#is an incredible worldbuilder
serene-cinders · 5 months
A modern dunmeshi au would go crazy. Imagine being a teen half foot applying for a job and then an elf with 184 years of experience swoops in. Unreal
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theboxfort · 3 months
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Object Ergonomics #1: Door pedals for armless objects
Text transcript in case it's hard to read:
"Both the handle and pedal unlocks the same mechanism" "Piano pedal-ish" "Refs" "Step on pedal" --> "Pull/Push"
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Sometimes I think I’m not that weird and then I spend a solid amount of time wondering what kind of contraceptives are available in the Grishaverse and specifically how accessible they are in the Barrel, particularly based on the quote “Getting pregnant isn’t actually a special talent. Ask any luckless girl in the Barrel”. Is unwanted pregnancy more common in the Barrel than elsewhere in Ketterdam because of the lack of social services in the city and especially in its poorest areas? is it because teen pregnancies often lead to kids being kicked out so they end up in the Barrel? is there a higher statistic by product of the pleasure houses and especially if there aren’t safe contraceptives readily available in the pleasure houses? and if so what do the people running the pleasure houses do to the girls because of it? is it because unexpected pregnancies in higher social classes would just lead to rushed marriages so it’s more noticeable in the Barrel? or is the comment based solely on Kaz’s individual experience of the city, ie its slums, in which case whilst it’s telling us about the Barrel it’s not making any particular comparison to the rest of the city? I kind of assume there must be some contraceptives available because the possibility of pregnancies in the pleasure houses is never discussed but I doubt they’re readily available and based on what we know about the resources and development in the worldbuilding and timeline may not be the most reliable, in which case what is happening to indentured girls who end up impregnated? Because, somehow, I just don’t think they’re safe. (Where could I have possibly gotten that idea?) So yeah, I am, in fact, that weird. But I really need to know the answer to this.
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atissi · 6 months
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The kickstarter for Book of Devotion is now live!
Book of Devotion is an artbook dedicated to clerics, paladins, and the divine beings they worship. I've gotten very fond of the weirdass technocleric I designed, and I'm excited to share more about them (as soon as the mods let me). In the meantime though, the kickstarter will be open from April 29th to June 13th.
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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 sculpted a strange shimmery two headed snail, speckled with wild flowers on it's shell~
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creekfiend · 1 year
I watched like the first two seasons of SPN 10-15 yrs ago and my primary impression was that it was kind of like Scooby-Doo, and tbqh I think SPN would have been better if it had just been kind of like Scooby-Doo. like "Scooby-Doo but it's your family" is a super hilarious concept just inherently. bc ok, the thing about Scooby-Doo is that everyone is there on purpose, for fun. they are having fun with their friends. but if Scooby-Doo was family members who were Scooby-Dooing for like, garbage dynastic reasons, that's SO MUCH FUNNIER. Scooby-Doo but your emotionally neglectful dad is making you Scoob the Doos. Scooby-Doo but everyone has generational resentment.
like the Shadowhunters worldbuilding question of "what if magical cops, but it's hereditary" (well Ms Clare, that sounds terrible) but instead of magical COPS it's MAGICAL INDEPENDENT MYSTERY SOLVING TEAM but it's hereditary. sounds HILARIOUS let's DO IT
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doodlejoltik · 6 months
i suddenly realised that Rei has to own both a Poryphone and the ArcPhone so that he can use sync moves. having two phones is inconvenient so he takes the SIM card out of the ArcPhone and puts it in the Poryphone
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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Ain't nothing come easy / No, nothing comes quick / But I want for you this, that you are well / I want for us this, that we are well...
Another illustration of Temeraire-crossover fic — this time, James Norrington and Tempest, from @boltlightning's delightful Pirates of the Caribbean crossover 'windfall / landfall'.
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mizzle-moths · 4 months
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isat castle in the sky au. can anyone hear me
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robindaydream · 10 months
I think one of the most impressive things about Small Saga for me is how well it balances tone. Like, looking at the plot as a whole and the kind of subjects it deals with, it's not a lighthearted game. You're waging a bloody war of revenge on the world and you kill plenty of people in the process.
