#sarah paulson x reader
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stayevildarling · 3 months ago
Agatha Harkness x Cordelia Goode x Reader-Undone by desire
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A/N: I can‘t stop thinking about these two so here we are🤷🏻‍♀️
tags/tw: soft dom!cordelia, mean dom!agatha, sub!reader, corruption, praise kink, mommy kink, jealous cordelia, virgin reader, cordelia recieving (strap), reader recieving (oral, strap), agatha recieving (oral, strap) enchanted strap, choking
word count: 4.5k
@lunaticwhittaker , @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay @whitelotus00 , @ninaahelvar , @paulsonsratched , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometimes , @wastdstime , @p1pecleanerwitheyes , @queen2234 , @ihartnat , @lifebyinez , @ahsatanizgay , @blu3dimples
The coven‘s halls had undeniably been more alive since Agatha Harkness arrived. Cordelia, ever the welcoming and open supreme allowed the covenless witch to join, offering her a place at Miss Robichaux‘s as after everything, the brunette just wanted to belong. Agatha accepted with grace but there was something mysterious about her, the way she carried herself and the atmosphere changed whenever she stepped into a room. Despite it being some weeks now, you noticed immediately, Agatha was the kind of woman who didn‘t need to raise her voice to make herself understood, her voice laced with something darker, there always seeming to be a deeper intention behind her words. And you couldn‘t deny that you felt drawn to her.
At first, your interactions had been harmless, a sly comment here, a lingering glance at the dinner table there. You brushed it off for her nature, usually the more quiet one around the academy, only really opening up yourself once you know someone a bit better. It had taken you years to warm up to Cordelia, to allow yourself to laugh around her and allow yourself to slowly fall for her, not able to hide the way she made you blush. But Cordelia had warned you about Agatha, telling you to be careful. „She‘s powerful“ she said one afternoon. „And power often comes with… complication“.
But days turned into weeks and Agatha‘s interest in you deepened, becoming harder and harder to ignore. She was suddenly always near, offering to help you with your magic, whispering low and suggestive things that made your cheeks burn. At first you enjoyed the game, unsure how to play it exactly but letting the witch pull you right under her spell, unaware of her ulterior motives. But as Agatha‘s influence grew, Cordelia noticed the shift in you as you began questioning things about the coven, your powers and mostly about Cordelia. The woman who you had been head over heels for for years, the woman who would make you blush, who was so gentle with her touch and the woman who made the others mumble about her attraction to you but Delia never voiced those, not in the way Agatha so bluntly would.
The supreme wasn‘t blind to what Agatha was doing, how she was slowly drawing you in, seeing how you slowly became alive under attention and it sparked something within the blonde. An overprotectiveness that came as a force, laced by her raging jealousy. You noticed it a while back when the three of you worked in the greenhouse, Agatha leaning closer and lowly murming in your ear „You‘ve got so much potential“ she praised, watching you work effortlessly on your magic. „If only someone helped you truly unlock it“ she whispered, voice dripping with something more than encouragement. And that was enough for Cordelia to snap. „That‘s enough Agatha“ she said sharply, her voice firm but the other witch simply smiled, leaning back as if nothing happend, getting exactly what she wanted out of this exchange.
The following days seemed to change everything, the tension in the academy heavy. Cordelia‘s overprotectiveness reached its peak point as she made sure to keep you safe. Her eyes lingered on you as she made sure not to leave you and Agatha alone, worried what would happen if she did. Meanwhile Agatha continued, knowing exactly what she is doing, she enjoyed winding the supreme up, being able to tell her little plan was working just fine, not only slowly corrupting you to be her perfect little pet but also get the side of Cordelia to show that she has seen since joining, something hidden deep.
„You‘ve been awfully quiet“ Agatha purred the other day, as you passed her in the hallway. Her hand brushed against your arm, halting your movements. „What‘s on that pretty little mind of yours?“ she asked, causing your cheeks to burn. Before you could answer though, Cordelia appeared out of nowhere, stepping between you two. Her expression was calm but her voice filled with something you had never seen in your supreme before. „Agatha don’t you have somewhere else to be?“ she questioned calmly.
Agatha smirked, unbothered by Cordelia‘s interruption. „Funny, I could ask you the same thing Ms Supreme“ her eyes flickered to you for a moment before she carried on „Or do you always hover so closely over your students?“. Cordelia stiffened, her compusure beginning to crack „I don‘t hover, I protect what‘s mine“ she snapped. „Yours?“ Agatha laughs, she leans closer to Cordelia, their faces inches apart and for a second you thought they may kiss under the tension of it all. „Funny, I didn‘t think posession extended to matters of the heart“ Agatha whispered. The tension between them felt suffocating snd despite their words seeming like they may want to kill each other, their body languages betrayed them both, the mutual attraction undeniable.
Her words lingered on your mind „I protect what‘s mine“ she said and you couldn‘t sleep that night, couldn‘t focus for the next few days, not understanding where this had came from. Cordelia had always been kind to you, maybe even putting you above other students but she had never made a step, not in all those years, despite the obvious signs of your mutual feelings for each other, despite the whispers of the other students, despite the deep conversations in the greenhouse at 3am, despite the times she looked at you like she wanted you but stopped herself just in time.
A day later you opted to retreat to the library, the tension in the academy almost suffocating you as you seek refuge. But not even the pages of the book you are reading can distract you from what has been going on. You couldn‘t stop thinking about Agatha‘s touch on your skin, the way it made you feel on fire, letting thoughts cross your mind that hadn‘t crossed your mind before. But then there was Cordelia, her words, her protectivenesse and the undeniable feelings you have had for her from the beginning.
You are startled when the sound of the library door pulls your attention from the book, Cordelia steps inside, her gaze locking onto you. She seems much less composed than usual, almost if she is holding something back. „I thought I might find you here“ she says softly, crossing the room to where you are sitting. „Delia“ you almost whisper as you set your book down. She pauses, looking into your eyes „Sweetie I need to talk to you“ she begins but before she can carry on, Agatha steps inside, wearing a purple suit that draws your eyes onto her, the rings, the way she carries herself captivated you. „Well isn‘t this cozy“ she says, her voice dripping with amusement as she steps closer. „I was hoping to find you alone dear but seems Ms Supreme beat me to it“ she chuckes, so unfazed at the way she just waltzed in and interrupted you both.
Cordelia turns „Agatha“ she says almost sharply „This isn‘t the time“ she warns, her voice filled with authority, which causes your eyes to land on her. But Agatha doesn‘t care, her attention entirely on you „You know, I‘m beginning to wonder whether Cordelia is as concerned about your wellbeing as she claims.. or if this is something“ she pauses, stepping closer „Deeper“. Her movements are slow and deliberate „Tell me darling, do you feel protected hm? or do you feel trapped?“ she asks, causing your heart to race.
„That‘s enough“ Cordelia snaps, stepping in between you both. Her calm composure is unraveling again and you are surprised, no one ever having pushed her buttons just like Agatha had. „I won‘t let you manipulate her“ the supreme warns. „‚Manipulate?“ Agatha repeats, amusement evident in her voice. „Darling, I don‘t need to manipulate, she is already curious, aren‘t you sweetheart?“ she purrs, looking right at you. „You have felt it haven‘t you? that pull? you‘re drawn to me just as much as she is to you“ the brunette claims which causes your heart to stop as your hands begin shaking.
„Leave her alone“ Cordelia demands, her voice shaking now with rage, she moves closer to Agatha, their faces inches apart. The tension between them was undeniable, air thick but there was something else as Agatha tilts her head, her smirk disappearing as she steps closer. And there it was again, their faces inches apart, their words not matching the ways their bodies spoke. „You‘re so quick to defend her“ she murmurs „But tell me Cordelia- are you really protecting her from me? or are you afraid she might choose me if you let her decide?“ the brunette questions. Cordelia glances at you and you see her faltering for a brief moment, her jaw tight.
This wasn‘t jealousy anymore, you could see the way Agatha almost leaned in as to test the supreme‘s boundaries and the supreme almost faltering. „She‘s not a game Agatha“ Cordelia warns, voice barely above a whisper. „Neither are you“ Agatha speaks softly, her smirk replaced by a sincerity that takes your breath away. It seems like the tension between them fleeds but Cordelia stiffens again before speaking. „Go to your room Y/N“ she demands, eyes darting to you. „Now“ she instructs her voice firm.
„Delia“ you tried but she cut you off with that look. And so you listened, leaving them, glancing at them one more time, hearing Agatha chuckling „So obedient“ before you leave, knees weak and breath trembling as you make it to your room, feeling like you are caught in a game that you didn‘t fully understand. The way they stood so close drove you crazy, a part of you yearned for the thought of them kissing but another part of you felt confused, Agatha‘s intensions almost clear but Cordelia‘s so confusing.
Something changed that night. You felt it when you stepped into the kitchen the next morning, hoping to find some coffee as you had been awake the entire night, unable to stop thinking about either of the older women. Agatha stepped inside, something softer about her demeanor as she greeted you „Hi darling“ she said before Cordelia joined, the supreme‘s demeanor seeming less protective, more composed and calm even with Agatha beaide you. „Good norning“ she greeted you, helping you to some coffee as your eyes darted between them. „How are you feeling darling?“ Cordelia asked gently, which caused you to shrug and mumble a quick „I‘m fine“ before you wrapped your hands around the coffee mug. „You seem distracted sweetheart, something on your mind?“ Agatha asked.
You glanced at Cordelia who remained silent, waiting for your answer but you stayed quiet. „She seems a little overwhelmed don‘t you think?“ Agatha asked which caused Cordelia to nod. „We‘re here for you sweetie“ she encouraged. „You don‘t have to be afraid“ she whispered as her hands brushed over your shoulder gently. „We aren‘t going anywhere“ she reassured before Agatha joined in again „We just want you to know you are wanted“ she exclaimed, the statement almost taking your breath away. And then you realized that whatever happened between them that night changed everything, they weren‘t fighting over you anymore, they were working together.
The following days went by in a haze, you barely managed to function under their gazes, Cordelia‘s lingering protetective presence, Agatha‘s hands on you and the way she was teasing you. It took everything within you not to give in to them, trying to think of a way to balance this but the more the days passed, it left you lonely in the nights, aching for their touch and presence. And tonight something within you snapped, the way they hovered around you by the dinner table, the way their eyes spoke lengths, their voices dripping with desire.
By the time the night came around you found yourself restless, abandoning the idea of sleep before wandering the hallways. And somehow you found yourself by Cordelia‘s office, the door slightly ajar, almost inviting you inside. Your hands trembled as you finally bring yourself to knock and the door opens immediately, exposing both Agatha and Cordelia, sitting opposite each other, murming words that you couldn‘t make out. You could see Delia leaning forward, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder‘s, Agatha‘s dark eyes glistening.
The brunette‘s gaze catches yours and her smirk widens „Well well“ she murmurs „Look who couldn‘t stay away“ she grins, leaning back into her chair. Cordelia turns, her soft eyes finding yours „What are you doing up sweetheart?“ she asks gently, though there was something knowing in her tone. „It‘s late“ she says which causes you to falter. „I..“ you stammer, feeling your cheeks burning under both of their gazes. The words get caught in your throat, the intensity of even being in the same room with them impossible.
Agatha stands slowly, her movements calculated as she approaches you. Your eyes immediately travel to her dark purple blazer, her white button upped shirt and her jewrely. „She looks like she has something on her mind“ she murmurs as she glances back at the supreme. She stops just a step away from you, her presence causing you to shiver „What is it darling? you can tell us“ she encourages and then Cordelia rises too, her approach much gentler than Agatha but no less commanding. Her hand brushes your arm, softly grounding you but her touch makes your breathing hitch nevertheless.
„You don‘t have to keep it in sweetie“ she says softly, her eyes searching yours. „We know“ she breathes, causing your heart to pound in your chest. They both stand so close now, Delia equally in an outfit that has been driving you crazy for years. They both seem to pull you in like a magnet, Agatha‘s dark knowing smirk and Cordelia‘s gentle gaze exactly what you have been yearning for.
