#irl icewing
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snowy-flakes · 1 year ago
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Snowfox ‼️‼️ (+me hwhbfj)
Ahem anyways- this drawing is a bit old,, forgot about it for a while hhwbdjwbfbf /vlh (One of my favorite pieces so far though!! Pretty ehjwbdf) @foxes-in-the-snow
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snowy-flakes · 1 year ago
Hwbwjbfjbd !!!! It's just so cute
Some more art of Snowflake and I !!
I made this a little while ago and kept forgetting to post it but I finally remembered so,, yay !
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@snowy-flakes !! <3
!! Do not copy / trace / repost / etc. !!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 years ago
What's this, a wings of fire redesign thing? Yeah I kind of wish the tribes had more unique body shapes because looking at all of them they have like, the same sort of proportions for the most part.
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I feel like mudwings would have a more crocodilian-sort of body shape, more designed for ambush, with shorter, thicker necks since they're known to be the tanks of the tribes.
Sandwings I took more inspiration from vipers and lizards that actually live in the desert, and I feel like they could almost slither across the sand to sneak up on prey.
Nightwings I took a lot more inspiration from things like komodo dragons, and gave them kind of stretchier skin on their underside and smaller scales across their body, which I feel like mimics things like obsidian and volcanic rock.
Seawings deserve some anglerfish lures and the bioluminescence to be more similar to IRL creatures like deep-sea jellyfish. I also took inspiration from dolphins for the head shape, seeing as we read about how the seawings believe them to be cousins of sorts.
Rainwings I took inspiration from chameleons and frilled lizards, make them look like they can be threatening if they want to.
Icewings I gave almost seal-fur on their undersides for more help on the ice, caribou-esque horns to give a bit of uniqueness to the silhouette, and protruding tusks both for the ice and silhouette.
Skywings I made have a bit of a bird vibe with the head shape, almost like they could hook into whatever they're biting or use it to pick up things like rocks.
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wofpantheon · 6 months ago
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I guess it's up to interpretation if you'd like, but not exactly what I intended haha
Think of it in terms of a continent from the real world. While a lot of the far north regions of larger continents IRL are cooler for most of the year, it's actually only completely snow-covered year-round at the highest altitudes and much closer to the poles. But the majority of IceWing territory is snow-covered during the winter!
Thorne and I mapped out the climates in a way that's relatively similar to continental North America. Here's a comparison of our Pyrrhia sized next to ALL of North America (this is how they would look side by side if Pyrrhia existed):
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There's still a lot of fantasy climate placement going on, but at the very least is somewhat believable (imo at least, a real scientist might disagree).
You'll notice that the desert & rainforest are FAR bigger than anything that exists on earth irl today, but to be completely fair, everything is untouched by industrial capitalism and the story revolves around gigantic flying reptiles.
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baileythebean · 10 months ago
Reasons why you should read… Wings of Fire!!
Random LONG-ASS post but idc because this has been my favorite book series since 3rd grade and I still HEAVILY fixate on it - for anyone interested (after I explain ofc) These books are by Tui T. Sutherland and are available in audiobook, paperback, hardcover, and Kindle I think.
Reasons you might enjoy WoF and features of the books!
-creative character designs
-full plot with little to no holes and if there are any, they’re probably explained in one of the MANY side books available.
-well-written characters that can be powerful without being a “Mary Sue” and having their own personalities
-each book follows a different protagonist, sometimes with the protagonist switching up mid-book
-a prologue and epilogue in each book
-15 main books released so far with more coming!!
-STUNNING cover art
-the main characters are dragons!!
-Written like those fanfics where you read them and you forget you’re reading a fanfic but it’s still not quite written like an ‘official’ book, y’know?
-descriptive writing so you don’t have to imagine stuff in weird vague ways
-LOTS OF LGBTQIA+ rep! Including but not limited to: mlm rep, wlw rep, non-binary/non-conforming rep - and the best part about it? It’s casually brought up! It’s normalized! Not even the villains or shitty parents show an OUNCE of homophobia or transphobia!
-There are humans in these books! And POC rep!
-women in leading/strong roles :3
-different continents!
-different tribes of dragons each sharing similar traits depending on their habitat!! NOT JUST RANDOMIZED DRAGONS EVERYWHERE ALL MIXED TOGETHER WHERE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO CAN DO WHAT!!