But it never feels like it goes too far. It shows a lot of care in which foes you kill vs. which ones you beat up and scare off. I kept worrying about it at the beginning, cause you fight a few enemies that are just, like. A human's pet. And I kept feeling like "oh no I really hope I don't kill them that'd make me so sad" but it never happened. And through the whole game, I never saw the results of a fight and went "aw man that sucks." The game doesn't always give characters the fate they most deserve. Sometimes good people die and bad people live. But it always makes sense and feels appropriate.
And it's also a game full of goofy jokes and silly characters. One of the villains is a fascist dictator squirrel who vapes. At one point you find mouse porn on a bookcase and the characters discuss who they're into. You rescue a pigeon from a trash can. And it's a game full of hope, too. It's a game about making things better and not just letting things that suck keep on sucking.
In the end it left me feeling really happy.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Normally, traitors aren’t frog-marched to the Emperors themselves, regardless of what rank of information they had. These aren’t normal circumstances, though, Techno bemoans to himself. For one, the man is refusing to speak anything but French and a tiny amount of broken Bayesh. For another, on being made, he immediately handed over about three folders of classified information then loudly waited for handcuffs to be put on him.
Phil is lounging in his throne; he’d never been one for propriety. This leaves Techno to be, uh, the actually serious one. The one adorned in uniform, sitting and glowering down. It’s lucky that the traitor isn’t a pigman, because Techno isn’t actually great at glowering, but humans are weird about pigman facial expressions so he should be fine?
The traitor stands before them and grins. In perfect Bayesh, he says: “Finally. It took way too long for you to catch me, bitch.”
Techno pauses. He stares. In Piglish, he barks to his guards: “Everyone out. It’s Leader business.”
They file out. They’ll be waiting outside. Phil straightens in his seat and reaches for his own sword.
Techno, laboriously, drags his hand across his face. He switches back to Bayesh. God, does he regret being fluent in multiple languages sometimes. “What are you doing here, Tommy.”
“Showing you your intelligence weak points, fucker. Do you know how easy it is to slip Bayesh spies in here? I was smooth. A smooth customer. I was hearing classified milkitary secrets—”
“You were caught within two hours,” Techno says.
“That’s—that’s just what you think, innit?” Tommy says. Phil laughs. He’s the real traitor here.
“Tommy. I don’t wanna have to cause an international incident, but I’ve had a really long day, so if you just tell me who hired you to run a spy op, and why you decided it was a good idea to run it yourself, instead of sending one of your experts…”
“No one,” Tommy says.
“Hey, don’t lie you little shit. Techno might not want to start an incident but I don’t care,” Phil says. He grins and holds up his sword. “You wanna wake up in a jail cell and reveal some secrets? We may all be Leaders but it won’t stop torture from hurting.”
“What the fuck, Phil,” Tommy says.
“No one’s torturing anyone. We’ll just bomb them later if we must,” Techno says.
“And I wasn’t lying. It’s—can I take the wig off by the way? It fucking itches.”
“I despise you.”
Tommy takes off the black wig, revealing his blonde hair. “Anyway, I don’t want to work with you guys either, so I figured I’d get your attention by like, acting like we’re enemies and stuff. Got hired for espionage enough back in the day to pick up that much.”
“Who the fuck wanted you as a spy?” Phil asks.
“Fuck you,” Tommy says and doesn’t elaborate.
“Please just tell us what you want,” Techno says. “Please. I can’t handle this much you at any given time.”
“This needs to be Leader to Leader,” Tommy says, and something heavy laces his words. The hairs on Techno’s arms stand up.
“You coulda asked,” he says, in one final desperate bid for normality.
“No, I couldn’t have,” Tommy says. “I think Chip’s dead.”
Techno doesn’t notice that he’s standing until he is.
