#intruders on the isles
lilmcttens · 1 year
Night time fell on the Boiling Isles after Luz got her new Palisman. It was then two figures came through the same portal that Luz and the others came through two dogs then came through One wearing a red Bandanna and the other wearing a blue with Snowflakes on it. It was two terrier mixes clearly brothers. Dodger the red Bandanna one was wearing a suit alot like captain Americas with a shield made of vibranium. Shortstop the one with the blue bandanna and white snow flakes didnt have any of that and didnt need to and many would find out later why.
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Dodger and Shortstop looked around it was dark...and quiet.. but Dodger noticed what appeared to be a giant skull and in the sky a house? What was this place?!!! Dodger- "I got a very bad feeling about this..." he said to his brother who was feeling weird just being there something was interfering with his magic ever since he stepped in that goo back in Connecticut it was weird. He felt a little tingle
Dodger- "Hey...you good brother?" he asked him knowing something was off.
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Shortstop shook himself and focused then felt normal again. "Yeah...Im good Dodger..." he said feeling his magic grow. "We need to find who is responsible for this...I know we shouldnt but lets split up.."
Dodger- "Shortstop that's crazy...this is an unknown place..."
Shortstop- "Exactly if we split up and something gets one of us then of us will still be here...so please trust me I promise you we will always find our way back to each other."
Dodger knew this was a bad idea but he trusted Shortstop with his life. "Alright, Captain...I'll go this way... and you go the other way."
Shortstop- "See you soon." he said as he and Dodger did the paw shake and walked in the opposite direction. Shortstop walked through what appeared to be a forest of trees but then...rocks...
He looked up at the house in the sky and raised an eyebrow.."Well first time for anything." he said as he continued to walk. He then saw what appeared to be a light...at the base of the center of an open area. "Well this ought to be good," he said walking in that direction but then his nose picked up a smell...it was an animal smell? Or something he wasn't sure...but he sensed he was now being watched...by someone? But who?
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👻⊱ A residential Witch was indeed close by; She heard the sniffing of another creature/animal. This fourteen-year-old witch was already on edge from her home being turned into a giant gameboard with all her loved ones Titan-knows-where? No telling where that magical cherub was now; but the last thing she needed was to be tracked by a monster or a slitherbeast!
The teen's golden eyes widened; the shadowed witch could hear the sniffing sound getting closer! Was the beast even aware that she was there? Should she send her palisman to check things out?
"No. Giving away your position when in stealth is never the right decision."
She thought to herself. The creature kept its nose close to the ground, but she could not see it. She backed herself against a titled tree curled over to match the starry aesthetic that was now how her home looked. She uses it as a cover to conceal herself in shadow.
Oh no, Oh no, it was getting closer. Too close for comfort!
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She didn't have to panic, she didn't need to find a weapon. Armed with her witch's staff. She took a step forward ready to strike if she was seen. She saw a glimpse of white, brown, and slightly dark blue, but that was it!
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Shoutout to all of my "I started crossdressing for sensory reasons as a kid and now shopping in the isle for my AGAB feels weird" neurodivergents. I see you.
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imaginarianisms · 1 month
alys, noting another dragonrider flying above harrenhal: oh here we go again....... addam & seasmoke: :))))) alys: oh. oh he's actually rly sweet addam, being a genuinely good & respectful human being: alys: boys i think theres smth wrong w/ him. hes not real simon: oh no dear he's a gem addam: ill come back later alys: dont do that istg addam, smiling the sweetest smile ever: alys: gdi...........
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Harry Hook x Reader: The Pirate's Enchanted Locket
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Prompt: Y/n has an ancient locket that transports her to The Isle of the Lost. Captured by Harry Hook, he initially suspects her of being a spy. As he grows fascinated by her, he defends her against a rival gang’s attack. In a moment of intense emotion, Harry confesses his feelings.
Reader: Female
Word count: 3584
Average reading time: 13 min
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes involving emotional distress, fear, and harassment. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
The full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the restless sea. Y/N stood at the edge of a rocky cliff, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Clutched in her hand was an ancient locket, a mysterious inheritance from her mother that promised to bring you what your heart desires the most. The locket felt warm in her palm, as if it had a life of its own, pulsating with a gentle rhythm. As she carefully opened the locket, wisps of magic light surrounded her, pulling her through time and space.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
When the light faded, Y/N found herself on the deck of a pirate ship, the grimy structure silhouetted against the dark waters of the Isle of the Lost. The smell of saltwater and smog filled the air, and the sound of creaking wood and flapping sails was almost deafening. Disoriented, she stumbled across the deck, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The ship was bustling with activity, rough looking pirates shouted orders and heaved ropes, their faces shadowed by the dim lantern light.
Harry Hook, Uma’s fierce first mate, appeared, his sharp eyes immediately spotting her. He was a tall figure, his dark hair hiding underneath a black pirate hat, a silver hook gleaming dangerously in place of his left hand.
“What do we have here?” Harry’s voice was a low, dangerous growl. His accent was thick, his tone dripping with suspicion. “Someone trying hide, or perhaps a thief?”
Y/N’s heart raced. She had heard the stories of these pirates, the children of villains of old tales, but never imagined she would meet them. “I’m not here to steal anything. I was just—”
“Save your breath, Lass,” Harry interrupted, his voice cold and commanding. He stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. “We don’t take kindly to intruders. Especially ones who appear out of thin air.”
Before Y/N could protest further, Harry took her arm with surprising strength and dragged her below deck. The narrow, dark passageways twisted and turned, lit only by the occasional flickering torch. Other pirates stared as they passed, their expressions ranging from curiosity to outright hostility.
They reached a small, dark cell at the far end of the ship. Harry shoved her inside, and the heavy clang of the iron door as it shut behind her resonated with finality. The cell was cold and damp, the air thick with the smell of rust. Y/N sank to the floor, her mind racing with confusion and fear.
“What have I gotten myself into?” she whispered, clutching the locket tightly. She could still feel its warmth, a faint reassurance in the darkness. 
Time passed slowly in the cell. The sounds of the ship and the ocean were muffled, creating a deafening silence. Y/N's thoughts were a whirlwind of worry and regret. She thought of her grandmother’s stories, the tales of magic and adventure that now seemed all too real.
Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, the door creaked open. A confident pirate girl, with turquoise braids and a mischievous glint in her eyes, entered. It was Uma, the sea witch’s daughter and the ship’s captain.
“Well, well,” Uma said, her voice smooth and taunting. “What do we have here? A little runaway, or maybe something more?”
Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting Uma’s. Gathering her courage, she replied, “I’m not a runaway. I was brought here by magic. This locket” she held it up, its faint glow illuminating the small cell, “it brought me here.”
Uma’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of the locket. She leaned closer, inspecting it with interest. “That’s no ordinary locket.” she murmured. “Where did you get this?”
“My mother.” Y/N answered truthfully. “She said it would bring me what my heart desires the most.”
Uma’s expression shifted, a calculating look in her eyes. “And what does your heart desire, little one?”
Y/N hesitated. “Adventure,” she said finally. “And maybe something more.”
Uma laughed, a sound both sweet yet disturbing. “You might just get what you wish for,” she said. “But remember, magic always comes with a price.”
With that, Uma left, leaving Y/N alone in the dim cell but with nothing but her thoughts and a glimmer of hope. She clutched the locket tighter, its warmth still present.
Days passed in the cell, at first Harry occasionally came to check on their prisoner by Uma’s order. But soon Harry’s visits became more frequent, yet the fear of her situation never quite faded. The walls, slick with dampness and grime, seemed to press in on Y/N, their oppressive presence a constant reminder of her imprisonment. Yet, each day, as Harry’s visits became more regular, a subtle shift began to take place.
Harry’s demeanor, once arrogant and indifferent, softened. His initial curiosity about Y/N’s resilience grew into genuine interest. He began to linger longer during their conversations, and the tone of his voice, previously sharp and commanding, carried an undertone of care. There was a tension in the air, an unspoken connection that neither of them acknowledged directly but both felt deeply.
One evening, as the cell was bathed in the dim, flickering light of a single bulb, Y/N’s curiosity overcame her usual caution. She looked up from her seated position against the wall, her face illuminated by the pale light, and asked, “Why do you keep coming here?”
Harry leaned against the bars, his usual arrogance tempered by a weariness that spoke of long, restless days. His expression was a blend of annoyance and hesitant interest, a reflection of the internal struggle he faced. “I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone quite like you, Lass. You’ve got spirit.”
Y/N’s eyes met his with a mixture of resistance and fatigue. “I don’t cower.” she said, her voice carrying a steely edge. “I just don’t see the point in making things worse.”
Harry’s gaze softened slightly, revealing a glimpse of the conflict within him. He crossed his arms, his posture less rigid than usual. “You’ve got a point. It’s not every day someone ends up on Uma’s ship with nothing but a locket.”
The mention of the locket brought a flicker of emotion to Y/N’s eyes. It was a small, delicate piece of jewelry, a token from a life that seemed impossibly distant now. “The locket belonged to my mother.” she said quietly, her voice barely more than a whisper. “It’s all I have left of her.”
Harry’s expression changed as he looked at her. The hardened exterior he maintained was marred by a rare hint of empathy. He looked at the locket as if seeing it for the first time, acknowledging the significance it held for Y/N. “She must’ve meant a lot to you.”
Y/N nodded, her gaze dropping to the floor. “She did. And it’s more than just a memory. It’s a reminder that there was a time before all this, a time when things were different.”
For a moment, the cell fell into a thoughtful silence. Harry seemed to wrestle with his own thoughts, the weight of Y/N’s words evident in the furrow of his brow. Finally, he spoke, his voice softer than before. “You know, Lass, you’re not what I expected. There’s something about you, something that makes me think maybe, just maybe, there’s more to you than meets the eye.”
Y/N’s gaze lifted to meet his, her eyes searching his for any sign of him lying. “And what does that mean for me?”
Harry’s expression was unreadable, a mask of guarded contemplation. “It means,” he said slowly, “that you’re not entirely alone in this. And maybe, just maybe, there’s more to be learned from each other than either of us thought.”
As the silence stretched between them, the tension in the cell seemed to ease, if only slightly. Harry moved closer to the bars, his fingers gripping the cold metal as he leaned in, his face inches from Y/N’s. “Why do you trust me enough to talk about her?” he asked, his voice a hushed murmur.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She could feel the warmth of his breath, the intensity of his gaze. “I don’t know if I trust you,” she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. “But I think you’re different from most. There’s something in you that’s... kind.”
Harry’s eyes darkened, a mixture of frustration and longing flickering in their depths. “Kindness is a dangerous thing around here.” he warned, his voice barely audible. “But maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re bringing out a part of me I thought I’d lost.”
Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the cell seemed to disappear. The tension between them crackled with unspoken words and suppressed emotions. Harry’s hand reached through the bars, his fingers brushing against Y/N’s cheek, a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down her spine.
“Harry...” Y/N’s voice was a breathless whisper, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Y/N,” he replied, his voice heavy with an emotion he couldn’t name. “Be careful. This... whatever this is between us... it’s dangerous.”
Y/N’s hand covered his, their fingers entwining through the cold metal bars. “I know.” she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. “But I’m willing to take the risk if you are.”
Harry’s eyes softened, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You’re something else, Lass. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I promise you this, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The nights grew colder, and Harry’s visits became a small comfort. However, one fateful night, the tranquility shattered as the ship was attacked by a rival gang of villains. The sounds of battle swords clashing, men shouting filled the air, growing louder as the intruders neared.
Y/N's heart pounded as the chaos drew closer, each step of the invaders echoing her rising dread. The cold metal of her cell door creaked open violently, the sound slicing through the din like a knife. A rough hand yanked her from her confinement, dragging her into the harsh light of the battle-torn deck.