And then you couldn‘t hide it anymore „I“ you begin, voice breaking as you hide your trembling hands „I want you. Both of you“ you whisper, barely audible but enough for both witches to hear. Agatha‘s smirk only deepends, her eyes glistening while Cordelia simply parts her lips in a soft gasp, cheeks flushing at your confession. „Well“ Agatha murmurs „Finally“ voice filled with satisfaction. The supreme‘s hand on you tightens a little, her eyes flickering to Agatha before returning to you. „Are you sure darling?“ she asks, her voice barwly above a whisper. You could tell she was in control, just the way Agatha was but there was something deeper behind her eyes, almost sparkling with love, wanting to make sure this was truly what you wanted.
All you can do is nod, unable to form words, your entire body trembling. Agatha takes the initative, her head tilting as she moves impossibly closer „You have no idea how long we have been waiting for this“ she says softly „For you to finally admit it“. And then she leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss that ignites a fire within you, one that has been fueled by their actions for weeks, one that takes your breath away as you cling to the woman, holding onto her for dear life as her mouth explores yours, thinking if you stopped holding on, you might pass out under the intensity of it all.
Agatha pulls away, moving to the side to give Cordelia the room, the supreme steps closer, her hand resting on your cheek as she speaks. „We‘ll take care of you“ she promises, her voice trembling with sincerity. „If you let us“ you nod weakly, causing the supreme to smile softly before stepping forward, hovering for a moment before she leans in. And her kiss is much softer, no less demanding or assuring who’s in control here but it was filled with something almost sweet, the desire to please you, to make sure you are okay and make you feel good and the kiss settles in your heart as this had been on your mind for years.
The brunette creeps up behind you as you both pull away after a while, your eyes locking with the supreme‘s for a moment. „Follow me dear“ she instructs and you do, letting the older woman lead you out of the room and into her bedroom, the supreme following as they lead you into the woman‘s sanctuary. You hadn‘t seen Agatha‘s room yet, much darker than the usual light academy, the place filled with candles, the atmosphere mysterious as she leads you to bed. She makes you sit there before she turns to the supreme, capturing her lips in a kiss that takes your breath away. You watch their mouth, the way they both fight for entrance, the way Agatha stands tall and the way Cordelia doesn‘t falter. The scene causes your breathing to hitch as you press your thighs together, the arousal already staining your underwear at this point.
They both turn to you with knowing glances, seeing your chest heave and hearing your breathing hitching. „Would you like to do the honours of undressing her Ms Supreme?“ Agatha teases which causes Cordelia to nod softly as she makes her way over. „Is that what you want sweet girl?“ she asks as she bites her lip and all you can do is nod, words having left you long ago by now. Her movements are gentle, painfully slow as she begins kissing down your neck, leaving gentle bruises that would become reminders of this night soon. She begins by taking your shirt off, deliberately slow as she exposes your red lingerie, causing her to smirk ever so slightly. When you watch her go on her knees, you think you might explode, watching as she begins taking off your socks, your trousers and leaving you in nothing but the red set you had chosen for tonight, a part of you knowing where this would lead.
„Lay down there darling“ she instructs, her voice filled with authority and desire as she makes you lay in the middle of the bed, Agatha‘s eyes darkening as she watches the scene unfold. Cordelia begins hovering above you, crawling on top of you as she begins kissing you, her tongue immediately entering your mouth as she begins exploring you in a way she had been meaning to forever. Agatha is quick to abandon her own clothing, leaving her in nothing but a purple bralette which causes your eyes to drift. The brunette goes on her knees as she hovers behind Cordelia, making sure to undress the supreme too. You notice her struggling with Cordelia‘s shirt and so you glance at the supreme, silently asking for permission as your fingers ghost over the buttons of her shirt. She nods and you help Agatha with ease to undress her. „Such a good attentive darling“ the brunette purrs which causes you to moan into Cordelia‘s mouth.
„What do you think we should do with her first?“ Agatha purrs as her hand travels over Cordelia‘s torso, reaching her neck as she grabs her and reaches for another hungry kiss. „Should we make her watch? fall apart while we make her wait?“ the brunette smirks. The supreme‘s eyes fall upon you, considering their options. „But she‘s been so patient already“ the blonde counters which causes Agatha to fake pout. „Have you little one? do you not wanna wait any longer?“ she mocks which causes you to shake your head desperately. „Well then I‘ll let you do the honors Ms Supreme“ she smiles which causes your heart to race. The blonde begins gently caressing your skin, her mouth exploring you as Agatha‘s hands cup your breasts. The supreme‘s breath hitches, seeing parts of you that she never had before, the tattoo covering your collarbone.
Her touch is featherlight until she reaches your center, chest heaving by now. She glances at you with so much care in the world, despite the hunger evident in her eyes. „May I?“ she asks as her fingers begin playing with the wasitband of your red panties and you nod eagerly before Agatha interupts „Words darling“ she corrects you and you force yourself to speak „Yes please“ you pant which causes her to grin. „Good girl“ the supreme praises which sends a shiver through you as her tongue begins exploring you. At first, she begins kissing the inside of your thighs, her eyes leaving yours as Agatha begins pleasuring the supreme from behind. By the time her tongue licks through your folds, collecting your sweet juices a gutteral moan escapes you. „Delia“ you whine, wiggling as you need to feel more.
It takes you a good minute to realize that Agatha is wearing a strap by now, holding onto Cordelia as she pounds into her from behind, all while the blonde dips her tongue inside you. A gutteral moan escapes you again as she brings you so close but she stops herself, letting Agatha devour her, sending pleasure through her body as she grips onto the sheets beside you. You watch in awe, body trembling as Agatha makes the supreme feel good, moans and curse words falling from the blonde‘s lips all at once. At some point, you feel like you can‘t take it anymore, letting your hand travel down to your clit to get at least some friction, watching the supreme orgasm on Agatha‘s strap.
„Nuh uh“ Agatha stops you, placing your hand away from your clit as you whine. „Do you want mommy to make you feel good too?“ she asks, her voice filled with sweetness as she hovers above you. „Yes please mo-mommy“ you moan, watching as Cordelia comes down from her high. Agatha wastes no time in alligning herself but the blonde stops her „Have you ever done this sweetie?“ the supreme asks as she locks eyes with you and you shake your head. She glances at Agatha who gives her a knowing look „Don‘t worry Ms Supreme, I‘ll be gentle with your precious girl“ she teases which causes the supreme to roll her eyes. „If it‘s too much or you want me to stop, you tell me okay? But I have a feeling you‘ll enjoy this sweet girl“ Agatha coos and you nod, not caring about any of this as the desperation gets the better of you.
The brunette remains on her knees, purple strap tugged against her hips as she slowly begins teasing you with the tip, pushing it in slowly to let you adjust. Your eyes force close at the strange sensation, whincing ever so slightly before something bursts and your eyes fly open. „More please“ you whisper, causing Agatha to smirk, having known there was this side of you as Cordelia‘s eyebrows raise in surprise. She sinks in completely, making you take her entire length as she begins filling you up, her hips thrusting into you slowly first but then fast, keeping up a steady pace of edging you, wanting nothing more than to make you a screaming, begging mess for them. You had never felt this way before, the attention of two beautiful and attractive women on you like that, their hands roaming your body, Agatha fucking into you so perfectly sending you into a bliss, barely able to function anymore, let alone breathe.
„Fuck“ you curse and even Cordelia barely manages to keep herself together, watching your tits bounce, back arching and mouth hanging open. Her hand finds yours and your grip on her tightens, feeling the pleasure rush through you. „You are such a perfect little slut, taking us so well“ Agatha purrs her hand finding your neck, neither of you aware that she had enchanted the strap and could feel every single thing herself. Your eyes find Cordelia‘s again, so overwhelmed by the intsity of this and feeling the coil in your stomach about to burst. „You‘re doing so well sweetie“ she praises, causing your cheeks to burn red again at her words. Agatha can feel how close you are, deliberately pulling out of you which causes you to whine „Taste yourself on mommys cock sweet girl“ she orders and you don‘t waste any time as she brings it to your mouth, wanting nothing more than to be good for her.
You take her into your mouth, trying not to gag but the size mixed with the fact you hadn‘t done this before cause tears to form in your eyes. Agatha‘s own pleasure takes over as she begins fucking your mouth, Cordelia watching in awe as she never once took you to be nearly this filfthy. After another while Agatha pulls out, wasting no time before she slams her cock into you again, leaving you breathless. „Please mommy“ you whine „I‘ve been good, I wanna be good. I - fuck please I wanna cum“ you almost scream, causing Agatha‘s smirk to widen as she takes your left leg, putting it against her shoulder as she begins fucking into you at another angle. Cordelia watches in awe seeing you fall apart like this, her fingers finding your mouth as you begin sucking. „Cum for me pretty pet“ Agatha whispers which makes you fall apart.
Your back arches as you clench around her cock, feeling your own cum mix with her own, making sure you ride out your high as your eyes are forced shut, chest heaving as stars form in your vision, causing you to close your eyes. Screams, moans and names fall from your lips all at once before Agatha eventually pulls out with a satisfied smirk. Cordelia lays beside you, gently stroking your cheeks before whispering „Breathe sweetie“ and her voice guides you away from the bliss and into reality as she guides you to find your breathing again. By the time your eyes open, you find both women look at you with both a proud and hungry expression, you having been so perfect for them. „You did so good baby“ Cordelia coos as she gently wipes your tears before Agatha pulls you in for another kiss „The perfect obedient little angel“.
There was something in the air after you finished, both women still eager and so were you but they could tell you needed a break, especially after your first time with them. Cordelia was gentle in how she touched you, cleaned you up and encouraged you to drink. Agatha‘s eyes never left yours as she lays beside you, admiring the view and the pretty marks she left on you. „Did you enjoy that?“ she asks after a while of the three of you laying in silence. You nod, feeling their eyes on you as a little smile creeps onto your features. Cordelia‘s eyebrows furrow, seeing something clearly on your mind. „When can we do it again?“ you whisper causing Agatha to chuckle lowly and Cordelia to gasp at your boldness. „Well I definitely underestimated you“ she jokes before pressing a kiss to your lips and if one thing was for sure, this night would be very long after all.
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woman-actress · 1 year ago
Jealous character x Fem!reader pleeaaaase
It's an SOS that I'm sending to you ...I am what we can call: an addict of fanfictions.
That's why I ask anyone who can write these wonderful things ... I'm in need and I have no desire to cure this addiction.
A little list :
Natasha Romanoff :
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Wanda Maximoff :
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Carol Danvers :
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Lena Luthor :
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Literally every character played by Cate Blanchette :
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Same for Sarah Paulson :
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Alma peregrine :
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So many women and possibilities of toxic relationships and possible jealousy, really I would be happy to be crushed by these womens....
Thanks ! Really 💕
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vicky-0933 · 6 months ago
What I will write some kinks but there are some I won’t write… that will be arrange soon.
What I will and not write
Agatha All Along
Resident Evil 8
Abbott Elementary
American Horror Story
This is short but idk what over fandoms I will do.
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janstevenswife · 2 years ago
manifesting my fantasies of dating an older woman to come true 🙏🏼
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deliasbabe · 5 months ago
I'll Travel Far Beyond the Path of Reason (Take Me Back to Eden)- Cordelia Goode x Reader- Part 2
Part 1
Sorry I forgot about this fic, but I didn't want to make you wait a whole year for part 2, so I split it into 4 parts.
Word Count: 4.2k+
Warnings: Language, referrenced drugging, references to violence, PTSD
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When you woke up the next morning, you were in her bed, her hair ticking your nose and your face pressed against her neck, safely tucked up against her body. You felt the tears begin to well up again, squeezing your eyes shut in order to quell them, but soon they were dripping on her neck, and she ran her hands through your hair on instinct, nose nuzzling the top of your head, lulling you back to sleep.
The next time your eyes opened, you were alone, but the sheets were still warm, hearing the shower as you drifted in and out of sleep, gradually coming back to the present. When the water stopped, you sat up, rubbing at your eyes as the door opened. Cordelia walked out, drying her hair with a towel as she smiled at you, “Well good morning.”
“Morning.” You grumbled, the supreme snickering at your half-awake state, “What?”