-Each book features a map of the continent it’s set on, a description of the dragons of each tribe living on that continent (including looks, powers, diet, affiliation in war depending on the book, and current Queen) and a page for the prophecy the book fixates around (different for each arc)
-Three arcs, each solving a different conflict but STILL IN THE SAME PLOT!!
-creepy mind-control stuff!
-well-written villains
-lines that have made me CACKLE out loud multiple times
-and so much more! Read them for yourself to find out!!
THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY ARC: 1) The Dragonet Prophecy (Clay of the Mudwings)
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2) The Lost Heir (Tsunami of the Seawings)
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3) The Hidden Kingdom (Glory of the Rainwings)
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4) The Dark Secret (Starflight of the Nightwings)
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5) The Brightest Night (Sunny of the Sandwings/Nightwings)
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THE JADE MOUNTAIN ARC: 6) Moon Rising (Moonwatcher of the Nightwings)
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7) Winter Turning (Winter of the Icewings)
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8) Escaping Peril (Peril ((the one in front)) of the Skywings)
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9) Talons of Power (Turtle ((the green one)) of the Seawings)
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10) Darkness of Dragons (Qibli of the Sandwings) (MY FAV CHARACTER YIPPEE)
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THE PANTALA ARC: 11) The Lost Continent (Blue of the Silkwings)
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12) The Hive Queen (Cricket of the Hivewings)
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13) The Poison Jungle (Sundew of the Leafwings) (MY FAV BOOK YIPPEE)
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THE RETURN ARC (not sure if that’s actually what it’s called but oh well): 14) The Dangerous Gift (Snowfall ((the one on the right)) of the Icewings)
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15) The Flames of Hope (Luna ((the obvious-looking one)) of the Silkwings)
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Legends: Dragon Slayer
A Guide to the Dragon World
The Winglets Quartet
There might be more but there are also a coloring book plus an activity/storymaking book and as far as I know the fandom is pretty non-toxic and full of artists and cosplayers!! So have funnnn :33
-IRL Bailey
@toniothegammafish @thesilliestofallqueers @rebootgrimm @ask-sora-aguilar @schnozzlebozzle
@bioexorcismss @piigeonss @weirdassartist @clown-prince-of-gay @lilacquintet 
@wakatoshi-main @metal-mage @vv4loe 
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avensartt · 3 months ago
Are the dragons in WoF cold-blooded or warm-blooded? Dragons are normally depicted as reptiles, which are cold-blooded. But then how would Icewings work? Cold-blooded animals famously cant survive in cold, much less live in constant cold comfortably. Are only the Icewings warm-blooded? Or did they evolve to be something that doesn't exist irl? Are all dragons not reptiles but a different class alltogether?
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ima be real... i think wings of fire would have worked better as a series meant for teens or young adults.
i think more gore should have been involved (we got a delightful amount in early arc 1 and legends: darkstalker but c'mon, these are dragons who fight all the time!! where's the gore?) and arc 3 defiantly could have taken a different turn into different types of politics, i agree with the anon who said there could have been a revolution in arc 3, it would have been really interesting to see the silkwings stand up for themselves, and maybe there could have been a (civil?) war between the silkwings and hivewings. i might just be biased because i looove looking into politics and history and all of that but i honestly would have loved to see something like that.
and on the same note, i know this is a common complaint but i would love to see more world-building. i like headcanoning phyrria as based off different places on earth, ex skywings various areas in the usa, nightwings england, icewings russia... and as such, like designing the kingdom's architecture off of those irl places. also, people underestimate giving dragons clothing, i think it's really fun to do and nowadays i give a lot of my dragons (ocs or canon) clothing, or even just accessories that are a bit more human-like (ex, hats like beanies or baseball caps, gloves, backpacks/crossbody bags,) since i like making dragons more human-like on that front. i especially love giving icewings clothing, because it's probably very cold up there, even for them who can live in that temperature, so i like giving them clothing to warm them up. i think if this was a series meant for teen/ya audiences the world-building could be much more interesting and realistic, with poorer cities and communities, or towns devastated by corrupt mayors, which those themes might be too difficult to understand for a young kid (but also my little pony which is meant for young girls had an entire character's arc being to not be a communist so idk)
obviously nothing sexual would be in it (these are DRAGONS) but i like making headcanons where the stories are more realistic, i think a good example would be appalachia (more specifically the deep parts of it, ex kentucky and west virgina) being left by residents nowadways due to coal mines being forgotten in how important they are to the usa (though i'm not from appalachia so take my words with a grain of salt, but i think you understand what i'm trying to say,) and i think it would be interesting to see something like that in wings of fire, i dunno, i guess i like learning about geography and other people's communities. :/
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goitale · 7 months ago
LONG YAP AHEAD!!! ++NOT ALOT OF LORE mostly whos what tribe(s) and a bit of stuff for lore munchers to ponder of :3
also i pasted from discord so ermmm oopsies
wof mcsm au!
