#is melted ice cream a soup?
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gothamite-rambler · 3 days ago
Batman and his 2nd Robin chat during a boring patrol
Batman and Robin were perched together on a rooftop, scanning the city for any signs of trouble while engaging in lighthearted banter.
Robin!Jason: So, are Chicken McNuggets actually made from white chicken meat?
Batman: That’s a mystery I’ve pondered for years.
Robin!Jason: And are chicken nuggets just the chicken version of hot dogs, all breaded and deep-fried?
Batman: …No. The processes for making hot dogs and nuggets are vastly different. I can see why you might think that, though. Do you consider a hot dog to be a sandwich?
Robin!Jason: Nope, it’s a taco.
He chuckled at his own joke, not expecting Batman to find it amusing. To his surprise, he soon heard Batman’s deep laugh echoing in the stillness of the night.
Robin!Jason: Hang on, if a taco is a hot dog… does that mean melted ice cream counts as soup?
Batman: That’s disgusting… and maybe.
The two shared a hearty laugh, basking in the rare tranquility of the night. With crime low, it was the perfect opportunity to enjoy each other's company.
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averysmolkirbo · 4 months ago
So uh despite what you would think i'm not really a kirby-based blog but like i dont know what it is but im like on a huge kirby hyperfixation right now. like i just like him. i just think he's neat.
also i just need everyone to look at magolor for a second.
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have you looked at him? cool.
i just. I dont know. he has invaded my brain like a little virus.
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Picnic Soup”
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acasualentitty · 6 months ago
[looks for you in everything] [finds you there]
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vizthedatum · 1 year ago
A win that I was not usually able to do before 2022: cook several courses and meals of food for myself for the entire day while flaring really hard.
I must remember moments like this
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reysdriver · 7 months ago
Cruel Summer | E.M.
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Eddie does his very best to help you through the current heatwave — eddie x pregnant!reader fluff
warnings: pregnancy, a little angst if you squint
words: 1.6k
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That was the only way your trailer could be described right now. It was one of Indiana’s hottest summers on record, and it didn’t help that you were six months pregnant and living in an aluminum box. 
You owned three electric fans, and they were all on full blast and aimed at the couch, but they really weren’t making as much of a difference as you needed.
There was a series of thuds coming from something or other outside the thin walls of your trailer, so you assumed your husband was home. And you were proven right when he entered, immediately apologising for leaving you alone in this heat. 
He had no reason to be sorry. Eddie has been so attentive and helpful through this pregnancy, showing you exactly why you fell in love with him everyday, and he was even proving it now. 
Since he just came back from a quick run to the store for some ice, fruit, and frozen treats, he set everything he bought on the recliner before crouching down next to you. 
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and started lightly stroking some of your hair. 
“How are you feeling?” Eddie asked. 
You gave him a side eye, too exhausted to even lift your head. “Take a guess, Teddy.”
He smiled slightly. If it was at the use of your favourite nickname for him or your exasperated joke, you weren’t quite sure. 
“I know that, sweetheart, and I’m sorry. Hopefully I can help a little.”
“Thank you. Did they have black cherry ice cream?”
He hummed out a quiet ‘mhm’ then stood up with a stifled groan. “But it might have melted a bit on the way back. I’ll put it in the freezer and we can have it soon.” 
“What about oranges?”
That was your latest craving. The ice cream and popsicles were luxuries to get you through the heat; the oranges were necessities. You were thankful that your cravings switched from tomato soup to citrus just in time for the heatwave, or you weren’t sure how you would get through it at all. 
Eddie made his way back over to the living room and picked up a paper bag from the recliner. 
“Big bag of ‘em, just for you.”
Hoping to dive right into the bag of fruits, you attempted to sit up, but the baby bump paired with the immense summer heat rendered the process slow and tiring. 
Eddie watched as you moved sluggishly, pitying how this heatwave was taking an extra hefty toll on you. 
“Don’t push yourself.” He advised gently while holding out his hand for you. “I’ll help you with whatever, even if it’s just getting up.”
You thanked him, then grabbed a cutting board and paring knife so you could slice the oranges how you like. 
“You know,” Eddie spoke again. “I was thinking that we could stay at someone else’s place for a bit. Just to get through the heat, you know? I’m sure everyone we know would be more than happy to have us over.”
You started shaking your head before Eddie even finished the proposition. He and you both knew what your answer would be, but Eddie figured there was no harm in asking. 
He really just wanted the best for you. He wanted you to be safe and comfortable, and although that obviously was something you wanted too, you just couldn’t accept his offer. 
“Eddie, I know you just want me to be happy, but I promise you I’m happiest here, at home, with you.”
He sighs, torn between wanting to get you out of this sauna of a trailer and letting you decide what’s best for yourself. In the end, he had to go with your choice, even if it meant suffering; both of you suffering together wasn’t the worst thing ever, he supposed. 
“Alright. Want me to at least draw you a bath?”
“Will you feed me orange slices and ice cream while I’m in the bath?” With wide eyes, you flashed him a hopeful smile. 
He rolled his eyes jokingly, then smiled sincerely back at you. “Of course, anything you want.”
You let out a happy giggle, then took the ice cream out of the freezer almost as quickly as it got there. 
He kissed you on the forehead before heading off to the small bathroom. 
You heard the sound of running water, then your husband’s voice. “Make sure to scoop enough so I can have some too!”
You happily obliged and doled out an extra scoop into the bowl. Then you plucked one ripe cherry from the bag in your fridge and placed it atop the dessert. That was Eddie’s favourite, and if he was being so nice to you, then you would return the favour. 
You took the time to clean the kitchen up, then brought both the ice cream and the orange slices to the bathroom to see Eddie sitting by the tub and turning off the water. 
“It’s a little bit cooler than usual.” He warned. “I just didn’t want the water to be too hot when the whole place is already hot and you’re—”
You cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips, then another on the corner of his mouth. 
“Thank you, baby. Now hold these while I get undressed. And then turn around.”
“I don’t get to watch?” Your husband asked, baring one of the most betrayed looks you’ve ever seen.
You shook your head. “I promise, you don’t want to see me struggling to get my clothes off because they’re drenched in sweat and I’m about to enter my third trimester. I mean it, don’t look. I don’t want you losing all attraction to me.”
Your husband sighed dramatically, then obeyed and turned slowly to face the other way.
It only took a bit of effort, but you took off your dress and placed it on the towel rack beside you. Then came a wolf whistle from right behind you. After turning around, you noticed that Eddie could totally see you in the bathroom mirror. 