“Yeah,” Tommy says. “Yeah. And, uh, I fucking. Need your help to figure out what happened. Before we get blamed. And I know, politically, you’ve got no reason, but if we don’t figure out—”
Techno sits back down, heavy.
“I know you understand Piglish. Let me talk in my native language. Phil.”
“Yeah, mate?”
“Go get the stuff.”
Phil’s eyes darken. “Right. That. Well, I’ll be back.”
Tommy’s voice, for the first time since Techno met him as a newly-minted Leader, standing on a wooden bench and yelling about executions, is small.
“You believe me?” he says.
“Why else would you come here?” Techno asks. “Not like we like you.”
“Good, because I’m shit at infiltrations. Would have been embarrassing if you, like, didn’t know your enemy well enough to know that,” Tommy says. He’s saying something else underneath it. Techno is neither good enough at Bayesh or at Tommy to guess what.
“Let’s work out an excuse to make a treaty. And you tell me everything.”
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endtimers · 10 months
love hitting characters with the transgenderfication beam. shadowheart is soooo transgender. alfira is transgender. gale and wyll are also very transgender no quastion. smacking Wulbren Bongle witj the shitty transmasc gun.
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thelonelyshore-if · 2 months
So for the people that just randomly turn up do they have like, free apartments to give out or how does that work
Great question! This one'll actually be answered in part next chapter c:
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recurring-polynya · 22 days
Good morning, happy Thursday, who wants to read a fun idea I had about giants in Soul Society?
So! I was reading this @littleeyesofpallas post about wuxing symbolism and was particularly struck by this passage in a section about the gate guardians:
There is no central guard but conspicuously Kirinji's name comes from Qilin, but apparently according to official height he's actually not nearly as tall as Kubo's drawings always made him seem. Not that he was on the same scale as the gate guardians even then...
No, I said to myself, of course not. He's powerful enough to control his size, because I was thinking of the part where Grand Fisher claims Isshin is too small to defeat him and Isshin responds with a lecture on soul reaper lore:
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Now, bodies are not swords, but maybe the same mechanic applies! It certainly applies to Hollows. Earlier in this same scene, Kon mistakes Grand Fisher for a Menos Grande, and Grand Fisher is insulted by the comparison, but it's the same thing. Menos are huge and scary, but when they become Arrancar, they shrink down and become scarier. [Aside: I think this is why the Yammy-is-secretly-Espada-0 reveal doesn't quite manage to hit. It goes against the lore Kubo has been laying down for ages]
On a meta level, this is just a shounen storytelling tactic where X is an indicator of strength, but then later on, it's like "Reverse Uno! Not-X is the real indicator of strength!!" That's exactly how this zanpakutou-size thing is used when it's first introduced.
Exhibit A: Renji, a court jester, being impressed by the size of Ichigo's sword:
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Exhibit B: A handful of issues later, Urahara, an intellectual (lol), sets us straight:
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Genre convention or not, I think it lends itself some interesting world-building. Among low-powered people, size is impressive, but as you scale the ranks of power, it's kind of pathetic. Weirdly large people are like the petty bourgeoisie of Soul Society power dynamics.
But that's actually the perfect niche for a gatekeeper! In general, your typical Joe Shinigami is going to be able to take on just about any rando from the Rukongai, but maybe not a particularly strong ryouka. Ganju was able to take on Yumichika, after all. A single shinigami wouldn't be able to take on a planned rebellion, like in the Bount arc, and they've got to, like, sleep and stuff. The Gotei could, in theory, have an entire gatehouse and a gate patrol, etc, but that they are perpetually short-staffed as-is. Instead, how about one medium-powerful gatekeeper whose size makes them well-suited for fighting groups of people (or siege weapons), and who is going to be intimidating overall?
Furthermore, it's implied that Jidanbou isn't actually a shinigami. He wears a shihakushou, but his axes don't seem to be a zanpakutou (he doesn't release them and is distressed when they are destroyed). His neighbors offer this comment on him:
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It's not quite right, though: after all, many shinigami are from Rukongai, including Gin, who is the reason Jidanbou is being healed at the very moment this panel takes place. I think what this guy means is that Jidanbou is of Rukongai, which is to say not of the Seireitei.