She smiled again, shaking her head as she walked over to the dresser, shuffling in a drawer for some clothes, “Nothing.”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.” You mumbled, feeling the sandpaper in your throat and turning towards the nightstand in search of water. You spotted a full glass, reaching towards it, only to see your knuckles bandaged in white gauze. You stared at them for a moment, perplexed, before consciousness fully returned and you were reminded of the previous night’s events.
You looked at your girlfriend, only to see her staring back at you, her once smiling features now etched with concern, and you pulled back, leaving the water still perched on the nightstand as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You crossed your legs, fiddling with your hands in your lap as you counted the threads in the sheets, and you heard your lover sigh, her steps light as she grabbed the forgotten glass and pushed it into your hands, “Drink it.”
She watched you in the mirror as she pulled on her clothes, lip trapped between her teeth as she tugged at the dry skin. The second the glass was empty she collected it, depositing it back on the table as you mumbled out an apology, eyes still trained on the white cloth beneath you.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” She replied, the bed dipping as she sat on the edge and reached for you. The second her fingertips brushed your skin you shifted away; the relief you felt the night prior now seeded with doubt. While your greatest attribute had always been your own self-awareness, it also made you keenly aware of the mechanics behind what pushed this reunification, or what forced it.
Choice had always been extremely important to you. You never wanted to be the person that backed someone into a corner with only one way out. Cordelia hadn’t spoken to you for weeks, couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as you for more than a few moments, yet there she was, looking at you so tenderly. But that wasn’t adoration in her eyes, it was fear, fear that you were so fragile that if she didn’t handle you with caution, you would break into a million pieces. She kissed you and held you last night merely to quell the storm, to stop you from the path of destruction you were surely on. Not because she wanted it, not because she wanted you.
You bit the inside of your cheek, willing to do anything to get out of the no doubt embarrassing conversation you were sure to have. You shook your head, mumbling something about needing to get up and get the day started, untangling your legs and trying to find your footing.  Cordelia grabbed your ankle, anchoring you to the bed as she shook her head, her other hand searching for yours and running her thumb over the back to soothe you, “That can wait, we need to talk.”
You nodded, pulling your hand from her grasp and using it as leverage to cross your ankles beneath you, pushing you further up on the bed and just out of reach. There was a beat of silence, a shaky breath, and then she spoke, “I’m worried about you. You really scared me last night.”
Your eyes darted up to hers, “I wouldn’t have hurt you.”
“I know.” Cordelia soothed, “That’s not why I was scared. I was scared for you.”
You shook your head, gave an excuse, tried to downplay, “I just don’t like being confined.”
Cordelia stared back at you, her eyes looking up and down your form like she was doing some kind calculation, tallying up every movement. You looked away, seeing her blonde hair shake in your peripheral vision. “The girls told me you were doing fine.” She mumbled, her tone puzzled, “A few hiccups, but mostly fine.”
You looked back at her, dumbfounded, but she seemed to be looking right through you. You weren’t sure if they were lying to her or if they were just blind, but whatever you were, it certainly wasn’t fine. Her brow furrowed as she tried to comprehend it, tongue running between her lips before she bit down, seemingly deciding the first option was the most likely, shaking her head, “I should have known better.”
“I’ll- I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about me.” You stuttered, feeling defensive, “I’m sorry for scaring you, but really, it’s not that big of a deal.”
Cordelia tilted her head in bewilderment, looking you over as you chose to stare out the window. She didn’t get it, last night you were begging for her to talk to you, now you were doing everything you could to shut down any form of conversation. It wasn’t like you. You were never one to stay trapped inside your head. In fact, most times, she had to be the one to stop you from blurting out every single thought that crossed your mind. While at times it drove her crazy, it was also one of the things she loved most about you. When it came to the important things, there was no guess work, your heart was on your sleeve always.
She felt the guilt lodge in her throat, knowing this was largely her own doing. You had tried to talk to her, tried for weeks, and each time she shut you down. She wasn’t ready, so she pushed you away, and now your silence was a habit she didn’t know if she could break. A stray tear fell down her cheek and she was quick to wipe it away as you turned around, not wanting you to see it and shut down even further.
You fixated on a point, eyebrows creasing, and Cordelia followed your line of sight, spotting your numerous suitcases by the door. She snickered, “It was actually pretty easy to move all your stuff in here, since you already packed it for us.” You looked over at her questioningly, and she elaborated, “You’ll be staying in here, with me.”
It shouldn’t have been a surprise, you had already had the discussion before your fight, had decided to move all your things into her room over break, since you were already there every night. It made sense at the time, but a lot had changed since then. You had wanted it to happen, but not like this.
“You don’t have to do that.” You argued, shaking your head, “I didn’t mean to put you in this position.”
“What position?” She asked, prompting you when you threw her a look. She stared at you, eyebrows raised and tongue pushing against her cheek, and that look you knew. It was the same look she always gave when the two of you were bickering and she already knew she was going to win, but she wanted to push you and extract every single argument first. She was playing with you, wanting you to show your hand before she showed hers, all the while knowing you were going to lose.
You let out an inaudible grunt, shaking your head as you explained, “I know the way I acted last night wasn’t ok. It wasn’t fair and I don’t want you to feel forced to…”
You stuttered, you couldn’t say it, but Cordelia was right there, prompting you once again, “Forced to do what?”
You shook your head, unable to face the fear, and stared down at your hands. If you said it and she agreed, you would be devastated, but if you said it and she denied it, then you wouldn’t believe her. If you said it out loud, you would be forcing her hand once again. It was too soon.
But there she was, tipping your chin up and forcing you to stare in her sparkling eyes. There was a mischievous glint in them, her lips curled into a teasing smile, “Forced to do what?”
The words caught in your throat and you moved to clear it, obviously flustered, and Cordelia’s gaze softened, but not before she glanced at your lips. She shifted closer, and you knew what was coming next. You tried to pull back, but the grip on your chin tightened, so you spit out, “We can go back to the way things were.”
You saw the hurt flash across her features as her fingers fell from your face, hands moving to tuck her bangs behind her ears as her eyes cast down. When she looked back at you, her face was painfully neutral, and you couldn’t help but flash back to those weeks you spent in this bed. “Is that what you want?” She asked, not meeting your eyes.
You shook your head, sputtering on your words for a moment before managing to squeak out, “I told you I wasn’t going to force you.”
Cordelia was quiet for a moment, trying to piece together what you were saying, “You think you’re forcing me… to care about you? To want to be with you?”
You sighed, “I cornered you-”
Cordelia cut in, “The girls cornered both of us, you were just as clueless as I was.”
You shook your head, “That’s not what I’m saying…”
“Then what are you saying?” Cordelia asked, obviously searching for some kind of clarity, but to be honest you didn’t really understand it yourself, at least not well enough to put into a comprehendible context.
“You didn’t talk to me for a month, you didn’t even want to be in the same room as me.” You argued, “You made yourself pretty clear.”
“That was a mistake,” Cordelia sighed, rubbing at her temples and shaking her head as she sniffled back tears, “But I never stopped caring about you.”
“Caring about me and wanting to be with me are two completely different things.” You pointed out, Cordelia sighing as she stood.
“Stay here.” She ordered, shooting you a stern look before she walked out of the room, returning a few moments later with a binder and handing it over to you.
“What is this?” You asked, glancing up at her as you flipped through the pages, not understanding what the pages of text meant.
“The knife we pulled from you had an engraving in it, a crest.” Cordelia explained, “It traced back to a group of witch hunters that has been around since before my mother was supreme, a group we thought had been eliminated, Delphi Trust.”
“Your ex’s family?” You asked, Cordelia nodding.
“I called in a favor with the FBI, got some information…” Cordelia said, swallowing thickly, “It wasn’t random, they didn’t just find you. It was a targeted hit. They went after you because you were close to me. They had been following us for months, and I handed you right to them.”
“You didn’t know…” You began, but your girlfriend silenced you, pointing to the binder.
You scanned over the pages again, names and photos and addresses. You flipped through the pages, Cordelia speaking as you did, “I thought the protection spell would be enough to protect you, and it did, but it wasn’t enough.”
You stopped, looked up, “You put a protection spell on me?”
Cordelia waved you off, motioning for you to keep reading, flipping the pages to find pages upon pages of arrest warrants, “I didn’t want to tell you until it was all done. I didn’t want you to worry…”
You flipped and flipped and flipped, there had to be at least 200 of them. With the sheer amount, it should have taken months to compile this much research. You processed for a moment, trying to put together what all of this meant, “You got them all?”
Cordelia shook her head, “I still don’t know. From what we could figure out, all of the smaller groups that have popped up were started by them.” Another head shake, “We got as many as we could find, but not all the arrests have been made yet.”
“You did all this… in a month… for me?” You asked, Cordelia nodding hesitantly, “When did you sleep?”
“I wanted you to feel safe.” Cordelia said, beginning to rant as she dodged the question, “When they told me you left, I was so worried, I just stood by the door for days and…”
You vaulted off the bed then, darting across the room and crushing your lips to the supreme’s. She squealed in surprise, eyes going wide before fluttering shut, one hand snaking behind your back, the other tangling in your hair and tugging you closer. The kiss was delicate and soft and so, so different than the desperate one you had shared the night previous. When you parted, Cordelia rested her forehead against yours, but instead of tears, she was smiling and laughing lightly, her breath fanning out over your face.
“I love you…” She breathed, stroking your face and staring at you with adoring eyes, “So much.”
“I love you, too.” You said, beginning to chuckle, “But you’re an idiot.”
You squealed when Cordelia pinched at your ribs, jumping back, but she nodded regardless, “I guess I deserve that.”
“You guess?” You scoffed, Cordelia biting her lip, her gaze drifting to the floor as the guilt was plastered clear on her features. You sighed, heading back towards the bed and climbing under the covers, “Come here.”
She quirked a brow, “I thought you wanted to get up?”
“Yea,” You said sarcastically, “That was when I was trying to avoid talking about my feelings. Now I demand cuddles.”
Cordelia laughed but complied, crawling up the bed and into your arms. You sat there for a moment, trying to savor the feeling, before you felt a question crawling out of the back of your throat, “Last night, what did you do to me?”
Cordelia went still for a moment before flipping onto her stomach, gazing at you as she ran her fingers through your hair, “I needed to see everything. I didn’t want you to lie to me.”
“I wouldn’t have lied to you.” You stated, “I would have told you everything.”
Cordelia gave you a soft smile, a knowing look in her eyes, “You would have told me what you knew to be true.”
You stared back, obviously confused, “What does that mean?”
Cordelia arched a brow, obviously testing you, “Tell me about your nightmares.”
You shook your head, “I’m not having nightmares.” Cordelia stared back at you with a victorious smirk, like you somehow just answered your own question, “I’m not, seriously.”
“You haven’t been sleeping.” Cordelia sighed.
“I’ve been sleeping like a rock.” You shot back.
“No, you haven’t.” Cordelia said, “You just think you have.”
“What does that even mean?” You exclaimed, looking for Cordelia to finally give you some sort of explanation, “I was sleeping all the time. I spent days just sleeping.”
Now it was Cordelia’s turn to look back at you in disbelief, “You really don’t remember any of it?”
You threw up your hands, “Obviously not.”
Cordelia shook her head, finally pulling away from you and sitting up on the bed, “What do you remember?”
“From which point?” You asked.
Cordelia didn’t know, she didn’t know what you knew, “Start from the beginning. When do you remember waking up?”
You shook your head, “I asked you how long I was out for and you said four days.”
Cordelia’s eyes went wide in recognition, before narrowing again, “That’s the first thing you remember?” You nodded, forehead creasing as you waited for her to explain, “That makes sense.”
“How does that make sense?” You asked.
“I was confused when you asked me…” Cordelia began, stopping and shaking her head before explaining, “That wasn’t the first time you woke up.”
You tilted your head, “So when was it?”
“The day after.” Cordelia said, “You woke up screaming about… hands? Or someone holding you down?” Recognition must have flashed across your features, the supreme nodding her head before she continued, “I tried to calm you down, but you just kept fighting me. We had to give you a sedative because you ripped your stitches open.”