notes: dom/rec for hybrids. for admins, like Freedom, they are no specific tribe, but first generational dragons.
reminder that beetlewings are the generation behind hive/silk seperation
jesse- nightwing
petra- skywing
axel- mudwing
olivia- rainwing
lukas- seawing
reuben- scavenger
dragons around beacontowns' area r very mixed tribes but rainwings r considered primary due to cultural impact
jack- sandwing
nurm- rain/silk
vos- seawing
ivor- sand/sea/ice mix (hes cool enough for 3) (65%/25%/10%)
gabriel- icewing
sorren- rain/sea
ellegaard- sky/ice
magnus- sky/night
ender dragon = very deranged darkstalker, "THE DARKSTALKER is a horror myth where þe shadows of þe ender world came to life and made a horrible huge dragon!!"
romeo- primarily night, sky, sand genetics
xara- primarily rain, ice, leaf genetics
fred- primarily sea, mud, beetle genetics
stella- icewing
lluna- scavenger from the rich scavanger kingdom i forgot þe name but lluna hates champion city AND þat kingdom
~ after the bedrock...(no beetles)
freds keep has muds, ices, seas, silks
binta- sea/mud genetics
romeoburg has hive, night, leaf genetics
xara's oasis is deserted with mostly sandwings and rainwings hiding in the deserts
the warden- night/sky with a tail prosthetic due to explosions fun fact
the admin favors his genetics so the institute is primarily his grandx999 children that disappointed him because he þought nightwings and skywings were so cool
old builders
harper- beetlewing, in her episode the townsfolk r sands and a few sand/silks
purple suit guy- hivewing
blue hair girl-leafwing
harper's friend guy- silkwing
cassie rose- deranged rain/leaf, with lots of sloths
sky island dragons are primarily beetlewings and the mythical spider tribe
founder- hivewing
youtubers (fun fact, ices and rains have accents)
dantdm- ice/night
ldshadowlady- ice/sand
stampycat- rainwing
stacyplays- sandwing
sparklez- rainwing
þe first one þat died- skywing
"the white pumpkin"="the darkstalker", cassie pretends to be darkstalker myth :3
nell- sea/rain :3
em- sand/sea :3
*they communicate in aquatic! rest of their group r seas or sea hybrids for þis reason, Kelp team btw*
jesse gets random premonition dreams (aka a dream you have þen later on turns out to be true/þat dream happens irl) like every 6 monþs and therefore has sm fun stories to tell and every time it happens she IMMEDIATELY has to tell olivia and þeyre a duo ever
she isnt exactly a seer nightwing and petra is initially very confused by þis when jesse is like "yeah dont give your sword to a lady from anoþer city, petra!" þen it happens. and jesse explains
if yk jerboa and jerboa II's story, it relates to þem and þeir in-universe counterparts :3
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eclipsesdrawings · 2 years ago
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Princess Snowfox of the Icewings
I love the fact that most of the fandom decided she is purple
Let’s be honest, purple and mint colored Icewing’s look amazing!
[ Image ID: A digital drawing of princess Snowfox, one of the main antagonist’s from wings of fire „Runaway’s“ over a grayish purple background. She is drawn from the shoulder’s up facing to the left, with a slight grin, revealing tiny rubies imbedded on her teeth. Snowfox has pastel purple scale’s with a almost white underbelly, dark purple marking’s all over her body, reddish eye’s and is wearing a necklace with a silver loop. The artist’s signature „Eclipse“ short for Eclipsesdrawings, is written on the upper right beside the image. /.End ID]
And I wanted to say that I‘m sorry for not posting much again, I‘m just really busy irl at the moment :,D
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sombrathedragon · 3 months ago
Honestly a winglet I really want to see. Hailstorm reflecting on their time as Pyrite. And there’s something that’s been nagging them for over a year. Why did they feel so… comfortable… being in a woman’s body? And throughout the winglet they slowly come to the realization of trans. She first comes out to Snowfall (because she thinks that’ll be easier than coming out to her parents. Snowfall is immediately accepting and starts calling Hailstorm a princess. When she comes out to her parents expecting the worst, she finds them to be (seemingly) accepting. I think the idea to portray is that they are like outwardly accepting, but maybe not… fully willing to use she and her for hailstorm. They use they and them. (Totally not basing on irl experience noooo). Anyways novel ends with Snowfall officially announcing to the kingdom that Hailstorm is to be henceforth known as “Princess Hailstorm of the Icewings.”