“Pervert.” You mock accused. “Does me being all gross and pregnant really turn you on?”
“Everything about you turns me on.”
And he meant that. Not an ounce of insincerity in that promise. 
You faked a gag and then smiled just because you couldn’t help it. Holding out a hand, you asked if he could help you into the tub and he obviously did so after putting your food down on the counter. 
“How’s the water?” He asked. “I can add some hot or cold water if the temperature is off.”
“It’s amazing, handsome. Perfect temperature for some orange slices.”
Eddie chose the slice that was calling to him the most and held it for you to bite. Some of the juices missed your lips and dropped into the bathwater, but you paid that no mind. 
You were thankful that your husband bought a whole bag of these, because you had a feeling your diet over the next few days would be mainly oranges. 
After a few more slices, you decided you now wanted some of the black cherry ice cream that you had also been craving recently. 
As Eddie held the spoon up close to your lips, he noted that this was similar to feeding a baby—something you would be experiencing soon enough. 
“I don’t know about that.” You said. “I think a baby would be a lot more difficult to feed than me.”
Eddie cringed exaggeratedly and shrugged, telling you he doesn’t know about that either. 
Maybe proving his point, you splashed about a cup’s worth of water at his chest, taking care in your aim to make sure none of it got in your ice cream. He ‘retaliated’ by doing the same to you, though the water didn’t affect you when you were already in a whole tub of it. 
“Do you want to join me?” You proposed, gesturing vaguely to the tub so small that you had to cram just to sit alone in. 
“I don’t think this thing can fit both of us, baby. You enjoy it now, and a big tub will be on the top of our list when we buy a new house.”
“It’ll take a while.” You told Eddie. “A lot of our savings are gonna go to the baby, and who knows when we’ll be able to leave the trailer park.”
“Don’t say that. We’ve been working hard and saving. We’ll get there soon.” Eddie assured you. “And even if we can only afford a place without a big tub, I’ll live in the dark and eat nothing but salt and pepper for as long as it takes to get you one.”
You tried to hide your grin, but you knew you were failing at it. Maybe he didn’t think you believed him, so he kept going.
“I’m serious. We’re almost there.” Eddie looked down at your bump sticking out of the water. “Our baby is gonna have a good life”
“You’re so cheesy, Teddy.”
“I’m in love. Love makes you do cheesy things.”
“Like feeding me ice cream in the bathtub?” You asked, attempting to not put your true intentions on display. 
But Eddie understood, just like he always does. He picked up the spoon once more and scooped a heap just for you. 
“Like feeding you ice cream in the bathtub.” He nodded in agreement.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 months ago
Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
Source ⚜ Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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repulsiveliquidation · 6 months ago
Melted Ice Cream || Leah Williamson and Alexia Putellas
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warnings : smut 18+, cunnilingus, food play, fingering, Daddy Alexia. player on player, reader only mentioned.
Based on the poem ‘Melting Ice Cream’ by Michael Faudet in his book ‘Playing with Matches."
orgy spinoff. Should I continue the orgy and work on the last part? 
“Could you get the door, love?” you yell from the kitchen, basting a steak that was seconds away from medium rare. Leah rushes to the front door, heart pounding in her chest. She’s been waiting weeks for this date and she’s over the moon the special day is finally here. 
Leah opens the heavy door and rushes at the person that stood behind it. Strong arms wrap around her middle and lift her off the ground, stepping into the delicious smelling house. 
“Ale, finally,” Leah sighs into Alexia’s neck, feet touching the ground again. 
“Hi amor, missed me that much eh?” Alexia teases, pecking Leah on the lips. Leah rolls her eyes and scoffs, taking Alexia’s bag into the master bedroom. The Spaniard searches for the kitchen, following the scent of butter browning and rosemary burning. 
The figure slicing away at cucumbers doesn’t hear or see the guest she has in her home, occupied with her cooking the perfect meal for her newest lover. 
“You’re realistically the only thing I’m hungry for tonight,” Alexia says cheesily as her arms snake around your middle. You’re startled but relax into her arms, leaning back into her chest as her lips leave little kisses on the shell of your ear. 
“I’m sure Leah’s got something planned that should whet your appetite,” you quip, turning around in her arms. She looks down at you proudly, leaning in for a kiss. 
It’s searing and full of lust, lips molding into each other perfectly. You both get lost in each other when someone clears their throat. 
“I’m beginning to feel very left out here, Ale.” 
“I’m sorry darling,” Alexia pulls away from you and saunters over to Leah. “Can I show you how much I've missed you?”
“Baby?” you ask, reaching into the cupboard to pull out your mandolin. 
“Yeah?” Both of them answer and it sends them into a fit of giggles, leaving you shaking your head at your silly girls. 
“You’ve got twenty minutes, angels. Not a minute more.” 
“That’s plenty,” Alexia says, taking Leah’s hand. “Come on, we’ve got time to kill.” 
Alexia leaves the door wide open, picking Leah up and throwing her onto the fluffy bed. Alexia notices the array of toys laid out on the nightstand, along with a strap that looked appealing but would have to wait till later. 
“Wait here.” 
Leah looks up at the Spaniard and nods, getting comfortable on the bed. Alexia goes back into the kitchen and rummages through the freezer for something; you hear a bowl and silverware but decide to pay no mind, the asparagus in front of you wasn’t going to blanch itself. 
Alexia comes back into the room and Leah’s eyes narrow when she sees the bowl in her hands. 
“What’s that? I swear if you’ve brought me in here to share the soup she’s made I’ll shove you back on a plane to Spain.” 
“No,” Alexia smirks, setting it on the bed. “Strip.” 
Leah is still understandably skeptical but does as she says, pulling the Barça jersey (which she secretly wore only in the house) off over her head. Leah arches off the bed and pushes her gym shorts off, legs spreading wide open for her girlfriend whose eyes turned dark. 
“Good girl mommy,” Alexia praises, standing at the edge of the bed. She takes a spoon of whatever was in the bowl and eats it, before leaning over Leah and kissing her. 
“Mmh,” Leah moans, swapping the cold dollop of ice-cream between their mouths. The sticky sweet vanilla ice-cream melted and made their kiss sweeter than it already was, leaving them wanting more. 
“That was so hot,” Leah whispers, watching eagerly as Alexia feeds herself more of the sweet treat. 
Alexia smashes her lips onto her lovers again, now climbing onto the bed. One hand holds herself above Leah while the other makes itself busy between Leah’s legs. 