You could tell from the look on her face that it pained her, and you regretted ever asking her to elaborate, but she continued, “It didn’t work well. Even when you were awake, you weren’t really there, but you also wouldn’t sleep for more than an hour at a time. When you woke up, you would just scream, and nothing seemed to help.”
You watched a tear drip down her cheek, your thumb quickly raising to brush it away. “Delia…” You tried, “You don’t have to…”
Cordelia gave you a sad smile, shaking her head, “We switched to a different sedative after that, and I guess that’s when you actually woke up.”
You thought that was the end of it, nodding as you tried to pull her back to you, but she was stiff. “Delia,” You tried, “It’s fine. I haven’t had a nightmare since then, so the new medication must have worked.”
Cordelia eyed you, obviously thinking you were joking, but you remained serious. “You don’t remember any of it, do you?” She asked, her eyes full of concern once again.
“Remember what?” You asked, laughing under your breath, “There’s nothing to remember. Every time you gave me those meds, I was knocked out cold.”
The look on Cordelia’s face was enough to pull you into a seated position, eyes searching hers as she looked right through you. Your brows furrowed as you watched her fish through her mind and replay every memory, adding context she hadn’t even bothered to give you yet. “You don’t remember any of it.” She whispered, “Oh my god.”
“Care to clue me in?” You asked, trying to stave off the uneasy feeling that had begun swirling in your gut.
Cordelia met your eyes again, schooling her features as she cleared her throat, “You weren’t sleeping, at least not for more than a few hours. I was up with you all night.”
You shook your head, but Cordelia continued, “We figured out if I gave you the medication right before dinner, you would sleep until the sun was down, and you wouldn’t go back to sleep until sunrise.”
You stared at your girlfriend, perplexed, “Why don’t I remember that?”
“It must have been the medication.” Cordelia said, shaking her head, “Some sort of twilight phase or memory loss?”
You sniffled, trying to keep the tears at bay. It felt stupid to cry over something like this, something that really didn’t amount to anything, but you couldn’t help feeling like your own body had betrayed you. “You were there?” You asked, “All night?”
Cordelia nodded, hand reaching up to brush away the tears that had started to fall against your own will, “Of course I was.” Cordelia watched your face crumple, eyes tracking back and forth as she tried to think of why, her own face dropping at the realization.
When you were screaming about how she wasn’t there, she had assumed you meant the attack. It made the most logical sense. After all, she left you stranded on the other side of town, it was only natural that you would blame her. But if what you said was true, if you had no recollection after you were given the sedative, then it would seem that she wasn’t there at all.
“I’m so sorry.” Cordelia choked out, “I thought…”
You wiped at your eyes, clearing your throat as you attempted to school your features, “It’s not your fault.”
Cordelia shook her head, swiping at her own face, “Is that why you fought me?”
You nodded, feigning a chuckle, “I thought you were drugging me, so we didn’t have to talk.”
“No,” Cordelia said firmly, her voice cracking, “Oh god, no.”
“Then why didn’t you talk to me?” You cried, “It was weeks, Cordelia.”
The way Cordelia looked at you made you feel like you had truly lost your mind, like you were stuck in some delusion that she couldn’t figure out how to break. She reached for your hands, but you pulled them away, feeling a pressure build up inside your chest, but as quickly as it had come, it was gone. It was difficult to face the idea that everything that had happened in the past few weeks had been your minds own fabrication, it’s futile attempt to fill in the gaps, but it was true. She wasn’t looking at you like that to hurt you, the delusion wasn’t fabricated, it was real.
Cordelia’s mouth moved against empty words, trying but failing to offer you any sort of explanation, and you shook your head, “I need to see it.”
“What?” Cordelia asked.
“I need to see it.” You repeated, “I need to do whatever you did to me.”
“I don’t think…” Cordelia began, but you cut her off.
 “Obviously, there’s something I’m missing. Please.” You pleaded.
 “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” Cordelia reassured, reaching for your hands, but you pulled away.
You shook your head, “I need to see it.”
You could see the hurt in her eyes, then the deliberation. As much as you tried to force the issue, truly she had all the power. You needed her for it to work, her mind, her abilities. She could easily tell you no, and it would be over, but you knew her too well. Telling you no had always been her weak spot; it was how you managed to worm your way into her heart in the first place. She always swore she would never develop feelings for one of her girls, had stuck to the rule hard and fast. When she realized she cared for you more than the others, she did her best to avoid any interaction, hoping the feeling would dissipate, but when she backed off you pushed forward, and eventually, she broke.
“I’ll have to make a spell.” Cordelia finally said, you nodding in return, “There’s no guarantee it will work, but I’ll try.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling yourself physically deflate, “Thank you.”
You could see the hesitance still clear on her features, her unsure eyes and the way she was chewing on her bottom lip, but she pushed it aside and offered you a small smile, opening her arms, “Now, come here.”
You crawled across the bed, practically throwing yourself into her lap, drawing a giggle out of her as her arms enveloped you. You buried your head in her chest as she pressed kisses to your hairline, her arms tightening around you and squeezing as she rocked back and forth slightly, whispering, “My beautiful girl.”
You looked up at her, only to see her eyes glassy. “Hey,” You whispered, bringing your hand to her cheek, “I’m right here. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Cordelia said, shaking her head and pressing another kiss to yours, “I just… I thought I wasn’t going to get to do this again.”
“Me too.” You whispered, nuzzling into her neck, mostly to hide the fact that you also were on the verge of tears. You knew what she was referring to, the doubt and uncertainty that had plagued you for the past month, but not once did you stop to consider that she was feeling it as well, and while you still weren’t entirely sure what transpired in the past month, you did know your girlfriend.
As much as she tried to put on a brave face in front of the girls, you knew how sensitive she truly was, how she took every little hiccup to heart. You were the one who was there when that tough resolve crumbled, and every inadequacy she felt she had, came to the surface. She felt she was at fault if one of the girls so much as skinned their knee, so you could only imagine what was running through her mind when you came back with a knife wound.
“I thought you hated me.” She admitted, gripping you tighter when she felt you trying to pull away, but you were only doing that so you could look at her properly.
“I could never hate you.” You said, cupping her face with both hands, “Not in a million years. The only thing I could even think about was making it home to you.”
Cordelia pressed her eyes closed, her entire face tensing as she was desperately trying not to cry, but a few tears slipped down her cheeks regardless, and you were quick to kiss them away, pressing a final kiss on the tip of her nose, causing her eyes to flutter back open. “I love you.” She breathed, pressing her forehead to yours, “So damn much.”
“I love you, too.”
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dreamypqulson · 1 year ago
Hi :) i love your writing and was hoping you could do one wear Cordelia finds out y/n is sh on her thigh? Or something <3
— my love, mine all mine
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1500
warnings: self harm & depression
note: i got this request during my break so it’s a little old but i still wanted to write it cause it fits with my life right now!!!
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You stared blankly at your bloody thigh in front of you. With the blade still grasped in your hand you tried to breathe in, and hold for five seconds, and then let it all out. It would help they told you. It would take away the misery until you didn't feel like hurting yourself anymore.
But you laughed a little as you watched the blood drip. It felt good and that was the worst part. You wanted to keep going. You almost did. You wanted the thoughts to shut up for a minute. But right as the blade lightly touched your flesh, there was a knock at the door.
And it snapped you out of it for a minute. Really, how long were you sitting on the cold bathroom floor for? Had anyone really noticed your absence or do they just need to get into the bathroom?
"Mhm?" You hummed, shaky but nonetheless clear.
"Are you okay, darling? You disappeared on me." Right as you heard that sweet familiar voice, you bounced off of the floor. Frantically, you grabbed a tissue and applied pressure to the broken skin after hiding the blade in the back of the cabinet.
"Yeah, sorry. I'll be out in a minute."
Cordelia didn't know about what was going on. Of course, she knows you struggle with mental health, but she'd hadn't yet found out about your legs. And you weren't planning on telling her.
By the way that you spoke, she felt like something was wrong. And, naturally, she wouldn't back down. She needed to help you with whatever was wrong.
"Can I come in?" She jiggled the doorknob but it was locked. You don't ever lock doors.
The blood leaked through the thin tissue and you cursed under your breath. You couldn't clean up with a wash cloth right now. You wouldn't have enough time to hide the evidence.
You looked up at the door and your blood ran cold. Answer her! You have to answer her before she comes in!
You pulled your sweatpants back up and flushed away the bloody tissues down the toilet so she couldn’t see them in the trash. "I'm coming," you said, and at this point, you were out of breath from the verge of a panic attack.
You opened the door and Cordelia's eyes widened. You were clearly frantic and you tried so hard to not cringe at the feeling of your pants rubbing against your raw cuts.
"Are you okay?" She asked again, but now she's more suspicious. You just nod your head and walk right by her. She follows you as you throw yourself on the bed.
Something doesn't feel right to her, but she tries to make it better by laying beside you and kissing you. You started to giggle looking over at her and for a moment, you completely forget about everything that just happened. She does too.
It isn't until she looks down that her eyes widen. And you're always so cautious about getting caught that your heart immediately drops.
"Why are you bleeding?" She asks, and sits up. You sit up too, and that's when you notice the patch of crimson on your thigh. Of course you'd just happen to be wearing grey sweatpants.
"Shit," you angrily curse, and start to get up off the bed. "I'm not sure. I'll go check it out though."
You try to head towards the bathroom but Cordelia grabs your arm so you can't move. You're fucked and you know it. "No, y/n. Why are you bleeding? Do not lie to me."
You always want Cordelia when you're injured or sick, so it was unusual for you to go run off. And after you acting strange in the bathroom, she was starting to think that she knew what is going on.
"I'm not lying, Cordelia! Are you serious right now?" Your voice raised slightly, going into a defensive mode, but Cordelia was quick to calm you.
"Hey, shh, shh. None of that. Just be honest with me, sweetie, i'm not mad." She reached up and cupped your cheek. Your lip started to tremble and you couldn't hold back the waterfall of tears. You couldn't bring yourself to tell her. "Are you hurting yourself?" She asks gently.
All you do is nod, and the waterworks stream heavier down your face. You simply shatter and Cordelia wraps her arms around you like she's trying to hold every piece of you together. "Oh, my baby. Okay, shh. It’s okay," the blonde cooes in your ear, rubbing calming circles into your back.
Her warm arms and floral scent keeps you grounded. You feel safe. Maybe it is okay.  "Do you want to talk about it, my lovely? Or no?"
You shake your head. You're too tired, and you don't feel like explaining everything. It's too much, too heavy, and you feel too weak.
"Okay. That's okay. Can I at least clean them for you? I don't want my girl getting an infection."
For once you speak up a quiet, "yes that's okay," and it hurts but you know that you’re being too nonresponsive already and you feel like a lot of work right now.
Cordelia grabs your hand and brings you back into the bathroom. She waits for your permission with her fingers resting on the waistband of your sweatpants. She'd wait here forever until you were ready. But you feel like you’ve already wasted so much of her time.
You nod your head and then Cordelia starts to slide your pants down your legs and you want her to stop. You want to take your permission back but you can't seem to talk. You can't seem to do anything and, god, you feel like you can't even breathe.
She doesn't gasp when she sees your bloody thigh. Her face doesn't contort into disgust. She looks so soft and gentle and you wonder how someone could be so pure enough to love someone like you.
She lifts you onto the bathroom counter. You don't even notice that you moved at first.
And even as Cordelia was looking straight at the bloody cuts, you still felt the need to lie and tell her that you weren't hurting actually yourself. It didn't feel real. Almost like you were shoved into another persons body with all of these scars and hurt on it.
You notice Cordelia looking at your whole thigh, how she can see all the old scars there. It hurts the most for her to see recent ones. Ones she can tell have been from the past weeks, even days, and she had absolutely no clue about it until now.
"I want you to tell me, my love," she says, so softly, and smiles gently too like she's not talking about you hurting yourself. "Okay? Whenever you feel like this, come to me, baby."
You nod simply, like it's the easiest task in the world. But you're not sure that you'll be able to even do that. You can see the pain and worry on Cordelia's face beneath that smile, and you don't want to hurt her anymore.
