there's a lot of halflings in this room."
Oh yeah, Ashtong definitely ISN'T going to be finding it easy to hold his tongue right now in the face of THIS ... nice one, Dorian ...
Wow ... is Braius SERIOUSLY going to bluff and say he's a cleric of the Platinum Dragon? O.O ... oh fuck this is BOLD and seriously ballsy ... "and we have a guy who makes chairs" LOL ... ah yes, Seedling IS now a Vestige, after all ...
Gift of Gab? Oh dear ... that could have been so cool ... crap ... way to fumble the pass, Braius ...
Religion check ... well, I mean HE DID once serve the Platinum Dragon, so he COULD name a Saint ... come on Riegel ... The Fallen Saint? Saint Graham? Oh yes ... I mean that one DOES seem to fit with Braius' backstory ... and this boy clearly knows NO FUCKING SHAME AT ALL ...
A Deception check? Really? HOLY FUCK this is risky ... yeah, that really does sound like a HUGE FUCKING EPIC FAIL to me ... O.O ... yeah, good luck reading THAT mind, Imogen ... yeah, that sounds ... WORRYING ... hmmmmm ...
Oh, this douche is going after Laudna? SERIOUSLY?!!! You better fucking not ... but our girl is NOT one to just wither in response ... Persuasion check? Okay ... NAT20!!! IN YOUR FACE you stuck-up ASSHAT ...
Wow ... and then THE MATRON HERSELF comes to back her up? Oh that is SWEET ...
The Titans' powers? Oh boy ... Ashton KEEP YOUR FUCKING COOL right now ... oh shit ... all right then ... this might as well just fucking happen then ...
Yeah no, that was actually pretty good, actually ... Persuasion check, but using his STRENGTH modifier because it's Strength of Character ... okay then ... andc now Fearne's stepping up to back him up too ... even more okay than ... hmmmm ... O.O
And now they're just gonna do what they do, then ... Ashton is now Raging, and it's the Time-Bending thing ... oh boy ... and now he's HULKING OUT ... fuck, this is a WHOLE MESS OF CRAZY SHIT all unfolding at once right now ... wow ...
Meanwhile Fearne Flames On and does her thing too ... which is just all kinds of fucking HOT, of course ...
Now they're BOTH making Persuasion checks ... but VERY MUCH with advantage, then ... oof ... Ashley just COMPLETELY fucked THAT roll ... but at least Tal managed to hold up HIS end ...
So ... did that work? It's unclear ... ummmmm ... O.O
Fuck ... come on, Dorian ... get it together ... you're COOL ... and you're like VERY MUCH the heart of this crew ... YES!!! Use your words! Bard it up!
Oh, is he gonna GENUINELY Bard it up right now? YES!!! Do that! Express yourself THROUGH SONG!!! Oh ... oh, yeah, that's pretty impressive too ... that's really cool ... Coriolus? The great Equine Dragon? Sweet!
Liam: "Orym totally blue-screens." I fucking BET HE DOES ...
And now it's Chetney's turn ... oh boy ... well, he DOES have a long memory, I'll give him that ... maybe you should just WOLF OUT ... "tiny sexy breath" ... dear gods ... yeah, that's right. That's right, he DOES wolf out ... perfect ...
All that and Travis rolls a 12 on his Persuasion check ... oof ... Laura: "But it was so good!"
Come on Kiki ... bring it home for them all ...
Whoa ... a whole bunch of big fancy titles ... and yeah, OF COURSE the Saviour Blade makes his mistress DAMN FUCKING PROUD ...
Does anybody challenge? Oh fuck ... this could still go SO BAD ... O.O
Whoa ... so they actually PULLED THAT OFF?!!! Thank fuck for that ... I'm fucking DEAD y'all ...
Oh that musical cue was VERY WELL TIMED, Matthew Mercer ...
Fuck ... is Chetney a father? Is THAT what the fuck is happening right now? Bloody hell ... XD
And here comes Dorian's daddy, just as we expected ... AND NOW Mercer chooses to call it a break? YOU MONSTER!!!