Alexia feels Leah’s arousal spike, folds sticky and warm like their mouths were as the ice cream was swallowed. The ceramic bowl didn’t hold its temperature well, so there was melted ice cream around the scoop. Alexia, feeling a light go off in her brain, gathers a spoonful of it and drizzles it all over Leah’s chest. 
“Oops,” Alexia teases, watching as Leah’s skin prickles with goosebumps. “Guess I’ll have to clean up this mess I made.” 
“Yeah, you s–should,” Leah whines, head tilted down to watch Alexia lick up her mess. 
Alexia kisses Leah all over her chest, marking her with hickeys. She drags her tongue through the ice cream, sucking up the pearly white mess. 
“You taste so good, bebita,” Alexia praises, suckling on Leah’s breast. She kneads the other gently, flicking her tongue over the hard nipple. Alexia reaches for more ice cream, taking Leah’s breast back into her mouth to play with. 
Leah writhes and whines, lips begging for Alexia to touch her where she needs. 
“Please Ale, lower…need you lower…” 
Leah’s brain short circuits and she sputters, feeling Alexia’s fingers go back to her clit. 
“Daddy, please…” 
“That’s better,” Alexia praises, fingers rubbing Leah’s clit faster. Her free hand slaps Leah’s breast hard which sends painful pleasure through the England skipper, her clit throbbing harder and harder. Alexia could feel it and it stroked her ego more than she dared to admit. 
“Tell Daddy where you want it mi vida,” Alexia coos, fingers teasing Leah’s entrance. “Hurry baby, we don’t have much time sí?” 
“I–In my pussy Daddy, hurts…” Leah whined, back arching off the bed as Alexia’s thick fingers slipped into her pussy. She lets out a deep sigh and chuckles deliriously, hips grinding down onto Alexia’s fingers. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me no?” 
“Yes Daddy, only for Daddy,” 
“Oh? You’re not good for her too?” Alexia teases, fingers pressing hard on Leah’s sweet spot. Her other hand presses down on Leah’s hips and holds her down, the captain squirming in her hold. 
“I am! Good for you both,” Leah whimpers, eyes rolling back into her head when Alexia finger fucks her hard all of a sudden. The Spaniard smirks and pumps her fingers into her lover faster, watching as the skipper falls apart.
Alexia stops, taking the last bit of cold ice cream into her mouth before turning her attention back to Leah. Without warning, Alexia shoves her fingers back into Leah, a third slipping in alongside the other two that were pruning from how wet Leah was. 
“Alexia!” Leah screams when Alexia suckles on her clit. The cold contrast of her mouth and the heat from all the blood that flooded her core was too much for Leah and she is sent head first into the most mind numbing orgasm she’s had in a while. 
Leah’s thighs shake, her body jolts and her hands grip Alexia’s hair hard. She begs and begs for Alexia to stop but she doesn't until everything has been taste tested first. 
“The ice cream only made you tastier darling, remind me to bring sprinkles next time,” Alexia grins, licking her lips. Leah laid there starstruck, desperately trying to wrap her head around what she just experienced. 
“Girls! Dinner’s ready!” 
Alexia helps Leah clean up quickly, helping her throw her Barça jersey back on. 
“How much did she pay you to wear that?” 
“There were a lot of zeroes.” 
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acasualentitty · 6 months ago
and denmark
(Not sponsored or anything just thought it was a neat coincidence!)
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echantedtoon · 7 months ago
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch6 Date Weekend: Saturday
(Warning for some nudity mentioned in the boys part but absolutely nothing rude or nsfw!! Also it's cannon Hinatsuru and Makio can cook like really good in Kimetsu Gauken and Mitsuri.knows ballet from what we saw in s4 with flexibility training. My own headcannons are being slapped into here! AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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The colorful assortment of delightful sweets filled the eyes with childlike wonder. Cream and icing. Glaze and powdered sugar. Milky chocolate and sweet vanilla. All of which melted in the mouth and shook the senses with sweet dreams of sugary delight.
In in Mitsuri's case starting to stock up on food.
You sat down at the table with the other girls after the fun game of push ups. Taking your time to look around at the big but nice looking kitchen. Kyojuro must've had a good paying job if he could afford this. The nicely furnished space had pretty much a top of the line appliance set up complete with a nicely polished giant cherry wood table. Of which was stuffed to the brim with food. Three boxes of extra large pizzas took up the far left right corner, next to it was a box of hot wings, and a few six packs of different sodas and what was left of the canned coffee after Sanemi ravished through Obinai's gift. Two pink boxes filled up with day old sweets like donuts and mini cakes, what was left of the ohagi you made, and a few burgers Giyuu picked up. And a small pot of something you couldn't make out but it smelt like beef broth. Maybe a beef soup or hot pot?
It certainly was a lot of food but considering how many people there and how big Gyomei and Tengen were.
"Let me get you some food," Hinatsuru offered gesturing to the boxes of pizza stacked on the table. "We have pizza, burgers, cake- What would you like?"
A hand held up to her. "Oh no. It's ok. I can get it myself."
"Nonsense. You're our guest so I'll get it for you."
"Well alright then. Some pizza please."
"Sure! Pepperoni, sausage and mushroom, or meatlovers?" Hinatsuru was already shuffling towards the boxes Mitsuri was already rummaging through. 
"Pepperoni is fine. Thank you!'
You only smiled politely as the others say down or most of them grabbed ahold of whatever food was available for them, but you noticed only one of them had a tray instead of a plate. Mitsuri had taken out a large tray, the kind you'd use to carry breakfast in bed to someone, and just started piling on food after food item onto it. There must've been at least two or three slices of every kind of pizza they had, three small cakes you could make out including a fourth one just added to it, a few burgers peeking out from just under the pizza, and right now her main target was the pot.
The smells of beef filled the air with a snack of her lips looking inside excitedly. Producing a bowl from no where she proceeded to just scoop out boiled eggs, mushrooms, chunks of beef- Oh. So someone did bring a hot pot. But she wasn't done yet. She practically pulled two bottles of the soda to herself as a can of coffee got caught up also in her grasp and your poor ohagi was her next victims. Three ending up on top of their fallen pizza brethren. She plopped down right across from you as you continued to stare wide eyed. You didn't even notice Hinatsuru placing down a plate and cup of more soda in front of you.
"Here you go!" She smiled at you but slowly blinked noticing your wide eyed surprised look. "Miss Y/n?" Her face followed your direction and froze as she and everyone else saw the massive pile of food Mitsuri had in front of her and the fact that she was already shoveling a whole mini strawberry shortcake into her mouth. "M-Mitsuri!"