She grabs your hand, holds it there tightly. She knows you always like to hold it when you're upset or nervous, or even when you get shots at the doctors. She doesn't need to tell you that you're allowed to squeeze it; you already know you can.
Cordelia dabs away the blood with a wet cloth. It sends a sting throughout your entire body. You squeeze her hand and bite your lip hard enough to draw blood. All Cordelia can say is, "I know, I know, baby. I'm sorry. I'm almost done." And you wonder why she's apologizing. I did this. I brought this on myself. It's my fault.
Cordelia gently applies some antiseptic to your cuts and then she adds some band-aids on top. They're not the boring tan ones either. They're colorful and it even puts a smile on your face because it's such a Cordelia thing to do.
"There we go. All better," she says, as if cutting yourself wasn't the scariest thing in the world for her. But right now it is all better. You're bandaged up and Cordelia is holding your hand and smiling at you. Right now you don't hurt as much.
She leans forward and places a kiss on your nose. You crinkle it up and giggle at her. "You're so pretty, ya know." And it's not a question. She's not asking if you know that you're pretty. Because she knows that you really don't think you are. Especially not like this. But it doesn't matter right now. She just needs you to know that she thinks it so then it has to be true.
You're gonna cry again because your heart feels so tender, but then Cordelia is talking again and you get lost away in her voice. "How about we go have some hot cocoa by the fire? You feel like a little icicle." She says it like nothing has changed. Like she hadn't just found out that you're really a danger to yourself.
And you nod because you're still the same person you were to her thirty minutes ago. You still love cuddling her by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate that she made you. That hasn't changed, neither has her love for you.
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marchsfreakshow · 1 month ago
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Suprises Of Love
Suggestive Fluff
I got inspired. I love my wife. <3
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The hotel was as you remembered it.
Dull, red and quiet.
Residents floating in and out of their rooms and down the halls.
You walked until you came across room 64. And you heard her scream "Say it!" It had to be. It had to be Sally. You were considerably older than in your late 20s, but, you figured that wouldn't matter.
Knocking, you peeked through the door, and immediately met her eyes. Ignoring the passed out man on the bed. "Sally. Hi.." you said quietly, breathless almost.
She whispered your name, hesitantly stood up and uncharacteristically rushed towards you. Closing the door behind you as your arms went around her middle. "I missed you....god I missed you. You're so.." she murmured into your neck, arms trailing your back, your hair, your ass momentarily. "You're older..."
"You're dead."
A heartless chuckle left her, sticking to the crook of your neck. It was the truth and she hated hearing it sometimes. "Don't tell me that."
"awe what, my honey pie doesn't like the truth?" You teased, pulling her closer, gripping onto her dress as you kissed the side of her head. Sally simply rolled her eyes and pulled you back towards one of the chairs in the room. You sat down and pulled Sally onto your lap, tugging her as close as possible.
You started to kiss her neck again, hands softly roaming again. Sally went weak from your touch, barely able to say anything back. "You're still so, cute and weak... keeping busy without me huh?"
"When you die...you need to die here...I can't have you leave me again."
"Well I certainly don't plan on leaving you... whenever people ask, I tell them I'm married to a lovely woman, who has an eye for art deco, a sweet sinner...I wouldn't change anything about her." You muttered, losing yourself in Sally again.
You probably could do this until the day you died. She'd keep you here until you died of old age and she'd still want to touch you the way you were touching her.
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camillelespanayesbtch · 7 months ago
✨Sarah Paulson Masterlist✨
!!!NO MINORS!!! 18+
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Diane Sherman: Eyes boring a way through me Paralyze, controlling completely
Diane Sherman: Co-com-comparison is killing me slowly...And I’m so sick of myself, rather be, rather be. Anyone, anyone else
Diane Sherman, Ally Mayfair: We're Making Reasons To Destroy Our Believing. I See You Looking At Me, and Now I Don't Know Who To Believe
Diane Sherman: Pick Your Poison
Billie Dean Howard: Strangers to Friends, Friends into Lovers, and Strangers Again P1, P2
Billie Dean Howard: Maybe You'll Start Slipping Slowly And Find Me Again
Wilhemina Venable, Billie Dean Howard: I see darkness in you
Billie Dean Howard, Audrey Tindall: Open hand or closed fist would be fine. The blood is red and sweet as cherry wine
Wilhemina Venable: You stalker, watcher, psychopath (There's only one Wilhemina Fucking Venable)
Wilhemina Venable: Think About Your Hero, When You’re At Ground Zero
Cordelia Goode: Baby’s Got Trouble. Don’t Know How To Live. Don’t Want To Die
Sally McKenna: Hate To See Your Heart Break
Xandra Terrell: There Is Something About The Way You Are That Makes Me (Sigh)
Audrey Tindall: You're The Next Drew Barry, And I Want More
Alice Macray: I Pray For Forgiveness You Can't Grant Me.
Mildred Ratched: I Wanna Be Your Bubblegum Bitch
More on my AO3: TindallsGal
Wilhemina Venable X Cordelia Goode: I brought you daffodils on a pretty string, but they won't flower like they did last spring.
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heartzz4yuuuu · 3 months ago
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sarah paulson is a lesbian vampire:
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honeysorwell · 5 months ago
Two hearts can fix everything 
Pairing: Wilhemina Venable x fem!Reader 
Word Count: 1,3k
Tag list: @paulsonix​​ @d14n4ol​​ @harknspet​ @strawberryshorttcakkee and if any of you want to be added just let me know!
Summary: Wilhemina Venable. A strange name, but one that has never caused a stir in the redhead's life. However, when a new coffee shop opens near Kineros Robotics, her unusual name is what brings Wilhemina and Y/N together. Charmed by Y/N's sweet smile, Wilhemina doesn't have the courage to correct the barista when she spells her name wrong every time the redhead orders a coffee and, as time goes by, a feeling grows in Wilhemina's heart and she is tempted to almost add an I and an L to her register.
But one day, this little misunderstanding has to end.
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A/N: Hello! i'm back with something new! 
fuck… I miss good fanfiction, so I got inspired and finally fell ok with writing again for this social network after all this time, and nothing better than writing about this pretty redhead who lives in our hearts... 
I have in mind five chapters to this fanfic (to be really specific), but if you all like this I can extend the fanfic to 7 or 8 chapters, just like I did with (a very unprofessional) game changer . 
As I said last time, English is not my first language so something might sound strange, but as always, I did my best.
Anyway this is basically a coffee shop au (mix w 5 times +1) were the cute barista keeps misspelling the other persons name but it's been too long now so the person don't even know how to tell them that without it being 100% awkward BUT happy ending included! And they are cute!! 
Synopsis of the story + Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Chapter 1
The first time that it happened, Wilhemina was supposed to go home after a really long day of work, because she couldn't be more irritated on a Monday. Jeff and Mutt started the week smelling like cheap booze and both extremely tipsy, stumbling between the rooms of Kineros Robotics while laughing for no reason at all. Even though the redhead knows that their brains are absolutely useless for anything, she still finds herself getting irritated by their lack of professionalism. And this irritability gives her a headache right away.
The redhead took an antibiotic for the pain, even though her back wasn't bothering her, silently and uselessly wishing that the relaxing medicinal effect would be directed at the throbbing pain in the middle of her forehead. Her primary instinct is to simply get into her car and go home, but as she leaves the building where she works, a sign shines in the sunset across the street and consequently catches Wilhemina's attention.
The sign had been ready for a few days now, full of green plants and eye-catching flowers to the point that the redhead believed it was a flower shop. But now it is clear, thanks to the colorful and festive letters that basically scream “Gardenhouse Coffee”, that it is a coffee shop.
And the redhead simply knows that she will not like it there.
Wilhemina can see, just through the ornate glass of the colored windows, that this is not the kind of place she frequents. It is a mix of shades of green, yellow, purple, pink and blue that contaminate the redhead's vision. She knows that she cannot call it ugly, because even though it is confusing it does not seem ugly. It is just not for her. Definitely not for her.
But when the redhead's headache worsens, as a reminder of her current situation, Wilhemina imagines that, perhaps, there is no harm in visiting the place. After all, the cause of her headache could be the lack of coffee in her day. It made sense since she did not drink coffee in the morning and also did not stop her work for it at any time during the day.
And suddenly, getting rid of this pain quickly turns out so important to Venable that she crosses the street and enters the coffee shop right away.
The inside is not as bad as the facade. There are wooden tables with several plants in different colors, but with green and brown staying everything seems to make more sense. The place is busy, but everyone is already seated at their respective tables and engaged in parallel conversations, and knowing that she doesn't have to wait for anyone to place her order or stand under the gaze of strangers while waiting for a measly coffee makes Wilhemina calmer.
The coffee shop is not as small as Wilhemina imagined looking from the outside, and part of the redhead is surprised to discover that only one woman works there. She wears a light brown apron with some plants printed on it, as well as the name of the coffee shop and a name tag.
The name is written clearly, in a size acceptable to be seen from a distance and with beautiful handwriting. But what really catches Wilhemina's attention is her face. Y/N has bright eyes and a smile that seems to shine in the middle of the coffee shop, as if she were a being oblivious to all the evils of the world. And Wilhemina almost gets scared when her eyes shine with a kind of natural affection directly in her direction.
“Hello, welcome to Gardenhouse Coffee! How can I help you?”, her voice is also soft, full of joy and Wilhemina can’t decide if she likes it or not.
“Just the menu.”, the redhead didn’t mean to, but her voice came out less inviting than she anticipated.
“Here. Just let me know if you need anything, or if something on the menu is confusing.”
“I believe I can find myself on a sheet of paper. Thank you.”
Y/N doesn’t answer her, just nods and focuses her gaze on her own counter, as if looking for something to do besides looking at the redhead. When Venable focuses her gaze on the menu, she notices that the names are absurd. Full of lame puns, or ingredients that are not very inviting to her, and Wilhemina has absolutely no time for any of that, especially when her head starts to hurt again. So, she doesn't bother to look at the entire menu to turn her attention to the waitress in front of her.
"I'll just have a strong coffee, medium size. Black, no sugar or anything else.", as the words slip past her lips, Wilhemina slides the menu to the counter again, and as she does so she can see that Y/N notices that she is not available for any silly conversation in the middle of this sale, and the redhead feels grateful for that since her head continues to hurt more and more with each second.
"It's on its way! What's your name?", the waitress's smile is there again, but the question confuses Wilhemina.
Why does she want Wilhemina's name if she is the only one inn line there waiting for a coffee? And honestly, a simple, regular coffee doesn't take long to make so there's no chance that Y/N will forget what to do or to who it is directed before it is ready.
The redhead thinks about being unpleasant and asking questions in a loud and clear tone for everyone to hear, questioning the attendant's IQ until the incessant smile disappears from her face, but her head is about to throb without pause so Wilhemina just answers quickly before watching Y/N work.
"Venable. Wilhemina Venable."
Maybe it would be better for her back to just sit down, because the idea of ​​the pain in the center of her forehead being accompanied by a much more unpleasant one in the middle of her spine made her saliva taste bitter. But sitting carefully in chairs that seem too low, and then having to get up to leave with the same care, both to avoid hurting herself and to avoid attracting curious looks, is so exhausting that perhaps the first option is actually the best on a comparative scale.
It's official, she prefers to stand and only sit down when she is really comfortable and without pitying looks on her, in her car.
Trying to use the time she has in a profitable way, the redhead takes her wallet out of her bag and then her card, but as soon as she looks up, she sees Y/N writing something down in a cup filled with a dark liquid that Wilhemina could swear is hers.
It really was fast.
The cup is handed to her with a sweet smile, and Wilhemina almost feels obliged to mirror it, even if it was with a slight robotic lift of her lips, but then she sees it.
At another time, Venable would have stared at the striking and beautiful line of the barista's handwriting on the glass, or even the two drawn hearts that accompanied it, but the error in her name screams so loudly in her ears that she can barely think of anything else while staring at the hot drink.
If the redhead were living an ordinary day, her first reaction would be to complain to the person in charge and ask the bright-eyed barista if she was illiterate. After all: an I and an L, really?
But her head hurt so much, her body was really tired and crying out for a shower, and her knees were now tired of supporting her weight.