Omg yes trans Hailstorm,,, we should get a winglet on her :333
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theriancultureis · 1 year ago
To the blog owner: What creature(s) do you kin? :3
ooh a LOT
i definiely cant get them all lol
dog (general)
dragon (general)
cat (specifically a caliby made of pink glitter)
gryphon (think i also kin eagles and lions?)
harpy (similar to the ones from greek and roman mythology)
alien dog
these are just the ones I know I have so far. and also some are from fictionkins that are the species (alicorn/unicorn comes from me being an Izzy Moonbow IRL for example)
i consider myself to be pankin as the amount is really just too big, to the point I have no idea what most of them are because I have yet to experience them! but they are still there in my soul, waiting to emerge. We have a kinment (kin fragment) subsystem that- as far as I can tell- is made up of THOUSANDS of different kintypes.
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snowy-flakes · 1 year ago
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Guys help I made this ages ago and forgot to ever post it ;w; Even though I worked so hard on it...!!
(Have since updated how I draw my appearance to be more accurate! Reference sheet coming soon!)
@foxes-in-the-snow <3 <3
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months ago
Do any of your wof fantribes have special abilities? And mayhaps, ur canon ones have more? >:D
Canon Tribes
Skywings have the special ability to grow & shed feathers during the more colder seasons of the sky kingdom. Also on occasion the firescales can become another color other than orange.
Seawings can spit out a foamy water which is black in nature & REALLY SMELLY! Also they can camouflage like octopi do.
Rainwings can make their frills look like a frilled lizards & have ABNORMALLY LONG TOUNGUES! (For catching bugs of course :) )
Mudwings who are the big wings of their troop are referred to as "Hippos" (in the militant sense) due to them being bigger & stronger than the average mudwing (bcs Hippos are frikin demons irl). (Also Mudwings can use their shed as a form of clay)
Icewings can us their shedded off spikes as a form of weaponry. Also their breath can heal burn based wounds. (But ONLY burn based wounds)
Idk else :')
My Tribes:
Dwellerwings can role up into balls & roll into ppl like a pill bug
Mothwings have frost silk but when born on a full moon (similar to nightwings) they gain a silk known as moon silk, which has a strange cold burning feeling but has a slight glow. Also based on the environment they are in effects their fur coats.
Gaiawings sometimes can change the color of their scales, but not fur. (Also so can their colored wing tips)
Blumopuses can spit out a sticky mucus which may be sweet but REALLY STICKY! This is the same slime that is found on their paws.
Techwings can actually use their electricity to conduct machines & well... temporally resurrect someone. (Although better to use cpr when u can't get to a hospital in one of the sub cities of Spark City) (I forgor the name help)
Mistwings can melt into the water & even different types of gases. They're the only known dragons to be immune to ANY known Gases that exist.
I have nothing else my brain is dum dum :')
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toadslug · 6 months ago
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I FINISHED IT!! Here are my silly opinions for the silly dragon series 🥰 Character names, explanations, and template below the cut:
★ Favorite character: Clay
Clay has been my favorite character since I read his book!! I think his character goes a lot deeper than how some of the fandom treats him (his character arc is amazing), and he's also just a really nice guy.
★ Liked by everyone but me: Queen Ruby
I have no idea why I don't like her 😭 I think the way she treated Peril just kind of pissed me off when I was a kid and I've never been able to shake the grudge (it's not her, it's me). I almost put Bumblebee here instead... I can't blame her for acting her age, but her babbling can get tiring.
★ Didn't like at first: Fatespeaker
I considered putting Glory here, but I only started to hate her when that was the popular thing to do (I'm back to liking her now dw). I immediately didn't like Fatespeaker... Probably because I was rooting for Sunny x Starflight at the time 😬 I PROMISE I'm not like that anymore omg. I was probably nine years old. I've come to value Fatespeaker a lot more; her character is surprisingly interesting to pick apart.
★ Would like to know more about: Hailstorm
There's so many characters I want to know more about!! Gill!! Tau!! Riptide!! Moray!! Osprey!! Sora!! Literally any MudWing character!!! BUT... I went with Hailstorm. I adore the supportive big brother energy he brings, and seeing him trying to fit back into IceWing society (and maybe go through a teensy identity crisis) would be interesting.