She happily looked up at the half horrified half worried faces around her, cheeks puffed up like a chipmunks. Huh? What was with those looks? She made sure not to take everything this time. It was only when green orbs caught the state of the girl in front of her. It was then that the before mentioned talk about everyone being on their best behavior and ensuring that they made a good first impression for Gyomei punched her brain in the memory bank. She sat there quietly and wide eyed, cheeks puffed up, and some strawberry syrup on her chin. Somewhere to the far right Makio groaned and facepalmed loud enough to a smack sound to be heard.
You blinked and that motion seemed to spur Mitsuri's panic as she quickly swallowed and held up her hands. "Um- Uh- ...HEY! No one touch this food!" She nervously laughed before pushing the tray away from her nervously smiling self to the middle of the table, a few boxes getting pushed aside as she did so. "Y-You know that I-..Uh! I-I always make sure there's a nice healthy serving out aside for the guys! Haha! Hmm!" She tapped her chin in thought glaring at the stacked up tray in pretend scrutiny. "Yep! Th-This will definitely be enough for all of them! Haha!"
She froze as a couple hot wings wobbled and fell lower on the pile of food she had created. Someone mumbled a 'nice save' somewhere as your eyes slowly looked away from her and down at the pile of food in front of everyone... before your face scrunched up into a funny looking face before you opened your mouth and-..
Started to laugh??
A series of giggles enveloped from her mouth and a hand reached out to cover those giggles to no avail as everyone stared at her.
"....Ok. Did we already break her or is she making fun of us?"
Your head shook as a hand waved. "N-No. It's just that-..Well, It's nice you're all going through all this effort to make me comfortable but Gyomei's already mentioned about this." To her surprise the tray was slid back over in front of Mitsuri who looked widely at you. "As I said before I want you all to be yourselves around me since I genuinely want to meet Gyomei's friends, so please don't hesitate to eat."
Mitsuri stared stunned by your smile, looking you up and down.... before just smiling back to her food and a second later she literally bit a burger clean in half as she hummed contently. Her happy face and bloated cheeks made more giggles escape her mouth. 
"That's quite the appetite you have there," you pointed out without being rude, "Do you like sweet, savoury, or spicy things better?"
She swallowed what was left of her first burger quickly before answering. "SWEETS! But I don't mind others things either! Bitter and sour things are good too if you make them right!" As if to hammer home her point, she practically devoured an entire hot sauce covered chicken leg minus the bone. The hotness didn't even seem to bother her because a slice of blueberry cheesecake was next. "Shoo yummy!~" She gushed between snacking.
Despite it you still smiled at her completely unfazed. Her eating was fast and not normal by any normal person's standards but unlike Jake's she wasn't rude about it at all. She wasn't chewing loudly or open mouthed, she didn't try to hog everything, and she DEFINITELY wasn't trying to get anyone's else's foods or getting food anywhere. ..Well except for the traces of said food on her mouth which you handed over a couple napkins she thanked you for. The others seemed completely unfazed by her appetite so this was probably a usual occurrence for them.
"So you aren't like grossed out or anything by..?" Makio gestured towards the pink haired girl like it was obvious.
"Not really. Why would I be?" You shrugged before picking up a piece of your own pizza. "She's not being rude about it so why should I care? Although I am a bit surprised at how much she eats. When Gyomei told she she had a big appetite I wasn't expecting it to be so literally. Not that it's a bad thing of course!"
Surprised looks land silence was what everyone gave you minus Mitsuri still eating the quickly shrinking pile of food. Eventually Shinobu broke the silence with her brows raised high. 
"Holy shit...Gyomei found a dam unicorn!"
"He did.' shinobu rolled her eyes at her sister's scowl. "She said to be ourselves around her right? How is she supposed to know us if we aren't?'
"But the cussing? Really? First Nemi and now you."
"I really don't mind," you smiled at her. "I'm not offended at all. Really."
Kanae blinked but frowned at Shinobu's wide smile. 
"Subject change!" The blue eyed girl, Suma if you remembered right, shot up a hand and waved around her full arm. "This entire thing was to get to know her better! So let's do that instead!"
"Good idea, Suma!" She quickly changed the entire subject probably to avoid any awkwardness. "So. Y/n, how did you meet Gyomei? He told us briefly but I don't think he explained the entire thing." 
You paused a moment staring off into nothing. You smile had turned to a thin line and you turned to her so slowly that she thought she might've said something to offend you. "....Have you ever had a really bad date?"
Her pink eyes blinked. "I-...Well, it did rain once when I was on a double date with Kyo and Makio. We didn't get to do anything we planned."
"Oh. Well trust me. You haven't heard nothing yet. Let me tell you EXACTLY how I met the most kindest man of my life...after meeting the worst most vile human. It all started when this rat's parents paid my Auntie to set him up on a date. She's a REALLY good matchmaker you know and that's why they paid her and she needed the extra money because her car broke down, so she asked me to go out with him. I figured it was just a free dinner so what did I have to lose? BOY was I surprised!"
You told them the entire story. Starting from the very beginning from before you even met Jake the Snake to how he late he was to how Gyomei.actually noticed you first to how he acted and on and on. Most looked on in pity or disgust but Shinobu never lost that small smile. You nearly lost your appetite again remembering that night but the memory of Gyomei's smiling helpful being brightened up your entire outlook. 
"So one thing led to another and we ended up going on a coffee date." You shrugged drinking a little bit of the soda Hinatsuru was nice enough to get you. 
"That's so mean! How could a man be so cruel and rude?!," Mitsuri loudly protested. 
You shrugged again. "Spoiled too much by his parents I guess. But that's all in the past now." You smiled Brightly. "Gyomei is much more better than most of the men I've dated. Tonight is our third date actually."
"How did you guys meet anyways?" You were curious about how these people met and got together especially when they were all polyamourus. You've never heard of twelve people in a relationship before but you guessed there was a first time for everything.
"Most of us are actually childhood friends and we met way back in elementary school!," Suma piped up and bit down into a pizza slice. 
"Yeah..most of them. A few of us didn't meet until like nearly graduated from highschool..." Makio shrugged. "But it is what it is."
"That reminds me. How did you three end up marrying Mr. Uzui? I've heard of having more than one partner but this is the first time I've ever seen someone be married to three people at once before. Um..no offense."
"None taken." Makio waved you off with a bored look to her face. "It was arranged between our parents a long time ago, I don't think Tengen's old man was too happy at the idea of him dating Kyo back in highschool and decided to give him a few beautiful ladies to change his mind."