Wilhemina really just wanted to go home. And so the redhead just grabbed the cup and gave the barista a polite nod before heading out of that rainbow-shaped nightmare, not caring if Y/N had said a word to her.
After all, Wilhemina wouldn't go back there.
The coffee must be bad, so she doesn't care if her name is spelled wrong.
She wouldn't go back there anyway.
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stayevildarling · 2 months ago
Cordelia Goode x Reader- Hidden Desires
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A/N: based on this request 🤍
tw/tags: nsfw, smut, mommy kink, enchanted strap on, breeding kink, blowjob
word count: 3.5k
@lunaticwhittaker , @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay @whitelotus00 , @ninaahelvar , @paulsonsratched , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometimes , @wastdstime , @p1pecleanerwitheyes , @queen2234 , @ihartnat , @lifebyinez , @ahsatanizgay, @laavaagirl, @wtfffisgoingonn
The days had grown colder lately, a constant chill in the air whenever you left the academy and stepped into the world. Today in particular it had been so cold that you could feel it trying to enter the safe academy but the fireplace and warm atmosphere kept it warm always. When you woke beside your lover Cordelia that morning, your eyebrows furrowed, it being more whiter and lighter than it should be and as you took a glimpse out the window, you saw the snow covered gardens, feeling a little excited.
With the weekend approaching, the witches had left to do their own things for the next two days, either going to their families or activities outside the coven which- as much as you loved them- you appreciated having Delia to yourself and by your side. The supreme and you needed to do one more thing tonight, a council meeting at another coven before being able to enjoy the weekend together. The two of you had talked about going on a nice walk to a lake nearby, possibly even ice skating or for dinner one night. So far today, you both had breakfast together, Cordelia making you some pancakes, giggling together and speaking about anything and everything.
During lunch she worked in her office, giving you some time to adjust for the upcoming week, preparing your own classes for the witches and doing some housework around the academy. Eventually, the two of you reconnected over some coffee, sitting on the supreme‘s lap as she made you smile, booping your nose and holding you close as the world outside faded, snowflakes falling softly in the background and completing the scene. The blonde was mostly ready and so you decided to leave her for a moment, taking a quick shower before getting ready and dressed for the council meeting.
As soon as you stepped away from the kitchen table, entering the bathroom, your phone chimes and Cordelia brushes it off, focusing on her coffee and the warmth her favorite mug provided. But when it buzzed again and again, curiousity gets the better of her and she glances over your lockscreen, some notifications coming into view, your favorite photo of the supreme and you set as your background photo. She furrows her eyebrows when she sees it‘s from tumblr as she had no idea you used the app to begin with. Her eyes dart back to the stairs you ascended moments ago before putting your phone down and walking to the sink and washing her cup. Her eyes dart back to your phone and she can‘t help herself as she unlocks it, her face ID set on it as well as neither of you had secrets ever.
The supreme clicks on the app before seeing your account but when she swipes the notification her eyebrows raise in surprise, seeing a set of photos with a character of a show the two of you had watched a little while ago after you suggested it. By the time she reads the title and shortly after the warnings, she quickly connected the dots, realizing this was a work of fiction. But then her eyes dart back to the warnings and she gulps as she realizes just what you had been reading, realizing you are on the persons taglist for further updates on the story. Mommy kink, Enchanted Strap-On, Blow Job, Degradation, Breeding. Her eyes read over the words over and over again, in disbelief you are actually into these kinds of things. She can‘t help herself from exploring further, clicking on your profile and seeing how you had shared the specific storie‘s other chapters with hashtags that she couldn‘t quite believe.
The two of you had been keeping things casual, you having been at the academy for years and there always having been a spark between you both but the blonde struggling to accept her feelings after her past but eventually doing so and the two of you having been together for months. Of course you had been intimate but things had been mostly vanilla so far, neither of you quite sure what the other one liked yet but Cordelia had no idea you were into these specific things. With a swift motion she closes the app and locks your phone, going on her own and googling the specific story so she could read it later on tonight and do some of her own research. If this was what you were into- she was going to make sure you could experience it, the supreme enjoying those things a little more than she had led you to believe and wanting to take things slow with you.
By the time you make it back downstairs, you see the supreme waiting with her keys and you join her, your girlfriend opening the car door for you and treating you like her little princess as always. „You look great“ she whispers before kissing your cheek and beginning to head to the nearby academy. But there was something different about her tonight and you could tell. The way her fingers tapped against the steering wheel, the way she hummed along to the songs and how she seemed a million miles away. Even during the council meeting you could tell she wasn‘t truly herself and you couldn‘t help yourself once you both got a break, finding her before checking in. „You okay Delia?“ you ask before she nods reassuringly, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
But even that night she seemed preoccupied and you couldn‘t quite place what was bothering her until the next day. It started innocently enough, the two of you enjoying breakfast together before the blonde disappeared into the greenhouse for a while. About an hour later, she finds you in the living room, the fireplace keeping you warm as you are snuggled in a blanket, skipping through the tv and eventually settling on a programme. She sits down beside you before opening her arms and you settle into her before a sense of quiet washes over you, happy to have the supreme in your arms and the weekend to yourselves. Her fingers trail down your back before she glances at you, watching your eyes focused on the TV.
„You know“ she begins, catching your attention as you glance at her. „That show you made us watch a while ago?“ she asks casually as you glance back at the TV. „Hmm which one?“ you ask, remembering quiet a few the two of you had watched recently. „You know the one with the witches?“ she asks and you nod before smiling „Agatha all along?“ and she nods „That‘s the one“. There is silence for a little bit as you both glance back to the television before you snap out of it. „What about it Dee?“ you ask as you miss the slight smirk curling on her lips. „You really liked that woman didn‘t you? Agatha?“ she asks and you nod, not quite understanding the little game she is playing yet. „Yeah she‘s cool“ you brush her off casually before she carries on, not nearly done with you yet.
„Because it turns out“ she carries on as her hand travels from your back a little lower. „I stumbled upon your tumblr profile a few days ago and sweetheart- I did not expect that“ she laughs a little as your eyes snap open and head turns towards her in an instant. „You um.. what?“ you ask a little dumbfounded as you suddenly remember every single one of your posts and how much you had been thirsting over your favorite celebrities and shows on there. „How did you find it?“ you ask before she tuts a little „Well sweetie, it doesn‘t help if you use the same username for every single social media platform“ she chuckles and you gulp, knowing she was right about that one for sure. „But what made you think of tumblr specifically?“ you ask, trying to take the attention away from what she probably saw a little.
„Well remember when you were in the shower yesterday? your phone kept buzzing and I thought it may be important but it turns out it was just some Agatha story“ she explains, so casually and composed it causes your heart to beat ten times faster than before. There is silence again as you bite the inside of your lip, your cheeks burning red at this point. „I had no idea you enjoyed little stories like that and I gotta say that one was… suprising“ she teases as your eyes widen further. „You mean.. you read it?“ you ask, unsure whether this may be a fever dream after all. „I did and I especially enjoyed your little hashtag reviews. What was it again?“ she asks, causing your whole body to tremble under her intense gaze and her words. „Please Mommy? I need this?“ she recalls your words and you avoid her gaze, feeling utterly embarrassed about the whole thing but your legs squeezing together nevertheless at her suggestive tone.
„Oh don‘t be embarassed darling, I had no idea you were into those things“ she coos as her hand meets your chin, fingers gently tilting you back towards her gaze. „You know the good thing is.. I‘m the supreme after all so an enchanted strap is no big deal if that‘s what you want sweet girl“ she explains casually and your eyes widen yet again, mouth hanging slightly open at her words. You knew Cordelia was more experienced than you, knowing she was into kinky stuff as well as she would undeniably always be on top but you could tell she was often holding back that side of her and with how new things had been between you and how slow you had been taking it, it didn‘t bother you at all. But hearing her words you feel both in disbelief but at the same time more turned than you ever had been before.
Both of your eyes lock as your own dart between her eyes and lips, feeling a deep hunger and desire taking over, wanting nothing more than to experience those things with her. In a brave attempt you move closer, capturing her lips in your own and the supreme isn‘t holding back, her hand moving to the back of your head and pulling you in further, tongue swiping over your bottom lip making you moan in response before entering your mouth and exploring you. „Delia please“ you whine after a minute of intense kissing before she smirks into the kiss. „If you want all of those things sweetie, I‘m gonna need you to say it“ she explains and you fake pout as you look at her with big doe eyes. „Please Delia?“ you whine but she shakes her head with a chuckle. „Adress me properly darling“ she instructs and your eyebrows furrow, too taken back by your own desire and how the afternoon had turned out to think straight, not that you ever were.
„Please Ms Supreme?“ you try in a desperate attempt, lunging forward again and hands finding her collar, pulling slightly, remembering she enjoyed when you called her that once. „Nuh uh“ she tuts and you look at her when you realize what she wants. „I can‘t“ you whisper, suddenly feeling utterly shy and embarrassed. „Come on darling, I know this is what you want“ she whispers as she reaches your ear, nibbling on it gently. In a swift motion, she lays you down, the supreme climbing on top of you as she begins kissing your neck, leaving marks that you were sure would stay for weeks to come. Her mouth explores your body, almost like she usually would, but there was a newfound hunger and desire and it drove you insane as your moans filled the quiet living room.
She didn‘t waste much time, with a flick of her wrist ridding you of your entire clothing, a pile appearing on the floor beside you while she remains fully dressed on top of you. Her eyes dart to your trembling hands, taking one of them and squeezing as she begins kissing down your chest, finding your hardened nipples and taking one into her mouth, swirling her tongue and keeping eye contact with you, as you try hard to keep your own eyes open, feeling like you might explode any second from this alone. Before things get any more heated and before she goes near where you need her, she stands abruptly, causing your eyes to rip open as she begins undressing herself, slow and gentle and so Cordelia. Before you can speak, she flicks her wrist again, the strap tugged on her waist, causing you to gasp as you see the dildo and how undeniably hot your girlfriend looks like that.
„All you need to do is say the words“ she teases with a smirk and you fight through the trembling of your voice, the burned cheeks as you compose yourself, quickly sitting before glancing at her. In a swift motion you get on your knees, looking up at her before whispering „May I please, mommy?“ she smiles widely before nodding „Good girl“ the blonde praises before you put your hands around her, seeing the little sparkles of the incarnation and knowing it means she would feel everything you are about to do. You begin slow and almost teasingly, seeing how her chest heaves and her breathing hitches and while she forces her eyes closed, you take your chance before taking her into your mouth. Just the tip at first, never having done this before and only so far have read about it in fanfiction. „Oh god“ she cries out as you keep pushing her further into your mouth, supressing the need to gag and not taking her fully as she chose a rather large toy after all.
Her pupils blow as her hands fist your hair, gently guiding you back and forth, feeling every sensation of your mouth and tongue and internally grateful she decided to snoop through your phone the day before. In a swift motion she pulls you up gently, taking you into her arms before laying you back down on the large sofa. As she lays you down, she balances on her knees, the two of you suddenly feeling the urge and need to experience this together, not caring about anymore foreplay or the usual stuff. „Are you sure you want..“ she begins but you nod frantically „Yes mommy please“ you supress the need to scream in desperation as your desperate eyes find hers. „Okay okay“ she chuckles before carefully aligning herself with your wet core.
The second she slides her cock inside you you moan, the sensation unlike anything you had ever felt before. You had tried a toy on yourself before but this felt so much more like what you assume to be the real thing, seeing how she slowly sinks into you, her nipples hard, chest heaving and mouth agape as she bites her lips, suppressing the need to scream herself as she never anticipated this to feel that good. The supreme can feel how tight you are, your walls practically swallowing her hardened dick as she slowly begins moving her hips in synch with yours, hands frantically searching yours as the feeling almost takes her breath away. „Mommy“ you whisper as you throw your head to the side in pleasure, gripping her thighs, your nails leaving marks as you dig into the skin. But your girlfriend couldn‘t care less, the feeling of having you like this, feeling like she may be high.