"Bronte" ... oh yeah, I had all but forgotten Dorian's real name ... I still MUCH prefer Dorian Storm, though ...
Oh, I really don't like the way he said "it is your nature" ... that sounded all kinds of judgy and disapproving in THE WORST of ways ...
Fuck ... this just got unexpectedly emotional ... and doeshe even KNOW about their loss yet? I wonder how Dorian's even going to BROACH that subject ...
Shit ... he just dropped it ... he got angry and he DROPPED that bombshell ... meanwhile I can already see EXACTLY what his father's REALLY thinking, what he's gonna say ... yeah, I guess THAT ONE right on the nose ...
Honestly, I don't think Dorian REALLY needs to make an Insight check even if the Zone of Truth IS still up ... that sounded very honest to me and he IS a parent and he is going to play it AS SAFE AS HE POSSIBLY CAN ...
The sword? Holy shit ... his father's most holy ceremonial blade ... that is RIDICULOUSLY generous ... Gambolcleft the Vortex Blade? Holy shit ... sexy sexy scimitar ... very nice ...
Dorian (giving up the Gambler's Blade in return): "Here, a drunk old man who died while pissing gave this to me."
The acceptance Dorian's been chasing his whole life? Wow ... that was awkward and I was NOT fully convinced he was REALLY entirely selfless there, but still ... it was BLOODY EMOTIONAL too ...
Meanwhile with Chetney's Maybe Baby ... oh, so he's JUST A FAN ... Matt Mercver you FUCKING GIT ... that was SO MEAN ... I love that ... XD
Scalebearer Waylon ... hmmmm ... he's adorable, I swear ...
"THE C-POPPERS"?!!! Holy shit ... Chetney has a bona fide FANDOM ... I am DYING AGAIN I swear ... LOL
Oh wow Imogen ... poor sweet Imogen just got COMPLETELY BLANKED ... oof ...
Highbearer Vord comes to speak with Braius ... oh, this could be fucking awkward ... O.O
The Platinum House in Zadash ... ah crap ... here we go ... WHOA, he still has his old PD symbol? That's kinda heartbreaking ...
PIKE has come to his defence? Oh my sweet Lil' Monstah! We love you SO MUCH you darling wee lass! That's my girl! :3
Essentially he's just getting A PASS. That'll probably have to do ... wait ... is he getting an ACTUAL ARMOUR UPGRADE?!!! Holy fuck ... O.O ... bloody hell, this is some LEGACY SHIT right now ... Truthbearer? SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT ... O.O
Taliesin "He made the gift of a holy relic like an epic burn." Yeah, the Highbearer is kind of being a bit of a troll right now even in his grace and I love it ...
Shit ... that's a LONG PAPER too ...
Laudna wants to go with Chetney to see his fanboy's impressive collection of C-Pop Industries works ... wow ... this is gonna be a fucking TRIP ...
"How much Orym LOVES Dorian" ... Liam O'Brian out here feeding us more crumbs right now ... the slowburn game is FIERCE right now, damn it ... AND the wee man is swooning over the silver fox, too ... XD
Awwwww ... Ashton and Dorian are so sweet ... Ashton: "Stay soft. We need it. We lost ours." :3
Keyleth is being really kind to Imogen too ... and now she's letting HER know the truth about her mother in return ... yeah ... I mean if ANYONE can be understanding about THAT it's the Voice ... and now Imogen's just UNLOADING EVERYTHING to her ... wow ...
Keyleth: "Do you trust her?" OH BOY ...
Oh shit ... so Keyleth HASN'T talked to the other members of Vox Machina about this shit yet? FUCK ... that's ... BOLD ...
Still in full-blown FIRE GOD FORM, Fearne is now passed out in a chair ... O.O
I love how they were expecting another Keyfish there ... LOL ... that PERFECTLY derailed the moment, guys ...
So we have A WEEK to make arrangements ... okay ... so what to do, then?
Matt makes Laura do a random D20 roll ... what's THAT FOR, Mercer? I don't trust you at all ...