"Oh that's awful." A hand covered your mouth. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It all worked out in the end."
"Really? He just agreed to it?"
"Yeah. He figured just going through with it would be easier, and we all got married right out of highschool..." Her gaze looked far away from the table as if gazing of into nothing. "..You know he offered all of us to divorce the day after? Said he wasn't going to force any of us to stay if we didn't want to."
Your brow rose at her. "But..you didn't?"
"No. I could've though. I could've divorced him and then left. Maybe I'd be somewhere studying something like cooking or maybe I'd be married again to a really, really handsome rich guy who's a renowned millionaire complete with little kids and a nice big dog. ...I could've had that, or I could stay with a guy who's 'flamboyant' butt cried when I said I loved him for the first time."
"Aw!" She was lightly surprised when you gushed. "Did he really cry?"
"Oh yes. I remember that." Hinatsuru finally got a cheeky look on her face looking at her other wives. "You two remember that right? He was so worried that Kyo would be mad at him for falling for us and he was so scared that we hated him from the start that he cried for a whole hour."
"Yeah. Besides, where else are we gonna get a free portrait?"
Her joke wasn't lost on you either and a giggle escaped you. So they all grew up together? That's a cute love story! Well you guessed minus Tengan's wives who everyone met in highschool technically but you still were curious about one thing in particular.
"I do hope you don't mind me asking this but I'm curious about something," you slowly spoke catching most everyone's attention other than Mitsuri who was almost done with her giant tray. "If you don't want to answer it's fine, but how did you all.. Y'know. Well-.." You were trying to try to find a way to word it without sounding rude. So you made a half circle motion around the table gesturing to everyone.
"Find out we were all poly?," Kanae asked answering you.
"YYYes. I'm sorry if that's a sensitive topic."
She shook her head, pretty hair swaying. "Not at all. You've been nothing but respectful this entire time and honestly you're one of the few people who didn't make it weird." She shrugged her shoulders holding up her hands. "To be perfectly honest with you, it just sort of happened. Mitsuri used to date my sister back in middle school but they broke up and then she started dating Sanemi-" She gestured to Mitsuri. "-and she dated Obanai for a little bit before we all just shifted to who we wanted to have our main love be!"
"Oh..I see. So how did the whole main partner thing was figured out?"
"Simple. While I love all my partners, Sanemi is the only one I want to officially marry and start a family with." Her head tilted at you with a worried brow. "Do you think that's strange?"
A him escaped her throat as her eyes glanced over in thought. "...Well I can't say no because I guess to someone like me who isn't in a relationship like yours it would be weird. But-" orbs looked directly back to her pink ones. "I can't really judge you. Mostly because your relationship isn't any of my business so I shouldn't stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but also because it's really incredible."
"Hm?" Pink eyes blinked confused. "Incredible how so?"
"You guys have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen!" 
Kanae. Blinked. "What?"
You nodded. "I mean I've seen arguments but if-.. Sanemi, I think was his name, really wanted to punish Tengen I think he would've punched him square in the face. But it just looked like one big couples fight to me..Not the really bad kind but I don't think-" You stopped seeing everyone stared at you again. "Um..Was it something I said?"
"I told you. A dam unicorn."
Kanae shot her sister another glare before sighing. "Well to answer your question, we really just sorta melded together once we realized that there was more than mutual feelings. It took some time for everyone to come to terms with it especially Nemi and Obi but it works out for us."
"And your families?"
You blinked as Hinatsuru suddenly placed her fork down and went quiet, a sad look suddenly found on her face making you blink and then noticed that everyone else had similar looks either looking away uncomfortable or sad. Mitsuri's eating had also ceased leaving her holding up an empty burger wrapper. Eventually Shinobu sighed.
"Some of our families have...Not been very nice hearing about it let's just say. My folks for example were pretty shocked but now they're the most supportive people on the planet. However... People like Tengen's dad or Obinai's family.." A grimace and 'yeesh' sound escaped her. "You'd think a guy who's entire family was mostly women wouldn't care if he dated girls-'
"I think I get the picture." You politely held up your hand and looked around feeling suddenly guilty about the mood dropping. "...You guys said you're studying to become teachers right?" You perked back up and changing the subject to a lighter tone. "What kind of subject do you want to teach, Mitsuri?" You asked the most cheerful person hopefully her bright happy attitude would help the situation.
Like you hoped she immediately lit up in a smile. "DANCE! Specifically ballet!"
"I didn't know you knew ballet!"
She nodded. "Mm hm! I love it!"
"And what about you two?"
"I'm focusing on biology and Shinobu is taking classes for becoming a health teacher," Kanae answered with a new smile. 
"Hina n' I are working through the thought of culinary schooling."
"You'd certainly fit right in."
"Makio! Don't be so mean to me!"
"Guys please."
You couldn't help but giggle at the lot of them in the end and went back to eating your pizza and waiting for Gyomei's return. 
"Hey. We're all going to the beach tomorrow!" You paused mid bite of your pizza before looking at Mitsuri who smiled widely and hopefully at you. "It's one of the few times we can go before it gets too cold. Why don't you come with us?"
"Oh. I'd really like to..but I can't." Your hand was held up. "I have a project to take care of before I can turn it in Monday and I have to clean. But I appreciate the offer. Are you guys going out the entire weekend together?"
"Oh absolutely! Tonight's just a big sleepover with a movie!" Mitsuri started quickly motioning with her hands with excitement. "Then tomorrow we're going to spend all day on the beach together and then Sunday it's just gonna be the boys hanging out with each other and we're all going SHOPPING!~" She sang out that last part throwing up her hands. "And then we're gonna go to the spa and get massages, and have our nails done and a whole bunch of stuff between those things! Then we're all going to meet up with the boys for a sauna and public hot springs!" She then gasped hands smacking her cheeks. "OH MY GOSH!! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME WITH US!!"
You blinked leaning back a little bit. "What?"
"I don't want to intrude on your guys' date and besides as much as I would like to, I'd only be a third wheel for the entire thing. On top of that I don't have much money for me to spend."
"Uh.. Didn't Gyomei literally win you three hundred fifty dollars?" 
You paused staring at them blinking.
"THAT'S RIGHT! You can totally still come with us then! Please say you will! You really didn't get a chance to really meet the guys yet and I promise it'll be so much fun!"
"Well I -.." You let out a light sigh. "Well I guess so. It might be fun."
"Oh this is going to be so much fun! I can't wait for you to see my favorite cat cafe! I'm sure the guys are just as excited!"
"You think so?"