The two of you quickly get addicted to the feeling and you couldn‘t deny how much it turned you on to have her on top of you, inside you and filling you up so well, praises falling from her lips as her hands explore your body and lips find yours hungrily. She changes positions after a while, the two of you desperate to try this together and eventually she has you wrapped around her body, legs around her as she carries you upstairs, the sofa suddenly too small for this. The blonde takes you to bed, the door slamming shut as she presses you against it, still inside you as tears stream down your cheeks from the pleasure, feeling your orgasm fast approaching. „Delia please“ you whine as she lays you down and before you know it you are on your stomach, the supreme behind you as she begins pounding into you from behind.
The only sound in the quiet bedroom and academy is the sound of skin slapping, Cordelia on her knees again as she pounds into you, no sign of any vanilla as this was so much more intense and intimate, her magic bounding you two as you can both feel each other‘s magic flowing through your veins. And considering she was the supreme, it only made the feeling stronger and the pure bliss streaming through your body. „Mommy please I‘m gonna“ you breathe but she stops you as her hand travels to your throat „Just a little longer darling, you are doing so well“ she praises and you nod as you force yourself to hold it in, the sensation driving you crazy. It doesn‘t take long before you are on your back again, the supreme now laying on top of you as your hips move in synch, lips hungrily finding each other and hearts beating in synch against each other‘s chests.
„You are so tight, god- you feel so good sweetie“ she whispers and you can‘t help the loud moan that follows when she speeds her movements. „Cordelia.. mommy please“ you cry, tears still flowing down your cheeks from the pure bliss of it all. Her hand finds your cheek, wiping them gently before she hungrily explores your mouth again. Despite your entire body about to give out, you begin arching your back, moving your hips into her and the new slight angle causes the older woman to moan as she feels her own orgasm approaching. „Please mommy cum for me- I want you to fill me up please“ you cry and her eyes close at hearing your words, using the last bit of her strength to go even deeper and faster and before you both know it, you feel her juices coating your walls, your cum dripping down her dick as your orgasms wash over you. „Oh sweetheart“ she pants as a gutteral scream escapes you.
Your girlfriend swallows the rest of your moans with her mouth, sweaty foreheads touching as your mouths are open, kissing and gasping for air all at the same time. Neither of you manage to move, hips still slowly moving as neither of you want this feeling to stop, the smell of honey and your mixed cums in the air and your ragged breathing echoing in the room. The sensation is beyond anything you had ever felt before, every single muscle in your body relaxing after tensing so much before, your heart tingling with love for your girlfriend.
There is silence for a while, the only sound in the room your ragged breathing mixing together and by the time you open your eyes, you see the blonde beautiful angel, her hair sprawled across your chest. Her eyes are closed as her fingers ghost over your skin and there is a faint smile on her lips. „Delia..“ you whisper and her eyes find yours as your eyes lock. „That was..“ you begin but she swallows your words by kissing you before whispering „I know sweet girl“. The blonde moves slightly and thats when the familiar tension returns to your core as you feel her moving inside you as she still hadn‘t pulled out of you, neither of you wanting the feeling to end.
And as your eyes meet again, the desire returns and she moves back gently before you take over, laying her down and climbing on top of her before you allign her by now hardened enchanged strap with your entrance again. Her eyes widen in disbelief as she watches you sink into her fully, a sigh of bliss escaping her as she watches you bounce on her, up and down, tits bouncing and eyes closing as you grip her hands. She holds you tightly in place, moving her hips to reach into you even deeper. „You‘re so hot Y/N“ she whispers as the two of you are about to reach your orgasm together again.
„I‘m so glad. - I accidentally read that“ the supreme pants underneath you and you smirk before whispering „Accidentally huh?“ and the two of you giggle for a moment before you turn your focus back on how you feel inside each other. And if one thing was for sure, there was not gonna be any vanilla sex anytime soon, not with how good Cordelia made you feel tonight and how this side of you turned your girlfriend even crazier for you.
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aboutcustardcreams · 2 years ago
Y/n: *knocks at the fridge’s door and waits*
Cordelia and Mina share a quizzical look
Y/n: *grins and knocks again*
Cordelia: *already struggles to keep a serious expression and turns to Mina* ask her, love
Mina: ask her what? *frowns*
Cordelia: just ask her why she is knocking at the fridge’s door or we won’t have any dinner tonight…
Y/n: *grins evilly in anticipation*
Mina: *sighs and tiredly rubs the root of her nose* sweetheart, why are you knocking at the fridge’s door?
Y/n: because … *stops dramatically to add suspense while Cordelia is already crying in laughter* there could be a salad dressing
Mina: *struggles to keep a serious expression*
Cordelia: *lying on the floor* HELP.
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lanawinters-ily · 2 years ago
The Purple Dragon
Wilhelmina Venable is the most unapproachable, untouchable individual you had ever met, yet she has a soft spot for you. Why?
Pairing: Wilhelmina Venable x Reader
Word Count: 1600
Warnings: mention of struggling with mental health
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Wilhelmina Venable was a complex individual. Stand-offish, rude, stubborn. The negative descriptions could go on, yet some element of you felt drawn to her.
Throughout your lifetime you had always sought out hidden meanings - in books, signs, & eventually people. Being a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason, meant that you always thought that people acted a certain way because of a certain thing.
There must be an explanation for everything - past or present. Whether this was a desire to control, or to balance the unknown in life, you didn’t know.
All that mattered was your inquisition. And consequently, this would lead you on the greatest adventure of your life.
You had known her for almost a year, the longest lasting assistant she had ever had. It could be due to your competence, your failure to give up, or possibly some element of Ms Venable.
However, this didn’t make working with the redhead any easier. She was called the ‘purple dragon’ for a reason; holding a fiery passion that most considered anger.
But not you.
Because of this, you had always treated Venable with the kindest of hearts. This was not unusual for you, but even the most saint-like person could crumble with one strike of the redhead’s stony glare. Luckily you had everlasting compassion when it came to even the most difficult of souls.
Well, not all the time.
It was a bad day. One of those days in which the bed is so comfy, so warm, so safe, that it seems impossible to leave. Your heart was heavy, & your mind even more so, dragging your body into the heavy depths; sinking & drowning as you were held down by the currents of numbness.
You should have called in sick, taken a day off for yourself, but you weren’t very good at doing this. Being a burden, a difficulty, seemed far worse than pulling yourself through the workday, so you chose to stumble into the office with the countenance of a particularly exhausted zombie.
Wilhelmina was also having a rough day, waking up with severe pain along her spine. This pain was not only physical, it also brought with it a fair share of mental anguish - mostly made up of resentment & irritation at her weakness.
What only made this worse was what the redhead discovered when she arrived at work. She had forgotten to bring her bag, & therefore, her medication.
Fuck, she cursed.
As the pain increased, she became even more aware of the fact that she couldn’t drive in this condition. She didn’t have a phone or any money either, so it’s not like she could call a taxi to pop home. Wilhelmina was just going to have to grit her teeth & bare it for the next few hours, hoping that the gods would spare her the agony just this once.
“Ms Venable? Are you alright?”
You had appeared in the doorway of Wilhelmina’s office, eyes worriedly scanning her hunched over figure.
The redhead snapped up into an unnoticeable posture, feigning normality despite the pained shudder that rippled through her body.
“I’m just fine Miss Y/L/N.”
It was her turn to do a double take, looking at you with narrowed eyes as she scrutinised your appearance.
“On the contrary, it seems that you are not.”
This was entirely in character for Ms Venable to make such a blunt observation, so you were used to it. However, for some reason, today it was the last straw.
You bursted into noisy tears & sank to the ground. Curled up into a ball, you sobbed uncontrollably, not even caring about who was watching. What you were crying about, you weren’t quite sure. All you knew was that you couldn’t take today, & your emotions had just spilled out in a violent flow.
All you wanted was to lay on this cold, uncomforting floor & fall asleep. Or disappear. Anything would be better than this.
"Hey, sh sh sh," a gentle voice shushed your sobs of despair.
The contrast in tone led you to believe that another of your colleagues had come to your rescue, yet you didn't recognize the voice. You looked up in confusion, only to be met with a blur of purple.
Ms Venable; formidable, heartless, cold Ms Venable was knelt next to you.
"Come on, little one. Let's get you up." She said in a whispered tone.
Half in shock, half still in despair, you allowed yourself to be led to the purple sofa by the window. Your body felt so numb, not feeling Ms Venable's tight grip, or the sofa material as you sank into it. All you could do was sit & stare blankly, too overwhelmed internally to make a sound.
A familiar hand just stroked through your messy hair, silently understanding that words were too much. Lulling you into a calm, dreamlike state, this repetitive motion was just what you needed.
As you caught your heavy breaths & your parasympathetic system took hold, Wilhelmina was facing her own battle.
Her back was still in agony, even more so after kneeling & supporting your weight. Yet, somehow, her heart hurt thrice as much.
She never wanted it to be this way. You were the kindest, sweetest, most gentle person she had ever met. There was an essence about you that was addictive to Wilhelmina, a perfume of lightness that she couldn't help but smell until she was perfectly dizzy with love.
That was the issue. Love.
"Ms Venable," you mumbled. "Your back, you can't be sitting like this it-"
"It's okay little one, I'm alright." She spoke gently. "And call me Wilhelmina."
You noticed. You saw her. If possible, the butterflies in Mina's stomach flew more frantically as she tried to control the deep blush that settled on her cheeks.
God, she felt like a lovesick teenager all of a sudden.
"Okay, Mina." You said cheekily, gaining some colour back to your previously pale disposition.
Wilhelmina gave you a stern look, but it was more a caricature of her usual demeanor, turned soft by you.
You both wanted to say something, but were simply lost in each other's eyes. Her pupils were a rich brown, so deep that you could wander in them for hours and never get bored.
Without warning, she moved closer to you, resting her hand onto your knee. You closed the gap, pulling her into a kiss of fiery passion.
Perhaps she did like being a dragon after all, just not in the way she had expected.
Wilhelmina was hypnotic; a drug, and now you had a taste you just couldn't get enough. And from the way she was kissing you, it seemed as if she was just as addicted.
She was the first to pull away, which made your breath shudder with anxiety. What if she regretted this?
But her comforting hand resting on your cheek, and the look of adoration in her eyes told you otherwise.
"What's going on sweet one, hm?"
You broke her gaze, feeling entirely too vulnerable. There was nothing you hated more than explaining your mental state; it didn't even make sense to you so how were you to express it.
"It's just one of those days Mina, where everything feels...wrong." You sighed. "I don't really know how to say it in a way that makes sense."
"It's okay." Wilhelmina nodded. "I think I get where you're coming from. Sometimes when I'm having a bad day with my back, I can struggle with that too."
"You do?" You said in surprise.
"Yes, darling. I do."
"But you're always so strong. I never would have thought."
"People have different ways of showing it, little one." Mina spoke gently. "I snap at people, I get angry, I scream; all because I feel so out of control."
"Oh." You said. It all made sense now.
This time, she captured your lips in a kiss. It was more slow and steady than the former; a way of saying 'we have time'.
So, you sat there for a while, quietly soaking in each other's presence and stealing a kiss every few moments.
If someone had told you an hour ago that Wilhelmina Venable would be looking at you like this, being gentle with you like this, you would have laughed in their face.
Never did you think that your feelings would be returned, and neither did she.
Suddenly the door creaked open, and one of your colleagues stepped in. Instantly you tensed, waiting for Wilhelmina to turn away from you, to be embarrassed by you.
But she sat, unmoving, as her steely gaze fixed on her new target.
"Susan." She said bluntly. "What have I told you about knocking before disturbing me?"
Now Susan was a fairly confident woman, chatty most times. But in the presence of the purple dragon, she crumbled and stuttered.
"I j-just needed-"
"Needed what? Something so important that you decided to barge straight into my office unannounced? An emergency, perhaps?"
"Well, no but-"
"Well then I'd prefer if you let us be, thank you."
And that was that. Susan scuttled out of the room like a scolded child. To your utmost surprise, Wilhelmina pulled you into her side and kissed your hairline.
"No harm will come to you now I'm around, little one."
"I love you Mina."
"I love you most, my sweet."