"Look what we have here," one of the attackers sneered, his breath hot and foul against her ear. He gripped her waist with brutal force, his fingers digging into her skin. "A pretty little thing, aren’t you?"
Terror surged through her veins as she struggled against his iron grip. Another attacker, his eyes gleaming with malice, leaned in close, his lips brushing her cheek as he spoke.
"Why don’t you give us a kiss, darling?" he taunted, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. Y/N turned her head away, revulsion twisting her stomach.
“Get away from me!” she cried, her voice trembling with fear. She twisted in their grasp, desperate to escape their leering faces and grasping hands.
"Help! Someone, please!" Y/N’s voice trembled, barely audible over the surrounding tumult. Her pleas seemed swallowed by the night, lost in the brutal frenzy.
Her captors laughed at her desperation, their taunts ringing in her ears. “Scream all you want, girl. No one’s coming for you.”
But they were wrong.
Harry’s blood boiled when he saw the attackers’ rough treatment of Y/N. With a roar that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, he burst onto the deck, his sword gleaming with deadly intent. His eyes blazed with fury, locked onto Y/N even as he swung his weapon with lethal precision.
"Back off, you scurvy dogs!" Harry's voice was a thunderclap of rage. "Touch her again, and I’ll have you all walk the plank!"
The attackers hesitated, the ferocity of Harry’s assault breaking their resolve. They had underestimated him, and now they were paying the price. One by one, they began to retreat, their faces pale with fear as Harry cut a swath through their ranks, his determination an unmistakable force.
The attacker holding Y/N released her, shoving her roughly to the ground. She scrambled back, her heart racing, watching as Harry fought like a man possessed. Each swing of his sword was a vow to protect her, his movements a blur of deadly grace.
One of the attackers, emboldened by desperation, lunged at Harry with a dagger. Harry parried the blow effortlessly, his sword flashing in the dim light as he disarmed and incapacitated the man with brutal efficiency.
When the last of the attackers had fled into the night, Harry's attention turned to Y/N. She stood trembling, her face pale, tears carving silent paths down her cheeks. Her eyes met his, wide and haunted, a mix of fear and relief swirling in their depths.
Harry approached her slowly, his expression softening, the pirate's fury melting into concern. Gently, he placed his hands on her shoulders, his touch a grounding anchor against the storm of her emotions.
“It’s over now,” Harry said softly, his voice a soothing balm against her raw nerves. “You’re safe.”
Y/N collapsed against him, her body wracked with sobs. Harry held her tightly, his embrace a shield against the horrors of tonight. For a moment, the world was reduced to the two of them, the warmth of his presence pushing back the cold grip of fear.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice muffled against his chest. “I was so scared…”
“I know,” Harry murmured, his hand stroking her hair gently. “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not ever again.”
His arms wrapped around her, carefully lifting her in his arms. Y/N’s heart fluttered as she felt his warmth and strength surrounding her. She buried her face in his neck, her tears flowing freely. The world outside seemed to fade as Harry carried her through the remaining chaos, his movements both strong and tender.
“Harry…” Y/N’s voice was muffled against his skin. “They—they were touching me… I was so scared.”
Harry’s breath hitched at her words. He tightened his embrace, his heart aching at the thought of her suffering. He carried her to his quarters, the soft glow of lanterns casting a warm light around the room. Gently, he set her down on the bed and knelt beside her, his eyes full of concern.
“No one will ever touch you like that again,” Harry vowed, his voice firm yet gentle. “I swear it on my life.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and increasing affection. “Thank you for protecting me, Harry. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Harry’s gaze softened. He brushed a stray tear from her cheek, his touch light and comforting. “You don’t need to worry about that. You’re mine to protect, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
The room was filled with an intense, charged silence. Harry’s hand gently cupped Y/N’s cheek as he leaned in closer. His gaze was locked on hers, his eyes burning with a mixture of fierce protectiveness and deep affection. 
Slowly, he pulled her closer, his hook wrapping around her waist in a tender embrace. With a gentle yet firm grip, he tilted her chin up with his other hand. The proximity between them was electric, and Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as Harry’s lips hovered near hers.
Without breaking eye contact, Harry leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was gentle at first, a soft, reassuring touch that spoke of his promises and his unspoken feelings. As the kiss deepened, it became more passionate, filled with the urgency of their emotions and the relief of their survival.
Y/N’s hands found their way to Harry’s chest, feeling the strong, steady beat of his heart beneath her fingertips. She clung to him, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt as if anchoring herself in the moment.
When they finally broke apart, their breaths mingling in the warm, intimate space, Harry’s eyes were filled with a mixture of relief and something deeper, something that Y/N recognized as love.
“I’m yours.” Y/N whispered, her voice trembling but resolute. “I want to stay here with you. I want to be where I belong.”
Harry’s eyes shone with a mixture of pride and tenderness. “And I’m yours, Lass. I’d let the world flood if it means knowing you are safe.”
Y/N felt a profound sense of safety wash over her. She reached out, her fingers tracing the lines of Harry’s face, committing every detail to memory. The flickering lantern light played off his features, casting shadows that danced and flickered with a life of their own. 
“I never knew I could feel this way,” she admitted, her voice soft and filled with wonder. “Like I’m whole when I’m with you.”
Harry’s expression softened even further, and he took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a tender kiss to her palm. “You complete me, Y/N. You’re my strength and my reason. I’d do anything to see you smile again.”
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes, but this time they were tears of joy and overwhelming emotion. “You already have,” she said, her voice breaking slightly. “You saved me, Harry. In more ways than one.”
Harry’s eyes glittered with unshed tears of his own as he pulled her into another embrace, his arms wrapping around her protectively. They sat there for a long moment, holding each other, finding comfort and strength in their shared connection.
Finally, Harry pulled back slightly, looking down at her with a serious expression. “We’ll face whatever comes next together. You and me. No one can stand against us.”
Y/N nodded, a sense of determination filling her. “Together.” she agreed, her voice steady and confident. “Always.”
They stayed close, the warmth of their bodies mingling as they found comfort in each other's presence. Outside, the world continued its relentless march, but inside Harry’s quarters, time seemed to stand still, allowing them a precious moment of peace and love.
Harry brushed his lips against her forehead, a gentle promise of his unwavering commitment. “Rest now, Lass. You’re safe with me.”
With a sigh of contentment, Y/N closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax fully for the first time in what felt like forever.
With the dawn of a new day, Y/N knew she had to make a choice. The locket’s magic had brought her here, but if she wanted to truly stay with Harry, she had to break the bond that tethered her to her world. Without hesitation, she took her mothers locket no matter how much it meant to her and broke it, the magic dissolving into the morning light.
Harry watched her with a mixture of pride and deep affection. As the last piece of the locket crumbled, he pulled her into a close embrace, his arms wrapping around her protectively.
“You’ve chosen to stay,” he said softly, his voice filled with gratitude. “And I’ll be here, always.”
Y/N nodded, feeling a profound sense of belonging.
He took a deep breath, the weight of his words heavy with promise. “I want more for you than just this Isle of the Lost. You deserve a life full of beauty and opportunity, not one mired in darkness and danger. I’ll get us out of here. We’ll find our way to Auradon, and I’ll give you the life you’ve always dreamed of.”
Y/N looked at him, her heart swelling with emotion. “Harry, I don’t care where we go or what we do, as long as I’m with you. You’re my home.”
Harry’s gaze softened. “Then we’ll make a new home together. I promise you, Lass, I’ll fight every step of the way to give you the life you deserve.”
As they were completely lost in each other's embrace, the door to Harry’s quarters creaked open. Uma, the formidable pirate queen and Harry’s captain, stepped inside. Her eyes flared with curiosity and a hint of amusement as she took in the scene before her.
“Well, well, well,” Uma drawled, her voice filled with her usual commanding presence. “Seems like you two have been busy. Thought I’d check in on my first mate and supposed to be prisoner.”
Harry’s posture stiffened, but he quickly masked his surprise with a smirk. “Just taking care of things, Uma.”
Uma’s gaze softened slightly as she looked at Y/N. “You’ve caused quite a stir, girl. This place is no vacation. But if Harry’s vouching for you, you must be something special.”
Y/N, feeling a bit awkward under Uma’s scrutiny, managed a small smile. “I’m just trying to find my way.”
Uma nodded, her expression becoming more serious. “Well, if you’re sticking around, you’d better be prepared. Life here isn’t exactly gentle.”
“I’ve learned that the hard way,” Y/N admitted.
Uma’s lips curled into a faint smile. “Good. Because you’ll need all the strength you can get. But if you’re with Harry, that’s a good start. He’s not one to take chances with those he cares about.”
Y/N glanced at Harry, who looked back at her with a mixture of pride and affection. Uma’s approval meant something—especially if it meant a smoother journey ahead.
“Well, since you’re both set on staying,” Uma continued, her tone softer, “let’s make sure you’re prepared. Harry, we need to talk about our next move. And you, Y/N, might as well come along. If you’re with Harry, you’ll be part of the crew. It’s best to know what you’re getting into.”
With Uma’s words hanging in the air, Y/N felt a newfound sense of determination. As Harry’s hand slipped into hers, she knew they were on the brink of a new chapter, one that promised adventure, challenges, and a future built together.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
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randybutternubber · 7 months
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BABY HUNTER @local-gemstone-lover @teastarfall since I know you’ll want to see this and @keikoyume since my design was inspired from yours. He’s supposed to be wearing his raccoon skin cap but I FORGORRR
Basically, the hunter was a child soldier. This was inspired from a few theories that the hunter was a war veteran, the much older theory that LN is a post WWII world, and an old piece of fan art of six hiding beneath a trench wall with a soldier right above her. Outside of LN, he’s also inspired by the boy from a manwha called The Horizion and Atari from Isle Of Dogs
Most stories and characters in LN tend to involve themes of things that scare children. I chose war- it’s indiscriminately violent, near impossible to control, and often impacts children.
Edit: I forgot to mention, there is also a song that plays from the TVs in the pale city called “scout whistle” which has a very military march type vibe while also still having a very playful like tune to it, which was also an inspiration- plus the raccoon skin cap is referred to as the “scout cap”
(Note: none of this is intended to demonize amputees or people with facial disfigurements. It’s inspired off of WWII facial prosthetics and limbs which were very unique and a huge step in helping veterans)
Basically, the hunter was taken to the nowhere at a young age. He spent a few years at a military training school. Older children at the school tended to have a lot of mannequin and porcelain doll/bully like parts, basically they were being slowly replaced.
He tried to escape with a few other kids. While running through a field, the child next to him stepped on a land mine, instantly killing them and severely injuring the hunter, who’s left side was basically screwed. He was taken back to the school after. (let’s just pretend it lines up with his burlap eye hole, I forgot what side it was on 😭)
He got a prosthetic arm, although it was quite uncomfortable and pretty stiff along with being very heavy (very different from actual prosthetics as he can actually control quite a bit of it since it’s more similar to whatever animates the mannequins)
Once he recovered somewhat, he escaped and ended up in the wilderness where he kind of went a bit nutty because of the lack of people and used taxidermy and alcohol as a way to cope. Imagine waking up every day to noise and other people next to you, not having a moment to yourself for YEARS and then all the sudden, that’s all gone. It’s so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat when before you could barely hear yourself talk. That was incredibly hard for him to adjust to, although he grew to prefer solitude and sees things like TVS and most other people as intruders who are encroaching onto his home.
Years later, the doctor would give him a new prosthetic arm (since the old one would obviously be too small) and do facial reconstruction surgery on him as the initial treatment and the way that the hunter was taking care of that side of his face wasn’t a long term solution. Without the mask, he basically looks like Keikoyume’s hunter.
As an adult, quite a few parts of him are taxidermy. He only started wearing the bag over his head once he started to make his… “family” out of people he shot and stuffed.