"Absolutely! Why I bet they're thinking of fun things to do together right now!"
Warmth spread off the tiles lining up the walls and floors. Most rising to coat their bodies like fog which was probably a good thing considering that most of them were completely in the nu- A loud smack loud disturbed the peaceful sounds of running shower heads and scents of men's brand soap and shampoo. The snack itself stopped Obanai from helping Gyomei get his back and the blind man tilt his head-
Buuuutt the very girly sounding squeal that left Tengen's throat had caused the rest of them to peer over. A stinging sensation throbbed from the side of Tengen's behind from where he was struck by something fast, and instinctively his hand clutched onto the now reddened skin. Magenta eyes narrowed with a snap of his neck and immediately found the culprit with a wet wring up towel in his hands. 
"OW! WHAT THE HELL, SANEMI?!", Tengen's voice angrily echoed off the walls.
The smaller white haired man gave Tengen one of those evil grins he always gave when annoyed and his fists squeezed around the towel harder making it creak in her hands. "Consider it payback for the stunt you pulled! I would've won if you hadn't distracted me!"
"Oh please. I would've won if you hadn't twisted the rules and tricked my wife." Tengen hissed rubbing at his bottom. "Fuck that hurt. Y'know if you wanted to smack my butt that badly-"
"Are those two still going on about that? I thought we all agreed Gyomei won fair and square."
Gyomei only sighed at Giyuu's words deciding not to engage with the argument other than shaking his head and sinking further down into the tub of comforting warm water. Those two would normally fight like cats and dogs if it wasn't with Obinai. He knew the routine of these fights. They'd be angry anywhere between a few hours to a day and then either forget about it or make up somehow. Even if the current cussing at one another over 'distracting him and making him lose' or 'sanemi didn't have to attack him with a towel' was starting to give him a bit of anxiety. He sure hoped they weren't loud enough for the girls to hear them.
"Uh huh. Sure.~"
There was a small silence other than the sounds of the others ignoring their friends' usually arguments and continuing to finish up and then sounds of running water...but after a moment of nothing his head did turn in question towards the nearest person.
"Are they quite finished?"
"Yep. They're hate kissing again."
Even though he couldn't see Obinai, he knew the man was rolling his eyes. "I see. Well at least perhaps now they'll stop clawing at one another's throats." Water rippled in his wake as he moved to stand back up. "And I have to be seeing off Y/n soon. It's very impolite to keep her waiting for me on a date twice on a date."
"Relax, Mei. You brought her here for the sole purpose of meeting us. Let her get to know them. I'm sure Mitsuri's already talking about her cats or Suma's talking her head off. She'll be fine."
"Well..I should at least make sure it's going well."
"*sigh* If you say so. And will you two get a room?!"
Sanemi's answer was to chuck the clean but wet towel he had been holding and expertly nailing Obanai in the face without even looking up from where he was gripping Tengen's head to make him lean down enough to kiss. A loud smack sound again echoed beside him and a moment later Obanai fell into the tub with a splash. ...Gyomei only groaned rubbing his face. 
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shotmrmiller · 10 months ago
Toni, imagine the 141 at an all you can eat buffet. The owners only make losses that day. Simon and Johnny are inhaling everything in sight. Kyle loads up his plate with only the expensive items like the sea food. John figured out how to stack a food tower on his plate so he doesn’t have to get up as much.
kyle would honestly be so picky. if he's not eating it with his eyes, he's certainly not eating it with his mouth.
john being lazy makes so much sense. like once he's seated, don't expect him to get up so yeah, he's getting lunch and dessert in one sitting. rip the warm bowl of melted ice cream.
and since simon and johnny can't stop eating, john's the dad of the group he's always telling them to get him the sautéed green beans he annihilated earlier and some rice and soup and--
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webslingingslasher · 1 year ago
your drabble about frat!peter and trouble living together………………his name on the lease………..omg please continue it
peter’s had a nervous look all night. you know him well enough to know that he’s biting something back and wasn’t sure how to share it.
waiting until the right moment, such as when your boyfriend made you both ice cream sundaes to enjoy as a nightcap during a movie; you ask.
‘tell me.’ you don’t think he was in the moment, because he’s unblinking at the screen, and abnormally, not scooping mint chip into his mouth. you poke his arm with the back of your spoon. ‘tell me what’s up.’
watching him relax, he stares down at his ice cream, you take the opportunity to steal a bite. ‘we need to talk.’ the spoon goes lack in your hold, suddenly the bowl in your lap was too cold and his favorite flavor tasted sour.
‘about what?’ peter can hear the venom in your words, solidified when you harshly clatter your bowl on his coffee table. peter knows what you’re about to jump to, and he knows that’s on him for his word choice, but he’s not wrong, it’s an equal conversation that needs to happen.
‘i’ve been thinking a lot about this, trouble. and um,’ peter pauses, he doesn’t sound very confident in proposing the idea.
‘no, go on, peter. tell me.’ your arms are crossed tight over your chest, a weak attempt at protecting your heart. ‘tell me how you buttered me up with ice cream to dump me.’
panic strikes, that’s not what he’s trying to allude to. ‘no, trouble, we’re not breaking up.’ you let out the biggest breath known to man. suddenly, ice cream sounds amazing. it’s slightly melted and it’s even better.
‘okay, i’m ready.’ its dairy soup heaven. peter hasn’t eased up in the slightest. if the world worked opposite, you’d think he was about to tell you he was pregnant.
‘i know we haven’t really talked about this before, or, i guess not seriously. but i just wanted to ask… or put the idea out that instead of resigning your lease you just… move in with me?’
your jaw drops, that was the last thing you expected him to say. peter took your shock as upset, he started racing over his original offer. ‘or not! i could always move into your place, or if you wanted to get a place together we can look around. i mean, i just resigned mine but-‘
‘you want me to move in?’ you grab the forgotten ceramic in peter’s hands and move it on the table, yours follows. ‘yeah. but like i said! if you want- oof.’ unprepared for your sudden attack, peter hits the back of the couch while you perch on top of him.
‘are you sure? i mean, cause being here basically all the time and actually living here are two very different things.’
‘i know that, trouble. why do you think i asked?’ it’s wild to think that the peter you had two years ago is the same man in front of you screaming ‘commitment, commitment, commitment.’
‘wait, wait, wait. so you, peter parker, want me, to come live in this apartment with you. and be around you twenty four-seven?’
peter bounces the words around, ‘yeah. pretty much sums it up.’ you smile down at him, ‘i don’t know, what if you get tired of me?’
peter loves a challenge. you know this.