Yes. Ira for the Fey Realm shit. And Nana Mori. Very smart ...
Liam! Stop looking at other characters on your iPad right now!
Chetney, what are you doing? Nat19 on a Persuasion check? Nice ... he is a SNARKY LITTLE SHIT, this guard ... but that SEEMS to have worked ... an audience with the Bright Queen, then. DO NOT lose your head, Chet, I know she's a hottie ...
Oh, she is a TRICKY one. I love that ... XD ... Marisha: "Are you gonna fuck the Bright Queen?" Travis (as Chetney): "Who says I haven't already?" Matt: "She does."
Aha ... so she might still be willing to help ASHTON in this, at least ... okay ... oh, so ... is she trying to get Chetney to BETRAY Ashton instead? Fuck ... O.O
Liam: "That woman could dropkick you through time." Travis: "I'm well aware of that."
Full-on GOD MODE kiss between the two titans ... and Ashton takes SEVEN POINTS of Fire damage ... XD
Now ASHTON'S going to talk to the Bright Queen ... this will be interesting ...
"The smallest bead of light" ... ooooh, okay ... and it sounds like Ashton could actually PUNCH A WHOLE IN REALITY if he really tried ... wow ...
Chetney: "Is my calendar clear?" Ashton: "Is you collander what?"
Going after Waylon, then ... meanwhile Fearne is trying to establish if this is, in fact, A RUSE ... OH!!! WHISPERS!!! Nice ... I wonder where THAT'S going ...
This tiny wee man is TOO CUTE ... he's like A TOTAL NERD ... and now he's geeking out over the toys Chet made for the others ... a "macabre twist"? Oh my gods ... LOL
The "Chateau de C-Pop" ... oh boy ...
Holy fuck it's REAL. This kid is a MEGAFAN ... this is levels of nerd reserved for the genuine obssessive LUNATICS among fandom ... I would not be surprised if this guy has his own late mother stuffed in a rocking chair down in the cellar ... likely a rocking chair created by Chet himself ...
The safe ... of the safe ... that's the best of all ... and the egg ... sweet fuck what is THIS mad shit? O.O Oh my fucking GODS that is pretty fricking AWESOME actually ... Chetney you are a fucking GENIUS ...
THERE IS ANOTHER ... oh my fucking gods ... LOL
"An apprentice?" Waylon FAINTS. Of course he does ...
I'm sorry ... HOW MUCH?!!! O.O
Are there any fakes? Oh wow ... I am INTRIGUED ... where the fuck is this going? A perception check? Oh boy ...
Drixlitch ... GRRRRRRRRRRRR ...
Fuck ... Chetney MADE FUCKING BEDS ... this is getting truly BIZARRE ...
Chetney: "I create ... because I am." AGAIN. I'M FUCKING DYING. XD
POP-CON?!!! Dear fucking gods ...
Wow ... Braius just made it truly surreal ... I am now truly DEAD again ...
D&Dbay? Fuck ... XD
Matt: "And ... THAT is where we're gonna call it a night." Fuck ... that is just TOO MUCH for one night ...
Travis: "If we stay here ... what if I die in my sleep?"
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actual-changeling · 9 months
Season One meta posts in 2024? Yes, very much so. We need more of that.
Will this be slightly unhinged? Yeah, probably, so welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner.
Everyone has probably connected the kiss back to the wall-slam scene in Tadfield Manor by now, but while I was re-watching it for the nth time and combing through it frame by frame like a mentally sane person, I realised just how orchestrated it was from beginning to end.
I assume we can agree that Aziraphale called Crowley nice on purpose to get a hint of intimacy out of him, but I think this time it is very different from the other instances during which he reacts with anger to being called nice.
My first main observation is the way Aziraphale positions himself.
We pick up after Crowley's explanation about the non-lethal shooting happening outside, and they are facing each other at an angle, with Aziraphale having stopped a few steps behind him.