Poor guy
I wrote this on mobile multiple times because of accidentally deleted it so that’s why the grammar is ass
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bobbin-buckley · 7 months
Like Rain Meets Oil
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Cairo Sweet x Artist!Fem!Reader
Summary: You find Cairo alone in the dark, as you fight over your darkest secrets in the night sky
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of suicide, Mr. Miller mentioned, teacher x student mentions,
Somewhat angst…and some fluff at the end
(Please do not read if these affect you)^^
Enjoy ^_^
y/e/c: Your eye color
One of your favorite time of days, is when it rains..especially when it’s dark
Taking a stroll down a wet path, the sidewalk had puddles of water on it. The street lights glimmered in the reflection of the puddles. Avoiding the puddles as to not get your shoes wet, even if you were a bit drenched already.
It wasn’t typical for you to stroll in the middle of the night as it rained, (not that the rain was spouting down hard) you rather enjoyed rain indoors..as you did whatever thing you enjoy at this time.
Strolling down by the gates of your school. Yes, gates at a school, this wasn’t just any high school in particular..this school was quite fancy…just for some high school in Tennessee.
The schools gates were tall, could keep intruders out..but in this case someone had either broken in or…was here for a reason.
The gate was slightly opened
Now, were you an adventurous person?
Did you like sneaking into places?
In this case it was curiosity of who would be sneaking around in the school at this time.
Maybe some dirty teenagers or some..homeless person..? Who knows, but you were persistent to find out anyways.
You whipped right past the gate, making sure no one was looking and approached the school. It looked rather strange in the dark, as-well as rain covering it. You noticed how the entrance to the library had a light shinning over it, did the janitor forget to turn off the light?
Odd. Getting closer to the door you opened it with ease, someone had definitely broken in..or.gotten in at least..because who breaks into a school?
Warmer air hit you once entering the building, you were on the backside of the library. The back rooms.
Shutting the door behind you and walking further in and out of the backrooms. It was warm oddly..and pretty much dark. You strolled through the dark isles of books..not being able to tell what the book covers said because of how dark it was
Your eyes caught something over by the library’s large window, the moonlight was gleaming inside the library..so there was some light..but that wasn’t what caught your eye..
Someone else was here, for sure.
Someone was sitting in the lounge area, holding a cigarette in hand..they were facing forward so you couldn’t tell who it was…but they obviously weren’t exactly a thief…hopefully
“I know you’re there, you can stop hiding…”
They spoke.
You recognized their voice, you more than likely knew who it was. And it wasn’t a surprise why they were here.
“Walking around here at night is dangerous, especially for someone like you..”
They spoke again. Walking in their direction you walked further enough to see who it was.
Cairo Sweet
“What is it about me that makes it dangerous for me to wander here?” You asked, not facing her direction since you knew it was her.
She chuckled
“You are weak, naive and impulsive. You wouldn’t notice if someone was stalking you, maybe kidnap you..”
You couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not, but she takes another puff of her cigarette..which was another thing lighting in the library other than the moonlight.
“Hm..those are gonna kill you ya know.” You ignore her comments about you and referred to her cigarette. “Also, what makes you think I’m weak?”
“It’s just the truth…face it,” she rolls her eyes. “And I don’t care, I can smoke if I want.”
She obviously didn’t like your company
“I’m just warning ya…and I didn’t ask whether it was a true or false statement…I wanna know why you think I’m weak.” You snide, turning to face her now..you could see her features now..as yours was being shown half of light and dark..
“You’re attitude says enough, you can be too nice for anyone to take you seriously…you’re just too impulsive that anyone with a strong personality could make up a lie and you’d believe it.” She inhaled once more. “And for your kindness you think being nice to them you’ll expect it back? Pretty low from you..”
You could tell she hated that you followed her, how you talked back without hesitation.
“I don’t like making verbal or physical fights.”
“Right, you’re just too afraid of fighting and making confrontation. And it’s not like you can anyway…all a strong person needs to do is raise their voice and you’ll…cower or something..” Cairo snickers.
“I’m not afraid. I’m just trying to be a better person from who I used to be. You can either end up on the streets selling weed or…dead.”
It’s true, you used to be selfish..a no good person. Attempted multiple things…like selling drugs..you almost attempted suicide.. and some assholes in the world end up in those places…jail even
“Well, that just lets me know how you think. The fact you basically said you only see two bad pathways in life, as if there isn’t more..to be scum of the earth..or a naive child..it’s just pathetic. No wonder you are delusional and nice, you don’t consider other possibilities. You only focus on the extreme and completely oblivious anything other..”
Damn, she hand a point..the fact you looked down only two pathways..one’s you could more than likely live off on
Cairo finishes her cigarette, and crushes the rest of it on the tip of her shoe
“What makes you think you have the upper hand over me? Because..I think I remember someone coming in here without permission…
Oh right, Cairo Sweet, getting into trouble again. I mean hey, I’m not the one breaking into places and smoking weed on school grounds.”
“Are you threatening me? Telling on me? That has to be the worst comeback I’ve heard today. What are you? A child?
Oh wait…you are because you’re so naive you don’t even know all the bad things..I should be impressed you know the word ‘weed’….” Cairo laughs, laying her leg on the other.
“I’m not a child, and..it seems like I’ve hit a weak spot because..you are jumping to conclusions now..I didn’t say I’d tell on ya..”
You were now looking straight at her, arms crossed and eyebrows lowered
She scoffs, “I can read read between the lines to figure you out, you can’t hide the obvious. Why would you bring up something about me smoking weed in a school if not to threaten me? Because you were concerned, please, as if you care.” She was also staring right back at you, those brown eyes glaring right into your y/e/c.
“You said it yourself, I’m nice. But you are lucky I’m not letting anyone know about your…weed.
But also..I remember two years ago you were the one seducing Jonathan Miller our professor…wasn’t he like..fifty two? Yet you only seduced him to then get him in trouble because he was trying to fuck you all because you were mad he rejected your writing. Which was literal porn you had written!”
Cairo was in shock. She wasn’t expecting for you to spill her life. And she as a bit pissed too
“H-how do you know about that?”
“Oh please, I have bigger eyes and bigger brain than you think Miss Sweet.”
Her face grows back to arrogance and confidence again
“So you think you’ve got the upper hand now because you know my secrets, but that doesn’t mean you know anything about me.”
“Maybe I don’t know much about you. But how you cut your words towards me, and what you did two years ago. Tells me a lot.”
You were smiling now, you had her
“Oh, and I’m sure your ex best friend hates you now, that you practically used her during that time. Winnie did talk to me.”
Winnie and you became friends not long ago. Yeah she’s odd and sex positive or whatever…but she seemed so upset about what Cairo did to her
She freezes, for a moment..losing her vanity..she just froze at your words..
“Winnie…you talked to Winnie?” She looks at you in disbelief.
“Yes, I did.” You stood there proud, crossed arms and hiding back a smile.
“How’d you talk to Winnie? She left mid semester last year, and blocked me on everything..what did she tell you?”
Cairo was furious..but also in complete disregard as well
“I’m not going to tell you what she said, but she managed to get my number somehow and then we met up to chat.”
Winnie called you on a random Sunday, saying she’d meet you at a coffee shop in town. You weren’t sure why, but obliged anyways..
“She called you?” “Yeah.” “What did she say about me?…I wanna know..because when she left, she made it clear she didn’t want me in her life anymore.”
Winnie did talk a lot about Cairo, she cried about how mean she was and what she did to Miller that Winnie told her not to do…
“I’m not saying anything, she told me not to tell you.”
Cairo’s eyebrows furred, she wasn’t liking the fact you weren’t giving her a direct answer
“You can’t tell me one thing? She may not be in my life anymore but why can’t you tell me? I just…want to know…please.” She pleaded, she was sitting more stiff on the lounge chair.
“Begging now huh? Seems like I do have the upper hand..” you smirk
Her face turns red in both anger and embarrassment. But she ignores your comment
“Just tell me one thing..just one..” you could hear the irritation in her voice.
Cairo takes a deep breath, her hands clenching so hard the veins in her hands were pulsing…
“Why? Why can’t you tell me at least one thing….?”
“Because I’m respecting her boundaries..unlike you.”
Her body felt numb..it was like as if you paralyzed her. Her face dropped to guilt and…sadness..she started to feel worse about herself. She had all this confidence but now it was…gone..
“What? Did I say too much? Did I break your cold heart? That’s too bad…because mines been broken too many times…and you don’t even realize you’ve broken Winnie’s too.”
Her silence spoke volumes, as she looked down at her feet
“I…I…I may have done wrong things…but that doesn’t make her any better than me. She’s done bad things too…”
“I’m aware, she was like the..schools ‘slut’ or whatever but..at least she didn’t go apeshit over a writing rejection. She did mention how she tried to stop you from getting Mr. Miller fired.”
Cairo bit her lip, “she’s who should have kept her mouth shut..” she murmured.
“You said you wanted to know one thing, well, there you go.”
Cairo fell silent again, her heart was racing at your words..she was thinking hard..
You sighed, walking over to her and sitting in a chair across from her.
“You can have a change of heart.
If I did, you can..”
Her eyes were directed back at her shoes, the cigarette bud left a mound on her shoe..
“So, you’re actually being..decent now..why?”
“Like you said..I’m weak..it’s because I’m too nice for my own good..you just haven’t seen the other side of me…”
She looks at you again, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern…
“How scary…” she says sarcastically
You sighed, “no kidding..you are and ass..”
Cairo smirked, “I’ve been told so..and I don’t disagree. I put it at my charming personality…which makes people think I am…don’t you think?” She mocks.
You looked into her eyes, trying to find some kind of hope in her…
“Not really, there is a good version of you in there…you’ve just forgotten her..Winnie told me so..”
Cairo’s eyes water a bit..concerned and confusion..
“Sh-she said that?”
“Yeah..Cairo, she misses you..”
The dark brunettes eyes tear up more, a tear slipped down her cheek…emotions were pealing through..her gaze didn’t move away from yours
“The good you.”
You stood up from the seat, walking past Cairo..walking towards the exit of the library..
Cairo was still processing this…she didn’t even notice you get up and leave..
“W-wait!” She stood up from her seat and walked in your direction before stopping..
You stopped in your tracks and turned to face her
“She…misses me?”
“Yeah..she does..”
“But…why? Why would she miss me? After everything I did to her..”
You pursed your lips, looking down for a moment before back into her eyes
“You think about that for a moment. You think about who you are now..compared to before Miller..think of the differences on why she wants you back.”
You turn around and walk to the library doors
“I’ll be in the art room when your ready to talk.”
Cairo was left in shock. She couldn’t help but let the tears flow down her face.
She was so angry at herself, not realizing how much it affected her old best friend. Winnie deserved the world, Winnie must’ve really actually liked Cairo..but she didn’t truly see that and went off to ruin someone’s life instead
You told her right. Told her how she was in the wrong, even if you weren’t apart of it..she still respected that you were right.
Cairo sighed, taking a big breath before strolling down to the art room, she was all of a sudden afraid…nervous..
She found herself in front of the art room, opening the door as it was a bit brighter inside. Her eyes caught you sitting in a small chair in the corner of the room, waiting patiently
Cairo nodded, walking over in your direction
“Good, have a seat.” You sat up from the chair, telling her to sit in it
She sits down in it, looking at you as you walked over to an easel that had a painting which had a sheet draped over it
“So, will Winnie..ever forgive me? Would she be willing to have me back in her life?”
“I didn’t say anything about her forgiving you.”
More tears dripped from Cairo’s face, “she hates me still?”
You sighed, starting to feel bad
“I hate to say it but uhm..yeah…she does..”
“Did…did I really push her away..that much she’d be willing to talk to someone about me? I mean, I didn’t think she’d actually hate me this much…and you probably hate me too.”
You ripped the sheet off the painting, it revealed two people (genders not specified) holding each other. The painting showed from their waist to their heads as different colors of red painted the large canvas.