‘i’d love to see you try.’
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judgementdayslittle · 8 months ago
Could you do something where finn and rhea are looking after reader while the others have matches or are just out and they give her ice cream and she very kindly makes them ice cream soup and is all proud of herself before having a meltdown realsing she ruined her ice cream so rhea and finn have to comfort her? Your hc are so perfect and adorable btwwww <3
Of course! Sorry I took a few days off, needed some time to recharge.
-While Dom and Damian had a tag team match, you sat in the Judgement Day locker room with Mami and Dada. And since you had been so good this past week, they got you some ice cream! Your favorite flavor too.
-You ate some of it before realizing how fun it is to mix it all around. It makes it look kinda like soup!
-"Mami, Dada! Look! I made soup!" You say, proudly showing off your bowl of now melted ice cream.
-Your caregivers, of course, give you praise. "You did such a good job sweetheart! You are so smart and creative! Truly a master chef."
-You smile and giggle at their praise before going back to your ice cream. Taking a bite, you realize it's not cold anymore...And it doesn't melt in your mouth. Cuz it's already melted!
-Then you start tearing up "Mami...Ice cweam gone..." You sob. Making Mami hold you in her arms.
-"It's okay sweetie, it's okay! We can get you some more, alright? Finn, get her another bowl please."
-Mami calms you down while Dada goes and gets you a fresh bowl of ice cream. This time, he feeds it too you.
-Because lets be real, you wanna have fun and make ice cream soup again, until you use up all of the ice cream.
-But it's okay, cuz you get to sit on Mami's lap while Dada feeds you and makes silly airplane sounds!
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myfriendsseemylikesonmain · 10 months ago
Wait, addition.
Mashita smokes indoors in the wrong place and now the spirit cursed him so that his cigarettes won't light at all.
He shoves one in Yashiki's hands and it lights but the second he hands it to Mashita it just... stops burning immediately.
Mashita tries to shoot the spirit in pure annoyance.
And also makes Yashiki hold the cigarette to his lips so he can still smoke. They're both blushing hard the whole time. The spirit was about to say "Hell no" to letting him loophole, but saw their gay panic and found it too funny so they let it slide.
(Needed to meet my daily Yashita quota LMAO)
Who said curses had to be life or death? They can be pyscholigical warfare too
I present you:
*Yashiki gets coffee with literally any mark bearer*
*Puts 50 sugar cubes in*
*Coffee-Barista-Spirit gets offended and curses him to always have a cold drink if it's meant to be warm, and a hot drink if it's meant to be cold.*
The curse is only lifted, and spirit appeased when Yashiki makes and drinks the barista's favorite blend without added sugar.
Whichever mark bearer he's with records him drinking it. He looks like he's eaten a lemon, and nearly starts crying at the bitterness.
The video gets sent to the group chat and everyone makes fun of Yashiki relentlessly.
Mashita proceeds to recreate the curse mark with sharpie and make Yashiki drink another bitter coffee because he wants to see it again/in person.
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matchadobo · 1 year ago
Hello! I absolutely love your work and wanted to ask for a request with Kidd and possibly Killer if you can fit him in! Basically I was thinking something with since Kidd and Killer are from the SouthBlue theyre probably used to being in warmer temperatures, so how about they have a partner who is from the North and absolutely thrives in cold temperatures, wearing regular pants and a shirt and only maybe a jacket if it’s sub temperatures and being able to live off cold foods even when it’s below freezing, meanwhile they’re looking at them like they’re mad crazy because they get chilled and annoyed at even the thought of a snowflake.
KIDD & KILLER; north blue s/o
wc: 955 warning/s: gn reader, all fluff!!
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"how are you not cold?" kidd asked, buried in his fur coat. he tightly wrapped it around his burly build, shivering as he approached your tshirt-wearing ass. the cold wind of the wintry, evening air ruffled his crimson locks when he crossed the deck.
"we don't experience this shit in the south, shut yer trap." he rolled his eyes, sitting next to you and shuffling closer for warmth. "you're even having ice cream for dessert for god's sake."
"thought you didn't believe in god." you hooked arms with him, pulling him closer as he nestled in your embrace.
"know what? i'm fuckin' startin' to cuz of this goddamn snow." he scoffed, rubbing his shoulders to feel less frosty. he lied between your legs, head settled on the cushion of your chest. you placed your hand on his hair, you combed the strands between your fingers as you giggled at his remark.
"where's that beanie i got you? the one with cute bear ears?" your hands trailed down to his red ears, warming them up by your palms.
"it looks stupid on me." he rolled his eyes, sighing at the relief of your warmth. "keep your hands there." he told you, a little smile on his lips spreading.
"heeeyy, i made that beanie especially or these occurences!" you pouted, pinching his ears instead. "look at them! their red as hell! so is your nose!"
"that's because you pinched my fuckin' ears!" he protested, sitting up from his comfortable position to ready and argue.
"kidd, name." killer called out from the kitchen, peeking over the doorframe to see you two in a heated argument. "i made bread pudding." he donned a frilly, white apron that had flowers scattered on the surface.
when kidd was almost in your face, ready to kiss you to shut you up, he didn't hesitate to follow the sweet, delectable aroma of the freshly baked bread emanating from the brightly lit room. you did the same.
"you really are the wife in this relationship." kidd gave killer a little tap on the chin before walking past him by the doorframe.
"ah shut the fuck up, kidd." you blurted out, kicking his ass. "you cold, kil?" you tiptoed to place a kiss on his neck, he was wearing the mittens you made him.
"your hands are warm," he pulled you by the waist, hugging you to feel your embrace. "aaah i want to stay like this, name."
"fine by me, i'll eat the goddamn pudding for myself." kidd spoke through a full mouth, munching on the custard-filled pudding.
you and killer laughed a little at the pouting redhead by the counter before walking towards him. killer let you sit by the chair opposite to kidd's as he leaned by the chair of the head of the table. "how is it?" he asked, genuinely observing how you two stuffed yourselves with it.
"phenomenal." you clapped your hands, savoring how the pudding melts in your mouth. "c'mere, taste it!" you raised a spoon while your other hand acted as a support to catch any falling food as you gestured closer to him.
killer took off his mask and ate you offer, he sat by the chair and gave you a smile, satisfied at his craft. "what do you two want for breakfast tomorrow?"
"chicken noodle soup." kidd answered with a tap of his hand on the table. "just any goddamn soup that is hot."
"you, name?"