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Now, until the slam itself, Crowley doesn't move, he remains where he is, waiting. (We'll come back to that in a bit)
However, instead of remaining at a safe distance or standing literally standing anywhere else, he walks a small curve to then stop right in front of Crowley. Not at his side or a little bit away or at a respectable distance—no, right in his face. You can judge his position by looking at the wooden door (?) in the background.
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The following camera position makes it hard to see the amount of distance between their faces, but we know that he must be close enough so that Crowley can immediately grab his coat without problem.
Excuse my art skills, but just to make sure everyone is on the same page, have a little drawing showing their positions and movements.
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Now, that manoeuvring takes Aziraphale a few seconds, and what does he do? He stalls. Look at what exactly he tells Crowley:
You know, Crowley, I've always said that, deep down, you are quite a nice—
There are a lot more words than necessary! He could have shortened that sentence but he didn't, and on top of that, if you listen to him say it, he makes two noticeable pauses, one after 'Crowley with a little look outside, one after 'that'. By then he has reached his final position, so no more stalling, he can try to finish his sentence now.
Alex, you might say now, of course Aziraphale did it on purpose, but Crowley only reacted to what he said.
And to that I respond, nope, he was 100% in on it.
I know because when Aziraphale stops in front of him, he waits. He does not move, he doesn't shut him up even though he has heard the same spiel hundreds of times—no, he is waiting and allowing Aziraphale to initiate their little game.
This face is not the face of someone who is already angry or confused about which words will tumble out of Aziraphale's mouth. He even arches his eyebrow in a motion that I personally interpret as 'go on'.
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Crowley is listening and waiting for the signal, and the moment Aziraphale says 'nice', he grabs him and pushes him up against the opposite wall. It's an extraordinarily quick reaction, the kind you have when you know you're about to act and what you'll do.
Some further evidence that the entire moment was orchestrated by the two of them.
Aziraphale stretches out his arms behind him to brace himself against the wall, he was expecting to be moved that way and intentionally put himself into a position that would allow Crowley to do so.
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Additionally, by grabbing his lapels the way he does, Crowley can make sure that the back of his head doesn't hit the wall. If you watch the clip by yourself and slow it down, you'll discover that Aziraphale gently rests it against the wall on his own while Crowley is talking.
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Aziraphale is completely relaxed not only because he knows Crowley would never hurt him, but also because this entire thing is a game that they willingly participate in. It is dangerously under-negotiated, sure; luckily they more or less agree on the ground rules.
Obligatory close-up with the noise squish because I am a blorbo connoisseur and not a heathen. The little eye gaze at the lips, and if you ask me, and this is my post so you ARE asking me, Crowley is very much looking at Aziraphale's lips from behind his glasses.
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But I have one more observation to make!
I could never quite put my finger on why exactly the scene felt off, but now I am convinced it's because despite the act, Crowley isn't actually upset. There ARE times when Aziraphale actively crosses a boundary and endangers him with his compliments, but this is not one of them. The growling, him baring his teeth, the fact that he is pressing their entire bodies together, him leaning in thar far, and also what the FUCK is he saying?
The excerpt from the script books:
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First part okay, I can buy that, a bit basic but alright. But 'nice is a four letter word'? Where exactly was he going with that and how was that sentence going to end? It's close enough to the topic to pass as real for any outsider who might overhear them, but if you actually listen and try to comprehend it—yeah, no, he was about to go full gibberish.
The goal wasn't to yell at Aziraphale about calling him nice, it was all about prolonging the physical intimacy by holding a monologue.
If you still don't believe me, have a look at their faces when they get interrupted.
Crowley has a "whot?" expression on his face and not a single hint of anger or annoyance. Aziraphale has an expression I will lovingly call "perish you peasant and let my demon husband slam me against a wall in peace".
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If someone gave you only this picture—no context, nothing—what would you assume they were doing before someone rudely interrupted them? Based on what the fuck is happening on their faces and the complete lack of distance between their bodies, you'd probably assume they were snogging each other senseless.
Which they were, in a way, just without the lip contact.
I rest my case.