Cairo was confused, she looked at the painting…amazed but..unsatisfied at what you were trying to point out
“It resembles love and hate.”
Cairo looked at you, “so..you hate me?”
“I didn’t say that.”
She was still puzzled…
“Then..what do you feel?”
“Absolutely nothing…”
She looked back at the painting..then the floor, “so- but how come you are still here and talking to me? Yet you feel nothing….”
She was right..that didn’t make sense for you to care about her so much..you’d talk to her..about her past and acting like you felt bad..
“Because feeling both love and hate for someone, makes you feel numb.”
You loved her? And hated her?
Cairo’s eyes widen, her jaw dropped. A million thoughts were running through her head..she felt numb too, she didn’t say anything..just silence..
“That is what the painting resembles..there isn’t any emotion or much interaction between these people…” you pointed at the painting. “Are they in love? Do they hate on another? Do they feel both? Yes.”
She looked at you when you said yes
“This is the exact situation between you and Winnie
She hates you, but she can’t help but love you”
Cairo understood now. Winnie still cared for her, she just couldn’t see her because she’s afraid…Cairo hated that she let her writing take a hold of her and make her do a bad thing…
“So..she’s numb because of me?”
“Exactly, and you wanna know who else you’ve made numb?”
She looks up at you when you stand in front of her
A tear. One tear falls at that word…you…she let all her emotions plow through before even putting the people who care for her first..
“Am I really that terrible? That I pushed Winnie and you away…”
“I like you Cairo, I really like you. It’s, just the things you’ve said and done made me hate you…but when I know there’s still good in you…I can’t stop loving you..”
It all hits her like a bullet. She didn’t know everything she did affected you, and Winnie.
She was so guilt tripped…she didn’t even think about you at the time. You two knew each other during the Miller thing…she didn’t notice how much you liked her and how Winnie cared for Cairo..trying to help her undo the bad
She felt numb..she hated you the moment you walked in the library..the moment she saw you again..since she saw your beautiful face in the moonlight she fell in love..
“I’m sorry..”
Cairo was crying, she’s never felt this emotional since she last spoke with Winnie…
You knelt down in front of her, looking in her broken eyes. She really needed a hug…something…
You patted your lap as you sat down on the cold floor
Hell broke through and she fell into your arms, crying her heart out. Saying she was sorry over and over again…
“Shhh..shhh..it’s okay..it’s okay..” you muttered into her hair, she was latched onto you like a leech..sucking your heart into hers…she needed love..all she wanted was to be loved..
“I know I said some things too…I’m sorry..I know you’re hurting..I know you need love..”
You were crying, she didn’t understand why and why were you apologizing?
“Just know I need it too, I’ve been so nice to you…and..you broke my heart..by rejecting my offer of help..and you just threw yourself to the wolves…when I needed you…and you needed me…”
Cairo held your hand, putting it against her cheek. “No, I should be apologizing…I hurt you..I hurt Winnie..I didn’t even know it either but I was hurting myself…”
“I love you too Y/n, so much…”
A/n: low key balling rn…
I didn’t even mean to make it this emotional at the end 😭
I did really like it though I enjoyed writing it..i maybe spent like a few hours..even if it seems short..I think? Lol..I’m writing this before editing
I might write another one of her because I love Cairo sm..maybe I’ll do a Cairo x Winnie or Cairo x Winnie x Fem if y’all are down? 😏
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fanfic-gallery · 9 months
my captive roommate
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alhaitham × yandere gn! reader
|| cw (dead dove): implied manipulation, drugging, kidnapping, stalking
» manager's note: hello again, did you guys miss me? cuz i did~ now before you come at me about the haitus— calm down, let me defend myself- i just had a case of 'following the numbers, instead of following the heart'; i was trying so hard to appease my audience that i forgot the sole reason for my passion of writing; my entertainment— alright- enough moping, hope you enjoy the fic; and as always, stay safe, drink lots of water, i love you guys <3
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he never would have thought of him agreeing with someone, especially with that certain someone managing to drag him into this situation; back slouched against a chair with his limbs bound to its wooden frame by course rope.
maybe it was the drug still pulsing through his veins — clouding his mind, causing him to make such a rash decision... or maybe, he really didn't mind your offer; getting to spend his days within this isolated cabin far from the main capital in peace, with necessities all provided for... all with the exception of ur wandering eyes observing his every move.
you weren't a new sight to him; ever since kaveh grew an attachment towards you — with the many times he'd seen that idiot inviting you over to his house, showering you with gifts and gold, he had deemed you a faker... nothing but a con that was screwing his roommate over with your charm and pretty smile.
a pretty smile that's seemingly showing up more often than not — the reveal of you being apart of the akademia was no surprise; instead, it was the fact that you were under the same division of the scholar that he found slightly strange... never once in his lifetime had he noticed you before. despite his clear lack of interest in others, he still does take the time to familiarise the faces around him to avoid trouble; yet, not once, had he seen you.
he had concluded you must have been a transfer; as you had once stated you were from a far off village within the rain forest; invited by the akademia similiar to tighnari. yet, whenever he asked, you could neither confirm nor deny his hypothesis; always dancing around the subject, dragging kaveh into the conversation to avoid his observant gaze.
...there was more that meets the eye...
...and he decided to prove it.
stood within a isle of the empty, enormous library — he waited patiently; fingers nonchalantly flipping through pages of a book he had chosen at random as eyes underneath silver locks glanced around carefully.
tap, tap, tap...
...ears perked at the echoing sounds of scurrying footsteps.
tap, tap, tap...
...left, right — eyes swayed.
tap, tap... tap...
...thump, he held the now closed text.
tap... tap...
...before, punting it straight forward; yet, to his disappointment the thick spine smacked right against the cold, hard marble floor. with a tsk, he took a step back; assessing his failure... is what he'd presumed you were thinking...
glassy turquoise stared down the figure stood right by the second tomb at their feet. "...what business do you have here...?" he stated bluntly, carefully making his way towards the intruder.
"...you must have not been weary of the closing time for the studies..."
"...you won't be reported if you escort yourself o— out..-"
hand traveled up to his nape, feeling the thinnest of needles sticking from his skin. despite pulling it out without a second to waste, it had seemed whatever had coated the metal's surface was already kicking in... what a bad foresight... he never would have thought of you to be this sly...
lashes fluttered to what was pitch-black, he groaned softly as the effects of the anesthetics were slowing wearing; letting him to feel the aches of his back and stretched limbs behind him — which resulted in a slight struggle
"...you're awake!" figure froze at the familiar tone.
"oh- let me get that for you," unknown hands wandered to his head; and with a rustle and tug, a flash of light meets his pupils. brows furrowed as he adjusted, slowly coming to his senses.
"you're quite the difficult catch~" you chuckled.
"...but that matters not now... you're finally home...~"
"...what is it that you want from me?"
"come now... we haven't even gotten to introduction, but then again... your straightforward fortitude doesn't stray from what i've gathered..."
"...i'll ask again... what is it that you want from me?"
"...heh~ a stubborn one indeed," you sighed, tumbling back into a chair of your own.
"i'll cut it short... i'm here with a deal for you," arms crossed over themselves as you kicked up your heel
"you'll be able to leave a quiet life within this home far from the bustling city you so despise with necessities all provided by me all in exchange for becoming my little lab rat,"
"you'll be observed full to 24 hours; meaning, little to no privacy... but i'll allow some certainties, of course — and if you question if there's any tests involve, yes and no... there will be no tests involving narcotics or such, all you have to do is life your days here as you would within your own home~"
"...and is this research of yours going into anything? such as the akademia?"
you giggled, hopping off your seat: "...nope, im doing this for my own interest... you see i'm quite a fanatic for the human psyche... how it functions and what those decisions lead to..." eyes narrowed as you trailed over to a corner of the small room dressed in a curtain.
"...and you've been on my radar for quite some time now..." with a swoop, the wall undressed revealing a full portrait of pictures of the scholar plastered across its surface; ones dating back to a few days ago to others dating back since his freshmen year at the akademia.
"...you really are quite a sick individual, aren't you?"
you laughed in response, "why thank you~ im quite proud of this myself,"
he could only sit and marvel at your 'masterpiece' as he thought of what to make of this; arms swayed as he tried to struggle out of his bounds.
"ah- i almost forgot, i'll be confiscated your vision during the observation period as well, can't have you using it on me..."
forced to live out a average life within the confines of a little hut probably far from any civilization within a metre's radius, all without his vision...? you truly were a mad genius, weren't you?
yet, to say he wasn't enticed would be lie; the times he'd internally wished he was whisked away to some place far and distant without needing to think of work, his troublesome roommate and the public eye...
"...is that all?"
"...your conditions?"
"well," fingers rubbed at your chin. "for now, yes~"
maybe this was his chance to live a life he so desired — no superiors to undermined his own interests, no annoying roommate to disturb him of his peace — with the added bonus of all his basic needs all afforded for...
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sepublic · 2 years
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The trailer starts with a callback to Luz guessing that magic comes from the heart... We see the Titan’s heart, which Belos is apparently going to possess.
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The kids are using glyphs, so I guess the magic of the bile sacs attached to their heart isn’t working? But magic is also a gift from the isles, a gift from the Titan... The Titan’s heart, perhaps; And it seems Luz will use her signature Light glyph in the climax to save the day! And it’s that “from the heart” quote that originated from The Intruder, where Luz learned her first spell, the Light glyph...
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It seems Luz will triumph by connecting to magic at its deepest level... Perhaps from the Titan, her little brother’s dad. Or from an even deeper source, even?
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Because if Belos restricts even the Titan’s magic that powers glyphs by controlling the heart (like Father from Fullmetal Alchemist), what if Luz finds a way around by showing it runs even deeper than that, because she could always connect to magic in a way he couldn’t! Just like a climactic moment in Fullmetal Alchemist, in which Alkahestry and Hohenheim’s nationwide transmutation free the source...!
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vampzteeth · 1 year
the more the merrier // descendants
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summary: poly with carlos and jane <3
req?: yes
format: headcanons
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y’all are literally the cutest
at first y’all weren’t public so people thought it was only carlos and jane in the relationship
audrey was actually the first to find out after jane had forgotten that she was coming over, and audrey ends up walking in on y’all pampering each other
she was NOT happy. she immediately thought that carlos had put some sort of spell on the two of you (in the case you’re not a VK), or that both you and carlos had manipulated jane (in the case that you are a VK)
y’all had to have a sit down with her on how your relationship works, even though you didn’t need to share the information
even after that she was still a bit judgmental but accepted it because she knew y’all were happy
(she immediately ran to ben and told him abt y’all)
ANYWAYS!! enough abt everyone else 🥰
carlos lives for you and jane kissing both his cheeks at the same time
he loves being squashed in between the both of you during cuddles but also loves being the big spoon
if you’re a VK, you have known carlos for most of your life, having met him on the isle. in this case jane at first felt like she was intruding on your friendship when she started hanging out with you until you invited her into your relationship
if you’re not a VK, you and jane were friends for a long time before carlos got to auradon. while the both of you were gossiping once you both confessed that you have a crush on carlos, after that you both decided you also have romantic feelings for her
the relationship took a bit of getting used to, seeing as none of you had been in one before.
but after a while you all got much more comfortable with each other and were more affectionate
you all comfort each other sooo much since all three of you are fairly emotional, especially when carlos tells stories from the isle
in the situation that you’re a VK, jane helps you and carlos with that “goodness 101” class, even if you all find it pretty boring
so basically y’all are literally the cutest couple in auradon, literally everyone agrees
even audrey thinks so 🥰
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note: sorry this took a while </3 i was a bit busy today! i love getting these requests so feel free to send more in. (idk if this is exactly what the req was looking for but i did. my best 🤗)
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From Caleb
Ao3 version
"Clara" is my wittewife.