So what is he, then? Here's my big idea: I think that the gigantism in Soul Society might actually be a reiatsu-developmental disability! It's always been my impression that growth, especially for powerful people, happens in fits and spurts, rather than linearly, and that furthermore, big changes in growth tend to coincide with developments in reiryouku. Somewhere, either in childhood or adolescence, someone's spiritual pressure grows more quickly than their control over it, which results in their body growing uncontrollably. They become very powerful "physically", but their strength is all in their mass/reishi, which takes most of their spiritual pressure to control. This may end up limiting the upper end of power they are able to achieve and some cases means they get cut off entirely from the other forms of power used by shinigami (connecting to a zanpakutou, kidou). I think this might be especially common in children from the Rukongai, who lack access to education and training. I can also imagine it leading itself to cautionary tales in the outer Rukon that if you feed your hungry children too much, you'll end up with a giant on your hands.
This offers one explanation to why Jidanbou is a giant and his brother Jiroubou is large, but not remotely on the same scale (the Souls Data Book lists his height at 7'7" vs Jidanbou's 32'5"). There are a handful of other shinigami of larger-than-human height, which could be a milder form of this, or it could mean that some sort of special training or medical intervention helped keep their growth manageable. I think you can squeeze in a lot of interesting character insights into this headcanon, from Hachi (8'5"), who perhaps worked exceptionally hard in an effort to control his power and ended becoming incredibly skilled at kidou as a result (interesting that he, too, is not actually a shinigami). Or Oomaeda (6'11"), who gets by a lot on his family's wealth and clout, but is definitely on the weaker end of the lieutenant power scale. In his case, his large size kind of speaks to his entire "thinks he's classy, but is really just gaudy"/can't-even-tell-how-outclassed-he-is-by-his-peers deal.
Then, as a counterpoint, you've got Hitsugaya: immensely powerful from a young age, and one of the hallmarks of his character is how in-control of himself he is, down to having developed an actual visible power bar for his bankai. Whether this is some effect of his personality, or whether it's an intervention on Hyourinmaru's part, his growth has been choked off as a side effect. He's the direct opposite of Jidanbou, who additionally seems somewhat childlike in personality (crying over his axes, for example, or his attachment to his extremely dubious "rules of the city"). To me, it's very sweet that their friendship might have roots in opposite expressions of the same reiatsu-growth-fuckup.
Much in the way that the Shiba use some sort of magic that's distinctly different from shinigami-kidou, I guess I really like thinking about other ways power might manifest itself in Soul Society outside of the shinigami-industrial-complex. And also the way the Seireitei may or may not try to control those powers."Guard this gate!" they say. "We won't actually let you live in the city or give you city wages, but you can have a cool outfit and, uh...do it for the exposure?"
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petorahs · 2 months
hoyo music casually being masterpieces is hardly a rare occurence BUT YOURE FUCKING KIDDING MEEE WITH THE NATLAN LIVE SYMPHONY HOLYSHIT 😭 I fanboyed. no other way to describe my excitement and giddyness. ITS SO FUCKING COOL ARE YOU SEEING THIS??? THE LYRICS THE MELODY THE SOULFULNESS 😭 my heart is so full...
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I havent felt this way since I first heard Port Ormos theme (literally sounds like coming home. like songs from my childhood) and Sumeru's live symphony where I saw instruments from my culture 🥹 I can only imagine the same euphoria from other ppl who can relate to the culture presented in Natlan's live symphony will feel..
"In the end, you rekindle in ashes because of a dream."
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It’s asexual awareness week!!! I present the most aware asexual!!!
(Possible eyestrain and trypophobia, vague spoilers for tma under the cut)
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That is not his cardigan. You can decide whose it is, but it’s. It’s not his.
(Click for better quality)
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