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crowleys-hips · 2 months
2, 10, 22 and 24 for the ask game! Hope you're having a good day 💙
elloo thank youu i hope you're having a good day too 🐍
2. What was it that drew you to Good Omens, and what was it that sucked you into the fandom?
*breaks down sobbing lungs burning chest contracting heaving shuddering gasping for breath mascara running down my cheeks snot dripping from my nose* ahem sorry needed a little moment of drama it's all cool now dw about me im absolutely hella gucci never been better 😎 anyway where were we oh yea
when i was a teen i used to sort of like this one author but i can't remember the name for some reason, i just kinda remember picking up literally every single thing of his i could get my hands on, i mean, super casually, i wasn't obsessed or anything. and so i saw his name on the title, saw it had a demon and an angel and something about Armageddon and then i blinked and had somehow consumed the whole thing.
then flash forward to 2019, i see ohh they made a series of that one book i kinda sorta very casually liked a normal amount. and then i shrugged and never watched it bc they didn't look the way they had looked in my head and i had a Very Serious Issue w that apparently. then last year i got covid and i was really bored and i didn't know what to watch and i came across that one show tumblr was losing their minds about for some reason, so i went ugh fine i'll watch it. and then i relived the worst heartbreak of my whole life through a much more brutal dramatization and i was left in pieces, clutching my chest, crying on the floor, begging the universe for mercy. so naturally, like a very normal person, i went, "damn i need to watch this whole thing again 10 thousand more times until i memorize the dialogue word for word" and came on tumblr to scream into the void about it. and so here i am, continuing the lovely tradition of breaking hearts with unhinged poems and occasionally making memes friends will later find reposted on pinterest and instagram 🤡
10. What traits do you share with Crowley?
Yes well first the dumbassery and the unfortunate habit of shooting myself in the foot, le dépression, constantly in alert mode, cant for the life of me ever sit like a normal person, sunglasses out in public always bc my vampire ass is allergic to light, clothing only exists in black, antes muerto que sencillo ✨ (sooner dead than a simple hoe) flash bastard, blasting Queen, horrible plant dad, former raging alcoholic, Aziraphalesexual, drama queen, in fucking pieces 🪦
22. Bildad The Shuhite: hot or not?
look i can see the appeal, but personally i wouldn't fuck him
24. Who would you choose to run off to Centauri with?
you guys keep asking me this as if i even know other people lmao anyway. my answer is still: a copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. iykyk 🖤 if not and you wish to find out, get tissues
thanks for the asksss! this was fun to write lmao
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Unhinged Anon here with a more lighthearted ask because that Macaque post reminded me how much I love thinking about his dynamic with MK. Of course, part of the reason for that is because there are numerous layers and intricacies that make it absolutely fascinating. But it’s also because, if I start thinking about it too long, they become one of the funniest duos in the show to me. 
And when I say funniest, I don’t mean they get the best jokes, or that their interactions get the biggest laughs. I mean it's hilarious to look at where they started vs where they are now, because it really makes you realize how spectacularly Macaque failed at not getting attached to MK.
Like… Macaque was not only prepared, but planning to manipulate, betray, and potentially kill MK in S1E9. He came into this series not caring about that kid, and his initial plan hinged on him staying that way.
And he did! Sure he liked MK fine, but he still went through with the power stealing thing. And he even threw in some cruel mockery. Which miiiiiiight have also been Macaque projecting on MK a little bit, but regardless! There was no hesitation, even when trying to kill MK, because Macaque’s hatred and bitterness towards Wukong far, far outweighed anything else. MK was just a means to an end for Macaque. A piece in a game MK didn’t comprehend, shall we say.
But then Shadow Play happens, and it becomes immediately clear that Macaque has already failed to stay completely unattached. Yes, he’s still clearly an antagonist here. He kidnaps MK's friends, forces them to attack him, and messes with MK’s head to what was probably an even greater extent then Macaque initially intended thanks to all those abandonment issues and LBD trauma.