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Commission art here.
Mid-February is when Bile Sac Day hits the pint-sized Isles like a plague, infecting a substantial portion of the populace with romance fever.
Not an actual fever, of course.
Otherwise, the super-deformed denizens wouldn't be able to participate in the most important part of the holiday: reciprocating love and letting others know that they are loved.
For Chibi Caleb and Chibi Clara, it was a delightful time.
The two were always an affectionate pair, but around this time of year, their care for each other increased.
Inside their cute little cottage home, the chibi couple were getting ready to exchange gifts.
Clara, going first to give her gift, reaches behind her back with both hands and swiftly retrieves a hot stack of human heart-shaped pancakes.
Holding her cooking, she smiles proudly as it pulses once.
The flapjacks were drizzled in syrup and garnished adorably with a slab of butter shaped like a cardinal that she had carved herself.
Handing the food over to her husband, Caleb's face lit up in delight at the fluffy breakfast, a small trickle of saliva hanging from his mouth.
He then sets the stack of pancakes on the table with the intention of eating them at a later time.
It was now his turn to pull out his present for Clara, or rather presents since he had more than one for the witch.
Reaching behind his back, Clara was soon surprised with a series of sweet gifts, a box of candy shaped like a bile sac, and a meticulously curated bouquet of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen.
Handing the candy and flowers over to Clara, Caleb pressed the end of his nose to hers.
Letting out a gentle giggle, Clara places the box and bouquet on the table with care before looking back at Caleb, her smile still remaining.
Leaning forward on her tippy toes, she gifts the blonde's cheek with a kiss as a light blush begins to trail on his face at the affection.
In a split second, a thought bubble appears unexpectedly above Caleb's head.
Inside it, Chibi Beardo Philip looks down in the dumps from the lack of love he's received, his heart broken as his blue eyes are overly big and wet with tears.
As his shoulders drop, a small rain cloud drifts over his head and starts to drench him.
When the thought bubble evaporates, Caleb's smile soon disappears, and a look of sadness replaces it.
Bile Sac Day was a gift-giving holiday, but he hadn't gotten his little brother a single gift to show that he cared.
When Caleb expresses his dejection to Clara through a speech bubble, the bubbly witch excitedly suggests in a bubble of her own that he should purchase a pink princess dress with heels and a tiara as a gift for Philip.
The blonde tries to imagine his sibling in such fanciful attire, but Philip's arms are crossed against his chest in annoyance in his imagination as he breathes out a huff, red veins appearing in the air around the brunette.
When the thought dissipates, Caleb shines Clara a sheepish smile, a droplet of sweat appearing on his temple.
He's uncertain whether that would be the most suitable gift for Philip, but then a light bulb shines over his head.
When it clicks on, a sudden gasp soon escapes him as his brown eyes start to sparkle.
Gesturing for Clara to come close, he begins to whisper something in her pointed ear.
Inside his little cave, Philip was diligently writing in his diary while sitting at his small study desk.
When he hears a sudden knock, his quill pen stops abruptly.
He looks up from his book.
Who could that be?
Probably some pesky witch who's comes to bother him.
He groans as he contemplates the potential intruder.
Looks like he'll have to scare them away.
As Philip arrived outside with his dagger, he felt his form freeze up and his weapon slip away from his grasp as he let go of it.
What he saw caused his eyes to shift into hearts, two chibi-sized chocolate carvings of his crushes, Jesus Christ, and Matthew Hopkins.
Both men were beautifully wrapped in pink ribbon with bows.
Tags that read "From Caleb" were also attached to them.
Philip was positively smitten by the sweets as he swiftly rushed up to them, hearts floating from his body as he clutched both his fists in pure joy.
Popping their heads up from some nearby bushes, Caleb and Clara view Philip's reaction with smiles on thier faces.
Looks like he loves his gifts.
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empressgeekt · 6 months
Trolls - An Accidental Knight and the Brotherhood of Idiots (Field of Forgetmenots AU Part 3)
Okay, ya'll here's movie three!
Construction for Trollstopia, has begun and as such a reform of the Forest Guard. For a month all the new innovations move slowly, but productively. Perfect time for a break, and that comes in the form of Bridget and Gristle's wedding. A week before the event Poppy, Branch and Keith move into the troll tree temporally...Branch's old pod is the only one available. The old royal one having been destroyed by the bergens years ago, an Keith has no idea where his dad used to live as a kid. It brings back a bunch of memories, for Branch. Keith wastes no time digging through the very dusty closet in what was once Branch's old room. He finds Kroco, and claims him, Branch doesn't mind. He's too old for a stuffy, and originally it was a hand-me-down, technically it was Keith's by brotherly right. Poppy thinks it's the cutest thing ever.
The Wedding is being preped for, Poppy taking her role of Maid of Honor very seriously, she helps with decorations, Bridget's dress (with the twins help of course), as well as her outfit and Keith's (he was made ring bearer, Bridget and Gristle got close to him When they and poppy were making the pop troll/Bergen peace treaty, as Poppy was taking care of Keith during Branch's hospital stay post first movie). Branch is in charge of security regarding wild life, so with them came a small crew of guards, and he would be wearing his usual uniform. Ironically, once a few decades ago, Trolls would be served as dinner during a royal wedding, now though they protect the meal from sneaks and bugs. He's also in charge of a handful of Bergen guards to ensure the safety of all troll guests
It's the morning before the ceremony, Poppy left the pod early early to double check everything. Branch was dressing Keith and getting himself ready when the trolling, stumbles upon the old Brozone records. Branch plays one, Keith isn't impressed, he just hugs Branch and says, "You're better than them." Que wedding medley.
The wedding starts. Keith is standing on the ring pillow. He's standing in the middle of the rings, their big enough that he can fit in them like a kid in a tire swing. So, he just stands in the center of them to keep them from rolling away. From where Poppy and Branch are standing it looked like the rings grew a little sprout of blue hair. They try very hard not to laugh at it.
"Stop the wedding!"
With the shout of the intruder, Branch is looking to his soldiers. They look sheepish at accidently letting a stranger in. Branch pulls his mask down, hiding his face. Gristle nods to him to confront the stranger. Branch know who he is, but desperately hopes that John doesn't know who Branch is.
John is on edge in the middle of a bergen filled square, but schools his face into a relaxed one when he sees how at ease the other trolls present are. As he walks down the isle (yes, he's a drama queen), he's scanning the crowd looking for his little brother. Then a troll with dark blue hair and dressed in a bright green suit of armor approaches him. John can tell he's tense, so immediately raises his hands in a surrendering manner.
J: "Hey man"
B: Who are you? And can I ask you why you decided to interrupt a wedding? A royal wedding? A royal bergen wedding? As a troll? You're jeopardizing more then just your own safety here! Peace has just been achieved after decades of murder and cold conflict."
J: Whoa whoa, chill man. I'm not here to cause trouble.
B: then Identify yourself!
J: OKay! I'm John Dory, and Like I said I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm looking for my brothers. I need-
B: You can stop looking here then.
J: what?
B: I know all about you and your brothers John Dory, and you won't find any of them here. So, best be on you're way before you make an even bigger scene then you already have.
J: And how would you know that they aren't here? Who are you?
B: Forest Guardian. I protect every troll in this tribe, especially when they have no one to protect them. There's nothing for you here, John Dory.
John turns to leave. Dejected and scared, was his bitty B really dead all these years, how are they going to save Floyd without him? Then he sees a pink troll walking up to Forest Guardian, with a blue haired trolling in her arms. He figured it must be the knight's partner and child...until
"Branch is everything alright?"
John freezes everything at that line. He remembers the knight's blue hair, and the trolling's blue hair, connecting the dots. He screams branch's old nicked name as he wraps the younger adult in a unexpected hug. Branch struggles against the hold, and as John attempts to pick up his younger brother. Poppy and Keith jump right in to the fray, Poppy demanding that John release Branch and Keith biting the older brother on the leg. John shrieks and lets go. Branch wanders away, putting space between him and John while picking up a growling Keith. The trolling knows who the elder troll is.
Poppy recognizes John, and calls him old. The brother revelation is revealed, and surprising to Poppy Keith says he already knows about Brozone. It's a little upsetting at first, but she gets it, she and branch had only been together for a month, while Keith had been living with Branch for a while now. Of course the kid would know. John then tries to get close to whom he thinks is his Nephew, but Keith corrects John proudly calling himself Branch's brother, enjoying the color drain from the elder's face as he announces it. John goes into denial at that news because Mom and Dad were out the picture before Branch hatched and to that he's called an idiot for not considering Keith's adopted. John wants to say more, but he brushes it aside to explain why he's here. Poppy volunteers them for rescuing Floyd.
Keith ends up liking Rhonda, which makes John happy, even if he's a little conflicted about the kid. After all it did kind of feel like Branch had replaced all of them with this weird cross-eyed kid. Maybe even a little jealous, after all Keith is allow to hug and banter with Branch. While his bitty remains hostile to him. Poppy still gushes over Branch's baby photos, and John tries to show Keith but the kid is not interested, wanting to help Branch make a clue board.
Branch through out all this still wears his mask down, along with the armor and handmade weapons.
When they arrive on Vacay Island, Branch is more pissed at John for driving through the ocean, since Keith nearly drown. Both younger brothers do like John's machete though. John's worried at Keith's interest in a weapon but rights it off, and is a little more convinced that the kid won't bite him again.
During the forest trek, Poppy and Branch talk a little deeper about Branch's un ease about this whole situation. He asks her if she could leave Keith or Cooper (Making them adopted siblings in this au) for twenty years. Poppy immediately says she couldn't/wouldn't. Branch asks, if she did, would she'd think things would be exactly the same when she came back? She says no, understanding the situation a little better, then vowing to herself to protect Branch. Keith crawls into Branch's hair.
Bruce initially only recognizes John, however after seeing's branch's blue hair and the little nervous hand clenching that he's done since he was a baby, Bruce runs up to hug his baby brother...only to get shoved away and bitten on the arm by a trolling who launched himself out of Branch's hair. "You don't have the right to hug him," Keith growls. Bruce takes it in stride, especially seeing how attentive Branch was to the enraged trolling. He also mistakes Keith for Branch's son. Bruce introduces them to his family, well Brandi and a hand full of his spawn. There practice song goes oaky, Branch is a little stiff in his uniform, but he makes it work, Keith joins in on the dancing, but doesn't sing.
On the ride to find Clay, Bruce asks about the suit and Branch explains his role as Captain of the royal guard and he was on duty when John grabbed him. Keith claims one day held be in Branch's position, branch says only if he works for it. They are both offended when they don't get credit for the clueboard. After getting Rhonda to track Clay, John pulls an annoyed Keith to the dash board and points out the hustle button, he tells keith to press it. And Keith does not like the results.
Branch puts Keith in his hair, and pulls out his bow when they arrive at the putt putt course. Clay doesn't recognize Branch at first, only after Bruce points out him does Clay gets excited he tries to run up to his baby brother only for John to stop him, and point out the growling trolling sticking out of Branch's hair. Bruce shows Clay the bite mark. Clay is very confused about Keith, like when did this happen? However, their next step is escape so he doesn't have long to dwell on it.
During the dress rehearsal, Branch refuses to change his clothes, and Keith growls at John when he tries to push or asks if Keith could fill the role. When the fight breaks out, Branch pulls Keith behind him, and motions to Poppy to stop the van. Branch tries to step in to deescalate only to get worked up. He let's loose telling them that he can't believe he actually came on this mission if they were just going to abandon him again, and that he can't imagine leaving Keith behind like that and what did he do so wrong that made them hate him. Someone (probably either Clay or John) says that Keith isn't even Branch's real brother. Keith whimpers at that, and Branch looses it, "He's more my brother then any of you are!" The fight only escaltes from there, and Branch takes off his mask revealing his scar to his brothers, telling them everything that he had to got through alone, Grandma, Greyness, The chef, the Rockapocalyse with Keith being the only one who didn't leave.