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janstevenswife · 2 years ago
forever thankful to all of my tumblr, Ao3, and wattpad writers who make my fantasies a reality in my imaginary world 💋💋
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deliasbabe · 5 months ago
Take Me Back To Eden- Venable x Reader- Chapter 1
I feel bad that I haven't given you updates to my other stories, so here's the first chapter to a fic I've been working on for over a year (it's going to be like 35 chapters long, so bear with me plz).
(Also I know this is my second fic with this song title, let me have it)
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Mentions of sexual acts, language, blatant misogony, mentions of drugs and drug use. I think that's it????
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You should’ve won.
It was a bet, a stupid bet to make your coworkers shut the fuck up about your boss. You were good at pool, you thought you had it in the bag, and you did, right up until your opponent bumped the table during your shot, and you sunk the 8-ball. You accused him of cheating, he accused you of being too much of a pussy to hold up your end of the bargain. A deal’s a deal.
It was some kind of twisted fate that the object of your disagreement would walk through the door only a few moments later, a scowl on her face as she spotted you all, brushing past the lot of you and sitting down at the bar.
“Look who it is.” Your coworker, Nate, laughed, “Time to pony up, princess”
You rolled your eyes, “This is cruel and unusual punishment.”
“For you or her?” Another, Scott, asked.
“You haven’t been on the receiving end of Venable’s wrath yet,” Nate said, “But you’re about to.”
“Not likely.” You sneered, “I’m not stupid enough to code the firmware update in java instead of python, unlike some people.”
“I was a rookie.” Nate scoffed, “You’ve made it two years without being on the receiving end, it’s time you get baptized.”
You could hear the murmurs of the other men, a quiet chant.
One of us, one of us…
“Maybe because I’m actually competent.” You fired back.
“Well, competent or not, nothing is going to save you from this.” Scott chuckled, “Might as well rip off the band aid and get’er done.”
Oh yeah, you were definitely about to be fired.
“Who knows, maybe she’s really into the bosses sleeping with their assistant’s thing. Might feed her fantasy.” Nate joked.
“Or yours.” You spit.
“Listen, as hot as lesbians are, if I ever start fantasizing about Venable getting her rocks off, please shoot me in the head.” Nate said seriously.
You downed your drink and turned on your heel, willing to do just about anything to get away from the current conversation. You knew what you had signed up for when you took this job, a staff of 95% men, all of whom hadn’t fucked a girl in at least 10 years and were proud members of the boy’s club, but you still didn’t want to subject yourself to their blatant misogyny any more than you had to.
Obviously, you weren’t going to do it. It was cruel and unnecessary, but you knew your colleagues well enough to understand that it had to at least be believable. You walked up next to her, making sure you were facing the group so they couldn’t see her face.
The bartender looked over at you, “Another round?”
“Yea, same thing.” You said, nodding in Venables direction, “And put whatever she’s having on my tab.”
Venable turned and glared at you, but you ignored it.
“Just this round?” The bartender asked.
“All of it.” You said, shaking your head, it was the least you could do after what you were about to put her through.
“Well, I guess it’s payment for forcing me to witness you traipsing around with those men like a whore.” Venable sneered.
“That’s a funny way of saying thank you.” You laughed, “There’s nothing wrong with grabbing a few drinks with colleagues. You should try it sometime.”
Venable scoffed, bringing her martini to her lips, “Workplace relationships are forbidden.”
You smirked, “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m not into men.”
Venable sputtered around the rim of her glass; eyes wide as she choked on the burning liquid. You reached for your new drink, taking a sip as you winked at her and walked away.
“What happened?” Nate asked, “It sure didn’t take long.”
“Nothing, yet.” You said, “I walked away before she could give me an answer.”
“But the dare…” Scott interjected, but you were quick to cut him off.
“The dare was to ask her on a date, which I did.” You retorted, “No one said anything about her giving me an answer.”
“But she has to give you an answer, that’s how this works.” Nate said, and you shushed him.
“Cool your jets.” You groaned, “Getting someone to agree to a date is more like a game of chess than checkers. Good things take time.”
Nate and Scott laughed, “You are so getting fired on Monday.”
“Don’t I know it.” You mumbled over the rim of your glass.
In typical Venable fashion, you didn’t have to sit with it for long, a sticky note taped to your monitor on Monday morning for an eleven o’clock meeting. Working under Venable for as long as you had, you knew her habits. Meetings with clients were always first thing in the morning, before Jeff and Mutt had enough time to sniff themselves into a stupor. Staff meetings were after scheduled hours or during lunch, unpaid, of course. The eleven o’clock time slot lived in infamy, it was right before lunch, giving you just enough time to pack your things and do the walk of shame as everyone walked back through the doors. Clearly a genius move, or one of an absolute psychopath.
“What the fuck was that?” Venable sneered before you were even able to fully shut the door.
You pushed the door the rest of the way closed, “What was what?”
“At the bar.” Venable said, rolling her eyes, “Don’t tell me the alcohol killed what little brain cells you have left. I should fire you for speaking to me that way.”
You shrugged, “So fire me.”
Venable sighed, her words biting, “I don’t want to fire you. I want an explanation.”
That was a lie, she absolutely wanted to fire you, and she probably would have, if you hadn’t overheard that Jeff and Mutt were considering placing her on a firing freeze. She had hit an all-time record, canning 17 employees in the span of two weeks, and now she was doing damage control. But she didn’t know that you knew, and you weren’t going to let her figure that out. A loss of control was seen as weakness to Venable, and if she found out that you knew, nothing Jeff and Mutt could bring down would stop her from getting rid of you.
You shook your head, “It’s better if you don’t know.”
Venable grit her teeth, her nails digging into the soft wood of her desk, “I asked a question, I expect an answer.”
You threw your hands up, “I lost a game of pool.”
Venable cocked her head, very slightly, and chewed on her words, “You… lost a game of pool?”
“Yes.” You said, hoping if you danced around the topic enough, she would eventually get bored and leave it alone, or just assume you were too stupid to get any viable information out of.
Venable’s eyes raked over you, before zeroing in on some invisible crack in your armor, “And?”
“And?” You asked, trying to play dumb.
“I assume there’s more to the story, given the way your feet are dancing like you’re stepping on red hot coals.” Venable said, eyes following yours towards your feet, “Spit it out. I don’t have all day.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, “We bet on the game. I lost the game, so I had to hold up my end of the deal.”
“Which was?” Venable asked, growing tired of your antics.
You sighed, “To ask you on a date.”
Venable cocked her head to the side, studying you for a moment, “You didn’t ask me on a date.” You nodded, “So then you didn’t hold up your end of the deal.”
You nodded again. “I’m not going to ask someone out for a dare, its cruel and juvenile. I just needed them,” You said, motioning to the row of desks opposite the frosted glass walls, “To think I did.”
“You risked your job,” Venable sneered, “For a childish dare?”
“Actually,” You began, cocking your head and smirking, “I risked my job so I wouldn’t have to do the dare. Men are stupid, and extremely gullible.”
Venable’s eyes narrowed, “Why would they dare you to ask me out?”
You rolled your eyes, “Because they’re intimidated by strong women, and they wanted to humiliate you.”
She pursed her lips, “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“It isn’t flattery,” you chuckled, “You scare the shit out of them.” Venable tried her best to fight the smirk on her lips, but you still caught it, and you thought you should get out while you were ahead, “Now, am I fired, or can I get back to work?”
Venable looked confused, “I haven’t assigned you anything.”
“Jeff and Mutt want me to work on their “super-secret project”. ” You said, rolling your eyes and making air quotes with your fingers, “I have to go through security clearances.”
“Why would they need you?” Venable asked, her voice dripping in condescension. While it wasn’t unusual for Jeff and Mutt to borrow her employees, it wasn’t typical to borrow assistants, and certainly not on a project so secret that even she was being kept out of the loop.
You shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Very well. You are excused.” Venable said, her face setting. “And Y/n?” You turned, looking back at your boss, “Don’t let it happen again. Next time, you’ll be lucky to be a dishwasher at McDonalds.”
You smirked, “McDonalds doesn’t have a dishwasher, but I get the sentiment.”
Venable rolled her eyes as you shut the door, cursing Jeff and Mutt for putting her in this position. Had she been able to do what she wanted, you never would have felt comfortable enough to make such a statement, let alone challenge her. She didn’t have too much time to dwell on it, the most recent delivery of a certain white substance being delivered straight to her office, and she knew the boys were already itching to reup on their dose.
“The woman of the hour!” Jeff yelled, fist pumping the air as he spotted the giant jar firmly planted in her arm, “Have I told you I loved you lately?”
“Save it.” Venable sneered, dodging his grabby hands and keeping the cocaine just out of reach, “What’s going on with this secret project?”
“Nothing you need to worry your fiery little head with.” Mutt said, “Just know it’s going, full steam ahead.”
“How can I manage it if I don’t know what it is?” Venable asked.
“You aren’t managing it.” Jeff said, “We are.”
“You two,” Venable said carefully, “Are managing it, all on your own?”
Mutt laughed, “Yeah, it’s going to be fucking sick.”
“So why are you stealing my employee?” Venable asked, the two engineers sharing glances.
“We need her skillset.” Mutt finally answered, obviously dragging his feet.
“She’s an assistant.” Venable stated.
“Yeah,” Jeff said, “She’s also an engineer, and she’s not bad to look at.”
Venable scoffed, “You’re stealing my employee because she’s attractive?”
“No, were stealing her because we need her brain.” Mutt said, “The fact that she’s a babe is just a bonus.”
“So, you aren’t going to tell me anything?” Venable asked, Jeff and Mutt staring back at her.
“It’s not that we want to not tell you anything, we just can’t.” Jeff offered apologetically, conveniently reaching for the cocaine at the same time with pleading eyes.
Venable huffed, swinging the cocaine out of his reach at the last second, and placing it on the farthest table as she stomped out of the room, ignoring the string of apologies from her bosses. This just wouldn’t do. She had always been in the loop, from day one. Those idiots couldn’t be trusted to run an entire project by themselves, they could barely remember their own addresses. Quite literally, Venable was the one who had to give the addresses to their cab drivers because they were too blitzed to form a coherent thought.  She sat and she stewed for the remainder of the day, before she settled on a plan. She was tired of being on the outs, she needed to regain her power.
When you got the message on teams, you worried she had changed her mind, and you felt your palms begin to sweat.
My office. Now.
You trudged past your coworkers and towards her office, Nate and Scott snickering behind you.
“Someone’s in trouble.”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help but feel like they were right. She was playing with you, the same way she did to every other employee, making you feel safe and then yanking the carpet out from beneath you. Still, you opened the door and stepped into her den, her eyes flicking over you for only a second, “Close the door.”
You shut the door behind you, asking hesitantly, “What can I do for you, Miss Venable?”
Venable didn’t even look up, “It’s more so what I can do for you.”
“Pardon?” You asked, unsure of the direction this conversation was heading, and there was no way you could prepare for the words about to leave her mouth.
“I’ll speak in plain terms so that you understand.” Venable sneered, “I’ll let you fulfill your little dare, and in turn, you give me information on whatever it is that Jeff and Mutt are stealing you for.”
“The project?” You asked, your head spinning.
Venable sighed, glaring at you, “Is there anything else they are stealing you for?”
“No?” You said, shaking your head, “But why would you need me to gather information?”
Venable rolled her eyes, “Jeff and Mutt have decided they will be handling it themselves; they don’t want a grownup’s help. I need to make sure they don’t royally fuck it up. I’ve spent far too long building a reputation for this company, I don’t need them snorting it away. Now do we have a deal, or will you be looking for a new position?”
You shook your head, still unable to process what she was asking of you, “You do realize they’re only doing this so they can make fun of you, right?”
Venable arched a brow, “I’ve never cared about men’s opinions before. Why start now?”
“Yea, but, those coconut heads design sex robots.” You tried again, “For all I know, they could want me to code for a doll that gives head.”
Venable stared at you, clearly annoyed with the conversation, “You have a week to gather as much information as you can. That will be all.”
You stared at her as she refocused on her work, completely ignoring your lingering presence, before you shook your head incredulously, “Ok.”
You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you left her office, beelining straight for Nate’s desk and whispering in his ear, “Just to be clear, you’re my bitch now.”
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dreamypqulson · 2 years ago
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
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