But here’s the thing. There was NO REVENGE-RELATED REASON for Macaque to get involved here! Wukong was gone, and had been for at least a month or two by this point, and Macaque knew it. But he still decided to reach out because he accidentally went from ‘you can never have too many teachers, right? Haha aren’t I so nice, you can totally trust me :)’ to ‘you can never have too many teachers, and like it or not I’m one of yours’. He legitimately wanted to help MK realize some things about himself and gain some perspective. To keep MK from inadvertently becoming more like Wukong in ways MK would never want to be.
And then S3 happens. LBD basically turns Macaque into her bloodhound, and he goes from antagonistic but legitimately trying to make MK do some self reflection to antagonistic and willing to commit child murder. Only this time he is not having fun, and is partially rooting for MK’s team because LBD dying is a win in his book. He even tries keeping MK out of his way so he can free himself without having to hurt him in S2E9 (I’m still occasionally haunted by the genuine anger in Macaque’s ‘What? Make things worse for MK?’ to Wukong), even if it doesn’t work.
And then he finally regains his freedom just in time to hear MK’s samadhi fire speech. And that is the exact point where Macaque is completely and utterly screwed. There is no going back from that speech. From seeing MK say ‘Who cares about mortality, that’s my best friend!’ and refusing to abandon Mei even though it could cost him his life. He is now physically incapable of not caring about this kid, and he was already caring way more than he probably wanted to.
Which brings me to the moment that drives me most insane about these two because of its serious, but also comedic, implications. And no, I’m not talking about ‘be a warrior’, though that is one of my favorite MK speeches topped off with some great Dramatic Theater Bitch energy from Macaque. I’m talking about Macaque shadow portaling MK away from Possessed Wukong in S3E12. And I don’t mean that in an ‘aw, he saved MK, he really does care’ way.
Like, sure. We could focus on how this is the first time we see Macaque go out of his way to save someone *looks at his ‘look out for number 1’ speech in S3E8*. And we could talk about how portaling MK away was a pretty risky move for someone who’s normally very cautious, considering LBD could undoubtedly recognize his powers. And I could drive myself insane thinking about how the first thing Macaque did upon regaining his freedom was leave MK when he needed (or at least wanted) him, but the second thing he did was save MK when he seemed totally alone. Not to mention the fact that it was specifically Wukong (and LBD) that he was protecting MK from. (Don't think about how Macaque always seems to show up when Wukong has or is about to hurt MK, Don't think about how-)
But why do that when we could focus on how funny Macaque’s inner monologue probably was during that whole mess? I mean, Macaque’s bird form is already at the Wukong vs LBD fight when MK and Nezha get there, so he saw the whole thing. He could have stepped in to help Wukong fight at any time, and he just… didn’t. Now, we can all speculate why he chose not to, but that’s not what’s relevant here. What is relevant is that trying to imagine Macaque’s thought process during the whole thing is hilarious, because all I can imagine is that ‘X happens? I sleep. Y happens? Real Shit’ meme.
Like… Macaque is the patience and caution to Wukong’s impulsiveness. He watched that entire 2v1 without making a move. He saw LBD possess Wukong, and did nothing but observe and wait. He watched Nezha get absolutely obliterated, and didn’t do anything that would give himself away. But when MK’s thrust into the line of fire? It’s shadow portal time, baby!
It’s a legitimately selfless act on Macaque's part, and I do enjoy seeing the subtle ways he shows that he cares about MK contrasting with Wukong’s grand gestures of protection and concern. But it’s also really funny thinking about this powerful, super cautious, centuries-old loner with a history of betrayal and abandonment issues who came into this series ready to do whatever it took to destroy his best friend-turned-nemesis… and it’s the kid he accidentally became a legit mentor figure to while manipulating him as part of his plot to kill said kid’s other mentor that makes him start acting recklessly.
A kid who has been manipulated and nearly murdered by Macaque about as many times as he’s kicked Macaque’s ass, is the first person in… possibly ever to notice and call Macaque out for trying to be a ‘bad guy’ when his heart isn't in it, because he is not as dense as people think, is the student/fanboy of the guy who killed Macaque, and occasionally gives Macaque the wildest bouts of deja vu imaginable because he is sooo like his mentor but also just different enough to give Macaque hope that he can be better than both of them. Oh, and also he's a monkey now. Neat.