Branch, Keith and Poppy leave. She's lost all respect for Brozone. She loves Keith almost as much as branch at this point and no one insults him in front of her. Still their not going to leave Floyd to die. Sneaking in is easy, and the find Floyd easily. The pink haired troll is too tired to really pay attention to the strangers only looking at the grown up version of his baby brother. Sadly they can't free floyd, and they see the other idiots got themselves captured.
Car chase ensues-and apparently Keith memorized the controls on Rhonda from watching John, so he can hold it steady while they try to use the gummy hand to free the others. Viva Bridget and Gristle show up like in canon. In the fight on the boat, Branch and Poppy use their bows to shoot at Veneer first, giving Viva the opportunity to free John and Bruce, Keith stay nestled in Branch's hair during this. They try the same tactic with Velvet plus John and Bruce attacking her feet, but they only succeed in freeing Clay.
Keith's the one who tells Branch to sing. And turning to his (former) Brothers, he tells them that if they don't want Floyd to die they have to try this, and that they can go back to despising each other after ward.
The harmony succeeds and even Keith Joins in, singing while in Branch's hair. Floyd is freed, but he's horribly weak and the twins are arrested. They decide to got straight back to Pop village after ward, because it's the only place that has a doctor for floyd and a not pinkeye infested house. Branch ends up driving most of the way home, everyone takes a nap that first day. John, Bruce and Clay's first order of business is to apologize and make up with Branch and Keith. Both of them have been really cold since they left mount ragous. Branch eventually gives in and give them one more chance, but they have to understand he and keith are a package deal and he has no problem cutting them all off if it means protecting the trolling. After that is settled, focus is back on Floyd who hasn't regained full consciousness since they left.
Floyd is in for a long hospital stay when they arrive at the village. He's dehydrated, malnourished, and they aren't really sure what the remaining crystallization is doing, but his limbs remained cold and discolored, even when feverish. One brother always stays by Floyd's side during the hospital stay. They all move in to the bunker when this happens, further working through their problems and bonding again. The older three even start to get to know Keith, the kid is staying and if they want Branch as a brother they had to accept the trolling as one as well. Bruce lets keith help him in the kitchen, John bonds with the trolling over survivalist tips, and while Clay has trouble at first, they click very well over story books, and Clay loves Keith more morbid style of writing. Though they all have to deal with Keith watching them sleep at one point...
Changes are also prepared for during this time. Poppy talks with Viva and Clay about moving the Puttputts and reuniting the families who were separated during the escape. Branch says he'll get a team together to escort them through the forest, ensuring thier safety. VIva agrees and also asks if Branch had any openings in the military, she knows a lot of the puttputts would be interest in Joining the guard. Poppy also askes clay to help organize the finances for Trollstopia, he happily agrees.
Floyd comes home after a few weeks. Bruce sadly isn't there he had to go home but this point, but he promises to visit after the month was over. And it's a major adjustment for everyone. Floyd can't walk and no one really knows the long-term effects that the bottle had on him. He's scared, frustrated, and in pain. He tries to down play it, hopefully not making anyone worry. Then the crystalization on his limbs hardens and it hurts. His body is both freezing and burning, he can't breath, or think. It's his first flare up, of many. The doctors recommend, keeping him warm, and physical therapy to regain motion, but even they are out of ideas as to what was happening. This mentally wreaks Floyd, he thinks he's never going to get better. During the middle of a night where Floyd can't sleep due to nausea, Branch opens up about his recovery after the Chef blinded him, trying to comfort Floyd with it. It just makes Floyd break down, and beg Branch for forgiveness after everything. Crying makes Floyd throw up, and that makes him cry more, branch pulls him into a hug to break this vicious cycle. Floyd just keeps apologizing, Branch finally just gives in as his brother seems determined to have this convo right now. He asks why Floyd never came back,Floyd explains that he tried but the tree was empty, he thought Branch was dead. Keith has been silently watching from the door way, at that the trolling wanders in and joins the hug. All three of them share Floyd's bed that night.
Keith starts to do the same thing he did when ever Branch had a depressive day, for Floyd. Distracting him with his stories, underneath the guise of asking Floyd to help him edit. Clay joins on this too, when he isn't busy with other work for the move of the Puttputts. Floyd doesn't realise this, and is just happy that Branch's adoptive brother doesn't hate him anymore, and grows increasingly attached.
At the end of the au, Clay and Floyd have moved into the bunker permanently with Keith and Branch. Floyd becasue he can't live alone with his condition. And Clay because he has no where else to go. Bruce visits, and John wanders, but stays close. Viva and a bunch of the Puttputts join the guard and Clay now works as official CPA for trollstopia.
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lilmcttens · 8 months
Shortstop heard his mystery chess opponent make noises. He was able to smell her scent and he heard someone like rubbing woof? Or was it something else? What was going to happen next might determine a victory or a defeat...
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But after a few minutes, he then heard someone say. "Someone is here I'm coming out.." like it was half afraid or half on guard. But at least he could make out a female voice...but could he trust her? Was this a trap? He had no idea...he took a minute to think...if he came out was she gonna grab him?
But if he stayed hidden was she gonna attack? After that he decided...the best thing to do was to see who she was...so he responded..."All alright I'm coming out too." he said walking out from behind the tree. He kept his guard up ready to use his magic if he had to. He looked around the tree and rolled like a soldier so there would be no surprise and then stood up noticing the ice.
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"Oh my, whoever you are...I hope I didn't scare you with this!!" He said glancing around...waiting...
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👻⊱ "Alright. . . Okay."
Amity held her arm up and stepped out from behind her concealed location behind the tree. This was so the animal could gain a better look at her. Although Amity didn't want to be perceived as weak, however, as long she didn't need to fight. Then she didn't need to fight; the end. A strange instance in front of her indeed. She held her staff on hand just in case but lowered it down at her feet.
"You're a dog?"
Speaking very softly so as not to set him off. It was unusual, to say the least, but not far-fetched that this creature in front of her could talk. Was it so different from the furry residents of the isles she had seen before? At least, when she was growing up she had seen some. However, The thing that plagued her mind at the moment was: did this Dog-like creature come from her world or the Human Realm? This dog creature could wield magic. Did it matter?
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She then turned her attention back to the iced trunk of the tree. Wow. . .! She thought the criminal witches were powerful. The dog then mentions he did that to the tree! Whoa. He's freezing trees! She opened her mouth to speak again carefully.
"No. It doesn't scare me. Believe me or don't. Animals or furry creatures having any sort of magic is not the weirdest thing I've seen around here."
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oleander-neruim · 2 months
Welcoming in a few of our more prominent members of the Isles.
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• Joel Beans, the still so-called temporary head of the Isles for the past 20 years. He's grown cold and distant to most outside of his love for his son. A well hidden paranoia has set in, those around him and trying to dethrone him effective in having him have his guard on high at all times.
• Hermes Mythos-Beans, the loosely-titled prince of the Isles, he's become something of a symbol for the creation of the new-era of the Isles. He's seen more with his artwork or instruments rather than with any sort of political or fighting scenes. He tries hard to uphold padre's name and even harder to keep his father safe as much as he can.
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• Eddie Mythos, a loved and respected man of the Isles. He was once a cherished father figure to many of the Kestrals & still so for some pirates outside of the Faction. Since his passing, he still remains a quite positive memory among any pirates who knew him in life.
• Scott Denholm, the last survivor of the grand-standing family name. He's more away from home than not nowadays, tending to be one to keep others at arms length. Since his abrupt return and prolonged stay on the Isles, he's made a face for himself of being a major supporter of the left-behind Mythos family.
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• Owen Orange, a charismatic and eerily persuasive character on the Isles. She's not shy to voice her thoughts, clear on how he views Joel as some undeserving intruder on their Isles. Many find it hard to say no to him and she's become rather savvy at rallying people to her side, however he may have that play out.
• Martyn Woods, a snappy and stubborn member. Many have noticed an odd shift in his personality since the first Fall of the Isles. Most attribute it a reaction to such an event or to the rumored rejection & built rivalry of sorts between him & a certain ex-Heron captain.
Important faces seen during the journey through the sirens.
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• Siren Joel: an imposter's face plastered on a monster. An uncanny resemblance to the partner of our story's Captain.
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• The true face of the lead siren, it's disguise falling off after finding the danger they're in.
• Another captured siren, baring a striking resemblance to their captor's long-passed partner.
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt.4 [Here] || Pt. 5
As it now stands, I am done with the character sketch line up. Up next is the pennings which are going great and then I can start exploding with my nonsense <3.
I did rush the out-of-disguise designs of the sirens but I will clean them up in the pennings.
As always, questions and comments are always appreciated and my askbox is wide open for them.
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
The Detective and The Thief
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Pairing: Detective Tim Rockford x The Thief x f! reader
Word Count: 4300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I don’t know. I saw the commercial and thought things. Thanks to @vanemando15 for help! I’m not beta’ing this so please excuse any typos.
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Tim Rockford Masterlist
The Thief Masterlist
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5 years ago…
I’m bored. Surrounded by the finest things money can buy, but I feel alone. My parents always bought me everything I ever desired, and a lot I didn’t. I think it was their way of compensating for the lack of time the spent with me. 
That didn’t stop them from trying to marry me off as soon as possible. 
The second I started to bleed, they started planning, trying to “connect” our family with some other ones just as rich. They couldn’t do it legally until I became of age, but that didn’t stop them from trying to force a connection. 
But I hated all of them. Every. Single. One. 
My parents are at their wits end with me. The time I do see them is spent with them lecturing me about how I’m now 24 and unmarried, how I need to marry this heir or that one for the “good of the family”. 
But they’re all the same, boring and mind numbingly stupid. There’s no way I was going to waste my life being arm candy for some heir who couldn’t hold a basic conversation with me. 
If they weren’t boring, they were mean, saying women were meant to be seen and not heard. Well, I made sure they heard me. 
My parents were out at some weekend event, leaving me alone in this giant mansion. The staff had mostly gone home or retired to their quarters, aside from security, leaving the house feeling empty. I’m feeling bored, deciding to head to the library on the floor below to attempt to find a book I haven’t read already. I pull on my silk robe over my nightgown, sliding my feet into some soft slippers as I make my way out of my room. 
It’s about halfway down the stairs when I realize I’m not alone in the house. 
A shadow moves down the hall, pausing at the door to my parent’s art gallery. Straining, I just barely can make out the small clicks of the lock being picked before the door silently opens, the dark shadow moving inside. I should run, yell for security, but something compels me forward. 
Quietly, I make my way to the gallery, pausing at the door to listen for any signs of the intruder inside. Hearing none, and being impressed with this fact, I push open the door, slinking inside through the gap and closing the door behind me. I tiptoe over 2 isles, where a faint glow was emanating, and pause to see a man, dressed all in black, studying a painting, one I know for a fact is the real deal and not a copy like a lot of these.
“I’m impressed. No one has ever been able to creep up on me before.”
He straightens up and turns to face me, the minimal light casting shadows across his form. But the parts I can see causes my breath to catch in my throat. 
He’s beautiful. Big dark eyes stare through me, his head cocking to the side as he continues to study me and my continued silence.
“Ah. You are the mistress of the house, yes?”
“I-I am. Well, the non conforming daughter, anyway.” Why did I tell him that?
A smirk tugs on his face. “Non conforming, huh? What, did you tell your daddy you didn’t want a black pony but a brown one?”
“More like I don’t want to marry some man who is ignorant, mean, and frankly dull, just to connect our money to theirs.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. “A rebel.”
I shrug. “I don’t want to waste my life playing bored arm candy to some heir who will only look at me when he wants to fuck me.”
He chuckles and it’s one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve heard. “That would be a terrible fate for such an interesting woman.”