"oh i'm fine with leftover fruits by the fridge, i'll make a fruit bowl or smoothie bowl or whatever."
they both looked at you like you grew another head. desperately waiting to see if you're joking. kidd had that usual scowl but it was deeper and killer had an eyebrow raised, anticipating your next response to say sike.
"what?" you asked as if what you said was the most normal thing during the cold especially mornings are the coldest. "it's tradition in my village who always gave out cold foods at the start of winter to have plenty of hot foods for january which was the peak of winter. i'm just conserving!"
"you north blue people are somethin' else." kidd shook his head, munching on the pudding some more. "hardcore shit."
"not my fault you're too weak to handle the cold, love." you teased, sitting on his lap as you waited for him to feed you pudding.
"whatcha say?! the fuck are you opening your mouth for? not in the mood right now, name." kidd rolled his eyes, but he sturdied his thigh so you can have a proper seat.
"it's not that!- feed me!" you wiggled in your seat, poking at him to piss him off.
"you can fuckin' eat by yourself!"
killer just watched you two with a tender smile on his face. clutching the mittens close to his chest. "well, we better sleep now. name wants to go skate and snowman building tomorrow, right?"
"it's too cold for this shit!" kidd grumbled. he then carried you to your shared quarters when you start to nag and whine at him for his remark while killer cleaned up. they snuggled to you that night, since you were the warmest. they soon adapted to the cold; now eating fruit bowls for breakfast, cold salads for lunch, cold ramen for dinner, and ice cream for desserts because they kept eating with you. they soon began to see the charm of eating cold, sharing habits with you. kidd begrudgingly for that matter while killer enjoyed seeing you have fun eating cold with them. the crew had begun to surmise that you three are just on some kinda bullshit they can't relate to. because who would voluntarily eat cold foods during winter?
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ok first of all, i just researched about the winter times bc i live in a tropical country so i have NEVER experienced snow or winter. i read that january is the peak so if that is wrong, please educate me and lmk what should be written 🥰. i didn't really know what else to put other than what was being asked and some flirtings here and there so this is pretty short 🥺
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aoioozora · 9 months ago
The Ghosts: Ice Cream Headcanons
How would the Ghosts like their ice cream, I wonder.
[these are my personal hcs! Feel free to agree or disagree. I'm open to discussions lol]
Logan Walker:
Can see him being lactose intolerant but would still gorge on ice cream by the tub.
"So worth it," he'd definitely say as he destroys the toilet later
Has to settle for non-dairy ice creams made with vegan milk
I think his favourite flavour would be something classic like vanilla
The others tease him for his basic choice, but he thinks its versatile and pairs with other flavours pretty well
Even on its own, he defends it for having a complex flavour
I can see him being a cone person; likes crunchy, especially the chocolate bit at the bottom
Likes to add crunchy toppings on his ice cream like m&m's and crushed cookies or Oreos
If dared to, he'd deepthroat a cone (did that once and choked; dad had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre)
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Not lactose intolerant
Has a sweet tooth but would not gorge on a tub of ice cream- too disciplined for that
His favourite flavour would be chocolate and/or coffee. He likes the bittersweet taste
He eats ice cream very slowly that he ends up accidentally turning it into soup
For that reason, he's a cup person. He's gotten his hands messy and sticky too many times eating from a cone.
He likes those crunchy silver chocolate sprinkles
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
Has a bigger sweet tooth than both his sons combined
He'd definitely like ice creams with vague names that don't describe the flavour at all like 'Arabian Delight' or 'Tutti Frutti'
He'll eat any damn ice cream flavour there is. He's not picky even if it's disgusting, but mint-choc is where he draws the line; he doesn't like the toothpaste-y flavour
Doesn't mind eating ice cream out of anything. Cup, cone, tub, frisbee, Merrick's bald head (he was dared to once)
Prefers syrups rather than sprinkles
Thomas Merrick:
Not much of a sweet tooth, but has a little ice cream once in a while
I can see him liking hated flavours like mint-chocolate or pistachio. He likes mint-choc better.
He enjoys the minty sweetness while the rest cringe and gag as they relive the awful experience
Feels proud of the fact that he can enjoy and stomach hated flavours
Doesn't mind either cup or cone
Ice cream BITER if he eats from a cone or a choco bar. He's impatient
As an ice cream biter, he likes mochi ice cream
Prefers no toppings or syrups. Ice cream purist.
Keegan Russ:
Hates ice cream because they give him a crazy brain freeze plus his teeth are especially sensitive to cold food
If forced, he would probably eat cookies and cream flavour, but it HAS to be room temperature and partially melted into soup
His ice cream preferences have everyone giving him the side-eye, particularly from Logan.
The only way he'll have any ice cream at all is if it's an affogato, which he genuinely enjoys, or a slightly warm ice cream sandwich
Ice cream drinker
No toppings, but likes chocolate syrup
Enjoys ice cream a lot!
Probably has the biggest sweet tooth among the Ghosts, even more than Elias
Likes exotic flavours like sapodilla, jackfruit, coconut, matcha, or even durian
He would never let his ice cream melt. Eats it at the right pace.
I can see him liking cones! He'd stack two or three scoops of ice cream on them
He'd definitely like those over-the-top milkshake/ice cream monstrosities topped with an ice cream sandwich, whip cream, toppings, cookies, candy canes, and what-not- the ones you eat like you have free healthcare
Ice cream licker- he would NEVER bite.
Will go heavy on toppings and syrups
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
For some reason, I feel like he'd be vegan and would prefer vegan ice creams
Moderate sweet tooth. Likes ice cream but it's not his favourite dessert
Likes the classic flavours like strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate
Prefers a cup over a cone. Who knows what non-vegan stuff the cone could be made of, plus he's not big on crunchy
He often makes his own ice creams with coconut milk and various fruits and they're actually delicious, much to the surprise of the other Ghosts.
He also makes choco bars
He makes Logan's supply of non-dairy ice cream
Not a big fan of toppings and syrups.
Not much is known about Neptune, but I'd like to think he's also a moderate ice cream fan like Merrick and Ajax
He'd probably like a flavour not very commonly known or eaten, like raspberry or blueberry
I can see him liking rolled ice cream and gelato a lot
Cup person, for sure
Likes whipped cream and gummy bears on his ice cream
Good boy will put any damn thing in his mouth if he gets his paws on it, so the Ghosts are careful not to give him any ice cream even if he begs with his cute puppy eyes, since dogs are lactose intolerant
But Logan will secretly give Riley a little bit of his vegan vanilla ice cream because a small quantity will not hurt (don't tell Hesh though).
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