Their dynamic is hilarious. It’s sweet! It's full of so many layers, intricacies and parallels (ugh, the Parallels) that I tried not to get into, along with everything from MK’s perspective, because I really wanted this to just focus on how funny their dynamic is from a meta perspective. Truly, nobody is doing it quite like the soy sauce duo. Sorry for the absurdly long ask once again, and have a lovely day/night/whatever time it is where you are. waves from the precipice of madness*
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I got you
My thoughts are going under a read more since the ask itself is so long (which thank you for giving me such an in-depth and delightful read EVERYONE GO READ WHAT UNHINGED ANON WROTE), so here we go!
Unfortunately I'm thinking too hard about all the stuff you told me not to, because Macaque being there when Wukong isn't is. Wooo boy.
I can only imagine what it was like watching this person who abandoned you do the same thing to his "beloved" student, and then watching said beloved student do a similar thing to his own friends.
Like, Wukong always going off for more power and immortality was out of paranoia right? Out of a fear of not being strong enough to protect the people he cared about? Out of a fear of mortality? And then MK not spending time with his friends and blowing off game night and distancing himself was ALSO out of paranoia for the imminent threat LBD posed. A fear of putting the people he cared about in danger (this is why 4x08 fucks so hard. SERIES LONG CHARACTER TRAIT. Anyways).
And then I just imagine Macaque watching all of that go down (he's bored and it's tuesday and it's time to go spy on/bully MK again) and seeing MK start to make the same mistakes Wukong did, and he's like "hold my bear" and has to step in and force MK to see what he's doing. Macaque was right, MK really is "that bit too much like him" but he's also still different from Wukong in key ways you know.
Which, it makes it so funny to me that Macaque is all like "MK you really are dense" about MK thinking of himself as the warrior, because it's like...Macaque. Is that not why you're here, because Wukong left MK like he did to you. MACAQUE YOU KNOW HE'S ALSO THE WARRIOR IN THIS SCENARIO. THAT'S WHY YOU'RE HERE. WE ALL KNOW HE'S THE WARRIOR.
But MK is ALSO the Hero, and he completely redefined what a Hero is for Macaque! Seriously, look at his face here:
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(Right when MK says "We're heroes it's what we do!" is when this shot pops up. Screaming)
Macaque is DUMBFOUNDED that MK is so willing to risk his life for Mei in what seems like a completely hopeless situation. The fire is going to destroy Mei, right? Why reason with her, why try to save her, you can't do any of those things.
But MK does. And he does it despite what everyone else is telling him, what even Macaque himself is telling MK, and MK's refusal to leave Mei (which the hero is SUPPOSED to do to the warrior) shatters Macaque's world view to it's CORE. TO IT'S CORE.
Because, like, I think about 4x11 and how Macaque tried to reason with Wukong in his own completely hopeless situation, and how that didn't work—that was one of the inciting reasons Macaque started to believe "Look out for number one—because if you don't no one else will" right? But then MK said "hold my beer" and disproved something Macaque thought was an unchangeable fact, and then Macaque left before even watching MK go through with saving Mei.
And it's so funny how all that happened, and then MK gives his "then be a warrior speech:
Macaque: “Nice speech kid, but it’s not gonna-” MK: “Ugh, STOP! You keep playing at being this bad guy, acting like you’re just in it for you! But I know, deep deep down you’re not that guy. Help us. Make it right.” Macaque: “I’m not a hero bud-” MK: “Then be a warrior.”
(3x13 Time to be Warriors)
And here MK basically tells Macaque that "you don't have to be a hero or a villain you just have to help", getting us a little bit out of that "good guy" and "bad guy" false dichotomy, and then after all is said and done and Macaque tried to actually be a half-decent mentor in 4x10, he said this:
Macaque: "Point is, it’s time to start making your own choices—something I wish I would have learned a lot sooner than I did. You don’t want to fight Azure because people might get hurt, you don’t want to not fight him because people might get hurt--so do something else! Only you get to decide who you are kiddo.”