I nod towards the painting he had been observing. “You’re right. That one’s real. The rest in this section are highly accurate fakes.”
The man glances back at the painting before looking at me. “I am going to take this, you know?”
I nod. “I figured that’s why you were studying it so intently. Don’t want to steal a fake. You should go down about another 2 doors. The stairs there will lead you to the jewel safe room.”
He smirks. “I have already been there.” He shifts and I see a bag, obviously full of items from our house. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He turns, gently lifting the small painting from the wall and starts to prepare it to be moved, his deft fingers gliding over it so as not to disturb it. Once finished, he gathers up his gear and turns to me, giving me a nod.
“Goodnight, miss. Don’t ever conform.”
He walks past me, barely making a sound. He’s almost to the door before I find my voice.
“Take me.”
He pauses, hand hovering over the doorhandle, his head turning to speak to me over his shoulder. 
“You say you’re the greatest thief. What better prize to steal than this billionaire’s daughter?”
He turns to me, smirking. “You would want to come with me? To live your life with a thief?”
I nod. “I cannot stand it here. I was already thinking of ways to get away from this life, and then you broke in, taking my entire attention. Or stealing my attention.”
He chuckles, closing the distance between us. He crooks his finger, gently tipping my chin up to look at him and I swallow hard. 
“I will not force you to do anything you do not want. Think about what you’re saying before choosing this life.”
“I don’t need to think. I’m yours.”
Present Day…
The first few years with Mateo, commonly known as The Thief, were amazing. I traveled the world with him, using my knowledge of the world of the wealthy to help him gain access to places he normally wouldn’t. I never directly stole anything, something we were both adamant about, but I would help him unlock societal doors. 
The time he wasn’t spending on thieving or planning his next heist he spent between my legs, pulling sounds from me I never knew I could make. I was utterly in love with Mateo. As corny as it sounds, he had stolen my heart. 
Which makes trying to get away from him the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. 
I was growing tired. My parents had looked for me for about a year before giving up. But once I was spotted by someone who knew me, laughing it up at a party for Mateo to get access to their vaults, my parents resumed their chase. I’m not sure they were at all concerned for my safety, moreso for me to fullfill my familial duty and marry an heir. 
Mateo and I spent more time avoiding my parents reach, starting a rift between us. He was never violent with me, never screamed or yelled, but we definitely had arguments and I could tell he was tiring of the weight of my parents pulling him down. 
I suppose that’s what made him sloppy one night, accidentally leaving behind one of his tools next to a jewel safe. Luckily, he always wears gloves, but that didn’t stop him from being livid, and although he’d never admit it, terrified at being caught.
I can’t back out, can’t leave him. He won’t let me, saying I know too much about him and his process, having never revealed it to anyone. It didn’t matter how much I promised him I would say nothing, that I would make up a story to my parents about searching for an heir on my own without their influence. 
“I told you to think before you left with me that night.”
“I didn’t know it would be like this! You’ve changed, Mateo.”
Anger flashes in Mateo’s eyes. “I am a thief, querida. What did you think this life would be like?”
Somehow, one day I managed to stray from my routine, saying I needed extra time to make the connection to open those societal doors. He had no reason to doubt me, but I still saw slight suspicion in his eyes, a look that had never been there before. 
I stand in front of an office building, several stories tall and set back away from the main streets. I glance back down at the paper I’ve been clutching in my hand to double check the address. Walking up to the intercom, I scan the list of names, pushing the button of the one I needed. The intercom buzzes and a voice comes over the speaker, static nearly cutting out some words.
“Uh, hi. I found your name in the paper?”
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Um, no. I wasn’t able to-”
“You’ll have to make an appointment-”
“Please, sir. I..I don’t think I’ll be able to come back.”
There’s a pause before the door buzzes and I slide inside, heading up a few flights of stairs after seeing the elevator was out of order. I find the door labeled TIM ROCKFORD, PI and knock.
“Come in.”
I enter, taking in the small office space. There’s a small bathroom at the back but otherwise there’s just enough space for a desk, some filing cabinets, a couple chairs, and a couch, which I could tell was doubling as a bed. I couldn’t blame him. I may have money but even I knew rent was ridiculously high, especially in these bigger cities. 
“Tim Rockford.” I look up at the man and have to swallow back a lump in my throat. He looks so like Mateo that for a moment, I thought he was. I tell him my name and we shake hands, Tim motioning towards a chair. 
“Please. Have a seat.”
I sit, nerves lighting up my body. 
“What seems to be the issue, miss? Husband stepping out on you? Lost your favorite necklace to the maid?”
I can’t blame him for the snide tone. I look the part of a bored, rich housewife because that’s what I had been destined to become. I’d hate me too.
I take a deep sigh. “I’m in deep. 3 years ago, I ran off with a man who captured my heart. Everything was great until my parents started following us.”
He nods, taking a note. “And you want me to what, tell your rich parents to stop looking for probably their only child?”
Damn he’s good. “Not..not exactly-”
He sighs. “Listen, I don’t have time to placate you rich elitists while us lower people are having real problems. If you want your parents to stop bothering you, you’ll have to tell them your-”
“I know who The Thief is.”
“You what?” His eyes bore into me, trying to detect a lie.
“That’s who I ran off with. The Thief.”
“The Thief. You mean The Thief? The one that’s been plaguing all the major houses across, well across the globe?”
I nod. “Yes. Him.”
“Tell me everything.”
So I do. I tell him how we met, how I’ve been helping him get in social circles, everything except where he is and what his name is. Rockford’s eyes grow wider the more I tell him, scribbling notes furiously. 
“And you just do this for him? Voluntarily?”
His eyes meet mine and he cocks his head to the side. “Why?”
I let out a breath, puffing out over my lips, a sadness in my eyes. “Because I love him.” 
He studies me a few moments longer. “Does he love you back?”
“I…he did at one time. Now? I’m not so sure. It’s hard to reach him.”
“Does he leave you often?”
I nod. “We’re usually together, but often he will leave me.”
“Do you think he’s cheating on you?”
“I don’t…I don’t think so. Not really. But that’s not why I’m here.”
He nods, making more notes. “You’re here because, what? You want out but don’t want to face jail time?”
“I’ve never stolen anything.”
“You were an accomplice.”
“All I did was forge connections. Mateo figured out the rest.”
“He’s an intelligent man.”
I smile. “He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him.”
“So what do you want then, miss?”
I watch Tim’s face for several moments, the way he chews on the inside of his cheek, his shoulders shifting slightly, tugging at the seams of his shirt. 
“I want him to realize who he is and to accept it. His fate.”
Tim nods. “Even if that means putting him behind bars?”
“Whatever it takes to help him realize who he is.”
Tim nods, taking a few more notes. “Ok, well first thing - is there another heist planned?”
I nod. “Tonight at the Wellmen estate. He’s got it all planned already.”
“Do you know what his plans are?”
“Some. He doesn’t always tell me everything. I know he’s going to try and steal the blue diamond necklace that Mr. Wellmen has locked in his 4 layer safe room.”
“How does he plan on getting in?”
“Well, I’ve made the connections with the Wellmen’s so it won’t be odd for me to make plans to have dinner with the family to remove them from the home. After that, I believe he plans on sneaking in through some security holes and doing his magic once inside.”
“So basically, I’m on my own to figure that out once the family is gone.”
I nod. “You’re going in after him?”
“That’s the plan.” He stands, reaching behind him to grab a shoulder holster and starts to loop his arms through it. 
“What will you do if you find him?”
“As you said, miss. Help him realize who he is.”
Tim shows up at the Wellmen estate, parking his car several blocks down and walking the rest of the way. He stays hidden, keeping an eye on the time. He sees the front gates open, a fancy car driving out, gates closing behind it. Another glance at his watch tells him that’s the Wellmen’s on their way to meet you for dinner at the restaurant. 
Tim had pulled the city plans for the estate from his contact in City Hall, finding the hole that The Thief had no doubt found as well. He made his way to the crack in the perimeter, sneaking inside. There were a few guards, but nothing he couldn’t slip past. Once he was inside, he paused, taking in the room and thankful that he’d memorized the blueprints. 
Suddenly, he sees a dark shape move at the end of the hall, going the same direction as the safe room. Tim crouches, following with enough distance so as not to disturb The Thief, but close enough to see him steal the jewel. They continue this cat and mouse game down the hall and down another flight of stairs before the room arrives. Tim has to admit, he’s impressed by The Thief, managing to keep to the shadows this entire time - no easy feat.
Several minutes pass since he’d seen the shadow slip inside the room, but nothing came out. He knew there was only one way in and out of the room. Maybe The Thief had run into some trouble? This would make his job of catching him even easier. 
Tim quietly made his way to the safe room door, checking his gun was ready and loaded before gently pushing open the door a crack. Hearing nothing, he pushes open the door, pointing his gun around the room as he scans it for The Thief. 
To his surprise, the room is empty. No people, and, glancing in the glass case in front of him, no jewel. But how? He had seen The Thief enter the room and not exit, no other way in or out. No secret doors would have been possible with this layout. So where was The Thief? Where was the jewel?
The door opened behind him and Tim spun around, aiming his gun at the doorway. His eyes grow wide and he lowers his weapon as he sees you standing there, hands up. 
“Miss? What are you doing here?”
A sad smile is tugging at her lips. “I’m here to support you.”
Tim shakes his head. “You can’t be here. The Thief, he’s here and I don’t know where. I don’t want him to hurt you.”
She takes a step closer to Tim. “I know where he is.”
Tim is nervous now. Had they been playing him all along? Good thing he left notice with his contact should anything happen to him. 
“Where is he then?”
Another step closer. “He’s here.”
Tim glances around quickly before looking back at her. “The only ones here are us. Unless there’s a secret door?” His eyebrows raise in question at her. 
She shakes her head sadly. “No. No secret door.”
“Secret room? Is he waiting for me to leave?”
She’s only a step or 2 away from Tim now. “No. He’s here.”
Tim shakes his head. “But… I don’t-”
She reaches her hand out, gently cupping his cheek. “Mateo, it’s me. You’re here.”
His eyebrows knit together. “Mateo? Who’s Mateo? I-I don’t…” His head starts to hurt a little, like something tugging at the corner of his mind. 
She smiles sadly again, her thumb gently stroking his cheek. “You. You are Mateo, the greatest thief in the world.” 
Tim grabs her wrist, pulling her hand away from his face. “What are you on about?”
“It’s you. You are The Thief.”
His head hurts more, a throbbing starting to build behind his eyes. “You’re crazy.”
“Am I? Did you see anyone come in here?”
“I did! I saw…I saw…” Playing back the memory, Tim realized he’d only seen a shadowy figure, nothing ever clear or concrete. He’d assumed, based on her time schedule and the shadow’s movements, that it was The Thief. 
“I don’t…I’m not…”
“Check your coat pocket.”
Tim looked at her, trying to hide the fear in his eyes as he starts to pad himself down. His fingers bump against a round lump and his eyes grow wide as he fishes out the blue diamond necklace. He holds it up and studies it, his head now pounding and his vision throbbing. 
“I don’t understand…I…what…what is happening?”
She steps forward, gently taking his hand and placing the other on his cheek, turning his head to look at her. 
“You had an accident, baby. When you took the crown from the Goldman’s?”
Tim shakes his head. “I don’t…I…an accident?”
She nods. “Yes, baby. You…you came back a different person. A detective named Tim Rockford, saying it was inevitable, that The Thief would be caught. That he’d finally left behind a clue and it would all come crashing down.”
Tim looks down at the necklace in his hand before looking into her eyes. “I left behind a tool. My favorite lockpick.”
She nods, smiling warmly now. “Yes! Yes, that’s it, baby!”
The more he stares into her eyes, the more he remembers, but it’s hard to think with the pounding in his head, his vision starting to black out. 