★ Least favorite character: Sky
Honestly, I don't really have a least favorite character? There's Whirlpool, of course, but that's too easy. I ended up choosing Sky 🤷‍♀️ I liked him enough in Dragonslayer, but he kind of annoyed me in The Flames of Hope. I feel like he became a lot louder and more brash.
★ Like the design, dislike the character: Vulture
His dragon skull tattoos and the gimmick for them is so sick?? Why is this grandpa more stylish than me and everyone I know??? His design is great, but everything to do with him and his crime ring felt a little out of nowhere to me. It's been a while since I've read Darkness of Dragons, so maybe I'm just not remembering everything? But yeah. I wish he had a more satisfying storyline.
★ Like the character, dislike the design: Luna
I like Luna! And I like how she looks on her book cover, too (the rendering on her is drop-dead GORGEOUS). But the rest of her appearances in canon art... ehh.
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These shades of green are making me feel things. And the spots on her wings look kind of awkward to me.
★ Favorite ship: Jambu x Pineapple
I was really close to putting Clay x Peril here because of how OBSESSED I was with them as a kid (shout-out to the Demons Peril PMV by Echosplash Animations that saved my life); however, Jambu x Pineapple is the only ship in the series that got me kicking my feet and giggling. The flashback to them cuddling in the hammock melted my heart 💖 Luna x Swordtail, Tamarin x Anemone, and Mangrove x Orchid are also my beloved. Honestly, though, I'm not that involved with shipping anymore.
★ Would never befriend IRL: Sundew
I like Sundew as a fictional character, but I would be slightly scared of her if she was real. She probably wouldn't like me.
★ Would befriend IRL: Umber
He seems chill. I don't think he'd prod me to do stuff or talk, and I like people like that. People who can just let you exist... I feel like he'd tolerate my humor, too.
★ Similar personality: Clearsight
I am NOWHERE near as girlboss as her, but I can relate to constantly worrying about future situations that may or may not happen 😁😁
★ Least favorite ship: Burn x Scarlet
Sorry toxic yuri ☹️ I just don't ship Burn with anyone.
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*This template wasn't my idea; I took the original template and modified it to my liking.
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wof-reworked · 10 months ago
1 & 40 for the ask game?
normally I would feel bad abt posting this late but this ask was sent on the day of my mom's death so like I am going to cut myself a little slack lmao. Anyway ask games amiright???
| 1. Favorite character? [Can be anyone, even that weirdo that appears for one page]
anyway I think he's neat. Peril and Sunny are also two v close faves, I just latched onto that boy from an early age as any traumatized queer wof fan is ought to do. Him, Winter, and Moon make me a little unwell in the head.
| 40. Free space! Ramble as much as you want!
I just think this whole place is neat, and I love WOF dearly. I'm gonna ramble about my tabletop game, because I'm excited that it's almost near finished !!
I've decided to do away with classes, and make the main playbooks based off of the tribes. This has made things a tad complicated, because coming up with mechanics and balancing each tribe has been a bit messy since the books also have them rather unbalanced. The main system I've been using involves a fluid stat pool- your modifiers (i.e. your bonuses to rolls in DnD like charisma, wisdom, etc.) are a currency you spend in relation to the effort you're putting in- the goal is to hit a sweet spot number (or go all out or comically low for the roleplay). So certain tribes are naturally going to be given a slight boost in their abilities from the jump, but w/o the implication they need to necessarily be good at it 24/7 (so Rainwings get a boost to flexibility, Mudwings to health, etc). There's a flat stat boost to each, as well as a unique role (or multiple). This can be the Mudwing sibling band (traveling with your sibs and/or making rolls with them can give you bonuses), Rainwing and Sandwing venom, or Icewings serrated talons. What I'm currently working on is the rare tribe abilities/traits- I don't want animus to fall into this category, bc I find it to be separate and not as fun, but stuff like the Mudwing firescales. That's been the big slowdown, as well as finetuning the dice. I'm v excited and v grateful for the patience of everyone on discord as I figure this out, especially w everything kind of,,,, going to shit irl ^^;;. Thx for the free rambling space !!
Link to the original Ask Game
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nightly-ruse · 2 years ago
Okay guys give me either some interesting ideas for wof tribes or just some wof tribes
Like frilled lizard rainwings or reindeer icewings
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