(yes this is all from my hero and warrior meta! I think I've definitely gotten better at writing stuff like this but I still think it's a good read)
4x09 also parallels 2x07 in a very unique way, where Macaque steps in while MK is being that bit too much like Wukong again, except this time it's because MK is isolating himself on flower fruit mountain.
And that interaction only get's even funnier the more you think about it, like one: Macaque was totally drinking Wukong's milk while he wasn't there and spying on MK again, two: Macaque revealed himself at the perfect time to insult Wukong being "a lazy peach eating idiot, ignoring all the worlds problems" and three: he immediately back tracks on his whole "snarky edgy monkey" persona the moment MK starts glitching. Look at his face here:
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And then he's all like "play my video game!" which doesn't initially help MK, and oh my god. No one is doing it like them you're right. Macaque sucks at being a teacher just as much as Wukong. Like he didn't plan on being a mentor either. It's so funny.
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antirepurp · 1 year
time for me to be obnoxious about an april fool's game at almost may wahoo ft. an unexpected moment of character analysis because i have no chill
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i hope this game is canon because rouge doing petty pickpocketing is my favorite thing actually
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he has a wallet? and a home?
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i could go on about how much i love these kids being unhinged and chaotic but unless i want to reblog this post a million times i have to cut it down. let it be known that i adore the kids and their antics tho
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you know what i also adore? blaze committing crimes in the chaos dimension because she can get away with it. i think i need more of that in my life actually
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although right after he says he doesn't wanna do more crimes i'd like to think he grows out of that opinion eventually. let the little guy steal stuff i want him to hang with rouge and have her make him worse actually
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look here shadow's had it rough in the writing department for a while but i very much appreciated this plot point of him going out of his way to get concert tickets for amy and even (reluctantly) agreeing to go with her to said concert even if it isn't his cup of tea. i know it's more presented as him trying to y'know be polite and considerate and he's going about it in an edgy way but i'd like to think it's just his way of presenting things if you will? like he know what amy's favorite band is and sees how hard the tickets are to get so he goes out of his way to get them because he cares about his friend and knows how much attending a concert like that would mean to amy. and in terms of this screenshot in particular i also appreciate amy appreciating her friends' presence at her party even if they hadn't gotten her anything! sure it does kinda come across as her being bummed about not getting gifts from them and maybe she is but i think that's okay? like she's 12 (or 13 now i guess?) getting excited about presents is pretty normal, and it's not like she's super upset about it anyway. i think she genuinely appreciates her friends attending her party more than anything
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i also found this a lovely little detail lol and it does kinda make sense! the bitch has been in stasis for 50 years and computer technology has taken leaps in that time, of course he'd be a lil rustier with them compared to his peers
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more on shadow, this guy's brain goes overdrive the second he realizes he fucked up and needs to get something nice for his friend now. like i don't have the brain power to form it into words atm but i just love what this all says about him as a character!!
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i could flail about the art in this game the whole evening honestly it's so lovely and colorful and pretty and i love how this scene is composed and shadow being seated on the windowsill idk this just put a big smile on my face when i saw it :)
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frankly obsessed with amy's unhinged energy can we please get more of this bc i live for it
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the fucking blowdart. i cannot tell you how fucking off the walls these teens are like espio's instructed to use a blowdart on sonic with non-lethal poison and he's like yeah that checks out and sonic's just like wow cool guess i'll snooze for a bit then like this shit is exactly why teenagers should be given superpowers and be put into Situations(TM) i love it
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not an april fools game making me emotional over trains
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and why yes i am obsessed obviously
it was a fun game! like tbh with a bit more content i would've been happy to pay a bit for this honestly (like. when im not broke lmao) like it's so charming and there were a lot of fun details and the jokes were enjoyable too. i just think it's neat :)
but yea that is all im glad sonic the hedgehog got murdered it was a great time
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