“I…I am Mateo?”
“You are. You’re the greatest Thief the world has ever known.”
“And you…you love me?”
Tears fall from her eyes now and he reaches out to wipe them away. She leans into his touch, nodding. “I love you more than anything, Mateo.”
Her eyes are the last thing he remembers before he blacks out.
After I pulled him from the Wellmen estate, I brought him back to our place, watching over him as he slept, worried that the realization that he’d broken would cause him to never wake, that I’d really, truly, lose him forever. 
He was out for 3 days. On the third day, I heard him muttering in his sleep, his fingers twitching before his eyes blinked open, scanning the room. I rush to him, tossing aside the plate of food I’d been nibbling on. 
“Mateo?” I sit next to him on the bed, placing my hand over his and squeezing gently.
He blinks, turning his head slowly and looking at me, a dawning realization washing over him. 
“You are here?”
I feel tears on my cheeks and I furiously wipe at them. “I am. I would never leave you, Mateo.”
His hand reaches out for me and I lean closer, feeling his hand slide around the back of my head, pulling me close to him. His lips meet mine and the damn in me breaks, all of the tears I’ve held back over the last years bubbling to the surface. He pulls back and looks up at me, concern on his face.
“Querida, no crying. I am here. I think. My head still hurts a little.”
I nod, swallowing back more tears.
“What happened, querida?”
I explain that when he’d left behind his lockpick, he’d had a mental break in reality, so convinced he’d be caught that he made up an entirely different personality, a detective named Tim Rockford. He made up an entirely separate life, even going so far as to secure an office space, where he’d sleep on the couch. I had no clue how to help him, so for a while, I’d just follow him, making sure he was ok. Mateo didn’t know how to handle the fear of being caught, which made him more hostile and distrusting towards me. I knew I could’t bring in anyone official, as he’d have gotten arrested immediately and wouldn’t receive any sort of care. I couldn’t let that happen to the man who rescued me from mediocrity, the man who’s greatest achievement was stealing my heart. 
So I came up with a plan to help Rockford catch the world famous Thief. He’d want the glory of catching the uncatchable, and hopefully I could have him face Mateo, realizing that they were the same person. I’d hoped that this would meld him mind back together. 
I had no clue what I was doing, and I knew there was a strong chance I’d fuck him up for life, but I had read some books and I was desperate, having no other choice.
So I set up a heist with the Wellmen’s. It wasn’t difficult to work my way into their circle, as I apparently reminded them so much of their estranged daughter. It was easy to lure them away with the prospect of dinner at a fancy, hard to get into restaurant across town. 
And then I went to Rockford, telling him everything but The Thief’s name, figuring that hearing his true name too early would’ve messed it up, made him not believe me. So I sent Rockford the blueprints of the house and the timeline, hoping he’d go for it. Which he did, even seeing a “shadow” of The Thief moving about the house, his mind completely convinced he was about to catch the greatest Thief of all time. 
When he felt that stone in his pocket, the 2 minds melded back together and his brain needed time to process what was happening. I took him back to our temporary hideout and cared for him while he was out, terrified that he’d never wake up.
When I finished telling him what happened, he sat up, taking my hands in his and kissing the back of them.
“Marry me, querida.”
“I- what?”
“I should’ve asked you that night in your art gallery. I knew I was in trouble when I saw your eyes and instantly fell for you. Once you started talking and I saw you weren’t just another spoiled rich girl, I was done for. I was relieved when you begged to come with me because I was seconds away from begging you myself. And now? After putting you through hell for years, you come up with this plan to not only avoid putting me behind bars, but to save me from myself? I cannot see my life without you, querida.”
“Are you truly back with me?”
He nods, eyes wide like a puppy. “I am here.”
“Oh, Mateo. I’ve been yours since that night too. I never want to leave you.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Oh- yes!”
“Do me a favor and open that drawer and bring me the striped socks.”
“I- ok?” I cross to the dresser, pulling out the balled up socks he’d requested and handed it to him. He opened them up, pulling out a simple ring that I had made comment about loving only a couple months after I had left with him.
“I kept this in case you ever felt the same about me as I did for you.” He holds it up and takes my hand, sliding it on my ring finger. 
I straddle him, kissing him deeply as he holds me to him, finally being able to tell him how I’ve felt after all these years and finding he feels the same for me. 
We marry at the courthouse the next day, just missing the police by a few hours, smiling at each other as we made our way to the next heist.
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@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics  
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Written for the 'cold' prompt
Where there should be a gun, only a butcher's knife waits for Akai.
They confiscated his weapons.
Oh well. Even declawed, he still has fangs. Just means he needs to get up close to get the kill.
Akai drops from his bed into a crouch. The knife's handle digs into his hand, unyielding, providing steady support in a hazy world.
He follows the edge of the bed, to where he can see light pass through the gap under the door. The sound of glass shattering, followed by a thud is what woke him, he's sure, but there's no footsteps, no shadow passing by. His intruder might be good.
But Akai knows he's better.
He sneaks up to the door, listening, waiting. There's faint breathing outside, too fast. Whoever it is, it's possible his attacker got caught up in the adrenaline rush. That should make it easier to surprise and dispatch them.
He takes cover behind the wall, and kicks the door open.
The living room lights blind him momentarily, too bright in the night. Akai blinks through the nausea, checks the windows he can see from his position - intact.
Good. He can still hear the breathing - irregular - but the sounds of the night remain distant, removed. He dashes to the other side of the door, surveilling the familiar living room outside.
As expected, all windows are shuttered, bolted shut from the inside. The intruder is trapped with him, then.
Ah, yes.
He's missed the hunt.
Though something seems off. He can't see them, but the source of noise doesn't appear to be moving. What are they waiting for? Data to download from his laptop? Poisoned gas to distribute in the room?
He can't smell anything strange, but beneath the scent of cigarette smoke and bourbon, it would be difficult to detect. He still puts a hand over his mouth, breathes as shallowly as he can manage.
Fine, fine. He'll go greet them already.
He sneaks around the too-comfortable sofa, takes cover behind his armchair, creeps up to the kitchen isle. Beyond its corner is the source of the noise, the source of another breath in his space.
He turns the corner, ready to dispatch the intruder-
-and barely manages to stop the knife in time. Stabs the ground next to an exposed neck.
There's a crumpled form on his floor in a sea of broken glass, blond hair covering their face.
No, that can't be.
Cold dread seizes his heart.
Jodie is dead.
His ears ring with the echo of a gunshot, drowning out all sounds but his own, stuttering heartbeat. It throbs in his head, too fast, too loud.
No. No. No.
Vertigo takes a hold of him, would have him join the figure on the floor.
The knife drops from his hands, clutters onto the floor uselessly. He grips the cupboard's corner, trying to maintain his balance. Doesn't quite manage it, and missteps.
A sharp pain in his foot forces him back to the present.
That's a problem for later.
Breathe. Assess.
The person in his kitchen groans, a rather common sound in Akai's presence.
He's alive.
But for how long?
Akai rushes to kneel by Furuya's side, doesn't care about the glass shards that pierce easily through his socks, his sweatpants, as he cradles the limp body in his kitchen.
He checks the head the head the head-
It's wet.
His heart beats double-time, blood rushes in his head. But there's no exit wound, and his fingers come away clear.
Akai lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Beneath his touch Furuya is burning up, though. As if he needed any further indication that something's very, very wrong. Furuya would never let himself be seen this sweaty, flushed, exposed, if he could help it.
"Furuya. Furuya-kun."
Another groan, and finally, there's some resistance in Akai's arms. Furuya winces, furrows his brows. He blinks up at Akai, eyes unfocused, but awake, at least.
"Stop shouting already. I'm right here."
Furuya's voice comes out too nasally, his airways must be obstructed. Akai tilts his head a little, to put less strain on it. Let Furuya breathe more easily.
"Since when is the kitchen so tall?"
Not good. He's hallucinating. Or at least struggling with spatial awareness.
Akai manages to snatch Furuya's wrist in time, draws him close. He really doesn't need shards of glass stuck in his hands, in addition to whatever knocked him out.
Akai steadies him, lets him lean against himself. Isn't ready to let go of him, anytime soon.
He should assess the damage first, but he's curious.
"Furuya. What are you doing here?"
The agent frowns at him, seemingly confused. It takes him a moment to answer.
"You gave me the key?", he sneers. Curls in on himself protectively.
Except that's not what Akai is asking. Why is Furuya here, in the middle of the night, when-
"You're sick."
Maybe stating the obvious will get through to him, seeing as he seems to have trouble grasping the severity of his situation.
"So? It is Thursday. I promised."
He says it airily, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. As if it explains everything.
Yukiko-san had given Akai an earful for not taking care of himself properly, but even he knows to hole up and rest when he's sick. Not drive halfway across town on a paper-thin promise.
Surely, Furuya would have to understand that his own safety, his own health, comes first?
"I am fine. Get me to my car. I have inconvenienced you enough as it is."
Akai blinks. Furuya can barely move, and he wants to do what, exactly, in his car? Call for help? Suffer? Try to drive?
While he would like to assume this is a bout of temporary insanity brought on by the fever, if Akai looks back on their shared history, he isn't sure Furuya ever knew when to quit. Or what was good for him.
"I'm driving you home."
He got to keep his car, at least, even if the gadgets were removed, his permits revoked. They'd told him to stick to travelling on foot, too, if he can. But for Furuya, he could make an exception.
"Who do I call to check up on you?"
At that, Furuya simply laughs at him.
Akai has never heard him do so, before.
It's not pretty.
Cold and hollow, the sound rings harshly in the night. Interrupted by coughs and sputters, Furuya's laughter is an ugly, broken thing, as far removed from joy as can be. It goes on for far too long.
This isn't funny.
Akai shivers. He'll be glad if he never has to hear that dreadful sound again.
"Just leave me be. I will survive, like always."
Up until that moment, Akai was pretty sure he'd lost it. But deep inside his chest, something stirs. A fragile little thing; it aches and splinters and breaks at the sight before him.
Furuya's bright smile is polished, his eyes like shining glass. It's too much.
Akai would be more inclined to believe him if Furuya wasn't shivering. If his nose wasn't running. If his eyes weren't red.
He might not know Furuya Rei. He barely knew Bourbon, and Amuro Tooru was actively out for his blood. He has no idea what happened to this man, to make him so furious at the world, yet so resigned to his fate. But the emotion that just shone through Furuya's carefully maintained image is all too familiar.
Survival isn't the prize it's made out to be. Not when-
Don't think about them. Someone needs to keep it together, and it won't be Furuya. You can do that, right? Not for yourself, but for him.
A hypothesis forms, unbidden. The promise was just an excuse. Furuya came here because he had no other place to go to. No one to turn to.
That's fine. Akai understands. He doesn't have one either. Not anymore.
But he can give Furuya what he still has left: himself.
"I won't leave you alone."
He's the worst person for this; Akai barely knows how to take care of himself. The last time he looked after someone with a cold... he might still have been a teenager, taking care of Shukichi.
But it beats suffering alone, surely.
"Great. That means I have a chance to die of food poisoning."
There's a shimmer of life in Furuya's eyes, before he closes them. A faint smile, as he rests his head against Akai's chest. Broken, but a little more human than the Venetian mask he showed before.
Akai squeezes him, once, then picks him up without too much trouble. Shards of glass fall from their clothes, as he rises, holding Furuya close.
First, he needs to clean up his guest.
Then, the flat.
Lastly, himself, if he has energy to spare.
And somewhere in-between, he'll need to call Yukiko-san. Maybe she will share the secret to her chicken noodle soup with him.
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daystarvoyage · 7 months
Luz comes back home on earth from the party at the boiling isles, however late night she’s intruded by a shadowy figure who whisks her away, Will her sexual desires be unraveled?
Based on the photo of strawberry devil on Twitter
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